From: (port-charles-digest) To: Subject: port-charles-digest V1 #65 Reply-To: port-charles-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk port-charles-digest Friday, August 7 1998 Volume 01 : Number 065 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 10:36:04 -0700 From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: GH/PC: missed show Missed yesterdays show. Much happen? Who found Matt? Anyone think Frank or Chris are behind it? - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 16:21:43 -0400 From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: missed show >Missed yesterdays show. Much happen? Who found Matt? Anyone think Fra= nk >or Chris are behind it? mike found matt, and called for an ambulance--frank responded to the call. (question--when they reached the er, frank kept talking about things that happened "in transit"--am i hallucinating here? i thought the recovery room was right across from the hospital? or perhaps i'm getting pc confused with er...) matt thinks frank and/or chris are behind it--which is why he tried to track them down when the killer was on the air with kevin today (unsuccessfully, i might add). garcia found a button from kevin's sports jacket in matt's bathroom, but agrees with kevin that it was planted, because what kind of nutjob wears a sports jacket to an attempted murder. so he finally agreed to kevin's plan to go on-air in an attempt to smoke out the killer. victor revealed that he has all sorts of high-tech communications stuff (purchased over the internet!) that is capable of both blocking = a call from being traced, and tracing a call which has been blocked, so he was going to help kevin track the murderer down, too. kevin, however, asked if victor bought this stuff to try and trace a blocked number, why did he also have the device that allows a number to be blocked? victor said the company threw it in for an extra 10 bucks. joe told his mom about his and karen's engagement. she was less than thrilled, due to karen's past, but karen apparently convinced her that she wants only what's best for joe. a green-with-envy courtney warned karen to watch out for mama scanlon, because she doesn't get over her reservations that easily. that's all i can remember... julie - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 16:31:33 -0700 From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: Re: GH/PC: missed show Thanks for the update. - ---------- From: Julie E. Saker To: Subject: GH/PC: missed show Date: Tuesday, August 04, 1998 1:21 PM >Missed yesterdays show. Much happen? Who found Matt? Anyone think Frank >or Chris are behind it? mike found matt, and called for an ambulance--frank responded to the call. (question--when they reached the er, frank kept talking about things that happened "in transit"--am i hallucinating here? i thought the recovery room was right across from the hospital? or perhaps i'm getting pc confused with er...) matt thinks frank and/or chris are behind it--which is why he tried to track them down when the killer was on the air with kevin today (unsuccessfully, i might add). garcia found a button from kevin's sports jacket in matt's bathroom, but agrees with kevin that it was planted, because what kind of nutjob wears a sports jacket to an attempted murder. so he finally agreed to kevin's plan to go on-air in an attempt to smoke out the killer. victor revealed that he has all sorts of high-tech communications stuff (purchased over the internet!) that is capable of both blocking a call from being traced, and tracing a call which has been blocked, so he was going to help kevin track the murderer down, too. kevin, however, asked if victor bought this stuff to try and trace a blocked number, why did he also have the device that allows a number to be blocked? victor said the company threw it in for an extra 10 bucks. joe told his mom about his and karen's engagement. she was less than thrilled, due to karen's past, but karen apparently convinced her that she wants only what's best for joe. a green-with-envy courtney warned karen to watch out for mama scanlon, because she doesn't get over her reservations that easily. that's all i can remember... julie - - - ---------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 11:54:24 -0700 From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: GH/PC: who done it? Anyone heard any scoop on who the killer is on PortCharles? Why is Mary Scanlon dragging her feet about the ring? Does she have a past she wants no one to know about? Could Dr. Boardman get the killer? Rickie - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 13:24:32 -0400 From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: who done it? rickie wrote: >Anyone heard any scoop on who the killer is on PortCharles? = >Why is Mary Scanlon dragging her feet about the ring? Does she have a past >she wants no one to know about? Could Dr. Boardman get the killer? i have no idea about the killer at this point, but i've assumed mary is dragging her feet about the ring because she doesn't want joe to give it to karen, because, despite their little love-fest the other da= y, she still doesn't approve of karen. because of her shady past, and her divorce, and all that, she doesn't think karen is good enough for her little boy, and thus doesn't want joe to marry her, let alone give her a family heirloom. it never occurred to me there could be anything more than that...but i guess we'll see! julie - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 13:24:24 -0400 From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: PC--straining credibility regarding today's pc, so if you haven't seen it, feel free to bail now... n o t h i n g m a j o r but....okay, so i know tv shows have to do things in order to set up certain situations that normal people would never do. BUT... first of all, we're supposed to believe that mike is so worried about matt that he's going to send him out of town, but that he will then be dumb enough to put the keys to the cabin, and directions, = in an open, accessible, public mailbox? it's not like he wouldn't have been able to find matt to give him the keys in person-- HELLO? he's in a HOSPITAL ROOM. he's pretty easy to find. then, ellen calls kevin to tell him she's going away, and for NO reason that i can see, he writes down the name of the place where they're going so lucy can conveniently see it and misinterpret it. why would he have written it down in the first place? i could see him writing down the dates she'd be gone, or her cell phone number... but...this is just pushing the limits of believability. i know...yet another ridiculous thing to get so worked up over. but it seems to me the writers could do a better job of at least TRYING to pretend these characters are real people. :-) julie - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 01:29:33 -0400 From: "Meyers, Megan" Subject: RE: GH/PC: who done it? Julie, Thanks for the updates. I have missed the last 4 episodes of both shows due to work. As well my vcr broke. Fill me in with as much as you can! Thanks! Megan > ---------- > From: Julie E. Saker[] > Sent: Thursday, August 06, 1998 11:24 AM > To: > Subject: GH/PC: who done it? > > rickie wrote: > > >Anyone heard any scoop on who the killer is on PortCharles? > >Why is Mary Scanlon dragging her feet about the ring? Does she have > a > past > >she wants no one to know about? Could Dr. Boardman get the killer? > > i have no idea about the killer at this point, but i've assumed mary > is dragging her feet about the ring because she doesn't want joe > to give it to karen, because, despite their little love-fest the other > day, > she still doesn't approve of karen. because of her shady past, and > her divorce, and all that, she doesn't think karen is good enough for > her little boy, and thus doesn't want joe to marry her, let alone give > her a family heirloom. it never occurred to me there could be > anything > more than that...but i guess we'll see! > > julie > > - > - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 10:17:17 -0400 From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: RE: GH/PC: who done it? megan wrote: >Thanks for the updates. I have missed the last 4 episodes of both shows >due to work. As well my vcr broke. Fill me in with as much as you can! oh wow...that's a tall order. if you have web access, you might want to visit and read their daily updates. in the meantime, i'll give you all the highlights i can remember--keeping in mind that i often forget what happened when, so i might be repeating stuff you already know or leaving out stuff you've missed! pc: karen and joe are engaged. mary's not thrilled. jealous courtney is trying to make karen more insecure than she already is by telling her to watch out for mary. matt was shocked by the killer, who planted a button from kevin's sports jacket at the scene of = the crime. garcia agreed to kevin's plan to go on-air again to try and catch the killer. when they traced the call, victor was found in the vicinity. he claimed he was there because he traced the call faster than the cops, but garcia was doubtful. while they held victor in custody, kevin got garcia to let him go on the air again, with cops following all of garcia's main suspects, to prove that, if the killer called in again, it couldn't be victor. the killer didn't call, and victor was arrested. when kevin got home, there was a message on his machine from the killer saying he couldn't call in because the cops were tailing him, and that kevin shouldn't underestimate him. based on that, victor was released. matt thought chris or frank might be behind his shock, due to the dl-56 conversation he had overheard. he tried to find either of them = while the killer was on the air, but none was around. matt and ellen are going out of town to mike's friend's cabin for a few days, but mike accidentally put the keys and directions in eve's mailbox instead of ellen's. lucy found them, and now, thanks to a few = comments by eve, and the fact that kevin wrote down the name of the place matt and ellen were going to when ellen called to = tell him she was going away, lucy now thinks eve and kevin are going away together. can't remember much else. gh: stefan's trial started with helena's testimony that stefan never loved kat, only laura, and that stefan would be penniless once nik turns 25 if it weren't for the fact that kat left him her money. alexis pointed out that stefan never confided anything in helena, so she would never know if stefan loved kat, and that if stefan were convicted it would indeed be helena who would benefit from the cassadine fortunes until nik comes of age. at luke's urging, alexis later convinced stefan that helena could indeed have been the one who arranged kat's death. she devised a scenario where helena could have lured kat up to the parapet to show her the portrait of laura as "proof" that stefan didn't love her. she then showed stefan a copy of kat's will, provided by luke, which stefan said did not contain kat's signature--it was a forgery. stefan now believes it could have been helena, rather than luke--and, with the doctored copy of kat's will, complete with helena's fingerprint, that luke put in kat's lawyer's office, i guess they're well on their way to proving it. lucky is recovering from his stab wound--liz confronted murty, but was told by murty's roommate/lover richard that he couldn't be the rapist because, first of all, he's gay, and second, he was with richard all valentine's day. liz is upset that she hurt lucky, and also that she may now never know who raped her. robin moved in with jason. brenda's not pregnant. jerry threw bobbie a surprise birthday dinner with lucas's help. the q's had an anniversary party for edward and lila, at which edward sang and they showed clips of lila from the past. alan convinced the family he's gone to narcotics anonymous, although he hasnt'. monica tried to get some info on justus for taggert, but didnt' get what he wanted--taggert is now, most likely, going to arrest alan. emily's back from her modeling shoot--she ran into nik, but was upset that he kept asking about robin. that's about it, as far as i can remember. julie - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 10:41:55 -0400 From: Danielle Graham Subject: GH/PC: who done it! Julie, clap, clap, clap for those recaps. I think you missed your calling! anyway, I find it way to freaky that Stephan would just accept that Helena was the one who "killed" Kat. He's been ranting & raving that it's been Luke, Luke, Luke the entire time. (good call from the ol' bat himself!) Also, I find Luke & Alexis' scenes hysterical. The scene w/the dry cleaning was worth a few chuckles! Although lately the shows seem to be the "set up" shows. I refer to them cuz I think they're the basis of stories to come. Lotsa chatter going on! And aren't they entirely rushing the Brenda/Jax story (departure) a bit too much? Still can't understand what's gonna go there. And, why are they making Emily out to be such a sap? Hello, a crush is one thing, but does she actually think she's Cindy Crawford? Nik couldn't give her the time of day it seems! Sorry for the rant, but haven't chatted in days & things are starting to annoy me big time! Danielle - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 16:33:28 -0400 From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: who done it! danielle wrote: >Julie, clap, clap, clap for those recaps. I think you missed your callin= g! thanks--but it won't last long. while i'm still unemployed and with nothing to do, it's easy...but next week i leave for grad school, and who knows if i'll even have time to WATCH = anymore, let alone email! >And aren't they entirely rushing the Brenda/Jax >story (departure) a bit too much? Still can't understand what's gonna go= >there. oh, i KNEW i missed something in my recap. mysterious woman who is presumed to be brenda's mom (since we all know she's coming at some point) cut out a picture of j&b from a magazine and sent it to jax, ripped in half. also, mysterious woman (who may or may not be the same) came up to tony in the pc grille the other day, trying to hide from some guy who was following her, and kissed tony to avoid being seen. forgot because, quite frankly...i don't care. :-) (i REALLY don't understand the point of bringing brenda's mom to town if she's leaving the show...) >And, why are they making Emily out to be such a sap? Hello, a crush is o= ne >thing, but does she actually think she's Cindy Crawford? Nik couldn't gi= ve >her the time of day it seems! absolutely pathetic. she used to be an interesting character, i thought. but now all we get is shallow, superficial babbling in an attempt to win over the prince of darkness. i'm NOT = enjoying it. give me lucky and liz instead, any day. >Sorry for the rant, but haven't chatted in days & things are starting to= >annoy me big time! STARTING to? :-) julie - - ------------------------------ End of port-charles-digest V1 #65 *********************************