From: Subject: [psql2k] SQL dsn difficulties Date: 14 Feb 2002 14:18:46 -0600 Greetings, Our two Pervasive-based applications. Accpac and CounterPoint, are working fine. I'd now like to acces the data they've been amassing using sql. Ours is a linux implementation of Pervasive SQL sp3. When I dbmaint a -n dbname -l -d to either of our databases, dbmaint complains that the already exists. So I drop the -l specification dbmaint a -n dbname -d and dbname is accepted. Then I dsnadd -dsn=dbname -db=dbname and the dsn is created. I finally figured out that odbctest DSN=dbname can only be run by psql, and was prompted for sql input when I did so. But when I fire up Pervasive.SQL Control Center and look at the tables under dbname, all I see are X$Fields, X$File and X$Index. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for all your help. --- John Francis Lee, IS Manager South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind 1907 Leopard Street PO Box 9697 Corpus Christi TX 78469 361.883.6553x45 361.883.1041 fax - To unsubscribe to psql2k-linux, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe psql2k-linux" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.