From: Subject: Re: (rabid-dogs) LanSource Date: 02 Mar 1998 17:15:50 -0500 ---------------------- Forwarded by Keith Herron/US/3Com on 03/02/98 05:07 PM --------------------------- Arthur Moore 03/02/98 12:18 PM cc: Cliff, Cosmair had a few problems, but over all it seems to be working fine. Cosmair ------------- - 3 platforms that worked - Windows NT 3.5 & 4.0 , Win95 & Win3.11. - 3 modem cards with a LanSource license of 16 per chassis. We only used the Edgeserver for dialing out. * I would test dialing out via hyper terminal on the Edgeserver, before trying it on the client side first. - Edgeserver code 1.5 did not support 7E1 but 1.59 will. - Customer had to create a script to run DOS applications outside of windows. Client will need to load up proper drivers ( bat. file) needed to support a network connection in dos. - Also Dos applications will not work if it does not support INT 14. * Winport will not support connections through a firerwall. Has anyone ever got LanSource running on an EdgeServer 486 with a Dual PRI and at least 6 quads? We used analog connections, also it depends on how many modem license you purchase. I have a customer that is seeing 20% utilization on the CPU with no load on the modems. - ? Try running the Lansource as a applications instead of a service. ARTY Keith Herron 03/02/98 08:04 AM cc: You had this working fine at Cosmair, right? Can you answer Cliff's questions? Thanks, dkh ---------------------- Forwarded by Keith Herron/US/3Com on 03/02/98 07:54 AM --------------------------- on 02/27/98 09:02:25 PM Please respond to cc: (bcc: Keith Herron/US/3Com) Hey you Dogs, Has anyone ever got LanSource running on an EdgeServer 486 with a Dual PRI and at least 6 quads? If so, how's it running now and did you have any initial problems during install? Also, how many ports does the customer have designated for dial-in/dial out? I have a customer that is seeing 20% utilization on the CPU with no load on the modems. Thanks, Cliff Peck =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (rabid-dogs) Netserver date&time Date: 05 Mar 1998 08:13:20 +0000 Dear all, Can somebody tell me how to change date and time of TC Netserver PRI. Thanks for help Jordan =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (rabid-dogs) Netserver date&time Date: 06 Mar 1998 08:40:15 +0000 Dear all, Can somebody tell me how to change date and time of TC Netserver PRI. Thanks for help Jordan =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (rabid-dogs) Netserver date&time Date: 06 Mar 1998 15:00:45 -0500 Jordan, Only way I can see is to set up a Time server and sync it from there. I don't know of any other way to set date/time. dkh on 03/06/98 03:40:15 AM Please respond to cc: (bcc: Keith Herron/US/3Com) Dear all, Can somebody tell me how to change date and time of TC Netserver PRI. Thanks for help Jordan =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (rabid-dogs) Lansource - Spartacom Date: 11 Mar 1998 18:31:13 +0000 Does anybody have a reference account that I can have one of my customers contact regarding "Spartacom or LanSource". My customer wants to talk about the Dial-out and Fax-out capabilities. Alan Denver =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (rabid-dogs) RADIUS Date: 13 Mar 1998 02:14:53 +0000 Do we have the capability to talk to LDAP - x509, x500 Directory Services? Alan =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (rabid-dogs) RADIUS Date: 13 Mar 1998 08:08:32 -0500 I don't think so. Maybe it'll be a future feature but I haven't heard. on 03/12/98 09:14:53 PM Please respond to cc: (Fred Colacchio/US/3Com) Do we have the capability to talk to LDAP - x509, x500 Directory Services? Alan =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kurtiss Johnson" Subject: (rabid-dogs) Ascend Woes - FYI Date: 18 Mar 1998 10:42:23 -0600 Here's something interesting that came out today... Kurtiss Secure Networks Inc Uncovers Vulnerabilities in Ascend Routers CALGARY, March 16 /CNW-PRN/ - Secure Networks Inc. announced today the discovery of security vulnerabilities in router and access-server hardware provided by Ascend Communications, Inc (NASDAQ; ASND). The problems discovered allow attackers to crash Ascend Pipeline and MAX routers, cutting off network connectivity at sites that rely on them. Additionally, the default configuration, attackers can completely reconfigure vulnerable routers. Secure Networks Inc., a security research and development company, is releasing this new information to inform the community of the risks involved in running vulnerable routers, and to explain how these problems can be addressed by network operators. ``Organizations that rely on Ascend equipment need to know about these problems,'' said Thomas Ptacek, author of the new report. ``Attackers can abuse vulnerable Ascend routers to compromise entire enterprise networks.'' The recently released technical report outlines two security issues with Ascend routers. One of them exploits a proprietary Ascend configuration protocol to cause the router to lock up; the other uses the router's SNMP management capability to download and view the full router configuration, which includes the passwords to the machine. These problems have been confirmed on Ascend's Pipeline and MAX platforms. ``Given that routers are such an integral part of network infrastructures, vulnerabilities such as this pose a tremendous threat'', commented Alfred Huger, project manager at Secure Networks. ``We feel that it is tremendously important that end users of these products, be properly appraised of just how secure these products are''. Ascend Communications has been notified of these problems, and is believed to be addressing them in a new version of the router's software. In the interim, Secure Networks, Inc. has provided information explaining how network operators can defend against these problems by reconfiguring the vulnerable router. A detailed security advisory has been made available at: ``'' ABOUT SECURE NETWORKS INC Secure Networks Inc. is a Canadian security research and development organization. Secure Networks Inc. serves the Internet security community by conducting in-depth research into the security of software systems deployed on the Internet; the result of this research has been the discovery of many of the Internet's most infamous security problems. For more information about Secure Networks Inc., consult their web page at SOURCE HEI, Inc. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (rabid-dogs) Fast Connect Protocol (FCP) Date: 19 Mar 1998 13:45:37 -0800 Anyone heard any plans to support bridging using FCP (3Com) on HiPer ARC? Dynatron (RA 1500) is supposed to support both FCP & BCP. I couldn't find any mention of it in the 4.1/4.2 roadmaps on the intranet. Thanks for any help in advance. -jimf =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (rabid-dogs) Ascend's Total Access Operating System Date: 20 Mar 1998 10:04:33 -0800 Hey Dogs, Had a reseller ask me about this. I looked on the Ascend web site but didn't find a thing. Anyone know what this OS is all about? Cliff =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kurtiss Johnson" Subject: Re: (rabid-dogs) Fast Connect Protocol (FCP) Date: 20 Mar 1998 15:45:12 -0600 No plans to do FCP on the ARC, and I'm trying to get the RAPD folks to solve their bridging problems by putting BCP on the OfficeConnect products rather than putting FAST on the Dynatron. The problem with doing FCP is that it only works with the OfficeConnects (proprietary as all-get-out) whereas BCP is standards based and will work with many different client-side adaptors that need bridging. I'd personally rather develop something once, the right way, rather than twice with a half-baked solution. BTW., BCP is -nominally- on the ARCv4.2 roadmap (given time constraints). Kurtiss on 03/19/98 03:45:37 PM Please respond to cc: Anyone heard any plans to support bridging using FCP (3Com) on HiPer ARC? Dynatron (RA 1500) is supposed to support both FCP & BCP. I couldn't find any mention of it in the 4.1/4.2 roadmaps on the intranet. Thanks for any help in advance. -jimf =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (rabid-dogs) Ascend's Total Access Operating System Date: 20 Mar 1998 17:05:41 -0500 Cliff, I saw something in one of this week's rags (Network World, maybe?) but there was no information, just marketing hoopla. dkh on 03/20/98 01:04:33 PM Please respond to cc: (bcc: Keith Herron/US/3Com) Hey Dogs, Had a reseller ask me about this. I looked on the Ascend web site but didn't find a thing. Anyone know what this OS is all about? Cliff =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (rabid-dogs) Fast Connect Protocol (FCP) Date: 24 Mar 1998 20:10:28 +0000 Kurtiss, I am confused. TC and HiPer don't do BCP and no comitments to either. How will it help our customers solutions if this is only available on the Office Connct side? Of the two most asked questions on Office Connect, one is when will we get fast connect the other is spoofing. 3Com has sucessfully been selling solutions with Office Connect and the AB7000 (known end of life) our salesforce want to sell SSII 3000 and Total Control instead. Your answer is not satisfactory. Chris "Kurtiss Johnson" on 20/03/98 21:45:12 Please respond to cc: (Chris Haslam/GB/3Com) No plans to do FCP on the ARC, and I'm trying to get the RAPD folks to solve their bridging problems by putting BCP on the OfficeConnect products rather than putting FAST on the Dynatron. The problem with doing FCP is that it only works with the OfficeConnects (proprietary as all-get-out) whereas BCP is standards based and will work with many different client-side adaptors that need bridging. I'd personally rather develop something once, the right way, rather than twice with a half-baked solution. BTW., BCP is -nominally- on the ARCv4.2 roadmap (given time constraints). Kurtiss on 03/19/98 03:45:37 PM Please respond to cc: Anyone heard any plans to support bridging using FCP (3Com) on HiPer ARC? Dynatron (RA 1500) is supposed to support both FCP & BCP. I couldn't find any mention of it in the 4.1/4.2 roadmaps on the intranet. Thanks for any help in advance. -jimf =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (rabid-dogs) Fast Connect Protocol (FCP) Date: 24 Mar 1998 17:14:39 +0100 I agree with Chris that the BCP is a key feature we need for SS II RAS 3000. If 3000 is positioned as the enterprise scale RAS the BCP should has the same priority like the IPX spoofing. I see a lot of enterprise applications around where bridging over modem or ISDN line is required. E.g. if the customer uses DECNET (Digital was very successful selling onto the big corporate accounts in Eastern Europe). We do not have a solution except SSII 3000 or TCH chassis which can concentrate large number of ISDN calls. The netbuilder II with the WAN extender does not scale. AB7000 will be obsolete soon. Important is also that the OC remote is not the only router solution we have for the remote side. Also OC NB 14x. 11x or 12x can be used. It supports bridging. Juraj on 03/24/98 21:10:28 Please respond to cc: (Juraj Rakovsky/CZ/3Com) Note: Some recipients have been dropped due to syntax errors. Please refer to the "$AdditionalHeaders" item for the complete headers. Kurtiss, I am confused. TC and HiPer don't do BCP and no comitments to either. How will it help our customers solutions if this is only available on the Office Connct side? Of the two most asked questions on Office Connect, one is when will we get fast connect the other is spoofing. 3Com has sucessfully been selling solutions with Office Connect and the AB7000 (known end of life) our salesforce want to sell SSII 3000 and Total Control instead. Your answer is not satisfactory. Chris "Kurtiss Johnson" on 20/03/98 21:45:12 Please respond to cc: (Chris Haslam/GB/3Com) No plans to do FCP on the ARC, and I'm trying to get the RAPD folks to solve their bridging problems by putting BCP on the OfficeConnect products rather than putting FAST on the Dynatron. The problem with doing FCP is that it only works with the OfficeConnects (proprietary as all-get-out) whereas BCP is standards based and will work with many different client-side adaptors that need bridging. I'd personally rather develop something once, the right way, rather than twice with a half-baked solution. BTW., BCP is -nominally- on the ARCv4.2 roadmap (given time constraints). Kurtiss on 03/19/98 03:45:37 PM Please respond to cc: Anyone heard any plans to support bridging using FCP (3Com) on HiPer ARC? Dynatron (RA 1500) is supposed to support both FCP & BCP. I couldn't find any mention of it in the 4.1/4.2 roadmaps on the intranet. Thanks for any help in advance. -jimf =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "George Ebert" Subject: Re: (rabid-dogs) Fast Connect Protocol (FCP) Date: 25 Mar 1998 08:52:06 -0600 Kurtiss, It sounds like you responded to this. Did you respond directly to Chris or to rabid-dog. If rabid-dog, I did not get a copy of it. Chris, could you please forward a copy of Kurtiss' response. George ---------------------- Forwarded by George Ebert/MW/US/3Com on 03/25/98 08:49 AM --------------------------- on 03/24/98 02:10:28 PM Please respond to cc: Kurtiss, I am confused. TC and HiPer don't do BCP and no comitments to either. How will it help our customers solutions if this is only available on the Office Connct side? Of the two most asked questions on Office Connect, one is when will we get fast connect the other is spoofing. 3Com has sucessfully been selling solutions with Office Connect and the AB7000 (known end of life) our salesforce want to sell SSII 3000 and Total Control instead. Your answer is not satisfactory. Chris "Kurtiss Johnson" on 20/03/98 21:45:12 Please respond to cc: (Chris Haslam/GB/3Com) No plans to do FCP on the ARC, and I'm trying to get the RAPD folks to solve their bridging problems by putting BCP on the OfficeConnect products rather than putting FAST on the Dynatron. The problem with doing FCP is that it only works with the OfficeConnects (proprietary as all-get-out) whereas BCP is standards based and will work with many different client-side adaptors that need bridging. I'd personally rather develop something once, the right way, rather than twice with a half-baked solution. BTW., BCP is -nominally- on the ARCv4.2 roadmap (given time constraints). Kurtiss on 03/19/98 03:45:37 PM Please respond to cc: Anyone heard any plans to support bridging using FCP (3Com) on HiPer ARC? Dynatron (RA 1500) is supposed to support both FCP & BCP. I couldn't find any mention of it in the 4.1/4.2 roadmaps on the intranet. Thanks for any help in advance. -jimf =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (rabid-dogs) Fast Connect Protocol (FCP) Date: 27 Mar 1998 12:50:15 +0000 George, Kurtiss has not responded to my comments yet, I will see him later this morning and ask him to reply. regards Chris George Ebert@3COM 25/03/98 14:52 Chris Haslam@3COM-MWGATE cc: Kurtiss, It sounds like you responded to this. Did you respond directly to Chris or to rabid-dog. If rabid-dog, I did not get a copy of it. Chris, could you please forward a copy of Kurtiss' response. George ---------------------- Forwarded by George Ebert/MW/US/3Com on 03/25/98 08:49 AM --------------------------- on 03/24/98 02:10:28 PM Please respond to cc: Kurtiss, I am confused. TC and HiPer don't do BCP and no comitments to either. How will it help our customers solutions if this is only available on the Office Connct side? Of the two most asked questions on Office Connect, one is when will we get fast connect the other is spoofing. 3Com has sucessfully been selling solutions with Office Connect and the AB7000 (known end of life) our salesforce want to sell SSII 3000 and Total Control instead. Your answer is not satisfactory. Chris "Kurtiss Johnson" on 20/03/98 21:45:12 Please respond to cc: (Chris Haslam/GB/3Com) No plans to do FCP on the ARC, and I'm trying to get the RAPD folks to solve their bridging problems by putting BCP on the OfficeConnect products rather than putting FAST on the Dynatron. The problem with doing FCP is that it only works with the OfficeConnects (proprietary as all-get-out) whereas BCP is standards based and will work with many different client-side adaptors that need bridging. I'd personally rather develop something once, the right way, rather than twice with a half-baked solution. BTW., BCP is -nominally- on the ARCv4.2 roadmap (given time constraints). Kurtiss on 03/19/98 03:45:37 PM Please respond to cc: Anyone heard any plans to support bridging using FCP (3Com) on HiPer ARC? Dynatron (RA 1500) is supposed to support both FCP & BCP. I couldn't find any mention of it in the 4.1/4.2 roadmaps on the intranet. Thanks for any help in advance. -jimf =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (rabid-dogs) Radius on netserver and NMC in TCH) Date: 27 Mar 1998 23:13:23 +0000 Hi dogs, Do you know if we can use the netserver and the NMC card as radius clients simultaneously for accounting from the dialin users ? If it is possible can we send the nmc accounting info to another radius server than the nerserver radius info. Please tell me. Thanks, Wim Zandee =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (rabid-dogs) Trap on Frame relay and ISDN PRI Date: 27 Mar 1998 23:19:34 +0000 Hi rabids, Can we set a trap on the frame relay port on the netserver pri ? (We need to monitor the Frame relay link) Can we set a trap on the ISDN PRI on the Hiper DSP card ? ( trap on ISDN PRI failure ) please let me know Thanks, Wim Zandee =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (rabid-dogs) Radius on netserver and NMC in TCH) Date: 30 Mar 1998 08:33:23 -0500 Yes, both cards can send accounting info via Radius. You can send to the same or different Radius servers. Some of the information the two cards send overlaps and some is unique to each card. For example, both can send slot/channel info, (but in different attributes), Netserver can send username info, NMC can send modem speed info, etc. dkh on 03/27/98 06:13:23 PM Please respond to cc: (bcc: Keith Herron/US/3Com) Note: Some recipients have been dropped due to syntax errors. Please refer to the "$AdditionalHeaders" item for the complete headers. Hi dogs, Do you know if we can use the netserver and the NMC card as radius clients simultaneously for accounting from the dialin users ? If it is possible can we send the nmc accounting info to another radius server than the nerserver radius info. Please tell me. Thanks, Wim Zandee =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (rabid-dogs) Trap on Frame relay and ISDN PRI Date: 30 Mar 1998 08:40:57 -0500 Can't help you on the frame relay port question, but you can certainly set traps (both SNMP alarms and Radius accounting) on Red alarm, loss of signal, state change, etc. You can also trap on D-channel out of service. dkh on 03/27/98 06:19:34 PM Please respond to cc: (bcc: Keith Herron/US/3Com) Note: Some recipients have been dropped due to syntax errors. Please refer to the "$AdditionalHeaders" item for the complete headers. Hi rabids, Can we set a trap on the frame relay port on the netserver pri ? (We need to monitor the Frame relay link) Can we set a trap on the ISDN PRI on the Hiper DSP card ? ( trap on ISDN PRI failure ) please let me know Thanks, Wim Zandee =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (rabid-dogs) TCS 3.1 & HiPer Date: 30 Mar 1998 05:54:30 -0800 Yo Dogs, New code greats us this morning as TCS 3.1 is released on Friday. I saw no HiPer Code though... thought there was a performance fix to ARC code due in this TCS release... is this still pending? Anyone know timing? Anyone? Bueller? =========================Rabid Dogs Mailing List ========================= Email ``unsubscribe rabid-dogs'' to to be removed.