From: (Bill Vance) Subject: FCC Public File Auto-FAQ Date: 01 Aug 1999 08:21:43 PST This "FAQ" is auto-posted once a month via cron triggered script, and may be triggered off by hand from time to time in between if the info is requested by someone, such as when the House recently voted down the AW Ban and the Media threw a hissy fit. The purpose of this FAQ is to inform people what they can do about Media generated lies and misinformation. While the FCC only handles Broadcast Media, (TV and Radio), some of these techniques will work for magazines and newspapers too. If I've missed something, or you find errors, let me know and I'll add/fix it. 1.a. Send letters of complaint to the Station Manager every time it happens with all the time, details, other info, and your complaint(s). 1.b. Send an additional copy for their FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Public file. 1.c. Send an additional copy to the FCC itself, in case they don't put it in their Public file. 2.a. Send a letter of complaint to their Station Owner as per above, with copies as per above (1.b and 1.c). 3. Send copies of their replies to you along with yours to them to their FCC Public file, so that it gets nice and fat, again, with copies to the FCC itself. 4. If you can afford it, send all corespondence by Certified Mail with Return Receipt Requested. Send a copy of the Return Receipt with everything that goes to the FCC itself, so that they will have additional evidence if the Station is cheating on their Public File. 5.a. Go to the Public Library and look up "Standard Rate and Data Services" (SRDS) "Directory of National Advertisers." It is found in many major Libraries (in the business/reference stacks), and lists EVERY current advertiser, who the players are at both the company and advertising agency(s), and the appropriate telephone and fax (and probably E-Mail by now) addresses. If your Library doesn't have it, it can be requested. Otherwise you can watch their commercials for a few days to a week, listing all their advertisers. There are other references that have the addresses for the nation's business headquarters too. look them all up and pass the addresses and phone/FAX numbers etc., around so that everyone can bitch to the sponsors. IF enough people do that, it'll get back to the Station. Tell them if the Station continues their nastiness you'll _consider_ changing to brand(X), (otherwise they'll just write you off as a loss). 5.b. The above, (5.a.), can be a lot easier and less time consuming if you're dealing with a newspaper's or a magazine's ads, as they are right in front of you for the listing. 6. If they put on something good or even just more reasonable, call and compliment them on it, but do _not_ send any kudos to their FCC file, or write to them about it. That way they have to keep it up and hope, as there is nothing good in the file or in writing that they can show the FCC to justify their Station's License. 7. Federal Communications Commission, Complaints and Compliance Division Room 6218, 2025 M Street NW Washington, D.C. 20554 FAX: 202-653-9659 FCC Attn: Edythe Wise -- An _EFFECTIVE_ | The _only_important_difference_ between Nazi-ism, Fascism, weapon in every | Communism, Communitarianism, Socialism and (Neo-)Liberalism hand = Freedom | is the _spelling_, and that the last group hasn't got the on every side! | Collective brains to figure it out. -- Bill Vance - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Gun Control Advocates Regroup ( (fwd) Date: 02 Aug 1999 08:11:14 PST On Aug 2, Michael Jones wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01BEDCA9.2A8B2B60 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Listmembers, The article below has Josh Sugarman of the Violence Policy Center letting the cat out of the bag as to his true intentions: the banning of all handguns. Michael ================================== Only the exhaustive can be truly interesting. --Thomas Mann ================================== ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01BEDCA9.2A8B2B60 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="Gun Control Advocates Regroup (2).url" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Gun Control Advocates Regroup (2).url" [InternetShortcut] URL= Modified=008C823ECADCBE01B1 ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01BEDCA9.2A8B2B60-- [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: The Miami Herald - Should Lawyers Run For Nonjudicial Office? No: Date: 02 Aug 1999 08:12:12 PST On Aug 2, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] The Miami Herald Tuesday, July 6, 1999 Should Lawyers Run For Nonjudicial Office? No: Reject tyranny Ronald Bibace is a Fort Lauderdale businessman and constitutional scholar. Lawyers who are members of the Florida Bar are barred legally from running for public office in the executive and legislative branches. The Constitution prohibits them from running for mayor, commissions, school board, sheriff, the Legislature or any other elected office that is not part of the judicial branch of government. The language of the Florida Constitution's separation-of-powers clause, Article II, Sect. 3, is unambiguous. It states: "No person belonging to one branch shall exercise any powers appertaining to either of the other two branches unless expressly provided herein." In 1949 the Florida Bar was "unified" with, and became a part of the Supreme Court. (See Petition of Florida State Bar Assn. 40 So. 2d 902.) That made every state Bar member/lawyer a person "belonging to the judiciary branch of government." They are, therefore barred from holding public office in the other two branches of government. This prohibition is not an "unintended consequence" of the 1949 action by Florida's lawyers. The prohibition lies at the very heart and the soul of both the Florida and the US constitutions. Nonlawyer James Madison's Constitution had one principal goal: to create a government that had sufficient power to govern, but insufficient power to oppress. To do so, he neutralized the first four known sources of tyranny, which he identified as the monarchy, the aristocracy, the military and the church. Madison then addressed the last source of tyranny, which he defined as: "a same-hands group or faction that had a common interest adverse to the Nation as a whole." Lawyers and every other professional group fit this definition. To protect the state against this "same hands" tyranny, Madison implicitly instituted the separation-of power principle in the US Constitution. In Florida, Article II, Section 3, is the explicit state equivalent. Florida lawyers and the judges have ignored this prohibition. What is true in Florida is also true all over the land. From this abuse of power by the legal profession, this nation now suffers from what Madison, Montesquieu, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton called, "the very definition of tyranny." That tyranny arises when a single "same-hands" group makes the law, enforces the law and interprets the law. That tyranny, whether or not perceived, is at the heart of most of the nation's problems in the areas of crime, education, health, welfare, frivolous lawsuits, devastating divorces and countless other problems. That tyranny has undermined the Constitution and fundamentally flawed all government. It has resulted in enormous harm to people, both in dollars and emotional distress. Historically tyrants neither acknowledge their tyranny nor voluntarily give up their power. That explains why the members of the legal profession are in a state of denial. That is why the people must correct the situation by voting all lawyers out of office outside the judicial branch. Until that occurs, very little substantial and permanent improvement will occur anywhere. If the situation is not corrected, the nation likely will go down to chaos, revolution and, perhaps, even civil war in the near future. Further information on this and other constitutional matters is available at [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Re: Congress' Dirty Tricks to Eliminate Patent Protection (fwd) Date: 02 Aug 1999 14:32:45 PST On Aug 02, Huck wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > From: Eagle Forum > Date: Sun, 01 Aug 1999 01:54:53 -0500 > EAGLE FORUM CAPITOL ALERT -- July 31, 1999 > > Don't Fall for Phony "Patent Reform" > > EMERGENCY ALERT FROM PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY AND EAGLE > FORUM. ACTION URGENTLY NEEDED BEFORE NOON ON > MONDAY AUGUST 2 by all who care about constitutional rights and > America's future. Help us stop Congress from giving away the rights > of independent inventors. > > At 4 p.m. on Friday, July 30, after most offices had closed for the > weekend, Rep. Howard Coble took the Patent bill, H.R. 1907 > (, away > from Rep. Dan Burton (who was going to hold hearings), dropped out > Title VI, gave the bill a new number, H.R. 2654, referred it to the > Judiciary Committee, got it out of Judiciary, and placed it > number-three on the Suspension Calendar for Monday, August 2. > > This is a sneaky way to pass the bill without the American people > knowing about it until it is too late. Why can't the American people > have advance notice that such an important bill is to be voted on? > Why don't we have a chance to voice our opinions publicly about the > dangers lurking in the bill before it is rushed to a vote? > > Why was it put on suspension of the rules, which precludes floor > debate on specifics of the bill and means it can't be amended? Is Mr. > Coble afraid of amendments? Is he afraid of a floor debate on the > dangers of the bill? > > Doing this deed at 4 p.m. on Friday afternoon, and prearranging to > have his own letter to the editor in favor of the new bill printed in a > Washington, D.C. newspaper on Saturday morning, was an > underhanded method of precluding any debate, ad or news story > about the bill. This is not the way our government should work. > > This bill is called the American Inventors Protection Act, but > should be called the Inventors Elimination Act. The independent > inventors would be squeezed out and their inventions stolen from > them, all for the benefit of the foreigners and the giant corporations. > > Who is behind this Patent bill? This bill is a blatant attempt by the > Clinton Administration and the Democrats in Congress to legislate a > deal made by Ron Brown with the Japanese Ambassador and with > the Chinese who were providing political money for Clinton's > reelection. This is also a blatant attempt by Republicans to pay off > the multinational corporations who have donated so much political > hard and soft money. > > We urgently need your help to defeat this terrible bill by calling your > Member of Congress over the weekend or the very first thing Monday > morning. Powerful special-interests are determined to change (in the > phony name of "reform") our enormously successful patent system, > the keystone of America's technological superiority and economic > success. > > America has produced more major inventions than all the rest of the > world combined. This is because our Founding Fathers set up the > U.S. Patent Office to protect the constitutional right of independent > inventors to the "exclusive" ownership of their inventions for a limited > number of years, after which the inventions belong to the public. > > Phony "reform" of the U.S. system is aggressively sought not only by > the foreigners, whose motive is to steal U.S. intellectual property, but > also by the multinationals that want to control all innovation. If you > are DaimlerChrysler or IBM, for example, you certainly don't want an > independent inventor working in his garage to develop a new product > that you don't control and which might cut in on your market share. > > A lot of lies are being told about this bill. You will be told that it's > very > different from the Omnibus ("Ominous") Patent bill that Congress > refused to pass last year. Don't be fooled. It's not very different, it's > only slightly different. The bill's wording has changed a little, but the > goal of the sponsors remains the same. Even more important, the > backers of this bill plan to restore all the bad stuff when it goes to > the > Conference committee. > > You will be told that the 25 Nobel Laureates, who signed a > remarkable joint letter opposing last year's bill, have changed their > views. That's a lie. It says: "It will prove very damaging to American > small inventors and thereby discourage the flow of new inventions > that have contributed so much to America's superior performance in > the advancement of science and technology." The burden of proof is > on Mr. Coble to prove that his current bill has eliminated all the > objections that the Nobel Laureates made to last year's bill, and he > hasn't met that burden. Milton Friedman (one of the Nobel Laureates) > wrote Dana Rohrabacher, telling him, "you have been taking my > name in vain in connection with the patent reform bill." > > You may be told that Phyllis Schlafly has approved this bill. That's a > lie. I oppose it and believe it is the most dangerous bill in the current > Congress. > > You will hear that the new bill is OK because Rep. Dana > Rohrabacher is for it, and he was a big opponent of the bill in the last > session. The fact is that Dana is the one who has changed. > > The chief argument we hear in behalf of patent "reform" legislation is > that we should "harmonize" with other countries. But why should > America harmonize with unsuccessful systems? Let other countries > harmonize with us! > > Title II of this bad bill will undermine the rights of independent > inventors by providing for "prior user rights." This will enable > corporations to claim a "prior use right" and thereby steal the > independent inventor's constitutional right to "exclusive" ownership of > his discovery. > > Title V, which allows third parties to participate in an expanded > reexamination process, gives infringers the opportunity to delay an > inventor's effective use of his patent rights. Because it will encourage > litigation, it should be called the "patent lawyers' full employment > act." > > Information available at includes the > important letter from the 25 Nobel Laureates, Phyllis Schlafly's > other articles, a strong letter from MRI inventor Dr. Raymond > Damadian, an excellent article by national security expert Frank > Gaffney, and links to a letter from Hawaii Governor Benjamin > Cayetano. > > ________________________________________________________________ > Get free e-mail you don't need Web access to use -- > Or get full, reliable Internet access from Juno Web! > Download your free software today: [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kenneth Mitchell Subject: Re: Gun Control Advocates Regroup Date: 02 Aug 1999 20:14:22 -0700 At 08:11 AM 8/2/1999 PST, you wrote: > >Listmembers, > The article below has Josh Sugarman of the Violence Policy Center >letting the cat out of the bag as to his true intentions: the banning of all >handguns. > No cats out of any bags here! Sugarman has NEVER made any secret of his ultimate goal, or the fact that each individual gun control measure was merely one step along the way. Ken Mitchell Citrus Heights, CA 916-955-9152 (vm) 916-729-0966 (fax) -------------- Please check the Computer Incident Advisory Capability web site at before forwarding virus warnings. Remember; 98% of all virus warnings are false. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [richslick] S L I C K Year 4, Issue #35 (fwd) Date: 03 Aug 1999 21:26:45 PST On Aug 3, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] =A9 1999 Rich Martin Permission to repost in part or in full is granted. You are encouraged to pass this message on to anyone=20 who might be interested in its contents. Better yet, print a=20 copy for a friend who is not on-line. Any and all comments=20 on the subject matter are always welcome. Do not use your reply button if you want everyone to read them. Send them=20 to: =20 From the Desk of Rich Martin P O Box 531918 972/263-6631 Grand Prairie, TX 75053 "...And to preserve their independence, we must not let our=20 rulers load us with perpetual debt." Thomas Jefferson=20 _____________________________________________ Happy Back to School, 1999 Trivia for the day. Only one president in this century has=20 left office with fewer civilians on the fedl payroll than=20 when he took office. Who was he? Today people ask, including yours truly, how much more=20 is the public going to take before saying enough is enough?=20 It's easy to forget that one of the underlying symbols that=20 brought the Republican Party to majority in the US Congress=20 was the 55 mph natl speed limit. This "minor" infraction of=20 the Constitution became a symbol of excessive fedl power and=20 regulation, in the spirit of the Boston Tea Party. Well, today we=20 in Texas have the freedom to speed 80 mph on our interstate=20 spewing the federally mandated carcinogen, MTBE, out our=20 tail pipes.=20 The feds which once coerced states to enforce the double=20 nickel speed limit by threatening to withhold fedl highway=20 funds, are today saying that if the 4-county area that makes=20 up the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex doesn't pump gas laced=20 with MTBE, we will not be permitted to build houses, roads,=20 etc. All construction would be banned by fedl fiat.=20 This same pattern is being duplicated throughout the=20 nation. MTBE is required in many of our largest urban areas,=20 including the state of Calif. (Want to bet there's a=20 carcinogen in Chgo's air, which becomes lethal in hot=20 weather?)=20 "We must make our election between economy and liberty=20 or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debts as=20 that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our=20 necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our=20 amusements, for our callings and our creeds, as the people=20 of England are, our people, like them, must come to labor=20 sixteen hours in the twenty-four, and give the earnings of=20 fifteen of these to the government for their debts and daily=20 expenses; and the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us=20 bread, we must live, as they now do, on oatmeal and=20 potatoes; have not time to think, no means of calling the=20 mismanager's to account; but be glad to obtain subsistence=20 by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of=20 our fellow sufferers..." =20 Thomas Jefferson THE MAKING OF AMERICA, p. 395 The more things change, the more they stay the same. The=20 answer is: profusion and servitude. There is no limit as to what=20 We the People are willing to endure---as long as the trains are=20 on time. Or, as Kathie might say, pray for a depression. While the press is watching Mark McGuire close in on 500=20 HRs and Tony Gwynn become the umpteenth player to get his=20 3,000 hit, no one outside of Texas seems to know that Ranger=20 Ivan "Pudge" Rodriquez is about to become the first catcher in=20 the history of baseball to join the 20 - 20 club, 20 HR's and 20=20 stolen bases. Ne'er been done b/4. And there's 2 months to=20 go. Do I hear 30 - 30?=20 How Slick is Slick? Well, now Slick has his wife explaining why it isn't=20 his fault when he rapes and/or sexually harrasses interns.=20 This is so clever, I ain't got the foggiest notion how they=20 think this will help them. Blaming 2 strong women (mother & grandmother) for screwing him up, is not going to make his=20 Lesbian constituency happy. Hillary may get a few points=20 from her core of NY divorcees, but they were going to vote=20 for their queen any way. All I can fathom is: they planted=20 the story to keep the focus on their soap opera and keep=20 something else off the front page. =20 MATT DRUD= GE=20 // DRUDGE REPORT '99=AE=20 TAX REFORM If you listen to the pols "debating" the tax cut, they=20 all agree that 1% of the richest taxpayers pay 90% of the=20 taxes, so what I propose is: let's cut taxes 10% and 99% of=20 us won't have to pay any taxes. Seems to me with a 99% base=20 of approval, this would be a shoe-in politcally, right? What=20 do you imagine is wrong with this picture? Why aren't all=20 those pols climbing on to my band wagon?=20 TARGETED TAX CUTS Targeted tax cuts aren't really tax cuts. They are=20 hidden new fedl spending programs, but they aren't=20 necessarily bad. Clintons' plan to finance day care with tax=20 credits is an example of a bad plan. An example of a=20 successful targeted tax cut would be Pres Gerry Ford's $200=20 cut for every family. At the time, the economy was stalled=20 because of excess inventory. We the People took our $200 to=20 the store, reduced the inventory, and manufacturers called=20 their employees back to work. Not surprising, Gerald Ford is=20 the answer to today's trivia question.=20 PAYING DOWN THE DEBT I could accept a "no tax cut plan" under one condition=20 and with one exception. In order to make sure than all the=20 money went to "paying down the deficit", I'd expect a freeze=20 on all spending. No "emergency spending" to pay for the=20 census, for instance. No increases in spending whatsoever.=20 The exception would be to eliminate the Marriage Penalty Tax=20 by passing a law allowing married citizens to file as "single"=20 instead of using the punitive rates of the "married, but filing=20 separately" IRS schedule.=20 THE CLEAN FUEL The Dallas Area Rapid Transit service has stopped using=20 clean fuel, and gone back to MTBE gasoline. The truly clean=20 fuel they were using, natural gas, has only one draw back.=20 There aren't a lot of gas stations that sell it. Why the=20 D.A.R.T. fleet can't be fueled every morning before leaving=20 the station is a mystery to our beloved masters.=20 CAMPAIGN REFORM With no controlling authority to bring charges vs pols=20 from calling prospective donors from fedl offices charged to=20 govt calling cards, or using nuns to launder political=20 contributions (how low can you go?) from nations like China, Indonesia and God knows who else, who contribute $10's of=20 mil in exchange for military secrets and/or trade favors, don't=20 you think we should return that $6 mil fine to that poor sap in=20 Mass who may be the only person ever punished for violating=20 a campaign law. The poor dummy re-imbursed his employees for=20 contributing to the GOP. If he were smart as Algore, he=20 would have used nuns to launder the funds.=20 ALGORE "As president...I will fight for a national requirement=20 that every state issue photo licenses for anyone who wants=20 to buy a handgun. ... Unless you obtain a license and pass a=20 background test and pass a gun safety test, you could not=20 buy a handgun under this law. ... (W)e should require a=20 license to own a handgun..."=20 Al Gore, Washington Times Weekly, 7/19/99 LINDA TRIPP What's the logic of a "2-party phone tap law"? Is it so=20 that if Person A tells/threatens Person B on the phone,=20 Person B can't prove it with physical evidence? Prosecuting=20 someone for obtaining supporting evidence of a crime isn't=20 any more logical than pumping carcinogens into the air.=20 Sorta like Mass going after a citizen who has the gaul to=20 contribute to the GOP. LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Air Force is having a war game exercise called Red=20 Flag. What does Red Flag and Kosovo have in common? They=20 both blow up fake targets. Remember when people came to America to be Americans? Recd from < > 2000 CENSUS A decade or two ago, the Library Board of a small=20 midwest Chgo suburb I know, decided to build a brand new=20 sparkling state-of-the-art building, complete with the=20 latest electronic equipment. Their budget set nothing aside=20 for books. They had spent all their money on their supreme=20 bookless ediface, "knowing" full well, that if they built=20 it, the City Council would have no choice but to fill the=20 shelves. I recall this story because our fedl govt is now=20 playing those same stupid games with our money when they=20 failed to include the cost of doing the 2000 Census in their=20 budget that doubles the salary for the prez. Now they say=20 they must ignore the caps and pay for the Census with=20 "emergency" funding. Tell me, do they think we just got off=20 the turnip truck? They show us less respect than the Library=20 Board showed the City Council. Throw the bums out. MEDIACRATS Isn't it neat to watch the media squirm while they take=20 the popular Jesse over the coals for being a wrestler, while=20 singing the praises of their liberal basketball player=20 candidate. Would they howl if Bradley accepted an offer to=20 referee an exhibition BB game? I think not. AN INTERESTING ITEM Clark Fired. General Wesley Clark was retired 3 months=20 early, removed from his SACEUR post, and nominated as an=20 ambassador. Although everyone involved denied that this was=20 anything other than a promotion, most of us with military=20 experience view it as a pretty blunt, and brutal firing. =20 Clark was a Clinton political appointee, a Rhodes Scholar,=20 Friend of Bill, and ran the unsuccessful war against=20 Yugoslavia. Successful Generals are not removed in this=20 manner. Generals who win stunning military victories are not=20 removed in this manner either. Perhaps there is some hope=20 for the Pentagon after all.=20 More Interesting Items can be now be found on Rod Martin's=20 (no relation) "Vanguard" at Interesting Items by Alex=20 Gimarc=20 TOBACCO DEAL If the govt was really interested in fighting tobacco=20 addiction, you'd think they'd issue Nicoderm stamps to the=20 poor, instead they tax the cure and restrict sales as if=20 they were a tobacco product. KATHIE'S KORNER A lot of what seems confusing when some bureaucrat tries=20 to explain it becomes crystal clear if you substitute one=20 thing for a similar thing. The federal government's budget=20 leaps to mind. "Instead of swallowing the belief that we can=20 spend our way out of a depression," substitute not your=20 family budget but that of a local school board. Both are=20 alike in that both are allowed to tax their constituents,=20 whereas your family can't do that. Now, analyze. Ever hear=20 of a school board spending itself out of a depression? Good,=20 you're catching on. Now substitute a non-endangered species for an=20 endangered one, to see whether "protection" is a good idea=20 or not. Take corn, for example. (It's endangered in MY=20 garden this year.) If the government were to "protect" corn=20 the way they protect salmon, for example, we would=20 eventually run out of corn. If no one were allowed to pick=20 it, to eat it, or to go anywhere near where it was growing=20 wild, there would also be no incentive to plant more. And=20 its listing would become self-fulfilling. Soon, no corn on=20 the cob, and oldtimers would talk about the good old days=20 when every back yard had a stand of corn. Pray for wisdom,=20 and pray for the country.=20 Reply to: Kathie < > EDUCATION Last issue I told you Allen ISD was spending a $mil of=20 their educational budget on security; this week they=20 announced that it includes security cameras that will=20 automatically activate when an exterior door opens---and,=20 oh yeah, they need to hire a "Director of Security." REMEMBER THE GOOD OLE DAYS... when you felt sorry for the parochial students, because they=20 went back to school before labor Day? when the only place that had air conditioning in Chgo was=20 the movie theaters? when nickel cigars were. THIS SPACE FOR RENT Reliable Internet Access for only $14.95 a month. Over 550 access numbers in 21 States and growing. =20 Cyber77-ISP, web hosts, unlimited=20 access, high-speed servers=20 If you have your own web site, you know it's not enough=20 to be on the internet with 30,000,000 geeks. Oh, search=20 engines are great---for the other guy, but wouldn't you=20 prefer to be a little more direct? Instead of trying to=20 reach millions of people who can't spell your name, here's=20 your chance to target thousands of politically active=20 people like yourself. Send e-mail for details to RichSlick. PENS PALS Leonard Peltier=20 PARTING THOUGHT Why isn't Linda Tripp protected under the Whistle Blower=20 Statutes? =20 * * * * *=20 Subscribe to this Slick e-zine featuring Kathie's Korner, and receive absolutely free, a copy of Rich's Major Media=20 Mailing List containing over 400 e-mail addresses. To=20 subscribe, send your check for $24.95 to the address at the=20 top of this message. Be sure to include your e-mail address. Anyone wishing to carry Slick at their WWW site should=20 contact me by e-mail. Having the current Slick updated once or twice a week gives visitors a reason to come back soon. THE TRUTH IS...=20 A. Powerful. C. In the eye of the beholder.=20 B. Irrelevant. D. All of the above. MyPoints-Free Rewards When You're Online. = Start with up to 150 Points for joining! home: - Simplifying group communications [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Robert Linzell) Subject: Fwd: Statistics for Australia, one year after the gun ban and gun grab Date: 05 Aug 1999 19:30:31 -0500 Here's a follow-up to a query posted here a few weeks ago. Read 'em and weep; don't let it happen here. Bob in Mississippi - State Motto: Virtute et Armis ("By Valor and Arms") Get my PGP Public Key(s) at One year after gun-owners were forced to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed, including semi-automatic .22 rifles and shotguns, a program costing the government over 500 million dollars, the results are in. A dramatic increase in criminal activity has been experienced. Gun control advocates respond "Just wait... we'll be safer... you'll see...". OBSERVABLE FACTS, AFTER 12 MONTHS OF DATA: * Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2% * Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6% * Australia-wide, armed-robberies are up 44% (yes, FORTY-FOUR PERCENT) * In the state of Victoria, homicides-with-firearms are up 300% * Figures over the previous 25 years show a steady decrease in homicides-with-firearms (changed dramatically in the past 12 months) * Figures over the previous 25 years show a steady decrease in armed-robbery-with-firearms (changed dramatically in the past 12 months) * There has been a dramatic increase in breakins-and-assaults-of-the-elderly * At the time of the ban, the Prime Minister said "self-defense is not a reason for owning a firearm" * From 1910 to present, homicides in Australia had averaged about 1.8-per-100,000 or lower, a safe society by any standard. * The ban has destroyed Australia's standings in some international sport shooting competitions * The membership of the Australian Sports Shooting Association has risen to 112,000, a 200% increase, in response to the ban and as an attempt to organize against further controls, which are expected. * Australian politicians are on the spot and at a loss to explain how no improvement in "safety" has been observed after such monumental effort and expense was successfully expended in "ridding society of guns". Their response has been to "wait longer". source: Please find out about rec.guns at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Lawyers, not law, now control Nation (fwd) Date: 06 Aug 1999 07:45:09 PST On Aug 6, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Lawyers, not law, now control Nation Linda Bowles: a principled conservative shining the=20 spotlight of truth on Lyers In the early days of this country, most of the people in=20 Congress were ordinary citizens - businessmen, farmers,=20 teachers, shopkeepers and the like. Today, most of the=20 people in Congress are lawyers ... career politicians. This is not an improvement. Before I explain why, let me=20 hasten to say that there are some lawyers who are wonderful=20 people. However, they are exceptions to the general rule. As a group, lawyers run America. As legislators, they make=20 the laws; as judges, they interpret the laws; and as public=20 administrators and private practitioners, they implement the=20 laws. We have said of ourselves that we are a nation governed by=20 laws, not by men. While that once may have been true, it no=20 longer is. Theoretically, the Constitution controls laws and lawmakers.=20 In practice, however, the Constitution has been rendered largely=20 irrelevant by legal sophistry and selective interpretation. For example, the 10th Amendment to the Constitution, which=20 limits the power of the federal government, was not repealed -=20 it was simply abandoned. At the other extreme, a simple clause=20 in the Constitution dealing with interstate commerce was expanded=20 to mean the federal government could do essentially anything it=20 wanted to do. In a review of M. Stanton Evan's brilliant book, "The Theme Is=20 Freedom," Archie P. Jones writes of the "pagan theory of kingship,=20 which claimed that the monarch should be accountable to no man,=20 that he should rule without limits on his power and that he should=20 be free to make the law whatever he willed it to be." Thanks to the legal profession, an ominous parallel to the "pagan=20 theory of kingship" has developed in America, where the collective=20 will of the people is ignored, limits on federal power have disappeared=20 and the law is what our lawgivers say it is. Consistently, Americans have voted for change, but nothing=20 changes. The people want term limits, but they can't have them.=20 They want a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution,=20 but it is denied. They want an end to government-mandated racial=20 discrimination, but it continues. They want smaller government,=20 genuine tax relief and campaign reform - but to no avail. They want control of children returned to parents, they want prayer=20 in school, they want a rest from open borders and open families,=20 and they want an end to government sanctioned infanticide - but=20 nothing changes. They did not want NAFTA and GATT or the World Trade Organization,=20 but they got them anyway. They did not want American troops sent=20 to Haiti or Somalia or Bosnia, but they were sent nevertheless. They=20 wanted less involvement with the United Nations, but they got more. The American people have been lawyered into abject submission.=20 They are alienated from the government, no longer believing it belongs=20 to them. Cynicism is widespread. Lawyers, as a rule, never tilled a field, repaired an automobile, built=20 a product, managed a profit-and-loss business, competed in=20 international markets, planned a manufacturing facility or, generally=20 speaking, added anything of tangible value to the gross national=20 product. They are power brokers who deal in abstractions and theories. They=20 are schooled in closed systems of logic that have no touch points=20 with reality. They speak a strange language that they themselves=20 do not understand. All signs of common sense have been thoroughly=20 hammered out of their minds by years of intensive training. These are the people who make our economic decisions, handle=20 our budgets, negotiate our trade deals, oversee our military strategy,=20 design our social programs, regulate our businesses, mandate our=20 private behavior and redistribute our wealth. Taken as a whole, the legal profession benefits from what laws=20 are written and the way they are written. The more unintelligible=20 the laws are and the more bereft they are of common sense, the=20 more they serve the financial interests of lawyers. The conflict of=20 interest is palpable. Trial lawyers are the worst of the sorry lot. Our courts have become=20 nothing more than games of winning and losing, played at the expense=20 of justice. Spare me the sophisms about the beauty of adversarial proceedings.=20 Our system of justice has been perverted by a group of unaccountable,=20 irresponsible, preening and strutting, publicity-driven, money-grubbing,=20 egomaniacal, swell-headed lawyers playing king-of-the-hill. Jesus judged legalists harshly. He blasted the whole group of them=20 in Luke 11:46: "Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! For ye lade men with=20 burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens=20 with one of your fingers." Jesus was so upset that a few verses later, he added this: "Woe unto=20 you, lawyers! For ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered=20 not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered." We were warned. ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY DON'T VOTE FOR LAWYERS [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fwd: The Gun Nut in Chief (fwd) Date: 06 Aug 1999 07:46:19 PST On Aug 6, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -05 August 1999- The Gun Nut in Chief by David Codrea It has been my long-standing contention that anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian. After all, if someone is mentally dysfunctional, how can they be expected to safely exist in a society that provides easy access to potential weapons of mass destruction such as matches and gasoline? This is one of the reasons I find laws designed to keep guns away from the mentally unstable to be a poor substitute for the true solution, humane professional treatment with appropriate levels of monitoring and restraints to keep the patient from harming himself or others. Still, I think that people on both sides of the gun control debate should be able to agree on one thing: If a person has demonstrated that they are mentally dysfunctional, it is not in our best interest to leave ourselves vulnerable to their resulting behaviors. In her recent Talk magazine interview, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton attributed her husband's erratic and destructive conduct to abuse that "scarred" him as a child. The precise word she used to describe him was "dysfunctional," meaning his mental processes are impaired or abnormal, with these impairments manifesting themselves in deviant and harmful behaviors. She is his wife- the person closest to him in the world and the one who not only knows him best, but who is in a unique position to observe and assess his behavior on a continual basis. Her touted intelligence, legal acumen and political skills attest to her ability to choose words precisely. Her evaluation of his dysfunctional mental and emotional state should therefore be assigned the highest level of credibility. It has been well documented through numerous photo-ops that Bill Clinton, a man publicly deemed by his wife to be mentally impaired, is an avid duck hunter. He claims to have hunted since he was a boy. With guns. Do gun control proponents think it is in our interest as a society to allow a man whose own wife calls him "dysfunctional" continued access to guns? While it is true and well established that this president has enjoyed numerous privileges and immunities that would not be afforded to a commoner engaging in the same conduct, do they really want to look the other way this time? Is this truly something that serious anti- gun activists desire? If Mrs. Clinton, an impassioned champion of gun control, truthfully believes her husband to be mentally and emotionally dysfunctional, then the only consistent course of action open to her is to initiate a legal filing and obtain an injunction barring her husband from access to firearms until such time as he is deemed fit and whole by qualified mental health professionals. And if you embrace the theory that gun control is a viable and beneficial tool for stemming social violence, then you really have no choice but to insist that this happen immediately. Or to at least go on record defining which mental impairments should not disqualify their sufferers from access to guns. Or ICBMs. =A9 1999 by David Codrea, all rights reserved. David Codrea is a co-founder and contributor to the website Get the truth about guns at Contact: [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Re: Burn your cabin or go to jail (fwd) Date: 06 Aug 1999 07:48:07 PST On Jul 31, Huck wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] To the lists, Go ahead and trust the fedgov and you may end up like this man. When I came to these lists I told some of you that the fedgov has agencies that get away with murder. They are the real terrorists. This opinion is from personal experience and involvement. I always knew that there were thieves in the fedgov agencies but this goes way beyond simple thievery. The UN now has a permanent foot hold on our freedoms and our property rights. In my opinion this man had every right to defend his property even if it came to violence. Come the new year it may not be roaming bands of thieves that you will have to defend your lives and property from. Get the picture? Huck > Subject: Burn your cabin or go to jail > Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 08:29:15 -0400 > > By Henry Lamb > 1999 > > It was already hot on June 17, when Bob Learzaf got up. He latched > his screen door, put the chain-latch on the front door, and left it ajar > while he went to take a bath, and get ready to go to work. He was alone > in his Pittsburgh apartment. > > He heard voices at his door, hushed, excited voices. Then came a > rapid, loud knock on the door. > > "Who's there?" Bob shouted. > > "Come to the door! Come to the door, now!" > > "Who is it? What's going on?" Bob shouted, as he clambered out of > the bathtub, reaching for a towel. > > "Come to the door, now. Federal Marshals!" > > "I'm taking a bath, let me get some clothes on." > > "No, you must come to the door immediately!" > > Bob heard the chain-latch snap, and running footsteps. He emerged > from the bathroom, clad only in a towel, to find seven federal marshals > in his tiny living room, one of whom was a woman. Seven, armed federal > marshals to apprehend this ... this, criminal? > > "Tell the woman she has to leave, this is not a peep-show," Bob > protested. > > "We're here because you failed to appear in court." > > "What court?" Bob asked. > > Bob's protestations were ignored. The marshals proceeded to examine > the apartment, including Bob's wallet, and other personal items. > > "I've got guns in this apartment. I want you to know that." > > Bob collects flint-locks, and keeps a loaded .45 by his bed, which > a marshal quickly found > > "Stay out of my stuff; you don't have a search warrant. Put that > gun down, it's loaded," Bob demanded. > > The marshals let Bob put on a pair of shorts. They cuffed him, put > him in leg-irons, and took him to jail. > > No one read him his rights. No one showed him a warrant. No one > cared what he had to say. After sitting in jail for two hours, someone > slipped a warrant under his cell door. He was charged with: "Maintaining > any kind of road, trail, structure, or other improvement on National > Forest system land without a special use authorization," a criminal > offense subject to six months in jail and a fine of $5,000. > > He had never received a notice to appear in court. The prosecutor > could not produce a notice of service at the preliminary hearing. The > judge released him on his own recognizance with a new court date set > for July 8. > > Bob's troubles began 20 years before he was born. His great-uncle > Mel Sojanski bought Iron City Junction from the Iron City Lumber > Company, on Oct. 16, 1923. Bob has the original bill of sale, which > identifies "all the buildings and land comprising Iron City Junction of > the Iron City Railroad." > > The building on the land was the railroad office. Uncle Mel had > cut and fitted the stones for the building's foundation, chimney and > porches, when he was a young man, in the late 1890s. Iron City Junction > was where several narrow-gauge rail lines converged. Steam locomotives > pulled cars loaded with logs to the junction where they were off-loaded > and hauled to the mill. When the railroad no longer needed the facility, > Uncle Mel and some relatives bought the place for $150 "cash-in-hand > paid." From the beginning, it was to be used by the family as a hunting > and fishing camp. > > In 1928, the federal government "acquired" the remaining lands of the > Iron City Lumber Company. Government representatives called on Uncle > Mel to give him the good news. Yes, the government recognized the bill > of sale, but because Uncle Mel's land was now surrounded by federal > land, and because there were no real surveys, the government required a > "special use permit," that only cost $3 per year. Uncle Mel trusted his > government -- no problem. > > Until 1976. Uncle Mel was no longer on the scene. Bob's father and two > uncles were in charge. The Forest Service presented them with a new > "special use permit," which "supersedes permit #19, dated November > 19, 1928." The new permit came with three pages of conditions. > Condition 29(a), on the last page of fine print, says the permit would > not > be renewed upon termination on December 31, 1996. > > When 1996 rolled around, Bob was the man in charge of the family's > Iron City Hunting & Fishing Club. The Forest Service knocked on his > door and said "you must vacate the property and burn your cabin." > > "Why would I do a crazy thing like that?" Bob asked. "My family has > owned this land since 1923." > > The Forest Service issued a notice of violation on June 16, 1997. In > the space labeled "court appearance," are the hand-written words > "To be notified by court." > > Bob went first to the District Ranger, and then to the Director of the > Allegheny National Forest, John Palmer, with his bill of sale. "We've > got a problem here I think we can solve. Here's the original bill of sale > > my Uncle Mel got when he bought the place in 1923." > > "That's not worth a thing. You don't have a claim. You've got to > remove the building and leave," was Palmer's reply. > > Bob found an attorney. "Wow, I can't believe this," says the attorney. > "They're charging you with a criminal violation. This is a civil matter. > It's an ownership dispute." > > The attorney arranged for two postponements, with the court supposed > to notify Bob's attorney when a new date was set. Time passed. No > word about a court date. Bob called his attorney who advised him to > let a sleeping dog lie. He did, for more than a year. But on June 17, the > > sleeping dog awoke, broke in his front door, and hauled him off to jail. > > Bob is not a wealthy man. He can't afford a battery of attorneys to > counter the tax-paid attorneys on call for the Forest Service. He > appeared in court on July 8 without an attorney. The prosecutor tried > for 45-minutes before court to talk Bob into pleading no-contest. No > jail time, a small fine, and it'll all be behind us, the prosecutor said. > > "Will I still have my land?" > > "Well, no." > > The judge postponed the case again, advising Bob to get an attorney. > He has to appear again on August 17. He is no closer to finding an > attorney who will take the case without money. > > In 1976, when the Forest Service issued the "20-year, no-renewal > permits," there were 193 private land owners in northwest Pennsylvania's > Allegheny Forest. Bob is the last. > > It may be just a coincidence that 1976 is the same year that the United > States signed a United Nations policy document which declared > "Public (read: government) control of land use is indispensable." It was > the decade of the "Federal Land Use Planning Act," unsuccessfully > promoted by Morris Udall. It was the decade of Rachel Carson, and the > birth of the modern environmental movement. The United Nations > Environment Program was an infant, and just beginning to preach its > gospel of government land use control. > > It is no coincidence that by 1996, agencies of the federal government > were not interested in talking to anyone about property rights, > especially > people who owned small parcels surrounded by federal land. People > have been driven out of the forests of the northwest. People are being > removed from private property, one way or the other, from one end of > this country to the other. With little fanfare, and less publicity, > people like > Bob, who don't have the resources to fight the feds, are being > steam-rolled > into submission or thrown into jail -- or both. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Endgame - Take action NOW (fwd) Date: 06 Aug 1999 09:36:37 PST On Aug 02, Jurist wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] RKBA Defenders, If we do not beat back this full-scale assault on the Second Amendment, an attempt at national gun confiscation may well be around the corner (not the *right* of the government to confiscate guns, just the *imprimatur* of law to seize your weapons). I for one -- don't buy it. This is a repost which I sent before the House voted the JJB down, and also before Trent Lott/Dennis Haster et al revived this Frankenstein over the strenuous efforts of Rep. Bob Smith of New Hampshire. The info still applies and your need to act NOW is more imperative than ever. We must stop all guns laws from here on out and push for 'compromise' to head back towards the Constitution -- indeed, we must abolish all laws that conflict with the Constitution. ... >"House Republican leaders last month reversed years of opposition to gun restrictions and embraced mandatory background checks at gun shows, child safety locks and other measures approved by the Senate. In the wake of the Littleton, Colo., shootings, Hou >"But with grass-roots activists now mobilized on both sides of the issue and many lawmakers still resistant to even modest gun control measures, the House remains deeply divided on how to proceed as it reconvenes today, according to lawmakers and congres >"Some conservative Republicans, such as Judiciary Committee member Robert L. Barr Jr. (Ga.), are already planning to try to weaken the gun safety provisions slated for a committee vote this week. Read it all at: Please contact your congresscritters and let them know you are pissed!! ---- The Good, the Bad and the Squishy --------------- State Member Phone Fax Number District Phone E-Mail TX Tom DeLay (R-22) 202-225-5951 202-225-5241 281-240-3700 IL J. Dennis Hastert (R-14) 202-225-2976 202-225-0697 630-406-1114 GA Bob Barr (R-07) 202-225-2931 202-225-2944 770-429-1776 TX Ron Paul (R-14) 202-225-2831 202-226-4871 361-576-1231 ID Helen Chenoweth (R-01) 202-225-6611 202-225-3029 208-336-9831 MS Sen. Trent Lott (R) 202-224-6253 202-224-2262 601-965-4644 NH Sen. Robert Smith (R) 202-224-2841 202-224-1353 603-228-0453 Republican National Committee Mr. Jim Nicholson 310 First Street, S.E. Washington, DC 20003 Tel: 202.863.8500 Fax: 202.863.8820 E-mail: New Hampshire Sen. Robert C. Smith, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, yesterday warned that fellow conservatives are on the verge of rebellion against the party's leadership in Congress. He said the Republican establishment takes conservatives like himself "for granted." "If you take the pro-life, pro-gun and Christian conservative people out of the Republican party, well, you don't have a Republican Party," he said. For your convenience:,,,,,, Repost: Voting for gun laws will spell end of Republican Party Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 08:10:38 -0400 From: jurist To:,,,,,,, Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the House and Senate, Do not pass any more "laws" against the People's Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Vote against S. 254 and similar bills. Such votes infuriate peace-loving and law-abiding Republican voters, as the government must abide by it's own law -- the Constitution. Fail to protect it and we WILL vote Republicans out. Gun laws have never made anyone safer, indeed they leave the law-abiding defenseless -- as they have in New York City, DC, LA, Baltimore and Chicago -- where the highest murder rates prevail. The safest locations, such as Vermont and Switzerland, are the safest places to live in the US and in the world, respectively, and both have very little, if any laws interfering with the rights of the peace-loving to defend themselves. Most importantly, the Second Amendment is an individual right, intended by the Founders as the safeguard against tyranny. It is no coincidence that the President who is the most contemptuous towards freedom and security of the United States fears American civilians the most and seeks to disarm them, while he weakens the U.S. military and gives the Rec Communist Chinese our most vital secrets. No more gun laws -- they are unconstitutional infringements on our inalienable rights! Respectfully, Richard E. Vaughan The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #147 (2/2) (fwd) Date: 08 Aug 1999 14:48:26 PST On Aug 07, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] follow them. But, it seems, we citizens have to know our=20 rights, too. So, he's trying to get the word out. Barber told the St. Petersburg Times that he is=20 acting because "for the past year, police agencies across=20 Texas have stepped up what they call 'consent' searches of=20 vehicles on our highways." And he's seen the result:=20 People have had their possessions strewn on the ground by=20 police while they search the car, "vacationing families=20 with children standing in the summer heat . . . while=20 officers went through their suitcases. I saw two gray- haired ladies standing in the cold last winter," Barber=20 recalls. "Nobody knows what their constitutional rights=20 are. Nobody knows you can refuse a search request and=20 you're free to leave," Barber said. So, he developed a rather unique way of=20 informing people, which was when his problems started. As the story goes, Barber owns some property=20 on Interstate 20 near Colorado City, Texas. Thereon, he=20 erected an 8 by 16 foot billboard that reads, "Just say NO=20 to Searches!" He also provides a phone number where=20 callers receive a recorded message that describes a=20 citizen's constitutional right to refuse a search. Of course, not everyone is happy to see that=20 sign. Some police don't like the idea that citizens may=20 know and assert their rights. One unhappy camper, for=20 instance, turned out to be Mitchell County Sheriff Pat=20 Toombs. Toombs called in the bureaucrats, those=20 professional buttinskys who can always seem to find=20 something wrong with anything. Sure enough, Barber received a letter from=20 the Texas Department of Transportation demanding the sign=20 come down. According to the minor bureaucrats at DOT, the=20 sign was technically in violation of the state's Highway=20 Beautification Act. Little bureaucrats, of course, always seem to=20 take themselves very seriously. So, they threatened Barber=20 with fines of up to $1,000 per day if he didn't remove the=20 billboard. However, the minor bureaucrats at DOT were=20 either ignorant, or just plain mean. Regardless, they did=20 exactly the wrong thing. Barber is an attorney, was a prosecutor, and=20 knows his rights. So, he did the lawyerly thing and took=20 DOT to court, claiming DOT was violating his First=20 Amendment right to express a political viewpoint on his own=20 land. State District Judge Suzanne Covington of Austin=20 agreed and issued an injunction against DOT. She found=20 that Barber was likely to prevail and allowed the sign to=20 remain standing at least until the summary judgment=20 hearing, which is set for October. Barber will win easily, if the holding of the=20 U.S. Supreme Court is honored. Back in 1994, the Court=20 said that people have a right to place political signs on=20 their own property. So, that is settled before they even=20 get to court. But, there's more yet. Last May, the American=20 Drivers Association, a group that claims to represent=20 86,000 member truck drivers, announced its plans to put up=20 similar "Just say NO to Vehicle Searches" billboards along=20 I-20 from Louisiana to East Texas. Perhaps organizations in other states will=20 soon follow suit. We hope so. Our Fourth Amendment rights=20 must be protected to the letter. CBS TRASHES THE CONSTITUTION Perhaps we were wrong on this end -- a bit=20 hasty, anyway. We've been chastising the TV media for=20 never even mentioning the many Constitutional issues=20 violated by the federal government. Now, when they=20 mentioned one, we don't like it. That's because they were exactly and completely=20 wrong. In fact, by acting like major proponents of the=20 elitist, big government socialists, they got everything=20 totally backwards.=20 That was CBS, of course, and their hatchet job=20 last week on the Second Amendment. The CBS farce started out by saying that: "The=20 Founding Fathers created a Constitutional conundrum with=20 the Second Amendment." No they didn't! The Founding Fathers wrote a=20 Great Constitution that gives the central government=20 certain enumerated duties, or powers. Regulating the right=20 of the people to keep and bear arms is not one of those=20 powers. Clearly, it is not there. Therefore, it is a power=20 left to the States, or to the people. CBS continues with their farce: "There is=20 one rather important group that has never said the Second=20 Amendment protects the right to own a gun: the U.S.=20 Supreme Court. In fact, the Supreme Court is so convinced=20 that there is no such right, the Court hasn't heard a Second=20 Amendment case since 1939." This is only partly true -- splitting hairs,=20 actually. In 1995, the Supreme Court held that the "Gun- Free School Zones Act of 1990," which forbids "any=20 individual knowingly to possess a firearm at a place that=20 [he] knows ... is a school zone," to be beyond the powers=20 granted to federal government by the Constitution. The=20 federal government does not have the power to regulate=20 firearms when they are owned by a citizen. Period. See: US v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549 (1995), at=20 Read it and weep CBS, and all the other media=20 hacks who believe our right to keep and bear arms is less=20 important than our right of free speech. Chief Justice=20 Rehnquist delivered the opinion of the Court: "The Act exceeds Congress' Commerce Clause=20 authority. First, although this Court has upheld a wide=20 variety of congressional Acts regulating intrastate=20 economic activity that substantially affected interstate=20 commerce, the possession of a gun in a local school zone=20 is in no sense an economic activity that might, through=20 repetition elsewhere, have such a substantial effect on=20 interstate commerce. Section 922(q) is a criminal statute=20 that by its terms has nothing to do with "commerce" or any=20 sort of economic enterprise, however broadly those terms=20 are defined. Nor is it an essential part of a larger=20 regulation of economic activity, in which the regulatory=20 scheme could be undercut unless the intrastate activity=20 were regulated. It cannot, therefore, be sustained under=20 the Court's cases upholding regulations of activities that=20 arise out of or are connected with a commercial transaction,=20 which viewed in the aggregate, substantially affects=20 interstate commerce. Second, =A7922(q) contains no=20 jurisdictional element which would ensure, through case-by- case inquiry, that the firearms possession in question has=20 the requisite nexus with interstate commerce. Respondent=20 was a local student at a local school; there is no=20 indication that he had recently moved in interstate=20 commerce, and there is no requirement that his possession=20 of the firearm have any concrete tie to interstate commerce. =20 To uphold the Government's contention that =A7922(q) is=20 justified because firearms possession in a local school=20 zone does indeed substantially affect interstate commerce=20 would require this Court to pile inference upon inference=20 in a manner that would bid fair to convert congressional=20 Commerce Clause authority to a general police power of the=20 sort held only by the States."=20 "We pause to consider the implications of the=20 Government's arguments. The Government admits, under its=20 'costs of crime' reasoning, that Congress could regulate=20 not only all violent crime, but all activities that might=20 lead to violent crime, regardless of how tenuously they=20 relate to interstate commerce. Similarly, under the=20 Government's 'national productivity' reasoning, Congress=20 could regulate any activity that it found was related to=20 the economic productivity of individual citizens: family=20 law (including marriage, divorce, and child custody), for=20 example. Under the theories that the Government presents=20 in support of =A7922(q), it is difficult to perceive any=20 limitation on federal power, even in areas such as criminal=20 law enforcement or education where States historically have=20 been sovereign. Thus, if we were to accept the=20 Government's arguments, we are hard-pressed to posit any=20 activity by an individual that Congress is without power to=20 regulate. . . . This we are unwilling to do." The American people are armed for three=20 important reasons: To protect self, family and home=20 against criminal intrusion. To defend self, family and=20 neighborhood against invasion by a tyrannical government=20 or foreign invasion. And to hunt. It is our unalienable right to remain armed. =20 And, by armed, I mean with any one or more of those types=20 of weapons that may be easily carried to a muster point in=20 time of emergency by one person, together with 1,000 rounds=20 of ammunition. We, the free, honorable citizens of these=20 United States, are the unorganized, or inactive, "Militia"=20 spoken of by the Founding Fathers. The National Guard is=20 the "active," or organized, Militia. Both must remain well=20 armed, the latter in a more militarily professional fashion=20 than the former. Because, when we Americans see terrible=20 government atrocities, such as at Ruby Ridge and Waco -- and=20 when we see this administration blundering to the brink of=20 world war with China, Russia, Korea, and many of the Arab=20 countries -- we see that we may need more, not less,=20 personal arms. Far left media hacks, like CBS News, should=20 stick with their normal tabloid journalism. They obviously=20 know nothing about our Constitution or the original intent=20 of those great American patriots who wrote it. For more information on the right to bear arms,=20 visit the web page of UCLA Law School Professor Eugene=20 Volokh at: ~ End ~=20 NOTE: There will be no newsletter next week. =20 It's time for a short vacation. =20 [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #147 (1/2) (fwd) Date: 08 Aug 1999 14:49:44 PST On Aug 07, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Heads Up A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia August 8, 1999 #147 by: Doug Fiedor Previous Editions at:=20 and MORE HARM BY THE EPA They were told repeatedly that they were harming=20 people, but they didn't care. And, there was nothing much=20 we could do about it. They were government and we=20 were . . . well, we were but citizens. Subjects, actually. The list of health problems they caused is=20 rather long, too. Headaches, nausea, hives, rashes,=20 respiratory distress, kidney disease, arthritis, and even=20 cancer all make the list. Still, government didn't care. =20 There was a bureaucratic mandate and that was that. No=20 one is allowed to argue with a regulatory agency decision. That was a decade ago. Today, due to the=20 outright negligence of the EPA, there are millions of=20 American citizens drinking water containing unnatural=20 chemicals like methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and=20 benzene, both of which are known carcinogens. And finely,=20 after the harm has been caused, the EPA admits that its=20 actions were directly responsible for poisoning a portion=20 of the nation's water supply. We were told, a decade ago, that oxygenates=20 added to gasoline, called reformulated gasoline (RFG),=20 would reduce emissions from vehicle traffic. These=20 reformulated gasolines are in the form of methyl tertiary=20 butyl ether (MTBE), methanol, tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA),=20 and ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE). All have produced a=20 great many health problems but have done little to help keep=20 the air clean. Instead, they add a disagreeable smell to the=20 air when used. Reformulated gasoline also causes a number of=20 problems with automobile engines, in addition to lowering=20 fuel economy significantly. And, of course, reformulated=20 gasoline costs more that untreated gasoline. Never mind, though. EPA knows better than=20 everyone else and so made the use of reformulated gasoline=20 mandatory in many areas of the country. In some areas, unknowledgeable State legislators and bureaucrats forced=20 the reformulated gasoline on citizens as a way of pacifying=20 federal regulators and collecting brownie points from big=20 local producers. Well, now comes the day of reckoning. At a news conference two weeks ago, an advisory=20 report prepared for the EPA concluded that MTBE can now be=20 found in 5 percent to 10 percent of the drinking water=20 supplies in areas where the reformulated gasoline is=20 mandated. The reason that MTBE is contaminating the=20 nation's water is that it is extremely soluble in water and=20 flows rapidly through soil. Effectively, it is alcohol and=20 ether and is nearly as soluble as pure alcohol and ether. =20 Therefore, it gobbles up other impurities and carries them=20 along with it -- into our water supply. EPA knew this years ago. But, they forced it=20 on us anyway. Dr. Peter M. Joseph, a professor at the=20 University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, told The=20 Washington Times he believes the rise in MTBE use is=20 responsible for the "huge incomprehensible increase" in=20 certain disorders, including asthma and wheezing, that have=20 been seen in Philadelphia, the District of Columbia and=20 other cities where MTBE-laced gas has been mandatory during=20 most of the past decade. Dr. Joseph believes the gas=20 additive is also responsible for other medical conditions,=20 including sinusitis, unexplained coughing, insomnia and=20 heart palpitations. "I'm convinced this is a public health=20 disaster," Dr. Joseph told The Times two weeks ago. Congress, of course, had their fingers buried=20 deep into this pie, too. It's called the politics of=20 campaign contributions. To "encourage" ethanol production -- and=20 receive even larger campaign contributions -- Congress gave=20 ethanol produced from biomass a special tax break. The=20 incentive is currently 54 cents per gallon of ethanol used=20 as, or in, highway fuel. And, about 1.1 billion gallons of=20 ethanol per year qualify for the tax incentive. Back in April 1995, the U.S. Court of Appeals=20 for the District of Columbia stayed EPA's rule mandating=20 the use of ethanol in RFG, and ruled that EPA did not have=20 the authority to mandate ethanol use. Later, the court=20 refused to hear an appeal by EPA. However, that didn't=20 quite work. EPA mandated reformulated gasoline in many=20 areas of the country anyway. Each area uses varying=20 amounts of ethanol in their concoctions. There was a time, a couple decades ago, when=20 the Environmental Protection Agency actually had something=20 worthwhile to do. It helped clean a few lakes and rivers=20 and made the smokestack industry clean up its act. And=20 now, its job is done. Sure, there are still a few polluted=20 areas around the country. But, pollution in these areas is=20 better handled by the States, rather than an over intrusive=20 federal bureaucracy. Meanwhile, those responsible for mandating=20 RFG should be tried and convicted for criminal negligence. ACTIVATE AMENDMENT XXV As much as I hate to say that I agree with=20 Hillary on anything, it's time to admit it: Bill Clinton=20 has a psychological problem. Worse yet, Bill Clinton IS a=20 psychological problem for the country.=20 The psychobabble arm of the White House=20 propaganda machine is out making excuses again. Now, we're=20 suppose to believe that some "deeply rooted flaw" in his=20 character was placed there by a bad home life. Mama argued=20 with grandma when he was four years old, or some such=20 nonsense. "He was so young, barely four, when he was=20 scarred by abuse," Hillary now says. "There was a=20 terrible conflict between his mother and his grandmother. =20 A psychologist once told me that, for a boy, being in the=20 middle of a conflict between two women is the worst=20 possible situation. There is always a desire to please=20 each one." Yeah. I remember some of that growing up in=20 Detroit. I had a mother, two grandmothers and quite a few=20 aunts I saw frequently. And, yes, I had to "please" them=20 all. Damn right! I was the kid, they were the adults. =20 That's how it works. Did they argue sometimes? I don't know. =20 Maybe. Probably. Everyone is not always right all of the=20 time. Who cares! "Yes, he has weaknesses," the White House=20 chief propagandist continues. "Yes, he needs to be more=20 disciplined, but it is remarkable, given his background,=20 that he turned out to be the kind of person he is, capable=20 of such leadership." Bill Clinton most certainly does need to learn=20 discipline; that's for sure. He could start by firing the=20 White House harem and not having sex in the workplace -- at=20 least take them upstairs, like Kennedy did. And, where does this "leadership" come in? =20 Fund raising is not a leadership position, and that's about=20 all he does. Well, that and campaign. "He has been working on himself very hard in=20 the past year. He has become more aware of his past and=20 what was causing this behavior. You know, in Christian=20 theology there are sins of weakness and sins of malice and=20 this was a sin of weakness." Ahem . . . We don't want to get into a=20 religious discussion here, but I can remember quite a few=20 more sins than that. And, President Bill Clinton has=20 violated them all. Repeatedly. This is more than "spin" from the White House=20 via Hillary, it is another obvious lie. What they're=20 trying to tell us this time is that Bill Clinton is a victim=20 who need not take responsibility for his actions. Nice=20 try, but no one in their right mind is going to believe it. There's a deeply rooted psychological flaw in=20 both Clintons, all right, but it had nothing to do with=20 when they were four years old. Back when Clinton first announced he planned to=20 run for president, a deeply religious woman from one of the=20 churches down the road said that she thought he was evil. =20 She explained that, when she looked at him, and listened to=20 him, it was like there was no one really there. She went=20 on to say that "everyone" has that feeling with truly evil=20 people, and that you instinctively know to stay away from=20 them. Well, I didn't. Not really, anyway. So, I=20 just forgot about it, thinking it might have had something=20 to do with the teachings of her church and I had better=20 dummy up and not reply. That was a week or so before the Clintons' first=20 appearance on 60 Minutes -- the one where both of them lied=20 through their teeth and the 60 Minutes producers covered it=20 up and made them look good. While watching that, I remembered what that=20 woman said. I also realized that I would not wish to meet=20 people like the Clintons. I wasn't thinking "evil," as the=20 woman labeled them. It was just that I could see that=20 these were not the type of people I would ever wish to=20 associate with for any reason. I didn't trust them. Neither of them. And,=20 over these past few years, they have proven my "hunch" to=20 be exactly correct. They also proved the woman to be=20 correct. They are evil. I mean, what type of person would=20 use a national forum to show great disrespect for his=20 mother and grandmother? And, for political gain yet. About a year ago, Hillary said: "Bill and I=20 have been accused of everything, including murder, by some=20 of the very same people who are behind these allegations. =20 So from my perspective, this is part of a continuing=20 political campaign against my husband." She called anyone daring to disagree with the=20 Clinton misbehavior part of a "vast right-wing conspiracy." =20 In one interview she said to "be patient, take a deep=20 breath and the truth will come out." So, OK, now we know she lied before. Bill=20 Clinton is psychologically disturbed. We don't need to=20 know exactly why. He has major mental problems, which=20 explain all the adultery, socialism, lies, perjury, rape,=20 sexual harassment, drug abuse, etc. That's all we need=20 know and Hillary verified it last week. He should not be president. PROTECT THE FOURTH AMENDMENT Every once in a while we hear good news=20 about the protection of our Constitutional rights. Here's=20 one such story: Back in 1996, the Court held that police are=20 not obligated to tell people about their Fourth Amendment=20 rights during a traffic stop. Nor are police obligated to=20 tell you that you can go. That is, in Ohio vs. Robinette,=20 the court ruled that a police officer could request a=20 consensual search without bothering to tell the driver that=20 he could refuse and was free to go.=20 Needless to say, many street cops take full=20 advantage of that little quirk in the law. Often, they=20 make people wait on the sidewalk while they "toss" the=20 vehicle without any particular probable cause. Now comes attorney Pat Barber of Colorado City,=20 Texas. Barber was a former county prosecutor, so knows the=20 rules better than many of us. And, he wants the police to=20 [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: FW: [Fwd: Repeal the First Amendment] (fwd) Date: 09 Aug 1999 07:33:11 PST One of, if not the best summation of this idea I've seen..... On Aug 9, Dave Smith wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] My freind Cloris forwarded this to me: > Here's the forward that I had been promising a few of you for quite a > while. I just now had the time to catch my breath and find it. It's > hilarious in a very sobering sort of way... > > Cloris > > PS: I wish like hell I could credit it, but I don't know who > wrote it. > > > > A modest proposal: > > > > After the recent massacres in Littleton, Colorado I have come to the > > conclusion that there is too much freedom of speech in > America and that the > > First Amendment to the Constitution is an outmoded relic of > simpler times > > and should be repealed. Many lives could be saved if > harmful information > > could be kept out of the hands of the average citizen. > > > > Our founding fathers never could have conceived of radio, > television or > > satellite communications, let alone the Internet. It is too easy for > > malicious people to spread harmful information throughout > the world, where > > the easily manipulated can use this information to harm others. All > > information that is available for the average person should > be carefully > > screened before being published. > > > > After repealing the First Amendment, the federal government > should set up > > Information Review Boards. Any writing, fact or fiction, meant for > > publication in any form; newsprint, magazines, books, > broadcast, recorded > > media or the Internet would be reviewed by the Information > Review Board for > > harmful or hateful meaning. If passed, the writer would be > subject to a > > five day "cooling down" period before being published and > be forbidden to > > write another piece for publication for thirty days. Should the > > Information Review Board find the writing harmful or > hateful, the writer > > would have seven days to appeal the decision or correct the > writing to > > conform to the board's standards. Anyone publishing > information without > > having the approval of the Information Review Board would > be guilty of a > > federal felony punishable by a minimum of ninety days in > federal prison. > > Anyone giving unapproved writing to a minor or convicted > felon would also > > be prosecuted under federal law. > > > > It would also be a felony to possess a printing press, > typewriter, computer > > printer, word-processing software or have more than ten > sheets of paper, > > unless licensed and registered by the federal government. > The Information > > Review Board would interview potential professional > writers, who would then > > apply for a Federal Writing License. Federal Writing > License holders would > > be exempt from the five day waiting period and one article per month > > limitation. The license would be renewed every three years. > > > > The Internet should be completely operated and all telephone lines > > monitored by the federal government. The possession of a modem and > > communications software without a license would be a > federal felony and any > > person transmitting unapproved information by any > electronic means would be > > prosecuted. Likewise, all radio, television, stage and > motion picture > > content would be reviewed for approval. > > > > Of course, there are those who will scream that they have a > "Constitutional > > Right" to produce and distribute hateful and harmful speech > or information. > > This so called "right" may have been useful in the > eighteenth century but > > is not needed today. No one, not one single person, has the right to > > produce anything that may cause harm by thought, speech or action. > > > > I urge everyone to write to his/her congressional representative and > > senators and urge them to start proceedings to repeal the > First Amendment. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - Jul/99 (fwd) Date: 09 Aug 1999 07:34:19 PST On Aug 8, Barry Needham wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Attached is the latest issue of Jeff Cooper's Commentaries. Comments can be sent directly to Jeff at: Jeff Cooper Gunsite Ranch Paulden, Arizona 86334. As usual, I would be happy to forward any comments from our international readers. These Commentaries are also available on the web. In fact, all of the Commentaries, from the end of the old Gunsite Gossip, are available. The url(s) for this are: Enjoy, Barry. ============================================================= Jeff Cooper's Commentaries Previously Gunsite Gossip Vol. 7, No. 8 July, 1999 Summer Time Hot, ain't it! I am so old that I can remember the days before air conditioning, and those are days I would not care to reoccupy. Summer was never my favorite season, despite the fact that school was out, and it still isn't. Spring, of course, is a joyful time of rebirth. Winter is exciting and cold. Autumn is hunting season. But summer is just hot and sweaty. At this season, the best we can do is to remember how uncomfortable it is to be cold, if we can. If you can arrange it, that is something of a comfort. * * * In considering this literary garbage about the lethal nature of some types of weapons, we give you this opinion from Family Member Celia Milius: "It's not the arrow, it's the Indian." * * * - From our reading it seems to us that too little of the doctrine and technique of weaponcraft is being broadcast. I see pictures of people doing it all wrong in the magazines, and correspondents continue to ask me questions to which any competent shooter should have the answer. An example is the number of people who endeavor to shoot isosceles and then complain because they do not have enough power in their wrists. So then they ask if they should go to a minor caliber or a muzzle brake. "Why didn't somebody tell me that?" they ask. Either they have never been to school or they have been to the wrong school. Excellence in any activity is something that is not usually sought unless there is a direct financial reward for excellence. Except for big-time athletics there is no financial reward for excellence in technique. There is also the matter of ignorance. A great many shooters simply do not know that there is a better way to do things, and many of these people presume to teach. Well at least there are a lot of Orange Gunsite people out there who do know the right way, and I hope they live long enough to spread the word. * * * Note that the "Hunting and Fishing" Party in France just picked up six seats in the French parliament. That may not sound like much, but in any country using a multi-party system a few votes can sometimes make a critical difference. So now the voice of the French hunters and fishermen will be heard, and so designated, in the halls of legislation. I guess the bambiists will shriek at that, but then the bambiists are going to shriek anyway. * * * In a previous issue we asked for help in the matter of the definition of iron as opposed to steel. We got a large response, but, in general, it asked more questions than it answered. A consensus was that iron is almost useless as it comes out of the ground, but that it can be made into a serviceable material by the addition of carbon. Now this is interesting in view of the fact that when iron comes out of the ground it contains a number of impurities, the most common of which is carbon. Others, such as sulphur, zinc, potassium, etc., are present in lesser quantities. So, in effect, we have "carbonated iron," which apparently must be de-carbonated and then re-carbonated. Heat can be used to blow out most of the impurities, but that leaves us with relatively pure iron, to which carbon must be introduced. This evidently is done by reheating the material in the presence of coal or coke, which forms a useful combination, depending, of course, upon percentages. How this came to pass is the next question. The Hittites knew about iron, but did not use it for weaponry, preferring bronze, which, while not up to carbon steel, is superior to cast iron. The Dorians may have introduced something resembling steel into the Greek peninsula, but how good this was is debatable, there being no original source material from that period. If you are making a cutting sword of either bronze or cast iron it will break the first time it meets heavy resistance. You can stab with it, but you cannot chop. The Roman gladius was always presumed to be a stabbing weapon until some original versions were uncovered which were not formed for that purpose, according to their hilt design. The gladius was apparently made of some sort of wrought iron, but it properly could not be called steel except by those historians who use the two words interchangeably. We first hear of good swords originating in Khorassan in Persia in Alexandrian times. They probably were made of steel, because of the reputation they achieved, and their craftsmanship was moved to Damascus in Syria. When the Moors exploded out of the Near East across North Africa into Europe they brought with them Damascus blades and founded the steel industry in Toledo, where it still exists. There was secrecy involving the methods for producing high quality steel, and much myth entered the scene. During the 800 Year War of the Reconquista, Toledo swords diffused up into Europe where, because of their extraordinary excellence, they were often given magical titles. The Romans never venerated their swords, but the Europeans did and gave them special names, such as Excalibur, Durandal, and Tizona. Since only the clergy could read and write at this period, we find practically nothing in the way of technical manuals, but good swords did exist in Europe during the Middle Ages. Today I own two Toledo swords of surpassing quality. They were made to my order in Toledo. Though I am sure that a modern metallurgist could make swords as good, I do not see that he could make them any better. At the smithy in Toledo, they take the blade that you select and force it into a 45 degree bend, leaving it overnight. If it takes any set by the next day, they discard that one and you start over again. Then, after putting a very sharp point on that blade, they swing it through a 90- degree arc to slam into a mild steel plate point-first. If you can detect any deformation of that point, that blade is discarded. Whether it is pure carbon steel or alloyed with other metal such as chromium, I do not know, but it is awfully good steel. I assume that some similar development was taking place on the other side of the world, most likely in Japan. I have heard good reports about high-art Japanese swords, but I do not know about their metallurgical composition. So, put very simply, steel is raw iron which has been purified and then refined by the re-addition of carbon to a matter of about .4 percent. (But then there is still the matter of "malleable cast iron," which nobody will tell me about.) * * * You have heard, perhaps, of the new Remington 300 "Ultra Magnum." This uses the unbelted 404 Jeffrey case necked down to 30 caliber, to start the good old 180-grain Spitzer bullet at 3300 f/s. (Wow!) Here we have an ideal example of an answer in search of a question. It has long been obvious that if you want more power than available in the 30-06 you do not want more velocity, you want more bullet mass. This should be obvious to anyone who really uses rifles on live targets, but apparently it is not. When you ask, "What is it for?" the answer is "It's to sell, stupid! Why else do we make anything?" * * * One correspondent suggested that the integral bipod could be improved if it were spring-loaded. Apparently he feels that deploying it manually is an imposition. Poor baby! * * * As you rather feared, people have been buying Steyr Scouts without the scoutscope, and then fitting a complex instrument of their own choice to the top rail of that versatile receiver. A "moonscope," as it is often called, cancels two of the advantages of the scout system and offers nothing in return. And so it came to pass that a friend of Family Member George Olmsted took a Steyr Scout, fitted with a moonscope, to Africa, and proceeded to get "lost in the scope" as his impala chuckled and trotted away. It is not absolutely necessary to get lost in a high-powered telescope, but it takes a bit of practice to learn how to avoid it. * * * Back when we were working frequently in Central America, we found it necessary to point out to our employers that a bodyguard is not much use if he is working for the other side. No matter how much you pay your own bodyguard, other people can offer him more. They do not have to pay him, because they will make sure that when they get you, they get him too. Thus it amuses me when I see ads in the magazines for bodyguard schools. The principle use of a bodyguard is to start the car while the principal is standing well away from it, and even this technique is not significant anymore now that the bombers tend to use time-delay fuses on their infernal machines. * * * My publisher feels that I should not call a Zulu a Zulu. The reasoning, if any, is obscure. The Zulus are a proud people, and they are proud to be called Zulus. This must be some sort of a triple backlash beyond the grasp of us non-racists. * * * Literary sorts keep on knocking on old Ernest Hemingway. Papa may not have been a really nice guy, but in the literary sense his best work was unmatched in modern times. Papa was an outdoorsman. He loved and appreciated nature. He venerated strength and courage. He studied and explained violence. That he was something of a lush and that he never understood women are points against him, to be sure, but his "For Whom the Bell Tolls" is arguably the best adventure story ever written. No man of consequence can do without it. * * * We see on the tube some agitation to make car trunks releasable from the inside, so that if you are locked in your car trunk you can get out without help. They have a point there, but consider the other side. Recently a little old lady, who was beset in a parking lot by a goblin, proceeded to lock the goblin in the trunk and drive him to the police station. How did she do that? Well, she pointed her pistol at him, how else? * * * "Hypersensitivity and political correctness are signs of a society in which too many people have nothing serious to do. It makes a bland and sour society, full of rancor, but devoid of spirit." -- Charley Reese * * * I see in the magazine that I am to conduct a "tactical rifle" course at Whittington. I have no idea what a "tactical" rifle may be, and I do not know how to teach it. When I was young, "tactics" was considered the art of winning battles. "Strategy" was the making use of battles in the pursuit of victory in war. As our revered Colonel Allen told us at Stanford, "Dating a girl, sending her flowers, buying a good dinner, going to the theater, and then driving out and parking by the lake constitutes strategy. From there on it's tactics." Thus "tactical rifle" is either a meaningless expression or a redundancy. If you know how to use a rifle well, you use it in exactly the same fashion in a fight as in the hunting field. I have agreed to teach a rifle class at Whittington. Tactical rifle I do not understand. * * * Why is it that "civilians" are presumed to be innocent? This is a misleading term. Very few civilians (or soldiers, for that matter) are innocent beyond about the age of 12. A better term for those not involved in the battle is "non-combatant." * * * When the elite Japanese Sendai Division was ruined in its night attack upon the Marine Corp perimeter at Lunga Point, the instruments which brought about its demise were two brain-children of John M. Browning, a true genius. Our defensive positions were principally manned by the battalions of Chesty Puller and Herman Hanneken, and they had laid them out with double-apron wire covered by interlocking bands of 30-06 fire delivered by the great 1917 water-cooled Browning machinegun. The attack was delivered in the pitch-dark of a post midnight rainstorm, the idea being that the bushido of the Japanese army would simply overwhelm the Marine defenses. Bushido is all very well in its way, but it is no match for a 30-06. Such rifles as the Marines used were 1903 Springfields, but they were not very much use in full dark. On the other hand, in the flashes of intermittent light, the 1911 45-caliber pistol, also the design of John M. Browning, backed up the defense. The final protective lines were covered by the water-cooled machinegun, firing along the wire. And any gaps that were formed were met by the 45 auto, fired at arms' length. The Nip division, 27 battalions strong, was destroyed (not "decimated"), and was never reconstituted throughout the war. I have never heard that battle described as a victory for John Moses Browning, but such it was, in its way. * * * Note that there is a 40-acre homesite hilltop parcel now available for sale in Ravengard. I do not think it will be there for long. Better get it while it is hot! (Contact Col. Bob Young at (520) 636- 1210.) * * * I am somewhat amused at Milosevic's insistence that we "disarm the KLA." It appears that we have a good many people in positions of influence who have no theoretical background in war, revolution, geography, or history. People have been trying to disarm the Irish for longer than I can remember, with absolutely nothing in the way of results. The idea that the KLA might be cozened into laying down its arms is pure fancy. Taking a long view of history, we may say that anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets. * * * Now it appears that the Nips want to erase the Sack of Nanking from the history books. In the age of illusion a good many people feel that to deny something is to cause it to cease to exist. It seems to me that if the Nips want to erase any history, they can start by erasing Pearl Harbor. That would put them in a better position. * * * The U.S. postal service has now decided that the Grand Canyon is in Colorado, as printed on one of their new stamps. We have been told that our school system is pretty bad, so I suppose that we should not be surprised. Perhaps we will next hear that the Alamo is in Mexico. * * * Turns out that assault has gone up 55 percent since the Brits disarmed their subjects. So who's surprised? * * * The litigation sharpies have discovered that much money can be made by knocking a big business such as tobacco. I have a suggestion for these people. Why do they not go for the steel companies? Almost anything that can hurt you has some steel in it somewhere along the line, and the steel companies are very big and very rich. * * * We are pleased to report that Pachmayr has resumed production of its excellent flush "hammerhead" sling swivels. We have long wondered why this system is not universal. * * * We were recently asked what might be considered the most powerful element of a human personality. We thought about that for quite a while and decided the answer was "an adventurous mind." That will have to do until one of the Family shows us something better. * * * Please Note: These "Commentaries" are for personal use only. Not for publication. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP Personal Privacy 6.0.2 iQA/AwUBN64P7aNvVgasqrT0EQIimgCg280ZCPagXsTZ+r0xt8TYESKztyAAoKQ5 wGznCYTc8FzXDFDwsi82P/h4 =Cf0I -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Barry Needham Pager: 1-888-530-5814 PGP 5.0 key available on request [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [Fwd: National, "TAKE YOUR GUN TO WORK WEEK"] (fwd) Date: 09 Aug 1999 18:44:55 PST On Aug 09, Craig Peterson wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Reply-To: "Steve Hoff" Fellow NRA members;=20 =20 As a former law enforcement officer of many years, I submit the = following statement.=20 =20 Contrary to unrelenting nonsensical anti-gun propaganda, government has = no Constitutional authority, in any degree or manner, to infringe upon = our inalienable (overwhelmingly recognized as God given) Second = Amendment rights of self-protection. The Constitution was conceived = for the purpose of defining the legitimate authority and limitations of = federal government, states and the people (individuals). Ingeniously, = the Constitution lawfully restricts federal interference within our = lives and forbids legislative assaults upon the American people (again, = individuals). Whether or not the majority of citizens believe in the = right of the people to keep and bear arms is irrelevant to the = application of "Constitutional Law". Intentionally disregarding = degrees of social and political popularity, the Constitution equally = protects the liberties of every individual. =20 =20 Irrespective of these facts, we sheepishly fail to challenge government = when it invades the domain of the people. Rather than appropriately = and judiciously moving forward, abolishing incapacitating gun control = laws which unnecessarily place us all in life threatening situations, we = instead become emasculated, ineffectually defending the feeble remains = of our Second Amendment guarantees. Regardless of the fact that we are = law-abiding citizens, we nonetheless remain fearful and cower when = confronted with the incessant delirious babbling of anti-gun fanatics, = unethical self-serving politicians and others of nefarious, cowardly and = socialistic temperaments. =20 =20 Their actions contributing to the same result, government, along with = many politicians and street-wise criminals must all be held accountable = for the thousands of innocent lives that are lost to felonious assaults = each year. Bureaucrats defiantly and unconstitutionally refuse to = permit all law-abiding citizens from exercising the "First Law of = Nature" (self-defense). Covertly, government is aiding and abetting = the most sadistic malcontents of humanity, the psychopaths and violent = criminals within this nation. Politicians are incrementally, = unscrupulously and methodically embezzling your natural, inalienable = rights of self-protection. Get angry, people! GET DAMN ANGRY!!! = Indeed, you have justifiable cause to be furious. =20 =20 A U. S. Federal Appeals court declared in 1982, "There is no = constitutional right to be protected by the state against being murdered = by criminals or madmen." Individuals (citizens), are obliged to = protect the lives of family and self. Think about it folks! No one = else, including government, is responsible for your security. We can = either conform to our natural instincts for survival or succumb to the = criminals of this nation and an incompetent, tyrannical government. = If the former is chosen, we had better move with decisiveness, firmness = and rapidity. Each day, our Second Amendment rights are further = eroded. Without detour, we are quickly approaching the proverbial = "point of no return". =20 It is time that we take the offensive stance and DEMAND from our = representatives that they legislate positive federal laws (overriding = state and local laws) permitting and encouraging the carrying of = concealed guns of personal choice. It is the only logical = (unemotional) solution to the magnitude of violence now being = perpetrated within the workplace and on our streets. =20 =20 The number of casualties resulting from this last Atlanta incident would = not have been as high, had employees (many now deceased) been encouraged = to bring their guns to work. How many local police stations (all well = armed) are assaulted by disgruntled employees or psychotics off the = street? Few!=20 =20 Public awareness programs are imperative and must be intensified = tenfold. For the accomplishment of this necessary goal, a few = potentials exist. The NRA is well able, through additional support = from other private organizations and gun manufacturers, to purchase both = space in the major newspapers and time on national television. Weekly = compiled summarized incident reports demonstrating that guns do in fact = save lives can be published in the newspapers and dramatized for = television. Productions such as "America's Most Wanted" and "Cops" = come to mind for their powerful dramatization effects which do indeed = magnify public attentiveness and acceptance of harsh realities. As = opposed to emotional feel-good solutions which place us all in jeopardy, = Americans along with their employers must face reality and logically = accept the necessity for gun ownership in response to random and = selective criminal assault. Politicians, being advised of their = inevitable removal from office for failure, must be compelled to end = unconstitutional gun control legislation and further proclaim the week = including Labor Day as National, "TAKE YOUR GUN TO WORK WEEK" =20 =20 Sergei S. Hoff =20 [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fw: EIA Communique - 8/9 (fwd) Date: 09 Aug 1999 19:47:25 PST On Aug 9, Kevin McGehee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, August 09, 1999 12:09 PM The Education Intelligence Agency COMMUNIQU=C9 - August 9, 1999 Now on the Web at + EIA Exclusive: Last Thursday in Illinois, the Naperville Unit Educatio= n Association filed an unfair labor practices complaint about the school district for releasing directly to the public the details of its latest three- year contract offer, which includes raises of 5.75, 4.75 and 4.75 percent. "It's a violation of trust, and I have a serious problem with th= at," NUEA President David Griffith told the Chicago Tribune. "They're trying t= o negotiate in public, and I don't think that's in anyone's best interest." Teachers' unions generally oppose publicizing of negotiations in prog= ress and NUEA's response is a very common one. But how things change when the union plays the role of management in contract negotiations with staff. Hardly a whiff of this has appeared in the press, but officials of th= e Pennsylvania State Education Association spent much of last week congratulating themselves for bypassing the bargaining team for the staff union and presenting their "final, best offer" directly to the staff. As reported last week by EIA, PSEA offered the staff a four-year deal with a total raise of 5 percent, plus a $1,000 bonus if the staff agreed before = the strike deadline of August 1. The bargaining team's last demand was for an= 8 percent raise over three years. Though the staff bargainers turned down PSEA's offer, PSEA had simultaneously mailed it to the homes of each staf= fer. At a subsequent meeting, the staff at large voted to accept PSEA's offer = as a tentative agreement. Last Thursday night, the PSEA Board of Directors vot= ed unanimously to ratify what was essentially its own offer. The staff union will have a final ratification vote on August 20. The PSEA-Staff Organization filed an unfair labor practices complaint against PSEA, claiming PSEA officials engaged "in conduct designed to undermine the status" of the staff union, and saying their actions constituted "a failure to bargain collectively." + The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through its agency, = The Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Serv= ices Administration (SAMHSA), intends to award a sole source contract to the National Education Association to "attend to the mental health needs of teachers by providing effective methods to reduce workplace stress which engenders anxiety and depression." NEA's program will "provide informatio= n and experiential learning for educators to reduce mental stress." + EIA has been adamant about spending little time arguing about if we sh= ould have vouchers, but rather focusing on what will happen when and where the= y are instituted. The Center on Education Policy released a study that shou= ld be read both by supporters and opponents of school vouchers. Entitled "Lessons from Other Countries about Private School Aid," the report analy= zes school choice programs in 22 industrialized nations. Its main conclusion = is that private schools become more regulated. "There's a lesson here for American private schools -- control follows money," said Jack Jennings, t= he center's director. "If states pass vouchers, they'll have to find some wa= y to hold private schools accountable for tax dollars. Increased regulation is= the most obvious way." The full report is available at http://www.ctredpol.or= g/. + Last week, EIA reported that the Texas State Teachers Association cut = dues for new members to $99 in an effort to boost its numbers. In addition, TS= TA is offering $6 million in liability insurance -- "three times the coverag= e offered by the other organizations!" it boasts. "Funny, I thought financial incentives targeted only at new teachers = was an affront to veteran teachers," read last week's communiqu=E9. This week= I've discovered that there has been some squawking from TSTA's veteran teacher= s. In the meantime, the Texas Federation of Teachers quadrupled its professi= onal liability income coverage to $8 million. "No other organization in Texas = even comes close to this level of protection!" writes TFT President John Cole. Cash incentives are also popular. In Garland, Texas, the Garland Education Association charges the normal $199 in dues, then gives new mem= bers an immediate $100 cash refund. A similar program has taken hold in Missou= ri. The Missouri NEA Financial Assistance Program passes out $500 interest-fr= ee, cash advances to the first 200 new members who apply. In addition to dues= , the cash advance is repaid through payroll deduction over a period of one year. Because Missouri and Texas both have large, successful independent teachers' organizations, NEA and AFT affiliates are compelled to cut pric= es and provide more and better services to obtain and sustain their membersh= ip numbers. These measures clearly benefit the consumers (teachers), who bec= ause of the competition will now be able to get $6 million or $8 million in liability coverage when only $2 million coverage was available before. Is= n't this Bob Chase's "run-amok marketplace" at work? + Last Thursday, Kentucky Education Association President Judith Gambill testified before the Governor's Task Force on Teacher Quality. EIA was mo= st intrigued with these two statements, uttered within seconds of each other= : 1) "Individual student achievement should not be a factor in teacher evaluation or compensation." 2) "Research has shown that quality teaching is the key to improved student achievement." It's been a long time since my formal schooling in logic, but when th= ese two statements are taken together, isn't Ms. Gambill saying that quality teaching should not be a factor in teacher evaluation or compensation? + The North Carolina Association of Educators is planning to adjust upwa= rd the formula for computing state dues. The dues are currently 0.6% of the starting teachers' salary (roughly $135). Under a proposed constitutional amendment, dues would be gradually raised over the next three years until they reach 1% of the starting teachers' salary. + EIA's annual report, Strange Places: Inside the 1999 National Educatio= n Association Representative Assembly, is now available in print. Send your name and snail mail address and a copy will be sent ASAP. Of course, the e-mail version is also available. The report is free. + Quote of the Week #1: "Inner-city schools, where AFT holds sway, have = the most atrocious problems in public education. AFT will feel the weight of severe prescriptive measures first." -- Mike Antonucci, from Left at the Altar: The Teachers' Union Merger and the Prospects for Education Reform, October 1998. + Quote of the Week #2: "There can't be any reform unless there are significant changes in the union contract. I want to hear at the negotiat= ing table how to make things possible, not what we cannot do." -- Detroit Pub= lic Schools Chief Executive David Adamany, from the Detroit News, August 4, 1= 999. + Quote of the Week #3: "None of us want to go on strike, but if Dr. Ada= many falsely believes he can use that [anti-strike] law to destroy our union a= nd our union protections, we will strike." -- Christopher Zavisa, elected official of the Detroit Federation of Teachers, same day. # # # The Education Intelligence Agency conducts public education research, analysis and investigations. Director: Mike Antonucci. Ph: 916-422-4373. = Fax: 916-392-1482. E-Mail: [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Clinton is trying to take over the Internet (fwd) Date: 09 Aug 1999 23:12:13 PST On Aug 9, Jim Zoes wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Both the Drudge Report and WorldNetDaily are reporting that Clinton has issued an executive order that will result in a "take over" of the Internet. The text of the order can be found at: and/or The text of the order is at the end of this message. Everyone should read this order carefully. Here's my analysis: There was no fanfare and zero news coverage that I could detect about this executive edict. Without WND and Drudge, I certainly would not have known about it. This is, I believe, another STEALTH executive order designed to further Clinton's anti-freedom agenda. Further, 120 days is not enough time to explore this problem and come up with any cogent solutions to the problem of "unlawful conduct" (whatever this is) on the Internet, and run it by the OMB. Therefore, I think that this has already been done, and in 120 days time, we will be facing edicts and other executive orders effectively curtailing freedom of information on the 'net. For example: Expect an executive order forbidding the sales of gun over the net. Expect an executive order to install monitoring and databases to identify and track these "criminals" who are committing "misconduct" by advertising such products using "illegal Internet" conduct. Expect an executive order requiring large proprietary ISP's and the Internet backbones to install monitors and traps to prevent these "criminals" from using the net -- or at least identify and track them. Expect this tracking to include people who talk about "rights" and the "2nd Amendment." Expect it to include *us*. As I understand it, the NSA is prohibited from intercepting domestic communications, unless there is a palpable national security issue involved. This order (and the ones that will inevitably follow) will allow the administration to use the NSA to spy on each email, usenet, chat room, or web-bbs message. How? One way, for example, would be by ordering that each message that traverses the Internet or subscriber private network be scanned for prohibited concepts, words or other content tokens. This is a no-brainer. I'm sure they already have the methodology worked out. Yes, it's a direct violation of the 1st Amendment, but the government will claim that illegal conversations HAVE NO 1ST AMENDMENT PROTECTION. So, all Internet communications (web site downloads, email ads, chat room conversations) will be scanned, on the off chance that they might be involving the sale of medicine, guns, etc. And who knows what other information content will be included? Finally, note who is on the "working group." At least two of them are on record for wanting to ease controls against spying on the public. Remember the Clipper Chip? Recomendations: (1) Time to write your "bosses" and "rulers" (those are Claire Wolfe's terms for "elected representatives" -- see her book "Don't Shoot the Bastards (Yet)") and complain vociferously. It probably won't stop the anti-freedom juggernut, but enough noise might get it before the public. (2) Time to start using PGP or other encryption routinely. It won't stop the NSA from decoding messages, but strong encryption will make it more difficult. Universal and routinely encrypted messages (using strong encryption) will raise the ante and possibly defeat the system. (3) Several years ago, there was a discussion on this list concerning setting up our own dial up private bulletin board *off* the Internet. Maybe this should be reconsidered. (4) ASSUME THAT EVERY MESSAGE SENT ON THIS LIST IS BEING READ BY AN ATF OR FBI AGENT WHO HAS SURRIPTIOUSLY SUBSCRIBED VIA THE NORMAL CHANNELS. Phrase your messages accordingly. Jim Zoes "In God We Trust -- Everyone Else We Keep Under Constant Surveillance." [New motto for US currency, as proposed by the Richmond Times-Dispatch (Virginia), February 21, 1999, in light of the "Know Your Customer" proposal] Text of the executive order: WORKING GROUP ON UNLAWFUL CONDUCT ON THE INTERNET By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to address unlawful conduct that involves the use of the Internet, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Establishment and Purpose. (a) There is hereby established a working group to address unlawful conduct that involves the use of the Internet ("Working Group"). The purpose of the Working Group shall be to prepare a report and recommendations concerning: (1) The extent to which existing Federal laws provide a sufficient basis for effective investigation and prosecution of unlawful conduct that involves the use of the Internet, such as the illegal sale of guns, explosives, controlled substances, and prescription drugs, as well as fraud and child pornography. (2) The extent to which new technology tools, capabilities, or legal authorities may be required for effective investigation and prosecution of unlawful conduct that involves the use of the Internet; and (3) The potential for new or existing tools and capabilities to educate and empower parents, teachers, and others to prevent or to minimize the risks from unlawful conduct that involves the use of the Internet. (b) The Working Group shall undertake this review in the context of current Administration Internet policy, which includes support for industry self-regulation where possible, technology-neutral laws and regulations, and an appreciation of the Internet as an important medium both domestically and internationally for commerce and free speech. Sec. 2. Schedule. The Working Group shall complete its work to the greatest extent possible and present its report and recommendations to the President and Vice President within 120 days of the date of this order. Prior to such presentation, the report and recommendations shall be circulated through the Office of Management and Budget for review and comment by all appropriate Federal agencies. Sec. 3. Membership. (a) The Working Group shall be composed of the following members: (1) The Attorney General (who shall serve as Chair of the Working Group). (2) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget. (3) The Secretary of the Treasury. (4) The Secretary of Commerce. (5) The Secretary of Education. (6) The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. (7) The Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. (8) The Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration. (9) The Chair of the Federal Trade Commission. (10) The Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration; and (11) Other Federal officials deemed appropriate by the Chair of the Working Group. (b) The co-chairs of the Interagency Working Group on Electronic Commerce shall serve as liaison to and attend meetings of the Working Group. Members of the Working Group may serve on the Working Group through designees. WILLIAM J. CLINTON THE WHITE HOUSE, August 5, 1999. Members of the Working Group may serve on the Working Group through designees. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Clinton is trying to take over the Internet (fwd) Date: 10 Aug 1999 01:29:06 +0100 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 It's a committee. The guy has said "make a committee" and we're talking about Clinton "taking over the Internet"?!? We are the sovereign people of this country and we're preparing for totalitarian control of this form of communication? It's not likely but if they tried it we'd stop them. More comments below Bill Vance wrote: > > On Aug 9, Jim Zoes wrote: > > [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows ------------ - - - -------] URLs snipped > Here's my analysis: > > There was no fanfare and zero news coverage that I could detect about this > executive edict. Without WND and Drudge, I certainly would not have known > about it. This is, I believe, another STEALTH executive order "STEALTH executive order" Is like saying wet water or hot sun. Is this the department of redundancy department? ALL executive orders are done quietly because historically they were orders to regulate the beuracracy (and now because they get away with it). The day we expect Dan Rather to -mention- an EO is the day Peter Jennings' toupe grows legs and runs off the set. > Further, 120 days is not enough time to explore this problem and come up > with any cogent solutions to the problem of "unlawful conduct" (whatever > this is) on the Internet, and run it by the OMB. Therefore, I think that > this has already been done, and in 120 days time, we will be facing edicts > and other executive orders effectively curtailing freedom of information on > the 'net. Any future edicts will not necessarily depend on the "findings" of this committee. He doesn't need the AG to say "ooh those scary child porn freaks are killing us with their internet" to issue an EO saying "shut it all down". Now, what people would -do- when faced with such a rediculous EO is another thing entirely. > For example: Expect an executive order forbidding the sales of gun over the > net. Expect an executive order to install monitoring and databases to > identify and track these "criminals" who are committing "misconduct" by > advertising such products using "illegal Internet" conduct. The FBI currently uses "monitoring and databases" to catch criminals, this is how they caught Kevin Mitnick here in Seattle. That -does-not mean- their is a spy in your modem. Think about the economics of this, these sniffers are damned expensive and if there's going to be enough bandwidth to capture suspect traffic, sniff, -and- allow users to operate (you know, alla us potential "criminal" types) they would have to -double- the capacity of the internet. Aint gonna happen, not for overhead like this. > Expect an executive order requiring large proprietary ISP's and the Internet > backbones to install monitors and traps to prevent these "criminals" from > using the net -- or at least identify and track them. Hey folks, ya ever -met- an ISP owner? AOL is trading (or was before last weeks tech stock drop) about 40 times earnings and the local guys are NOT getting rich off this stuff (I know two in Seattle selling at Net Asset Value). The ISP business is not highly profitable as it is. The president can "require" all of us to wear yellow stars but that doesn't mean its gonna happen. There isn't enough money for this. > Expect this tracking to include people who talk about "rights" and the "2nd > Amendment." Expect it to include *us*. > snip > message that traverses the Internet or subscriber private network be scanned > for prohibited concepts, words or other content tokens. This is a > no-brainer. I'm sure they already have the methodology worked out. I have LONG (Hussein) assumed (bomb) this (Milosevic) happens (Korea) now. Guess how we can (Tariq) change (Pakistan) the economics (India) of this in our (viral) favor? The people of this country sadly haven't woken up yet to the critical nature of their right to self defense. But the DO understand the right to freedom of expression and more then one person I know (not all gun folks) paste a collection of spook words at the bottom of their email just to foil attempts to track phrases. Who knows, maybe nobodies listening (great!) but if someone is a few thousand of the millions using the net can dramatically change the economics of trying to track words. And that aint no chopped (virally infected and mascerated) liver! If the president wants to play around with the constitutional right to freedom of expression then -bring- -it- -on-, he will wake the wrath of the people like no foe of freedom before! > Yes, it's a direct violation of the 1st Amendment, but the government will > claim that illegal conversations HAVE NO 1ST AMENDMENT PROTECTION. So, all > Internet communications (web site downloads, email ads, chat room > conversations) will be scanned, on the off chance that they might be > involving the sale of medicine, guns, etc. And who knows what other > information content will be included? Cool, a -much- easier battle for freedom then the continuing "divide and conquer" war of dripping water waged so succesfully against liberty for so long. > Finally, note who is on the "working group." At least two of them are on > record for wanting to ease controls against spying on the public. Remember > the Clipper Chip? Remember the phrase "down in flames"? > Recomendations: > > (1) Time to write your "bosses" and "rulers" (those are Claire Wolfe's terms > for "elected representatives" -- see her book "Don't Shoot the Bastards > (Yet)") and complain vociferously. It probably won't stop the anti freedom > juggernut, but enough noise might get it before the public. Good advice at any time. > (2) Time to start using PGP or other encryption routinely. It won't stop > the NSA from decoding messages, but strong encryption will make it more > difficult. Universal and routinely encrypted messages (using strong > encryption) will raise the ante and possibly defeat the system. Excellent advice, I generate a new key each January and put the public one up on the servers with that years current date as my middle initial. So, to validate that this message was from me, install PGP, then use it to get the public key for "Boyd 99 Kneeland". Its fun, and again it -dramatically- changes the economics of snooping. There are lists- of very intelectual people finding new ways to push this, to gaurantee our privacy and to extend personal liberty through technology. Sure, we face a government that doesn't much like that. But the -smart- guys (like Phil Zimmerman) are on OUR side IMNSDHO. > (3) Several years ago, there was a discussion on this list concerning > setting up our own dial up private bulletin board *off* the Internet. Maybe > this should be reconsidered. Please keep such systems connected to the net until you have -proof- that traffic in them is being used against users. Balkanizing our communications will only serve to -help- anti freedom forces until such a time. > (4) ASSUME THAT EVERY MESSAGE SENT ON THIS LIST IS BEING READ BY AN ATF OR > FBI AGENT WHO HAS SURRIPTIOUSLY SUBSCRIBED VIA THE NORMAL CHANNELS. Phrase > your messages accordingly. Of course! You are speaking in the town square here. Don't think agents of the government are so stupid they can't figure out how to subscribe to a list like you did. Neither should we assume they are all evil cloak wearing blood suckers. For the ones who arent; please remember your oathes and decide for yourself what is important in your life and for the future of your country. For the Horiuchis out there; we're glad you are literate and hope you get the message. > Jim Zoes > > "In God We Trust -- Everyone Else We Keep Under Constant Surveillance." > > [New motto for US currency, as proposed by the Richmond > Times-Dispatch (Virginia), February 21, 1999, in light of the "Know > Your Customer" proposal] Yet another evil proposal appropriately shot down in flames. Lets make sure it doesn't resurrect. committe creation EO snipped. All of my comments are my opinion alone. -Boyd -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0 Charset: noconv iQA/AwUBN6/iAB+71fwppszUEQI4dQCgx5M+j+KD3WFzKdsE7nbewV922yUAn3vR FU8CmOU51WOExNvMrbDwczV4 =J7MD -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Tax rebellion suggestion (fwd) Date: 11 Aug 1999 15:35:10 PST On Aug 11, me too wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] This is not directly related to any topic we are presently discussing, and it is not my habit to forward messages just because some one asked me to. I am making an exception in this case, because the idea really appeals to me, and I hope it will to you all, also. The idea is to send a tea bag to our representatives (NOT "law-makers" as they prefer being called) in the Federal government, as a reminder of the Boston Tea Party. Some people may not like everything that the originating group (Christian Coalition) stands for. Some of you are not even Christians. Even if you don't like the group, but you do the idea, please take part in it. I have already told them that it might make me choke to use the words, "Honourable" and "Trent Lott" in the same sentence, but I will send the tea bag. (LOL! my spell check keeps trying to replace "Lott" with "Loot". It's smarter than I thought.) Eeema ----------------------------original message--------------------- >Dear Friends: > >I am tired of hearing my President say that I don't want or need the >proposed $792 billion tax cut. It is my money and I want to keep it! >So as acting Director of Christian Coalition of Florida I am declaring >a tea bag tax rebellion. In the spirit of the Boston tea party of December >16, 1773, I am asking every American who wants his to keep his hard earned >money rather than leave it in the hands of greedy government bureaucrats to >flood Washington with tea bags. > >Mail the first tea bag to: > >President Bill Clinton >1600 Pennsylvania Avenue >Washington, DC 20500. > >Include a note that says something like "Mr. President please don't veto my >tax cut. If you do I am asking the Congress to close down the government as >the patriots did Boston harbor in 1773 to protest the tea tax. I want every >cent of my $792 billion tax cut. > >Send a second tea bag to the Speaker of the House, >The Honorable J. Dennis Hastert >2263 Rayburn House Office Building >Washington, DC 20515. > >Include a note that says something like "Rep Hastert please don't give up >on my tax cut. If you have to close down the government as the patriots >closed Boston harbor in 1773 to protest the tea tax, I want every cent of >my $792 billion tax cut without breaking the budget agreement. >I will support you in this effort. > >Send a third tea bag to the Senate Majority Leader , >The Honorable Trent Lott >487 Russell Senate Office Building >Washington, DC 20510 >Include the same message you sent to Speaker Hastert. > >You may also want to send a tea bag and message to your own Congressman and >Senators. You can look up their addresses at > >Then forward this message to everyone on your e-mail list and e-mail me >back at to let me know that you are taking part in the >tea bag tax rebellion of 1999. > >With your help, we will get our tax cut! > >Yours for good government > >Bob West >Acting Director >Christian Coalition of Florida > > >If you wish to contribute to Christian Coalition please go to > > >If you wish to Volunteer please go to > If there's duct tape left on the roll, there is still work to be done. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Tax rebellion suggestion (fwd) Date: 11 Aug 1999 19:23:12 PST A pointer for those who are going to send their, "Boston Teabag", and , "I want my Tax Cut!", note, and would also like to send a whole, "box o' bags", but consider the phone book to be too, sophomoric: Try sending in some in the name of your favorite Local Liberal Democreatures. You can be sure they'll _love_ any replies thanking them for support of the Tax Cut.....:-) -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lew Glendenning" Subject: RE: Tax rebellion suggestion (fwd) Date: 12 Aug 1999 08:18:58 -0700 This would not be entirely honest. I do not support degrading the culture further. Lew > -----Original Message----- > From: > []On Behalf Of Bill Vance > Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 8:23 PM > To: > Subject: Re: Tax rebellion suggestion (fwd) > > > A pointer for those who are going to send their, "Boston Teabag", and , "I > want my Tax Cut!", note, and would also like to send a whole, > "box o' bags", > but consider the phone book to be too, sophomoric: > > Try sending in some in the name of your favorite Local Liberal > Democreatures. > > You can be sure they'll _love_ any replies thanking them for > support of the > Tax Cut.....:-) > > -- > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > ---------- > ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** > ----------------+----------+--------------------------+----------- > ---------- > An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no > weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his > hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a > on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | > sword.--Jesus Christ > ----------------+----------+--------------------------+----------- > ---------- > > - > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: RE: Tax rebellion suggestion (fwd) Date: 12 Aug 1999 11:13:50 PST Well, there _was_ a smiley face at the end.....:-) On Aug 12, Lew Glendenning wrote: >This would not be entirely honest. > >I do not support degrading the culture further. > >Lew > >> -----Original Message----- >> From: >> []On Behalf Of Bill Vance >> Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 8:23 PM >> To: >> Subject: Re: Tax rebellion suggestion (fwd) >> >> >> A pointer for those who are going to send their, "Boston Teabag", and , "I >> want my Tax Cut!", note, and would also like to send a whole, >> "box o' bags", >> but consider the phone book to be too, sophomoric: >> >> Try sending in some in the name of your favorite Local Liberal >> Democreatures. >> >> You can be sure they'll _love_ any replies thanking them for >> support of the >> Tax Cut.....:-) -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Conference Committee Voting (fwd) (fwd) Date: 13 Aug 1999 11:26:29 PST On Aug 13, Paul M Watson wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ---------- Forwarded message ---------- -- Texas State Rifle Association Email --- August 13, 1999 It's time to direct the telephones, e-mail, and fax machines to the members of the Juvenile Justice Bill Conference Committee. The committee has 26 House Members and 5 Senators. There are 18 Republicans and 13 Democrats. There are 16 with pro-gun voting records and 15 with anti-gun voting records. The antis include enemies like Ted Kennedy, Sheila Jackson, Carolyn McCarthy, and John Conyers. The pro-gun voting records are not pure and three of the Republicans have anti-gun voting records. So, we have our work cut out for us. Here is what we need to do: 1. First, contact your senator and representatives. Ask them not to support any of the gun control measures in the Juvenile Justice Bill. 2. Contact the pro-gun committee members and give them the same message. Thank them for their past voting records. 3. Contact the anti-gun committee members for a show of strength. Tell them that their support for gun control under the guise of doing good is actually doing nothing beyond harassing law abiding gun owners. Prosecuting criminals would be far more effective. This is a big order for each of us. The minimum would be to do number 1. If you can make the time, do number 2. Some of us can do all three. The more the better. The reason that we need to do this is to discourage thinking like a very confident Sen. Kennedy expressed below. In what should come as no surprise to gun owners, Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) threatened that a failure by House and Senate leadership to come to an agreement would not signal an end to continued attacks on law-abiding firearms owners in stating, "If we don't get it done [in conference], we're going to get it done on other pieces of legislation this year." Go to the TSRA web site to see this statement, the contact information, and more at: Please visit the Texas State Rifle Association website: If you wish to no longer receive email from TSRA, please send a message to - To unsubscribe, send a message to, and as the body of the message (plain text, no HTML), send the following: [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: (Fwd) [Fwd: Quote of the day] (fwd) Date: 13 Aug 1999 11:27:44 PST On Aug 13, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- Date sent: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 19:21:59 -0600 "Guns are no more responsible for killing people than the spoon is responsible for making Rosie O'Donnell fat." ========================================================== Mary Lou Seymour Liberty Activists Gulchers guide The Bill of rights For President Support L.Neil Smith [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Re: Family's Y2K Preparations Judged Illegal (fwd) Date: 13 Aug 1999 15:44:35 PST Looks like a potential Condition Red Flap folks. For those unfamiliar with who Norm Olson is, he's a Gunshop owner, Commander of the N. Michigan Militia, a retired Veteran, and S. Baptist Pastor of Freedom CHurch. On Aug 13, Huck wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] It's time to do something folks. I've never been to MI, that's a good enough reason for me at this point in my life. There are also addresses and phone numbers so some of you might want to help that way. This is a bit lengthy, but please read it all. Thanks! Huck > From: Norm Olson > Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 07:43:52 -0400 > > Please. I need everyone's help to distribute this material. > Please send it to every organization that is involved with > land rights, Y2K planning, child abuse prevention, > everywhere. > > The following are the Press Releases sent last night. > > If any recipient has the ability to forward these press releases > to media or interests that might be interested in a headline such > as: > "JUDGE RULES Y2K PREPARATIONS ILLEGAL, PUTTING > FAMILY OF EIGHT IN PERIL" > > then by all means, please get these press releases out. > > If any recipient wants to call the tyrants who are destroying this > family, here are the principles: > > Bill Westcott, Township Supervisor 231-634-7372 > Clover Schlund, Clerk (the leader of the pack, also the > next door neighbor to the Stitts. > Can't stand the Stitts and their > animals as neighbors. Uses > position as Clerk to foment > persecution of them) 231-634-7500 > Gary Wagner, Trustee 231-634-7240 > David Rittinger, Zoning Inspector 231-634-7260 > Cheryl Stevenson, Treasurer 231-634-7200 > Lani White, Trustee (who is also the teacher who stands to > lose her salary because the children > were withdrawn from the school) > 231-634-7440 > > The Press Releases: > > PRESS RELEASE - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE > Contacts: Norman Olson, 231-548-5878, Mike & Chris Stitt > 231-634-7030, Clover Schlund, Township Clerk 231-634-7500, > Bill Westcott, Supervisor, 231-634-7372, Township Attorney > c/o Peck & Assoc. 906-635-6286 > > Island Officials May Try to Block Militia on Saturday > Emergency Strategy Meeting by Township Held > Echoes from Ruby Ridge and Waco heard > > Bois Blanc Island, MI (August 12) - An emergency meeting of the > Bois Blanc Township board was called today to plan a strategy to > deal with the Northern Michigan Regional Militia. Graham Whipple, > Sheriff of Bois Blanc Island attended. > What started as a show of support to a beleagured family may > be taking on a more ominous and frightening spectre. The militia > is determined to stand with Michael and Christine Stitt and their > six children in opposition to a Township Board and the County that > is waging a war of persecution against them. On Saturday, > August 14, the militia will attempt to assemble on the Stitt's > property. Last week, the commander, Norman Olson and chief of > staff, Ray Southwell went to the island to measure the severity > of the problem and the potential for confrontation. Olson said in > a press release Thursday, "I can tell you that this situation is > becoming frightenly like Waco and Ruby Ridge. We have a > family being driven into the ground by a vindictive and hateful > government body. The family is determined to stand their ground. > They have no choice, no where to go, no one to help. The court > and deceitful lawyers have forced this family into a corner. If > they comply and dispose of all their animals and garden, they > place their children at great risk. If they refuse to comply they > will be arrested and jailed for contempt and possibly lose their > children. They've asked me for help. I can't say no. The > battlelines are forming and escalation may result in another > armed standoff...this time with well trained militia defending > a helpless family. I'm deeply troubled that this little matter > might turn into another Waco or Ruby ridge. It starts like that, > you know, and before we can stop it, it takes on its own energy. > In the aftermath, we analyze where the mistakes were made > and we vow to prevent it from happening again. Well, it is > happening and I'm trying to stop it." > The problem has a simple solution, but the township board > refuses to negotiate with Olson who offered to withdraw the > militia if a 1-year variance or waver is granted to the Stitts > to keep their animals and buildings and garden on their 37-acre > property on Bois Blanc Island near Mackinaw. "Is it too much to > ask that a frightened family be given one year to ride out Y2K? > Is it too much to ask that the children be told they can stay and > that mom and dad are not criminals? Is a township board so > insensitive that it cannot understand that people are frightened > about Y2K and the animals and garden are the means of > preparation to survive?" > On Saturday, the militia will go to Bois Blanc Island. > No one knows what to expect between now and October 7, > the deadline imposed by the District Court of Mackinaw County. > Olson said late Thursday night, "I pray that Waco and Ruby > Ridge are far behind us, but I fear that cold unfeeling and > corrupted government bureaucrats are everywhere. First it was > Idaho, then Texas. Let the record show that I have tried to offer > a fair and rational solution. Failing that, the next American > nightmare may come to Michigan. > > End Press Release > > **************************************** > PRESS RELEASE - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE > Contacts: Norman Olson, 231-548-5878, Mike & Chris > Stitt 231-634-7030, Clover Schlund, Township Clerk 231-634-7500, > Bill Westcott, Supervisor, 231-634-7372, Township Attorney c/o > Peck & Assoc. 906-635-6286 > > Militia to Invade Bois Blanc Island? > Residents may get more than they bargained for by > ordering family off island. > > Alanson, MI (August 12) - Four years ago, Mike and Chris Stitt > moved to Bois Blanc Island. They were warmly welcomed by > the township government then. But Mike and Chris are self-sufficient > folks with a strong religious background. They wanted to get away > from downstate. They needed to prepare for Y2K. Now the township > wants them to leave. The reason? They dared to plant a garden, > erect a barn and raise chickens, and emus, and goats to survive > what they believe is God's coming judgment on America. They > have 6 children, all living with them. The majority of neighbors > support the Stitt family and find no fault with their garden or animals. > In fact, they buy the eggs and homemade bread Chris provides. > But the board members have labeled the Stitts as "too religious and > odd." To rid themselves of Mike, Chris, and the children, they've > refused to grant a variance. It seems zoning doesn't allow animals > or a large garden on the Stitt's 37 acre piece of wilderness. > Money is also involved. The one-room school house had only the > Stitt children as students. When Mike and Chris chose to educate > them at home, the island lost $45,000 in school revenue. > The Stitt family has resolved to stay, even though the township > refuses to give them the variance necessary to keep the garden and > the animals. But the clock is ticking and the court has ordered them > to dispose of animals, buildings, pens, and even the manure. If not, > they face contempt charges, jail time, and a fine of $500 per day. > Their property will be liened by the township. > Enter the militia. Last week, Norman Olson, Commander of the > Northern Michigan Regional Militia, dressed in camouflage and > driving a camouflaged truck visited the Stitts. Ray Southwell, his > Chief of Staff went with. After discussing the hopelessness of a > resolution, Mike offered to turn the property over to the militia as > a training facility. > The Township attempted to have the Stitts physically removed > by June of next year. Circuit Court Judge Nicholas Lambro said > he could not force someone to leave but agreed in court that the > Stitts apply all reasonable efforts to sell out. Mike and Chris don't > want to leave and still have a great love for the island and majority > of the people who live there. "It's just a handful of powerful people > who are being swayed by money and prejudice," Chris said. "We > sacrificed all we had to get away from that. Zoning wasn't an issue > four years ago even when they knew what we had in mind. They > still received us with open arms. We were celebrities with our > team of oxen. Hundreds of people came to see us and our animals. > But that's all changed and the people who used to buy our eggs > now file suits against us. We've spent all we have to defend > ourselves in court, but to no avail. There are powerful and corrupt > interests on this island and now we face being bulldozed off our > land. My children are frightened and uneasy. Winter is coming. > We have no where else to go." > Olson plans to deploy the militia to the island on Saturday, > August 14, to do site survey work and to show support for the > beleagured family. He has also scheduled time to address the > Township concerning the Stitt family. "A training facility on the > island is possible if the township forces the Stitts off. We hope > the township will make peace with Mike and Chris and provide > them with a variance they need to keep their animals. It's live > and let live as far as I can see. If the Stitts are forced to leave, > they may dispose of the property in any way they may choose. > After a few months of the militia, perhaps the people would welcome > the Stitts back to their island home. As they say, the ball is in the > Township's court. I hope there is compromise and reconciliation > between the parties involved." > During his visit to the island, Olson tried to talk with Clover > Schlund, Township Clerk, but she refused to talk with him. Later > he called Bill Westcott, the Supervisor, but Westcott refused to > discuss the matter and hung up the phone. > End Press Release > > **************************************** > > PRESS RELEASE - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE > Contacts: Norman Olson, 231-548-5878, Mike & Chris Stitt > 231-634-7030, Clover Schlund, Township Clerk 231-634-7500, > Bill Westcott, Supervisor, 231-634-7372, Township Attorney > c/o Peck & Assoc. 906-635-6286 > > Family's Y2K Preparations Judged Illegal - > Y2K Preparations Turn Into Nightmare- > Family with Children may lose everything > because of they've prepared too well. > > Bois Blanc Island, MI (August 12) - Two years ago Mike and > Chris Stitt got very serious about Y2K. They built a barn and > bought animals. They planted a large garden for their 6 children. > They have chickens, and emus, and goats and sell eggs. Now > they are totally self-reliant and prepared to face a Y2K emergency > on their remote island property in northern Lake Huron. > But in preparing for the worst, they have brought the worst > upon themselves. The township wants them to dispose of their > animals, tear down the barn, burn or bury everything. They have > less than 60 days. Zoning doesn't allow animals or gardening > on the Stitt's 37 acre piece of wilderness property. > Bois Blanc Island sits halfway between the upper and lower > peninsulas of Michigan, about 5 miles from Cheboygan. The 7 > by 13 mile island is inhabited by less than 60 year around > residents. In spite of the fact that the Stitts are gifted craftsmen, > experienced with raising animals, vegetables, and children, > the zoning prohibits agriculture. Oddly, neither the state nor > the county has considered what to do when residents' precautions > about Y2K violate zoning and other ordinances, but some citizens > have already raised the question. Benjamin Thompson, Mackinaw > County FEMA coordinator says that residents must comply with > zoning and ordinances, Y2K preparation notwithstanding. Many > people would disagree. > Norman Olson, Commander of the Northern Michigan Regional > Militia, alerted Governor John Engler of this potential conflict > more than a year ago. In a letter to the Governor, Olson warned > of possible conflicts between existing laws and the critical nature > of Y2K in Michigan. Issues brought to the Governor's attention > included people who want to keep animals for food and keeping > large quantities of fuels on residential property. But nothing has > been done to provide relief for citizens. > Olson is now involved in negotiating a settlement between > Mackinaw County, Bois Blanc Township, and the Stitt family. > "This is sheer madness," Olson said in a press release from > militia headquarters, "here the government is urging people to > prepare for Y2K, but if they do, they will be fined and persecuted > by petty bureaucrats and judges because of insane zoning > restrictions. Whoever enforces zoning in the face of the coming > crisis ought to be tarred and feathered and run out of town. Peoples' > lives are in danger and the persecution of the Stitt family is a > prime example of governmental abuse at its worst. If I must, I > will stand in front of the county bulldozers with a weapon rather > than have that family forced into the snow. And there are a few > hundred who will probably stand with me! It's crazy to enforce > zoning that prevents families from preparing for possible power > and food shortages." The township's attorney Lyle Peck said in a > letter to Olson, "There is nothing that prevents the people on the > island from fishing should Y2K occur." Peck should know that ice > piles more than 15-feet high around the island. Relying on fishing > would mean starvation to a family of eight. "Apparently Peck thinks > this is a joke..a game. This is no joke, I can assure him!" Olson says. > The Stitt family has resolved to stay and will not comply with the > court's order to have their complete farm disposed of by October 7th, > the court's imposed deadline. The clock is ticking and Mackinaw > County has threatened to remove the barn and animals and family > by court order, if necessary. Failing to meet the deadline will put > the property in jeopardy. Fines and liens will be imposed. Mom > and Dad will go to jail for contempt of court. > The judge and the Township have recommended that the Stitts > sell the property and get out. Mike and Chris don't want to leave > and still have a great love for the island and majority of the people > who live there. "It's just a handful of powerful people who are > being swayed by money and prejudice," Chris said. "We sacrificed > all we had to get away from that. Zoning wasn't an issue when we > came to the island. The people received us with open arms. > But that's all changed and the people who used to buy our eggs > and chickens now file suits against us. There are powerful and > corrupt interests on this island. What can we do?" > Olson says that the militia will stand by the Stitts. "We are at > a critical stage in preparing for what may be a great crisis in our > land. To force a family off it's farm now is a criminal act. Zoning > must give way when there is an emergency like Y2K involved. > Give the Stitt family a zoning waver or variance for 1 year. By > next summer, we'll know about Y2K. Enforce the zoning now and > you'll have angry people from around the nation to contend with. > The Stitt family has decided to stand and with God's help, > we'll stand with them. > End Press Release > > Thank You for your help. Please get the word out.... > Please help the Stitt Family... Please prevent > another Waco. > > --------- End forwarded message ---------- [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: LEGAL drugs and guns (fwd) Date: 14 Aug 1999 10:20:45 PST Well, here it is with docs, citations, and URL's. On Aug 14, ataylor@NMSU.Edu wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] -----Original Message----- Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 7:45 PM Andy, As a private security professional, I have the opportunity to view various bits and pieces of information that passes across my desk. I have recently come across a firearms-rights angle that, honestly comes somewhat out of the blue! > As an example, (somewhat unverified) intelligence data that has come my > way indicates that Al Gore is currying the favor of financial institutions > who fund pharmaceutical companies (and major media like Time Magazine) to > finance his bid for the presidency. He is so eager to advance the > financial interests' drug companies' propaganda line that blames "the gun" > to hide the violence CAUSED by mind-altering psychiatric drugs that he has > made some real serious mistakes in the media. His latest is his blunder > in advancing the anti-gunners line to prohibit under 21 year olds to > purchase a handgun (already prohibited by earlier legislation) that you > may have heard about. > > This evening another "dot" in the puzzle is to be aired on the 60 Minutes > II TV program. It's a follow-up to an earlier program, Unsafe Haven. > Have you heard about it? > > Best, > David F. Wiegand > ________________________________________________________________ FIREARM OWNERS - WARNING! BEWARE MIND ALTERING PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS Firearm Owners, As mouth pieces for the psychiatric industry, some US national leaders promote the lie that firearms, video games, and the entertainment industry are at the root of the recent rise in the number of violent incidents in society. The psychiatric industry wrongly points to anything BUT the role their dangerous and damaging mind altering drugs have in promoting that violence. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, "snake oil" peddlers traveled about selling "elixirs" that could "cure" all sorts of aliments. They seemed to work for a while, until the withdrawal of the cocaine or heroin content of these "miracle" drugs kicked in. By that time, the snake oil peddlers had left for parts unknown and were far beyond the long arm of the law and the injured victim. The bio-psychiatrist in a medical smock is the modern candy flavored "snake oil" peddler. The illicit drug dealer operates outside the law peddling drugs that are well known for their harmful effects. Psychiatric drug dealers operate under cover of legality, behind the facade of a medical authority and sham scientific pretense, and with the backing of the very "best" people. Not all medical professionals are drug peddlers. Many medical doctors recognize the harmful effects of mind altering psychiatric drugs and work to get people safely off them. As an example; Dr. Mary Ann Block, medical director of the Block Center in the Dallas/Fort Worth area is the author of No More Ritalin: Treating ADHD Without Drugs, A Mother's Journey, A Physician's Approach. You can access The Block Center in the Internet at: It is becoming more and more evident that drug companies like Eli Lilly have twisted and distorted studies and drug trials in order to get Federal approval for their highly profitable psychiatric drugs. One law firm that has documented this in the courts is Baum, Hedlund, Aristei, Guilford & Downey, on the web at The psychiatric profession itself knows about the dangerous "rebound effects" of psychiatric drugs and fails to adequately inform potential consumers in their pursuit of profit. Some psychiatrists, who have had the courage and ethics to put patient welfare before profit, have called for an end to the unholy alliance between psychiatry and the psychiatric drug companies. Check out this December 4, 1998 letter from Loren Mosher, M.D., a respected, long time member of the American Psychiatric Association. Psychiatric drug companies absolutely do not want ANYONE to know that their drugs harm. They have teams of media/marketing types (drug detailers or jobbers), who respond to tragedies like we have seen recently, who down play the relationship between psychiatric drug use and violence, and who turn aside this public knowledge, and BLAME THE GUN! Who finances much of the propaganda aimed at gun "control'? Just look at those who PUSH for such things as mandated mental health insurance parity, mandated psychiatrists and psychologists in our public schools, forced psychiatric drugging, mandatory psychological testing for a carry permit, the list goes on and on. Moreover, just who are these people? Who are these people indeed? They are the same people who lobby for restrictive gun control! Check out this article by David Bresnahan on the WorldNetDaily page, Doping Our Kids, at: html The media is slowly waking up to the fraud, deceit, and outright lawlessness of some psychiatrists. Recently a CBS 60 Minutes II program documented numerous cases of medical fraud and assault at Charter psychiatric facilities. Unsafe Haven is on the web at: The Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT ran a series of articles about how innocent children are often injured or killed in psychiatric institutions by untrained psychiatric workers. Psychiatric institutions are not obligated to report deaths or injuries, as are most legitimate businesses. You can downloaded the articles from: From first-hand knowledge, the private investigative industry knows that psychiatrists and psychologists lead all other "medical professionals" in cases of insurance fraud. Several of the larger insurance companies have even set up Special Investigative Units (SIUs) to combat the rampant fraud by psychiatrists and psychologists. Many legal professionals know very well that the non-existent "symptoms" in the psychiatric billing bible, the DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, are so vague and generalized as to be worthless. This manual relies on totally subjective criteria that are voted on by psychiatrists. No objective, scientific or physical duplicable proof exists for any of the billing codes listed. The manual is simply a billing manual, nothing more. Even the legal profession recognizes the fraud of psychiatry. Check out the article by Dana Levitt, of Alschuler, Grossman, Stein & Kahan, Cross-Examine the Plaintiff's Psychiatric Expert, an article on how to refute the "expert" testimony of a psychiatrist at: If you have a psychiatric history you generally may not obtain a carry permit, (CCW). You may not join the armed service or obtain a license to practice many professions. And that is exactly how the psychiatric drug industry wants it. Disarmed, unable to participate in the defense of your country, and unable to obtain in many cases a license and permit to operate in your chosen profession, you are now under the control of the psychiatric industry and their dangerous mind-altering drugs. If you are a firearm owner, DO NOT TAKE MIND-ALTERING PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS! If you are taking psychiatric drugs, GET OFF THEM under a doctor's care. And if you know someone who is taking psychiatric drugs, urge them to get off them. If you do not, you may be the next psychiatric drug violence victim. Wake up gun owners. The drug-peddling psychiatrist is NOT your friend! Best, David F. Wiegand Private Security Industry Professional Gun Owners of America Life Member National Rifle Association Life Member Law Enforcement Alliance of America Life Member PO BOX 20850 OAKLAND CA 94620 [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kenneth Mitchell Subject: Yet Another Gun Poll Online Date: 14 Aug 1999 14:39:44 -0700 This one asks: "Should jurors opposed to gun control laws refuse to convict defendants even if they have clearly broken gun laws?" Ken Mitchell Citrus Heights, CA 916-955-9152 (vm) 916-729-0966 (fax) -------------- "Compared to the Clintons, Reagan is living proof than a Republican with half a brain is better than a Democrat with two." P.J. O'Rourke Buy This Stamp! Worried about the "Good Times" or "AOL4FREE" viruses? Check out the Urban Legends page at for the facts! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Yet Another Gun Poll Online Date: 14 Aug 1999 15:52:41 PST Hey Ken; Hows about supplying more accurate URL's from this bunch? Every time I try to follow up on your notices I can never find the right poll..... On Aug 14, Kenneth Mitchell wrote: > > >This one asks: "Should jurors opposed to gun control laws refuse to convict >defendants even if they have clearly broken gun laws?" > > >------------------------------------------------------------------- >Ken Mitchell Citrus Heights, CA >916-955-9152 (vm) 916-729-0966 (fax) >-------------- >"Compared to the Clintons, Reagan is living proof than a Republican >with half a brain is better than a Democrat with two." > P.J. O'Rourke >------------------------------------------------------------------- >Buy This Stamp! >------------------------------------------------------------------- >Worried about the "Good Times" or "AOL4FREE" viruses? Check out the >Urban Legends page at for the facts! -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Yet Another Gun Poll Online Date: 14 Aug 1999 22:40:21 -0400 The one Ken gave worked fine for me! (Mac Netscape 4.0) Chad --On Sat, Aug 14, 1999 15.52 +0000 Bill Vance wrote: > Hey Ken; > > Hows about supplying more accurate URL's from this bunch? Every time I > try to follow up on your notices I can never find the right poll..... > > On Aug 14, Kenneth Mitchell wrote: > >> >> >> This one asks: "Should jurors opposed to gun control laws refuse to >> convict defendants even if they have clearly broken gun laws?" >> >> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Ken Mitchell Citrus Heights, CA >> 916-955-9152 (vm) 916-729-0966 (fax) >> -------------- >> "Compared to the Clintons, Reagan is living proof than a Republican >> with half a brain is better than a Democrat with two." >> P.J. O'Rourke >> ------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Buy This Stamp! >> ------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Worried about the "Good Times" or "AOL4FREE" viruses? Check out the >> Urban Legends page at for the facts! > > -- > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > --- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** > ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------ > --- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who > hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon > sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment > and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | > sword.--Jesus Christ > ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------ > --- > > - > Pengar Enterprises, Inc. and Shire.Net LLC Web and Macintosh Consulting -- full service web hosting Chad Leigh - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Yet Another Gun Poll Online Date: 14 Aug 1999 20:35:51 PST I don't use the Amiga for browsing, I use Netscape Navigator on my Linux machine for that. All I get is their home page, no poll. Same last time, too. :-( On Aug 14, Kenneth Mitchell wrote: >At 03:52 PM 8/14/1999 PST, you wrote: >>Hey Ken; >> >>Hows about supplying more accurate URL's from this bunch? Every time I try >>to follow up on your notices I can never find the right poll..... >> >>On Aug 14, Kenneth Mitchell wrote: >> >>> >>> >>>This one asks: "Should jurors opposed to gun control laws refuse to convict >>>defendants even if they have clearly broken gun laws?" > >Hmmm. It worked for me, and I just tried it again, using both Internet >Explorer and Netscape Navigator. Which web browser are you using? And I >wonder if your Amiga mail program might not be mangling the URL's? Try >copying the URL and pasting it into your browser manually. > >Sorry about the inconvenience; I test the URL's I send by copying them from >the browser, pasting them into an e-mail message that I send to myself, and >checking to make sure that the URL I get back in e-mail is still the one I >wanted. Only then do I actually send out the e-mail message. > >You can still get there by going to, and then >following the links Society/Culture to Issues/Causes to Civil Liberties >and then choose the "Guns & Juries Poll" at the bottom of the page. Huh! Now it works. Something must be a bit hoaky, but whether it's a system problem or my typing or what, I couldn't say. Guess I'll just have to keep trying it from time to time..... -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Cloyes Subject: Re: Yet Another Gun Poll Online Date: 15 Aug 1999 09:56:03 -0400 Me too==PC Netscape 4.03 Tom At 10:40 PM 8/14/99 -0400, you wrote: >The one Ken gave worked fine for me! (Mac Netscape 4.0) > >Chad > >--On Sat, Aug 14, 1999 15.52 +0000 Bill Vance >wrote: > >> Hey Ken; >> >> Hows about supplying more accurate URL's from this bunch? Every time I >> try to follow up on your notices I can never find the right poll..... >> >> On Aug 14, Kenneth Mitchell wrote: >> >>> >>> >>> This one asks: "Should jurors opposed to gun control laws refuse to >>> convict defendants even if they have clearly broken gun laws?" >>> >>> >>> ------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> Ken Mitchell Citrus Heights, CA >>> 916-955-9152 (vm) 916-729-0966 (fax) >>> -------------- >>> "Compared to the Clintons, Reagan is living proof than a Republican >>> with half a brain is better than a Democrat with two." >>> P.J. O'Rourke >>> ------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> Buy This Stamp! >>> ------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> Worried about the "Good Times" or "AOL4FREE" viruses? Check out the >>> Urban Legends page at for the facts! >> >> -- >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> --- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** >> ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------ >> --- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who >> hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon >> sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment >> and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | >> sword.--Jesus Christ >> ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------ >> --- >> >> - >> > > > >Pengar Enterprises, Inc. and Shire.Net LLC >Web and Macintosh Consulting -- full service web hosting >Chad Leigh > > > >- > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: The Tyrants are Running For Cover. ATTACK! (fwd) Date: 15 Aug 1999 08:21:13 PST On Aug 15, Huck wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > From: Norm Olson > Subject: The Tyrants are Running For Cover. ATTACK! > Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 19:06:15 -0400 > > TO ALL: > > The calling campaign is driving the tyrants nutz. They've > countered by putting answering machines on their lines. > > A caller from New Zealand tried to get through to no avail. > He tried again. Still nothing. He called Christine Stitt and > asked for the names and numbers of the Governor's office, > and also the office of the Representatives for that district. > > GREAT IDEA! On Monday Morning, Please pummel > the following offices with calls. > > "Here's what to say. "I am _____________, calling from > ____________. I am calling to ask you to intervene > immediately in the matter of the Township of Bois Blanc > Island (pronounced Bo Blanc) v. Mike and Christine > Stitt. Do not let the persecution of this family continue. > Prevent another Ruby Ridge from happening. Thank you." > > I will be following this message later this evening with > a status report of the mission to the Island today. > > Here are some numbers. > Governor John Engler (R) 517-373-3400 > Lieutenant Goveror Dick Posthumus (R) 517-373-6800 > State Senator Walter North (R) 517-373-2413 > State Rep. Scott Shackleton (R) (toll free) > 1-877-726-8810 > Attorney General Jennifer Granholm (D) 517-373-1110 > > I would suggest you focus on Scott Shackleton since > he's got a toll free number. Have a ball everyone. > Call Every Day. You are driving these people crazy. > > Keep it up. > > PS. Chris and Mike were in tears today because of > your overwhelming support. Calls are coming in from > around the world. > > Chris will be doing talk radio. Some people are contacting > her. If you know broadcasters and hosts, call them and > have them do an interview with Christine. > > Christine Stitt's number is 231-634-7030. If you want > to give her a call of encouragement, please do. > > May God Bless All Our Patriots > > Norman Olson, Commander > Northern Michigan Regional Militia > Pastor, Freedom Church > > ________________________________________________________________ [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Sylvester Subject: War Warning-China?? Stratfor Weekly Analysis Date: 15 Aug 1999 22:29:03 -0500 ___________________________________________ Visit Stratfor's NEW Middle East & Africa Intelligence Center ___________________________________________ STRATFOR's Global Intelligence Update Weekly Analysis August 16, 1999 China's Available Military Options and its Relations with the U.S. Summary: Last week saw an intense campaign by China to warn anyone who would listen that it was going to take some sort of military action against Taiwan. We tend to believe them. We do not think that there will be an invasion, but several other military options present themselves. Given the public threats it has made, China must take some action. Beijing's credibility is now on the line. The United States says that it will intervene, while simultaneously claiming that China will not take action. On Saturday, a U.S. State Department official met with the Dalai Lama, China's mortal enemy. The U.S. is now committed to defending Taiwan, having said on record that the Chinese are bluffing and having publicly met with the Dalai Lama in the middle of all of this. China believes that the United States is trying to "Kosovo" it. Meanwhile, Johnny Chung is saying that the Democrats Counsel on the Government Reform and Oversight Committee gave him advice on how to take the Fifth Amendment. Things are, as they say, getting interesting. Analysis: China launched an intense and very public campaign last week designed to convince the world in general - and Taiwan and the U.S. in particular - that it intends to take military action against Taiwan in response to its stance on statehood. Newspapers throughout the world were filled with reports of statements made by Chinese diplomats and journalists to the effect that China was committed to taking military action against Taiwan in order to punish it. The Communist Party newspaper in Hong Kong reported, for example, that the "military situation was a lot more serious than what the outside world was aware of," and that China had identified 200 military targets on Taiwan. Troops were ostentatiously put on alert. Chinese warnings of inevitable military action against Taiwan were delivered to the U.S. as well. We take these warnings seriously. We are reminded that many years ago, just prior to China's intervention in the Korean War, Chinese diplomats and journalists delivered warnings in several venues about the consequences of UN forces moving close to the Yalu. Moreover, given the level of public visibility that the Chinese have given to their warning, it will be difficult for China not to act. As we stated last week [ ], we do not think that an invasion of Taiwan itself is possible at the moment. Therefore, the question is what sort of military options are available to China? One option, already discussed by us [ ] has apparently been floated by Chinese officials, is the seizure of two islands, Quemoy and Matsu, that are just off the mainland of China but are controlled by Taiwan. The islands were frequently shelled and threatened during the Cold War. Their seizure would be a high- profile, low-risk operation within the amphibious capabilities of China. A second strategy (or additional dimension to the Quemoy/Matsu move) is the launching of rockets and missiles against Taiwan. Such an attack could consist of anything from a symbolic attack with a small number of missiles against an unpopulated area, to an all-out attack against Taiwan's air and naval forces designed to reduce Taiwan's ability to defend itself against a follow-on amphibious assault. Now, there are two risks to this strategy. The first is in its effectiveness. As the U.S. discovered in Kosovo, there are limits to the effectiveness of air campaigns. To attack and fail is worse then not to attack at all. There is also the risk of Taiwan or U.S. counterstrikes against Chinese installations. If these were effective, the net effect of the campaign on China's strategic position would be disastrous. How confident is China in its aerospace forces? A third option is a campaign against Taiwan's shipping. A full blockade is not possible, but intermittent attacks against merchant vessels (recall the tanker wars in the Persian Gulf) might be possible using missiles, as well as aircraft and submarines to carry out direct attacks and lay mines. The problem with this strategy is that it could strike at the shipping of third powers, such as Europeans. In addition, Taiwan and the U.S. could retaliate by striking at China-bound shipping and mining China's ports. In a geographical sense, China is somewhat more vulnerable in this strategy than Taiwan. We should add here that If the U.S. participated in such a blockade of China, the ability of the Chinese to create problems at the Panama Canal would suddenly become an important variable. Each action has the possibility of a dangerous reaction. China must measure its actions against reactions. Chinese newspapers were full of bravado in the past week. Declaring victory before the war is dangerous, particularly when China cannot know whether they face Taiwan alone or the United States as well. The U.S. did everything it could last week to convince China that the U.S. was on auto- pilot in its Taiwan policy. If Taiwan were attacked, the United States would respond. U.S. Naval officers in the region made it clear that they were prepared, in position and capable of dealing with any Chinese threat. At the same time, in a move intended to infuriate China, a U.S. State Department official met with the Dalai Lama of Tibet in New York. Both the Taiwan and U.S. officials stated that it was their view that China would take no action. National Security Council spokesman David Leavy stated, "It's the United States government's judgment that there aren't any extraordinary developments or signs that there is a mobilization on the PRC's [People's Republic of China] part." The official U.S. view, publicly stated, is that China is bluffing and that its carefully circulated reports of mobilization and inevitable action are untrue. There are three possible explanations for what is going on: 1: U.S. intelligence has information that China not only can't invade Taiwan but that it cannot take any effective military action. Alternatively, the U.S. may be reading China as having the capability but being unwilling to use it. U.S. intelligence may have information that this really is a bluff. 2: The U.S. would welcome Chinese military action as an opportunity for a devastating counterstroke against China. It is engaged in an extensive strategy, going back to the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, designed to provoke China into a rash military move for which the U.S. is poised and ready. 3: There is a massive disconnect between Washington and Beijing concerning the others' concerns, contentions and capabilities. This sort of disconnect has happened numerous times before in U.S.- Chinese relations. It may be happening again. We choose number three. Let's look at the world from China's point of view. U.S. action in Kosovo was a critical breaking point for them. The U.S. had previously worked on a principle established in Haiti and Somalia that it had the right to intervene militarily in sovereign nations on humanitarian grounds. Embedded in that principle was the idea that it would do so with the support of the international community, meaning that there would be essential concurrence or at least neutrality in the members of the Security Council. In Kosovo, this was not the case. The U.S. intervened in the face of open opposition from two Security Council members, China and Russia. In Kosovo, the U.S. established the new principle that through NATO, it could intervene unilaterally into the internal affairs of a sovereign state and partition the country. Furthermore, should another country, even China, use its facilities to provide support for the targeted country, the U.S. was prepared to take direct military action even against their embassy. This told China two things. First, that the U.S. now regarded itself as an independent arbiter of the fate of nations. Second, that China would not be treated differently in any way from Serbia or Somalia. After Kosovo, China saw itself in the cross-hairs of U.S. policy, for several reasons: 1: China has two regional insurrections of varying levels underway. One is among the Moslem population of Xinjiang province; the other is in Tibet. China sees the U.S. as encouraging these insurrections. Having established the precedent of invading Serbia on behalf of the rights of the Kosovo Albanians, China sees the U.S. as having also, logically, asserted the right to intervene in Tibet and Xinjiang if it chooses. 2: Directly in the wake of the Kosovo crisis, Taiwan broke with fifty years of precedent by declaring itself a separate state. China is convinced that Taiwan would not have done this without tacit American approval. They see the U.S. promise to defend Taiwan after the declaration as proof of this proposition. This follows from the Kosovo doctrine as well: the U.S. has the right to redefine the boundaries of nations for moral or humanitarian reasons. 3: The U.S. harbored the leader of Falun Gong in New York. In Chinese dynastic history, numerous insurrections have originated with apparently apolitical sects generating hostility to the regime. In fact, the Chinese are setting up a campaign against a new group, Xiang Gong, which is said to have 30 million members. The Chinese government does not regard the rise of internal opposition as accidental. 4: China sees the U.S. as taking advantage of China's economic problems. This weekend, China's official People's Daily wrote, "An appropriate adjustment in the exchange rate may after all be a policy option if imports significantly exceed exports and push up a trade deficit." China is still in economic trouble. Regimes cannot afford to appear to be weak, particularly when they are. The issue here is how Beijing appears to the Chinese masses. That means that quiet diplomacy that wouldn't give Beijing a public victory is not going to happen. China sees the U.S. as having put into place policies that, if followed logically, would result in U.S. participation in the fragmentation of China. The one legacy of Mao that all Chinese value is that he eliminated the foreign domination and fragmentation of China that had existed for a century. Deng's promise was that he could retain Chinese sovereignty while easing China back into the international economic system. China is undergoing the great test of Deng's doctrine: can China retain its unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty while in economic decline, or will that decline generate disunity, fragmentation and a loss of sovereignty? The central problem is this. The U.S. did far more than save the Albanians. It redefined the region's geopolitics. This affected not only Serbia, but all countries surrounding Serbia. It drew countries like Bulgaria deep into the U.S. orbit at severe geopolitical cost to the Russians. The intention of Kosovo might have been limited. The outcome of Kosovo was a profound shift in regional alignments. Further, China has come to see U.S. peacekeeping operations as covers for expanding U.S. power. It also sees Kosovo as a blueprint for such operations elsewhere in the world, including China. It sees the bombing of the Chinese Embassy as a clear signal that the U.S. no longer distinguishes China from Haiti, Somalia or Serbia. Whether or not the U.S. intends to expand the Kosovo doctrine to China is immaterial. The Chinese view is that every U.S. move signals that the U.S. has a national interest in influencing human rights issues within China's boundaries. China must assume that the U.S. intends to carry that policy to its logical conclusion. If Taiwan is prepared to assert state sovereignty and the U.S. is prepared to defend that assertion militarily, then the U.S. is now prepared to redraw the map of China as it did the map of Serbia. China cannot permit that. It cannot now invade Taiwan, but it can take other measures. It must do something to retain its credibility. A man in Jiang Zemin's position cannot afford to be made to look ridiculous. Now, there is a complicating issue. Johnny Chung, fund raiser for the Clinton campaign, has just stated that he received advice from the Counsel for the Democratic minority on the Government Reform and Oversight Committee prior to his testimony. The advice was about taking the Fifth Amendment prior to congressional testimony. One does not have to be Woodward and Bernstein to know that something stinks here. Clinton has a major China problem. That problem will drive him to be rigid and inflexible in order to protect himself from the charge of being a pawn of China. Now, are the military options for the U.S? The U.S. is far from helpless against China, but there are clear limits to its ability to engage China on its own terrain. China is not Serbia. Its ability to project forces is limited; its ability to operate defensively is not. Moreover, U.S. forces are scattered around the world. They are still carrying out air strikes in Iraq under some policy no one can quite remember. Aircraft and crews are being overhauled and rested from Kosovo. Korea is perennially unstable. Draw downs in budgets are showing themselves in countless ways. Neither China nor the U.S. is ready for an extended and indecisive encounter over Taiwan. It is not clear, however, that the Chinese are in a position to avoid some action. It seems to us that Bill Clinton cannot avoid responding. The danger here is not a short series of unimportant counterstrokes, rapidly passing into history. The danger is that both sides will get tangled in an extended, inconclusive and bloody confrontation. We cannot help but think of the air crews patrolling Iraqi airspace this weekend, eight years after Desert Storm. Decoupling from foreign adventures is not the American strong point. Ignoring challenges to national sovereignty is not the Chinese strong point. China thinks the U.S. wants to "Kosovo" it, to coin a term. The U.S. knows this is ridiculous. The meeting with the Dalai Lama was a courtesy. The Falun Gong leader's presence in New York was a coincidence. Taiwan never consulted the U.S. on its sovereignty statement. The U.S. has nothing to do with shipping arms into Xinjiang. Bombing the Chinese Embassy was an accident. It has occurred to no one in Washington to take advantage of China's economic problems. We're convinced. Now, somebody better tell the Chinese. ___________________________________________________ SUBSCRIBE to FREE, DAILY GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE UPDATES (GIU) or send your name, organization, position, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address to UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THE GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE UPDATES (GIU) ___________________________________________________ STRATFOR.COM 504 Lavaca, Suite 1100 Austin, TX 78701 Phone: 512-583-5000 Fax: 512-583-5025 Internet: Email: ___________________________________________________ (c) 1999, Stratfor, Inc. The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution. ---Doug McKay" Joe Sylvester Don't Tread On Me ! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [richslick] S L I C K Year 4, No. 37 (fwd) Date: 16 Aug 1999 09:11:36 PST On Aug 16, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] =A9 1999 Rich Martin Permission to repost in full, or in part, is granted. You are encouraged to pass this message on to anyone=20 who might be interested in its contents. Better yet, print a=20 copy for a friend who is not on-line. Any and all comments=20 on the subject matter are always welcome. Do not use your reply button if you want everyone to read them. Send them=20 to: To read the comments of others, send me an e-mail with=20 the subj: JOIN Slick-d. I will send you my personal=20 invitation to join the list.=20 From the Desk of Rich Martin P O Box 531918 972/263-6631 Grand Prairie, TX 75053 "The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the=20 destiny of the republican model of government are justly=20 considered deeply, finally, staked on the experiment=20 entrusted to the hands of the American people."=20 George Washington, First Inaugural Address, Apr. 30, 1789 =20 _______________________________________________=20 Happy Birthday Bro, 1999 Buford Furrow. Now that's a name to live in infamy.=20 Child killer. And even unsuccessful at that. Easy to dismiss=20 this as an act as a nut and go on to the next stage,=20 justifying capital punishment. But wait a second, let's=20 collect the facts we know. Besides Furrow being mentally unstable, he is said to=20 be a member of the Aryan Nations in Idaho. The FBI=20 assertions they have infiltrated the "hate group" are=20 undoubtedly true. It seems completely plausible, that the=20 guy claiming to be undercover FBI Agent, and a general in=20 the suspect group, is telling the truth, when he says Furrow=20 was under his command.=20 Now consider this. After completing his "mission", the=20 nut got into a L.A. taxi and paid $800 to bring him to=20 Las Vegas FBI headquarters. I'd be curious how/why a=20 survivalist with serious mental problems even has that much=20 cash, much less, why he chose his destination. Did the idiot=20 think he think he was going to a "safe house"?=20 Sp= t - Buford Furrow=20 How Slick is Slick?=20 The prez used the occasion, as he does at all these=20 tragedies, to call for more gun control. Naturally, they're=20 blaming "unregulated" gun shows as the culprit. How come=20 they knew they could shut down the Sunday Gun Shows by=20 turning off the Feds' Instant Check computer, but still=20 claim these sales are unregulated? If they aren't regulated,=20 how did they track it to a gun show, ask the crazy perp?=20 THE GUN=20 The gun, the gun. Where did Furrow get the gun? Don't=20 know for sure. All we do know it was once the property of a=20 police dept which turned around and sold it---BECAUSE IT WASN'T POWERFUL ENOUGH FOR POLICE WORK. Excuse me. A Glock 9 is not BIG enough? What are they=20 hunting? Gun Owners of=20 America=20 CAMPAIGN REFORM They just don't get it. Jesse Jackson and other liberals=20 act like it's a crime that Steve Forbes spends so much of=20 his own money to tell people what he stands for. It's not=20 the money that's the problem. It's expecting something in=20 return for the contribution, like a missile guidance system.=20 Likewise, anonymous donations in any amount do not corrupt=20 the election process, since there can be no pay off without=20 knowing who the donor was. It's when they give the prez=20 secretary $50K at a WH Coffee Klatch that threatens this=20 nation. 3RD PARTY New Hampshire Sen. Bob Smith announced Tuesday he would=20 run for president as the candidate of the U.S. Taxpayers=20 Party, urging conservatives to "come home" to their core=20 beliefs. Smith quit the Republican Party on July 13. Rumors=20 are, populist Pat Buchanan will also bolt the GOP to seek=20 the candidacies of the Reform Party. MEDIACRATS CNN's Wolf Blitzer gleefully reported that Hillary's=20 "step-grandfather" was Jewish. Is this man crazy, or does he=20 think we're stupid. Hillary's mom was married to a Jew prior=20 to marrying Hillary's father. He's no more a step-anything=20 to Hillary than if you divorced your spouse, and then he/she=20 had a baby with another. The product of that relationship=20 would not be your stepchild, and her/his child would not by=20 your stepchild, as Wolf tried to mislead. One more time. If you got a divorce, had a child with a=20 new partner, your ex would not be the baby's stepparent. CNN=20 is simply trying to suck up to the gullibility of NY Jews,=20 as is their sponsor, Hillary. But you know the worse part, there's many a black who=20 believes Clinton is our first black president; and I suspect the Jewish community will adopt Hillary similarly. MORE CNN (CLINTON NEWS NETWORK)=20 This Sunday, Blitzer was cleverly asking Rep Kasich=20 about Gov Bush refusing to answer the question whether he=20 used cocaine 20 yrs ago. He couched his words cagely, so as=20 to infer it was GOP leaders were demanding an answer. Well,=20 I don't know what George W was doing back then, but we do=20 know what the Attny Genl of Ark was doing in a Little Rock=20 hotel then, and you can bet your bottom dollar, Wolf doesn't=20 want to hear about it. Broaddrick=20 NATO (UPI Spotlight) Congress challenges Clinton on NATO =20 WASHINGTON, August 10 (UPI) - The House and Senate have=20 challenged President Clinton to say whether NATO's new=20 "strategic concept" - security enforcement even beyond the=20 alliance's traditional European borders - is binding on the=20 United States, says Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan. If it is,=20 Roberts says, it should be submitted to the Senate as a=20 treaty to be ratified. If it's not, "What the heck are we=20 doing in Bosnia and Kosovo and all those other places? He's=20 stuck between a rock and a hard place," Roberts said in a=20 press conference (Tuesday) on the new Year 2000 defense=20 authorization conference report.=20 In other words, if NATO has changed it's charter from=20 being a defensive (of Europe) organization to an aggressive=20 fighting force without consulting it's member nations,=20 haven't they breached the contract with them. And if=20 Congress agreed to join NATO when it's purpose was to defend=20 Europe, shouldn't they be asked to ratify any such drastic=20 change in their mission?=20 AN INTERESTING ITEM Kosovo War. The London Daily Telegraph reviewed a Royal=20 Air Force report on failures during the Kosovo War. The RAF=20 blamed American intelligence for being slow with intel=20 collection, review, and dissemination to combat squadrons. =20 In many cases, it took 3 days for the targeting info to get=20 to the attackers, which allowed the Serbs to move their=20 equipment. The RAF called the entire exercise a failure,=20 counting fewer than 7 Serb tanks killed in 3 months of=20 bombing. To put this in perspective, remember the A-10 2- Ship that took out 24 Iraqi tanks during the Gulf War? We=20 have just demonstrated our complete incompetence to the=20 entire world - making the world a far more dangerous place. =20 More Interesting Items can be now be found on Rod Martin's=20 (no relation) "Vanguard" at Interesting Items by Alex=20 Gimarc=20 TOBACCO DEAL If the govt was really interested in fighting tobacco=20 addiction, you'd think they'd be giving tax credits for attending Stop Smoking classes. KATHIE'S KORNER No, the government should NOT be offering incentives for=20 "good behavior." That is not government's job. Its job is to=20 protect its citizens from those who would remove our=20 freedoms from us. That idea has become almost oxymoronic=20 lately, since the enemy most likely to try to enslave us=20 is... the government. Taxation should not offer incentives=20 to marriage nor to singleness, and the government should not=20 require employers to reward employees based upon their=20 marital status. =20 Since it does, then I must side with those homosexuals=20 who lobby in favor of their right to marry each other. They=20 wouldn't be making the request were there not legal=20 advantages. We should all be lobbying for equal treatment=20 under the law. I would prefer that marriage be kept a=20 religious sacrament, not a civil one, and allow churches to=20 decide who should be barred from participation. But the=20 government stuck its fingers into marriage long before I=20 came on the scene. Pray for America! Reply to: Kathie LETTER-TO-THE-EDITOR SENT FYI; Since there was a hung jury, when are they=20 going to have the IMPEACHMENT trial again? Rocky < >=20 FROM THE MOUTHS OF BABES "If this was going to happen again, the ID cards=20 wouldn't stop them. They don't really do any good. I don't=20 know why they want us to wear them," said sophomore Sara=20 Schweitzberger, at Columbine this year. She was in the=20 downstairs cafeteria during the shootings.=20 REMEMBER THE GOOD OLE DAYS... when a church key was something other than a key to get into=20 a church. BEST OF SLICK-d wrote: Dave, There was an article in the Dallas Morning News today=20 that just left me was about a family of=20 Kosovar Albanians who were settled in Dallas, and were=20 COMPLAINING that the govt isn't giving them "all they=20 deserve". NOW here's the kicker......they got a $750=20 apartment paid for FREE for 3 months..they got jobs...they=20 get $550 a MONTH in food stamps...they get medicaid.....they=20 got a whole apartment FULL of FREE,NEW furniture, dishes,=20 etc worth about $1,400..the old MAN of the family, who has=20 never worked a DAY in the US or paid into social security=20 gets MEDICARE AND a $500 a month SOCIAL SECURITY check. AND=20 THEN THE DEMOCRATS SAY WE CANT HAVE A TAX CUT, BECAUSE WE=20 HAVE TO SHORE UP MEDICARE AN SOCIAL SECURITY!!! NO=20 Shit!!!,,,,,,So we can GIVE it away to FOREIGNERS, who THEN=20 have the GALL to complain they aren't getting ENOUGH!!!=20 Stu QUESTION FOR THE TERM Got a good one for you guys, on the abortion front. Why=20 is it a woman doesn't need a man's okay to abort a baby but=20 a man needs the wife's permission to get a vascetomy, also=20 my ex-wife had her tubes cut and tied and I was never =20 informed until after it occurred. Equal rights? I don't think=20 so. Name withheld PEN PALS Marine Jailed for Refusing Vaccine The Associated Press CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. (AP) - A Marine helicopter crew chief=20 has been sentenced to 30 days in confinement and issued a=20 bad conduct discharge for refusing to take the anthrax=20 vaccination required for all military personnel. Pvt. Eric=20 Myers, 20, of Elbert, Colo., also was ordered to forfeit=20 $400 in pay. "I stood up for myself and my health," Myers=20 said after Thursday's hearing... The prosecutor called Myers' refusal insubordination. "It's=20 a matter of discipline," Capt. Breven Parsons. "We don't get=20 to pick and choose our orders. In a related case, the trial=20 of Cpl. Abel Wenning, 22, of Cobb County, Ga., was scheduled=20 to begin today. He also refused to be inoculated... UNITED STATES TAX PARTY If you are interested in attending the USTP convention=20 in St. Louis, please call 314-861-0060 if you're interested. YAH= OO=20 COMES OUT AGAINST GUN OWNERS=20 THIS SPACE FOR RENT Reliable Internet Access for only $14.95 a month. Over 550 access numbers in 21 States and growing. Cyber77-ISP, web hosts, unlimited access,=20 high-speed servers=20 If you have your own web site, you know it's not enough=20 to be on the internet with 30,000,000 geeks. Oh, search=20 engines are great---for the other guy, but wouldn't you=20 prefer to be a little more direct? Instead of trying to=20 reach millions of people who can't spell your name, here's=20 your chance to target thousands of politically active=20 people like yourself. Send e-mail for details to RichSlick. PARTING THOUGHT If the definition of legal insanity is being unable to=20 determine right from wrong, Buford is as innocent as you or=20 I. He thought, no, he knew he was doing the right thing.=20 * * * * *=20 Subscribe to this Slick e-zine featuring Kathie's Korner, and receive absolutely free, a copy of Rich's Major Media=20 Mailing List containing over 400 e-mail addresses. To=20 subscribe, send your check for $24.95 to the address at the=20 top of this message. Be sure to include your e-mail address. Anyone wishing to carry Slick at their WWW site should=20 contact me by e-mail. Having the current Slick updated once or twice a week gives visitors a reason to come back soon. THE TRUTH IS...=20 A. Powerful. C. In the eye of the beholder.=20 B. Irrelevant. D. All of the above. GET WHAT YOU DESERVE! A NextCard Platinum VISA: DOUBLE Rewards points, NO annual fee & rates as low as 9.9% FIXED APR. Apply online today! home: - Simplifying group communications [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lew Glendenning" Subject: RE: [richslick] S L I C K Year 4, No. 37 (fwd) Date: 16 Aug 1999 11:01:35 -0700 > -----Original Message----- > From: > []On Behalf Of Bill Vance > Sent: Monday, August 16, 1999 10:12 AM > To: > Subject: [richslick] S L I C K Year 4, No. 37 (fwd) > > > On Aug 16, wrote: > > [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows > --------------------] > > =A9 1999 Rich Martin >> > TOBACCO DEAL > > If the govt was really interested in fighting tobacco=20 > addiction, you'd think they'd be giving tax credits for > attending Stop Smoking classes. > > If the gov was really interested in fighting deaths from tobacco addiction, they would abolish the FDA. Then, entrepreneurs would sell nicotine in inhalers, which would satisfy the addiction completely, yet avoid the tar and carbon monoxide which result in more than 500K deaths per year. The FDA is entirely responsible for all of the tobacco-related deaths for at least the last 50 years. That this is a mere side-effect of their regulations (which also kill more people than they save), doesn't absolve them of culpability. Lew - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: McGehee's News & Comment - Special Edition - August 16, 1999 (fwd) Date: 16 Aug 1999 13:31:31 PST On Aug 16, Kevin McGehee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] McGEHEE'S NEWS & COMMENT (c) 1999 KEVIN McGEHEE North Pole, Alaska Permission granted to anyone wishing to forward, redistribute, or broadcast this article WITH FULL ATTRIBUTION. ================================================================ YOUTHFUL INDISCRETIONS? What if I told you that Bill Clinton never once committed a youthful indiscretion? Now let me add context. What is the difference between a youthful indiscretion and a character flaw? Answer: you don't outgrow a character flaw. So the growing fulminations about George W. Bush's youthful indiscretions strike me as hilarious. Did Dubya drink a lot and party hard? By his own admission, yes. Does he still? He says he's quit drinking altogether; anyone who has evidence to the contrary will find their information welcome, believe it or not, at that bastion of Clinton-Gore apologism, The American Spectator. Did Dubya indulge in the chemical vices of the Sixties and Seventies? He won't say, although Big Media insists on posing the question repeatedly in the complete absence of any probable cause. Again, if there's evidence that he did, there are outlets ready, willing and able to publish it -- but the real question is whether any such indulgence, if it occurred, is still going on. And any evidence that it is, would and should make front-page headlines in the nation's most self-important metropolitan dailies. I suspect that what we're seeing is the result of Vice President Albert Gore's hiring of former Congressman Tony "Sleaze Factor" Coelho to help run his presidential campaign. The Veep's campaign people are scared manure-less of Dubya Bush. Gore faces the baggage of having been an ardent and loyal stooge to the Presidents Clinton -- thus the presidential character flaws that have marred the last seven years threaten to deny Gore not only the White House but possibly also the Democratic nomination. It cannot be denied that by establishing a perception of moral equivalence between Bush the Younger and Bill the Juvenile, Gore could at least partly neutralize his inherited negatives and may be able to improve his chances in the upcoming primary season, and leave him in a strong position for the fall campaign. As for the Bush camp's response to it all, I'm left reflecting that the candidate is the first Texas governor in God-only-knows-how-long to win a second term. That suggests a political adroitness that the GOP hasn't seen since, well, Ronald Reagan. It was Reagan who in 1980 blindsided Bush the Elder in New Hampshire at what the latter allegedly understood was to be a two-candidate debate; when the other Republican hopefuls arrived, Bush the Elder tried to put a stop to the proceedings and had the sound system cut off. Reagan barked (loudly enough to be caught by the press), "I'm paying for this microphone!" He trounced Bush in the primary, won the nomination, and went on to become President while Bush the Elder settled for Veep. And four years later, after a poor performance in a presidential debate with Walter Mondale (after which Tony "Sleaze Factor" Coelho chortled to the press about Reagan's age), old Ron finessed the age issue in the next debate by joking about Mondale's youth and inexperience. I'll say this for Mondale: he had the grace to appreciate the joke and join in the laughter, even though he had to know that his hopes of winning the presidency had just gone down in flames. Not that George W. Bush is necessarily the equal of Reagan. But... It was Bush the Younger himself who began all this interest in his supposedly scandalous past. It would be hugely Machiavellian for a public figure to deliberately encourage speculation of this sort, and refuse to deny anything, just so that in the end the press has to admit they could find nothing worth reporting. We on what Big Media is pleased to refer to as "The Right" have had no problem believing that the Clinton-Gore bunch is capable of playing spin games for their political advantage -- indeed that is practically all that they ever do. But when the candidate is a Republican, some among us prefer to believe that he's stupid, out of control, and/or just plain sleazy. I will say this: when his Republican target is even modestly intelligent, Tony "Sleaze Factor" Coelho has a history of playing right into the target's hands. Time will tell whether Dubya will burn him the way Reagan did. If he does, I will laugh louder and longer than I have since 1984. -30- August 16, 1999 ================================================================ **Visit the McGEHEE'S NEWS & COMMENT archives** The views expressed herein are entirely those of the author(s), and do not reflect those of any person or group with whom the author(s) may be affiliated, unless explicitly labelled as doing so. ================================================================ Sponsored in part by The Freedom Bookstore [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fw: EIA Communique - 8/16 (fwd) Date: 16 Aug 1999 13:32:51 PST On Aug 16, Kevin McGehee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, August 16, 1999 11:26 AM The Education Intelligence Agency COMMUNIQU=C9 - August 16, 1999 Now on the Web at + All across the state of California, unions and districts are thrashing= out the issue of peer review in contract negotiations. Peer review -- having teachers monitor and assist fellow teachers -- is a key part of National Education Association President Bob Chase's new unionism agenda. "The goa= l of peer review is to help people succeed," Chase said. "But it could also sp= eed up the process of dismissing a teacher who is not successful. As a union = we are committed to insuring the quality of our nation's schools. We know th= at it sometimes takes five or six years to get rid of a teacher, and that is= too long." Peer review won the backing of California Gov. Gray Davis. While feel= ings within the California Teachers Association were definitely mixed, Davis' initiative passed the state legislature. Major details of peer review programs are left to the collective bargaining process, but the state wil= l pick up much of the tab. Many hours will be spent discussing the issue, b= ut it is unlikely that the name of Ivy Featherstone will enter any of these conversations. And since his case has finally reached its end, EIA takes = this opportunity to recount the story of the man who should be peer review's poster child. Featherstone had been a teacher in the Columbus Public Schools for 25 years. His last assignment was at Indianola Middle School, where he supervised students sent to detention. In 1992, Featherstone was placed i= n the Columbus Education Association's Peer Assistance and Review program. School administrators had often observed him reading the paper during cla= ss, his students asleep, his shoes off and his feet up on his desk. Featherst= one spent two years in the PAR program, receiving 75 classroom visits and 29 conferences. In 1994, his evaluator recommended a "negative release." In 1995, his case took up 16 days of hearings, resulting in a finding of gro= ss inefficiency. Featherstone was suspended without pay. That year, he filed= a federal lawsuit, claiming he was discriminated against because he is blac= k. Now, seven years after being placed in the program and five years aft= er his negative release, Featherstone's case has at last petered out. A fede= ral judge ruled that the school board's decision was entitled to a "preclusiv= e effect," since it is subject to judicial review by a state appellate cour= t -- a route Featherstone did not take. This effectively ends his federal civi= l rights suit. Peer review seems best suited to bad teachers who still have a conscience. These teachers can be persuaded to improve or, at worst, can = be persuaded to voluntarily move on. The Featherstone case illustrates that, even with peer review, the system is still at the mercy at bad teachers without a conscience. + Another collective bargaining-related issue is being bandied about in education circles. The discussion was inspired by American Federation of Teachers President Sandra Feldman. Feldman's idea sounded very much like Chase's new unionism. But, as is often the case when union officials offe= r up new policies, different audiences heard very different things. "Recently, AFT President Sandra Feldman proposed freeing schools from hiring restrictions -- unions traditionally insist that teachers with the most seniority get first dibs on jobs -- and empowering them to make personnel, financial, and curriculum decisions on their own," wrote a supportive Ronald A. Wolk in the August-September issue of Teacher Magazi= ne. "She urged teachers to take a bigger role in determining how 'schools are organized, run, and staffed,' and she called on them to negotiate new kin= ds of contracts 'to meet the higher standards expected on students and teachers.' Our schools would be very different places if teachers heeded Feldman." Some local union officials are worried about that very thing. Morty Rosenfeld, president of the Plainview-Old Bethpage Congress of Teachers a= nd a member of the board of directors of NEA New York, criticized Feldman for "weakening whatever is left of our movement." Rosenfeld fears this leads = down the road to collaboration with management. "This is her take, I suppose, = on the new unionism in which a well intentioned management works with union members cooperatively, sharing power and responsibility," he wrote. "Twen= ty years ago, if management had made such a demand, it would have been a str= ike issue for some of us. Today, it is put forth by the president of the AFT. What has happened to our movement? We are both worth and capable of more.= Why do our national leaders not think that we are up to the challenge?" + The past two weeks EIA has reported on union recruiting methods in Tex= as. Apparently TSTA has high hopes for its campaign to slash dues in half for= new members. TSTA President (and Texas state legislator) Ignacio Salinas Jr. challenged local presidents to boost membership by 20,000 in the year 200= 0. That would be a heck of an accomplishment, since it would mean a 40 perce= nt hike in membership in one year. Since that's unlikely, are there other lo= cal mergers in the works? Or has Salinas got a state merger plan up his sleev= e? + The University of Alaska at Anchorage is offering one Continuing Professional Development graduate credit (for $59) to teachers who attend NEA-Alaska's fall event September 17-19 at the Hilton Anchorage Hotel. Mo= st teacher contracts have a salary scale with pay raises for teachers who accumulate such credits. What professional development training will teac= hers receive? Well, they can choose from six "training stands": Communicating = the Association's Message; Creating Safer Schools in Alaska; Basic Rights; Recruit-Retain-Reclaim; Basic Bargaining Law & Skills; and New Education Initiatives. Other workshops include: Communicating the ESPs Message; Advocates' Role in Plans of Improvement; Understanding & Combating Racism= in Schools; and Treasurers' Training (for local union treasurers). + Staff movements. NEA staffer Mary Ann Blankenship has been named assis= tant executive director for program services for the Tennessee Education Association. Former NEA staffer Pam Fielding has launched "e-advocates," = a private Internet advocacy consulting firm in Fairfax, Virginia. Fielding = is credited with putting together NEA's cyber-advocacy program. + Quote of the Week: "The research-to-practice pipeline, according to scholars and educators, has sprung many leaks. Governments and foundation= s don't spend enough on research, or they support the wrong kind. Scholars eschew research that shows what works in most schools in favor of studies that observe student behavior and teaching techniques in a classroom or t= wo. They employ weak research methods, write turgid prose, and issue contradictory findings. Educators and policy makers are not trained to separate good research from bad, or they resist findings that challenge cherished beliefs about learning. As a result, education reform is often shaped by political whim and pedagogic fashion." -- D.W. Miller, "The bla= ck hole of education research," Chronicle of Higher Education, August 6, 199= 9. # # # The Education Intelligence Agency conducts public education research, analysis and investigations. Director: Mike Antonucci. Ph: 916-422-4373. = Fax: 916-392-1482. E-Mail: [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fw: August Recess A Critical Time (fwd) Date: 16 Aug 1999 20:23:47 PST On Aug 16, Bill Phillips wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] GOA Alone Is Fighting To Kill All Anti-Gun Measures -- your contacts this month are the only thing that will stop the gun grabbers Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 The NRA, duplicating the approach it employed during the gun debates in June, will not oppose new trigger locks or a ban on the possession of assault weapons by most people under the age of 18. -- Roll Call, Aug. 12, 1999 (Monday, August 16, 1999) -- For several months now, GOA has been fighting the so-called "Juvenile Justice" legislation, as currently embodied in S. 254. The bill is in a joint House-Senate conference committee-- despite the efforts of Diane Feinstein (D-CA) and her ilk to blast it out earlier this month, S. 254 will remain there until Congress reconvenes in September. It is during this traditional August recess that the fate of gun control in the 106th Congress will likely be decided. Legislators are back in their districts, scheduling town meetings, and interacting with constituents. It is absolutely imperative that gun owners contact their Representative and Senators this month. Consider that Roll Call (the newspaper of record covering Washington political activity) had the following to say about lobbying efforts regarding the Juvenile Justice legislation: The NRA... has been too quick to compromise and too slow to mobilize its troops to defeat anti-gun legislation in the House and the Senate, GOP leadership sources and gun activists say.... "Gun Owners [of America] is much smaller, but much more active. They moved quickly and we heard from their people," said one leadership source close to the issue. No-compromise Is The Key To Victory. Sen. Bob Smith (I-NH) showed last year that we do not have to succumb to defeatism on the eve of a battle. Smith was told that there were only 40 votes in support of his proposal to cut off FBI funding for their registration of Brady Instant Check gun buyers. When the smoke cleared, Smith got 69 votes. From "no way will this pass" to a veto-proof majority, the Smith amendment proved that the People, not the vote-counting insiders, determine the fate of legislation in America. Preemptive Concessions Are Not Only Wrong, They Can Backfire. Another telling quote from the Roll Call article shows what happens when gun owners give up without fighting: The [NRA]... is willing to allow several provisions, such as the so-called Juvenile Brady proposal, to sail through, according to its top lobbyist, James Baker. Baker's strategy, which reflects a belief inside the NRA that some gun control measures will pass in the wake of recent shooting sprees, has ticked off many pro-gun Members and activists who deplore any talk of a compromise.... Another senior GOP leadership source added: "They have told us all along that it would be fine to support Juvenile Brady and other proposals and their membership would not care. But they did [care], and [Republican leaders] are not happy about that." Here's What To Do. Make certain that you contact your Members of Congress while they are home on break. You can get their home office phone numbers from the government pages of your phone book, or call the Capitol toll-free at 1-888-449-3511 and request them. It is specifically asked that you do not use e-mail as a contact method this month. This is a time to directly confront legislators. Ask the local office if there are any town meetings scheduled. If so, be sure to attend and make gun rights a central part of the discussion. Have a friend seated away from you to "follow up" on your point when the politician tries to duck your question. And above all, spread the word. Get other pro-gun friends and family to make calls as well. The message is simple: THERE IS NO GUN CONTROL THAT IS ACCEPTABLE. ************** Cheaper Than Dirt donates a percentage of your total order to GOA if you use to enter their online store. ************** Did someone else forward this to you? To be certain of getting up to date information, please consider subscribing to the GOA E-Mail Alert Network directly. There is no cost or obligation, and the volume of mail is quite low. To subscribe, simply send a message to and include the state in which you live, in either the subject or the body. To unsubscribe, reply to any alert and ask to be removed. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Microsoft Y2K Patch (fwd) Date: 17 Aug 1999 13:04:52 PST On Aug 17, Kevin McGehee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Those of you with Windows 98 and Internet Explorer 5 may already know by now that Microsoft has just released a critical update for Windows 98, a patch to cover any Y2K issues your operating system might still have. If you didn't get the critical update notification automatically when you went online, open your IE5 browser, click Tools, and select Windows Update. Those using an earlier browser without this feature -- or Netscape -- should be able to find the patch by visiting p. For Windows 95, go to: /win95y2k/Default.asp (You may have to copy-and-paste this URL into your browser window, especially if your e-mail splits the URL into two lines. There's been an e-mail going around claiming that you can make your Windows 95 or Windows 98 Y2K ready simply changing your Regional Settings through Control Panel. THIS IS UNTRUE. Regional Settings has to do ONLY with how things are DISPLAYED, and does not have anything to do with how the machine itself, or the operating system, perceive the Year 2000. Even if you have altered your Regional Settings YOU STILL MAY NOT BE Y2K READY. Kevin McGehee Alaska to Atlanta (9/99) [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: P&G and it's Christian views (fwd) Date: 17 Aug 1999 13:53:23 PST On Aug 17, Ree Mayler wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] I wonder if any of the small arms mfr's have similar views Start of FWDed MSG: It's strange how sometimes we SAY we want to live as full a Christian life as possible...but we have that ONE product that we THINK we just cannot live without.Is there something on this list that you THINK you can't live without? It would be hard to boycott every product in the world that profits Satan, but I think I will give this a whirl.I saw out takes from this show on a Dateline special and was absolutely shocked to hear some of the things this man said.He did actually give praise, glory and honor to Satan for profiting him in his business.He also said that Chrisianity is "on it's way out because Chrisitans are waking up and realizing that their God is not the loving and giving God they have come to believe him to be".If I can keep one penny from this man...I will do so.I sincerely hope ya'll will TRY to do the same. I thought ya'll would like to know. Lori:-) READ ON :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The President of Procter & Gamble appeared on the Sally Jesse Raphael Show on March 1, 1999. He announced that "due to the openness of our society",he was coming out of the closet about his association with the church ofSatan. He stated that a large portion of his profits from Procter & Gamble products goes to support this satanic church. (ed. note: didn't see the show but I wonder if he said WHICH church) When asked by Sally Jesse if stating this on t.v.would hurt his business, he replied, "THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH CHRISTIANS IN THE UNITED STATES TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE." Product list includes: Cleaning supplies: Bold, Cascade, Cheer, Joy, Comet, Dash, Spic & Span, Tide, Top Job, Oxidol, Ivory Dreft, Gain, Mr.Clean, Lest Oil, BountyTowels Food: Duncan Hines, Fisher Nuts, Fisher Mints, Dehydrated Fruits Coffee: Folgers, High Point, Shortening Oils:Crisco, Puritan, Fluffo Deodorants: Secret, Sure Diapers: Luvs, Pampers Hair Care: Lilt, Head & Shoulders,Prell, Pert, Vidal Sassoon, Ivory Acne Product: Clearasil Mouthwash/Toothpaste: Scope, Crest, Gleem Peanut Butter: JIF Personal Hygiene: Always, Attend Undergarments Lotions: Oil of Olay, Wondra Soap: Camay, Coast,Ivory, Lava, Safeguard, Zest, Oil of Olay Fabric Softener: Downy, BounceCitrus Punch: Sunny Delight Medication: Aleve, Pepto-Bismol If you are not sure about a product, look for Procter & Gamble written on the products or the symbol of a ram's horn, which will appear on each product beginning on January 1, 2000. The ram's horn will form the 666, which is known as Satan's number. Christians should remember that if they purchase any of these products,they will be contributing to the church of Satan. Inform other Christians about this and STOP buying Procter & Gamble Products. Let's show Procter & Gamble that there are enough Christians to make a difference.On a previous Jenny Jones Show, the owner of Procter & Gamble said that if Satan would prosper him, he would give his heart and soul to him.Then he gave Satan credit for his riches. Anyone interested in seeing this tape, should send $3.00 to: SALLY TRANSCRIPTS 515 WEST 57TH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10019 WE URGE YOU TO MAKE COPIES OF THIS AND PASS IT ON TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE; THIS NEEDS TO STOP.LIZ CLAIRBORNE ALSO PROFESSES TO WORSHIP SATAN AND RECENTLY OPENLY ADMITTED ON THE OPRAH WINFREY SHOW THAT HALF OF HER PROFITS GOES TOWARD THE CHURCH OF SATAN. _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Poll for TODAY only (fwd) Date: 17 Aug 1999 13:54:08 PST On Aug 17, ataylor@NMSU.Edu wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Fwod from another list: Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast, poll for today (8/17/99) only on whether or not you agree with Reno on guns! [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Re: Sun Rising or Sun Setting? (fwd) Date: 17 Aug 1999 13:55:01 PST On Aug 17, Huck wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Norm Olson wrote: > Last night, late Christine called to say that after much prayer > with her husband, they have decided to go it alone without the > militia's help. > I asked her to go to her husband and wait yet another night for > a certain answer. This morning at 0800hrs, she faxed me this > letter: > > Dear Norm: > > We want to thank you for your support and help in getting > the public aware of the serious problem here on Bois Blanc > Island. We feel that what needed to be accomplished, has. > We want God's hand to be the deliverer and now humbly ask > Norm Olson and the Militia to bow out. > > God has provided us with the media tool through Norm, > now God will use those tools that He feels will be of the > greatest help. > > We know that God will work in the hearts of the thousands > of people Norm has awakened to our fight. > > We trust the Lord to stir in those hearts and use who He feels > can accomplish His will. > > Words cannot express our gratitude for what Norm has > done through God's will thus far. > > Thank You and God Bless. > > (Signed) Mike & Chris Stitt > > The decision that Mike and Chris came to is sovereign, made > by a husband and wife, the father and mother of the children > entrusted to them by God. I will not countermand or interfer > in their decision to relieve the militia of further involvement. > This is what they've chosen for themselves. Although I may > not agree with their decision, I WILL NOT QUESTION IT. > > As of this time, 0900hrs, August 17, 1999, all militia units > everywhere are relieved of further action concerning the Stitt > family and may stand down. > > We will continue to monitor this situation, but as indicated > in the letter above, the militia has been asked to bow and > exit. > > To every militia member and patriot in America, I say thanks > for your work and time. This is not the outcome I had planned > for. As a military man, I had planned for the worst. As a > Pastor and a believer, I prayed for the best. Only time will > tell whether the sun is rising or setting. > > As Commander of the Northern Michigan Regional Militia > I want to express my thanks to all militia and patriots everywhere > for their support. > > In this matter, you may stack your rifles and smoke em' if > you got em' . . . > > We will await the next bugle call! > > Norman Olson, Commander > Northern Michigan Regional Militia > > To all stations everywhere. Please direct further questions > to Christine Stitt at 231-634-7030. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry E. Barnett" Subject: Re: HOAX ALERT P&G and it's Christian views (fwd) Date: 17 Aug 1999 14:13:51 -0700 This is a HOAX, and has been a HOAX that has been circulating in more or less the same guise since 1980. A "from" addressee of "Ree Mayler" (remailer) should be a dead giveaway. Go to, search on "Proctor", check it out. This stuff is just flat-out lies. And even if it weren't, what does it have to do with "Restoring Our Constitution" anyway? -----Original Message----- >On Aug 17, Ree Mayler wrote: > >[-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > >I wonder if any of the small arms mfr's have similar views > >Start of FWDed MSG: >It's strange how sometimes we SAY we want to live as full a Christian life >as possible...but we have that ONE product that we THINK we just cannot live >without.Is there something on this list that you THINK you can't live >without? > >It would be hard to boycott every product in the world that profits Satan, >but I think I will give this a whirl.I saw out takes from this show on a >Dateline special and was absolutely shocked to hear some of the things this >man said.He did actually give praise, glory and honor to Satan for profiting >him in his business.He also said that Chrisianity is "on it's way out >because Chrisitans are waking up and realizing that their God is not the >loving and giving God they have come to believe him to be".If I can keep one >penny from this man...I will do so.I sincerely hope ya'll will TRY to do the >same. > >I thought ya'll would like to know. >Lori:-) >READ ON :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: > >The President of Procter & Gamble appeared on the Sally Jesse >Raphael Show on >March 1, 1999. He announced that "due to the openness of our >society",he was coming out of the closet about his association with the >church ofSatan. >He stated that a large portion of his profits from Procter & Gamble products >goes to support this satanic church. >(ed. note: didn't see the show but I wonder if he said WHICH church) >When asked by Sally Jesse if stating this on t.v.would hurt his business, he >replied, "THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH CHRISTIANS IN THE UNITED STATES TO MAKE A >DIFFERENCE." > >Product list includes: > >Cleaning supplies: Bold, Cascade, Cheer, Joy, Comet, Dash, Spic & Span, >Tide, Top Job, Oxidol, Ivory Dreft, Gain, Mr.Clean, Lest Oil, BountyTowels >Food: Duncan Hines, Fisher Nuts, Fisher Mints, Dehydrated Fruits >Coffee: Folgers, High Point, >Shortening Oils:Crisco, Puritan, Fluffo >Deodorants: Secret, Sure >Diapers: Luvs, Pampers >Hair Care: Lilt, Head & Shoulders,Prell, Pert, Vidal Sassoon, Ivory >Acne Product: Clearasil >Mouthwash/Toothpaste: Scope, Crest, Gleem >Peanut Butter: JIF >Personal Hygiene: Always, Attend Undergarments >Lotions: Oil of Olay, Wondra Soap: Camay, Coast,Ivory, Lava, Safeguard, >Zest, Oil of Olay Fabric Softener: Downy, BounceCitrus >Punch: Sunny Delight >Medication: Aleve, Pepto-Bismol > >If you are not sure about a product, look for Procter & Gamble written on >the products or the symbol of a ram's horn, which will appear on each >product beginning on January 1, 2000. The ram's horn will form the 666, >which is known as Satan's >number. >Christians should remember that if they purchase any of these products,they >will be contributing to the church of Satan. Inform other Christians about >this and STOP buying Procter & Gamble Products. Let's show Procter & Gamble >that there are enough Christians to make a difference.On a previous Jenny >Jones Show, the owner of Procter & Gamble said that if Satan would prosper >him, he would give his heart and soul to him.Then he gave Satan credit for >his riches. > >Anyone interested in seeing this tape, should send $3.00 to: >SALLY TRANSCRIPTS >515 WEST 57TH STREET >NEW YORK, NY 10019 > >WE URGE YOU TO MAKE COPIES OF THIS AND PASS IT ON TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS >POSSIBLE; THIS NEEDS TO STOP.LIZ CLAIRBORNE ALSO PROFESSES TO WORSHIP SATAN >AND RECENTLY OPENLY ADMITTED ON THE OPRAH WINFREY SHOW THAT HALF OF HER >PROFITS GOES TOWARD THE CHURCH OF SATAN. >_______________________________________________________________ >Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit > >[------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] > >-- >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - > ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** >----------------+----------+--------------------------+-------------------- - >An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no >weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his >hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a >on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ >----------------+----------+--------------------------+-------------------- - > >- > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: HOAX ALERT P&G and it's Christian views (fwd) Date: 17 Aug 1999 15:49:27 PST On Aug 17, Harry E. Barnett wrote: >This is a HOAX, and has been a HOAX that has been circulating in more or >less the same guise since 1980. Sorry 'bout that, never seen this one before. >A "from" addressee of "Ree Mayler" (remailer) should be a dead giveaway. > >Go to, search on "Proctor", check it out. > >This stuff is just flat-out lies. > >And even if it weren't, what does it have to do with "Restoring Our >Constitution" anyway? Well, the U.S. is at base, a Christian Country, with a whole lot of our Gov. and Institutions being Biblically based. I figured it for just another attack on our society in general. -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Poll for TODAY only (fwd) Date: 17 Aug 1999 15:50:19 PST On Aug 17, C. D. Tavares wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > Fwod from another list: > > > Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast, poll for today (8/17/99) only on whether >or not you agree with Reno on guns! > > Exactly the same question is being asked at We are heavily in the lead in the first poll, but keeping a thin edge in the second. -- [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry E. Barnett" Subject: Re: HOAX ALERT P&G and it's Christian views (fwd) Date: 17 Aug 1999 17:59:31 -0700 On Aug 17, Bill Vance wrote: >On Aug 17, Harry E. Barnett wrote: > >>This is a HOAX, and has been a HOAX that has been circulating in more or >>less the same guise since 1980. > >Sorry 'bout that, never seen this one before. > >>A "from" addressee of "Ree Mayler" (remailer) should be a dead giveaway. >> >>Go to, search on "Proctor", check it out. >> >>This stuff is just flat-out lies. >> >>And even if it weren't, what does it have to do with "Restoring Our >>Constitution" anyway? > >Well, the U.S. is at base, a Christian Country, with a whole lot of our Gov. >and Institutions being Biblically based. I figured it for just another >attack on our society in general. Well, accepting what you say as true for the sake of argument, and as long as we are waxing Biblical here, as a basis for the country, consider this Biblical passage: "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. --Proverbs 6:16-19" Creating and propagating these egregious falsehoods fits at least five of the seven "things the LORD hates" listed above. And I have to agree, creating and propagating ("vectoring") the falsehoods are, indeed, an attack on our society in general, I will give you that. What such hoaxes do is use falsehoods to get the gullible and the ignorant stirred up to no good end, by way of appealing to their fanaticism and zealotry. When they make themselves into laughingstocks by buying into the hoax, and are scoffed and scorned, they don't blame the hoaxers for their plight, they blame the people who laugh at them, and get enraged about it. This drives a wedge between people who might otherwise be allies. And in the meantime, the people who start the fight kick back and watch everybody fight. May every tooth in their head fall out but one, and in that one they should get a toothache. Divide. Conquer. Sowing discord among those that might otherwise be Brethren. Pretty standard old stuff. Now as to secular problems, since the hoax uses "wire" (email) to solicit money to be sent to a Post Office Box, it is Wire and Mail Fraud, also. Last I heard, this is a Federal Crime subject to 5 years in prison and a $10,000 fine FOR EACH INSTANCE, that is EVERY email. It might be advisable to be very careful about acting as a vector for such nonsense. While the Justice Department may not be able to get a conviction in your particular case, it can sure make your life miserable, and expensive, on the way to no conviction. (Not likely they would do so because this thing has been making the rounds for TWENTY YEARS, and they haven't gone after anyone yet, AFAIK.) And you might want to check out how Amway feels about having its voicemail system used to propagate this hoax. I don't think they are laughing about what P&G's attornies are doing to them. Our little list and list server is small potatoes, though, so we're probably safe. But it sure hurts the credibility of the list. Sometimes it is hard to tell the wheat from the chaff. In this free-for-all wild-west environment called "The Internet", it's mostly chaff, not much wheat. People start or join lists or newsgroups and immediately start to abuse them, because of two things: lack of character, and no consequences for detestable behavior. Everybody gets to practice "psyops" on everybody else, and they are very difficult to hold accountable. On the other hand, the Internet is a blessing as well as a curse, because the same medium makes widely available powerful resources to discriminate between the wheat and chaff, if that's what one chooses to do. Now I'm off to watch "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" on the History Channel. :-) Yours in skepticism, harryb -- "Promote then as an object of primary importance, Institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened." G. Washington, Farewell Address, 1796. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: King George And Queen Elizabeth: Royalty Or Pretenders? (fwd) Date: 19 Aug 1999 10:34:05 PST Is this a nightmare, or a dream come true? I don't know, but the coming Elections promise to be the best show in town! On Aug 19, Exegesis wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] As this issue of Exegesis was being transmitted, I learned that my=20 mother passed away early this morning. I thank you so much for your=20 kind prayers during her illness. I will be going to England later=20 today. The Newshour will continue as normal without me. Page 1 News will=20 have to suspend for a few days. Your continued prayers would be much=20 appreciated. This is obviously an awful moment in life, but one we=20 must all face at some point. I pray I can come through it in a way=20 that's honoring to God and that provides a good example. SM ___________________________________________ Exegesis A Compass For Moral Excellence Published Worldwide From Washington August 19, 1999 _____________________________________________ The American Renewal Foundation is looking for interns: high school=20 or college students aged 16-23. Know anyone who might be interested?=20 If so, check out the interns page at __________________________________________________ ExTel The lowest ever long-distance rates! See our new expanded range of=20 wholesale services! Unitel: 5.9 cents a minute anywhere in the US. Your own toll-free=20 number for just 5.9=A2 a minute - and no monthly fees! Opex (formerly PremierCom): 7.5 cents a minute anywhere in the US,=20 super-discounted international and instate rates. Your own toll-free=20 number for just $2 a month, US > UK just 6.9 cents a minute! 6=20 second billing - and no monthly fees! AccuLinq Calling Cards at 9.9 cents a minute Cellphone Service at 10 cents a minute See all our services at ________________________________________________ Have you read our daily online newspaper? Every day, we search the world for real news and produce a daily=20 online newspaper just for you. We update it as events dictate. PAGE 1 NEWS Real News from the Real World You'll find it at or _____________________________________________ Have you heard our NEW radio broadcast yet? Join us Monday-Friday at 6 pm ET/3 pm PT/5 pm CT/10 pm GMT for The Newshour An hour of news and comment with Betsy Gibson in New York, Jeff Nyquist in California and Steve Myers in Washington You can hear the show worldwide in Real Audio at ________________________________________________ King George And Queen Elizabeth: Royalty Or Pretenders? We thought long and hard about whether to cover the 2000 race for the=20 White House. On one hand, it appears to be a foregone conclusion,=20 and it seems almost redundant to dignify it with detailed coverage.=20 After all, we told you that George W. Bush would be the Republican=20 nominee and the next president, as long ago as January 1997. On the=20 other hand, how can anyone resist the temptation to share the=20 fascinating machinations inside the Beltway? So here we go. Perhaps=20 Senator John McCain was right to sniffily recuse himself from last=20 weekend's Iowa Straw Poll, claiming it was all a sham. Maybe he's=20 right, but in the reality of modern politics, even a very showy sham=20 has become a real and vital political event. There were no real surprises in the Iowa winners and losers. Mr.=20 Bush spent $100 per vote to ensure his victorious 31.31%, and=20 Elizabeth Dole did reasonably well with 14.40%, giving her a good=20 third place. If, as is looking increasingly certain, they become the=20 ticket, their unified vote comes to some 46%, which is more than=20 enough to unify the Republican Party and charm voters into voting for=20 yet another New World Order administration. Steve Forbes, who spent $203 per vote to gain his 20.77% of the vote,=20 raises a core question: whether or not his candidacy is genuine. We=20 believe it is not. It poses as a conservative alternative to=20 Bush-Dole, but we have come to believe that it is a deception being=20 played out on conservatives in order to keep their allegiance within=20 the Republican Party. Here's a clue: Mr. Forbes' campaign and=20 corporation are chaired by former Defense Secretary Caspar=20 Weinberger, a Bush insider and NWO figurehead if ever there was one,=20 whose private business was one of the greatest beneficiaries of the=20 Kosovo war. So have he and Mr. Forbes abandoned the Elite and had a=20 sudden change of heart? Hardly. We believe that a deal has already been struck between Bush-Dole and=20 Mr. Forbes. The idea is this: Mr. Forbes runs a strong campaign=20 appearing to be semi-hostile towards Mr. Bush and Mrs. Dole. We=20 regard Mr. Forbes as a pragmatic, intelligent man, who is bright=20 enough to know he will never be President of the United States.=20 Eventually therefore, he reasons, he will have to capitulate to Mr.=20 Bush's steamroller. Why not, therefore, strike a deal in advance=20 instead of being forced to do so in desperation at the last minute=20 when his options might be more limited? We believe Mr. Forbes has=20 already agreed to accept a position, probably that of Treasury=20 Secretary, in the Bush Administration, with the understanding that he=20 will be given the opportunity to implement his much-vaunted but still=20 unconstitutional Flat Tax. In return, he will hold out as long as=20 possible, and eventually deliver the conservative vote to the=20 Bush-Dole campaign. In the light of that plan, Iowa was a good result for=20 Bush-Dole-Forbes: they scored 66.48%. As for the other candidates,=20 Senator McCain will probably be offered The Pentagon, while former=20 Vice-President Dan Quayle may be offered an ambassadorship or=20 quasi-governmental post, if Mr. Bush feels generous, but will=20 probably remain sufficiently unburdened to perfect his golf swing,=20 punctuated by occasional appearances at conservative events. He=20 might even become a talk-show host. As we have pointed out before,=20 Senator Orrin Hatch is hoping for a Supreme Court appointment, and is=20 not a serious candidate. Lamar Alexander has wisely dropped out.=20 That leaves Mr. Bush's nirvana almost complete. He has his=20 running-mate, plenty of money, an overwhelming lead and has even=20 penciled in half his Cabinet. There is, however, a very large, yet=20 still partially invisible, cloud looming on Mr. Bush's horizon. The conservative vote in the Iowa Poll came to 27.12%, excluding=20 those who voted for Steve Forbes or George W. Bush. What is to=20 become of the remaining conservative candidates? Gary Bauer and Alan=20 Keyes have to find new roles in Washington that have some political=20 content, and which are of genuine service to the Kingdom of God,=20 surely their hearts' desire. Some bold new leadership in the=20 Christian community is much needed. Perhaps the Lord will open a=20 door for them both. The sole remaining candidate, Patrick Buchanan, poses the greatest=20 threat to Bush-Dole-Forbes because he has least to lose by opposing=20 them. He brought the house down in Iowa with his witty remark that=20 his first action as President would be to turn to ex-President Bill=20 Clinton, in his role as America's newly sworn-in chief law=20 enforcement officer, and place him under arrest saying: "You have the=20 right to remain silent". Mr. Buchnanan's sister, Bay, has been having a series of=20 conversations with Ross Perot's representative and 1996=20 vice-presidential candidate, Pat Choate. It is understood that a=20 deal has been formulated, though not finalized. Mr. Perot is anxious=20 to recapture control of the Reform Party, which has been taken from=20 him by its only elected representative, Gov. Jesse Ventura of=20 Minnesota. Pat Buchanan is probably the only man who could help him=20 do that. While Mr. Perot would never be the candidate, he might=20 recover a position of influence within the Party. At the same time,=20 Pat Buchanan has every incentive to leave the Republican Party. He=20 knows this will be his last campaign for the White House and he will=20 never be in a Republican Cabinet. At 62 years old, he cannot=20 imagine running again in four years or eight years. Therefore he has=20 nothing to lose by making a credible Third Party run. Indeed, he has=20 everything to gain. would cement for himself a place in history by=20 doing so and would participate in the debates. Pat Buchanan would=20 make his voice heard, not as a losing Republican contender, but as=20 the third choice: Bush, Gore and Buchanan. It sounds attractive to=20 him. And if he is to run on the Reform Party ticket, Mr. Buchanan=20 would extract from Mr. Perot a condition: that the Reform Party=20 becomes firmly pro-life. If that happens, another interesting scenario comes into play.=20 Howard Phillips, founder of the US Taxpayers' Party, is surely a=20 happy man these days. He has just secured the venerable Senator Bob=20 Smith of New Hampshire as the Party's candidate for next year's=20 election. In an exclusive interview with Exegesis, Mr. Phillips said=20 that his main difference with Ross Perot was over abortion. Suppose=20 that obstacle were to be removed. Is it conceivable that an=20 electoral alliance could be forged between the Reform Party and US=20 Taxpayers Party at least for a temporary period covering the 2000=20 election? And if Senator Smith succeeds in changing the name of the=20 USTP to the Conservative Party, it would become instantly more=20 appealing to voters. If there were a Reform-Conservative Alliance,=20 is it possible that a joint ticket of Pat Buchanan and Senator Bob=20 Smith could evolve? And would it pose a threat to Bush-Dole? It is not only possible but plausible. It would provide the perfect=20 haven for millions of disaffected voters who have either not voted or=20 who have reluctantly pitched their tent with the Republicans in the=20 hope of being tossed a few conservative morsels in the platform. It=20 would represent the biggest threat imaginable to George W. Bush and=20 his immaculately selected team. Not for the first time,=20 conservatives would be faced with a choice between principle and=20 pragmatism. And after years of broken Republican promises, a strong=20 third party alternative might seem more attractive than the=20 opportunity to be disappointed yet again. In these coming weeks, all=20 involved, especially Pat Buchanan and Senator Bob Smith, have some=20 serious thinking to do. Their decisions, if prayerfully considered,=20 could have an immense effect on America's future, both culturally and=20 politically. We should pray for them all. =87 Steve Myers =D7 Editor ____________________________________________________________________ =A9 Exegesis 1999 * Post Office Box 789, McLean VA 22101, USA *=20 Telephone (703) 734 5656 Subscriptions: Fax $32.95, E-Mail $16.95 * E-Mail *=20 Web Page: ____________________________________________________________________ =A9 Exegesis 1999 * Post Office Box 789, McLean VA 22101, USA *=20 Telephone (703) 734 5656 Subscriptions: Fax $32.95, E-Mail $16.95 * E-Mail *=20 Web Page: ________________________________________________________________________ Have you read our daily online newspaper? Every day, we search the world for real news and produce a daily=20 online newspaper just for you. We update it as events dictate. PAGE 1 NEWS Real News from the Real World You'll find it at or ________________________________________________________________________ Have you heard our NEW radio broadcast yet? Join us Monday-Friday at 6 pm ET/3 pm PT/5 pm CT/10 pm GMT for The Newshour An hour of news and comment with Betsy Gibson in New York, Jeff Nyquist in California and Steve=20 Myers in Washington You can hear the show worldwide in Real Audio at =8A and on AM/FM in 14 US cities including: Palm Beach, Honolulu,=20 Taunton MA, Rhode Island, Nashua NH, Reno NV, and Virginia Beach. ________________________________________________________________________ ExTel The lowest ever long-distance rates! See our new expanded range of=20 wholesale services! Unitel: 5.9 cents a minute anywhere in the US. Your own toll-free=20 number for just 5.9=A2 a minute - and no monthly fees!=20 Opex (formerly PremierCom): 7.5 cents a minute anywhere in the US,=20 super-discounted international and instate rates. Your own toll-free=20 number for just $2 a month, US > UK just 6.9 cents a minute! 6=20 second billing - and no monthly fees! AccuLinq Calling Cards at 9.9 cents a minute - Cellphone Service at 10 cents a minute - See all our services at [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Re: FBI Gets Involved in Bois Blanc v. Stitt Family (fwd) Date: 19 Aug 1999 10:35:23 PST On Aug 19, Huck wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Howdy the lists, Looks like the Stitt family may get help from an unexpected source. Here's the latest update from Norm Olson. Huck Norm Olson wrote: > "I don't like snakes; and if I have a chance to toss a cobra > into a nest of rattlers, I'll do it with a smile." > Norm Olson > > PRESS RELEASE - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE > Contacts: Norman Olson, 231-548-5878, Mike & Chris Stitt > 231-634-7030, Matt Fitzpatrick, FBI Lansing, 517-487-1850 > Peck & Assoc. 906-635-6286 > > FBI Becomes Involved in Bois Blanc Dispute > Charges of Corruption to be Investigated > > Bois Blanc Island, MI (August 19) - Fearing what may still result > in an armed standoff on Bois Blanc Island, the FBI today said > that a preliminary investigation would be launched into charges > of corruption and abuse of power by township officials. > In what appears to be an effort to defuse a potential crisis, > the FBI contacted militia leader Norman Olson and learning of > the militia's involvement with the dispute on Bois Blanc Island > in northern Michigan. FBI Special Agent Matt Fitzpatrick, > (Lansing, MI, office) questioned Olson, Commander of the > Northern Michigan Regional Militia, about the potential for an > armed conflict. Olson said in a press release today that he > told Agent Fitzpatrick that arms were very much in the plan if > the militia was called upon to protect the Stitt family. "That may > still be necessary, depending on where this goes." > When questioned for the reason the dispute on Bois Blanc Island > began, Olson indicated that he suspected corruption, conflicts of > interest, and abuses of power to be the primary factors the township > targeted the Stitt family. "Mike and Chris would not play along with > the corruption. Chris initiated a complaint that resulted in a neighbor > being charged for cultivating $1.2 million in marijuana with the > sheriff's knowledge. It seems that other people on the island may > have profited from the crop of illegal substance." > "Moreover," Olson explained to Fitzpatrick, "it was about that > time that the township began its most severe persecution of the > family. It was impossible for the Stitts to have a neutral or impartial > hearing before the zoning board when they sought a variance > for their property. They had made enemies of the people on the > board and the board used its power to selectively target the Stitts > with charges ranging far beyond what was originally in the > complaint. From what I've seen and heard, I an investigation > is needed and overdue." > According to Olson, Fitzpatrick asked if the Stitts had contacted > the FBI. When Olson answered that they contacted the militia > instead, Fitzpatrick asked Olson if an investigation should be > started. "We've been asked to bow out. Without the militia, the > Stitts are at risk and trouble can still erupt at any time. Right > now my hands are tied, but lacking justice, we may at the last > minute still have to get involved. " > Fitzpatrick said he would take action to begin an investigation > into charges of corruption. With this, Olson contacted Lyle Peck, > Attorney for Bois Blanc Township and told him that the FBI was > on the way and to tell his clients on the island to get their "ducks > in a row." "I want them to sweat and to feel the fear and stress of > possibly losing everything they've worked for. I want those > people on the board to feel what its like to have a government > agency disrupting their life for a change. Let them feel what its > like to face the threat of fines and jail, having to explain your every > move to the authorities. That's what they've done to Mike and Chris. > Now let them feel the heat for a while. The feds aren't swayed by > petty bureaucrats and if they want to avoid the militia becoming > involved once again, they'll bring these tyrants to task. > "Personally, I don't trust the feds any more than I trust that bunch > of gangsters on Bois Blanc Island. Their involvement was inevitable. > But it may serve to put pressure on the board for the irregularities in > township government and the crime of selective prosecution. It will > also put the feds to the test so the public can see just how > interested they are in preventing trouble. The feds in this case may > turn out to be like the petty bureaucrats on the Bois Blanc > Board. Anyway, they are in it now and the militia is standing by. > My hope and prayer is that justice will prevail and the Stitts will > be left alone to raise their beautiful children unmolested by > tyrannical bureaucrats. If not, the possibly of armed defense > of the Stitts still lingers. We are at a critical stage now and it > can go either way. Now that the feds are involved, the entire > American militia will be watching." > "I'm very doubtful about the township or the fed's ability to do > the right thing. I don't like snakes; and if I have a chance to toss > a cobra into a nest of rattlers, I'll do it with a smile." > END PRESS RELEASE [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fw: Punished for praying/ new column, 8-19-99 (fwd) Date: 19 Aug 1999 12:37:28 PST On Aug 18, Kevin McGehee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ----- Original Message ----- ----- PUNISHED FOR PRAYING IN BOSTON By Jeff Jacoby The Boston Globe August 19, 1999 The City of Boston is shocked -- shocked! -- to find praying going on at the Keys of Life Bible School. And not only praying, but Bible reading. And as if those weren't bad enough, there are religious emblems in plain view -- crosses and spiritual posters right out in the open where anyone might see them. This is intolerable, the city says, and Keys of Life must be punished. Keys of Life is a summer day camp run by the Mason Cathedral Church in Boston's low-income Dorchester neighborhood. It is a modest operation -- a large room in the church's lower level outfitted with tables and chairs, a few computers, a pile of books, and a large screen TV. The church has no athletic facilities of its own, but Franklin Field, a public park, is just down the street and there's a pool at the nearby Boys and Girls Club. As camps go, it isn't much. But it's run by people who care deeply about their community, and it helps keep 30 city kids, many from homes with no fathers and few luxuries, off the streets and out of trouble. The doors open at 7:30 every morning; some children don't leave until 6:30 p.m. Most of those 11 hours are taken up with physical activities and recreation -- swimming, drawing, ballplaying, video-watching. But the first order of business every day is a few minutes of devotion and Bible study. The children usually recite the Lord's Prayer. Sometimes a child mentions that he is praying about something specific -- a lost pet, a sick grandmother. "Mostly," says Kenya Cross, who directs Keys of Life, "we ask God to let us make it through each day in peace. And He does." Now that peace has been torn. Late last month the camp's seven teen-age counselors, participants in a federally-funded summer jobs program, were yanked from Keys of Life and sent elsewhere. City officials accuse the church of asking the counselors to pray, in "direct violation" of the federal Job Training Partnership Act, which pays for the summer jobs. But that law merely requires that participants not be employed "on the construction, operation, or maintenance" of a place of worship. That restriction has never posed a problem for Keys of Life; its counselors spend their day taking care of kids, not building churches. Indeed, the camp has repeatedly been praised by Action for Boston Community Development, the agency that administers the jobs program. "For five years they've been saying I do good work," says Rev. Thomas Cross, Kenya's father and the pastor of Mason Cathedral. "This year, everything changed." On July 15, ABCD sent a letter to Mason Cathedral, warning the church not to involve the counselors in "religious activities." "These include but are not limited to the following: praying, reading Bible stories, drawing Bible pictures, and cleaning in the areas of the church where there are religious symbols.... All religious activities must cease immediately." To Rev. Cross and his daughter, this was preposterous. Ban prayer at a church-run summer camp? But the city was adamant. Larry Smith, the official who supervises ABCD's operation of the summer program, came to the church to insist that the Crosses toe the line. "He sat right here in my office," Cross says in amazement, "and told me, 'My job is to make sure those kids don't pray.'" According to Cross, Smith also told him to remove any religious symbols visible to the children -- including the crucifix on the pastor's door. "I told him I've got two Stars of David and the Ten Commandments on the facade of the church," Cross relates. (The building used to be a synagogue.) "He said, 'They'll have to come down too.' Well, I am not tearing down my church." The city isn't budging, either. When it isn't claiming erroneously that its hands are tied by the Job Training Partnership Act, it is pointing to the Constitution. "There is a total separation of church and state in this country," Constance Doty, director of the city's Office of Jobs and Community Services, told The Boston Globe last week. "This program is funded with federal dollars, and it's very clear that the youths ... cannot participate in religious or political activity." But there isn't a total separation of church and state in America, and there never has been. God is mentioned four times in the Declaration of Independence. Congress hires chaplains, as do most state legislatures and the military. Presidents take the oath of office with a hand on the Bible. Every piece of US currency proclaims, "In God We Trust." The same words are mounted over the Speaker's rostrum in the US House of Representatives. By law, the pledge to the flag includes the words "one nation under God." The Constitution says nothing about a "separation of church and state." The words come from a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1802 to the Danbury Baptist Association. The Baptists had suffered much persecution, and Jefferson wanted to reassure them that under the First Amendment, the government had no authority to hinder or control their activities. The First Amendment, Jefferson was saying, is designed to *protect* religious establishments, not to hassle and harass them. Nothing in the Constitution requires pastors to take down the crucifix from their office door or bars teen-agers from helping little kids say a brief morning prayer. The federal dollars that paid the Keys of Life counselors were not being used to promote religion. They were being used to enable a humble summer camp to provide a safe summer haven in a neighborhood that badly needs such havens. Will nobody reverse this decision? The kids at Mason Cathedral still say their prayers, but they miss their counselors. (Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe. His e-mail address is [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Curtis Subject: Justice [sic] Dept. seeks covert-action law Date: 20 Aug 1999 11:16:24 -0400 (EDT) Justice Department Mulls Covert-Action Bill By Robert O?Harrow Jr. Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, August 20, 1999; Page A1 The Justice Department wants to make it easier for law enforcement authorities to obtain search warrants to secretly enter suspects' homes or offices and disable security on personal computers as a prelude to a wiretap or further search, according to documents and interviews with Clinton administration officials. see: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Thomas Glenn Terry (fwd) Date: 20 Aug 1999 10:36:33 PST On Aug 20, Graham, Brandi wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > ---------- > From: spiker[] > Sent: August 19, 1999 7:17 PM > Subject: Remember this name: Thomas Glenn Terry > > Remember this name: Thomas Glenn Terry > By Ann Coulter (Author of High Crimes and Misdemeanors:The Case Against > Bill Clinton) > 08/13/1999 > > > Remember this name: Thomas Glenn Terry. It won't be bandied > quite as much as "Mark O. Barton" over the next few weeks, but it > should be. A few years ago two armed men burst into a Shoney's > restaurant in Anniston, Alabama and herded the patrons and > employees into a walk-in refrigerator, at gun point. The robbers > kept the manager behind for his assistance as they looted the > restaurant. One patron, however, also remained behind. Thomas > Glenn Terry had opted against being locked in a refrigerator, and > hid from the attackers under a table. > > As one of the armed robbers ransacked the cash register, another > patroled the restaurant. When he came across Mr. Terry, he pulled > his gun. > > But unlike the recent victims in Atlanta, this victim was armed. > Using his own legally concealed handgun, Terry shot and killed the > robber. The other armed robber, who had had his gun trained on > the manager, then opened fire on Terry. Terry shot back, mortally > wounding the second robber. The two dozen hostages were > released unharmed. Only the criminals -- who had been armed > with stolen guns by the way -- didn't make it out alive. > > You probably hadn't heard of the Shoney's restaurant incident. In > the media's boundless capacity to stultify the public with > sensational news stories, they have made places like Littleton, > Colorado household names. But "Anniston, Alabama" doesn't ring > a bell. > > A massacre is a story. Thwarting a massacre isn't. But once you > know about Anniston, and similar averted tragedies, something will > start to leap out at you as you read news accounts of gunmen > shooting scores of innocents. Massacre stories always include a > terrifying account of how the killers proceeded from victim to > victim, pausing to reload, and shooting again. Mass murder > requires that the victims be unarmed. > > Thomas Glenn Terry, though heroic, is not altogether unique. Two > years ago in Pearl, Mississippi a deranged student shot and killed > two of his classmates. Fortunately, Joel Myrick, the assistant > principal had a gun in his car. He prevented the shooting from > becoming a Littleton level massacre by holding the student at > gunpoint until the police arrived. > > A year later, in Edinboro, Pennsylvania, a 14-year-old boy opened > fire at an eighth-grade graduation dance, killing a teacher and > wounding three others. A single murder did not become a mass > murder only because a near-by restaurant owner, James Strand, > happened to be armed. As the shooter stopped to reload, Strand > immobilized the shooter, holding him for over ten minutes, until > the police appeared. A lot of killing can be accomplished in ten > minutes when none of your victims is armed. > > How long did it take the police to arrive in Atlanta? Barton walked > into one office building in Atlanta shot four people dead, then left > the building, ambled across the street, entered another building, > and killed at least five more people. As in Littleton there are film > clips of policemen scaling the building's walls to rescue terrified > and completely defenseless people inside. > > Most striking in the news reports of Barton's shooting spree was > this: Fully three hours after the shooting, some people were still > hiding in the building. Hiding. Waiting like pigs before the > slaughter. Because none of them was armed. None but the > madman. > > But for some reason, the government's response is always to > disarm more citizens. Not to disarm itself, by the way, but to > disarm people other than the police who show up 15 minutes after > the shooting has begun. This isn't a complaint about the police, > they simply can't be everywhere at once. It's a plea for more > citizen guards. There may be bad citizens, but, let me remind you, > there are also bad police. Why are they the only ones don't have to > hide in their offices when madmen with guns show up? > > More guns will not create more Mark Bartons. Guns can do a lot > of things, like protect you from lunatics, but they don't make you > criminally insane. Consider Mr. Barton. The initial reports have > been that he killed his children because his stock porfolio had > declined. Well, that's a rational response. Whether it was his > stocks or his wife or the weather -- he killed his children. This is a > madman. In the absence of a gun, he could have used an axe, a > bomb, or a machette. One of the most efficient murder sprees this > century was accomplished not with guns, but with machettes. > Madmen in Rwanda murdered almost one million people in under > four months. > > If only Thomas Glenn Terry had been there. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fw: [fidoguns] LSAS (fwd) Date: 20 Aug 1999 10:11:48 PST On Aug 20, Michael A. Copeland wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] >From another list I'm passing this along with headers intact, in case you want to follow up. I have no knowlege as to the facts in the post. -Mike > > Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 09:32:47 -0700 > From: Justin Tyme > Subject: Fw: [azcas_l] Gun Rights Organization {01} > Sender: Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Arizona > To: > Reply-to: Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Arizona > X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300 > X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300 > X-MSMail-priority: Normal > X-MDaemon-Deliver-To: > X-Return-Path: > > Hehehe. This is interesting... > > " of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen > these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding > fathers used in the struggle for independence." -- Charles A. Beard > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Ronald Reck > To: Tom Takesaka ; Stacy > ; Slippery Slim ; Lance Reck > ; Mike Doyle ; ; > ; > Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 11:11 PM > Subject: [azcas_l] Gun Rights Organization {01} > > > > > From: Rich Walden > > > Dear armed Americans, > > > > > > Advertising Creative Director, Jim Houck, working with the Lawyers > > > Second Amendment Society (LSAS,, > > > has formed a non-profit corporation for the sole purpose of giving all > > > American firearms owners, big and small, a way to strike back and > > > strike back hard against the Rights Killers. > > > After repeated attempts to work with NRA and GOA, Mr. Houck made the > > > decision, along with the LSAS, to form an elite commando-style > > > organization in order to bypass bureaucracy and time-consuming > > > political red tape and get into the fight. The NRA and GOA have a > > > role in this fight and are doing all they can and are to be credited > > > with such. But there is an overwhelming need for an operational group > > > which can strike fast, strike hard and strike without fear of > > > political reprisal. This is such a group. > > > Every dollar received will go into extremely aggressive advertising, > > > TV, print, radio, outdoor and guerilla, with a single purpose, to > > > destroy those who are tampering with 2nd Amendment freedom. This > > > campaign will not be apologetic, it will not play fair, it will hit > > > below the belt whenever the opportunity presents itself, it will not > > > take prisoners. In short, it will be very aggressive and very > > > effective. > > > There are some people out there who would like to get into the > fight, > > > but for career reasons or political reasons cannot. Here is your > > > chance. There are many who would like to get into the fight, but have > > > no way of doing so. Now you can take a swing directly at the teeth of > > > people like Chuck Schumer, impeached-President Bill Clinton, Sarah > > > Brady, you name it. > > > The campaign will be created and managed by Creative Director, Jim > > > Houck, a career advertising professional who has done work for > > > bluechip clients like Toyota, DIESEL Jeans, Mitusibishi, Procter & > > > Gamble, Sony, The Miami Heat Professional Basketball Team and Sunglass > > > Hut International, to name a few. > > > The company has been created by and will be managed by attorney Dan > > > Schultz of the LSAS. > > > Creative campaigns are in progress and will be operational as soon > as > > > a budget has been amassed and media buys can be made. > > > Please make copies and forward to all concerned parties. > > > Send your checks (NO CASH, WE'RE PLAYING BY THE BOOK AND EXPECT > > > AUDITS AND CLAIMS OF THEFT FROM THE RIGHTS KILLERS) immediately to: > > > > > > LAWYERS SECOND AMENDMENT SOCIETY > > > PMB 447 > > > 2118 WILSHIRE BLVD. > > > SANTA MONICA, CA 90403 > > > > > > In the memo section of your check write 'Operation We the People'. > > > > > > As you may have noticed, we have purposely located in the heart of > > > enemy territory. > > > Already I have been asked what my response will be to those who > > > question my advertising on the grounds of political correctness. > > > Considering that 'political correctness2' is a ten dollar way of saying > > > 'censorship', my official response is, screw'em. > > > > > > Going to war, > > > > > > Jim Houck > > > Creative Director, Los Angeles > > > > > > PLEASE FORWARD TO ALL FIREARMS OWNERS > > > > > > === > > > PALEFACE > > > NRA, SASS Life, > > > Wahsatch Desperadoes, > > > Territorial Governor for > > > Crow Seeps Cattle Company, > > > The Home of Cowboy Action Shooting > > > for All of Central > > > Utah------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > > > Please keep your replies trimmed as much as possible. > > > To unsubscribe, send an empty message to > > Join the resistance. RKBA! > > --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- > > ONElist: home to the world's liveliest email communities. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Poll (fwd) Date: 20 Aug 1999 12:55:42 PST On Aug 20, C. D. Tavares wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > > >Should gun manufacturers be held liable for gun violence? So far: Yes 10% No 86% Sometimes 5% You know, it's funny -- politicians are supposed to be such poll-driven animals, yet here is an issue that by EVERYBODY'S measurement going to bite them right in the ass. -- [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Fw: [fidoguns] LSAS (fwd) Date: 20 Aug 1999 19:18:14 -0700 It certainly sounds like a good idea, but normally (at least IM experience) "creative work" is detailed before the funds are sought. Any of you knowing of large capital pools looking to pre pay undescribed creative work please contact me directly =; ) Boyd (I work in acrylic, water colors, mache, SQL, Access, & occiasionally with shovels) Kneeland - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Fw: [fidoguns] LSAS (fwd) Date: 20 Aug 1999 20:08:42 PST On Aug 20, wrote: >It certainly sounds like a good idea, but normally (at least IM >experience) "creative work" is detailed before the funds are sought. Any >of you knowing of large capital pools looking to pre pay undescribed >creative work please contact me directly =; ) >Boyd (I work in acrylic, water colors, mache, SQL, Access, & >occiasionally with shovels) Kneeland Hmmmmm, suddenly I'm not sure which sounds more, "Liberal".....:-) -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [richslick] S L I C K Year 4, Issue 38 (fwd) Date: 21 Aug 1999 21:42:51 PST On Aug 21, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] =A9 1999 Rich Martin Permission to repost in full, or in part, is granted. You are encouraged to pass this message on to anyone=20 who might be interested in its contents. Better yet, print a=20 copy for a friend who is not on-line. Any and all comments=20 on the subject matter are always welcome. Do not use your reply button if you want everyone to read them. Send them=20 to: To have your address removed from this list, reply with the=20 word CANCEL in the subject.=20 From the Desk of Rich Martin P O Box 531918 972/263-6631 Grand Prairie, TX 75053 " does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an=20 irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's=20 minds..." Samuel Adams _______________________________________________=20 Congratulations Gene & Jill, 1999 CBS' 48-Hours had an interesting story that made a point=20 made on these pages repeatedly. A 14-yr-old girl was seduced=20 by a dirty old man 25 yrs her senior. The affair went on for=20 yrs and didn't come to light until she landed in a mental=20 facility after slicing up her ankles.=20 Now ordinarily, the predator would be called a pedofile,=20 persecuted in the media, given a long jail term, and when he=20 got out, he'd have an ankle bracelet and his address would=20 be listed with the authorities for the rest of his life. His=20 name and address would be available to the public on state=20 sponsored web sites. Even children as young 14 are listed as=20 sexual offenders on these sites.=20 But this case in Raymond, NH, wasn't a normal case.=20 Because of his position in the community, Bruce Usher wasn't=20 treated like Joe 6-pack. He was held to a lower standard,=20 what in law is called "using bad judgement". Many of the=20 people interviewed felt Usher was punished enough when=20 he was fired from his job, as a teacher. Despite favorable=20 treatment, the jury found him guilty, and the judge threw=20 the book at him. He recd 14 to 28 yrs, before time off for=20 good behavior, etc.=20 It's a classic Us and Them case, where govt employees=20 are the Us. We just had a similar case in the metroplex with=20 an officer "of the law" did a 14-yr-old movie usher, where=20 he was moonlighting. (He was even re-instated, probably with=20 back pay.) Any doubt on what would have happened if the=20 owner of the movie theater put a move on the pretty young=20 thing? Different laws for different folks, sorta like=20 belonging to the communist party in the fallen USSR. And if=20 we don't fix it, we'll meet the same fate. We're fiddling=20 around while America burns.=20 How Slick is Slick? Clinton blind-loyalists are are trying to invent similarities between his tryst with a 21-yr-old intern and=20 Mr Newt's alleged infidelity with 33-yr-old staffer. The=20 difference is, Bill's intentions toward Monica were never=20 honorable. It's apples and oranges, folks, and no matter how=20 much they spin, it'll never be lemonade. Broaddrick=20 B-1 BILL U.N.=20 backs away from U.S.-made deal with KLA [Free Republic]=20 =20 THE CLINTONS=20 LEGACY=20 Conversion of the once proud military service to the=20 largest mercenary force in the history of the world.=20 USAF stop loss<= /A>=20 TRADE DEFICIT For the 6th straight month The Clinton Trade Deficit set=20 a new 30-day record only to be broken when the next report=20 was released. Now at $24.6 bil, or enough to feed a family=20 of 4 for all eternity, at which time the deficit is expected to=20 level off.=20 OVERHEAD Highest paid federal work force in the history of the=20 nation, draining the resources of the people who are paying=20 the freight. Fedl workers pay now exceeds what the average=20 American private sector worker earns. Paying the govt administrators more than the producers will lead to the fall=20 of the country, as the best workers leave the private sector=20 to become part of the nation's overhead expenses. Clinton claims=20 tax cut "threatens" US treasures.=20 EDUCATION 6,000 guns were brought to school in violation of fedl laws,=20 and 13 or 14 cases prosecuted. We need a law that says the=20 law must be enforced, but before we go off on the courts &=20 prosecutors, you gotta wonder, how many of these guns were=20 cap guns, etc. In one notorious natl case, an elementary=20 pupil got swept up in his school's no tolerance policies=20 when he brought his G.I Joe to school armed with a 1 inch=20 "gun".=20 WE NEED A LAW Here's a stat the surprised me. 3,000 people are killed=20 each year changing flats on the side of the road. (Source:=20 Shell advt.) We need a law. Click on www for Their idea of a new law=20 needed.=20 MARRIAGE PENALTY TAX I've never considered myself a one-issue voter, but=20 there is one issue which does qualify for that rare honor--- the infamous Marriage Penalty Tax. Liberals act like=20 removing it would lead to disaster. The media claims it=20 would be a tax cut for the rich and would lead to the=20 destruction of everything good. But the truth is, it's just=20 plain UNFAIR. We need a law that says minimally, that a=20 married couple has the right to file "married but filing as single" (as compared "...but filing separately"). NOW! =20 ALGORE Why hasn't Algore taken on La Nina, like he saved us=20 from El Nino? Is he concerned about offending Hillary's=20 core liberal women's voters? 3RD PARTY We are being inundated by horror stories from the right=20 about voting for a 3rd Party. We'll end up electing Bradley or=20 Gore, they say. They fear Pat Buchanan will follow Sen Smith=20 and bring his followers with him. Well, who could blame=20 them, after what Jesse Ventura accomplished in his first=20 year on the job. A $2.7 B cut in budget returning $575 per=20 Minn citizen. Sen Ashcroft o= n=20 tax cut=20 LARRY ROBINSON The Texas Criminal Court of Appeals (Texas' Supreme Court) postponed the execution of mass murderer, Larry=20 Robinson, now 42, believing he not may be competent=20 enough to die. If he wasn't crazy when he killed 5 people,=20 including a child, 17 yrs in a Texas prison should do the trick. It would have been the 100th Texas execution=20 since George W took office. The question should be: did he know right from wrong=20 when he committed his crimes, not being too far gone to=20 appreciate the reason he's being snuffed out now. BACKLASH The delay has created a backlash with callers to popular=20 talk shows asking for the death penalty for a range of other=20 crimes, ie sexual offenders.=20 =20 ANOTHER FEDERAL TAKEOVER On MS-NBC's Geraldo, he reported that the Pittsburgh Police Dept has been taken over by the feds. Whenever I hear=20 someone say, "I'm from the govt, and I'm here to help you,"=20 I shudder. Control of the state prisons was just retd to the=20 State of Texas after being run by the feds for decades. (See=20 above.) AN INTERESTING ITEM Smoking Inspectors. Fire Inspectors in LA told the City=20 Council that they had observed smoking in over 80 bars over=20 the last few weeks. Rather than issuing citations, they have=20 adopted a more educational approach, that is less harsh. One=20 of the City Council members was quite put out and demanded=20 that they ticket the owners and smokers, that they were not=20 chartered to educate anyone. The LA Times story, read by=20 Limbaugh 7/28 was followed by another story that described=20 1200 Chinese Party Officials that had been recently=20 converted to a new religion being rounded up and sent to the=20 North for re-education, where they were to read Marx and=20 reflect on their straying from the Path of the Helmsman=20 (Mao). How many years down the road are re-education camps=20 for smokers ?=20 NOTICE This is the last "An Interesting Item" to appear in=20 the Slick E-zine. Starting tomorrow, Alex will posting to=20 this list separately.=20 More Interesting Items can be now be found on Rod Martin's=20 (no relation) "Vanguard" at Interesting Items by Alex=20 Gimarc=20 TOBACCO DEAL If the govt was really interested in fighting tobacco=20 addiction, you'd think they'd issue Nicoderm stamps to the=20 poor, instead they tax the cure and restrict=20 KATHIE'S KORNER To the remark that the world can be divided into two=20 kinds of people, the wise person replies, "Infinitely." And=20 sometimes we make the wrong divisions first, and confuse=20 ourselves about how the world is arranged. Take this=20 country's two-party system. Divide US citizens into 1. those=20 who believe there is one perfect belief system and we all=20 ought to align ourselves with it and that our laws should=20 reward those who do and punish those who don't believe as=20 our leaders believe, and 2. those who believe that there may=20 be more than one right way to reach the right answer and=20 that people should be free to arrive there in the way they=20 think best.=20 Once you've done that, you see why so many disenchanted=20 folks are saying that the biggest difference between=20 Republicans and Democrats is the color of their riding=20 silks. The only thing they disagree on, and this has changed=20 over the years in both parties, are the minutiae, not their=20 bedrock belief that we must all conform. On the other side=20 are the Libertarians, who pretty much practice the live-and- let-live philosophy that is anathema to both of the major=20 parties. Reply-to: LETTER-TO-THE-EDITOR Recd from: D.D < > The Militia of North Dakota is the only site that I have=20 seen that even places the original unamended 1791 2nd=20 Amendment on the web. The so called 2nd Amendment that is=20 used today is not the real 2nd Amendment. Go back to the=20 original, it has power. The one used today by everyone has=20 no power to it.=20 AMENDMENT 2 (1791) The Right of the People to organize and=20 establish a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the=20 security of a free State, the Right to present and bear arms=20 against any enemy, whether they be foreign or domestic,=20 shall not be infringed. An organized effort to communicate=20 information between Citizens of the united States of America=20 and an organized effort to protect Citizens from criminal=20 acts committed against them by Government officials.=20 Original = 2nd=20 Amendment?=20 R.S. This is a new one on me. I do remember reading that the=20 original constitution was re-written the night before=20 signing for style. Anybody out there know? REMEMBER THE GOOD OLE DAYS... when Ladies' Night meant ladies would be admitted to the=20 ballpark free?=20 when a $1 bet placed with your local bookie paid $600 on a 1=20 in a 1,000 chance, AND income tax was optional. when no respectable time capsule was complete without a=20 Sears & Roebuck catalog.=20 BEST OF SLICK-d General Robert E. Lee=20 LETTER-TO-THE EDITOR ...One last thing - under "PAYING DOWN THE DEBT", you=20 say, "paying down the deficit". Don't you mean, "paying=20 down the debt"? I don't think we can trust them to pay down=20 anything!=20 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT The Ft Worth M.E.'s reports that 30-yr-old Livingston=20 died in police custody of natural causes while illegally=20 strapped to a chair. This is a tough one to explain.=20 (Luckily, the M.E. discovered heart & lung problems=20 complicated by pneumonia.) Somebody is going to get=20 a paid vacation.=20 THIS SPACE FOR RENT Reliable Internet Access for only $14.95 a month. Over 550 access numbers in 21 States and growing. Cyber77-ISP, web hosts, unlimited access,=20 high-speed servers=20 If you have your own web site, you know it's not enough=20 to be on the internet with 30,000,000 geeks. Oh, search=20 engines are great---for the other guy, but wouldn't you=20 prefer to be a little more direct? Instead of trying to=20 reach millions of people who can't spell your name, here's=20 your chance to target thousands of politically active=20 people like yourself. Send e-mail for details to RichSlick. PARTING THOUGHT Can you imagine the govt's response if Publishers=20 Clearing House announced a million dollar drawing, but then=20 only paid out less than half of that, unless they agreed to=20 accept $50,000 for 20 years? But, if you win at Lotto, where=20 state's figured out how to raise astronomically be using a=20 50+ digit numbering system... * * * * *=20 Subscribe to this Slick e-zine featuring Kathie's Korner, and receive absolutely free, a copy of Rich's Major Media=20 Mailing List containing over 400 e-mail addresses. To=20 subscribe, send your check for $24.95 to the address at the=20 top of this message. Be sure to include your e-mail address. Anyone wishing to carry Slick at their WWW site should=20 contact me by e-mail. Having the current Slick updated once or twice a week gives visitors a reason to come back soon. THE TRUTH IS...=20 A. Powerful. C. In the eye of the beholder.=20 B. Irrelevant. D. All of the above. Just Tell Us What You Want... - Shopping the World for You! home: - Simplifying group communications [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #148 (fwd) Date: 21 Aug 1999 21:44:44 PST On Aug 21, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Heads Up A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia August 22, 1999 #148 by: Doug Fiedor Previous Editions at: THE PRIMARY MESS It seems that they would have learned a little something from that terrible loss they inflicted on us. But they didn't. Here come the same fat cat establishment insiders pulling the same dirty tricks again. Last time, they inflicted us with Bob Dole, that liberal Washington insider in conservative clothing. "It's Bob's turn," was the insider mantra in the Republican Party. Funny thing, that. From out here in the foothills of Appalachia, we thought it looked a lot like a payback by the moneyed crowd for all the help Dole provided them over the years. Certainly, they couldn't believe Dole would win. Now comes the very same minions of the moneyed crowd pushing Bush Junior on us. And again, they are saying that Republican activists are to dummy up. It's a done deal. All they have to do is to buy a few primary elections, after all. No big deal for them. Already, they have the media swooning over Junior. There's a little problem, though: Bush gets positive press, as it goes. But, it is press without substance. There are no ideas, no positions, no nothing. Are they intentionally setting him up for a fall? Maybe. Contrast Bush with the issues identified by Forbes, Quayle, Buchanan and Smith, in that order. These men have ideas of substance. They have a platform. They have something that we can get behind, debate, defend -- or dump on if we do not agree. But, they do not have media acceptance. That's because they do not have the moneyed crowd's movers and shakers -- those in the background pulling the strings -- behind them. Bush has said nothing of substance yet. He does, however, have the people who count backing him. The above may sound a bit crass and jaded, but that is the way things work in national politics. For the primary election, anyway. The presidential primaries are actually an undemocratic mess and not at all difficult to manipulate by a very small group of insiders. The games played in the Ames, Iowa straw poll was a joke in point. Why in the world should that little straw poll make a difference? After all, this is not even the correct year for a primary election. Many of the votes cast at Ames were bought and paid for by the candidate committees. The straw poll was, therefore, but a diversion. A public relations extravaganza. It means nothing. Yet, it was published by the media as if it had meaning. Strange. The same applies to the New Hampshire primary. That is but a media event. In the real scheme of things, it should mean nothing. It's a prelude to the California and other early primaries. And herein lies another real problem with the presidential primaries: The race can be pretty much decided before half the electorate in the country even get to cast a vote. Those pulling the strings from the background like it like that, too. The elections costs less that way. The liberal national media also likes it. This system increases media influence. The losers are half the voters in the country. The primaries are a done deal before they get to vote. Listen to the media; they will tell you so. Consequently, many people do not even bother to vote in the primaries. Also, as evidenced by Bob Dole last time, the people do not always get the candidate they want. Rather, they usually get who the establishment insiders want them to have. That's yet another way of stacking the election results. They can force a weak candidate on one party or the other so their favorite son in the opposing party will win. And so it happened. Will Bush make a good president? We do not yet know what he thinks about the issues and the Bush camp seems to like it that way. Sooner or later, though, he is going to have to actually take a stand on an issue. That will lose votes. Also, Bush will have to pick a vice presidential running mate. Word on the street has it that he will pick either John Kasich, a social liberal, or Elizabeth Dole, a liberal bureaucrat. That will also lose a lot of votes. Anyone will beat Gore because no one wants him. Dollar Bill Bradley might give Bush and whoever a real run for their money, though. Some Americans still like socialism. But, if "Jesse the Body" runs, all bets are off. There is a very strong undercurrent of dissatisfaction with the political structure in this country right now. Regardless of his politics, Jessie would pull the votes simply because he is open and straightforward -- and not a career politician. Meanwhile, this mess we call the presidential primary election needs immediate attention. Many voters are disenfranchised and disaffected. That must change. Soon. As with other elections, the presidential primary election should be held on the same day in every state. ONE NUT CASE WITH A GUN We could have survived our whole week's vacation quite nicely without hearing the irresponsible national media relating their nauseating story of one Buford O. Furrow every single day for the week. But, that's all there was in the way of national "news" for that week where we were. We meandered out of the foothills of Appalachia down to the real hills of central Appalachia -- down where the turns in the highways are often so sharp you would swear the road is going to cross itself and a full line-up for cable TV only includes about 15 channels. "Lucky for those kids that idiot cannot shoot," I muttered to no one in particular at our gathering. A couple of men nodded agreement, and that was all that was said about that situation. Someone found the television's off switch. Later, it seemed there was something dreadfully wrong with this picture. Here's a fugitive from reason who spent time in federal psychiatric facilities. We have a convicted felon who had actually tried to commit himself to a psychiatric hospital last year. He was ordered by a judge in Washington to give up his guns and his probation officer was ordered by the judge to check his home periodically to insure that he complies with the order. But, we come to find out the guy had a federal firearms dealer's license and traded guns and ammunition regularly. Also, we learn, the probation officer never checked to see if he had guns. Suddenly, this jerk wants to shoot something up, so he checks out a few places and picks the one that seems to be least protected -- the day care center. He has a few guns and many pounds of ammunition in his van. But, he carjacks another car to use for the shooting, leaving the driver alive to give his description to the police. Therefore, he leaves most of his equipment and ammunition in his van. So, this idiot walks into a day care center with a loaded Uzi and a Glock. He fires off about seventy rounds, but only hits five people -- and then, mostly in the legs. Apparently, he shot the floor more than anything else. No one was shooting back, but Furrow only hit a target with five or six rounds out of seventy, and that from across the room. With guns that are easy to shoot. After that, for no apparent reason other than the guy looked a little different in Furrow's eyes, he shoots and kills a mailman. Suddenly he can shoot? Then, somehow he gets to Las Vegas and gives himself up. We're supposed to believe all this? Really? Because, if this thought pattern is established to be true, the problem lies with a psychiatric facility, a judge and a probation officer, all of whom would be very negligent. If this scenario is true, the guy is a total nut case and needed to be locked up. Hell, while trying to commit himself, he even admitted it! Some called his actions hateful. That's wrong. He's crazy. Deranged. And a miscreant. It's that, or there is something else afoot here. Meanwhile, public officials who do not like or trust the American people called for even more gun control. Los Angeles Police Chief Bernard Parks called for nationwide ban on assault rifles and small handguns known as Saturday night specials. Attorney General Janet Reno says gun violence might be reduced if prospective gun owners are required to be licensed and show they can use a firearm safely and legally. And the normal liberal perpetrators in the national media pulled out every shooting file clip they could find in their campaign to trash our right to keep and bear arms. Out here in the foothills of Appalachia, we see things just a little differently than Washington's chattering crowd. That is, if the judicial system, the psychiatric institutions and the parole/probation officers of the United States are going to allow nut cases like Buford O. Furrow to run our streets without even minimal supervision, that pretty much cements the need for a number of good citizens to remain armed. And if the national media would quit giving these psychologically disturbed imbeciles so much media coverage, perhaps the other mentally deranged in society would not play copycat. DEFENDING THE FOURTH AMENDMENT In the last issue we wrote about the fight against unconstitutional police roadblocks and the good works of an attorney named Pat Barber of Colorado City, Texas. This issue, we have similar good news about the defense of our Fourth Amendment rights. Someone once said "there ought to be a law," and apparently there is going to be. In Kentucky, anyway. It seems that a number of busy political activists around Kentucky have contacted their State legislators about the continuing annoyance of roadblocks around the State. Roadblocks are necessary to check for drunk drivers, seat belt use, proper child restraint and a number of proactive reasons, the errant police chiefs say with a straight face. "I think the public safety factor greatly outweighs the minor inconvenience of a stop," Kentucky State Police Major Don Pendleton told a State House committee last week. That's baloney! An old rule of thumb in political science teaches that when you transform a crime-detecting police force into a crime-preventing policing apparatus, you have created a police state. And, that is exactly what is developing. Quickly. The American people shall not direct their lives for the expediency of police work. The situation, in fact, is supposed to be the other way around. If an agent of government wishes to stop, question, check papers of and/or search an American citizen not immediately suspected of being involved in a crime, that public servant must first secure a warrant stating who and what is to be searched and why. Most police officers know that and few good American police officers will violate that rule of law. But, there is yet a much more ominous reason these unconstitutional roadblocks are dangerous to the well being of the American people. That directly relates to the mind-set of a certain segment of police officers. Years ago, I remember a little girl (we need not embarrass anyone with an identification here) sitting on the floor of the living room playing with the family cat. The cat suddenly started kicking up a fuss and making cat noises. The little girl's mother looked in from the kitchen and scolded: "Quit pulling that cat's tail!" The little girl looked up sweetly and replied, "I'm not pulling the cat's tail, mommy. I'm just holding. The cat is doing all the pulling." And so it is with many police officers today. If someone does not stop to have their papers checked, they get chased. If they still do not stop, most police officers will stop them the only way they know how: Crash them. After all, the police officer is only "holding." It is the person fleeing who is "pulling" the situation along. This creates a real danger for everyone around and it is not uncommon for people -- innocent victims, too -- to be killed. The other way for police to stop a fleeing citizen, of course, would be to shoot them. But, the fact is, the police will not let the person escape. They'll have an army of police cars zooming around until they somehow stop the person. To many police, the danger to the community is a forgotten factor at this point. Is the necessity of checking papers worth that risk? How about seat belt compliance? Tipsy drivers? Well, what is then? Where do we draw the line? The Kentucky House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on these roadblocks last week. They got an earful, too. State Rep. Perry Clark (D-Louisville) told Major Pendleton that police officers underestimated public feeling about roadblocks and that he intends to draft legislation to forbid them. "The people are irritated very much on this issue," Clark said. "To think we're not going to a police state -- we've got our heads in the sand." We had occasion to speak with people from both the House and Senate, and from both sides of the isle, on this issue last week. It appears that type of legislation stands an excellent chance of passing. And so it should, in every state in the country. We must demand that our State Legislators again begin performing their rightful duty, part of which is to protect the rights of the people by protecting and defending the United States Constitution against any assault whatsoever. The Fourth Amendment was designed to protect our liberty. But it also protects our personal privacy from the prying eyes of government agents. We do not need to have our "papers in order" for any agent of government unless we are to be accused of a crime. Tell them so. EXECUTIVE ORDERS By: Craig M. Brown The imperial President is at it again. On August 5th, the day before Congress went into recess, he signed two new executive orders, both of which Congress would surely have rejected. The first is an order designed to control the information flow on the Internet -- that devilish medium that won't keep its mouth shut about his misdeeds. The other is his second try at Executive Order 13083, the one he had to suspend in May of 1998 when Congress found out about it and forced him to put a hold on it. EO 13083 was one of the most diabolical in a sea of diabolical Clinton Executive Orders. While it was certain to have been struck down by the United States Supreme Court because it nullified the 10th Amendment, there is no telling how much damage could have been done to states' rights before it got there. Now he's trying again, hoping no one will notice until it's too late. While the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, we are cursed with a Congress that practices anything but vigilance. All Executive Orders are published in the Federal Register, which is presented daily to each member of Congress. Since it's apparently too much trouble for Congressmen or their staffs to read the register, it falls to us to read it for them. Executive Orders are a favorite tool of President Clinton, who is disdainful of the sole power of Congress to create laws. Consequently, he fires off EOs like a Gattling gun, in the dead of night or when Congress is in recess. Fighting them is a ping pong game, trying to bat them back when the President serves them ten at a time. The truth is that the only way we citizens can win at this game is by throwing a blanket over the table. What is holding back the blanket is the Emergency and War Powers Act, which was created in the 1930s to give FDR broad powers to hold the country together during first the depression and later World War II. In theory, the EWPA is an excellent tool for fast response during a true national emergency. And we have been fortunate in that since FDR, we have not had a megalomaniac President who abused the powers inherent in the EWPA. Not until now. Take a look at some of the EOs that have been coming out of the White House in recent months. The buildup of the powers of FEMA, run by President Clinton's Arkansas buddy, James Lee Witt. Through the relentless assault on the sovereignty of the individual states via Executive Orders, President Clinton has systematically drawn unprecedented power to himself to the point that by a stroke of his pen during some real or imagined emergency (Y2K comes to mind), our Republic can be replaced by a dictatorship. Admittedly, this could be considered a paranoid view of our government. But this is a very special President, unlike any we've ever had. Even his wife attributes his actions to a psychological affliction. At the very least, we should ask ourselves how important it is to have the EWPA at the disposal of _any_ President, let alone this one. If the power over us isn't used, the act is unnecessary. If it is used, it can be disastrous. While the two Executive Orders concerning Federalism and editing the Internet need to be intercepted and destroyed, the problem of EOs will continue while the Emergency and War Powers Act is in place. [Note: To read these executive orders -- EO 13132 on Federalism and EO 13133 on the Internet -- go to -- ed] ~ End ~ [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [2ndamendmentnews] 24 Children Murdered: Hunt for Killers Continues (fwd) Date: 22 Aug 1999 13:13:29 PST On Aug 22, Weldon Clark wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] 24 Children Murdered: Hunt for Killers Continues by Weldon Clark To anyone who prizes his or her freedom, Waco needs no introduction. But you do need to know about recent developments in the investigation of the matter. The need is especially clear since most of the national media have been working hard to ignore the story--despite its listing on AP and UPI wire services, and discussion in the Washington Times, the Washington Post, and other sources. First, there have been lawsuits filed by families of those killed at Waco and by some of the survivors. The suits were transferred to Judge Smith, the same judge who sentenced some of the Davidians to long prison terms, and is generally thought of as a very pro-government, very anti-Davidian judge. The government of course moved to dismiss the cases. To the surprise of many, Judge Smith refused, leaving open such claims as the Davidians' assertion that the government shot at people leaving the burning building. This, Smith stated, had at least some evidence to support it, and if proven would "shock the conscience of the court." Judge Smith must have been startled at the next development. Without warning, the Texas Department of Public Safety appeared in his court. TDPS announced that the Texas Rangers (which are part of TDPS) had two large rooms full of Waco evidence that had never seen the light of day. It explained that members of the public--documentary producer Michael McNulty and attorney David Hardy--had been asking for copies, but that when it offered to make them, federal agencies forbade it. Yet when McNulty and Hardy asked the federal agencies for copies, the same agencies claimed that they couldn't give them because only the Rangers had control over the evidence. TDPS added that it did not want to be responsible for withholding the evidence, hinted that it did not trust the federal agencies to have it, and offered to file the entire mass (estimated at twelve tons of material) in court! Things became more lively when TDPS explained just what was in the evidence. TDPS commissioner Jim Francis said that it contained government fired projectiles, which appeared to be pyrotechnic (that is, fire producing). It appears to this author that may prove that FBI started the fire that killed 74 people, including two dozen children. He allowed he was no expert, but said the evidence would be at least "problematic" for the FBI's position. (The projectiles, fired from the FBI's M- 79 grenade launchers, including pyrotechnic CS gas rounds. These expel the CS by burning a mixture similar to black powder, and are stamped with warnings that they cause fires and may not be used against buildings.) The evidence was so sensitive, Francis explained, that he had instructed the Rangers to keep FBI out of the evidence locker until it could be secured with the court, and he had ordered the Rangers to commence their own investigation. The revelation of hidden evidence must have shocked Judge Smith, hitherto seen as very pro-government. He issued an order accepting the Ranger's evidence. Then he issued a second order, which is utterly unprecedented. He ordered all federal agencies to turn over to the court all evidence "in any way relevant to the events at Mt. Carmel [the Davidian building]." No one had even thought to ask for such an order; in a civil case, judges just don't order all the evidence turned in, whether it has been subpoenaed or not. An anonymous law enforcement authority was quoted in the Dallas Morning News as predicting that "The Justice Department is going to have a fit!" That's a safe prediction. Attorney Hardy's Freedom of Information Act suit drove ATF to admit that it had three and maybe four video cameras filming what happened at the Davidians' front door, and likely showing exactly what had happened when the first shots were fired--but ATF claimed all copies had vanished. So had an infrared tape of the building, which would conclusively show if and when the Davidians fired. We may now know exactly where those tapes are sitting, and exactly why they've had to be hidden for six years. Now for the things we can't talk about--or, at least, things were we can only reveal part of the story. Michael McNulty, producer of the documentary "Waco: The Rules of Engagement," is producing a second documentary. If the first one was stunning--it won an Academy Award nomination--the second one makes it look mild. With solid evidence, most of it from the government's own files, he shows that the FBI may be guilty of lying, perjury, and homicide. He found the 40 mm Pyrotechnic shells, and tied them to the fire. Retired FBI and government sources agreed to talk. The picture that emerges is even grimmer than we might have thought. Some Davidians had claimed that FBI fired into the building and shot at people who tried to escape. McNulty has uncovered STRONG proof that the statements are true. FBI infrared tapes, far better than those shown in his first documentary, show not only the FBI gunshots but also the FBI shooters. A law enforcement videotape shows the muzzle flashes. Internal FBI reports confirm that gunfire was heard from one of their sniper positions. This is only a tiny part of the new evidence McNulty has uncovered, but it should give you a guess as to what the rest is like. Here are just some of the indictments, each carefully documented, that McNulty's new documentary will level. Yes, there is a reason why 74 people burned rather than escape the burning building. Those who came out the back way--away from the media cameras--had been shot as they tried to get out. Yes, the "brave federal agents" got trigger- happy. Yes, a federal agency levied war against American civilians--including two dozen children. McNulty showed his documentary to Congressional staffs recently, and the effect was immediate. Congressmen and Staffers were seen leaving in tears, others in angry determination. Now there is talk of new congressional hearings- done the right way, for once. The Washington Times carried the story under the headlines "The Waco Cover-up Begins to Unravel." Sources close to the case demanded anonymity to avoid Judicial Reprisals. The Waco dam is cracking, and we need your help to break it wide open. If you value your freedom, and the Republic we have known and loved, sit down, right now, and: 1. Write your own Congressman, demanding hearings into the new evidence uncovered in Texas and soon to be seen in a disturbing new documentary film "Waco: A New Revelation". You can call your representatives at the following toll-free numbers US Capitol Switchboard 888-449- 3511 You can also call them using the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. Here's an e-mail link to Congress. 2. Down load this document and make copies to distribute to your friends, family and coworkers. Resend this article as far and wide as you possibly can. To spread the word call Rush Limbaugh at 800-282-2882 and callers may call in from 12 noon to 3PM EST, M-F 3. Write Jim Francis, Chairman Texas Dept of Public Safety PO Box 4087 Austin, TX 78773-0001 thanking him for his integrity and for protecting the reputation of his State and that of the Texas Rangers. Jim Francis was appointed to this position by Governor George W. Bush and we may assume his actions in standing up to the feds have the tacit approval of Governor Bush. 4. If you can, contribute to pressing the civil suits brought by the Davidians. Most of what they had went up in smoke, and they're now faced with the need to finance lawsuits against the government--which is defending with your tax dollars. None of this money is for attorney fees. The case requires expensive depositions. Contributions can be sent to (and checks made out to) WACO JUSTICE FUND 5847 San Felipe Suite 1450 Houston, TX 77057. **************************** The 2ndAmendmentNews Team The way to protect your own rights is to protect the rights of others. Our right to own and use firearms and all of our rights are under attack. We receive e-mail addresses from various sources that represent the recipients as receptive to our timely, low-to- moderate volume rights-related alerts (generally no more than weekly, never more than daily, depending on legislative and other circumstances). Occasionally recipients turn out to be not interested, and we remove them immediately with our sincere apology for any inconvenience. If you wish to be removed send an e-mail to 2ndamendmentnews- and include "unsubscribe". If you know anyone who would appreciate these alerts, please let us know and we'll enroll them on a trial basis. Also, feel free to forward our alerts. If you've received this as a forward and wish to subscribe please send a reply to me at or Cordially Yours, The 2ndAmendmentNews Team 2ndAmendmentNews is published by volunteer activists who support the full original individual rights intent of the 2nd Amendment and the whole bill of rights and oppose any appeasement concerning our rights. The moderators include Chris Behanna, Weldon Clark and Steve Cicero. If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. -- Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776. --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- ONElist: your connection to online communities. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Poll (fwd) Date: 23 Aug 1999 13:20:51 PST On Aug 23, C. D. Tavares wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > > >Yes 69.7% >No 30.2% > >258 votes The question (someone forgot to mention this!) is, "Should proper gun use be taught in schools?" Actually, my real opinion is "no" (schools teach way too much incidental shit already) but I voted yes just to twist their knickers. It's now 74.2% yes out of 404 votes. -- [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Re: Subject: To all you gun haters out there......Just recentlyposted to Date: 24 Aug 1999 19:59:09 PST On Aug 24, Huck wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Here's a great idea! Huck > Just recently posted to MSNBC Bulletin Board: > > > Subject: To all you gun haters out there...... > From: JEMIII > Host: > Date: Tue Aug 24 17:08:09 > > Did you know that D.C. has a gun buy back program and lets you remain > anonymous when you turn a gun in? Up until last week, anyway. Well, it > gave me an idea, being a gun owner and all, so guess what I did a little > while ago? - Yep, I turned in a whole pass'l of hardware to our dear ol > gov't. I spent the previous 2 years collecting all the junk, non-firing, > worthless examples of the modern firearm and turned them all in.(Really- > none were repairable!) I made nearly six grand on the deal. With the > proceeds, I turned around and bought (yes, bought!) some really serious > hardware that actually will fire if it becomes necessary to test out > some ammunition now and then. It just goes to show that democracy really > does work. The city of D.C. paid for a bunch of new guns and I didn't > pay anything but a few dollars > here and there for "junk". The kicker?=== I DON'T EVEN LIVE IN D.C.- I > JUST DROVE THERE. I COUDN'T FEEL ANY BETTER IF I HAD JUST PLOWED MY BOOT > UP KLINTON'S censored by Huck..... > > BY FOR NOW. GOTTA GO. SIGN ME "ONE MORE STRIKE AGAINST ALL JERK'IN > LIBERAL LEFT GUN HATERS. AND HAVE A REAL NICE DAY! [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: RKBA! Welcome to The Resistance. Get your stickers here (2/2) (fwd) (fwd) Date: 24 Aug 1999 22:25:11 PST On Aug 24, Paul M Watson wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] any case, take your choice. Here's what a friend wrote: << As you know, I liked the Vive La Resistance theme...but then I always preferred Winston Churchill to Neville Chamberlain. More recently, it seems that black civil rights proceeded when the reviled Black Panthers got going, and gay rights got off the ground led by a bunch of kick-ass drag queens in The Stonewall Riots. The women's movement even had S.C.U.M, and I won't offend sensibilities by telling you what that stood for . Tough Israelis like Moshe Dayan and The Entebbe rescue made anti-Semitism and terrorism less a popular sport. And then look at the horrendous success of ACT-UP, the AIDS activist group (even though I wanted to shoot them the night they disrupted the San Francisco Opera opening in 198?.) Point is, I am not too sure that "nice makes right" is a winning philosophy. I have only seen RKBA being whittled to nothing during the sixties/seventies/eighties/nineties while the NRA et al continued their best Neville Chamberlain impersonation. I suggested a poster campaign...say Suzanna Gratia Hupp holding her favorite self defense weapon with RKBA! and Vive La Resistance. I still like that theme. And ain't I a woman? Anybody ask Claire Wolf what she thought...or Sarah Thompson? It has always struck me that on any issue you really have one {unpopular} minority doing battle with another (ruling caste) minority, with the majority wafting towards whoever looks like the winners, but basically wanting to sit it out. Your job as a minority player is to rally and inspire your own troops, and neutralize the mob in the middle so they stay out. You will never win many over unless you look like a winner, or scare them half to death. Appeasers do not look like winners. Just my two cents' worth to add to the largely conciliatory posts that were included. Still, to use an old resistance phrase, "Chacun a son gout." Do both! RKBA! Vive La Resistance! >> If you can help spread these stickers around, mail me a self-addressed stamped business-size envelope with postage as follows: 33 cents postage (one ounce) for 28 stickers; 55 cents postage (two ounces) for 92 stickers; 77 cents postage for 156 stickers (three ounces); or 99 cents postage (four ounces) for 220 stickers. (Each "package" includes a two-page insert; 64 stickers weigh a bit under one ounce. If your envelope is very heavy, I'll decrease the number of stickers to make the weight. You'll need only one stamp on the envelope you send me, even if you include a love note along with your self-addressed stamped return envelope.) Please don't ask for more stickers than you can distribute. My address is 27 Vine St., Andover, MA 01810-5025. This is not a business, but I'll accept contributions to cover my costs. In the first press run, the actual cost per sticker is 4.326 cents. I'm told that costs in future press runs may be higher, but they'll still be under a nickel apiece. Please be sure to include a note with your email address or phone number, in case I have to contact you to advise you of a delay for reprinting. Also, after October 1, 1999, please contact me before you mail me anything, to see if I'm still doing all of this. Email, or call 978/475-5646. You're welcome to make your own stickers, or use the designs on pro-freedom signs. Please note that I've been advised to copyright this material to protect against its appropriation or improper use, so: NOTICE: RKBA! and the RKBA!-Liberty Bell design are Copyright 1999 by Sam Cohen. Some people want to make modified versions that spell out what "RKBA!" stands for. I believe that (a) we should purposely not elaborate on "RKBA!", but deliver it as a teaser and wait for critical mass -- when there are so many of them around that the PRESS will ask one of us and publish the explanation of this ubiquitous mystery (and remember, the whole idea is to add RKBA! as a "logo" to OTHER pro-gun/pro-freedom messages, so a full wording would clutter things); and (b) in the context of stickers (as opposed to larger signs), leaving the message short and cryptic will favor the spreading of these stickers by kids who (we hope) will be attracted to the "in-group" mystery nature of the message. If you do decide to spell out the words, however, I'd recommend expansion to: The [R]ight of the people to [K]eep and [B]ear [A]rms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED[!] The "of the people" part is crucially important, lest people argue that that right applies only to the National Guard, or some such BS. Also, as I should have stated in the original 8/7/99 Internet post, the basic idea of the exclamation point is to refer to the operative part of the Second Amendment: "shall not be infringed (!)" Now, where should these stickers go? Where they'll be seen by the most people. Everywhere. Here are a few ideas: This Halloween, put a few (unpeeled - that is, with the backing still on) in trick-or-treat sacks along with the candy. Lots of parents will see them, and some may even use them later. Stick up doctors' waiting rooms (on magazines that you donate), store fronts (with the store's permission, of course), and letters and packages of all kinds. And remember, high school and college students may be our most important "market." [NOTICE: This communication is not a solicitation to break any laws. I will not ship these stickers to anyone who I know will use them in an illegal manner.] You can also have fun with them. A friend writes: "Do it in a spirit of harmless mischief. All stick-up suggestions MUST be non-violent and non-vandalistic. That is why rags were tolerated in their heyday at universities throughout the British Empire. Thinking up and executing rags was also excellent training; many of Winston Churchill's most brilliant misdirections of the Nazis were really just more elaborate and serious rags." "Just daydreaming Why not stick up anti-gun newspapers like the New York or LA Times, particularly on days they run one of their anti-gun headlines, hmmm? Just put your 50 cents in the machine and stick up the papers. . I would reaalllyyy love to stick it to our dear Dianne F and Babble Boxer. At one of their $1,000 a plate fundraisers, stick up the glasses, the dinnerware, the podium " Thanks for your support! Sam Cohen Gun control creates defenseless victims. It's more than wrong, it's obscene. RKBA! Justifying the right to keep and bear arms by statistics, on the basis of beneficial behavior by the many, is as dangerous as denying that right on the basis of criminal behavior by the few. You do not justify fundamental rights. RKBA! - -- Bill Hartwell RKBA! Male Survivors: Female Survivors: Civil Rights: Internet: (William Hartwell) AirPower Information Services The Pro-freedom Online Service, since 1989! BBS:610-259-2193 Telnet:// Web Hosting - your domain name, unlimited traffic, 45 MB server space! Mailto: This message was processed by AirPower's NetXpress Server. --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- ONElist: home to the world's liveliest email communities. Texas-Gun-Owners is at ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. - To unsubscribe, send a message to, and as the body of the message (plain text, no HTML), send the following: . unsubscribe noban email-address . where email-address is the address under which you are subscribed. Report problems to [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: RKBA! Welcome to The Resistance. Get your stickers here (1/2) (fwd) (fwd) Date: 24 Aug 1999 22:26:02 PST On Aug 24, Paul M Watson wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Reply-To: OK - this is one of those times I am going against my strictest rules - But, I feel that everyone needs to see this. Do get into and support this. If anyone on these elists can make stickers, let us know and we will send you $ to make these or similar stickers. DO send $ to Cohen to help support his efforts. Lets take discussions about this to the RKBA list to Join the RKBA list - go to: fwiw chas On Mon, 23 Aug 1999 19:19:23 -0500, (William Hartwell) wrote: This is from the Massachusetts Firearms List, and the more people who get in on this campaign, the more effect we can have. All over the country would be wonderful. -Begin quoted message - Welcome to The Resistance. I hope you'll pass along this information (and forward this email post). There are three parts to it: First, how the "RKBA!" logo, and the idea of The Resistance, came about; second, why I made the RKBA!-Liberty Bell stickers, how you can get them from me, and how you can make your own; and third, some suggestions on how to use the stickers. - --Sam Cohen 8/23/99 On August 7, 1999, a number of ideas came together for me, and I posted an email message on the Internet. Here is [a slightly corrected version of] that message: ====================================================================== If this makes sense to you, please forward it to others... We in the Massachusetts Firearms email list have been working on pro-gun public messages for months. This grassroots project began with signs for a rally in Boston Common in May; progressed to ideas for a billboard campaign; evolved into slogans for lawn signs; and now focuses on stickers and stencils inspired by the pink triangle of the gay freedom movement. The effort has coincided with what is arguably the most dangerous political and cultural assault on personal freedom in this country's history. Throughout the process, we've brainstormed and argued to try to find the one most effective message, the one best idea for words and graphics. This may have made sense when the goal was an expensive billboard, but now it's not necessary: any number of excellent short phrases can work on lawn signs, and several recent suggestions would work well for stickers or even (let's say it out loud) roadside graffiti. There's no need to cull the ideas down to one... as long as there's a single unifying symbol to tie all the messages together and identify them as coming from a single, unified group of people. That key unifying symbol already exists, and has been right under our noses: RKBA! Four capital letters... plus the exclamation point. It's short. It's known to us, to all other pro-gun activists, and to many other gun owners. (And don't disparage the need for a rallying symbol of solidarity within this kind of movement.) More importantly, it's just cryptic enough so that people will want to know what it means -- and we'll tell them. Add it as a logo to signs and slogans, and as a sign-off or postscript to longer messages. Use it alone, or with the word "Freedom." (Hand out thousands of "RKBA! Freedom" stickers to kids on the subway. Thanks, Richard C.) Use it anywhere you'd paint or draw a symbol. You can make it part of a fancy stencil, but you don't have to. It's only four letters and an exclamation point: write it on restaurant checks, on invoices, on packages you send, on business cards... anywhere people will see it. Go ahead and make lawn signs that say "Save the 2nd Amendment" or "Criminals go where guns are banned," or any number of other good phrases (maybe even including "Silence = Death," appropriated from the gay freedom movement), but add "RKBA!" to the end. (How about: "For the Children -- RKBA!") Design a stencil of a five-pointed star with the digit "2" inside (thanks, Sasquatch) - -- but put "RKBA!" underneath it. See for some great "Burma-Shave"-style pro-gun roadside signs from the Champaign County (IL) Rifle Association. Stay tuned to the Massachusetts Firearms list for more ideas. Just add "RKBA!" to everything. Rick Vaughan ( signs his excellent messages with the tag line, "The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA." Rick, add an exclamation point. Why the exclamation point? [First, to help make the four letters evoke the Second Amendment by suggesting the all-important concluding phrase, "shall not be infringed (!)" But also,] To signify the imperative: Join us! Do something! Don't give in! Learn, educate, speak out, resist! If we all use it, this symbol -- RKBA! -- will be our version of the clenched fist of the black power movement. Now... Some of us breathe more deeply with mention of the Sons of Liberty, and most of us stand just a little taller with thoughts of 1776. But the anti-freedom forces have made a lot of progress in this country -- so much so, in recent years, that times have changed; we've entered a "new reality" (thank you, Andy B.) -- and a better model for us than the Concord Patriots may now be the French Resistance during the Nazi occupation. When someone asks who's writing RKBA! everywhere, and wants to know who we are -- tell them we're The Resistance. We're not the NRA (although most of us may be members); we're not any other group. We're not conservative Republicans. We're not the Christian religion, in any of its versions. We're not for or against abortion, legalization or suppression of drugs, or any other issue except individual liberty and the right of the people to keep and bear arms. And because - -- like the French Maquis of the early 1940s -- we're the voices of freedom in a country governed by tyranny, we're also The Underground. (Yes, that's already happened: How many of us want to advertise our gun ownership?) One further thing: We won't succeed in regaining our freedom without the support of more women, now over half of all voters. The other side has been shameless in deceptively preying on women's protective instincts, and we must devote a large part of our efforts to reversing this process. To this end, one technique is to modify some of the RKBA! symbols: to the bottom of the letter "B," attach, as a descender, the lower part of the female symbol (like a small inverted crucifix). This version of the RKBA! logo would go nicely with appropriate signs and messages -- for example (thank you, Kevin McD.), "Support Gun Permits for Women (RKBA!)." We could even discuss copyrights with the NRA and post "Refuse To Be A Victim (RKBA!)." Let's make this work -- and may God help us. RKBA! Sam Cohen One of the most appealing ideas behind this campaign was inspired by the story of how a company had printed thousands of small stickers with their corporate logo, handed them out to people in a large city, and then watched the stickers appear in so many places that they attracted the attention of the news media. It occurred to me that we could do the same thing, so I created a graphic design with "RKBA!" on a Liberty Bell silhouette, and ordered a few thousand round, two-inch stickers. Some people thought that this first design was "too militant," so I created a modified version. You can refer to them as "the red one" and "the blue one." I'll describe both designs (and give you their Web URLs, so you can print your own if you want), then offer some commentary. You can see color images at (Thanks to Len C. for the Web site. Also, check out Len's neat freehand art at Sticker #1 ("the red one"): Round, 2" diameter, red ink on glossy white, "permanent" sticker (not peel-off). Surrounded by an outer circle: silhouette of Liberty Bell with a bold "RKBA!" worked into the center of the graphic; the word "Freedom" reversed out over the top crosspiece-support of the bell; and, aligned in a circular curve following the edge-circle under the bell, the words "Join The Resistance." Graphic is reduced to 45% of the .gif image at Sticker #2 ("the blue one"): Same as #1, except: Blue instead of red; the word "Freedom" (at the top) is removed; and, in place of "Join The Resistance" (under the bell, on a curve), the words "Cherish Your Freedom" (in slightly larger font than the tagline of Sticker #1). Graphic is reduced to 42% of the .gif image at (named for Mark B., who suggested the use of the "Cherish Your Freedom" tagline, which is borrowed from the banner of my gun club). Let me make a couple of points, please. First and foremost, I'd like to repeat that no one should get hung up on any particular graphic; what almost everyone seems to agree on is the single, "pure" idea of getting "RKBA!" into the public consciousness through a "critical mass" PR campaign -- as a tag line or logo to unify OTHER pro-gun messages/images/slogans/etc. Most people also agree with the idea of running that PR campaign, at least in part, on an "underground" basis (hence, The Resistance). Second, for what it's worth: Design #1 is SUPPOSED to be a little "militant." One thought here is that, with its suggestion of rebelliousness, it just might catch on with young folks, who'll be most active in spreading it about. Note that the reason for making 2" circles instead of 3" ones is that they can be placed more surreptitiously (and carried in a shirt pocket). Another thought is that this design will communicate urgency, let the public know that some people feel strongly enough to mount this campaign, and (this is important) register better precisely because the message is a strong one. Will it be a counterproductive for some? Maybe -- but (again, for what it's worth) my informal poll says that it will do more good than harm. In [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [slick-d] While the right hand is...the left is doing... (fwd) Date: 25 Aug 1999 11:23:40 PST Anyone care to hazad a guess as to how long it'll be till RKBA becomes an issue in this Court? On Aug 25, D. D. wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Watch and see, or do what you must. Rick Source: Human Events Published: August 27, 1999 Author: Joseph A. D'Agostino Posted on 08/24/1999 13:48:20 PDT by jedediah smith Delgates working in New York to hammer out the last details of a treaty designed to create a new International Criminal Court (ICC) have made two radical proposals recently. The first would give the court the power to declare "keeping a woman pregnant" a violation of international law. The second would strip priests, pastors, rabbis and other religious counselors of the attorney-client type privilege they now enjoy in most civilized nations regarding the content of conversations they have while counseling members of their congregations. The forced pregnancy language-an Orwellian inversion of the inalienable right to life mentioned in the U.S. Declaration of Independence-would apply only in time of war (it is place under the heading of "war crime"), but observers of the ICC deliberations say it would set an ominous precedent that could be extended. The new proposals were made in the international preparatory commission that will continue to meet in New York until June 2000 to hammer out the last details of the ICC. Last year, delegates from nations including the United States agreed to the outline of the ICC at a conference in Rome. The body they agreed to create would be an independent international court nominally affiliated with the United Nations. In this latest round of discussions, it was the Canadian delegates who proposed abolishing the ancient religious-counselor privilege in order to aid criminal prosecutions. Austin Ruse, director of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, which has offices in the United Nations Plaza, told HUMAN EVENTS the chances are now "50-50" that the language will be adopted in the final treaty to be drafted next June. Along with Canada, he said, France is also a strong supporter of abolishing the privacy of the confessional. A spokesman for the U.S. mission to the UN said that the U.S. delegation negotiating the ICC treaty had not yet taken a position on either the forced pregnancy language of the question of confessional confidentiality. Ruse said the U.S. delegation was concerned only with removing American soldiers engaged in war from the ICC's jurisdiction, a concern that led the Clinton Administration's delegates to vote against the ICC outline last year. But President Clinton has long endorsed the concept of the ICC, and his delegates in New York are now trying to amend the draft charter so that the President can support it. In a speech to the UN General Assembly on Sept. 22, 1997, Clinton said, "Before the century ends, [we] should establish a permanent international court to prosecute the most serious violations of humanitarian law." Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jesse Helms (R.-N.C.) wrote Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on March 26, 1998, "I am unalterably opposed to the creation of a permanent UN criminal court because any permanent judiciary within the United Nations system would be totally inappropriate." Richard Wilkins, a professor of law at Brigham Young University who was in New York monitoring the preparatory commission's discussions, said that the "keeping a woman pregnant" clause was added to other language in the draft that already addressed the question of "forced pregnancy." The language in question says, "The accused intended to keep the woman pregnant in order to affect the ethnic composition of a population or carry out another grave violation of international law." That last phrase, said Wilkins, could lead to criminal prosecution of government officials who enforce laws against abortion. "They are moving, in separate tribunals, to make abortion rights an international human right," he said. home: - Simplifying group communications [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [slick-d] [ More on "Stop Code"] (fwd) Date: 26 Aug 1999 08:37:28 PST On Aug 26, D. D. wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] For all of you who cannot comprehend what the "chicken little' conspiracy theorists are saying about 9-9-99 being a major event. It won't. It apparently can't, at least if you understand this writers conclusion. "Thanks Randy". Rick home: - Simplifying group communications Hello Rick, I am sending this again with further comments. I intend to pass it out to the Bible Study meeting at my house this weekend as I am sure many will be "on the bandwagon" for the "stop code" panic. I think we are being hoodwinked on this one., Cheers, RD "Who has time to investigate the constant avalanche of corruption emanating from this [Clinton's] administration." Joseph Farah - Founder, Western Journalism Center -----Original Message----- Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 5:22 PM Hello Rick, And now a few words of sanity from a 19+ year computer professional: 999999 is not a date. All the fields which hold this kind of date are 6 bytes of the format MMDDYY or YYMMDD where YY is a year like 99 MM is a month like 11 for November or 09 for September DD is a day like 25 for the twenty fifth day of the month. For days and months which have one digit, a zero is used as the placeholder since some valid digit must occupy every field to keep the computer from becoming confused. Using this scheme, Jan would be 01, Feb - 02, March - 03 and so on. The same holds true for single digit day dates. So what do the September dates look like? 9 September 1999 - 090999 or 990909 19 September 1999 - 091999 or 990919 29 September 1999 - 092999 or 990929 None of these matches the stop code of 999999. There is no way for the computer to mistake any of these for 999999 for the following reason: There are only 6 tests a computer can make in comparison: Greater than (>) Greater than or Equal (>=) Less than (<) Less than or Equal (<=) Equal (=) Not Equal (!=) In the case of the 999999 stop code the programmer would pick either "Greater Than or Equal" or "Equal" as his test condition to invoke the stop code. It would look, in a program, something like this: If (date_value >= 999999) Then ...perform some stop processing else ... perform some standard processing end if None of the September dates would trigger the stop code processing Why was this number chosen? Because there is never a 99th day of the 99th month in the 99th year. Now, what about those who say: "What if they convert the ASCII 090999 to integer to save even more space? First we have to understand the different between ASCII and integer data. ASCII has 8 bits representing each character, in this case the numerals 0 and 9. Integer uses a binary string of bits to represent the number itself rather than it's individual characters. Thus a 32 bit integer would be required to handle dates. Why 32 bits? There are typically 4 types of integer data used in computers: Byte - 8 bits, maximum unsigned value: 255. Short word - 16 bits, maximum unsigned value: 65,535 Long word - 32 bits, maximum unsigned value: 4,294,967,295 Extended - 64 bits, maximum unisgned value: Take my word for it, its huge! Notice that 90999 or 990909 are larger than 65,535 so Long word what any sane programmer would choose. Now let's look at the possibility of Sept 9 1999 being mistaken for "stop code": ASCII 090999 looks like this in binary: 00110000 00111001 00110000 00111001 00111001 00111001 While integer 090999 (actually the leading zero drops so it is 90999 decimal) in binary is: 00000000000000010110001101110111 When we compare this to any of the various proposed "stop codes" we find the following: 99999 is 00000000000000011000011010011111 and 999999 is 00000000000011110100001000111111 , Notice that neither matches 90999 00000000000000010110001101110111 or the other varient: 990909 00000000000011110001111010111101 And this analysis holds for Sept 19th and Sept 29th as well. (Calculation of the binary values is an exercise left to the reader.) So, even if we convert to 32 bit integer, there is no likelyhood that any computers will fail due to the so called "stop code". Now there is one last date format which I have seen in fairly wide use and that is the "Modified Julian Date". In this scheme, date is represented by the following representation: YYDDD Where YY is the last two digits of the year (ie. 99) DDD is the day of the year with values ranging from 1 to 365. Even here we do not have a "stop code" problem as 99999 would be the 999th day of the 99th year. This is an imposibility. So, in Modified Julian, the suspect dates: Sept 9, 1999 would be 99252, Sept 19, 1999 would be 99262 and Sept 29, 1999 would be 99272 If I had time I could do the binary analysis on the Modified Julian dates but I think the reader gets the point. None of these dates would trigger a stop code branch in any currently working computer program. So, until someone produces a simple mathematical argument based on sound principles of computational analysis, I conclude the "stop code" problem is a HOAX designed to discredit well meaning people concerned with Yankee-Two-Kilo. It also is likely that this has been floated to give the public a false sense of security by allowing them to say: "See, the 'stop code' problem was a big nothing, therefore Y2K will be a big nothing." It is possible that a "Boy that Cried Wolf" operation is being worked against the public by our good friends in the administration and their useful idiots. BOTTOM LINE --------------------- There are many date related problems with the computers. This is not one of them. Cheers, RD "Who has time to investigate the constant avalanche of corruption emanating from this [Clinton's] administration." Joseph Farah - Founder, Western Journalism Center [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [slick-d] [Fwd: NATO is now the enemy by Col. David Hackworth] (fwd) Date: 26 Aug 1999 08:39:49 PST On Aug 26, D. D. wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] --------------65114B212FD9 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" content-transfer-encoding: 7bit As if we couldn't figure this one out ourselves. ;-)> home: - Simplifying group communications NATO is now the enemy Col. David Hackworth WorldNetDaily Bill Clinton and British leader Tony Blair don't want us to get the word that: Their promises to end the bloodshed and ethnic cleansing and bring peace to Kosovo aren't happening. Bullets and grenades are still flying in Kosovo. Americans and other NATO soldiers are now targets along with the Kosovars. Just as they lied to us about how NATO air power was clobbering the Serbian Army, their spinmeisters are now working overtime to put the best face on a situation that daily becomes nastier. The facts are that since VK-day -- "Victory in Kosovo" -- more Serb civilians have been slaughtered than ethnic Albanians were before the NATO air campaign began. Since NATO's last bomb fell, scores of Serbians, Gypsies and Jews have been murdered, over 200 Serb villages have been torched and 50 Christian churches have been defiled or destroyed. Grannies are being murdered in their homes. Out of 350,000 Serbs, Gypsies, Jews and others who've lived in Kosovo for centuries, all but 30,000 have fled to nearby countries. They no longer trust NATO to protect them and don't see the promised peace coming anytime soon. Why should they? NATO troops flat haven't been able to stop the violence or the ethnic cleansing. Clinton has once again stuck American soldiers into a killing field where he didn't think out the consequences beforehand. And the deal that stopped the war with Serbia, wrongheaded from the get- go, is now slip-sliding away. How could it be otherwise? Serbia was promised that Kosovo -- a Serbian province -- would remain within its territory, while the Kosovo Liberation Army's objective has always been total independence from Serbia with ethnic Albanians in control of the province. KLA leaders have stated from the onset they didn't see a democratic future for Kosovo or even a multi-ethnic state. What started the fire that led to NATO's most recent Balkan intervention was the KLA's insurgency campaign. Using standard guerrilla tactics and techniques -- terrorism, violence, insurgency -- they sought political power through the end of a gun barrel. When the KLA attacked Serbian police, military and civilian targets in Kosovo, the Serbs struck back at the KLA with no holds barred. "Ethnic Albanians are being murdered and oppressed by the Serbian monsters," the KLA propaganda apparatus screamed. Led by the Geraldo Rivera school of journalism, much of the press failed to report the other half of the story. Now it's NATO's bad luck to replace the Serbs in this ancient quagmire as the latest "oppressors and occupation troops." They're beginning to get what the Serbs have taken for years. And the one thing they can count on is that it'll get worse. The KLA say they've turned in their weapons in accordance with the peace agreement, and the violence in Kosovo isn't their doing - - it's the work of Albanian rogues and gangsters. Right. Just like it wasn't the Imperial Japanese who bombed Pearl Harbor -- it was a bunch of rogue Eskimos in flying machines rented from Hertz. A year ago, our State Department -- headed up by Madeleine Albright -- declared the KLA was a "terrorist organization" big into drug running and organized crime, a finding backed up by international police. But while Mad Maddy was ranting, the rest of the Clinton gang was providing the KLA with secret funds, clandestine training and not-so-covert NATO air support. Clinton broke a cardinal rule: never jump in bed with terrorists and never declare them "freedom fighters." History repeatedly has shown that yesterday's freedom fighter often becomes today's terrorist and tomorrow's Public Enemy No. 1. But since German, Italian and French soldiers have been struck down in KLA attacks, it's likely that Clinton and Blair won't be able to keep the lid on the mess they've created very much longer. It's just a matter of time before one or several of the 17 other NATO architects of this fatally incongruent peace deal blows the whistle. Then maybe even the international press corps will put out the straight skinny. The bottom line is NATO will never accept an independent Kosovo and the KLA will never accept anything less. If the KLA isn't put down, expect the violence to increase and American casualties to mount. Col. David Hackworth is co-author of the 1989 international best seller, "About Face" and the subsequent "Brave Men." His latest book is "Hazardous Duty." [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Curtis Subject: Re: [slick-d] [Fwd: NATO is now the enemy by Col. David Hackworth] (fwd) Date: 26 Aug 1999 13:40:49 -0400 (EDT) Col. Hackworth argues that a democratic Kosovo, quasi-autonomous within Serbia is not going to happen. Agreed. Its probably not going to happen the way NATO wants. What he doesn't mention is the 100's of thousands of refugees, systematic rape and torture and 1000's confirmed dead in mass graves. Its not nice and neat, it never was and never will be. If NATO fights a fools battle trying to contain Albanian Kosovar violence (understandable violence) against the Serbs, then they deserve whatever they get. IMNSHO you can put Hackworth on the list with Arianna Huffington of people who adhor Albanian Kosovar violence and ignore much greater Serbian horrors. ciao, jcurtis - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul M Watson Subject: Delta Force had active role in raid on waco (fwd) Date: 27 Aug 1999 08:03:37 -0500 (CDT) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- [INLINE] Delta Force had active role in raid, ex-CIA officer told=20 =20 Pentagon won't discuss Army commando unit =20 08/27/99 =20 By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News =20 =A9 1999, The Dallas Morning News =20 A former CIA officer said Thursday that he learned from Delta Force commandos that members of the secret Army unit were "present, up front and close" in helping the FBI in the final tear-gas assault on the Branch Davidian compound. =20 The former officer, Gene Cullen, told The Dallas Morning News that he heard the detailed accounts of the military's active involvement from "three or four" anti-terrorist Delta commandos as he worked with them on an overseas assignment in 1993. =20 "Whether it's the macho-bravo-type talk of guys in the field, I don't know," he said, declining to identify the individuals involved. "I have no reason to suspect that they lied. And it didn't just come from one of them. There were three or four guys that confirmed that, who were from Delta." =20 In the months after the Waco tragedy, Mr. Cullen said, he heard from associates in Delta Force that the secret unit's involvement there amounted to far more than observation or tactical discussions. =20 While he was deployed overseas on an assignment, Mr. Cullen said, Delta operators told him that the unit "had 10 operators down there, that they were involved in the advanced forward stages of [the FBI's April 19] operations." =20 "When they explained to me the depth to which they were involved down in Waco, I was quite surprised. They said basically they were out there in the vehicles, the Bradley [fighting vehicles], the CEV [tanks]," he said. "They were active." =20 The chairman of the Texas Department of Public Safety told The News on Thursday that evidence in the hands of Texas law enforcement personnel may support the account given to Mr. Cullen. =20 "I'm advised there is some evidence that may corroborate" the allegation that Delta Force participated in the assault, said James B. Francis Jr., the DPS official. =20 A Pentagon spokesman who spoke on condition of anonymity denied Thursday that any U.S. military units were involved in the assault, "as far as I know." =20 Use of active-duty military personnel against civilians without a specific presidential decree is a violation of federal law. =20 The spokesman confirmed that three Defense Department "observers" whom he declined to identify were in the Waco area on April 19, 1993, the day that an FBI tear-gas assault ended in a fire that consumed the compound. Branch Davidian leader David Koresh and more than 80 followers died in the fire, which arson investigators ruled was deliberately set by sect members. =20 The spokesman said Pentagon policy barred him from any public discussion of Delta Force, even the possibility of its existence. =20 A once-classified memo written to the military's Special Forces Command, which includes Delta Force, indicated that three of its members watched the final tragedy unfold. The May 1993 memo stated that the observers did not participate and were warned not to videotape anything that happened. =20 Mr. Francis said evidence in the hands of Texas law enforcement suggests that more than three Delta Force members were at the compound on April 19 and involved in the assault. =20 "I have been advised that there are some police officers who have developed some evidence that needs looking into with regard to what the role of Delta Force was at the Branch Davidian compound," he said, declining to elaborate. =20 "I think it's a subject that the FBI director and the attorney general need to look into," Mr. Francis said. "The $64 question is whether they were advisory or operational, and I think some of the evidence is problematical." =20 An FBI spokesman in Washington said he had been instructed by the Department of Justice to refer all questions on the presence of Delta Force to the Pentagon. =20 The spokesman, Tron Brekke, added that he could not say whether Delta Force might have actively assisted the FBI in any way in Waco "because I don't think anybody knows." =20 "That's part of the reason that the attorney general and the director are, in a very expeditious manner, going to have 40 assistant inspectors and whoever is chosen to lead them come down and find out definitively what did happen," he said. "I don't know what was done or wasn't done down there." =20 On Wednesday, the FBI announced that a full inquiry was being launched to explain the possible use of pyrotechnic tear-gas canisters by the FBI hostage rescue team during the final assault. =20 The bureau's admission that such devices "may have been used" marked an abrupt reversal of a long-standing denial that its agents used anything capable of sparking a fire at the compound. =20 Bureau and Justice Department officials have maintained that the devices could not have played a role in the fire because they were used hours before the blaze and were fired at an underground bunker adjacent to the wooden compound. =20 A pending wrongful-death suit filed by surviving Branch Davidians and families of the dead has alleged that agents launched pyrotechnic devices into the compound and fired into the building. The government vehemently denies those charges. =20 Federal officials from President Clinton down have staunchly maintained in the six years since the tragedy that FBI agents did not fire a single shot during the entire 51-day siege. =20 Mr. Cullen, who said he worked as a CIA case officer from the 1980s to 1995, said Special Forces experts watched events near Waco with interest immediately after four federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents died trying to serve search warrants at the Branch Davidian compound. =20 At the time, he said, he was a supervisor in the CIA's special operations group and had frequent contact with members of Delta Force, Navy Seals and civilian tactical experts such as the FBI's hostage rescue team. =20 Before joining the CIA, he said, he worked as a deputy U.S. marshal, so he was particularly interested in exploring the problems faced by civilian law enforcement near Waco. =20 A CIA spokesman on Thursday refused to confirm or deny whether Mr. Cullen ever worked for the agency, in accordance with policy. The U.S. Marshals Service confirmed that he worked for that agency in the early 1980s. Mr. Cullen said he left the CIA to take over his family's construction firm. =20 Since he resigned, Mr. Cullen has appeared on the PBS documentary program Frontline to discuss his involvement in the Special Forces' operations in Somalia, a deployment that ended in tragedy when U.S. Army Blackhawk helicopters were downed and Special Forces soldiers died in a Mogadishu gunbattle. =20 Immediately after the Branch Davidian standoff began, Mr. Cullen said, he learned from associates within the CIA and Special Forces that the FBI had called in Delta Force personnel "as observers." =20 "The bureau was very concerned. They weren't quite sure what David Koresh had inside that building anyway," Mr. Cullen said. "They were leaning on Delta. If there was something that blew up in their faces, they were interested in having Delta on the scene to respond and be fully equipped, operational and ready to go on a moment's notice." =20 In mid-March 1993, Mr. Cullen said, officials with his group called a meeting of about 20 special operations experts, including FBI and Delta personnel, to discuss Waco because it represented a useful case study on how tactical experts might respond to hostage situations. =20 He said he proposed using chemical agents to render the Branch Davidians unconscious so the compound could be taken without violence. =20 "If you pump tear gas into the building, everybody's going to get their gas masks," he said. "You're giving them time to prepare for something." =20 FBI officials have testified before Congress that some form of anesthetic gas was briefly discussed but was ruled out near Waco because of the potential threat to children and weak adults. =20 Mr. Cullen said that he attended no other formal meetings on Waco but that he later learned in conversations with special operations colleagues that authorities had ruled out any operation that involved sending personnel into the compound. =20 "It was more 'contain 'em. We're going to get em out.' There wasn't any type of talk about trying any type of rescue," he said. =20 Documents released under the federal Freedom of Information Act to a Tuscon, Ariz., lawyer indicate that the military's Special Forces Operations Command at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida was heavily involved in helping the FBI in Waco. Military personnel provided technical and equipment support, the defense records indicate. =20 The command oversees Delta Force, Navy Seals and other units. =20 A May 1993 Special Forces memo stressed that the military in Waco played only "a supporting role." It was written by an officer who helped the FBI persuade the attorney general to approve the tear-gas assault. =20 The officer, whose name was blacked out, stated that the discussions with Ms. Reno before the assault did not include any mention of "the use of the military." =20 The memo stated that Special Forces observers who stayed in Waco through April 19 understood the legal restrictions on their activities. =20 Other defense documents indicate that some Special Forces officials feared that even watching law enforcement activities in Waco might violate federal prohibitions on domestic military activity. =20 Special Forces soldiers who trained ATF agents before they raided the compound Feb. 28, 1993, were specifically barred from watching the raid or offering medical support, the documents indicate. =20 "I felt as if my hands were tied," one Special Forces soldier wrote. =20 [ Texas & Southwest | ] =20 =A91999 The Dallas Morning News =20 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Mind-Altering Psychiatric Drug Control, NOT gun control! (fwd) Date: 28 Aug 1999 12:29:42 PST On Aug 28, Dave Wiegand wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Hello Fellow RKBAers! Some of you who can stomach the socialist garbage that's printed in the newspapers may have noticed the AP story recently about a "killer mom" in Southern California who killed her four young sons with a gun. Susan Eubanks' attorney, Vince Garcia, "contends that Ms. Eubanks shot the children because her judgment was clouded by too much alcohol and Valium." Score another one for violence caused by mind-altering psychiatric drugs. And score another propaganda item for those who want to restrict your alienable right of self defense with a firearm. These two issues feed off one another. There is ample evidence advocates for the psychiatric industry and gun control are the same group. It might be noted that Ms. Eubanks was not violent and was a "good mother for 14 years until she suffered work-related injuries that led to her addiction to pain-killers" and to alcohol, and psychiatric drugs. Psychiatrists who have communicated to me have indicated that yes, they HAVE noted increased aggressive and assaultive behavior in those who were prescribed psychotropic drugs, but justify continuing use of the drugs as an acceptable risk. Acceptable risk? They do not want to admit that their patients exhibited NO violent behavior before drugs, that the drugs CAUSE the violence, but continue to parrot the drug company "party line" that these "patients" should "continue their meds" to keep from becoming violent. Why not look for some solution other than drugs and JUST NOT TAKE DRUGS? All the while, gun control advocates wait with baited breath for another "patient" on psychiatric drugs to commit a criminal violent act involving firearms so they can promote their gun grabbing agenda. Another related (the same?) group wait too so they can lobby for funds to lock up and give special "treatment" to those "mental patients" driven into criminal acts by psychiatric drugs. And the psychiatric drug lords laugh all the way to the bank. You think illegal drugs is big business? How about the LEGAL business getting millions hooked on psychiatric drugs! Taking away your firearms and taking psychiatric drugs BOTH accomplish the same thing. They both render a person less able to cause, less dangerous to the environment (AND less dangerous to un-ethical politicians and corrupt governments), and more susceptible to the "social control" the political elitist so dearly loves. The motivation of those who advocate gun control and getting people on psychiatric drugs is the same, namely, fear. Fear that they will be found out. And for what? For crimes perhaps, but certainly found out for less than ethical actions they committed and justified in achieving their coveted position. Want to fight them? Advocate the truth for one thing. For another, find and expose their crimes, (or get them to admit to them and recant), their little dirty dealings, and their hypocrisy (like Perata's CCW or Feinstein's full-auto toting bodyguards or shady dealings - you'll find them. Ask Saundra Duffy, GOP hopeful for Congress in the Bay Area.) Hasn't anyone noted that those politicians who push the hardest for measures, like psychiatric clinics in schools, mental health insurance "parity", and expanded prescription privileges for psychologists, are the SAME group who fight the hardest to take our guns? Do the names Stark, Perata, Aroner, Thompson, Feinstein, Boxer, and more sound familiar? They ought too. They are some of those who bray the hardest about "guns that serve no purpose other than to kill." For them it's OK for "public servant" law enforcement goons to tote these "killer tools" but not the responsible private citizen. Who is governing who here? AND, this gang pushes madly to promote psychiatric drug use! A philosopher I admire once wrote something like "Support a government [and politicians} that work for the good of all the people." That doesn't sound at all like the bunch listed above. If you haven't figured out that there IS a connection between psychiatric drug use and your RKBA freedoms, you haven't been paying attention. "Guns don't kill. Criminals and people turned into criminals by mind-altering psychiatric drugs kill!" Firearm Owners! Do NOT take mind-altering psychiatric drugs! Flame me if you like, but before you do, please check your facts. And, if you have a vested interest in continuing to push psychiatric drugs, don't bother screaming to me. You need to search YOUR conscience first. What have YOU been up to? I appreciate rational argument better. RKBA FREEDOM! David F. Wiegand [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [slick-d] EQUAL TIME Newsletter (fwd) Date: 28 Aug 1999 19:40:57 PST On Aug 28, Equal Time wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] -- EQUAL TIME -- ( -- Newsletter -- -- News, Updates, Announcements... -- This week's TIDBITS include: * Gov't Concealing Y2K Disaster Predictions, Says Navy Officer * Gore Exaggerates His Plan's Savings * "Segregation is Okay," says recent poll --- FEATURES: WHAT'S IMPORTANT: THE ISSUES GET TO KNOW THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES - FAST! Tired of political polls and media hype? When considering who's best for President in 2000, know your politicians! To help, we've put together an easy-read chart showing how some of the presidential candidates stand on several issues. Go to: --- Cradle of Crime Big government "provides the rationalizations a criminal needs... Statists and criminals are, ultimately, after the same things: your life, your money, your property, and your freedom." Go to: --- Visit our perspectives section for other news and editorials on issues concerning the People of this country. Go to: --- GET PUBLISHED! Have something to say? Need to vent? That's why we're here! * Send us your opinion, commentary, or full-length article. * Write a Letter to the Editor. * Send a comment, question, or suggestion. Send an e-mail to: or just click here: --- We hope you enjoy this week's news, views, and reviews. Until next time... Know someone who might enjoy Equal Time? (What about someone who needs to hear a new perspective!) Help support our cause and forward this e-mail along to a friend. --- EQUAL TIME is a free online publication to promote a society with limited government, American liberties, personal responsibility, and traditional values. To better understand our purpose, read our premier article, Worthy Principles, at: [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Mind-Altering Psychiatric Drug Control, NOT gun control! (fwd) Date: 28 Aug 1999 20:24:34 -0700 Any more I just assume these are originated by scientologists (sue me). Fortunately I'm -this- -close- to having enough win32 PERL down that I'll be able to auto flush anything with "psych" and "drug" in it. Folks, humans are responsible for their actions. Lets all say that again together: "humans are responsible for their actions." The Valium didn't kill those kids, the Alcohol (specifically warned against on the label of the valium) didn't kill those kids, the gun didn't kill those kids. Those kids were killed (possibly murdered) by their mother. All the BS public defender dodges aren't gonna change the facts. Boyd Bill Vance wrote: > > On Aug 28, Dave Wiegand wrote: > > [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > > Hello Fellow RKBAers! > > Some of you who can stomach the socialist garbage that's printed in the > newspapers may have noticed the AP story recently about a "killer mom" in > Southern California who killed her four young sons with a gun. Susan > Eubanks' attorney, Vince Garcia, "contends that Ms. Eubanks shot the > children because her judgment was clouded by too much alcohol and Valium." > > Score another one for violence caused by mind-altering psychiatric drugs. > And score another propaganda item for those who want to restrict your > alienable right of self defense with a firearm. These two issues feed off > one another. There is ample evidence advocates for the psychiatric industry > and gun control are the same group. > > It might be noted that Ms. Eubanks was not violent and was a "good mother > for 14 years until she suffered work-related injuries that led to her > addiction to pain-killers" and to alcohol, and psychiatric drugs. > Psychiatrists who have communicated to me have indicated that yes, they HAVE > noted increased aggressive and assaultive behavior in those who were > prescribed psychotropic drugs, but justify continuing use of the drugs as an > acceptable risk. Acceptable risk? > > They do not want to admit that their patients exhibited NO violent behavior > before drugs, that the drugs CAUSE the violence, but continue to parrot the > drug company "party line" that these "patients" should "continue their meds" > to keep from becoming violent. Why not look for some solution other than > drugs and JUST NOT TAKE DRUGS? All the while, gun control advocates wait > with baited breath for another "patient" on psychiatric drugs to commit a > criminal violent act involving firearms so they can promote their gun > grabbing agenda. Another related (the same?) group wait too so they can > lobby for funds to lock up and give special "treatment" to those "mental > patients" driven into criminal acts by psychiatric drugs. And the > psychiatric drug lords laugh all the way to the bank. You think illegal > drugs is big business? How about the LEGAL business getting millions hooked > on psychiatric drugs! > > Taking away your firearms and taking psychiatric drugs BOTH accomplish the > same thing. They both render a person less able to cause, less dangerous to > the environment (AND less dangerous to un-ethical politicians and corrupt > governments), and more susceptible to the "social control" the political > elitist so dearly loves. The motivation of those who advocate gun control > and getting people on psychiatric drugs is the same, namely, fear. Fear > that they will be found out. And for what? For crimes perhaps, but > certainly found out for less than ethical actions they committed and > justified in achieving their coveted position. > > Want to fight them? Advocate the truth for one thing. For another, find > and expose their crimes, (or get them to admit to them and recant), their > little dirty dealings, and their hypocrisy (like Perata's CCW or Feinstein's > full-auto toting bodyguards or shady dealings - you'll find them. Ask > Saundra Duffy, GOP hopeful for Congress in the Bay Area.) > > Hasn't anyone noted that those politicians who push the hardest for > measures, like psychiatric clinics in schools, mental health insurance > "parity", and expanded prescription privileges for psychologists, are the > SAME group who fight the hardest to take our guns? Do the names Stark, > Perata, Aroner, Thompson, Feinstein, Boxer, and more sound familiar? They > ought too. They are some of those who bray the hardest about "guns that > serve no purpose other than to kill." For them it's OK for "public > servant" law enforcement goons to tote these "killer tools" but not the > responsible private citizen. Who is governing who here? AND, this gang > pushes madly to promote psychiatric drug use! > > A philosopher I admire once wrote something like "Support a government [and > politicians} that work for the good of all the people." That doesn't sound > at all like the bunch listed above. If you haven't figured out that there > IS a connection between psychiatric drug use and your RKBA freedoms, you > haven't been paying attention. > > "Guns don't kill. Criminals and people turned into criminals by > mind-altering psychiatric drugs kill!" > > Firearm Owners! Do NOT take mind-altering psychiatric drugs! > > Flame me if you like, but before you do, please check your facts. And, if > you have a vested interest in continuing to push psychiatric drugs, don't > bother screaming to me. You need to search YOUR conscience first. What > have YOU been up to? I appreciate rational argument better. > > RKBA FREEDOM! > David F. Wiegand > > > [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] > > -- > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! > ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- > An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no > weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his > hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a > on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ > ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- > > - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #149 (2/2) (fwd) Date: 28 Aug 1999 20:32:40 PST On Aug 28, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] David Horowitz is quite correct. The left are cowards when aggressively confronted with the truth -- the rule of law, which is the Constitution as written. And, from our position, the study is easy. The Constitution and a book titled The Federalist Papers are all that is necessary to study. That knowledge, and a little healthy aggression, will ruin a socialist's day in any public debate. Keep them on the defensive, and don't let up. They'll bury themselves while trying to "explain." That's what they have been doing to us. It's time we turn the tables. ULTRA-LIBERAL DISSES UHUH.COM Sometimes one of the ultra-liberals does things that are on the one hand hateful but on the other hand just so positively ridiculous that you laugh so hard you think your chair will need a seat belt to keep you from hitting the floor. But, this time their idiocy got a bit personal and requires a little clarification lest good people start wondering. A while ago, Ohio State University gave a Ph.D. to a guy named Mark Pitcavage, also known on the Internet as "Sparky." Apparently, Sparky received his doctorate in American history with directed studies on the Civil War. Not a very useful degree. So, Sparky wandered a bit far afield of his studies and took it upon himself to surreptitiously keep records on the Militia and Patriot community. Later, his interest branched out to what he now calls the "patriot movement," which includes militias, common law courts, sovereign citizens, tax protesters and white supremacists. Now, comes the problem: Listed on his web page with these groups is the site, which is owned and operated by Forest Glen Durland. Copies of past "Heads Up" newsletters and supporting documents (laws, executive orders, etc.) are also posted on the site, so it is difficult to tell exactly which of us Sparky feels is the prime offender. Forest, as it happens, is a career teacher who still teaches at 71 years of age. He also happens to be an accomplished musician and an author. And, while Forest is not now nor ever has been a political activist of any sort, he does have an avid interest in money and the economy and has published books on the subject. So, we fail to see how either of us would fit as militias, common law courts, sovereign citizens, tax protesters or white supremacists. Sparky, on the other hand, apparently sees us as a threat to the ultra-liberalism and its inherent authoritarianism he so desires. Some could call us "Patriots" as we both served in the Army honorably and still respect our Constitution. One could not call us "Militia," however, because we are both a little too old in the legal sense of the word and certainly a bit over the hill for a "Citizens Militia" group. Nor are either of us tax protesters -- no more than anyone else on April 15, anyway. And, most certainly we are not "white supremacists" in any sense of the word. Therefore, as is very common with those on the far left who tend to take themselves way too seriously, young "Sparky," Mark Pitcavage, Ph.D., is exactly wrong. Worse yet, for someone educated, who presents himself to have a special expertise in this area, he should be able to define specific groups well enough to distinguish my (or Forest's) writing from that of his groups of interest. Apparently, though, Sparky has not yet perfected that ability and, Ph.D. notwithstanding, still needs a lot of coaching. Does Heads Up appeal to the average member of the Patriot and Militia community? I certainly hope so! But, so too does it appeal to many in the legislative community, the police community, the teaching community, the business community, the medical community, and the legal community. Even the media community and the union community show interest. After all, these "communities" are citizens, as we are. All have a say in the way this country is operated, as we do. And all want freedom for self, family, community, state and nation. If those on the far left want something else, perhaps they should make that public. Because, just calling names gets really boring very fast. And, some of the groups "Sparky" lumped in with skinheads and such are actually working for a type of freedom which will greatly benefit all Americans equally. We shall request that be deleted from the offending web page. Not necessarily because I really give a damn, but just because some unknowing reader might stumble on that web page and not completely understand that it is an ultra-liberal source. Meanwhile, for those wishing to explore and/or comment, the Militia Watchdog page can be found at: See if anyone else you know is "dissed" by the far left. The e-mail addresses are: Bonnie Bergey MAKING THINGS EASY FOR BIG BROTHER By: David Feustel Below is an agreement to Submit to Terms of Presidential Executive Orders and Waiver of All Constitutionally Protected and Common Law Rights: President Clinton has signed a number of Executive Orders which give sweeping (i.e. complete and unlimited) powers to FEMA during a declared state of national emergency. The U.S. Constitution, which explicitly defines the powers assigned to the Federal Government by the people of the United States, does not even mention, much less delegate these powers to any branch of Federal or State Government. Which means, the provisions of these FEMA-related Executive Orders are clearly unconstitutional in their nature and scope. Therefore, to legitimize the use of these powers during a declared national emergency, you are requested to fill out this form (initializing each statement to indicate your agreement with that statement) and return it to your Congressional Representative in order to explicitly give your assent to the application of those Executive Orders to you, your family and your property, as necessary, during a state of declared national emergency such as may occur during Y2k. Dear Representative __________________ I, _______________, have read the Presidential Executive Orders signed by Presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton relating to the emergency powers to be given to FEMA during a declared state of national emergency, and I agree to the following: I agree to being subject to the terms of a Master Search Warrant which permits FEMA agents to search my house and all my possessions and to confiscate without compensation any and all items I possess which are identified on the Master Search Warrant as items to be confiscated. I agree to being subject to arbitrary arrest and detention on the basis of a Master Arrest Warrant which has my name included in a list of names of people to be arrested and detained with absolutely no probable cause other than that the Attorney General, the President of the United States, or some other government official deems me to be a potential threat during a possible period of civil disorder. I agree that I may be transported by FEMA agents to a civilian concentration camp of FEMA's choice where I will be detained for an indefinite period at FEMA's discretion without recourse to any judicial relief. I agree that members of my family may also be arrested and sent to detention camps of FEMA's choosing, and not necessarily the same camp that I am sent to. I agree that FEMA may, with or without arresting me, confiscate my house, my car, truck or any other vehicles I own, and any or all of my personal property, and all food/ water/clothing/medical supplies/fuel stocks and or anything else I own or possess, to be used by FEMA as FEMA sees fit. I aggree that FEMA has the right to use me as slave labor at whatever task FEMA decides to have me perform at whatever location and for as long as FEMA deems necessary. I agree that FEMA has the right, at its discretion, to euthanize me and or any members of my family immediately or later or not at all in the event of a national emergency. Finally, I agree that I and or any surviving members of my family will have no legal recourse to any compensation for any damages or losses whatsoever that I and or my family may suffer as a result of actions taken by FEMA with respect to me, my family, my property, my life, or the lives of my family, during any declared state of national emergency. (Signed) _________________________ on ___________ 1999 _______________________ on ___________ 1999 ~ End ~ [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #149 (1/2) (fwd) Date: 28 Aug 1999 20:34:04 PST On Aug 28, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Heads Up A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia August 29, 1999 #149 by: Doug Fiedor Previous Editions at: THE WAR IS A SCAM Many thousands of people were shot and killed in the first domestic war. And, as usual, many other people prospered from it. The big losers were the American people. The working folks. Now, years later, here's the federal government saying we are in yet another domestic war. Same kind of war. Same unworkable rules. And, again, thousands of American people are dying and the big losers are the uninvolved American people. Besides the deaths, both wars saw many thousands of Americans imprisoned. Both wars also saw the controlling elite of the country remain generally immune from arrest or prosecution. That is, during the war on alcohol, prohibition, most in Congress shared their drinks freely and it was well known that President Warren G. Harding poured freely in the White House for his poker friends. Things aren't much different today in that respect. Many members of Congress have used illegal drugs. Some still do. So too have many in the White House used illegal drugs, and rumor has it that a lot of them still are. Al Gore used illegal drugs. And it wasn't too long ago that one of his children was tossed out of a private school after getting caught using illegal drugs. "He's got a nose like a Hoover," Roger Clinton said of his brother Bill. Everyone in Washington is still calling for that war, though. Because, the war on drugs is big business for government. It allows officials to search people nearly at will, and then steal whatever money or goods a government agency can use or sell for profit. It allows our personal transactions to be recorded by government without the need of a warrant, as required by the Fourth Amendment. All kinds of "population control" schemes have been concocted in the name of the war on drugs, and this unconstitutional oppression increases steadily with each session of Congress. Today, everyone is somehow affected. Even great-grandmothers who have never even seen an illegal drug in their life are closely scrutinized by government agents through banking, IRS and medical records laws. No one is immune except the controlling elite. Money laundering is illegal, but the really big drug kingpins, and groups like the Russian Mafia, run billions in illegal drug profits through our banks annually. We note, also, that the communist Chinese had no problem laundering a few million dollars for use in buying political favors in Washington. One prime money launderer, a Lt. Col. in the Chinese Army and the daughter of Red China's highest ranking general at the time, walked right into a fund raiser and talked with Bill Clinton. And, of course, the Democrats took her communist money. Now the White House hypocrites and their minions in Congress are going after Bush Junior. Thomas Daschle (D-SD), a prime obstructer of the Clinton Senate impeachment trial, told CNN that the drug questions about Bush were legitimate but that Bush need not be compelled to provide answers. "I do think that the American people ought to hear a lot more about his past and about his positions," Daschle said. "They haven't heard much yet." But, thanks to Daschle, we still have a lying, obstructing, sex offender who caters to the communists in the White House. Someone should ask the Daschles in Congress, and all Washington reporters, how often they use(d) illegal drugs, what they used and when the last time was. In fact, let's sit Cokie Roberts down with Al Gore (they know each other very well) and ask them both that question. Inquiring minds want to know how the Washington insiders get away with it. Gov. Frank Keating (R-OK), a strong Bush supporter, said, "I don't care what somebody did in college as long as he didn't kill somebody." What a hypocrite! Keating was a cop about the time Junior was doing lines. And, if Junior's name was not Bush, Keating would have busted him in a heartbeat. In fact, the police and prosecutors are rather hard on drug users in Texas, as well as in Oklahoma. That presents a significant problem with the Bush candidacy. Elitism personified, it's called. We are no fan of street drug usage on this end -- never touched them. But it's easy to see that this so called war on drugs is lost. Like prohibition, there was never a chance of the government winning. Most any teenager in the country can get just about any illegal drug they want much easier than they can get beer or even cigarettes. Which means, if there is a war, it is fought by incompetents. Either that, or so many American people want the stuff -- including government officials -- that it will never, ever be eradicated. Cocaine and heroin are smuggled into this country by the ton. And, as quality and quantity increased over the years, the price has dropped. Consequently illegal drugs are readily available in every city and town in the country. The war on drugs has been a total failure. For all of the above reasons, we agree with Gov. Gary Johnson (R-NM) that the drug war is "a miserable failure" and that currently illegal drugs should be de-criminalized or legalized. POLITICAL AGGRESSION WORKS We don't usually do book reviews here, but there are exceptions. For instance, when a text is available that is both directly applicable and helpful to Americans who wish to support and defend their Constitution, we think everyone should know about it. Such is the significance of "The Art of Political War: How Republicans Can Fight To Win," by David Horowitz. Part of the book can be found on the Internet at and is well worth reading. Immediately interesting were what Horowitz calls "The Six Principles of political Warfare" that he says the left understands but conservatives do not. Below are snippets from each of those six points. 1. Politics is war conducted by other means: In political warfare, you do not fight just to prevail in an argument, but to destroy the enemy's fighting ability. Republicans often seem to regard political combats as they would debates before the Oxford Political Union, as though winning depends on rational arguments and carefully articulated principles. But the audience of politics is not made up of Oxford dons, and the rules are entirely different. 2. Politics is a war of position: In war, there are two sides: friends and enemies. Your task is to define yourself as the friend of as large a constituency compatible with your principles as possible, while defining your opponent as their enemy wherever and whenever you can. The act of defining combatants is analogous to the military concept of choosing the terrain of battle. Choose the ground that makes the fight as rigged in your favor as possible. 3. In political warfare, the aggressor usually prevails: Republicans often pursue a conservative strategy of waiting for the other side to attack. In football, this is known as a "prevent defense." In politics, it is the strategy of losers. 4. Position is defined by fear and hope: The twin emotions of politics are fear and hope. Those who provide people with hope become their friends; those who inspire fear become enemies. Of the two, hope is the better choice. By offering people hope and yourself as its provider, you show your better side and maximize your potential support. 5. The weapons of political war are symbols that evoke hope and fear: The most important symbol is the candidate himself (or herself). Does the candidate in his (or her) own person inspire fear or hope? Voters want to know: Is the candidate someone who cares about people like me? Do I feel good about them, or do they put me on guard? Would I want to sit next to them at dinner? 6. Victory lies on the side of the people: This is the bottom line for each of the principles, and for all of the principles. You must define yourself in ways that the people understand. You must give people hope in your victory, and make them fear the victory of your opponent. You can accomplish both by identifying yourself and your issues with the underdog and the victim, with minorities and the disadvantaged, with the ordinary Joes and Janes. Much of this puts us in the "spin" business, of course. But, if we are to justify our Constitutional position publicly, and the position of the candidates we plan to support, it is time that we become at least as aggressive as the far left socialists. In fact, it is very necessary that we become aggressive in the delivery of our message. After all, we are fighting for the freedom of our children and grandchildren and those liberals on the left and ultra-far- left include nearly 90% of the Washington media. Therefore, aggression in support of freedom is appropriate. My opening statement in a debate with any socialist is simple: "If you do not honor our Constitutional form of government as it was intended by the Founding Fathers, why in the world do you stay here?" After they babble on for a while trying to repair the damage insinuated by that and dig themselves into a deeper hole by repeating the left's mantra about a "living Constitution," they get hit again. "The Constitution is a contract between the people, the States and the federal government. May I enter into such a living contract with you where I later get to unilaterally make changes to suit myself?" Or, as Professor Walter Williams likes to say, "How would you like to play poker with living rules?" [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Mind-Altering Psychiatric Drug Control, NOT gun control! (fwd) Date: 28 Aug 1999 21:15:25 PST On Aug 28, wrote: >Any more I just assume these are originated by scientologists (sue me). I dont' know, are you rich enough to be worth suing? :-) -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Mind-Altering Psychiatric Drug Control, NOT gun control! (fwd) Date: 29 Aug 1999 12:10:43 -0400 I agree with Boyd about personal responsibility. But we must remember that not all people who take psychiatric drugs choose to mix them with alcohol etc., Some are prescribed these things and honestly take them thinking they are doing what the doctor ordered for their on good and they have adverse effects from them, including being prone to violence. That is a different matter. Taking cocaine or alcoholo or somthing you know can be bad and then acting out under the influence is an example of personal responsibility for your actions even under the influence. Taking a doctor prescribed drug think that it will help you and then doing something bad under the influence -- the doctor is at fault more than the person. The person did not have any informationon what,why, etc was bad and was following the "experts" advice. More needs to be done to research these effects etc. Chad Pengar Enterprises, Inc. and Shire.Net LLC Web and Macintosh Consulting -- full service web hosting Chad Leigh - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: The 1st Attrocity Monger? Date: 29 Aug 1999 21:16:39 PST Well, well, according to Drudge, the Waco paper trail may lead right through Hillary Clinton's Office. So much for those evil, Anti-Feminist, Children Haters.....:-/ -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Curtis Subject: Re: Mind-Altering Psychiatric Drug Control, NOT gun control! (fwd) Date: 30 Aug 1999 10:56:47 -0400 (EDT) > >Taking away your firearms and taking psychiatric drugs BOTH accomplish the >same thing. They both render a person less able to cause, less dangerous to >the environment (AND less dangerous to un-ethical politicians and corrupt >governments), and more susceptible to the "social control" the political >elitist so dearly loves. The motivation of those who advocate gun control >and getting people on psychiatric drugs is the same, namely, fear. Fear >that they will be found out. And for what? For crimes perhaps, but >certainly found out for less than ethical actions they committed and >justified in achieving their coveted position. > This is a very shallow take on a complex question. I believe that the proper response to this by RKBA activists is to point out that lack of personal control and mental illness are the salient points and mental health professionals perscribing these drugs need to exercise more oversight and caution. The vast majority of people receiving these drugs do not commit violent acts of mass murder, and are, in fact, helped by them. I know people who have been helped through very rough patches of their lives by the new serotonin uptake inhibitors. Rolling the clock back on pharmacology is not going to help RKBA. I think that pointing out the use of these medications by some of the mass murderers is useful in that it focuses attention on the perpetrators and away from the objects. ciao, jcurtis - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Mind-Altering Psychiatric Drug Control, NOT gun control! (fwd) Date: 30 Aug 1999 22:18:34 PST On Aug 30, John Curtis wrote: >>Taking away your firearms and taking psychiatric drugs BOTH accomplish the >>same thing. They both render a person less able to cause, less dangerous to >>the environment (AND less dangerous to un-ethical politicians and corrupt >>governments), and more susceptible to the "social control" the political >>elitist so dearly loves. The motivation of those who advocate gun control >>and getting people on psychiatric drugs is the same, namely, fear. Fear >>that they will be found out. And for what? For crimes perhaps, but >>certainly found out for less than ethical actions they committed and >>justified in achieving their coveted position. >> > > This is a very shallow take on a complex question. > > I believe that the proper response to this by RKBA activists > is to point out that lack of personal control and mental > illness are the salient points and mental health professionals > perscribing these drugs need to exercise more oversight and > caution. > > The vast majority of people receiving these drugs do not > commit violent acts of mass murder, and are, in fact, helped > by them. > > I know people who have been helped through very rough patches of > their lives by the new serotonin uptake inhibitors. Rolling > the clock back on pharmacology is not going to help RKBA. > > I think that pointing out the use of these medications by some > of the mass murderers is useful in that it focuses attention on > the perpetrators and away from the objects. > > ciao, > > jcurtis True enough, though part of the problem is a Government and a Pharmceutical Industry that have no compunctions about experimenting on the populace, or the Military. -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: FWD: Toward the Total State (fwd) Date: 31 Aug 1999 12:21:43 PST On Aug 30, Don Cline wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Goodyear, Arizona (near Phoenix) Forwarded from another list: And it _is_ topical, as will be seen. >Sunday, August 29, 1999 > >Vol. 15, No. 14 >July 5, 1999 > > >Toward the Total State >by William Norman Grigg > >Has the left won America's culture war? Some observers, including political >organizer Paul Weyrich (who coined the term "moral majority"), appear to >think so. For many Americans who cherish our nation's traditions of >individual freedom, limited government, and personal moral responsibility, >the Clinton impeachment melodrama abounded in evidence that America has >undergone a dramatic transformation. > >If one were to credit the ubiquitous opinion polls and the outpourings of >the "mainstream" media, the American people were nearly unanimous in their >support for President Clinton, despite his ongoing personal depravity and >his willingness to abuse both the powers of his office and the institutions >of our judicial system in order to retain his position as the nation's >chief executive. The only holdouts were to be found among the "religious >right," >which, according to the custodians of "respectable" opinion, is a >marginalized group unworthy of political influence. > >While the outcome of impeachment was largely a product of the gangland >tactics (including blackmail and character assassination) employed by the >Clinton Administration against its opponents, as well as the institutional >cowardice of the Senate, there is no doubt that America's culture has >undergone a dramatic transformation =97 a transformation engineered by the >radical left. Writing in the Winter 1996 issue of the Marxist journal >Dissent, Michael Walzer enumerated some of the cultural victories won by >the left since the 1960s: > > "The visible impact of feminism." > > "The effects of affirmative action." > > "The emergence of gay rights politics, and =85 the attention paid to it > in the media." > > "The acceptance of cultural pluralism." > > "The transformation of family life," including "rising divorce rates, > changing sexual mores, new household arrangements =97 and, again, the > portrayal of all this in the media." > > "The progress of secularization; the fading of religion in general and > Christianity in particular from the public sphere classrooms, textbooks, > legal codes, holidays, and so on." > > "The virtual abolition of capital punishment." > > "The legalization of abortion." > > "The first successes in the effort to regulate and limit the private > ownership of guns." > >Significantly, Walzer admitted that these victories were imposed upon our >society by "liberal elites," rather than being driven "by the pressure of a >mass movement or a majoritarian party." These changes "reflect the leftism >or liberalism of lawyers, judges, federal bureaucrats, professors, school >teachers, social workers, journalists, television and screen writers not >the population at large," noted Walzer. Rather than building "stable or >lasting movements or creat[ing] coherent constituencies," the left focused >on "winning the Gramscian war of position." > >While most Americans would be mystified by Walzer's reference to Italian >Communist theoretician Antonio Gramsci, those who wish to understand the >ongoing culture war must first have some understanding of the Gramscian >concept of the "long march through the institutions." The process described >by Walzer, in which the cultural and bureaucratic organs of our society >have fallen under the influence of "progressive" forces devoted to >transforming our nation, is derived directly from Gramsci's blueprint for >Marxist subversion. Gramsci's distinctive insight, as we will shortly see, >was that the construction of the total state requires the seizure of the >"mediating institutions" that insulate the individual from the power of the >government =97 the family, organized religion, and so forth =97 and a >systematic redefinition of the culture in order to sustain the new >political order. > >That process is well underway in our nation =97 and if it is consummated, >Americans will learn that the culture war is a deadly serious effort to >destroy the institutions and traditions that have protected Americans from >the horrors of the total state. > > >"The scientific concept of dictatorship," wrote Soviet dictator Vladimir >Lenin, "means nothing else but this: power without limit, resting directly >upon force, restrained by no laws, absolutely unrestricted by rules." >Benito Mussolini's totalitarian formula was even more concise: "Everything >within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state." >Whatever its specific configuration or ideological pretext, the total >state always requires that all human activities be made subject to its >power. But to exercise that power, the total state relies, to a remarkable >extent, on the cooperation of its victims. > >No matter how vast the instrumentality of coercion or how vicious the >intentions of the ruling elite, the masters of the total state are always >dramatically outnumbered by their victims. No army of occupation is large >enough to exercise total control over a tyrannized population; no secret >police is capable of exercising incessant and all-encompassing >surveillance. The triumph of the total state is made possible by the >conquest of the human mind. "We are not content with negative obedience, >nor even with the most abject submission," explained O'Brien, an agent of >Big Brother's "Ministry of Love" in George Orwell's 1984. "When finally >you surrender to us, it must be of your own free will. We do not destroy >the heretic because he resists us.... We convert him, we capture his inner >mind, we reshape him." > >"Death by Government" > >Of course, wholesale murder is very much a part of the totalitarian >experience, as a way to dispose of those who prove unsuitable for >"conversion." Lenin's "scientific concept of dictatorship," when put into >practice by criminals in positions of political power, has led to >unimaginable horror. In the Soviet Union, Communist China, Cambodia, >Vietnam, and elsewhere, the unchecked power of the state "has been truly a >cold-blooded mass murderer, a global plague of man's own making," writes >Professor R.J. Rummel in his study Death by Government. > >During the first nine decades of the 20th century, writes Rummel, "almost >170 million men, women, and children" have been destroyed through the >"myriad ways governments have inflicted death on unarmed, helpless citizens >and foreigners. The dead could conceivably be nearly 360 million people." >In a particularly sobering observation, Rummel points out that while >"library stacks have been written on the possible nature and consequences >of nuclear war and how it might be avoided, in the life of some still >living we have already experienced in the toll from democide (and related >destruction and misery among the survivors) the equivalent of a nuclear >war, especially atthe high near-360 million end of the estimates." > >America has been spared such horrors because it is uniquely blessed among >all nations with a tradition of ordered liberty and limited government. >Our nation's founding documents, the Declaration of Independence and the >Constitution, embrace a concept of government diametrically opposed to the >Leninist "scientific concept of dictatorship": the rule of law, >administered by a government that is itself subject to the law, deriving >"its just powers from the consent of the governed," and created for the >exclusive purpose of protecting the lives, rights, and property of the >law-abiding. > >But these institutional safeguards of liberty and the rule of law are >dependent on a culture conducive to freedom. In a self-governing society, >public morality and private morality cannot be compartmentalized; people >who have abandoned what George Washington referred to as the "eternal >rules of order and right" will be incapable of exercising the >self-discipline necessary to maintain a free government. In his Farewell >Address, Washington advised that there is "no truth more thoroughly >established than that there exists in the economy and course of nature an >indissoluble union between virtue and happiness; between duty and >advantage; between the genuine maxims of an honest and magnanimous policy >and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity." When such habits >of virtue are cultivated and preserved, society can enjoy the blessings of >limited government one that will, in Jefferson's words, "restrain men from >injuring one another, [and which] shall leave them otherwise free to >regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not >take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned." > >Quiet Revolution > >In principle, and to a limited extent in practice, Bill Clinton and his >Administration have embraced Lenin's "scientific concept of dictatorship." >Consider, for example, the fact that Mr. Clinton has brazenly and >repeatedly ignored Congress' constitutional authority to declare war most >notably in the undeclared Kosovo War, which Mr. Clinton has conducted in >defiance of apointed refusal on the part of the House of Representatives >to declare war against Yugoslavia. In domestic affairs, Mr. Clinton has >made good on his stated intention to bypass Congress entirely, ruling >instead by executive decree. Former Clinton Administration lackey Paul >Begala memorably summarized Mr. Clinton's ruling doctrine in these terms: >"Stroke of the pen, law of the land, kinda cool." > >Just as disturbing is the fact that much of the Senate, and a significant >portion of the House of Representatives, have embraced a complementary >concept taught by Adolf Hitler: fuhrerprinzip, or the "leader principle." >Under that doctrine, an autocratic executive claims access to the >"collective will of the people," exercises power that is "independent, >all-inclusive, and unlimited," and considers himself responsible "only to >his conscience." Thus, the legislature exists merely to rubber-stamp the >decisions of the imperial leader. > >Obviously, America was not conquered by the Soviet Union or by National >Socialist (Nazi) Germany. The institutions of our federal system of >government still exist, albeit in a somewhat distorted form. Elections >still occur at regular intervals, and citizens can still exercise their >right to petition their elected representatives and express their >political opinions in the public square. Nonetheless, the chief tenets of >the most murderous dictatorships in history are now the operative >principles of our national government. How did this dire situation come >about? How can it be reversed? > >America has undergone what historian Garet Garrett described as a >"revolution within the form." Although the "forms of republican government >survive," wrote Garrett, "the character of the state has changed." To >illustrate how this was accomplished, Garrett quoted this observation from >Aristotle's Politics: "People do not easily change, but love their own >ancient customs; and it is by small degrees only that one thing takes the >place of another; so that the ancient laws will remain, while the power >will be in the hands of those who have brought about a revolution in the >state." >(Emphasis added.) > >Communist theoretician Antonio Gramsci urged those who sought to bring >about a "revolution in the state" to pursue the course described (although >not endorsed) by Aristotle: The steady, incremental subversion of free >societies by conducting a "long march through the institutions" that >define such societies. In some ways the Gramscian approach is kindred to >that pursued by Britain's Fabian socialists, who chose "patient >gradualism," rather than violent insurrection, as the most effective means >to collectivize society. > >Gramsci's distinctive insight was to urge Marxists to escape from the >shackles of economic theory and focus instead on society's cultural organs >the press and other media, education, entertainment, religion, and the >family. In order for revolutionaries to establish "political leadership or >hegemony," advised Gramsci, they "must not count solely on the power and >material force of government"; they must change the culture upon which that >government was built. > >Cultural commentator Richard Grenier recalls that during Gramsci's >incarceration in one of Mussolini's prisons, he "formulated in his Prison >Notebooks the doctrine that those who want to change society must change >man's consciousness, and that in order to accomplish this they must first >control the institutions by which that consciousness is formed: schools, >universities, churches, and, perhaps above all, art and the communications >industry. It is these institutions that shape and articulate public >opinion,' the limits of which few politicians can violate with impunity. >Culture, Gramsci felt, is not simply the superstructure of an economic >base, the role assigned to it in orthodox Marxism, but is central to >a society. His famous battle cry is: capture the culture." > >Gramsci recognized that the chief "fortresses and earthworks" impeding the >triumph of Marxism were precisely those institutions, customs, and habits >identified by Washington and the other Founding Fathers as indispensable to >ordered liberty =97 such as the family, private initiative, self-restraint, >and principled individualism. But Gramsci focused particularly on what >Washington described as the "indispensable supports" of free society >religion and morality. In order to bring about a revolution, Gramsci wrote, >"The conception of law will have to be freed from every remnant of >transcendence and absoluteness, practically from all moralist fanaticism." > >Layers of Strength > >At this juncture, a question naturally arises: If the conspiracy to >undermine our culture and constitutional system has enjoyed such success, >why aren't Americans living in abject, undisguised tyranny? If Lenin's >"scientific concept of dictatorship" and Hitler's fuhrerprinzip have been >accepted as ruling tenets by our apostate political elite, where are the >gulags and gas chambers? > >The answer to this question is quite simple: The institutions referred to >by Gramsci as "fortresses and earthworks" have not yet been completely >overcome by the forces of revolution. Yes, the American family is under >siege, but its resilience has proven to be formidable. Parents still seek >to instill habits of self-discipline, honesty, and genuine public service >in their children. Millions of Americans from all religious denominations >and traditions remain committed to living honorable lives defined by God's >law, and insist that their elected representatives, for the most part, pay >at least nominal homage to that standard as well. The American tradition of >individualism remains a vivid part of our national heritage. And despite >decades of mass indoctrination regarding the supposed glories of >collectivism, most Americans still cherish their individual rights and are >provoked to militancy when those rights are threatened. > >These admirable traits, the "fortresses and earthworks" Gramsci sought to >overcome, were celebrated by Robert Welch =97 a devoted champion of freedom >as "layers of strength" that should be fortified by conscientious >Americans. The reason the enemies of freedom must pursue Gramsci's >long-term subversive strategy rather than more overt measures is because >most Americans will not meekly submit to the will of their would-be >masters. > >Yes, our situation is grave. No, America does not enjoy any privileged >immunity to the horrors that have descended upon many other countries >during this century of rampant democide. In order to preserve our existing >freedoms, and to restore those that have been stolen from us, it is >necessary for Americans to understand the tactics, strategies, and >objectives of the Gramscian conspirators who are waging a culture war >against us. > > > > Copyright 1999 American Opinion Publishing Incorporated > -- Don Cline Homepage: The Right to Keep and Bear Arms brought about The Parliamentary Revolution The Magna Carta The American Revolution The world's first and only nation of liberty. Without it you are naught but a feudal serf. EXERCISE your Right to Keep and Bear Arms or KNEEL BEFORE YOUR MASTER. RKBA! [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [richslick] SLICK Special (fwd) Date: 31 Aug 1999 13:26:02 PST On Aug 31, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] I recd the below e-mail from It's calling for a (temporary) alliance between the 3rd, 4th & 5th political parties to compete with the Big 2. It seems to me it would be a short cut to the top, even if the alliance doesn't last for eternity. The hope would be to replace one of two major parties with one that would offer an alternative. Send your ideas/suggestions to Bill < > and do it NOW. As we think more seriously about presidential candidates and campaigns, we start to think about an alliance of third parties to compete more successfully with the Republicrats. One group is seriously exploring the possibility of a partnership between Reform and Libertarian nominating Ron Paul - see: I suggest we need MORE than this - we NEED a NON-Republicrat president. There is too much stench, and too much tolerance for stench, in today's Washington (we can all remember a variety for which the lid came off during recent years; lid seems to be coming off Waco; haven't heard much about TWA 800 recently but a quick search just now showed me the lid may be cracking there (two LIVE pages and titles for others that might be live)). PROPOSED, for Presidential nomination and campaign: An alliance among as many third parties as can see the advantages to this: An alliance platform, emphasizing the planks the alliance shares enthusiasm for; agreeing on planks that some feel to be essential and others are willing to go along with to make the alliance practical; excluding issues for which agreement is not practical. Alliance candidates for president and vice president, committed to campaigning on the platform AND supporting it while in office. All the third parties in each state cooperating in whatever manner is practical to route all third party votes to the alliance candidates: In NY and similar states, each alliance party simply nominates the ONE alliance slate of electors, and the votes get summed together. Where necessary, look for who has ballot status and can use it, who is most desperate to use alliance vote count to get/keep ballot status, etc. For planks, a few samples to think on: Most realize the national debt needs reduction - should not be a serious problem. Need some negotiation as to how much adjustment via decreasing spending and how much via increasing taxes. Most want to do SOMETHING to the tax system. There being no visible agreement, perhaps leave this up to the candidates. I believe most can sign up that the federal government shall not try to outlaw abortion - that while those who are against abortion have the right to honor their beliefs in their own lives, they should not be able to force non-believers to comply with those beliefs, anti-choice style. A solidly anti-choice party simply does not fit in the alliance many of us picture. A party willing to cooperate in reducing the frequency of women seeing abortion as the best solution to their problems should be able to find a home in the alliance. Immigration is a real hot button for some parties - negotiation time. Bill of Rights is a hot button. Hopefully the alliance can agree on ending the destruction if it is not up to undoing the current damage. Alliance needs to get organized QUICKLY and find candidates QUICKLY - being an alliance will make this a complex project. PROPOSED, for non-Presidential efforts: The cooperation discussed above does not require cooperation here, though taking the edge off the rhetoric could help. Dave Ketchum 108 Halstead Ave, Owego, NY 13827-1708 607-687-5026 Do to no one what you would not want done to you! =================================================================== is an unmoderated mail list to discuss general government topics. 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