From: (Bill Vance) Subject: FCC Public File Auto-FAQ Date: 01 Nov 1999 06:11:20 PST This "FAQ" is auto-posted once a month via cron triggered script, and may be triggered off by hand from time to time in between if the info is requested by someone, such as when the House recently voted down the AW Ban and the Media threw a hissy fit. The purpose of this FAQ is to inform people what they can do about Media generated lies and misinformation. While the FCC only handles Broadcast Media, (TV and Radio), some of these techniques will work for magazines and newspapers too. If I've missed something, or you find errors, let me know and I'll add/fix it. 1.a. Send letters of complaint to the Station Manager every time it happens with all the time, details, other info, and your complaint(s). 1.b. Send an additional copy for their FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Public file. 1.c. Send an additional copy to the FCC itself, in case they don't put it in their Public file. 2.a. Send a letter of complaint to their Station Owner as per above, with copies as per above (1.b and 1.c). 3. Send copies of their replies to you along with yours to them to their FCC Public file, so that it gets nice and fat, again, with copies to the FCC itself. 4. If you can afford it, send all corespondence by Certified Mail with Return Receipt Requested. Send a copy of the Return Receipt with everything that goes to the FCC itself, so that they will have additional evidence if the Station is cheating on their Public File. 5.a. Go to the Public Library and look up "Standard Rate and Data Services" (SRDS) "Directory of National Advertisers." It is found in many major Libraries (in the business/reference stacks), and lists EVERY current advertiser, who the players are at both the company and advertising agency(s), and the appropriate telephone and fax (and probably E-Mail by now) addresses. If your Library doesn't have it, it can be requested. Otherwise you can watch their commercials for a few days to a week, listing all their advertisers. There are other references that have the addresses for the nation's business headquarters too. look them all up and pass the addresses and phone/FAX numbers etc., around so that everyone can bitch to the sponsors. IF enough people do that, it'll get back to the Station. Tell them if the Station continues their nastiness you'll _consider_ changing to brand(X), (otherwise they'll just write you off as a loss). 5.b. The above, (5.a.), can be a lot easier and less time consuming if you're dealing with a newspaper's or a magazine's ads, as they are right in front of you for the listing. 6. If they put on something good or even just more reasonable, call and compliment them on it, but do _not_ send any kudos to their FCC file, or write to them about it. That way they have to keep it up and hope, as there is nothing good in the file or in writing that they can show the FCC to justify their Station's License. 7. Federal Communications Commission, Complaints and Compliance Division Room 6218, 2025 M Street NW Washington, D.C. 20554 FAX: 202-653-9659 FCC Attn: Edythe Wise -- An _EFFECTIVE_ | The _only_important_difference_ between Nazi-ism, Fascism, weapon in every | Communism, Communitarianism, Socialism and (Neo-)Liberalism hand = Freedom | is the _spelling_, and that the last group hasn't got the on every side! | Collective brains to figure it out. -- Bill Vance - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Afro-Americans for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (fwd) Date: 01 Nov 1999 06:12:29 PST Allright! The more the merrier! :-) On Oct 31, Bill Utterback wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] For further information, please contact: Leonard Whitley, 95 B Stoney Hill Rd. Eatontown, NJ 07724 Tel. 732-544-1483 email: INTRODUCTION: Speaking as an African-American, I depend upon our representatives in government and the African-American leaders in our communities to keep you and me informed of racism in all its forms. Because we live in Orwellian times, racism is more subtle today and is often disguised. Needless to say I was shocked when a co-worker (who is white by the way) handed me an essay titled "The Racist Roots of Gun Control" by Clayton E. Cramer. This essay covers the long history of gun control in America, and how it was originally used to keep African-Americans "in their place." Originally, gun control laws were never intended for whites. My question is: Why am I only learning of this now? How is it I never learned this in school? Where is Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson? NAACP? Shouldn't they have brought this issue to light? When I first started making copies of this essay and passing them out I thought I would receive resistance from the Klan, Skin Heads, members of the Aryan Nation, etc. But I never heard from them. However, I have been contacted by representatives of the NAACP from several states telling me to "back off" in my attempts to make these facts known. Each call boils down to " is not the appropriate time..." Why not? At the present time, the NAACP has a lawsuit against a number of firearms manufacturers, claiming that they've flooded black communities with firearms. (Fact of the matter is the manufacturers have no control over where the firearms go -- that's determined by the dealers who order the firearms.) Revealing the historical facts concerning how gun control laws were racist in their beginnings would be counterproductive at this time, I'm told. If the NAACP goes through with their lawsuit at this time they can never, I repeat, never, bring up the issue of how Blacks have been discriminated against via racist gun laws in the future. How can the NAACP complain that Blacks in America have been historically denied the protection of the Second Amendment and at the same time sue firearms manufacturers for selling guns to Blacks? They can't have it both ways. Besides, if the NAACP does win the lawsuit, won't that make the cost of guns we need for self-defense unaffordable for some poor people who might need them the most? To add insult to injury, it's almost as though the NAACP is saying that none of us African-Americans can be trusted with firearms because the criminal element misuses them. Are we really so irresponsible that we let guns "flood" our neighborhoods, and then somehow let those guns jump up and cause crime? Rather than make that argument, why doesn't the NAACP go after the perpetrators of crime instead of gun manufacturers whose product is absolutely necessary for defense against racists and criminals? The purpose of this newsletter is to inform as many African-Americans as possible about the true motives behind gun control. "The Racist Roots of Gun Control" essay alerted me to the true nature of gun control in America. Read it for yourself and decide if our leaders and teachers have been keeping the truth from us. --Leonard Whitley The essay: "The Racist Roots of Gun Control" may be found at: =================================================== "All persons are by nature free and independent, and have certain natural and unalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and of pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness." --Article 1, Section 1, New Jersey State Constitution =================================================== ******************************************************************* A couple of times a week, on average, I forward messages that I consider to be worthwhile. Occasionally I may be inspired to write a brief editorial. If you do not want to receive these messages, send me a message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject field. If you would like to begin receiving these messages, send me a message with SUBSCRIBE in the subject field. for Liberty (for all), Bill Utterback ----- "We have the greatest opportunity the world has ever seen, as long as we remain honest -- which will be as long as we can keep the attention of our people alive. If they once become inattentive to public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, judges and governors would all become wolves." Thomas Jefferson "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams "It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error." U.S. Supreme Court in American Communications Association v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382,442 ----- World's Smallest Political Quiz Libertarian Party Fully Informed Jury Association Gun Owners of America Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fw: A speech by Lt. Harry Thomas, Feb. 1994 (fwd) Date: 01 Nov 1999 10:51:15 PST On Nov 1, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Good morning, Nobanners. Kevin McGehee Peachtree City, Georgia Wake up and smell the smoke: ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, November 01, 1999 12:38 AM A Speech by Lt. Harry Thomas, Cincinnati Police Division Fountain Square, Cincinnati, Ohio February 27, 1994 "Welcome to the People's Republic of Cincinnati! As usual, since I am speaking publicly, I must make the following disclaimer: I am not speaking to you as an official spokesman or representative of the Cincinnati Police Division. If I don't say that, I'm liable to have visitors waiting for me when I get back to work. For the past 21 years, I have been a member of the Cincinnati Police Division. On three occasions, I have sworn a solemn oath; once when I was promoted from cadet to patrolman, once when I was promoted from patrolman to sergeant, and yet again when I was promoted from sergeant to lieutenant. That oath was to support the Constitution of the United States of America. I have buried almost a dozen of my fellow police officers who died defending that oath. The last one died right before my eyes in the major trauma room of University Hospital. I signed the receipt for his body so that he could be transported to the morgue. I think about those men often, and I think about what they died for. And that is why I become furiously angry when I see our Constitution, the most remarkable document ever written in the course of human existence, being used as toilet paper at every level of government. The Brady Bill is now a reality. For the first time in the history of our country, American citizens must request the government's permission to exercise a constitutional right. And if the government sees its way clear to grant permission, we must wait 5 days to exercise that right. But even this is not enough to please our keepers in Sodom-by-the-Potomac. Gun laws are not being passed quickly enough to suit our federal law enforcement agencies, so they have formulated their own plan to discourage gun ownership. In Ruby Ridge, Idaho, Sammy Weaver, age 14, the son of Randy Weaver, a man who had taken his family to the mountains to escape the tyranny of a government run amok, was hunting in the forest near the Weaver cabin with his dog. He wasn't the only person hunting in the forest that day. Sammy Weaver was ambushed and fatally shot in the back by two United States Marshals. And lest anyone accuse the U.S. Marshals of not being thorough in the performance of their assigned tasks, I would point out that they also shot the dog, also in the back. Later, Vicki Weaver, Randy's wife and the mother of the Weaver children, opened the door of the Weaver cabin to admit her husband, who had been in a nearby shed to visit the body of his son. Vicki Weaver was holding her 10 month old infant daughter in her arms. That proved to be only a slight inconvenience to FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi, as he shot Vicki Weaver through the head. She fell dead to the floor, her skull exploded, still clutching her daughter in her lifeless arms. It would appear that it is now a capital offense to be the son, wife, or dog of a gun owner. Waco. "Waco" is a word which, among American patriots, engenders the same anguished feelings of outrage as the word "Alamo." Last year at the NRA Convention in Nashville, my wife and I returned to our hotel room and flipped on CNN to see the latest developments in Waco. The Branch Davidian compound was burning. My wife cried. She knew that there were many children in that compound. She asked me why. Why are they burning the compound? I told her the simple truth: They have to burn it. Has anyone here seen and read the Waco search warrant affidavit? It's crap. It didn't establish enough probable cause to even knock on the Branch Davidian's door. When the FBI took over from the BATF (which some people say actually stands for Burn All Toddlers First), they knew that they would find no illegal weapons in the Branch Davidian compound. They were between a rock and a hard place. 4 ATF men dead, an unknown number of Branch Davidians dead, the FBI had only one choice: destroy the compound so that no one could ever prove whether illegal weapons were present or not. For hours, the FBI pumped supposedly non-lethal CS gas into the compound. Those of us in law enforcement and the military know differently. CS gas, in high concentrations in an enclosed area is lethal. The first ones to be affected by vomiting, convulsions unconsciousness and death, would be the children. The same children that local Texas authorities found to be happy and healthy under the care of the Branch Davidians. The FBI did not pump CS gas into the Branch Davidian compound to force its occupants to come out. They pumped gas in to make sure the occupants couldn't come out. Dead gun owners, and dead gun owner's children, tell no tales. The time has come for us to openly discuss something that up to this time we have mainly whispered about. The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to threaten the government. The framers of our Constitution knew that government is a necessary evil, which, as in the case of the British government, could easily become more evil than necessary. The Founding Fathers wanted to ensure that should that situation again come to pass, the American people would have the capability to reclaim their country by force of arms. I believe that we are dangerously close to that day when we will have to use the 2nd Amendment in exactly the manner that our forefathers anticipated. When I was a boy, my father could buy firearms through the mail. It was rightly believed at the time that such a transaction was the business of the buyer, the gun dealer and no one else. I lost that right with the passage of the GCA in 1968. In my lifetime, I have been able to walk into a gun store, select a handgun, and walk out of that store with that gun in my hand. My children lost that right with the passage of the Brady Bill. I'm not giving up any more rights. I sincerely hope that a political solution to this problem is still possible, and I will continue to work on the NRA Board of Directors to try to find that solution. But if that solution cannot be found, I say this to the megalomaniacs in Washington: Pass your gun laws. I will not beg the government for a license to continue to be a handgun owner. I will not submit to being fingerprinted or photographed or interrogated like a criminal for claiming my birthright as a free American. I will not register a single gun that I own. I will not surrender a single gun that I own. I will not apply for an "arsenal" license because I own more than 20 guns or more than a thousand rounds of ammunition. I will not attend mandatory safety training, nor will I submit to a test to prove that I'm fit to be a gun owner. And Miss Reno, I have this to say to you: If you send your jack-booted, baby-burning bushwhackers to confiscate my guns, pack them a lunch; it will be a damned long day. The Branch Davidians were amateurs; I'm a professional. -- Kort E Patterson - To unsubscribe, send a message to, and as the body of the message (plain text, no HTML), send the following: . unsubscribe noban email-address . where email-address is the address under which you are subscribed. Report problems to [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Re: National ID Card (fwd) Date: 02 Nov 1999 06:26:47 PST On Nov 02, Huck wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] It's past time to wake up and smell the coffee, because now it's burning! Huck spiker wrote: > From: David Gould > > Post Number 145: National ID Card > > First, I need to add a clarification; many of you have seen the supposed > 'victory' over the National ID in Congress. I hope most of you > understand what an illusion this is. For one thing, when the "bill" goes > to the joint house/senate conference, you could easily see the defeat(?) > disappear. For another, this provision would not have been in place if it > was not mandated by some agreement/treaty which is already binding upon > the United States government. The reality is that a National ID is going to be > put in place in America, just as complete tracking of you from cradle to > grave is going to be implemented. Of course, much of this already exists. > Please read on. - David G. > > Freedom? How free are you, really? Ever wonder about that, or about > some of the rumors you hear being bandied about? Well, you are about to > learn, first hand, what the real nature of the United States government (a > corporation in bankruptcy and under the control of the International > Monetary Fund) is. This is not a pretty picture, but what is coming is > what amounts to an internal passport, where you will have to show your > "approved" ID for travel, for "work," and for any other activity, such as > banking, that you now foolishly take for granted. Welcome, to a brave new > world. Oh, and as you read this first part, please note that license is > simply another word for tax. > > BUT DON'T FORGET WE LIVE IN A FREE COUNTRY > > Last fall, as I was preparing to go on my annual 10-day, Montana elk > hunt, I learned that I would have to obtain a brand inspection for the > donkey I had purchased to pack gear - this license because I would cross > county lines, and I might be deemed a "rustler" without it. So, it suddenly > occurred to me to count up the necessary licenses, without which I > couldn't make the hunting trip. > 1. Drivers license > 2. Motor vehicle title (pickup) > 3. Motor vehicle registration > 4. Motor vehicle license and plates > 5. Trailer # 1 (haul camp gear) title > 6. Trailer # 1 registration > 7. Trailer # 1 license and plate > 8. Trailer # 2 (carry donkey) title > 9. Trailer # 2 registration > 10. Trailer # 2 license and plate > 11. Conservation license > 12. Elk hunting license > 13. Deer hunting license > 14. State lands access permit > 15. Forest Service firewood cutting permit > 16. Donkey transport permit and bill of sale (brand inspection) > > As I was traveling slowly (with two trailers) down the road headed for > hunting camp, I was counting up these government permissions, and realized > that I had even more permits in my wallet. > 1. Concealed weapon carry permit > 2. Private pesticide applicator's license > 3. Commercial pesticide applicator's license > 4. Voter registration permit > > Then it occurred to me to think of the other permits that I had at home > that are critical to my daily existence. > 1. Business license (to be in business for myself) > 2. Occupancy permit for my home, including these permits I had to get to > build my home: > a. zoning and comprehensive plan compliance permit > b. building permit > c. excavation permit > d. septic permit > e. electrical permit > f. foundation permit > 3. Lobbyist permit (to lobby the Legislature to uphold the Constitution) > > I am told that the necessary laws are already passed to require every > person to have and carry an internal passport, smart card driver's license, > by October 1st of 2,000. Then, a person will need to obtain government > permission to travel, and probably to breathe. Best wishes, Gary S. > Marbut, President Montana Shooting Sports Association > > If you are looking for a newspaper with good news and timely articles, I > recommend this one, The Jubilee. I have received it before, and I always > found it to be Truthful and full of facts. Washington Grassroots Email > Network > Subject: NID: National ID Card Is Now Federal Law > > > > The Jubilee Newspaper > > P.O. Box 310 > Midpines, CA 95345 > 1-209-742-NEWS > Copies of this issue V9n5 are available from The Jubilee Circulation Dept. > > National ID Card Is Now Federal Law by Cyndee Parker > > In September of 1996, President Clinton signed into law, the Illegal > Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996. Buried at > approximately page 650 of the new national Defense Bill, also known as > Public Law 104-208, Part B, Title IV, the American public was given a > national ID card. With no fanfare, no publicity and no scrutiny, the bill > easily avoided the watchful eyes of even its most aggressive opponents. > > The Coalition to Repeal the Fingerprints Law, a Georgia grassroots > movement trying to rid the state of the new requirement to give digital > fingerprints in order to obtain a state ID or driver's license, recently > discovered the national ID tie. The group found that the national law not > only mandates a national ID card, but found how it is to be used. > > In Section 401-403, pilot programs have been initiated by the U.S. > Attorney General, one of which is the "Machine Readable Document Pilot > Program." In this particular program, employers would have to "procure" a > document reader linked to the federal government's Social Security > Administration in order to have the potential employee swipe their new > driver's license/national ID card through the reader. Then, it would be up > to the federal government to either approve or disapprove the applicant > for employment. > > Section 326 and 327 provide $5,000,000 per year grants to each state > participating in any of the three pilot programs. The money has been > allocated through the Criminal Alien Tracking Center and is called the > Criminal Alien Identification System. The "automated identification > system," which is to be used by "Federal, State, and local law > enforcement" and will "provide for recording of fingerprints of aliens > previously arrested and removed." The grants run from "fiscal years > 1997 through 2001." > > Additionally, Section 656 of the new law states that "after October 1, > 2000, Federal agencies may only accept as proof of identity driver's > licenses that conform to standards developed by the Secretary of the > Treasury," after consultation with state motor vehicle officials and the > American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators. The AAMVA sees > digital fingerprinting as the best way to go in driver's license > identifiers. > > Fearing that all Americans were about to be digitally tattooed under the > government's paranoiac guise of catching everything from aliens to dead > beat dads, Congressman Dick Armey (R-TX) was one of the first to voice his > opinion. Armey called the move, "an abomination and wholly at odds with > the American tradition of individual freedom." Senator Spencer Abraham > (R-MI) joined Armey in signing a letter denouncing the computer registry > and tracking system and Jack Kemp announced in the New York Times > that this was, "an anti-privacy, anti-business and anti-American approach" > and that "it was no way to run immigration policy." Of course, all this was > said before the bills were snuck through in the last defense bill. There is a > possibility at this time, they don't even know the proposed legislation > became law. > > For the first time in American history and reminiscent of Communist > countries, our government would have the ability to grant approval before > a private company enters into private employment contracts with private > citizens. Because of the nature of the employment system alone, personal > information would be accessible to local agencies and anyone who even > claims to be an employer. The government would have comprehensive files of > all American citizen's names, dates of birth, place of birth, mother's > maiden names, Social Security numbers, gender, race, driving records, > child support payments, divorce status, hair color, eye color, height, weight, > and anything else they may dream up in the future. > > On May 10, 1995, a hearing was held by the Senate Subcommittee on > Immigration entitled, "Verification of Applicant Identity for the Purposes > of Employment and Public Assistance." The hearing was chaired by Senator > Alan Simpson (R-WY) and attended by Senators Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Dianne > Feinstein (D-CA), and John Kyl (R-AZ). Robert Razor of the Secret Service > Financial Crimes Division gave the Subcommittee an explanation of the > emerging biometric technological role in personal identification. He said, > "The use of biometrics is the means by which an individual may be > conclusively identified. > > There are two types of biometric identifiers: physical and behavioral > characteristics. Physiological biometrics include facial features, hand > geometry, retinal and iris patterns, DNA, and fingerprints. Behavioral > characteristics include voice characteristics and signature analysis." > > Now the people of America not only must have digital tattoos on their > driver's licenses, we must also give information to the government when > boarding commercial aircraft, called personality profiles, along with a > government ID card. > > Of course, this guise is in order to catch some would-be terrorist. > Dianne Feinstein, author of the national ID law, explained in a Capitol > Hill magazine that it was her intention to see Congress immediately > implement a national identity system where every American is required to > carry a card with a "magnetic strip on it which the bearer's unique voice, > retina pattern, or fingerprint is digitally encoded." She also stated that > "fifteen years ago, they would have torn the [The Congressional] building > down." We probably would have if we had known about it. (I hope she > doesn't mind that Georgia left out the magnetic strip and replaced it > with two dimensional bar-coding.) > > During closing remarks of the May 10th Subcommittee meeting, Senator Alan > Simpson stated, "There is much to do here, but I was just saying to Ted > [Kennedy] before he left, a hearing like this fifteen years ago, > would have torn the building down. And here we are today, just a bunch of > us, kind of sitting around and no media, no nothing. This is fine with me. > I get tired of them on this issue." > > Based on other federal mandates, the Associated Press reported in the > Wichita Eagle on March 6, 1997 that the "Federal government mandates a > registry of new employees: State lawmakers balk at bill required by > Congress to ease child support collection. A bill designed to increase > state collection of child support payments was described as a 'Big > Brother' move and drew little support from members of the Senate > Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. But the federal government says the > legislature must pass it or the state could lose as much as $29 million in > federal funds." > > The bill referred to requires the state to set up a "new hires directory" > that would require all employers to report to the state information about > every newly hired employee. The directory would be made available to the > Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services for child support > collections. In the article, they reported that "the date in Kansas and > other states, although confidential, would be available to a national > directory of new hires." They further reported that all people would be > listed, regardless of age and even those that have no child support > obligation. > > The Senate Judiciary Committee in Kansas was quick to offer comments > condemning the federal mandate. Senator Mike Harris from Wichita, the > committee chairman said, "This is the most potentially significant, > far-reaching piece of legislation that has come through this committee." > The legislators from both parties referred to "Big Brother" and George > Orwell's novel, "1984." > > Kansas State Senator Paul Feleciano of Wichita said, "If ever we give > witness to Big Brother watching over us, this is the beginning of it." > Sen. Ed Pugh of Wamego had sharper words for the bill. He said, "I don't > see how it can be drafted by someone in a free society. It's a perfect > example of the ends justifying the means." These Kansas lawmakers are > not referring to the Immigration Act, but to another new federal law, the > Welfare Reform Act. If Kansas refuses to have a state bill in place later > this year, they will lose as much as $29 million in federal funds for child > support collection. Senator Pugh said it is a "wholesale assault on > Constitutional rights." > > The new driver's license requirement mandating fingerprints for Georgia > driver's and those wanting ID cards passed the state legislature with > virtually no public or media attention in April of 1996. The first known > announcement was on the local Atlanta news announcing an October, 1996 > date to begin fingerprinting. (Cyndee Parker, now a coordinator for the > Coalition to Repeal the Fingerprint Law in Georgia began the campaign to > repeal the egregious law.) > > Many Georgia lawmakers joined in on the repeal efforts. Representatives > Mitchell Kaye, Brian Joyce, Vernon Jones and Senator Pam Glanton were the > first to help lead the repeal efforts in the General Assembly of Georgia. > Eight bills were drawn by the House and one by the Senate. > Mitchell Kaye refers to the law as, "tracking us like a can of dog food." > > Due to the Governor's and House Speaker's manipulations, all eight House > bills were held hostage by the House Motor Vehicle's Committee and were > never voted on. The Senate overwhelmingly passed a Senate Bill, only to > find it placed as hostage, along with the other bills in Motor Vehicles. > On the last night of the Georgia Session, Senator Glanton amended another > driver's license related bill and it also was never voted on by the House > due to the same manipulations, illegal rule changes and an incredible > amount of confusion on the House Floor. > > Governor Miller stated numerous times during the year that he would veto > any repeal effort. House Speaker Tom Murphy was happy to see that the > Governor did not have to get out his veto pen. > > Georgia just slipped theirs through unnoticed by lawmakers and the > public, the same way the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant > Responsibility Act was. > > The group also had to notify their United States Congressional > Representatives and Senators, as they were unaware of the facts as well. > Both State and Federal Representatives and Senators had absolutely no > knowledge they had passed the new laws until the Coalition brought it to > their attention. > > The Coalition to Repeal the Fingerprints Law can be reached at > 404-250-8105 > or visit their web site at: > [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Sylvester Subject: Paranoid Conspiracy Freaks Right Again? Date: 03 Nov 1999 08:23:35 -0600 Echelon spy net, exists say BBC and European Parliment! Tuesday, November 2, 1999 Published at 18:01 GMT World Global spy network revealed Listening in to your phone calls and reading your emails By Andrew Bomford of BBC Radio 4's PM programme Imagine a global spying network that can eavesdrop on every single phone call, fax or e-mail, anywhere on the planet. It sounds like science fiction, but it's true. Two of the chief protagonists - Britain and America - officially deny its existence. But the BBC has confirmation from the Australian Government that such a network really does exist and politicians on both sides of the Atlantic are calling for an inquiry. ... Every international telephone call, fax, e-mail, or radio transmission can be listened to by powerful computers capable of voice recognition. They home in on a long list of key words, or patterns of messages. They are looking for evidence of international crime, like terrorism. Open Oz The network is so secret that the British and American Governments refuse to admit that Echelon even exists. But another ally, Australia, has decided not to be so coy. The man who oversees Australia's security services, Inspector General of Intelligence and Security Bill Blick, has confirmed to the BBC that their Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) does form part of the network. "As you would expect there are a large amount of radio communications floating around in the atmosphere, and agencies such as DSD collect those communications in the interests of their national security", he said. Asked if they are then passed on to countries like Britain and America, he said: "They might be in certain circumstances." ... "There's no safeguards, no remedies, " he said, "There's nowhere you can go to say that they've been snooping on your international communications. Its a totally lawless world." Breaking the silence Both Britain and America deny allegations like this, though they refuse to comment further. But one former US army intelligence officer has broken the code of silence. Colonel Dan Smith told the BBC that while this is feasible, it is not official policy: "Technically they can scoop all this information up, sort through it, and find what it is that might be asked for," he said. "But there is no policy to do this specifically in response to a particular company's interests." The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution. ---Doug McKay" Joe Sylvester Don't Tread On Me ! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fwd: Gun Ban Poll at, We're Losing! Vote Early; Vote (fwd) Date: 05 Nov 1999 09:14:21 PST On Nov 5, ASSETNJ@AOL.COM wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] In a message dated 11/5/99 3:08:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, NJGunsRus writes: << >> [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: FBI relies upon witch's authority to define cultic behavior (1/4) (fwd) Date: 05 Nov 1999 10:33:00 PST Long, but any Christian who thinks they shouldn't be involved in Politics, desperately needs to read this! On Nov 05, D. D. wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Thought you'd like to see if you are in this group of terrorists. Rick ;-(> ====================================================================== SCAN THIS NEWS 11.4.99 FBI relies upon witch's authority to define cultic behavior This is totally shocking! This is long but you must read this report! Every religious organization in this country should campaign for an official government retraction of the inflammatory, guilt-by-association aspersions cast upon Christians within the FBI's Project Megiddo report. On Tuesday, November 2, 1999 the FBI released its report on potential domestic terrorism in the United States in anticipation of possible domestic disruptions at the end of the year. The Project Megiddo (PM) report begins with the statement: : "Many extremist individuals and groups place some significance on : the next millennium, and as such it will present challenges to law : enforcement at many levels. The significance is based primarily : upon either religious beliefs relating to the Apocalypse or : political beliefs relating to the New World Order (NWO) conspiracy : theory. The challenge is how well law enforcement will prepare and : respond." The report is replete with inferences that anyone who believes the events which the Bible describes as taking place at the time of Christ's return will be "apocalyptic" in nature, and anyone who believes these events could take place during their own lifetime, is a potential terrorist and a potential threat to the country's security. In the PM report at page 28 under section VII, titled "Apocalyptic Cults," footnote 43, you will find reference to the "cult check lists" for use by law enforcement in determining whether or not a given group (within their respective jurisdiction) is a "cult" (as defined in the report). Groups which fit the FBI's definition of a cult pose a potential threat during the coming end of year changes. Thererore, isn't it very important that we all know what the cult traits are? The authority cited for this study is B.A. Robinson. He is credited as author of "Factors Commonly Found in Doomsday Cults." The PM report says that Robinson's material gives law enforcement a method to identify "traits that provide a framework for analyzing cults." The following web page link is included in footnote 43: Robinson's web page, entitled "Common Signs of Destructive Cults," is really little more than an index page with hotlinks to some extreme left-wing, anti-Christian pages. He states that these pages provide the "guidelines that give a general idea of the degree of manipulation found in religious and other groups." Those of faith who presently attend any mainstream denominational church should seriously consider whether their own church affiliation is, in light of these cult tests, considerd cultic behavior. This is, after all, the best and indeed only clue we have as to who exactly the FBI is talking about when it refers to "cults" in its PM report. The first link Mr. Robin provides is to the Institute for First Amendment Studies, Inc: Robinson says this about the IFAS: "They oppose various political activities of conservative Christian groups. They have checklist of symptoms to be sensitive to when you, a friend or family member becomes involved with a religious group. Here's the link he provides for IFAS: There, you'll find their "Early warning signs," wherein it is stated: "These early warning signs ... may serve as a useful checklist to determine if you, a family member, or a friend has become involved in a destructive Bible-based religion." And, here are the signs: : - Isolation from everyone or everything outside of the group and : its control. : - A we/they mentality. All those outside the group are somehow : negative or not equal; one must be a member. Partial commitment : or belief is not tolerated (no shades of grey). : - Everything outside of the group is evil, of the devil, or : worldly. : - Excessive fasting and praying, extreme tension or stress, which : may result in eating disorders, chronic depression, acute : anxiety, physical exhaustion, or illness. : - Hallucinations (i.e. visions or messages from God). : - Compulsively talking about the group, its leaders, and its : doctrines. Repeatedly quoting certain scriptures emphasized : by the group. : - Refusing to engage in conversation that may question the : group and its leaders. Such criticism may even be : characterized as satanic. : - Almost complete or total domination of the participant's : time by the group. : - Attending Bible study, crusades, revivals, prayer meetings, : services, or other group activities constantly. Little if : any time is left for family, old friends, or other interests. : - The group discourages questions concerning its leaders or : doctrines. Doubt may be equated to an attack by the devil : upon the follower's mind. : - Compulsively and constantly witnessing their beliefs to : everyone, often in a confrontational or extreme manner. [Note: This caveat is included at the bottom of this page: "These early warning signs were prepared by former deprogrammer and current exit counselor, Rick Ross. Ross was recently found guilty of conspiracy to limit the civil rights to freedom of religion of a member of a Pentecostal church. However, the above guidelines appear to have merit in spite of the background of the author." This is an FBI source for the Megiddo Report] The next link found on the FBI's ultra left-wing, anti-Christian scare-the-dickens-out-of-ya cult-checklist source web page is called "Mind-Manipulating Groups: Are you or a Family Member a Victim?": Here are the warning signs: : - The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members. : - The group is preoccupied with making money. : - Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even : punished. : - Mind-numbing techniques (such as meditation, chanting, : speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, debilitating : work routines) are used to suppress doubts about the group : and its leader(s). : - The leadership dictates sometimes in great detail how : members should think, act, and feel (for example: members : must get permission from leaders to date, change jobs, get : married; leaders may prescribe what types of clothes to : wear, where to live, how to discipline children, and so : forth). : - The group's leader is not accountable to any authorities : (as are, for example, military commanders and ministers, : priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream denominations). : - The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted : ends justify means that members would have considered : unethical before joining the group (for example: collecting : money for bogus charities). : - The leadership induces guilt feelings in members in order : to control them. : - Members' subservience to the group causes them to cut ties : with family and friends, and to give up personal goals : and activities that were of interest before joining the : group. : - Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time : to the group. : - Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize : only with other group members However, when I got to the third link I could not believe what I found. There, readers are directed to the web pages of a professing witch. The witch, P.E.I. Bonewits, "founder of the Druidic group ArnDraiocht Fein," in 1979 developed a checklist of 15 items which the FBI recommends for us in evaluating the potential danger of religious groups. This list was published in Real Magic, Revised Edition, (Samuel Weiser, NY, 1989). See: or You must remember when reading the following, this is the authority the FBI used for defining dangerous cults and cult behavior and it is written by a professing witch. Here's the pagan witch web site relied upon by the FBI: The "neopagan" site, hosted by Isaac Bonewits contains (in his words), "materials by and about Isaac Bonewits and his topics of expertise: Druidism, Paganism, Witchcraft, magic(k), liturgical design, polytheology, and polyamory." This is the FBI's authority talking. You better pay attention. He may be talking about you. The witch's cult check list is called the "Advanced Bonewits' Cult Danger Evaluation Frame," or the "ABCDEF" -- again, this is the FBI's authority. The introduction to the ABCDEF checklist includes the following statement: "...members of the "Religious Reich" will find that their own organizations (and quite a few large mainstream churches) are far more "cult-like" than the minority belief systems they so bitterly oppose." Notice who the cult is? The "religious right" (Reich). Now if you are wondering who Bonewits and the FBI consider to be the Religious Reich, wonder no longer because Mr. Bonewits has prepared a complete report -- which you can be certain the FBI also read and blessed -- which is included in its entirety below. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: FBI relies upon witch's authority to define cultic behavior (2/4) (fwd) Date: 05 Nov 1999 10:33:56 PST On Nov 05, D. D. wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ========================================== Understanding the Religious Reich 1.5 or How Fundamentalists Define "Religious Freedom" "Deeply hath sunk the lesson thou hast given and shall not soon depart." -- William C. Bryant Introduction, Summer '99 c.e. A few years ago, Neopagan newsletters and journals were publishing articles about a religious freedom organization (now defunct), that had been founded by Christian fundamentalists and which had invited Neopagans to join. The response from Neopagans at the time was, I believed, naive. That led to the first publishing of this essay in 1990 under the title, "Can We Trust 'Friendly' Fundamentalists?" During the 1990s, organizations such as the Moral Majority and the Christian Coalition almost completely took over the Republican Party on a local and state level, and bragged about their abilities to control the results of elections. By the mid-90s, they were riding high and convinced that they had essential control over the Congress, if not the rest of the national government. However, Republican Representatives and Senators failed to drive Bill Clinton out of office amid a bewildering (to them) amount of high public support for the President. That support was rooted, I believe, not only in a good economy, but also in three other factors: (1) the common cultural expectation that a nation's ruler is supposed to be a "stud" (thus fullfilling the Indo-European "Third Function" of fertility, for example); (2) the quiet agreement of the average American male that if he were the nations primary "power object," he too would probably take advantage of the many women approaching him as such; and (3) the simple fact that most Americans simply don't care about a politician's sex life, as long as it doesn't interfere with doing his or her job. Only now is the "Religious Right" beginning to realize and admit that it has already lost the "culture wars" with the rest of modern society. This bitter pill is combining with millenial fever to put some fundamentalist Christian leaders into a frenzy. Many of them actually hope that the dreaded "Y2K Bug" will lead to a collapse of the national and state governments, so that they can use their already existing political networks and militia groups to take over in the "power vaccuum". When 2001 c.e. arrives and neither the longed for "Armageddon" nor their "Second Coming" has occurred, their political and cultural power will be finally, irreparably, broken. History, however, shows that opponents are often most dangerous when they have accepted defeat and no longer care about their own survival -- just the destruction of as many enemies as they can take down with them. In these dangerous times, American Neopagans, and all others who cherish our constitutional freedoms, should improve our understanding of what fundamentalism is, of the long-range plans of "Christian Reconstructionism," and of what a fundamentalist considers "religious freedom." If, by the way, you feel that this essay and others on this site such as the one on the Real Origins of Halloween are filled with "hatred" of Christianity, you might wish to read "Anti-Christianity" and Who Hates Who? Defining "Fundamentalism" Throughout this essay I'm going to be referring to "fundamentalists," so perhaps I should clarify the term. Let me start, as I so often do, with a historical review of the term -- on this occasion quoting from the 1964 edition of A Handbook of Theological Terms, by Van A. Harvey: Fundamentalism is a name that was attached to the viewpoint of those who, shortly after the turn of the [19th-20th] century, resisted all liberal attempts to modify orthodox Protestant belief or to question the infallibility of the Bible in any respect. The name is derived from a series of tracts published between 1912-14, entitled The Fundamentals that aimed at defining and defending the essentials of Protestant doctrine. The most important of the fundamental doctrines were (1) the inspiration and infallibility of the Bible, (2) the doctrine of the Trinity, (3) the virgin birth and deity of Christ, (4) the substitutionary theory of the atonement, (5) the bodily resurrection, ascension and second coming of Christ (parousia). Since most of these beliefs have been a part of Christian orthodoxy [for fifteen centuries], historians have seen the uniqueness of fundamentalism to consist in its violent opposition to all beliefs that seem opposed to some teaching of the Bible. In the twenties and thirties, this opposition was focused particularly on any theory of man's [sic] origins, especially evolution, that seemed incompatible with the account in Genesis. Consequently, fundamentalism tended to be identified with blind opposition to all critical inquiry. Because of this identification, certain conservative theologians who share the above-described beliefs but who think they can be defended in a rational manner have tended to shirk the name "fundamentalist" and call themselves "evangelical conservatives." They generally oppose the spirit of ecumenism and any theology, including neo-Reformed theology, which does not regard the Bible as the absolute and infallible rule of faith and practice. The term "fundamentalist" has since been extended by the mass media to refer to "fundamentalist" Jews, Moslems, and even Hindus! In each case, the inference is that some people refuse to budge from the most conservative version of their faith that is available to them. Non-Christian examples include some Orthodox Jews and Shiite Moslems. Christian but not Protestant examples would be conservatives within both Roman and Eastern Orthodox Catholicism, as well as Mormons (though non-Mormons often consider them "non-Christian"). Nontheistic examples would include most Marxists and Secular Humanists, as well as other fervent atheists. For the purposes of this essay, I could simply refer to "ultra-conservative monotheists," but "fundamentalists" is somewhat shorter and the modern Christian Protestants who call themselves by this term are, in fact, the primary threat to our lives and freedom right now. So on those occasions when I don't specifically mention it, you may keep in mind all the others mentioned in the preceding paragraph. The Unholy Trinity The primary emotions driving fundamentalists are an Unholy Trinity of anger, hatred and fear: anger that there are other religions in the world (implying the possibility that their own fundamentalism might not be the One True Right and Only Way after all); hatred of these other faiths and their followers for daring to exist and refusing to immediately convert; a fear that if these other faiths are allowed to continue to exist, they will seduce the fundamentalists' membership away, and an even deeper fear that if their fundamentalist beliefs are actually incorrect, then they will have essentially wasted their lives avoiding opportunities for happiness in the here-and-now while chasing their "pie in the sky when they die" (which is not relevant for the atheist fundamentalists). While psychological analyses of their religious beliefs infuriate True Believers, they can nonetheless be quite revealing to outside observers. It seems obvious to me that this Unholy Trinity is a religious expression of the severely dysfunctional childhoods so common to fundamentalists. The emotional repression involved in being raised as a fundamentalist tends to breed anger, hatred and fear towards yourself and the world around you. Fundamentalism, with its pervasive sense of guilt about most normal physical and emotional feelings, and its patriarchal structure wherein the father's word is law, creates family atmospheres in which emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse of children is the rule, not the exception. Such abuse, now being publicized thanks to organizations such as Fundamentalists Anonymous, Walk Away, and various incest survivors' groups, can't help but create personalities in which legitimate anger, hatred, and fear towards their abusers is redirected inwards, creating the guilt and shame so useful for fundamentalist religious authorities. Later in life, these painful emotions can be redirected again, this time towards "safe" targets -- people with different religious and moral convictions than those one's family claims. Again, I'm using the term "fundamentalists" very broadly. I've heard similar life histories from people raised as Orthodox Jews, Mormons, and Jehovah's Witnesses -- and I can clearly remember the patterns from my own Roman Catholic childhood. The Unholy Trinity is exhibited in other ways that have affected all of Western history: anger towards ambiguity (why can't Mom/Dad/Siblings be predictable?); hatred towards women (why didn't Mom protect me?); and a generalized fear of the entire world (what awful thing will happen to me next?). The resulting emotional turmoil from these factors can't help but effect the overall worldview, and thus the religious beliefs and actions, of the victims. Arguing with Fundamentalists Many people of good will are naive enough to think that they can logically persuade fundamentalists to be more tolerant. Unfortunately, trying to discuss religion with a fundamentalist is somewhat like trying to discuss color theory with people who can only see black and white. When you try to point out, however diplomatically, that their vision is limited by their inability to see red, green, blue or yellow, they will insist that it is your view that is the limited one, because you can't see that a black and white worldview is more accurate in some ultimate way. If you suggest that the universe is more complex than their dogmatic divisions of "100% Truth" vs. "100% Falsehood," they will accuse you of being dogmatic, because you refuse to consider the possibility that their dogmas might be 100% True. Their next step is usually to denounce you as demonic, or the dupe of demons, for thinking that there might be any Truth outside their particular denomination's version of their scriptures. More sophisticated (or pretentious) fundamentalists will suggest that critics of fundamentalism should try to raise objections which show that it "fails" on "its own terms," not "your" terms. This, of course, is impossible, not because fundamentalism has no gaping holes in its theology (it has many, as any moderate or liberal Christian minister will be happy to explain), but because it is a closed logic system that defines itself as always True and all differing views as always False -- hence logical "failure" can never be demonstrated because it literally cannot be perceived by the fundamentalists. The closedness of the fundamentalist logic system is turned into a "virtue" by references to "the theological fallacy of testing God's authoritative word by extrascriptural standards." As for what they assume "your" terms are, this is always a simplistic cartoon that distorts -- and blurs together -- every competing view on the planet into a dualistic mirror of their own, which they then can triumphantly "defeat" (the famous "straw man" gambit). When fundamentalism's prime philosophical opposition came from Scientistic atheists and agnostics, who were dualists themselves, it was relatively easy for fundamentalists to play this game. They are much more confused -- and threatened -- by pluralism, relativity, and ambiguity, hence their urgent need to reduce all complexity to the psychologically soothing, if philosophically and spiritually bankrupt, simplicity of dualism. More dangerously, for those of us who care about human rights, this need for simplicity leads them to desire secular power to enforce their opinions, which they call "God's Law," and to eliminate all competing worldviews. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: FBI relies upon witch's authority to define cultic behavior (3/4) (fwd) Date: 05 Nov 1999 10:35:22 PST On Nov 05, D. D. wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Religious Genocide and "Toleration" The ancient Hebrews appear to have invented religious genocide : killing the priestesses and priests of the competing deities worshipped within their own population, then the clergy of all the local tribes. For good measure, they also killed the conquered tribe's adults and boys, keeping only the little girls whom they could rape and brainwash into the new religion of Yahwehism (and their new roles as slaves to men). The history of what became known as Judaism is a history of sanctimonious religious terrorism -- practiced right up to the time when their weapons were taken away from them. While they were a conquered people, the Jews believed fervently and sincerely in religious freedom, but whenever they had land again, that freedom vanished for all but themselves. Fifteen centuries of Christian oppression made religious freedom again a cherished ideal, but as soon as there was a chance for another Jewish state, fundamentalist Jews were quick to oppress the non-fundamentalist Jews and the gentiles then in residence. The results have been the current mess you can observe on your TV news every night. Let's not overlook the equally charming history of Islam -- another desert monotheism that started by committing religious genocide against local Paleopagans, enslaving their women, and slaughtering and oppressing "unbelievers" whenever possible. They, too, have promoted the ideal of religious freedom and toleration whenever economic or political fortunes have been against them, only to toss those ideals out the window when Islam was in power. You may examine modern Iran, Afghanastan, or any other nation in which fundamentalist Moslems are in power for current examples. That brings us back to the Christian fundamentalists and a bloody history with which most Neopagans (and other western non-Christians) are only too familiar. More men, women, and children have been enslaved, tortured, raped, mutilated, and murdered in the name of Jesus Christ than in the name of any other deity in recorded history. Christians have oppressed Jews, Moslems, Buddhists, Pagans, and each other throughout their centuries of power, preaching religious intolerance as the word of Jehovah whenever they had the military, political, or economic power to make it stick -- and then piously preaching brotherhood, peace, and toleration when they didn't. The various sayings to be found in their scriptures give monotheists a choice of which "Trinity" to worship. They can follow the Unholy Trinity of anger towards the unbelievers, hatred of "sin" (ie. different moral beliefs and those who live by them) and fear "of the Lord" (meaning, fear of deviation from the One True Way), on the one hand; or a somewhat holier one of peace (from the spiritual serenity their beliefs are supposed to give them), love for all humanity (as supposedly being fellow children of the "same" god), and hope for a new world (here or in their Heaven). Because of the dualism inherent in conservative monotheism, however, individuals and sects tend to flip-flop between these extremes. The liberals and the oppressed among them stress the positive side of their scriptural message, while the conservatives and those in power stress the negative side. Of course, the conservatives often use the positive vocabulary when proselytizing, and both the liberals and the conservatives routinely describe each other as not being "real" members of The Faith. This gives both varieties "plausible deniability" for ancient and modern crimes committed in the name of The Faith. Why Neopagans Frighten Fundamentalists Do fundamentalist monotheists hate Neopagans more than they do the members of all the other competing religions around these days? Well, not all of them do. Most of the Moslems in the world, for example, have never heard of us. Their fundamentalists are too busy fighting Christians in Lebanon, Jews in Israel/Palestine, Hindus in India, Buddhists in Indonesia, Marxists in Afghanistan, authors in England, and liberal Moslems at home, to pay any attention to what is in essence a Western religious movement with no appreciable presence in the Islamic world. I'm sure though, if a Neopagan movement starts up over there, the Islamic fundamentalists will be quick to kill them. Most of the fundamentalist Jews aren't paying any attention to Neopaganism either. We're just one more non-Jewish religion that their kids are straying off to, and we're viewed as a form of "craziness" rather than evil. Of course, some rabbis have noticed that many Neopagans are "offering our cakes to the Queen of Heaven," just like the Caanites whom their predecessors slaughtered so many years ago, so we are causing some additional fear and loathing. It's the Christian fundamentalists, however, in whom we inspire the greatest anger, hatred, and fear. They routinely denounce Buddhism, Taoism, the New Age, and all other competing belief systems, just as they have always done, but seem to save their greatest vituperation for occultists in general and Neopagans (especially Witches) in particular. As most Neopagans know, Christian fundamentalists are constantly publishing and broadcasting blasphemies against our deities, slanders against our members, and half-truths and outright lies about our beliefs and practices. Over and over, they strive to convince the general public, the media, and the civil governments that we are devil worshipping murderers, rapists, child abusers, and even cannibals. Their kids beat up our kids in school, their adults vandalize our stores and temples, shoot bullets through our windows, and manipulate the courts to remove our children from us. Why? What is it about Neopaganism that makes Christian fundamentalists so desperate that they will repeatedly violate their own "Ten Commandments" to try and stop us? There are a number of theological reasons why fundamentalists of any monotheistic persuasion would find Neopaganism disturbing; after all, we disagree with them about almost everything they consider important. But so do the Buddhists, the Taoists, the Hindus, and most of the other "new" religions on the American religious scene. The real reasons for the severity of fundamentalist attacks on the Neopagan community are, as usual, not theological at all. We believe in magic -- that anyone can learn to do miracles. That makes their Christ (assuming he ever actually lived -- still an open question among non-fundamentalist historians) merely another famous magician among many. This destroys the main body of "evidence" for special claims of his divinity and thus for the fundamentalists' special position as holders of The Only Truth. Neopagans believe in pluralism and multiplicity -- making us very hard to pin down and define, and bringing up dreaded "feminine" ambiguity. Worse, we worship goddesses, our women have places of honor and leadership, and gay and lesbian people are seldom discriminated against. These attitudes threaten both the male egos that control fundamentalism and the inherent sexism of their way of life, and present the terrifying danger that fundamentalist women and girls (not to mention any gay men and boys unlucky enough to be born into fundamentalist homes) might find our religions far more attractive than their own -- which, of course, many do! Perhaps worst of all, those of us who call ourselves Pagans, Druids and Witches have deliberately chosen to identify ourselves with the victims of conservative monotheism -- with the millions upon millions who have suffered at their hands down through the centuries. While reincarnation has not been officially accepted belief in monotheism for the last thousand years or so, a certain wave of fear must still pass over the fundamentalists when they realize, however subconsciously, that we just might be their victims come back from the grave to haunt them for their crimes, and that this time when they try to silence us, they will fail. But silencing us is something that they must at least attempt -- and not only because we are a healthy, growing competitor in the marketplace of religious ideas. As a pluralistic, decentralized, feminist, ecological, and democratic collection of religions, we represent the future of faith in a world of ever-increasing change and diversity. Fundamentalists know that the world is changing and that they cannot control the changes. They are horrified of the future and anything that reminds them of it. Neopaganism combines a revival of old deities that the fundamentalists have been taught from childhood were "demonic," with patterns of belief and practice that fit perfectly with the new global culture now emerging. The Fundamentalists have no psychological options left. They either have to cure themselves of the dysfunctional personalities that have made them fundamentalists, or (being dualists) try to silence us. Guess which tactic they usually choose? The Religious Reich and Christian Reconstructionism In recent years, the United States and other western countries have seen the rise of what I call the "Religious Reich," led by fundamentalist Christian men with literally theocratic agendas. That the Republican Party has become an unholy owned subsidiary of fundamentalist preacher Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition has become obvious to nearly everyone in politics -- including the Internal Revenue Service, which on June 10th, 1999 c.e. finally revoked the CC's tax-exempt status. What many Americans don't know, however (until it's too late), is that the Religious Reich focuses as much attention on taking over local school boards, town halls, and county governments, as it does on grabbing for power on the statewide and national levels. This is part of their long-range theocratic plan for America, which they call, "Christian Reconstructionism." They want to take over enough state governments to call for a constitutional convention (they are only a few states away from that goal). At such an event they could legally scrap our current Constitution and the entire Bill of Rights, replacing them with their own twisted vision of "Biblical Law." If they succeed in taking over America because the rest of us were too lazy to fight them and too cynical to bother voting - or if their cherished "cultural collapse" should occur -- they fully intend to institute the death penalty for being homosexual, for having or performing (or assisting someone to have or perform) an abortion, for living in "sin" (including all "unconventional" partnerships, lovestyles, and family structures), for practicing "witchcraft" (any minority religious, metaphysical, astrological or New Age belief system), and for having or distributing "pornography." I know it sounds unlikely that anyone could think this way in modern times, but remember, their predecessors have been terrorizing "unbelievers" for centuries, slowing down only when they lost political power. Today they're close to regaining the secular power they lust after, thanks to gaybashers, anti-feminists, Klu Klux Klanners, dozens of right-wing millionaires, and thousands of Fundamentalist preachers, Catholic priests and Orthodox rabbis who see their livlihoods and power threatened by sweeping global change. They depend on the votes of millions of modern "Know-Nothings" who are terrified of the future and willing to vote for whoever their preacher/priest/rabbi tells them to. One excellent book that will give you the lowdown on the Christian Coalition's founder and plans is The Most Dangerous Man in America? by Robert Boston. It's a pretty scary book, at least for anyone who cherishes their freedom pof conscience. Don't believe me or other "liberals" on this topic? If you want to know the sordid details, straight from the Religious Reich's own messiah, just read The Institutes of Biblical Law, by Rousas John Rushdoony, the ayatollah of Christian Reconstructionism, or as his publisher describes him, "the president and founder of Chalcedon Foundation, an educational organization dedicated to Christian reconstruction of every area of life and thought." That's your life and your thought they want to "reconstruct." Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Ralph Reed, and all their right-wing fundraisers praise, quote and follow Rushdoony, who lays out his plans and goals as clearly as Adolph Hitler did in Mein Kampf. Read it and you'll see why I use the phrase "Religious Reich" insead of "Right." Whether you are a moderate or liberal Christian or Jew, a Hindu, Taoist, Unitarian, Pagan, Agnostic or Atheist -- whether you are gay, straight or bi; male, female, or undecided; if your lifestyle, beliefs, or political [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: FBI relies upon witch's authority to define cultic behavior (4/4) (fwd) Date: 05 Nov 1999 10:36:19 PST On Nov 05, D. D. wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] views are even the slightest bit different from those of the Religious Reich -- you are a target. Let's not make the same mistakes that German democrats and liberals did in the 1930's. Let's make sure that Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and Robert Heinlein's Revolt in 2100 both remain fiction, by getting off our comfortable rear ends, stepping away from our keyboards, and exercising our citizenship rights while we still have them. How Fundamentalists Define "Religious Freedom" In their quest for absolute power, spokespersons for the Religious Reich often use the language of the civil liberties movements, in fighting what they perceive as "government interference" in their practice of religion. Some Neopagans say that we should work with such "friendly fundamentalists" in a common quest for religious freedom. I urge caution and further investigation of individuals, groups, and their motives, before doing so. While Supreme Court rulings interfering with the practice of minority belief systems are offensive, and the Religious Freedoms Restoration Act was well worth supporting, we should not be fooled by fundamentalist references to "religious freedom." Their complaints about "unconstitutional government interference" with religious practices are actually about the fundamentalists' loss of their traditional -- and very unconstitutional -- privileges. For three hundred years, religious zealots have been shoving their theology down our throats, usually with the connivance of the civil government. Where do you think most of our laws about sex, drugs and gambling originated? From "blue laws" that close stores on Sundays to mandatory (monotheistic) prayers at graduations, conservative Christians have dominated the public American culture since shortly after the Revolution. But over the course of the last few decades courts and legislatures have gradually taken away one after another of the fundamentalists' special privileges. Organized prayer is no longer allowed in schools, evolution is taught in biology classes, big city kids can learn about safe sex and birth control methods, etc. -- all of which upsets the Religious Reich terribly. The Religious Reich complains that the existence of rights for secular people (including the right not to be subjected to fundamentalist opinions) violates their rights as spreaders of the Gospel. They argue that the separation of church and state is itself a violation of the first admendment freedom of religion clause, i.e., that they have the "right" to use the government to promote Christianity as long as they aren't pushing any particular denomination of it. Often they attack the ACLU for its pro-separation stand, despite the fact that the ACLU has done more to fight for freedom of religion than any other organization in American History. The Christian Reconstructionists of the Religious Reich would prefer that America was a fundamentalist theocracy in which they would have every one of their old privileges back, and a number of new ones as well (with only fundamentalist Christians eligible to vote, run for office, or teach in the schools, for example). No matter how friendly, reasonable and ecumenical they may occasionally act towards non-Christian groups, on the day they decide they don't need us anymore they will cheerfully rip our throats out. Does that sound paranoid? Perhaps. But remember -- we know their track record. Fundamentalists have never supported religious freedom for anyone but themselves except as a temporary tactic. They are going to have to be a lot more convincing if they expect us to be able to trust them. I suppose they could start by publishing apologies for, and retractions of, all the lies that they have published and broadcast about us over the years, signed by all the national leaders of the Religious Reich (most of whom have told those lies). I'm not going to hold my breath waiting, however. Real Religious Freedom Organizations I highly recommend that Neopagan and other liberal religious people be prepared to take magical action to defeat the magical malpractice of fundamentalist "prayer warriors" and to prevent unconstitutional and dishonest plots by the Religious Reich by casting Spells for Democracy. But magic/prayer is always most effective if it is backed up with physical action. Fortunately, those of us in the Neopagan community who are looking for genuine religious freedom groups to join do have some trustworthy choices. There's always People for the American Way (2000 M St. NW, #400, Washington DC 20036). This group has pluralistic, feminist, and democratic biases fully in keeping with Neopagan polytheology. They have been keeping tabs on the Religious Reich for over fifteen years and their website contains a wealth of information the fundamentalists would rather you didn't read. I'm a member and I recommend them. The other major force fighting the Religious Reich is Americans United for Separation of Church and State (1816 Jefferson Place NW, Washington, DC 20036), a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization of moderate and liberal Christians, Jews, Unitarians, Atheists, Agnostics, and yes, a few of us Pagans! You can visit their website or send email to their net liason at Their phone number is 202-466-3234. Their newsletter, Church & State is an excellent source of news and advice on the fight against theocracy. I'm a member and I recommend them. Also worthwhile is The Freedom Writer, a newsletter published by the Institute for First Amendment Studies. IFAS was founded by ex-fundamentalist minister Skipp Porteous (author of Jesus Doesn't Live Here Anymore and other works) and attorney Barbara Simon. This publication, now available online, focuses on the activities of the Religious Reich, exposing fraudulent ministers, anti-Semitism, censorship campaigns, etc. There are also frequent news clipping about civil liberties victories. Those of you who were once fundamentalists might also be interested in IFAS' former publication turned webpage, Walk Away,written by and for ex-fundamentalists. You can send IFAS email at "" or snailmail at Box 589, Great Barrington, MA 01230. Their phone number is 1-800-370-3329. For keeping tabs on trends throughout the American religious scene, I can recommend Religion Watch (Box 652, N. Bellmore, NY 11710, $19.95 year USA). The editor, Richard P. Cimino, does an excellent job of reporting trends in both mainstream and minority religious movements, albeit with a moderate Christian bias. Of course, for civil liberties activism in general, there is no beating the American Civil Liberties Union. I'm a card carrying member and proud of it (even if that does mean I can never be elected President). Controversial as the ACLU is, and disgusting as some of their clients have been over the years, they remain the largest and most effective defense against all those forces (including the fundamentalists) who would trash our Bill of Rights. There's a group called Americans for Religious Liberty (Box 6656, Silver Spring MD 20906), founded as a front for the Humanist Society, but I can't recommend them. The Humanist Society is an association for atheists, agnostics and scientolators -- people who sneer at all religions equally. If you can put up with the kind of folks who run sleazy "debunking" groups to attack psychics and parapsychologists, you might find ARL worth investigating. Ask them about their platform in which they advocate keeping "pseudoscience" as well as religion out of the public schools. If Neopagans are going to support civil liberties and anti-discrimination groups, which I obviously think we should, then we had better be selective in our choice of allies. It's usually the fundamentalists themselves who oppress our civil liberties. We'll be much better off setting up our own groups, or supporting organizations that are genuinely neutral in matters of religious belief. I don't think that we can or should trust "friendly" fundamentalists. After all, deeply hath sunk the lesson they have given and shall not soon depart. Copyright © 1990, 1999 c.e., Isaac Bonewits. This text file may be freely distributed on the Net, provided that no editing is done, the version number is listed, and this notice is included. If you would like to be on the author's personal mailing list for upcoming publications, lectures, song albums, and appearances, send your snailmail and/or your email address to him at PO Box 1021, Nyack, NY, USA 10960-1021 or via email to --- The premise of the Project Megiddo report is that people who exhibit strongly held religious beliefs are a threat to the rest of society. If you profess a belief in absolute "good" and absolute "evil;" a belief in an absolute right and an absolute wrong; if you believe that Christ will return to earth in a fierce display of absolute authority, then you are likely on someone's list of right wing extremists with a pre-disposition to committing terrorist acts. The PM report is little more than an attack on fundamental religion in general, and specifically an attack on Christianity. Be leery of any organization which professes to be "Christian" and does not vocally challenge the catagoric insinuations made about Christians contained within the FBI's Project Megiddo report. This is the report which relies upon the writings of professing witches for its authority against Christians. Social security is the bane of individual liberty. - SAM ====================================================================== Don't believe anything you read on the Net unless: 1) you can confirm it with another source, and/or 2) it is consistent with what you already know to be true. ====================================================================== Reply to: ====================================================================== To subscribe to the free Scan This News newsletter, send a message to and type "subscribe scan" in the BODY. Or, to be removed type "unsubscribe scan" in the message BODY. For additional instructions see "Scan This News" is Sponsored by S.C.A.N. Host of the "FIGHT THE FINGERPRINT!" web page: ====================================================================== [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Jeff Coopers Commentaries - Nov/99 (1/2) (fwd) Date: 05 Nov 1999 10:48:53 PST On Nov 5, R. Lunn wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Posted by Barry Needham -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Attached is the latest issue of Jeff Cooper's Commentaries. Comments can be sent directly to Jeff at: Jeff Cooper Gunsite Ranch Paulden, Arizona 86334. As usual, I would be happy to forward any comments from our international readers. These Commentaries are also available on the web. In fact, all of the Commentaries, from the end of the old Gunsite Gossip, are available. The url(s) for this are: Enjoy, Barry. ============================================================= Jeff Cooper's Commentaries Previously Gunsite Gossip Vol. 7, No. 12 November, 1999 Thanksgiving If we wish to lead a good life, we should count our blessings continuously. But in this country, we set a day aside decreed by George Washington in order to give proper thanks for the blessings of liberty bequeathed to us by those extraordinary men who were not afraid to put their lives on the line for the cause. It seems clear that our liberties are more endangered at the turn of the XXI century than they were two hundred years ago. It is tragic to note that large numbers of American citizens are deeply uninterested in liberty, which is the thing most worthy of all for fighting for. The socialist promises security in return for the surrender of an increasing portion of liberty. As Franklin put it, the coward deserves neither. I ask myself this question frequently, and ponder about whether I am worthy of my ancestors. Whenever I quail at the thought of the Left triumphant, I try to give myself a moral shot in the arm by reading the inspiring words of those "Dead White Males." As of now, we still have a firm hold on the legal structure of our liberties, which is, of course, The Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. The people in Washington frequently find this annoying, as well they should. The Constitution was specifically designed to annoy the central government. It is critical, however, that the people, and particularly our legislators, understand this. As it is proclaimed at the Alamo Monument, "Freedom isn't free!" There is a price, and historically that price has been paid more often in blood than in cash. This idea is frequently labeled "extremist" by the Left, and it may indeed be so, but this nation was founded by extremists, and what we may be thankful for at this Thanksgiving holiday is the fact that extremists made this country "the last, best hope of earth." * * * We hope that you are enjoying a notable hunting season. May all that wild meat in your freezer serve to keep you healthy, happy, and grateful for the good things in life! * * * The change-over in policies here at Gunsite proceeds with appropriate deliberation. One cannot undo seven years of degeneration by a mere stroke of the pen. I wish I could provide you with a quick and simple analysis of the local scene, but I cannot do that at this time. The best thing we can say right now is that the previous owner is gone completely, and that is cause for rejoicing. * * * We have sometimes felt that a garbage-mouth is evidence of a paltry vocabulary. Some recent social observers, however, have said that this use of unimaginative obscenity in speech and writing is simply a function of conformity -- doing what everybody else is doing. When children are properly raised they eschew conformity. Legend has it that when Alexander of Macedon was a boy, he never did anything that all the other boys did as a matter of principle. Peer pressure should be spat upon at an early age -- by both mothers and fathers. * * * Reports of successes with the Steyr Scout keep right on pouring in. It is not an exaggeration to claim that the weapon is a triumph of design. It will apparently take some time for the press to find out about the Scout, but gun writers as a group tend to be set in their ways, and it will take a lot of field work, well away from both the office desk and the bench rest, to establish across the board what is obvious to those of us now on the inside. In the 376 version, the situation is not so clear. I have been asked politely by the factory not to refer to the weapon as a "Dragoon," but then the piece in my possession has the word "Dragoon" stamped clearly and brightly on the receiver. This 376 Steyr cartridge is a compact bruiser and not a piece for the faint of heart. Magnum ballistics in a 7-pound rifle introduce certain stress problems which were difficult to anticipate. The tendency for the butt magazine well to flex open on recoil was unexpected -- at least by me. If you mount the butt properly into your shoulder and take the thrust from midpoint to the heel, all is well. If, on the other hand, you mount the piece too high and take the thrust with the toe, you may drop the magazine out. The 376 ammunition may be something of a problem for some time to come. It is important to remember that this cartridge is not for deer. The Dragoon, or whatever you call it, is absolutely not a deer gun. The 308 is a deer cartridge, but the 376, while it will certainly kill a deer, is an exaggeration for such purposes. Unless your proposed target weighs a thousand pounds or more, you are far better off with the original 308. (It has been suggested that we advertise the new piece as "No gun for a lady." This may sell 300 examples within the week.) * * * When our good friend and colleague Bob Brown was recently asked his age in the course of an interview, his reply was, "I am so old that I can remember when the Kennedy's killed their women one at a time." * * * I guess it is not surprising that military heroic reputation is largely a function of publicity. Everybody knows who Alvin York was because Theodore Roosevelt wrote him up in fine style. Very few know of Sam Woodfill, who pulled off a very similar individual feat within a week of York's act, and also received the Medal of Honor. Likewise, everybody knows of Carlos Hathcock's achievements as a sniper in Vietnam, but very few know of Charles Mawhinney, who was also a sniper in Vietnam and ran up a slightly higher score than Hathcock (103 to 93). Hath-cock had a book written about him, but Mawhinney did not. It is wrong to be competitive in these matters. Both of these Marines did splendid jobs, and the one does not rate precedence over the other. It is just to point out that you are a hero only if people say you are. If you do not get the notices, you do not lead the parade. An interesting sidelight on Mawhinney has to do with remounting his sight. When he took some leave, he left explicit instructions that no one was to mess with the zero on his rifle. When he went back to duty, he discovered his instructions had been disregarded and proceeded to miss on his first two shots. Moral: "When you get a good zero, leave it alone." I thought everybody knew that, but obviously I was wrong. * * * To the family we recommend "Understanding Firearm Ballistics" by Robert A. Rinker, Mulberry House Publishing, Apache Junction, Arizona, 85217. * * * A "busybody war" is one which is fought in order to straighten out the morals, ethics, practices or religion of another group of people. Defensive wars are morally justified, and we can even put down reasons for wars of conquest, but "nanny wars" are disgusting. The American Civil War is an example of one, as is the Boer War in South Africa. In both these cases, the more powerful side fought basically for the purpose of changing the lifestyle of the other. Losers fight well in these busybody wars, as morally they should. What the invader thinks when he attacks to make sure that "those other people" part their hair on the right side is not always easy to discover. ("Charge! Get in there and give it your best to make sure these creeps clean up their act!" Men rarely choose to die for reasons like that.) * * * I should not brag about it but I cannot resist this: A correspondent recently told me that when he discovered some of my writings he sought to amass the entire series of works on the grounds that "truth is addictive." Gee wheez, wow! * * * Neighbor and colleague Colonel Bob Young recently dug up a curious piece of professional history that certainly came as a surprise to me. It turns out that the 4th Commandant of the Marine Corps, Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Gale, was dismissed from the service by a general court martial for what must be seen as generally disreputable behavior. Apparently he was a drunk and a roughneck and a dedicated lowbrow who did not conduct himself as an officer and a gentleman, openly frequenting brothels and generally helling around. On one occasion before he was commandant, Gale took offense when one of his Marines was clapped in irons by a naval officer without consulting Gale. Waiting until both officers were on liberty, Gale called out the naval officer and killed him. Anthony Gale is the only Marine commandant of whom we do not have a portrait in Washington. It seems he was a little too much of an "Old Marine" even for the "Old Corps." * * * As an amateur of semantics, I am increasingly annoyed by the use of the word "tactical" as an adjective to apply to everything from fishing tackle to potato soup. Some people obviously believe that if you paint anything black, that makes it "tactical." Perhaps if you paint it red it would become "strategic." I once did a little book called "Fighting Handguns" for Petersen Publications. Perhaps it is time to redo the pictures and captions and retitle it "Tactical Handguns." * * * The new Marine Corps is something else again. Our current Commandant, General Jones, has decided that the Marine Corps should be a "kinder and gentler" organization in order to encourage kinder and gentler recruits to stay in as career Marines. I am sure the General knows what he is talking about, but we Globe, Eagle and Anchor dinosaurs do [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Jeff Coopers Commentaries - Nov/99 (2/2) (fwd) Date: 05 Nov 1999 10:52:28 PST On Nov 5, R. Lunn wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] not fancy the Marine Corps as a soft organization. When I was on active duty it was said, "If you want to learn a trade, join the Army. If you want a clean bunk every night, joint the Navy. If you want to fly, join the Air Force. If you want to fight, join the Marines." Times have changed. * * * When I asked for audience participation on the matter of the fossa, I had no idea my audience was so large. Everybody from here to there has been writing me to explain about the fossa. In this age of communication, I now have a stack of letters setting me straight. I do appreciate this kind assistance, but I must say that source material in The Age of The Internet is difficult to assess. I hear people tell me now that the fossa is a civet, which it is not. I have been told in no uncertain terms that its claws are retractable or are not retractable, according to which item you saw. I have been told that it is a variety of mongoose. A term I enjoy most is "the panther of Madagathcer." It seems obvious that people do not know as much about the fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox) as they thought they did. I was attracted to the beast because, of course, ferox means fierce, or ferocious, and that certainly arouses one's curiosity. (As did Ursus horribilis in an earlier age.) We have so much interest now in this beast that I am thinking of organizing the International Fossa Foundation, in which we can all be called "Founding Fossas." Let us hope to hold regular meetings at Tananarive with prizes for those members who ferret out the most fearsome fossas. Many thanks again for all of those who leapt into the breach! * * * I would like to think that nobody knows, but somebody must have. In a previous issue I quoted Rousseau when I meant Voltaire. Hush my little old mouth! * * * At the 1999 SHOT Show, I ran across the major-caliber titanium pocket revolver from Taurus of Brazil. At 19 ounces in 45 Colt it took my fancy, and it was made almost entirely of titanium, which is strictly Star-wars stuff. I have been trying until quite recently to get my hands on a personal copy of this piece, but without success up until last month. I now have my own "Super Snubby," which I suppose might be called the "Titan." The piece was offered in 44 Special and 41 Magnum, as well as 357, for obscure reasons. But in 45 Colt, it is pretty fascinating. It includes a 5-shot cylinder that rotates to the left, a right-hand twist in its 2-inch barrel, and (get this) a key lock on the hammer! (Let's see now: if you want to make sure your gun will not shoot, do not load it. If it is a self-loader, simply take it apart. If you suspect some mean little kid will find the ammunition and load it without your authorization, simply swing out the cylinder and put a cheap padlock around the top strap. This hysterical striving to avoid litigation at any cost -- even the cost of appearing a blithering idiot -- seems to be a curse of the times.) But let it pass. I think the Titan is much fun. Its trigger action is almost unworkable, but can be modified by any competent gunsmith, since both hammer and trigger are of steel, as are the ejector rod and star. Also the barrel includes a steel sleeve. Obviously titanium, while pretty spectacular in some ways, does not replace steel in others. As you might suppose, the recoil of a 19 ounce revolver in 45 Colt is noticeable. However, the designer incorporated a set of very comfortable over-sized soft rubber stocks, which obviate damage to the fingers, though they can do nothing to soften the blow. Thus the Titan -- the Super Snubby. Good fun! * * * Our good friend and host Johannes Roller of Vienna has proposed a classical menu for our forthcoming feast of bison (when as and if). He suggests glazed onions, sauteed mushrooms, potatoes Duchesse, and a particularly sound Cabernet. As with the classic recipe for "Jugged Hare," the opening instruction is "First catch your hare." We will do our best. * * * Sam Colt must be turning in his grave. Referring to the recent cowardly behavior of the Colt Company, one commentator pointed out that the Colt Company invented the "six-shooter." Let us correct that. The Colt Company did not invent the six-shooter. Sam Colt invented the six-shooter, and went down in history as the man who made all men free and equal. I did a research paper on "Sam Colt as a Progressive Industrialist" when I was back in graduate school. It was well received, and I think I will dig it up again in honor of the occasion. * * * Family member Joshua Robinson, son of family member Art Robinson, recently had occasion to repel cougars up on their establishment in Oregon, using his personally owned Scout rifle. We will ask for details and get back to you. * * * I believe you have noticed that these middle aged richniks who wander around conventions and tournaments and such, are usually accompanied by conspicuously beautiful girls, whom they refer to as "nieces." We recently caught a photograph of Donald Trump at some occasion with his current "niece," who appeared in the picture to be quite up to the assignment. We see that Trump is thinking of running for president. It would certainly be amusing if he actually got there and moved into the White House with the nation's "First Niece." * * * At the Gunsite Reunion just past, we introduced the drill known as the "Guatemalan Steak House," which is a competitive exercise which I took from life down in Guatemala some years ago. A young lady in the audience, Diana Torres, asked in all innocence why people in these circumstances seem to want to kill each other. Now, that is indeed a deep question, and I must think about it sometime and try to cover the subject in print. I guess we will have to start with Genesis. * * * As someone has pointed out, while Karl Marx advocated the achievement of the "classless society," he never quite made it. Now, however, we have indeed reached a society in which nobody has any class. * * * Statistics from the California Department of Justice tell us that in the years 1994 through 1997 84.9% of homicides committed in California were committed by "non-white" perpetrators. Any conclusions drawn from this figure depend upon what sort of person is defined as "non-white." Categories in the table list: White, Hispanic, Black and Other. I assume that "Other" suggests Oriental ancestry, but if "Hispanic" means "Mexican," certain problems arise. The people we know of in California as "Mexican" are primarily a mixture of European and Indian, though in what proportions we cannot say. The difficulty here is that a large number of Mexican citizens have no trace of Indian blood at all -- witness such stage personalities as Dolores del Rio, Cesar Romero, and Margarita Cansino (Rita Hayworth). When we start basing our conclusions on something known as "race," we had best be very sure of our scholarship. * * * You may remember that at the 1998 Reunion at Whittington, family member Marc Heim of Switzerland distinguished himself by breaking four out of five clay birds in the air with his Scout rifle. Breaking those clays with a rifle is a good trick, and doing it even once is very satisfying. If you can bring off two out of five, everybody applauds. Four out of five, however, is so outstanding as to be worthy of a medal. In the decades during which I have taught marksmanship, I have run into some truly great performers, and Marc is right up there with the best. * * * It has been suggested that it is impossible to take seriously a man who is wearing an earring. Having cast through that matter with some care historically, I am forced to agree. Even scouring the steppes of Central Asia or the wilds of Borneo we still do not discover earrings in the ears of men of importance. Contradictory opinions will be entertained, naturally, but best be sure of your sources. * * * Reports we get from the wars in the Caucasus (Chechnya and Dagestan) tell us that the Russians have been learning many interesting things about this sort of warfare. The weapon of choice for infantry, as we approach the turn of the century, is unquestionably the rocket propelled grenade (RPG). When available, which is most of the time, it seems to have pretty much replaced the squirt gun for close range anti-personnel use. Beyond that, we discover that aimed rifle fire has been staging something of a comeback. Handheld full auto-fire has decreased in both effectiveness and importance. The matter of morale continues in all aspects of warfare. A man fights better when he is convinced that God is on his side, and a man fights best in defense of his own home territory. These wars in the Caucasus are effectively religious, since while the invading Russians are nominally atheist, the defending Caucasians seems to be sincere Moslems. The predominant motive of the Russian trooper is to get out of this mess and get home to Moscow, while the predominant motivation of the Chechen or Dagestani is to kill the unbeliever. The Russians find this intensely irritating and it causes Yeltsin to give forth with angry bluster about "extermination." All this is very interesting, but it does not arouse one's enthusiasm. * * * I suppose you are all aware of the fact that a Texas hamlet down on the Mexican border has taken civic action to secede from the United States. This is the municipality of El Cenizo, which has passed ordinances rejecting U.S. border control. Secession is basically a federal matter (remember the war we fought about that), but first I'd like to see what Governor Bush the Younger plans to do about this. * * * Family member Mike Baker contributes the following observation from Florida. When asked for an essay on "Good Government" in high school, the winning response was as follows, to wit: "Good government! Good government! Sit! Stay!" * * * Please Note: These "Commentaries" are for personal use only. Not for publication. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP Personal Privacy 6.0.2 iQA/AwUBOCG+SaNvVgasqrT0EQJX6ACg1Jb3G5CibeIn9la+mIKYm9NkAX8AoPMr buLG/EFuUKkT7GHPQbr7iLCP =UgOt -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Molon labe Barry Needham Pager: 1-888-530-5814 PGP 5.0 key available on request [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: Gun Ban Poll at, We're Losing! Vote Early; Vote Date: 05 Nov 1999 14:49:59 -0500 Actually the pro-gun side is leading on that one. A NO vote opposes restricting access to older teens. Funky wording. Don't forget to oppose racial profiling while your there. Here's one from the MSNBCKBG site: _VT_VT_VT_VT_VT_VT_VT_VT_VT_VT_VT_VT_VT_VT_VT_VT_VT_ Todd Pukanecz Virginia Tech, CALS & 229 Dist Ed Blacksburg, Virginia ....................................................... "All too often, the Congress thinks there is no end to the good they can do with your money and their brains. It is time for us to put an end to this misguided belief. The Founding Father's vision was for a constitutional republic where the will of the people would be imposed on Washington, not the views of Washington imposed on the people." -- Sen. John Ashrcroft ~> ~>On Nov 5, ASSETNJ@AOL.COM wrote: ~> ~>[-------------------- text of forwarded message follows ~>--------------------] ~> ~>In a message dated 11/5/99 3:08:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, ~>NJGunsRus writes: ~> ~><< >> ~> ~>[------------------------- end of forwarded message ~>------------------------] ~> ~>-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kenneth Mitchell Subject: Re: FWD.doc (fwd) Date: 05 Nov 1999 20:20:27 -0800 At 06:33 AM 10/28/1999 PST, Bill Vance wrote: >Well, we do seem to have gotten an awful lot of mileage out of l' Marquis de >Laffayette.....:-) > >On Oct 27, luke speer wrote: > >America: The Good Neighbor > > Widespread but only partial news coverage was given recently to a > remarkable editorial broadcast from Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a > Canadian television commentator. What follows is the full text of his > trenchant remarks as printed in the Congressional Record: > > This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the >most > generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the earth. > Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were lifted >out > of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of >dollars > and forgave other billions in debts. None of these countries is today > paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the United States. This was recorded about 20 YEARS ago; I have it on a 45 RPM record. Ken Mitchell Citrus Heights, CA 916-955-9152 (vm) 916-729-0966 (fax) -------------- ---------------------- There is no such thing as "e-mail tracking software". Cell phones don't cause explosions in gas stations. Any e-mail that encourages you to "forward it to all your friends" is a hoax. Avoid falling prey to urban legends; check out the Urban Legends page at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Sylvester Subject: Scraping the bottom of the (honey) bucket. Date: 07 Nov 1999 10:56:19 -0600 <> British Army To Recruit From Jails=20 9.37 a.m. ET (1437 GMT) November 7, 1999 =20 LONDON =97 For young criminals considering a new career, the British army could be the answer.=20 Spurred by a shortage of soldiers and the Labor Party government's liberalized views on rehabilitating prisoners, the army will send recruiting officers to juvenile jails next year, the Defense Ministry announced Sunday.=20 "The army is looking for the best new recruits and if some of these can be found inside young offenders' institutions then so be it," a Defense Ministry spokesman said, speaking on customary condition of anonymity.=20 "Some excellent young recruits may have made a mistake but have paid for it and deserve a chance to serve their country," he added.=20 Ex-convicts seeking to join the army must have been sentenced to a maximum of two years, and have been under 18 when sentenced. Inmates serving sentences for racially motivated crimes or sex and drug offenses will be excluded, though.=20 Britain's volunteer army is 4,000 recruits below strength and is particularly thinly stretched because of new international peacekeeping operations in Kosovo and East Timor, on top of regular commitments.=20 <> Prisoners' welfare groups applauded the move, but the main opposition Conservative Party expressed deep concern.=20 =20 The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution.=20 ---Doug McKay"=20 Joe Sylvester Don't Tread On Me ! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: 12th Annual National Police Survey (fwd) Date: 07 Nov 1999 13:41:38 PST On Nov 07, Mike Riddle wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Note particularly questions 3 through 9. >From the NRA-ILA Fax Alert, Vol. 6, No. 43 - 11/05/99 > >"LAW ENFORCEMENT REJECTS GUN CONTROL > >The 12th Annual National Police Survey once again affirms what most of us >already know -- that the overwhelming majority of those in the law >enforcement community believe gun control does not prevent crime. The 1999 >survey, conducted by the National Association of Chiefs of Police, posed >questions to 18,102 Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs. Here are some >highlights: 93% believe law-abiding citizens should be able to purchase a >firearm for self-defense or sport; 88% believe that a convicted felon in >possession of a gun should be prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney, and if >convicted, receive the maximum prison term; 66% reject the idea that >law-abiding citizens should be limited to one gun per month; 56% believe >that gun shows are NOT a major source of illegal guns for criminals; and >within the past year, 93% of the agencies surveyed have NOT been asked to >arrest anyone making a false statement on an application to purchase a >firearm." > 12th Annual National Police Survey 1999 SURVEY OF ALL LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES IN THE UNITED STATES The following survey questions were posed in the last 60 days by mail of 16,000 Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs that was recently completed. It represents a cross section of professional officers involving every state with a 10% response. The survey was conducted for the 12th consecutive year by the National Association of Chiefs of Police. Washington, D.C., (202)293-9088. Permission to reproduce in whole or part is given if credit is given to our organization. Death Penalty YesNo 1. Do you believe the death penalty serves as a deterrent to certain types of crimes? Yes 90.8% ... No 08.9% 2. Do you believe that when a law enforcement officer is feloniously killed in the line of duty that the penalty upon conviction should be death? Yes 97.6% ... No 01.7% Firearms 3. Do you believe any law-abiding citizen should be able to purchase a firearm for sport or self-defense? Yes 92.7% ... No 06.8% 4. Within the past year, has your agency been called upon to arrest anyone who has made a false statement on an application to purchase a firearm? Yes 06.2% ... No 93.3% 5. Do you believe anyone (such as a convicted felon) in violation of state or federal firearm possession laws should be prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney and, if convicted, receive a maximum prison term? Yes 87.7% ... No 11.2% 6. Do you believe law-abiding citizens should be limited to purchase of no more than one firearm per month? Yes 32.7% ... No 65.8% 7. Do you believe local "gun shows" are a major source for sales of illegal firearms to criminals? Yes 40.7% ... No 55.8% 8. Do you believe criminals currently are able to obtain virtually any type of firearm by illegal means? Yes 97.9% ... No 01.8% 9. Do you believe any sworn peace officer or retired officer should be permitted to carry a firearm from state to state? Yes 93.6% ... No 05.8% Ethics 10. Do you believe the ethical standards of your department are upheld at a higher level than those by elected officials in our nation's capital? Yes 93.8% ... No 04.8% 11. Would off-duty, private sexual misconduct of an officer in your department result in dismissal or penalty of any type? Yes 78.1% ... No 15.7% Media 12. Do you believe the media (TV, radio and print) are fair and impartial in reporting the news? Yes 08.4% ... No 90.6% 13. Does your agency have one officer assigned to handle media requests? Yes 56.3% ... No 42.9% Terrorism/Sabotage 14. Has your agency been offered training in connection with the U.S. Department of Justice "first responder" program to combat weapons of mass destruction, biological warfare, etc.? Yes 28.6% ... No 70.6% 15. Has your agency received special equipment to protect officers from such hazards? Yes 07.1% ... No 92.4% 16. Do you believe the coming year will bring foreign or domestic terrorist attacks that threaten the public trust in our role as guardians of law and order? Yes 77.7% ... No 18.7% Technology/Equipment 17. Do you believe arrestees should be required to provide DNA samples, in a manner similar to current practices of fingerprinting? Yes 79.9% ... No 18.0% 18. Were funds available, would you like to have videocameras available in all police vehicles, holding cells, interrogation areas and anywhere public may be in contact with officers? Yes 94.9% ... No 04.9% 19. Were funds available, would you like a device that can emit a magnetic ray to shut down the engine of a speeding car? Yes 90.6% ... NO 08.5% 20. Were funds available, would you like a firearm that uses a microchip to ensure only the officer can fire it, preventing a suspect from shooting it in a struggle with the officer? Yes 84.0% ... No 14.6% 21. Does your department require each officer to wear a bullet-resistant jacket on duty? Yes 59.5% ... No 40.2% 22. Does your department use CS or CN teargas as an option to force? 71.5% ... 28.1% Drugs 23. Do you believe that marijuana should continue to be illegal for personal use? 90.1% ... 09.2% 24. Do you believe a "zero tolerance" program testing prisoners and parolees for drug use will reduce drug use among those people? 69.1% ... 30.3% 25. Do you believe the national war on drugs that has been going on for more than 15 years has been successful in reducing the use of illegal drugs? 21.6% ... 77.7% 26. Do you believe abuse of illegal drugs has had a serious impact upon crime in your community? 88.8% ... 10.8% Other 27. If free brochures about "dos and don'ts" regarding driver actions following a traffic accident were provided to your agency, would you consider disseminating them to citizens? 96.2% ... 03.2% 28. Do you favor the drafting of all males for one to three years of military service? 58.9% ... 39.2% 29. Do you believe the formation of a United Nations police force may threaten the sovereignty of the United States? 49.7% ... 43.7% 30. Do you believe that all officers injured in the line of duty to the extent that they no longer are able to perform police work should be entitled to at least two-thirds of pay, family medical benefits and, if possible, training for other work? 98.2% ... 01.0% [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: VPC would LOVE to see this!!! (fwd) Date: 08 Nov 1999 08:07:39 PST On Nov 8, Doug Spittler wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] >appeared in the Edmonton Journal Sunday 31 October 1999 > > >In its obsessive, pig-headed and ignorant rush to register all the gopher >guns and target pistols in the country, it is entirely likely the Liberal >government in Ottawa will end up getting more Canadians killed than would >ever have been saved had the registry lived up to the fantastical promises >made in order to sell it. > >This shouldn't surprise. Liberals, both big and small-l, are famous for >getting stung by the law of unintended consequences. > >Liberals devised universal welfare to eliminate poverty and in the attempt >expanded the ranks of the poor. They made divorce easier to get to free >wives from abusive husbands and make women more independent, and ended up >causing half the marriages since to break up and shackling vast numbers of >women to the poverty of single motherhood. They raised taxes to pay for >their multitude schemes and killed the jobs that generate the income to pay >the taxes. > >Why shouldn't it be that the when Liberals set out to reduce murders, >accidental death and suicides by making every homeowner, farmer and hunter >declare his or her firearms to the government the end result would be an >increase in the number of dead Canadians? It fits the pattern. > >In the nearly 11 months since the Liberals imposed their universal registry >on the nation's recreational firearms community, black market gun sales have >boomed. Scores of legitimate gun shops have gone under or are about to. But >under-the-tables sales are as healthy as all get out. >In large part, this is because the Liberals new gun laws instantly >criminalized hundreds of thousands of gun sales that for centuries had been >legal. Canadians have always sold each other weapons of all sorts privately, >including firearms. Such over-the-fence transactions occur as often as a >quarter-million times each year, perhaps more. >Thanks to Justice Minister Anne McLellan's hysterically rigid insistence that >each and every gun sale, even these neighbour-to-neighbour sales, be >approved by her department in advance, nearly all these sales are now >so-called black market sales. > >But beyond this administrative expansion of the black market, there has been >a real increase in the number illegitimate sales. Since buying a gun the >Ottawa-approved way through a licensed gun shop often takes days or weeks, >and costs at least $25 just for the government imprimatur, many frustrated >owners are turning to - let's call them - less-conventional suppliers. >This action on the part of otherwise law-abiding firearms afficionados is >lamentable, even as it is entirely understandable. Before Ottawa will >approve sales to the banker down the block, or your kid's hockey coach, or >the university prof who hunts with his buddies each fall, it wants to know >if they are alcoholics, if they are good spouses, if they have ever lost a >job or gone bankrupt, if their neighbours have any complaints about them. It >wants them to build or buy expensive safes for their guns and others for >their ammunition. It wants them to take lengthy and expensive safety >courses; to get permission (in many cases) before they move their guns from >one home to another, or from home to the shooting range. It even wants to >approve in advance the willing of guns to their heirs. And Ottawa wants >legitimate gun owners to pay handsomely to clear all these obstacles. >Ottawa's anti-gun minions hoped this labyrinth of inconvenience, harassment >and bureaucratic proctology would, over time, cause Canada's four or five >million firearms owners to give up their sport. Recreational shooting and >hunting would become more trouble than they are worth, and firearms owners >would voluntarily turn their guns over to police. Rather than out-and-out >confiscation, this was a scheme for constructive disarmament of the civilian >population. > >But here comes the law of unintended consequences, again. There is no >justification for denying law-abiding citizens the ownership of firearms in >a democracy, in a political system in which they are the ultimate >sovereigns. This was never a sentiment much articulated in Canada. Yet it >turns out it was deeply held. > >The gun registry is bitterly resented by legitimate gun owners in Canada, not >just for its cost and convoluted intrusiveness, but for its underlying >message that the government does not trust its own people. > >So as McLellan's own group of hand-picked firearms experts recently told her, >her government's legislation has prompted "an unchecked growth in the most >unwanted elements of the firearms trade...the black market." Black market >guns cannot be traced. Under the old system, gun shop owners often helped >police identify suspects and the guns they purchased before they committed >their crime. Black market gun sellers almost never talk; to do so would be >to admit to participating in an illegal act (the under-the-table sale). >Black market guns are many times more likely to be used in crimes. Thus black >market sales equal more gun deaths. McLellan and the Liberals' gun registry >equals more black market sales. Therefore, McLellan and the Liberals' >registry equals more gun deaths. > >Moreover, three weeks ago, proof arrived of how futile the registry has been >from the start. Statistics Canada says that of the 555 murders in 1998, just >151 (27.2 per cent) were committed with guns. Of those, only nine per cent, >just 14, were committed with a legally owned, unregistered rifle or shotgun. >All the rest were committed with guns that have had to be registered since >1934 (handguns) or with illegal guns, such as sawed-off shotguns or full >automatics. > >Ottawa is spending hundreds of millions of dollars, subjecting decent >Canadians to horrendous administrative abuse and spurring an enormous black >market on the off chance of saving 14 lives a year. > >Dumb, dumb, dumb. > >Lorne Gunter, Columnist >The Edmonton Journal >P.O. Box 2421 >Edmonton AB CANADA >T5J 2S6 >off tele: (780) 429-5267 >fax: (780) 429-5500 (requires a cover page) >cell: (780) 916-0719 > > -------[Cybershooters contacts]-------- > > Editor: > > Fieldsports editor & subscriptions: > > Website: [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fwd: Introduces First Video-on-Demand in... (fwd) Date: 08 Nov 1999 09:44:22 PST On Nov 8, ASSETNJ@AOL.COM wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Interesting concept.... Introduces First Video-on-Demand in American Politics With Issues Messages from Presidential Campaigns WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 /PRNewswire/ --, a new nonprofit, nonpartisan Internet site launching today, provides voters free access to issue videos from presidential candidates, political parties and America's leading issue groups. Over 50 specific issue messages are available on from the presidential candidates alone - including Vice-President Gore, Bill Bradley, Senator McCain, Steve Forbes, Senator Hatch and others. The site offers each candidate for President, the parties and issue groups ninety seconds to make their case on each specific issue, ranging from health care to Social Security, from gun control to moral values. Bipartisan founders Doug Bailey and Roger Craver, the team that also founded The Hotline political briefing 12 years ago, said that the goal of was for voters to be able, "to click on the candidates they want to hear from, on the issues they want to hear about, all at times of their own choosing." Over two dozen political organizations and issue groups all across the political spectrum -- including both the Republican and Democratic parties -- also have their 90-second issue videos on the site. Included are both the NRA and Handgun Control, Inc -- Empower America and the Democratic Leadership Council -- the NFIB and the NEA-AARP, ACLU, Common Cause, the National Taxpayers Union, the Sierra Club -- and over a dozen more. "Every group is welcome," said Bailey. "And come January we will add all the candidates for the Senate, the House and Governor." The site has enthusiastic support from a star-studded Advisory Council who have helped shape the rules and guidelines for the cutting-edge site. Here is what some of them have to say: Mike McCurry, former Press Secretary to President Clinton: " is the voter's one stop-shop for all the candidates and all the parties." Bill Paxon, former Chairman, National Republican Congressional Committee: "If you've seen, you've seen the future." Ann Richards, former Governor of Texas: "This is sort of like becoming your own TV producer. You decide who you want to see, and on what, and when." Trevor Potter, former Chairman, Federal Elections Commission: "The Freedom Channel is its own form of campaign finance reform; it provides all candidates with equal access to voters - and increases substance at the same time." Tom Kean, former Governor of New Jersey: "It can help at all levels, but it will be invaluable at the Congressional level, where voters have the toughest time knowing what candidates stand for." Janet Brown, Executive Director, Presidential Debate Commission: "Awesome." Josette Shiner, President, Empower America: "What the voters want is what they get. They're in the driver's seat." Al From, President, Democratic Leadership Council: "In the Information Age, ideas need to drive politics and policy, and is helping to make that happen." Note: From's DLC is making its own Internet history tonight with an Online Town Meeting with President Clinton. When: 7:00pm (EST). Where: The Sponsors of the nonprofit, free site (which takes no advertising of any kind) are the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Freedom Forum, Carnegie Corporation of New York and The Century Foundation. Under an agreement announced today, all Internet videos on the site are delivered by Yahoo! Inc., which also provides the videos on Yahoo!(R) Politics ( All videos are processed and digitized at Interface Video Group in Washington, DC. Design, construction and hosting of the site is from AppNet, Inc. through its office in Falls Church, Virginia. SOURCE CO: ST: District of Columbia IN: CPR MLM SU: PDT 11/08/1999 11:01 EST Announcement: America Online has added Reuters newswires to News Profiles. To add Reuters articles to your daily news delivery, go to KW: News Profiles and click on "Modify Your News Profiles." Then click "Edit" and add Reuters from the list on the left. To edit your profile, go to keyword NewsProfiles. For all of today's news, go to keyword News. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kenneth Mitchell Subject: Re: Scraping the bottom of the (honey) bucket. Date: 08 Nov 1999 16:02:35 -0800 At 10:56 AM 11/7/1999 -0600, you wrote: ><practice. I guess the Brits are really scraping the bottom of the honey >bucket. I guess these are the folks that the UN/NWO will be sending to >confiscate our guns..poor bastards. > >I expect the US military won't be far behind in utilizeing this new source >of manpower, and maybe even the police>> > Nothing new here! Until the late 1950's, it was hardly uncommon for the juvenile justice judge to sentence a youthful miscreant to "reform school, or enlist" - the attitude being that military discipline would straighten out the boy and turn him into a man. And neither the Army nor the Marines balked at taking these jailbirds-in-training and turning them into soldiers. It wasn't until the military started needing brains more than cannon fodder that they began to try to "increase the quality of recruits", by rejecting those with minor criminal records and requiring high school diplomas. Ken Mitchell Citrus Heights, CA 916-955-9152 (vm) 916-729-0966 (fax) -------------- ---------------------- There is no such thing as "e-mail tracking software". Cell phones don't cause explosions in gas stations. Any e-mail that encourages you to "forward it to all your friends" is a hoax. Avoid falling prey to urban legends; check out the Urban Legends page at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: UN...Global Gun Grab (fwd) Date: 09 Nov 1999 08:42:18 PST On Nov 9, RJK.Sr. wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] UN...Global Gun Grab It s open season on the right to keep and bear arms as UN globocrats gear up for international gun controls. The United Nations is very troubled that the United States has retained its Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Radical new UN proposals treat free people with the means to effect their own self-defense as a vital threat to the United Nations and its quest for what it calls the "peace-building process." More troubling still is the fact that for the first time this radical UN agenda represents a clear and present danger to our right to keep and bear arms. This is in part because the Clinton State Department is collaborating with the UN and its proposals. But another, perhaps more dangerous, prong of the UN attack on the right to keep and bear arms comes from an insidious quasi-private institution heavily funded by socialist Northern European governments. This little- known, UN-backed organization charges itself with developing "message strategies" and "campaigning and advocacy strategies" to obtain a UN-managed global ban on the private ownership of firearms. Anti-Gun Agenda The United Nations "Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Small Arms" issued on August 19th bitterly complains that "there are wide differences among States [nations] as regards which types of arms are permitted for civilian possession, and as regards the circumstances under which they can legitimately be owned, carried and used. Such wide variation in national laws raise difficulties for effective regional or international coordination." That the UN "experts" are complaining mainly about the United States is made clear from the concluding recommendations in the report. Among the "coordination" proposals adopted by the panel enthusiastically seconded by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in his foreword to the report are the following: "All States should ensure that they have in place adequate laws, regulations and administrative procedures to exercise effective control over the legal possession of small arms and light weapons and over their transfer...." "States are encouraged to integrate measures to control ammunition...." "States should work toward the prohibition of unrestricted trade and private ownership of small arms and light weapons...." The UN report defines small arms to include just about every category of firearms that exists: "The category of small arms includes revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns." The United Nations call for banning even hunting rifles and antique revolvers from civilian possession demonstrates the radical and groundbreaking nature of the report. Though the current United Nations attack on the Second Amendment fails to take aim at civilian possession of shotguns, shotgun owners should find no security in the current UN focus. The UN report in no way limits global firearms restrictions to "military"-related firearms such as "revolvers" and "rifles." The UN "experts" explain that the United Nations must deal with firearms on social as well as military criteria: "Virtually every part of the United Nations system is dealing in one way or another with the consequences of the armed conflicts, insecurity, violence, crime, social disruption, displaced peoples and human suffering that are directly or indirectly associated with the wide availability and the use of these weapons." To implement their gun control measures, UN officials plan to ignore the reservation of national sovereignty guaranteed in the UN Charter the same way that the U.S. Congress often ignores the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The UN Charter bans UN intervention in "matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state," but the UN is no longer concerned with legal niceties. Annan explained in his September 22nd address before the UN General Assembly that "state sovereignty, in its most basic sense, is being redefined.... A new, broader definition of national interest is needed in the new century [where] the collective interest is the national interest." In Annan s view, the "collective interest" mandates that Americans and other peoples of the world should not own firearms and that the UN should be the key organ charged with collecting them. Annan emphasized in a September 24th speech that "controlling the easy availability of small arms is a prerequisite for a successful peace- building process," which is why the "United Nations has played a leading role in putting the issue of small arms firmly on the international agenda." UN control over a global movement to ban private firearms ownership has already begun. According to a September 23rd UN press release, the United Nations convened a two-day workshop to set up a test arms register and "database" maintained by the UN for the entire continent of Africa. There have already been calls to make this regional database binding on all nations. Clinton Administration Assent More troubling than the fact that a corrupt United Nations is seeking to attack the U.S. Bill of Rights and confiscate firearms legally owned by American citizens is the fact that the Clinton administration has been actively conspiring with the United Nations to accomplish this subversive goal. UN Secretary- General Kofi Annan emphasizes in his foreword to the "Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Small Arms" that it was "prepared, and adopted by consensus" and was the product of "unanimity" among the "expert" members of the group. Based upon Annan s statement, we can presume that none of the "experts" object to such a naked attack on the right to bear arms. Yet among the "experts" who drafted the report was U.S. State Department Senior Foreign Affairs Specialist Herbert L. Calhoun. State Department assistance to the UN global gun grab agenda dates back to at least 1994, when the Washington Times reported in its May 24th edition that "the Clinton administration has agreed to participate in a discussion of ways for the United Nations to control the manufacture of guns and their sales to civilians.... The UN working paper declares that governments individually are impotent to deal with global arms trafficking and proposes harmonization of gun control standards around the world to make trafficking easier to spot and prevent." The Times report noted that "any harmonization would inevitably mean tightening controls on the loosely regulated U.S. gun business." State Department officials have expressed general sympathies with the current UN proposals without mentioning the specific attack on citizen firearms ownership. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told the first-ever UN Security Council Small Arms Ministerial on September 24th that "the United States strongly supports these steps," that we "welcome the important precedent which the UN has set," and that the U.S. would work to "commit to finishing negotiations on a firearms protocol to the UN Transnational Organized Crime Convention by the end of 2000." "The United Nations call for gun control is an affront to our way of life and our constitutional government," Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) told The New American. "Mixing gun control with internationalism is certain to result in an assault on American rights and liberties." Representative Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) pointed out to The New American that the UN s escalating gun confiscation campaign "fits the pattern of a UN that s become a refuge and a foundation for promoting socialism and undermining national sovereignty and individual freedom." The eager involvement of the Clinton/Albright State Department in that campaign illustrates anew the administration s contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, and our national independence. NGO Advocacy Conspiring officials within the Clinton administration do not constitute the only prong of the UN assault on the right to keep and bear arms. The UN has established within its Department for Disarmament Affairs a department of Coordinating Action on Small Arms (CASA). According to an August 14th UN press release, CASA would be charged with coordinating all UN small arms control efforts, including a responsibility "to encourage civil society involvement in building societal resistance to violence." The reference to "civil society" suggests that the UN is trying to mobilize private sector Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and citizen pressure on behalf of its agenda. The attempt to generate pressure from below as well as from above has already obtained results. In November 1998 the UNESCO Courier suggested that "the political tides may be changing. An international campaign is now underway with non- governmental organizations of all stripes and colours disarmament and gun control groups along with development and human rights associations in the North and South building common ground with the active support of governments like Mali, Canada, Norway and Japan." This year the international campaign sought by the UNESCO Courier acquired an organizational face, although there is very little "non-governmental" about it. Annan specifically cited this new organization, as well as the UN-generated "momentum" justifying this impending power grab, in his September 24th address on small arms: "The momentum for combating small arms proliferation has also come from civil society, which has been increasingly active on this issue. The establishment early this year of the International Action Network on Small Arms [IANSA] has helped to sharpen public focus on small arms, which has helped us gain the public support necessary for success." IANSA is intended to "provide a transnational framework" for the mobilization of a broad citizen movement in favor of gun control, according to the organizational goals posted on its website. The services IANSA intends to provide the UN-led global gun control movement include "campaigning and advocacy strategies," "developing culturally appropriate message strategies," "information sharing" among NGOs, and "constituency building." Funding for this incipient propaganda campaign comes from the public trough of the taxpayers of the European socialist nations. IANSA notes on its website that its eight most significant financial donors include five government agencies: The Belgian Ministry for Development Cooperation; the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the United Kingdom Department for International Development; and the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (The remaining three are small, pacifist, U.S.-based tax- exempt foundations.) Clinton s "Buy-back" Initiative On September 9th, Bill Clinton unveiled a proposal that represents yet another prong of the UN-directed global gun grab: A $15 million federal gun "buy-back" initiative to be implemented by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Through subsidies from HUD, local police departments will be awarded up to $500,000 to collect and destroy an estimated 300,000 firearms. The UN Centre for Disarmament Affairs (UNCDA) refers to such "buy-backs" as a "practical method of micro-disarmament," which has been field- tested by municipal governments in the U.S. and by UN "peacekeeping" forces in Haiti, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and other countries. A 1995 UNCDA paper by Dr. Edward J. Laurance, a consultant to the UN Register of Conventional Arms since 1992, notes that the UNCDA has studied both "buy- back programs as practiced in many American cities" and those "conducted by the U.S. Army in Haiti" the latter being part of a "peacekeeping" mission carried out on orders from the UN Security Council. According to Dr. Laurance, government "buy-backs" of small arms "must be conducted in parallel with other efforts," such as "seizure programs." He also points out that "buy-backs" have a propaganda benefit, in that they focus "attention on the link between weapons availability and crime" thereby preparing the public for more aggressive civilian disarmament measures. To illustrate a UN-supervised civilian "micro-disarmament" program that worked, he refers to El Salvador s "new laws outlawing possession of military weapons and requiring all citizens to register hand guns and personal weapons. A new police force was created [and] trained under UN supervision [which] received specialized training in searching for, confiscating and destroying military-style weapons...." Sami Faltas of the Bonn International Centre for Conversion, an international "think tank" that has advised UN officials on civilian disarmament programs around the world (and for which Dr. Laurance serves as a consultant), has laid out the program with stunning candor: A subtle mix of rewards and penalties is needed for a weapons [confiscation] program to succeed. Ultimately, the ownership of arms should not be left to the personal choice of individuals. The state needs to preserve its monopoly of the legitimate use of force. So sanctions against the illegal possession and use of arms are necessary and should be imposed. However, during a weapons collection program, an amnesty is needed, and the emphasis should be on voluntary compliance and positive incentives. The equation is quite easy to understand: Gun "buy- backs" prepare the public for uniform gun registration, which leads to universal gun confiscation and a state monopoly on lethal force. This was the process that led to mass murder of subject populations in Soviet Russia, National Socialist Germany, Communist China, and other despotisms. With the covert aid of the Clinton administration, the UN is now implementing this process on a global basis. The New American 99/vo15no24_gun.htm [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: From "Across the Pond" (fwd) Date: 09 Nov 1999 08:43:44 PST Go get'em Queenie; Sick'em! :-) On Nov 09, Mike Riddle wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] >From "across the pond." Tony Blair & Co. learn from Bill and Janet's Awsome Adventures -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Quite a good Eurofaq gathering in Cambridge the other day. Met Miles Lallamant, Mark [Marco1] (who is a real person after all, and not just another name for Greg), Greg Lance Watkins himself, and another Eurofaq members who name I can't remember right now - friend of Miles. Most of the evening was taken up by Greg addressing a meeting of the Cambridge branch of the Democracy Movement. First of all, let me say that I take back everything bad I have ever said about GLW. Not only has he been right about what he has said, but I have misjudged him because of minor things like the volume of his mail, unsolicited message sending, and because his misspells "woffle". After Greg's excellent talk, I have come to the considered conclusion that the events surrounding the Dunblane massacre, and the subsequent submissions to the Cullen enquiry that have been put under to 100 years of secrecy, far out weigh in political significance issues such as our opposition to the EU & what it entails. It is inconceivable that T Blair, Jack Straw & Gordon Brown can survive in office as this matter becomes known. It totally undermines the Labour government, and could easily be a case of the Queen feeling she has to use reserve powers to call an emergency general election, such would be the loss of confidence. This scandal is far more important that anything that has happened here in living memory, in fact I can think of no parallel for it. It certainly pisses all over anything that happened to Kennedy or was done by Nixon. I am surprised, given the gravity of this matter, that attempt has yet to be made on his life, for surely we are dealing with desperate people here. It also explains a few strange things, such as just why T Blair & co. were so keen to ban all hand guns, and why such obviously talentless nobodies like George Robertson have risen from being backbench nobodies a couple of years ago to Defence Secretary, and now Secretary-General of Nato. Put it together for yourself. Ostensibly, Thomas Hamilton, a man who has moved from town to town in Scotland setting up 'Boys clubs', suspected of paedophilia for years, took his guns into the Dunblane school gym and brutally murdered a large number of five year old children inside, before turning the gun on himself. Now where in this is there a national security risk so great, that documents part of the public enquiry are now state secrets to be held for 100 years? Funny kind of public enquiry. Why, when Thomas Hamilton's application for a gun licence was turned down, due to him being regarded as a man of unsound character & him being the object of several paedophilia investigations, did his MP, our friend George Robertson (now Lord Robertson, Secretary-General of NATO), write him a glowing character reference, and personally see to it that his application was successful, when he knew the grounds for the original refusal were because he was suspected of procuring boys for sexual services? Or take a certain boat seized on Loch Ness by the Strathclyde Police. It is a very rare thing for assets to be seized in the UK, as their are no asset-forfeiture laws. When it does happen, there is normally a trial at least, with things only being seized if they are proven to be bought with money proven to be consequence of a proven crime. Even then, they are sold by public auction. How come, then, was this very valuable boat sold for the tiny sum of 5000, without an auction, to none other than our friend Thomas Hamilton, a man of no financial means whatsoever, nor a sailor, nor lived anywhere near any open water. Why did not the boats owners complain about having their property stolen from them in this manner? I can only conclude because it was being used for some very serious criminal activity, and those on board were merely glad to escape prosecution. Also, it seems rather odd in such circumstances that not only were the owners happy to avoid prosecution enough to lose a valuable boat, but that the Strathclyde Police were not willing to prosecute. And yet, after these improbable events, it wound up in none other than our friend Hamilton's hands. Could he have been a blackmailer as well as a paedophile? But the main thing is what might explain sections of the public enquiry are now under the hundred year rule. There are only three levels of secrecy in the UK for state secrets, the 30 year rule, the 80 year rule and the 100 year rule. Normal secrets, like Cabinet discussions, government papers, espionage, all that, are under the 30 year rule. Only a very small number of things ever reached the 80 year rule, particularly events in the Sudan with Kitchener in 1902, where it seems that an act of genocide was committed, and some things that happened 1914-18, as well as things like potential peace negotiations in 1941, and just about everything to do with the IRA (after all, people are still alive after 30 years) come under the 80 year rule. Of them, the darkest of state secrets, when the events of '02 were getting a bit close to their limit for comfort, a further class of secrets was created to last a hundred years, and tiny number of things were put in it - e.g. Kitchener in '02, some World War I things. But none of these things can be said to apply to Dunblane. That was a case of a common criminal & sexual pervert committing some fairly ordinary murders, of a kind that happen from time to time. Even if a backbench Labour MP was implicated, or may have been involved in a large paedophile ring in Scotland, that is not a matter of vital national importance. You have a prosecution, there is a bit of a scandal, everyone is disgusted and one MP goes to prison. Big deal: such things happen. You certainly would not make such information a state secret just to save one unnamed backbench nobody's miserable neck. Governments simply don't go to such extreme lengths to save nobodies - power broking just doesn't work like that. There must be issues of profound national importance working here, and I put it to you that anything that involves certain events in Scotland is more likely to be someone of cabinet level than anything else. If the physiologically flawed Thomas Hamilton was the centre of a paedophile ring in Scotland that procured boys to people of the amongst the highest rank, and Tony Blair & Jack Straw covered this up by the Official Secrets Act (They would do the covering, as both the Prime Minister's & Home Secretary's permission is needed to put some something under the 100 year rule.) it is hard to see how they or their close colleges could possible remain in office, even if they were never inclined to such flawed behaviour themselves. The government would fall. On a different subject, I have heard it alleged that Gordon Browns girlfriend, Sarah Macauly, is a partner in the PR agency run by Geoffrey Robinson, the disgraced former paymaster general. Allegedly the government pays this agency allegedly 300,000 a year, for allegedly no services in return. Needless to say, I am not myself alleging a connection here. That's all. As you can see, I have signed this message using PGP encryption. If forwarding this with my name included, please forward whole and leave on the PGP signature, so people can see if this message has been altered in any way since I wrote it, so I cannot be quoted out of context. Yours sincerely, William Palfreman. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.1 for non-commercial use Comment: Email me for my public key - W. Palfreman. iQA/AwUBOCdnkwNRODQRMN+8EQIB2QCeLj10HI7otvt/o5zhbTWtCyhE8hsAn1pg ZSMSXMzLcdN7QKqj6ZN0Sp2+ =GRG7 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: FW: Statistics (fwd) Date: 09 Nov 1999 16:16:45 PST On Nov 9, Graham, Brandi wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] OK, I didn't verify this, but it was enought to put a smile on my face. > > > >A recent article in the Seattle Washington Post-Intelligencer concerning > >accidental deaths caused by physicians from research of Laura Key USA > > This triggered a chain of thought that resulted in the person > cruising >the web (not me) for doing some statistics and doing a few > calculations. > > Number of physicians in the US -700,000 > > Accidental deaths caused /year - 120,000 > > Accidental deaths/physician = 0.171 > > > > Number of gun owners in the US =80,000,000 > > Number of accidental gun deaths/year (all age groups) =1,500 > > Accidental deaths/gun owner =0.0000188 > > > > Therefore, Doctors are approximately 9000 times more dangerous than > > gun owners. > > > > > Take each day as it comes and live it!!!! [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [slickplus] The Great Thanksgiving Hoax (fwd) Date: 10 Nov 1999 22:45:44 PST On Nov 11, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] In a message dated 11/9/1999 10:46:52 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << The Great Thanksgiving Hoax by Richard J. Marbury Each year at this time school children all over America are taught the official Thanksgiving story, and newspapers, radio, TV, and magazines devote vast amounts of time and space to it. It is all very colorful and fascinating. It is also very deceiving. This official story is nothing like what really happened. It is a fairy tale, a whitewashed and sanitized collection of half-truths which divert attention away from Thanksgiving's real meaning. The official story has the pilgrims boarding the Mayflower, coming to America and establishing the Plymouth colony in the winter of 1620-21. This first winter is hard, and half the colonists die. But the survivors are hard working and tenacious, and they learn new farming techniques from the Indians. The harvest of 1621 is bountiful. The Pilgrims hold a celebration, and give thanks to God. They are grateful for the wonderful new abundant land He has given them. The official story then has the Pilgrims living more or less happily ever after, each year repeating the first Thanksgiving. Other early colonies also have hard times at first, but they soon prosper and adopt the annual tradition of giving thanks for this prosperous new land called America. The problem with this official story is that the harvest of 1621 was not bountiful, nor were the colonists hardworking or tenacious. 1621 was a famine year and many of the colonists were lazy thieves. In his `History of Plymouth Plantation,' the governor of the colony, William Bradford, reported that the colonists went hungry for years, because they refused to work in the fields. They preferred instead to steal food. He says the colony was riddled with "corruption," and with "confusion and discontent." The crops were small because "much was stolen both by night and day, before it became scarce eatable." In the harvest feasts of 1621 and 1622, "all had their hungry bellies filled," but only briefly. The prevailing condition during those years was not the abundance the official story claims, it was famine and death. The first "Thanksgiving" was not so much a celebration as it was the last meal of condemned men. But in subsequent years something changes. The harvest of 1623 was different. Suddenly, "instead of famine now God gave them plenty," Bradford wrote, "and the face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many, for which they blessed God." Thereafter, he wrote, "any general want or famine hath not been amongst them since to this day." In fact, in 1624, so much food was produced that the colonists were able to begin exporting corn. What happened? After the poor harvest of 1622, writes Bradford, "they began to think how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain a better crop." They began to question their form of economic organization. This had required that "all profits & benefits that are got by trade, working, fishing, or any other means" were to be placed in the common stock of the colony, and that, "all such persons as are of this colony, are to have their meat, drink, apparel, and all provisions out of the common stock." A person was to put into the common stock all he could, and take out only what he needed. This "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" was an early form of socialism, and it is why the Pilgrims were starving. Bradford writes that "young men that are most able and fit for labor and service" complained about being forced to "spend their time and strength to work for other men's wives and children." Also, "the strong, or man of parts, had no more in division of victuals and clothes, than he that was weak." So the young and strong refused to work and the total amount of food produced was never adequate. To rectify this situation, in 1623 Bradford abolished socialism. He gave each household a parcel of land and told them they could keep what they produced, or trade it away as they saw fit. In other words, he replaced socialism with a free market, and that was the end of famines. Many early groups of colonists set up socialist states, all with the same terrible results. At Jamestown, established in 1607, out of every shipload of settlers that arrived, less than half would survive their first twelve months in America. Most of the work was being done by only one-fifth of the men, the other four-fifths choosing to be parasites. In the winter of 1609-10, called "The Starving Time," the population fell from five-hundred to sixty. Then the Jamestown colony was converted to a free market, and the results were every bit as dramatic as those at Plymouth. In 1614, Colony Secretary Ralph Hamor wrote that after the switch there was "plenty of food, which every man by his own industry may easily and doth procure." He said that when the socialist system had prevailed, "we reaped not so much corn from the labors of thirty men as three men have done for themselves now." Before these free markets were established, the colonists had nothing for which to be thankful. They were in the same situation as Ethiopians are today, and for the same reasons. But after free markets were established, the resulting abundance was so dramatic that the annual Thanksgiving celebrations became common throughout the colonies, and in 1863, Thanksgiving became a national holiday. Thus the real reason for Thanksgiving, deleted from the official story, is: Socialism does not work; the one and only source of abundance is free markets, and we thank God we live in a country where we can have them. >> AND... Our impeached prez threatened to veto the current Interior bill because it failed to take millions of acres out of production and put them under govt control. He claimed the bill allowed non-govt entities access to lumber and oil from "protected" land use by our society. Anybody have any idea how many vetoes he's cast. It's got to dwarf the 34 Bush vetoes the media reported so diligently. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [slickplus] Re: Fw: Oct. 31 column -- short version (fwd) Date: 11 Nov 1999 11:28:27 PST On Nov 11, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] >> FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA >> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATED OCT. 31, 1999 >> EDITORS: HERE IS A SHORTER VERSION FOR THOSE DESIRING >> THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz >> 'Cultures' are not always defined by skin color >> >> >> As advertised, multiculturalism is a fine thing. >> >> The European conquest was not an unalloyed triumph of tolerance and >>Christian charity. By all means, let's teach our history warts and all. And >>mighty have been the contributions to modern America of the indigenous >>Indians, and of the descendants of African peoples brought here against >>their will. Let's give them their proper place in the history books, and >>teach their descendants to be proud of their heritage. >> >> But today's brand of "multiculturalism" goes much further, doesn't it? >>Our children's textbooks are increasingly filled with the historically >>bankrupt fantasy that Betsy Ross and Molly Pitcher had as much to do with >>winning the American Revolution as Washington and Jefferson; that the >>American Indian was some kind of mystically enlightened ecological steward; >>and that today's black American is directly descended from an ancient race >>that built the pyramids of Egypt and had already developed electrical >>storage batteries long before the birth of Jesus. >> >> What gives? >> >> The answer, of course, is that today's "multiculturalism" is in fact a >>sharply limited political agenda sold under false colors. The goal here is >>for a small segment of the academe with giant chips on their shoulders to >>monomaniacally strip the pictures of dead white males out of our history >>books and replace them with pictures of blacks, Indians, and women. >> >> And if you really want to upset a modern "multiculturalist," point out >>that he or she seems curiously intolerant of some "cultures" within modern >>America -- cultures with documentable thousand-year pedigrees -- where the >>cultural divisions are not discernible by skin color, at all. >> >> I was struck, as I recently read the introduction to the 1994 Barnes & >>Noble edition of the esteemed archaeologist Ewart Oakeshott's "The >>Archaeology of Weapons," by the passage where he describes the attitude of >>the ancient Greeks and Romans toward their arms as being totally different >>from "that extraordinary romantic veneration for their arms so >>characteristic of Teuton, Celt, and Indian -- and on the other side of the >>earth, the Japanese." >> >> The Roman attitude toward arms was "actually very modern; the civilian >>fears and shuns them, the soldier has them issued to him ... keeps them >>clean and in working order because he will get in trouble if he does not, >>and has no love for them at all." >> >> How different from the classical Japanese, and from the German tribesmen >>who repulsed the Romans in the year 9 A.D. -- from those of our ancestors >>who built their warrior societies around the mastery of arms, who gave >>their weapons names, endowed them with personalities, and would pass a >>single, named blade down through a family for hundreds of years. How >>different from the Germans described by Tacitus, among whom "No business, >>public or private, is transacted except in arms," and where, if the >>audience approved of a speech at a public meeting, "they clash their >>spears. No form of approval can carry more honor than praise expressed by >>arms." >> >> This proud culture is not dead. In peaceful, law-abiding 20th century >>Switzerland, where every head of household is still considered a militiaman >>and expected to keep a loaded machine gun at home, voters in some villages >>still carry their swords as symbol of citizenship to annual town meetings. >>Here in America, where many an American male still inducts his son into >>manhood by teaching him to safely handle weapons and helping him score his >>first kill in the hunt, there is probably no more achingly compelling >>description of the long sufferings of America's culture of arms than John >>Ross' magnificent 1996 novel "Unintended Consequences" (available from >>Loompanics at $28.95; call 360-385-2230 or 800-380-2230.) >> >> Ross' protagonist, Henry Bowman, protests at one point that "They have >>treated me and others like me with utter contempt. They have confiscated >>our property and put people in maximum-security prisons over ownership of >>fender washers, claiming they were unassembled silencer parts. ... They >>have shot a man's wife in the head because his gun's buttstock was too >>short. ... They burned 90 people alive over a disputed two hundred dollar >>tax. >> >> "If you believe you have the right to buy, own and shoot small arms in a >>safe manner, as much and as often as you want, and you exercise that right >>regularly, our government has branded you as the enemy." >> >> Here, surely, are two cultures. It's unlikely either side of this >>cultural divide will ever convince the other it's "right" -- in fact, true >>multiculturalists would preach only understanding and tolerance. But what >>(start ital)is(end ital) clear is which culture practices tolerance -- I >>don't believe I've ever met a gun owner who wants to make it mandatory for >>everyone else to own and shoot firearms. >> >> Of course, our modern descendants of the Romans -- whose republic fell to >>tyranny after they delegated the business of war and armed policing to >>hired mercenaries -- those who today "fear and shuns arms, and have no love >>for them at all," call those who esteem weapons by the same name the Romans >>used: "barbarians." >> >> But before they push their pogrom against these "barbarians" in their >>midst to the point where America's gun culture must choose between fighting >>back or suffering genocide, these modern Romans might remember what >>happened to the governor P. Quintilius Varus, when he led his three >>fully-armed Roman legions into the Teutoburger Wald in the year 9 A.D. >> >> The Romans, virtually undefeated since the days of Hannibal, marched into >>those woods, and did not emerge. So stunned was the emperor Augustus that >>he commanded his successors that the frontiers of the empire would forever >>be the Rhine and the Danube, and so they were. >> >> The forest creatures fed for years on the unburied Roman dead ... and the >>Romans went to Germany no more. >> >> >>Vin Suprynowicz is assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas >>Review-Journal. His new book, "Send in the Waco Killers," is available at >>1-800-244-2224; or via web site >> >> >>*** >> >> >>Vin Suprynowicz, >> >>"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it." -- John >>Hay, 1872 >> >>"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and >>thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series >>of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken >> >>* * * >> >> >>-------------------------------------------------------------------------- - >---- >>If you have subscribed to and you wish to unsubscribe, >>send a message to, from your OLD address, >including >>the word "unsubscribe" (with no quotation marks) in the "Subject" line. >> >>To subscribe, send a message to, from your >>NEW address, including the word "subscribe" (with no quotation marks) >>in the "Subject" line. >> >>All I ask of electronic subscribers is that they not RE-forward my columns >>until on or after the embargo date which appears at the top of each, and >>that (should they then choose to do so) they copy the columns in their >>entirety, preserving the or ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [richslick] S L I C K Year 4, No. 50 (2/2) (fwd) Date: 11 Nov 1999 11:26:51 PST On Nov 11, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] tax. He further agreed "hands off" is the best Internet=20 policy.=20 [Question: since when does the H of R write to the Admin=20 Branch "not to impose a tax?" See Constitution of The United=20 States of America.]=20 Also see Stop the Gore Tax, sent to this list yesterday.=20 MICROSOFT The judge said that Microsoft was a monopoly because we, the public minions, were being ripped off and technological=20 advances were being retarded. Pardon me but considering the=20 fact that computer costs have dropped drastically and that=20 it is virtually impossible to own a 6-month old state-of-the=20 art computer indicates it is the fedl judge who is retarded.=20 This is not to say that Microsoft is not got a monopoly; I=20 am simply saying the fedl judge's reasoning is corrupt.=20 Q. was the judge assigned at random, or is this another=20 incident of Clinton rigging the Judicial Branch?=20 FOREIGN AID Isn't it ironical that our Congressmen are falling over=20 themselves promoting an Air Passengers Bill of Rights while=20 they ignore AmTrack, the govt railroad's which lost 50=20 passengers to the Grim Reaper last year. If they want to=20 give passengers rights, why don't they include train and bus=20 passengers in their bills? (Ever take a cross-country bus=20 trip?) GUNS From: Max By Associated Press GREENWICH, Conn. - Police used a new gun law to raid an Old=20 Greenwich house and seize 11 guns from a man they say may be=20 dangerous. The state law, which went into effect Oct. 1,=20 allows police officers to obtain a warrant to search a=20 person's home and temporarily seize weapons if the indivi- dual is "proved" to be an immediate danger to himself or=20 others. Bosee said most of the weapons have been in his=20 family for generations, and he is studying to become a=20 gunsmith.=20 NWO For those who think the New World Order is a pile of=20 malarky, be forewarned. Yellow Stone, Grand Canyon and etc.=20 are known as World Heritage Sites. Others have become International Biospheres. I suspect it to be more sinister,=20 but even if it were the UN intention to charge US to enter=20 our own parks, I'd be against it. What I would be for is for=20 these parks to be devolutionized, with every American=20 citizen getting one share of stock in each.=20 See SlickPlus: The Great Thanksgiving Hoax. VIRUS CHECKER Speaking of hoaxes, research this stuff on your own: EDUCATION Decatur, IL, has just suspended 9 students for inciting=20 a riot at a football game. You'd think the cops would be=20 interested in sending these guys to reform school, instead=20 of the educators depriving them of an education. At the=20 other end of the spectrum, the Tarrant County (Ft Worth)=20 school board has decided to delegate truancy operations to=20 the Tarrant County Prosecutors Office, where they can=20 generate some hidden taxes.=20 KATHIE'S KORNER Let me stand up for Bill Clinton on this one point, a=20 point on which he has been lambasted by everyone else, it=20 seems. The meaning of "is" in the context in which he used=20 it was very important. There IS no relationship is quite=20 different from There WAS no relationship, and I suspect=20 that when that spokesman said "There is no relationship," he=20 was telling the truth. I am sorry to hear people treat the=20 language so cavalierly as to believe that, as Alice implied,=20 there is little difference in meaning what you say and in=20 saying what you mean. =20 Having defended this prez, let me go back one and defend=20 George Bush at the same time. He said, "Read my lips. No new=20 taxes." And then taxes were raised, and everyone got mad.=20 Was that a new tax? No, it was just a higher rate for the=20 old tax. There IS a difference. The income tax was a new tax=20 at one time (and a BAD idea, at that). But the increases in=20 that and the sales taxes and so on are not NEW taxes, just=20 higher rates for the old ones. Folks, words make a=20 difference, especially now with lawyers rampant. Pray for=20 America. *** REMEMBER THE GOOD OLE DAYS... when Ice cream came in four flavors, vanilla, chocolate,=20 strawberry and neopolitan. when the mass media was assuring each of us that smoking=20 would stunt our growth. =20 when there were fewer laws to obey, and you loved your country. THIS SPACE FOR RENT Reliable Internet Access for only $14.95 a month. Over 600 access numbers in 26 States and growing. Coverage went into Ohio and Fla last month. If you have your own web site, you know it's not enough=20 to be on the internet with 30,000,000 geeks. Oh, search=20 engines are great---for the other guy, but wouldn't you=20 prefer to be a little more direct? Instead of trying to=20 reach millions of people who can't spell your name, here's=20 your chance to target thousands of politically active=20 people like yourself. Send e-mail for details to RichSlick. There's more in life than Slick. Well, at least that's =20 what Peggy tells me from time to time. Below is a web site maintained by reader of Slick. Check it out, and let me=20 know what you think.=20 PARTING THOUGHT If a large corporation were voting for a Chairman of the=20 Board, and most of the stockholders did not vote, the vote=20 would be declared invalid for lack of a quorum. I wouldn't=20 be surprised if our fedl govt has a law insisting that a=20 quorum is present for every major corporation, except itself. The last elected U.S. prez recd less than half the vote of=20 those who took the time to vote (and less than half of the=20 eligible voters went to polls).=20 To simplify, the idiot who won the presidency (and has a=20 70% "approval rating") did so with the consent of less than=20 25% of the potential voters even while the mass media was=20 developing evidence (polls) that he had support of 70%+ of=20 the American people. I think I am going to puke.=20 =20 * * * * *=20 Subscribe to this Slick e-zine featuring Kathie's Korner, and receive absolutely free, a copy of Rich's Major Media=20 Mailing List containing over 400 e-mail addresses. To=20 subscribe, send your check for $24.95 to the address at the=20 top of this message. Be sure to include your e-mail address. Anyone wishing to carry Slick at their WWW site should=20 contact me by e-mail. Having the current Slick updated once or twice a week gives visitors a reason to come back soon. THE TRUTH IS...=20 A. Powerful. C.iginal attribution. >> >>The Vinsends list is maintained by Alan Wendt in Colorado, who may be >>reached directly at The web sites for the Suprynowicz >>column are at, and >> The Vinyard is maintained by Michael Voth >>in Flagstaff, who may be reached directly at [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - In the eye of the beholder.=20 B. Irrelevant. D. All of the above. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Re: Who voted against Military Pay Raise? (fwd) Date: 11 Nov 1999 11:10:55 PST On Nov 10, Huck wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Take some time to read this. Since both my wife Pam and I have both served we know exactly how this man feels. It's just to bad that the smucks we sent to Washington don't. The way our soldiers are being treated is a national disgrace! Huck spiker wrote: > -----Original Message----- > From: CAFARO, PETER J., LTC (G3 SOCOORD CHIEF) > [mailto:G3SOCCHIEF@HQ.C5.ARMY.MIL] > > Who voted against Military Pay Raise? > > Remember these guys when you vote...and read the Sergeant Major's letter to > Sen Voinovich. > > These are the guys that voted against a military pay raise of 4.8%. > Read the Master Sergeant's letter below. It is quite impressive. > > ---NAYs 11--- > > Bayh (IN) > Graham (FL) > Robb (VA) > Boxer (CA) > Harkin (IA) > Voinovich (OH) > Feingold (WI) > Kohl (WI) > Wellstone (MN) > Fitzgerald (IL) > McCain (AZ) (This guy is running for President) > > Good response by Senior NCO on Senator's vote against pay-raise. > > -----Original Message----- > > Mr. Voinovich, Unless you are planning on this being your last term in the > Senate, I cannot for the life of me figure out why you would attempt to > undermine a much deserved although paltry 4.8 percent pay raise to military > men and women that make sacrifices that you cannot even comprehend! As a > registered Republican voter, born and reared in the Buckeye state, I have a > few questions I would like to ask you. > > 1) When was the last time you spent months on end in some God-forsaken > country, separated from family and friends? > > 2) Has your service to the nation ever required you to go beyond 100 days > without a real shower? > > 3) Has any of your Senate duties required you to lie awake at night in a > tent with a dozen other sweating Senators, gagging at the wretched smell of > oil well fires, and listening to desert winds beat your tent into > submission? > > 4) Have you ever been denied the basic freedoms most Americans take for > granted? > > 5) Have you ever forgotten what a real cheeseburger tastes like? > > You are so quick to try and squash a pay raise that would still leave a > large portion of military families below the poverty level in our nation. > > Please remind me again of the last time you voted and lobbied against a pay > raise for yourself and fellow Senators? > > Have you ever refused a pay increase to help balance the budget? > > I dare you to compare the percentage of pay raises voted by Senators for > Senators since my career began in 1981! > > The AP article stated that between 8,000 and 16,000 military families are on > food stamps. Even though I believe this to be a very conservative estimate, > it is not a shame for hard working Americans to get much needed assistance. > The real shame is that thousands and thousands of military families are even > eligible for food stamps, but are too proud to accept a handout! > > The majority of our military families require both parents to work, while > the military member works an additional part-time job just to make ends > meet. > > I anxiously await the reunification with my family in mid March. The > operations tempo and family separations are something I don't expect you to > understand without experiencing it first hand. However, with your political > pull I'm sure you could arrange to return to Saudi with me this November. > The rotation in November will make the third > time in two years I've left my family to proudly support the country that I > love. > > Yes, Mr. Voinovich, we could spend Thanksgiving and Christmas together > enjoying meals hard to identify by the appearance and taste. You could help > me write a letter to my wife on our 19th anniversary in January. Possibly > you could bring one of your speechwriters and assist me with a letter to my > twins explaining why dad had to miss yet > another birthday, explaining it's for the good of our country. Before we go > home Valentine's Day will roll around and by now, maybe even you will be > missing your family. I could help you make that handmade card expressing > your longing to be with them again. After all, I've had plenty of practice > and I'm sure we could come up with something appropriate. > > Should I reserve you a cot? Tent space can be a real premium during the > holidays so you may want to make your reservationsearly. I'm sure I can > round up an extra flak vest and helmet for you. Even better yet, you can > borrow my friend Billy Marshall's gear. He won't be needing it; however, he > would sure like to have his left hand and leg back that he lost in an > explosion while deployed over here. > > Look on the bright side, you will get an extra $3.50 per day, while it may > not be what you're used to, it adds up after 120 days! > > I have a feeling that you would re-think your vote after our vacation > together. As I near the 20 year mark and become eligible for retirement, I > could speak awhile on the minimum of 20 years required to receive 40-50 > percent of BASE pay for retirement. But then again > with a Senator's eligibility and retirement plan you wouldn't know where I > was coming from. > > Its political decisions like your recent voting record that drive me toward > retirement and the pursuit of other areas of interest. With the thought of > returning to Ohio as a civilian, there is one thing that I will not throw > the towel in on. My family and I will continue to vote our beliefs and > convictions for the direction of our country. > > Mr. Voinovich, you obviously have lost touch with your constituents and have > decided to throw in the political towel yourself. I have stood on the simple > leadership philosophy, "A LEADER KNOWS THE WAY, GOES THE WAY, AND SHOWS > THE WAY!" > > You obviously do not know the way since you've never been there yourself. I > do not see you volunteering to go any time soon, and you will never show the > way to deficit reduction when voting down a deserving military raise and > heaping bountiful blessings upon yourself. > > I INVITE ALL PARTIES RECEIVING A COPY OF THIS LETTER TO MR. VOINOVICH TO > GIVE IT THE WIDEST DISSEMINATION POSSIBLE. SHARE IT WITH FRIENDS AND > FAMILY, EVEN NEWSPAPERS. IN ALL FAIRNESS TO SENATOR VOINOVICH AND HIS FELLOW > SENATORS, I WILL FORWARD ANY RESPONSE I > RECEIVE IN THEIR DEFENSE. > > In closing I invite those of you with family and friends serving in the > military to remember the eight Senators voting NO. Remember them when our > brave men and women celebrate holidays away from their loved ones. > > Remember our Senators when you hear of the growing peacekeeping missions > springing up around the world. But above all else, remember our Senators > when you go to the polls and vote! > > Proud to Serve, > > MSgt Rocky Dunlap Chief, > EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal Flight) > Eskan Village, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [richslick] S L I C K Year 4, No. 50 (1/2) (fwd) Date: 11 Nov 1999 11:26:04 PST On Nov 11, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] =A9 1999 Rich Martin Permission to repost in full, or in part, is granted. You are encouraged to pass this message on to anyone=20 who might be interested in its contents. Better yet, print a=20 copy for a friend who is not on-line. Any and all comments=20 on the subject matter are always welcome. Do NOT use your reply button. Send them to: You are also invited to join SlickPlus to receive e-mails from around the internet on these same topics. From the Desk of Rich Martin P O Box 531918 972/263-6631 Grand Prairie, TX 75053 "There's no such thing as common sense. If common sense were=20 common, everyone would have some and there wouldn't be any=20 liberals." Doug Fiedor=20 _______________________________________________=20 Happy Veterans' Day, 1999 So here I am, sitting in my room at Harrah's high over=20 the gambling tables, and I choose to power up my trusty old=20 Lap top. I'm sure I'd be elsewhere if Peggy could have made=20 the trip but after 35 years, I can't imagine going back to=20 Grand Prairie to tell her what a great show I took in. I was=20 indeed surprised by how big Las Vegas is. I'll settle for a=20 few t-shirts to show off. Tomorrow Peggy will be at bingo=20 and I'll be gambling too. Peggy said it would be a "sin"=20 not to.=20 I heard something interesting while at the seminar. A=20 speaker brought forth the idea that the most inefficient=20 offices were those with the most rules. Don't do this, don't=20 do that. A negative environment breeds negativity. Now=20 there's a surprise. If we could only teach our leaders that,=20 no smoking, no drinking, no gun owning, no driving without=20 seat belts, and above all else, keep off the grass breed=20 negativity. (Yes, yes. I know the govt has a good reason to=20 restrict our liberty.)=20 Last time I took a flight out of D/FW they dusted my lap=20 top with a coffee filter looking for traces of god knows=20 what. This time after I cleaned my pockets of all coins and=20 placed my Boy Scout knife in their cup, the alarm went off 3=20 times, at which time I was ordered to face the wall with my=20 arms in the air while they satisfied themselves whether or not I was a terrorist. They ran a hand held metal detector over=20 me from head-to-toe, with special attention to the crotch area.=20 They determined my standard-sized belt buckle set off the=20 false alarm. After I get home, my air travel days are over.=20 I give up. They win.=20 I was surprised to find out how big Las Vegas is. They have East coast traffic without the pot holes. I expected=20 the glitter and the glitz of the world-class hotels, but=20 surprised to find out that palm trees I've seen in movies=20 were real like in Miami or McAllen Tx.=20 P.S. I came home a $22.50, winner from the Blackjack table. How Slick is Slick?=20 "I'm not running for office, but I kind of wish I were,"=20 Clinton told a crowd of 250 gathered at the Washington home=20 of Teddy Kennedy. Algore is running for president, and first=20 of many ladies, Hillary, is considering a bid to represent=20 NY state in the Senate.=20 DOING THE PEOPLE'S BUSINESS The DNC said it expected the cocktail party to raise=20 $400K for Teddy's 8th term. Last election he had to sell his=20 Fla home to a Chinese FOB (friend of Bill) to finance his=20 campaign. He was first elected to the Senate in 1962!!!=20 After the party, Clinton made a stop at the house of former=20 fund-raiser in tony Georgetown, hosted by Sen John Kerry,=20 the other Dem senator from Mass. The dinner for 25 cost=20 $25,000 per-person, according to the DNC.=20 =20 "Clinton Fatigue" Strikes MD Democrats A fund raising luncheon originally scheduled to be held=20 in Baltimore for the Maryland Dem Party was scrubbed when=20 not enough tickets were sold to come hear the featured guest=20 speaker: Pres Bill Clinton. According to Maryland GOP=20 Chairman Dick Bennett: "Mayor Kurt Schmoke (D), Lt. Gov=20 Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (D) and (Balt Orioles owner) Pete=20 Angelos (ambulance-chasing trial lawyer), hastily scrapped=20 the lunch" on Friday and settled for simple egg on their=20 face. Capitol Hill Blue, 10/21/99=20 HILLARY The FALN terrorist clemency, the shenanigans about her=20 mortgage and her position on the Brooklyn Museum of Art=20 exhibition seem to be cutting into her popularity.=20 A REASON TO KILL The WH is claiming we need to better protect our=20 embassies around the world, but they ignore the REASONS=20 other peoples have started targeting our "soft targets" . He=20 wants US to treat the symptoms rather than the cause. I wonder why? Hint: can you say "aspirin factory" 3 times fast?=20 FIB The Dallas FIB office has announced it will move to a=20 more secure location. With all the enemies they are making=20 among the citizenry, I suspect that's a very good idea. BELIEVE IT OR NOT Can you believe that after all the scandal that led to=20 Carol Mosely Braun's rare rejection by the voters of=20 Illinois, the Senate is about to entrust her with the keys=20 of U.S. tax payers money again. How dumb can they be? If=20 they go thru with it, every senator voting in the affirma- tive should be held personally liable for every penny she=20 misappropriates.=20 ALGORE The real story about Naomi Wolfe isn't the fact that=20 she's a liberal extremist receiving $15K/mo from the Algore=20 campaign (oh, I hope she doesn't work for the Pentagon) or=20 the fact she promotes the liberal agenda. All pols hire=20 people who reflect their views, so that's a good way to see=20 how the candidate truly thinks. The REAL story is when=20 Algore was confronted by a reporter asking if it were true=20 he pays Noami Wolf $15,000 a month as a consultant, Gore=20 lied. He said he pays her a "third of that". Why does the=20 man have such a hard time with the truth? (Got to wonder, if=20 his political assistants get paid $15K/mo, how much is he=20 paying his govt-paid staff (with our dollars), and is Naomi=20 on the fedl payroll too---like Monica was?=20 QUESTION If Naomi is advising the veep how to dress, does that make him a sheep in Wolf's clothing? =20 EGYPTION 990 I keep reading things like "the United States conduct=20 the investigation, has ruled out terrorism as the cause of=20 the crash of an EgyptAir passenger" WHICH IS IMMEDIATELY=20 followed up with a statement that goes something like "we=20 haven't ruled out mechanical failure. Nothing is ruled out."=20 Which is it, nothing ruled out, or terrorism ruled out? POLICE STATE I'm from the govt, and I'm here to help. That's what=20 the BATF is telling the nations public schools, as if the=20 they don't have enough problems. The BATF is "assisting" in=20 the development of a computer program, known as Mosaic-2000,=20 to help teachers spot troubled students who might be near=20 the brink of violence. The program begins testing at more=20 than 20 schools next month. The system will rate=20 potentially violent students on a scale of 1 to 10! ABORTION From: Ken R Today, Dr. Laura had a great Idea for humanely carrying=20 out the death penalty. . . The executioner would grab the=20 convicted murderer by the ankles and insert a needle into=20 the brain at the back of the neck and proceed to suck the=20 convict's brain. Since liberals believe it is a humane way=20 to end the life of an innocent baby then it should certainly=20 be humane for a convicted murderer. And we would have to=20 hear about Old Sparky. CONGRESSIONAL REPORT From Freedom Works, home page for the Office of the House=20 Majority Leader, Dick Armey The big news last week was that the House has passed=20 legislation ending the 30-year raid on Social Security. [The question is: if the feds don't spend the FICA surplus,=20 where are they going to save it?] FCC Will Not Impose Modem Tax - The Federal Communications=20 Commission chairman responded to our letter of last week,=20 emphatically denying that his agency was considering a modem=20 [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Sylvester Subject: FBI to Focus on "Threats" Date: 11 Nov 1999 22:24:35 -0600 No longer will they be content with Ivestigating crimes, they now will be concentrating on "threats" (like the Branch Davidians perhaps) and "preventing" crime. Look out Bill of Rights. Funny me, I though the I in FBI stood for Investigation, I guess from now on it will stand for "Intrusion". Also see with story on Congressional commision recomending breakup of BATF, with the "enforcement" power going to FBI/Justice,and taxing part going back to treasury, presumably as part of IRS, where they started. The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution. ---Doug McKay" Joe Sylvester Don't Tread On Me ! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #158 (1/2) (fwd) Date: 13 Nov 1999 19:31:20 PST On Nov 13, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Heads Up A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia November 14, 1999 #158 by: Doug Fiedor Previous Editions at: A BILL TO PROTECT OUR RIGHTS Last July, Rep. Helen Chenoweth introduced H.J.RES.63, "A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to the legal effect of certain treaties and other international agreements." Someone brought up the fact that some of this proposed Constitutional Amendment is redundant to the intent of the Founding Fathers when they wrote the Constitution, and it is. If we had honorable politicians and a truly Constitutional government, these words would not be necessary. However, the sad fact is that very little of what the federal government does nowadays would pass Constitutional muster if any of the Founders were inspecting. Therefore, this proposed amendment would be of great benefit. Below is the full text in quotes with short comments attached: Section 1 states that, "A provision of a treaty which denies or abridges any right enumerated in this Constitution shall not be of any force or effect." That would immediately make null and void a couple dozen burdensome treaties and their associated laws, rules and regulations. Section 2 provides that, "A provision of a treaty which denies or abridges legislative authority of the several States shall not be of any force or effect unless ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures within five years of the date of the ratification of the treaty by the Senate." States would have to agree to most treaties. That would take out many of the environmental and fish and wildlife treaties. Agreements like the Kyoto Treaty would probably have no chance of ever being ratified. Section 3 holds that, "No treaty shall authorize or permit any foreign power or any international organization to supervise, control, or adjudicate rights of citizens of the United States enumerated in this Constitution or any other matter essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of the United States or the several States. No decision of any international body purporting to interpret treaties to which the United States is a party shall be given any precedential effect by the courts of the United States or the several States in any proceeding concerning any matter essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of the United States or the several States." So, say goodbye to all of the UN agreements, those idiotic UNESCO World Heritage sites and the biosphere program. As American citizens, we could tell the UN organization representatives to hang it in their ear and go away. Our rights would supersede whatever schemes they might dream up. Section 4 states that, "A treaty shall become effective as internal law in the United States only through the enactment of appropriate legislation by the Congress. This section shall not be construed to grant Congress any authority to enact legislation that is not otherwise authorized by a specific grant of legislative authority in this Constitution." In other words, our rights would still be protected. Because, if the power is not already granted to the federal government by the Constitution, Congress may not legislate on the subject. What a concept! Section 5 says that, "All agreements between the United States and other nations which have any binding effect of law upon this Nation or its citizens are treaties and shall be subject to the procedures and limitations for treaties set forth in this article and other provisions of this Constitution." That bars the administration from making all those unilateral executive "agreements" that are less than treaties but still said to be binding on the American people. Section 6 states that, "Not later than 21 days after a treaty is signed on behalf of the United States, the President shall transmit the text of that treaty to the Senate for ratification." That's important, because there are potential treaties sitting around, sometimes for decades, awaiting a favorable time for the administration to push then through the Senate. This way, the Senate can vote it down immediately and be done with it forever. For background, see Larry Becraft's legal briefs on various federal law topics at To fully understand the reasons the Chenoweth amendment could be useful, we recommend study of the "Federal Jurisdiction Brief" as well as the "Treaties and Jurisdiction" section at the Becraft Briefs site. PEOPLE WORKING FOR LIBERTY Last year, it was former White House aide Paul Begala who made the stupid remark. While referring to President Clinton bypassing Congress with executive orders, Begala blabbed: "Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kinda cool." This year, it's White House Chief of Staff John Podesta. U.S. News & World Report's Paul Bedard related that, frustrated with the balking Republican Congress, Podesta thinks it's time for President Clinton to show who's boss. "How? Clinton plans a series of executive orders and changes to federal rules that he can sign into law without first getting the OK from GOP naysayers. Since it's Podesta's idea, aides have dubbed it 'Project Podesta.' The namesake told our Kenneth T. Walsh: 'There's a pretty wide sweep of things we're looking to do, and we're going to be very aggressive in pursuing it.' Up first: new rules to protect medical privacy and health-care records and providing paid leave to parents to take care of their newborns." Some in Congress are finally starting to protest these Clinton excesses with the introduction of HR 2655, the "Separation of Powers Restoration Act." For instance, Rep. Ron Paul states: "For far too many years, the illegitimate uses (of executive orders) have overshadowed the legitimate. Presidents have issued executive orders that have mistakenly taken on the semblance of law. . . The Separation of Powers Restoration Act is designed to restore the separation of powers between Congress and the president as set forth in Articles I and II of the United States Constitution by: (1) terminating all existing states of national emergency and removing from the executive branch any power to declare national emergencies; (2) vesting power in Congress alone to declare states of national emergency; (3) restricting presidential power to issue executive orders by denying to them any force of law except as provided for by Congress; and (4) repealing the 1973 War Powers Resolution." Paul further admits: "That powers have been usurped is undeniable, and that our system is out of balance is evident to the most casual of observers. We have the opportunity to more perfectly balance our system and restrict potential abuses. That is what this bill, HR 2655, is designed to do." For a little more on this, and to see if your Representative is signed on as a cosponsor, visit the site at: Another program deserving close attention is described by Jeff Head (and others) at Restoration 2000 web site. The group bills itself as: "A non-aligned effort for Constitutional Restoration in these united States in the elections of 2000." The organization supports voting for and electing only those candidates at the state and national level who commit themselves, their lives, their fortunes and their honor to carrying out five general points: 1. Eliminate the Federal Income Tax, the IRS and the Federal Reserve System. 2. Rescind the national State of Emergency, the Emergency Powers Act and all associated agencies, legislation and EO's. 3. Return all powers not explicitly outlined in the Constitution to the states or to the people. 4. Repeal all legislation wh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #158 (2/2) (fwd) Date: 13 Nov 1999 19:29:50 PST On Nov 13, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] used the original Liberty Tree. The actual problem resulted when "non-leftist liberal" folks started discussing the "news" and comparing the accuracy of what was reported (and which things were left out) with what had actually happened. Major discrepancies were sometimes identified in important news accounts -- especially those stories involving the many Clinton administration wrongdoings. At times, a newspaper's deliberate spin on the news was also exposed. The liberal newspapers were not happy with the critical reviews by these "non-journalist" politically astute people -- and Free Republic has many active politically perceptive members. So, the huge media corporations are spending big bucks to teach little Free Republic a lesson. In short, they plan to make an example of Jim Robinson, the owner of the Free Republic site. There's another problem, too, as related by Matt Drudge last weekend. Drudge mentioned that the "fourth estate" is becoming upset because they are continuously being "scooped," and sometimes even preempted, by what he called the "fifth estate": The Internet. And we on the Internet do not want their liberal filter on the news. Most of us here reject the major media's spin. Therefore, look for other "examples" to be made of unsuspecting web sites by the wealthy liberal media moguls. We are, after all, reporting and discussing the news without the proper liberal credentials. According to them we are, anyway. How many of these "examples" shall we sit back and allow before we take action? Should we allow these big corporations to make an example of Free republic, or should we put a stop to it now? They have the big corporate media bucks with which to hire a room full of lawyers, but there is a way we can fight back: Simply inform their advertiser's CEO that we will not purchase their products if they advertise in the offending newspapers. That's easier to do than it sounds, too. A large chunk of their income comes from the advertising of major corporations, such as big department stores and auto dealers. None of those CEO's would want to hear that we are boycotting their products. If they receive a few hundred such letters, the VP in charge of advertising will be called on the carpet and immediate changes "suggested." Or, we can sit back and do nothing, knowing that it is just a matter of time until the same liberal media corporations add their spin control to all that we read and hear here, too. Because, the fix is in. As Jim Robinson points out in the companion article below, a Clinton appointed judge, one whom the Los Angeles Times pushed for Senate approval, now supports the position of the Los Angeles Times against a web site that is decisively against the corruption of the Clinton administration. So, "justice" is predetermined in this case. The judge, the Los Angeles Times and the Clinton administration all have a vested interest in harassing Free Republic. JimRob COMMENTS ON THE TRIAL We asked Jim Robinson, owner and operator of the Free Republic web site, to comment on the recent court hearing in the case of media giants The Los Angeles Times and Washington Post vs. Free Republic. Below is his unedited response to our request for information: The Judge had her 28 page tentative ruling all neatly typed and photocopied and ready for delivery as we set foot in her courtroom. She gave our legal team five minutes to digest it and about as much time for arguing our side of the story before ruling [on] 3 [issues] to 1 for plaintiffs. "I'll give you one minute, Mr. Buckley, and I mean one minute to summarize." But the liberal, Clinton appointed Hanging Judge Morrow is completely wrong and biased in her opinions. Number one, she proclaims that Free Republic is a commercial operation and is therefore somehow not eligible to use "fair use" as a defense. This is hogwash. For example, the Texaco Corporation is obviously a multi- billion dollar, multinational, commercial, for profit operation and yet they used "fair use" successfully to defend themselves from a copyright infringement lawsuit. Furthermore, whether a company (or web site) is commercial or not has absolutely nothing to do with the fair use doctrine. It is how the material in question is actually used which she should be putting to the test. Free Republic uses the copyrighted material from the web- based freely available news media for discussion and critique and to further the public interest -- not to make a profit. We do not sell it or give it away free as news the way a newspaper does. In fact, we do not sell anything at all. We are simply a group of deeply concerned, patriotic citizens who have banded together in an electronic town hall bulletin board to expose the corruption in government and the media's complicity in seeing it covered-up and/or expanded. Judge Morrow claims that Free Republic is commercial because we ask for donations. Hah! So do the Boy Scouts and the Red Cross. As far as that goes, so does Bill Clinton. Does that make them commercial? She admits that the donations are to sustain our operations, but then goes on to say that the very reason for Free Republic's existence is to raise those donations. Baloney! The reason for Free Republic was (which can be historically proven) and still is, to see Bill Clinton impeached and run out of government, and to see corruption (liberal activist judges doing favors for liberal newspapers and presidents, for example) and illegal government expansion rooted out as well. Which leads us to the fact that Judge Morrow, herself, was appointed by Clinton, and then her confirmation was held up by the Senate for two years. The Los Angeles Times published many, many editorials during that time calling for the Senate to confirm her, which they eventually (and now proven wrongfully) did. It looks to me like Morrow owes her job to the plaintiffs. No possibility for bias or political pay back here, I suppose. . . . She gives us the fact that the law allows us to use the material because of it's nature: News and factual based content. Although we are wondering why she didn't rule the content put out by plaintiffs as works of fiction. She also ruled against us on transformation. And that's kind of strange being as how we transform the work immediately when we post it. When posted to Free Republic, it transforms from a fictional accounting of a corrupt event to a public service corruption expose', complete with our own HTML code and our reply button and open invitation for public comment, discussion and critique. Let's see the Times place such a button and invitation on their own news articles for public critique. I'll bet the concept wouldn't last a week. The Times can't handle the truth. Next, Judge Morrow found that the portion of copyrighted materials used by Free Republic is more than allowed by the statute. But, again, that does not comport with the law. We are using only a tiny, insignificant fraction of what a paper puts out daily and of what they actually copyright. The portions we use are individual articles and we post them in their full-blown, magnificent glory so that we can have a clear record of the actual fictional words that they printed, without any chance for a poster's bias to creep in if he were required to summarize the article. Also, we need the entire article being as how the major methodology that we use is to compare the treatment that liberal papers use for spinning, er, interpreting and disseminating the same events as compared to other less liberal papers, and especially as compared to the actual truth when it finally becomes available (as in, "I never had sex with that woman ... Monica Lewinsky."). And so, in order to fulfill our public service mission of exposing government corruption anich in any way infringe on the existing first ten amendments to the Constitution. 5. Terminate US membership and all involvement in the United Nations. Many very interesting points are made at the Restoration 2000 web site. If the full program were implemented, we would win back most of those unalienable rights and liberties intended by the Founding Fathers when they wrote our Constitution. Visit the site at: For those liberty-loving Republicans having a little problem with the current babbling in their Party but not yet willing to change political parties, there's the Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC). The RLC is a group of Republican libertarians who support things like lower and fewer taxes, abolishing the IRS, the right to privacy, the right to keep and bear arms, balanced budgets through spending cuts, educational choice, freedom of speech, the protection of property rights, market-based health care, alternatives to the drug war, an all-volunteer armed forces, term limits, sound monetary policies, deregulation, a phase-out of foreign aid, ending federal welfare, private options to Social Security, and the privatization of many government functions. In other words, the RLC still supports those concepts that once were the backbone of the Republican Party platform. Visit them at: COURT CHOPS AT LIBERTY TREE Thomas Jefferson wrote that "the boisterous sea of liberty is never without a wave." One wonders how Jefferson would comment on the disastrous state of liberty in The Colonies today. America's popular cyberspace Liberty Tree, the Free Republic web site, suffered a blow to its trunk in federal court a few days ago. In a 28 page summary, Clinton appointed Judge Margaret Morrow issued a preliminary ruling in favor of the plaintiffs, The Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post, on their motion for a partial summary judgment. According to Free Republic's attorney, the plaintiffs motion was solely for a preliminary ruling on Free Republic's "fair use exemption" argument. But, although the Liberty Tree's trunk may have been marked a little, the tree is still healthy and Free Republic has been as busy as ever. This was a warning from the liberal establishment, however. It was a warning to all of us discussing the politics of the day on the Internet. Because, to put it mildly, the liberal national media is not pleased. Much the same as "liberty trees" were used throughout the American colonies 220-some years ago, citizens of today post news stories to the Free Republic web site. The problem at Free Republic was (is) that participants often post interesting political newspaper articles to the site and then comment on them in writing -- for all to read. Others are then invited to also comment -- also in writing, for all to see. Often, lengthily discussions result. And, as things sometimes happen, these discussions are not always favorable to the point of view of the newspaper. However, as Americans, it is our right, even our duty, to discuss the politics of the day. Many media outlets provide their "news" free to readers on the Internet, so there seems to be little problem with copying an occasional article for discussion elsewhere. The analogy is similar to cutting an article out of a paper newspaper for display somewhere -- the Founding Fathers [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - d media complicity, we need to have the full text available as evidence for comparison today and for historical purposes later. The Times and the Post endorsed, supported and foisted the known criminal, Governor Bill Clinton, on us and now the entire world realizes the horrible extent of the lies they printed and how corrupt he actually is. One of our goals was to impeach the lying bastard, and according to Henry Hyde, Bob Barr, James Rogan, and many others of the House Managers, Free Republic played a direct part in doing just that. We the People impeached a corrupt President through our Representatives and this despite the objections and lies of the corrupt media. The cowardly Senate failed to do their Constitutional duty and hold a real trial. Instead they let him off the hook. Now a liberal Judge wants to do the same thing with Free Republic, only in reverse. She wants to lynch us without allowing us our right to a fair trial and is depriving us of our chance to bring forth all of our evidence, witnesses and arguments for defense before a jury of our peers. Lastly, Morrow says that Free Republic adversely impacts the multibillion dollar revenue streams of two of the largest and most powerful news organizations in the world. This is laughable on its face. We are a tiny web site operated with no investment capital, no budget and no staff, by a nearly bankrupt, handicapped, homebound veteran in a wheelchair. There is absolutely no way on God's green earth that we represent any unfair competition to the mighty Los Angeles Slimes or the Washington.Com Post. Our only source of "revenue" are the tiny donations sent in by individual readers and participants, and as the Judge admits, this barely sustains our operation. Moreover, the Judge allowed the plaintiffs to stiff us when we subpoenaed their usage logs which would prove that we actually bring more hits to their web sites that we divert. And even though our world renown expert in web site statistics proved that fact with a thorough and detailed analysis of information from the samples of their logs that they did turn over, the Judge ignored the sworn evidence and awarded this point to plaintiffs based on their bare assertion and the Judge's own assumptions that "of course, everybody knows that if you put an article on a public bulletin board web site like Free Republic, then everyone will read it there and have no reason to go to the LA Times site." Again laughable. The LA Times content on Free Republic makes up something like less than one-tenth of one-percent of the total content on the site. No one in his right mind would come to the Free Republic web site just to read the LA Times for free. There's maybe one article per day, if that, from the Times posted on Free Republic. If someone seriously wants to read the liberal drivel put out by the Times, they'll go to the Times' web site and read it there free. Why would someone who's truly interested in reading liberal government propaganda want to wade through hundreds and thousands of right-wing posts just to read an occasional Times article? This doesn't make any sense at all. Oh well, a slight set back maybe, but we have not yet begun to fight. We will win on appeal and, if plaintiffs insist, we will be willing to argue our case in the Supreme Court. We the People have our First Amendment rights to peaceable assembly and to criticize our government, and those rights trump the lying media's right to exploit their intellectual fiction for fun and profit. Our lives and liberty are at stake here. That's what we are fighting for. ~ End ~ [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Linux and GUNS == tools of freedom Date: 13 Nov 1999 20:14:11 PST There's a thread in comp.os.linux.misc, Subject: "Linux and GUNS == tools of freedom", that has a few interesting points, and maybe even a sound bite or two..... -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Capitol Update: Democrat Columbine Clock (fwd) Date: 17 Nov 1999 17:38:15 PST On Nov 17, Graham, Brandi wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] I have just returned from a press conference in the US Capitol that was disturbing to say the least. Democrats Diana DeGette, Rosa Delauro, Sheila Jackson Lee, Nita Lowey, and Carolyn McCarthy unveiled the "Columbine Clock" which counts the days, hours, minutes and seconds since the Columbine incident. The clock is supposed to represent the "Republican failure to address gun violence." Rosa Delauro claimed the "people are looking for a sensible solution like closing the gun show loopholes." Apparently she hasn't been talking to the majority of our constituents and they ARE from Colorado and don't agree with her. Carolyn McCarthy played on emotion since she is all too familiar with gun violence (she lost her husband in the Long Island Railroad Massacre). She made the threat "Come January, all of us are going to come back and fight this fight again!" "We underestimated the NRA's absolute power to hold our nation's families hostage," said Nita Lowey. "The GOP leadership clock may run out, but Columbine clock will keep ticking!" Our favorite Congresswoman Diana DeGette had this to say: "We demand in the name of the children and families of Columbine that Congress break free from the NRA and pass commonsense legislation." And, nicknamed on Capitol hill as the Queen, Sheila Jackson-Lee whined "Last year I had to stay in DC to vote on impeachment of the president and I missed my annual Christmas party that 3,000 children attended. I would gladly give up the Christmas party this year if Congress were to vote on the Juvenile Justice bill." She also reminded us of how the democratic congresswomen had gone to the floor of the House of Representatives to read the names of children killed by gunfire. What she didn't clarify were the circumstances of the shootings. In the shootings reported, a child (up to the age of 18) could have been firing at an officer and been killed by return fire -- that would have been counted and the name read. Don't get me wrong, there are some very sad cases of innocent bystanders being killed by gunfire, but my point is that their statistics are skewed. They claim 13 children are killed everyday. I couldn't name 13 children killed last week and I know the press is reporting on ALL juvenile shootings. Not to fear though, we have someone who is close to home fighting for Coloradans rights in DC -- a former staffer of Congressman Bob Schaffer and now Senior Legislative Aide for Congressman Macintosh, Krista Kafer (with me in tow) crashed the democrats press conference with this statement, "As a Columbine alum, I would like to say how disappointed I am that politicians continue to exploit this tragedy for political gain. I have been home since the shooting and have seen how the community is starting to heal. We don't need politicians picking at the wound. Everything those murderers did is already illegal. The community is wrestling with bigger issues and we don't need this sort of publicity stunt." Publicity stunt hit the nail on the head. The clock was merely a lap top connected to a television. It projected the computer window onto the TV screen -- it was merely a counter, not a clock. Boy was I disappointed! Instead of blaming the Republicans for the failure of the Juvenile Justice bill, maybe the Democrats should blame the 198 members of their own party who voted against final passage. Rosa Delauro claimed she would be putting the clock on her website, but it is not up yet. Should you want to follow up and check out the "clock" later, Delauro's address is: Brandi Graham Congressman Bob Schaffer 212 CHOB Washington, DC 20515 The gun gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Let your gun, therefore, be the constant companion of your walks....Thomas Jefferson [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Sylvester Subject: ATF profiling school children Date: 17 Nov 1999 21:48:17 -0600 See also and click on NRA Live. This has been covered there for few days now. -----Original Message----- Newsgroups: rec.guns >The next step to big brother: > > > > > >------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Please find out about rec.guns at >!! rec.guns supports MPFO Rifle Raffle at !! The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution. ---Doug McKay" Joe Sylvester Don't Tread On Me ! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: K-Mart Dumps Rosie!!! If this is true write and tell them!!!! (fwd) Date: 19 Nov 1999 13:16:31 PST On Nov 19, Bowden Russell wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Don't know if this is true guys but if it is, buy some ammo from K-mart this weekend!!! I head on Fox News Channel today that Rosie O'Donnell will no longer be doing ads for Kmart! While she claims that she quit because she disagreed with KMart selling guns, sources inside KMart told Fox News that they fired her because they were sick of having to deal with the negative publicity generated by her anti-gun position. KMart still sucks, but I will go buy some ammo there this weekend just to show support of their decision. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Sylvester Subject: Clinton Calls for Sharing Wealth & "Brave" New World Date: 21 Nov 1999 15:38:33 -0600 Yours of course. To every vermin infested, socialistic country on earth. Also see. Sunday November 21 9:56 AM ET Clinton, European Left Embrace Brave New World The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution. ---Doug McKay" Joe Sylvester Don't Tread On Me ! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #159 (1/2) (fwd) Date: 22 Nov 1999 12:26:29 PST On Nov 20, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Heads Up A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia November 21, 1999 #159 by: Doug Fiedor Previous Editions at: POLITICAL CENSORSHIP IS SYSTEMIC No matter what we think, censorship is part of the news. It can't be helped. That is a fact of life. Rush Limbaugh found that out early in his career. Every reporter in the world knows it. Last week, even the popular Matt Drudge learned the lesson. We cannot use newsprint and the airwaves to say every little thing we want to say, no matter how true it may be. For instance, if I wanted to get in trouble, all I would need do is write a truth nearly every official in Washington knows but cannot seem to do anything about. That is that the little country of Israel has been on our welfare list so long, and received so many billions of American taxpayer dollars, that we have bought and paid for that little country at least twice over. Yet, their huge umbilical cord to our treasury is protected in halls of government because, out of the $3.5+ billion we send them each year, they return over a hundred million dollars for use as lobby money. Which means, they return a large portion of our money to contribute to Congressional campaign funds every year. Also, they spy on our public officials and have very interesting records on many politicians. But, to write that as an employee of a news organization would mean instant dismissal. So what if it's true. It may not be said publicly. That's the unwritten rule. Here's another story that shall not be reported: It's now well established that agents of the CIA illegally imported tons of cocaine for sale on the streets of our inner-cities -- they needed the money. A CIA inspector general report even verified some of that. Reports also show that there was a "special arrangement" made between the CIA and the Justice Department to protect some of the operatives, at least for a while. Yet, suddenly, Congress dropped that issue like a hot potato. The story behind the story was when the illegal imports started and who (collectively) was involved over the years. One popular fellow was CIA Director for a time, Vice President for a time and then President. He had to know. Because, if he didn't, he would have had to be totally and completely incompetent -- which he isn't. That being the case, we will not need to state who, in the National Security Council, also acquiesced. The deal is, some things cannot be said in the popular news. Government covers up these matters under the guise of "national security." That's because the security (the careers and possibly the freedom) of those in government who are involved would be in jeopardy if the stories came out publicly. So, such stories never get reported. After all, the Washington press corps really enjoy their synergistic relationship with those in government. "Playing ball" with the government power structure makes reporters' work easier. Rocking the boat can get them ostracized in the halls of power and they may miss a story, or not get invited to a party. Simply put, that is why there are only a small handful of good investigative reporters in Washington and so may "journalists" who only repeat messages. But, even when a good reporter gets a great story, it still must get past the editor -- who, ten to one, is on great terms with many of the politicians in power. If a juicy story gets past the editor, the newspaper's legal team looks at it. And, if it's a really important expose', the publisher will also need to give permission. The publisher, of course, must take the point of view of the corporate owners, who could, just as easily as not, be a multinational conglomerate with dozens of television and radio licenses to protect. The parent corporation will also consult their Washington lobbyists to insure that the story will not aggravate the wrong powers that be in Washington and mess up whatever deals may be in the works that are beneficial to the conglomerate's other interests. When the CIA cocaine story came out, some enterprising journalists actually dug deep. Interesting names -- names many of us would recognize -- were identified. Too many interesting names were identified as being involved, actually. So, there was no story. It's the same with the Israeli lobby. That's a very old story that has been brought up many, many times in many, many ways over the years. Sometimes the establishment press even mentions that it is improper for a foreign government to contribute (invest) in political campaigns. The part about it being illegal as hell is seldom mentioned, though. Besides, it's not just Israel doing it. There are at least ten foreign governments doing the same thing, and it affects most Members of Congress and every presidential campaign. So, with a wink and a nod, that is a non-story. Drudge recoiled when touched by just the tip of the sword of censorship. There are many political topics slashed from public view. Such are the workings of the many entangling alliances in today's political world, here in the land of the free and the home of the brave. LAUGHING AT LIBERALISM Yes, some of them traded their "sex, drugs and rock & roll" for wine, brie and chamber music. That's because they couldn't bear the thought of leaving the college campus atmosphere and getting a real job. Today we call them professors. And most of them got a haircut, discarded the love beads and generally got themselves cleaned up. That's because they soon learned that it takes hard cash to buy a home and car. There are not many places left anymore that will hire someone who looks like a burned out hippie. But not all of them had a change in attitude. Oh sure, they got over that "never trust anyone over thirty" idea on their thirtieth birthdays. But recreational drugs got cheaper, safer and more potent, so a lot of them still regularly fry their brains. And, they may not mouth the words anymore, but many of them still think "down with the establishment." Except, nowadays they are part of the establishment. And that's a problem. So, it's no wonder that liberal college professors are so much fun to watch. They have to dress and act establishment when, all along, most of them are still anti-establishment hippies at heart. They must present themselves as being the bright light in the room, when in fact most are only semi-educated. That is, they are not "worldly wise." For, how could one know much about real life when they have never participated? After all, a lifetime of campus living is hardly an education on life. Most fun to watch are those liberal professors who teach American government, history and law. Many of them have the book learning down; it's just that they are intellectually bankrupt about real life. That's why they are still liberals. For instance, how many really knowledgeable people can study the arguments of the Founding Fathers leading up to our Constitution and then accept a greatly overextended central government's control of everything in life from womb to tomb? Only those who are so insulated they are not affected is one answer. Those who think the masses are asses and need strong direction from academics and professional bureaucrats is another answer. And, those who really wish to destroy the establishment -- replace our Constitutional form of government with socialism -- is yet another answer. Most likely, though, the usual explanation would include some combination of the three. So, when I learned that Princeton University's professor of history and director of the program in American studies, Sean Wilentz, published an op-ed in the New York Times last Tuesday, I just knew that it would be fun to read. And, sure enough, it was. Impeachment watchers will remember Wilentz pontificating at the House hearings. John Hinckley's lawyer (the Hinckely who tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan), Gregory Craig, was then representing Bill Clinton and called Wilentz as an expert witness on a panel with former Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach and Yale Professor of Law Bruce Ackerman. Wilentz finagled himself a place at the impeachment hearing by getting 400 or so "historians" to sign a paper criticizing the effort to impeach Clinton. Anyway, Wilentz showed us how far out of touch he is in the summer 1999 issue of "Dissent," when he wrote: "one of the dirty secrets of impeachment may be that the Republicans had nothing better to do. By setting their sights on removing an already besmirched Bill Clinton, Republicans unwittingly exposed their party's intellectual bankruptcy, especially at the national level. And by pursuing impeachment as zealously as they did, they compounded that bankruptcy by alienating millions of voters." Let's face it, the guy just hates Republicans. So, in the New York Times piece he writes: "From voter surveys to the floors of Congress, we see abundant evidence that Americans are embracing sensible activist government. This swing of the pendulum represents more than a correction of conservative excesses." He must have been polling the socialists of the House's Progressive Caucus if he thinks we want an activist government. Such statements demonstrate a complete disconnect from the true feelings of the vast majority of American people. Later, he tops that by writing that a "Pew poll showed that Americans are markedly less cynical about government than they have been in many years." Apparently, he justifies that because a Times/CBS survey showed that "voters rate health care (13 percent) and protection of Social Security (8 percent) as their chief concerns, while only 2 percent cited defense." Yeah, 13% and 8% only! That's the new "abundant evidence that Americans are embracing sensible activist government." With that justification, he claims that we are in a "revival of a liberal tradition" and states: "What conservatives condemned 30 years ago as creeping socialism [is] an accepted part of the American Way." It was a good article. Well written and very [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [slickplus] FOX Censors News too (fwd) Date: 22 Nov 1999 12:25:44 PST On Nov 22, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] The graphic FOX-TV refused to allow Matt Drudge to air, was aired by FOX in a medical setting. It is therefor fair to conclude that it wasn't the graphic being censored, it was the message, a message of pro-life. If a first tri-mester fertilized-embryo has a hand to say thank you, abortion is not an option. Of course it could be argued that the infant hand that gripped the docs finger was not a cognizant act, simply a reflex (which sounds reasonable to me) then FOX is guilty of intentionally misleading viewers by inferring otherwise in the medical presentation. They can't have it both ways. I like the FNC too much to say boycott it, but I will tell you this. Now that I know how they are coloring their newscasts, I will take that into consideration when I do watch. For instance, how much is O'Reilly tailoring his program to meet FOX standards. >>> In a message dated 11/21/99 11:24:10 PM US Eastern Standard Time, writes: << LIFE at 21 weeks is precious Hand of 21 week-old 'Fetus', named Samuel, grasps surgeon's thumb; "Thank you, doctor". The picture is that of a 21-week-old unborn baby named Samuel Alexander Armas, who is being operated on by a surgeon named Joseph Bruner. The baby was diagnosed with spina bifida and would not survive if removed from the mother's womb. Little Samuel's mother, Julie Armas, is an obstetrics nurse in Atlanta. She knew of Dr. Bruner's remarkable surgical procedure. Practicing at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, he performs these special operations while the baby is still in the womb. In the procedure, a C-section removes the uterus and the doctor makes a small incision to operate on the baby. During the surgery on little Samuel, the little guy reached his tiny, but fully developed, hand through the incision and firmly grasped the surgeon's finger. The photograph captures this amazing event with perfect clarity. The editors titled the picture, "Hand of Hope." The text explaining the picture begins, "The tiny hand of 21-week-old fetus Samuel Alexander Armas emerges from the mother's uterus to grasp the finger of Dr. Joseph Bruner as if thanking the doctor for the gift of life." Source: Free Republic All Out of Love (little Samuel holds onto his doctor) MIDI - ALL OUT OF LOVE It's twenty one weeks and the baby is ill But what is the doctor to do? He's there in the womb and there isn't much hope A miracle soon comes true Mom says "Operate 'cause Samuel needs help" The whole thing is very well planned The doctor's surprised when his finger is grabbed "My God, it's Samuel's hand tiny hand They're not tissue mass they are not a choice, now Come join if you will by raising your voice now They're not tissue mass my God, they are babies Abortion is wrong it's got to be stopped somehow For too many years many babies like him Are ripped from their safe mother's womb Purveyors of death taking innocent life Hell waits for those in that room They're selfish and cruel they're evil indeed How many more children must die? We can't turn our heads we all have to stand up We hear the angels cry angels cry They're not tissue mass they are not a choice, now Come join if you will by raising your voice now They're not tissue mass my God, they are babies Abortion is wrong it's got to be stopped somehow Oh, how many more must die can't you hear angels cry? How many more must die can't you hear angels cry? They're not tissue mass they are not a choice, now Come join if you will by raising your voice now They're not tissue mass my God, they are babies Abortion is wrong it's got to be stopping They're not tissue mass they are not a choice, now Come join if you will by raising your voice now They're not tissue mass my God, they are babies Abortion is wrong it's got to be stopping They're not tissue mass they are not a choice, now Come join if you will by raising your voice now They're not tissue mass my God, they are babies Abortion is wrong it's got to be stopping >> Accurate impartial advice on everything from laptops to tablesaws. To subscribe to the Slick e-zine, send e-mail to for details. Home: - Simplifying group communications [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #159 (2/2) (fwd) Date: 22 Nov 1999 12:27:27 PST On Nov 20, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] funny. I really don't think it belonged in a major newspaper, though. WE TAKE ORDERS WELL What a clever web government has spun. The American people are turning into a bunch of little automatons, with bureaucrats pushing the buttons. We obey their rules without question, even when their "rules" are not laws. Think not? Here are just a few "rules to live by" mentioned at a gathering of middle aged adults last week: When stopped for a traffic violation, keep your hands on the wheel where they are in plain sight. Don't make any sudden moves and never say anything to the officer except "yes sir" and "no sir." We wouldn't want the nice officer to shoot us, thinking we might be a threat to his well being, after all. Is that what we've come to nowadays? Everyone is a potential suspect of assault on a police officer now? Apparently the rule is that we are to act so as to please the public servant, rather than the other way around. We are to confine our speech and movement to conform to the wishes of the constabulary, even when we are as legally clean as the new snow. Another interesting common maxim was that one must never question the wisdom of an airport clerk or an airport rent-a-cop. No matter that these are characteristically minimum wage (or thereabouts) paid workers without an overabundance in the aptitude department. They are in charge. And if you don't want them to call men with guns to harass you, you must comply with every order without question. Whatever happened to the business/customer relationship here? Wasn't the customer always right? I mean, we pay big bucks to catch an uncomfortable plane ride somewhere and we now have to accept orders from the hired help, too? Things are not like that with other businesses. How the hell did that ever happen with air transportation? Oh yeah. Congress got involved. I almost forgot. Another thing people mentioned is that one should not take cash money to an airport. Most workers at the terminal are watching for people with a lot of cash because they know that they can get some of it as a reward for fingering the traveler. Apparently, if a person has over a thousand bucks, or so, the airport cops will come and take it. Potential drug money, they use as the excuse. No honest person needs to carry cash anymore. It's still legal for an American citizen to have and hold cash, of course. It implies so right on the money. Still, if anyone with a badge and a gun sees it, it is probable they will take it. There's nothing we can do about that, and they know it. So, they take the money. There was big talk of abuse by social workers, too. Many social workers are very liberal and demand that parents raise their children to love socialism. So, if a social worker catches a parent disciplining a child, some will try to have the parent arrested and the child removed from the home. There is no law stating that a parent must answer a social worker when questioned. According to some local folks, it's best to not even give them your name. Else, they may start all kinds of silly legal problems. Where'd they all come from, anyway? Apparently, someone in government started a "make work" program for social workers without asking the taxpayers if they wanted that. Now they're everywhere -- most paid with tax dollars. Then come the Regulation Mounties. Some bureaucrats now think they can violate our Fourth Amendment right to privacy of home, papers, effects and businesses with impunity. Except, that pesky Fourth Amendment requires that all government agents first get a search warrant labeling exactly what is to be searched before visiting us. There are no exceptions listed in the Fourth Amendment. Inconvenient as it may be, the Founding Fathers intended for all employees of government to conform. Yet, if one mentions that Fourth Amendment thing to an agent from the IRS, EPA, EEOC, or BATF and tells them to bug off without a warrant, they stand a great chance of being attacked some night by a Gestapo looking squad of men called a SWAT team. It's all very legal nowadays. Bureaucrats, who just a few years ago brandished nothing more ominous than a clip board, now attack citizens with automatic weapon armed squad fire teams. It's not that the American people are any more dangerous than they were, just that the federal government started allowing minor bureaucrats to carry guns. And, since they had guns, they figured what the heck, might as well do it right and form SWAT teams, too. So, today, even Smoky the Bear's boys have SWAT teams out in the forest. All this stuff is a blatant violation of our rights, of course. There's even a federal law against most of it: 18 Sec. 241 states that, "If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States ... they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both." However, it takes the government to enforce that law and government is historically inept at enforcing the violation of laws by government employees. Congress is too busy "cracking down on crime" and "plugging loopholes" to worry about our rights. Besides, they like us doing exactly as we are told, like a bunch of programmed automatons. FOUNDERS MADE THE PEOPLE SOVEREIGN If the Second Amendment were erased from the Constitution, it wouldn't change anything. That's because, nowhere in the Constitution is a power given to the federal government to regulate our personal arms in any way whatsoever. Washington snatched that power unconstitutionally. It's the same with States rights, protected by the Tenth Amendment. The Constitution takes away a handful of powers from the States and delegates them to the central government. All others are to remain with the States. James Madison explains some of that in The Federalist Papers No. 45: "The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. "The operations of the federal government will be most extensive and important in times of war and danger; those of the State governments, in times of peace and security. As the former periods will probably bear a small proportion to the latter, the State governments will here enjoy another advantage over the federal government. The more adequate, indeed, the federal powers may be rendered to the national defense, the less frequent will be those scenes of danger which might favor their ascendancy over the governments of the particular States. "If the new Constitution be examined with accuracy and candor, it will be found that the change which it proposes consists much less in the addition of NEW POWERS to the Union, than in the invigoration of its ORIGINAL POWERS. The regulation of commerce, it is true, is a new power; but that seems to be an addition which few oppose, and from which no apprehensions are entertained. The powers relating to war and peace, armies and fleets, treaties and finance, with the other more considerable powers, are all vested in the existing Congress by the articles of Confederation. The proposed change does not enlarge these powers; it only substitutes a more effectual mode of administering them." Interestingly enough, our nation actually ran like that for a while. Long enough for the small country to grow and become strong, anyway. Alexander Hamilton asks in The Federalist Papers No. 33: "Who is to judge of the NECESSITY and PROPRIETY of the laws to be passed for executing the powers of the Union? I answer, first, that this question arises as well and as fully upon the simple grant of those powers as upon the declaratory clause; and I answer, in the second place, that the national government, like every other, must judge, in the first instance, of the proper exercise of its powers, and its constituents in the last. "If the federal government should overpass the just bounds of its authority and make a tyrannical use of its powers, the people, whose creature it is, must appeal to the standard they have formed, and take such measures to redress the injury done to the Constitution as the exigency may suggest and prudence justify. The propriety of a law, in a constitutional light, must always be determined by the nature of the powers upon which it is founded. Suppose, by some forced constructions of its authority (which, indeed, cannot easily be imagined), the Federal legislature should attempt to vary the law of descent in any State, would it not be evident that, in making such an attempt, it had exceeded its jurisdiction, and infringed upon that of the State? Suppose, again, that upon the pretense of an interference with its revenues, it should undertake to abrogate a land tax imposed by the authority of a State; would it not be equally evident that this was an invasion of that concurrent jurisdiction in respect to this species of tax, which its Constitution plainly supposes to exist in the State governments? If there ever should be a doubt on this head, the credit of it will be entirely due to those reasoners who, in the imprudent zeal of their animosity to the plan of the convention, have labored to envelop it in a cloud calculated to obscure the plainest and simplest truths." The People, then, are the defenders of the Constitution. And, according to Hamilton, it is The People who are to "take such measures to redress the injury done to the Constitution as the exigency may suggest and prudence justify." Interesting, those Founding Fathers. ~ End ~ [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Giving Thanks With A Grateful Heart (fwd) Date: 23 Nov 1999 21:32:57 PST On Nov 23, Exegesis wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Exegesis A Compass For Moral Excellence Published Worldwide From Washington Thanksgiving 1999 __________________________________________________ PAGE 1 NEWS: Real News From The Real World Your daily online newspaper __________________________________________________ ExTel See our expanding range of deeply discounted phone services =46eaturing Unitel: NOW just 4.9 cents a minute anywhere in the US.=20 Your own toll-free number for just 4.9=A2 a minute - and no monthly=20 fees! and Prepaid Calling Cards at 5 cents a minute. Check it out: ________________________________________________ Giving Thanks With A Grateful Heart Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with=20 gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Enter his gates with=20 thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to Him and=20 praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever;=20 His faithfulness continues through all generations. =46rom Psalm 100 I really love Thanksgiving. If I had my way, I'd make it a worldwide=20 holiday, preferably every week! It isn't just the delicious food,=20 reassuring though a wonderful meal can be in these transitory times.=20 What could be more comforting than a table groaning with turkey and=20 all the trimmings topped off with Grandma's apple and pumpkin pies?=20 Only the presence of God Himself, and that's why I love it so. There is a multitude of reasons to be thankful. For this column, I=20 will leave to one side the grubby business of politics, and I won't=20 even go into detail about how thankful the American nation is that=20 Bill Clinton will, please God, be gone from the White House in just=20 over 400 days (but who's counting?), even though that prospect alone=20 warrants at least a week of national rejoicing. Across America this week, the busy rush of life is briefly calmed as=20 families and friends gather to eat and to embrace one another, and to=20 prayerfully celebrate God's goodness as we thank Him for His many=20 blessings to us. Of course, the po-faced liberals wouldn't dream of=20 thanking God. Presumably, they just sit there in smug=20 self-satisfaction like the proud Pharisee in the Temple who prayed:=20 "God, I thank You that I am not like other men." (Luke 18:11) That's=20 the approximate viewpoint of the socialist ruling class these days.=20 But take heart, folks: their days of power are numbered! It is good=20 to pause, in the midst of the mighty battle for America's soul, to=20 thank God for all He does for us. Some seem less than convinced that we should be thankful to God.=20 Instead they thank some nebulous and unnamed provider of our=20 blessings. Yet William Bradford, one of the Mayflower pilgrims and=20 Governor of Plymouth Colony, wrote of the first settlers in 1620:=20 "What could they see but a hideous and desolate wilderness, full of=20 wilde beasts and wilde men? And what multitudes of them there were,=20 they then knew not: for which way soever they turned their eyes (save=20 upward to Heaven) they could have but little solace or content in=20 respect of any outward object." Nonetheless, they found it in their=20 hearts to be thankful. Abraham Lincoln, in his 1863 Thanksgiving proclamation, wrote: "In=20 the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, peace=20 has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the=20 laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed. No=20 human counsel hath devised, nor hath any mortal hand worked out these=20 great things. They are the gracious gifts of the most high God, who,=20 while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless=20 remembered mercy." Lincoln also lamented: "Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have=20 become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and=20 preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us! It=20 behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to=20 confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness."=20 His words were true in 1863, and they are true today. We need to=20 repent. Throughout history, our forebears have faced incredible challenges.=20 Life for them, and often for us too, has presented more burdens than=20 we can easily face. We sometimes feel overwhelmed, and there is a=20 great temptation to cave in to despair. Yet, opportunities to be=20 thankful for our blessings always seem to present themselves. You=20 may know the saying: The optimist proclaims that this is the best of=20 all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears this is true." There is=20 always room for optimism and faith, no matter how difficult the=20 circumstances may be. That is true in our national life, and it is=20 true in our homes as well. There is a special reason to give thanks this week at one New Orleans=20 household. I've just spent a few days with the young people of=20 Teenpact, a Georgia-based ministry which teaches teenagers devotion=20 to God and country, and responsible citizenship. There I met John,=20 a 17 year-old, who shared his struggle with brain cancer, which=20 according to his doctors, would end his life in about a month from=20 now. John underwent brain surgery on May 24 and May 25, 1999, at Lackland=20 Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas. On May 27, he received the=20 worst possible news: he had a very aggressive form of cancer known=20 as medulloblastoma. On June 7, he flew home to New Orleans, where=20 his parents, three brothers and three sisters all joined in praying=20 for him. He was prescribed extensive radiation and chemotherapy to=20 prevent the development of more large tumors. He declined their prescription, and instead decided to trust God for=20 his healing. He began alternative therapies such as changing his=20 diet and taking vitamins, believing that fervent prayer and natural=20 remedies work more effectively than man-made solutions. For several=20 months, things looked brighter. On October 26, 1999, during a medical checkup, the doctors found=20 another brain tumor. He says: "I was crushed." The doctors=20 prescribed the same treatment as before but he asked them to wait one=20 month before starting, knowing that each day he waited made the tumor=20 closer to becoming inoperable. He says: "I wanted God to heal me,=20 and this time I was ready to yield to Him in anything and=20 everything." We know "God has said, 'Never will I leave you, never=20 will I forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5) John was forced to abandon his=20 college plans, and lost part of his vision as the tumor impacted his=20 optic nerves. Friends had asked that he be allowed to attend the=20 Teenpact weekend to give him one last surge of happiness. John is a talkative, outgoing young man, very much aware of God's=20 presence and totally surrendered to His will. Last Saturday, he=20 bravely shared his story, and said he had prayed only for God's will=20 to be done. Afterwards, I took him aside with four others, and asked=20 them to pray for his healing. As the scripture directs: "Is any one=20 of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over=20 him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer=20 offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise=20 him up." (James 5:14-15) I felt it was time to take the scripture at=20 face value. Imagine us this past weekend at a peaceful campsite next to a=20 beautiful lake, inside a National Park near Atlanta. I shepherded=20 the teenagers to a quiet place and told them honestly that I do not=20 possess the gift of healing, but that I was willing to join with them=20 in asking God to heal this young man, who had just four days before=20 he would have to begin chemotherapy or face the prospect of death=20 within a few weeks. Just last night, I received the following e-mail, which I read with=20 astonishment, awe and joy, and which, with John's permission, I share=20 with you now: Dear Mr. Myers, I have great joy in that I am able to write you and tell you I=20 haven't a brain tumor any longer. This is an awesome thing to be=20 able to tell you ... I had no doubt in God's ability but had resigned=20 myself to what I thought was a reality. God has proven to me in a=20 very intimate way that man hasn't a clue as to the nature of God or=20 His ways. I can't begin to express the joy and the affirmation in=20 God's goodness to man despite our nature being everything but=20 faithful and good to Him. When I had my MRI test done this morning I had prepared myself for=20 the worst: to spend my 18th birthday on December 12, Christmas and=20 the New Year in the hospital at best (and probably worse). At 2:30=20 this afternoon, the doctor called and said, in a very disturbed way,=20 "The tumor that was there isn't there. I have gone over this with a=20 few other doctors and they are in agreement that you no longer have a=20 tumor growth in your brain." Talk about a shock, I could hardly think of what to say ... ummm ...=20 I still don't know for sure. God is awesome and he DOES reign on=20 high with dominion over all the earth. The tumor is gone ... the doctors try and explain it to me but have=20 no answer as to what happened. They compare it to the other MRI that=20 shows the tumor and nothing is there now. This is a miracle. Thank=20 God, for He alone is worthy of praise. Praise be to God for He surely does deliver all that trust in Him.=20 Thank you for hearing God and praying for me as you did. God bless=20 and keep you. In Christ, John I'm not sure how you would react to receiving a letter like that from=20 a great teenager with a new lease on life. As regular readers know,=20 I am not often speechless. All I can do is pour out grateful thanks=20 to God. I am amazed at His faithfulness to us, when we are obedient=20 to Him. God's will is not sickness and pain, even though we can=20 learn from such difficulties. God's will is wellness, rejoicing,=20 purpose and blessing. Let each of us count our blessings this Thanksgiving, for in so=20 doing, we shall draw strength for the fierce battles yet to come. If=20 I could consolidate my thoughts into a single prayer, it would be=20 this: "America! America! God shed His grace on thee; and crown=20 thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!" And if I may summarize my reason for thankfulness on this special=20 day, it would be in the awesome words of Keith and Melody Green's=20 song, There is a Redeemer: "Thank you, O my Father, for giving us=20 your Son, and leaving Your Spirit 'till the work on earth is done."=20 This Thanksgiving, may God bless you and your family and friends, and=20 may God bless America. =87 Steve Myers =D7 Editor ________________________________________________ PAGE 1 NEWS: Real News From The Real World Your daily online newspaper: __________________________________________________ ExTel See our expanding range of deeply discounted phone services =46eaturing Unitel: NOW just 4.9 cents a minute anywhere in the US.=20 Your own toll-free number for just 4.9=A2 a minute - and no monthly=20 fees! and Prepaid Calling Cards at 5 cents a minute. Check it out: ________________________________________________ Please visit our Web Page at where you can=20 update or delete your mailing address, read back issues and much more. ________________________________________________ =A9 Exegesis 1999 Post Office Box 789, McLean VA 22101, USA Subscriptions: Fax $32.95, E-Mail $16.95 E-Mail [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Robert Linzell) Subject: [Fwd: Liberty Update] Date: 25 Nov 1999 08:04:04 -0600 Forwarded FYI; let us include Rep. Ron Paul and his associates at Liberty Study as we count our blessings on this day of thanks. Bob in Mississippi - State Motto: Virtute et Armis ("By Valor and Arms") My PGP Public Key(s): RKBA! -------- Original Message -------- Dear friend of liberty, Thank you for your questions and comments. The following additions = have been made to our Web sites: 1. Links to the congressional offices of the Liberty Study Group = have been added. 2. Links to the U.S. House and U.S. Senate have been added. = You can learn the status of all bills; see who is a member of = congressional committees and other very pertinent information = by using these two sites. 3. The members who were present and absent at the recent = congressional hearings of H.R. 2655 =96 The Separation of = Powers Restoration Act are now posted as well as the = witnesses' testimony. 4. An analysis of H.R. 2655 is now posted. 1. Why repeal the War Powers Resolution of 1973? Our answer is = now posted in the FAQ section. 2. A link to a specialized search engine for million of U.S. = government documents has been added in the FAQ section. 3. Additions have been made to our bibliography in the FAQ = section. 4. Over 25 new articles/editorials about executive orders have = been added to the Media section. To print an item, please use = the print button at the bottom of the page or right click on your = mouse for a print command. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! Kent Snyder Executive Director Liberty Study Committee If you have a comment or question, please mail to: To unsubscribe from this list, please mail to: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [slick-d] RULES OF CONDUCT - 1 (fwd) Date: 29 Nov 1999 12:05:42 PST On Nov 28, Pep Stofen wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] To All - = That, which you give way to, is what you will produce. Since the '60s we've= been living in a very indulgent society. Now we are harvesting the results= . A colleague has presented some detestable statistics of this harvest. Eve= ry 30 seconds there is a divorce in America. Every fourth child born in Ame= rica is born to an unmarried girl. AIDS is an epidemic. William Bennett rep= orted in a speech, "It's now politically correct to believe in family value= s, but it's not politically correct to get specific about them." Are you re= ady to get specific about values for family living in America? When I was a lad, about 70 years ago, I remember a saying my grandparents a= nd parents told us, "Children should be seen and not heard." However, they = urged us to ask questions. So I ask you, "What are your values for family l= iving?" = Many years ago, family values were handed down from generation to generatio= n. These are not values that are fads to last only as long as the next pres= idential campaign. These are values that are the foundation of western civi= lization, upon which our entire judicial and system of law has been built. These family values are not to hurt us but rather they are to help us, not = to hinder us but to free us. You tell your child, "Don't touch a hot stove"= . Is that for your good or the good of the child? Every time the handed dow= n family values say "DON'T" it is always for a definite good cause for your= benefit. When you ignore these "Don'ts" you do so at your own peril. = These family values are tried and true. Modifications to these family value= s have not moved the complacent American to veto unacceptable change to the= se family values. I call your attention to the horrible and ghastly partial= birth abortion procedures legalized by our non-compliant legal court syste= m. Emphatically an abomination to all family values. (THERE IS NEVER A BAD = TIME TO CORRECT BAD GOVERNING FACTORS) Just what are the family values in your life? How many things do you revere= ? Do these include a career, another person, golf, travel, theater etc? Rem= ember "DON'T"? Only family values can be the foundation, and must be first = in your life! If your foundation is wrong, it doesn't matter how elegant or= how desirous your achievements are, eventually they all will fail. Only yo= ur accomplishments through family values will endure. Every time you place = family values first, your efforts will meet with success. A study at Harvard University turned up the following: Marriages, where fam= ily values were supreme, the divorce rate is one out of fifty marriages. Wh= ere not only family values are supreme, but also family togetherness, the d= ivorce rate is one out of 1,105 marriages. PUT FAMILY VALUES FIRST, IN YOUR MARRIAGE, IN YOUR FAMILY, AND YOU'LL SEE T= REMENDOUS SUCCESS! (Pep Stofen) [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: For those who missed it yesterday... (fwd) Date: 30 Nov 1999 07:40:46 PST On Nov 30, InTheRiver, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] WorldNetDaily MONDAY NOVEMBER 29 1999 Jane Chastain WND Exclusive Commentary ---------- WND Exclusive Commentary ---------- Be prepared, go to prison by Jane Chastain ---------- In this countdown to the millennium with the Y2K computer problems, we constantly are being warned to "be prepared" to take care of ourselves and possibly friends and neighbors in the event of shortages, power outages, and communications disruptions. Depending on the report you read or the seminar you attend, the predictions range from a few minor inconveniences to severe problems -- including a breakdown in police, fire, and rescue services. "Be prepared" is the motto of the Boy and Girl Scouts of America. Preparedness long has been a respected character trait; right up there with industriousness, trustworthiness, and punctuality. But is there such a thing as being overly prepared? If you live in California's San Bernardino County, you could be considered dangerous.It could land you in jail. Trudy and Chris Sherburne are a case in point, Case No. 1998-00-0020326 to be exact. This couple has been described by their pastor and his wife, their friends and associates as a little eccentric, a throwback to an earlier generation, but they are considered to be good, patriotic loyal Americans and good conscientious parents. However, during the last 19 months they have been incarcerated, had their children placed in protective custody, run out of their home, and stripped of their personal property. Chris Sherburne is still behind bars. The Sherburnes have been happily married for 24 years and have six children who range from eight to 23 years in age. Both parents are highly educated. Chris is an Army veteran and a graduate of UCLA in systems engineering. Trudy holds a master's degree from the University of Michigan in early childhood education. Sixteen years ago, when their oldest daughter was seven, they began a family business called Genuine GI Surplus as a way of staying together and teaching their children responsibility and practical skills. The family purchased, cleaned, sorted, and repaired government surplus items they obtained from military bases and from associates in the salvage business. They then sold these items at gun shows, law enforcement expositions, flea markets, swap meets and the like. The family lived in a 50-year-old home on five acres in a sparsely populated area in San Bernardino County between Hesperia and Victorville. Their problems began in 1998 on Good Friday when Trudy and three of her children came home from church that evening to find law enforcement officials, a newspaper reporter, the fire department, and bomb squad, along with a county code enforcement officer, searching her property. The team was convinced that the used military storage tubes they discovered must contain warheads or be otherwise dangerous. The police used their own explosives to destroy a cache of items they piled in the backyard and Trudy was arrested on charges of possessing a destructive device and deadly weapons, and child endangerment. Her three boys were taken by Child Protective Services and eventually turned over to their pastor, Alan Stanfield of the First Baptist Church of Lucerne Valley. Chris was in Florida at the time with the couple's three older children, restoring a boat, which the family hoped to sell or use in some way to help the Sudanese Christian relief effort. A warrant was made out for his arrest and he was apprehended soon thereafter. It is still unclear why, after 16 years of living in the old farmhouse, a code enforcement supervisor showed up at the Sherburne home that Good Friday afternoon, along with a deputy from the sheriff's office. However, a search warrant was quickly obtained -- perhaps too quickly -- to investigate the ominous looking surplus military items in the yard and on the property. The Sherburnes were charged with 23 felonies. They eventually pled guilty to possessing a destructive device after they discovered that the tracer ammunition they used for target shooting was illegal to possess in California. Tracer ammunition is used in other states to allow target shooters to see the trajectory of their fire, but isn't any more dangerous than regular ammunition. The Sherburnes accepted the plea bargain, partly out of fear of having to spend a considerable time in custody, and partly because of their lack of funds and adequate representation. However, it is clear that this family may have been irreparably harmed. Much of the Sherburne's property has been stolen, damaged, or destroyed because of the way the investigation against the family was conducted and because their home was left unattended and allegedly unsecured. The children were traumatized and their lives have been turned upside down. After being held on a million dollar bond for 133 days, Trudy eventually was released and her children, having been found healthy, well-educated and in above average physical condition, were returned. She was given 60 hours of community service and three years probation. However, despite being extremely cooperative, the family's worst fears for Chris were realized. On Feb. 3, 1999, with no prior record, Chris, who was classified as "extremely dangerous," was sentenced to 16 months in state prison, then parole, with credit for a year served. On April 5, 1999, just before his release date, Chris was given "special conditions" to sign, which included no contact with military surplus products of any kind, and no contact with his co-defendant, his wife Trudy. After refusing to sign away his right to return to his wife and family and pursue his living, he was transferred to Chuckawalla Valley State Prison near Blythe, with a new parole release date set for Aug. 23, 1999. Again Chris was presented with the same conditions, and again he refused to sign. Last month, while working in the prison kitchen, Chris was found dazed on the floor. He obviously had been struck by someone or something, but it was Chris who was punished (allegedly for fighting). He was thrown into solitary confinement and then denied all but emergency phone calls. However, Trudy recently received a letter stating that he has been given a new set of conditions to sign, which will allow them to be reunited, but states that he must refrain from social or business contact with anyone described as a member of a "right wing group." However, Chris is afraid to sign because "right-wing group" has not been defined and he is afraid of being rearrested and given a stiffer sentence. Trudy admits the couple was concerned about preparedness and unconcerned about neatness. By her own admission her place was a mess when law enforcement arrived. The fact that she had been away for three days and the place had been shut up during that time and spoiled food was found didn't help. However, bad housekeeping is not a crime, at least not yet. Trudy also admits that the family kept a cache of guns and ammunition hidden and had expanded an old bomb shelter Chris' father dug during the Cold War, just in case. At this time, none of these things is illegal. The Sherburnes even attended a couple of meetings of a local militia group. However, they declined to join because, in Trudy's words, "God wasn't in it." Yes, the Sherburnes could be classified as preparedness freaks, but they are not anti-government, nor do they belong to any such anti-government group, as some of the officers who conducted five different searches of their property have charged. The Sherburnes could be forgiven if they have a healthy distrust of their government now. However, many feel the criminal justice system in California should not be forgiven for the way in which it treated the Sherburne family. Randy Scott, Trudy Sherburne's probation officer, stated in the report he filed on Jan. 13, 1999, "The case is very complex and appears to polarize everyone involved. Those interviewed see the defendant as either a victim of a ruthless law-enforcement and court system or as a person who is potentially very dangerous to society and our government structure." If the Sherburnes are dangerous, the state of California must prove it. Otherwise, Chris Sherburne should be released and be allowed to rejoin his family and rebuild his life -- or what is left of it. ---------- Donations to the Sherburnes or to the Sherburne legal defense fund may be sent to 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 (703) 321-8585. ---------- Jane Chastain is now hosting "What Washington Doesn't Want You to Know" on KLTX in Los Angeles, 3-6 p.m. daily. The program can be heard at [Real Audio ] Jane Chastain is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host. Her monthly newsletter, 'On the Issues' is available in the United States for $20 by writing: P.O. Box 890592, Temecula,CA 92589-0592. - Monte Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- -