From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Ark. Court Sues To Disbar Clinton (fwd) Date: 01 Jul 2000 07:55:46 PST On Jun 30, Jurist wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] RKBA Defenders, There is no doubt that this has been and remains the most corrupt and anti-Constitutional, anti-RKBA White House in recent U.S. history. Nor can there be little doubt that the threats to our Fundamental right to self-defense/keep and bear arms stem largely from Clinton himself. But even as he seeks to criminalize a fundamental right, he himself is under fire for lying under Oath (normally called "perjury," but this time gently called "contempt.") Here is recent news indicating that the Arkansas Supreme Court is suing Clinton for disbarment. Now did I just miss this, or was this released after COB on a Friday, like much of Clinton's other bad news? Nor have I seen this emblazoned across tabloids, newspapers or trumpeted by CNNABCNBCCBS. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - In an unprecedented rebuke of a sitting president, an Arkansas Supreme Court committee on Friday sued President Clinton to strip him of his law license and declared he lacked "overall fitness" to be a lawyer. Read more about it at: -- Guns Are Tyranny Control [URL moving soon!] The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: FCC Public File Auto-FAQ Date: 01 Jul 2000 07:59:16 PST This "FAQ" is auto-posted once a month via cron triggered script, and may be triggered off by hand from time to time in between if the info is requested by someone, such as when the House recently voted down the AW Ban and the Media threw a hissy fit. The purpose of this FAQ is to inform people what they can do about Media generated lies and misinformation. While the FCC only handles Broadcast Media, (TV and Radio), some of these techniques will work for magazines and newspapers too. If I've missed something, or you find errors, let me know and I'll add/fix it. 1.a. Send letters of complaint to the Station Manager every time it happens with all the time, details, other info, and your complaint(s). 1.b. Send an additional copy for their FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Public file. 1.c. Send an additional copy to the FCC itself, in case they don't put it in their Public file. 2.a. Send a letter of complaint to their Station Owner as per above, with copies as per above (1.b and 1.c). 3. Send copies of their replies to you along with yours to them to their FCC Public file, so that it gets nice and fat, again, with copies to the FCC itself. 4. If you can afford it, send all corespondence by Certified Mail with Return Receipt Requested. Send a copy of the Return Receipt with everything that goes to the FCC itself, so that they will have additional evidence if the Station is cheating on their Public File. 5.a. Go to the Public Library and look up "Standard Rate and Data Services" (SRDS) "Directory of National Advertisers." It is found in many major Libraries (in the business/reference stacks), and lists EVERY current advertiser, who the players are at both the company and advertising agency(s), and the appropriate telephone and fax (and probably E-Mail by now) addresses. If your Library doesn't have it, it can be requested. Otherwise you can watch their commercials for a few days to a week, listing all their advertisers. There are other references that have the addresses for the nation's business headquarters too. look them all up and pass the addresses and phone/FAX numbers etc., around so that everyone can bitch to the sponsors. IF enough people do that, it'll get back to the Station. Tell them if the Station continues their nastiness you'll _consider_ changing to brand(X), (otherwise they'll just write you off as a loss). 5.b. The above, (5.a.), can be a lot easier and less time consuming if you're dealing with a newspaper's or a magazine's ads, as they are right in front of you for the listing. 6. If they put on something good or even just more reasonable, call and compliment them on it, but do _not_ send any kudos to their FCC file, or write to them about it. That way they have to keep it up and hope, as there is nothing good in the file or in writing that they can show the FCC to justify their Station's License. 7. Federal Communications Commission, Complaints and Compliance Division Room 6218, 2025 M Street NW Washington, D.C. 20554 FAX: 202-653-9659 FCC Attn: Edythe Wise -- An _EFFECTIVE_ | The _only_important_difference_ between Nazi-ism, Fascism, weapon in every | Communism, Communitarianism, Socialism and (Neo-)Liberalism hand = Freedom | is the _spelling_, and that the last group hasn't got the on every side! | Collective brains to figure it out. -- Bill Vance -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: VOTE.COM "Should Clinton Resign as Pres. of Boy Scouts of America (fwd) Date: 01 Jul 2000 07:57:45 PST Now ain't this just the icing on the cake. On Jun 30, Bard wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Should Clinton Resign as President of the Boy Scouts of America? GO FOR IT, at: Bard No more rapists in our White House...... "You have the right to remain silent..." The man should have been aborted upon conception! [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [Fratrum] FW: Guns of Our Freedom (fwd) Date: 01 Jul 2000 21:24:05 PST On Jul 1, Jim Moore wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Read and remember! -----Original Message----- Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2000 1:11 PM GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE !!ALERT!! Chris W. Stark - Director P.O. Box 1924 Crosby, Texas 77532-1924 Ph. 1-281-787-4111 Fax 1-281-328-7505 email: 01 July 2000 +++++++++++++++++ Guns of Our Freedom ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Copyright © 2000 by Gun Owners Alliance (GOA-Texas). Republication permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert is left intact in its original state. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ by David Kopel Shortly after the Constitution was sent to the people for ratification, anti-federalists warned that the Constitution would make the federal government too strong in relation to the people. Not so, replied the Federalists. Tench Coxe-an ally of James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, who would later serve in the Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison administrations-explained: "The power of the sword, say the minority of Pennsylvania, is in the hands of Congress. My friends and countrymen, it is not so, for THE POWERS OF THE SWORD ARE IN THE HANDS OF THE YEOMANRY OF AMERICA FROM SIXTEEN TO SIXTY. The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? are they not ourselves. Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American. What clause in the state or [federal] constitution hath given away that important right. . . . [T]he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the foederal or state governments, but where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people." [A Pennsylvanian, To The People of the United States, Philadelphia Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788.] What were those weapons, so recently used in the American Revolution, which Coxe and rest considered "the birthright of an American"? At the start of the war, the most common musket, in both Patriot and Redcoat hands, was the Brown Bess, an iron-barreled musket which fired a .75 caliber ball. The "Brown" part of the name may have come from the walnut stock, or from the barrel's color, once it had been rust-proofed. "Bess" was probably chosen because it sounded good with "Brown," and because fighting men have often given their weapons female nicknames. (Note: this is not the same as calling your mother-in-law "that old battle-axe.") When the French intervened on America's side in 1778, they brought their Charleville Muskets-named for the town near Belgium which hosted the Royal Manufactory of Arms. The French model fired a slightly smaller ball: .70. It was distributed copiously to the Americans, and later became the pattern for the federal army's Springfield Musket of 1795. Muskets took a while to reload, so army formations typically deployed musket-men in two or three lines. The first line would fire in unison, then drop to their knees to reload, while the lines behind them fired. Muskets were not accurate, and musketmen were not even expected to aim at particular targets. Rather, the objective was to deliver a mass of musketballs into the enemy line. The muskets were an ideal weapon for the kind of fighting man that the British used. Life in any European standing army was brutal. Soldiers were drilled and disciplined until they could no longer think. They were expected to obey unquestioningly, and to move in precise lock-step formations. Only people who had no other choice joined the army, and the army was composed of "the dregs of society" rounded up from gin mills and gaols. The British troops were drilled and drilled until they could perform coolly and automatically in the heat of combat, and did not question whether orders made sense. Several volleys of disciplined musket fire, followed by a screaming bayonet charge (the Brown Bess had a 17 inch bayonet), was often sufficient to carry the day for the British-as at Lexington, Manhattan or Camden. Muskets (like today's shotguns) have smooth barrels. In contrast, rifles have twisting grooves in the barrel, which give the bullet its spin. This stabilizing spin helps the rifle bullet travel much further, and more accurately, than does the musket ball. It was the rifle-which utilized the American virtue of individual initiative, which would become the quintessentially American weapon of the Revolution. America's first great rifle-makers were Germans who settled in Pennsylvania (the "Pennsylvania Dutch"). Around 1720, the Germans began adapting their German rifle designs to American conditions, by lengthening the barrel to 40-45 inches (producing longer-range accuracy), and using maplewood stocks. The typical caliber was .60. Like the muskets, all these rifles were flintlocks, meaning that the gunpowder was ignited by a spark from metal striking flint. All of the guns used loose gunpowder made from salt-peter ("blackpowder"); modern smokeless powder did not come until the latter part of the nineteenth century. During the Revolution, there was neither the time nor the inclination to decorate the rifles with the kind of engraving that was often seen on later versions, including today's replicas. The Pennsylvania Rifle had a shattering effect against British Redcoats. The British musketeers could fire and reload three times as fast as the American rifleman, and knew how to march in disciplined linear formations in open terrain. Although there were plenty of open-terrain battles during the war, there were also plenty of guerilla actions, in which Patriots hid behind rocks and trees and sniped at small enemy patrols. While muskets were easy to use, the Pennsylvania rifle was effective only in the hands of a skilled marksman, who could hit a target the size of a man's head from 200 yards away. A lucky shot could travel 400 yards. Whether in open combat or in a guerilla context, the American riflemen specialized in sniping at the British officers, causing them considerable apprehension, and distracting them from command. Some of the gunmakers of the Pennsylvania Rifles eventually moved to Ohio, Tennessee, and other parts. After the rifles figured prominently in the great American victory at the 1815 Battle of New Orleans, at the end of the War of 1812, the rifles became universally known as "Kentucky Rifles," since the popular song celebrating the great battle was "The Hunters of Kentucky." ("For Jackson he was wide-awake, and not afraid of trifles. Full well he knew the aim we'd take with our Kentucky Rifles.") The superior range of the Pennsylvania Rifle had allowed the Americans to engage the Redcoats beyond musket range during the first part of the War. But at the battle of Brandywine on September 11, 1777, the British deployed a special 100 man company firing a new rifle invented by Scotsman Andrew Ferguson. The innovative breech-loading design (as opposed to muzzle-loading, in which the gun is loaded by ramming the bullet down the muzzle, and through the full length of the barrel) allowed the Ferguson rifles to fire 4-5 shots per minute, and the gun could even be reloaded while a soldier marched towards the enemy. Although the British won at Brandywine, and captured Philadelphia as a result, Ferguson was wounded, and the British Army foolishly lost interest in rifles for the rest of the war. Not until 1819 would a nation adopt a breechloader as its standard military weapon, when the United States selected the Hall Carbine. While some people believe that handguns did not exist when the Patriots were fighting for their right to arms, handguns were actually hundreds of years old by then. Handguns had grown common enough in the early sixteenth century so that proposed legislation as early as 1518 (by the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian) addressed them. By the latter part of the 1500s, handguns were standard cavalry weapons. When the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791, state militia laws requiring most men to supply their own firearms required officers to supply their own pistols. The Revolutionary handguns were mostly very large .50 caliber single-shot pistols, often built by the same gunsmiths who made the Pennsylvania Rifles. Colonel Samuel Colt's multiple-shot revolver lay decades in the future-although there were predecessors available, such as "pepperbox," which used revolving barrels, each containing its own bullet. Today, only two of Ferguson's breechloading rifles are still in existence, and the pepperbox proto-revolvers are found only in museums or the homes of wealthy collectors. But the kinds of muskets and rifles with which the American Revolution was fought are still in common use. Many hobbyists build old-fashioned rifles or muskets from kits, and many others buy manufactured blackpowder arms, to take advantage of the special blackpowder-only hunting seasons in many states. Some of these guns incorporate new technology (such as in-line loading), while others are remarkably faithful to the old designs. Whether you're shooting an old-fashioned replica of a Brown Bess, or high-tech polymer pistol from Glock, you're exercising the freedoms that great Patriots such as "the Swamp Fox" Francis Marion helped win for us two centuries ago. To celebrate Independence Day, why not exercise the right you still have (and which the Redcoats' descendants don't) by taking a niece or a neighbor to a target range, or by buying your first gun, or by sending an extra contribution to one of the groups who are continuing humanity's long-running battle against tyranny and disarmament. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Help Support the work of Gun Owners Alliance! Go to: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Copyright © 2000 by Gun Owners Alliance (GOA-Texas). Republication permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert is left intact in its original state. The views herein do not necessarily reflect the views of any other individual or organization, than Gun Owners Alliance (GOA-Texas). We do not officially represent Gun Owners of America. Go to for more information. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ONLY THE E-MAIL ADDRESS USED TO SEND US A SUBSCRIBE REQUEST, CAN BE SUBSCRIBED. WE DO NOT SHARE, LEND, OR SELL OUR E-MAIL LIST FOR ANY REASON. YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS REMAINS CONFIDENTIAL WITH GOA-TEXAS.ORG. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR E-MAIL ALERTS, send an e-mail to: ....and in the body of the message, type the word "subscribe". +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TO UN-SUBSCRIBE TO OUR E-MAIL ALERTS, send an e-mail to: ....and in the body of the message, type the word "UN-subscribe". [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #188 (fwd) Date: 01 Jul 2000 21:22:44 PST On Jul 01, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Heads Up A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia July 2, 2000 #188 by: Doug Fiedor Previous Editions at: CONGRESS: KEEP "DOING NOTHING" Even if we just woke up from a long coma and didn't know for sure what year it was, we could tell this is an election year just by listening to the politicians on the news. The silly season is ramping up and will soon be going full force. The political action is funny, really, in a sickening sort of way. It's funny because the far-left politicians and their sycophants in the national media are intentionally creating socialistic issues designed to give big government yet more complete control over the people. It's sickening because all of these issues are totally unconstitutional and not the business of the central government. Yet, some groups around the country are falling for this claptrap again. For instance, Al Gore is out there offering social programs that will cost nearly as much as Johnson's terribly defective Great Society Program and rob us of just about as much liberty. He proposes a government controlled program of free prescription drugs for nearly a third of the American population and a progressive system for matching retirement funds similar to the sliding income tax scale. These are massive redistribution of wealth schemes straight from the socialism textbook. It's no better on Capitol Hill, either. Democrats are hoping to portray Republicans as the ineffective, "do nothing" party. Republicans only hold a majority in the House of a mere five votes. So, Democrats larded up the bill hopper with proposals that would create "affordable" prescription drugs to elderly people, mandate federal control over treatment from health maintenance organizations, raise the minimum wage again, overhaul the campaign finance system, toughen gun control laws, and get more federal control over local school systems. It's all a political trick, of course. Proposing all these social programs puts the Social-Democrats in a win / win situation with all the gimmie groups waiting in the wings with their grubby hands out -- the socialist's core constituency. There's another little incidental that must be considered, though: Not one of these programs is even remotely authorized to the federal government by the Constitution in any way whatsoever. Therefore, anyone voting in favor of any of these programs would be in direct violation of their oath of office. The federal government should stay out of medical care completely. Else, we will find the American medical system in the same sorry shape as the public school system 20 years after the federal government started to "help." Same with federal gun laws. Nothing in the Constitution gives the federal government any authority whatsoever to regulate personal weapons owned or carried by citizens. And another thing: Many of us would like to see a "do nothing" Congress for a few years. In fact, a lot of us would like to see a Congress with enough commonsense and love of country to actually be a "negative" law making body. That is, a Congress that will actually repeal a few dozen unconstitutional laws. After all, the federal government has been passing laws for well over 200 years. If they don't have more than enough by now, perhaps it is time that We the People reexamine the powers we authorized the federal government and seriously consider removing a few. We also need an effective legal mechanism for quickly removing anyone in government who violates any part of our Constitution. Meanwhile, let's hope Congress does not pass any more stupid bills this session. A "do nothing" Congress sounds just great on this end. Compliment them on that. LAWBREAKING OFFICIALS Last Tuesday, Attorney General Janet Reno again stated her decisions not to put Vice President Al Gore under investigation by an independent counsel for campaign fund raising violations and perjury. There is more than enough information available to get a conviction, and some of the players in two of the money laundering schemes were, in fact, convicted. Al Gore and his aides committed the very same crimes as those who were convicted, but they have the protection of the attorney general. So do Bill and Hillary Clinton and their aides. Same crimes, no charges. What happens with public officials who break the law? Nothing happened when a number of government people gave dozens of our military secrets to China in return for large donations to the Democratic National Committee and a few key Democratic candidates. Apparently the socialists in Washington think it's just fine to receive illegal campaign cash from the communists in China in return for a few favors. They must believe that, because conclusive evidence is there but no one in government is doing anything about it. The FBI and CIA were no help, either. As readers may remember, the FBI had its own major scandal when agents were caught falsifying evidence and lying in court to get convictions. Nothing was ever done about that, either. Those agents caught lying in court were never arrested. Those people who were convicted on false information are still in prison. No one in the Judicial branch, Congress or the Justice Department seems to care. Things were not any better over at the CIA, either. People involved with the CIA have been smuggling heroin into the United States since Vietnam. After Vietnam, they started smuggling in the occasional ton of cocaine for sale on American streets. Apparently they justified that with the excuse that the money was used for good causes. Our prisons are jam-packed full of people convicted of "drug crimes." None of them are prior CIA workers, though. The law is applied differently for government workers. Generally speaking, if an American business person conspired with all others in the same business around the world to dramatically increase the price of their product in the United States, government would quickly send men with guns to arrest the person. Why, then, are public officials not culpable when they do exactly the same thing? Do laws only apply sometimes? Or, perhaps there are two classes of laws for two or more classes of people. Back in 1918, the federal government wanted to regulate the sale of a legal product: alcohol. However, those in Washington realized that the Constitution gave the government no such authority. So, they went about things the correct way and passed an amendment to the Constitution. After the amendment was properly ratified, the federal government then had authority to go after the alcohol industry. Last year, the federal government went after the tobacco industry and, through legal trick and manipulation, caused cigarette prices to skyrocket. Yet, there was no amendment to the Constitution authorizing such action. That was, therefore, an illegal act. Well, it is if the Constitution still applies to the federal government, that is. This year we find that the Clinton administration conspired with oil producing countries to drastically increase the price of oil sold to the American people. The reason: to enable certain poorly run countries (Russia, Indonesia and Mexico) to pay part of their huge debts held by American and international banks, and to funnel extra cash into Iran so Iran can make major arms purchases from communist China. That's why gas prices increased: Clinton and Gore told OPEC to raise oil prices. Is that conspiring against the people of the United States, or what? Does anyone care? Nope! Laws only apply to people, not public officials. They go after Microsoft, accusing them of milking the software business. Then the administration causes the American people to pay billions of dollars more in fuel prices. Again, there is no such authority available to the administration. That act was devoid of any Constitutional protection. And, if anyone cares anymore, it was also a violation of the President's oath of office to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." So, we must ask again: If the Constitution is the supreme law of our nation, what, then, is the penalty for violation of the Constitution? When do the separation of powers apply and who is to supervise what public officials do? Obviously, the federal government needs some strong adult supervision and major policing. It's time we tell them that they better get to cleaning their own house up before they come telling us what to do. THE RIGHT, THE WRONG AND THE LAW When morality butts up against the law, the law wins. There's a simple reason for that: The "law" has the firepower. When serf-citizens disobey, government will send men with guns to arrest and/or kill them. But, quite often the "law" is clearly wrong. And, we're not just talking morally wrong here, but stupid, ignorant and mean type wrong. Personally, I do not feel that I have the right to say that I am publishing a newsletter in support of the Constitution and then go forth preaching on morality. So, I won't. I do, however, have a right to consider the stupid, ignorant and mean aspects of the United States Supreme Court's opinion in the Stenberg v. Carhart (99-830) case on partial-birth abortion. In a 5-4 decision, the Court said the Nebraska law against partial-birth abortion (dilation and extraction, or D&X) violates women's Constitutional right to choose by imposing an undue burden on their decisions to end their pregnancies. That's the stupid part. The procedure involves partially extracting an almost full term fetus, legs first, through the birth canal, cutting the skull and draining its contents. The key points there are the words "almost full term" and "partially extracting." In truth, the baby is three quarters born before it is killed. Furthermore, because of autonomic muscle contractions, etc., often the babies are completely born before they are killed. That's because, once the birthing process begins, there is no physiological "wait right there" switch the physician can push to make it stop. Furthermore, it would be much easier on the mother if instruments were not used to turn the baby and it was delivered head first. But, all that is just the mechanical aspects of the problem. The fact that the baby must first be three- quarters born brings us to a blend of ignorant and mean. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were written in defense of the "certain unalienable rights" which the Founding Fathers found in their law book of the day, "Blackstone's Commentaries on The Law." And, as all of the Founders knew perfectly well, Blackstone identified our trinity of rights as "Life, Liberty and Property." Our Founding Fathers called these absolute rights unalienable -- incapable of being given up, taken away, or transferred to another. The protection of Life, Liberty and Property -- our natural, absolute and unalienable rights -- became the underlying reason our country was formed. This presents a bit of a problem in this instance. The baby is three-quarters born and, generally speaking, would live if cared for as all other normally delivered babies are cared for. Blackstone, therefore, would call "aborting" that baby murder. So would the Founding Fathers. And yet today, so do many Americans. Furthermore, Court approval of partial-birth abortion presents a very interesting precedence for extrapolation down that slippery-slope of law. That is, if we can kill an inconvenient baby just two seconds before it is completely born, why, then, can we not practice retroactive abortion to get rid of all unwanted kids when they become inconvenient? After all, that would certainly make the teenage population start behaving in a hell of a hurry and do a lot for the mental health of the parents. All it takes is five liberal justices in black robes to make that legal, too. And, if it's all right to kill a baby that is three-quarters born, shouldn't it also be permissible to kill an older adult who has lost one, two or three quarters of their physical or mental faculties? Of course, the obvious answer to all of those question should be "no, absolutely not." The first in our trinity of rights is our right to Life. That is our American way. Therefore, there must be a bright legal line here somewhere that cannot be crossed for any reason. For this immediate argument, I propose that we must draw that bright line at birth -- when any part of the baby is born, which would include two to four inches from complete birth. When a baby is born, it should be nurtured, cared for and allowed to live. Therefore, in the matter of Stenberg v. Carhart, I must agree with at least a hundred-million Americans across our nation: Five Justices on the Supreme Court made a dreadful error. Nonetheless, there is a glimmer of hope buried in the text of that case and all of it is worth reading as it foreshadows what is to come. Find the full text at: ~ End ~ [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Anti-Anti-RKBA Boycott Sites (fwd) Date: 02 Jul 2000 08:07:18 PST On Jul 02, Jurist wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Chris, Judge Velek, Outstanding new addition to the RKBA information cloud. Smith & Wesson has felt the wrath of a gunner's boycott, and K-Mart, quietly, begrudgingly, fired Rosie in response to gunners boycotting their stores. As far as I am concerned, until they make an open and public apology to gun owners, the boycott remains in full force. Judge Velek has an outstanding way of targeting businesses who put up "no guns" signs on their doors. Thanks to the both of you. Here are two more boycott sites. Anyone have one for PAX/Levi's? GTE Cellular? Regards, Rick V. Chris Meissen wrote: > Found this on alt.politics.usa.constitution.gunrights. The guy has a nice site and an idea well worth emulating. Judge Velek's Outstanding Anti-RKBA Business Boycott Page > If you're Pro-Gun: > If you're Anti-Gun: > Please let me know what you think. Thanks. > Bill Velek Women Against Gun Control Sara Lee Boycott Page Dave Wizniewski's K-Mart/Rosie Boycott Page How Philip Van Cleave of the Virginia Citizen's Defense League turned around the "Car Quest" No Guns policy on a **National basis.** Way to go Phil! ( Guns Are Tyranny Control The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports] (fwd) Date: 02 Jul 2000 08:57:35 PST On Jul 02, Margi Crook wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] "WE ARE APT TO SHUT OUR EYES AGAINST A PAINFUL TRUTH... FOR MY PART, I AM WILLING TO KNOW THE WHOLE TRUTH; TO KNOW THE WORST; AND TO PROVIDE FOR IT." ---- Patrick Henry Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports By Walter J. Burien, Jr. Forward by Al Adask - Anti-Shyster - As editor of the AntiShyster, I ve seen so many unbelievable stories over the last eight years, that I ve become jaded, cynical and worldly. There are no surprises left for me. I m sure that I ve seen it all. I ve thought so for several years. And generally speaking, about every two or three months, life proves me absolutely wrong by showing me another story so awesome that I m left (almost) speechless. This article introduces another one of those stories so awesome that it s right off the Richter Scale. Walter Burien Jr. worked as a Wall Street commodity trader for fifteen years, but now resides in Arizona. According to Mr. Burien, every state, county and major metropolitan city is keeping two sets of books. One set (the Budget ) is commonly available and tracks each governmental entity s casts and tax revenue. The Budget is the financial record that s seen by the public and used by politicians to justify new governmental services and higher taxes. However, there is a second set of books (called the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, or CAFR) which is virtually unkown to the public but contains the real record of total governmental income. According to Mr. Burien, although the Budget gives an accurate account of government costs, only the CAFR gives an accurate account ot government s income. For example, while a particular state budget might report receiving $20 billion in taxes (just barely enough to sustain its $20 billion in costs) - the CAFR might reveal the state s real income is in the neighborhood of $60 billion - three times as much as reported on the budget. If these allegations are accurate, the particular state could stop charging all the taxes we are familiar with and, not only survive but, either double the amount of reported government services or give every citizen a huge tax rebate. The implications are mind-boggling. They d mean our world is so different from what we are led to believe, so much more corrupt than even I suspect, that we are left with three choices, either; 1) government agrees to end the deception and stop overtaxing us, or 2) the American people agree to accept their status as slaves, or 3) both sides refuse to agree and precipitate a shooting revolution. The issue is that big. But are Mr. Burien s allegation correct? How could any governmental entity dare to routinely overcharge its citizens by 200%, underreport its income by 2/3rds, and knowingly press for higher taxes based on an inaccurate budget? Worse, how could such a fraudulent system become widespread among all states, counties, cities and the Federal Government? When you stop to think about it, Mr. Burien s allegations are too fantastic to be credible. Nevertheless, I talked to Mr. Burien by phone for several hours and found him to be articulate, knowledgable, and apparently sincere. I asked a retired professor of economics to interview Mr. Burien and evaluate his allegations. The professor s assessment? Burien is probably correct. I steered an Alaskan M.D. (who is also a dedicated constitutionalist researcher) to Mr. Burien. The Doctor subsequently found evidence supporting Mr. Burien s claims: The State of Alaska and the city of Anchorage both use Budget/CAFR accounting systems that conceal a breathtaking difference in reported revenue. Another researcher in Wyoming claims that a comparison of his state s budget and CAFR also support Mr. Burien s arguments. In every case, there are two sets of books and the income reported on the budget is millions or billions of dollars less than is reportedon the CAFR. Does this support prove Mr. Burien s extraordinary allegations? No. But they lend enough credence to publish his allegations to a broader audience who will do more research to confirm, refute or refine those allegations. What follows is an amalgam of statements or implications raised by Mr. Burien on our telephone conversation, Tom Valentine s radio interview, Mr. Burien s Email, and an article on Mr. Burien written by "Betsy Ross". FULL REPORT AT: The Great Texas Bank Job =================================================================================== HAPPY BIRTHAY AMERICA - INFO AND LINKS ~~I Just Saw The Patriot-Read This~~ The state of Justice and the Republic United Nations Plans New Form of Government for United States DISCOVER DECRIMINALIZATION DAY, JULY 3rd CONGRESS: KEEPS "DOING NOTHING" Sign The Modern American Declaration of Liberty The Human Stealth Virus and Its Animal Origin THE VACCINE REACTION Rockefeller Drug Censor Empire POPULATION CONTROL AND THE U.N. Fourth of July weekend tidbit to think about... It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell Public Education System vs Christian Home Schooling American Patriot Friends Network - - "...a network of networkers'..." Founded - Feb. 21, 1993 - Kenneth L. Vardon a/k/a - American Patriot Fax Network PMB 107 6630 W. Cactus # B107 Glendale, Arizona [85304] Tel: 623-910-9018 - Fax: 623-334-3928 FIVE WORDS AND TEN COMMANDMENTS TO VICTORY: "The Law" APFN IS NOT A BUSINESS APFN IS SUPPORTED BY "FREE WILL" GIFT/DONATIONS "The hottest fires in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis" --- Edmund Burke ~~~~~~~~~~PLEASE FORWARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Leafleting at "The Patriot!" (fwd) Date: 02 Jul 2000 10:36:54 PST On Jul 02, Jurist wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] RKBA Defenders, Some of the stalwarts out on the Left Coast are seizing the day and handing out Second Amendment leaflets outside theaters showing the movie "The Patriot." This would be an outstanding photo / news opportunity during this 4th of July celebration. How many of you know Revolutionary War re-enactors? Unfortunately, I do not have a Revolutionary War era costume, but would be willing to pass out copies of the US Constitution at area theaters if anyone can provide them. Perhaps GOA? This is an opportunity that local RKBA defense organizations in every state would be foolish to pass up. Imagine an MMM but, but locally everywhere, and handing out the Constitutional message right after the film? We only have a small window within which to act before the 4th. In Liberty, Rick V. Guns Are Tyranny Control The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA -------------- BEGIN ca-firearms.v001.n1269 -------------- 001 - Michael Pelletier In-Reply-To: <> >Greetings, fellow patriots! > >I just got back from standing out in front of the AMC Mercado 20 theater >in Santa Clara. I was dressed in a colonial gentleman's suit, complete >with tricorner hat, handing out Second Amendment Foundation pamphlets >entitled "The Founding Fathers' Booklet of Gun Quotes." > >It was a ROUSING success! Micheal, You deserve a medal. A hearty "well done!", that's for sure. - Joe B., who's working the CRPA booth at the Del Mar Fair all day today. Now where did I put my tricorner hat? $;-) [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: The Evil Jesse Jackson (fwd) Date: 03 Jul 2000 20:09:44 PST On Jul 3, Huck wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] This is enough to make one ill. Not the message, but the subject of the message. Huck ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, July 03, 2000 9:27 AM > Everything is excellent at Rockwell's today. Check it out! > > > Please Support By > Patronizing Our Advertisers > > > > > The Evil Jesse Jackson > > by William L. Anderson > > In the days leading up to the execution of the obviously guilty Gary Graham > in Texas, Jesse Jackson seemed to be everywhere, at least where a television > camera was present. The condemned prisoner, he told the assembled > sympathetic media, was a modern figure of Jesus Christ. Gov. George Bush of > Texas, who could not legally have stopped the > execution even if he had wished to do so, was likened to Pontius Pilate. > > This is not the first time Jackson has used the analogy of characters from > the Bible to make political points. During the presidential election of > 1992, Jackson, who was stumping for Bill Clinton and Al Gore, condemned the > anti-abortion beliefs of Vice President Dan Quayle and compared him to King > Herod. Herod, as St. Matthew wrote in his Gospel, ordered all of the boys > under age two living in and near Bethlehem to be killed in order to keep the > Messiah from occupying Herod's throng. > > Of course, one is bewildered by this comparison. Quayle, after all, > supported the right of unborn children not to be torn apart in their > mothers' wombs or be put to death immediately upon birth (all in the name of > "choice"). Therefore, it seems strange to compare him with someone who did > what Jackson and his supporters believe to be moral: > kill babies. However, no media pundits questioned Jackson's faulty biblical > exegesis, which is not surprising, since few media personalities even read > the Bible. > > Jesse Jackson has made a career of skirting media scrutiny - as well as > investigation from those charged with enforcing the law. Only twice did his > freelance career seem to be even temporarily derailed. The first time was > when he embraced Yassir Arafat in 1979 and compared the plight of modern > Palestinians to the sufferings of Jews during the World War II holocaust. > The second time came in 1984 during Jackson's pathetic campaign to receive > the Democratic Party nomination for president. (The incompetent Walter > Mondale beat him in 1984 and the even more pathetic Michael Dukkakis topped > him in 1988.) > > Before visiting New York City, Jackson on numerous occasions called the > place "Hymietown" in an obvious reference to the Jews who lived there. When > Juan Williams, then of the Washington Post, reported the candidate's open > lack of civility toward Jews, the campaign went into an uproar. (Williams > had even buried Jackson's slurs well into the story, so even then Jackson > was receiving preferential treatment.) At first, Jackson did what most > politicians do when caught with their hands in the cookie jar: he lied. > > Much later, after his supporters had made threats upon Williams's life > (Williams is black and was accused, of course, of "betraying his race"), > Jackson gave a tearful apology to a carefully-picked Jewish audience. Had a > white candidate done the same thing (or done something similar, like > referring to a city dominated by blacks as "niggertown"), his career would > have been over. Jackson is judged by a lower standard, however, and he > survived his moniker as "the moral voice of America." > > The 1984 campaign, however, revealed something else about Jackson. Not only > does he mangle the Holy Scriptures and use racial epithets against minority > groups, he is also quite stingy. According to his 1983 tax returns, Jackson > and his wife earned $115,000. The "moral voice of America" gave a mere $500 > to churches and charities. > > That Jackson was making six figures at a time when about two percent of > Americans made that kind of money makes one wonder how a person who jets > from one television camera to another earns his high pay. An incident in > Chattanooga, Tennessee, in 1988 demonstrated how he does make a living - > and also showed once again his absolutely cynical worldview. > > In 1988, DuPont was make a major expansion at its plant in Chattanooga and > had hired the Daniel Corporation of Greenville, South Carolina, to do its > construction. Daniel, as veterans of the old "Civil Rights Movement" might > recall, had a CEO who spoke out against racism and segregation in the early > 1960s, long before it was popular to do so nearly anywhere in the country. > In fact, Daniel had made a strong - and voluntary - effort to hire blacks > and other minorities outside any mandates from the federal government. > > However, Daniel is also non-union and that enraged the construction unions > in Chattanooga, which still were feeling the pinch after the Tennessee > Valley Authority had stopped major construction projects.The trade unions in > Chattanooga have had a long history of excluding blacks from the skilled > trades. In fact, one could easily argue that the Ku Klux Klan could never > have done the harm to blacks that the unions had done in Chattanooga. > > The Chattanooga unions' racist history did not keep Jackson from being the > featured speaker at a union rally condemning Daniel. Keep in mind that > Daniel had not locked any local workers out of the project. However,Daniel > had specifically said it would not work with the local unions, and that was > enough to make the carpenters and plumbers cheer when Jesse poured it on. > > The Teamsters Union underwrote the entire sordid affair. Jackson had his > money (and a free birthday party thrown for him by the unions) and he was > able to preen on camera before the worshipful local media. > > There was one more thing. The plant manager of the Chattanooga plant at that > time was the only black plant manager in the entire DuPont system. So much > for Jackson championing real accomplishments by blacks. > > Jackson's base organization is called People United to Save Humanity, or > Operation PUSH. The way that PUSH earns much of its income is through > government grants and from extorting money from businesses. I say extortion > because businesses that fail to deliver what Jackson asks from them quickly > find themselves vilified in the press as being racist. It is hard to know > how effective the organization has been at saving humanity, but it is a good > fund raising tool to keep Jackson in a six-figure income. > > About 20 years ago, federal auditors found numerous irregularities in > PUSH's financial statements. To put it mildly, the organization's > bookkeeping was a shambles and millions of dollars had disappeared without > any accounting for them. While no one could directly accuse Jackson of > criminal wrongdoing in the matter, it is clear that had Jerry > Falwell's Liberty University or Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting > Network engaged in such shenanigans, someone would have gone to prison and > the reputations of those men would have been ruined. However, no one at PUSH > was prosecuted and the federal tax monies continue to pour into Jackson's > organization - and Jackson's pocket. > > It is safe to say that someone like Jesse Jackson could not make the kind of > money he makes in a truly free society. Jackson's income is a combination of > speaking fees and payments from PUSH. As we have seen, PUSH is funded and > protected by the federal government. His union speaking fees come from > groups that are protected by government and actively lobby politicians to > limit the freedom of others. Were it not for his clout with the leftist > news media, that protects him at every turn, he would never receive an > invitation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: The Patriot (fwd) Date: 03 Jul 2000 20:06:44 PST I just got through seeing this, and I'll not only see it again, I'll get the video when it comes out. On Jul 3, Bruce Chesley wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] This was posted to a private list. Other than removing the poster and list address information and superfluous blank lines, the message is in tact from the original source. Bruce Chesley Truth is a terrible cross to bear. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.". Thomas Paine Treason for $$$: ccrkba, jpfo, leaa, nra, saf. --------- Begin forwarded message ---------- "The Patriot" : Rolling Thunder Saturday I planned on getting all of my shopping done by 11 PM and go see the Patriot by Mel Gibson. After watching his Braveheart a dozen times I knew this was a must. Well, it did not work that way. I had so much to do I missed the 10 AM, 12 noon, 2 PM, 3 PM, showings at the same theater- not to mention all of the other ones in town. At the same theater I had 3 more chances that evening- 5 PM, 6 PM and 8 PM. After 6 PM you had to pay more so we hurried and barely made it to the 5 PM showing. We shopped all day outside of the theater area at other stores, occasionally passing by to see the crowd. The parking lot was jammed packed and all day some militia group of about 30 people stood out front dressed just like the people in the movie - the soldier uniforms of the Revolutionary war. They must have rotated a hundred people through those uniforms to stand out in that heat all day. I asked "Why are you doing this ?". They said "We heard some ultra-liberal theaters are trying to either boycott it or downplay it's showing or just not advertise it. " We talked a few minutes more about the anti-Patriotism and anti-Bible trend and how now our own government seems to have taken the place of the Red Coats. Then I went in, grabbed my goodies and ran to room 4-A. We sat right in the middle. I anticipated witnessing only a few people there for this and a great movie and great cause going down the drain. I had this attitude by my experience seeing only a handful of serious people in the "Patriot Movement" and other Traditional causes. I have heard great short-wave radio shows - within the Christian and Patriot Movement - just fold up due to lack of support. It has been very depressing to watch my Constitutional Rights get chewed up and spit out within the past 12 years - under Republicans and Democrats. It has been as depressing as being a Vietnam Era veteran and coming back to a country and family that not only do not care but deliberately side up with the tyrannical "Red Coat" mentality of the government - corporation - NWO complex. I took a deep breath sunk down in my chair to hide from any FBI agent taking pictures and gorged my face with a big bag of popcorn . The "points" of the Federal Project Meggiddo were for all cops to watch anybody that still believed in the Bible and the U.S. Constitution and put them under surveillance. I already have a bad name with these modern day "Red Coats" so I did not want them to ruin my movie - even if I was the only guy in there. An ATF agent shaking- me- down near the end of the movie kept running through my mind because I just knew that 'we -the- few' were in for it . I never thought I would see the day when I would have to think like this in the U.S.A. - whether real or just my reactionary paranoia at it's best. The lights went out and I poked my head up to see where that agent was around me almost turning my wife's Coke over on her lap. A stern smack from her on my head - as usual - and I was back down in my "drag-racer" position in the seat. In just that one second in a quick turn I saw an entire audience around me that very quietly came in. The theater was packed ! I could not believe my eyes, I had to jump up and stand and do a fast turn too see it again before my mind said, "Yes it is true!" This time she grabbed her Coke. I stood and counted the empty seats - none. I turned and sat. The advertisements were over and the movie started out slow with that real down home peaceful country scenery and atmosphere. As it went along the pace became more intense I notice that my wife was starting to tremble and uncontrollably shake. The ATF (I mean the Red Coats) burned the Church down with the whole congregation in it - just like at Waco ! I watch people more than the average person. I saw women crying and men on the edges of their theater seats as if ready to jump into the screen with their muskets. The cannons roared - a constant rolling thunder and the theater shook with a vibration that made everyone tremble from a subconscious fear. The realism of this production was the most unusual thing about it. An audience used to space - spectaculars, super science-fiction dressed with the best special effects in all previous movies had to sit and watch something different. For once they sat there awed by the reality of war and the way this nation was born and the way this nation has survived: God, Guns and Guts. The shaking was almost like a spiritual awakening and the roar of the cannons were like a distant storm coming to you from over the horizon. The Colonial battlefield skirmishes were spectacular - it was as if it was almost 3D. The acting, the plot, the truth, the reality kept you mad or crying. You could feel the audiences emotions move and drift just like the smoke on the battlefield. It was a real story/s that had you twisting in your seat like the best of science-fiction novels. It was 3 hrs. and I wanted 3 hrs. more - so I'll have to go see this again and again ! After the show was over I observed the facial expressions and looked into their eyes as they left and I remained seated. Some looked like combat-zone marines with the "thousand yard stare ! Others left quietly and very, very seriously with thoughts they would only share with their best friends. It was as if for some of them a lot of things just seemed to add up and make sense within those 3hrs. -- what had to be done was in their eyes - they were awakened. We remembered that we were the number one nation in Banking, Farming, Industry, Commerce and "FREEDOM" ! Now we have almost lost it all ! We remembered ! What happened ? What happened to 1970 when you could leave your home without even locking your doors ? What happened to driving around in a city all night and you were not arrested for being out too late ? What happened when there was no fear and a person could hitch-hike across this country in 2 days ! What happened to the generations of school children that left Dad's gun at home and did not dare touch it even when they were at home ? What happened to neighbors visiting neighbors and helping neighbors ? What happened to Mom and Dad being married forever ? What happened to Freedom of Speech ? What happened to Privacy of the home ? What happened to create this semi-Police State of "Red Coats" that we live in now ? Who is the next General Cornwallis that thinks his high-tech army will crush everybody to his tyrannical rule ? But for me and others that were raised up in the 50's and 60's my mind went back to the Eagle Scouts Troop 512 at Camp Manatouk, Ohio, 1965. It was a Boy scout Jamboree - thousands of us spent a few weeks in the wilderness in special training. Some of us had older brothers that were in Vietnam-and some came back dead. Every evening we had a muster at sundown when the flag was to be lowered. Just like in the movie - in full dress uniform - we were in the open fields marching to a drummer, the flags were held high, they fired cannons, the earth shook as billows of smoke drifted downwind with rolling thunder. Someone slowly played "Taps". to speak at any business gathering. As it is, he receives huge > fees for speaking before business groups, even as he champions socialism and > the welfare/warfare state. > > In short, Jesse Jackson is the product not of a free society or a free > market, but rather of a society that abandoned real freedom long ago. One > could liken Jackson's ubiquitous presence to the canary in the coal mine. > (As long as the canary lived, miners knew there was no threat from deadly > methane gas. However, if the canary died, it was time to > leave.) As long as Jackson thrives, it is a reminder to the rest of us that > the leviathan state is still at work. The canary has long since been dead. > > > July 3, 2000 > > William L. Anderson, Ph.D., is assistant > professor of economics at > North Greenville College in Tigerville, South > Carolina. He is an adjunct > scholar of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. > > > Back to Home Page [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - I finally came out of my daydream, the lights came on in the theater, the movie was over but somehow I knew something else was just born ! Now... back on the farm, I am watching the sunset. The farmer next door is burning trash and the smoke is drifting across the pasture and fields sometimes blocking the sun. Had a few calls from some veteran buddies. We're all cleaning our muskets. Maybe it's just a passing reaction ? But out through that smoke, every once and awhile, I can swear I hear those drums beating and the distant sound of rolling thunder. Pointman *********************************************** * mi-rkba e-mail discussion list (FREE) * * * * FREE SPEECH AND FIREARMS... * * THE POWER TOOLS OF FREEDOM * * * * listowner: Arlynn Afton * * (231) 823-9714 * * * * To subscribe: * * Message: subscribe mi-rkba * * * * To unsubscribe: * * Message: unsubscribe mi-rkba * * * * To post a message to everyone on the list, * * send to: * * * * Civility rules. * * Free speech, not free libel. * * * * Anyone violating the rules of this list will* * receive a private warning. A second offense* * will result in a permanent un-subscribe from* * the list, which will be posted to the list. * * Listowner is not responsible for the content* * of other's postings to this list. * *********************************************** [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [Fratrum] [Fwd: SC Justice Attacks Establishment] (fwd) Date: 04 Jul 2000 09:14:09 PST On Jul 04, Margi Crook wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Reply-to: SC Justice Attacks Establishment by JON ROLAND Constitution Society "We must realize that today's Establishment is the new George III. Whether it will continue to adhere to his tactics, we do not know. If it does, the redress, honored in tradition, is also revolution. ... "That revolution -- now that the people hold the residual powers of government -- need not be a repetition of 1776. It could be a revolution in the nature of an explosive political regeneration. It depends on how wise the Establishment is. If, with its stockpile of arms, it resolves to suppress the dissenters, America will face, I fear, an awful ordeal." Some might think the above quote is from a contemporary dissident, perhaps active in the modern militia movement, or perhaps from a 1960s student radical, protesting the Establishment and the System, but it is from someone who would be considered by most, including perhaps himself, a leading figure in that Establishment: William O. Douglas, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court since 1939, in his book _Points of Rebellion_, written in 1969. The entire book is a litany of justifications for revolution against an oppressive Establishment, inspired by the Declaration of Independence. Although Douglas is a liberal, with the usual ambivalence toward Government, castigating its excesses while imagining how much good it could do if only the right people were in power, all he needed was the understanding that without strict limits on governmental powers, putting better people in power won't avoid the kinds of abuses he protests. That is an insight Jefferson and the Founders had that most of their posterity has failed to inherit. This is not a deep analysis, but it is knowledgeable and heartfelt, revealing both a concern for justice and a critical philosophical blindness. Its importance lies in who wrote it. Whenever modern dissidents are accused of being paranoid wackos by those in denial, they can quote from this book to show that they don't make up this stuff, but get it from people in a position to know what they are talking about. Read it for yourself at Enjoy a 90 day free trial subscription to the E-mail edition of the Vigo Examiner. You will receive up to three of our top stories, editorials or letters each day. Send your trial subscription request to [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [newsucanuse] VIN -- income tax 'voluntary'? (fwd) Date: 04 Jul 2000 09:15:19 PST On Jul 4, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz IRS fine at asking questions, but not answering them Outfits like the Internal Revenue Service and the United States Dept. of the Treasury routinely insist they're only enforcing the law; they have no choice. Let a victim of their abuses and usurpations haul them into court and demand that they present the very laws and authorizations under which they claim to be operating, however, and suddenly it's a very different story. Suddenly the court is informed that all these demands are "moot " and "frivolous"; that the plaintiff has no "standing" or cause to seek relief; that the answers to all his questions are "self-explanatory." Laws? We don't have to show you no stinking laws. Case in point: the action of Steven M. Beresford, Ph.D., a British subject now residing as a legal alien in the state of Oregon, whose case against the IRS and Dept. of the Treasury is being recorded in real time on the Internet for anyone who wants to watch the way the federal government conducts and explains itself, at Mr. Beresford went to court on Feb. 28 of this year, asserting he is a British citizen who has been a legal resident alien in the U.S. since 1987. He advised the court "Soon after taking residence in the U.S., it came to his (Beresford's) attention that the American income tax system is based upon voluntary compliance. Plaintiff believes that he cannot be legally compelled to obey any law that is voluntary, and that he therefore has no legal obligation to file or pay income taxes." However, "At the beginning of 1996, plaintiff received a letter from defendant requesting payment of overdue income taxes for 1987, 1988, 1989. Plaintiff responded by writing to defendant stating that since the income tax system is based on voluntary compliance, he had voluntarily chosen not to comply. "During the next year or so, plaintiff contacted the IRS offices in Portland and Seattle by telephone and certified mail on numerous occasions asking for an explanation of the term 'voluntary compliance' so that he could determine his legal liability and comply with the law if required to do so. Defendant ignored these requests and issued an involuntary federal tax lien against him ... for the sum of $7,256." Predictably, by 1999, "The sum of $14,609 was subsequently withheld from the sale of plaintiff's home at 701 N. Winchell St., Portland. ... Finally, on 1/3/00 defendant notified plaintiff that his request for a due process hearing had been denied." Where does Dr. Beresford get this "voluntary" nonsense? From the horse's mouth, as it turns out. In his "points and authorities," he cites: "The tax system is based on voluntary compliance" -- Federal Tax Regulations, Section 601.602. "Taxpayers in the United States assess their tax liabilities against themselves and pay them voluntarily. This system of assessment and payment is based on the principle of voluntary compliance" -- Internal Revenue Manual, Section 20:123 (July 15, 1996). "Of course, the Government can collect the tax from a District Court suitor by exercising its power of distraint -- if he does not split his action -- but we cannot believe that compelling resort to this extraordinary measure is either wise or in accord with congressional intent. Our system of taxation is based upon voluntary assessment and payment, not upon distraint" -- U.S. Supreme Court, Flora vs. United States, 362 US 179, 80 S.Ct. 630 (1960). "Let me point this out now. Your income tax is 100 percent voluntary tax, and your liquor tax is 100 percent enforced tax. Now the situation is as different as day and night. Consequently, your same rules just will not apply" -- Testimony of Dwight E. Avis, Head of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, before the House Ways and Means Committee on Restructuring the IRS (83rd Congress, 1953). This, of course, leads to the obvious question: What does the word "voluntary" actually mean? Here, too, Dr. Beresford appears to have done his research, advising the court: "Neither the Federal Tax Regulations nor the Internal Revenue Code define the term 'voluntary compliance'. Hence plaintiff relies on the definitions of 'voluntary' given in Corpus Juris Secundum (C.J.S. 92: 1029, 1030, 1031): "The word 'voluntary', which connotes an agreement, implies willingness, volition, and intent. It suggests a freedom of choice and refers to the doing of something which a person is free to do or not to do, as he so decides. "Although for legal purposes the word 'voluntary' is considered to be so simple and in such general use that it need not be defined, it has been defined variously as meaning acting by choice, acting of one's self, without compulsion, or without being influenced by another; acting with willingness; done by design or intention; purposed; intended; done of his or its own accord; done of or due to one's own accord or free choice; produced by an act of choice; proceeding from the will or from one's own choice or full consent. " 'Voluntary' is further defined as meaning free; willing; not accidental; spontaneous; proceeding from the free and unrestrained will of the person; proceeding from the spontaneous operation of the party's own mind, free from influence of any extraneous disturbing cause; of one's own will without being moved, influenced, or impelled by others; unconstrained by external interference, influence, or force; unimpelled by another's influence; not compelled, prompted, persuaded, or suggested by another; acting without constraint by extraneous force; without compulsion. ..." Dr. Beresford then requests of the IRS and Dept. of the Treasury certain documents, which one would think they would have no trouble producing ... if in fact they are acting according to law and properly delegated powers, as they claim. Yet, instead of answering substantively this most serious question, U.S. attorney Kristine Olson of Portland, Ore. and U.S. Dept. of Justice Tax Division Trial Attorney Jian H. Grant, of Washington, D.C. -- acting almost as though they have something to hide -- instead ask the court "to dismiss the Complaint for lack of subject matter jurisdiction and failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted." (Here's a hint, Kristine; Jian -- you could give the guy his money back.) Then in early June, the government mouthpieces got even more clever, sending a Motion to Stay Discovery (which gets them out of answering any of Dr. Beresford's troubling questions, you understand) to the judge via overnight delivery, while the copy they were required to send to Dr. Beresford lingered in the snail mail. "Just like before," Beresford writes to his Internet audience, "since the motion was unopposed, Judge King granted it, meaning that all discovery is halted until the judge rules on the Motion to Dismiss. This is absolutely scurrilous. ... These IRS attorneys are despicable. They are resorting to one piece of trickery after another to avoid answering the questions I have posed them. These are sleazy people determined to evade the truth," whose "trickery shows how desperate they are. My Request for Admissions has evidently touched a raw nerve." Among the documents Dr. Beresford has demanded? -- Copies of any and all documents that establish the Internal Revenue Service as an agency of the United States Government other than in the District of Columbia, insular possessions of the United States, and maritime jurisdiction of the United States; -- Copies of any and all documents that authorize the Internal Revenue Service "to seize property in the State of Oregon other than under authority of 26 U.S.C. No. 7302 & No. 7327 and 26 CFR No. 403. (Do not include authority authorized by 26 U.S.C. No. 7701(a)(12)(B) and other authority relating exclusively to the District of Columbia and/or insular possessions of the United States)"; ... -- Copies of any and all laws requiring an individual to sign a federal income tax return; ... -- Copies of any and all delegation orders from the Secretary authorizing the federal tax lien that was filed against plaintiff during the years material to this case; -- Copies of any and all delegation orders from the Secretary authorizing the notice of levy that was issued against plaintiff during the years material to this case; -- Copies of any and all court orders authorizing the federal tax lien that was filed against plaintiff during the years material to this case ... What's the matter Kristine; Jian? Missing a few documents? Vin Suprynowicz is assistant editorial page editor of the Review-Journal. His book, "Send in the Waco Killers: Essays on the Freedom Movement, 1993-1998," is available at 1-800-244-2224; or via web site Vin Suprynowicz, "The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it." -- John Hay, 1872 "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken * * * To subscribe, send a message to, from your NEW address, including the word "subscribe" (with no quotation marks) in the "Subject" line. All I ask of electronic subscribers is that they not RE-forward my columns until on or after the embargo date which appears at the top of each, and that (should they then choose to do so) they copy the columns in their entirety, preserving the original attribution. The Vinsends list is maintained by Alan Wendt in Colorado, who may be reached directly at The web sites for the Suprynowicz column are at, and The Vinyard is maintained by Michael Voth in Flagstaff, who may be reached directly at [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [newsucanuse] VIN: Classic July 4 column (fwd) Date: 04 Jul 2000 16:16:18 PST On Jul 4, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz Most Americans should be ashamed to celebrate the Fourth Editor's note: The following essay, which was originally published on July 3, 1997, is excerpted from Vin Suprynowicz's book, "Send in the Waco Killers." # # # What an inconvenient holiday the Fourth of July has become. So long as we stick to grilling hot dogs and hamburgers, hauling the kids to the lake or the mountains, and winding up the day watching the fireworks as the Boston Pops plays the "1812" -- written by a subject of the czar to celebrate the defeat of our vital ally the French -- we can usually manage to convince ourselves we still cling to the same values that made July 4, 1776, a date that continues to ring in history. Great Britain taxed the colonists at far lower rates than Americans tolerate today -- and never dreamed of granting government agents the power to search our private bank records to locate "unreported income," nor to haul away our children to some mandatory, government-run propaganda camp, swamping their immune systems with dozens of mandatory vaccinations and doping up the more spirited young lads on Luvox or Ritalin against our will. Nor did the king's ministers ever attempt to stack our juries by disqualifying any juror who refused to swear in advance to leave his or her conscience outside and enforce the law as the judge explained it to them. The king's ministers insisted the colonists were represented by Members of Parliament who had never set foot on these shores. Today, of course, our interests are "represented" by one of two millionaire lawyers -- both members of the incumbent Republicrat Party -- between whom we were privileged to "choose" last election day, men who for the most part have lived in mansions and sent their kids to private schools in the wealthy suburbs of the imperial capital for decades. Yet the colonists did rebel. It's hard to imagine, today, the faith and courage of a few hundred frozen musketmen, setting off across the darkened Delaware, gambling their lives and farms on the chance they could engage and defeat the greatest land army in the history of the known world, armed with only two palpable assets: one irreplaceable man to lead them, and some flimsy newspaper reprints of a parchment declaring: "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it. ..." Do we believe that, still? Recently, President Clinton's then-Drug Czar, Lee Brown, told me the role of government is to protect people from dangers, such as drugs. I corrected him, saying, "No, the role of government is to protect our liberties." "We'll just have to disagree on that," the president's appointee said. The War for American Independence began over unregistered untaxed guns, when British forces attempted to seize arsenals of rifles, powder, and ball from the hands of ill-organized Patriot militias in Lexington and Concord. American civilians shot and killed scores of those government agents as they marched back to Boston. Are those Minutemen still our heroes? Or do we now consider them "dangerous terrorists" and "depraved government-haters"? In Phoenix last week, an air-conditioner repairman and former military policeman named Chuck Knight was convicted by jurors -- some tearful -- who said they had no choice under the judge's instructions, on a single federal conspiracy count of associating with others who owned automatic rifles on which they had failed to pay the $200 transfer tax. This was after a trial in which defense attorney Ivan Abrams says he was forbidden to bring up the Second Amendment as a defense. In The Federalist No. 29, James Madison sought to assuage the fears of anti-federalists who worried the proposed new government might someday take away our freedoms: "If circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude," he wrote, "that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their rights and those of their fellow citizens." Any such encroachments by government would "provoke plans of resistance," Mr. Madison continued in The Federalist No. 46, and "an appeal to a trial of force," made possible by "the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation." Were Arizona's Viper Militia readying plans of resistance, as recommended by Mr. Madison? Would the Constitution ever have been ratified at all had Mr. Madison and his fellow federalists warned the citizens that such non-violent preparations would get their weapons seized and land them in jail for decades? Happy Fourth of July. Vin Suprynowicz is assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. His book, "Send in the Waco Killers: Essays on the Freedom Movement, 1993-1998," is available at $21.95 plus $3 shipping through web site, or by dialing 1-800-244-2224. *** Vin Suprynowicz, "The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it." -- John Hay, 1872 "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken * * * To subscribe, send a message to, from your NEW address, including the word "subscribe" (with no quotation marks) in the "Subject" line. All I ask of electronic subscribers is that they not RE-forward my columns until on or after the embargo date which appears at the top of each, and that (should they then choose to do so) they copy the columns in their entirety, preserving the original attribution. The Vinsends list is maintained by Alan Wendt in Colorado, who may be reached directly at The web sites for the Suprynowicz column are at, and The Vinyard is maintained by Michael Voth in Flagstaff, who may be reached directly at [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [Traficant] Bill permits U.S. troops to patrol border [Passed House] (fwd) Date: 04 Jul 2000 16:18:11 PST Call your Critters and tell them _NO_ violations of Posse Commitatus! On Jul 4, Bard wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Tuesday, July 4, 2000 Bill permits U.S. troops to patrol border Critics fear trend to use military for civilian law enforcement by Jon E. Dougherty The House of Representatives has passed a measure that would allow U.S. troops to be permanently deployed along the United States border to assist the Border Patrol in the interdiction of drugs and illegal immigrants. The bill authorizes the secretary of defense to "assign members of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps to assist" the Immigration and Naturalization Service "in preventing the entry of terrorists and drug traffickers into the United States." The measure also would permit the military to assist the U.S. Customs Service "in the inspection of cargo, vehicles and aircraft at points of entry" into the U.S. "to prevent the entry of weapons of mass destruction, components" thereof, "prohibited narcotics or drugs, or other terrorist or drug trafficking items." Rep. James Traficant, D-Ohio The bill, HR 628, passed 243-183 with 8 abstentions on May 18. Sponsored by Rep. James Traficant, D-Ohio, the measure was originally introduced in February 1999. If passed by the Senate and signed into law, the Traficant amendment would amend Chapter 18 of Title 10, United States Code. Title 10 governs the use of American military forces and personnel and already permits the use of military personnel to operate equipment in support of domestic law enforcement agencies, as well as the training of civilian law enforcement personnel. U.S. law currently prohibits, with exceptions, the "direct participation" of U.S. military personnel in "search, seizure, arrest or other similar activity unless participation in such activity by such member is otherwise authorized by law." While there remains support for the deployment of U.S. military forces in a domestic border patrol capacity, not all officials who are engaged in border enforcement welcome the addition of American military personnel. The National Border Patrol Council, the country's largest Border Patrol union, is opposed to the Traficant provision because the organization does not believe U.S. troops are adequately trained for such a mission and because of past experiences with troops on the border. While the Traficant provision would require that any military personnel deployed in a border-patrol capacity first receive training, the National Border Patrol Council, in a statement, said, "We all know that the training will last a few hours at most, in sharp contrast to the comprehensive 19-week training program that Border Patrol Agents must complete." Also, the Border Patrol union is worried that another incident like the death of 18-year-old Esequiel Hernandez, Jr., will occur. Hernandez was shot and killed by U.S. Marines near Redford, Texas, on May 20, 1997. Marines claimed the teen shot at them; they were later cleared, but the incident drew sufficient outcry to force the Pentagon to drop deployment of military forces along the border for the time being. Supporters of the provision, however, point out that it specifically prohibits U.S. troops from conducting "a search, seizure or other similar law enforcement activity or to make an arrest," in accordance with Posse Comitatus laws. It also requires the attorney general or secretary of the treasury to notify local officials and state governors when forces are being deployed in support of Border Patrol functions. Controversy over the plan is as old as the bill itself. One year ago, in an interview with WorldNetDaily, Gregory Nojeim, legislative counsel for the Washington, D.C., chapter of the ACLU, said the sum total of the new military roles in civilian law enforcement would eventually destroy "what was left" of the Posse Comitatus Act. "These provisions ... will blow a hole in Posse Comitatus large enough to drive a thousand tanks onto our city streets," he said. Nojeim said he is most concerned about language in the bill that gives much more arbitrary judgement on the potential conditions in which the military could be used in the hands of the secretary of defense, the attorney general and the secretary of the treasury. "They're trying to make it more of a routine thing to have the military involved in enforcing American civil law," he added. "Imagine having troops on your streets and in your back yard for an undetermined amount of time for what could be an ambiguous reason." Tim Lynch, a spokesman for the libertarian think tank, the CATO Institute, said he believes it is a precursor to end the strict limitations on civilian law-enforcement use of military assets and personnel. Last year, he said that while the provision had not yet been passed into law, he feared it was "a certainty" it would be. The fact that the measure passed the House last month bears out his concerns. "Not too many people are talking about it, not many are objecting to it, and it looks like it's just going to sail through," he said. "That concerns us." / Bard I Love My Country! I Hate My Corrupt Government! [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Gore & Ark. DNC violate Voting Laws Date: 06 Jul 2000 09:36:24 PST This one should be sent to _all_ the Politicians in all the Parties, along with the questions: 1. Don't you think that this is an issue that should be addressed in a bi-partisan manner? 2. What are _you_ doing about this? "On Jul 6, House, David Alan wrote:" > I'm not concerned about what happens to Larouche, Gore, or the DP. What >does concern me is a continuing DEMONstration of a 'Might makes Right', >or 'The Ends justify the Means', attitude, wherever it shows its ugly >face. > > This action by the DNC, if recanted or eventually defeated in legal >realms, (which will likely not be resolved prior to the DP convention and >therefore have the effect of injustice), may be the careful and barest of >openings in the facade which we call 'democracy' but which often can fairly >be categorized as 'rigged'. It could well be the beginnings of a method to >bring the voting system back to its just function. > > On the other hand, and the easier and therefore more likely option, it >could mean a final open declaration of war upon the voting system and >thereby a complete and visible divorce of representation of the people >from their government. As such, there can only be the horrific remedy >of violent revolution, as declared for us in our founding documents. >Otherwise if we determine that it is too high a price, we will settle >back in our lazy chairs and dream of how it once was and should be. > > The article is clearly biased towards Larouche, however the question >is valid, and it is this. Are the rules which we've applied to ourselves >only appropriate when they don't get in the way, and have no meaning when >it becomes inconvenient to apply them? If so, then we have already sunk >below the waves and are simply waiting for the remaining air in our >cabin to expire. > > This question is one which our entire society, at levels ranging from >the largest bureaucracy and international organization, be it corporate, >non-governmental, or otherwise, to the youngest cognizant individual, must >consider and conclude in order to 'form a more perfect union'. Any answer >other than 'NO', is a vote for anarchy. > >David House > > > > LAROUCHE SUES TO PROTECT=20 > ARKANSAS DELEGATES > > > > June 20--A lawsuit was filed today in Pulaski County Circuit >Court, on behalf of Democratic Presidential Candidate Lyndon H. >LaRouche, Jr. and 9 Arkansas Democrats who seek to represent LaRouche >at the Los Angeles Democratic National Convention. The suit was filed >after the delegate candidates were notified by Arkansas Democratic >Party Chairman Vaughn McQuary, that pursuant to orders from >Democratic National Committee Chairman Joe Andrew, they would not be >allowed to participate in the state Democratic Convention, despite >the fact that they were duly elected as delegates in the May 23, >Presidential Preference Primary, in which LaRouche received 53,181 >votes, or 21.52%. > > This exclusionary action of Andrew and McQuary not only >effectively disenfranchises the 53,181 Democratic voters in Arkansas >who voted for LaRouche, but it harkens back to the tactics of >Democratic Party segregationists, who sought to define the Party as >a "private club" in order to exclude African-Americans from voting.=20 > > In a statement released earlier today, Debra Hanania-Freeman, >LaRouche's national spokesman, said, "DNC Chairman Joe Andrew, and >a small group of Gore henchman, based at DNC headquarters in >Washington, DC, have, from the very beginning of this campaign, >been determined to silence anything or anyone that posed a potential >challenge to Al Gore's pre-anointed status as the Democratic >presidential nominee, despite a growing recognition that Gore is >simply unelectable. To that end, Mr. Andrew has shown himself to be >a liar and a racist. He has arrogantly ignored appeals from over >1,000 Democratic elected officials from across the nation. Now, in >Arkansas, in a blatantly illegal action, he has robbed over 50,000 >Democratic voters of their most sacred right as Americans. We were >left with absolutely no choice but to sue; this kind of fascist >action cannot go unchallenged. It is necessary to protect the rights >of those who were so callously disenfranchised, and to defend the >most basic right we share as Americans. If this kind of activity is >permitted to continue unchecked, the Democratic Party will lose the >Presidency, be dealt a crushing defeat in the Congress, and, indeed, >the very future of this republic threatened." > > Arkansas state law requires the Democratic Party to hold a >Presidential Preference Primary and to apportion its delegates to the >Democratic National Convention according to the votes cast. Under >that law, and the Democratic Party rules, LaRouche is entitled to 7 >of the state's 37 pledged delegates. Nevertheless, Andrew and McQuary >plan to award all the state's delegates to Vice-President Al Gore.=20 > > The lawsuit asks the Court to order the Democratic Party to seat >LaRouche's duly-elected delegates to the state convention, and to allow >those delegates to represent LaRouche in Los Angeles on August 14-17. > > LaRouche and the delegates are represented by attorney John Wesley >Hall of Little Rock. > = >=20 > >For more information: Call Angela Vullo >phone: 1-800-929-7566 or >fax: 1-703-771-1229 -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: UN/US Rapid Deployment bill (fwd) Date: 06 Jul 2000 20:31:32 PST On Jul 6, Huck wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Proof that our so called representatives do NOT listen to us. Ken ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 4:48 PM > WorldNetDaily > > Thursday, July 6, 2000 > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > THE NEW WORLD DISORDER > U.N. rapid reaction force > House bill pushes for United Nations standing army > by Jon E. Dougherty > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > > A measure that would create a United Nations Rapid Reaction > Force, calling for the U.S. representative to the U.N. to push > for the creation of a 6,000-man force capable of deploying to > trouble spots on a moment's notice, has been introduced into > the House of Representatives. > > Rep. James P. McGovern, D-Mass. > > The bill, HR 4453, titled the "United Nations Rapid Deployment > Police and Security Force Act of 2000," was referred to the > House Committee on International Relations May 15. It was > sponsored by Rep. James P. McGovern, D-Mass., and to date > has garnered 19 cosponsors. > > According to a bill summary, key portions of the measure > require the president to direct the U.S. representative to the > United Nations to use the voice, vote and influence of the > United States to urge the U.N. to: > > * establish a United Nations Rapid Deployment Police and > Security Force under the authority of the Security Council > that is trained to standardized objectives; > > * recruit force personnel; and > > * provide equitable and reliable funding. > > The bill would require lawmakers to establish clear mission > statements as to when, where and how the force would be > used, "including when the Security Council determines that an > imminent threat to the peace requires a preventive deployment > or that ongoing gross violations of human rights or breaches of > the peace require rapid intervention." > > The bill also sets a 6,000-man limit on the number of forces > that would constitute such a unit, made up of "volunteers from > U.N. member nations who will be deployed only by Security > Council resolution." > > Finally, the measure limits deployments to six months and > "requires [the forces'] basing and infrastructure service to be > leased from existing member nations' institutions. > > According to lawmakers, the bill is in response to Presidential > Decision Directive 71, which, according to a bill summary, > "calls for a stronger United States response to maintaining > order in societies recovering from conflict." If passed, the > bill would "improve coordination of United States efforts and > ... enhance the ability of other countries, the United Nations, > and regional organizations to plan, mount, and sustain > operations in support of the rule of law." > > It would not, however, support deployment of a rapid reaction > force to an area where "peace has been restored to a region > but the rule of law has not yet been reestablished." > > Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who reportedly favors > the bill, said Feb. 24 in response to delayed deployment of > U.N.-sponsored police forces to Kosovo, that "present > international capabilities are not adequate" to deal with such > demands. > > "In response, we must recognize that old models of peace > keeping don't always meet current challenges," Albright said. > "Peace operations today often require skills that are neither > strictly military nor strictly police, but rather, a combination of > the two. > > "The international community needs to identify and train units > that are able to control crowds, deter vigilante actions, > prevent looting and disarm civilian agitators while, at the > same time, winning the trust of the communities in which > they are deployed," concluded Albright. > > U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan also supports the rapid > reaction force. > > In his April 2000 report, "We the Peoples: The Role of the > United Nations in the 21st Century," Annan said the process > the U.N. implements in launching peacekeeping missions > "has sometimes been compared to a volunteer fire department, > " a description he said was often "too generous." > > "Every time there is a fire, we must first find fire engines and > the funds to run them before we can start dousing any flames," > Annan said. "The present system relies almost entirely on > last-minute, ad hoc arrangements that guarantee delay, with > respect to the provision of civilian personnel even more so > than military." > > The House summary also noted that in "July 1999, 4,700 civilian > police officers were requested to be deployed to the Serbian > province of Kosovo, but as of April 17, 2000, the United > Nations has deployed only 2,901 of the requested police > officers, resulting in the breakdown of law and order and the > escalation of unrest in Kosovo." > > And legislators supportive of a U.N. rapid reaction force say > that in the case of Sierra Leone earlier this year, in > Srebrenica, Bosnia, on July 11, 1995, and in a few other > recent cases, U.N.-backed troops and civilian law personnel > have been chased out of their assigned duty areas, sometimes > leaving behind equipment and supplies, stolen and used by > warring factions. > > Lawmakers also complain that U.N.-sponsored peacekeeping > missions are staffed, almost by design, by "undertrained" > personnel, and that such missions are routinely "understaffed." > > > Though the measure states that Congress and the U.S. > government would retain the right to back out of any U.N. > Security Council decision to undertake peacekeeping missions > "not in the interests of the United States," critics worry nonetheless > that U.S. interests could too easily be undermined by a > supranational world body with no accountability to the American > people. > > The measure will likely face stiff opposition in the Senate, > where it would ultimately end up at the Senate Foreign > Relations Committee, chaired by vehement U.N. critic Sen. > Jesse Helms, R-N.C. > > In a speech to the U.N. Security Council in Washington, D.C., > on March 30, Helms offered to work with the U.N. to improve > the U.S.-U.N. relationship, but said, "others want the U.N. to > travel down a very different path" anathema to U.S. national > interests. > > "They envision a United Nations which has the sole authority > to legitimize the use of force, and to insist on the authority to > sit in judgment of the foreign policy decisions of the United > States," said Helms. "They are pressing for an International > Criminal Court that purports to hold American citizens under > its jurisdiction, even if the United States has neither signed > nor ratified the treaty. They see the U.N. as the central > authority of the new international order of global laws and > global governance." > > Helms added, "Improved U.S. relations with a U.N. that travels > down this path will be difficult, if not impossible." [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: A Dr. Seuss parody (fwd) Date: 06 Jul 2000 22:57:39 PST On Jul 4, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Subj: If Dr. Seuss Talked to your Rabbi Reply-to: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization ALERT: If Dr. Seuss Talked to your Rabbi If you're crabby cause your rabbi says you can't go out and shoot Cause about the 2nd amendment he doesn't give a hoot, Then get savvy bout your history and you'll soon become astute On the lessons that it teaches about freedom, faith and truth If he says that they are evil and you shouldn't own a gun And he thinks they are for killing -- never safety, food or fun, Then ask him why in Israel every school guard there is armed To protect the little children there from terror murder -- harm If he says that they're too easy for children to obtain Ask why 40 years ago most schools contained a range And rifle teammate members gladly brought them on the bus And never once an incident for anyone to fuss If your rabbi he is crabby 'cause your family you'll defend, And he does not understand why your firearm is your friend, "Cause he thinks the cops must save you if 911 you dial, Just ask him if a court has ever said such at a trial The state's not liable says the court To grant for you relief by tort If the bad guys rape and rob and pillage, And the cops they fail to save our village So ask your rabbi -- teacher -- friend, who it is that will defend "gainst murder, robbery, plunder, rape, when laws say guns must be in safes And what if -- God in Heaven forbid -- of another Hitler we must be rid How many this time to the showers'll go -- for want of a pistol, we'd like to know? by Charles Heller "Everyone may reproduce it to their heart's content." JPFO has published a book "Dial 911 and Die" by Richard Stevens -- see [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: FTalk: FEAR: FEAR's letter in support of Cal. SB 2106 (fwd) Date: 07 Jul 2000 10:14:47 PST On Jun 22, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Reply-To: Brenda Grantland FEAR also offers a low-volume announcements list and digest mode for all lists, email to update your subscription. FYI - Here's the letter we submitted in support of California SB 2106: Forfeiture Endangers American Rights Brenda Grantland, Esq. President, Board of Directors 20 Sunnyside Suite A-204 Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 380-9108 June 16, 2000 Assembly Public Safety Committee State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 Re: Statement in support of SB 2106 Dear Sirs: Forfeiture Endangers American Rights is a national non-profit organization dedicated to reform of state and federal asset forfeiture laws to restore due process and protect property rights in the forfeiture process. We have worked closely with now Senator John Burton in relation to the 1994 reform of California forfeiture law, and with U.S. Representative Henry Hyde in his six-year effort to reform federal asset forfeiture laws, culminating in the recent passage of the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000, which takes effect on August 23 of this year. We endorse Senator Lewis' forfeiture reform bill SB 2106 in its entirety, but we particularly endorse the provisions that allow return of the property to the property owner pending trial on a showing of substantial hardship, and the waiver of sovereign immunity for damages to the property while detained. These two provisions are among the more important reforms made in the new federal law, and the California legislature needs to adopt these reforms to make the state law keep pace with federal reforms. Allowing the property owner to retain possession of the property pending trial makes sense for many reasons. When private property is detained pending trial, the property owner can be financially destroyed, prior to any showing of guilt. When the property seized is the family car, the property owner may lose the ability to get to work, resulting in loss of employment, and a downward spiral into poverty or even homelessness. This impacts innocent children and elderly dependants, who lose their transportation to school or health care. This Through the Looking Glass concept of "punishment first, trial later" not only offends our notions of Due Process, but often results in irreparable damages even when the property owner eventually wins. It also makes the cost of Due Process prohibitively expensive when the seized asset is a depreciating car (and cars depreciate mechanically when subjected to long periods of storage) the car may be worth nothing by the time the property owner takes the case through the trial process and wins. Those people least likely to afford to fight the forfeiture those who can only afford a car worth less than $5000 -- are often forced to give up instead of contesting the forfeiture, because the cost of fighting for a year or two to win back an asset that will be worth half as much, combined with the cost of having to replace the car in the meantime, make litigation unaffordable. Returning assets to the property owner pending trial also results in substantial savings to the state, especially when the seized asset is an automobile, boat, or airplane. Storage costs, even in remote areas where impound lots are located, start at $10 per day per vehicle. Multiply $3650 per year times the number of years it takes to get to trial, and then by the number of detained vehicles impounded by the state each year, and the costs are staggering. This money is wasted no one benefits from these costs except the impound lots. Even when the state wins its forfeiture case after trial, the state's victory is a phyrric one if, as often is the case, the cost of storing the vehicle pending trial exceeds the value of the vehicle. There is no reason the state should favor preserving the status quo. The only thing to be gained from detaining the property pending trial is the extortionary effect forcing the property owner to settle early, despite having a meritorious case, because it is not economically feasible to wait for his day in court. This is simply not a legitimate reason to preserve the current system. The risk that the property could be concealed or transferred if it is returned to the claimant pending trial can be minimized with the filing of a lis pendens. The second important reform in SB 2106 is the ability to sue for damages to the property while detained. In my 16-year career as a forfeiture defense attorney, I have often won the case only to find that the property had deteriorated, or suffered vandalism while detained. Often the cars I won back were never driveable again because of the years of nonuse. Vandalism in the impound lots is commonplace. This reform will also have a positive effect on law enforcement. Potential liability for damages will encourage government agents and contractors to prevent vandalism, and take measures to keep property from deteriorating due to nonuse. This benefits the state because in those cases where the state wins, the value of the property is preserved. The economic impact of this reform will be greatly reduced by the prior reform, since vehicles can be returned to the owner rather than sitting and deteriorating, in which case the state would not be liable for any damages to the property. This bill's amendments to the computer forfeiture statute are also good reforms, although they are not as important in our estimation as the other two reforms. We urge every Assemblyman to support this important bill. Sincerely, Brenda Grantland [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Citizen Soldier Protection Act (fwd) Date: 07 Jul 2000 21:16:09 PST On Jun 22, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Reply-To: Organization: Michael New Action Fund Dear Friends, HR 4669, swftl@aol.comCitizen Soldier Protection Act of 2000, is building momentum. This bill was introduced Thursday June 15th by Rep. Helen Chenoweth - Hage (R) Idaho, with Rep. Tom Delay (R) TX as primary co-sponsor. Also signing on as original co-sponsors are Rep. Roscoe G.Bartlett (R) MD, Rep. Ralph M. Hall (D) TX, Rep. Ron Paul (R) TX, Rep. Joseph R. Pitts (R) PA., and Rep. James A., Traficant Jr (D) Ohio. The bill, which is a clarification of existing law, does not preclude U.S. involvement in United Nations "peacekeeping operations," where American troops may still serve as volunteers. But it makes it clear that U.S. military personnel may not be forced to serve against their conscience. It is regarded as a fundamental definition of freedom, that citizens of a country may not be forcibly drafted into a military obligation that goes beyond their oath of exclusive allegiance to their own country. A Congressman (who will go unnamed) told me today that if he sees 30-40 letters from his district on this subject, it will tell him the issue is 'hot' and he will then co-sponsor. Will you see to it that your Congressman gets 30 letters? Call ten people and ask each one to write a letter, then to get two more to do the same, and you may very well change the course of history! At any rate, you'll slow down the New World Order, and that's a good day's work! A copy of the bill is available at http// Follow the progress at http// Locate your congressman at http// If you are a member or Veteran from any branch of the US Military and you would like to express your support for Michael New publicly sign up at http// Civilians who would like to show their support may do so at http// Daniel New, Project Manager Joe Sager, Webmaster [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Patriot redux: 'Did the Redcoats Burn American Prisoners? ' (fwd) Date: 09 Jul 2000 09:04:00 PST On Jul 09, Jurist wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Jurist wrote: >Before I concede that (Brits never burning civilians in a church), I can >say with conviction that the American government did, moreover the writer >below indicates that the film might not be so far off the mark after all. [in burning, like the title suggests, American prisoners.] wrote: > Actually, he does no such thing. Did you not read it beforehand or is >your sense of proportion in need of a tuneup? > Regards, > TSB Hmmmm, I dunno TS. Maybe it was the title of the article: 'Did the Redcoats Burn American Prisoners?' Maybe it was the author's introduction to his article in which he describes how British troops "burned American prisoners:" >"I was doing some research in the Pennsylvania Gazette during the period and found a peculiar and disturbing incident in an episode of the war called "The Battle of Crooked Billet." >"American soldiers who had been surprised by British troops marching out of Philadelphia in 1778, claimed that wounded Americans were not given quarter and then were burned alive. >"Here is a sample deposition from the period: . . . Perhaps it was the the text of the deposition itself: >"Deposition of Saml. Erwin >"15 May 1778 >"Bucks Co'y, ss. >"The Examination of Saml. Erwin, upon Oath before me, Andrew Long, Esqr. one of the Justices of said Co'y, That the said Deponant sayeth, that on the first day of May, 1778, after the battle between the Militia, under command of Genl Lacey, and the Engliish, he the Deponant saw a smoak in one of his Fields, and after the enemy had retreated went out to see what was the ocassion thereof; was much surprised to find one of the Militia men lying dead, his Clothes burning & near consumed, which had burnt the Body black; he thinks the man was set on fire before he was dead, from this circumstance that his arms were standing nearly erect; he further sayeth, he saw three other Bodies in Thos. Cravens Field burnt in an inhuman manner, & further said not." Re: Patriot redux: 'Did the Redcoats Burn American Prisoners? ' Perhaps it was supported by additional comments at the researchers page, regarding other bad Redcoat conduct, not ness. connected to burning. I can't defend the factual assertions one way or the other, as I am not a Revolutionary war era expert, but my guess is that the researcher has done his homework. Riley's Farm - Revolutionary War History In Liberty, Rick V. -- Guns Are Tyranny Control - The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [newsucanuse] VIN -- gun control lies, long version (fwd) Date: 09 Jul 2000 10:00:44 PST On Jul 9, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz The two most threadbare 'gun control' lies I don't know if they're the two biggest lies told by the victim disarmament gang, but they're easily the most threadbare, climbing out of their graves over and over to spread their stench like rotting vampires that have been killed but never properly staked. First, Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore and others of his ilk keep insisting the reason we need "mandatory child safety trigger locks" is to substantially stop the "12 children killed by firearms every day in America." Let's give a tip of the hat to historian Clayton E. Cramer (writing in the July 1 edition of Shotgun News) for going directly to the web site of the Centers for Disease Control ( -- search under ICD 922.0) and looking up the actual number of American children under the age of 15 who are killed in handgun accidents each year. For 1997, that number was 21 -- down from a high of 55 in 1990. No, that's not a typo. Twenty-one children dead in handgun accidents in the whole of America in the entire year 1997. Now, those are sad incidents. But compare them to the number of Jewish and Gypsy children who died in Europe -- not as collateral casualties of war but at the hands of "legitimate" governments -- in each of the years 1939 through 1945, because their parents allowed themselves to be disarmed under "gun control" laws which never disarm government police or other criminals. Government-mandated airbags seriously injure more children than die in handgun accidents. Lightning and amusement park accidents and drowning in mop buckets beat out handguns in causing accidental deaths of children under 15. So why the national hysteria -- and more importantly, where do Mr. Gore and the "gun control" gang come up with that "12-a-day" statistic? They get to "12 a day" by adding in all deaths of "children" up through the age of 19 which are firearm related, including suicides, 18- and 19-year old drug gangsters shooting each other in disputes over drug distribution turf, and even 19-year-old "children" righteously shot dead by cops or law-abiding citizens while in the act of committing rapes, murders, and armed robberies. The question I'd like to hear someone stand up and ask candidate Gore (assuming we still had a system in which real citizens could ask unscreened questions of our candidates, of course) is: "Mr. Vice President, I was the victim of a sexual assault, but I managed to get to my nightstand and get my dad's old Smith and shoot my assailant after he'd blackened both my eyes and broken my jaw. You say mandatory trigger locks would stop 12 child gunshot deaths every day -- I assume you're leading up to a law that would require those locks to be in place all the time. "But the CDC says that in order to get to that number, you're including in the so-called 'children' in your statistic 18- and 19-year-olds righteously shot while committing rapes and other serious crimes. Is the death of my 19-year-old assailant one of the 'child gunshot deaths' you want to prevent? Is it your plan to require my gun to be locked up in such a way that I won't be able to use it to defend myself the next time a 19-year-old thug decides to break into my house and try to rape me? Are you saying it's 'safer' for me to be beaten and raped than for me to have an unlocked gun to defend myself?" # # # The second most threadbare and putrescent "gun control" lie is that those of us who want to maintain the great American tradition of a populace armed and thus free, consistently misquote and misunderstand the Second Amendment. (For the record, by the way, the Bill of Rights only acknowledges pre-existing human rights -- these rights would not disappear even if the populace were foolish enough to attempt a repeal.) Anyway: As this argument goes, we gun nuts insist on quoting only the second clause of the amendment: "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed," while purposely dropping and ignoring the introductory clause, "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, ..." What this introductory clause proves is that the Founding Fathers didn't want each and every law-abiding American to continue owning firearms of military usefulness, the victim disarmament gang patronizingly explains. Instead, it proves that Americans were meant to retain a right to carry firearms only when they're actively on duty in the regular army or the National Guard. Don't laugh -- this bizarre reading was actually offered up with a straight face by U.S. Attorney William B. Mateja in oral arguments before the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last month in the case of U.S. vs. physician Timothy Joe Emerson, a Texan charged with illegally possessing a firearm because his wife had filed a routine restraining order against him during his divorce proceedings. (A federal grand jury indicted Dr. Emerson, who was "greatly surprised" to learn he may have violated any law, but the case never got to trial. In April, U.S. District Court Judge Sam Cummings in Lubbock properly found that the law denying guns to those under a restraining order was an unconstitutional infringement of the "individual right to bear arms." The federal law, Judge Cummings wrote, "is unconstitutional because it allows a state court divorce proceeding, without particularized findings of the threat of future violence, to automatically deprive a citizen of his Second Amendment rights.") On the bright side, the three judges hearing the appeal in New Orleans could barely conceal their incredulousness when the U.S. attorney told them yes, even the shotguns at home in the judges' closets could be outlawed with a flick of the wrist, since they weren't using them in the course of their National Guard duties -- see, or Now, Congress enacted the law which gave birth to the American "National Guard" as we know it in the year 1917, partially in horror at the demonstrated effectiveness of citizen militias in giving hives to the central authorities in Mexico in the recent revolution there, and during that same decade of hideous "progressivism" which brought us the personal income tax, the Federal Reserve Board, alcohol Prohibition, and the beginnings of our delightful and long-running Drug War via the Harrison Narcotics Act. That the Founding Fathers gathered together in 1789, peered into their crystal ball, and wrote a Second Amendment which meant the word "militia" to be read in light of a statist ordinance which wouldn't even be written until the First World War would require a bit of a leap of faith, even if we didn't have Richard Henry Lee of Virginia, who drafted the Second Amendment along with the rest of the Bill of Rights, on the record advising us (in 1788): "A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves. ... All regulations tending to render this militia useless and defenseless, by establishing select corps of militia or distinct bodies of military men not having permanent interests and attachments in the community (are) to be avoided. ... To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them." I, and others deluded into believing we were engaged in a rational discussion, where facts and evidence might count for something, have offered up reams of documented statements from the Founding Fathers that "no free man is to be debarred the use of arms" (Thomas Jefferson's proposed draft for the Virginia constitution) and that "The main thing is that every man be armed -- everyone who is able must have a gun" (Patrick Henry, 1788), etc. But the other side just keeps croaking out their memorized little chant about "ignoring the first clause." # # # So imagine the interest with which I received last week from Yale University Press a copy of the weighty and definitive new 400-page tome of history and analysis, "The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction," by that leading constitutional scholar, current Southmayd Professor of Law at Yale University, Akhil Reed Amar. For those who have been in a cave for some little time, let me point out that the law school at Yale is not what we would call a nest of right-wing militia activism. In fact, I don't think it would be unfair to characterize professor Amar's politics as leaning somewhat to the left. Yet how does professor Amar deal with the "You forgot the first clause, nyah nyah nyah" argument? Beginning on page 51, he explains: "Several modern scholars have read the (second) amendment as protecting only arms bearing in organized 'state militias,' like SWAT teams and National Guard units. ... "This reading doesn't quite work. The states'-rights reading puts great weight on the word militia, but the word appears only in the amendment's subordinate clause. The ultimate right to keep and bear arms belongs to "the people," not the states. As the language of the Tenth Amendment shows, these two are of course not identical: when the Constitution means 'states,' it says so. "Thus, as noted above, 'the people' at the core of the Second Amendment are the same people at the heart of the Preamble and the First Amendment. Elbridge Gerry put the point nicely in the First Congress, in language that closely tracked the populist concern about governmental self-dealing at the root of earlier amendments: 'This declaration of rights, I take it, is intended to secure the people against the mal-administration of the Government.' "What's more, the 'militia,' as used in the amendment and in clause 16, had a very different meaning two hundred years ago than in ordinary conversation today. Nowadays, it is quite common to speak loosely of the National Guard as the 'state militia,' but two hundred years ago, any band of paid, semiprofessional, part-time volunteers, like today's Guard, would have been called "a select corps" or "select militia" -- and viewed in many quarters as little better than a standing army. "In 1789, when used without any qualifying adjective, 'the militia' referred to all citizens capable of bearing arms. The seeming tension between the dependent and the main clauses of the Second Amendment thus evaporates on closer inspection -- the "militia" is identical to "the people" in the core sense described above. Indeed, the version of the amendment that initially passed the House, only to be stylistically shortened in the Senate, explicitly defined the militia as 'composed of the body of the People.' This is clearly the sense in which 'the militia' is used in clause 16 and throughout The Federalist, in keeping with standard usage confirmed by contemporaneous dictionaries, legal and otherwise. As Tench Coxe wrote in a 1788 Pennsylvania essay, 'Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves?' " Thus endeth today's reading from professor Amar. A word of advice to those who would deprive law-abiding Americans of their historical and unalienable right (not a "privilege" subject to license or permit or registration or taxation -- or do you propose to start having Americans apply for "Freedom of Religion permits" and "Freedom of Speech licenses"?) to keep at home and carry in their cars weapons of military usefulness, including belt-fed machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades and shoulder-launched, heat-seeking missiles: Get yourself some new lies; the old ones are wearing thin. Vin Suprynowicz is assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. His book, "Send in the Waco Killers: Essays on the Freedom Movement, 1993-1998," is available at $24.95 postpaid by dialing 1-800-244-2224; or via web site *** Vin Suprynowicz, "The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it." -- John Hay, 1872 "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken * * * To subscribe, send a message to, from your NEW address, including the word "subscribe" (with no quotation marks) in the "Subject" line. All I ask of electronic subscribers is that they not RE-forward my columns until on or after the embargo date which appears at the top of each, and that (should they then choose to do so) they copy the columns in their entirety, preserving the original attribution. The Vinsends list is maintained by Alan Wendt in Colorado, who may be reached directly at The web sites for the Suprynowicz column are at, and The Vinyard is maintained by Michael Voth in Flagstaff, who may be reached directly at [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: John Leo: the feminist war on boys (in government schools, mainly) (fwd) Date: 10 Jul 2000 06:35:08 PST On Jul 8, The McGehee Zone wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] WHERE BOYS SHALL NOT BE BOYS American schools geared toward finding fault By JOHN LEO In my eldest daughter's pre-kindergarten class, run by parents in Greenwich Village, the children were from all sorts of ethnic and class backgrounds, but they always sorted themselves out by sex. The girls sat quietly at tables, drawing and talking. The boys all ran around screaming like maniacs, bouncing off the walls, raising so much ear-splitting commotion that my first reaction each day was a fleeting urge to strangle them all. I do not believe that these male tots were acting out their assigned masculine gender roles in the patriarchical order. I think the obvious is true: Boys are different from girls. They like rough-and-tumble play. When they alight somewhere, they build something, then knock it down. They are not much interested in sitting quietly, talking about their feelings or working on relationships. They like action, preferably something involving noise, conflict and triumph. Teachers know that girls are better suited to schooling. So if you want to teach boys, allowances must be made. One of the tragedies of the last 20 years or so is that school systems are increasingly unwilling to make those allowances. Instead, in the wake of the feminist movement, they have absorbed anti-male attitudes almost without controversy. They are now more likely to see ordinary boy behavior as something dangerous that must be reined in. Or they may tighten the screws on boys by drafting extraordinarily broad zero-tolerance and sexual-harassment policies. Worse, they may simply decide that the most active boys are suffering from attention deficit disorder and dope them up with Ritalin. Two straws in the wind: Four kindergarten boys in New Jersey were suspended from school for playing cops and robbers at recess with "guns" (their hands, with one finger pointed out). Teasing, ridicule and making unflattering remarks are now listed as sexual harassment violations for 4-year-olds and up in public schools in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood. "It's a bad time to be a boy in America," Christina Sommers says in her important new book, "The War Against Boys." "We are turning against boys," she writes. "Boys need discipline, respect and moral guidance. They do not need to be pathologized." Sommer's book is packed with examples of the anti-male attitudes that pervade the public schools. At University High School in Pacific Heights, Calif., boys must sit quietly though a "Women's Assembly," in which women are celebrated and man are blamed. Boys in one San Francisco class are regularly put through feminists paces -- made to enjoy quilting, forced to listen as girls vent their anger at males. When Barbara Wilder-Smith, a teacher and researcher in the Boston area, made "Boys Are Good" T-shirts for her class, all 10 female teachers under her supervision strongly objected to the message. One of the 10 was wearing a button saying "So many men, so little intelligence." Some schools use the Bem Androgyny Scale -- named for feminist psychologist Sandra Bem -- to measure success in getting rid of those pesky masculine traits in boys. In his book "The Decline of Males," anthropologist Lionel Tiger says women have taken charge of the public dialogue on gender and decisively bent it to their advantage. That is certainly true of dialogue about the schools. We spent most of the 1990s fretting about bogus research claiming that the schools were shortchanging and damaging girls, when the truth is that boys are the ones in trouble. Boys are much more likely than girls to have problems with schoolwork, repeat a grade, get suspended and develop learning difficulties. In some schools, boys account for up to three-fourths of "special education" classes. They are five times more likely than girls to commit suicide and four to nine times more likely to be drugged with Ritalin. Student polls show that both girls and boys say their teachers like the girls more and punish the boys more often. Girls get better grades than boys, take more rigorous courses, and now attend college in much greater numbers. While the traditional advantage of boys over girls in math and science has narrowed (girls take as least as many upper-level math courses as boys, and more biology and chemistry), the advantage of girls over boys in reading and writing is large and stable. In writing achievement, 11th-grade boys score at the level of eighth-grade girls. The Department of Education reported this year: "There is evidence that the female advantage in school performance is real and persistent." The school failure of so many boys, magnified and fanned by anti-male hostility, is a severe social problem. Females now account for 56 percent of American college students, and the male-female gap is still widening. It is 60-40 in Canada and 63-37 among American blacks. These numbers, always overlooked in media laments about "underrepresentation," have several ominous implications. One is for much more fatherlessness. College women who can't find college-educated mates won't marry down; they will likely just have their babies alone. It's time to discuss some remedies, incuding vouchers, single-sex schools and programs targeted at specific problems of boys. Save the males. _________________________________________ John Leo's column about contemporary society is distributed by Universal Press Syndicate. Collected from the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Online, (click OPINION, find Saturday, July 8, 2000) [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: A rogue nation that imperils American life (fwd) Date: 10 Jul 2000 06:34:08 PST On Jul 7, The McGehee Zone wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 11:05 PM Sent: July 7, 2000 5:31:21 PM GMT Invade Vanuatu! by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. They say there are no foreign threats to the US. Nonsense, cries the Washington Post. Echoing the Clinton administration and the OECD, the editorial page has found a rogue nation that imperils American life as we know it. As the headline ominously puts it: "The Threat from Vanuatu." Who cares about Vanuatu, you may ask, thereby indicating your ignorance of the fact that this is still a dangerous world. Vanuatu, known before independence in 1980 as New Hebrides, consists of 83 small islands in the southwest corner of the Pacific Ocean, northeast of Australia and slightly west of Fiji. Its total population is 200,000, mostly Christian as a result of 19th-century missionary activity, with the natives employed mainly in subsistence farming. So what's the threat? Are they building The Bomb? Harboring terrorists? Promoting hate? Trading with Iraq? Growing pot? No, the threat comes from Vanuatu's laws on taxes (you don't have to pay any) and banking (the right of contract between customer and banker is protected). Thus, Vanuatu has attracted some very large banks and provides a service that banks in the developed world are forbidden to offer: customer confidentiality and security in private property. So where's the harm? The spin is that governments of some poor countries are losing revenue, up to $50 billion per year. But that's not the real driving force behind the attack. It's the US government that is most worried. Can you imagine a bunch of politicians with $2 trillion per year at their disposal complaining they don't have enough? Washington is awash in the loot we call taxes, with federal revenue soaring to unexpected heights. The reason is the economic boom. More income means more income taxes. Higher stock prices means more taxes from capital gains. More spending means more excise tax payments. But somehow it's never enough. Bureaucrats in DC can't sleep at night for imagining the trickles of cash that are escaping their clutches and being banked in independent Vanuatu. Incredibly, the cartel of governments called the OECD is threatening trade sanctions against this poor country unless it changes its tax and banking laws. And not only Vanuatu: a total of 35 countries around the world are on the OECD hit list: Andorra; Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Aruba; Bahrain; Barbados; Belize; British Virgin Islands; Cook Islands; Dominica; Gibraltar; Grenada; Guernsey/Sark/Alderney; Isle of Man; Jersey; Liberia; Liechtenstein; Maldives; Marshall Islands; Monaco; Montserrat; Nauru; Netherlands Antilles; Niue; Panama; Samoa; Seychelles; St Lucia; The Federation of St. Christopher & Nevis; St. Vincent and the Grenadines; Tonga; Turks & Caicos; US Virgin Islands; and, finally, Vanuatu. Bomb the Grenadines! Overrun Tonga! Liberate Liberia! Invade Grenada again, not to toss out the communists but to overthrow the capitalists! But isn't there such a thing as national sovereignty anymore? The answer is no, says the Washington Post: "Sovereignty cannot be an absolute defense of harmful behavior that spills across borders." But in this case, the "harmful behavior" is a leak in Western governments' otherwise ironclad system of looting. Obviously, the people who use the services offered by these countries benefit from them. Even those who do not use their services benefit from the competition these countries provide to the high-tax regimes of the developed world. Because tax havens exist, governments in the OECD face at least some potential penalty for raising tax rates to too high a level. If rich governments don't like the competition from these countries, there is an easy way out: lower tax rates to make evasion less profitable. The competition also helps poor nations understand that low taxes are the best means to attracting investment. Instead, the OECD wants to go the other way, and create a world cartel of tax prisons, where money can go nowhere but through state-approved channels so the power elite can take its high percentage. Meanwhile, these same governments presume to prosecute private businesses for attempting to collude in their operations. Isn't it obvious that the biggest and most dangerous cartel of all is the one that rich governments are attempting to create among themselves at the expense of their citizens? This OECD is very dangerous to poor nations as well. They have little capital on which to build prosperity. They have low rates of labor productivity to generate income and attract business. Instead, the only way they can get ahead economically is by exploiting their comparative advantages relative to developed nations. And what are those advantages? Lower regulations, cheaper labor costs, lower taxes, and better banking laws. In each case, rich nations are attempting to steal those advantages. We've seen the World Trade Organization attempting to rachet-up environmental regulations on poor countries. It was on this basis that ministers from the developing world walked away from the WTO meetings at Seattle. The International Labor Organization is trying to enact pro-labor union sanctions against low-wage countries. The World Bank is trying to pry open their banking system under the excuse of demanding "transparency." And now the OECD is trying to take away their tax and banking advantages. In neither the OECD report nor the Washington Post editorial can you find a word about the harm such "upward harmonization" of laws would cause poor countries like Vanuatu. Without its banking center, the country would immediately collapse into total poverty, all so greedy Western governments could get more tax revenue. The rich countries will respond by providing "development" aid, a bribe to local politicians to obey rich governments in all matters. These little havens of tax liberation benefit everyone who matters: the citizens who use the banking services, the citizens who don't because their governments face some degree of competition, the banks that provide the services, and the poor countries who profit from more capitalism as a means toward economic development. Who loses? Bloated governments in the OECD. In the war on Vanuatu, is there any doubt about what side is right? July 7, 2000 Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., is president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama. He also edits a daily news site, [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: URGENT JUDICIAL NOMINATIONS ALERT! (fwd) Date: 11 Jul 2000 13:58:43 PST It isn't mentioned here, but we all know about the Anti-Gun Agenda and other abuses the Interstate Commerce Clause has been put to, do we not? On Jul 11, Charles F. Nawrocki wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ////SENT FYI ///// >From: "Cathie Adams" >Subject: FW: URGENT JUDICIAL NOMINATIONS ALERT! >Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 00:06:09 -0500 > >-----Original Message----- >From: Eagle Forum [] >Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 4:02 PM >To: >Subject: URGENT JUDICIAL NOMINATIONS ALERT! > > > URGENT JUDICIAL NOMINATIONS ALERT! > 7-10-00 > >BONNIE J. CAMPBELL, one of Bill Clinton's most egregious >nominees to date is likely to come to a vote before the Senate >Judiciary Committee later this week. Campbell's nomination to the >Eighth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (which hears appeals from >Arkansas) should be opposed for numerous reasons, including the >following: > >* LACK OF JUDICIAL EXPERIENCE: Campbell's career has > been in executive positions (e.g., director of the Violence > Against Women Office); she is totally lacking in adequate > judicial experience. > >* UNCONSTITUTIONAL VIEW OF THE CONSTITUTION'S > COMMERCE CLAUSE: In her position as the VAW Office > director, she actively promoted the use of the civil rights > provision of the Violence Against Women Act. This provision > was rooted in the argument that Congressional power to > regulate "interstate commerce" justified the law. The U. S. > Supreme Court recently struck down the civil rights provision > as being too expansive an exercise of Congressional > commerce power. > >* "RABID PRO-ABORTION STANCE": An Iowans for Life > president described Campbell in this manner because of > Campbell's avid support for abortion and opposition to parental > notification. > >* FEMINIST TIES: Campbell was a delegate to the 1995 U.N. > Conference on Women in Beijing, China, one of the most > pro-feminist aggregations ever convened. > >* EXTREMIST OPPOSITION TO CHRISITIANITY: Campbell has > described religious conservatives as "extremists, > fundamentalist, anti-tax groups." She told Iowa public school > educators, "I hate to call them Christian because I am a > Christian, and I hate to call them religious, because they're > not, so I'll call them the radical right." Yet she "respects > everyone's religious views profoundly" but thinks that such > views "have no place in our school system or political > structure." > >Our Washington supporters report that opposition to Campbell is >building, and that Senators may be persuaded to oppose her if there >is sufficient constituent support for such opposition. WE CAN MAKE >A DIFFERENCE IF WE: > > 1. Urge any of the following Republican members of the > Senate Judiciary Committee to put a hold on the > nomination in the Committee: Grassley (IA--especially > important because his state is in the Eighth Circuit), > Thurmond (SC), Kyl (AZ), Ashcroft (MO--his state is also in > the Eighth Circuit), Abraham (MI), Sessions (AL), Bob > Smith (NH); > > 2. Urge all Judiciary Committee Republicans to vote > against Campbell if the nomination goes to a vote; the > remaining Committee Republicans are: Hatch (UT--the > Committee Chairman), Specter (PA) and DeWine (OH). > > MAKE YOUR PHONE CALL NOW! > > Senate Operator: 202-224-3121 > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >Read this ALERT online: > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >Eagle Forum >PO Box 618 >Alton, IL 62002 Phone: 618-462-5415 >Fax: 618-462-8909 >------------------------------------------------------ >To subscribe to Eagle Email >please email: >with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. >To unsubscribe, please send a message with >UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Make Rosie O'Donnell an NRA Member! (fwd) Date: 11 Jul 2000 14:32:14 PST On Jul 11, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] With Carl Limbacher and Staff For the story behind the story...=20 Posted Monday, July 10, 2000; 10:40 p.m. EDT NRA Razzes Rosie the Anti-Gun Hypocrite Remember when loudmouth talk show host Rosie O'Donnell revealed her anti-gun hypocrisy by having her bodyguard apply for a gun in fancy-schmancy Greenwich, Conn.? helped break the story back in May (See original Inside Cover), but we thought it would be fun to see how the National Rifle Association razzed Rosie. And the NRA publication America's 1st Freedom seems to have fun doing just that in the July issue. On the so-called Million Mom March: "Leading the cheering section was none other than Rosie O'Donnell, gun hater of epic proportions, proudly blue-nosed in her stated desire to review 200 years of American heritage and in the end toss out everything on the menu that didn't meet her taste." And take this: "After all, the comedienne is a raging hypocrite when it comes to guns. Her bodyguard was under orders to carry a concealed handgun - the same bodyguard that drove her child to school. Rosie was frank in her assessment that she and her family needed Second Amendment protection. At the same time the arrogant entertainer worked overtime to deny the same right to common folk who, according to Rosie, could always call a cop." Here's an idea. Why doesn't the NRA make O'Donnell an honorary member, as it did to fellow anti-gun hypocrite Carl Rowan, much to the liberal columnist's chagrin, after he pulled a gun on a trespasser in the late 1980s? Such an honor is certain to send rabid Rosie into the mother of all snits. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: AOL & Compuserve Call Gun Sites Pornography & Shut Them Down (fwd) Date: 11 Jul 2000 17:17:29 PST On Jul 11, Bard wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 12:32 PM Down > [From anaother list... --MS] > > -------- Original Message -------- > In the current issue of THE FIRING LINE ( The California Rifle > And Pistol Association, Inc. ) there is a story entitled, "AOL > Calls Guns Pornography". > > The following are snippets from that story: > > "A Shotgun News columnist found himself put in the smut merchant > category by the Internet colossus. > > "Jim Supica, a Shotgun News columnist familiar to readers of this > publication, operates Old Town Station, Ltd., a dealer in > antique collectable firearms. He holds a Federal Firearms > License for this purpose. In short, he runs a clean, > above-board, and legal business. > > "That is, he thought he did until America Online (AOL) summarily > removed his web site from their system and sent email to his > account address, which is shared by his wife and children. > > "AOL wrote, 'We have become aware of a web page site that is part > of your account. This web page violates Hometown AOL's Community > Standards, which prohibits sexually explicit graphics, links to > other sites which Hometown deems offensive, harassment, the use > of vulgar or sexually oriented language, discussion of illegal > activities and/or other activities that may impair the enjoyment > of our community members. > > "'We have placed a note of this incident on your account history > and consider this a first warning. We have removed all the > file(s) from your web page/ftp site. A second occurrence will > result in termination of your account with no chance of > reactivation.'" > > <<<< SNIP >>>> > > "'I've heard from other dealers who got the same form letter and > no-warning boot from AOL,' Supica said." > > <<<< SNIP >>>> > > The article goes on to say that CompuServe (another AOL company), > as well as other IPs, are doing the same. > > The author of the article was unable to get clarification from > AOL. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: REMOVE YOUR KID FROM CORRUPT GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS (fwd) Date: 11 Jul 2000 17:38:18 PST On Jul 11, "Bard" wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ----- Original Message ----- Cc: Sent: Monday, July 10, 00 10:12 PM NewsHawkAE Inc. With No Obligation to Educate, Schools Turn to Thought Control By Linda Gorman In case you were ever in doubt, the Colorado Court of Appeals has just made it official. Colorado public schools have no legally enforceable obligation to educate children. According to the court, parents and students cannot sue school districts because they "are not private students enrolled in a private vocational school but, instead, consist of the general public. They have not individually bargained with the school district, nor individually paid for specific educational services. As a result, they cannot assert legal claims for the alleged failure to provide those unbargained-for services."[1] The Court found that "the contention that the quality of education provided by the school district is inadequate--is not a matter to be properly resolved by the courts." Had various courts not already found legal excuses for taking control of almost every other aspect of school operations, its restraint would be refreshing. In other words, the state may require that children attend school and that everyone pay school taxes. In return, citizens get to vote for one of the slates of school board candidates offered by the teacher's union. Though government entities are free to compel people to pay for lousy services over which they have little control, private entities are not. Private vocational schools failing to offer promised classes or hours of instruction can be sued. Having mastered the art of pretending to educate those required to attend it and having been freed of any responsibility to do otherwise, the Denver Public School System (DPS) is apparently planning to expand into pretending to provide mental, medical, and behavioral health services. To this end, the Center for Human Investment Policy at the University of Colorado Denver was "asked to develop a health/behavioral health needs assessment survey to gather broader input" to determine if "principals, nurses, psychologists, social workers, teachers and parents are in agreement about these issues."[2] Judging from the loaded questions, DPS officials want the power to pass judgment on the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of individual children and to treat those problems as they see fit. "What level of health and behavioral health care do you believe your school should provide?" asks question number 7. In addition to "Don't know," one may pick Basic Care, which includes referral for assessment and treatment, Intermediate Care, which adds counseling and care for chronic health problems, or Full Care which includes treatment for general medical and mental health problems and referral to specialists. There is no space for telling DPS elites to stay out of health care delivery until they have mastered the art of delivering reading, writing, and arithmetic. Note also that mental health and behavioral problems are lumped with medical ones despite the fact that medicine has a scientific basis and most mental and behavioral "health" assessments consist of little more than someone's opinion. The potential for abuse, for drugging the rebels and brainwashing those who disagree, is huge and already beginning to be realized. According to Jon E. Dougherty writing in WorldNetDaily, Derek Loutzenheiser, a 12-year-old student with an exemplary record in Holland, Michigan, was labeled a potential violence risk when he suggested, in a Social Studies class discussion, that one way to prevent school shootings would be to arm instructors. School officials told his parents that they would not have to involve Social Services if Derek was separated from other students and forced to enter the school's "Mentor" program so that an adult supervisor could monitor his thought processes.[3] Recall that Social Service bureaucrats have the power to declare parents guilty of child abuse until proven innocent, and to take their child from them until parents prove their innocence. School officials noted that Derek had violated the school's policy of non-violence by fighting back when attacked by three older students and had often spoken favorably about the First and Second Amendments. His parents noted that Derek had refused to sign a "Red Letter" vow of peace written by the principal that asked students to take a oath to turn in their friends for suspicious activity and to never defend themselves if attacked. In short, Derek had refused to parrot the party line and was judged behaviorally unhealthy. The Soviets pioneered this model by declaring those who disagreed with the government mentally aberrant and imprisoning them in mental institutions until their thinking could be adjusted by psychological conditioning or drugs. As DPS puts it, "schools are where one finds children, so it [sic] is the best place to offer health/ behavioral health services," "children need good health to learn, so health/behavioral health is a valid school concern, and "children with health/behavioral health challenges need medical attention in schools to reach their potential."[4] DPS has a point. Judging from his behavior, Derek has already assimilated the independence and respect for truth characteristic of outstanding Americans. Without medical attention, he never will realize his full potential as a good little citizen in the new world order. Notes: [[1]]Denver Parents Association et al. v. Denver Board of Education; 98CA1309, Colorado Court of Appeals. February 3, 00. As posted on the Colorado Bar Association's web site,, on 10 May 00. [2] Denver Public School Health and Behavioral Health Needs Assessment Survey. 1 May 00. The Center for Human Investment Policy, University of Colorado, Denver. [3] Jon E. Dougherty. 30 March 00. "Sixth grader targeted for pro-gun remarks, 'A' student defends 2nd Amendment, flagged as violence risk." WorldNetDaily, .shtml as posted on the web on 9 May 00. [4] Denver Public School Health and Behavioral Health Needs Assessment Survey. 1 May 00. The Center for Human Investment Policy, University of Colorado, Denver. Questions 15 [2], 15 [4], and 15 [5] all of which required an agree or disagree answer. Note that agreeing that schools should be concerned about health does not imply that they should deliver it. Linda Gorman is a Senior Fellow with the Independence Institute, a free-market think tank in Golden, Colorado, This article originally appeared in the Colorado Daily (Boulder), for which Linda Gorman is a regular columnist. J.A.I.L. (Judicial Accountability Initiative Law) Use header to subscribe/remove: JAIL is a unique addition to our form of government. JAIL is powerful! It is dynamic! It is America's ONLY hope! Visit JAIL's informative websites, (& .net) Other egroups may sign on at JAIL's message is spreading across this nation vociferously! Support JAIL @ P.O. Box 7, No. Hollywood, CA 91603 " does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." --Samuel Adams "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." -- Henry David Thoreau <>< [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Cloyes Subject: Re: AOL & Compuserve Call Gun Sites Pornography & Shut Them Date: 12 Jul 2000 19:25:52 -0400 This is the final bit of BS from AOHeLL that caused me to terminate my account with them. Haven't regretted it one bit! Tom At 05:17 PM 07/11/2000 -0800, you wrote: >On Jul 11, Bard wrote: > >[-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "MICHAEL SPITZER" >To: >Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 12:32 PM >Subject: [CTRL] AOL and Compuserve Call Gun Sites Pornography, and Shut Them >Down > > >> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Town to Replace Slain Amish Horse Carriage Animal Gunned Down by Teenagers (fwd) Date: 12 Jul 2000 22:29:29 PST On Jul 12, Odell Harwell wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] by Teenagers This is the exact kind of story the liberal anti-gun crowd loves to get. They will expound the immaturity of the kids, and scream that the kids' parents should not have allowed them to have guns. They will claim that these parents should not be allowed to have guns in the home. Odell Harwell "The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance, which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime----and the punishment of his guilt." John Philpot Curran (1750-1817) --------- Forwarded message ---------- Down by Teenagers July 5, 2000 BEEVILLE, Texas (AP) -- There were double takes on Washington Street when the Borntrager family clopped by in their horse-drawn buggy. There were bemused glances when they peddled sweet corn, quilts and jellies on the courthouse square. The Amish family turned quite a few heads when they settled in this south Texas town of 18,000, a community of ranchers between San Antonio and Corpus Christi. "I thought it was strange, just like everybody else," said Danny Madrigal, a sheriff's inspector. "It's unusual, you know?" Horses shot But Beeville has offered Texas-sized comfort to the Borntragers following a stunning and disturbing tragedy: The family's two Haflinger carriage horses were attacked in May, riddled with bullets. Four teenaged boys told investigators they thought they were shooting at wild hogs when they killed Leroy Borntrager's mare and injured his stallion. Maybe guilt lingers long in a town that prides itself on neighborly ways. Perhaps it's the suffering of the animals. Whatever the reason, Beeville wants to make amends by replacing the mare. 'Senseless, terrible act' "We all just kind of looked at each other and said, 'We've got to do something,'" Pat Finch said. "It was just a senseless, terrible act." After all, Finch points out, the animals meant just about everything to the Borntragers: family pet, transportation, financial asset. Beeville's former cowboys certainly know the importance of horses. As manager of a corner shop, Wicker Basket, Finch usually oversees a quiet realm of candles, knickknacks and coffee klatches. Now the phone is jangling and Finch is jotting figures. The shop has become the epicenter of the cash drive. $4,100 The bill for the horse, including shipping from Tennessee, will run about $4,100. The town has raised more than half the money. Donations are mostly drummed up by word of mouth. Checks are mailed or dropped by the shop. A little boy chipped in $20, a month's allowance, Finch said. "It's shameful," gas station attendant Michelle Clark said quietly, color rising in her cheeks. "For those people to come make a life in our town and then have that happen -- it's just awful." >From the beginning, the town trod lightly. Before raising a penny, a liaison -- Finch shied away from saying who -- dropped by to clear the fund-raising plan with the Borntragers. Reclusive family To see how gently the town is handling the reclusive family, just try to find them: Most everybody knows where the Borntragers make their home, but mum is the word. The media-shy family asked the sheriff's department to remove trespassing reporters. "They are very, very private people," said Brenda Wooden, seated beneath Wicker Basket's revolving fans on a sweltering afternoon. "And we respect that." The shootings did not stem from anti-Amish sentiment, sheriff's investigators concluded. The teenagers, ages 15 to 17, were charged with criminal mischief for opening fire on the animals. Tethered animals shot The teens told investigators they came across the horses while bumping along back roads in a pickup truck during a midnight hog hunting spree. Squinting into the darkness, they mistook the horses for wild pigs, the teens said. The horses, tied up to stakes at the edge of a corn field, were pelted with dozens of bullets from a rifle and a shotgun. The stout brown mare, who was pregnant, was found dead on her side May 30. The stallion was pacing wildly, its legs dotted with bullet wounds. After days in a veterinary hospital, it is recovering. The teens were put on probation until their 18th birthdays. They faced two years in jail and a $10,000 fine, but Borntrager declined to press criminal charges. "They're forgiving," Madrigal said. "If anything, they're a little worried about the boys." Getting Beeville to forget could prove tougher. "Those kids are going to carry that cross for a long time," Madrigal said. "It's not that big a town -- things get around." is the preeminent online destination for legal professionals. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: FIRE THE FED (fwd) Date: 12 Jul 2000 22:33:46 PST On Jul 12, Pep Stofen wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Take back the United States, one dollar at a time. Using your own money, = not government money, you can do this. - How? Read on!=20 Remember the slow, poor service and spiraling rates of the Postal = Service? It was assumed that such a huge, heavily government subsidized = agency could never be changed. But Federal Express came forth and = brought competition to the marketplace and the Postal Service responded. = NORFED believes it can emulate the same positive effect by bringing = competition to our nation's inferior currency, The Federal Reserve = System (FED). NORFED's American Liberty Currency is legal and defendable = by NORFED's attorneys, just the same as the local currencies issued in = more than 40 communities across America, already in existence. = Furthermore, NORFED, is the National Organization for the Repeal of the = Federal Reserve Act and the Internal Revenue Code.=20 Lifetime membership is $10.00, which includes a video, and the = invitation to open local Redemption Centers in your area is encouraged. = NORFED is a non-profit organization dedicated to using all its revenue = to bringing change to the incompetent Federal Reserve System. American Liberty Currency (ALC) $1.00 - $5.00 and $10,00 certificates = are backed in value by silver, and the only currency that no one can = counterfeit. The silver is held in the warehouse by Sunshine Minting in = Coeur D Alene, Idaho. It is a minting facility but they also provide = warehouse services.=20 NORFED has designed a vast number of checks and balances throughout the = whole system. Obviously, if NORFED was issuing and redeeming and = functioning as the warehouse, I would feel very uncomfortable because it = would be a one-man show and there would be no checks and balances. When the government controls the money as with the FED - the government = controls the people, but when the people control the money as in NORFED, = the people control the government. Complete information is contained on = the videotape. Order your video today from the following.=20 Fire the Fed C/O M. H. (Pep) Stofen PO Box 085682 Racine, WI 53408-5682 E-mail - [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Victor Milan on why we need a 2nd Amendment (fwd) Date: 12 Jul 2000 22:31:15 PST On Jul 12, Odell Harwell wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Down By Law by Victor Milan When I was a baby libertarian, I came across a number of well-researched, compelling arguments that the income tax was unconstitutional. All fired up, I went to my best friend -- who also happened to be my lawyer, and is also sometime TLE columnist Joseph Reichert -- and said, "See? The income tax is unconstitutional." He laughed in my face. "So what?" he said. "What do you think pays federal judges' salaries?" I said, "Oh." Now I see people claiming we need pay no taxes, carry no driver's licenses, and generally obey no laws we don't feel like obeying. And this is true. If we don't get caught. They go on to say that if we get caught we can stand up in court and, simply by brandishing the Constitution or telling the judge he has no jurisdiction over us because we're "sovereign individuals," we can walk. We can even pass Go. And that flirts with dangerous delusion. All the legal arguments about why the State can't punish you for refusing to pay taxes or wear seat belts seem based on two proposi- tions: 1) The government does not obey its own rules [palpably true]. 2) When some obscure or tortuously-interpreted rule in some legal document is quoted at them, government officials will be compelled to obey it. Doesn't anybody see a problem here? Don't get me wrong: resistance is good. Non-compliance is good. Hell, open defiance is fine if you're aware of possible consequences, such as being squashed like a bug by way of example. What's goofy is expecting no consequences. It doesn't matter how much research you do, nor how arcane -- or commonplace -- the citations you dig up, whether from the Constitution, the "common law," or the Book of Common Prayer: you will not get the government to let you stand it on its head. That will not happen. Imagining you can fend off Leviathan by waving papers in His face takes into account neither the nature of the individuals who make up the State, nor that of the system in which they operate. Lots of government officials have authoritarian personality dis- orders. The rest mostly just want to do their jobs with minimal hassle. If you get in official faces and say they don't have any authority over you, you've (a) challenged that which gives their lives meaning; (b) made their lives difficult; or (c) both. What that is likely to do is give them a personal stake in fucking you good and hard. And guess what? They get to. Moreover, if you're defying the author- ity of government, government will reward them for fucking you. That's a win-win proposition -- for the State and its minions. Judges in particular have no sense of humor, especially where their authority is concerned. If you get up on your hind legs in a court- room and tell that judge she has no jurisdiction over you -- no right to judge -- what the hell do you think is going to happen? Hints: don't make too many travel plans. But be ready to meet lots of interesting new people. As some jump to point out, you can sue bureaucrats for malfeasance-- and indeed, it should probably be done more often. Have any idea what that costs? Joseph advises me: "Never sue anybody." Because guess what class of people are the only consistent winners of lawsuits? Hint: from what occupation are most lawmakers and judges drawn? Can you say, "house odds?" Remember also that in any legal conflict with you, the State can draw upon the deepest pockets of all: yours. When I talk about "obscure or tortuously-interpreted" passages, yes, I mean the Constitution too. Sure, it should protect our rights. If there weren't an overt fracture between what should be in this country, and what is, would we be in such opposition to the govern- ment? Where in "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press" is commercial speech excluded? The Supreme Court, no less, has found the spot, invisible to mortal eye. Where, in the effulgently unambiguous passage, "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" is there any possible room for a ban on scary-looking guns, or indeed on concealed carry? Try beating a firearms bust by quoting the Second Amendment: "...all of the gun charges would be tried first, without (per Judge Carroll) the defense being allowed... to use Constitutional arguments." [Fran Van Cleave, "The Big One Bites the Vipers," TLE #22]. Quote me no cases back, please. Lightning strikes sometimes, but the basic fact remains that, if judges haven't been consistently enfor- cing a given protection for the last 200 years -- or even the last five -- don't expect them to start now, just for you. Unless buying a lottery ticket is your idea of "investing." The courts can just barely be bothered to uphold commonly-accepted rights, protections acknowledged by the system and upheld by its own precedents. Do you really think any twist of words can ever make them say, "Oops, we're sorry, 200 years of laws and taxes and we didn't have the authority for any of it. But you've caught us now, you sly dog, so we'll just pitch the whole thing and go seek jobs in the food-service industry"? Tell a cop who pulls you over that he has no authority to give you a ticket because the Constitution says you don't have to have a driver's license, and you stand a good chance right off the bat of finding out what it feels like to have your car fender smack you in the face real hard. By accident, of course. And that's before a judge sends you up for contempt or psychiatric evaluation, which is what is overwhelmingly likely to befall you if you assert your "immunity" in a courtroom. And you won't have advanced the cause of freedom one inch. You'll just be a stain on the pavement. To the extent anyone else notices you, you'll be dismissed as just another "anti- government crazy," and held up as a reason the government needs more power. Thanks. My point isn't that you shouldn't tell the cop or judge or tax coll- ector to fuck off because they have no right to rule you. Indeed, ultimately we're all going to have to do that, to win freedom. It's that if you tell them that and expect them to honor it -- if you expect to say some magic words and be let off -- you are in for one hell of a rude surprise. Indeed, you're expecting something for nothing. Civil disobedience has costs. Freedom costs. Face it, folks: the law is what the people who have guns and the power to put you in a cage say it is. Isn't that what we're fighting about? Prometheus Award-winner Victor Milan is the author of over 70 novels, including the just-released CLD from AvoNova and War in Tethyr from TSR. Visit for exclusive national and regional content, online CLE Seminars, Practice Centers, Career Listings and Expert Witness Directory. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [Fratrum] Re: Who really won WWII ? (fwd) Date: 14 Jul 2000 10:22:11 PST On Jul 13, Huck wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Worth the read. Huck ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 11:32 AM > From: Jim Welch > > Who really won WWII ? > > Did the Nazi's lose the war, but go on to win the philosophical mindset > of Americans? Have our leaders over the last 67 years slowly moved > America to a fascist State? > > Here is a most interesting article that makes some very clear points > about this subject. The article follows my signature. > > Well worth a read. > > BTW, if you come to the same conclusionm as I, be sure and continue to > vote for the Democrat/Republican party politicians who have delivered > America into this state of affairs. > > Jim Welch > > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > > * The Future of Freedom Foundation * Aug/94 * > The Nazi Mind-set in America: Part I > ======================================= > by Jacob G. Hornberger > > Before the end of World War II, in 1944, Friedrich A. Hayek, who was > later to win the Nobel memorial prize in economic science, startled the > Western world with a book entitled The Road to Serfdom. Hayek argued > that despite the war against Nazi Germany, the economic philosophy of > the Nazis and communists was becoming the guiding light for American and > British policymakers. In his forward to the 1972 edition of the book, > Hayek wrote: > > But after war broke out I felt that this widespread misunderstanding of > the political systems of our enemies, and soon also of our new ally, > Russia, constituted a serious danger which had to be met by a more > systematic effort. Also, it was already fairly obvious that England > herself was likely to experiment after the war with the same kind of > policies which I was convinced had contributed so much to destroy > liberty elsewhere. . . . Opinion moves fast in the United States, and > even now it is difficult to remember how comparatively short a time it > was before The Road to Serfdom appeared that the most extreme kind of > economic planning had been seriously advocated and the model of Russia > held up for imitation by men who were soon to play an important role in > public affairs. . . . Be it enough to mention that in 1934 the newly > established National Planning Board devoted a good deal of attention to > the example of planning provided by these four countries: Germany, > Italy, Russia, and Japan. > > As the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II approaches, Americans > must ask themselves a troubling question: Did Hayek's concerns become > reality, have Americans, in fact, traveled the road to serfdom the past > fifty years? Or, put another way, did the Nazis lose the military > battles but win the war for the hearts and minds of the American people? > Consider, for example, the Nazi economic system. Who can argue that the > American people do not believe in and support most of its tenets? For > example, how many Americans today do not unequivocally support the > following planks of the Nationalist (Nazi) Party of Germany, adopted in > Munich on February 24, 1920: > > "We ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of > providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning > a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash > with the interests of the community, but must take place within its > confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: an end to > the power of the financial interests. We demand profit sharing in big > business. We demand a broad extension of care for > the aged. We demand . . . the greatest possible consideration of small > business in the purchases of the national, state, and municipal > governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious > [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of > a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around > enlargement of our system of public education. . . . We demand the > education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents. . ." > > "The government must undertake the improvement of public health, by > protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor, by the greatest > possible support for all clubs concerned with the physical education of > youth. We combat the . . . materialistic spirit within and without us, > and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only > proceed from within on the foundation of 'The Common Good Before the > Individual Good.'" > > I repeat: How many Americans today do not unequivocally support most, if > not all, of these Nazi economic and political principles? > > And if there is any doubt whether the Nazi economic philosophy did, in > fact, win the hearts and minds of the American people, consider the > following description of the Nazi economic system by Leonard Peikoff in > his book The Ominous Parallels: > > Contrary to the Marxists, the Nazis did not advocate public ownership of > the means of production. They did demand that the government oversee and > run the nation's economy. The issue of legal ownership, they explained, > is secondary; what counts is the issue of control. Private citizens, > therefore, may continue to hold titles to property, so long as the state > reserves to itself the unqualified right to regulate the use of their > property. > > What American objects to these principles of the Nazi economic system? > Don't most Americans favor the planned economy, the regulated economy, > the controlled economy? Don't most Americans favor the type of economic > controls, and the right of government to institute such controls, that > characterized the Nazi society: wage and price controls, high taxes, > government-business partnerships, licensing, permits, and a myriad other > economic regulations? > > The truth is that Hayek's warning was ignored. Having defeated the Nazis > in battle, Americans became ardent supporters and advocates of Nazi > economic policies. > > Why? Part of the answer lies in another feature that was central to the > Nazi way of life: public schooling. "Oh, no! You have gone too far this > time," the average American will exclaim. "Public schooling is a > distinctively American institution, as American as apple pie and free > enterprise." The truth? As Sheldon Richman documents so well in his new > book, Separating School & State, 20th- century Americans adopted the > idea of a state-schooling system in the latter part of the 19th century > from, you guessed it, Prussia! And as Mr. Richman points out, public > schooling has proven as successful in the United States as it did in > Germany. Why? Because it has succeeded in its goal of producing a nation > of "good, little citizens", people who pay their taxes on time, follow > the rules, obey orders, condemn and turn in the rule-breakers, and see > themselves as essential cogs in the national wheel. > > Consider the words of Richard Ebeling, in his introduction to Separating > School & State: > > "In the hands of the state, compulsory public education becomes a tool > for political control and manipulation, a prime instrument for the > thought police of the society. And precisely because every child passes > through the same indoctrination process, learning the same ''official > history," the same "civic virtues," the same lessons of obedience and > loyalty to the state, it becomes extremely difficult for the independent > soul to free himself from the straightjacket of the ideology and values > the political authorities wish to imprint upon the population under its > jurisdiction. > > For the communists, it was the class struggle and obedience to the Party > and Comrade Stalin; for the fascists, it was worship of the nation- > state and obedience to the Duce; for the Nazis, it was race purity and > obedience to the Fuhrer. The content has varied, but the form has > remained the same. Through the institution of compulsory state > education, the child is to be molded like wax into the shape desired by > the state and its educational elite." > > We should not believe that because ours is a freer, more democratic > society, the same imprinting procedure has not occurred even here, in > America. Every generation of school-age children has imprinted upon it a > politically correct ideology concerning America's past and the sanctity > of the role of the state in society. Practically every child in the > public school system learns that the "robber barons" of the 19th century > exploited the common working man; that unregulated capitalism needed to > be harnessed by enlightened government regulation beginning in the > Progressive era at the turn- of-the-century; that wild Wall Street > speculation was a primary cause of the Great Depression; that only > Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal saved America from catastrophe; and that > American intervention in foreign wars has been necessary and inevitable, > with the United States government required to be a global leader and an > occasional world policeman. > > This brings us to the heart of the problem, the core of the Nazi > mind-set: that the interests of the individual must be subordinated to > the interests of the nation. This is the principle that controls the > minds of the American people, just as it controlled the minds of the > German people sixty years ago. Each person is viewed like a bee in a > hive; his primary role in life is to serve the hive and the ruler of the > hive, and to be sacrificed when the hive and its ruler consider it > necessary. This is why Americans of our time, unlike their ancestors, > favor such things as income taxation, Social Security, socialized > medicine, and drug laws; they believe, as did Germans in the 1930s, that > their bodies, lives, income, and property, in the final analysis, are > subordinate to the interests of the nation. > > As you read the following words of Adolf Hitler, ask yourself which > American politician, which American bureaucrat, which American > schoolteacher, which American citizen would disagree with the principles > to which Hitler subscribed: > > "It is thus necessary that the individual should finally come to realize > that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the existence of > his nation; that the position of the individual ego is conditioned > solely by the interests of the nation as a whole; that pride and > conceitedness, the feeling that the individual . . . is superior, so far > from being merely laughable, involve great dangers for the existence of > the community that is a nation; that above all the unity of a nation's > spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and > will of an individual; and that the higher interests involved in the > life of the whole must here set the limits and lay down the duties of > the interests of the individual. " > > Even though the average American enthusiastically supports the Nazi > economic philosophy, he recoils at having his beliefs labeled as "Nazi." > Why? Because, he argues, the Nazi government, unlike the U.S. > government, killed six million people in concentration camps, and this > mass murder of millions of people, rather than economic philosophy, > captures the true essence of the Nazi label. > > What Americans fail (or refuse) to recognize is that the concentration > camps were simply the logical extension of the Nazi mind-set! It does > not matter whether there were six million killed, or six hundred, or > six, or even one. The evil, the terrible, black evil, is the belief that > a government should have the power to sacrifice even one individual for > the good of the nation. Once this basic philosophical premise and > political power are conceded, innocent people, beginning with a few and > inevitably ending in multitudes, will be killed, because "the good of > the nation" always ends up requiring it. > > Mr. Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom > Foundation. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Is "Know Your Customer" back? (fwd) Date: 14 Jul 2000 22:33:15 PST On Jul 14, Bob Mueller wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------],1367,37566,00.html Financial Privacy Under Attack? by Declan McCullagh 3:00 a.m. Jul. 14, 2000 PDT WASHINGTON -- Opposition to a bill that would limit Americans' financial privacy appears to be growing. A coalition of liberal, conservative, and libertarian groups wants the House leadership to delay a vote on a proposal to grant the U.S. government broader surveillance authority over some banking transactions. The Clinton administration drafted the anti-money-laundering bill, which received the backing of Representative Jim Leach (R-Iowa), the chairman of the House Banking Committee. The committee approved the bill on June 8 and forwarded it to the House floor for a vote scheduled next week. The growing debate over the bill pits two powerful factions against each other: Law enforcement officials claim more financial monitoring of Americans is necessary to thwart drug-related money laundering, while civil libertarians say that the proposed legislation is too extreme and privacy rights should prevail. "People are becoming aware of this systematic attack on our privacy," says Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas), who unsuccessfully tried to attach pro-privacy amendments to the bill while it was in committee. Introduced in March, the International Counter-Money Laundering Act allows the Treasury Department to require banks to report "suspicious" financial transactions involving other countries. That can happen if the Feds find "any such jurisdiction, institution, or transaction to be of primary money laundering concern." Bob Mueller Legalize Freedom RKBA! [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Gun Controllers Hate Women (fwd) Date: 14 Jul 2000 22:34:20 PST On Jul 14, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Gun Controllers Hate Women by Emily "X" Gun controllers hate women. They know that personal firearms have the reputation as "the great equalizer," enabling women to defend themselves in life-threatening situations against assailants that are undoubtedly bigger and stronger than they are. It appears that at least a few have found a way around having to deal with this contradiction to their agenda: labeling any woman who wants effective self-defense as "sick" and "paranoid" and engaging in "the fantasy of killing a bad-guy, antisocial, murderous, rapist intruder." Welcome to the modern version of the old misogynistic rape advice, "just lay back and enjoy it" that is now being promoted by the anti-self-defense advocates. In an attempt to promote their agenda, they resort to minimizing the threat to women, telling us that "it's all in your imagination." Just how imaginary is it? According to crime statistics, about 1 in 4 women will be raped during her lifetime. Some small percentage of them will be murdered in the course of the rape. A larger percentage will experience attempted murder. Women on the average are about 30 pounds lighter than men. They have about 60% of the muscle mass, which means that not only are they smaller, but they have considerably less muscle mass per pound. Women have a serious strength disadvantage when dealing with just a single male assailant. So what can a gun controller offer to offset this disparity? Martial arts? Ignoring for a moment that it's not appropriate for young girls, disabled women, and many older women, it takes years of practice to become proficient enough to defend oneself against a single large attacker. The victim disarmers who suggest this alternative want women to spend hours every week practicing martial arts rather than spend the time building their careers or spending time with their families or having a social life like normal people do. Stun guns? Pepper spray? Both of these require accurate use and have little or no effect on some people. Worse yet, a woman has to be close to the assailant to use them. By the time she discovers that they don't work, there's often no alternate defense left. Baseball bats? Knives? These depend on raw physical strength. The gun controller might as well just come out and tell women to "just to lay back and enjoy it." The statistical reality is that "shall issue" states, those that issue a concealed carry permit to any law-abiding citizen who asks for one, show a lower rape incidence than states where concealed carry permits are difficult or impossible to obtain. The victim disarmers claim that it's just because those states would have had a lower rate anyway. This claim has been proven false: those states which convert to "shall issue" status show a concomitant decrease in the rape rate. Places which take a proactive stance to promote gun ownership among women show a much greater decrease in the rape rate. A dramatic decrease occurred when the Orlando, Florida police, very concerned about the city's skyrocketing rape rates, instituted a program to train tens of thousands of women in the safe use of handguns. The rape rate decreased 88%. The problem with using statistics in proving how effective firearms are in women's self-defense is that those statistics don't have a face. Those who want women to be defenseless don't have to acknowledge the terrible consequences hiding behind each number. Few women come forward and ever admit that they've been raped. But they are everywhere. They are mothers, sisters, friends, coworkers, neighbors. They are the human face to the rape epidemic that the gun controllers condone. And they are the ones who survived. I understand what it means to be defenseless and on the receiving end of criminal violence. I am among those 1 in 4 women. When I was attacked, I fought back by hitting the rapist and kneeing him in the crotch. Enraged by my resistance, he tried to strangle me and almost succeeded. Like most women, I had poor chances against a man who outweighed me by 60 pounds and who was in very good physical condition. Had I possessed adequate means of self-defense, there would have been much less chance that I would have spent a week in the hospital recovering from the physical injuries and years recovering from the psychological trauma. I had done what some of the victim-disarmers propose: I took a self-defense class only a few months before this occurred. It obviously wasn't enough. And no police or other cavalry came riding in over the horizon to stop it either. The rapist was never caught. Since rape has the highest recidivism rate of any violent crime, this criminal has probably gone on to rape and perhaps murder other women. He certainly demonstrated that he was capable of murder, and the normal pattern for rapists is to increase the brutality of their attacks with each succeeding rape. I don't engage in idle fantasies about "killing bad-guy, antisocial, murderous, rapist intruders." I don't have to. I've lived the real-life horror of having a rapist try to kill me, and I well understand that sometimes it's necessary to kill an attacker to save one's own life. Statistically, the great majority of the time it isn't necessary since the mere display of a firearm is enough to stop an attacker, which puts the lie to the victim-disarmer's accusations. But when it is necessary, whose life is more valuable? My life, or that of a rapist/murderer? The women who die as a result of rapists' attacks usually don't count to the gun controllers, since they're usually beaten to death, or strangled, or knifed. But the few cases of rape fatalities that do count to the gun controllers are those where a woman shoots an attacker, because all deaths by "gun violence" matter. By counting the deaths of those engaged in criminal activity and using them to disarm potential victims, the gun controllers morally condone the rape and murder of women. They write off the tens of millions of women who spend years traumatized, whose lives are forever negatively altered, who have a hard time establishing normal relationships with anyone else in the human race just to promote their agenda. And that's one of the dirty little secrets that the gun control advocates never own up to: that gun control inevitably disarms those who need good self-defense the most. Women are being systematically and disproportionately deprived of the means of self-defense through the imposition of ever-higher barriers and requirements and regulations. This is the proven outcome of such policies. And that makes gun control advocates aiders and abettors to those who prey on women. It's way past time that the victim disarmers are forced to recognize the terrible consequences of their proposals and their regulations. It is abhorrent that they are proposing that thousands of women "invisibly" die because they should be denied access to effective self-defense. It is abhorrent that they are proposing that dozens of women's lives are worth one rapist's life. It is abhorrent that they are proposing that a huge class of people accept systematic victimization just because of their size disadvantage. Anyone making such proposals should never be in any position of power in a civilized society. ========================================= Liz Michael - Political Activism For The Liberation Of The World VP of Operations, Analon Computers - P.O. Box 546, Glendale CA 91209 Join the Unorganized Militia group at egroups: Subscribe at: [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: More on NEA, Unions Dues and the RKBA (sorry - Long!) (fwd) Date: 16 Jul 2000 08:19:55 PST On Jul 15, Jurist wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Bridgette et al, A few days ago your message (below) was forwarded to a Right to Keep and Bear Arms (RKBA) listserv. Although you are a teacher and the subject matter concerned NEA union activities, the NEA was diverting funds and energy to attack lawful firearms ownership in the US. I am forwarding excerpts of a message sent out by Weldon Clark concerning the NEA, and more importantly, some contact information to organizations which deal with your type of case. ================ ORIGINAL MESSAGE ================= >I am a teacher and against my will I am an NEA member. I saw the fax alert from the NRA regarding the NEA's resolution to circulate petition asking for more gun control. I went to the site itself to check on it and here it is: >NEW BUSINESS ITEM B >Adopted >Move that the National Education Association prepare and distribute to each of its affiliates, a petition calling for meaningful gun control. Each affiliate will be asked to circulate said petitions to NEA on or before January 15, 2001. The completed pet to Congress on or before February 1, 2001. >What could teachers do about this and is it even legal for a union to be involved in political business? They will be using NEA union dues to copy, distribute and promote a political cause. Please let me know what we can do about this idiocy. >Bridgette A. Yates > ================================= ================================= Choose Charity >To inform union members of their right to choose, the Pacific Justice Institute, an independent, non-profit organization, has established an educational project called "Choose Charity." This project exists to help union members learn about and, if inclin >Tired of paying teachers union dues? Great information on teacher unions. ================================= Individual Rights Foundation - Since joining the IRF in October 1995, Mr. Manshardt has participated as counsel for an ongoing project to protect the First Amendment rights of 700 public school teachers from being compelled to pay union dues for political purposes with which they disagree. In 1996, the IRF won a stunning victory where an independent arbitrator found that the California Teachers Association had improperly charged their objecting non members by over $7 million dollars (In the matter between the California Teachers Association and Affiliated Locals/NEA and Objecting Agency Fee Payers, American Arbitration Association). As of this year, Mr. Manshardt is representing approximately 1200 teachers in arbitration proceedings against the teachers' unions. 1-800-752-6562 ext. 212 ================================= Public Service Research Foundation 320-D Maple Avenue East Vienna, Virginia 22180 Phone: (703) 242-3575 Fax: (703) 242-3579 ================================= National Right to Work Foundation A non-profit organization providing free legal aid nationwide to thousands of employees whose human and civil rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses. > The law - as held in numerous court decisions - is that in any format where one is required to join a union to keep her job, a teacher (or any other worker) cannot be required to pay for political activity by the union, and has the right to a full re > Unions typically fight like hell on the issue of what percentage of dues goes for anything other than collective bargaining, representation of workers in disputes, and the other things that the worker can legally be forced to fund whether they want to or not. > But the NEA itself has been sued by teachers over this issue. Whether or not they won I don't know - but workers have won such litigation. The place for you to find a pro bono outfit that will represent teachers fed up with NEA's leftist political Matt Maggio, Attorney at Law, Editor and Publisher, ALAMANCE INDEPENDENT ================================= Family Research Council ================================= The government school unions have long been one of America's foremost enemies -- not only of constitutional liberty and decent values; but of decent-quality public education itself. Why? * Government school unions spend vast sums of money to protect their monopoly, and to protect mediocre & incompetent teachers from being fired, from having to compete, or from being subject to performance-based pay. In the mammoth L.A. school district, something like 100 teachers were fired over a 10-year period for such behavior as rape, indecent exposure, etc, while not a single teacher was fired for incompetence. * Much of the union money goes, both directly and indirectly, to elect anti-self-defense politicians and to promote gun control. * The government school unions are the lifeblood of the Democratic Party, and the Democratic Party is completely in their pocket. In fact, they're so powerful few Republicans are willing to cross them. The L.A. Daily News recently referred to their influence as a "reign of terror". Destroy the government school unions and the cause of freedom advances by light years. * Because government unions are run by committed leftist ideologues, because parents have little effective control, and because of the nature of government institutions and the type of personnel they attract, many government schools increasingly serve as ideological, spiritual, and even sexual indoctrination centers, whose daily mission is to brainwash kids with anti-American, collectivist, socialist, and even racist propaganda; give condoms to kids as young as 11, urge them to be "open minded" and "explore their sexuality"; get kids to snitch on parents who own guns and on "abusive" parents who dare spank as a form of discipline, pressure parents to put "hyperactive" kids on dangerous mind-altering drugs, punish kids who support the 2nd Amendment, protect violent students from expulsion, and generally undo the nfluence of such subversive institutions as families, churches, synagogues, & Scout Troops. * Money is not the problem. Ten years ago, per-student spending was three times what it was in 1960, pupil-staff ratios had dropped in half, and government school teachers made 50% more than the average worker, yet performance steadily worsened -- to the point that in Los Angeles, government school teachers themselves were twice as likely to send their own kids to private schools as the typical parent. * Since then even more money has been thrown at the problem. Next year California will spend well over 8,000 dollars per student, more than most private schools. The more money we throw at government schools, the worse they get. * Of course, there are many good teachers who support constitutional liberty, but they do not control the government school unions, and they never will. VOUCHERS & EDUCATIONAL CHOICE Various educational choice plans have been proposed in the past 40 years to improve public education. The debate has primarily been around vouchers, which would take some of the per-student money now spent at government schools and et parents spend it at the school of their choice. Private & home schooling would expand, kids would get a better education, and the worst government schools would have to compete, shrink, or disappear. The better government schools need not fret. Parents happy with their schools can leave their kids where they are. California's current voucher initiative would give private schools strong new constitutional protections against government meddling, and, of course, no private school would be required to accept vouchers. Other plans have been proposed, such as David Barulich's innovative concept where parents would actually be paid bonuses based on standardized tests of their kids' performance. From here on I use the term "vouchers" loosely to describe any educational choice plan that lets parents direct taxpayer education dollars to the school of their choice government, private, or religious or that rewards parents based on the educational progress of their children. To see how vouchers harness the power of competition and free enterprise to improve education, consider this analogy to the current government system: Suppose the government taxed everyone heavily to support a government-run car manufacturing system, and gave everyone a new car every few years. None of the workers could be fired, their pay depended solely on seniority, and so performance-based pay was strictly forbidden. If you didn't like the quality or style of your "free", one-size-fits-all government car, you couldn't just take your money to another car company like you can now, because they'd already have your money. Few but the wealthy would be willing to cough up another 20 to 50,000 dollars for a "private car". So you lobby the government to improve quality and offer the style you like. Good luck! The answer would always be some version of "we need more money" (fewer cars built per autoworker, higher pay, nicer factories and buildings, etc.). Every decrease in quality would be hailed as evidence that not enough money was going into car making. Imagine what cars would be like. Naturally, the government school unions are adamantly opposed to vouchers, accurately perceiving them as a threat to their reign of terror. The unions spent something like 16+ million dollars to kill California's 1993 voucher initiative, outspending proponents by an order of magnitude. They killed it by a landslide at a time when few citizens understood the concept. But times have changed. Polls show dramatically increased understanding and support for vouchers, and new voucher initiatives will cost far more to kill. THE OFFENSIVE It's time for the self-defense civil rights movement to support tuition vouchers: 1. Vouchers will improve public education by enabling parents to send their kids to better schools, by forcing government schools to compete, and by giving parents an alternative to government indoctrination centers. To the minimal extent that any harmful government meddling and indoctrination is allowed, parents will tend to send their kids to the schools that tolerate it the least, since those will obviously tend to be the better schools. 2. Even if voucher initiatives lose, government school unions will be forced to spend hundreds of millions of dollars fighting them, money that would otherwise be spent directly or indirectly fighting for gun control and against freedom. Ideally, voucher initiatives should be run in EVERY primary, soaking up government school union money that would otherwise be spent in general elections. 3. Once vouchers begin winning, the government school unions will be destroyed, taking with them the anti-freedom groups' biggest financial base, and the largest built-in source of institutional demand for government meddling in schools. 4. Vouchers will not hurt good teachers. The current system demoralizes teachers by not rewarding excellence. Educational Choice helps good teachers by restoring safety (violent students can be expelled), cutting red tape, encouraging innovation, shifting money from bureaucracy to teaching, creating jobs, and promoting systems that reward excellence. On the other hand, bad teachers will have to improve or get other jobs. Do yourself, the children of America, and your rights a favor: Support educational choice every chance you get. Get informed and write letters to the editor. Volunteer & donate to campaigns. For more information on vouchers, go to . ANOTHER ACHILLEES HEEL: MISUSE OF UNION DUES Employees of unionized industries have several options to prevent all or part of their mandatory union dues from being used to destroy constitutional liberty. 1. Don't join. Employees who refuse to belong to the union can get as much as 30% of their dues refunded. However, many employees still want to belong to the union so they can have a voice. If that is the case: 2. Better yet: Join but object on religious grounds. You have the right to have 100% of your dues redirected to a charity. Often this can be the charity of your choice. For example, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Gun Owners of America Foundation, Pacific Justice Institute, or a church or religious charity. 3. Thus, you can not only keep nearly 1000 dollars a year from being used to destroy America, you can redirect it to help save America, at no cost to you. See for all the information you need to take advantage of these options. The Pacific Justice Institute ( will represent employees without charge in matters regarding religious freedom, academic freedom, and freedom of association. Proposals to bleed anti-freedom war chests by educating NRA members on such issues were presented to NRA management years ago by Arnold Gaunt and myself (Russ Howard former NRA Director), and rejected out of hand as "non-gun-related" (as opposed to, say, such "gun-related" NRA programs as 3-Strikes for Victimless Gun Crimes; hiring more police, ATF agents, & gun prosecutors; helping gun grabbers enforce all existing gun controls; helping the gun grabbers build state & federal gulags for gun owners; and putting teachers in prison for 10 years for carrying to defend themselves and their students). . . . Don't waste your time begging a sworn enemy for mercy. Instead, bleed him financially until you destroy him. Your weapons are your pen, your money, and your time. Use them wisely, relentlessly, and with focus. ================================= -- Guns Are Tyranny Control - The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: What is a moderate, really.... (fwd) Date: 18 Jul 2000 09:55:49 PST On Jul 18, Jim Zoes wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Excerpted from: Politicians and voters describe themselves as moderate to give the impression that they are fair-minded, that is to say, not a captive of left- or right-wing dogmatism. It connotes someone who avoids extreme positions. ... There is a famous line in a popular novel that reads, "Being in love means never having to say you're sorry." It provides us with a suitable definitional format: * Being moderate means never having to say you are a liberal. * Being moderate means rejecting the idea that we are all doomed in favor of the idea that we are only half doomed. * Being moderate (as a cynical politician once observed) means dismissing the radical idea that Washington, D.C., should be razed to the ground tomorrow, in favor of the idea of doing it one building at a time. * Being moderate means being willing to swap a value for a victory. * Being moderate means suing tobacco companies for killing people while voting for subsidies for tobacco farmers. * Being moderate means raising the flag of surrender only to half-mast. * Being moderate means believing that Rush Limbaugh is too controversial to host Monday Night Football, while the vile, foul-mouthed smut-monger Dennis Miller is a perfect choice. * Being moderate means choosing purgatory over the extremes of heaven and hell. * Being moderate means choosing gray as a favorite color -- and spelling it "grey" half of the time. * Being moderate means believing that Rodney King's civil rights were violated, while the children and babies at Waco had no civil rights. * Being moderate means having doubts about who should be punished, the criminal or the police officer who arrested him. -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: AOL & Compuserve Call Gun Sites Pornography & Shut Them Down (fwd) (fwd) Date: 18 Jul 2000 09:56:59 PST On Jul 13, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Beings that AOL & Compuserve are owned by our 'friends' Time-Warner, who seem to have a strong dislike for Charlton Heston, and guns, maybe if you rounded up a list of all the T-W companies, we could boycott the whole bunch. Just a thought, passed on from a retired King Co. Police Officer. Dick Stolsig, WAC [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: BLAME GRANDMA- Tom Adkins (fwd) Date: 19 Jul 2000 09:43:04 PST On Jul 19, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Blame Grandma The kids are mad!!! ------------------ the Common Conservative 7/15//00 Tom Adkins Link---> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- I don't know much about the Gen-X kids. They pierce their tongues. They tattoo their backsides. They get weird haircuts and wear baggy shorts. And they always look like those ticked-off skinny kids on those Gap commercials. I'm not sure why they wear 14 earrings and dye their hair purple, but I have a real good idea why they are mad. Cause they finally figured out that Grandma screwed 'em. Grandpa, too. And Mom and Dad. This is no "teen angst" thing. Today's young adults have recognized the legacy of our generation. We dreamed up an incredible assortment of government programs that were supposed to save the world. Forty years later, we know they didn't work. But we won't get rid of them. As further insult, when we retire we expect them to give us even more of their money through a Ponzi scheme innocently called "Social Security," which won't be there when they retire - no matter how many lies we tell. And we're sticking them with the six trillion dollar bill. Thanks, Grandma. Instead of fixing everything when we had the chance, we convinced ourselves how compassionate, noble and brilliant we were. We didn't have the guts to admit we were wrong. Over their lifetime, this new generation will pay half their income for these programs, and probably never use one of them. That six trillion dollar millstone will hang around their necks forever. And you wonder why Junior put a steel rod through his skull? Winston Churchill once surmised if you were 20 and conservative you had no heart, and if you were 40 and liberal you had no brain. Today's kids have turned 40 at 20, and they are angry. They are primed for a revolution. Actually, I think the revolution has started. Visit the "Rock The Vote" website poll. In this obviously liberal forum dedicated to Gen-X and younger, Al Gore is getting spanked. Thirty-somethings aren't buying the liberal jive anymore, either. Despite their proper leftist collegiate indoctrination, they are settling down into a typical 50s family. The superwoman is quitting her investment banker job, staying home and raising 2.3 kids, just like Ozzie and Harriet. They aren't even doing drugs, sleeping around, or having abortions like they're supposed to. They have embraced Internet capitalism, realizing anyone with a computer can make a million bucks. And they don't want to give it back. I'm sure the angry white-male-hating-race-baiting-Marxist Uber-liberals that litter our college campus teaching staffs are horrified, wondering where they went wrong. But they created the monster. We treated our children as interesting accessories while we "found ourselves" by worshiping dopey pop culture, making our kids pay the emotional and financial price. They accurately see our generation as dysfunctional, immoral selfish idiots represented by a president who perpetually lies, molests women and sells defense secrets, then cries - literally - to get "poor me" peer support. And we give it. Our children are recoiling in horror. We conducted a grandiose social experiment that failed utterly. Our kids must pay a 45% tax rate to cover the bill. Like a dirtbag skipping out on a dinner check, we blithely expect them to keep paying for our selfish stupidity. If we don't reform or eliminate our fantastic programs of political vanity, we will find ourselves in a nasty intergenerational war just like Germany. The old Germans lavished themselves with guaranteed jobs, immense benefits and wondrous retirement programs far more than the young generation can support. Unemployment among Germans 18-28 is about 30%. Think they are angry? Their Neo-Nazi movement has a lot of new recruits. I see our young Americans retaliating differently. They'll vote en masse to end every dumb idea we stuffed down their throats. They will take back the schools and fire every last feel-good-rainforest-algebra-save-the-whales teacher. They will kick every moocher off welfare. They will fire every stupid bureaucrat from every stupid government job we ever created, thereby filling the demand for convenience store clerks. They will get rid of every program that doesn't work, which pretty much means all of 'em. They will take away all the goodies we promised ourselves at their expense. And they will exact proper, well-deserved revenge upon us. They are mad. They are motivated. They are telling me, you and Grandma to go to hell. Meet the new tattooed, purple-haired, head-banging nose-ringed capitalist conservatives. Blame yourself, Grandma. _____________________________________________________________ To join/quit this list, send a blank email to [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Legacy (fwd) Date: 20 Jul 2000 11:47:17 PST On Jul 20, The McGehee Zone wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] LEGACY (to the tune of "Yesterday" -- Lennon/McCartney) Sung by Willie the C. Legacy Don't know how much that would mean to me Time's almost up and now it seems to be A stained blue dress is my legacy Suddenly I am about to be history How I got here is a mystery Now all depends on Hillary Al Gore won't get far He's no star We must confess Where'd it all go wrong I was strong Now it's a me-e-e-e-ess Legacy Something worthwhile for posterity Mideast peace and worlds prosperity Oh how I need a legacy M-m-m-m, m-m-m-m-m, mmm, mm, m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m... ===================== Kevin McGehee Thomas Crossroads, GA [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Brits vs. U.S. Date: 20 Jul 2000 11:49:26 PST On Jul 20, Mike Riddle wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] 7/18/00 1:30 p.m. Fear in Britain They have no guns - so they have a lot of crime. Dr. Paul Gallant practices optometry in Wesley Hills, NY. Dr. Joanne E= isen practices dentistry in Old Bethpage, NY. Both are Research Associates at the Independence Institute, where = Dave Kopel is Research Director. The furor over the Philadelphia police encounter with a would-be carj= acker and cop-killer isn't the only public-relations nightmare facing the city's police department. Two thou= sand reported sex crimes went "uninvestigated" by Philadelphia police between 1995 and 1997 because = of "pressure to keep the department's crime numbers low," reported ABC News on July 11. Earlier this year, = the department admitted "misreporting" thousands of sexual assaults during the past decade "to make the city = appear safer than it was." Actually, Philadelphia is not the only city to underreport crime in re= cent years. The 1994 Clinton/Schumer crime bill has resulted in lots of federal dollars for local police departme= nts - and also lots of pressure to get crime statistics down so that the federal government can announce the succes= s of its policy of federalizing crime control. But when it comes to fudging crime statistics, even the finest Philade= lphia number-rearranger can't compare to our British cousins. During the nineteenth century, and most of the twentieth, Britain enjo= yed a well-deserved reputation as an unusually safe and crime-free nation, compared to the United States or= continental Europe. No longer. To the great consternation of British authorities concerned about tour= ism revenue, a June CBS News report proclaimed Great Britain "one of the most violent urban societies in t= he Western world." Declared Dan Rather: "This summer, thousands of Americans will travel to Britain expecting = a civilized island free from crime and ugliness...[But now] the U.K. has a crime problem....worse than ours."= A headline in the London Daily Telegraph back on April 1, 1996, said i= t all: "Crime Figures a Sham, Say Police." The story noted that "pressure to convince the public that p= olice were winning the fight against crime had resulted in a long list of ruses to 'massage' statistics," and "th= e recorded crime level bore no resemblance to the actual amount of crime being committed." For example, where a series of homes was burgled, they were regularly = recorded as one crime. If a burglar hit 15 or 20 flats, only one crime was added to the statistics. A brand-new report from the Inspectorate of Constabulary charges Brita= in's 43 police departments with systemic under-classification of crime-for example, by recording burgl= ary as "vandalism." The report lays much of the blame on the police's desire to avoid the extra paperwork assoc= iated with more serious crimes. Britain's justice officials have also kept crime totals down by being = careful about what to count. American homicide data are based on arrests, but British data are based on fina= l dispositions. Suppose that three men kill a woman during an argument outside a bar. They are arrested for murder, = but because of problems with identification (the main witness is dead), charges are eventually drop= ped. In American crime statistics, the event counts as a three-person homicide, but in British statistics it counts= as nothing at all. Another "common practice," according to one retired Scotland Yard seni= or officer, is "falsifying clear-up rates by gaining false confessions from criminals already in prison." (Britain = has far fewer protections against abusive police interrogations than does the United States.) As a result, thous= ands of crimes in Great Britain have been "solved" by bribing or coercing prisoners to confess to crimes they ne= ver committed. Explaining away the disparity between crime reported by victims and th= e official figures became so difficult that, in April 1998, the British Home Office was forced to change its method= of reporting crime, and a somewhat more accurate picture began to emerge. This past January, official street-crime rates in London were more tha= n double the official rate from the year before. So what's a British politician to do when elections coincide with an o= ut-of control crime wave? Calling for "reasonable" gun laws is no longer an option. Handguns have been confi= scated, and long guns are very tightly restricted. So anti-gun demagoguery, while still popular, can't carry = the whole load. Conversely, the government would not find it acceptable to allow its s= ubjects to possess any type of gun (even a licensed, registered .22 rifle) for home protection. Defensive gun own= ership is entirely illegal, and considered an insult to the government, since it implies that the government cannot = keep the peace. Thus, in one recent notorious case, an elderly man who had been repeatedly burglarized, an= d had received no meaningful assistance from the police, shot a pair of career burglars who had broken into th= e man's home. The man was sentenced to life in prison. The British authorities warn the public incessantly about the dangers = of following the American path on gun policy. But the Daily Telegraph (June 29, 2000) points out that "the m= ain reason for a much lower burglary rate in America is householders' propensity to shoot intruders. They do so = without fear of being dragged before courts and jailed for life." So what's the government going to do to make voters safer? One solutio= n came from the Home Office in April 1999 in the form of "Anti-Social Behaviour Orders" - special court ord= ers intended to deal with people who cannot be proven to have committed a crime, but whom the police want t= o restrict anyway. Behaviour Orders can, among other things, prohibit a person from visiting a particular = street or premises, set a curfew, or lead to a person's eviction from his home. Violation of a Behaviour Order can carry a prison sentence of up to fi= ve years. Prime Minister Tony Blair is now proposing that the government be allo= wed to confine people proactively, based on fears of their potential dangerousness. American anti-gun lobbyists have long argued that if America followed = Britain's lead in severely restricting firearms possession and self-defense, then American crime rates would = eventually match Britain's. The lobbyists have also argued that if guns were restricted in America, civil libert= ies in the U.S. would have the same degree of protection that they have in Britain. The lobbyists are absolutely = right. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [newsucanuse] VIN -- racist gun-grabbers (fwd) Date: 20 Jul 2000 13:25:58 PST On Jul 16, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATED JULY 16, 2000 THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz Gun-grabbers: masters of the New Plantation Last time we dug into Yale Law professor Akhil Reed Amar's impressive 1998 tome "The Bill of Rights" (due out in paperback this month), the good professor -- neither a gun owner nor in any sense a "right-wing militia nut" -- demonstrated through historical research that the gun-grabbers are wrong: The Second Amendment does not merely protect firearms ownership by active duty members of the National Guard. Rather, it conveys the right to own and carry weapons of military usefulness to all Americans. But now that this undead golem of those who despise our Bill of Rights is down, let's proceed to stake it through the heart. For you see -- while the Second Amendment is sufficient to guarantee the right of citizens to own machine guns (not to mention rifles, pistols, "assault weapons," and shoulder-launched missiles) -- it's not even the best guarantee of this right. The whole debate over the Second Amendment, professor Amar points out, has largely distracted us from considering a pair of enactments even more directly on point: the 14th Amendment and the original, 1866, Civil Rights Act. We rejoin professor Amar at page 258: "At the Founding, the right of the people to keep and bear arms stood shoulder to shoulder with the right to vote; arms bearing in militias embodied a paradigmatic political right. ... But Reconstruction Republicans recast arms bearing as a core civil right, utterly divorced from the militia and other political rights and responsibilities. Arms were needed not as part of political and politicized militia service but to protect one's individual homestead. Everyone -- even nonvoting, nonmilitia-serving women -- had a right to a gun for self-protection. ... "The Creation vision was public, with the militia muster on the town square. The Reconstruction vision was private, with individual freedmen keeping guns at home to ward of Klansmen and other ruffians. ... "Alongside ...the Civil Rights Act of 1866 ... Congress passed the Freedman's Bureau Act, a sister statute introduced the same day by the same sponsor. ... The Freedman's Bureau Act affirmed that 'laws ... concerning personal liberty, personal property, personal security, and the acquisition, enjoyment and disposition of estate, real and personal, including the constitutional right to bear arms shall be secured to and enjoyed by all citizens. ...' Thus, the Reconstruction Congress expressly repudiated Dred Scott's claim that because free blacks could never be citizens, they lacked many of these basic rights." Allow me to interrupt the good professor to point out that the opposite also holds true. Though modern-day black Americans tend to despise antebellum Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney for ruling in Dred Scott that black Americans were neither citizens nor men, they might want to go back and re-read his logic. They will find the devil unintentionally gave them their due. Taney said blacks could not be considered men or citizens, because if they were so considered, there would be no option but to allow them to own and carry arms without restriction. Quick, now: which side won the Civil War? Can a law-abiding black citizen today buy a 30-caliber machine gun and drive it home in the back of his pickup truck without seeking massa's "permission"? Why was the 14th Amendment -- darling of the left when it appears to justify the expansion of federal power -- enacted? Professor Amar explains: "Southern states, ever fearful of slave insurrections, enacted sweeping antebellum laws prohibiting not just slaves but free blacks from owning guns. In response, antislavery theorists emphasized the personal right of all free citizens -- white and black, male and female, northern and southern, visitor and resident -- to own guns for self-protection." Really? But what chance does a law-abiding citizen of any color have today, of carrying his self-defense pistol with him if he chooses to visit the collectivist metropolises of Los Angeles, Washington or New York City? "In the 1846 case Nunn vs. Georgia," professor Amar continues, "the proslavery contrarian Chief Justice Joseph Henry Lumpkin proclaimed not only that the Second Amendment bound the states but also that 'The right [is guaranteed to] the whole people, old and young, men, women, and boys, and not militia only, to keep and bear arms of every description, and not merely as are used by the militia.' ... "Roger Taney and [prominent abolitionist] Joel Tiffany hardly saw eye to eye in the 1850s, but they both agreed on this: if free blacks were citizens, it would necessarily follow that they had a right of private arms bearing. According to Dred Scott, the 'privileges and immunities' of 'citizens' included 'full liberty of speech in public and in private ... and to keep and carry arms wherever they went.' ... "One of the core purposes of the Civil Right Act of 1866 and of the Fourteenth Amendment was to ... outlaw the infamous Black Codes [by which the southern states sought to ban firearms for freed blacks], and affirm the full and equal right of every citizen to self-defense. ..." Professor Amar quotes Sen. Samuel Pomeroy, declaring on the floor of the Senate in 1866, "Every man ... should have the right to bear arms for the defense of himself and his family and his homestead. And if the cabin door of the freedman is broken open and the intruder enters for purposes as vile as were known to slavery, then should a well-loaded musket be in the hand of the occupant." Even Rep. Henry Raymond, a founder and editor of the New York Times, declared that the black freedman "has a country and a home; a right to defend himself and his wife and children; a right to bear arms." "Today's NRA," professor Amar concludes, "pays far too much attention to 1775-91 and far too little to 1830-68." But is this curious forgetfulness about the original meaning of "Civil Rights" merely an accident? Where do the modern forces of "gun control" -- including the nation's largest gun-control organization, the National Rifle Association, which endorsed the federal gun control acts of 1934 and 1968 and the "compromise" Brady Law with its national gun-buyer registry -- now focus their energies? What race predominates among the subsidized housing projects where HUD now claims it needs no search warrants to root out and seize "dangerous firearms" -- while the cheerleader NRA urges the government to "rigorously enforce the gun laws already on the books"? Where are most of the "gun buy-back" stunts conducted? Among the racial minorities of the inner cities, of course. What is the derivation of "Saturday Night Special" -- describing the inexpensive self-defense handgun which the NRA says it's OK to go ahead and ban as long as we rich white folk are allowed to keep our engraved fowling pieces? Cover your ears if you like, but the origin of this term for the inexpensive handguns most useful for self-defense to a black or Hispanic resident of the inner city is the old, derogatory police slang "Niggertown Saturday Night," referring to inner city weekend violence not meriting much attention, since it mainly occurred among the black folk. When handgun "licenses and permits" require expensive safety courses and the OK of the local sheriff, and one-third of our young black men today have experienced some kind of run-in with the legal system and are thus blocked from even applying, what percentage of these "permits" end up issued to black folk? And when gun-grabbers try to terrify the soccer moms with visions of "inner-city street gangs armed with fully-automatic AK-47s," what color skin do you imagine those soccer moms are picturing on Ernesto, Raoul, Dante and Ahmad? You see, those who would ban the private ownership of weapons of military usefulness to individual American today are not just liars ... they're also racists. Vin Suprynowicz is assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. His book, "Send in the Waco Killers" is available by dialing 1-800-244-2224. *** Vin Suprynowicz, "The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it." -- John Hay, 1872 "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken * * * To subscribe, send a message to, from your NEW address, including the word "subscribe" (with no quotation marks) in the "Subject" line. All I ask of electronic subscribers is that they not RE-forward my columns until on or after the embargo date which appears at the top of each, and that (should they then choose to do so) they copy the columns in their entirety, preserving the original attribution. The Vinsends list is maintained by Alan Wendt in Colorado, who may be reached directly at The web sites for the Suprynowicz column are at, and The Vinyard is maintained by Michael Voth in Flagstaff, who may be reached directly at [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [newsucanuse] NEWS YOU CAN USE - 7/20/00 (fwd) Date: 21 Jul 2000 10:23:53 PST Following the money trail..... On Jul 20, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] *************** FECInfo ***************** LOBBYING EXPENDITURES JUMP 10% TO $128 MILLION PER MONTH Washington, DC =E2=80=93 (July 20, 2000) Federal lobbying by organizations= and=20 lobbyists exceeded $772 million for the last six months of 1999, according = to=20 a report by FECInfo (, an online disclosure service about=20 money in politics. FECInfo reported that the federal lobbying community=20 spent over $128 million per month lobbying the legislative and executive=20 branches of government from July 1999 through December 1999, the most recen= t=20 period for which reports have been filed. For the first six months of 1999= =20 the lobby spending was at the rate of $116 million per month, totaling $697= =20 million. Lobbying for the first six months of 2000 are due in August 2000. The Healthcare industry, the top spender for the second sixth month period = in=20 a row, increased to $117 million from $95.5 million. The Communications an= d=20 Technology sector rose to $98.7 million in spending from $94.6 million.=20 The Finance and Insurance sector was third with spending of $95.6 million, = up=20 from $89.8 million. The Energy/Natural Resources sector spent $77.6 millio= n.=20 The Transportation spent $63.8 million. Inside the Healthcare sector, pharmaceutical manufacturers were the leaders= =20 with $38.8 million in spending for the July 2000 to December 2000 period.=20 The second largest sector was Communication/Technology sector, increasing=20 $4.1 million, with the help of telephone companies spending $31 million. Another fast growing sector was Finance and Insurance, jumping $5.8 million= ,=20 with the help of insurance carriers spending $32 million. Top organizations spending money on federal lobbying were: Chamber of Commerce of the US $9,780,000 American Medical Assn $9,220,000 Philip Morris $7,240,000 American Hospital Assn $6,900,000=20 Schering Corp $6,572,000* SBC Communications $6,140,000 Edison Electric Institute $6,000,000 Business Roundtable $5,640,000 Abbott Laboratories $5,539,000 United Services Automobile Assn $5,120,000 *This is the official reported amount. A spokesperson for Schering today has indicated to one reporter that they may have reported an incorrect amou= nt. It may be amended to a lower amount. Top Lobbying firms were: Cassidy & Assoc $10,855,000 Patton Boggs $9,305,000 Verner Liipfert $9,020,000 Akin Gump $$7,080,000 Pricewaterhousecoopers $5,310,000 Preston Gates $$5,125,000 Washington Counsel $4,460,000 Williams & Jensen $4,445,000 Van Scoyoc Assoc $4,130,000 Barbour Griffith $4,085,000 The full report is available on the FECInfo web site ( Reports for the previous two six-month periods are also available on the we= b=20 site for comparison purposes. The detailed listings, rankings and searches are available via FECInfoPro, = a=20 subscription service. Information on subscriptions is available on the site= .=20=20 If you would like to view the report and specialized searches, you may obtain a temporary user name and password from our sales staff by calling 202-737-2277 or 800- 282-8450. Tony Raymond Kent Cooper FECInfo =E2=80=93 a product of Votenet Solutions FECInfo *************** NEW SOFT MONEY REPORTED BY DCCC AND NRCC July 20, 2000 The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the National=20 Republican Congressional Campaign Committee (NRCC) recently reported their= =20 soft money donations for the period April 1 through June 30, 2000. The DCC= C=20 raised $10,085,867 in soft money compared to the NRCC raising $5,108,659=20 during the same period. Listed below are the donations of $100,000 or more.= A=20 separate listing of some communication /technology donors is also included. The April 1 through June 30th soft money fundraising for the DNC($24,353,60= 0)=20 and the RNC ($37,537,895) can be found in our previous e-mails. Reports fro= m=20 the senatorial campaign committees have not been made public yet. Subscription information for access to detailed databases and on-linesearch= es=20 of soft money, lobby registrations and reports, as well as profiles of=20 corporate money in politics can be found on our home page at m Highlights: Service Employees Union gives $1.5 million to DCCC Other large donors move $250,000 or more to the DCCC: Ness Motley law firm, Food & Commerical Workers Union, and David Shimmon. Charles Ergen (Echostar) gives heavily to both parties, $150,000 to DCCC an= d=20 $50,000 to NRCC. Details: Fannie Mae, Washington, DC $50,000 6/22 to DCCC; $50,000 6/29 to DCCC Freddie Mac, McLean, VA $100,000 6/30 to DCCC; $3,000 5/12 to NRCC American Int'l Group, NY, NY $100,000 6/13 to DCCC GNYHA Management Corp, NY, NY $100,000 6/12 to DCCC Ness Motley Loadholt Richardson & Poole, Providence, RI $ 250,000 6/27 to=20 DCCC; $2,500 5/31 to DCCC HD Vest Financial Services, Irving, TX $100,000 5/15 to NRCC KPMG LLP, Washington, DC $100,000 4/19 to NRCC L Needham Corp, Las Vegas, NV $100,000 5/31 to NRCC Nat'l Assn of Convienence Stores, Alexandria, VA $100,000 6/30 to NRCC;=20 $1,000 4/10 to NRCC RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co, Washington, DC $100,000 6/30 to NRCC; $3,000 4/20 t= o=20 NRCC; $700 5/25 to NRCC SBC Communications Inc, Washington, DC $100,000 5/11 to NRCC; $6,000 6/22 t= o=20 NRCC; $25,000 4/21 to DCCC Local 1199, Service Employees Int'l Union State Political Action Fund, NY, = NY=20 $500,000 6/8 to DCCC Local 1115, New Jersey Division of 1199 SEIU, Westbury, NY $250,000 6/8 to= =20 DCCC SEIU COPE PEA Int'l US, Washington, DC $375,000 4/26 to DCCC; $125,000 4/28= =20 to DCCC; $250,000 6/8 to DCCC United Food & Commercial Workers Int'l Union, Washington, DC $250,000 5/10 = to=20 DCCC; $200,000 6/30 to DCCC American Federation of Teachers, Washington, DC $100,000 6/27 to DCCC Darlyn M Davenport, San Diego, CA (Pres, Seawest Corp) $100,000 6/30 to DCC= C Charles W Ergen, Englewood, CO (CEO, Echostar) $50,000 5/12 to DCCC; $50,00= 0=20 6/12 to DCCC; $50,000 6/30 to DCCC; $25,000 5/5 to NRCC; $25,000 6/30 to NR= CC John A Kornreich, Roslyn Heights, NY (Sandler Media) $100,000 6/12 to DCCC John M O'Quinn, Houston, TX (attorney, O'Quinn, Kerensky McAninch & Laminack) $100,000 5/8 to DCCC Bernard L Schwartz, NY, NY (exec, Loral Corp) $50,000 4/17 to DCCC; $100,00= 0=20 6/19 to DCCC David J Shimmon, Los Altos Hills, CA (CEO, Kinetics Group) $250,000 4/7 to= =20 DCCC George Soros, NY, NY (exec, Soros Fund Management) $100,000 6/6 to DCCC Communication/Technology donors: Allegiance Telecom Service Corp $25,000 6/30 to DCCC America Online $25,000 4/19 to NRCC AMFM Inc $10,000 6/30 to DCCC AT&T $80,000 6/30 to DCCC Beacon Communications $5,000 6/30 to DCCC Bell Atlantic $35,000 6/30 to DCCC BellSouth $22,500 6/30 to DCCC Bernard Schwartz (Loral) $100,000 6/19 to DCCC; $50,000 4/17 to DCCC Cellular Telecommunications Industry $10,000 6/27 to DCCC; $500 6/21 to DCC= C Compaq $50,000 6/22 to NRCC Cable & Wireless $9033 5/16-6/29 to NRCC Charles Ergen (Echostar) see above Competitive Telecommunications Assn $10,000 6/30 to DCCC; $1,000 5/23 to DC= CC Computer & Communications Industry $50,000 5/10 to DCCC Excite@Home $5,000 5/17 to DCCC EDS $20,000 4/20 to NRCC=20 Inc $10,000 4/11 to DCCC Focal Communications Corp $8,000 6/30 to DCCC Fox Sports Net $1,500 5/126 to DCCC in kind Robert Glasser ( Real Networks) $10,000 6/13 to DCCC Global Crossing Development Co $25,000 6/19 to DCCC Leo Hindrey (Global Crossing) $40,000 6/12 to DCCC Hispanic Broadcasting Corp $10,000 6/29 to DCCC Intuit Inc $20,000 5/10 to DCCC Level 3 Communications $25,000 6/30 to DCCC Lockheed Martin Corp $50,000 6/22 to NRCC; $50,000 5/3 to DCCC; $10,000 5/19 to DCCC; $10,000 6/6 to DCCC $15,000 6/30 to NRCC; $10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [Fratrum] FW: Alert/"Know Your Customer" is back! (fwd) Date: 21 Jul 2000 10:22:17 PST On Jul 21, Jim Moore wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] These people NEVER give up!!!! Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 5:52 PM July 20, 2000 Dear friend of liberty, "Know Your Customer" monitoring of your bank account is back! Politicians, federal bureaucrats and institutional elites are, once again, working to make your local bank teller their snitch. Two years ago, Congress passed a bill directing federal banking regulators to issue the infamous "Know Your Customer" regulations. Those regulations would have required your local bank teller to: 1. Determine your identity - not for the bank's purposes, but for the government's purposes. 2. Determine the source of your deposit. 3. Determine your profile of "regular and expected" transactions that is based, not on your actual banking history, but on what your banking history should be according to racial, economic, geographic guidelines. 4. Report your "suspicious" transactions to the federal government. Your "suspicious" transactions will be those that don't fit with the government's profile of "regular and expected" transactions for you. The opposition to "Know Your Customer" was overwhelming. Over 300,000 Americans from coast-to-coast told the banking regulators in Washington to stop "Know Your Customer" regulations. The federal bureaucrats did back down last year - but they're back. "Know Your Customer" (version 2) regulations are included in H.R. 3886. H.R. 3886 will implement the "Know Your Customer" regulations for international transactions. In addition, H.R. 3886 will give the U.S. treasury department (IRS, Customs Service, Secret Service) the power to: 1. Make new requirements on financial institutions at their discretion. 2. Prohibit whole classes of international transactions at their discretion. 3. Prohibit international transactions with certain financial institutions at their discretion. 4. Prohibit international transactions with certain countries at their discretion. H.R. 3886 will decimate privacy between you and the financial institutions with which you do business. Politicians, federal bureaucrats and institutional elites desperately want H.R. 3886 to become law. They will tell you not to worry. "These 'Know Your Customer' regulations will only be used to catch criminals. These regulations will only be used for international transactions." The people who are telling us not to worry today are the same people who tried last year to quietly pass regulations that would have forced your local bank teller to become a government snitch. There are only six weeks of legislative business remaining this year. During those six weeks, many bills will be quietly pushed through the U.S. House in the hope of not being noticed during the year-end flurry of votes. H.R. 3886 is one of those bills. If we fall for "Know Your Customer" for international transactions today, we'll have to suffer from "Know Your Customer" for local transactions tomorrow. That's what they were after in the first place. Please urge your U.S. representative to vote against H.R. 3886. You can send an E-mail by going to and click on Communicate at the top of the page. Please tell your representative to vote "no" on H.R. 3886. To call your representative, dial the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121. Also, tell your local bank that you are opposed to H.R. 3886 and ask them to oppose it as well. Last year, many banks helped stop "Know Your Customer" (version 1) after they heard from their customers. Wired News Article,1367,37566,00.html Orange Leader (opinion) - "Know Your Customer tries the back door" Ron Paul Press Release Kent Snyder Liberty Study Committee ***** To contribute to the Liberty Study Committee, please go to and click on Contribute at the top of the page. To send a question or comment, please To SUBSCRIBE, please send an E-Mail message to with the following text on the first line of your message: subscribe libertystudycommittee To UNSUBSCRIBE, please send an E-mail message to with the following text on the first line of your message: unsubscribe libertystudycommittee [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ,000 5/10 to DCCC MCI Worldcom $45,000 5/3 to DCCC; $5,000 6/13 to DCCC; $1933 6/1 to DCCC;=20 $5,000 6/30 to DCCC Microsoft $47,500 6/30 to NRCC; $2,500 6/22 to NRCC; $15,000 4/17 to DCCC Eric Koenig (Microsoft) $10,000 6/29 to DCCC NASDAQ $2,500 6/30 to NRCC; $3,150 4/28 to NRCC; $700 5/16 to NRCC Nat'l Assn of Broadcasters $3,000 5/12 to NRCC; $32,500 6/30 to DCCC Network Solutions $ 25,000 6/28 to NRCC; $350 6/29 to NRCC Nortel Networks $25,000 4/25 to NRCC Oracle Corp $50,000 4/20 to NRCC PanAmSat Inc $25,000 6/30 to DCCC PG&E $25,000 4/25 to NRCC; $25,000 5/5 to NRCC; $5,000 6/15 to NRCC; $25,00= 0=20 4/7 to DCCC Philip Levine (On Board Media) $25,000 6/29 to DCCC Norman Pattiz (Westwood One) $50,000 6/30 to DCCC SBC (see above) Sun Microsystems $5,000 5/4 to DCCC Telecommunications Industry Assn $10,000 6/30 to DCCC Teligent $10,000 5/16 to NRCC; $10,000 6/30 to NRCC; $10,000 6/30 to DCCC; = $50 0 6/12 to DCCC Time Warner Communications $3,637 4/25 to DCCC Thomas E Unterman (Times Mirror) $5,000 4/11 to DCCC US West $50,000 6/30 to NRCC; $350 5/22 to NRCC; $10,000 5/16 to DCCC; $50,000 6/30 to DCCC Barry Baker (USA Networks) $9,000 6/7 to DCCC Westinghouse $25,000 6/30 to DCCC Winstar Communications $10,000 6/30 to NRCC ****** Tony Raymond Kent Cooper FECInfo a product of Votenet Solutions *************** FECInfo *************** NEW SOFT MONEY REPORTED BY DCCC AND NRCC July 20, 2000 The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the National=20 Republican Congressional Campaign Com-mittee (NRCC) recently reported their= =20 soft money donations for the period April 1 through June 30, 2000. The DCC= C=20 raised $10,085,867 in soft money compared to the NRCC raising $5,108,659=20 during the same period. Listed below are the donations of $100,000 or more.= =20 Aseparate listing of some communication/-technology donors is also included= . The April 1 through June 30th soft money fundraising for the DNC($24,353,60= 0)=20 and the RNC ($37,537,895) can be found in our previous e-mails. Reportsfrom= =20 the senatorial campaign committees have not been made public yet. Subscription information for access to detailed databases and on-line=20 searches of soft money, lobby registrations and reports, as well as profile= s=20 of corporate money in politics can be found on our home page at=20 Highlights: Service Employees Union gives $1.5 million to DCCC Other large donors move $250,000 or more to the DCCC: Ness Motley law firm, Food & Commerical Workers Union, and David Shimmon. Charles Ergen (Echostar) gives heavily to both parties, $150,000 to DCCC an= d=20 $50,000 to NRCC. Details: Fannie Mae, Washington, DC $50,000 6/22 to DCCC; $50,000 6/29 to DCCC Freddie Mac, McLean, VA $100,000 6/30 to DCCC; $3,000 5/12 to NRCC American Int'l Group, NY, NY $100,000 6/13 to DCCC GNYHA Management Corp, NY, NY $100,000 6/12 to DCCC Ness Motley Loadholt Richardson & Poole, Providence, RI $ 250,000 6/27 to=20 DCCC; $2,500 5/31 to DCCC HD Vest Financial Services, Irving, TX $100,000 5/15 to NRCC KPMG LLP, Washington, DC $100,000 4/19 to NRCC L Needham Corp, Las Vegas, NV $100,000 5/31 to NRCC Nat'l Assn of Convienence Stores, Alexandria, VA $100,000 6/30 to NRCC;=20 $1,000 4/10 to NRCC RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co, Washington, DC $100,000 6/30 to NRCC; $3,000 4/20to= =20 NRCC; $700 5/25 to NRCC SBC Communications Inc, Washington, DC $100,000 5/11 to NRCC; $6,000 6/22to= =20 NRCC; $25,000 4/21 to DCCC Local 1199, Service Employees Int'l Union State Political Action Fund, NY, = NY=20 $500,000 6/8 to DCCC Local 1115, New Jersey Division of 1199 SEIU, Westbury, NY $250,000 6/8 to= =20 DCCC SEIU COPE PEA Int'l US, Washington, DC $375,000 4/26 to DCCC; $125,000 4/28= =20 to DCCC; $250,000 6/8 to DCCC United Food & Commercial Workers Int'l Union, Washington, DC $250,000 5/10 = to=20 DCCC; $200,000 6/30 to DCCC American Federation of Teachers, Washington, DC $100,000 6/27 to DCCC Darlyn M Davenport, San Diego, CA (Pres, Seawest Corp) $100,000 6/30 to DCC= C Charles W Ergen, Englewood, CO (CEO, Echostar) $50,000 5/12 to DCCC; $50,00= 0=20 6/12 to DCCC; $50,000 6/30 to DCCC; $25,000 5/5 to NRCC; $25,000 6/30 to NR= CC John A Kornreich, Roslyn Heights, NY (Sandler Media) $100,000 6/12 to DCCC John M O'Quinn, Houston, TX (attorney, O'Quinn, Kerensky McAninch & Laminack) $100,000 5/8 to DCCC Bernard L Schwartz, NY, NY (exec, Loral Corp) $50,000 4/17 to DCCC; ,$100,0= 00=20 6/19 to DCCC David J Shimmon, Los Altos Hills, CA (CEO, Kinetics Group) $250,000 4/7 to= =20 DCCC George Soros, NY, NY (exec, Soros Fund Management) $100,000 6/6 to DCCC Communication/Technology donors: Allegiance Telecom Service Corp $25,000 6/30 to DCCC America Online $25,000 4/19 to NRCC AMFM Inc $10,000 6/30 to DCCC AT&T $80,000 6/30 to DCCC Beacon Communications $5,000 6/30 to DCCC Bell Atlantic $35,000 6/30 to DCCC BellSouth $22,500 6/30 to DCCC Bernard Schwartz (Loral) $100,000 6/19 to DCCC; $50,000 4/17 to DCCC Cellular Telecommunications Industry $10,000 6/27 to DCCC; $500 6/21 to DCCC Compaq $50,000 6/22 to NRCC Cable & Wireless $9033 5/16-6/29 to NRCC Charles Ergen (Echostar) see above Competitive Telecommunications Assn $10,000 6/30 to DCCC; $1,000 5/23 to DCCC Computer & Communications Industry $50,000 5/10 to DCCC Excite@Home $5,000 5/17 to DCCC EDS $20,000 4/20 to NRCC=20 Inc $10,000 4/11 to DCCC Focal Communications Corp $8,000 6/30 to DCCC Fox Sports Net $1,500 5/126 to DCCC in kind Robert Glasser ( Real Networks) $10,000 6/13 to DCCC Global Crossing Development Co $25,000 6/19 to DCCC Leo Hindrey (Global Crossing) $40,000 6/12 to DCCC Hispanic Broadcasting Corp $10,000 6/29 to DCCC Intuit Inc $20,000 5/10 to DCCC Level 3 Communications $25,000 6/30 to DCCC Lockheed Martin Corp $50,000 6/22 to NRCC; $50,000 5/3 to DCCC; $10,000 5/19 to DCCC; $10,000 6/6 to DCCC $15,000 6/30 to NRCC; $10,000 5/10 to DCCC MCI Worldcom $45,000 5/3 to DCCC; $5,000 6/13 to DCCC; $1933 6/1 to DCCC; $5,000 6/30 to DCCC Microsoft $47,500 6/30 to NRCC; $2,500 6/22 to NRCC; $15,000 4/17 to DCCC Eric Koenig (Microsoft) $10,000 6/29 to DCCC NASDAQ $2,500 6/30 to NRCC; $3,150 4/28 to NRCC; $700 5/16 to NRCC Nat'l Assn of Broadcasters $3,000 5/12 to NRCC; $32,500 6/30 to DCCC Network Solutions $ 25,000 6/28 to NRCC; $350 6/29 to NRCC Nortel Networks $25,000 4/25 to NRCC Oracle Corp $50,000 4/20 to NRCC PanAmSat Inc $25,000 6/30 to DCCC PG&E $25,000 4/25 to NRCC; $25,000 5/5 to NRCC; $5,000 6/15 to NRCC; $25,00= 0=20 4/7 to DCCC Philip Levine (On Board Media) $25,000 6/29 to DCCC Norman Pattiz (Westwood One) $50,000 6/30 to DCCC SBC (see above) Sun Microsystems $5,000 5/4 to DCCC Telecommunications Industry Assn $10,000 6/30 to DCCC Teligent $10,000 5/16 to NRCC; $10,000 6/30 to NRCC; $10,000 6/30 to DCCC;= =20 $500 6/12 to DCCC Time Warner Communications $3,637 4/25 to DCCC Thomas E Unterman (Times Mirror) $5,000 4/11 to DCCC US West $50,000 6/30 to NRCC; $350 5/22 to NRCC; $10,000 5/16 to DCCC;$50,0= 00=20 6/30 to DCCC Barry Baker (USA Networks) $9,000 6/7 to DCCC Westinghouse $25,000 6/30 to DCCC Winstar Communications $10,000 6/30 to NRCC ****** Tony Raymond Kent Cooper FECInfo a product of Votenet Solutions [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Gumbel Fumble (fwd) Date: 21 Jul 2000 12:23:01 PST On Jul 21, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] From the Home of Rich & Peggy Martin Grand Prairie, TX 75050 It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice. _______________________________________________ INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY Personally, I think Gumbel's fumble, if that is what it was, has gone a long way in revealing the true character of the network to a lot of people who never believed their news stories were slanted. All Gumbel was doing was: his master's bidding. Rich Martin Editor of Slick ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CONTACT: Sharon Sampson, (202) 393-2100 CBS LEGALLY REQUIRED TO PROVIDE TAPE OF 'GUMBEL FUMBLE,' SAYS FRC "In order to avoid a Gumbel-gate, CBS must provide the broadcast tape," says FRC's Donovan. WASHINGTON, D.C. - More than two weeks after CBS "Early Show" anchor Bryant Gumbel defamed Family Research Council's (FRC) Senior Director of Cultural Studies Robert Knight, FRC is calling on CBS to obey broadcast regulations and provide a tape of the interview. "Because Mr. Gumbel made an attack upon the 'character, integrity, and personal qualities' of Robert Knight during a live broadcast, CBS is legally required under federal broadcasting regulations to provide a videotape of the broadcast," said Chuck Donovan, Executive Vice President for FRC. "As we await the videotape from CBS, we also continue to await an apology from Bryant Gumbel for his crude and uncalled for characterization of Mr. Knight before millions of viewers." In a July 18 letter to Vice President Tony Petitti of WCBS- New York, New York's CBS broadcast licensee, Donovan makes a formal request for CBS to provide Mr. Knight with a videotape of the June 29 broadcast without further delay. Donovan writes: "Under the Code of Federal Regulations Section 73.1920, CBS should have provided Mr. Knight with a videotape of [the June 29] program no later than one week after the attack." CBS, a broadcast licensee, has additional obligations under the code. "CBS officials have tried to buck all accountability for Mr. Gumbel's obscene comment, contradicting themselves by saying they don't know what Mr. Gumbel's comment was but that it bears no relevance to the just concluded interview with Knight," Donovan said. Viewers of the program clearly saw Gumbel mutter the words "What a f---ing idiot" as Knight exited the set. Bryant Gumbel himself has also failed to make any public or private apology to Robert Knight. "In the weeks since Mr. Gumbel's totally objectionable slur against Mr. Knight, there has been a groundswell of protest from the media and the public about the intolerance often directed against conservatives who make any argument based on religious precepts," Donovan said. "The Media Research Center and the American Family Association have both called for Mr. Gumbel's ouster, saying it is inconsistent for CBS to have fired sports anchor Jimmy 'The Greek" Snyder in 1988 for making racially bigoted comments, but not to fire Mr. Gumbel for making religiously bigoted comments. Americans are tired of conservatives being treated with a double standard and slurred for making thoughtful, moral arguments. FRC now formally demands the videotape from CBS and an apology from Bryant Gumbel," Donovan said. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR INTERVIEWS, CALL THE FRC PRESS OFFICE. Family Research Council is located at 801 G Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 Phone: 202-393-2100 Fax: 202-393-2134 >> [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: DNA Junk? (fwd) Date: 21 Jul 2000 15:17:38 PST On Jul 21, House, David Alan wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] If there's more than Junk 'in them thar' hills' of presently perceived 'gibberish', then our current level and bias of science is destined to leave something critically important behind, much as the hundreds of so-called unnecessary 'vestigial organs' which now have come down to a small hand full, and still shrinking. Is it design, which would provide a purpose for everything except maybe for that which could have become damaged over the passage of a few thousand years, or is it happenstance and 'survival of the fittest', which would allow and encourage the glossing over of many most likely critical and hazardous realizations on the way towards creating a 'Moderan Man', or perhaps more accurately, a 'Frankenstein's Monster'? With suppositions such as these on which to found our science and thereby most directly our medicine and physicians procedural options, we may be certain of many unnecessary failures and much sorrow, grief, and frustration due to a failure and refusal to include one primary and very critical ingredient. David House BreakPoint with Charles Colson Commentary #000721 - 07/21/2000 DNA Junk or God's Design?: Unraveling the Human Genome It wasn't the sort of talk that makes biologists comfortable. "We are learning the language in which God created life," said President Clinton two weeks ago as he announced completion of the map of the human genome -- the 3.1 billion units of genetic information stored in our chromosomes. The President's words were right on, but to scientists they had a surprising ring. As polls of scientists indicate, the majority of biologists these days think natural selection -- not God -- created the information in the human genome, over billions of years of evolution. But as Phillip Johnson argues in his new book, THE WEDGE OF TRUTH, biologists need to approach the origin of genetic information with new eyes. Because, behind the news about completion of the genome map are many other mysteries. For example, are the undirected forces of natural selection (acting on random variation) really able to explain how strange and irregular genetic information arises? And how could a blind evolutionary process write the vast encyclopedia of biological data that we carry around in our cells? What gives Johnson's questions such urgency is the genome map itself. Although biologists have finished sequencing the genes, determining the order of the individual letters in the genetic text, they don't understand most of it. "It's written in a foreign language," says geneticist Gerald Rubin, adding, "It's a very complicated problem." Why? Think of it this way. Suppose you found a stone slab covered with strange marks. Some seem to be words in an unknown language, while others are simply random scratchings or gibberish. Well, this is how modern evolutionary biologists view the information in our genome. In their view, the "gibberish" is simply "junk DNA" -- functionless, meaningless scraps and left-overs, which we have inherited from our animal ancestors. And as they see it, only two forces could explain the origin of our genome: natural laws and blind chance, which come together in the process of natural selection. So if there's gibberish, you just dismiss it. After all, the author was a blind natural process whose only goal was survival. But this is a cop-out. What if natural law and chance are incapable of creating such complex information? Even the most ardent Darwinian biologists agree that our genome, despite its vast poorly understood regions, contains tens of thousands of fantastically intricate meaningful sequences. As Johnson argues, "meaningful information-bearing sequences require some THIRD FORCE that works against both repetitive order on the one hand and chaotic chance on the other." And that, he says, would be a designing mind: The mind of God. And if God, not a blind natural process, designed the human DNA, then don't we have good reasons to think that the so-called "junk DNA," so puzzling to biologists, may have important functions as well -- like leading to medical breakthroughs? In fact, the view that our genome is not just junk, but an intricate language we have yet to understand, holds vast promise -- something Darwinian evolution can never offer. ===================== You can order your own copy of Phillip Johnson's The Wedge of Truth from BreakPoint Online at . ===================== Copyright (c) 2000 Prison Fellowship Ministries. Reprinted with permission. "BreakPoint with Chuck Colson" is a radio ministry of Prison Fellowship Ministries. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fw: Extremists in America (fwd) Date: 21 Jul 2000 17:28:24 PST On Jul 21, The McGehee Zone wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 6:48 PM July 21, 2000 Real extremists may have foot in FBI door by Sam Francis Just because no federal buildings have been blown up in the last five years doesn't mean that extremists aren't still out there. A recent issue of the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin carried an article on how to recognize them. It's too bad the Bulletin isn't on your coffee table, because, according to the article, you're probably an extremist yourself. The article, "Vehicle Stops Involving Extremist Group Members," by James Kobolt, tells us it's important to be able to tell who's an extremist because when the cops pull over a vehicle in a routine traffic stop, it may well be packing extremists and the extremists may be packing lead. "Sadly, most officers can recall a traffic stop in their state that involved a member of an extremist group and ended in a surprise fight for survival," the article avows, offering no support whatsoever for that statement. In any case, the way to recognize an extremist is fairly easy. First, we're told, "extremists' vehicles may sport bumper stickers with antigovernment or pro-gun sentiments," among other signs. Well, like what? The article offers two hypothetical examples of "bumper stickers with antigovernment or pro-gun sentiments." These are "Know Your Enemies: They Are Your Leaders," and "Joe McCarthy Was Right." You're probably catching the article's drift by now. The article offers one actual example of an incident involving extremists, when two "members of the neo-Nazi group Aryan Nations and white supremacist religion Christian Identity" fired at Ohio police after being stopped. We're not told what "sentiments," if any, the pair's bumper stickers expressed, but the reason they were pulled over was that their license plates had expired. There are, of course, other ways to detect extremists, especially if they don't believe in drivers' licenses or car registration. In that case "they may present handmade licenses, a copy of the Constitution, a Bible, or political literature." No doubt the nuts who run around with the Constitution or the Bible in their vehicles are the most dangerous of all. You probably need to shoot them on sight. Nevertheless, "Once officers decide a subject may hold extremist beliefs," the article cautions, "they should develop a plan of action." The rest simply regurgitates fairly routine security procedures that most street cops learn at the police academy; the article's clear purpose is not to tell experienced law enforcement officers that kind of stuff but rather to wash their brains a bit. What the article is injecting into the minds of the police officers who read it is that anyone who expresses support for the Second Amendment in a bumper sticker is an "extremist" and a likely killer. Similarly, anyone who expresses "antigovernment" sentiments is also probably an "extremist" and a killer. But what, besides agreeing with Joe McCarthy, constitutes extremist "anti-government" sentiments exactly? "Abolish the IRS"? "Don't Vote. It Only Encourages Them"? "Get US out of the UN"? All those are real bumper stickers that express "antigovernment" sentiments. Do those who display them need to be approached with caution? Nowhere does the article offer any real instance of cops being harmed by people who displayed any kind of bumper sticker, and nowhere are there any other kinds of "extremist" sentiments offered. What about stickers praising Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, Mao Tse-tung, or Malcolm X? Do "extremists" include anti-white racists, Hispanic separatists, adherents of fringe religious cults like Santeria or any number of other oddballs? The article never mentions any of them. The article itself is what's really dangerous, and the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin needs to get itself a new editor who will refuse to publish garbage like this. What's dangerous about it is that it teaches cops unlikely to know any better that anyone who expresses perfectly harmless and entirely legitimate political ideas drawn from the mainstream of American history and political culture is a violent crackpot who needs to be watched and will probably boil over at any moment. There are indeed nutty people out there, and some of them may be dangerous and more or less say so on whatever bumper stickers they paste on whatever vehicles they drive. But there are other nuts as well whose ideas are far more extreme than anyone who's against big government and gun control. Unfortunately, some of them seem to have wormed their way into the confidence of law enforcement in recent years and are busily trying to exploit state power to suppress ideas they don't like. It's nuts like these, who never fire a shot or break a law, who are the really dangerous extremists, because they're often able to gull well-meaning cops and their supervisors into swallowing their propaganda without understanding the hatred of freedom from which it comes or the destruction of freedom to which it's intended to lead. ©2000 Creators Syndicate, Inc. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fw: Underlying assumptions (fwd) Date: 21 Jul 2000 17:29:33 PST On Jul 21, The McGehee Zone wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 6:57 PM > July 21, 2000 > > Underlying assumptions > Thomas Sowell > > The specific controversial issues we fight about often reflect more general > differences in our underlying assumptions. This was apparent in a letter > from a reader named Herbert Simon, who wrote to the Times-Leader, a > newspaper in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, protesting my position on gun > control. But the implications reach far beyond gun control and may shed > light on many other issues. > > Mr. Simon referred to "the equanimity with which Sowell accepts the number > of gun deaths in the U.S." But it is not up to me to accept or reject any > number of deaths of innocent people. If it were, I would accept none. > > In the real world, however, we have to make our choices among the > alternatives actually available. Tragically, those alternatives do not > include zero deaths of innocent people. > > What are the alternatives when we are talking about guns? Having guns in > millions of homes means that somebody, somewhere, is going to needlessly > kill somebody, perhaps himself. But studies also show that guns in the hands > of law-abiding citizens reduce violence, including murders. In making our > choices, we have to consider which way will fewer innocent people die. > > Sadly, many people who cry out for gun control have never even considered > such facts or weighed the tragic alternatives. Moreover, mindless emotional > reactions are not confined to gun control controversies. All too often, one > particular evil is dealt with in isolation and laws are advocated or passed > to stamp out that particular evil, without the slightest consideration of > what other evils will be made worse in the process. > > If the problem is poverty, then such things as minimum wage laws and rent > control laws are advocated to help the poor. These laws do in fact help > particular poor people -- and hurt many other poor people. But those who are > looking for "solutions" do not even want to think about trade-offs. > > Economists who have studied the actual over-all effects of minimum wage laws > and rent control laws have usually found that the poor are worse off, on net > balance, as a result of such laws. Higher unemployment rates are one of the > bad consequences of minimum wage laws, while housing shortages have followed > rent control as surely as night follows day -- all around the world. > > Most advocates of minimum wage laws and rent control laws do not even ask > the question whether such laws have any down side. And you certainly cannot > get an answer unless you first ask the question. The same is true of gun > control and many other issues. > > Like so many gun control advocates, Mr. Simon cites countries with murder > rates much lower than that of the United States -- and then takes a flying > leap to the conclusion that gun control laws account for the difference. But > you could have picked different countries and reached the opposite > conclusion. > > Brazil and Russia have stronger gun control laws than the United States -- > and much higher murder rates. In Statistics 1, they usually point out that > correlation is not causation. In this case, there isn't even correlation. > There are simply arbitrary choices of which countries to use for making > comparisons. > > Unfortunately for Mr. Simon, he included Switzerland among the countries > with low murder rates. But gun ownership is very widespread in Switzerland, > as it is in Israel -- and both countries have very low murder rates. > > The cold facts back up what common sense should have told us: It is people > who choose to kill. Fortunately, guns can also prevent people from killing. > Indeed, the highly publicized shootings in schools and elsewhere, which gun > control advocates exploit repeatedly, all came to an end when armed > policemen arrived on the scene. > > In addition to the underlying assumption that there are solutions, rather > than trade-offs, too many people assume that members of the general public > lack common sense and so must be tightly controlled by some anointed elite > like themselves. It is a very self-flattering vision and therefore one that > the anointed are unlikely to give up. > > In this vision of the anointed, ordinary people cannot be trusted with guns > or cars or even with their own choices of shower heads and toilets -- the > last two now being prescribed by the federal government. Those who think > like this seldom have the facts to back up their sweeping assumptions. Worse > yet, they don't see the need to check the facts. > > > > > ©2000 Creators Syndicate, Inc. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Urgent Action Item: Help Kill the Carnivore! (fwd) Date: 21 Jul 2000 22:42:09 PST On Jul 22, Privacy News ListManager wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- =============================================================== URGENT ACTION ITEM! Congress agrees to hold hearing on Monday in response to public outrage over FBI's e-mail spy scheme =============================================================== =============================================================== You are receiving this alert because you participated in s successful 1999 campaign against the FDIC s proposed Know Your Customer bank spying regulation. If you do not want to receive further updates, please use the unsubscribe directions at the end of this message. =============================================================== * Immediate action required: Help us Kill the Carnivore! On July 14 we issued a press release about an FBI cybersnooping device code-named Carnivore, which can scan millions of e-mails per second. Because Carnivore has unlimited power to spy on almost everyone with an e-mail account, it may be the biggest threat to your digital privacy ever. Almost immediately after the existence of this project was disclosed in a July 11 Wall Street Journal article, public outrage began to mount -- and now Congress has been pressured into holding hearings on Carnivore. To capitalize on Monday's hearing before a House Judiciary Committee panel, we ve launched a campaign to "Kill the Carnivore"! Politicians on Capitol Hill may be planning to mollify the public by starting an "investigation" into the system, but that's not enough: We want to stop the Carnivore in its tracks and kill it -- before it devours your privacy. Please read this e-mail and *IMMEDIATELY* take the action below. Then forward this e-mail to friends, and ask them to do the same. BACKGROUND: Carnivore is a hardware-software device that the FBI secretly developed at its lab in Quantico, Va. Dubbed Carnivore because of its ability to find "the meat" among millions of e-mails, Carnivore scans every incoming and outgoing e-mail message on a network looking for telltale words or names, and saves those messages for later retrieval by law enforcement. Carnivore can also track instant messages, visits to websites, and Internet relay chat sessions. The FBI admits that Carnivore will scan millions of e-mail messages from innocent people to find a tiny number of messages from people suspected of crimes. That's no different than if the FBI opened everyone's mail hoping to find a letter from a criminal, or listened in on everyone's phone calls just in case a crime was being discussed. Though Carnivore's existence was just publicly revealed, the FBI has already installed the device at dozens of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) around the country, and claims it has used it "fewer than 50 times" so far. In many cases, the FBI keeps the device in a locked cage on the ISP's premises, with agents making daily visits to retrieve the captured data. Many ISPs have refused to allow the FBI to install Carnivore, citing concerns that the privacy of all their customers could be violated. But earlier this year, a federal judge ruled against one such ISP, leaving it no choice but to allow the FBI access to its system. Predictably, the FBI promises to limit surveillance to messages from suspected hackers, terrorists, or drug dealers. But considering that this is the same agency that quietly inserted "roving telephone tap" authority into federal law and illegally turned over confidential personnel files to the Clinton White House, you shouldn't be expected to trust it with your confidential e-mails. But Carnivore is more than a threat to your ordinary e-mail correspondence -- it also gives government bureaucrats the ability to spy on your online banking transactions, because it has the ability to monitor all digital communications. The bottom line is that your privacy won't be protected as long as Carnivore is on the loose. At this point, no legislation to eliminate Carnivore has been proposed. However, with your help we can change that. Keep in mind that we kicked off our campaign to kill the FDIC's "Know Your Customer" bank spy scheme last year before any legislation existed. But once we informed the public about this threat to their financial privacy, they swung into action and demanded an immediate end to the program. Americans flooded Capitol Hill with over 300,000 angry e-mails and phone calls, and within weeks, Know Your Customer was withdrawn. We believe that once Americans learn about Carnivore's outrageous assault on their electronic privacy, they will demand legislation to abolish it as well. That's why we're asking you to join the "Kill the Carnivore" campaign! WHAT TO DO: Call the Congressional switchboard, toll free, at 1-888-449-3511. If that number is busy try 202-225-3121 or 202-224-3121. Then ask to speak to the office of your Congressional representative. The switchboard is open 24 hours, and most House offices have voice mail, so please make the call as soon as you get this message. WHAT TO SAY: (1) Identify yourself and let them know you are a voter in their district. Leave your name, address, complete with ZIP code, and phone number. Please be brief, especially if you are leaving a message. (2) Let them know that you're calling in response to Monday's hearing on the FBI's Carnivore e-mail spy scheme. (The hearing is being held by the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on the Constitution.) Tell them that Carnivore poses an immediate threat to your e-mail privacy and that you want it abolished. Specifically, ask your representative to personally sponsor or co-sponsor legislation to abolish the FBI's Carnivore program now! Insist that you do *not* want an investigation, or Congressional hearings, or a "blue ribbon" commission -- you want to Kill the Carnivore now! (3) Ask them to write you a letter spelling out their position on Carnivore, and detailing what they intend to do. One more thing: Please forward this e-mail to friends, and ask them to call their representative, too. Thank you for your help! -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQCVAwUBOXkKYNCSe1KnQG7RAQHJTgP/RV9BQ1JD1KBsgp5upcVfv6F054F2um1o UvNpBTeWbB/xAXEwRhBLBkMkMTFDOk377Ua0vD5eu8Gr2fBjRjzFWvXm9Vvkehx8 dJBg/eNVjn/SpyFfUaxFdgikVthM8HfUY+Noa5l2oQJgcvIlDKMqHIdO9T2zwQds oh0cYKJvMUg= =uFYK -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- =============================================================== is provided as a public service by the Libertarian Party. The site is currently being redesigned and will be relaunched next week. For more information about the Libertarian Party, please visit our new website: =============================================================== TO UNSUBSCRIBE: Or, if the above method doesn't work with your software, please send an e-mail FROM THE ACCOUNT SUBSCRIBED to the mailing list to: and in the body of the message type only the word "unsubscribe" (without the quotes) IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION that requires an answer, YOU MUST Replies to the List Manager are automatically deleted. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: A child safety device that might actually work. (fwd) Date: 22 Jul 2000 21:45:56 PST On Jul 22, Bill Campbell wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] I was poking around on the Johns Hopkins Alumni web site just now, and found an interesting article from the engineering school: This is a simple mechanical device that uses a semi-auto's own safety to prevent young children (under the age of 7 or so) from accidentally firing the gun. They even seem to recognize that handguns are often used for self defense. The student engineers designed a metal cover that could be fastened atop the barrel of a 9-mm semiautomatic pistol, covering the safety lever and forcing it into the position that prevents the gun from firing. When two buttons are depressed, the cover slides open, exposing the safety switch and allowing the user to put the gun into its "fire" mode. Small children lack the dexterity, finger strength and mental agility to open the sliding door, the students discovered during tests with young children. Yet these children's mothers had no trouble opening the cover, the inventors said. That was important, the students said, because adult gun owners want to be able to arm themselves quickly if they hear a home intruder at night. With minimal practice, Glorioso said, "you could open the cover and flip the safety lever with your eyes closed." Bill -- INTERNET: bill@Celestial.COM Bill Campbell; Celestial Systems, Inc. UUCP: camco!bill PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way FAX: (206) 232-9186 Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676 URL: [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Sheriff has FEDS under control... (fwd) Date: 24 Jul 2000 08:59:13 PST On Jul 24, Lynn wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Pinch Collars for Big Dogs- BATF, IRS, EPA, FBI These vicious dogs must be controlled. Pay attention to Wyoming, these fellas have the lead. Lynn ************************************************ SHERIFFS PUT FEDS ON CHOKE CHAINS By V.N.S. Edited for Publication by Sierra Times- Posted: 07.24.00 VNS - County sheriffs in Wyoming are insisting that all federal law enforcement officers and personnel from federal regulatory agencies must clear all their activities in a Wyoming county with the Sheriff's Office. Speaking at a press conference following the recent US District Court decision (case No 2:96-cv-099-J) Bighorn County Sheriff Dave Mattis stated that all federal officials are forbidden to enter his county without his prior approval. "If a sheriff doesn't want the Feds in his county he has the constitutional power and right to keep them out or ask them to leave or retain them in custody." The court decision came about after Mattis & other members of the Wyoming Sheriffs' Association brought a suit against both the BATF and the IRS in the Wyoming federal court district seeking restoration of the protections enshrined in the United States Constitution and the Wyoming Constitution. The District Court ruled in favor of the sheriffs, stating that, "Wyoming is a sovereign state and the duly elected sheriff of a county is the highest law enforcement official within a county and has law enforcement powers exceeding that of any other state or federal official." The Wyoming sheriffs are demanding access to all BATF files to verify that the agency is not violating provisions of Wyoming law that prohibit the registration of firearms or the keeping of a registry of firearm owners. The sheriffs are also demanding that federal agencies immediately cease the seizure of private property and the impoundment of private bank accounts without regard to due process in state courts. Sheriff Mattis stated, "I am reacting to the actions of federal employees who have attempted to deprive citizens of my county of their privacy, their liberty, and their property without regard to constitutional safeguards. I hope that more sheriffs all across America will join us in protecting their citizens from the illegal activities of the IRS, EPA, BATF, FBI, or any other federal agency that is operating outside the confines of constitutional law. Employees of the IRS and the EPA are no longer welcome in Bighorn County unless they intend to operate in conformance to constitutional law." This case is evidence that the Tenth Amendment is not yet dead in the United States. It may also be interpreted to mean that political subdivisions of a State are included within the meaning of the amendment, or that the powers exercised by a sheriff are an extension of those common law powers which the Tenth Amendment explicitly reserves to the People, if they are not granted to the federal government and specifically prohibited to the States. ===== Politically Incorrect T Shirts... Best pro gun news... Silver based currency... News and Opinion... Patriot Mary Kay Lady... America's Voice... [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: GunsSaveLives> FW: S & W Commemorative Handguns -- Get 'em all! (fwd) Date: 24 Jul 2000 09:22:50 PST On Jul 24, Paul Miller wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] >From another list... CC: "KABACops (E-mail)" This is a guest editorial from the Sierra Times today. It hits the mark too. ===================================== Smith & Wesson Announces New Commemorative Handguns by David Roberson - Posted: 07.24.00 Guest Editorial SPRINGFIELD, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF MASSACHUSETTS - Officials at Smith & Wesson, formerly the nation's largest manufacturer of handguns, announced today plans for a new series of commemorative handguns to be introduced this fall. Officials said the commemorative handguns, part of what the company is calling the Heritage Series, will be specially engraved versions of classic models in the S&W handgun line. The guns will command a premium price, but S&W officials noted that engraved firearms usually are priced much higher than plain guns, and they denied that the new guns are intended mainly to boost plummeting sales for the faltering gun company. "Certainly we've had some tough economic times lately due to customer misunderstanding of our recent pact with the dev--..., I mean, our agreement with the federal government," said S&W spokesman Joseph M. Blow. "But it's ridiculous to suggest that a series of commemorative guns could reverse the sales decline we've experienced since our sellout..., er, I mean, since signing that agreement. "We realize that some misinformed consumers will probably continue their boycott of S&W products, and we accept the Senate's recent decision that will prevent our company from getting preferential treatment in government gun-purchasing contracts," Blow said. "But our agreement with the government was never about improving our position in the market. We betrayed our industry, our customers, and the Constitution for other reasons." Blow said sales of Heritage Series models are expected to be limited, "but that's fine. These special commemorative guns are designed to honor our glorious heritage, and for no other reason." Blow offered these descriptions of the guns in the new S&W Heritage Series: The Judas Iscariot - This version of the Model 36 will feature fine scrollwork engraving and 30 small silver inlays. "If you look at the historical treatment of Jesus' early followers, it's clear that Judas has never really gotten the same recognition as the other disciples," Blow said. "It's unfortunate that because he made one decision that was misrepresented by extremists among the Apostles, Judas has been denied the honor he deserves. We think this beautiful commemorative will help correct that error." The Benedict Arnold - This gun, a version of the Model 629, will be decorated in a patriotic motif including both the 13-star Betsy Ross flag and the British Union Jack. "It symbolizes General Arnold's tough decision to go over from one side to the other," Blow explained. "In a world in which acting from political expedience has somehow gotten a bad name, we thought it was time to recognize that not everyone possesses the courage to act from principle." The Neville Chamberlain - This gun, a special non-firing version of the Model 10, will be heavily decorated with palm-leaf engraving and the motto "Peace in our time," a slogan popularized by former British Prime Minister Chamberlain. "Not every political leader can be a tyrant," Blow explained, "but many of them are proud advocates of the cause of appeasing tyrants. With the Chamberlain model, we give those political leaders their due." Blow noted that the Chamberlain model recognizes S&W's British heritage - the gunmaker is owned by a British firm - since it honors a British politician. Also, he said, because the Chamberlain model is not a functioning firearm, it can actually be owned by subjects of the British police state. The Vidkun Quisling - This gun, the only semiautomatic handgun in the series, will be based on the Model 639. It will be liberally engraved in a Norwegian snowflake motif, with the gun's back embellished with a gold inlaid dagger. "The word 'traitor' is thrown around so easily sometimes, without taking the time to understand the complicated circumstances in which it is sometimes advantageous, I mean necessary, to become a traitor," Blow said. "We hope this new model will encourage people to think twice before using that word so casually. After all, if more people didn't have morals or personal convictions, they might become traitors, too." Blow said that S&W officials will monitor sales of the Heritage Series before deciding whether to proceed with a second limited-edition series under consideration by the firm. This second group of guns has tentatively been named the Presidential Service Series, Blow said. "But we don't envision it as a group of commemoratives honoring American presidents who have served our country," Blow said. "We intend for this new series to honor special people who have been of particular service to various American presidents." For example, Blow said, the first model in the proposed Presidential Service Series would be The Bill Clinton, and would feature detailed engravings of former White House intern Monica Lewinsky and S&W President Ed Schultz. He declined to say whether the engravings would depict Lewinsky and Schultz actually servicing President Clinton. David Roberson is a writer living in Lincoln County, North Carolina. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Hefner's Playboy Playmates host hypocrite gore fund raiser (fwd) Date: 26 Jul 2000 09:42:41 PST I especially liked the, "caught in the middle by the `fun'd raiser", line, but I have real trouble imagining why even Tipper would want to grab him there after this.....:-) On Jul 26, Bard wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] [ ... anything for a buck! ] July 26, 2000 Gore has accepted Hefners' donations By Bill Sammon THE WASHINGTON TIMES Vice President Al Gore, who has expressed strong disapproval of a Democratic fund-raiser at the Playboy Mansion, has accepted thousands of dollars from Playboy founder Hugh Hefner and his daughter, Playboy CEO Christie Hefner. Playboy has given even more money to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which has Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy of Rhode Island as its chairman. Although Mr. Kennedy last week strongly denounced the fund-raiser and is urging fellow Democrats to stage a boycott, he recently spoke at a DCCC gathering in the home of Miss Hefner who now feels betrayed by the lawmaker. Meanwhile, Rep. Loretta Sanchez, the California Democrat who is hosting the fund-raiser, is relishing the "buzz" created by the controversy. Her phone has been ringing off the hook with Democrats seeking invitations, according to a spokeswoman. The Hefners have given at least $8,500 to Mr. Gore's political campaigns within the last five years. Yet the vice president has made clear he does not consider the Playboy Mansion an appropriate venue for a Democratic fund-raiser. "We're not attending, participating, supporting, condoning or giving our imprimatur in any shape, way or form," said Gore spokesman Chris Lehane. Playboy Vice President Cindy Rakowitz was understanding of the vice president's need to distance himself from the party. "That's Gore being very, very careful and watching his own political tracks," Miss Rakowitz told The Washington Times. "I think that Gore has to come out being squeaky clean." She added: "He wasn't saying really horrible, horrible, horrible things about the organization. He was just saying that he's not sanctioning the event." Playboy officials were less forgiving toward Mr. Kennedy, who last week excoriated Mrs. Sanchez for planning the party at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles. The fund-raiser is scheduled for Aug. 15, the night that Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg will address the nearby Democratic National Convention. "This totally contradicts what our party stands for in terms of equal rights, civil rights for all people and respecting the human dignity of every individual," Mr. Kennedy told National Public Radio. "That's why I will not be attending. Nor will I be encouraging any of my colleagues to attend. And in fact, I'll be discouraging them." Bill Farley, Playboy's national director of communications, bristled at the moralism of Mr. Kennedy, whose DCCC has received at least $26,000 from Mr. Hefner over the last four years. Mr. Farley alluded to the legendary womanizing of Mr. Kennedy's father, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, and uncle, President John F. Kennedy. "It's a pretty gratuitous comment on the part of Mr. Kennedy," Mr. Farley said. "We don't want to make any reference to some of the members of his own family and their history." Miss Rakowitz said Mr. Kennedy's comments were particularly "hurtful" to Miss Hefner, who recently opened up her Chicago home to the lawmaker so he could be the featured speaker at a DCCC fund-raiser. "She was very, very, very surprised at what Patrick Kennedy had to say because she hosted him and his party in her home," Miss Rakowitz said. "It's very, very hard for her to understand how all of a sudden he feels the company she runs has a bad public image." Mr. Kennedy's office did not return phone calls. Neither did the vice president's campaign, which has been caught in the middle by the fund-raiser. On one hand, Mr. Gore personally chose Mrs. Sanchez to be vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee and has nurtured her career since she unseated archconservative Robert K. Dornan in 1996. On the other hand, the vice president does not want to be seen cavorting at the Playboy Mansion at the precise moment he is seeking to step out of the shadow of President Clinton, whose own sex scandal resulted in his impeachment. Mr. Gore will not attend the bash, although he has stopped short of calling for its venue to be changed. Mrs. Sanchez, who expressed her anger to Mr. Kennedy during a private encounter on the House floor last week, has shied away from publicly commenting on the fund-raiser, which will benefit Hispanic Unity USA. With 600 invitations going for $5,000 each, the event could raise $3 million. "The only calls we've gotten are from people asking how they can get a ticket," said Sanchez spokeswoman Sarah Anderson. "We have had tons of inquires and request for tickets. It's going to be oversold because we've got more requests for tickets than we're going to be able to provide." Miss Anderson defended the Playboy Mansion as an appropriate venue for a fund-raiser. "We chose a high-profile venue in order to really focus and highlight on the work of Hispanic Unity USA and, as is pretty apparent, there is a lot of buzz about the event," she said. "It's going to be a great success." Not all Hispanic members of Congress are so enthusiastic. Aides to many members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus said their representatives would stay away from the Playboy party. All 15 members of the caucus declined to comment on the flap. But Rep. Henry Bonilla, a Hispanic who is co-chairman of the Republican National Convention and not a member of the exclusively Democratic caucus, is appalled by the Playboy bash. "It's an outrage for a Democrat leader of this stature to hold an event at a place like this," the Texas lawmaker said. "If a Republican were holding a similar event, a lot of us feel that they would have been blown out of the water big time by all the major media in this country. And it's just an incredible double standard that there has not been a lot more of an outcry about the impropriety of this event." Officials from Mrs. Sanchez's office and Playboy insist the fund-raiser will be tamer than the legendary Playboy bashes that often feature an abundance of nudity and extramarital sex. Mr. Hefner, 74, is expected to attend with three of his four girlfriends, all of whom are in their mid-20s. "We will have a certain amount of Playboy Playmates who will be appropriately dressed for the event, who will act as welcomers," said Mr. Farley, referring to the buxom bombshells who appear nude in the magazine's centerfolds. "Guests tend to wander the property and that's one of the areas where Playmates have been quite helpful at these events they know the place and a little bit of its history, so they can take you around." Bard Pro Libertate - For Freedom BUCHANAN-Reform [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: victim of the gun laws in Hawaii (fwd) Date: 26 Jul 2000 18:15:59 PST On Jul 26, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Hi, >Chuck Michel (310) 548-0410: I am very interested in your pursuit of justice for gun owners who have been victims of any government action to take their guns. I am such a victim, and last week I was found guilty of failure to register. I could not get an attorney in Hawaii to assist me because apparently all of them are pro-guncontrol. Actually I got one lawyer named Mike Ostendorp who promised me he would make complaints in federal court for me but that I would have to pay him up front $2,000 cash.....he was sounding so good I did the unthinkable and borrowed it on my credit card which I only use for an ID to rent car on the rare travel I do to Honolulu from Molokai. He did not file any such thing, but only argued in District court that I qualify for a public defender, which I was then assigned. He then said he did not want me for a client anymore because he knows I can't pay him, and that was that. Anyway, the Hawaii law is =A7134, and it required me to first get a permit = to acquire the gun, and then within 5-days of taking possession I have to provide all the pertinent info on make model serial number calibur, etc for the purpose of registration. I did that in person, and so did the gun store where I bought it by fax as they do for every gun purchase. The prosecutor stipulated to that fact. But I was still convicted because I did not bang on the police station door and find out what else needs to be done to register. I thought it was all done since police don't provide any forms for me to fill out and they do all the paperwork based on the info provided, and they probably just mail the registration to me since I already had the permit to acquire in my possession. When they did a weapons check on me they found that I had two guns registered to me (the permit to acquire) but their gun registration division put out an alert for late registration on me and they took my guns and charged me as a criminal for not registering. This was last November 1999. Last week the court ordered my guns returned, but also found me guilty of failing to register and fined me $200 and put me on probation for 6-months. The prosecutor also wanted me in jail for 2-days and prohibit possession for 6-months but the judge did not go with that. Until now, I have no criminal record, I am 55 years old. Now I am a criminal they say. I can't stand to live like this, with this injustice and conviction against me. But I only have 12-days more before the end of the 30-days appeal window closes. All the lawyers say the same thing, you are convicted, you are not in jail, you got your guns back, there is no basis for appeal, don't worry about it. I disagree and I want to be acquited so my record is clean and not subject to probation invasions of my home and business. I did not do anything wrong, and the prosecutor agree that I had provided the required information on time. I don't control the paperwork the police do, so they are at fault for not doing the registration paperwork and not notifying me,but nobody agrees with me in Hawaii. They say if you blame the police, it will just go harder against you. I believe the 2nd Amendment Right cannot be regulated....I have since learned due to this incident and my studies of law and Bill of Rights, and dicta, and scholars on 2nd Am. Not only did I act in good faith pursuant to existing though un-Constitutional Hawaii gun laws, but I never should have been subjected to the un-Constitutional permit and registration in the first place....AND CERTAINTLY MY GUNS SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM ME WHEN I HAD COMMITTED NO CRIME USING GUNS! I hope you can help me get this cleared up. Can you come to Hawaii? Or, do you have a Hawaii connection who will help me? Any suggestions of how I might proceed pro se? (I have filed a Motion for new trial, but without a memorandum because I don't have an expensive transcript; and I am contemplating a Motion for Appeal, but again need transcript; and I am thinking of a Motion to vacate the sentence with a memorandum explaining the mitigating factors etc, but all the lawyers here just roll their eyes and brush me off. I contacted 2nd Am Foundation, but they can not help me specifically and they have the Munroe case in federal appeal now so I am watching that. I hope you can help me out or refer me to someone who can. Thanks, and Aloha George Peabody HC01 Box 770 KKai Molokai, HI 96748 1-808-558-8253 ps: If nothing else, please keep me informed about the progress of your good work there. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Dumbing Us Down On Purpose (fwd) Date: 28 Jul 2000 17:22:31 PST On Jul 28, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA EDITORS: A SHORTER VERSION, AT 1,200 WORDS, ALSO MOVES FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATED AUG. 4, 2000 THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz Could they really have done it on purpose? In a mere three centuries, America has written some of the most glowing chapters in the long history of man's struggle for freedom. So how did we become -- in the space of only a few generations -- a nation of pathetic bed-wetters, mewling "Oh, please don't trust me and my neighbor to save for our own retirements; we might blow it" -- "Oh, please don't trust me and my neighbor to own military-style weapons; we'd probably shoot each other." John Taylor Gatto, a former New York state (public) Teacher of the Year, thinks he's found the answer: the government schools. Gatto's thesis is one of those "big ideas" that takes a little time to wrap the mind around. The public schools cannot be reformed because they're not failing, he argues. They're succeeding beyond all expectations at precisely what they're supposed to be -- not only a huge make-work jobs program, but also the incubators of a dependent class of conscienceless sociopaths, their emotional development purposely stunted, a generation (by now two or three) with little knowledge of "the narrative of American history connecting the arguments of the founding fathers to historical events, defining what makes Americans different from others besides wealth." Oblivious to that heritage, our young people instead sulk about, whining for the modern Morlocks of our welfare/police state to do a better job feeding them and keeping them entertained. Gatto started to develop this thesis in his slim but estimable 1992 volume "Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling." Now he's returned with a massive and far better-developed follow-up, the 400-page "Underground History of American Education," subtitled "A Schoolteacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling" ($34 postpaid, Oxford Village Press, 725 McDonough Road, Oxford, N.Y. 13830.) Gatto's historical research tells him none of this is an accident -- public school pioneers like Horace Mann found the regimented system they were looking for when they visited Prussia in the 1840s, importing wholesale a scheme to tame and regiment what they saw as America's dangerously anarchist new immigrant working class, training the young of this underclass to report to a central government facility as soon as they were old enough to use the latrine, there to be trained to all hold identical shallow, memorized opinions and to march around to the sound of bells. Yes, some basic literacy and numeracy would be necessary for them to fill their intended roles in the army and in the factories ... but not too much, and certainly not the kind of critical and analytic skills which might lead them to question their new bosses. "We want one class to have a liberal education," Gatto finds Woodrow Wilson telling a group of businessmen shortly before the First World War. "We want another class, a very much larger class of necessity, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks." Gatto challenges the whole underlying notion that the kind of academic disciplines taught in our schools are so complicated that they have to be divvied up into small mouth-sized bits and doled out over a period of years on a careful scientific schedule arranged by highly-trained experts. Teachers should be adults over 40, Gatto argues, "people who've proven themselves at life by bearing its pain like free spirits. ... No one who hasn't known grief, challenge, success, failure, or sadness should be allowed anywhere near kids. ... "Have you noticed nobody talks to children in schools? I mean (start ital)nobody(end ital). All verbal exchanges in school are instrumental. Person-to-person stuff is contrary to policy. That's why popular teachers are disliked or fired. They (start ital)talk(end ital) to kids. It's unacceptable." Americans are now trained to believe that no child is capable of assuming any responsibility till he or she is 18 or 21 -- and that even adults need a huge and permanent government "safety net" to protect them from their own childlike incompetence. Yet Gatto reminds us of a young American who left school at an early age because he was judged "feeble-minded." Just before turning 12 he talked his mother into letting him go to work full time as an apprentice on the railroad, "a permission she gave which would put her in jail right now," in Gatto's phrase. Claiming some old type from a printer who was about to throw it away, the young lad begged a corner in the baggage car in which to set up a little four-page newspaper about the lives of the passengers and what could be seen from the train's window. At age 12 he had 500 subscribers, earning more than his former schoolteachers. "When the Civil War broke out, the newspaper become a goldmine. ... He sold the war to crowds at the various stops. 'The Grand Trunk Herald' sold as many as 1,000 extra copies after a battle," amassing the young man a handsome stake for his next venture. If he tried that at age 12 today, everyone involved would be arrested and put on trial for exploitation of "child labor" ... and we would likely never have heard of the young man who got the early start in question, Thomas Edison. # # # How does this giant jobs program known as "public schooling" work? Gatto tells the pathetic story of little Benson, Vermont, where citizens were happy with the single school that served their 137 schoolchildren. But the state bureaucracy wasn't happy. Oh no. The state condemned the old school for lack of wheelchair ramps "and other features nobody ever considered an essential part of education before." A massively expensive new school was mandated, and into this new school the education bureaucracy piled a new non-teaching superintend, a new non-teaching assistant superintendent, a new non-teaching principal, a new non-teaching assistant principal, a new full-time nurse, a new full-time guidance counselor, a new full-time librarian, 11 full-time teachers where eight would have sufficed -- in all, a new cadre of poobahs and potentates costing an additional $250,000 per year -- or $2,000 per kid. Property taxes in the little town went up 40 percent in one year, "quite a shock to local homeowners just hanging on by their fingernails." In nearby Walden, a town happily getting along with four 19th-century one-room schoolhouses for its 120 kids -- with four teachers and (start ital)no(end ital) administrators -- Gatto visited and found the story was the same. Building condemned, and then the administrators started to arrive, like clowns piling out of that little car at the circus. "Is there a soul who believes Benson's kids are better served in their new school with its mercenary army than Walden's 120 were in four rooms with four teachers?" Gatto asks. "What happened at Benson -- the use of forced schooling to impose career ladders of unnecessary work on a poor community -- has happened all over North America. School is a jobs project for a large class of people it would be difficult to find employment for otherwise. Forcible redistribution of income to others to provide work for pedagogues and for a support staff larger than the actual teaching corps is a pyramid scheme run at the expense of the children. The more 'make-work' has to be found for school employees, the worse for kids because their own enterprise is stifled by constant professional tinkering in order to justify this employment." Public schooling hasn't even improved literacy, Gatto demonstrates -- it's considerably eroded it. "By 1840" (more than a decade before the opening of the first tax-funded government schools on the modern model, in Massachusetts) "the incidence of complex literacy in the United States was between 93 and 100 percent. ... In Connecticut only one citizen out of every 579 was illiterate and you probably don't want to know, not really, what people in those days considered literate; it's too embarrassing. Popular novels of the period give a clue: 'Last of the Mohicans,' published in 1818, sold so well a contemporary equivalent would have to move 10 million copies to match it. If you pick up an uncut version you find yourself in a dense thicket of philosophy, history, culture, politics, geography, astute analysis of human motives and actions, all conveyed in data-rich periodic sentences so formidable only a determined and well-educated reader can handle it nowadays. Yet in 1818 we were a small-farm nation without colleges or universities to speak of. Could those simple folk have had more complex minds than our own? "By 1940 the literacy figure for all states stood at 96 percent for whites. 80 percent for blacks. Notice for all the disadvantages blacks labored under, four of five were still literate. Six decades later, at the end of the 20th century, the National Adult Literacy Survey and the National Assessment of Educational Progress say 40 percent of blacks and 17 percent of whites can't read at all. Put another way, black illiteracy doubled, white illiteracy quadrupled," despite the fact that "we spend three or four times as much real money on schooling as we did 60 years ago." And Mr. Gatto knows why. # # # "During World War Two, American public schools massively converted to non-phonetic ways of teaching reading," Gatto explains. "According to the justice department, 80 percent of the incarcerated (start ital)violent(end ital) criminal population is illiterate or nearly so (as are 67 percent of all criminals locked up.) There seems to be a direct connection between the humiliation poor readers experience and the life of angry criminals. As reading ability plummeted in America after World War Two, crime soared, so did out-of-wedlock births, which doubled in the 1950s and doubled again in the '60s when bizarre violence for the first time became commonplace in daily life. "When literacy was first abandoned as a primary goal by schools, white people were in a better position than black people because they inherited a 300-year-old American tradition of learning to read at home by matching spoken sounds with letters, thus home assistance was able to correct the deficiencies of dumbed-down schools for whites. But black people had been forbidden to learn to read during slavery, and as late as 1930 only averaged three to four years of schooling, so they were helpless when teachers suddenly stopped teaching children to read; they had no fall-back position." In 1882, Gatto reminds us, fifth graders read in their "Appleton School Reader" the original prose of such authors as William Shakespeare, Henry Thoreau, George Washington, Sir Walter Scott, Mark Twain, Benjamin Franklin, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Daniel Webster, Lewis Carroll, Thomas Jefferson, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. In 1995, a student teacher of fifth graders in Minneapolis wrote to the local newspaper: "I was told children are not to be expected to spell the following words correctly: back, big, call, came, can, day, did, dog, down, get, good, if, in, is, it, have, he, home, like, little, man, morning, mother, my, night, off, out, over, people, play, ran, said, saw, she, some, soon, their, them, there, time, two, too, up, us, very, water, we, went, where, when, will, would, etc. Is this nuts?" Again, all this was no accident. Gatto finds the 1888 "Report of the Senate Committee on Education" asserting "We believe that education is one of the principal causes of discontent of late years manifesting itself among the laboring classes. ..." Within a few generations, working from such goals as "Destruction of the narrative of American history connecting the arguments of the founding fathers to historical events ..."; "radical dilution of the academic content of formal curriculum which familiarized students with serious literature, philosophy, theology, etc. -- having the effect of curtailing any serious inquiries into economics, politics or religion"; "enlargement of the school day and year to blot up outside opportunities to acquire useful knowledge leading to independent livelihoods ..."; and "relentless low-level hostility against religious interpretations of meaning," the public schools had taken care of (start ital)that(end ital). Mr. Gatto's book rambles. It took him an entire career to reach these counterintuitive conclusions ("They can't have done it all (start ital)on purpose(end ital)") and it shows. Dipping into these pages is like allowing a still-hearty old man to take you on a walk through his home town, pointing out where the old barns used to stand. It swings from historical analysis to personal anecdote and reminiscence. The furthest thing from the kind of forbidding "rigorous" tomes generated by those seeking Ph.Ds in education, it invites the interested reader to sink down into it like a comfortable easy chair, to be stunned and amazed in turn by a 150-year history of the fully conscious and willful campaign to turn all but the offspring of the big banking and corporate families who would attend Hotchkiss, Choate, Kent and Groton (the last three endowed by the Mellons, the DuPonts, and J.P Morgan -- the first by the machine gun widow) into -- well, malleable morons. Mr. Gatto's books -- he promises his next will be "How to Get an Education in Spite of School" are a wonder and a delight. It's only too bad they're true. Vin Suprynowicz is assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. His book, "Send in the Waco Killers: Essays on the Freedom Movement, 1993-1998," is available at $24.95 postpaid by dialing 1-800-244-2224; or via web site *** Vin Suprynowicz, "When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a rule the majority are wrong. The minority are right." -- Eugene V. Debs (1855-1926) "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kenneth Mitchell" Subject: Opinion Journal Date: 29 Jul 2000 14:21:35 -0700 Hi, All. The Wall Street Journal has inaugurated a new web site devoted to their op/ed and commentary pieces. It is It's free, and promises to be filled with all sorts of conservative/libertarian editorial and opinion articles. Remember, the WSJ is one of the few major papers in the country to be on the right (both "Right" and "correct") side of the Clinton impeachment AND gun control debates. Check it out. Ken Mitchell Citrus Heights, CA 916-955-9152 (vm) 916-729-0966 (fax) -------------- "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed, and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." H.L. Mencken - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: The Commie Lesson (fwd) Date: 29 Jul 2000 15:16:42 PST On Jul 29, Bard wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] d=352 The Communist Manifesto in Practice in America The Commie Lesson by Peter Jon Simpson (as transcribed from a tape available below article) I ACTUALLY AM A VISITOR FROM ANOTHER PLANET. This is not too hard to believe, as my critics, who are many, will tell you without blushing that I am definitely something from another planet. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, I am told that you people spend somewhere approaching a quarter Trillion dollars a year (that's 250 Billion with a "B" dollars per year) on a military establishment. And I was in the restaurant here, being from outer space, I was talking to this fellow, who told me he was a Christian, and he apparently thought this was great. So I asked him, "why do you spend all this money?" And he scratched his head, and said "Well gee, now that the Soviet Union is all dissolved, I don' t know." I said "well, why did you used to spend a quarter Trillion dollars a year on your military establishment?" And he said "Oh! We wanted to defend ourselves from communism!" And I asked "what is communism?" And he said "Communism is a foreign and alien ideology that threatens by military force to impose itself over our objection and against our will." I thought that was kind of interesting, and I told him that I know a little something about communism, and I asked him if he knew what communism was and he said, "well, no". And I asked him if he had been trained in the public schools, and he said "yes." So I walked him through the communist manifesto, as I will you now. The communist manifesto was created by a fellow named Moses Mordecai Levi. You Americans out here know him a Karl Marx, he was the son of a rabbi, and I asked why this guy went by an alias? The discussion fairly quickly elevated to the status level of Battle-Stations Missile: I said, "The first plank of the communist manifesto is: Abolition of all property and land ownership and the application of all rents for public purposes." And I asked this Christian, "Do you own your own home?" He said "Yep." I said, "What happens if you stop paying the property tax? He said "The sheriff will sell it." I said, "I am woefully confused, of course, I am from another planet. How can the sheriff sell what you own?" He was sorrowfully silent. So I said "isn't it a fact that you hold title and that you are not an "allod" on the land and isn't your problem actually that you have an equity position in real property and the state wherein you live owns the land and that's why they can move your butt off of it when you don't pay their rent?" And as he stared into the ceiling, I said "if you pay property tax you practice the first plank of the communist manifesto. On the spaceship down here I was reading this big thick book called the Bible, the Bible you Christians use, and I understand that you are in violation of Leviticus 25:23 if you do that." He looked puzzled... The second plank of the communist manifest is: Heavy progressive income tax. You people don't fill out Illinois state form 1040's here do you, and you don't fill out form 1040's for the federal government do you? Because if you do, you practice the second plank of the communist manifesto and you are in violation of your Bible at Malachi 3:8 and Deuteronomy 4:13. He loosened his tie... I said the third plank of the communist manifesto is: Abolition of all rights of inheritance. I said "How long have you lived in Illinois?" He said "All my life." I said "You don't have any probate courts here, do you? You don't have a legal profession that is wall to wall teaching you to fill out wills instead of create trusts, do you? Because if you know anyone who has been through probate court, or if you have personally been through probate court, you have practiced the third plank of the communist manifesto and you are in violation of Deuteronomy 21:15-17 and Numbers 18:20-24." . He loosened his tie a little more... The fourth plank of the communist manifesto is: Confiscation of property of all immigrants & rebels. "You don't turn on the TV around April 1st in Illinois and see them drag some tax protestor off to jail, do you?" "Annually," was the reply. "Well", I said, "if you participate in that or allow that to happen, or if that has happened to you, that's the fourth plank of the communist manifesto, and it is a violation of Leviticus 26:17 and Proverbs 28:1." His eyes started to glaze over. I looked at him and said the fifth plank of the communist manifesto is: Centralization of credit by the creation of a national bank. I said, "You pay your debts at law, in silver, don't you? You don't discharge your obligations in equity, do you?" He started to squirm. I said "if you rely on this green paper money for your sustenance, if your mind thinks in terms of this green paper when you go to purchase things, you practice the fifth plank of the communist manifesto, and you are in violation of Leviticus 19:35-36, Deuteronomy 25:13-16 and the aforementioned nasty and nefarious Exodus 20:15. Exodus 20:15 reads THOU SHALT NOT STEAL." He started to become uneasy.... I said, the sixth plank of the communist manifesto is: Centralization of the means of communication & transport in the hands of the state. "You don't have ports of entry out here on the Interstate, do you? Your trucks don't have to drive in and out of these scales, do you? You don't drive automobiles with the admiralty flag of the state of Illinois on the back with the yearly rental fee stuck in the middle on a sticker, do you? Because if you do, you practice the sixth plank of the communist manifesto and you are in violation of Deuteronomy 7:2 and Exodus 23:32-33." He started to figit uncomfortably. I said the seventh plank of the communist manifesto is: Government control of factories and the instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing in to cultivation of wastelands and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. I said, "You don't have a Bureau of Land management, do you? You don't live under the administrative circumstance of the Department of Agriculture, do you? And you don't have companion circumstances in the state law along with EPA and a host of other things, because if you allow yourself to live under that system, you practice the seventh plank of the communist manifesto and you are in violation of Leviticus 25:1-7, actually Leviticus 25: 1-10. He closed his eyes. I said the eight plank of the communist manifesto reads: Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. I said, "Do you have a Social Security number?" He as he shook his head up and down sorrowfully, I said "well doesn't that mean that you're a fourteenth Amendment juristic person a merchant in interstate commerce under contract over time for profit and gain in a regulated enterprise and you have waived all your constitutional rights under contract in exchange for privileges, franchises and immunities?" He said "Privileges?" I said "yes, privilege! PRIVATE LAW: Privilege." He put his chin in his solar plexus. I said "If you have a Social Security number, you practice the eighth plank of the communist manifesto, and you are in violation of your Bible at Leviticus 19:13 and Deuteronomy 24:14-15." He became physically agitated. Number nine, I said: A combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries. Gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equitable distribution of population over the country. "You don't have a Federal Emergency Management Association in Illinois, Do you? You don't have FEMA at the state level, do you? Because is you do, you practice the ninth plank of the communist manifesto and you're in violation of Leviticus 25:1-7. By this time he was just plain angry. I finished by quoting the tenth plank of the communist manifesto: Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Conform education with industrial productions. I said "Are you a homeowner?" He said "yeah." I said "you pay the property tax?" He said "Yeah." I said "Do you know where 75% of the property tax goes in this state?" He said "no." I said "It goes to support the public fool ..ahh .. the public school system. I looked at him, I said "You don't tithe your children to the state, do you? You raise them at home the way Yahweh told Moses to tell you to do, don't you?" As he got up and walked away, I said "If you support the public education establishment, you are in violation of Deuteronomy 4:9-10, Deuteronomy 6:1-25 and Deuteronomy 11:19. And you practice the tenth plank of the communist manifesto." And I went and got him and brought him back and sat him down and I said "You know, I am from outer space and one of the reasons they sent me to this planet is that I'm not the brightest firecracker that ever went off in our galaxy. But what I'm trying to figure out is why the hell would you spend 250 Billion "Dollars" a year defending yourselves against something that you willfully and premeditatively do, under the color of law, and practice every second of every minute of every hour of every day all year long? He said, "My God, I never thought about that! What do you think we should do?" I said, "I don' t know. Did the communists ever run a presidential candidate?" He said, "Oh yeah, Gus Hall, the venerable ancient 80 year old president of the communist party used to run every time until the Democrats took over the Congress after WWII." I said to him, "If Gus Hall would have been elected President of the United States, do you think he would have abolished property tax, do you think he would have abolished the income tax, do you think he would have instructed the legal profession to only create trusts for families to hold property in, and that he would have abolished the probate courts? Do you think he would have stopped the incarceration of so-called Tax rebels? Do you think Gus Hall would have closed the federal reserve? Do you think he would have shut down the federal communications commission and allowed you to flip through the dials on your TVs here in Chicago and watch television stations unlicensed by the government? Do you think he would have eliminated all the bureaucracies that control trade, commerce, business, industry and agriculture? Do you think he would have dumped the Social Security Administration and admitted that there was no trust fund, and that the whole thing was just a gigantic chain letter used to alter your citizenship status in the thirties and redistribute your wealth? That Roosevelt, he was a pretty crafty guy, wasn't he?" I said "Do you think Gus Hall would have closed the public school system and sold the public schools back to the families in the neighborhoods wherein they existed?" As I opened up the copy of the Bible the motel clerk told me I could keep for free, my Christian friend got up and left, and I couldn't bring him back. The above is a transcript of a tape by: Peter Jon Simpson Erwin Rommel School of Law c/o P O Box 211 Atwater, Minnesota 56209-0211 320- 857- 2400 2401 fax "The Law is the Weapon the Courtroom the Battlefield the Judge is Your Enemy Your Lawyer is an Enemy Spy" d=352 Bard [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: BRITAIN PROPOSES LOCKING PEOPLE UP "PROACTIVELY" (fwd) Date: 29 Jul 2000 15:15:00 PST On Jul 29, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] From the Home of Rich & Peggy Martin Grand Prairie, TX 75050 It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice. _______________________________________________ INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY I cannot confirm the veracity of this report, but I pass it on because it IS what we all fear, the logical next step after gun confiscation. Rich Martin Editor of Slick ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ----- Original Message ----- From: Christopher Ruby Fear in Britain They have no guns so they have a lot of crime. EXCERPT: "Prime Minister Tony Blair is now proposing that the government be allowed to confine people proactively, based on fears of their potential dangerousness." NOTE: This is where it's going folks! They already have the above law on the books here under "national emergency", in which case Janet Waco-Massacre Reno will be in charge of rounding up all those right-wing, Christian-Patriot "suspected terrorists". ------------------ article follows: Dr. Paul Gallant practices optometry in Wesley Hills, NY. Dr. Joanne Eisen practices dentistry in Old Bethpage, NY. Both are Research Associates at the Independence Institute, where Dave Kopel is Research Director. The furor over the Philadelphia police encounter with a would-be carjacker and cop-killer isn't the only public-relations nightmare facing the city's police department. Two thousand reported sex crimes went "uninvestigated" by Philadelphia police between 1995 and 1997 because of "pressure to keep the department's crime numbers low," reported ABC News on July 11. Earlier this year, the department admitted "misreporting" thousands of sexual assaults during the past decade "to make the city appear safer than it was." Actually, Philadelphia is not the only city to underreport crime in recent years. The 1994 Clinton/Schumer crime bill has resulted in lots of federal dollars for local police departments and also lots of pressure to get crime statistics down so that the federal government can announce the success of its policy of federalizing crime control. But when it comes to fudging crime statistics, even the finest Philadelphia number-rearranger can't compare to our British cousins. During the nineteenth century, and most of the twentieth, Britain enjoyed a well-deserved reputation as an unusually safe and crime-free nation, compared to the United States or continental Europe. No longer. To the great consternation of British authorities concerned about tourism revenue, a June CBS News report proclaimed Great Britain "one of the most violent urban societies in the Western world." Declared Dan Rather: "This summer, thousands of Americans will travel to Britain expecting a civilized island free from crime and ugliness...[But now] the U.K. has a crime problem....worse than ours." A headline in the London Daily Telegraph back on April 1, 1996, said it all: "Crime Figures a Sham, Say Police." The story noted that "pressure to convince the public that police were winning the fight against crime had resulted in a long list of ruses to 'massage' statistics," and "the recorded crime level bore no resemblance to the actual amount of crime being committed." For example, where a series of homes was burgled, they were regularly recorded as one crime. If a burglar hit 15 or 20 flats, only one crime was added to the statistics. A brand-new report from the Inspectorate of Constabulary charges Britain's 43 police departments with systemic under-classification of crime for example, by recording burglary as "vandalism." The report lays much of the blame on the police's desire to avoid the extra paperwork associated with more serious crimes. Britain's justice officials have also kept crime totals down by being careful about what to count. American homicide data are based on arrests, but British data are based on final dispositions. Suppose that three men kill a woman during an argument outside a bar. They are arrested for murder, but because of problems with identification (the main witness is dead), charges are eventually dropped. In American crime statistics, the event counts as a three-person homicide, but in British statistics it counts as nothing at all. Another "common practice," according to one retired Scotland Yard senior officer, is "falsifying clear-up rates by gaining false confessions from criminals already in prison." (Britain has far fewer protections against abusive police interrogations than does the United States.) As a result, thousands of crimes in Great Britain have been "solved" by bribing or coercing prisoners to confess to crimes they never committed. Explaining away the disparity between crime reported by victims and the official figures became so difficult that, in April 1998, the British Home Office was forced to change its method of reporting crime, and a somewhat more accurate picture began to emerge. This past January, official street-crime rates in London were more than double the official rate from the year before. So what's a British politician to do when elections coincide with an out-of control crime wave? Calling for "reasonable" gun laws is no longer an option. Handguns have been confiscated, and long guns are very tightly restricted. So anti-gun demagoguery, while still popular, can't carry the whole load. Conversely, the government would not find it acceptable to allow its subjects to possess any type of gun (even a licensed, registered .22 rifle) for home protection. Defensive gun ownership is entirely illegal, and considered an insult to the government, since it implies that the government cannot keep the peace. Thus, in one recent notorious case, an elderly man who had been repeatedly burglarized, and had received no meaningful assistance from the police, shot a pair of career burglars who had broken into the man's home. The man was sentenced to life in prison. The British authorities warn the public incessantly about the dangers of following the American path on gun policy. But the Daily Telegraph (June 29, 2000) points out that "the main reason for a much lower burglary rate in America is householders' propensity to shoot intruders. They do so without fear of being dragged before courts and jailed for life." So what's the government going to do to make voters safer? One solution came from the Home Office in April 1999 in the form of "Anti-Social Behaviour Orders" special court orders intended to deal with people who cannot be proven to have committed a crime, but whom the police want to restrict anyway. Behaviour Orders can, among other things, prohibit a person from visiting a particular street or premises, set a curfew, or lead to a person's eviction from his home. Violation of a Behaviour Order can carry a prison sentence of up to five years. Prime Minister Tony Blair is now proposing that the government be allowed to confine people proactively, based on fears of their potential dangerousness. American anti-gun lobbyists have long argued that if America followed Britain's lead in severely restricting firearms possession and self-defense, then American crime rates would eventually match Britain's. The lobbyists have also argued that if guns were restricted in America, civil liberties in the U.S. would have the same degree of protection that they have in Britain. The lobbyists are absolutely right. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: CONFEDERATE NATIONAL ORIGIN CLAIM SETTLES (fwd) Date: 29 Jul 2000 23:05:23 PST On Jul 29, jbass wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] >Hi all, this is very important news and will be helpful in the >future. now you know why i filled in my census record as Confederate >Southern American. >This was contributed by Bill Beckham > >HISTORIC CONFEDERATE NATIONAL ORIGIN CLAIM SETTLES > >A Federal lawsuit that settled in July is the first ever settlement of a >Federal claim alleging discrimination based on National Origin - >Confederate Southern American! > >Kathy Knight filed a pro-se Federal discrimination claim against Ben >Mynatt Chevrolet of Concord, North Carolina in 1999 alleging sexual >harassment, discrimination based on her being proud of her Southern >Heritage and hostile work environment leading to her resignation from >Mynatt's employment. Kirk D. Lyons assisted Kathy in drafting the >pleadings and later became counsel of record with local counsel Robert D. >Palmer. > >At the time, Knight was active on behalf of her daughter, Katie Knight, >over the Cabarrus County School's policy on Confederate symbols. Mynatt's >wife was Chairman of the Cabarrus County Board of Education. > >Kathy's case was settled by Palmer at a court ordered arbitration on June >27 in Greensboro for an undisclosed amount while Lyons was participating >in the Branch Davidian Civil trial in Waco, Texas. > >"This is the first case of its kind to settle out of Federal Court so it >is historic," said Lyons of the settlement. "May there be many more." he >added. > >Kathy Knight, who has been actively supporting the Alcoa workers, shared a >copy of her lawsuit with one of the workers disciplined for displaying >Confederate symbols. "When management found out that the case had >settled, they sat up and took notice!" Knight said. > >SLRC advises any Southern worker seeking protection from discrimination >under National origin should fill out all federal and state forms >requiring information on race with "Confederate Southern-American." > >SLRC will be handling another EEOC appeal on behalf of a Confederate >Southern-American in Virginia later this Summer. > > > > >This email was cleaned by emailStripper, available for free from > Josephine Lindsay Bass national origin SOUTHERN/CONFEDERATE AMERICAN "The most effectual means of preventing tyranny is to illuminate, as far as practical, the minds of the people at large, and more especially to give them knowledge of those facts which history exhibiteth, that possessed thereby of the experience of other ages and countries, they may be able to know ambition under all of its shapes, and be prompt to exert their natural powers to defeat its purposes." Thomas Jefferson, a Southern man "A government resting on the minority is an aristocracy, not a Republic, and could not be safe with a numerical and physical force against it, without a standing army,an enslaved press and a disarmed populace."....James Madison, Federalist Papers # 46 My Southern Family WWW: [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fw: WHY PUBLIC OFFICIALS ARE VOTING TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FIREARMS (fwd) Date: 30 Jul 2000 15:28:33 PST On Jul 30, Bill Utterback wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Readers are invited to check out this anonymous article and comment. Are its concerns supported by the documents cited? Are they justified for other reasons not indicated in the cited documents, or in other documents not cited? 22 U.S.C. 2551 is online at The booklet "The Blue Print for the Peace Race" is online at ------------------------ DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY PUBLIC OFFICIALS ARE VOTING TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FIREARMS? If you want to know why, go to your local library, no matter where you live in the United States. Tell the librarian to show you where the United States Code books are shelved. There are 25 books in the set. They are reddish-brown in color. They are printed by the Government Printing Office in Washington, DC. These hard-covered books are printed every 8-10 years. They are updated with annual soft-back supplements each year until a new hard-cover issue comes out. At the present time the 1988 hardbacks are on library shelves. OPEN VOLUME 9. The page numbers are in the center near the middle binding. The section numbers are along the edges. TURN TO PAGE 651. Here you will find Public Law 87-297 which calls for the United States to eliminate its armed forces. This law was signed for the United States in 1961. John F. Kennedy signed it and every president since has worked to enact its provisions. The government knows you will not approve which is why they want to take away your firearms. ( This is Title 22 USC section 2551 ) TURN TO PAGE 652. Here you will find the definition of what the government means by "disarmament." The disarmament calls for the elimination of our armed forces. It also calls for the elimination of weapons of all kinds. ( This is Title 22 USC 2552 ( a ) ) . TURN TO PAGE 654. Here you will find it stated as item ( a ) "control, reduction and elimination of armed forces..." and as Item ( d ) "...Elimination of armed forces...". What you need to know is that your armed forces are being eliminated from national control which, in turn, wipes out our sovereignty as a nation. In two stages, we will have no more army, no more navy, no more air force. In the third stage, we shall have a "zero" military. Before Stage I closes, all citizen owned guns will be banned. ( This is Title 22 USC Section 2571 ( a ) . Public Law 87-297 is further explained in the State Department Document, called Publication 7277. Your librarian can also furnish you a copy. Ask the librarian to get you a copy of "The Blue Print for the Peace Race." It is a 35 page booklet printed by the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency as Publication No. 4 - General Series 3 - Released May, 1962. Publication No. 4 is the unabridged version of State Department Document 7277. Both of these booklets explain how our military is to be reduced to 2.1 million men. China and the Soviets are to be reduced to that level also. At this point, we are at Stage I at which time we are to transfer ( on a permanent basis ) one-half of our armed forces to be merged with the Russian and Chinese armies. In Stage II the remaining one-half of our armed forces is then turned over to this same Security Council of the United Nations. The person in charge of the merged armies must, by agreement, always be a Russian. The world's smaller nations turn 100% of their armies over to the same under-secretary of the Security, Council in Stage II. President George Bush and Admiral Wm. J. Crowe [have referred] to this process as being "in transition." TURN TO PAGE 655. On this page in Volume 9 of the United States Code, read "Policy Formation." The directives there ( written in 1963 to pacify objectors ) are supposedly to restrain anyone from disarmament, reducing or limiting our armaments, or taking guns away from the people unless it is pursuant to the treaty-making power of the president, or if it is authorized by further legislation by the Congress. ( This is title 22, Section 2573. ) Every couple of years the House of Representatives votes to appropriate funds for this on-going program. Since P.L. 87-297 was first passed into law in 1961, there have been 18 updates to it - all bad - with no deletions of these issues I lay before you now. The Congress knows that the plan includes the policing of the United States by foreign troops. ( The world army they are forming. ) The Congress is allowing our military bases to be closed down, except for those which will be used by the world army. You will find that plan in Publication 7277 and in "The Blueprint for the Peace Race." If the president and Congress can promote a "Constitutional Convention" you will find yourself with two new constitutions ( communist in structure ) which in one states in Article VIII, Section 12: "No person shall bear arms or possess lethal weapons except the police and members of the armed forces...." The Congress has praised these documents and is on record in Senate hearings seeking ways to install these constitutions. Ask your librarian for "Revision of the United Nations Charter - Hearings Before a Subcommittee ( Foreign Relations ) Feb. 2-20, 1950 U.S.Government Printing Office." Nothing has changed since. They are still viable. End of Second Amendment Committee written material ---------------End of Original Message----------------- =================================================================== Constitution Society, 1731 Howe Av #370, Sacramento, CA 95825 916/568-1022, 916/450-7941VM Date: 07/30/00 Time: 12:30:39 =================================================================== [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: UN troops in training (fwd) Date: 30 Jul 2000 16:31:19 PST On Jul 30, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Subj: UN Troops in Training Reply-to: Austria, Canada, Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Sweden have signed a letter of intent to provide 6,000 men each to the United Nations. Danish troops are now assigned, as of January, 2000. If all are implemented, the One World Army will grow to 42,000 soldiers, ready to deploy at the call of the UN, without regard to national interests. Next time someone tells you the United Nations does not want to impose a New World Order, you know what to say. http// Congress is now considering H.R. 4453, from a traitor by the name of Congressman McGovern of Massachusetts, which will add 6,000 men from the United States to this New World Army. Ask your congressman to vote no to H.R. 4453, the `United Nations Rapid Deployment Police and Security Force Act of 2000'. http// Ask your congressman to vote yes to H.R. 1146, the 'American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 1999'. http// Ask your congressman to vote yes to H.R. 4669, Citizen Soldier Protection Act of 2000. http// http// [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: WHY PUBLIC OFFICIALS ARE VOTING TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FIREARMS (fwd) Date: 30 Jul 2000 17:38:40 PST On Jul 30, Bill Utterback wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ******************************************************************* A few times a week, on average, I forward messages that I consider to be worthwhile. Occasionally I may be inspired to write a brief editorial. If you do not want to receive these messages, send me a message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject field. If you would like to begin receiving these messages, send me a message with SUBSCRIBE in the subject field. for Liberty (for all), Bill Utterback ----- "We have the greatest opportunity the world has ever seen, as long as we remain honest -- which will be as long as we can keep the attention of our people alive. If they once become inattentive to public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, judges and governors would all become wolves." Thomas Jefferson "If a Nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be . . . If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed." Thomas Jefferson "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams "It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error." U.S. Supreme Court in American Communications Association v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382,442 "In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce and brave man, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." Mark Twain ----- World's Smallest Political Quiz Libertarian Party The Libertarian Party defends the right of individuals to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the same rights of others. Fully Informed Jury Association Citizens for a Fair Vote Count We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education Gun Owners of America Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership Citizens of America Keep and Bear COPYRIGHT NOTICE-- In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed prior interest in receiving this information for nonprofit research and educational purposes only. Ref: [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: This week's poll (fwd) Date: 31 Jul 2000 19:17:04 PST Now this one could _really_ send a message! On Jul 31, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] PLEASE TAKE THIS WEEK'S POLL: If all means of legal and civil recourse failed to restore our nation to a Constitutional Republic and widespread gun confiscations began, would you risk your life in a physical battle for Freedom? Answer this question on our home page: We are collecting information to release our own poll into the mainstream media through USNewswire. Please ask your gunowner friends to take this one, too. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! -