From: Paul Watson Subject: ANNOUNCING _LEVER ACTION_! (fwd) Date: 05 Apr 2001 09:00:51 -0500 (CDT) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- ANNOUNCING L. NEIL SMITH'S _LEVER ACTION_ I'm happy to announce the publication of my first nonfiction book, _LEVER ACTION_ -- a collection of 20 years' worth of essays, columns, and speeches. The truth is, I'm as excited about this as I was when my first novel, The Probability Broach_, was published. A couple of years ago, I was surprised to discover that many more readers seem to know me for my short political writings than for the 23 novels that bear my name. Now, within the pages of _LEVER ACTION_, you'll have a chance to find out why. Behind the wonderful, colorful, silly cover of _LEVER ACTION_ -- another Scott Bieser masterpiece, and the best graphic ever to appear on any of my books: You'll read "The American Lenin", a warm, fuzzy, loveable little article about Abraham Lincoln that for some reason never fails to start an international flame-war, whenever it's reposted on the internet. You'll learn the horrible -- and hilarious -- fate that befell my junior high school principal, the very first "bedwetting liberal" I ever met. You'll see what I did to Canada's leading political magazine when that scruffy little rag made the stupid mistake of calling me a racist. You'll find out why I believe that science fiction may be a dying art -- and what can still be done about it. And you'll remember, with me, what the great Robert A. Heinlein meant -- and continues to mean -- to all of us. Along the way, _LEVER ACTION_ will offer you my views on victim disarmament (I coined the term "Vermont Carry"), Ruby Ridge and Waco, Feinstein and Schumer, Republicans in general, smoking, Bill of Rights enforcement, social (and other sorts of) Darwinism, how I predicted the collapse of the Soviet Empire, why I knew that Y2K would never amount to anything, what it will take to make America fulfill its promise, and why I hate fast-food breakfasts. At 463 pages, _LEVER ACTION_ is a big, fat, soul-satisfying book containing dozens of items that will amuse, elate, and enrage at the same time. It's the very thing for all of those who are fed up with the pastel, puny, and pusillanimous pronouncements of established conservatism and libertarianism. It's also an absolutely perfect gift to give to those on the left whose actuarial life-expectancies you're interested in shortening. (I haven't caused a stroke or A heart attack yet, at least that I can prove, but I keep on trying.) Buy it now and my wife, my daughter, and three figure-skating coaches will thank you. You can get your cop(y/ies) of _LEVER ACTION_ in three different ways: [1] To order by phone, call (800) 244-2224. Our order-takers are standing by (9-5 Pacific time) to accept credit card orders, at $21.95 plus $6 postage and handling ($27.95 total). [2] To order by mail, send your check, money order, cash, or silver to: Mountain Media 1475 Terminal Way Suite E, Reno, NV 89502 Make checks payable to Mountain Media. The price, again, is $21.95 plus $6 for UPS shipping ($27.95 total). [3] To get a _FREE_ copy, sign up for Vin Suprynowicz's terrific new newsletter, _Privacy Alert_. The charter-subscription fee is $72; _Lever Action_ is your premium for signing up. Send a check made out to _Privacy Alert_ to: Privacy Alert 1475 Terminal Way Suite E, Reno, NV 89502 For multiple copies, the following discount schedule applies: 1-4 books: $21.95 ea. 5-8 books: $17.50 ea. 9 or more books: $13.00 ea. Thanks, L. Neil Smith ================================================================== Author: _The Probability Broach_; _Forge of the Elders_; _Pallas_; _The Lando Calrissian Adventure_; _The Mitzvah_ (with Aaron Zelman) and _Hope_ (ditto, forthcoming); and _The American Zone_ (also forthcoming); et al. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Robert Linzell) Subject: [Fwd: Claremont Institute Precepts - Campaign Finance Reform: This Is Date: 07 Apr 2001 12:40:20 -0500 -------- Original Message -------- Progress? The Claremont Institute--PRECEPTS | | April 6, 2001 Visit | | No. 270 Campaign Finance Reform: This Is Progress? By Thomas L. Krannawitter and Ben Boychuk Throughout American history, most campaigns against "corruption," "special interests" and "big money" have in fact been covers for other special interests, often less defensible than those they oppose. One of the earliest of these campaigns was Andrew Jackson's war against the second Bank of the United States. Jackson claimed to defend the common man against a vast conspiracy of bankers and established wealth. But the practical result of the bank's destruction was the transfer of financial power from Philadelphia to Wall Street in New York. This was no coincidence. Jackson's chief adviser in this matter was Martin Van Buren from -- where else? -- New York. The McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill, which passed the Senate on Monday this week, is no different. For all the talk about the evils of "soft money," "phony issue ads" and "special interests," the one interest that will benefit the most from the new reforms hasn't been mentioned at all: Big Government. Republicans and Democrats seem to agree on two things: First, money equals corruption. Second, because there is an awful lot of money in politics today, our political institutions must be awfully corrupt. Their conclusion, of course, is that we must further restrict the amount of money Americans spend on politics. But the most important question -- the one that gets to the heart of the problem -- is not being asked: Why is all this money going to politics today? The answer is Progressivism, a philosophy of government that was new and radical when it swept across America a century ago. Regulating how citizens engage in politics is but one of its legacies. Many politicians simply don't understand the Progressive transformation of government in America. Some do, but they are loathe to discuss such things in public, because in many ways Progressivism sees the public as the problem. Besides, politicians are part of the new Progressive government, and benefit from it, so why reveal the real interest they are serving? The brainchild of Darwinian thinkers and political leaders such as Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, John Dewey, and Herbert Croly, Progressivism sought to build a national "state." In particular, Progressives wanted to replace limited, constitutional government by consent with more "scientific" social management and government regulation by unelected bureaucrats. Government-by-bureaucracy was supposed to be an innovative government reform, because professional bureaucrats would be impartial in doling out justice. Unlike elected officials, bureaucrats would not be beholden to "special interests." Sound familiar? The one thing standing in the way of the Progressives' new idea of politics was the United States Constitution. The Framers of the Constitution believed it important to protect individual rights by limiting the power of government. From the Progressive point of view, this was a problem, because a limited government could neither regulate the lives of Americans nor redistribute wealth in the name of Progressive "social justice." For the Progressives, the Constitution was something to be overcome. The Constitution was nothing but "political witchcraft" from the past, as Woodrow Wilson once described it. The Progressive project did not experience any real success however until it was taken over by more able politicians, such as Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson, under more auspicious circumstances. FDR's "New Deal" and LBJ's "Great Society" represent the second and third waves of Progressivism, when America began to implement many of the regulatory schemes only dreamed of by Wilson and the original Progressives. Naturally, as government increasingly regulated how Americans do their business, American businesses wanted to influence those regulations. Suddenly, business had an interest in government affairs it never had before. It is no coincidence that every major campaign reform law in our history has followed a surge in the growth of government regulation, such as the Tillman Act of 1907, which followed the Progressive Movement; the Hatch Act of 1939 following the New Deal; and the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 -- the most sweeping attempt to implement government control over campaign finance -- which followed the Great Society. This is all part of the Progressive plan to build a large national regulatory state with increasing power over the lives of Americans. And it is wonderfully self-serving: Government regulation grows. Americans respond by engaging in politics. Now government says it needs to restrict how Americans engage in politics. How will government do this? By more government regulation, of course. Does anyone see a pattern here? In the end, campaign finance reform is nothing more than a cover for increasing the size and scope of the federal government, a government that already exercises too much unconstitutional power over its citizens. Whether reformers identify themselves as Democrats or Republicans is unimportant. In truth they are neither. They are above all Progressives, and they are enemies of what is left of constitutional government in America. Thomas L. Krannawitter is the Claremont Institute's Director of Academic Programs. Ben Boychuk is Managing Editor of the Claremont Review of Books. Copyright (c) 2001 The Claremont Institute To subscribe to Precepts, go to: , or e-mail us at . To be removed from this list, go to : , or e-mail us at . For general correspondence or additional information about the Claremont Institute, e-mail : , or visit our website at : . Changing your e-mail address? Please let us know at : . For press inquiries, contact Nazalee Topalian at or (202) 265-9010. The mission of the Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy is to restore the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life. The Claremont Institute | 250 West First Street | Suite 330 | Claremont, CA 91711 | Phone (909) 621-6825 | Fax (909) 626-8724 -- Bob in Mississippi - State Motto: Virtute et Armis ("By Valor and Arms") My PGP Public Key(s): RKBA! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: [ Quotes on Government (fwd)] Date: 21 Apr 2001 13:12:02 -0700 ----- Forwarded message from ----- If the FED adjust the taxes so that they take all but the first $50K, my wife and I will stop work for the year when we reach $50K. So will lots of other people. Think of the economic good that will do for the economy... "Tax cuts do not have to justified. It's government spending that has to be justified." -- Sheldon Richman, Washington Times Aren't you glad you're not getting all the government you're paying for? Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. -- Ronald Reagan (1986) Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program. -- Milton Friedman "If stupidity got us into this mess, why can't it get us out??" --Will Rogers "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken "A lie is not, strictly speaking, the opposite of the truth; a lie will usually contain an element of truth. Perverted words are situated in a twisted vision that distorts the landscape; one is confronted with a myopic social and political philosophy." -- The Black Book of Communism (p. 19) Who will protect the public when the police violate the law? -- Ramsey Clark Ask not for what your country can force other people to do for you. The Constitution wasn't perfect, but it was better than what we have now. "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke 1729-1797 "Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who still have swords." ----- End forwarded message ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Re: BATF's Jurisdiction Challenged (fwd)] Date: 21 Apr 2001 19:29:04 -0700 ----- Forwarded message from ----- ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 12:02 PM > --------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: "" > Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 01:11:05 -0500 > Subject: ip: BATF's Jurisdiction Challenged > > > BATF JURISDICTION CHALLENGED IN COURT > > Gun Kit Maker Challenges ATF's, Court's Jurisdiction > > Bob Stewart is confident he will win > a victory for gun owners everywhere. > > report by Angel Shamaya > Founder/Executive Director > > April 18, 2001 > --Day before Anniversary of > Waco and Lexington & Concord > > Mesa, Arizona gun-kit manufacturer, Bob Stewart, > is challenging the jurisdiction of the Bureau of > Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and he's seeking > proof of jurisdiction of the Federal Court itself. > > While numbers of liberty advocacy groups have for > years doubted the alleged legitimacy and authority > of the ATF, Mr. Stewart is betting his very life > and freedom on the fact that the BATF is way out > of line in their strategies and methodologies -- > stating directly that they have no authority to > assault or even accuse him -- and he's doing so > without an attorney and by submitting his own truly > explosive documents in his defense. > > We have compiled a single-page report that contains > links to the documents Mr. Stewart has filed with > the court -- in several formats, for widest > viewability -- and we invite you to take a close > look at this case. The implications are national, > far-reaching and could prove to be the undoing of > the ATF. > > Here is the link: > > > If it wraps to a second line, it's the first > item in our "Legal Matters" archive: > > --and is linked from our home page, as well: > > > ...and now back to our regularly scheduled programming... > > KABA Liberty Advocate > > Wednesday, April 18, 2001 > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Welcome all new subscribers! THANK YOU for caring > enough about FREEDOM to stay informed! All items > below are also linked from our home page at: > > Keep And Bear Arms - Gun Owners Home Page > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > IN TODAY'S REPORT: > > Today's Newslinks... > > . Feds Respond to Sheriff's ATF Complaint > . Elgin Shooter was a Convicted Violent Felon > . School may expel boy in toy gun incident > . Tucson schools practice double standards > . Conservatism In the Halls of Power > . Neighbors debate home gun sales request > . Parents want man's gun collection confiscated > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > TODAY'S NEWSLINKS > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > Feds Respond to Sheriff's ATF Complaint > Submitted by: Coprtoppe > > Otero County Sheriff John Lee has received > response to a letter he wrote to United States > Attorney General John Ashcroft: "Your letter > ... concerning the conduct of agents ... has > been referred to the Public Integrity Section > of the Department's Criminal Division. ... We > have forwarded your letter to the Office of > Inspections of the U.S. Department of the > Treasury, for whatever action that office > deems appropriate." > > ~~I guess we will have to wait to find out > what that "appropriate action" is. > > KABA NOTE: Expecting the Department of Treasury > to police itself is like expecting a child to > monitor his own rambunctious activities. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > Elgin Shooter was a Convicted Violent Felon > Submitted by: Ken Bach > > "How did a felon obtain guns that he allegedly > used in a crime? ... State Police said they > don't have a record of Casteel, a construction > truck driver, ever having a state Firearm Owner's > Identification Card needed to buy a gun." > > ~~Because criminals, by definition, don't obey laws! > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > School may expel boy in toy gun incident > Submitted by: Tyree White > > The boy, who brought a toy gun to school, was > suspended for 3 days and faces expulsion under > the state's "zero-tolerance" law. School > officials were expected to meet today to > discuss the case. > > KABA NOTE: What is the difference between > "zero tolerance" and "intolerance? > > "Toleration is not the opposite of intolerance > but the counterfeit of it. Both are despotisms: > the one assumes to itself the right of withholding > liberty of conscience, the other of granting it." > --Thomas Paine > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > Tucson schools practice double standards > Submitted by: David Morris > > Jim Sheley told school administrators that his > band students were talking when they should have > been paying attention. "If this were a totalitarian > state, I would have them summarily shot," the > teacher wrote. > > Some of the students' parents filed a police > report against the teacher. > > Paul Villafuerte, one of the students involved, > has since dropped band class, despite having > A's in it. That's a double standard, he told > television station KVOA: If a student had > written such a note, given today's concern > about violence and threats on campus, the > student would have been punished severely. > > KABA NOTE: Our citizens are being programmed > to believe that students do not have the same > rights as teachers. This is a false piece of > information. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > Conservatism In the Halls of Power > Submitted by: Skypod > > "The Liberals' primary business is controlling > people and enterprise through government. As > history has shown, this is a very dangerous > proposition. ... Case in point; gun control. > ... As soon as Democrats and liberal > celebrities start their propaganda machine, > we should be ready to counterattack. Pull out > the FBI figures and start questioning the > opposing side." --Dave Corsi > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > Neighbors debate home gun sales request > Submitted by: Skypod > > "Long after the Holland Board of Zoning Appeals > had tabled a request for a home gun sales business, > a group of neighbors and the applicants stood > in the lobby of city hall debating the issue." > > ~~What a joke! I wonder if his "neighbors" would > be discussing his home business if he was selling > used cars or opening up a doctor's office -- two > businesses that lead to thousands more deaths > per year than firearms do. > > KABA NOTE: Nobody has a right to tell you what > legal practices you can or cannot engage in on > your own private property -- as long as such > activities do not infringe on the rights of others. > > NOTE TO ABOVE: Taking the goal of feeling safe > and casting it as a right is a deceptive and > manipulative political tool -- tyranny through > "democracy" in its most destructive form. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > Parents want man's gun collection confiscated > Submitted by: Skypod > > At St. Joe, parents are worried enough to call > a meeting and ask a police captain to tell them > how this could be: How can there be "drug-free > zones" to make dealers keep their distance, but > no laws to prevent an arsenal from being > stockpiled a few feet from where errant balls > drift over the fence at school recess? > > ~~Again, what a joke! Would they complain if > the man was practicing medicine or selling cars? > And this man isn't even selling anything! > > KABA NOTE: When a group of citizens gangs up on > another citizen who is engaged in lawful activity > because they don't like that lawful activity, > they should be sued for harrassment. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > Also in today's Newslinks... > > . Police Officer Killed Car Thief > --Looks like he was protecting and > serving; hope he's okay after being > dragged by the thief. > . Many federal Web sites track Internet users illegally > --Is anyone surprised? Anyone? > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > Get The Links To The Full Stories At: > > ~~Also linked from our Home Page. > > Find A Story That Should Be Circulated? Submit It Now! > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > HOW TO SUPPORT OUR ORGANIZATION > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > ~~ WITH YOUR TIME & KNOWLEDGE ~~ > > Submit A Newslink... > > > Submit An Original Article... > > > Add Information From Your Own Website... > > > Participate In Our Public Forums... > > > ~~ UTILIZE OUR SERVICES ~~ > > Become A Member... > > > Signup for Pro-Gun Long Distance... > > > Signup for Pro-Gun Internet Access... > > > Send Someone A Free Pro-Gun Postcard... > > > Buy Stuff You'd Buy Somewhere Else Anyway... > > > Buy Or Sell Goods Through Our Classifieds... > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > THANK YOU for caring enough about FREEDOM > to stay informed! > > ~~ Keep And Bear Arms .com ~~ ----- End forwarded message ----- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Re: AMERICA RUNNING SCARED FROM VASTLY SUPERIOR CHINESE MILITARY FORCE (fwd)] Date: 21 Apr 2001 19:33:05 -0700 ----- Forwarded message from ----- Here's a bit more data on the current level of US readiness to fight the Chinese and why I said if we fight them we will get our butts kicked. That is of course unless we do a pre emptive nuclear strike. Even so, I still expect to see a war between the US and China. Huck ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 7:00 PM > Source: > Brother John Gazette > > AMERICA RUNNING SCARED FROM VASTLY SUPERIOR CHINESE MILITARY FORCE > > > -- BJNews by Marshall Smith > > Early Monday April 16, 2001, most world news services, such as CNN, AP, > BBC, Reuters and the South China Morning Post were reporting the aircraft > carrier USS Kitty Hawk would be stationed in the South China Sea to provide > fighter escort for future reconnaissance flights such as the recently > downed EP-3E aircraft. > > Later in the news cycle day the stories changed to say there would be no > fighter escorts provided. What the news services failed to report was that > the Kitty Hawk was not moving to the South China Sea at all but was, in > fact, moving quickly in the opposite direction and high-tailing it off to > some unspecified military training exercise near Guam. > > Thus leaving the South China Sea completely in the hands of the > Chinese. So far, none of the news services have explained this strange and > dangerous change of direction. > > Only here in the Brother Jonathan Gazette has it been shown the reason for > such an action. Six months ago the Gazette published a story explaining > another strange incident involving the carrier Kitty Hawk. > > In October 2000, the Kitty Hawk was buzzed by two Russian jet > aircraft. The news services all reported "Kitty Hawk buzzed by Russians." > In fact, the two jet aircraft were Russian built advanced fighter aircraft > but were being flown by Chinese pilots in the South China Sea. > > Last year the Chinese received purchase of a number of superior Sukhoi-23 > jet fighters from Russia. In 1994 the Russians, sorely in need of money, > had offered to sell a prototype advanced technology SU-23 to America. The > Clinton Administration refused the offer. The Russians then sold the new > high-tech jets to the Chinese. > > The only advanced aircraft equivalent to the SU-23 is the American F-22, > but it still is only a pipe dream languishing on the drawing boards, and > many years away from even a prototype. > > The Russian designed SU-23 is vastly superior to the decades old Navy F-18 > carrier jet fighter. To fly and dog-fight in an F-18 the "Top-Ace trained" > American pilot must use old "Microsoft-Flight-Simulator" type technology, > zigzagging through the sky and aiming his plane at the "enemy" and locking > on to fire missiles. > > In the new SU-23 the Chinese pilot merely needs to run on auto-cruise > control and using the new "helmet-aiming device" he simply looks in the > direction of the "enemy" and can quickly fire six missiles in many directions. > > Thus the Chinese pilot can quickly down up to six old-tech U.S. Navy > F-18's in a matter of seconds, all the while, he is flying straight and > level, and like Jiang Zamin, grinning from ear to ear. Now you know why > the carrier Kitty Hawk last October never launched any planes to intercept > the new Chinese SU-23s. > > For nearly 40 minutes the new Chinese SU-23s flew low repeatedly over the > deck of the Kitty Hawk and shortly after tauntingly emailed photos by > Internet of the scrambling chaos on the carrier deck. But the Kitty Hawk > never launched any aircraft. Several weeks ago the Navy was pointedly > asked about this strange incident. > > When asked where the emailed photos came from, the Navy answered, "Go ask > the Russians." When asked in numerous differently worded questions why the > Kitty Hawk commander had never ordered any fighters to take off, the > inanely repeated non-response was the Navy equivalent of "no comment." The > simple truth is no sane Navy captain would ever order his F-18 pilots to go > up against even a single SU-23. That is why the Kitty Hawk is quickly > leaving the South China Sea area and heading for "safer" territory, and why > there will be no U.S. fighter escorts for any future reconnaissance > aircraft in the western Pacific region. > > Several days ago, following the jubilant release of the > 24 Americans detained in China, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld reported how > it was actually the fault of the Chinese which caused the downing of the > Chinese F-8 fighter and the subsequent detaining of the American EP-3E > recon plane. > > He failed to point out, as reported here, the technique of using one > fighter to tuck under the wing of a US recon plane, to prevent it from > returning to its home base, while a second fighter was behind with missiles > locked on, ready to either shoot down or force down the US plane, is an old > ploy used by the North Koreans and Chinese since the mid-1950's. > > This ploy has resulted in the loss of many American planes, American > technology and American lives. He also failed to announce to America's > friends and allies, such as South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and down to Fiji, > Samoa, New Zealand, Australia and even Hawaii that the U.S. is swiftly > moving out of the Pacific region and leaving them all to fend for themselves. > > During the past two weeks of the so-called "stand-off in China" two events > occurred which are still yet unexplained. While American attention was > diverted to watching what would happen to the 24 US airmen detained in > China, Premier Jiang Zamin was quietly moving through 12 countries in the > Americas and tying up and cementing military agreements to provide the > Chinese "Advanced Forward" military programs throughout most of South > America and Cuba. > > The same advanced technology which has the Kitty Hawk running for cover is > now in Cuba and most of South America. The U.S. Pentagon will soon find > itself defending America's bays, rivers, harbors and inlets and maybe out > to the 12 mile limit. > > The other unreported 'non-event' was that Congress was in Easter recess > during the "Chinese standoff" and now today they are back in > session. While the 535 congress men and women were back home kvetching for > votes, raising campaign money or simply lolling in the idyll of the lost > American dream, the events of the world have passed them by. Like choosing > from an old Chinese menu, "pick one from column A or one from column B", > the members of congress now need to face the grim reality of either > choosing, (A) for the last 8 years they have been lied to, or (B) they > themselves are liars. Pick one. ----- End forwarded message ----- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chad Leigh, Pengar Enterprises, Inc & Shire.Net LLC" Subject: Re: AMERICA RUNNING SCARED FROM VASTLY SUPERIOR CHINESE MILITARY Date: 21 Apr 2001 23:16:36 -0400 This is a bunch of crap. The SU-23 is not new technology. It doesn't even exist! I just did a search at as well as in AltaVista for any Su-23. That is an old number. Su-xx are up in the Su-3x range for new fighters like the Su-35 or Su-37 Flanker derived fighters. Some of the new Russian planes are pretty good but the US planes are equivalent if not better and America pilots are generall thought to be better trained and skilled. F-22s are flying in tests. They are not yet in production. Current F18, F-15, F-16 aircraft are a match for the Chinese. The F/J-8 involved in the recent "spyplane" situation were developed in the 60-70s and started productoin in the 80s. Offshoots of Soviet technology designed in China. hina is also buying Su-27 Flanker and maybe other Su-xx Flanker-yupe aircraft. Flankers are top notch planes. What about Chinese pilots? This kind of stuff is junk. Chad --On Saturday, April 21, 2001 7:33 PM -0700 Bill Vance wrote: >> The only advanced aircraft equivalent to the SU-23 is the American F-22, >> but it still is only a pipe dream languishing on the drawing boards, and >> many years away from even a prototype. >> >> The Russian designed SU-23 is vastly superior to the decades old Navy >> F-18 carrier jet fighter. To fly and dog-fight in an F-18 the "Top-Ace > trained" >> American pilot must use old "Microsoft-Flight-Simulator" type technology, >> zigzagging through the sky and aiming his plane at the "enemy" and >> locking on to fire missiles. >> >> In the new SU-23 the Chinese pilot merely needs to run on auto-cruise >> control and using the new "helmet-aiming device" he simply looks in the >> direction of the "enemy" and can quickly fire six missiles in many > directions. Pengar Enterprises, Inc. and Shire.Net LLC Web and Macintosh Consulting -- full service web hosting Chad Leigh - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Re: AMERICA RUNNING SCARED FROM VASTLY SUPERIOR CHINESE MILITARY FORCE (fwd)] Date: 21 Apr 2001 21:28:00 -0700 Sorry about that, but I don't pretend to be up on the latest-greatest aircraft. In point of fact, the last time I touched a fighter plane, it was a Saber, or possibly a Super Saber, back in '56-57. It was down for engine overhaul/ replacement, and they let our Cub Scout troop scramble all over it like kooties at a foc'sl shakedown. That being said, I don't pretend to be up on Chinese aircraft, either, but I doubt they'd let some dingle brains go hotdogging 4 engine prop planes with one. On Sat, Apr 21, 2001 at 11:16:36PM -0400, Chad Leigh, Pengar Enterprises, Inc & Shire.Net LLC wrote: > Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 23:16:36 -0400 > From: "Chad Leigh, Pengar Enterprises, Inc & Shire.Net LLC" > To: > Subject: Re: AMERICA RUNNING SCARED FROM VASTLY SUPERIOR CHINESE MILITARY > FORCE (fwd)] > > This is a bunch of crap. > > The SU-23 is not new technology. It doesn't even exist! I just did a > search at as well as in AltaVista for any Su-23. That is an old > number. Su-xx are up in the Su-3x range for new fighters like the Su-35 or > Su-37 Flanker derived fighters. Some of the new Russian planes are pretty > good but the US planes are equivalent if not better and America pilots are > generall thought to be better trained and skilled. > > F-22s are flying in tests. They are not yet in production. Current F18, > F-15, F-16 aircraft are a match for the Chinese. The F/J-8 involved in the > recent "spyplane" situation were developed in the 60-70s and started > productoin in the 80s. Offshoots of Soviet technology designed in China. > hina is also buying Su-27 Flanker and maybe other Su-xx Flanker-yupe > aircraft. Flankers are top notch planes. What about Chinese pilots? > > This kind of stuff is junk. > > Chad > > --On Saturday, April 21, 2001 7:33 PM -0700 Bill Vance > wrote: > > >> The only advanced aircraft equivalent to the SU-23 is the American F-22, > >> but it still is only a pipe dream languishing on the drawing boards, and > >> many years away from even a prototype. > >> > >> The Russian designed SU-23 is vastly superior to the decades old Navy > >> F-18 carrier jet fighter. To fly and dog-fight in an F-18 the "Top-Ace > > trained" > >> American pilot must use old "Microsoft-Flight-Simulator" type technology, > >> zigzagging through the sky and aiming his plane at the "enemy" and > >> locking on to fire missiles. > >> > >> In the new SU-23 the Chinese pilot merely needs to run on auto-cruise > >> control and using the new "helmet-aiming device" he simply looks in the > >> direction of the "enemy" and can quickly fire six missiles in many > > directions. > > > > Pengar Enterprises, Inc. and Shire.Net LLC > Web and Macintosh Consulting -- full service web hosting > Chad Leigh > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: VIN: -- jury rights (fwd) Date: 22 Apr 2001 12:02:09 -0700 ----- Forwarded message from ----- FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz 'For handing out constitutional propaganda' A reporter for Colorado's Aspen Daily News coined an interesting phrase in a March 14 article, forwarded by the kind folks at the Jury Rights Project ( It seems a 43-year-old local ski instructor named Jerry Begly -- former member of the Army Special Forces and a Second Amendment advocate -- had received a summons to appear for jury duty at Colorado's Pitkin County Courthouse March 9. Mr. Begly reported as ordered, but was promptly dismissed from the jury pool and ordered to appear five days later to "show cause" why he should not be held in contempt of court, after he was spotted passing out leaflets to other prospective jurors in the hallway before jury selection started. The pamphlet Mr. Begly was handing out was a widely circulated palm-sized booklet containing quotations from the founding fathers and such past U.S. Supreme Court justices as Oliver Wendell Holmes and Samuel Chase, on the subject of jury powers. This "Citizens' Rulebook" also contained "unattributed quotes, such as 'The only power the judge has over the jury is their Ignorance!' and 'One juror can stop tyranny with a "Not guilty vote!" ' " reported Aspen Daily News Staff Writer Rick Carroll. The ski instructor, who told the Daily News he's for "far less government," complained his free speech rights had thus been infringed. The follow-up story came on March 14, under the headline: "Judge drops charges in jury leaflet case." Summarizing what had gone on to date, reporter Carroll told his readers Mr. Begly had been "dismissed from jury duty last week for handing out constitutional propaganda to juror candidates." Isn't that a delightful phrase: "constitutional propaganda"? One imagines some basement room full of clattering old mimeograph machines, where a sneering, modern-day Joseph Goebbels -- or should that be Tom Paine? -- holds court, masterminding a sinister scheme to convince the American people they're actually supposed to be living under a form of government where the judges, bureaucrats and other functionaries have powers sharply limited to those specifically listed, while the people at large -- including citizens called to sit on juries -- have the freedom to say or do anything they please, so long as it's not specifically banned by written law. Talk about a subversive notion! As it turned out, rather than grant Mr. Begly the public forum he was so anxious to exploit, local Judge Erin Fernandez-Ely found discretion to be the better part of valor, ruling, "In the interest of judicial economy, the hearing is vacated and the juror discharged from any obligation with respect to this case and this Court." Case dismissed. "A juror is required to follow the law as instructed by the Court," Judge Fernandez-Ely went on to assert, having safely buffered herself from having to confront the very citations from our founding fathers which refute that erroneous doctrine. It was in Colorado, of course, where the now famous case of obstinate juror Laura Kriho unfolded a few years back. After the suburban Denver jury on which she was serving had withdrawn to the jury room, Ms. Kriho had the nerve to violate the judge's "orders," discussing the sentence a young woman might receive if convicted on a minor drug charge, and also questioning the reasonableness of such drug laws. A fellow juror snitched on Ms. Kriho. In that 1996 case, District Court Judge Kenneth Barnhill dismissed the jury and declared a mistrial (though Ms. Kriho had been given no chance to try to win over other jurors to her perfectly reasonable point of view.) Laura Kriho was put on trial for contempt of court -- apparently for failing to leap to her feet during jury selection and announce she opposed the Drug War (though it turned out no one had specifically asked her about that.) Denied the jury trial she's guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, Ms. Kriho was convicted by one of Judge Barnhill's brethren of the Gilpin County bench, but that verdict was finally dismissed on appeal last year. The D.C. Court of Appeals held in the 1972 Vietnam draft case U.S. vs. Dougherty that "The pages of history shine on instances of the jury's exercise of its prerogative to disregard uncontradicted evidence and instructions from the judge. Most often commended are the 18th century acquittal of John Peter Zenger on charges of seditious libel [the case that gave Americans our freedom of the press] and the 19th century acquittals in prosecutions under the fugitive slave laws." The problem comes when we're asked "What specific statute gives juries the right to disobey the judge's orders and acquit just because they think the law is bad, or has been misapplied?" There is no such law, of course. Neither can you find a law that says you have a right to fly a kite, or walk your dog. The problem here is the very notion that there must be a law to allow us to do something, when in a free nation we should be taught from childhood a different paradigm, a different "default setting" -- that we citizens are free to do anything not specifically prohibited) (and that the government is further sharply limited in the range of things they can even seek to regulate or ban.) No law allows the government to appeal or overturn a jury acquittal, nor for any juror to be questioned by authorities, or charged or punished in any way for voting to acquit, even if the judge sits there in all his solemn majesty and says: "This jury is instructed to convict: I am giving you no choice." It's all one big bluff. If you ever sit on a jury deciding the fate of a fellow citizen who you believe is being railroaded for nothing but angering a bunch of smug bureaucrats -- that he or she has never really harmed anyone -- try it. Acquit on all charges. You can, you know. For further information on the Fully-Informed Jury movement, check out Web site Vin Suprynowicz is assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Subscribe to his monthly newsletter by sending $72 to Privacy Alert, 1475 Terminal Way, Suite E for Easy, Reno, NV 89502. His book, "Send in the Waco Killers: Essays on the Freedom Movement, 1993-1998," is available at 1-800-244-2224. *** Vin Suprynowicz, "When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a rule the majority are wrong. The minority are right." -- Eugene V. Debs (1855-1926) "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken * * * To subscribe, send a message to, from your NEW address, including the word "subscribe" (with no quotation marks) in the "Subject" line. All I ask of electronic subscribers is that they not RE-forward my columns until on or after the embargo date which appears at the top of each, and that (should they then choose to do so) they copy the columns in their entirety, preserving the original attribution. The Vinsends list is maintained by Alan Wendt in Colorado, who may be reached directly at The web sites for the Suprynowicz column are at, and The Vinyard is maintained by Michael Voth in Flagstaff, who may be reached directly at ----- End forwarded message ----- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Larry Ball Subject: Re: 45 Slaves Set Free In Texas - HALLELUJIAH (fwd) Date: 22 Apr 2001 21:24:03 -0500 Bill, Almost a year ago now you forwarded the following e-mail. Perhaps you could tell us how this came out. I would like to know. Thanks Larry Ball Bill Vance wrote: > On May 22, wrote: > > [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > > From the Home of Rich & Peggy Martin > > Grand Prairie, TX 75050 > > It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice. > _______________________________________________ > > INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY > > Another example of walking the walk. > > Rich Martin > Editor of Slick > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > From: TOMaxton > > > You might like to copy and send this out. I think it is the start of > something big. > > Tom > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > I have confirmed the following post I received and I am sending to you > FYI. > Direct your company to do business with Arrow Plastics if you can. > > The content of the post can be verified by yourself quickly being that on > Arrow Plastics Web site they clearly state they have taken the following > action. My hat is off to them. > > Walter Burien > C.E.V.I. > -------------------------------------------------------- > From: "Dick Simkanin" > As planned, starting the first of the year, Arrow Plastics stopped all > withholding from its' 45 employees. A few of the people are upset because > they now have to take responsibility to pay a tax that they have determined > they are responsible for. Two employees actually quit because of the new > tax > posture Arrow has taken. The rest have taken a wait and see attitude. > About > half have said that they would not file this year based on the education > they > have been given by the company. NOTICE I said EDUCATION not ADVICE. On > January 31, we filed corrected and amended W-2s, 941s 940 and 1099s for the > past three years. This involved $2,954,607.00 in remuneration. We hired > four new people in January. We told them we did not need their SS# nor did > we require a W4 from them. Needless to say they were delighted, after I > gave > them an explanation as to why we didn't need this information. > > And that reason is basically this: > Arrow does not have the authority nor the police power to determine if they > [the people who work for them] are or are not responsible for any tax > what-so-ever. Also Arrow has determined that it is not an agent for any > government agency, including the IRS. In the past, Arrow has acted as an > agent, FREE of CHARGE, for the IRS and mandatorily collected money from > every > employee and passed it along to the IRS. Arrow has determined that this > could be construed a conspiracy with the IRS to defraud the people that work > for Arrow and Arrow no longer wished to participate in such an activity. > BTW > 90% prayer and 10% consultation went into this decision. > > Remember, "....for evil to prevail, > all it takes is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke. > > Dick Simkanin > > Telephone > 817 540 1892 (Metro) > > FAX > 817 283 1081 > > Web Site: > > Postal address: > Arrow Custom Plastics > 3717 Commerce Place, Suite A > Bedford, Texas 76021 >> > > [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] > > -- > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! > ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- > An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no > weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his > hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a > on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ > ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- > > - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: [ Oregon Police Pull Out the Stops to Save Asset Forfeiture (fwd)] Date: 22 Apr 2001 20:42:52 -0700 ----- Forwarded message from ----- Subj: [cp] Oregon Police Pull Out the Stops to Save Asset Forfeiture Reply-to: 7. Oregon Police Pull Out the Stops to Save Asset Forfeiture Gravy Train Oregon law enforcement officials and drug war diehards are in a desperate last-ditch effort to keep asset forfeiture funds flowing into police drug squad coffers. Oregon voters last November approved a referendum greatly restricting asset forfeiture and requiring that any seized funds be directed to drug treatment instead of law enforcement. Law enforcement officials first tried to overturn the will of the voters in the courts. The Lincoln County drug task force filed suit arguing that the successful initiative was unconstitutionally broad and that it violated federal asset forfeiture laws, but Marion County Circuit Court Judge Pamela Abernathy upheld the ballot measure's legality in a ruling last week. "She found that Measure 3 met the proper standards and will continue to be the law," Geoff Sugerman, spokesman for Oregonians for Property Protection, told DRCNet. While attorneys for the measure's opponents vow to fight on, law enforcement is now turning to the legislature for succor. As the Week Online goes to press, Oregon lawmakers are debating a bill that would create a parallel system of criminal asset forfeiture. Crafted by the Oregon District Attorneys Association, the Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police, and the Oregon Sheriff's Association, House Bill 3642 would allow asset forfeiture to continue, but would raise the standard of proof to the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard for criminal cases. As important for law enforcement, it would allow police agencies to keep some of the seized booty to finance future drug operations. Meanwhile, a bill that would adjust Oregon asset forfeiture statutes to bring them into compliance with the constitutional changes mandated by Measure 3 is tied up in the state Senate. The implementation bill passed the House 46-1 last month. "We have been working in good faith to reach a consensus language that would bring the statutes into compliance," said Oregonians for Property Protection member Floyd Prozanski. "We thought we had agreement on that, but we found out just a few days ago that some people involved in the process wanted to link the civil forfeiture bill that would correct the shortcomings of the statute to the passage of a criminal forfeiture bill," Prozanski told DRCNet. "They're holding it hostage on the Senate side," added the three- term former state legislator. Sugerman told DRCNet that while the passage of the implementation legislation is not necessary for Measure 3's constitutional changes to take effect, it does provide a backstop in the event that an appeals court overturns the Lincoln County case. "If we codify these provisions into law, then even were we to lose on appeal, they would still control civil asset forfeiture." Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman John Minnis (R-Woods Village), a Portland police detective and opponent of Measure 3, echoed Prozanski's point. "If we don't have criminal forfeiture, I'm not inclined to have civil forfeiture," he told the Register- Guard last week. "That's exactly what is going on," Sugerman told DRCNet. "Although we oppose criminal forfeiture as unnecessary, we have continued to negotiate on it with the understanding that it might pass. If it does pass, we want to make sure that it carries the same protections as Measure 3. The bill has gone from three pages to 33, and there are many issues we think it important to consider, especially the proceeds issue." David Fidanque, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon, told DRCNet his organization has no philosophical objection to criminal asset forfeiture. "We've taken the position that forfeiture should rightly be part of the criminal process," said Fidanque. "We've always objected to civil forfeiture on the grounds it gave government officials too much power and didn't protect the interests of defendants and innocent third parties." But Oregon police are hoist by their own petard, Fidanque said. "Two years ago, there was a legislative proposal to reform civil forfeiture. Law officials said 'no way we're not interested.' They were not even interested in a slightly higher standard of proof," said Fidanque. "Now, after Measure 3 was approved, the link between forfeiture proceeds and those who seized them has been severed. And with this criminal asset forfeiture bill, police will have an even higher burden of proof to overcome than was contemplated by the legislature." Fidanque also told DRCNet that negotiations on the criminal asset forfeiture bill were moving forward. "I think we've reached a tentative agreement on a formula for allocating forfeiture proceeds. There is consensus at this point that the amount for treatment will be equivalent to the amount for law enforcement." Law enforcement has been open in raising concerns that it could not continue to function at the same enforcement levels without the funds it derives from asset forfeiture. "When you withdraw a funding stream, cities and counties aren't going to be able to backfill that loss, so some of these teams will cease to operate and others will be greatly reduced," Marion County District Attorney Dale Penn told the Register-Guard. That's right," Prozanski told DRCNet. "Voters wanted two things out of this -- they wanted a criminal conviction before asset forfeiture and they wanted to break the funding mechanism of these task forces. We have not argued that asset forfeiture should be completely abolished; we just wanted appropriate checks and balances to keep inappropriate conduct from occurring," he added. "Unfortunately, too many people in law enforcement are following the money instead of doing the right thing." Sugerman of Oregonians for Property Protection agreed that police are concerned about funding their drug squads, but questioned the impact of asset forfeiture reform on their ability to do so. "There is one and only one reason that they brought forth this bill," he told DRCNet. "They want the proceeds. We still aren't convinced that civil asset forfeiture is not a viable tool; funds could still be collected under civil forfeiture. What is key here is that there is a wide disparity in how Oregon police agencies use forfeiture dollars. Some of these task forces are entirely funded by forfeiture dollars, some are not, so there is a wide range of potential impacts on law enforcement." According to the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission, the state had disbursements of $2.8 million from asset forfeitures last year. It spent $1 million on legal processing costs, and law enforcement got the bulk of the rest. $1.2 million went to fund police, prosecutors received $315,000, and drug treatment got $118,000. ----- End forwarded message ----- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Re: 45 Slaves Set Free In Texas - HALLELUJIAH (fwd) Date: 22 Apr 2001 20:53:06 -0700 As far as I know, they're still at it. As vocal about it as they were, I'm sure anything funny from the IRS would have been aired. I'll pass the question back up the line, but I can't guarentee what will come back, or when. For what it's worth, there's phone and website info at the end of the article..... On Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 09:24:03PM -0500, Larry Ball wrote: > Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 21:24:03 -0500 > From: Larry Ball > To: > Subject: Re: 45 Slaves Set Free In Texas - HALLELUJIAH (fwd) > > Bill, > > Almost a year ago now you forwarded the following e-mail. Perhaps you could tell > us how this came out. I would like to know. > > Thanks > > Larry Ball > > > Bill Vance wrote: > > > On May 22, wrote: > > > > [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > > > > From the Home of Rich & Peggy Martin > > > > Grand Prairie, TX 75050 > > > > It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice. > > _______________________________________________ > > > > INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY > > > > Another example of walking the walk. > > > > Rich Martin > > Editor of Slick > > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > > > From: TOMaxton > > > > > > You might like to copy and send this out. I think it is the start of > > something big. > > > > Tom > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > I have confirmed the following post I received and I am sending to you > > FYI. > > Direct your company to do business with Arrow Plastics if you can. > > > > The content of the post can be verified by yourself quickly being that on > > Arrow Plastics Web site they clearly state they have taken the following > > action. My hat is off to them. > > > > Walter Burien > > C.E.V.I. > > -------------------------------------------------------- > > From: "Dick Simkanin" > > > As planned, starting the first of the year, Arrow Plastics stopped all > > withholding from its' 45 employees. A few of the people are upset because > > they now have to take responsibility to pay a tax that they have determined > > they are responsible for. Two employees actually quit because of the new > > tax > > posture Arrow has taken. The rest have taken a wait and see attitude. > > About > > half have said that they would not file this year based on the education > > they > > have been given by the company. NOTICE I said EDUCATION not ADVICE. On > > January 31, we filed corrected and amended W-2s, 941s 940 and 1099s for the > > past three years. This involved $2,954,607.00 in remuneration. We hired > > four new people in January. We told them we did not need their SS# nor did > > we require a W4 from them. Needless to say they were delighted, after I > > gave > > them an explanation as to why we didn't need this information. > > > > And that reason is basically this: > > Arrow does not have the authority nor the police power to determine if they > > [the people who work for them] are or are not responsible for any tax > > what-so-ever. Also Arrow has determined that it is not an agent for any > > government agency, including the IRS. In the past, Arrow has acted as an > > agent, FREE of CHARGE, for the IRS and mandatorily collected money from > > every > > employee and passed it along to the IRS. Arrow has determined that this > > could be construed a conspiracy with the IRS to defraud the people that work > > for Arrow and Arrow no longer wished to participate in such an activity. > > BTW > > 90% prayer and 10% consultation went into this decision. > > > > Remember, "....for evil to prevail, > > all it takes is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke. > > > > Dick Simkanin > > > > Telephone > > 817 540 1892 (Metro) > > > > FAX > > 817 283 1081 > > > > Web Site: > > > > Postal address: > > Arrow Custom Plastics > > 3717 Commerce Place, Suite A > > Bedford, Texas 76021 >> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Watson Subject: _FORGE OF THE ELDERS_ NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK (fwd) Date: 23 Apr 2001 08:55:30 -0500 (CDT) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- L. NEIL SMITH'S _FORGE OF THE ELDERS_ NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK FROM BAEN BOOKS $7.99 ISBN# 0-671-31982-5 I've been meaning to get this done for some time, but my work on another novel prevented it until now. My big 2000 novel _Forge of the Elders_ is out in paperback from Baen Books, and I thought you might appreciate knowing about it. Rather than blowing my own horn, allow me to present three reviews _Forge of the Elders_ received when it appeared in hardcover, two by T.L. Knapp when it won the Freedom Book of the Month Award for May, 2000 (excellent birthday present, Tom!) and the Freedom Book of the Year Award for the same year. I'm also including William E. Howell's generous review for _Prometheus_, recently reprinted when _Forge of the Elders_ became a finalist for the Prometheus Award. We'll find out more about that in September. *********************************** T.L. KNAPP FOR FREE-MARKET.NET Capitalist monsters from outer space! Well ... not exactly. Turns out they're not monsters, but sapient individualists. And they come from all of the various alternate universes where evolution took a different fork in the road and the crustaceans or the dinosaurs ended up as the dominant and intelligent species. L. Neil Smith is known for his brand of no-holds-barred space opera centered around a libertarian theme. _Forge of the Elders_ "seriously discusses life-and-death ethics, epistemology, metaphysics (the Aristotelian kind), physics, evolution, the authoritarian personality, and politics of unanimous consent," the author said in a recent letter. "In many ways, it's my most ambitious literary undertaking so far." I think it may be his downright best in terms of grabbing a reader and yanking him down into the suspension of disbelief that fiction requires, too. Smith predicted the fall of the Soviet Union, but in this saga, communism made a big worldwide comeback. The protagonists are the captain and crew of three mothballed space shuttles approaching an asteroid dubbed 5023 Eris on a mission of exploration and exploitation on behalf of the United World Soviet. But someone has beat them to it ... a culture composed of sapient nautiloids, obsequious reptiles, and inscrutable arachnids -- and rescued humans from a civilization predating our known history. They're individualists, they're capitalists, and they're already there; what's more, their technology is of such superiority that it wouldn't be difficult for them to wipe out three space shuttles, their misfit crews, and perhaps the home planet before lunch. Naturally, the Soviet apparatchiki aren't hearing it though, which leaves Captain Guttierez, Major Reille y Sanchez, and company in a delicate situation. Hilarity and philosophy ensue. Only L. Neil Smith would have the temerity to have a character ask, with a straight face, "Who is John Galt?" And he has the talent to carry it off. The characters -- from Mister Thoggosh (nautiloid "Proprietor" of 5023 Eris) to Rosalind Nguyen, chief medic of the lamented expedition -- face a series of murders, delicate diplomatic situations, and the ultimate mystery: the origin and fate of "the Eldest," a sapient race that came and went before all others. They may be Smith's most well-rounded cast. Don't let the good humor, the tension of mystery and the empathy Smith generates for his characters obscure the depth of Smith's exposition of ideas. This book is a winner from every angle. *********************************** BILL HOWELL, IN _PROMETHEUS_ One is tempted just to say, "L. Neil Smith wrote it", and let it go as that. After all, that pretty much guarantees it will be a rollicking good adventure, openly espousing liberty and damning all the "usual suspects" who work against our freedoms. In this case, the novel is particularly satisfying, as it is the unified completion of a trilogy L. Neil began years ago, which was unceremoniously cancelled by its publisher after the second book, for being "too extreme". _Forge of the Elders_ tells the tale of a mid-21st century shoestring expedition from an impoverished and socialism-dominated Earth to a strange asteroid. Upon arrival, they discover that it is inhabited by numerous intelligent species from alternate historical realities on Earth, all of whom are devout anarcho-capitalists. Smith gives free rein to his imaginative faculties in dreaming up what sentient beings would look and act like, had they emerged via evolutionary branches as different as birds, mollusks, trilobites, sea scorpions, and more. The immense (534 pages) tale progresses through a multiple murder mystery and the solving of several fascinating scientific enigmas to the expected happy ending. Oh yeah, there's a space battle in this book, too! There's even a tie-in to the North American Confederacy storyline. Many unique characters are presented, especially Eichra Oren, the p'Nan moral debt assessor, and his talking dog, Sam. Eichra Oren experiences love and tragic loss, not to mention the conflict between his personal desire and his moral responsibility. I don't want to go into anymore plot details, lest I spoil some of the wonderful surprises in this book. All in all, _Forge of the Elders_ is fine, fun story, chock full of good philosophical points and interesting characters. If you like any of L. Neil Smith's previous novels, you will love this one, particularly as it packs even more of a personal and philosophical wallop than usual. Enjoy! *********************************** T.L. KNAPP FOR FREE-MARKET.NET Choosing a Freedom Book of the Year has been difficult for me. In 2000, I've been privileged to review twelve volumes that all stand head and shoulders above the norm. I've seen astounding first novels (David Calderwood's _Revolutionary Language_), moving histories (Jim Powell's _Triumph of Liberty"_), groundbreaking theoretical works (J.C. Lester's _Escape from Leviathan_), and more. What the decision finally came down to, for me, was a simple question: Which of these twelve books will stick with me? Which one of them would I think about on a desert island, even if I couldn't take it with me? And thus I bring you, as Freedom Book of the Year, L. Neil Smith's _Forge of the Elders_". I confess to a certain amount of prejudice in the matter. I grew up, after all, as a science fiction fan, and not just any kind of science fiction fan. I thrilled to Robert Heinlein's juveniles, and later to the grandiose space opera of E.E. "Doc" Smith. To this day, while I can read and enjoy the cold, matte-black maunderings of cyberpunk or of science fiction novels so "hard" that you need a physics degree to really understand them, what I really like is a larger-than-life hero or heroine, villains so irredeemably evil that their presence on the page chills one's blood, and lots of action. And spaceships. We mustn't forget: lots of spaceships. _Forge of the Elders_ is all this and more: the tale of the asteroid 5023 Eris and those who love -- or at least want to control -- her. Smith starts off with three (three!) spaceships, or space shuttles at any rate, and it only gets better from there. More spaceships, more captains (one whose personality and elan in combat with ethical dilemmas makes James Tiberius Kirk look like the tight-ass, tin-horn authoritarian he is, another who happens to be a mollusk the size of a Volkswagen), more conundrums and more good humor than you can shake a tightly collimated ionizing laser beam at. Smith writes space opera like ... well, analogies fail me here. Like a rodeo cowboy rides bulls, strapping himself to the story and letting it go hell for leather, only the trip is longer than eight seconds and you actually get somewhere useful. Or maybe like the astronauts of the old Apollo program, who sat atop a pile of explosive fuel big enough to blow a city-size crater in the earth, and managed, despite the bureaucratic meddling and red tape, to make it take them into space -- to the moon, even -- instead. Wrapped inside the big ball of fascinating yarn that Smith calls _Forge of the Elders_ is a philosophical knitting needle, an audacious reclamation of a philosophy that brings sneers to the lips of academicians and demagogues even today: Social Darwinism. That anyone, in this day and age, would attempt to redeem the philosophy made famous in the 19th century by Herbert Spencer and William Graham Sumner is remarkable in itself. That Smith succeeds not only in redeeming it, but in extending it and making it relevant, is key to my selection of _Forge of the Elders_ as Freedom Book of the Year. Smith has spoken to these issues in the past, most notably in his speech, "A New Approach to Social Darwinism." In _Forge of the Elders_" he fleshes out his notion of the twin roles of adversity and diversity in the survival and improvement of species, and links these factors with both the emergence of sapience and the desirability of human liberty. My bookshelves are full of well-plotted, entertaining novels, and they overflow with well-argued, logical treatises on economics, philosophy and politics. Only a very few books, by a select few authors, manage to be both successfully. A number of those books are by Smith, and _Forge of the Elders_ holds pride of place among them. This trilogy -- in one omnibus volume -- is a must for anyone who cherishes both a great story and an intellectual challenge. *********************************** If I were to add one thing, it's that, whatever else _Forge of the Elders_ may be, it can serve as the same sort of introduction to a philosophy of individual liberty as my earlier books, _The Probability Broach_ and _Pallas_. The difference is that _Forge of the Elders_ addresses more deeply fundamental _moral_ issues. _Forge of the Elders_ is available right now in bookstores, grocery stores, and drugstores everywhere. If your local emporium doesn't have it, ask them to order it. Tell them the bizarre and wonderful cover by Bob Eggleton -- featuring a longhaired, bearded astronaut drinking a beer with a giant squid -- should sell the book all by itself. It's also available at and, most happily, at If you like it, you might drop my publisher a note at and tell him you want to see more books by yours truly. Thanks a lot, L. Neil Smith -- Painful as it may be to hear it, there's nothing special about the people of this country that sets them apart from the other people of the world. It is the Bill of Rights, and only the Bill of Rights, that keeps us from becoming the world's biggest banana republic. The moment we forget that, the American Dream is over. -- Alexander Hope, _Looking Forward_ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Videos (fwd) Date: 24 Apr 2001 20:31:32 -0700 ----- Forwarded message from ----- Sent for information only./////////// >From: Ken Townsend >To: 'Ken's Info List' >Subject: Videos >Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 08:51:06 -0500 >X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) > >For people looking for patriot videos. > > > >Ken Townsend > ----- End forwarded message ----- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: One From One Leaves Two (fwd) Date: 24 Apr 2001 20:34:05 -0700 ----- Forwarded message from ----- One From One Leaves Two by Ogden Nash (1935) Higgledy piggledy, my black hen, She lays eggs for gentlemen. Gentlemen come every day To count what my black hen doth lay. If perchance she lays too many, They fine my hen a pretty penny; If perchance she fails to lay, The gentlemen a bonus pay. Mumbledy pumbledy, my red cow, She's cooperating now. At first she didn't understand That milk production must be planned; She didn't understand at first She either had to plan or burst, But now the government reports She's giving pints instead of quarts. Fiddle de dee, my next-door neighbors, They are giggling at their labors. First they plant the tiny seed, Then they water, then they weed, Then they hoe and prune and lop, Then they raise a record crop, Then they laugh their sides asunder, And plow the whole caboodle under. Abracadabra, thus we learn The more you create, the less you earn. The less you earn, the more you're given, The less you lead, the more you're driven, The more destroyed, the more they feed, The more you pay, the more they need, The more you earn, the less you keep, And now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to take If the tax-collector hasn't got it before I wake. ----- End forwarded message ----- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: [ Vote on Constitutional Amendment! (fwd)] Date: 24 Apr 2001 20:39:42 -0700 ----- Forwarded message from ----- Subj: Vote on Constitutional Amendment Sender: Reply-to: April 24, 2001 Dear liberty activist, The U.S. House will vote tomorrow (Wednesday, 4/25/01) on an amendment to the Constitution that would require a 2/3 majority in the House and Senate in order to increase federal taxes. The bill is H. J. Res. 41. It has 139 cosponsors. The vote will occur in the late morning or early afternoon. You can urge your U.S. representative to vote in favor of H. J. Res. 41 by sending an E-mail message to him or calling his office. To send an E-mail message, go to . To learn the name and telephone number of your representative, go to or call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121. ----- End forwarded message ---------- End forwarded message ----- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: NJ: Gun Law Crisis That Can COST YOU YOUR HOME! (fwd) Date: 24 Apr 2001 23:11:17 -0700 ----- Forwarded message from ----- (Bill Vance), (Bill Vance), (Bill Vance) X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.5 PL3] FYI - Just a taste of our NJ gunlaws in action... (thx GONJ) Gormley's Revenge: Be charged with possession of an "Assault Firearm" in New Jersey and get kicked out of your home for 2 years. By Evan F. Nappen, Esq. Gun owners who suffer under the Florio/Gormley supported "Assault Firearm" ban are now being kicked out of their homes and businesses under the newest Gormley sponsored law. This law is entitled the "Drug Offender Restraining Order Act of 1999," (DOROA) and can be found at N.J.S. 2C:35-5.7. Aggressive implementation of this law has now begun. All a law abiding gun owner needs to do is be charged with possession of a so-called "Assault Firearm" and the gun law victim is automatically kicked out of his/her residence and/or business by way of a restraining order which lasts for a minimum of 2 years. It does not matter one bit that drugs were not involved. The municipal court judges have been instructed to routinely issue these DOROAS. These restraining orders are issued ex parte (without any input by the defendant or his attorney). After the issuance of a DOROA which normally accompanies the criminal complaint, there is no hearing scheduled on the DOROA. As passed, the law is void of any due process for the defendant. Just last week, I had one of these DOROAS come up in Monmouth County. My client was charged with possession of "Assault Firearm's" which are not "Assault Firearms" (Mini-14 and Ruger 10/22). I immediately went back to the municipal court judge who issued the DOROA to try to persuade the judge to vacate the order. There is a section in the law that claims that the DOROA should not be issued to remove a person from their residence unless the judge is clearly convinced that there is a need to bar the defendant in order to protect the public safety. The municipal court judge informed me that although he issued the DOROA and was sympathetic to my client's predicament, he no longer retained the jurisdiction to make any modifications to it. This is in spite of the fact that he was the court of origin for the DOROA. The judge of the municipal court claimed that as soon as he signed the DOROA kicking the defendant out of his home, he no longer retains jurisdiction and that the Superior Court now has jurisdiction. Since there is no procedure in the DOROA law for challenging this restraining order or even affording the victim of the DOROA a hearing, my client was presented with a situation in which he had no opportunity to be heard on challenging the restraining order's issuance. I therefore created and filed emergency papers with the Superior Court to try to get my client back in his home. Fortunately, the Monmouth County Superior Court and the Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office took the appropriate action, which was initiated by my creative filings. The Monmouth County Superior Court vacated and dissolved the restraining order. By the time this had been accomplished, the law-abiding gun owner had been barred from his home for one week under the threat of jail. My client resided with his wife in a home on 20 acres of property. On a simple charge of possession of a so-called ""Assault Firearm"" in which the defendant holds a valid New Jersey Firearms Identification Card and poses a threat to no one, my client suffered this injustice which could have lasted for years. None of these facts were presented to nor considered by the judge of the municipal court who issued the initial DOROA. This is a serious situation for law-abiding New Jersey gun owners. False charges for possession of an "Assault Firearm" frequently occur in New Jersey. I have personally handled many cases falsely charging "Assault Firearm" violations. These cases include the new Marlin Model 60's (which hold less than 15 rounds), Colt Match Target rifles and their clones, SKS's with a fixed magazines, 1927 Thompson/Auto Ordinance .45's, M1 Garand Rifles, MAK-90's, Marlin Camp Carbine's, Remington 7600's, Russian Dragunov's, and Springfield M1A's without a bayonet lug, just to name some of the common false charges made against law- abiding New Jersey gun owners. In the name of "the war on drugs," be prepared to be kicked out of your home with no due process thanks to Florio, Gormley, and Whitman . This article may be freely reproduced with credit given to the author, Evan F. Nappen, Esq., (732-389-8888). For more information about New Jersey Gun Law, see and purchase and read Nappen II: New Jersey Gun, Knife & Weapon Law. ----- End forwarded message ----- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: [ Kathie's Korner 4/24 (fwd)] Date: 25 Apr 2001 09:53:11 -0700 Reply-To: Maybe your newspaper carried the B.C. comic strip on Easter Day. Ours=20 did, with a disclaimer that they had found out too late that B.C. had=20 once again crossed the line into support for Christianity, that they had=20 tried but failed to STOP the PRESSES and remove the offensive material.=20 When one woman here jumped on the Dump B.C . bandwagon, in her letter=20 to the editor she alluded to Madalyn Murray O=92Hair in giving her reason= s=20 for the ride-along. =93Freedom of religion has got to include freedom fro= m=20 religion,=94 she wrote: It=92s a leap of logic that boggles my mind, and I almost wish Ohair were here to defend herself. Taking that argument to its only possible=20 conclusion would also give us freedom from speech and freedom from the=20 press, thereby eliminating not only letters to the editor but also the=20 editors and their products. Let=92s not go there. Pray for America!=20 Kathy What a great point. If freedom of religion =3D freedom from religion, the= n why doesn't freedom of the press =3D freedom from the press? Rich Martin Editor of Slick --=20 --- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RK= BA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------= --- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath n= o weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand =3D Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy= a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Chr= ist ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------= --- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! --- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Cloyes Subject: Re: [ Kathie's Korner 4/24 (fwd)] Date: 26 Apr 2001 08:20:18 -0400 I don't get the paper, so missed the strip in question. Does anybody still have that one, and if so could they send it out? Thanks, Tom At 09:53 AM 4/25/01 -0700, you wrote: >From: Rich Martin >Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 01:39:14 -0700 (PDT) >Reply-To: >Subject: [richslick] FWd. Kathie's Korner 4/24 > >From: "Kathie Morgan" > > >Maybe your newspaper carried the B.C. comic strip on Easter Day. Ours >did, with a disclaimer that they had found out too late that B.C. had >once again crossed the line into support for Christianity, that they had >tried but failed to STOP the PRESSES and remove the offensive material. >When one woman here jumped on the Dump B.C . bandwagon, in her letter >to the editor she alluded to Madalyn Murray O'Hair in giving her reasons >for the ride-along. "Freedom of religion has got to include freedom from >religion," she wrote: >It's a leap of logic that boggles my mind, and I almost wish Ohair >were here to defend herself. Taking that argument to its only possible >conclusion would also give us freedom from speech and freedom from the >press, thereby eliminating not only letters to the editor but also the >editors and their products. Let's not go there. Pray for America! > >Kathy > > >What a great point. If freedom of religion = freedom from religion, then why >doesn't freedom of the press = freedom from the press? > >Rich Martin >Editor of Slick > >-- >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! >----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- >An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no >weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his >hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a >on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ >----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- > > Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: [ Stolen purse/wallet (fwd)] Date: 26 Apr 2001 10:12:11 -0700 ----- Forwarded message from ----- (Bill Vance), (Bill Vance) X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.5 PL3] I received this from a friend. Thought I would pass this invaluable information on...: What to do if you have lost your wallet or purse or had it stolen: We've all heard horror stories about fraud that's committed using your name, address, SS#, credit, etc. Unfortunately I (author of this piece) have first hand knowledge, because my wallet was stolen last month and within a week the thieves: ordered an expensive monthly cell phone package, applied for a VISA credit card, had a credit line approved to buy a Gateway computer, received a PIN number from DMV to change my driving record information online, and more. But here's some critical information to limit the damage in case this happens to you or someone you know. As everyone always advises, cancel your credit cards immediately, but the key is having the toll free numbers and your card numbers handy so you know whom to call. Keep those where you can find them easily (having to hunt for them is additional stress you WON'T need at that point)! On a personal note, I remember losing a MC and until I got the toll free number from information, etc. I was a wreck. File a police report immediately in the jurisdiction where it was stolen, this proves to credit providers you were diligent, and is a first step toward an investigation (if there ever is one). But here's what is perhaps most important: I never ever thought to do this. Call the three national credit-reporting organizations immediately to place a fraud alert on your name and SS#. I had never heard of doing that until advised by a bank that called to tell me an application for credit was made over the internet in my name. The alert means any company that checks your credit knows your information was stolen and they have to contact you by phone to authorize new credit. By the time I was advised to do this-almost 2 weeks after the theft, all the damage had been done (there are records of all the credit checks initiated by the thieves' Purchases, none of which I knew about before placing the alert). Since then, no additional damage has been done, and the thieves threw my wallet away this weekend (someone turned it in). It seems to have stopped them in their tracks. The numbers are: Equifax 1-800 525-6285 Experian (formerly TRW) 1-800-301-7195 Trans Union 1-800-680-7289 Social Security Administration also has a fraud line at 1-800-269-0271. We pass along jokes, we pass along just about think about passing this information along ... it could help someone else. ----- End forwarded message ----- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: [ Ooh... ooh... OH CANADA! (fwd)] Date: 26 Apr 2001 12:57:15 -0700 Forwarded to me by a friend. > From a magazine..................... > > Canadian Customs Stories, Chapter 3, Eh? > > Several years ago, a young female Candian customs officer spotted the NRA >decal on my truck and asked me if I owned any guns. I said that I did, >but they weren't with me. She asked me in a nasty tone of voice how I was >"planning to protect myself" while I was in Canada. Before my wife could >shut me up, I said " With a condom." With that, my car was quickly >encircled by other customs officers. After hearing the whole story, the >most senior officer could not contain his laughter and let us go. The >young female customs officer was fuming. So was my wife.........Anthony >Siesto -- | | RKBA! That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there. --GEORGE ORWELL -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: [ United Nations Wants Global Gun Ban (fwd)] Date: 27 Apr 2001 09:32:08 -0700 ----- Forwarded message from ----- FOR BACK GROUND INFORMATION Also visit: and read Civilian Disarmament by Gary Benoit The United Nations, in its quest for global domination, is stepping up its efforts to disarm civilians. For Americans, this means an all-out assault on the Second Amendment. Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War! U.N. Wants Global Gun Ban Friday, April 27, 2001 The U.N. is after Americans' Second Amendment gun rights it wants gun ownership banned in the U.S., and it's not going to stop until it gets its way. That is the warning from the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre, who reveals that "for the first time in the history of the world, a United Nations conference has set its sights on global disarmament disarming citizens worldwide including you and me." At an 11-day meeting beginning July 9 at U.N. headquarters in New York, every extremist anti-gun group in the world will show up at a summit on "small arms," where the delegates will attempt to create a global standard of gun control, banning civilian fire arms ownership worldwide. Their aim, LaPierre warns, is "to bring the nightmare of England, Australia and Canada into our country and our homes." Those nations, along with South Africa and others, have caved in to international pressure and banned civilian gun ownership. Canada has gone so far as to make handgun ownership a felony. As a result, crime rates in England and Australia have skyrocketed since the gun bans went into effect, once again proving the truth of the old saying that if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns. While the U.N. has no power to force the U.S. to ban gun ownership, it can, with the enthusiastic help of the foreign and domestic anti-self-defense media, create a powerful international movement to shame the U.S. into junking the Second Amendment rights of private gun ownership. "You and I won't go one day without hearing that the rest of the world is banning guns and it is time for the U.S. to get in line and do the same," LaPierre wrote. As a prelude to this frightening gathering of anti-self-defense fanatics, a number of proposals have already been advanced at various U.N. forums. Among them: Strategies to reduce the number of guns in private hands that include mandating a maximum one-gun-per-person rule; A ban on possession of handguns by anyone other than government officials and target shooters who would be forced to store their weapons at shooting ranges; Worldwide licensing of firearms registered in a vast U.N. computer bank. "The bottom line is that international gun banners want every gun every single gun worldwide to be under U.N. and government control," warns LaPierre. "And that includes your rifle, your shotgun, your handgun, and even family heirlooms that have been handed down from generation to generation." LaPierre urges Americans to`contact Sen. Jesse Helms, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and express their outrage at this latest U.N. power grab. Helms, he notes, is already on record as deploring the U.N. anti-gun project. He wrote a letter to the U.S. Agency for International Development in 1999 in which he described the U.N. gun ban project: nothing less that a brazen international expansion of the [Clinton-Gore] domestic gun control agenda." *COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational purposes only.[Ref. ] ----- End forwarded message ----- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: [ KNOX ALERT: Gun Amendments For Education Bill !?! (fwd)] Date: 28 Apr 2001 13:53:24 -0700 ----- Forwarded message from ----- FYI - Gee, I wonder why there has been little media coverage of this... -------- Original Message -------- April 25 Neal Knox Update -- Senate leaders from both parties are huddling this morning trying to work out an agreement on the Education bill. If they get an agreement it could be on the floor this afternoon, with whatever amendments - possibly gun amendments - are agreed to during the negotiation. Because Sen. Jim Jeffords (Vt.) and other Republicans are already lined up with Democrats, there will probably be an agreement or it won't be called to a vote. Without an agreement, it will be a free-for-all which - if it goes to the floor - will likely include gun show & other firearms amendments. Yesterday, Senate Democrats including Charles Schumer (N.Y.), Jack Reed (R.I.) and Hillary Clinton (N.Y.) held a press conference "introducing" a bill supposedly identical to the gun provisions in the 1999 Juvenile Justice amendment. It includes the Lautenberg gun show amendment extending the NICS background checks to private sales at gun shows, flea markets and swap meets - which the Atlanta Constitution said "authors of the 1993 Brady Bill forgot to include." It is co-sponsored by 18 Democrats and one Republican, Lincoln Chafee (R.I.). Reed, the principal sponsor, said he may offer it as an amendment to the education bill, as we predicted before the Easter recess.The only thing it has to do with education is that the Columbine HS killers bought a couple of their guns through a straw purchaser at a gun show. Last year, anti-gun Senators were blocked from bringing a string of gun provisions - including Sen. Feinstein's registration bill (now S. 25) - as education bill amendments. The Senators taunted President Bush to support and sign the gun show provision, as he had pledged during the campaign - though that was not the Senate version but the NRA-backed House version by former Rep. Bill McCollum (R-Fla.) and Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.). NRA press spokesman Bill Powers called the bill a "massive federal regulatory scheme ... registering private information about lawful gun holders who have cleared a check with the federal government." Although Bush campaign opponents Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Joseph Lieberman (D-Ct.) have drafted a still-unseen "compromise" gun show bill, a Reed spokesman said they will not introduce their bill until after a vote on the Reed bill. According to Associated Press the McCain-Lieberman bill would "further limit gun show sales without background checks, but not eliminate them" - whatever that means. --------------- ----- End forwarded message ----- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Robert Linzell) Subject: [Fwd: Two gun bills] Date: 29 Apr 2001 06:42:11 -0500 -------- Original Message -------- Reply-To: "The Liberty Committee" April 28, 2001 Dear liberty activist, Representative Virgil Goode (Virginia) introduced H.R. 1455 - The States' Rights and Second and Tenth Amendment Restoration Act of 2001 that would repeal the 1996 Lautenberg amendment. Representative Roscoe Bartlett (Maryland) introduced H.R. 31 - The Citizens' Self-Defense Act of 2001. Both bills are featured in "Current Legislation" at . You can read descriptions of the bills, learn who has cosponsored each bill, send a message to your U.S. representative asking him to become a cosponsor or thank him for already being a cosponsor, and read the text of the bills by clicking "detailed" at the end of the bills' descriptions. If you have like-minded friends who share our interest in preserving the Second Amendment, please bring this to their attention. Kent Snyder The Liberty Committee ***** To send a message to our office, please go to . Do not use reply to send a message. The "reply to" address of this message is not monitored. ***** -- Bob in Mississippi - State Motto: Virtute et Armis ("By Valor and Arms") My PGP Public Key(s): RKBA! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Robert Linzell) Subject: A Pox on Government Vaccines! Date: 29 Apr 2001 15:25:07 -0500 The April 2001 issue of _The_Free_Market_, published by The Ludwig von Mises Institute (, has as its cover article, "A Pox on Government Vaccines!" by Timothy D. Terrell. Here's an excerpt: "One of the modern hero-myths the State has cultivated about itself is that government vaccination programs drastically reduced some common communicable diseases in the twentieth century. For decades, the government has required certain vaccines for entry into schools, and most parents have passively submitted to the inoculation of their children. Now, in response to increasing evidence that vaccines may not be the boon to our health that has been supposed, opposition to mandatory vaccination programs is building." I took the liberty of reproducing the article and putting it on my web site for others to use or peruse. The URL is: and there I have links to a PDF version and a JPEG version. I also have PostScript and WordPerfect versions (not at this site), but they are much larger. Let me know if you have any problems downloading or reading them. Yours in Liberty. -- Bob in Mississippi - State Motto: Virtute et Armis ("By Valor and Arms") My PGP Public Key(s): RKBA! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: GOAL POST 2001-S1 (fwd) Date: 29 Apr 2001 22:05:05 -0700 ----- Forwarded message from ----- GOAL Post 2001-S1 GOAL Chairman: Bruce Turner GOAL Legislative Liaison: Joe Waldron Legislative Update from Olympia 29 April 2001 SPECIAL SESSION STARTED 25 APRIL ALL GUN BILLS BACK ON THE PLATE ACTION IN CONGRESS UTAH RECOGNIZES WA CPL WYOMING MAY RECOGNIZE WA CPL The 2001 Regular Legislative Session adjourned on Sunday, 22 April, without completing its biennial budget. Governor Locke called a special session, which began on Wednesday, 25 April for a nominal 30 days. Estimates of the time needed to complete the budgets run anywhere from two weeks to two months (necessitating a possible second special session). While the stated purpose of the special session is to complete the various budgets needed to run the state for the next two years, once the legislature convenes, they can act on any subject-any bill-they choose. Listed below in "Bill Status" are the gun bills, pro- and con-, that died at various stages of the process during the regular session. While the focus of the special session isn't gun control, any incident that generates interest in the topic can provide the momentum necessary to get a bill moving again. Once again, while the legislature is in session neither your life nor your property-including your guns-is safe! On Tuesday, 24 April, Rhode Island Democrat Senator Jack Reed filed S.767, a gun show "loophole" bill very similar to the Lautenberg bill (S.54) passed by the U.S. Senate one month to the day after the Columbine school shooting. The bill was introduced at a press conference with HCI President Michael Barnes on one flank, and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on the other. The bill currently has 20 co-sponsors, including Clinton. A more insidious bill is about to be filed in the Senate in the next week or two. Monster,com's Andrew McKelvey, flush with his gun show initiative victories in Colorado and Oregon (McKelvey provided the $3 million in campaign funds to pass the two initiatives), has been working behind the scenes with Senators John "Manchurian Candidate" McCain and Joe "I wanna be VEEP" Lieberman to craft a "middle-of-the-road, common-sense, compromise" gun show "loophole" bill. This is the one to be concerned about. With McCain's support and McKelvey's millions, expect to see at least 5-6 Republican Senators sign on as co-sponsors for this one, with advertising calling attention to the bi-partisan nature of the bill. This one is likely to get out of the Senate, with half-a-dozen squish Republicans joining the 50 Democrats in passing the bill out. The House of Representatives is the place where we'll have to stop this one. More as details are released. Utah's new CCW/CPL recognition law takes effect on Tuesday, 1 May. Utah will recognize out-of-state concealed carry licenses for up to 60 consecutive days (after which you must obtain a Utah CCW). The operative word here is "consecutive." If your business takes you in and out of the state, as long as you stay fewer than 60 consecutive days, you're OK. Up until now, Wyoming would only recognize CCWs/CPLs issued by a state agency. The purpose for this was to ensure a uniform state-wide standard. While the WA CPL met the spirit of the Wyoming law, it failed to meet the letter of the law because the CPL is actually issued by a Sheriff or Chief of Police. A recent change to Wyoming law, which has NOT taken effect yet, will apparently allow WA CPLs to be recognized in Wyoming-BUT NOT RIGHT NOW. I will post an update when the change tales place. BILL STATUS: Bill # Subject Sponsor Status SB 5154 Civil Rights Act/2001 Kline (D-37) S. W&M SB 5177 Pistol registry Zarelli (R-18) S. Jud SB 5543 School safety McAuliffe (D-1) S.Rules SB 5673 Safe storage of firearms Costa (D-38) S.Jud SB 5928 Juvenile hunting Constantine(D-34) S.NatRes SB 6123 Gun show regulation Kohl-Welles(D-36) S.Jud HB 1121 Safe storage of firearms Ballasiotes (R-41)H. Jud HB 1148 Unlawful possession of firearm Lantz (D-26) H. Jud HB 1224 Gun manufacturer lawsuits Delvin (R-16) H. Jud HB 1226 Pre-school/day care gun ban O'Brien (D-1) H. Jud HB 1484 Firearm disqualifiers Carrell (R-28) H.Rules HB 1485 School gun felony Carrell (R-28) H. Jud HB 1604 Hospital safety Schual-Berke (D-33) H.Rules HB 1737 Pistol registry McMorris (R-7) H. Jud HB 1818 School safety Rockefeller (D-23) H.Ed HB 1944 Gun shows Carrell (R-28) H.Jud HB 2000 Arrest powers Delvin (R-8) H.Jud HB 2202 Gun show regulation Kagi (D-32) H.Jud Key to abbreviations: S. = Senate, H. = House, Jud = Judiciary, CJ&J = Criminal Justice & Corrections, JuvJust = Juvenile Justice, Educ = Education, NatRes = Natural Resources, Parks & Shorelines; W&M = Ways and Means LEGISLATIVE HOT LINE: You may reach your Representatives and Senator by calling the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000. Toll free!!! The hearing impaired may obtain TDD access at 1-800-635-9993. Also toll free!!! 1-800-562-6000 TDD 1-800-635-9993 OTHER DATA: Copies of pending legislation (bills), legislative schedules and other information are available on the legislature's web site at "". It's available in two version: text (.txt) file or Acrobat (.pdf) file. The "Acrobat" version is preferred as it is easier to read and is an exact copy of the hard copy format the legislators use. You may download a free version of Adobe Acrobat from Adobe's web site. You may also obtain hard copy bills, initiatives, etc, in the mail from the Legislative Bill Room FREE OF CHARGE by calling 1-360-786-7573. Copies of bills may also be ordered toll free by calling the Legislative Hotline at (800) 562-6000. You may also hear floor and committee hearing action live at (you need "RealAudio" to do this, available free at the TVW web site). By reading the House and Senate "bill reports" (hbr, sbr) for each bill, you can see how individual committee members voted. By reading the "roll call" for each bill, you can see how the entire House or Senate voted on any bill. The beauty of the web site is that ALL this information is available, on line, to any citizen. GET THE WORD OUT: If you want to subscribe to the Goal Post by e-mail, send a message to "". Please pass Goal Post on to anyone you believe may have an interest in protecting our rights. Better yet, make a couple of copies of this message and leave them with your local gun shop(s). PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO DUPLICATE OR REDISTRIBUTE GOAL POST PROVIDED IT IS REPRODUCED IN ITS ENTIRETY WITHOUT TEXTUAL MODIFICATION. I can be reached at "" or (during session) by telephone at (360) 754-9782 or (425) 454-4911. Unfortunately, I am unable to mail hard copy Goal Post to individuals. "The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men." Article 1, Section 24 Constitution of the State of Washington Copyright 2001 Gun Owners Action League of WA ----- End forwarded message ----- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Sylvester Subject: Re: Vote on Constitutional Amendment! Date: 30 Apr 2001 00:48:24 -0500 At 11:02 PM 4/29/2001 -0600, roc-digest wrote: >Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 20:39:42 -0700 >From: Bill Vance > > >- ----- Forwarded message from ----- > >From: >Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 22:22:57 EDT > >From: (Arthur Livermore) > >To: (DRCTalk Reformers' Forum) > >April 24, 2001 > > >Dear liberty activist, > >The U.S. House will vote tomorrow (Wednesday, 4/25/01) on an amendment to >the Constitution that would require a 2/3 majority in the House and Senate >in order to increase federal taxes. The bill is H. J. Res. 41. It has 139 >cosponsors. The vote will occur in the late morning or early afternoon. From --- H.J.RES.41 Sponsor: Rep Sessions, Pete (introduced 3/22/2001) Related Bills: H.RES.118 Latest Major Action: 4/25/2001 Failed of passage/not agreed to in House: On passage Failed by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 232 - 189 (Roll no. 87). Title: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States with respect to tax limitations. H.J.RES.41 Sponsor: Rep Sessions, Pete (introduced 3/22/2001) Related Bills: H.RES.118 Latest Major Action: 4/25/2001 Failed of passage/not agreed to in House: On passage Failed by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 232 - 189 (Roll no. 87). Title: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States with respect to tax limitations. --- This was a recorded vote: (roll # 87) -- YEAS NAYS PRES NV REPUBLICAN 204 11 5 DEMOCRATIC 27 177 6 INDEPENDENT 1 1 TOTALS 232 189 11 -------- So much for Democratic Party bipartinship. You can clearly see which party is the Tax (and Spend) Party. My current yellow dog rep voted nay, while the rep up where my wife and I own a house, and my wife lives (I only get to visit thanks to Clinton sizing of the Defense industry), is a blue dog Democrat and voted to require a 2/3 majority to raise taxes. Here's the complete vote, Y'all know what to do. --- The following is from 3 column tables, so there are three names on each line. --- YEAS 232 --- Aderholt Goss Peterson (PA) Akin Graham Petri Andrews Granger Pickering Armey Graves Pitts Bachus Green (TX) Platts Baker Green (WI) Pombo Ballenger Greenwood Portman Barcia Grucci Pryce (OH) Barr Gutknecht Putnam Bartlett Hall (TX) Quinn Barton Hansen Radanovich Bass Harman Ramstad Berkley Hart Regula Berry Hastert Rehberg Biggert Hastings (WA) Reynolds Bilirakis Hayes Riley Bishop Hayworth Roemer Blunt Hefley Rogers (KY) Boehner Herger Rogers (MI) Bonilla Hilleary Rohrabacher Bono Hobson Ros-Lehtinen Boswell Hoekstra Roukema Brady (TX) Horn Royce Brown (SC) Hulshof Ryan (WI) Bryant Hunter Ryun (KS) Burr Hutchinson Sanchez Burton Isakson Sandlin Buyer Issa Saxton Callahan Istook Scarborough Calvert Jenkins Schaffer Camp John Schrock Cannon Johnson (IL) Sensenbrenner Cantor Johnson, Sam Sessions Capito Jones (NC) Shadegg Castle Keller Shays Chabot Kelly Sherman Chambliss Kennedy (MN) Sherwood Coble Kerns Shimkus Collins King (NY) Shows Combest Kingston Simmons Condit Kirk Simpson Cox Knollenberg Skeen Cramer Kolbe Skelton Crane LaHood Smith (MI) Crenshaw Largent Smith (NJ) Cubin Latham Souder Culberson LaTourette Spence Cunningham Leach Stearns Davis, Jo Ann Lewis (CA) Stump Davis, Tom Lewis (KY) Sununu Deal Linder Sweeney DeLay LoBiondo Tancredo DeMint Lucas (KY) Tauzin Diaz-Balart Lucas (OK) Taylor (MS) Doolittle Maloney (CT) Taylor (NC) Duncan Manzullo Terry Dunn McCarthy (NY) Thornberry Ehlers McCrery Thune Ehrlich McInnis Tiahrt Emerson McIntyre Tiberi English McKeon Toomey Etheridge Mica Traficant Everett Miller (FL) Upton Ferguson Miller, Gary Walden Flake Moran (KS) Walsh Fletcher Myrick Wamp Foley Nethercutt Watkins Fossella Ney Weldon (FL) Frelinghuysen Northup Weldon (PA) Gallegly Norwood Weller Ganske Nussle Whitfield Gekas Osborne Wicker Gibbons Ose Wilson Gilchrest Otter Wolf Gilman Oxley Young (AK) Goode Pallone Young (FL) Goodlatte Paul Gordon Pence --- NAYS 189 --- Abercrombie Hill Murtha Ackerman Hilliard Nadler Allen Hinchey Napolitano Baca Hinojosa Neal Baird Hoeffel Oberstar Baldacci Holden Obey Baldwin Holt Olver Barrett Honda Ortiz Becerra Hooley Owens Bentsen Hostettler Pascrell Bereuter Houghton Pastor Berman Hoyer Payne Blagojevich Hyde Pelosi Blumenauer Inslee Peterson (MN) Boehlert Israel Phelps Bonior Jackson (IL) Pomeroy Borski Jackson-Lee (TX) Price (NC) Boucher Jefferson Rahall Boyd Johnson (CT) Rangel Brady (PA) Johnson, E. B. Reyes Brown (FL) Jones (OH) Rivers Brown (OH) Kanjorski Rodriguez Capuano Kaptur Ross Cardin Kennedy (RI) Rothman Carson (IN) Kildee Rush Carson (OK) Kilpatrick Sabo Clay Kind (WI) Sanders Clayton Kleczka Sawyer Clement Kucinich Schakowsky Clyburn LaFalce Schiff Conyers Lampson Scott Costello Langevin Serrano Coyne Lantos Shaw Crowley Larsen (WA) Slaughter Cummings Larson (CT) Smith (WA) Davis (CA) Lee Snyder Davis (FL) Levin Solis Davis (IL) Lewis (GA) Spratt DeFazio Lipinski Stark DeGette Lofgren Stenholm Delahunt Lowey Strickland DeLauro Luther Stupak Deutsch Maloney (NY) Tanner Dicks Markey Tauscher Dingell Mascara Thomas Doggett Matheson Thompson (CA) Dooley Matsui Thompson (MS) Doyle McCarthy (MO) Thurman Dreier McCollum Tierney Edwards McDermott Towns Engel McGovern Turner Eshoo McKinney Udall (CO) Evans McNulty Udall (NM) Farr Meehan Velazquez Fattah Meek (FL) Visclosky Filner Meeks (NY) Waters Ford Menendez Watt (NC) Frank Millender-McDonald Waxman Frost Miller, George Weiner Gephardt Mink Wexler Gillmor Mollohan Woolsey Gonzalez Moore Wu Hastings (FL) Morella Wynn --- NOT VOTING 11 --- Capps McHugh Smith (TX) Cooksey Moakley Vitter Gutierrez Moran (VA) Watts (OK) Hall (OH) Roybal-Allard The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution. --Doug McKay" Joe Sylvester Don't Tread On Me ! Molon Labe! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Latest ACLU ad against civil asset forfeiture (fwd) Date: 30 Apr 2001 12:31:27 -0700 ----- Forwarded message from ----- Latest ACLU Advertisement Targets Asset Forfeiture Laws NEW YORK - Saying asset forfeiture laws provide the police with a license to steal, the American Civil Liberties Union has launched a new attack against this form of unfettered law enforcement abuse with its latest national advertisement. "Thanks to civil asset forfeiture laws, possessions that took you a lifetime to acquire can be taken in the blink of an eye, or, more accurately, the flash of a badge," the advertisement says. "The forfeiture laws were designed as a new government weapon in the 'war on drugs.' But they've done little more than provide law enforcement with a license to steal." Latest ACLU advertisement targeting asset forfeiture laws. The ACLU advertisement modifies the instantly recognizable World War II-era image of a stern Uncle Sam with an outstretched finger. Instead of the standard tag line of "I Want You," the new ACLU ad says: "I Want Your Money, Jewelry, Car, Boat and House." The advertisement, which is scheduled to appear in The New York Times Sunday Magazine on April 29 and in the May 9 issue of The New Yorker, is the latest in a hard-hitting series of public policy messages from the ACLU. Previous advertisements this year have focused on winning anti-discrimination protections for lesbians and gay men and, most recently, on the loss of individual privacy through high-tech government wiretaps. The asset forfeiture advertisement takes aim at another example of out-of-control government actions that have been decried by an unusually broad array of organizations, from the ACLU to the National Rifle Association. The practice has also drawn the ire of conservative members of Congress such as Reps. Henry Hyde, R-IL, and Dick Armey, R-TX. Under current law, as the ACLU ad explains, law enforcement agencies need only meet a low legal standard - known as probable cause - before they can seize everything, from family photos to life savings. In recent years, forfeiture laws have become a major source of funds for law enforcement agencies as the value of property seized has soared into the hundreds of millions of dollars. "Allowing authorities to take away and sell a person's vehicle or home without proving that he or she has done something wrong flies in the face of basic American values," said Graham Boyd, the Director of the ACLU's Drug Policy Litigation Project. "Forfeiting a person's property without a conviction undermines the bedrock principle of our legal system: that a person is innocent until proven guilty." Boyd said that the limited constitutional protections for individuals subjected to civil forfeiture laws create a system that is ripe for abuse. Particularly appalling is the list of cases that document the disproportionate impact on minorities due to the use of racial profiling of African American and Hispanic travelers. Willie Jones, for example, an African American landscaper, experienced the humiliation and pain of asset forfeiture when he had $9,600 in cash seized from him at the Nashville airport simply because he fit a so-called "drug courier profile" - that is, he was an African American paying for a round-trip airline ticket with cash. He actually planned to use the money to buy landscape materials. In recent years, as the Jones incident and others drew media attention, the public has shown increasing unease about asset forfeiture practices. Last November, Oregon voters amended their state constitution to require a criminal conviction before a forfeiture action is completed. Utah's voters also approved a similar measure in November. And in 1999, Congress adopted a measure pushed by Rep. Hyde that somewhat reined in federal asset forfeiture laws. The ACLU, which worked hard to build support for the Hyde bill, said it represented a historic first step in ending the unfair seizure of innocent people's property, but said much more remains to be done. "Working with our network of state offices and allies, we will continue to press this battle until this medieval practice is barred by law in every state across the country," Boyd said. After all, as the ACLU advertisement notes, "who can you call when the police are the ones robbing you? The creative minds behind the ad series, DeVito/Verdi Advertising, also developed last year's ACLU advertising series, which included messages on racial profiling, juvenile justice and the death penalty. The ACLU advertising campaign will be featured on the organization's website,, with links to relevant documents and news about each issue. The next advertisement, on the topic of reproductive freedom is scheduled to run in the May 13 issue of The New York Times Magazine and in the May 21 issue of The New Yorker. The ACLU is a nationwide, non-partisan organization dedicated to defending and preserving the Bill of Rights for all individuals through litigation, legislation and public education. Headquartered in New York City, the ACLU has 53 staffed affiliates that cover every state, more than 300 chapters nationwide, and a legislative office in Washington, DC. The bulk of the annual $40 million budget is raised by contributions from members -- 275,000 strong -- and gifts and grants from other individuals and foundations. ----- End forwarded message ----- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Kathie's Korner 4/24 (fwd) Date: 30 Apr 2001 12:35:37 -0700 Just a little late on this one, but it's got a great punch line..... ----- Forwarded message from ----- Reply-To: Maybe your newspaper carried the B.C. comic strip on Easter Day. Ours=20 did, with a disclaimer that they had found out too late that B.C. had=20 once again crossed the line into support for Christianity, that they had=20 tried but failed to STOP the PRESSES and remove the offensive material.=20 When one woman here jumped on the Dump B.C . bandwagon, in her letter=20 to the editor she alluded to Madalyn Murray O=92Hair in giving her reason= s=20 for the ride-along. =93Freedom of religion has got to include freedom fro= m=20 religion,=94 she wrote: It=92s a leap of logic that boggles my mind, and I almost wish Ohair were here to defend herself. Taking that argument to its only possible=20 conclusion would also give us freedom from speech and freedom from the=20 press, thereby eliminating not only letters to the editor but also the=20 editors and their products. Let=92s not go there. Pray for America!=20 Kathy What a great point. If freedom of religion =3D freedom from religion, the= n why doesn't freedom of the press =3D freedom from the press? Rich Martin Editor of Slick ----- End forwarded message ----- --=20 --- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RK= BA! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------= --- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath n= o weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand =3D Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy= a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Chr= ist ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------= --- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! --- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Harry Barnett Subject: Re: Kathie's Korner 4/24 (fwd) Date: 30 Apr 2001 12:58:42 -0700 (PDT) This is the second time this "imaginary hobgoblin" has been posted, with absolutely no cite other than "our newspaper". Need a great punchline? Here's one: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H. L. Mencken On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Bill Vance wrote: > Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 12:35:37 -0700 > From: Bill Vance > Reply-To: > To: > Subject: Kathie's Korner 4/24 (fwd) >=20 > Just a little late on this one, but it's got a great punch line..... >=20 > ----- Forwarded message from ----- >=20 > From: Rich Martin > Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 01:39:14 -0700 (PDT) > Reply-To: > Subject: [richslick] FWd. Kathie's Korner 4/24 >=20 > From: "Kathie Morgan" =20 >=20 >=20 > Maybe your newspaper carried the B.C. comic strip on Easter Day. Ours=20 > did, with a disclaimer that they had found out too late that B.C. had=20 > once again crossed the line into support for Christianity, that they had= =20 > tried but failed to STOP the PRESSES and remove the offensive material.= =20 > When one woman here jumped on the Dump B.C . bandwagon, in her letter=20 > to the editor she alluded to Madalyn Murray O=92Hair in giving her reason= s=20 > for the ride-along. =93Freedom of religion has got to include freedom fro= m=20 > religion,=94 she wrote: > It=92s a leap of logic that boggles my mind, and I almost wish Ohair > were here to defend herself. Taking that argument to its only possible=20 > conclusion would also give us freedom from speech and freedom from the=20 > press, thereby eliminating not only letters to the editor but also the=20 > editors and their products. Let=92s not go there. Pray for America!=20 >=20 > Kathy >=20 >=20 > What a great point. If freedom of religion =3D freedom from religion, the= n why > doesn't freedom of the press =3D freedom from the press? >=20 > Rich Martin > Editor of Slick >=20 > ----- End forwarded message ----- >=20 > --=20 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- > RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RK= BA! > ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------= --- > An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath n= o > weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his > hand =3D Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy= a > on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Chr= ist > ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------= --- >=20 > Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! >=20 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- >=20 > - >=20 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Re: Kathie's Korner 4/24 (fwd) Date: 30 Apr 2001 22:02:26 -0700 Well, it _is_ a syndicated strip..... On Mon, Apr 30, 2001 at 12:58:42PM -0700, Harry Barnett wrote: >Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 12:58:42 -0700 (PDT) >From: Harry Barnett >Subject: Re: Kathie's Korner 4/24 (fwd) > >This is the second time this "imaginary hobgoblin" has been posted, >with absolutely no cite other than "our newspaper". > >Need a great punchline? Here's one: > >"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed >(and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an >endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H. L. Mencken > >On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Bill Vance wrote: > >> Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 12:35:37 -0700 >> From: Bill Vance >> Reply-To: >> To: >> Subject: Kathie's Korner 4/24 (fwd) >> >> Just a little late on this one, but it's got a great punch line..... >> >> ----- Forwarded message from ----- >> >> From: Rich Martin >> Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 01:39:14 -0700 (PDT) >> Reply-To: >> Subject: [richslick] FWd. Kathie's Korner 4/24 >> >> From: "Kathie Morgan" >> >> >> Maybe your newspaper carried the B.C. comic strip on Easter Day. Ours >> did, with a disclaimer that they had found out too late that B.C. had >> once again crossed the line into support for Christianity, that they had >> tried but failed to STOP the PRESSES and remove the offensive material. >> When one woman here jumped on the Dump B.C . bandwagon, in her letter >> to the editor she alluded to Madalyn Murray O?Hair in giving her reasons >> for the ride-along. ?Freedom of religion has got to include freedom from >> religion,? she wrote: >> It?s a leap of logic that boggles my mind, and I almost wish Ohair >> were here to defend herself. Taking that argument to its only possible >> conclusion would also give us freedom from speech and freedom from the >> press, thereby eliminating not only letters to the editor but also the >> editors and their products. Let?s not go there. Pray for America! >> >> Kathy >> >> >> What a great point. If freedom of religion = freedom from religion, then why >> doesn't freedom of the press = freedom from the press? >> >> Rich Martin >> Editor of Slick >> >> ----- End forwarded message ----- -