From: Bill Vance Subject: [Lis-LEAF] A Dying Dream (fwd) Date: 03 Dec 2001 20:15:59 -0800 (PST) ----------------------- begin forwarded message from ----------------------- ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 7:43 AM A Dying Dream by Joshua Holmes In 1990, one of the most extraordinary happenings of the decade passed with almost no record at all in the mass media. While the world was preoccupied with the Iraq-Kuwait situation, a bunch of desperately poor people living in a virtually unknown country named Somalia overthrew their government. What is not remarkable is that this happened. What is remarkable is that the people forbade anyone from setting up a new one. In effect, they abolished their government. Not surprisingly, there was a period of unrest, some of which continues to this day in the wasteland outside the cities. Warlords fought to grab whatever power they could. Unwittingly, the UN exacerbated this situation with humanitarian aid. In effect, the UN sent the thing which was most valuable to the warlords: food. To aid in their humanitarian efforts, the US sent the Marines to Somalia to clean up the warlords and allow the food to be distributed. The Somalis, however, were not as welcoming as the UN expected. The warlords and people quickly repelled the US invading forces and drove both them and the UN's food efforts out of the country. In the course of repelling the invaders, Americans were treated to images of Somalis dragging the dead bodies of US Marines through the streets in celebration. From their perspective, it was a terrific victory to kill and repel the invading American Marines. After this, the US quickly pulled its troops out, and the UN did the same with their aid. So, no aid, no government, warlords roaming the countryside...everyone starves to death, right? Not exactly. In the 8 years since the US and UN left Somalia alone, Somalia has made remarkable improvement. Crime is way down. The warlords are mostly gone from the cities (and in a hilarious turn of events, nascent businesses in Somalia have hired most of the warlords' thugs to be security officers with excellent results). Landlines for telephone service have been laid by competing telephone companies (which tanks natural monopoly theory), and cell phones have become common among the new Somali capitalists. Until last week, several phone companies had collaborated to open the first Somali ISP. Somalia was certainly no paradise on earth - Mogadishu is still a third world city - but what matters is improvement, and Somalia was improving rapidly. All of that is coming to an end, though. The US has launched its War on Terrorism, and this means attacking pretty much everything in sight. Big government conservatives are thrilled with this new development, as this gives them a chance to drop a lot of money on defense and lets them entertain their notions of holding an American Empire, as neoconservatives like Francis Fukuyama and William Kristol push for. With Afghanistan re-conquered by the Northern "Alliance", talk turns to other countries where terrorists may be. The British newspaper The Telegraph is reporting that the United Kingdom has been asked by the United States to help prepare attacks on other sites, including Somalia. However, the people of Somalia are reporting that the terrorists quickly left the training camps they held along the Somalia-Kenya border after the September 11 attacks. So what is the US planning on doing there? No doubt the governing class has been watching Somalia with extreme trepidation since the failure of the US invasion. If Somalia grows and prospers without the existence of a government, people are going to wonder why exactly they pay so much in taxes to receive the things they could just as easily and more cheaply purchase for themselves from private companies. Somalia's growth and eventual prosperity would have been a model for libertarians and anarcho-capitalists alike worldwide, living, breathing proof that a state is unnecessary for security and prosperity. This is a direct threat to the governing class and the aura of legitimacy which surrounds government. So Somalia is about to be plowed under and sowed with salt, more than likely. I feared this was likely to happen if Somalia proved itself to be stable without a government. Sadly, my fears and the fears of others like me are proving to be too true. My prayers are with the people of Somalia, that they will find a way to be safe under threat from the US military monster and that they will find a way to resist the new government the US is sure to try to set up. Ayn Rand Comes To Somalia Awdal Roads Company December 3, 2001 Liberty's Educational Advocacy Forum promotes "action that raises the cost of State violence for its perpetrators ... lay(ing) the basis for institutional change." [Noam Chomsky] ProPerProSe Self Help Clinic and Sovereign Law Library Not a high-tech law firm brochure, "because a lawyer is only as smart as you make him" [Max Katz] and "the Law . . . should be accessible to every man and at all times." [Franz Kafka] For Liberty in Our Lifetime, R.J. Tavel, JD NEW: SUBSCRIBE TO Lis-LEAF the Learning Electronically About Freedom mailing service at [NOTE: You can MODIFY YOUR subscription "DELIVERY OPTIONS" which will allow you to receive the digest version or have only web access to the posts (no email). The MODERATORS WILL NOT change your profile at your request.] Subscribe: Unsubscribe: Shortcut URL to this page: ----------------------- end forwarded message from ----------------------- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** 4-19! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Emerson Case Being Appealed to the Supreme Court!!! (fwd) Date: 06 Dec 2001 17:54:13 -0800 (PST) ----------------------- begin forwarded message from Bill Phillips --------------------- Dear Second Amendment Supporters, On Friday, November 30th the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected both of Dr. Emerson's motions for rehearings. This leaves an appeal to the United States Supreme Court as the only option for Dr. Emerson. Attorneys David Guinn and Aaron Clements are working on drafting the Appeal. This appeal is necessary because while the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals clearly and articulately held that the Second Amendment is an individual right, Dr. Emerson is still facing federal felony charges because of an anti-gun rights prosecutor. The importance of a U.S. Supreme Court victory cannot be overstated. Such a decision is crucial to destroy the "collective rights" myth perpetrated by every gun control group and many courts without any historical analysis of the Second Amendment or its placement in the Bill of Rights. If the Second Amendment is affirmed by the highest Court as an individual right, AND the federal gun law is overturned as in the District Court decision, many other draconian gun laws could likely be ruled unconstitutional. This includes sweeping gun bans, excessive bureaucratic red tape, and arbitrary and capricious discrimination in denying licenses to name but a few of many current abuses. A victory for the individual interpretation would be especially helpful for those people living in places like California, New York, New Jersey, Washington, D.C. and Chicago. In truth, while a Fifth Circuit victory would have been helpful, it would only be binding in the states of Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. A U.S. Supreme Court victory for Dr. Emerson would force all the lower courts throughout the country to recognize the Second Amendment as an individual right in future cases. But with this appeal comes risk. If the Supreme Court decides to take this case, the Supreme Court will write its own opinion regarding the Second Amendment. And since Dr. Emerson is appealing the decision to prevent further prosecution, it is our obligation to make sure that the gains we have made are retained in any further decisions, and hopefully they will be strengthened. To conduct a proper defense, Dr. Emerson's attorneys need funds immediately. The Second Amendment Foundation's Emerson Defense Fund and its supporters: the Fifty Caliber Shooters Policy Institute, the Washington Arms Collectors, and have provided nearly $15,000 to Dr. Emerson's Defense already. Thank you to all who have contributed to the Emerson Defense Fund. But more is needed because the appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court is our best and only shot. I honestly can't think of another Second Amendment case in the country that could reach the U.S. Supreme Court in the near future that could be seen as favorably as the Emerson case. Emerson is literally the most important Second Amendment case in over a half century. And if we lose this appeal, then the gun grabbers will unleash the mother-of-all gun control proposals. Without the fear of the Second Amendment, their real agenda will be revealed once again -- gun bans! Please help us today, as the appeal must be filed within 90 days from the Fifth Circuits Denial and the clock is ticking. Funding for the appeal must begin right now. The SAF Emerson Defense Fund is tax-deductible and your contributions will help defend your rights of firearms ownership for you, your children and your grandchildren. Please give $1000, $500 or $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can afford to this crucial effort. This case is too important to lose for lack of funding. I repeat, the entire Emerson decision upholding the Second Amendment as an individual right is at risk in this appeal. Whether we win or lose could rest on how much people contribute to this worthy cause. Please contribute on-line today via our secure server here: Or, please call 425-454-7012 to make a donation over the phone during Pacific Time Business Hours with your credit card, or send your check of money order made out to SAF Emerson Defense to the following address: SAF Emerson Defense 12500 NE 10th Place Bellevue, WA 98005 Or, you can fax a credit card donation to 425-451-3959. Please give today, as the rights you save may be your own. Sincerely, Dave LaCourse SAF Legal Affairs Director P.S. Please give today, as we must make sure that Dr. Emerson's attorneys have the support they need. Please review the press release below for more details. Thanks for your time. SECOND AMENDMENT FOUNDATION LAUNCHES THE EMERSON DEFENSE FUND For Immediate Release: Contact: Alan Gottlieb (425) 454-7012 BELLEVUE, WA - The Second Amendment Foundation has launched a defense fund to assist Dr. Timothy Joe Emerson in these continuing appeals. The move is to help preserve the stunning 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decision upholding the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as an individual right. "The Emerson decision was a huge victory for all law-abiding gun owners as we finally established in a very thorough and well-researched opinion that the Second Amendment is an individual right," stated Alan Gottlieb, Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. "Now we must fight to preserve this win in appeals and hopefully even build on the decision to make it even stronger." Because the court's decision in U.S. v Emerson was to reverse and remand a lower court ruling that cleared Dr. Timothy Joe Emerson of a federal violation of the 1994 Domestic Violence Act, Dr. Emerson's attorneys David Guinn and Aaron Clements will be appealing the portion of the decision which would force Dr. Emerson to endure a trial for a boilerplate civil divorce court restraining order that ended with the finalization of the divorce. "Continuing to prosecute Dr. Emerson for a long-since expired order is unfair and just plain wrong since Dr. Emerson has been cleared of all domestic violence related charges in state court by a jury of 9 women and 3 men in less than an hour of deliberations," reminded Gottlieb. "Until the government agrees to drop the simple possession of a firearm while subject to a civil divorce court order, both Dr. Emerson and the Second Amendment remain at risk." "I call on all the other national, state and local gun owner civil rights groups to join with the Second Amendment Foundation in funding this all-important legal battle," added Gottlieb. In the Emerson appeal decision, the 5th Circuit clearly ruled that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of an individual citizen to keep and bear private arms, "regardless of whether the particular individual is then actually a member of the militia." Writing for the majority, Judge William Garwood noted that the government's long-standing interpretation of the 1939 Miller case, that the Second Amendment merely expresses a "collective right" is not supported by the actual Miller decision. "The wisdom of this decision must be preserved," said Gottlieb. "As a leader in firearm owner civil rights defense, the Second Amendment Foundation is very proud to be working closely with Dr. Emerson's attorneys to protect the Second Amendment and hopefully end this nightmare for Dr. Emerson once and for all." The Second Amendment Foundation is the nation's oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. SAF previously has funded successful firearms-related suits against the cities of Los Angeles, New Haven, CT, and San Francisco on behalf of American gun owners. Current projects include a damage action lawsuit against the cities suing gun makers, an amicus brief in support of the Emerson case holding that the Second Amendment is an individual right, a lawsuit against the Clinton gun and magazine ban and a lawsuit in Cincinnati supporting the right of self-defense carry of firearms. Please visit the best Emerson webpage at -END- ----------------------- end forwarded message from Bill Phillips --------------------- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** 4-19! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: NICS poll (fwd) Date: 09 Dec 2001 16:25:11 -0800 (PST) ----------------------- begin forwarded message from C. D. Tavares --------------------- >Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2001 12:14:47 -0700 >From: RDeStep >Subject: NICS poll >Sender: Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Arizona > > > >Should Ashcroft turn over NICS check records. Gunnies have moved the >poll up to 50/50. > >This particular likes to send results to legislators and news >agencies, so, this internet vote might actually be worth something. >Please vote, and pass the poll onto your local lists. > >Rick -- | | RKBA! Tyrants would distribute largess -- a bushel of wheat, a gallon of wine, and a sesterce -- and then everybody would shamelessly cry, "Long live the King!" The fools did not realize that they were merely recovering a portion of their own property, and that their ruler could not have given them what they were receiving without having first taken it from them. --ETTIENE DE LA BOETIE ----------------------- end forwarded message from C. D. Tavares --------------------- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** 4-19! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Emerson Case Being Appealed to the Supreme Court! (fwd) Date: 11 Dec 2001 19:31:06 -0800 (PST) ----------------------- begin forwarded message from ----------------------- Emerson Case Being Appealed to the Supreme Court! Reply-to: (Constitutional Patriots Opposing Prohibition), (libnw), (, (News-Editorials-christiancommonlaw), (PIML) Emerson Case Being Appealed to the Supreme Court! from Dave LaCourse SAF Legal Affairs Director DaveL@l... December 6, 2001 Dear Second Amendment Supporters, On Friday, November 30th the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected both of Dr. Emerson's motions for rehearings. This leaves an appeal to the United States Supreme Court as the only option for Dr. Emerson. Attorneys David Guinn and Aaron Clements are working on drafting the Appeal. This appeal is necessary because while the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals clearly and articulately held that the Second Amendment is an individual right, Dr. Emerson is still facing federal felony charges because of an anti-gun rights prosecutor. The importance of a U.S. Supreme Court victory cannot be overstated. Such a decision is crucial to destroy the "collective rights" myth perpetrated by every gun control group and many courts without any historical analysis of the Second Amendment or its placement in the Bill of Rights. If the Second Amendment is affirmed by the highest Court as an individual right, AND the federal gun law is overturned as in the District Court decision, many other draconian gun laws could likely be ruled unconstitutional. This includes sweeping gun bans, excessive bureaucratic red tape, and arbitrary and capricious discrimination in denying licenses to name but a few of many current abuses. A victory for the individual interpretation would be especially helpful for those people living in places like California, New York, New Jersey, Washington, D.C. and Chicago. In truth, while a Fifth Circuit victory would have been helpful, it would only be binding in the states of Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. A U.S. Supreme Court victory for Dr. Emerson would force all the lower courts throughout the country to recognize the Second Amendment as an individual right in future cases. But with this appeal comes risk. If the Supreme Court decides to take this case, the Supreme Court will write its own opinion regarding the Second Amendment. And since Dr. Emerson is appealing the decision to prevent further prosecution, it is our obligation to make sure that the gains we have made are retained in any further decisions, and hopefully they will be strengthened. To conduct a proper defense, Dr. Emerson's attorneys need funds immediately. The Second Amendment Foundation's Emerson Defense Fund and its supporters: the Fifty Caliber Shooters Policy Institute, the Washington Arms Collectors, and have provided nearly $15,000 to Dr. Emerson's Defense already. Thank you to all who have contributed to the Emerson Defense Fund. But more is needed because the appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court is our best and only shot. I honestly can't think of another Second Amendment case in the country that could reach the U.S. Supreme Court in the near future that could be seen as favorably as the Emerson case. Emerson is literally the most important Second Amendment case in over a half century. And if we lose this appeal, then the gun grabbers will unleash the mother-of-all gun control proposals. Without the fear of the Second Amendment, their real agenda will be revealed once again -- gun bans! Please help us today, as the appeal must be filed within 90 days from the Fifth Circuits Denial and the clock is ticking. Funding for the appeal must begin right now. The SAF Emerson Defense Fund is tax-deductible and your contributions will help defend your rights of firearms ownership for you, your children and your grandchildren. Please give $1000, $500 or $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can afford to this crucial effort. This case is too important to lose for lack of funding. I repeat, the entire Emerson decision upholding the Second Amendment as an individual right is at risk in this appeal. Whether we win or lose could rest on how much people contribute to this worthy cause. Please contribute on-line today via our secure server here: Or, please call 425-454-7012 to make a donation over the phone during Pacific Time Business Hours with your credit card, or send your check of money order made out to SAF Emerson Defense to the following address: SAF Emerson Defense 12500 NE 10th Place Bellevue, WA 98005 Or, you can fax a credit card donation to 425-451-3959. Please give today, as the rights you save may be your own. Sincerely, Dave LaCourse SAF Legal Affairs Director P.S. Please give today, as we must make sure that Dr. Emerson's attorneys have the support they need. Please review the press release below for more details. Thanks for your time. SECOND AMENDMENT FOUNDATION LAUNCHES THE EMERSON DEFENSE FUND For Immediate Release: Contact: Alan Gottlieb (425) 454-7012 BELLEVUE, WA - The Second Amendment Foundation has launched a defense fund to assist Dr. Timothy Joe Emerson in these continuing appeals. The move is to help preserve the stunning 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decision upholding the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as an individual right. "The Emerson decision was a huge victory for all law-abiding gun owners as we finally established in a very thorough and well-researched opinion that the Second Amendment is an individual right," stated Alan Gottlieb, Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. "Now we must fight to preserve this win in appeals and hopefully even build on the decision to make it even stronger." Because the court's decision in U.S. v Emerson was to reverse and remand a lower court ruling that cleared Dr. Timothy Joe Emerson of a federal violation of the 1994 Domestic Violence Act, Dr. Emerson's attorneys David Guinn and Aaron Clements will be appealing the portion of the decision which would force Dr. Emerson to endure a trial for a boilerplate civil divorce court restraining order that ended with the finalization of the divorce. "Continuing to prosecute Dr. Emerson for a long-since expired order is unfair and just plain wrong since Dr. Emerson has been cleared of all domestic violence related charges in state court by a jury of 9 women and 3 men in less than an hour of deliberations," reminded Gottlieb. "Until the government agrees to drop the simple possession of a firearm while subject to a civil divorce court order, both Dr. Emerson and the Second Amendment remain at risk." "I call on all the other national, state and local gun owner civil rights groups to join with the Second Amendment Foundation in funding this all-important legal battle," added Gottlieb. In the Emerson appeal decision, the 5th Circuit clearly ruled that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of an individual citizen to keep and bear private arms, "regardless of whether the particular individual is then actually a member of the militia." Writing for the majority, Judge William Garwood noted that the government's long-standing interpretation of the 1939 Miller case, that the Second Amendment merely expresses a "collective right" is not supported by the actual Miller decision. "The wisdom of this decision must be preserved," said Gottlieb. "As a leader in firearm owner civil rights defense, the Second Amendment Foundation is very proud to be working closely with Dr. Emerson's attorneys to protect the Second Amendment and hopefully end this nightmare for Dr. Emerson once and for all." The Second Amendment Foundation is the nation's oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. SAF previously has funded successful firearms-related suits against the cities of Los Angeles, New Haven, CT, and San Francisco on behalf of American gun owners. Current projects include a damage action lawsuit against the cities suing gun makers, an amicus brief in support of the Emerson case holding that the Second Amendment is an individual right, a lawsuit against the Clinton gun and magazine ban and a lawsuit in Cincinnati supporting the right of self-defense carry of firearms. Please visit the best Emerson webpage at ----------------------- end forwarded message from ----------------------- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** 4-19! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: "Islamakazis" (fwd) Date: 17 Dec 2001 07:23:52 -0800 (PST) ----------------------- begin forwarded message from Charles Riggs --------------------- The following is from Mark Steyn's latest column, in which he also introduces the intriguing term "Islamakazis": "With the benefit of hindsight, Flight 93 is the decisive event of September 11th. By all accounts, the hijackers of that plane weren't exactly the cream of Osama's toxic crop. The flight was halfway across the continent before the boobs made their move and started meandering back east to their target. By the time the passengers began calling home, their families were aware of what had happened at the World Trade Center. Unlike those on the earlier flights, the hostages on 93 knew they were a human missile intended to kill thousands of their fellow citizens. So they acted. As Jim Bennett of UPI wrote, "The Era of Osama lasted about an hour and half or so, from the time the first plane hit the tower to the moment the General Militia of Flight 93 reported for duty." "Just so. No one will ever again hijack an American airliner with box cutters, or, I'd wager, with anything else -- not because of new but predictably idiotic FAA regulations, but because of the example of Todd Beamer and his ad hoc platoon. Faced with a new and unprecedented form of terror, the latest American technology (cellphones) combined with the oldest American virtue (self-reliance) and stopped it in its tracks in just 90 minutes. The foiling of the hijackers of 93 began the transformation of Osama from a jihadi to a jihas-been. True, he might yet come up with something new, but invention and improvisation are the hallmarks of a dynamic culture not a fetid, stagnant one, like Islamofascism." ----------------------- end forwarded message from Charles Riggs --------------------- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** 4-19! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Learn the Constitution (fwd) Date: 17 Dec 2001 07:24:19 -0800 (PST) ----------------------- begin forwarded message from Carl William Spitzer ----------------------- From: "Joe Larson" SPECIAL NOTICE Starting November 1, 2001 Eagle Forum University will be offering a course enti- tled: The Foundation Of Our Republic, a free online ten-week course of instruction presented by Joseph R. Larson, Chair- man of Restoring America. (Call for more information: (573) 793-3156). The course will be interactive with the students being able to post their thoughts and questions on a discussion board. This course will be taught using the doctrine of original intent and will require the reading of America's founding documents. Direct quotes from the Founding Fathers will be used as text rather than just the views and opinions of the instructor. Registration is available now at: RKBA! "Gun 'proliferation' begins with 'pro' and 'life.' Gun prohibition begins with registration, and ends with genocide." --Dave Kopel, National Review Online, 6 Aug 2001 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Hey, I'm somebody! (fwd) Date: 17 Dec 2001 09:31:53 -0800 (PST) ----------------------- begin forwarded message from ----------------------- Greetings Brother Abe: This is surely a Word for the Wise. Peace, Brother Carl Found this on the web: thought you might like it. "This is a story about four people named, Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done." Christ's Peace, Abe Least ----------------------- end forwarded message from ----------------------- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** 4-19! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: What a MARVELOUS ANTI-LIBERAL RANT (fwd) Date: 18 Dec 2001 18:33:01 -0800 (PST) ----------------------- begin forwarded message from Rich Martin ----------------------- Of course we recognize that it is totally impossible to say anything nice about Liberals.....but this rant soars into excellence with lines like the following: Many of us were frustrated by school systems that often as not punished displays of excellence, discouraged intelligent discourse, and attempted to subjugate all students in a perverted effort to mold every mind to one standard of mediocrity. What a Marvelous READ Jack THE BRAVE NEW RIGHT THE "SILENT MAJORITY" IS TALKING By: Elysian Hunter After forty years of leftist neo-socialist propaganda being forced down the American people's collective throats, finally, in a long-overdue renaissance, we are starting to display an understanding of common sense. My generation, the so-called "Gen-X" has been twice disillusioned. We wanted the material successes of our parents' generation but without their turmoils. We were the children who grew up in the wake of "free love," and we discovered that it was neither free nor love. We have been left to discover for ourselves how empty and shallow and false the promises of the "Great Society" are. We are the ones who have to attempt to repair the past forty years' worth of damage- we must find solutions that will repair a broken culture and a failed educational system. We are also the ones who are challenged to find an alternative to the current entitlement state in which all one has to do to be "more equal" than the other "animals" is to claim to be a member of an oppressed group. Why are "Gen-Xer's" taking a hard right turn? Our early indoctrinations often made no sense. Many of us were frustrated by school systems that often as not punished displays of excellence, discouraged intelligent discourse, and attempted to subjugate all students in a perverted effort to mold every mind to one standard of mediocrity. Stay behind with the rest of the class? This phrase is the summation of the "Great Society" and of the leftist movement. In the Marxist mindset there is no call to excellence, no reward for merit. Yet humans are driven by an innate desire to succeed in their endeavors. The satisfaction of accomplishment, once experienced, is often its own reward. The error in Marxist thought is that the concept of meritocracy does not exist, that equality lies in being the same as others instead of in equality of opportunity- the freedom to achieve, and reap the rewards of one's labor, according to one's talent, willingness to work and desire. President Reagan once said that the difference between a Communist and an anti-Communist is that a Communist reads Marx and Lenin, but an anti-Communist understands Marx and Lenin. We "Gen-Xer's" understand Marx and Lenin- we had Marxism shoved down our throats. Many of us now understand, through the reality of getting along in the real world, that liberty is not in "equal outcomes" but in the freedom to choose, the freedom to succeed or fail. To each according to his or her own abilities and effort- this was a truth we had to discover for ourselves. We are not our parents' generation. The climate of the 1960's challenged all facets of conventional wisdom. We as a nation questioned our purpose, we asked "what are we fighting for" when our military was trapped in a political quagmire throughout the Vietnam war. Our parents' generation became cynical and rejected the entire cultural and social order. Love of country along with conventional wisdom, standards of decency and strong families, went out of vogue as young men burned their draft cards, young women burned their bras, and both genders tuned in, turned off and dropped out. The wounds created in the wake of the failed cultural revolution of the 1960's, the fallout of Vietnam and the failure of the "Great Society" are slow in healing. Both the political Left and the Right have made mistakes- the Left in going over the deep end from a liberal republican philosophy such as that of Thomas Jefferson or Thomas Payne, to a psychotic mix of the philosophies of Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky. The Right has failed in many ways also, in allowing themselves to be portrayed as callous, self righteous religious nuts or as bigoted racists. Yet despite the faults of the Right and the folly of some of its more zealous factions, the essential premises of Right wing thought- today's Conservatism- make more sense and offer far more practical solutions than the empty platitudes and failed "feel good" philosophy offered by the Left. We learned important lessons in the 1960's- civil rights being the most important of those lessons, yet the Right differs from the Left on the interpretation of civil rights. We believe that equality is truly color blind, and accessible to either gender, and that everyone is free to earn his or her own rewards. Another reason for "Gen-X" acceptance of the Right is in the glimmer of hope we saw in Reaganesque optimism. Many of us remember President Reagan as "our president," the one we think of when we envision the office of the President. Like Reagan before us, we're the ones who are now tired of complicated explanations for failures. We're tired of relinquishing half of our paychecks to pay for social programs that we are not likely to benefit from. Despite our cynicism, we want to believe in America again, we want to realize the vision of the "shining city on a hill." We know what doesn't work but we're willing to keep trying until we find solutions that do. We know that taking from the middle class to give to those unwilling to work is a sure recipe for disaster- "gimmies" only serve to give a false sense of entitlement for those who choose ignorance and sloth, while fostering a profound sense of resentment within those footing the bill. "Equality of outcome" is inherently unfair. Where is the incentive for individuals to achieve if they are punished (excessive taxation) for doing so? Where is the incentive to achieve if individuals are guaranteed the same outcome whether they work hard or do nothing? While it seems so lovely on the surface to assert that no one will ever suffer poverty again is it not more in keeping with the intent of the Framers that instead of holding all people to an ever declining standard of mediocrity that we create opportunity for those willing to take advantage of it? It is possible and necessary to return to the vision of the Framers. Our message is not one of defeat and despair, but one of hope. If we can learn from the mistakes of the recent past, we will find that social engineering is a failure, much as we learned on a dramatic and graphic scale the failure of Marxism in the fall of the Soviet Union. Socialist ideas have failed in every instance in which they have been tried- even the "social democracies" such as Britain and Canada have experienced huge drains on their economies, a decline in the quality and availability of health care and overall economic stagnation and decline. It would be folly to emulate those mistakes. It is a brave new day, even in the light of recent events- especially in the light of recent events. In this light the rats and other vermin that have polluted our society and government have been exposed for what they are. Mainstream America is finally acknowledging that there is a liberal bias in media. People are turning to alternative news, especially to traditionally Conservative forums such as talk radio, so that they may hear the true story. Hillary Clinton has been exposed for what she is- an unreformed 60's Marxist and power hungry harpie. It is impossible for her to deny the expression on her face as President Bush addressed Congress following the September 11 attacks. Instinctively she knew that her presidential ambitions for 2004 were now a hopeless pipe dream, as is the rest of her philosophy and her dirty political tactics. In the face of war, the world has little use for dreamers and social engineers but much use for those who are called to action. Others of the "rat pack" have been ridiculed for their failure to cooperate with President Bush in matters of national security. Senate "leaders" who question the Constitutional authority of the Executive branch in the use of military tribunals to prosecute terrorists are the last ones to let the Constitution stand in the way of pork barreling and social engineering. Their smear campaign on the President is an abysmal failure as it appears the Attorney General and the White House have a far better grip on the Constitution than Tom Daschle or Ted Kennedy ever will. There will always be opposition and discourse- our opponents will not simply go away or magically be converted to the side of reason. Yet the "silent majority" has finally begun to speak- in opposing "political correctness" which is merely a code phrase for censorship and a lack of tolerance for Conservative views. The "mainstream media," CNN in particular, has admitted to "ill-serving the Conservative point of view." These are steps in the right direction- not that the Left will be "converted" but that conservative views will at least be open publicly for acknowledgement and consideration instead of reflexive derision. Jack Perrine | Athena Programming | 626-798-6574 _________________| 1175 N Altadena Dr | ____________ | Pasadena CA 91107 | FAX-398-8620 _______________________________________________ uwsa mailing list ----------------------- end forwarded message from Rich Martin ----------------------- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** 4-19! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: It is now illegal to pay Federal Income Taxes... (fwd) Date: 23 Dec 2001 14:11:53 -0800 (PST) ----------------------- begin forwarded message from kurt --------------------- Just in... > Reading the Patriot act revealed a stunning Catch-22. It's a crime, > under the Patriot Act, to give funds to any organization which is, or > has, given money to a known terrorist or terrorist supporting group, > even if you don't know you did it. > > Well, the Taliban is listed as a Terrorist Supporting group now by > our government. And, the U.S. Government has given them millions > of dollars, thus making the Feds one of those criminal organizations > supporting terrorists. > > Which means, if you pay your taxes, you're a criminal. > Gotta call the IRS about this. > What fun. ----------------------- end forwarded message from kurt --------------------- -- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** 4-19! ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! -