From: Bill Vance Subject: GOAL (in)Action Alert (fwd) Date: 01 Mar 2004 19:52:36 -0800 (PST) For those of us in the WFPIROW, (Web Footed People's Idiotic Republic Of Washatonia). Bill ---------- begin forwarded message from Joe Waldron ---------- I just got off the phone with Albert Kwan's attorney. Tonight's briefing will be an information briefing only. Our presence is not required. Sorry for the late notification! Use the extra time to e-mail or call your Senators' offices once again and urge them to pass a clean (no amendments) version of S.1805, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act. Tomorrow (Tuesday) is the big day. The Senate goes back into session at 9:30 a.m. Eastern time and votes on various amendments, to include Feinstein's/et al assault weapon ban extension and McCain/Reed's/et al gun show loophole closure will come after limited debate. Tomorrow is the big day. If you have access to C-SPAN2, you can watch the debate/vote beginning at 6:30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Joe W ---------- end forwarded message from Joe Waldron ---------- -- ******************************************************************************** * * RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-19! * * ******************************************************************************** An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell his hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a on every side!! | 1-1911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus Christ ******************************************************************************** Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!! ******************************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: RE: SRA - NSSF Vol.#5 Special Edition - S.1805. (fwd) Date: 03 Mar 2004 08:46:02 -0800 (PST) Hmmmm, something to think on....... Bill ---------- begin forwarded message from Jim Zoes ---------- Gun owners need to show the DEMOCRATIC PARTY that gun control will KILL their party AND their candidates. The same message needs to be sent to Republicans who voted with Feinstein and McCain. The immunity bill (S1805) was important to us, very important. This is true. But, IMHO, it is far more important for our movement to ROLL BACK a gun control law than to pass an immunity bill. The so-called "AW Ban" *must* die. We, as a movement, *must* have this victory. It really is a "do or die" thing for us because it will be the first roll-back of a major gun control bill, EVER. Besides the symbolism (and the moral hit for the gun grabbers), it would signal a change that the American Public will not tolerate such stupid gun control laws. It becomes a major defeat to not only our enemies at the Brady Criminal Conspiracy, but to Josh Sugarmann, the evil toad who invented the term "assault weapon" that was used as a propaganda device to get it passed. And, it repudiates AGS, the liars who claim to the press that the represent "gun owners." And it reinforces the fear of gun owning voters for the Democratic party that *must* unseat an incumbent President AND win back Congress if they wish to survive. And that leads to this final point for each of us to ponder. Regardless of how much some of you on this list hate Bush, what this vote does it put *YOU* on the spot: Does your hatred of George W. Bush mean that you will vote in November for Hanoi John Kerry -- who VOTED FOR the Feinstein and McCain Amendments? Remember, Bush demanded that the AW Ban *not* be included in S1805. Kerry, insisted that it should. Yes. You Libertarians and other Bush haters are now on the spot -- no, you *are* the "spot." You are between the rock and the very, very hard place. Vote for Kerry and if he wins, you will NEVER see a clean version of S1805. Vote for Kerry, and if he wins with "coattails" you will see a NEW and harsher version of the AW Ban, because the Democrats will regain Congress. Conversely, if you don't vote for Bush (but for some 3rd party candidate), and if the election is very close but Kerry wins anyway, we will have *you* to blame using invoking the Perot-Nader gambit to elect a certified gun grabber as President. The choice, for you, my fellow gun rights advocates, is now a very stark one. Kerry votes for Gun Control. Kerry SUPPORTS disarming the public. Whatever Bush has said in the past, the ACTION of his veto-threat demand for a "clean" S1805 speaks volumes. For me, there is no question. John Kerry as President would be much worse than Bill Clinton as far as gun rights are concerned. There is NO question in my mind that this is so and that Kerry is poison to us. And for that reason, John Kerry *MUST* never be elected President. I will never vote for Kerry, under any circumstances, no matter what I think of George W. Bush (and I am not happy with Bush on a lot of issues, lest you think otherwise). So the question comes down to you, my Libertarian and Bush-hating friends and fellow gun owners on this list: Is your hatred for Bush going translate into a vote for your mortal enemy? You have 8 months or so to think on this, but I advise you to remember how much we hated Bill Clinton and how voting for Perot elected him. If the answer is that you intend to vote for Kerry (or a third party candidate that cannot win), then you are working against us, and you ought to consider resigning from this list, because your dedication to our cause is not absolute. Let the waltz begin..... > -----Original Message----- > From: [] On > Behalf Of Brad3000 > Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 11:11 PM > To: BRADTEST > Subject: SRA - NSSF Vol.#5 Special Edition - S.1805. > > FYI - Well we too can put a good spin on it... > > > NSSF Vol.#5 Special Edition - March 2, 2004 > [snip] ---------- end forwarded message from Jim Zoes ---------- -- ******************************************************************************** * * RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-19! * * ******************************************************************************** An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell his hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a on every side!! | 1-1911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus Christ ******************************************************************************** Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!! ******************************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: GOA alert. (fwd) Date: 07 Mar 2004 18:39:58 -0800 (PST) ---------- begin forwarded message from Doug Spittler ---------- >Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert >8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 >Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 > > > >ACTION: Please see if your U.S. Senator is listed below. If so, >then use the pre-written text to direct your comments to him or >her. >This is an election season, so let's be sure to keep the heat on! >You can use the GOA Legislative Action Center at > to send the letter as an >e-mail. > > >Friday, March 5, 2004 > > >What happened this week in the U.S. Senate was predictable. > >Senate Democrats loaded up the gun makers' protection act with >several anti-gun amendments, forcing all sides to vote the bill >down. Pro-gun lawmakers didn't want the gun restrictions to >pass, >while the anti-gun zealots didn't like the underlying bill >because >they want the frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers to >continue. > >On Tuesday, the Senate voted 90-8 against the bill, and in doing >so, >all the anti-gun amendments died with it. > > >Senators Had Been Warned > >As far back as six months ago, Gun Owners of America had been >warning Senate personnel that what happened this week in the U.S. >Senate could easily happen, and we had laid out the necessary >steps >to make sure it didn't happen. > >But the Senate leadership failed to consider the determination of >its opponents. > >One always has to know the adversary. For when you have a >determined opponent, you can never take anything for granted. > >Super Bowl fans will never forget the Cowboys-Bills match-up in >1993 >when this lesson was hammered home in a very embarrassing way for >one Cowboy. Dallas' Leon Lett recovered a fumble and sauntered >towards the end zone. Overjoyed with the score that was about to >happen, Lett began his "touchdown" celebration... but he began >just >a tad early. Little did he know that Buffalo's Don Beebe was hot >on >his tail and was able to catch up to Lett, who was now putting on >a >show for the whole world, before he had ever entered the end >zone. > >Well, the result was somewhat predictable. Don Beebe swatted the >ball out of Lett's hands; the ball rolled out of the end zone for >a >touchback. It was now Buffalo's ball, and there would be no >Dallas >touchdown on that play. > >In politics, as in sports, you never take anything for granted -- >especially when you have a determined opponent. And that is why >there was no "touchdown" this week in the U.S. Senate, as the >Senate >leadership fumbled the ball right before the goal line. > > >What the Senate Should Have Done > >There were almost 60 senators -- some of them Democrats -- who >cosponsored the original version of the gun makers' protection >act >(S. 659). The second draft of this bill (S. 1805) was watered >down >to gain additional Democrat support. > >The Senate leadership should have brought this bill to the floor >in >such a way that anti-gun amendments were not allowed. An "up or >down" vote on the bill should have been immediately demanded. >This >could have been done very easily, and GOA began privately working >to >educate senators on how to achieve victory. > >Dubbed the "tree and cloture" strategy, GOA laid out the >procedure >for insuring that "killer amendments" banning firearms, shutting >down gun shows, and outlawing the use of firearms for >self-defense >could NOT be offered on the Senate floor. > >By the way, this is not a strategy which is unfamiliar to the >Senate >leadership. You can go to >on >the GOA website to read in greater detail how this is done. > > >A Bad Decision > >Unfortunately, the Senate rejected this strategy and, instead, >opted >for the "circus approach," where anti-gun senators were allowed >to >offer amendments that had nothing to do with lawsuit reform. >These >amendments were discussed, debated and tacked onto the bill. > >Allowing votes on these amendments was a very dangerous tactic, >considering the fact that the votes on the anti-gun amendments >were >going to be very close. Couple that with the fact that the >underlying bill had been so watered down to begin with. > >Even as drafted, S. 1805 would have continued to allow suits for >"design defects." As it stands now, 27 out of 34 anti-gun suits >by >cities and counties against the gun industry already allege >"design >defects." > >In addition, the bill would continue to allow suits which argue >the >seller "should know" the buyer "is likely to, and does, use the >product in a manner involving unreasonable risk...." > >All 34 of the existing, frivolous lawsuits are based, in part, on >this argument. > >Thus, there is a huge question as to whether this bill would even >be >a positive "one step forward" if it had been passed as originally >drafted. But once the anti-gun amendments were tacked on, it >became >clear that the bill would have taken us "ten steps backward" if >it >ever reached the President's desk. > > >Clean up the Bill Later? > >Ah, some say, but we could have taken care of those anti-gun >amendments in a House-Senate conference committee. We could have >cleaned up the bill before it ever got to the President. > >This is always a dangerous strategy. After all, when is the best >time to kill a poisonous snake? > >Answer: the first chance you get. The longer you let it live, >the >better chance it has to bite you. > >This is exactly what happened in 2002, when many senators voted >for >the McCain-Feingold restrictions on free speech, based on the >assumption that the conference committee would clean up the bill >later and the Supreme Court would overturn it. > >Gun owners are now well aware that the conference committee never >cleaned up the bill, and draconian restrictions on the ability of >Gun Owners to inform people of their legislators' anti-gun >records >went to the President's desk. > >President Bush then signed the bill, also relying on the chance >that >the Supreme Court would strike down unconstitutional provisions >that >were in it. > >Well, wrong again. The Supreme Court upheld the restrictions >this >past December. > >Remember, you always kill a poisonous snake the first chance you >get. One can only assume that a conference committee will "take >care of the problem" if one ignores the determination of Ted >Kennedy, Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer. > > >Know Your Opponent > >Democrats would not have allowed the gun liability bill to even >go >to conference without a pre-commitment that the Clinton gun ban >stay >in the bill. Consider that Democrats used the same strategy to >obtain concessions on a pension bill. > >What makes us think the Democrats would have allowed a pro-gun >bill >to go to conference without a commitment that the semi-auto ban >-- >and the other gun restrictions -- would remain intact? > >The only other option would have been for the House to take up >the >Senate bill and strip off all the anti-gun amendments and then >sent >it back to the Senate. But under those circumstances, the bill >would then come back to the Senate as a fully amendable bill, and >that would mean we're back at square one, passing a gun makers' >protection bill in the U.S. Senate while trying to keep anti-gun >amendments off of it. > > >So What Can We Do? > >Plenty. > >First, it should be noted that you have already accomplished >quite >a bit. The reason that we're not getting stuck with additional >gun >control right now is because thousands of postcards were landing >on >Senators' desks, and because even more e-mails and phone calls >were >pouring in as well. > >One Senate staffer told us that the GOA postcards made it quite >clear that "no deals" were acceptable, and that this message >doomed >the anti-gun product that emerged from the process. > >So you guys have done great work. But just because the battle is >over, don't think that the war has been won. Senator Dianne >Feinstein (D-CA) may very well offer her semi-auto ban as an >amendment to another bill before the September sunset kicks in. > >Thus, it is imperative that we let Senators know -- especially >those >Senators who voted against us -- that we're still watching. > >It is very important that they hear from us. This is an election >year, and we need to keep the "heat" on. > >So please use the pre-written text below for those Senators who >voted against your gun rights. > > >-- Pre-written text for Senators who voted for the semi-auto ban >-- > >Dear Senator: > >I am very disappointed to see that you voted for the >Clinton-Feinstein semi-auto ban on March 2. I find your vote >very >ironic, since the President who signed this bill into law later >complained how politically costly this law had become. > >In his State of the Union message the following year (1995), >President Clinton told the Congress that "I don't think it's a >secret to anybody in this room that several members of the last >Congress who voted for [the semi-auto ban] aren't here tonight >because they voted for it.... [A] lot of people laid down their >seats in Congress." > >It's no secret that there are many single-issue voters who will >cross >party lines to oppose gun control candidates. Even after the >most >recent presidential election, Vice-Presidential candidate Joe >Lieberman lamented to USA Today in 2001 that Democrats "lost a >number of [pro-gun] voters who on almost every other issue >realized >they'd be better off with Al Gore." > >As you know, this ban is scheduled to sunset in September. The >ban >was a total fraud to begin with, as the Bureau of Justice >Statistics >has shown that violent criminals in this country only carried >so-called "military-type guns" in about one percent of crimes... >and >this was before the ban was enacted. > >Thus, this ban has done nothing to affect criminals, but has done >a >lot to stir up political opposition. I hope you will remember >the >political lessons from these last ten years and vote to uphold >the >Constitutional rights of your constituents. Thank you. > >Sincerely, > > >-------------------- > >The 52 Senators who voted for the Feinstein >semi-auto ban on March 2, 2004: > >Akaka (D-HI) >Bayh (D-IN) >Biden (D-DE) >Bingaman (D-NM) >Boxer (D-CA) >Breaux (D-LA) >Byrd (D-WV) >Cantwell (D-WA) >Carper (D-DE) >Chafee (R-RI) >Clinton (D-NY) >Collins (R-ME) >Conrad (D-ND) >Corzine (D-NJ) >Daschle (D-SD) >Dayton (D-MN) >DeWine (R-OH) >Dodd (D-CT) >Dorgan (D-ND) >Durbin (D-IL) >Edwards (D-NC) >Feinstein (D-CA) >Fitzgerald (R-IL) >Graham (D-FL) >Gregg (R-NH) >Harkin (D-IA) >Hollings (D-SC) >Inouye (D-HI) >Jeffords (I-VT) >Kennedy (D-MA) >Kerry (D-MA) >Kohl (D-WI) >Lautenberg (D-NJ) >Leahy (D-VT) >Levin (D-MI) >Lieberman (D-CT) >Lincoln (D-AR) >Lugar (R-IN) >Mikulski (D-MD) >Murray (D-WA) >Nelson (D-FL) >Pryor (D-AR) >Reed (D-RI) >Rockefeller (D-WV) >Sarbanes (D-MD) >Schumer (D-NY) >Smith (R-OR) >Snowe (R-ME) >Stabenow (D-MI) >Voinovich (R-OH) >Warner (R-VA) >Wyden (D-OR) > > >**************************** > >[...] >-- >Jeff Chan > > ---------- end forwarded message from Doug Spittler ---------- -- ******************************************************************************** * * RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-19! * * ******************************************************************************** An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell his hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a on every side!! | 1-1911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus Christ ******************************************************************************** Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!! ******************************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: SAS v. MMM (fwd) Date: 07 Mar 2004 18:40:47 -0800 (PST) ---------- begin forwarded message from Doug Spittler ---------- >Subject: fwd: Second Amendment Sisters/Million Mom March Match-up > >The "Million" Mom March is planning a return to Washington DC. Once >again, they have chosen Mother's Day, May 9, to gather on the mall and >spread their deadly message. These women are. of course, very >misinformed. They do not speak for all women, by a long shot. > >As a matter of fact, there will be a second group of women in >Washington on that day--women who believe firmly that self defense is a >basic human right. These women are known as Second Amendment Sisters. >Four years ago, the Million Moms came on the scene with a big flash. >They had Rosie, and Oprah, and Hillary, and Whoopi, and on and on. >They had unlimited financial resources, as they were backed by several >leftist organizations. They produced what looked like a Hollywood >production on the Mall in Washington. They paid the expenses for women >from all over the country to come to DC for their march. It was a >truly "great' event. > >Meanwhile--back on the opposite end of the Mall, over 5,000 men, women, >and children gathered for AIMM---Armed, Informed Mother's March. We >were a pretty pitiful site compared to the couple hundred thousand >people the MMM's had there--but our message was strong enough to get >us at least some publicity! We were truly a grassroots bunch--as >evidenced by our rather hokey little stage and home made signs and >banners. > >Through the years, we have gone on to form a viable (so far--LOL!) >organization, and we plan not only to be in Washington to "greet" the >Moronic Moms this Mother's Day, we plan to far outnumber them! We >still don't have any money, and we are still amateurs in many ways. > >The one thing we have in abundance, though, is the fire in our bellies >to save our precious Second Amendment rights for our children, and >grandchildren, and to be always able to own the tools necessary to >protect ourselves and our families from criminal attack. > >This is an invitation to all of you and your families and friends to join us >in Freedom Plaza, on Pennsylvania Ave in Washington >DC at 11 AM on May 9th of this year. Please come and help swell our >numbers. We need every liked-minded person we can get to show up on >that day. The message must go out that no longer are we going to sit >by idly watching our rights be destroyed. On the Monday after the >rally, we will be going to Congress to visit with members of both >Houses, delivering our one simple message: SELF DEFENSE IS A BASIC HUMAN >RIGHT. > >For more information, please visit our website We >sincerely hope some (all!) of you will be able to join us for this >event. >Yours in liberty, >Marinelle Thompson >Co-founder >Second Amendment Sisters >PS--if you can't come, send money! This event is being sponsored by >donations from ordinary grassroots Americans ---------- end forwarded message from Doug Spittler ---------- -- ******************************************************************************** * * RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-19! * * ******************************************************************************** An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell his hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a on every side!! | 1-1911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus Christ ******************************************************************************** Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!! ******************************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Return of the soccer-moms Date: 15 Mar 2004 16:21:51 -0800 (PST) I've allways said that the, "sucker moms", were those who would have, "kissed it", but never got the chance. I must have gotten the thought by way of them thar side-kick energies or something. Having just gotten spammed with this several times now, I decided to check it out just for fun before deleting it. Apperently, this is what they've been reduced to, in order to finance their nefarious schemes, these days. Maybe some of the loonie left/grabber sites would like a new URL to go to? :-) Bill ---------- end forwarded message from C. D. Tavares ---------- -- ******************************************************************************** * * RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-19! * * ******************************************************************************** An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell his hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a on every side!! | 1-1911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus Christ ******************************************************************************** Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!! ******************************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chad Leigh -- Pengar Enterprises Inc Subject: Re: Return of the soccer-moms Date: 15 Mar 2004 19:23:54 -0700 Warning! The link goes to a porno site All right guys, you can have a laugh at "Soccer Mom's" but you need to warn people or just describe it and not post the links. This is a family list best Chad list mom On Mar 15, 2004, at 5:21 PM, Bill Vance wrote: > I've allways said that the, "sucker moms", were those who would have, > "kissed > it", but never got the chance. I must have gotten the thought by way > of them > thar side-kick energies or something. Having just gotten spammed with > this > several times now, I decided to check it out just for fun before > deleting it. > Apperently, this is what they've been reduced to, in order to finance > their > nefarious schemes, these days. Maybe some of the loonie left/grabber > sites > would like a new URL to go to? :-) > > > > Bill > > ---------- end forwarded message from C. D. Tavares ---------- > > -- > *********************************************************************** > ********* > * * > RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * > 4-19! > * * > *********************************************************************** > ********* > > An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who > hath no > weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell > his > hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and > buy a > on every side!! | 1-1911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. > --Jesus Christ > > *********************************************************************** > ********* > > Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE > CONSTITUTION!!!!!! > > *********************************************************************** > ********* > > - > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: John Kerry's Voting Record... Not A 2A Supporter ! (fwd) Date: 21 Mar 2004 11:33:08 -0800 (PST) ---------- begin forwarded message from Brad3000 ---------- FYI - From the gun-a-phobic web site, "Coalition to Stop Gun Violence." Bottomline is dont waste your vote on a "spoiler" party. (thx John Kerry's Voting Record JOHN KERRY has voted with the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence 100% of the time. JOHN KERRY, in 2002, received an "F" from the National Rifle Assoc- iation and had a 0% rating with Gun Owners of America ( org). John Kerry has served in the United States Senate as the junior Senator from Massachusetts since 1984. Below is a detailed explanation of spec- ific federal gun legislation and how this candidate voted on legislation relevant to the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. For additional informat- ion on votes in the U.S. Congress, please visit 108th Congress Presently, no U.S. Senate votes have occurred in the 108th Congress. 107th Congress There were no relevant Senate votes on guns during the 107th Congress. 106th Congress Large-Capacity Clips Senate Amendment 343, offered by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to S.254, the Violent and Repeat Juvenile Offender Accountability and Rehabilitation Act of 1999, to ban the importation of large-capacity magazines (ammunition feeding devices that can hold more than ten rounds). A motion was offered to table (defeat) the amendment. On Thursday, May 13, 1999, the motion to table failed 39-59. The Coalit- ion to Stop Gun Violence OPPOSED the motion to table the amendment. JOHN KERRY voted AGAINST the motion to table the amendment. Ban on Unlicensed Sale of Guns on Internet Senate Amendment 350, offered by Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) to S.254, the Violent and Repeat Juvenile Offender Accountability and Re- habilitation Act of 1999, to ban the unlicensed sale of guns on the Internet by requiring websites clearly designed to sell guns to be federally licensed firearms dealers and to comply with all such federal laws. A motion was offered to table (defeat) the amendment. On May 14, 1999, the motion to table passed 50-43. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence OPPOSED the motion to table the amendment. JOHN KERRY voted AGAINST the motion to table the amendment. Lautenberg Gun Show Amendment Senate Amendment 362, offered by Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) to S.254, the Violent and Repeat Juvenile Offender Accountability and Rehabilitation Act of 1999 to close the loophole allowing individuals to sell guns from their "private collections" at gun shows without completing back- ground checks for purchasers. On May 20, 1999, with Vice President Al Gore casting the tie-breaking vote, the amendment passed 51-50. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence SUPPORTED the amendment. JOHN KERRY voted FOR the amendment. 105th Congress Child Access Prevention Amendment Senate Amendment 3260, offered by Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) to S. 2260, the FY99 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations bill, to increase penalties for individuals who permit juvenile access to firearms. On July 21, 1998, a motion was made to table (defeat) the amendment. The motion to table passed 69-31. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence OPPOSED the motion to table the amendment. JOHN KERRY voted AGAINST the motion to table the amendment. Large Ammunition Magazine Ban Amendment Senate Amendment 3351, offered by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to S. 2312, the FY99 Treasury and General Government Appropriations bill, to ban the importation of large capacity ammunition feeding devices. On July 21, 1998, a motion was made to table (defeat) amendment. The motion to table passed 54-44. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence OPP- OSED the motion to table the amendment. JOHN KERRY voted AGAINST the motion to table the amendment. Craig Amendment Senate Amendment 3238, offered by Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) to S.2260, the FY99 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations bill, would have required that gun stores have trigger locks in stock and available for sale. The vote on the Craig amendment was immediately prior to a vote on the stronger Boxer/Kohl amendment to require all handguns sold in the United States be sold with a child safety lock. The Craig Amendment was an effort to undercut support for the stronger Boxer/Kohl amendment. On July 21, 1998, the am- endment passed 72-28. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence OPPOSED the amendment. JOHN KERRY voted AGAINST the amendment. Boxer/Kohl Amendment Senate Amendment 3230, offered by Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Herb Kohl (D-WI) to S. 2260, the FY99 Commerce, Justice, State Approp- riations bill, was the stronger version of the previous Craig amendment. The amendment required that all handguns sold in the United States be sold with a child safety lock. On July 21, 1998, a motion was made to table (defeat) the amendment. The motion to table passed 61-39. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence OPPOSED the motion to table the amendment. JOHN KERRY voted AGAINST the motion to table the amendment. 104th Congress There were no relevant gun votes in the U.S. Senate during the 104th Congress. 103rd Congress Brady Bill On November 20, 1993, the Senate voted on H.R. 1025, known as the Brady Bill, legislation to require a 5-day waiting period on handgun purchases, to allow local officials to conduct a background check. The bill passed the House on November 10 and on November 20, 1993, the bill passed the Senate 63-36. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence SUPPORTED the legis- lation. The bill was signed into law on November 30, 1993 (PL 103-159). JOHN KERRY voted FOR the Brady Bill. Assault Weapons Ban Senate Amendment 1152, offered by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to S. 1607, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1993, to restrict the manufacture, transfer, and possession of certain semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices. On Nov- ember 17, 1993, the amendment passed 56-43. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence SUPPORTED the amendment. The bill was signed into law on September 13, 1994 (PL 103-332). JOHN KERRY voted FOR the Assault Weapons Ban. The idea of being able to hold a manufacturer of a product, legally liable for any after sale illegal misuse, is like suing Boeing for the World Trade attacks! Now Reality Sept/03 Brad. ---------- end forwarded message from Brad3000 ---------- -- ******************************************************************************** * * RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-19! * * ******************************************************************************** An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell his hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a on every side!! | 1-1911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus Christ ******************************************************************************** Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!! ******************************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: 'Why do they hate us?' (fwd) Date: 23 Mar 2004 05:31:47 -0800 (PST) ---------- begin forwarded message from Glenn Wolf ---------- 'Why do they hate us?' Thomas Sowell March 17, 2004 The idea that what goes around comes around applies not only to individuals but to nations and whole civilizations. It was just a few centuries ago -- not long, as history is measured -- that China had the highest standard of living in the world and the Dutch were the world's largest exporters, while North Africans were enslaving a million Europeans. Nowhere have whole peoples seen their situation reversed more visibly or more painfully than the peoples of the Islamic world. In medieval times, Europe lagged far behind the Islamic world in science, mathematics, scholarship, and military power. Even such ancient European thinkers as Plato and Aristotle became known to Europeans of the Middle Ages only after their writings, which had been translated into Arabic, were translated back into European languages. Today that is all reversed. The number of books per person in Europe is more than ten times that in Africa and the Middle East. The number of books translated into Arabic over the past thousand years is about the same as the number translated into Spanish in one year. There are only 18 computers per thousand persons in the Arab world, compared to 78 per thousand persons worldwide. Fewer than 400 industrial patents were issued to people in the Arab countries during the last two decades of the 20th century, while 15,000 industrial patents were issued to South Koreans alone. Human beings do not always take reversals of fortune gracefully. Still less can those who were once on top quietly accept seeing others leaving them far behind economically, intellectually, and militarily. Those in the Islamic world have for centuries been taught to regard themselves as far superior to the "infidels" of the West, while everything they see with their own eyes now tells them otherwise. Worse yet, what the whole world sees with their own eyes tells them that the Middle East has made few contributions to human advancement in our times. Even Middle Eastern oil was largely discovered and processed by people from the West. After oil, the Middle East's most prominent export has been terrorism. Those who look at the world in rationalistic terms may say that the Middle East can use some of its vast oil wealth to expand its own educated classes and move back to the forefront of human achievement. They did it once, why not do it again? All sorts of things can be done in the long run, but you have to live through the short run to get there. Moreover, even the short run, as history is measured, can be pretty long in terms of the human lifespan. Even if the Islamic world set such goals and committed the material resources and individual efforts required, they could not expect to pull abreast of the West for generations, even if the West stood still. More realistically, it would take centuries, as it took the West centuries to catch up to them. What will happen in the meantime? Are millions of proud human beings supposed to quietly accept inferiority for themselves and their children, and perhaps their children's children? Or are they more likely to listen to demagogues, whether political or religious, who tell them that their lowly place in the world is due to the evils of others -- the West, the Americans, the Jews? If the peoples of the Islamic world disregarded such demagogues, they would be the exceptions, rather than the rule, among people who lag painfully far behind others. Even in the West, there have been powerful political movements based on the notion that the rich have gotten rich by keeping others poor -- and that things need to be set right "by all means necessary." These means seldom include concentration on self-improvement, with 19th-century Japan being one of the rare exceptions. Lashing out at others is far more immediately satisfying -- and modern communications, transportation, and weaponry make it far easier to lash out destructively across great distances. Against this background, we may want to consider the question asked by hand-wringers in the West: Why do they hate us? Maybe it is because the alternative to hating us is to hate themselves. ---------- end forwarded message from Glenn Wolf ---------- -- ******************************************************************************** * * RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-19! * * ******************************************************************************** An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell his hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a on every side!! | 1-1911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus Christ ******************************************************************************** Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!! ******************************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: _Anti-Gunners_Concede_Frivolity_? (fwd) Date: 26 Mar 2004 07:25:13 -0800 (PST) ---------- begin forwarded message from Bill Vance ---------- ---------- begin forwarded message from Brad3000 ---------- FYI... Prof Lott's newest article... A Weapon Surrendered: Gun-control groups concede the frivolity of the =93assault-weapons ban.=94 By John R. Lott Jr. Mar 25, 2004, at National Review Online. The so-called "assault-weapons ban," a hallmark of the gun-control movement, is dead. After a decade of claiming that the ban is crucial to reducing crime and protecting police, gun-control organizations have suddenly morphed into Gilda Radner's old Saturday Night Live character, Roseanne Rosanna-Dana, saying "never mind." An example? Take the statements made recently on National Public Radio by a representative of the Violence Policy Center. NPR descr- ibed the VPC as "one of the more aggressive gun groups in Washing- ton." Yet the VPC's representative claimed: "If the existing assault- weapons ban expires, I personally do not believe it will make one whit of difference one way or another in terms of our objective, which is reducing death and injury and getting a particularly lethal class of fire= - arms off the streets. So if it doesn't pass, it doesn't pass." The NPR reporter noted: "[the Violence Policy Center's representative] says that's all the [assault-weapons ban] brought about, minor changes in appearance that didn't alter the function of these weapons." These are "aggressive" gun controllers? These are points one expects to hear them from the NRA. True, there is not a single academic study showing that either the state or federal bans have reduced violent crime. Even research funded by the Justice Department under the Clinton administration concluded merely that the ban's "impact on gun violence has been uncertain." And it is also true that the ban arbitrarily outlaws some guns based on brand name or cosmetic features =97 such as whether a rifle has two or more of the following: a bayonet mount, a pistol grip, a folding stock, o= r a threaded muzzle. These were not machine guns: The federal assault- weapons ban applied to semi-automatics that fire one bullet per pull of the trigger. Not only could someone buy some other semi-automatic gun that wasn't banned that fired the same bullets, with the same rapidity and with the same damage, but even the banned guns could be sold under a different name or after, say, the bayonet mount was removed. Yet, one almost faints when one now hears gun-control groups make these same points. Previously the VPC claimed that it was a "myth" that "assault weapons merely look different. The NRA and the gun industry today portray assault weapons as misunderstood ugly duck- lings, no different from other semi-automatic guns. But while the actions= , or internal mechanisms, of all semi-automatic guns are similar, the act- ions of assault weapons are part of a broader design package. The 'ugly' looks of the TEC-9, AR-15, AK-47 and similar guns reflect this package of features designed to kill people efficiently." Other hysterical assertions were that "many semi-automatic assault weapons can be, and often are, easily converted to automatic fire with modest tools and skill" or described these cosmetic features as "lethal design features." So why the conversion? The simple reason is that gun-control groups' credibility is on the line. A year from now, it will be obvious to everyo= ne that all the horror stories about banning what have been labeled "assault weapons" were wrong. Eliminating the ban will not produce an upward surge in crime. There will be no upward surge in police killings. Gun controllers have a problem: It will be much harder for legislators and the press to take gun-control groups' apocalyptic claims seriously after they fail to materialize on su= ch a high-profile issue. It is not just the gun-control groups who have mischaracterized the issue. Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry supports extending the ban because, "When I go out there and hunt, I'm going out there with a 12-gauge shotgun, not an assault weapon." Sen. Carl Levin (D., Mich.) has said that allowing the ban to expire will "inevitably lead to a rise=20 in gun crimes." Ratcheting up the fear factor to an entirely new level, Sen. Chu= ck Schumer (D., N.Y.) says the ban is one of "the most effective measures against terrorism that we have." Despite gun-control organizations' finally agreeing that the semi-automat= ic gun ban now doesn't matter, too much has been made of the importance of this legislation for too many years. Somehow, the obvious failure of t= he semi-automatic-gun ban will be a fitting epitaph for one of the gun-contr= ol movement's hallmark pieces of legislation. It would have been nice if gun= - control organizations had been honest and told us all of this a decade ag= o. John Lott Jr, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, is author of "More Guns, Less Crime" (University of Chicago Press, 2000) and "The Bias Against Guns" (Regnery, 2003). =20 ---------- end forwarded message from Brad3000 ---------- -- *************************************************************************= ******* * * =20 RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-1= 9! * * =20 *************************************************************************= ******* An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath= no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell hi= s hand =3D Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and = buy a on every side!! | 1-1911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus = Christ *************************************************************************= ******* Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!= ! *************************************************************************= ******* - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: VIN SUPRYNOWICZ: You can't hide your lying eyes (fwd) Date: 30 Mar 2004 08:22:49 -0800 (PST) ---------- begin forwarded message from Mike Riddle ---------- Sunday, March 28, 2004 Las Vegas Review-Journal VIN SUPRYNOWICZ: You can't hide your lying eyes I see where the people of Haiti finally got sick of defrocked collectivist priest and all-around "necklace" killer Jean-Bertrand Aristide, took up arms, and kicked him out. So what are U.S. forces doing there now? About 1,800 of our guys have been sent in to -- in the words of Associated Press reporter Paisley Dodds -- "rid the nation of guns." Hey, good plan. In the great tradition of George Washington, Francis Marion, and young Jim Monroe, the Haitian people just used firearms to throw out a vicious tyrant, and the immediate goal of Big White Brother is to "rebuild a shattered police force and disarm militants who began the insurgency." At least back in 1994, when the freedom-loving Bill Clinton sent in 20,000 troops to install Aristide the murderous dictator, U.S. troops offered to buy these weapons of freedom in order to better enslave the natives. This time (Mr. Dodds reports) "Haitians ... are being asked to give up their guns with little or no incentive and in a very insecure environment." The only good news? U.S. forces, Mr. Dodds reports, have so far "recovered two shotguns. Their Chilean counterparts have confiscated three weapons." Washington City has no constitutional authorization whatever to spend our tax dollars sending troops into Haiti to disarm "uppity Negroes" who dared fight to win their own freedom. And also for the record, there were no organized police departments in this country until the 1850s. That's right: From 1776 until at least 1850 America was a nation of "armed insurgent militants" with no government police. And we got along just fine. How do you think the people of the proud, young, free United States of America would have reacted if some foreign army had arrived here in 1783 with the declared the goal of "ridding the nation of the guns" that had just been used to win America's freedom? Why does our Second Amendment say a well-armed citizen militia is necessary? That's right, it's "necessary to the security of a free state." After all, as early as 1785, our own Southern states were passing laws that "No slaves shall keep any arms whatever, nor pass, unless with written orders from his master or employer, or in his company, with arms from one place to another." Whereas, in his proposed constitution for the state of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson wrote: "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain their right to keep and bear arms is as a last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in government." Notice the definitive difference there between "free men" and "slaves"? In 1788, debating the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, a great patriot and friend of Washington named George Mason stood in Richmond and recalled: "When the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, who was Governor of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should do it not openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually. ... I ask, who are the Militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers." And it was no less a freedom-fighter than Mohandas Gandhi who said, in 1927: "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of its arms as the blackest." And this conspiracy to attack and remove the very tools of freedom is not isolated. There isn't even any Second Amendment in the new Iraqi constitution, according to World Net Daily. In a March 10 piece bearing the sub-headline "Colin Powell hails prohibition on arms while emphasizing 'liberty,' " WND correspondent Ron Strom writes: "Iraq's new interim constitution sounds many of the same themes as the U.S. Constitution in guaranteeing freedom of the people -- with one stark difference: There is no right to keep and bear arms in the new charter." The document does indeed promise a whole bunch of freedoms. (So did the Soviet Constitution.) But when it comes to civilian ownership of military-style arms -- which our founding fathers warned us was the last and only real safeguard of the rest of our liberties? The only reference to individual ownership of arms is in Article 17: "It shall not be permitted to possess, bear, buy, or sell arms except on licensure issued in accordance with the law." And Article 27 further addresses the formation of militias: "Armed forces and militias not under the command structure of the Iraqi Transitional Government are prohibited, except as provided by federal law." America's leading gun-rights organization quickly registered strong opposition to this nonsense. "It's a very big mistake," said Erich Pratt, director of communications for Gun Owners of America. "What an interesting contrast to what our Founding Fathers thought." Not that any of this should come as a surprise. Aaron Zelman's Milwaukee-based Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership recently noticed our own federal naturalization folks now require incoming citizens to study a booklet which claims our Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms "subject to certain reasonable restrictions." When JPFO contacted our duplicitous federal masters to ask where in our founding documents they found this "subject to certain reasonable restrictions" language ... they received no answer. Vin Suprynowicz is assistant editorial page editor of the Review- Journal and author of the books "Send in the Waco Killers" and "The Ballad of Carl Drega." His Web site is ---------- end forwarded message from Mike Riddle ---------- -- ******************************************************************************** * * RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-19! * * ******************************************************************************** An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell his hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a on every side!! | 1-1911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus Christ ******************************************************************************** Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!! ******************************************************************************** -