From: Bill Vance Subject: Carry the Bill of Rights when you fly (fwd) Date: 01 Jun 2004 04:18:16 -0700 (PDT) Now here's an interesting kind of protest in the making. The questioon i= s, would anyone be able to use it or a variation, for the cause. "HE TOOK M= Y 2nd AMENDMENT RIGHTS AWAY!!!!!". Might make for some interesting law suits. = :-) Bill ---------- begin forwarded message from Rich Martin , Editor Slick eZine= ---------- =A9 2003 Rich Martin Permission to repost in full, or in part, is granted. In other words, please forward to a friend or list. I can sure appreciate the the creativity of this protest, however, I'm no= t sure at who it should be aimed. Maybe the terrorists with sho bombs? Rich Martin ly=20 =20 What is the "Security Edition" ?=20 The First Ten Amendments to the constitution of the United States printed= on sturdy, pocket-sized, pieces of metal.=20 The next time you travel by air, take the Security Edition of the Bill of Rights along with you. When asked to empty your pockets, proudly toss the= Bill of Rights in the plastic bin.=20 You need to get used to offering up the bill of rights for inspection and government workers need to get used to deciding if you'll be allowed to k= eep the Bill of Rights with you when you travel. =20 $4 each, $15 for five.=20 =20 ---------- end forwarded message from Rich Martin , Editor Slick eZine -= --------- -- *************************************************************************= ******* * * =20 RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-1= 9! * * =20 *************************************************************************= ******* An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath= no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell hi= s hand =3D Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and = buy a on every side!! | 1-911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus = Christ *************************************************************************= ******* Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!= ! *************************************************************************= ******* - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Fw: Here Comes the Semi-auto Ban Again (fwd) Date: 03 Jun 2004 02:30:12 -0700 (PDT) ---------- begin forwarded message from Bill Phillips ---------- Feinstein Planning to Offer Semi-auto Ban as an Amendment Soon -- Please urge your Senators to oppose this effort Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 Wednesday, June 2, 2004 Well, we knew this day would eventually come. GOA has been warning gun owners that Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein of California would be looking for an avenue to attach her gun ban to unrelated legislation sometime this year. According to Senate sources, Feinstein will be making her move quite soon. While she reportedly has her eyes on a number of different bills as possible vehicles for her amendment, it seems certain that she will try to piggy-back her anti-gun language onto a legal reform bill (such as S. 2062) within the next few weeks. You will remember that when Feinstein offered her gun ban amendment in March, it passed 52-47. While a switch of only three Senators would be enough to kill the amendment, it seems that the easiest way to defeat Feinstein will be through a filibuster. Our side only needs 41 Senators to kill her amendment through the art of filibuster, and it would appear that we definitely have that many votes... BUT ONLY IF THE 47 SENATORS WHO VOTED RIGHT LAST TIME CONTINUE TO HOLD THE LINE! That's why we need another barrage of phone calls and e-mails going into Senate offices. ACTION: Please contact your Senators and urge them to oppose any Feinstein amendment to reinstate the semi-auto ban. Tell them to also support any effort to filibuster this unconstitutional legislation. You can send the letter as an e-mail by visiting the GOA Legislative Action Center at (where phone and fax numbers are also available). ----- Pre-written letter ----- Dear Senator: I have been alerted to the fact that Sen. Dianne Feinstein is planning to offer the renewal of Clinton's semi-auto ban as an amendment to legislation in upcoming weeks. I would join the voices of many other Americans who would urge you to support our call for a filibuster against the reauthorization. Please know that the Clinton semi-auto ban is one of the most hated pieces of legislation ever enacted, and those who support its reauthorization will find no friends or votes within the pro-gun community. Sincerely, **************************** Pratt To Speak Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America's Executive Director, will be speaking at the Freedom Roast in Sioux Falls, SD on Saturday, June 12. This is a family event with attractions for the kids while the parents are taking in the speeches or filling up on the free eats at this gala hog roast. Pratt will be available at the GOA tent when he is not at the podium. His book and GOA membership applications will be available. See for more information. ---------- end forwarded message from Bill Phillips ---------- -- ******************************************************************************** * * RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-19! * * ******************************************************************************** An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell his hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a on every side!! | 1-911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus Christ ******************************************************************************** Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!! ******************************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: [ALERT] Put Reagan on the Dime (fwd) Date: 07 Jun 2004 21:32:28 -0700 (PDT) ---------- begin forwarded message from ---------- This CONSERVATIVE ALERT is a special message from for William Vance: ALERT: As you've heard by now, the greatest president of the modern era has passed on to be with his Lord. As a tribute to his legacy, we believe it's finally time to replace President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's image on the dime with Ronald Reagan's. According to, a group of over 80 members of Congress have co-sponsored a bill to put The Gipper's face on the coin. Rep. Mark Souder (R-IN) introduced the bill, the "Ronald Reagan Dime Act" (HR 3633), last year during the controversy over the airing of the leftist mini- series "The Reagans" on television. "It is particularly fitting to honor the Freedom President on this particular piece of coinage," Souder stated. "The faces on all coinage have changed and will continue to change. Were that not the case, FDR would not be on the dime, and Eisenhower would still be on the dollar coin. When the dime is again changed - as all other coins will be someday - it is my belief that Ronald Reagan's profile should be on it." "FDR believed the federal government should spend your dimes. Ronald Reagan believed the people should spend their own dimes. I think it's clear that the dimes in your pocket should bear Ronald Reagan's image," co- sponsor Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-CA) said. TAKE ACTION: The Ronald Reagan Dime Act currently has 88 cosponsors - including Speaker Dennis Hastert, Majority Leader Tom DeLay, Majority Whip Roy Blunt, and many committee chairmen. The bill has been referred to the House Committee on Financial Services. It's time to get the bill to the House floor for a full vote. Go to our site to urge your Representative to support HR 3633, the "Ronald Reagan Dime Act" NOW: NOTE: Franklin D. Roosevelt's image was placed on the dime in 1946, just after he died. Historically, images on coins are supposed to be on for no more than 25 years; FDR's has now been on for nearly 60 years. President Reagan was truly the greatest president of the modern era. It's only fitting to honor his memory in this way -- and it's only the beginning. Be sure to forward this Alert to everyone you know who wants to see this giant of a man on all of our dimes. Thank you! Want to help out with a donation to Was this message forwarded to you by a friend? You can sign up for our Conservative Alerts for FREE! Go here: 4850 Golden Pkwy., Ste. B #325, Buford GA 30518-1712 ---------- end forwarded message from ---------- -- ******************************************************************************** * * RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-19! * * ******************************************************************************** An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell his hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a on every side!! | 1-911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus Christ ******************************************************************************** Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!! ******************************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: S.2498 Bill Text... Call Your Critters ASAP. (fwd) Date: 09 Jun 2004 08:18:42 -0700 (PDT) Call/write/email your Senators. Bill ---------- begin forwarded message from Brad3000 ---------- FYI - The bill text is a fast-tracked renewal... It does no appear to change any definition of "aw" firearms as I had thought. But as I said - the anti-gun crowd cannot afford to let the AW Ban vanish as 12 months down the track - the net effect on crime is likely to show nada - zilch - none and they are going to look rather stupid and their funding and sponsors will evaporate - these orgs like VPC and AGS are going to fight like its the fight of their lives which it could well be... [search for S.2498] Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2004 (Placed on Calendar in Senate) S 2498 PCS Calendar No. 545 108th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 2498 To provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 3, 2004 Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. WARNER, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. DEWINE, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. CHAFEE, Mr. DODD, Mr. JEFFORDS, Mrs. BOXER, Mrs. CLINTON, Mr. REED, and Mr. LAUTENBERG) introduced the following bill; which was read the first time June 4, 2004 Read the second time and placed on the calendar A BILL To provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the `Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2004'. SEC. 2. 10-YEAR EXTENSION OF ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN. Section 110105 of the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act (18 U.S.C. 921 note) is amended to read as follows: `SEC. 110105. SUNSET PROVISION. `This subtitle and the amendments made by this subtitle are repealed September 13, 2014.'. Calendar No. 545 108th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 2498 A BILL To provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban. ============================================================ Axiom #5 There is NO Truth, only data to be manipulated. ============================================================ Any other views expressed herein, are my own, not bought or sponsored in any shape or form, by or for any organization, currently existing or not. It should be noted: the URL posted is very likely to suddenly expire & if the reader wants to read the full article, they should should visit the copyright holders listed site very promptly. References & partial texts are given for EDUCATIONAL & INFORMATIONAL purposes only as per the "Fair Use" as described in Title-17, Sect 107 below. -------------------------------------------------- **COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for nonprofit research & educational purposes only. [Ref.] -------------------------------------------------- ---------- end forwarded message from Brad3000 ---------- -- ******************************************************************************** * * RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-19! * * ******************************************************************************** An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell his hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a on every side!! | 1-911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus Christ ******************************************************************************** Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!! ******************************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: 09 Jun 2004 16:38:14 -0600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Fabricius Is Going Down (fwd) Date: 10 Jun 2004 07:18:57 -0700 (PDT) ---------- begin forwarded message from Charles Riggs ---------- ---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ---------------- Fabricius Is Going Down! The anti-gun-rights nonsense from ASU professor Fabricius is unraveling at last. The editor at Injury Prevention has finally caved in and published online my response to the Fabricius fabrications about guns. Read it here: "The Fabricius Method Is Not Science" I documented how bogus that man's writing was, and observed: "Injury Prevention injured itself by publishing such unprofessional work. A retraction is warranted, with support for this methodology and its spurious conclusions disavowed. Fabricius should make clear whether ASU endorses his work, as he implies, or extricate that fine university from this humiliating Bellesiles-like debacle." The magazine has also published online a scathing letter from Dr. Bob Solomon, which should shake up the brass at British Medical Journals, the parent company. A sample: "I must say that I am nothing short of astonished that a journal produced by the elite BMJ Publishing Group would have accepted this manuscript for publication." --Robert C. Solomon, MD, FACEP, Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine I had written to more than a dozen people at BMJ, and that might have finally forced the editor to behave himself and publish the letters. I imagine he despised having to do it. I'd love to know what actually happened! Any of you with good bona fides should consider piling on, now that the path has been cleared, and send a carefully crafted letter through the Injury Prevention website, (click "review a paper"), or directly to the editor, Barry Pless, Anti-gun-rights junk science like this must be vigorously refuted by the intellectual community. The background is posted here -- The support I received from so many of you made my task easier, and the notes you wrote to these hateful anti-rights utopians probably helped as well. Congratulations. Fabricius will of course have a chance to respond. Let's see if he dares. His position is indefensible, but that might not stop him. He and his editor have already erected silly smokescreens in their dealings with me; if they post some it will make interesting reading for sure. Now to see if we can get ASU to address the harmful, unprofessional bigotry from one of its paid instructors. Thanks again for your effort and support! Alan. P.S. Injury Prevention is a member of COPE, Committee On Publication Ethics. Hmmmm. COPE's home page says, "Every single case of fraud and misconduct reduces public confidence, abuses the use of public and charitable funds, and causes insult and frustration to the vast majority of careful, honest workers." --The Joint Consensus Conference on Misconduct in Biomedical Research, Edinburgh 1999. There's even a button for submitting a case. Hmmmm. Contact: Alan Korwin BLOOMFIELD PRESS "We publish the gun laws." 4718 E. Cactus #440 Phoenix, AZ 85032 602-996-4020 Phone 602-494-0679 FAX 1-800-707-4020 Orders Call, write, fax or click for a free catalog. The historic first edition of our book, Supreme Court Gun Cases, Two Centuries of Gun Rights Revealed, is nearing a sellout. Get your copy of this groundbreaking work today! If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you're reading this in English, thank a veteran. ----------------- End Forwarded Message ----------------- ---------- end forwarded message from Charles Riggs ---------- -- ******************************************************************************** * * RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-19! * * ******************************************************************************** An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell his hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a on every side!! | 1-911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus Christ ******************************************************************************** Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!! ******************************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Short-Circuiting the Ninth (fwd) Date: 25 Jun 2004 07:27:50 -0700 (PDT) Hip Hip Hooray!!! Looks like the Web Footed People's Idiotic Republic Of Washatonia will be granted a reprieve. :-) Bill ---------- begin forwarded message from C. D. Tavares ---------- It's not often that I read a news item in the GOA newsletter that I haven't already seen five times and two months before on the internet... but I just did. I'm sort of amazed that I'm the first one to report it on these groups. It seems that local Arizona boy Rick Renzi is one of a cabal of two reps and a senator who have filed a bill to shatter the Ninth Circus Court. The new Twelfth Circuit Court will include Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, and Montana, and the new Thirteenth Circuit Court will comprise Alaska, Oregon, and Washington. The original clowns will retain sway over California, Hawaii, Guam, and the Northern Marianas Islands. I feel sorry for the islands, but the two remaining states should feel right at home. Renzi makes no bones about this being a reaction to the Ninth's "contemptuous judgments" that are "out of touch with the traditional western values" -- plus the population has zoomed so much in the region that the case backlog in the current circuit is staggeringly atrocious. You can read details at, and any number of other pages you can bring up by searching on (Renzi "ninth circuit"). -- Escape the Rat Race for Peace, Quiet, and Miles of Desert Beauty Take a Sanity Break at The Bunkhouse at Liberty Haven Ranch ---------- end forwarded message from C. D. Tavares ---------- -- ******************************************************************************** * * RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-19! * * ******************************************************************************** An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell his hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a on every side!! | 1-911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus Christ ******************************************************************************** Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!! ******************************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Vance Subject: Sculpture from Iraq from Craig (fwd) Date: 28 Jun 2004 01:20:07 -0700 (PDT) ---------- begin forwarded message from Bruce Chesley ---------- Excellent ! Picture was in the original message. As that message contained HTML, I had to remove to post. See URL at bottom. Bruce Chesley Truth is a terrible cross to bear. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.". Thomas Paine Treason for $$$: ALL "pro 2A" orgs. ----- Forwarded Message ----- I Wish all Americans could see this. What is it? See below ........... It is currently on display outside the Iraqi palace that is now home to the 4th Infantry division. It will eventually be shipped and shown at the memorial museum in Fort Hood, Texas. This statue was made by an Iraqi artist named Kalat, who for years was forced by Saddam Hussein to make the many hundreds of bronze busts of Saddam that dotted Baghdad. This artist was so grateful that the Americans liberated his country;he melted 3 of the fallen Saddam heads and made a memorial statue dedicated to the American soldiers and their fallen comrades. Kalat has been working on this night and day for several months. To the left of the kneeling soldier is a small Iraqi girl giving the soldier comfort as he mourns the loss of his comrade in arms. Want to know why we don't hear this in the news? Because it does not have the shock effect of a flashed breast or controversy of a political race. Check this out ---------- end forwarded message from Bruce Chesley ---------- -- ******************************************************************************** * * RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! * 4-19! * * ******************************************************************************** An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon, sell his hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a on every side!! | 1-911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword. --Jesus Christ ******************************************************************************** Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!! ******************************************************************************** -