From: Brad Subject: nice rant Date: 01 Feb 1998 02:10:23 -0500 (EST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATED FEB. 8, 1998 THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz Second Amendment: changing of the guard Last time, we were discussing the "take-the-best-available-compromise," defeatist attitude of the nation's largest gun control organization, the National Rifle Association. Their lighter, leaner competition for gun owner support, Gun Owners of America, prefers a more high-pressure approach, putting the fire to the feet of lawmakers to make sure they know that a vote against gun rights will cost them their next election ... just as Bill Clinton acknowledged that the gun rights vote cost the Democratic Party its control of Congress in 1994. In a 1968 edition of the NRA's magazine, "The American Rifleman," Associate Editor Alan C. Webber responded to then-timely criticism by U.S. Sen. Robert Kennedy, D-N.Y., who said "I think it is a terrible indictment of the National Rifle Association that they haven't supported any legislation to ban and control the misuse of rifles and pistols in this country." To this, Mr. Webber reports NRA Executive Vice President Franklin L. Orth responded with a ringing endorsement of the 1968 Gun Control Act. "The National Rifle Association has been in support of workable, enforceable gun control legislation since its very inception in 1871," Mr. Orth proclaimed. "The duty of Congress is clear. It should act now to pass legislation that will keep undesirables, including criminals, drug addicts and persons adjudged mentally irresponsible or alcoholic, or juveniles, from obtaining firearms through the mails." One will remember that the way the 1968 law accomplished that, was by banning EVERYONE but an ever-shrinking pool of federally licensed gun dealers from "obtaining firearms through the mails"! Sort of like "getting drunks off the road," by banning cars and trucks! "The NRA position, as stated by Orth, emphasizes that the NRA has consistently supported gun legislation which it feels would penalize misuse of guns, without harassing law-abiding hunters, target shooters and collectors," concludes editor Webber. What an interesting list. Do you see "militiamen" in there? I don't. Does the Second Amendment say anything about duck-hunting? The Brits, who have just finished banning all private ownership of handguns, insist THEY still protect the "rights of law-abiding hunters, target shooters, and collectors," too. If you have an English country estate, you can still own a richly-engraved, $5,000 bird gun. If you like to target shoot, you may fire pellet guns or even .22s at your registered club ... so long as you leave the weapon locked up there when you go home. And "collectors" are still presumably welcome to own as many guns as they want ... from the flintlock era or earlier. Gee, that'll put them in great shape the next time the Germans or French come storming the beaches. Which is precisely why OUR Second Amendment talks exclusively about the needs of "the militia." Meantime, Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agents holding a panel discussion for an audience of mostly gun store owners at this week's SHOT Outdoor Trades show, here in Las Vegas, declared that the way they interpret the "permanent replacement Brady Bill" due to go into effect in November of 1998 -- the one the NRA favors due to its promised "insta-Check" capability -- will call for a "Brady check" and permanent record of every LONG GUN purchase, as well. The NRA operates, in effect, as nothing but a public relations outreach arm for the Republican Party, tasked to convince gun rights advocates that the GOP is their only hope. But Newt Gingrich promised us that if only we would elect a GOP majority to Congress there would be "no more gun control passed" on his watch, didn't he? Mind you, that's a pretty modest promise, compared to the Libertarian Party platform plank on guns, which calls for ALL existing gun control laws to be immediately REPEALED. But not only have Mr. Gingrich's Republicans failed to repeal the major federal gun control acts of 1933 and 1968, not only have they failed to repeal the Brady Bill and the Feinstein-Schumer "assault weapons ban" (as they promised), but they actually ENACTED the so-called Anti-Terrorism Bill with the Lautenberg Amendment, which retroactively strips police and many other citizens of their gun rights based on any prior domestic misdemeanor convictions (shouting at your kids). And then, not satisfied, they went on to pass the "Gun Free School Zone Act" ... TWICE! Putting him to the test of fire, I asked Larry Pratt of GOA last week whether he would favor allowing a 17-year-old girl to walk into a hardware store, buy and take home a belt-fed .30-caliber machine gun, without signing her name, showing any ID, or applying for any kind of government "permit." "Well, that's the way it would have been in 1933, before the National Firearms Act, wouldn't it?" he asked. "Is that a yes?" I asked back. Mr. Pratt, in front of a sizeable public gathering at the San Remo Hotel and Casino, said "Yes." And that's why I think we're about to see a changing of the guard when it comes to gun-rights lobbying, from the arthritic and the defeated, to the aggressive, the fearless, and the principled. Congressman Ron Paul, R-Tex., has called Gun Owners of America "the only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington." With a fraction of the NRA's manpower, membership or budget, GOA has defeated powerful state legislative committee chairmen (in Ohio) who were foolish enough to support more gun control, and has helped elect congressmen like Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland, currently sponsor of HR27, the Citizens Self-Defense Act, which would "protect the right to obtain ... and to use firearms in defense of self, family or home." Unless they change their stripes with fearsome speed, I fear the NRA and their hog-trough affiliate, the Republican Party as we've known it, are headed for the elephant's graveyard, and soon. On the other hand, if Gun Owners of America sold stock, I'd be buying. Vin Suprynowicz is the assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Readers may contact him via e-mail at *** Vin Suprynowicz, "If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." -- Samuel Adams --- end forwarded text - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Subject: more nice ranting Date: 01 Feb 1998 02:12:34 -0500 (EST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATED FEB. 6, 1998 THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz Getting started S.J. writes from Johns Hopkins: "Vin -- I have found and enjoyed your web page ( I am also recently reading David Boaz's book "Libertarianism: A Primer." I have been accused by professors of being a Libertarian. I really was not sure what one was. Thus my recent readings. I have many questions and no one to dialogue with. If you have time, could you tell me places I may check here in Washington D.C. ..." Egon, whose locale I don't know, similarly inquires: "... Incidently, I both enjoy and dread (reading your columns.) So few people realize how this country was intended. There is no other country in which the citizens are "sovereign," with all the rights of a king reserved to the people. But at the same time, the government has craftily changed things around. And so, the real question: Can you point me in a direction to information about how to help address these issues, or people to talk to about them?" # # # Since informing others must always start with informing ourselves, I suggested that both fellows they lay hands on a couple of recent catalogs from Laissez Faire Books, 938 Howard St., Suite 202, San Francisco 94103; tel. 415-541-9780; e-mail orders to Beginners may want to look for Thomas Szasz, Burton Folsom, Albert J. Nock, John Taylor Gatto, and Ayn Rand. Laissez Faire now lists L. Neil Smith's "Bretta Martin," which is good, but not "Pallas," which would be better. Also missing are John Ross' "Unintended Consequences" (Accuracy Press) and Claire Wolfe's "101 Things to Do Till the Revolution" (Loompanics.) It's also worth getting on the mailing list of the Cato Institute, at 100 Mass. Ave. NW, in Washington D.C., 20001 (tel. 202-842-0200), and of Bumper Hornberger's Future of Freedom Foundation (e-mail, in Northern Virginia. The Ludwig von mises Institute (, tel. 334-844-2500 puts out some nifty economic publications, and for e-mail on jury rights issues you can't beat the Jury Rights Project, e-mail; web page Leading the new battle against the national ID card is the Coalition to Repeal the Fingerprints Law, Suite 133, 5446 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Atlanta 30341; voice mail 404-250-8105; web site I seem to have fallen out of touch with the Separation of School and State Alliance, based in California; maybe they'll send me some up-to-date contact information. President Brenda Grantland tells me the group Forfeiture Endangers American Rights has recently opened an office in D.C., and may be in a position to welcome volunteer help as well as contributions. Contact Interim Director Tom Gordon at the F.E.A.R. Foundation, P.O. Box 15421 Washington, D.C. 20003; tel. 202-546-4381, or toll free at 1-888-FEAR-001; e-mail; web site Other groups worth contacting for information -- and supporting with donations or volunteer help -- include the Fully-Informed Jury Association at Box 59, Helmville, Montana 59843, tel. 406-793-5550, and Aaron Zelman's Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, 2874 S. Wentworth Ave., Milwaukee, Wisc. 53207, tel. 414-769-0760 (web site; e-mail JPFO welcomes "righteous goyim," or non-Jews, and in fact never even asks prospective members their religion. I used to think JPFO was the only truly principled gun-rights organization in the nation, holding that ANY "gun control" is an inevitable precursor to new genocides. I am now, finally, ready to submit that there are two. I have been watching for some years the development of Larry Pratt's Gun Owners of America, based at 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, Va. 22151; tel. 703-321-8585; web site; e-mail Folks have always called GOA "the other gun group," in deference to the massive and cholesterol-clogged National Rifle Association. Enemies of freedom always enjoy caricaturing ther NRA as a bunch of buck-toothed hunters in plaid shirts, blasting away at Bambi with a bazooka. But let me make a fearless prediction right here: as the lean little GOA strides onto their battlefield like an adolescent saber-tooth, the forces of victim disarmament are going to start waxing reminiscent about the warm, happy days when their only "opposition" was that walnut-brained brontosaurus, the NRA. The NRA's lobbying philosophy has long been to ridicule Libertarians or Independents who may be TRUE devotees of our Second Amendment rights, instead cynically endorsing and even funding the "lesser of two evils" among the two candidates representing the Republicrat and Demopublican branches of the Big Government Party. This NRA spending and lobbying philosophy is all about "buying access," but as Mr. Pratt of GOA says, "It's all based on a defeatist attitude. They think we've lost, that we have a bad bargaining position, so all we can do is make the best deal we can with this tyrant." Recently, NRA lobbyists have even twisted arms in state legislatures around the nation to INCREASE the cost and "training" rigmarole required to lay hands of a state "concealed carry permit" ... the better to insure the standards are the same nationwide. GOA thinks permit requirements should be identical in every state, too ... identical to the current law in Vermont, which requires no permit for concealed carry, at all, and which has "the lowest murder rate in the country," smiles Mr. Pratt. "But the 'access' lobbyists, if their approach was right, why do we keep losing ground?" Pratt asked his enthusiastic Las Vegas crowd. Next time: The GOA plays hardball. Vin Suprynowicz is the assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Readers may contact him via e-mail at The web site for the Suprynowicz column is at The column is syndicated in the United States and Canada via Mountain Media Syndications, P.O. Box 4422, Las Vegas Nev. 89127. *** Vin Suprynowicz, "If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." -- Samuel Adams --- end forwarded text - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Subject: citizenship training Date: 01 Feb 1998 12:03:19 -0500 (EST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Police apologize for strip-searching schoolgirls McMINNVILLE, Ore. (AP) - Two women police officers searching for stolen makeup, jewelry and cash at a middle school strip-searched about 25 girls, some of whom say they were asked to lift their shirts, shake their bras and drop their panties. Thursday's search turned up nothing, and police in McMinnville, a city of 20,000 about 30 miles southwest of Portland, later hand-delivered apologies to the parents of the 12- and 13-year-old girls. Police Chief Rod Brown wrote that the conduct of the two officers ``exceeded the scope of what was necessary.'' ``We believe the manner in which the search was conducted may have been inappropriate,'' Brown wrote. ``Officials taking the action were acting in best interest of kids involved as well as school as a whole, but their judgment may have been rash.'' That wasn't good enough for Barbara Paulson, who kept her 12-year-old daughter Amanda home from Duniway Middle School on Friday and plans to file complaints against police, the school, the gym teacher and the principal. ``This is not going to stop here,'' said Mrs. Paulson, who refused to allow her daughter to be interviewed. ``My daughter was asked to lower her pants to below her knees and she was asked to lower her panties to her knees. She is embarrassed and hurt. Her rights were completely violated.'' Mrs. Paulson gave this account: The search took place during gym class after several students in the locker room complained that jewelry, makeup, CDs and about $30 had been stolen. The gym teacher asked the guilty party to come forward. No one spoke up. That's when the school called in two police officers. The girls were called into the locker room two by two for the search. Some girls were asked to lift their shirts. Some had to shake their bras, and Mrs. Paulson's daughter was asked to lower her pants and panties to her knees. Several girls who were menstruating refused to drop their panties. ``One of them refused and was told if she refused again, they would do a cavity search,'' Mrs. Paulson said. Officers found nothing. Mrs. Paulson said her daughter was in tears at the end of the two-hour process. Principal Mickey Toft referred all calls to district Superintendent Elaine Taylor, who did not return a call Friday. The police chief also did not return calls Friday. But his spokesman said he did not consider what happened a strip search. ``They were asked to loosen clothing to check for contraband,'' said Sgt. Dan Brown. ``One of the places was the waistband of their panties.'' Parents contend anyone in the school had access to the lockers. But the spokesman said it was reasonable to assume that the thief was among the students in the gym class. ``Most (parents) as a whole understand that there has been a problem with thefts, and they appreciate that we are trying to solve it,'' Dan Brown said. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: FCC Public File Auto-FAQ Date: 01 Feb 1998 11:40:14 PST This "FAQ" is auto-posted once a month via cron triggered script, and may be triggered off by hand from time to time in between if the info is requested by someone, such as when the House recently voted down the AW Ban and the Media threw a hissy fit. The purpose of this FAQ is to inform people what they can do about Media generated lies and misinformation. While the FCC only handles Broadcast Media, (TV and Radio), some of these techniques will work for magazines and newspapers too. If I've missed something, or you find errors, let me know and I'll add/fix it. 1.a. Send letters of complaint to the Station Manager every time it happens with all the time, details, other info, and your complaint(s). 1.b. Send an additional copy for their FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Public file. 1.c. Send an additional copy to the FCC itself, in case they don't put it in their Public file. 2.a. Send a letter of complaint to their Station Owner as per above, with copies as per above (1.b and 1.c). 3. Send copies of their replies to you along with yours to them to their FCC Public file, so that it gets nice and fat, again, with copies to the FCC itself. 4. If you can afford it, send all corespondence by Certified Mail with Return Receipt Requested. Send a copy of the Return Receipt with everything that goes to the FCC itself, so that they will have additional evidence if the Station is cheating on their Public File. 5.a. Go to the Public Library and look up "Standard Rate and Data Services" (SRDS) "Directory of National Advertisers." It is found in many major Libraries (in the business/reference stacks), and lists EVERY current advertiser, who the players are at both the company and advertising agency(s), and the appropriate telephone and fax (and probably E-Mail by now) addresses. If your Library doesn't have it, it can be requested. Otherwise you can watch their commercials for a few days to a week, listing all their advertisers. There are other references that have the addresses for the nation's business headquarters too. look them all up and pass the addresses and phone/FAX numbers etc., around so that everyone can bitch to the sponsors. IF enough people do that, it'll get back to the Station. Tell them if the Station continues their nastiness you'll _consider_ changing to brand(X), (otherwise they'll just write you off as a loss). 5.b. The above, (5.a.), can be a lot easier and less time consuming if you're dealing with a newspaper's or a magazine's ads, as they are right in front of you for the listing. 6. If they put on something good or even just more reasonable, call and compliment them on it, but do _not_ send any kudos to their FCC file, or write to them about it. That way they have to keep it up and hope, as there is nothing good in the file or in writing that they can show the FCC to justify their Station's License. 7. Federal Communications Commission, Complaints and Compliance Division Room 6218, 2025 M Street NW Washington, D.C. 20554 FAX: 202-653-9659 FCC Attn: Edythe Wise -- An _EFFECTIVE_ | The _only_important_difference_ between Nazi-ism, Fascism, weapon in every | Communism, Communitarianism, Socialism and (Neo-)Liberalism hand = Freedom | is the _spelling_, and that the last group hasn't got the on every side! | Collective brains to figure it out. -- Bill Vance - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: God be with you my friend, Lobo, Jim Bohan Date: 01 Feb 1998 21:06:24 -0600 (CST) I can't stop crying, I have lost one of my best friends. Jim Bohan was one of the first people I met both on Internet and later in person in 1993. He helped organize the DF8 internet list to get rid of Tom Foley. He helped Dr. Fran Haga get information for the House investigation into the Branch Davidians. He helped form a list NOBAN to repeal the gun ban law and we did get a house vote. He helped try and buy the Rules of Engagement Movie with a group of investors and Mike McNulty. He helped Suzanna Hupp get elected to office. He was an actor, producer, writer, and a Texan above all in the spirit of the men who died in the Alamo. He went around the country in his old beat up pickup truck supporting gun rights all over America. I had countless e-mails and phone conversations with Lobo. He grew up sneaking into black jazz bars listing to the early blues and was the only white kid in the whole area. He was a true character in the spirit of John Wayne and helped anyone who asked. His humor, wit, wisdom and friendship will be always treasured. People like Jim were one in a million. He was a true American patriot a man who loved America and everything we are about. He believed in freedom and liberty. And now he has gone and died. Truly amazing that he died at his Internet keyboard of a massive heart attack. He went out just like the way he lived. Jim always seemed to have the last word. Jim, I know you will help us and guide us on our journey back to freedoms road. I am glad I had the pleasure of knowing you, I miss you old friend. Regards, Paul Watson Dallas, Texas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: NY Post: Cllintons Homophobes (fwd) Date: 02 Feb 1998 01:00:43 PST Looks like the Clintons just came down with _another_ case of, "foot 'n mouth", disease, but then what else could one possibly expect to catch from a toe-sucker.....:-) If this keeps up, they won't make it to a tree, they'll just hang 'em from a stair rail. On Feb 01, Ed Wolfe wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] New York Post COMMENTARY CLINTONS JUST A COUPLE OF CLOSET HOMOPHOBES By RAY KERRISON ---------- THE Clinton co-presidency, even in the best of times, was not much for laughs, but last week, it set off a howler. Bill and Hill exposed themselves as closet homophobes. It all blew into the open when their former dearest friend, Dick Morris, called a Los Angeles radio talk show and offered a decidedly bizarre explanation of why President Clinton might have embarked on an affair with a 21-year-old intern, Monica Lewinsky. He read the hypothetical notion that Bill's wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, might be a lesbian. Later, he retracted the idea, but the damage had been done. The White House reacted as if Saddam Hussein had lobbed a weapon of mass destruction on the Oval Office. The president was so furious at the public suggestion that Hillary was gay that he vowed never to speak to Morris again. "The president had exactly the reaction that you'd expect," said his press secretary, Mike McCurry. At that, I fell down laughing. If there is one thing the Clinton administration prides itself on is its compassion, understanding and promotion of the homosexual community and its agenda. Clinton's first major thrust in office was to dismantle 200 years of history and open America's military services to gays. He became the first president ever to receive a delegation of homosexuals in the White House. But when it was suggested that someone in his immediate family was gay, Clinton went ballistic, acting as if it were the worst insult ever hurled at him. How can that be? If homosexuality is the moral and social equivalent of heterosexuality, as the president and his administration have insisted, why should anyone be offended at being called gay? Or could it be that in this case, as in so many others, the Clintons refuse to practice what they preach? It's called hypocrisy. If the Clintons were seething that Morris should dare to insinuate that Hillary is gay, it was nothing compared with McCurry's explosive wrath. "I can't believe any responsible news organization would use that," he yelled at reporters. "I think it's disgusting that any journalist could think about reporting it." In other words, the official word out of the White House is that it is "disgusting" even to imply that someone might be gay. Well now, what does Barney Frank, the gay Massachusetts congressman and stout public defender of the embattled Clintons, think about this? Does this mean that the Clintons and McCurry think ol' Barney is disgusting because he is gay? The Clintons can't have it both ways. They can't be up front lecturing Americans on the need for tolerance for gays while privately condemning them. Are we talking homophobia here or not? The swift White House condemnation of suggested gayness for Hillary is a slap in the face to their ever faithful Vice President Al Gore. Back in October, Gore gave the country a lecture on how people should view the homosexual population. In a speech to entertainment executives in Los Angeles, Gore lavished praise on ABC-TV for screening "Ellen," whose star in fiction and fact, Ellen DeGeneres, is a lesbian. "When the character Ellen came out," Gore said, "millions of Americans were forced to look at sexual orientation in a more open light." The display of women kissing women passionately on the TV screen in tens of millions of American living rooms apparently is a desirable advance in Gore's scheme of things. He is, thus, a major sponsor of the gay-rights movement. Anyone who disagrees is a bigot. So where does that leave the Clintons? If they think the worst social crime imaginable is to call someone a lesbian, they clearly fit the bigot category as defined by Gore. And as for Mike, he should be drummed out of office. It gets worse. Clinton right now is attempting to name James C. Hormel, heir to the Hormel (Spam) meat fortune, as American ambassador to Luxembourg. Hormel just happens to be one of the highest-profile homosexuals in the country, a flamboyant, militant, radical advocate for the worse gay agenda. Working out of San Francisco, he uses his vast fortune to promote the agenda even in schools. He recently ditched his long attached "companion" to take up with a gay young blade half his 64 years. If the Senate approved his nomination, Hormel would become the first openly gay ambassador in American diplomatic history, complete with his male lover in residence. At first, Clinton wanted to send him to India, only to retreat in haste when someone woke up and realized sodomy is a crime in that country. So now the Clintons want to send him to Luxembourg, which is 95 percent Catholic. Republicans, to date, have held up the nomination. We are only left to wonder why Clinton would smash all diplomatic tradition by appointing a raging gay to a European country while secretly renouncing the notion that one of his own might be gay. It's disgusting, he thinks. Even more disgusting might be the president's hypocrisy, showing a gay face to the world and a homophobic revulsion in private. ---------- MORE COMMENTARY Copyright (c) 1998, N.Y.P. Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of the New York Post is prohibited. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Subject: cash not allowed Date: 02 Feb 1998 05:46:47 -0500 (EST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >Suffice it to say that I find nearly all cases where someone is "demanding" >personal information to be cases where the government has required them to, >for various unseemly purposes, or in cases where credit is being arranged. Of late I tried to pay off a rather large American Express bill. Suddenly, AMEX won't take cash in excess of $1,000 in any single billing period (30 days). The large sign on the wall indicated the substance of the new rule (or the old rule newly enforced) and added that customers "may be required to produce two forms of identification including a government issued identification card and a social security number." Here's a situation where the payor is (theoretically) positively identified to the payee (including ssn), where credit has already been established, and where records are certain to exist for all transactions which are being paid for. The AMEX Corporate card was once a wonderful tool to preserve anonymity with. One could issue several cards for a domestic company, 100% owned by an offshore, and settle in cash. Properly done, this was perfectly legal. Well, once upon a time anyhow. I find it extremely alarming that a general transaction like this can be illegal where almost no case can be made for a danger of money laundering or some kind of support of the "underground economy" (except perhaps that I'd have Pablo Escobar pay off my Amex to compensate me for my illegal smuggling flights, but that's a bit thin in my view). Increasingly, I try and find explanations for these kinds of regulations which do not include a paranoid rant about governments making sure they maintain a firm set of records on every citizen for whenever it might be "needed," (or wanted). Increasingly, this becomes a difficult mental task. Increasingly, it is difficult to make cash transactions. In the end that seems to be the point. Make it difficult to pay with cash. Make it suspicious to pay with cash. Make it an attention getter if you pay with cash. Sound paranoid? Try this. I'd like everyone who reads this to try and go 45 days without using plastic or writing a check. Just 45 days. If you don't grow alarmist very quickly (like in the first week) I'd like to hear your experience. If nothing else, try adding up a few months of finance charges, yearly fees on your credit cards, transactions fees, check fees, interest lost on no-interest checking accounts... see what you're paying to keep people from looking at you like a criminal. There's an interesting new awakening in personal finance right now which advises, among other things, "pay in cash, die broke." I'm interested to see how this "pay in cash" advice, which I have followed religiously years before it was put in print, clashes with post-modern financial regulation. I know things have gotten really out of hand because the phrase "No, I'll pay with cash," which I find I have to use more and more often, turns more and more heads and is met more and more often with a cross look from a teller and a finger pointed at a large sign bearing the heading "Restrictions on Cash Transactions." When the question becomes "Which credit card will you be paying with?" and no longer does one hear "How will you be paying for that?" I think people better start thinking about what's happening. (I'm not on cypherpunks anymore, mail me directly). - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Curtis Subject: Re: cash not allowed Date: 02 Feb 1998 10:29:08 -0500 (EST) > Increasingly, I try and find explanations for these kinds of regulations >which do not include a paranoid rant about governments making sure they >maintain a firm set of records on every citizen for whenever it might be >"needed," (or wanted). Increasingly, this becomes a difficult mental task. > Read "The Sovereign Individual" by mummblemumble and Rees-Moog. U.S. is struggling to control: encr**tion technology and currency flows. Reason: people wishing to move their investments/income to lower tax jurisdictions. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: [Fwd: DRUDGE-REPORT-BREAK 2/2/98] (fwd) Date: 02 Feb 1998 09:37:58 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > > Subject: DRUDGE-REPORT-BREAK 2/2/98 > Date: Mon, 02 Feb 98 00:45:29 EST > From: > To: DRUDGE@DRUDGEREPORT.COM > > XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT BREAK XXXXX 07:09 UTC MON FEB 02 1998 XXXXX > > UPDATE: WHITE HOUSE AIDE BLUMENTHAL THREATENS TO DEPOSE RUSSERT FOR LETTING > DRUDGE ON AIR > > White House aide Sidney Blumenthal, senior adviser to President Clinton, has > sent a letter of warning to NBC NEWS Washington Bureau Chief Tim Russert and > NBC NEWS President Andy Lack after the appearance of Matt Drudge on the > network's MEET THE PRESS. Drudge appeared on the show on January, 25, 1998 > -- the broadcast pulled in its highest audience rating since 1991. > > ----- > > Mr. Tim Russert NBC NEWS > 4001 Nebraska Avenue, N.W. > Washington, D.C. 20016 > > Re: Blumenthal v. Drudge > Civil Action No 97-1968 > > Dear Mr. Russert: > > This firm represents Sidney Blumenthal and Jacqueline Jordan Blumenthal in > the above-captioned matter. > > This letter concerns the recent appearance of Matt Drudge on your television > show, MEET THE PRESS. You introduced him on MEET THE PRESS, and you then > offered Mr. Drudge to your audience as though you believed him to be a > reputable journalist. > > The Blumenthals are interested in learning whether you intend to testify on > behalf of Mr. Drudge at the upcoming trial of the above-captioned case, to > vouch for his credentials as a journalist. If you do, we wish to take your > deposition. > > Please let us have your response, or that of your attorney, at your earliest > convenience. > > cc: Mr. Andrew Lack, President, NBC NEWS > > ---- > > Russert tells Monday's WASHINGTON POST that he has no plans on testifying in > any court case involving Blumenthal and Drudge. The program's round table, > where Drudge appeared, "is an Op-Ed page," he said. "We've had Christopher > Hitchens, Rush Limbaugh, Mary Matalin and James Carville, and we don't > endorse any opinions. We're here to offer opinions." > > The DRUDGE REPORT Internet website has been visited 4,203,644 times in the > past 31 days. > > Blumenthal's warning to NBC came just days after Drudge was first to reveal > the story that a former White House intern claimed that she had a sexual > relationship with President Clinton and that jobs had been offered to win > her silence -- claims captured on tape. > > Last week's TIME magazine reported that Blumenthal created a "gigantic" > diagram inside of his White House office "outlining with circles and arrows > the byzantine Republican conspiracy surrounding the tapes." > > It is not known at this time if Drudge's name appeared on the diagram. > > White House aide Blumenthal is suing Drudge for $30 million for a story that > appeared in the DRUDGE REPORT last summer, a story that was retracted within > 24 hours. The complaint is 137-pages and names AMERICA ONLINE, which > carries Drudge's column, as co-defendant. > > REUTERS has reported that President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore > "approved" of Blumenthal's decision to file the lawsuit. > > Paragraph #174 of Blumenthal v. Drudge claims: "Defendant AOL knew that, or > acted with reckless disregard whether, defendant Drudge was a political > conservative." > > "Matt Drudge keeps claiming that he's being sued by the White House and much > to my dismay, I've got proof that he's right," USC Professor Of Law and > former presidential campaign manager Susan Estrich wrote last December. > > Deputy Press Secretary to the President Joe Lockart called USA TODAY to > criticize an editorial that Estrich wrote in the newspaper that was mildly > supportive of Drudge. > > The Deputy Press Secretary to the President went on to question the > Editorial Page Editor of USA TODAY about Estrich's employment background. > > "If this is a private lawsuit pursued in a private capacity, why is the > White House calling to complain?" Estrich asked. > > ____________________________________________________ > The REPORT is moved when circumstances warrant > for breaks > (c)DRUDGE REPORT 1998 > Not for reproduction without permission of the author ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: FARAH: The creep in the White House (fwd) Date: 02 Feb 1998 10:31:58 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- WorldNetDaily Monday, February 2, 1998=20 The creep in the White House=20 =20 By Joseph Farah The conventional wisdom, these days, is that if President Clinton turns out to be guilty only of taking advantage of a 21-year-old White House intern and lying about, then his presidency will=20 not be threatened. No resignation. Certainly no impeachment.=20 Personally, I believe there is much more to Tailgate than sex, lies and audiotape. But let's assume for the moment, that's all Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr finds. Let me tell you why I think it's scary that Clinton might be let off the hook for such misconduct.=20 Since when is it acceptable behavior for a high-ranking, powerful elected official - let alone the highest-ranking and the most powerful official - to accept sexual favors from young women barely out of school? Mayors, senators, corporate executives, teachers, candidates, even presidential staffers, have all been forced from their positions in recent years for less abusive, less degrading escapades than those the president stands accused of participating in with Monica Lewinsky.=20 Remember Bob Packwood? Remember Wilbur Mills? How about John Tower? Gary Hart? And, more recently, Dick Morris? If Bill Clinton, the president of the United States, is held to a lower moral standard, then America is, consciously or unconsciously, dumbing down our cultural tests for right and wrong behavior.=20 There's a long rich tradition in this country of demanding higher expectations from our leaders - morally and ethically. If Bill Clinton slithers through yet another scandal pitting his word against mounting evidence of arrogant, sleazy bad judgment and lack of character, it will mark a turning point for American values.=20 What an example the nation's political leader will set for the next generation of Americans. Think about it. This scandal is a topic of discussion in schoolrooms all across the country - right down to the elementary school level. Is the message we want to send these kids that promiscuity and adultery is acceptable behavior if you accumulate enough power and influence? Or should it not be the other way around - that we demand a higher standard and more accountability from our top public servants?=20 Scrap all those sexual harassment laws that forbid the use of power to procure sexual favors, because that's just what went on here - whether the actions were initiated by Clinton or by Lewinsky, whether they were welcome or not.=20 What is it about this guy that seems to make him impervious to even the most basic rules of decency. It's not just Lewinsky, either. Kathleen Willey, another White House volunteer coming to see the president about getting a paid position, testifies that Clinton groped her on the very day her husband committed suicide. When she protested, "We shouldn't be doing this," he continued, explaining, "I always wanted to." Whatever happened to "No means no."=20 Then there are Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Dolly Kyle Browning, Connie Hamzy, Sheila Lawrence, Susan McDougal, Sally Perdue, Lencola Sullivan, Elizabeth Ward Gracen and a host of others dating back to his days as Arkansas governor and continuing through his White House tenure. We have a sexual predator in the White House - an out-of-control fiend who makes a mockery of his marriage vows and the institution of monogamy.=20 Let's be clear about what happened here: Clinton selfishly used Lewinsky. Time and time again, he encouraged her to get down on her knees and sexually service him. When he was done using her, he helped secure her a job, at taxpayer expense, of course, outside the White House. When he was found out, he not only lied, but also not-so-subtly insulted Lewinsky before the entire nation, referring to her as "that woman." No wonder she refers to Clinton as "the creep."=20 Before you dismiss this kind of behavior as part of Clinton's "private life," imagine your daughter in that situation.=20 Rush Limbaugh's wife, Marta, the editor of Vent Magazine, hits the nail right on the head when she postulates that Clinton is making Americans comfortable with and secure in their own weaknesses. Why bother to strive for righteousness and virtue when we see licentiousness and vice condoned if not rewarded. While we once looked up to our leaders, Clinton has lowered the office of the presidency to the gutter.=20 There must be a cost for such irresponsibility. And there are serious implications to sweeping this little episode under the rug as the president and first apologist Hillary Clinton would have us do. It would mean tearing down more of the guardrails of personal responsibility necessary for the maintenance of a free society.=20 For 30 years, America has been, as Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan once said, defining deviancy down through its social and government policies - making it acceptable to flout cultural norms, 5,000-year-old traditions of morality, not to mention good, old-fashioned common sense.=20 Can America now afford to permit its chief executive to begin openly, and without apology, defining debauchery down?=20 Joseph Farah is editor of the Internet newspaper and executive director of the Western Journalism Center, an independent group of investigative reporters.=20 =20 =A91998, Western Journalism Center =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Perrine Subject: Size is not everything....Very Funny I think Date: 02 Feb 1998 10:51:32 -0800 The current Bagehot Page in the ECONOMIST is entitled Size isn't everything. It explains how Tony Blair gets along with so many fewer workers in the official residence than the Clinton's Granted my sense of humor often finds humor where others do not. So with that caveat I thought the last line of the second paragraph which was about as funny as anything I have read for a long time From here on is from the current Economist Forget sex, lies and audiotapes: to a British observer, the extraordinary revelation in the coverage of the Bill Clinton affair was the report that the White House employed 250 interns. With so may competitors for the president's ear, no wonder some of them are alleged to focus on other parts of his anatomy. Number 10 Downing St has interns too, There are three of them, the first to ever work there; they were hired after Hillary Clinton persuaded the Blairs on the glories of the White House interns programme on a recent visit. Perhaps the First Lady pointed out the great virtue of interns--they can do all the little jobs that busy people just do not have time for Jack Perrine | Athena Programming | 626-798-6574 -----------------| 1175 N Altadena Dr | -------------- Jack@Minerva.Com | Pasadena CA 91107 | FAX-309-8620 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Long live Loboazul Date: 02 Feb 1998 15:07:45 XXX To freedom lovers everywhere, It was with great sadness that I learned on Friday night that Jim Bohan, otherwise known to many as Loboazul, passed on. For many on the internet he was one of the architect's of the DF8 campaign in 1994. To me he was a good friend and fellow freedom fighter. He told me once that the Clinton Gun Ban was his epiphany, the experience that turned him from one of those who complained about the state of freedom in this country, to an energized super-activist. But many never knew that he was a brilliant philosopher, an extremely well educated man, and extremely gifted writer. He had written two un-published novels and was working on his third. The first two had been read by most of the mainstream publishing houses and each copy that was sent to the publisher came back dog-eared, not one publisher to date was willing to tackle the politically incorrect themes (including gun ownership) that he covered. He had close friends in the highest levels of government as well as friends in the local beer joints. He was that kind of guy. He drove a beat-up blue pickup, but owned a Mercedes. He could tell raunchy jokes with the best, yet he cared about abused women and children passionately. He would tell you what he thought in no uncertain terms, but he was a hell of a good listener. To all his friends, acquaintances and those he trashed, the world is poorer place without Loboazul. So I raise my glass in a toast to a great American, a true patriot and very good friend. Goodbye, Jim, we will always love you and will miss you terribly. :-( Tanya K. Metaksa February 2, 1998 Name: Tanya Metaksa E-mail: Time: 3:07:45 PM This message was sent by Chameleon - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Long Live Loboazul Date: 02 Feb 1998 21:25:49 EST >I was informed earlier this evening that LoboAzul passed away from us >yesterday afternoon. I am told that he had a massive heart attack while in >front of his computer. Condolences and personal letter wired to family this date by Mike Foster, Governor, State of Louisiana. Al - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Lobo Date: 02 Feb 1998 18:06:41 PST As sent to Tim; Thank you for the timely notice of Jim's passing on. While we've never met, I take this opportunity to beg a favor of you. If you will, please print out as many copies of the following as you feel necessary, for Jim's family and friends, from those of us who can't be there to say it in person. I realize it's long, but I'm not sure it could have been done any other way. Thank you. Bill Vance ------------ snip ------------------------------------------------------ As I'm sure you are aware, Jim was very active in politics of the sort calculated to support and defend our rapidly eroding Rights and Freedoms. While no one of us can adequately express our sence of loss, we, (his friends and colleagues in this effort), must render this tribute. As this is all on short notice, many have yet to respond, being rendered temporarily speechless or are on the road to various functions Jim would not want us to interupt, and thus are temporarily are out of contact. They, I'm sure will add to this over the coming days, but for now, this will have to do. Following is the post that notified me of Jim's passing on, the comments of many of Jims colleagues, and finally, in that it seems to be one of the few that seems, (to me at least), to have a sense of closure, the post I sent out to pass the word. Some of these are from those who knew Jim but a short time, requesting more info, and the replies of those who knew him better. After this comes the text of two magazine articles mentioning Jim and some of his efforts, courtesy of, of which you may or may not have been aware. As many of us cannot be there to say our goodbyes, we hope that this expression of our loss, our eulogy, our tribute, finds you well, and is acceptable to you, and his posterity. William A. Vance It is with deep sadness and a loss for words that I bring this news to you. I was informed earlier this evening that LoboAzul passed away from us yesterday afternoon. I am told that he had a massive heart attack while in front of his computer. Respects can be paid at: Buffington Funeral Home Yoakum, TX Sun. from 1 till 9 and Mon. all day. More information is available from: Tim Richard 915-267-6658 I hope one of you can find more eloquent words than I, to post for those not fortunate enough to have known Jim Bohan on a more personal basis. Jim would have told all of us to throw back a few cold ones for him, and to move on. It may take more than a few. We have lost a great fighter, a dedicated campaigner, a true present day PATRIOT! Goodbye Lobo, GOD speed. Al Alcock The Old Wolf has only moved away from his terminal here. He will watch us and help us with the counsel he gave while he was with us in the flesh.. I was to have my first face to face meeting with Lobo this week as he was going to be near where I am now on business. Unfortunately I was robbed of that pleasure by fate. I will miss him greatly. I will miss his counsel even more. We have suffered a loss, but we must not slow down in our fight. I think I will rent American Graffitti so I can see the Old Wolf once more. Thank you Jim, you were an inspiration to many. With greatest respect and sorrow. Dick Monckton Monck Bill, What terrible news about Jim! I so enjoyed his emails over the years. At least he died with his boots on, so to speak. BTW, how old was Jim? Fran is on the road today, I was going to call her tomorrow about other stuff, but why don't you let her know via email. She is at: All the best! John Posthill Al Alcock gave us the sad news: >It is with deep sadness and a loss for words that I bring this news to you. > >I was informed earlier this evening that LoboAzul passed away from us >yesterday afternoon. I am told that he had a massive heart attack while in >front of his computer. He howls yet in our memories. He died at his post. God speed you to you rest, Lobo; we shall remember you when we have won this, our fight. You will be sorely missed. With great respect, Neil Dickey >I hope one of you can find more eloquent words than I, to post for those not >fortunate enough to have known Jim Bohan on a more personal basis. It's hard to be eloquent when one is so shocked and saddened. Last week, I snail-mailed Jim a copy of our local (So. CA) newsletter, because I respected his opinion, and wanted his feedback. On Wed., 1/28, he wrote back: "Got it, today. Nice work. The cover is particularly effective." I needed that encouragement, and he was always there to give it. Always. Above all, for me, Jim was a superb mentor. Whenever I posted or wrote, I'd ask myself, "What will Lobo think of this?" Jim kept me focussed, because he was so bright, and his standards were so high. Well, I know that Jim's still looking over my shoulder, from where he is now, and he's telling all of us to give 'em hell. What a man, what a patriot. My God, he will be sorely missed. It is horrible news indeed that we have lost such a great friend. I never met him personally, but he always responded as a friend when I wrote to him. Right now I have tears in my eyes over our loss, and I cannot express how stunned I am. Noban will never be the same, but our cause will continue. Chris Ciccone Pittsburgh, PA Other than reading some posts, as a relative newcomer I don't know who Jim Bohan was. Anyone care to write a short obituary so we can all understand better what we've lost? I had the priviledge of meeting Jim at the first annual 2nd amendment gathering at the Reflecting Pool in DC some years ago. When introduced, I said "How do you do?". Jim replied, "Well, I've got a hangover that would kill a lesser man!" Later, after the rally, we had a few drinks together along with Bernie, Larry and some others. He was quite a character and quite a man. Jim had a brilliant mind and the soul of a poet. I corresponded with him regularly and confess to having had a bit of a crush on the big cuss. To say that I will miss him doesn't cover it! Sharon Zane At 02:22 AM 1/31/98 -0500, you wrote: [snip] > There are others who will miss him too. Anyone got Fran's addr? Last I have for her is: "Fran Haga" BTW I want confirmation before I'll believe Lobo is truly departed, and not just on a run south of the border. OTOH, if he is gone, I suspect the extreme pleasure at Clinton getting his wank in the crank may have been a factor. The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution. ---Doug McKay" Joe Sylvester Don't Tread On Me ! >Other than reading some posts, as a relative newcomer I don't know who Jim >Bohan was. Anyone care to write a short obituary so we can all understand >better what we've lost? Fortune Magazine "TO FOLKS in nearby Yoakum, Texas, Jim Bohan is just another struggling rancher. But to his compatriots on the Internet, he is Lobo Azul, Spanish for Blue Wolf, and a master of the new world of cyberpolitics." For samples of his wonderful humor and brilliant writing, just go to YAHOO, and type in "Jim Bohan," or "Loboazul." God rest his soul. What a man, what a patriot. Gentlemen, Whe I read of Jim's heart attack I thought it a joke. I just now got home from a two day anniversary trip with my wife. It is a shock, and I am saddened by Jim's demise. El loboazul, it was a pleasure to serve the last four years in cyberspace with him. Larry Ball DAMNIT! On Saturday, 31 January, jaspar mentioned: > Fortune Magazine > This article is a travesty, describing "militias" as something dark and sinister akin to child pornography. The author, Ann Dowd, urges that protection from the evil aspects of the Internet is needed but without undermining the democratizing aspect. Only a mainstream journalist could trip herself so badly. Carl John Maio wrote: > > Other than reading some posts, as a relative newcomer I don't know who Jim > Bohan was. Anyone care to write a short obituary so we can all understand > better what we've lost? LoboAzul Was the Alpha Male of the Noban list. He was the leader of the pack. He was a friend to many , a spirited adversary to others. He could wade into a flame war and prevail, or he could counsel caution and concern and it was accepted. He was an unelected leader without trying. He was an instigator and he tried to stir things up at times , and he succeeded ( That's how we got NOBAN) . He was our friend and we will miss him .. We should all go outside and enjoy a moment of silence as his ashes are spread over his favorite fishing hole.. The least we could do. Dick Monckton Just signed on to congratulate Wolfman on winning our bet on the Clinton over/under. Had some pretty funny lines to bust his nuts. I can't remember any of them now. Adios. Regards, Walker John Maio wrote: > Other than reading some posts, as a relative newcomer I don't know who Jim > Bohan was. Anyone care to write a short obituary so we can all understand > better what we've lost? Jim did a lot of things with his life, but what I most remember is his way with the language. He generally knew what he was talking about, and was a formidable adversary in a debate. He could say more in a sentence than most people can with a page full of words, and had a wit that could flay the hide off a rhinoceros. At 1000 yds. Some of us learned that the hard way. ;-) But we liked it, and we respected him, even if we didn't always agree. The opinions which I have expressed herein are entirely my own, unless other- wise noted. No-one else should be held responsible for what I think. | D. N. Dickey | Virtuous motives, trammeled by inertia and | | Research Associate | timidity, are no match for armed and | | Northern Illinois Univ. | resolute wickedness. | | | - W. S. Churchill | | **Finger for public key** | | >I hope one of you can find more eloquent words than I, to post for those not >fortunate enough to have known Jim Bohan on a more personal basis. > >Jim would have told all of us to throw back a few cold ones for him, and to >move on. > >It may take more than a few. > >We have lost a great fighter, a dedicated campaigner, a true present day >PATRIOT! > >Goodbye Lobo, GOD speed. I'm not the one to write the "eloquent words"... and we never met in person. But Jim's sharp wit and way with words on this list quickly won the respect of _this_ "fellow Texan". We got to corresponding "off-list" on several topics, especially his beloved Macintosh. (I'm a Mac programmer - he could defend the Mac to PC types just as well as he could defend RKBA to the, um, "other" PC types. He usually copied me on any flame wars he got in "over there".) I've got an unpublished manuscript of a book here that he wrote; my understanding is that he was trying to get a publisher to take it on, but was having trouble due to the plain-speaking, not-politically-correct, just-plain-Lobo-ness of the work. I guess I won't send the book back with my comments now... But I think the rest of tonight should be spent with a Shiner Bock in one hand and his manuscript in the other... Adios, mi amigo grande. Adios. Bill Michael At 09:01 PM 1/31/98 -0500, Richard Monckton wrote: > >LoboAzul Was the Alpha Male of the Noban list. He was the leader of the >pack. He was a friend to many , a spirited adversary to others. He >could wade into a flame war and prevail, or he could counsel caution and >concern and it was accepted. He was an unelected leader without trying. >He was an instigator and he tried to stir things up at times , and he >succeeded ( That's how we got NOBAN) . He was our friend and we will >miss him .. We should all go outside and enjoy a moment of silence as >his ashes are spread over his favorite fishing hole.. The least we >could do. Somehow I think he would prefer being set adrif in a burning longboat. The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution. ---Doug McKay" Joe Sylvester Don't Tread On Me ! >>I was informed earlier this evening that LoboAzul passed away from us yesterday afternoon. I am told that he had a massive heart attack while in front of his computer.<< There is much to be said, none of which would do justice to what he DID for the cause of FREEDOM in America. One word can describe Jim Bohan----RIGHT. Above all he was a GENTLEMAN I am saddened beyond words. VAYA CON DIOS, LOBO If anyone has his obit, I would appreciate it if you would post it. He had many friends on AOL. Dennis Baron Tuck Landry wrote: >DAMNIT! Succinctly and aptly put. I'm still in shock myself. Kevin McGehee North Pole, Alaska ************************ Nunca lunchum liber est ************************ On Sat, 31 Jan 1998, Richard Monckton wrote: > slow down in our fight. I think I will rent American Graffitti so I can > see the Old Wolf once more. Thank you Jim, you were an inspiration to > many. There's at least one new NOBANner who will be puzzled by the reference above, so allow me to explain. Those of us (including myself) who never were fortunate enough to meet Jim Bohan could see what he looked like by turning to page 113 of the July 10, 1995 edition of *Fortune* magazine. (He told me later that he'd buzz-cut the mane off because it was too much to manage and besides, Yoakum gets *hot* in the summer!). But there was yet *another* way to see Jim: Although he didn't brag about it, in his younger days, Jim was a Hollywood actor. To see and hear what he was like then, watch *American Graffiti*. Jim plays the role of "Holstein the cop" and can be seen through the car window dressing down "John Milner" (Paul LeMat) for having a burned-out light bulb on his hot-rod. If the Second Amendment is the heart of NOBAN, then Jim Bohan is its soul. Such a delightful way to start my day. What Tuck said, thrice! David M. Gonzalez Wheeling, Illinois Dear Members of the "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy" (minus one): I am saddened deeply as well. I wish he would have lived to collect from TSB and to see the upcoming Clinton Crumble. I never met Jim, but will be sending a card of condolence to his Aunt at: Charlotte Keister Rt.4 Box 133 Yoakum, Texas 77995 Other nobanners may wish to also do so if so inclined. John Posthill (one can only hope that there will be a 21 gun -- or more -- salute as the ashes are spread.) >>>I was informed earlier this evening that LoboAzul passed away from us >yesterday afternoon. I am told that he had a massive heart attack while in >front of his computer.<< > > There is much to be said, none of which would do justice to what he >DID for the cause of FREEDOM in America. > Amen! Jim Bohan was one of the best things that could have happened to the pro-gun movement and, off list, a friend. He was one of the best mentors I had in my early days as a pro-gun activist, and was a man of many talents that we didn't see here. Thankfully, I still have a copy of a script he wrote, for he was also active in the movie business (as a writer, and producer as well as actor). Oh, hell, I can't see the keys anymore the the tears. Why does God have to take the good ones? Regards, Pat Fosness NRA certified instructor: Pistol, Rifle, Personal Protection "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest" - Mahatma Ghandi - 1927 Copyrighted material contained within this document is used in compliance with the United States Code, Title 17, Section 107, "for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching" I can't stop crying, I have lost one of my best friends. Jim Bohan was one of the first people I met both on Internet and later in person in 1993. He helped organize the DF8 internet list to get rid of Tom Foley. He helped Dr. Fran Haga get information for the House investigation into the Branch Davidians. He helped form a list NOBAN to repeal the gun ban law and we did get a house vote. He helped try and buy the Rules of Engagement Movie with a group of investors and Mike McNulty. He helped Suzanna Hupp get elected to office. He was an actor, producer, writer, and a Texan above all in the spirit of the men who died in the Alamo. He went around the country in his old beat up pickup truck supporting gun rights all over America. I had countless e-mails and phone conversations with Lobo. He grew up sneaking into black jazz bars listing to the early blues and was the only white kid in the whole area. He was a true character in the spirit of John Wayne and helped anyone who asked. His humor, wit, wisdom and friendship will be always treasured. People like Jim were one in a million. He was a true American patriot a man who loved America and everything we are about. He believed in freedom and liberty. And now he has gone and died. Truly amazing that he died at his Internet keyboard of a massive heart attack. He went out just like the way he lived. Jim always seemed to have the last word. Jim, I know you will help us and guide us on our journey back to freedoms road. I am glad I had the pleasure of knowing you, I miss you old friend. Regards, Paul Watson Dallas, Texas Al Alcock gave us the sad news: >It is with deep sadness and a loss for words that I bring this news to you. > >I was informed earlier this evening that LoboAzul passed away from us >yesterday afternoon. I am told that he had a massive heart attack while in >front of his computer. He howls yet in our memories. He died at his post. God speed you to you rest, Lobo; we shall remember you when we have won this, our fight. You will be sorely missed. With great respect, Neil Dickey Al, [...] I was informed earlier this evening that LoboAzul passed away from us yesterday afternoon. [...] What say, the warrier, who in his heart knows all manner of grief, sorrow, sadness? To look at today, and see tomorrow, and know there will be happeness. We here, saw his pain, and saw his fight; we here knew the words he spoke were true, were right, and measured ourselves in his light. No warrier dies in vein, and none can really know his pain, but we who live on can for ourselves, sustain his efforts, and turn his dreams into reality. Though our size now be numerically smaller, by our efforts and his knowledge, we can be intellectually taller. He has passed to that other place, let us pick up his standard and maintain our pace. If we look back, let us always see, the ole Blue Wolf prodding us on, to victory. Later, Jim. ET >I hope one of you can find more eloquent words than I, to post for those not >fortunate enough to have known Jim Bohan on a more personal basis. It's hard to be eloquent when one is so shocked and saddened. Last week, I snail-mailed Jim a copy of our local (So. CA) newsletter, because I respected his opinion, and wanted his feedback. On Wed., 1/28, he wrote back: "Got it, today. Nice work. The cover is particularly effective." I needed that encouragement, and he was always there to give it. Always. Above all, for me, Jim was a superb mentor. Whenever I posted or wrote, I'd ask myself, "What will Lobo think of this?" Jim kept me focused, because he was so bright, and his standards were so high. Well, I know that Jim's still looking over my shoulder, from where he is now, and he's telling all of us to give 'em hell. What a man, what a patriot. My God, he will be sorely missed. Bill, All: We are diminished. Dave Workman Chris Ciccone eloquently expressed my thoughts about Lobo's passing from labor to eternal refreshment. Lobo, may the Supreme Architect of the Universe keep you safely. Bon Voyage. Dave Coy Adrian, MI Patricia Fosness writes: >> Oh, hell, I can't see the keys anymore the the tears.<< The finest tribute you could have paid him. Truth be told, I paid in similar coin. >> Why does God have to take the good ones?<< Because He is God. Perhaps He has uses for Jim, of which it is not our business to know. Jim was here. He lives still. He will live a long time. If you do not believe me ask Tom Foley, or any member of the Democratic MINORITY in Congress. I am not very religious, yet I do believe there is a purpose for everything. I just do not understand what they are most times. In those rare moments of crystal clarity, I also understand that most times I do not want to know. It is almost time to move on. It is the way of the wolf. Best regards, Dennis Baron Another eulogy from another rkba list.... > -----Original Message----- > From: Joseph R. Grenda [] > Sent: Sunday, February 01, 1998 7:18 PM > Subject: Jim Bohan-RIP > > Recent info was posted to me about the passing of Jim Bohan, aka "The > Old Blue Howler." > > I had the privilege of knowing Jim personally, and the enjoyment of > hearing how he acquired his nickname! I considered him a true friend in > the short time I came to know him. > > Jim is going to be missed, and that is an understatement. I cannot > possibly begin to eulogize because there was so much to the guy; His > intellect, his talent, his creativity, his honesty about things, > especially his opinions. His humanly being able to admit nor pretend that > he did not have all the answers to every problem confronting this country, > or what's left of it. Sometimes I'd pose a question to him, and the reply > might come back, "gee, I don't have a clue about that." But when he did > have a clue, it proved to be significant. > > Blue's contribution to RKBA was national in scope. He was a real > motivator. He'd be the first to correct anyone trying to give him the > bulk of the credit, but Tom Foley and Jack Brooks are retired today not > because of a powerful, "gun lobby", but because Jim Bohan wanted to do > something about it and did it. He set some some lofty standards for > grassroots activists. Mike Foster is Governor of Louisiana because Jim > got involved with other dedicated folks. I think a national magazine did > a piece on his ability to use this discipline, energize and motivate RKBA > interests. He also had the fortitude, discipline, and keen political > skills necessary to remain above the fray and allways keep the big picture > in focus, and hold together people who shared the common goal of > preserving what's left of the RKBA. > > I really can't fathom how many it will take to fill his shoes. This > plaanet is a lot emptier with Jim's passing. > > So long, Loboazul. There will be a bottle of uncorked Corvo kept in > your memory, always within reach. Damn. And double damn. I drive over 40 miles each way to work, about half of it through the largest Interstate construction project in America. (There cannot be any other freeway construction going on in the US because all the road crews are in SLC.) It's raining--trying to snow--Utah drivers are so bad that Hollywood stunt drivers come here to drive the freeways for practice. So I log in to get cheered up and I find this. I share the sorrow others have expressed at losing our friend and comrade in arms. I have an interest in screenplays, and Jim very kindly offered me encouragement and informed guidance. He even sent me copies of two of his screenplays to examine for certain features we had discussed in e-mail. I never heard his voice nor saw his face. But I often took his counsel and we corresponded offline on matters of substance. It fair to say that the measure of our devotion to our friend will be found in how well we rally round and press on in our campaign to be free. He would be less impressed with our tears than our resolve, more impressed with our keeping cadence than in faltering in our march. One of us has fallen, boots on. As someone else observed, he died at his post. And now it falls to us to carry on. Farewell, my friend. Bill In message Mon, 2 Feb 1998 09:43:13 -0500 (EST), wrote: > HOW NOBAN STARTED Many thanks to Paul Watson for posting the history of NOBAN. Now, for those of us that didn't have the privilege of knowing Jim closely, can anyone tell us how he got the nickname 'El Lobo Azul'? -- David V. Phillips SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room. Don't Tread on Me. DVC 35* 47'N 78* 47'W I don't have the words. I'm remembering the beer boycott. And the stories of Goliad and San Jacinto. I always intended to get out to Yoakum and visit. Guess it'll have to wait. whuf! Goodbye Lobo 'nuff said Chuck Spring, Texas >From the producer of "Waco the Rules of Engagement" ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Double that for me, Paul. Regards, Mike McNulty I, too am greatly saddened by our loss. I was hoping to point the bike down there to Yoakum this summer to meet Jim in person. Looks like I will have to wait on that for a while now. While I did archive most of our correspondence, I never did get to find out how he got his nickname. Would someone in the know, kindly post this? Also, while we of the DeKalb contingent sent a plant to the funeral, where can we mail our condolences? Steve ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > > Amen, to everything you said, Paul. > > Fran > > > > > Fran, I don't know about you but it did me some good to write up this > eulogy. Can I talk you into doing the same some time and posting it to > Noban. > Regards, > Paul Watson > Dear Paul, Sure, go ahead and post this to noban. I still don't know what to say besides the obvious. The man MEANT to die in bed surrounded by good company, so somewhere he's suggesting to St. Pete that the computer keyboard IS NOT the next best thing. :-) Fran I know the day must come for all of us, but I'm still in shock. We owe Jim Bohan a great debt for the efforts he put forth in DF8 and in starting this list. I think the best tribute we could ever give him would be to use this list to effect some real change, such as the change embodied in the list name: No Ban! I'm going to rent American Graffiti tonight on the way home. And if the rights to it can be sorted out, I'd sure like to see his book published. Perhaps as a cyberbook, ala "The Gray Nineties" ? Jim Bohan - you're better connected than any of the rest of us now. You know how this whole parade will end. I hope those of us still standing along the route can turn the course for the better. Jim The "Assault Weapons" ban is drive-by legislation. The target: Crime; the victimized innocent bystander: the lawfully armed Citizen. ~*~*~ Tyranny Insurance by Colt's Manufacturing Cos. ~*~*~ I couldn't bear to remove him from the email lists, so I've set his subscriptions to postpone mode. May he find the eternal rest he so deserves. May God help us all, Craig. ------- Start of forwarded message ------- Craig, All of loboazul's email subscriptions have been set to postpone. David At 12:31 PM 2/1/98 -0500, you wrote: >Would you set loboazul's email on the NRA and NOBAN lists to POSTPONE >from ACK? > >Thanks, > >Craig. ------- End of forwarded message ------- HOW NOBAN STARTED Updated: Fri, May 2, 1997 at 4:59 PM E.S.T. (GMT-5) INDEX * Jim Bohan a.k.a. El Lobo Azul's Account * DF-8 Campaign (Tom Sowa - Spokesman Review - Aug. '95) * Fortune Magazine Article - June 1995 * Subscribe to NOBAN mailing list JIM BOHAN A.K.A.EL LOBO AZUL'S ACCOUNT Date: Fri, 02 May 1997 10:16:57 -0600 From: "Howlin' Blue" Reply-To: To:, richard hartman , skip leuschner Subject: Re: History of NOBAN NOban evolved out of a series of telephone and email discussions between Richard and I. We were looking for a means of keeping pressure on the congress to effect AWB reversal. Skip was involved in some other things at that time and couldn't play. To do so, we wrote a letter "To Our Friends in Congress", the subject was (referring to Foley) "We Did It Once, We Can Do It Again." In it we told Newt that if he didn't keep his promises we'd throw his ass and those of his leadership friends out at the next election. Rich, Mary and I signed it and called on twenty or thirty other gun orgs to join us. We posted the letter netwide. First thing that happened was that Tanya read the letter and offered to take it to Newt, to put it in his hand, if we wished. She had a meeting with him in about two days. We wished. Newt read the letter aloud to the group of R leadership and said they (us) are like a wife who's husband just quit drinking. They're glad he stopped but are afraid he's going to start again at any minute. He wrote a letter to Tanya acknowledging us, saying that if we'd give him a hundred days to effect the Contract with America he'd get the AWB repealed in the second 100 days. We agreed. About four or five days before the AWBrepeal vote was to happen, OKCity blew up, reelecting Clinton. Ultimately, the AWBan was repealed by the House but the Senate never took it up, which is why we didn't campaign for Dull. Richard, as I remember, that's the way it happened. Make any corrections you like. A sorrowful Duty indeed to pass along this news. Having earned the respect of us all in his various ways, he will be sorely missed. Aside from all the reasons we all have to miss him, he's the only person besides myself that I know of, who could use playing cards like shuriken, so our fellow Martial Artists have an extra reason to miss him, as he can no longer pass along a rare art. There are others who will miss him too. Anyone got Fran's addr? EYES RIGHT!!!!! Review friends, troops long past review. . . . . TAPS -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- El Lobo AZUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOoooooooouuuuuuuullllll ! (wolf howl) Magazine Articles Courtesy of Article 1. BEGINNINGS IN THE DF-8 (DE-FOLEY-ATE) CAMPAIGN by Tom Sowa - Spokesman-Review in Spokane, Wash. - Aug. 1995 At a recent convention of political consultants in Washington, D.C., the hot topic was the Internet and its likely role in shaping the way candidates get their messages to voters. Debates raged over its positive and negative effects. But the consensus was that candidates had better get on the Net and use it or risk being squashed by their opponents. Gathering a good share of the attention were two unlikely cyberspace gurus from Spokane, Wash.--Richard and Mary Hartman, co-founders of De-Foley-Ate Congress (DF8), who attended the conference to share what they'd learned from running what many consider the first real Internet political-action committee. The Hartmans hardly fit the role of visionaries. Neither had any previous experience in organized politics and neither claimed to be an Internet expert. Instead, they represent what happens when good timing is matched by hard work. DF8 now gets credit for helping knock off Tom Foley, former Democratic congressman from Washington and Speaker of the House--the third-highest elected U.S. official. DF8's arrival last fall drew attention from the traditional media. But it also rattled some veteran Netters who saw it as a tattered mob of anti-government diehards who misused Internet standards of etiquette and fairness in getting their message across the country. Because the DF8 system worked in arousing several hundred people to give money and help defeat Foley, pundits have announced the arrival of cyberpolitics. Although attendees at the conference of the American Association of Political Consultants came away talking about electronic politics, many of them agreed that Internet use is not wide enough to make it a major part of every campaign. California political consultant Jeff Adler is among those who are looking around, waiting for the next DF8 to help clarify the tactics of using bulletin boards, e-mail campaigning, and hosting online candidate forums. Said Adler, who is a partner in the Adler Wilson Campaign Service in Laguna Hills, Calif., "It's murky. But everyone seems to be talking about getting ready to use the Internet." Analysts have reached a few points of agreement: The Internet can reach great numbers of people across the country quickly, and it gives everyone an equal opportunity to sound off. To many people, that impact will be beneficial. "The role of this will be like the small presses and the pamphleteers such as Tom Paine during the colonial period," said Adler. "The Internet, if nothing else, will give people a place to bounce their ideas off one another and realize they can band together." Hartman, a 35-year-old software engineer for a printer manufacturing firm, said the bouncing of ideas was one of DF8's bigger successes. He began the effort strictly on a dare, having been challenged by someone in a Usenet newsgroup to make some form of statement against Foley, who had irritated Hartman by voting for the Clinton Crime Bill and thus supporting a ban on assault weapons. In three weeks, mostly by sending queries to people he found on various newsgroups, he and his wife created a two-tier system to make that statement. A core group in Spokane, Wash., would post messages about the campaign to the Net and then send some of those messages by e-mail to a support group of about a dozen volunteers across the country. The volunteers then distributed the messages to more than a hundred newsgroups and bulletin boards, creating a digital version of the old telephone tree. Some of the postings were informational--attacks on Foley or summaries of the positions of Foley's opponent George Nethercutt. Others were requests for money. By the November election, DF8 had raised almost $30,000. Most of the money was used to buy radio and print ads, and none of it went to the Nethercutt campaign because of federal regulations. Because DF8 was a new group and lacked a formal organization, bickering broke out in its ranks. Some members of the second group complained at times that the Hartmans were reaping the glory while the volunteers down the line did most of the work. Said Richard Hartman: "All I could do was remind them that the whole point was defeating Foley, and that afterwards this effort would disappear, which it did." By the time of the election, DF8 probably involved more than 70 people across the country posting remarks, finding items to send back to the Hartmans, offering advice, or simply sending the occasional $25 check. The Hartmans acknowledged that gun control opponents, term-limit advocates, Libertarians, and anti-government devotees looking for a cause were drawn to the group because Foley was a big enough target to make people outside Washington state work against him. The loose organization also created some problems. Some cross-posters sent DF8 messages widely and indiscriminately in newsgroups. Hartman said this was a reflection of DF8's grass-roots zeal and was outside his control. If Foley had lost by a wide margin, it would be harder for DF8 to boast. But the Speaker lost a squeaker, and Hartman claims that the money DF8 raised and the heat generated on the Internet played a critical part in unseating him. After the new Republican majority took office, the Hartmans and associate Jim Bohan announced a new Internet-based activist group called NOBAN, which seeks the removal of the assault gun ban passed last summer. "Don't repeat the mistakes of former members like Foley and [Texas Representative] Jack Brooks. Don't force us to look elsewhere for proper leadership. And no one in the current House leadership is nearly as difficult a target as Foley." the group wrote members of Congress. Consultants who are digesting the impact of DF8 and several other statewide races that used the Internet say that some of the Hartmans' success is not easily repeated. The people from East Washington who formed De-Foley-Ate Congress now have a new project, called Self Defense Network. It's a Net-based effort to generate stories of Americans who use guns in self defense and in stopping crimes. The goal, say its organizers, is to offer a counterview to the media=D5s bias on gun incidents, which they say is always to find the negative, harmful effects of guns. According to Phil Noble, a Washington, D.C., political adviser, DF8 worked largely because the Hartmans were lucky and were at the right place at the right time. "They took advantage of the technology, and what happened was the guy they supported won. I give them credit for doing that," he said. Some strategists suggest the Internet may work well for arousing and focusing the discontent of voters who feel left out of the political mainstream. It may not be as effective a tool in changing the minds or swaying the votes of people who use a variety of information sources and see the Net as just one avenue to explore ideas. On the other hand, consultants like Adler expect innovative tactics to emerge. "It's possible we'll see home pages on the Web that grab people's attention the way cable television can program its content in 30-second hits and that make the channel-surfer stop long enough to get the point," he said. Beyond raising money and building a nationwide coalition of volunteers, the Hartmans see DF8's coup in discovering information other media had missed during the campaign. DF8 supporters twice found anti-Foley items in distant parts of the country and relayed them to Hartman, who made sure they were featured in radio talk shows. One item was a detailed tax assessment for Foley's $620,000 home in Washington, D.C. Sent to Hartman by an Internet user in the area, the information was not helpful when Foley was trying to portray himself as a fiscally cautious man who needed to build a house in D.C. because rents had skyrocketed. The second item was a memo filed in 1993 by Foley in a tangled set of legal arguments after voters in Arkansas had adopted a term-limit law. Foley was in hot water in his home state because he had filed suit with others after Washington voters in 1992 had approved a similar term-limit law. Foley had said in public campaign debates that he joined the Washington state lawsuit to move the issue through the courts to the Supreme Court, where its constitutionality needed to be decided. He never said anything about memos he had filed in Arkansas. The Arkansas filing, which was submitted in support of the court brief, argued that the decision over its legality needed to be resolved at the state level and not be moved directly to the Supreme Court. The statement was the opposite view asserted by Foley during his Washington campaign, Hartman said. If nothing else, the DF8 postmortem suggests a candidate facing an opponent using the Internet needs to get online to counterpunch and go on the offensive. Foley, who had won 15 consecutive elections, had no staff members reviewing DF8's activity or offering replies online. Said consultant Adler, "If you don't fix something fast, it's going to become a problem." Article 2. Accession Number 01055492 Author Dowd, Ann Reilly. Title The Net's surprising swing to the right. Source Fortune. 132(1): 113-115; European 87-89. 1995 Jul 10. Subject Headings Internet. Users. Politics. Abstract The Internet is revolutionizing politics in America. It provides a truly national forum for public debate on everything from gun control to a balanced budget to free speech. With access to up-to-the-minute news and in-depth analysis, this medium may have the potential to give life back to a democracy grown weak from voter apathy and 60-second sound bites. However, there is a dark side, as the Internet is also a forum for pornographers and white supremacists. For the moment at least, conservatives appear to have an edge in the battle to dominate cyberpolitics. David Winston of the Heritage Foundation estimates that of the approximately 35 million people that use the Internet, about 1/2 are Republicans, only 1/4 are Democrats, and the rest are independents. Moreover, most are men between the ages of 25 and 45 with high levels of education and income, and a strong libertarian cast. Full Text TO FOLKS in nearby Yoakum, Texas, Jim Bohan is just another struggling rancher. But to his compatriots on the Internet. he is Lobo Azul, Spanish for Blue Wolf, and a master of the new world of cyberpolitics. Last year, motivated in part by anger at the Democratic Congress for passing the 1994 assault-weapons ban, Bohan, along with Spokane software engineer Richard Hartman and retired Rear Admiral Skip Leuschner, whom he met surfing the Net, raised $27,000 from fellow Netnoids--and more than enough hell--to help unseat Speaker of the House Tom Foley. Now Bohan and Hartman are managing NoBan, a cybercampaign of some five million people dedicated to repealing the provision. This time, Foley's replacement, Newt Gingrich, is listening. After a National Rifle Association lobbyist read him the opening of a letter from Bohan and Hartman pointing out that many of the Congressmen who supported the ban were defeated, Gingrich promised to bring the divisive issue to a vote again. Just as the printing press made the Reformation possible, and faxes and tape recorders helped bring down the Berlin Wall, the Internet is revolutionizing politics in America. Suddenly everyone with a computer, a modem, and about $20 a month for a hookup has a political voice and platform. It amounts to publishing without editors, broadcasting without regulators, lobbying for everyman--and all in real time. There is a dark side. Point your mouse and click for bulletin boards filled with child pornography and bestiality. Click, click for mayhem manuals replete with bomb recipes. Click, click, click for white supremacists selling hate. By using the Internet and other high-tech communication techniques, racists like Canadian rocker George Burdi have revitalized a once moribund neo-Nazi skinhead movement in the U.S. From only 1,000 activists in 1987, the movement is now four times that size, according to estimates by the Southern Poverty Law Center in Alabama. But there is also a bright side: a truly national forum for freewheeling if sometimes raucous public debate on everything from gun control to a balanced budget to free speech. Add to that access to up-to-the-minute news and in-depth analysis, and you begin to understand the potential of this medium to give power back to the little guy--and maybe, just maybe, life back to a democracy grown weak from voter apathy and 60-second sound bites. For the moment at least, conservatives, including angry ones like Bohan, appear to have an edge in the battle to dominate cyberpolitics. David Winston, an information technology expert at the conservative Heritage Foundation, estimates that of the 35 million or so persons who regularly use the Internet, about half are Republicans, only a quarter Democrats, and the rest independents. Moreover, most are men between ages 25 and 45 with high levels of education and income, and a strong libertarian cast. Says Ed Miller of Luntz Research, a GOP polling group: "These folks are a natural part of the just-leave-me-alone coalition of gun owners, the religious right, property-rights activists, small businesses, and tax-and spending-limitation advocates who fueled the GOP takeover of Congress in November. The Internet offers Republicans a great opportunity to expand that coalition." That's exactly what Gingrich had in mind when he launched Congress into the Information Age by putting all congressional legislation as well as the Congressional Record online through Thomas, a new site on the Internet's World Wide Web named after Thomas Jefferson. The Heritage Foundation and National Review magazine will soon start a Website called Town Hall (, where conservative surfers can tap into a treasure-trove of right-wing analysis. Participants include the Heritage Foundation itself, plus the Progress and Freedom Foundation --which produced Gingrich's video history course--and such advocacy groups as Jack Kemp's Empower America, the Family Research Council, the American Conservative Union, and Americans for Tax Reform, a conservative grassroots lobby that pushes the flat tax. Some of the Websites offer their own brand of interactivity. One invites users to try their hand at balancing the federal budget. Another, set up by House Majority Leader Dick Armey, gives users a form that lets them compare their current tax bill with what it would be under Armey's flat tax. And Americans for Tax Reform is developing a program to build support for privatizing Social Security by allowing people to figure just how much more they'd get at 65 by stashing away 15% of their wages in an IRA rather than paying Social Security taxes. But while conservatives have the juice on the Net, they are by no means the only success stories. Take the National Association of Graduate and Professional Students, a low-budget operation with one part-time lobbyist based in Wilmette, Illinois. Using its E-mail list of some 20,000 students, teachers, and administrators, the group generated 1,500 letters to Congress, helping to unravel Gingrich's plan to cut student aid. Recognizing the potential of the new medium, Democratic congressional leaders are rushing to catch up. Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle has set up a special committee to help Senators get their messages out over cable TV, talk radio, and the Internet. Meanwhile liberal activists from the AFL-CIO to the Sierra Club and NOW have been generally less aggressive than conservatives in building cybercoalitions. On the other hand, liberals can boast one of the hottest sources of opposition research: Democratic consultant Matt Dorsey's NewtWatch (, There, under a catchy graphic of Newt talking to Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole and a pasty extraterrestrial, you can find lists of the Speaker's contributors, his key votes since 1981, and texts of ethics committee complaints and other alleged improprieties. You can also send a nasty letter to Newt--or a donation by credit card to NewtWatch. BUT WHOEVER IS ahead today can't bet he'll be there tomorrow because the Net is growing at such an explosive pace. Experts believe Microsoft's new Windows 95 software, which will make it easier for users to go online, plus the increased Internet connectivity of commercial services such as Prodigy and America Online, will double Internet traffic over the next year. In another two to four years, information technology consultant Jimmy Crum-Jones predicts, most American households will have Internet access, as well as many libraries and schools. "At that point, the demographics of the Net will look more like the population as a whole." What then of the dark side? Congress is hot to regulate it out of existence. After the Oklahoma City bombing, the Senate unanimously passed an amendment to the antiterrorism bill that would make it a felony to teach or disseminate bomb-making material with criminal intent or knowledge. In mid-June, it voted overwhelmingly (84 to 16) to ban obscenity and restrict access to "indecent" material on the Internet. Would these measures do the trick? The anti-bomb-making amendment does little more than apply existing law to the Internet. Fair enough. But the indecency provision sets much tougher standards for cyberspeech than for print media. That's troubling, since what's really needed is a way to shield society from the worst excesses of this new medium without undermining its great potential as a democratizing force. (Copyright Time, Inc. 1995) ISSN 0015-8259 Document Delivery Fulltext online. Photocopy. Photocopy available from ABI/Inform. UMI Article Clearinghouse Number: 1128.00. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Denny's Bans Guns (fwd) Date: 02 Feb 1998 19:27:40 PST I don't have the address of their Corporate Hindquarters handy, but those wishing to write should remind them that Official Policies of this sort mean that they take on all Liability for any deaths or injuries occuring during robberies etc. On Feb 02, Ed Wolfe wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Sounds like an odd form of discrimination to me. They're saying if I carry the means to protect and preserve the lives of myself and my family then I'm not welcome in Denny's. What kind of business decision is that causes a corporation to limit it's customers to victims only? Bye Bye Denny's. I'll be eating elsewhere. (And letting them know.) - Ed ==== START OF DENNY'S ALERT ===== >From the March/April 1998 issue of American Handgunner magazine. Denny's issued a corporate policy that no concealed guns are allowed in any of its restraunts. You can call Denny's customer relations department to voice your opinion. The toll free number is; 1-800-733-6697. I just love toll free phone numbers. Please re-post and re-spond! ===== END OF DENNY'S ALERT =============== **** Anytime you see a place posting a sign that says "No Firearms Allowed". I encourage you to go into the establishment..."pretend" you were going to do business there and inquire if the sign is "true". Debate, express disgust and walk out. Everytime management "sees" money walking out of his/her place it will have IMPACT! Then follow up with letters. **** *************************************************************** [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Liberty or Death Subject: (fwd) BBC Television: The truth about Bill Clinton Date: 02 Feb 1998 22:20:19 -0800 >Exegesis >Monday, February 2, 1998 > >A Forum Encouraging Moral Excellence >Published Worldwide from Washington > >Good Evening, > >Earlier tonight, BBC 1 Television in the UK showed a well-researched >45-minute documentary on some of President Clinton's history in their >flagship Panorama program, a thinking-man's version of 60 Minutes. > >It features interviews with Gennifer Flowers among others, and an audio >tape where Mr. Clinton can be heard telling her to deny everything. The >program is also being shown overnight tonight by BBC World, which >broadcasts worldwide except in the United States,. > >I don't simply suggest you watch it, as I have done, I absolutely urge you >to see this, if only to keep your sanity intact. To watch it, download a >Real Player if you don't have one, and go to > > > >More news from us shortly. > >Steve Myers/Editor > >_________________________________________________ > >This is the main transmission list >_________________________________________________ > >=A9 Exegesis 1998 >Post Office Box 789, McLean, Virginia 22101, USA >Phone (703) 734 5656 * Fax (703) 734 0606 >Subscriptions US Fax/Mail $32.95, World $44.95 * E-Mail $19.95 >E-Mail >Please Visit our Web Page at > > > >Exegesis > > >The Global Opportunity Foundation > >___________________________________________________ > >PARTNERS IN >PROSPERITY > >We're looking for a few good men and women who really want to build their >own home-based business. > >If you'd like a second income and prefer to work from home and have extra >cash, Partners in Prosperity offers a superb way to do just that. > >We're now fully operational in Dallas, Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC >and the United Kingdom, and we hope to expand to other areas soon. > >For more information, please visit or e-mail us at > > > > > - Monte -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Maybe freedom's just one of those things that you can't inherit." - Peter Bradford, in the film "Amerika" -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Idaho Observer - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fw: EIA Communique - 2/2 (fwd) Date: 02 Feb 1998 23:38:38 PST On Feb 2, Kevin McGehee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] More from Mike. -----Original Message----- >The Education Intelligence Agency >COMMUNIQU=C9 =97 February 2, 1998 > >+ Here are a series of informative tidbits from a recent NEA Board of >Directors meeting: > * NEA has created a "task force" to "coordinate the multiple levels of = our >response" to "right wing attacks." For those readers who may be new to t= eacher >union-watching, NEA and its affiliates have various permanent department= s, >groups, task forces and cadres dedicated to investigating, infiltrating = and >reporting on "extremists," by which they mean opponents. If all the affi= liates >are taken into account, the budget for these activities runs into tens o= f >millions of dollars. Here is a portion of a report from this particular = board >meeting: > "Many of these various attacks are being orchestrated nationally, by th= e >American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the Evergreen Freedom >Foundation, and the National Right to Work Foundation. There are also co= mmon >funding sources: The Golden Rule Foundation, the Bradley Foundation and = the >Institute for the Study of Popular Culture." > * The board defeated a motion to poll all members regarding the propose= d >merger and affiliation with AFL-CIO. > * The board approved the expenditure of $500,000 from NEA's contingency= fund >to assist the California Teachers Association in fighting the payroll >protection initiative. Since CTA is flush with money (class size reducti= on led >to a membership boom in California), a grant of this size so early in th= e >campaign can only mean the unions will spend a record amount, if necessa= ry, to >defeat the measure. > * NEA is very concerned about growing African American support for scho= ol >choice programs. Both NEA President Bob Chase and Vice President Reg Wea= ver >have been crossing the country, meeting with African American politician= s and >community groups. One director reported the gist of Weaver's report as "= We >must find ways to improve schools in urban areas or the disconnect with = the >black community will widen." > * NEA dues will rise by at least $3 next year. This planned increase wi= ll >place the national portion of dues at $112. NEA projects the average tea= cher >salary to exceed $40,000 this year. > >+ Organized opposition to the NEA/AFT merger has yet to arise, though t= his >may come from union staff rather than members. The biggest worry appears= to be >how the merger will affect staff contracts and seniority. Noises about A= FT's >"equal partner" treatment have also been heard, because NEA outnumbers A= FT by >almost 3 to 1. > There is mostly silence about what state affiliates will do. The Minnes= ota >affiliates of NEA and AFT have already merged. The Montana Education >Association and the Montana Federation of Teachers just completed a draf= t >constitution for a merged union and will vote on its governing structure= in >the next three months. On the other side, the West Virginia NEA and AFT >affiliates are expressing doubt that they will ever merge. > >+ Joseph Doherty, the Pennsylvania teacher charged with the indecent as= sault >of a 12-year-old boy, resigned last week. The Avonworth Education Associ= ation, >an NEA local affiliate, filed a grievance on Doherty's behalf because th= e >school installed a hidden camera in his room and captured the assault on >videotape. "The reason for my resignation is not that I am guilty," said >Doherty's resignation letter, according to published reports. "I am sati= sfied >that I did nothing illegal, immoral or wrong. I certainly contend that I= never >touched that student's buttocks or genitalia during the course of the >wrestling." > The Pennsylvania Education Association had contended that Doherty was >innocent and was being targeted because of his union activities. Upon wo= rd of >Doherty's resignation, PSEA withdrew its grievance. "A union only repres= ents >employees," explained PSEA representative Arleen Richardson. > >+ A survey conducted by UCLA and the American Council on Education conc= luded >that the academic self-confidence of college freshmen outweighs their >performance. A majority of freshmen reported their high school grades as= B- or >higher and rated themselves above average in academics. However, a major= ity >also reported needing remedial course work in math, English, science and >foreign languages. > >+ Need to get rid of a bloated district and state education bureaucracy= ? The >Hawaii State Teachers Association found the answer. Simply guarantee tea= chers >a pay raise large enough that you can't afford all those bureaucrats. A >faltering economy and a generous teachers' contract last year has caused= Gov. >Ben Cayetano to call for cuts of $20 million to $40 million in his educa= tion >budget. State officials are already floating ideas like fee increases fo= r >school lunches and bus transportation, and parent volunteers to perform >custodial duties in schools. Now HSTA wants to ensure that classroom bud= gets >are untouched. Joan Husted, HSTA deputy executive director, asked state >officials to reduce administration bureaucracies to make up the shortfal= l. >Hmmm, don't some of those bureaucrats belong to unions, too? > >+ In more news from the Aloha State, Principal Norma Barroga of Lanai H= igh >and Elementary School is suing Husted, HSTA President June Motokawa and = four >teachers for defamation. The HSTA charged that Barroga "had failed to h= onor >grievance settlements, shared confidential information about teachers wi= th >other employees, solicited negative comments about teachers, made terror= istic >threats against an employee and interfered with a teacher's right to fil= e for >workers' compensation." Thirty-five of the 40 teachers at Lanai School s= igned >a resolution supporting Barroga and claimed that the HSTA allegations we= re >false. > >+ Massachusetts taxpayers will subsidize teachers' home Internet use fo= r at >least the next three years =97 to the tune of $3.7 million. Through Sept= ember, >teachers will have free Internet access, after which they will pay $25 p= er >year. "I envisioned teachers using the Internet to access the Red Sox we= b >page," said State Education Commissioner Robert V. Antonucci (no relatio= n). >"But teachers consistently told me that the Internet adds another teachi= ng >tool in an educator's bag of tricks." > Question: Isn't this particular "bag of tricks" utilizing public money = for >the private benefit of a few? Shouldn't this taxpayer subsidy wait until= all >teachers can afford home computers? Couldn't some teachers use the Inter= net to >access Bible study web-sites, thus violating the separation of church an= d >state? Just wondering. > >+ The following item appeared in the February NEA Today: "McGraw-Hill, = the >textbook publishing giant, saw profits jump 30 percent earlier this year= , then >forced over 100 employees to become Kelly Girl temps. The employees were= fired >a month later =97 and denied severance because of their temp status." > Apparently those Houghton Mifflin "international hors d'oeuvres" were s= o >good, it's leading to bad publicity for competitors. Will McGraw-Hill es= calate >the appetizer wars? Stay tuned... > ># # # > >The Education Intelligence Agency conducts public education research, an= alysis >and investigation. Director: Mike Antonucci. Ph: 916-422-4373. Fax: >916-392-1482. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Fratrum: Denny's Bans Guns (fwd) Date: 03 Feb 1998 01:45:28 PST On Feb 3, Bob Mueller wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Some late-night research on Denny's: Parent Company: was Flagstar Companies Now: Advantica Restaurant Group, Inc, newly reorg'd and emerging from Chap 11 >From "Advantica is one of the nation's largest restaurant companies, with nearly 3,300 moderately-priced restaurants and annual revenues of approximately $2.6 billion. Advantica owns and operates the Carrows, Coco's, Denny's, El Pollo Loco and Quincy's Family Steakhouse restaurant brands and is the largest franchisee of Hardee's. " Advantica Board of Directors: James B. Adamson, chairman Robert H. Allen Ronald E. Blaylock (director, Georgetown Univ) Vera King Farris, Ph.D (president, Richard Stockton College, NJ) Irwin N. Gold Robert E. Marks Charles F. Moran (former Sears Exec) Elizabeth A. Sanders (also director of Wal-Mart) Donald R. Shepherd (also director of Rancho Coastal Humane Soc, and __Scripps Research Institute__!) Media Contact: Karen Randall, 864/597-8440 And from Address: 203 E. Main St. City/State/Zip: Spartanburg, SC 29319 Phone: 864-597-8000 Fax: 864-597-8780 CEO: James B. Adamson CFO: C. Robert Campbell HR: Stephen W. Wood My thoughts: with the makeup of the BoD, it's not too surprising, if it's true. I tend to agree with Bill's thoughts: go in, see the sign, tell the manager why you're not spending money in their restaurant, and get their franchise and corporate addresses, then ge the letters out. >> Actually that part of the post was Ed's, but thanks for the skinny on these clowns. << Speaking of such signs, has anyone lese seen such signs in SuperAmerica or other Ashland Oil Co stores? The one across from my office (in Ohio, with no CCW) has a sign that says "No Firearms or Other Dangerous Weapons Allowed." Tryring to see if they have a corp. policy, or what...... For Freedom, Bob Mueller Second Amendment Research Network: [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: What are the polls really saying ? (fwd) Date: 03 Feb 1998 08:14:21 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- WHAT ARE THE POLLS REALLY SAYING By: Mary Mostert February 2, 1997 Over and over on the weekend, network reporters said that "President Bill Clinton's approval ratings hit a new high this weekend -- Clinton had a 69 percent approval rating. That's the highest of Clinton's presidency and better than Ronald Reagan's highest approval rating." I heard no negative report from the network about the poll. Did the poll really indicate that the American people gave Clinton a higher approval rating than Ronald Reagan did? It's interesting to go and read the entire Gallup poll on their website at ml. Actually, the wording of the "approval" did not even mention Clinton. The question was: Are You Satisfied With the Way Things Are Going Today? While I am not satisfied with the way Bill Clinton is acting today, from a personal perspective, I'm quite satisfied with the way things are going for me. What would be the right answer to the question: Are you Satisfied with the Way things are Going Today? A week ago 63% of the respondents answered "Yes" and 35% answered "No." When the people are asked clear, specific questions about the issue of the week: What are you thinking about the stories you are hearing? Is all this a smear campaign against the president, a right-wing conspiracy, as Hillary Clinton said? Tom Sullivan, a radio talk show host on KFBK Radio in Sacramento, California asked that question specifically. Sullivan is not a "right winger" or a "left winger." He is primarily a financial commentator and his show appeals to just ordinary folk, most of who are not obsessed with politics. Bearing in mind that only 1013 people were polled in the Gallup poll nationwide and this poll primarily covered about 650 people in the Sacramento area, the specific questions and their answers give an interesting insight into thinking of people in a largely Democratic community: Is This A Smear Campaign Against The President? 1. 14.67% Yes, it is a politically motivated smear 2. 1.01% Yes, it is a smear by a woman with delusions 3. 1.01% Yes, it is Independent Counsel Ken Starr just trying to "get" the President 4. 7.59% No, it is just one of many accusations that has finally crossed the line 5. 60.88% No, it is finally the truth coming out 6. 14.33% No, it is a proper investigation based on solid reasons and evidence 7. 0.51% None of the above are my opinion Almost 61% of the people believe the truth is beginning to come out. Fewer than 8% think Ken Starr is just out to get the President. (See While much was made on the networks of the so called CNN "Clinton approval" figures, the actual poll shows that people don't think they have the whole story yet. They also seem to be holding their judgment until they do get more concrete information. Some of the Questions: Is Clinton Hiding Something? 1. 62% Yes 2. 33% No Do You Believe That Clinton: Now Jan. 22 1. Had affairs with other women? 62% 54% 2. Had affair with Monica Lewinsky? 55% 52% 3. Lied under oath? 52% 46% Is Clinton Honest And Trustworthy? 1. 44% Yes 2. 53% No A growing number believe Clinton has lied under oath about his relationship with Lewinsky, and nearly two-thirds think he has had extramarital affairs since becoming president. Asked if they consider Clinton to be honest and trustworthy, 53 percent said no. While the CNN poll indicated that nearly 66% thinks he has had extramarital affairs, the statement, repeated over and over during the weekend that the people don't care about it, is not borne out by the actual poll. Three and a half years ago, five months before the Republicans won control of Congress, Gallup asked: Overall, what kind of a moral example do you think Bill Clinton sets as President? Fifty-seven percent of the people responded in June 1994 that he was a good to very good moral example. When the exact same question was asked on January 28th, 1998, only forty-three percent of the people said he was a good moral example. Fifty-one percent replied that he was a poor to very poor moral example. Other questions indicate that the people are reserving judgment until more facts are gathered and are NOT jumping on the spin and blame bandwagon. Some of the changes in public opinion are remarkable, however. To the question: Do you think the charges that Clinton had extra-marital affairs while Governor of Arkansas are true or not true, or are you unsure? During the first week of January 1998 only 19% of the people thought that statement was true. By January 24-25 an amazing 50% thought it was true. If the allegations turn out to be true, will most Americans just shrug it off? Not according to the Gallup Poll. The question was: If it turned out to be true that Bill Clinton had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, how serious would you consider this matter -- very serious, somewhat serious, not too serious or not serious at all A week ago 60% of those polled believed it would be "Somewhat serious to serious" Only 39% said it would not too serious or not serious at all. When Gallup added to the question: If it turned out to be true that Bill Clinton lied under oath about having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, how serious would you consider this matter -- very serious, somewhat serious, not too serious or not serious at all? The percentage of people who would take that seriously jumped 21%. Eighty-one percent would consider that somewhat to very serious. This is completely opposite of what William Ginsburg, Monica Lewinsky's attorney was preaching on the Sunday talk shows. He said the polls showed the "people didn't care about" Monica Lewinsky's sex life. If it is proved that he had an affair and lied under oath about it, 81% would consider that somewhat to very serious. If it turned out to be true that Bill Clinton participated in an effort to obstruct justice by getting Monica Lewinsky to lie under oath about their sexual relations, 83% would consider that somewhat to very serious and only 13% would say it was not too serious or not serious at all. Taking it one step farther, Gallup asked about "the 'I' word" as Rep. Bob Barr (R-Ga) put it. The question asked was: If you were convinced that Bill Clinton lied under oath about his involvement with Monica Lewinsky, would you favor or oppose an effort to impeach Clinton and remove him from office? The poll found that 47% would favor impeachment and 47% would oppose impeachment, with 6% with no opinion. At this point, the American people really don't know what Kenneth Starr has. Considering that fact that after seeing something, Janet Reno immediately sent Starr's request to investigate the Lewinsky scandal up to the 3 judge panel and that panel quickly voted unanimously to allow him to investigate. In spite of accusations flying fast and furiously out of the White House, apparently it is not known yet known just what Kenneth Starr has. The orchestrated and almost frantic efforts of the White House damage control team to trash Kenneth Starr, Linda Tripp or anyone else who might have some information they don't want distributed, is taking place in full view of the world's media. Linda Tripp said when this started and her tapes were given to the independent counsel, that she had made the tapes in order to protect herself from the kind of trashing Paula Jones experienced at the hands of Clinton's legal and damage control team. The behavior this week of that damage control team and charges by Hillary that all the problems stem from a "right wing conspiracy" make Linda Tripp's statement very believable. To comment: ______________________________________________ subscribe @ ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: God be with you my friend, Lobo, Jim Bohan (fwd) Date: 03 Feb 1998 08:16:16 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Paul, I don't know whether you got my post...know how you feel. Tanya To freedom lovers everywhere, It was with great sadness that I learned on Friday night that Jim Bohan, otherwise known to many as Loboazul, passed on. For many on the internet he was one of the architect's of the DF8 campaign in 1994. To me he was a good friend and fellow freedom fighter. He told me once that the Clinton Gun Ban was his epiphany, the experience that turned him from one of those who complained about the state of freedom in this country, to an energized super-activist. But many never knew that he was a brilliant philosopher, an extremely well educated man, and extremely gifted writer. He had written two un-published novels and was working on his third. The first two had been read by most of the mainstream publishing houses and each copy that was sent to the publisher came back dog-eared, not one publisher to date was willing to tackle the politically incorrect themes (including gun ownership) that he covered. He had close friends in the highest levels of government as well as friends in the local beer joints. He was that kind of guy. He drove a beat-up blue pickup, but owned a Mercedes. He could tell raunchy jokes with the best, yet he cared about abused women and children passionately. He would tell you what he thought in no uncertain terms, but he was a hell of a good listener. To all his friends, acquaintances and those he trashed, the world is poorer place without Loboazul. So I raise my glass in a toast to a great American, a true patriot and very good friend. Goodbye, Jim, we will always love you and will miss you terribly. :-( Tanya K. Metaksa February 2, 1998 Name: Tanya Metaksa E-mail: Time: 3:07:45 PM This message was sent by Chameleon --- On Mon, 2 Feb 1998 07:42:27 -0600 (CST) wrote: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Suzanna Hupp , "Dr. Fran Haga" , Carol Moore , No Gun Bans Cc: restore our constitution , "Jim, Lobo Azul Bohan" I can't stop crying, I have lost one of my best friends. Jim Bohan was one of the first people I met both on Internet and later in person in 1993. He helped organize the DF8 internet list to get rid of Tom Foley. He helped Dr. Fran Haga get information for the House investigation into the Branch Davidians. He helped form a list NOBAN to repeal the gun ban law and we did get a house vote. He helped try and buy the Rules of Engagement Movie with a group of investors and Mike McNulty. He helped Suzanna Hupp get elected to office. He was an actor, producer, writer, and a Texan above all in the spirit of the men who died in the Alamo. He went around the country in his old beat up pickup truck supporting gun rights all over America. I had countless e-mails and phone conversations with Lobo. He grew up sneaking into black jazz bars listing to the early blues and was the only white kid in the whole area. He was a true character in the spirit of John Wayne and helped anyone who asked. His humor, wit, wisdom and friendship will be always treasured. People like Jim were one in a million. He was a true American patriot a man who loved America and everything we are about. He believed in freedom and liberty. And now he has gone and died. Truly amazing that he died at his Internet keyboard of a massive heart attack. He went out just like the way he lived. Jim always seemed to have the last word. Jim, I know you will help us and guide us on our journey back to freedoms road. I am glad I had the pleasure of knowing you, I miss you old friend. Regards, Paul Watson Dallas, Texas -----------------End of Original Message----------------- Name: Tanya Metaksa E-mail: Time: 8:40:59 PM This message was sent by Chameleon - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: Barr: We are talking about the office of the President (fwd) Date: 03 Feb 1998 08:17:13 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES The Reagan Information Interchange February 2, 1998 Rep. Bob Barr, (GA-7) a former federal prosecutor, called for immediate adoption of his Impeachment Inquiry bill at the Annual Conservative Political Conference on Saturday. Warning the nation "every now and then, Democracies, like people, get tired. And when do they let their guard down. It happens most often after wars. "When vigilance seems no longer necessary, and the country wants nothing more than to relax and forget conflict. After the Civil War it was the Gilded Age. After World War I, the Roaring Twenties. At the close of the Vietnam War, Watergate. After the Cold War, this period of moral drift that we find ourselves in today and for which there is not yet a name. But, we all know there are numerous names that are being bandied about for this latest presidential indiscretion. We hear them on TV, radio and in the hallways. "It's really tragic, though, when you take a moment to reflect that what we are talking about is the office of the presidency of the United States of America. That office has been occupied by such giants of History as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan! In such times it is the function of our great and durable institutions to transcend human failures and weaknesses, to reassert the rule of law by which we must live or count ourselves as nothing. "Without the rule of law, no what our successes, and despite all our wealth, we have forfeited everything, betrayed our history, mocked those who fell in so many battles and given up our birthright. "I came to the conclusion long ago that this President has brought disgrace upon the Office of the Presidency and that something had to be done. "For months I urged the leaders of my Party to take action, to finally say, 'Enough is enough!' But my cries fell on deaf ears. The last straw for me was when it became obvious that this Attorney General had no intention whatsoever of holding this rogue administration accountable. Something had to be done. "So, on November 5, last year, I introduced, with 18 other courageous men and women in the Congress, House Resolution 304, An Inquiry of Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton. (Applause) "Yes, that's right. The 'I' word. The word that some political drifters hate and fear as much as a snowstorm in Atlanta. According to one GOP pollster, Republicans are no longer supposed to be silent as was first advised by that same pollster. It is now permissible for Republicans to now discreetly talk about this latest question. They can ask questions, but don't use the "I" word or the 'R' word- that's resignation. "Well, friends, the alphabet I use have 26 letters in it. And no pollster or political drifter is going to remove the letter "I" or the letter "R" from the vocabulary I use in behalf of America. (Applause) "It does concern me greatly that our party is moving away from governing by principle to governing by polls. We have been elected and our leaders have been elected to lead, not to follow. And remember it was strong conservative principles that brought us the presidency in 1980 and the congressional majority in 1994. Some of those strong conservative principles that we espoused were character, responsibility and accountability. "Well, my friends, I am here to deliver a message to the President. Character counts! Responsibility is required and Accountability will be demanded! (Applause) We say to the President, "Mr. President, you are responsible for bringing shame to a great institution and we the People of the United States of America will hold you accountable, (Applause) As I was preparing to be with you today, I noticed a book on one of the shelves in my office in the Longworth Office Building. I hadn't noticed it for quite awhile. It's funny how things like this happen. It was titled, PROFILES IN CHARACTER -The Values That Made America. It was authored by members of the 1994 Class of the United States Congress. "I took it down and reread the introduction written by William J. Bennett. He concluded that introduction by writing, "Profiles in Character is a good book because it affirms good things. It show cases the kind of good character in the lives of men and women, both famous and obscure. It reminds us of what is MOST important, that excellence of character trumps position, income and education any day." Ultimately it is a call for character in our own lives. "Mr. President, character counts! Accountability will be demanded! (Applause) Daniel Webster once wrote about character and George Washington. He wrote, "America has furnished to the World the character of Washington and if our American institutions had done nothing else that fact alone would entitled them to the respect of all mankind." "Can anyone in America today honestly imagine substituting the word 'Clinton' in that passage? I think not. "When I introduced the Inquiry of Impeachment, I placed a call to George Wills. I wanted to see if I could garner his support. I could not. In fact, his secretary passed us a very polite message that Mr. Wills was not interested in talking about impeachment. "Listen to Mr. Wills today: 'The Presidency is beyond resuscitation. In 1967 the Constitution was amended to provide for the orderly removal of physically incapacitated presidents. However, the Constitution has always contained a provision for the removal of morally incapacitated presidents. (Applause) 'Its impeachment provisions supplies the remedy for certain kinds of political problems, such as chronic lying to the nation, about chronic behavior deeply offensive to it. The apparent Republican consensus perhaps principled is that the Independent Counsel investigation should be completed before any impeachment process should begin. This subordinates broad concerns about the nation's civil health and security to considerations of prosecutorial tidiness. 'It misses the point which is not to punish Clinton but to end the punishment of our nation.' (Applause "George Will is right! We are not prosecuting a president in a court of law. We are using a legitimate political instrument - impeachment - for addressing political misconduct of the highest order: violating the public trust. And as Thomas Jefferson says, "When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself public property - the property of the people of the United States of America." "We are well within our rights to expect decent, moral behavior from our president. That is not an extremist position. That is a mainstream American position. It always has been, and hopefully always will be. (Applause) "You know, the presidency is the pinnacle of accomplishment in America. After all, how many millions of parents have encouraged a child by telling them they can grow up to be anything they want, including being president of the United States? "How hollow that adage rings today! Mr. President, character counts, and accountability will be demanded. "For years now we have been in a family values, in a morality crisis. Our inner cities suffer from a lack of strong male role models. Drug use is once again rising among teen-agers. Too frequently athletes whose photographs are hanging in the bedrooms of our children are ending up in jail or in rehab. "What we are saying is that qualities and the character that we expect and demand from our elected leaders are but the reflection of our own communities. To turn a blind eye to the behavior of the President is to tacitly endorse his actions. We can never let that happen in America! (Applause) "If all that is important to governing is what the current interest rates are, with no regard to the currency of character, then we are in pitiful shape indeed as a nation. "Character counts and accountability will be and must be demanded. I understand that impeachment is a difficult and dark road - a road less traveled. It not to be taken lightly or quickly. But we have come to a rare point in our nation's history where it is indeed time to travel down that dimly lit road towards that glimmer of hope off in the distance. "At the end of that road lies dignity. The dignity of a proud nation that has stood the test of time and of all the challenges of the evil regimes and empires of the world have thrown at us over the years, we owe it to ourselves, to our children, to the men and women who have given THEIR lives to protect the ideals that we hold so dear; we owe it to our founding fathers to restore dignity in America. "As Thomas Jefferson so aptly put it: "Let our object be our country, our whole country and nothing but our country. President Reagan, a man of impeccable character said some very poignant words in his second inaugural address in January 1985. That seems like a 100 years ago. As he always could do, he put things in proper perspective and provides the hope that has always been the cornerstone of the American dream. President Reagan said: 'Now we hear again the echoes of our past. A general falls on his knees on the hard snow at Valley Forge. A lonely president faces the darkened halls of Congress in his struggle to preserve the Union. The men at the Alamo call out encouragement to each other. A settler moves west and sings a song and that song echoes out forever and fills the unknowing air. It is the American sound. It is hopeful, big-hearted, idealistic, daring, decent and fair. That is our heritage. That it our song. We sing it still. For all of our problems and our differences, we are together as a whole as we raise our voices to the God who is the author of its most tender music and may He continue to hold us close as we build a world with OUR sound -found in unity, affection, and love. One people, under God, dedicated to the dream of freedom that He has placed in our human heart, called upon now to pass that dream on to a waiting and hopeful world.' "Friends, the true American sound is not one of scandal, but of character. Not of excuses, but of strength. Let us raise that American sound from your street, to Main Street, from Pennsylvania Avenue to the corridors of the Congress. Raise the American sound so loudly that it drowns out scandal and poll figures all across this land. "God bless the United States of America." ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: wbg Subject: Remembering Lobo Date: 03 Feb 1998 06:50:40 -0800 (PST) I've been so stunned out of it over the news I couldn't even think clearly the last few days. Jim was a one-of-a-kind man and will be sorely missed. I will cherish the memory, after corresponding with him on the Net for some time, and proofing his manuscripts by snailmail, of having been privileged to visit him at his ranch a little over a year ago and experience his oversized Texas hospitality. Jim was truly a renaissance man - able to move between the State House and the cookhouse with utter aplomb. During his Hollywood career, principally as a producer, he appeared in a dozen or so movies and many television shows; he was Officer Holstein (who had the ass end ripped out of his squad car) in _American Grafitti_. Jim was a patriot through and through, as many others have pointed out; and his patriotism was much more than just reflex flag-waving; it was that most valuable kind which is informed by a vast and questing intellect, and underpinned by the hard labor of thought and logical analysis. We'll miss you, Jim. Don't anyone ever tell me grown men can't cry! Brewster Gillett -- *********************************************************************** "Corruptissima republicae, plurimae leges." Tacitus W. Brewster Gillett Portland, Oregon USA *********************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: FARAH: Why presidents shouldn't fool around (fwd) Date: 03 Feb 1998 11:23:11 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- WorldNetDaily Tuesday, February 3, 1998=20 Why presidents shouldn't fool around=20 By Joseph Farah Since the issues of simple morality and decency don't seem to be resonating with the American public with regard to Tailgate and the Monica Lewinsky affair, let's examine some other practical reasons why presidents shouldn't carry on covert sexual dalliances.=20 Recently, the Air Force bounced a female bomber pilot for having an affair with a married man. Why? Several reasons. But one very good one is that the military recognizes that officers who can be called upon to conduct top-secret missions involving national security should not be subject to blackmail. They should not have deep, dark secrets in their life that might make them subject to such pressures. And the military, of course, would like to know who is sharing pillow talk with its key combat personnel.=20 Everyone understands this going in to the job. There are sacrifices you have to make if you want to be trained to be a bomber pilot. You sign an oath. You make a pledge. You give your word. And if you go back on that word, then maybe you can't be trusted in other matters. It's a simple, straightforward policy. Kelly Flynn broke it. And she paid the price.=20 You may disagree with the policy. You may argue that she was treated too harshly. You may believe her case was handled differently than others. But you have to admit there are good reasons for such requirements. It's a matter of discipline, order and, yes, national security.=20 If such policies make sense - any sense - for an Air Force pilot who may never be called upon to fly a mission involving national security, how much more sense do they make for the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the world's only superpower?=20 We have already learned that while President Clinton was accepting sexual favors from Monica Lewinsky in the White House, she was also, at least briefly, carrying on an affair with a married man in Oregon. There is no reason to believe Clinton was aware of this or cared. We don't know if the Secret Service had knowledge of the president's involvement with Lewinsky or her on-going affair with her former teacher.=20 Do you see the problems here? A few years ago, a high British official carried on a torrid affair with a call girl. That in itself was a scandal. But when it was learned that the prostitute was simultaneously seeing a KGB agent, it brought down the government. That's an extreme case, but it happens. It wasn't the first time or the last that spies used women to ply secrets from compromised politicians.=20 Former FBI agent Gary Aldrich, author of "Unlimited Access," tried to persuade the Clinton White House to take security seriously. He was laughed at. He was ignored. From day one, security was a joke in the Clinton White House, Aldrich shows. If nothing else, the Lewinsky affair illustrates this attitude came right from the top.=20 Who knows, for instance, whom else Lewinsky might have been sleeping with? And who knows whom else Bill Clinton is sharing "intimate" moments with? Other women, including at least one other White House volunteer, has testified that the president was on the prowl. There are enough rumors of other trysts to suggest it would be next to impossible to ensure the security of the Oval Office.=20 Remember Dick Morris? Why was he fired as a political consultant to the president? Because he was seeing a call girl and boasting of the secrets to which he was privy. He even let her listen in to phone conversations with the president. If secret adulterous relationships are hazardous to the health of presidential political consultants, why should they not be taken even more seriously when they involve the president himself? It was telling about what little regard Clinton has for security issues when he briefly brought Morris back to help clean up his Lewinsky mess. That move was short-circuited within days when Morris self-destructed again by suggesting on a talk show that Bill Clinton's promiscuity could be a result of Hillary Rodham Clinton's own unusual sexual proclivities.=20 An equally important reason for the president to avoid compromising his office over a sordid sexual affair is because this is the United States of America. The president represents all of us in what is often a hostile world. The United States plays an important role in keeping the peace. What does the world think about the Monica Lewinsky affair?=20 "Bewilderment, scorn, apprehension and contempt were the main reactions overseas to the unfolding sex scandal in Washington, which has dominated newspaper headlines around the world," said a story last week in the prestigious London Times. The mullahs in Iran were laughing at us. Iraq's Saddam Hussein blamed Clinton's "animal instincts" for an imminent attack on his country. In Spain they were wondering if the U.S. might not embark on some kind of military adventurism to enable Clinton to regain control and divert attention from the scandal a la the plot of the current Hollywood film "Wag the Dog." China wondered about Clinton's command of policy if he couldn't control his impulses or his subordinates.=20 The point is, America deserves better than this. As George Will observed, let's forget about punishing Clinton for his abuses and misconduct, let's stop punishing ourselves and our nation with this kind of embarrassment and unnecessary risk.=20 Joseph Farah is editor of the Internet newspaper and executive director of the Western Journalism Center, an independent group of investigative reporters.=20 =A91998, Western Journalism Center =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: Elizabeth Farah: What kind of president would you be? (fwd) Date: 03 Feb 1998 11:37:22 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- WorldNetDaily February 3, 1998 Common Sense Commentary What kind of president would you be?=20 By Elizabeth Farah President Washington understood the monumental responsibility which necessarily accompanied his role as the first man to hold the office of the presidency in the newly formed United States. He knew the actions he took, how he comported himself in office, would define the presidency. There were no customs, no precedents. The Constitution which directed the three branches of our national government was a unique document, untested. President Washington and the other founders had pledged "their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor" when they signed the Declaration of Independence. Because of this Washington took his responsibility seriously. Washington was in his own time hailed as a man of genuine steadfast character, honest, courageous, principled. Today his legacy is untarnished. Washington retired to private life deserving the label he earned =96 "father of our country." His Farewell Address was once studied by every school child in America. If you=92d like to read the speech of a man who walked his talk =96 read this.=20 Since Washington, 41 presidents have stepped into his former position. Each president has been honored by the American people with the opportunity to serve their country. Some presidents have left the office with the honor of the position still intact, their place in history assured. Others have used their position for corrupt practices: subverting their constitutional authority, abuse of power, personal enrichment. It has been widely noted that President Clinton is obsessively concerned with his legacy, he is searching for some "New Deal" with which his name will be linked for posterity. He is unaware of the natural influence our personality, character and ideals have over the institutions in which we place ourselves. No institution, be it familial or work-related, will escape conforming to its most powerful member(s). President Clinton has created a legacy, but is it the one he sought? Let=92s see if you can step into his shoes: Take the Presidential Suitability Test.=20 Your childhood friend and deputy White House counsel is found dead in a park. You ...=20 a.) order a thorough, aggressive investigation by the FBI. Because you fired the director of the FBI the day before, you immediately appoint a career professional to the post -- you do not want the investigation compromised.=20 b.) you allow the Park Police to take care of the matter -- after all they are police, aren=92t they? You send your buddy in to oversee the FBI until you have time to appoint a new director.=20 Moments after the discovery of your friend's death, his office is cordoned off by the park police. You ...=20 a.) contact your staff and tell them to cooperate fully with the investigators and to stay out of the office. You will not countenance an appearance of obstruction of justice.=20 b.) have your staff enter the office against the protestations of police, instruct them to ransack all files and have the hard disk of his computer wiped clean of all data.=20 A reporter, after an in-depth investigation, finds serious irregularities with the investigation. He has documented evidence. You =85= =20 a.) are shocked! Has some heinous crime been committed and left unpunished? This was a senior White House official and a close friend! You have your staff contact the reporter =96 you wish to judge his evidence yourself. You then call the widow personally to console her, promise to get to the bottom of this, order the body exhumed and an investigation into the investigation.=20 b.) do nothing, wouldn=92t it be great if this landed in the black hole of an independent counsel?=20 Executives with your party propose a background report on some of your most vocal critics. They want the White House to cooperate in gathering information on private citizens. After completion, the White House will distribute the report to friendly journalists in order to smear and intimidate detractors. You=85=20 a.) are appalled! Use taxpayer funds for political purposes? Violate the First Amendment rights of targeted Americans? You throw the bums out of the Oval Office and call party offices to demand his resignation!=20 b.) ask how long the report will take to produce.=20 The chief of White House security, an ex-bar bouncer has what he considers a great idea. Obtain confidential FBI security files on members of the opposing party. These files contain the results of investigations conducted into the subject=92s private lives =96 really juic= y stuff! You never know when this might come in handy! You =85=20 a.) are scandalized! This proposal would violate the Constitution and the trust of the American people. If you did this, the Congress would immediately issue an inquiry into impeachment. You have this man fired and demand to know who hired him in the first place.=20 b.) make a priority list on whose files you want most.=20 Your wife comes to you with what she considers to be a swell idea. Fire the staff of the Travel Office so she can get some of your friends into the lucrative business of coordinating travel for national government officials. You =85=20 a.) love your wife but are ashamed by her proposal. You remind her: you were elected president, not she. You also remind her that you would never compromise your ethics for personal gain and influence. Besides, this would surely get out -- it is an impeachable offense. The Congress would never abrogate responsibility to impeach for corruption.=20 b.) You kiss her cheek. Isn't she darling? Put her on the project. Remind her to bring in the FBI and the IRS if needed.=20 Members of your staff want to run another idea past you. Money is tight, your next campaign will be expensive. They put forth their plan: Take the White House visitor database and merge it with your party's. Coordinate efforts to use the White House as a fundraising machine. Sell access to the Lincoln bedroom, coffees, Air Force One, radio addresses etc. You =85=20 a.) are beside yourself with rage! "Insanity!" you cry. Everything they have proposed is unconstitutional and unethical! Do your own people want you impeached? Congress would never let this go by. You fire all staffers involved.=20 b.) laugh, Why didn=92t you guys think of this before?=20 You and your wife are giving a dinner party. You ask your security staff to identify the strangers present. They assure you they have invited all the "right" people: South American drug runners, international arms dealers, foreign representatives, a few members of a religious order =96 are those Buddhist nuns? You =85=20 a.) politely excuse yourself. Call an emergency staff meeting and question the security standards of the responsible parties. This is the White House for heaven=92s sake, not a bordello! Later you call Gary Alldrich and apologize.=20 b.) say, "Great! This is a fundraiser isn=92t it? Who=92s that cute chick over there?=20 You have been informed that that the Communist Chinese have spent millions of dollars in an attempt to manipulate America=92s elections and foreign policy. You =85=20 a.) go on national television to inform the public of your concerns. You demand a thorough investigation saying, "Let the chips fall where they may. The security and sovereignty of the United States will never be compromised!"=20 b.) sell super computers to the Chinese.=20 c.) allow defense contractors to sell high-tech weaponry (unavailable to some of our allies) to the Chinese without clearing transactions with the appropriate federal agencies=20 d.) see if you can get some of the money.=20 e.) propose to the Chinese, their purchase of a naval base in California next to top-secret defense installations. This will complement their new leases at both ends of the Panama Canal. They will be able to ship cargo in and out of the U.S. without going through Customs. You want to be a good neighbor.=20 A White House cabinet official, under the cloud of investigation, dies in a plane crash. A year later it comes to light that pathologists present at the examination urged the examiner to perform an autopsy because a perfectly cylindrical hole the size and shape of a bullet wound is found in the cabinet official=92s head. You=85=20 a.) are shocked! Has some heinous crime been committed and left unpunished? This was a senior White House official! Anyone with common sense would have autopsied. This is about national security! You call the widow personally to console her, promise to get to the bottom of this, order the body exhumed (this will prove or disprove the charges and the confidence of the American people will be restored) and order an investigation into the conduct of the examiner who refused to autopsy.=20 b.) chuckle.=20 You are confronted by the charge that you had a sexual relationship with a 21-year-old intern. This is categorically untrue so you =85=20 a.) are outraged! You immediately go on national television to deny all charges. You answer all questions fully because your marriage, the dignity of the presidency and the trust of the American people are at stake. You don=92t need lawyers, advisers and spin doctors =96 you have don= e no wrong! No one will believe that you would risk your presidency, the integrity and honor of our nation, not to mention jeopardize national security for cheap thrills. Besides, Congress would never contenence behavior like this =96 these are impeachable offenses!=20 b.) avoid most questions and obfuscate the answers you do address. You ask your wife to think of a diversion - hey, what about a right-wing conspiracy, or is that getting old? You call Dick Morris =96 he=92ll know o= f a way to divert attention. What=92s next? War? I=92ll save that as a last resort.=20 Scoring your suitablity test:=20 For all (a) answers, give yourself 0 points. For all other answers give yourself 50 points each.=20 Analysis: 0 points: you are old-fashioned and out-of-touch. You may join a George Washington fan club but you are unfit for the presidency of the 1990s.=20 50 to 600: You obviously lack the character of consistency and strength of purpose. Re-examine your test and evaluate your error(s)=20 650 point: Congratulations! You are perfectly suited for the office of the presidency in the 21st century. Contact your party=92s headquarters for their support.=20 =A91998, Western Journalism Center =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [FFNET V2N9] Response to Denny's Firearm Ban (fwd) Date: 03 Feb 1998 14:42:34 PST On Feb 03, Donald L. Cline wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ============================================================================= Volume 2 FREEDOM FIGHTER NET No. 9 ============================================================================= This is a manual list. If you want off, just e-mail me. February 3, 1998 Y2k: 1 year, 10 months, 3 weeks, and counting (to fiscal year 2000) [And about a year less than that before the sewage hits the ventilation] ================The following letter is mailed this date================ February 3, 1998 Advantica Restaurant Group, Inc. 203 E. Main St. Spartanburg, SC 29319 ATTN: CEO: James B. Adamson CFO: C. Robert Campbell HR: Stephen W. Wood Board of Directors Re: Firearm Prohibition Policy @ Denny's Restaurants (and possibly other restaurants in your group). Gentlemen: This is my notice to you of _my_ policy: 1. Government has no authority whatsoever to infringe in any way upon my inherited and unalienable right and duty to keep and bear arms in lawful self defense and defense of others. Further, government has no authority whatsoever to infringe upon my right to privacy in the absence of probable cause and due process of law. 2. As an incorporated business, Denny's Restaurants are a "creature of government" which has no "natural rights". It has only powers delegated to it by government. 3. If government has no authority to infringe upon my right to keep and bear arms or my right to privacy, then Denny's Restaurants has no authority to infringe upon my right to keep and bear arms, nor my right to privacy. 4. So long as Denny's is open to the public and I am a member of the public I will exercise my right to keep and bear arms for lawful purpose while patronizing Denny's as I alone see fit, and I will exercise my right to privacy as as I alone see fit. 5. As a private individual I will not delegate my responsibility for self defense, defense of my family, and defense of my community to government or any creature of government. 6. Any attempt by Advantica Restaurant Group, Inc. or any of its subsidiaries or officers or agents or personnel to deprive me of my inherited and unalienable rights secured to me by the Constitution of the United States will result in legal redress. The inherited and unalienable rights of individuals are priceless, but I will start the bidding at about 25 million dollars. 7. It never ceases to amaze me that fools will leave themselves open to charges of criminal negligence and civil liability by creating an environment attractive to criminals who see a room full of unarmed and defenseless victims. 8. You are herewith placed on notice as above. Regards, [signed] Donald L. Cline ======================End of encapsulated letter====================== -- Donald L. Cline Freedom Fighter Net "Do you have the right to free speech?" "Yes." "Do you own a gun?" "No." "Shut up." [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [FFNET V2N9] Response to Denny's Firearm Ban (fwd) Date: 03 Feb 1998 14:42:34 PST On Feb 03, Donald L. Cline wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ============================================================================= Volume 2 FREEDOM FIGHTER NET No. 9 ============================================================================= This is a manual list. If you want off, just e-mail me. February 3, 1998 Y2k: 1 year, 10 months, 3 weeks, and counting (to fiscal year 2000) [And about a year less than that before the sewage hits the ventilation] ================The following letter is mailed this date================ February 3, 1998 Advantica Restaurant Group, Inc. 203 E. Main St. Spartanburg, SC 29319 ATTN: CEO: James B. Adamson CFO: C. Robert Campbell HR: Stephen W. Wood Board of Directors Re: Firearm Prohibition Policy @ Denny's Restaurants (and possibly other restaurants in your group). Gentlemen: This is my notice to you of _my_ policy: 1. Government has no authority whatsoever to infringe in any way upon my inherited and unalienable right and duty to keep and bear arms in lawful self defense and defense of others. Further, government has no authority whatsoever to infringe upon my right to privacy in the absence of probable cause and due process of law. 2. As an incorporated business, Denny's Restaurants are a "creature of government" which has no "natural rights". It has only powers delegated to it by government. 3. If government has no authority to infringe upon my right to keep and bear arms or my right to privacy, then Denny's Restaurants has no authority to infringe upon my right to keep and bear arms, nor my right to privacy. 4. So long as Denny's is open to the public and I am a member of the public I will exercise my right to keep and bear arms for lawful purpose while patronizing Denny's as I alone see fit, and I will exercise my right to privacy as as I alone see fit. 5. As a private individual I will not delegate my responsibility for self defense, defense of my family, and defense of my community to government or any creature of government. 6. Any attempt by Advantica Restaurant Group, Inc. or any of its subsidiaries or officers or agents or personnel to deprive me of my inherited and unalienable rights secured to me by the Constitution of the United States will result in legal redress. The inherited and unalienable rights of individuals are priceless, but I will start the bidding at about 25 million dollars. 7. It never ceases to amaze me that fools will leave themselves open to charges of criminal negligence and civil liability by creating an environment attractive to criminals who see a room full of unarmed and defenseless victims. 8. You are herewith placed on notice as above. Regards, [signed] Donald L. Cline ======================End of encapsulated letter====================== -- Donald L. Cline Freedom Fighter Net "Do you have the right to free speech?" "Yes." "Do you own a gun?" "No." "Shut up." [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Subject: ALERT: AL - Why You Should Support HB 32 (fwd) Date: 03 Feb 1998 20:22:18 -0500 (EST) So an "instant check" will be required to buy even a long gun? Somehow I missed that when Brady passed. I thought the purpose of the "instant check" was to replace the current *handgun* checking system. Anybody else suffer from confusion about this? Give me a "complex patchwork" any day over a uniform, fascist standard. bd ---------- Forwarded message ---------- February 2, 1998 ALABAMA WHY SHOULD YOU SUPPORT HB 32? There are a lot of misconceptions being spread about Alabama House Bill 32. The National Rifle Association supports HB 32 because it's good for gun owners. Here's the truth about HB 32: * HB 32 will abolish ALL waiting periods on the purchase of firearms, allowing law-abiding citizens to exercise their rights without delay. * HB 32 will extend Alabama's preemption statute to ALL firearms. Currently, only handguns are protected. The State Legislature should have authority over all of Alabama's gun laws, not just those governing handguns. However, localities are currently free to pass their own laws on long guns. Where there are no uniform state laws, the result is a complex patchwork of gun laws that change from one jurisdiction to the next. * HB 32 will keep the Federal Government out of gun sales in Alabama. Under the Brady Act, the Federal Government will establish a national instant check system for ALL firearms purchases by November 1998. Any state which does not have its own background check system must participate in the Federal Government's. Instant Check is coming to Alabama -- it's just a matter of who will be operating the system. And who do you trust to implement a better, more efficient system? Washington bureaucrats? Or Alabama's own law enforcement officials? * HB 32 will cap the fee charged for performing background checks on prospective gun buyers, the Brady Act allows the Federal Government to set the price. Under Brady, the FBI is given authority to decide how much it will charge firearms dealers to perform background checks. Unless the legislature intervenes, who knows what fees Alabama's gun owners will face in November, when the Federal system goes on-line. HB 32 insures that your rights are protected, and that YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS, not civil servants in Washington, have authority over YOUR system. HB 32 is good for Alabama's gun owners! =+=+=+=+ This information is provided as a service of the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action, Fairfax, VA. This and other information on the Second Amendment and the NRA is available at: http://WWW.NRA.Org - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Fratrum: Denny's Bans Guns (fwd) Date: 03 Feb 1998 19:53:33 PST On Feb 3, E.J. Totty wrote: > Bill, > > [...] > You can call Denny's customer relations >department to voice your opinion. The toll free >number is; 1-800-733-6697. I just love toll free >phone numbers. > Hee hee! Ain't technology wonderfull? :-) > > I called, and a nice young lady named Nicole >answered. She, as it happens, is the one to complain to. > She was considerate, and so was I. We talked >a bit, and she indicated that she's had more than a few >calls on the issue. > She took my name and phone number. > Yeah, I know, it could be another way to advertise >daily specials, but hey, if they call back and I'm there to >fill their ears with pro Second Amendment issues, what >better way to do it - on their dime? > And besides, Nicole sounded a bit pro, if you ask >me. > >ET Well and good, but bear in mind that a lot of those folks are hired because they're real agreeable. -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Cloyes Subject: Letter to President Clinton Protesting Army Urban Combat Date: 04 Feb 1998 07:11:13 -0500 >Date: Tue, 03 Feb 1998 20:55:42 -0500 >From: E Pluribus Unum >X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.01 [en] (Win95; U) >To: E Pluribus Unum Email Distribution Network >Subject: Letter to President Clinton Protesting Army Urban Combat Exercises in Charlotte > > > > Mayor McCrory's Letter to President Clinton Protesting Army > Urban Combat Exercises in Charlotte > > Document Image Files: > Page 1 | Page 2 > > The Honorable Bill Clinton > President, United States of America > The White House > Washington, D.C. 20500 > > Dear President Clinton: > > I am deeply concerned over the United States Department of > Defense's recent handling of a military training exercise > in Charlotte, North Carolina. The exercise, conducted on > the evening of March 4, 1997, was misrepresented to all > parties involved. It caused fear and anger among our > citizens, who were particularly upset over the lack of > communication and what they perceived to be a lack of > concern on the part of local government officials. > > When Department of Defense personnel first began planning > the operation, they contacted me with little more than a > courtesy briefing on what was represented as a routine > training exercise like many we have done before. DOD staff > also contacted a member of the City Manager's staff, an > employee from the City Real Estate Division and a police > officer who became their liaison with the Police > Department. > > The proposed exercise was presented to myself and City > staff as a low-key, in-and-out operation involving possibly > one helicopter and minimal noise and disruption. We were > told that no one would know they were here. Each person, > including myself, signed and honored confidentiality > agreements because of our desire to cooperate with the > federal government and the belief this was to be a very > small and routine training exercise. > > Based upon the misrepresentation of the proposed training > exercise, the City's Real Estate Division representative > recommended a City-owned facility located in an uptown area > of the city. In addition, a privately owned site in uptown > was also selected. No advance notice was given to the > citizens living near these areas because those individuals > who had knowledge were misled as to the scope of the > operation. > > On the night of March 4, residents of the uptown > neighborhoods were stunned by the sudden appearance of 12 > low-flying helicopters without lights, in possible > violation of FAA regulations. There were snipers on > rooftops shooting live ammunition at fake targets. > Explosive devices were set off, creating a tremendous > amount of noise. Given those conditions and the large > number of military personnel in the area, neighborhood > residents were in fear. Many of them called 911 to get what > scant information was available, and many of them called me > at home. I could hardly hear some of them because of the > noise. > > The next day, many citizens, outraged at the lack of > advance notice and nature of the exercise, called to > express their dismay at the way they perceived the City > handled the incident. It is also clear that had anything > gone wrong, our citizens could have indeed been in danger, > a fact that was never mentioned in the few brief and > incomplete planning discussions for the exercise. > > I am deeply disappointed in the way the Department of > Defense handled this exercise. We insisted the DOD cancel > the exercise scheduled for later that week and it is > unlikely we would be willing to host any future activities > of this type. It is crucial for the safety of our citizens > that the DOD be open about the extent of the exercise and > the level of disruption it will create. Had we known the > scope of the operation, we would have never allowed it to > take place. > > Since the operation took place, I have not even been sent a > letter of explanation or apology from our military. I > understand the exact same dynamics occurred in Pittsburgh > during exercises last year. This is inexcusable and causes > unneeded mistrust of our military. > > The City of Charlotte has always taken pride in its strong > working partnership with the Federal Government. In this > instance, however, we were not dealt with in good faith. I > can only hope the Department of Defense learned from this > experience and that they will not subject other cities to > the fear and confusion they created in Charlotte. Rest > assured, we learned a valuable lesson and will be on our > guard should we receive any other requests to stage > training exercises in this city. > > I look forward to your response. > > cc: Honorable Jesse Helms > Honorable Lauch Faircloth > Honorable Sue Myrick > Honorable Mel Watt > City Councilmembers > Mr. Erskine Bowles, Chief of Staff > > Sincerely, > > [signature] > > Patrick McCrory > Mayor of Charlotte > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: WT: Joint Chiefs riled over Iraq "show" (fwd) Date: 04 Feb 1998 08:17:34 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Joint Chiefs riled over Iraq 'show' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ By Rowan Scarborough THE WASHINGTON TIMES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are angry with a White House-designed bombing campaign against Iraq because it does not target Saddam Hussein's security forces or his top aides, The Washington Times has learned. Instead, cruise missiles and bombs will be primarily targeted at military facilities and sites known or suspected of holding nuclear, biological or chemical weapons components, during a three-day campaign, according to senior military officials. "The White House is only interested in putting on a show," said a disgruntled military source. The pending attack has European and Arab allies uneasy, and administration officials fear that a high Iraqi death toll could subject the United States to even more international criticism. "This is turning into a political, not a military, option," said one of several senior military officials who spoke to The Times. "This is not a political and military effort that has a strategy. All it is is a list of targets trying to be forced into something they claim is a strategy." Senior military officials, including Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, commander of Operation Desert Storm, were critical of President Bush's decision not to continue the 1991 Gulf war until Saddam was captured. Saddam has remained a thorn in America's side ever since. This is the second high-level inside criticism of White House policy toward Iraq to be made public in recent weeks. A secret CIA report obtained last month by The Times concluded that weak U.S. responses to Saddam's "flouting" of United Nations weapons resolutions had actually strengthened the Iraqi dictator's regime. Senior military officers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the Joint Chiefs have argued in recent weeks for concentrated attacks on the barracks of the Republican Guard, Iraq's elite forces, and facilities in Baghdad housing his large security detail. The chiefs also want the pending bombing campaign to target members of Saddam's inner circle, even in their homes if necessary, the sources said. In this way, military officials said, the attack of about three days will be in sharp contrast to previous "pinpricks" -- quick bombing runs or cruise missile launches that have failed to force Baghdad to reveal and destroy its biological and chemical weapons components. Proponents also argue that killing those closest to Saddam would bring the attack to his doorstep, and, perhaps, trigger another internal attempt to oust the dictator. But the White House national security staff, which is dominating the discussion of which targets to hit, is nixing suggestions that American planes and missiles be sent against Iraqi troops and decision-makers. Instead, the White House plan is to target known and suspected weapons facilities, air defenses, command bunkers, and Saddam's presidential "palaces" suspected of concealing weapons material. The target list also contains some Republican Guard assets, such as tanks and armored vehicles, but not attacks on their barracks, according to military officials familiar with the plans. Clinton administration officials are feverishly attempting to round up international support for air strikes to punish Iraq. The officials have indicated the attack may begin in two weeks, with the aim of forcing Saddam to allow United Nations inspectors to visit suspected weapons sites. Iraq agreed to relinquish all nuclear, biological and chemical weapons after its defeat in the 1991 Gulf war. Officers said the attack plan on the first night calls for heavy use of ship-launched Tomahawk cruise missiles, B-52-launched cruise missiles and F-117 stealth fighters now poised on runways in Kuwait. With air defenses damaged, Navy attack jets off three carriers in the Persian Gulf will begin flying directly over targets the second day. The mix of weapons also has military officers grumbling. Some Air Force officers believe no Navy planes should fly over targets and risk having fliers captured. Instead, they believe the Air Force should commit the B-2 stealth bomber to its first military action. But as of yesterday, they said, the plan did not include the bomber, whose radar-evading surface has encountered problems when exposed to harsh weather. Some top Air Force generals fear it may get shot down. Military officers also complain that Tomahawks fired from destroyers and cruisers in the Gulf are targeted at "hardened" facilities that their warheads cannot penetrate and destroy. The F-117 fighters led the way as the Gulf war erupted in January 1991. The bat-shaped plane hit vital telecommunications buildings in downtown Baghdad as waves of allied jets and missiles pounded Iraqi targets for weeks before ground troops drove Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Military sources said the stealth jet will again be sent inside city limits, if Mr. Clinton approves a strike. The sources said the president is expected to sign off on a bombing plan this week. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: WT: Trie surrenders (fwd) Date: 04 Feb 1998 08:18:44 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Clinton friend Trie surrenders at Dulles ------------------------------------------------------------------------ By Jerry Seper THE WASHINGTON TIMES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ International fugitive Charles Yah Lin Trie, a longtime friend of President Clinton's who was charged last week with illegally funneling campaign cash to the Democratic National Committee, surrendered yesterday to FBI agents at Washington Dulles International Airport. Mr. Trie was immediately taken before U.S. Magistrate Theresa Buchanan in federal court in Alexandria, Va. He was believed to have fled to China to avoid capture by the FBI in the Justice Department's campaign-finance investigation. His surrender, after a flight from Paris, followed negotiations involving the Justice Department's campaign-finance task force and Mr. Trie's Washington attorney, Reid H. Weingarten. The department offered no details on any agreement or information on whether Mr. Trie had agreed to cooperate in the investigation. Justice Department officials said Mr. Trie had been in Macao, a Portuguese colony due to revert to Chinese rule next year. His surprise return fueled speculation that a deal was in the works, although Justice Department officials warned against "premature assumptions." Mr. Trie was released on a $200,000 personal recognizance bond. He agreed to turn over his passport and the deeds to two properties in Little Rock, Ark. He also promised to confine his travel to Washington, Virginia Beach and Little Rock. Mr. Trie will be arraigned tomorrow before U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman in Washington. Mr. Trie's Jan. 29 indictment was the first returned by the task force, which has been investigating campaign-finance abuses during the 1996 presidential election since November 1996. He was charged with Antonio Pan, a onetime Lippo Group executive and close friend of former Commerce Department and DNC official John Huang's, with obstructing justice by ordering an employee to destroy documents subpoenaed by a federal grand jury and a Senate committee. They also were accused of conspiring to defraud the government by preventing the Federal Election Commission (FEC) from making accurate public reports of the amounts and sources of political donations to federal candidates and their political committees. The indictment also charged the two men with wire fraud in their transfer of money from U.S. banks to reimburse contributors. Mr. Trie also is charged with three counts of aiding and abetting the filing of false statements to the FEC. Mr. Trie ran a Chinese restaurant in Little Rock near the Arkansas State House where he first met Bill Clinton, then governor. In an interview last year with NBC News in Shanghai, Mr. Trie --who now owns Daihatsu International Trading Corp. -- boasted he could hide in Asia for 10 years and had no plans to return to the United States. Last night, Steptoe & Johnson, the firm of Mr. Trie's attorney, issued a statement noting that the defendant voluntarily returned to Washington. "Because of this act, any questions about his being a fugitive from justice or a spy for a foreign power should be put to rest," the statement said. "We are confident that when the media frenzy and political savagery associated with this case abate and this matter is aired in court, Mr. Trie will be fully vindicated." Federal arrest warrants were issued for both men on the day of the indictment, which said Mr. Trie, 49, and Mr. Pan, 50, illegally diverted money to the DNC through "straw donors" who were then secretly reimbursed in cash by the two men. Mr. Trie is accused of funneling more than $600,000 to the DNC. The indictment said much of the money came from foreign sources. The indictment also said Mr. Trie defrauded the DNC by accepting a trusteeship in the organization, which entitled him to special privileges, including White House visits and membership on DNC committees. It said he would not have been eligible for the position had he reported that much of the money he had donated was illegal. Mr. Trie is accused in the indictment of using his trusteeship to gain access to top officials in order to promote personal business interests. That access got 10 dinners, lunches or coffees with Mr. Clinton, four of them at the White House; four events with Vice President Al Gore, one at the White House; and three White House tours with business associates, along with photos with the president. All the occasions occurred between June 1994 and August 1996. The government initially sought to seal the indictment, but U.S. Magistrate Deborah A. Robinson refused the request. She asked prosecutors to tell her in writing why the indictment should be withheld. The request later was withdrawn because of media coverage. Although the Trie-Pan indictment was the first for the campaign task force, it previously had negotiated plea agreements with Nora and Gene Lum, owners of an Oklahoma gas company, after they admitted laundering $50,000 in illegal donations in 1994, and with Michael Brown, son of the late Commerce Secretary Ronald H. Brown, after he admitted giving $3,000 to co-workers to donate during the 1994 elections. Mr. Trie, born in Taiwan and a naturalized U.S. citizen, came to public notice in 1996 after Mr. Clinton's legal defense fund said it was returning $640,000 in donations he had collected. The cash, delivered in two envelopes, was returned when fund executives said they did not know its source. The donations included checks with signatures that matched those on other checks and money orders numbered sequentially but from different cities. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: I believe (fwd) Date: 04 Feb 1998 09:37:43 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- I Believe By Michael Kelly Wednesday, February 4, 1998; Page A19=20 I believe the president. I have always believed him. I believed him when he said he had never been drafted in the Vietnam War and I believed him when he said he had forgotten to mention that he had been drafted in the Vietnam War. I believed him when he said he hadn't had sex with Gennifer Flowers and I believe him now, when he reportedly says he did. I believe the president did not rent out the Lincoln Bedroom, did not sell access to himself and the vice president to hundreds of well-heeled special pleaders and did not supervise the largest, most systematic money-laundering operation in campaign finance history, collecting more than $3 million in illegal and improper donations. I believe that Charlie Trie and James Riady were motivated by nothing but patriotism for their adopted country. I believed Vice President Gore when he said that he had made dunning calls to political contributors "on a few occasions" from his White House office, and I believed him when he said that, actually, "a few" meant 46. I believe in no controlling legal authority. I believe Bruce Babbitt when he says that the $286,000 contributed to the DNC by Indian tribes opposed to granting a casino license to rival tribes had nothing to do with his denial of the license. I believed the secretary when he said that he had not been instructed in this matter by then-White House deputy chief of staff Harold Ickes. I believed him when he said later that he had told lobbyist and friend Paul Eckstein that Ickes had told him to move on the casino decision, but that he had been lying to Eckstein. I agree with the secretary that it is an outrage that anyone would question his integrity. I believe in the Clinton Standard of adherence to the nation's campaign finance and bribery laws, enunciated by the president on March 7, 1997: "I don't believe you can find any evidence of the fact that I had changed government policy solely because of a contribution." I note with approval the use of the word "evidence" and also the use of the word "solely." I believe that it is proper to change government policy to address the concerns of people who have given the president money, as long as nobody can find evidence of this being the sole reason. I believe the president has lived up to his promise to preside over the most ethical administration in American history. I believe that indicted former agriculture secretary Mike Espy did not accept $35,000 in illegal favors from Tyson Foods and other regulated businesses. I believe that indicted former housing secretary Henry Cisneros did not lie to the FBI and tell others to lie to cover up $250,000 in blackmail payments to his former mistress. I believe that convicted former associate attorney general Webster Hubbell was not involved in the obstruction of justice when the president's minions arranged for Hubbell to receive $400,000 in sweetheart consulting deals at a time when he was reneging on his promise to cooperate with Kenneth Starr's Whitewater investigation. I believe Paula Jones is a cheap tramp who was asking for it. I believe Kathleen Willey is a cheap tramp who was asking for it. I believe Monica Lewinsky is a cheap tramp who was asking for it. I believe Lewinsky was fantasizing in her 20 hours of taped conversation in which she reportedly detailed her sexual relationship with the president and begged Linda Tripp to join her in lying about the relationship. I believe that any gifts, correspondence, telephone calls and the 37 post-employment White House visits that may have passed between Lewinsky and the president are evidence only of a platonic relationship; such innocent intimate friendships are quite common between middle-aged married men and young single women, and also between presidents of the United States and White House interns. I see nothing suspicious in the report that the president's intimate, Vernon Jordan, arranged a $40,000-per-year job for Lewinsky shortly after she signed but before she filed an affidavit saying she had not had sex with the president. Nor do I read anything into the fact that the ambassador to the United Nations, Bill Richardson, visited Lewinsky at the Watergate to offer her a job. I believe the instructions Lewinsky gave Tripp informing her on how to properly perjure herself in the Willey matter simply wrote themselves. I believe that The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Newsweek, Time, U.S. News & World Report, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS and NPR are all part of a vast right-wing conspiracy. Especially NPR. Michael Kelly is a senior writer for National Journal.=20 =A9 Copyright 1998 The Washington Post Company A work in progress -- =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Cloyes Subject: Jim Bohan: Silent Key Date: 05 Feb 1998 06:51:49 -0500 >Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 16:20:03 -0800 >From: Jon Roland >Subject: Jim Bohan: Silent Key >To:, > Richard L Hartman >X-Mailer: Z-Mail Pro 6.2-beta, NetManage Inc. [ZM62_10] > >This is to add my condolences to Jim Bohan's family and friends. I will >never forget the time he visited me in my apartment in Grand Prairie, Texas, >in 1995. We spent much of the day telling each other things that one doesn't >want to put on the Internet. He will be missed but not forgetten. > >Now, as radio amateurs say, his key is silent. > >--Jon > >------------------------ > From: Richard L Hartman > >> Jon, in case you haven't heard, Jim Bohan passed away last Thursday. I am >> administrating his email account so that his friends don't wonder why he >> isn't replying personally. >> >> RLH >> >> ----- >> For those of you who may not have heard: >> It is with mixed feelings of sadness and deep respect that I report >the >> passing of Jim Bohan, known to many of us as "The Blue Wolf of Texas". >> Jim died while doing what many of us knew him for - working at his >> computer. He apparently slipped quietly away without suffering, and was >> found by family members. His death was listed as being due to "natural >> causes" and no autopsy was performed. >> I spent a short time on the phone with Jim's family last night, and >> they report a nationwide outpouring of condolences and love for our lost >> friend. Even Mike Foster, Governor of Louisiana, took time out of his busy >> schedule to send flowers. >> Jim was a tireless advocate for individual liberties, and he spent >the >> final years of his life in their pursuit at significant personal expense. >It >> was my great privilege to work with him on the De-Foley-ate Project, and >he >> continued his work on state and national issues from that day forward. >> His is an enviable and enduring legacy. As we work on future >elections, >> take a moment to remember our beloved "Blue Wolf"... if we are reverent >> enough, we may just be able to hear his howl of support. >> >> Richard L. Hartman >> Spokane WA USA >> > >---------------End of Original Message----------------- > >=================================================================== >Constitution Society, 1731 Howe Av #370, Sacramento, CA 95825 >916/568-1022, 916/450-7941VM Date: 02/04/98 Time: 16:20:03 > >=================================================================== > > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Sylvester Subject: re:CAS: WT: Joint Chiefs riled over Iraq "show" Date: 05 Feb 1998 00:21:16 -0600 Ken Chafin posted: >Joint Chiefs riled over Iraq 'show' > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >By Rowan Scarborough >THE WASHINGTON TIMES > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >Members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are angry with a White >House-designed bombing campaign against Iraq because it does not target >Saddam Hussein's security forces or his top aides, The Washington Times >has learned. > Instead, cruise missiles and bombs will be primarily targeted at >military facilities and sites known or suspected of holding nuclear, >biological or chemical weapons components, during a three-day campaign, >according to senior military officials. > "The White House is only interested in putting on a show," said a >disgruntled military source. Maybe the Joint Chiefs and the rest of the military should take a lesson from their CinC's early days: TO:POTUS FRM: JCS Re: Iraq HELL NO WE WON'T GO! ... I can hear the chant now. "Hell no we won't go Hell no we won't go..We're Coming for You instead" Or : "No Blood for Bimbos" The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution. ---Doug McKay" Joe Sylvester Don't Tread On Me ! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: CAS: Starbuck Murders (fwd) Date: 05 Feb 1998 08:13:50 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Ann Khan wrote: >=20 > wrote: > > > > In a message dated 98-02-04 10:12:41 EST, you write: > > > > << Anyone know the name of the officer? >> > > > > The death of the informant was on 12/6. [I read that he was an informa= nt, but > > he may have been an undercover officer.] > > > > In any event, the person's name was Eric Butera, age 31. > > > > The three Starbucks killings were on July 7, 1997, at the Starbucks loc= ated at > > 1810 Wisconsin Ave. NW in Burleith, just north of Georgetown. > > > > This info is from press accounts and I believe it is accurate. > > >=20 > >From the AP article about George Stephanopolis that was in Spotnews: >=20 > ABC News reported Tuesday that Ms. Lewinsky was > claiming Clinton told her in July that they had to cut > off their physical relationship because a reporter was > asking questions about another White House worker > and sexual harassment. Ms. Lewinsky's attorney, > William Ginsburg, declined comment on the report. >=20 >=20 I lifted this from: news:alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater Wayne Mann wrote: The following is excerpted from "Strategic Weekly=20 Briefings" by Craig Karpel, January 23, 1998: According to my sources, when Monica Lewinsky first met=20 with Vernon Jordan in November 1997 she told him she=20 didn=92t want to end up like Caity Mahoney. Jordan professed=20 not to know whom Lewinsky was referring to until she=20 identified Mahoney as the former White House intern who=20 was murdered last summer in a Starbucks. The Starbucks=20 murders were big news in Washington because, as D.C.=20 Council member Jack Evans put it, "To have a triple=20 homicide anywhere in the District of Columbia is an unusual=20 event. To have a triple homicide in Georgetown is=20 extraordinary." I would add that a massacre isn=92t supposed=20 to happen in a Starbucks; cafe latte is supposed to happen. My sources tell me that Jordan gently told Lewinsky not to=20 let her imagination run away with her and assured her that=20 she was in no danger of being murdered on orders from Bill=20 Clinton or anyone associated with Bill Clinton. According to my sources, Lewinsky wasn=92t convinced.=20 When she later met with Jordan in the back of his limousine,=20 Lewinsky is said to have tearfully told him that Linda Tripp=20 believed Vincent Foster didn=92t commit suicide, and that=20 neither she nor Tripp wanted to end up like Foster. Jordan is=20 said to have sighed and told Lewinsky she shouldn=92t believe=20 everything Tripp says, and that Tripp had to be moved out=20 of the White House because she was a troublemaker. According to my sources, Lewinsky is now consumed with=20 fear that, having been flushed into the open by Tripp, she=20 has already, so to speak, "killed herself." And what of the unsolved murder of Caity Mahoney? A $100,000 reward offered by Starbucks hasn=92t caused=20 anyone to come forward. The police have gotten nowhere. Virginia Mahoney, Caity=92s=20 stepmother, worked for six years in the U.S. attorney=92s=20 office in Baltimore assisting crime victims=92 families. "I=92m=20 furious," she says. "If there=92s one thing I know, it=92s service=20 to crime victims, and we=92re not getting it." With the investigation of Caity Mahoney=92s execution at a=20 dead end and Monica Lewinsky on ice while her lawyers try=20 to deal, I have two suggestions: To the D.C. police: As reported in the July 25, 1997 SWB,=20 Doris Matsui, the White House official responsible for=20 liaison with the Asian-American community, headed the=20 Asian Pacific American Working Group (APAWG), which=20 coordinated the activities of the White House, the=20 Democratic National Committee and the Clinton-Gore re- election campaign with regard to Asian-Americans.=20 APAWG, one of whose members was John Huang, came=20 up with the plan to raise $7 million from Asian-Americans.=20 Caity Mahoney interned for Doris Matsui. Check it out. To Lewinsky: You need bodyguards, lady. Lots of beef, cut=20 thick. The thing to do during a feeding frenzy is not to get=20 eaten. --=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: LT: Yelsin won't go along on Iraq (fwd) Date: 05 Feb 1998 08:24:00 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- London Times 2/5/98 Russia Yeltsin fears 'there will be world war' FROM ROBIN LODGE IN MOSCOW PRESIDENT Yeltsin yesterday issued a vehement criticism of United States policy towards Iraq, saying that President Clinton was "making too much noise" and that the use of force could lead to world war. Addressing Russian journalists during a meeting with Anatoli Chubais, the First Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Yeltsin said the UN Security Council would vote against the use of force against Iraq - indicating that Russia was prepared to exercise its veto. "By acting this way in Iraq, he [Mr Clinton] may run into a world war. He is making too much noise over this, too much noise. These weapons must be handled with care and no threats should be made that Iraq will be inundated with planes and bombs," Mr Yeltsin said. His comments were the most hostile towards Mr Clinton since the crisis began. The two leaders spoke by telephone earlier this week and both had agreed that a negotiated settlement was the most desirable outcome. The latest statement coincided with a Duma resolution calling for condemnation of the United States and for Russia to consider lifting sanctions unilaterally in the event of air strikes. The resolution is non-binding, but Mr Yeltsin was clearly anxious to be seen in accord with the country's pro-Iraqi mood. Communist and nationalist politicians have been trying to whip up public outrage by accusing the United States of threatening to use tactical nuclear weapons against Saddam Hussein. Mr Yeltsin stopped short of such charges, although his reference to "these weapons" was likely to add to the impression in Russia that a nuclear strike is under consideration. Moscow has been insisting that its diplomacy was coming to fruition. On Monday it announced that after talks with Viktor Posuvalyuk, Mr Yeltsin's special envoy, the Iraqis had proposed a compromise under which UN weapons inspectors would be allowed access to eight sites previously denied to them. The Iraqis initially denied making any such offer, but yesterday a CNN report from Baghdad appeared to confirm the Russian version. Russian diplomatic efforts to end the crisis continued yesterday. Yevgeni Primakov, the Foreign Minister, had a telephone conversation with Madeleine Albright, the US Secretary of State and Mr Yeltsin was due to speak to Tony Blair and President Chirac of France. Mr Posuvalyuk was continuing talks in Baghdad, where he was joined by a French special envoy, Bertrand Dufourcq. * Washington: In response to Mr Yeltsin's criticism, the White House said yesterday: "If Saddam Hussein complies with the UN resolutions, there will be no need to invoke military force" (Bronwen Maddox writes). Washington and the UN Security Council gave a cool reception to Iraq's offer to open a limited number of sites to inspectors. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: Re: CAS: WT: Joint Chiefs riled over Iraq "show" (fwd) Date: 05 Feb 1998 08:38:20 -0600 (CST) On Wed, 4 Feb 1998, Timothy Lee, Richardson wrote: > As you read the below, and the many similar articles in and out of the > mainstream media, hold in mind that Iraq is the LAST GOVERNMENT ON THE FACE OF > THE EARTH TO be set against the comming New World Order Dictatorship..... > > hummm................. Not really, Bush approved a 8 billion food loan to Saddam back in the 1980s that he used to buy arms with from the French. We approved because we wanted a foe to offset Iran and the Islamic revolution. It backfired and ended up with desert storm. We still did not take him out because we did not want to have to station troops there forever like Korea. Then when the CIA backed Kurds tried to stage a coup we let them die because again we did not want a Islamic right wing revolution. They hate Saddam but they need him to offset the other forces. He knows this and thats why he is able to wag his butt in our public face so much. Typical case of CIA and state department screwing up an area worse than it would probably be otherwise. All the rest of the world knows this and that is why they hate us so much. We still are a big bully in the world and now we are the hired soldiers of the multi-national corporations that really are the New World Order. IMHO Paul Watson - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: (OT) Nuclear Posture Review 1/2 (fwd) Date: 05 Feb 1998 08:51:33 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Found at: [Exec Home Page] [Table of Contents] [Bottom of Page] [Next Page] NUCLEAR POSTURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION The Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) represents the nuclear analog to the Bottom-Up Review of conventional forces, undertaken in 1993 to address the significant changes in the security environment which face the United States, and the military consequences of those changes. The NPR was the first review of nuclear policy in the post-Cold War world, the first such review in 15 years, and the first review ever to include policy, doctrine, force structure, command and control, operations, supporting infrastructure, safety, security, and arms control. The decisions made in the NPR process allow DoD to put its nuclear programs on a stable footing after several years of rapid change in the international environment and in DoD's forces and programs, and at the threshold of a decade of further reductions called for by the START I and START II agreements. Five basic themes of U.S. nuclear strategy emerged from the Nuclear Posture Review: * First, nuclear weapons are playing a smaller role in U.S. security than at any other time in the nuclear age. This fact served as a point of departure for the rest of the review. The Bottom-Up Review and the Counterproliferation Initiative (CPI) are designed to achieve and protect U.S. conventional superiority wherever American defense commitments require it. * The second principal finding is that the United States requires a much smaller nuclear arsenal under present circumstances. Dramatic reductions in U.S. (and, when implemented, former Soviet) forces from Cold War levels are underway. * Third, although the security environment has changed dramatically since the end of the Cold War, there is still great uncertainty about the future, particularly in the New Independent States where the process of denuclearization and reduction is underway but by no means completed. The United States must provide a hedge against this uncertainty. Therefore, the NPR stresses prudence in the face of potential risks while also identifying some new policy departures that reflect changes in the security environment. * Fourth, the United States does not have a purely national deterrent posture; it extends the deterrent protection of its nuclear arsenal to its allies. A very progressive aspect of U.S. nuclear posture is that it is, in part, an international nuclear posture. The NPR strongly supports continued commitment to NATO and Pacific allies. * Finally, the United States will continue to set the highest international standards of stewardship for nuclear safety and security, command and control, use control, and civilian control. PROCESS The Nuclear Posture Review was chartered in October 1993 to determine what the role of nuclear weapons in U.S. security strategy should be. A 10-month DoD collaborative effort, the NPR was co-chaired by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and the Joint Staff. Working groups were comprised of representatives from OSD, the Joint Staff, the Services, and the unified commands. The Deputy Secretary of Defense and the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff reviewed and directed the progress of the NPR through issue briefs and the development of a final report, which was presented to the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Some decisions relating to the NPR were raised through the interagency process, including all relevant agencies of the U.S. government, which had the opportunity to review a wide range of options. The President approved the recommendations of the NPR on September 18, 1994. ROLE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN U.S. SECURITY The U.S. National Security Strategy states: "We will retain strategic nuclear forces sufficient to deter any future hostile foreign leadership with access to strategic nuclear forces from acting against our vital interests and to convince it that seeking a nuclear advantage would be futile. Therefore we will continue to maintain nuclear forces of sufficient size and capability to hold at risk a broad range of assets valued by such political and military leaders." Recent international upheavals have not changed the calculation that nuclear weapons remain an essential part of American military power. Concepts of deterrence and survivability must adapt to the new international environment, yet continue to be central to the U.S. nuclear posture. Thus, the United States will continue to threaten retaliation, including nuclear retaliation, and to deter aggression against the United States, U.S. forces, and U.S. allies. Alliance relationships are an important element of U.S. security. Through forward basing and power projection capabilities, overseas U.S. military presence -- including nuclear capabilities -- helped promote regional stability, avert crises, and deter war. In recent years, there has been a dramatic reduction in both the overall size of the U.S. military presence abroad and in the nuclear capabilities deployed overseas. Yet maintaining U.S. nuclear commitments with NATO, and retaining the ability to deploy nuclear capabilities to meet various regional contingencies, continues to be an important means for deterring aggression, protecting and promoting U.S. interests, reassuring allies and friends, and preventing proliferation. Although nuclear capabilities are now a far smaller part of the routine U.S. international presence, they remain an important element in the array of military capabilities that the United States can bring to bear, either independently or in concert with allies to deter war, or should deterrence fail, to defeat aggression. Thus, the United States continues to extend deterrence to U.S. allies and friends. CONTEXT: LEAD BUT HEDGE The Nuclear Posture Review considered the size and role of U.S. nuclear forces in a world in which the proliferation of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, rather than the nuclear arsenal of a hostile superpower, poses the greatest security risk. One goal for the NPR was to demonstrate U.S. leadership in responding to that risk. Major reductions in U.S. nuclear weapons are already underway, confirming the U.S. commitment to a smaller international role for nuclear weapons. Since 1988, the United States has reduced its nuclear arsenal by 59 percent, and either eliminated, truncated, or never fielded over 15 nuclear weapons systems. The United States has no new nuclear weapons programs, and has committed to achieving a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, extending its testing moratorium in the interim. Program changes of this magnitude help set an example of decreasing dependence on nuclear weapons for military purposes. U.S. nuclear weapons were for years justified by the potential for a massive conventional attack by the Warsaw Pact through the Fulda Gap which would overwhelm NATO conventional forces. The decisions of the members of the Warsaw Pact to dissolve their alliance and the subsequent transformation of the Soviet Union into independent states removed this potential threat. No equivalent threat to American vital interests can be identified in the post-Cold War era, and for very few of the existing threats are nuclear weapons appropriate responses. The NPR sought to adjust and reduce strategic programs to reflect actual U.S. needs, thereby setting an example for other nuclear powers to consider post-Cold War adjustments of their own. Moreover, the CPI has as its central tenet the creation and furtherance of conventional responses to the threat or use of weapons of mass destruction. Far from inventing new roles for nuclear weapons in countering WMD, the NPR supports the CPI, because in a potential case of WMD threat or use, senior political and military leaders must have a wide range of responses -- especially non-nuclear -- from which to choose. Having the conventional capability to respond to WMD threat or use further reduces U.S. dependence on nuclear weapons. These realities make the indefinite extension of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) all the more important. A failure to codify the reduced role of nuclear weapons in nations' security could result in the creation of additional nuclear powers -- a clear reduction in the security of all nations. The Posture Review sought to demonstrate American leadership by reducing the role of nuclear weapons in U.S. security. The combination of the large negotiated reductions embodied in the START I and START II treaties and the further unilateral reductions recommended by the NPR makes tangible the U.S. commitment to Article 6 of the NPT, which calls for the nuclear powers to take steps to reduce their arsenals. Once START II has been ratified, further negotiated reductions can be considered. The notion, however, that nations are motivated by U.S. nuclear forces in making decisions about acquiring nuclear weapons themselves is simply not valid. Potential proliferators are more likely to be driven by concerns about neighbors' capabilities or the desire for prestige or regional hegemony than by decisions America makes about its nuclear arsenal. Extending the NPT indefinitely will therefore do far more to improve individual nations' security than would further declines in superpower weapons stocks. A major focus of the Nuclear Posture Review was nonstrategic nuclear forces (NSNF) and safety, security, and use control. The United States decided in the NPR to completely eliminate two out of its five types of NSNF, and to augment several aspects of nuclear safety and security. These efforts were discussed with Russian civilian and military leaders in the hope that they would take similar measures to reduce NSNF and improve nuclear safety, security, and use control. The United States is prepared, under the Cooperative Threat Reduction program, to cooperate with and support Russia in these endeavors. Both the United States and the states of the former Soviet Union have acted quickly and responsibly to ease Cold War tensions. Both sides have decreased their nuclear stockpiles and are eliminating the weapons which most undermine stability. U.S. and Russian weapons have been de-targeted so that they are no longer aimed at any country. With U.S. help and financial aid, Russia is moving in the direction of economic reform and working to consolidate the nuclear arsenal that belonged to the Soviet Union. These policies have not eliminated the threat posed by the weapons of the former Soviet Union, however. START I has just entered into force; START II has not been ratified by either the United States or Russia. Even after achieving the full reductions called for by both treaties, each side will retain up to 3,500 warheads on strategic offensive systems. While political relations with Russia have changed dramatically in recent years, the United States must retain a nuclear capability adequate to respond to any challenge. Further, most of the strategic nuclear weapons remaining in the former Soviet Union still are deployed and capable of attacking targets in the United States. Russia remains the focus of the Posture Review not because its intentions are hostile, but because it controls the only nuclear arsenal that can physically threaten the survivability of U.S. nuclear forces. A significant shift in the Russian government into the hands of arch-conservatives could restore the strategic nuclear threat to the United States literally overnight. The removal of weapons located on the territory of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus is still incomplete. Other nations not allied with the United States either have declared nuclear arsenals or are capable of developing them. With this kind of instability and uncertainty, the United States must maintain nuclear weapons necessary to deter any possible threat or to respond to aggression, should deterrence fail. The NPR called for an affordable hedge in which the approved force structure could support weapons levels greater than those called for under START II should major geostrategic changes demand it. This lead and hedge theme reflects the pragmatic partnership between the United States and Russia, in which the United States seeks both to cooperate with Russia wherever such cooperation is possible, and to prepare realistically for possible tensions or disruptions of that relationship. REDUCTIONS IN U.S. NUCLEAR POSTURE The deep reductions in nonstrategic and strategic nuclear weapons that have been underway for several years and will continue under START I and START II are clear evidence that the United States is reducing the role that nuclear weapons play in its military posture. Throughout the last several years, nuclear targeting and war planning have undergone several reviews and adjustments to account for the decline of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet breakup, and will continue to change in response to further developments in international affairs. In fact, there have been significant changes in the U.S. nuclear posture since the end of the Cold War: * There are no nuclear weapons in the custody of U.S. ground forces. * Naval NSNF are no longer deployed at sea. * Strategic bombers have been taken off day-to-day alert. * The total U.S. active warhead stockpile has been reduced by 59 percent (79 percent by 2003). Deployed strategic warheads have been reduced by 47 percent (71 percent by 2003, when START I and II are implemented). * NSNF weapons have been cut by 90 percent, and the NATO stockpile has been cut by 91 percent. * Nuclear weapons storage locations have been reduced by over 75 percent. * The number of personnel with access to nuclear weapons has been cut by 70 percent. The Department also is reducing substantially the worldwide airborne command post fleet -- reflecting the decline in the likelihood of a superpower confrontation. Since 1989, the programmatic implications of START I and II, and the two earlier Presidential Nuclear Initiatives on U.S. nuclear programs, also have been quite substantial. Program terminations, or systems that were developed but never became operational, include the small intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), Peacekeeper rail garrison, Lance follow-on, New Artillery Fired Atomic Projectile, Tactical Air to Surface Missile and Short Range Attack Missile II. Other programs were truncated, that is systems were either fielded in fewer numbers than originally envisioned or, in the case of the B-1, will be converted to conventional-only usage. These truncations include Peacekeeper, B-2, B-1 (which will drop its nuclear role), Advanced Cruise Missile, and the W-88 warhead. There are also a number of nuclear systems that were retired from service and never replaced; these include the Artillery Fired Atomic Projectile, FB-111, Minuteman II, Lance, Short Range Attack Missile-A, Nuclear Depth Bomb, and C-3/C-4 Backfit nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBN). In all, spending on strategic nuclear forces, in constant 1994 dollars, dropped from $47.8 billion in 1984 to $13.5 billion in 1994, or 14.0 percent and 5.3 percent, respectively. STRATEGIC NUCLEAR FORCES Two basic requirements necessarily guide U.S. planning for strategic nuclear forces: the need to provide an effective deterrent while remaining within START I/II limits, and the need to allow for additional forces to be reconstituted in the event of a reversal of currently positive trends. The Department must hedge against uncertainties while recognizing that no new nuclear systems are under development. The NPR examined a wide variety of options for strategic nuclear force structures, ranging from ones which increased platforms over those previously planned, to a minimal force that eliminated ICBMs and reduced the number of SSBNs to 10. The Review examined what force levels were needed to handle the most stressing case that could develop -- deterring a hostile Russia. The President approved the NPR's recommended strategic nuclear force posture as the U.S. START II force. This force will maintain flexibility to reconstitute or reduce further and assumes that Russia ratifies and implements START II. At this level, the United States would have adequate weapons to: * Deter a hostile Russian government by holding at risk a range of assets valued by its political and military leaders. * Maintain a strategic reserve force to ensure continued deterrence of other nuclear powers. * Account for weapons on systems which are not available due to maintenance and overhaul. The NPR did not change the total number of warheads the United States planned to retain under START II. However, the Review did identify ways to streamline forces by reducing the number of platforms carrying these warheads. As a result of the NPR, U.S. strategic nuclear force structure will be adjusted to comprise: * 14 Trident submarines -- four fewer than previously planned -- carrying 24 D-5 missiles, each with five warheads, per submarine. This will require backfitting four Trident SSBNs, currently carrying the Trident I (C- 4) missile, with the more modern and capable D-5 missile system. * 66 B-52 bombers -- down from 94 planned in 1993 -- carrying air-launched cruise missiles (AGM-86B) and advanced cruise missiles (AGM-129). * 20 B-2 bombers -- the same number previously envisioned -- carrying gravity bombs. * 450/500 Minuteman III missiles, each carrying a single warhead. In addition, no new strategic nuclear systems are either under development or planned. The NPR re-examined the concept of a triad of ICBMs, submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and bombers as the basis for a strategic deterrent and determined it remains valid for a START II-size force. Today, the United States relies on fewer types of nuclear weapon systems than in the past. Hedging against system failure of a leg of a triad -- either because of technical failure of a delivery platform or warhead, or technological breakthroughs by potential adversaries -- is a primary reason to retain a triad. Each leg also has unique characteristics and specific advantages. ******************************************************************* Edward F. Immler There is a time to lead, a time to follow, and a time to just get out of the way. Great leaders know which is appropriate. ******************************************************************* ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: NRA: "Our purpose is to get rid of" (firearms) (fwd) Date: 05 Feb 1998 11:00:28 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- More opinion on NRA? Carl ---Forwarded Msg--- Thu, 05 Feb 1998 10:04:37 -0400 (EDT), Patricia Neill : Fwd from the Kemp list ... NRA: "Our purpose is to get rid of them" (high capacity semi-automatic rifles) by ORAL DECKARD The Vigo Examiner I just got off the phone with the NRA (The Powerful gun Lobby.) I was told repeatedly that "Our purpose is to get rid of them" (high capacity semi-automatic rifles). Usually I get calls from The Citizens' Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. And every time they call I ask them "What does the Second Amendment say?" And every time, without fail, they are taken by surprise, and stammer out bits of it, and fail. When pressed, they say something along the lines of "Well, I can't recite it word for word." And I always reply, "Why not? It's really not very long. And this is your job. You want me to give you money to defend the Second Amendment, and you don't even know what it says?" Sometimes they hang up on me at that point, and sometimes they continue trying to save face. Then there are some that aren't even embarrassed. This one started as a routine phone solicitation. But as usual I decided to have a little fun with the poor fellow. He told me that my NRA membership had lapsed, and that he would just reinstate it. I replied "No, I support the Second Amendment." There was a long pause. Then he began again to sign me up again. So I clarified. "I dropped out of the NRA because I support the Second Amendment and the NRA does not. I prefer the Gun Owners of America ( and the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. (Against- He asked "Are you aware that Charlton Heston has taken control of the NRA?" Now it was getting serious. I answered "Yes, and he went on TV and announced that there was no need for anyone to own an AK-47." I thought I was being clear, but obviously not clear enough, as he took that as a good thing. So I asked "What does the Second Amendment say." He replied "The right to keep guns and stuff. I don't know it word for word." So I simply told him what it says: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." I then asked him what that meant. He said that when the Second Amendment was first drafted it was necessary to hunt for food. But now we could buy instant food. A few months ago I got a call from an NRA solicitor trying to get my wife signed back up. The next day when I reported that he had said no one needed high capacity semi-automatic rifles I was challenged to identify him. Unfortunately I had failed to get his name. But not this time. So I asked for his name, and was told "Richard Kuhlman." He even spelled it for me. I asked "OK, this is the evening shift of February 4th, where are you calling from." He answered "Wichita Kansas." As a double check, just to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding, I asked "Is there any need to protect assault high capacity semi-automatic rifles?" He answered "We would like to keep them for matches and things, but they don't have to have those big magazines, and only if they were used just for that purpose. We want to be reasonable." I then asked if I could speak to his supervisor. His supervisor was Mario. Just to be sure there was no misunderstanding, I introduced myself as a reporter for the Vigo Examiner, explained Richard Kuhlman and myself were just discussing the need to protect high capacity semi-automatic rifles, and asked "What's your take on it?" He asked "You want my opinion, or the NRA's opinion?" I answered "Both." So he explained that all the high capacity semi-automatic rifles were imported from foreign countries, and "we are trying to get rid of them." Again, I went for a repeat, just to make sure. I asked "Are you saying the NRA is to trying to get rid of high capacity semiautomatic rifles ?" He didn't hesitate. He said "Yes, our purpose is to get rid of them." So I thanked him and told him my story would be out tomorrow (Feb. 5th, 1998) So what could I conclude from this? Every time I have an NRA solicitor on the phone I am told that they don't support the Second Amendment, and now, that their PURPOSE is to GET RID OF a whole class of firearms, the class of firearms the Second Amendment was specifically enacted to protect. Even when I was insistent, to the point of being rude, that I objected to their selling out the Second Amendment, they either didn't get it, or were determined that the Second Amendment is to be abandoned. They both seemed to be genuinely embarrassed by the Second Amendment. This time I didn't get it just from the solicitor, but also from his supervisor. And not just his opinion, but as he stated it, the opinion of the NRA. So there it is folks. You can either support the Constitution, or you can support the NRA, but you cannot support the Constitution THROUGH the NRA. Long ago I gave up my NRA phone card. A couple months ago I let my NRA membership lapse. Now, I look in my wallet and find there, still, an NRA VISA. Well, that one is the walking dead. One of the men said Wayne Lapiere said we didn't want to loose members over a gun. It looks like the NRA, which has been accused over the years of refusing to compromise, has just compromised, big time. When you give up a right, in order to be "reasonable", just how reasonable will you ultimately have to become? In 1992-1993 I spent six months in Sweden. The folks there bragged that they could own any kind of gun they wanted, as long as it didn't hold over two shots. They were reasonable. And when you decide you cannot give up any more, on what solid ground will you now brace your feet? Having conceded to the elimination of one class of firearm, there is now no solid position from which the NRA can defend any firearm. That defense must now rest with those who have not compromised the Constitution. After Norville Chamberlain announced "Peace in our time", it then fell to Winston Churchill to defend England. Will appeasement defend a few "sporting" rifles? The NRA is betting the Constitution on it. Now is the time for all good men (and ladies) to get off the fence. Which side will you come down on? Either you are loyal to the Constitution, or you are disloyal. The NRA doesn't seem too proud of our Constitution. Copyright (C) 1998, The Vigo Examiner All are free to republish at will this intact document. ======================================================================== To subscribe: send a message to with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject/topic field. Use UNSUBSCRIBE to remove yourself from the list. Questions/comments/problems? email: Not or For info about this system and its lists email: >>>---News to Know---> "A person is a person, no matter how small!" _Dr. Seuss Announcing: the second annual Liberty Round Table essay contest, on the topic:"DEFENDING MY INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS!!!" Go to: The biennial reorganization of county Libertarian parties and candidate filings for the November 1998 elections must be accomplished in March. For information on how to organize your county or prepare for an election compaign, contact Chuck Williams, ( or (803)681-8350. ======================================================================== via: Sportsman's Paradise~~Online 602-922-1639 - ---End Forwarded Msg--- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Neil Dickey) Subject: Re: NRA: "Our purpose is to get rid of" (firearms) (fwd) Date: 05 Feb 1998 11:13:59 -0600 It was forwarded in part: > Thu, 05 Feb 1998 10:04:37 -0400 (EDT), > Patricia Neill : > >Fwd from the Kemp list ... > > > NRA: "Our purpose is to get rid of them" > (high capacity semi-automatic rifles) > >by ORAL DECKARD >The Vigo Examiner > >I just got off the phone with the NRA (The Powerful gun Lobby.) I was told >repeatedly that "Our purpose is to get rid of them" (high capacity >semi-automatic rifles). [ ... ] This article doesn't square at all with a recent NRA Alert I got which calls for a campaign to reverse California State Atty. Gen'l Dan Lundgren's orders for the confiscation of modified SKS rifles. Somewhere or another, someone appears to have gotten the facts wrong. Any comments, Tanya? The opinions which I have expressed herein are entirely my own, unless other- wise noted. No-one else should be held responsible for what I think. | D. N. Dickey | Virtuous motives, trammeled by inertia and | | Research Associate | timidity, are no match for armed and | | Northern Illinois Univ. | resolute wickedness. | | | - W. S. Churchill | | **Finger for public key** | | - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boyd Subject: Re: CAS: Starbuck Murders (fwd) Date: 05 Feb 1998 10:16:47 -0800 (PST) I don't doubt that Ms. Lewinsky would be wise to take extra precautions, but things like : ". The Starbucks murders were big news in Washington because, as D.C. Council member Jack Evans put it, "To have a triple homicide anywhere in the District of Columbia is an unusual event" Do nothing for anybodies credibility here. The councilmans vested interest in portraying the district as lily white is as obvious as the districts reputation for crime and violence. And, while Georgetown is a -beautiful- place filled largely with "beautiful people" gangsters have humvees too and occaisionally make it beyond the edges of their normal turf. Indeed, before it's gentrification with our tax dollars in the early 70's Georgetown was not a nice place at all. Boyd (all IMO) (not saying there isn't a vast overarching conspiracy ; ) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boyd Subject: Re: CAS: Starbuck Murders (fwd) Date: 05 Feb 1998 10:16:47 -0800 (PST) I don't doubt that Ms. Lewinsky would be wise to take extra precautions, but things like : ". The Starbucks murders were big news in Washington because, as D.C. Council member Jack Evans put it, "To have a triple homicide anywhere in the District of Columbia is an unusual event" Do nothing for anybodies credibility here. The councilmans vested interest in portraying the district as lily white is as obvious as the districts reputation for crime and violence. And, while Georgetown is a -beautiful- place filled largely with "beautiful people" gangsters have humvees too and occaisionally make it beyond the edges of their normal turf. Indeed, before it's gentrification with our tax dollars in the early 70's Georgetown was not a nice place at all. Boyd (all IMO) (not saying there isn't a vast overarching conspiracy ; ) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: (OT) Nuclear Posture Review 2/2 (fwd) Date: 05 Feb 1998 12:38:25 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- SLBMs Under START II, the SLBM force will provide about half of the 3,000 to 3,500 accountable warheads that the United States will be permitted to deploy. Because of this increased reliance on the SLBM force and the continued need for survivable weapons to enhance stability, the NPR determined that the conversion of four submarines to carry the more modern D-5 missile was appropriate. Conversion of these four submarines from the older C-4 missile ensures that the U.S. force can remain intact without danger of age-related problems crippling missiles that would carry 40 percent of SLBM warheads. The SLBM force, which is virtually undetectable when on patrol, is the most survivable and enduring element of the strategic nuclear triad. A significant portion of the SSBN force is at sea at any given time, and all submarines that are not in the shipyard for long-term maintenance can be generated during a crisis. Moreover, the Trident II (D-5) missile -- with its improved accuracy, range, and payload relative to previous SLBMs -- allows the SLBM force to hold at risk almost the entire range of strategic targets. In order to have adequate, survivable, at-sea weapons to support deterrence, accountable SLBM warhead levels need to be maintained close to the START II limit of 1,750. With the 14 SSBN option selected by the NPR, the United States will retain a significant capability to hedge against a failure of the START II Treaty or unforeseen changes in the world, because the D-5 missile loaded on the Tridents will carry fewer warheads than the maximum allowed by START Treaty limits. The 14 boat force also maintains the security of two-ocean basing, further enhancing operational effectiveness and stability. ICBMs ICBMs provide the United States a prompt-response capability. START II requires the downloading of ICBMs to one warhead, but does not place a sublimit on the total number of single-warhead ICBMs. Approximately 500 Minuteman IIIs will be retained and downloaded to one warhead apiece. ICBMs also increase the cost ratio to an adversary of attempting a first strike. Retaining approximately 500 single-warhead Minuteman IIIs provides for a reduced but prudent ICBM force. Bombers There is no START II sublimit on the number of bombers. Because bombers are dual-capable, they fulfill two important functions: they serve as an integral part of the U.S. nuclear deterrent, providing a hedge against a catastrophic failure of either the SSBN or ICBM leg of the triad, and they provide an important conventional capability in MRCs; 100 bombers in a conventional role are tasked for MRCs. Retaining 66 B-52s and 20 B-2s will allow the bombers to serve these functions. NONSTRATEGIC NUCLEAR FORCES The Nuclear Posture Review affirms that the United States has not only a national deterrent posture, but an international nuclear posture. Indeed, the United States extends the deterrent protection of its nuclear arsenal to its allies. Nowhere is this more evident than in the area of NSNF, which are not covered by START I and START II. For nearly 50 years, the United States has maintained a sizable military presence in regions deemed vital to American national interests. Alliance commitments and the unique characteristics of nonstrategic nuclear forces were primary considerations in the NPR's consideration of what the NSNF force structure should be. The Nuclear Posture Review considered numerous options, ranging from one more robust than today's structure to elimination of NSNF entirely. As a result of the NPR, the following decisions were made regarding U.S. nonstrategic nuclear force structure: * Eliminate the option to deploy nuclear weapons on carrier-based, dual-capable aircraft. * Eliminate the option to carry nuclear Tomahawk cruise missiles (TLAM/N) on surface ships. * Retain the option to deploy TLAM/N on attack submarines (although none are currently deployed, they could be deployed if needed). * Retain the current commitment to NATO of dual-capable aircraft based in Europe and CONUS and the deployment of nuclear weapons (gravity bombs) in Europe. These NSNF decisions have the effect of permanently eliminating the capability to deploy nuclear weapons on naval surface ships -- a step that could encourage the Russians to reciprocate -- while maintaining a nonstrategic nuclear force capable of fulfilling U.S. commitments to allies. COMMAND, CONTROL, COMMUNICATIONS, AND INTELLIGENCE Nuclear-related command, control, communications, and intelligence (C3I) and operations have undergone dramatic changes since the end of the Cold War. For example: * Strategic bombers are off alert. * ICBMs and SLBMs have been de-targeted. * U.S. command post structure has been reduced. * The operating tempo of the worldwide airborne command post structure has been reduced. The National Emergency Command Post, formerly used only for a nuclear role, is now the National Airborne Operation Center and is available to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for civil emergencies. * Systems endurability requirements have been reduced by two-thirds. * The C3I portion of the DoD strategic nuclear budget has been reduced from $3.4 billion to $2.1 billion. Nevertheless, to maintain viability, the C3I structure must maintain capability to carry out key missions: early warning; threat assessment; connectivity of the National Command Authority; dissemination of emergency action messages for the launch of nuclear forces, if necessary; and safe, secure force management. With these considerations in mind, the NPR made the following decisions regarding strategic C3I: * Continue adequate funding of critical programs. * Correct existing/projected communication system and tactical warning/attack assessment deficiencies. * Support intelligence systems which provide timely information and threat characterization and warning indicators. INFRASTRUCTURE In order to maintain a streamlined and adjusted nuclear posture, DoD must sustain the infrastructure to support U.S. nuclear forces. The Nuclear Posture Review focused its examination of the nuclear infrastructure on two key areas: the industrial base for strategic missiles, reentry systems, and guidance, as well as for bombers; and support by the Department of Energy (DOE), which is responsible for producing and maintaining nuclear weapons for the Department's systems. The NPR made the following infrastructure recommendations: * Replace the guidance system and re-motor those Minuteman IIIs which are retained. * Continue D-5 production past 1995 to maintain the strategic ballistic missile industrial base (this is a secondary advantage of backfitting the 14 SSBNs to be retained with the D-5 missile). * Fund the sustainment of the guidance and reentry vehicle industrial base. * With regard to bomber infrastructure, no specific funding was found to be necessary, since Stealth and commercial aircraft should keep the industrial base healthy. * Provide the Department of Energy -- the supplier of nuclear weapons -- with DoD's requirements: o Maintain nuclear weapon capability (without underground nuclear testing). o Develop a stockpile surveillance engineering base. o Demonstrate the capability to refabricate and certify weapon types in the enduring stockpile. o Maintain the capability to design, fabricate, and certify new warheads. o Maintain a science and technology base needed to support nuclear weapons. o With regard to the tritium supply to support weapons (as specified annually by the Department of Defense in its Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Memorandum), DoD and DOE must decide on a source and a production program. In order to have an upload hedge in case events require it, an accelerated decision will be needed. o No new-design nuclear warhead production is required. SAFETY, SECURITY, AND USE CONTROL The safety, security, and use controls of nuclear weapons are the solemn responsibility of those nations which possess them. The United States sets the highest international standards for the safety, security, and responsible custodianship of its nuclear arsenal. The dramatic force reductions which already have taken place since the end of the Cold War -- U.S. strategic warheads have been cut by 59 percent since 1988; nonstrategic nuclear forces have been cut by 90 percent -- have contributed greatly to the increased safety and security of U.S. nuclear weapons. As a result of these reductions, nuclear storage sites have been reduced by 75 percent. The Nuclear Posture Review concerned itself with maintaining the U.S. lead role in nuclear safety and security issues. The NPR thoroughly reviewed the recommendations of the Fail-Safe and Risk Reduction (FARR) Commission of 1992 and determined that the vast majority of them had been implemented or were well underway. Among the FARR recommendations the NPR singled out for continued implementation were: * Completing the Trident Coded Control Device (CCD) in 1997, providing for system-level CCDs or permissive action links (PALs) on all U.S. nuclear weapons by 1997. * Seeking alternatives to those recommendations that a test moratorium may preclude (for example, protection equivalent to Category F PAL on all new weapons). The Department of Defense also will re-institute a regular and realistic nuclear procedures exercise program, with participation by senior DoD civilian and military leadership, to ensure thorough understanding of nuclear procedures by this nation's nuclear stewards. THREAT REDUCTION AND COUNTERPROLIFERATION INITIATIVES The Nuclear Posture Review made adjustments to the U.S. nuclear posture unilaterally. They are consistent with, but are not required by, any new arms control agreements. There remains hope for Russia to undertake a comparable review, and to make similar adjustments in its strategic force plans, nonstrategic force plans, and ways of ensuring safety, security, and use control. When President Yeltsin came to Washington to meet with President Clinton in September 1994, they had the opportunity to discuss these adjustments, which were made possible in great measure by the new security relationship with Russia -- pragmatic partnership. At the Summit, the Presidents made important progress on a number of arms control issues and, in fact, took steps down the road of further reductions and increased cooperation on nuclear issues. The Presidents confirmed their intention to seek early ratification of the START II Treaty, once the START I Treaty enters into force, and expressed their desire to exchange START II instruments of ratification at the next U.S.-Russia Summit meeting. Once START II is ratified, the Presidents agreed to begin immediately to deactivate all strategic delivery systems to be eliminated under START II. The Presidents also instructed their experts to intensify their dialogue to compare conceptual approaches and to develop concrete steps to adapt the nuclear forces and practices on both sides to the changed international security environment, including the possibility, after ratification of START II, of further reductions and limitations on remaining nuclear forces. In this uncertain environment, traditional arms control concerns of the past are augmented by the more urgent issues of security and control of key elements of the nuclear complex, particularly the warhead, warhead component, and weapon fissile material stockpiles. The potential for loss or theft of fissile material or nondeployed nuclear warheads is a real risk to U.S. security. As such, there is merit in exploring, together with the Russians and others, initiatives that would reduce this risk. CONCLUSION In the Nuclear Posture Review, the Department of Defense has struck a prudent balance between leading the way to a safer world and hedging against the unexpected. In the post-Cold War environment, the United States continues to require a nuclear deterrent. The strategic triad has been streamlined and adjusted, as have nonstrategic nuclear forces, to account for the reduced role nuclear weapons play in U.S. national security. Major force reductions and cost savings are already underway, leading to a smaller, safer, and more secure U.S. nuclear force. [ExecSec Home Page] [Table of Contents] [Top ofPage] [Next Page] ******************************************************************* Edward F. Immler There is a time to lead, a time to follow, and a time to just get out of the way. Great leaders know which is appropriate. ******************************************************************* ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boyd Subject: Re: NRA: "Our purpose is to get rid of" (firearms) (fwd) Date: 05 Feb 1998 14:39:39 -0800 (PST) Eventually, I imagine I will cease to be amazed at the rkba communities insistence on eating it's young (I have an exceptional imagination). But, until that day and as of right now this post was the most remarkable example I can think of. Talking to some contracted fulfillment house in a state with bad labor laws we can't credit that perhaps this yocum was talking for himself or perhaps simply through his hat. Hmmm. Flame on friends, I even promise not to reply. - Boyd Kneeland NRA life, JPFO, GOA, CCRKBA, SAF, GOAL pres. Council for Legislative Action Washington, DVCF! At 11:13 AM -0600 2/5/98, Neil Dickey wrote: >It was forwarded in part: > >> Thu, 05 Feb 1998 10:04:37 -0400 (EDT), >> Patricia Neill : >> >>Fwd from the Kemp list ... >> >> >> NRA: "Our purpose is to get rid of them" >> (high capacity semi-automatic rifles) >> >>by ORAL DECKARD >>The Vigo Examiner >> >>I just got off the phone with the NRA (The Powerful gun Lobby.) I was told >>repeatedly that "Our purpose is to get rid of them" (high capacity >>semi-automatic rifles). > >[ ... ] > >This article doesn't square at all with a recent NRA Alert I got which >calls for a campaign to reverse California State Atty. Gen'l Dan Lundgren's >orders for the confiscation of modified SKS rifles. > >Somewhere or another, someone appears to have gotten the facts wrong. Any >comments, Tanya? > >The opinions which I have expressed herein are entirely my own, unless other- >wise noted. No-one else should be held responsible for what I think. > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >| D. N. Dickey | Virtuous motives, trammeled by inertia and | >| Research Associate | timidity, are no match for armed and | >| Northern Illinois Univ. | resolute wickedness. | >| | - W. S. Churchill | >| **Finger for public key** | | >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boyd Subject: Re: NRA: "Our purpose is to get rid of" (firearms) (fwd) Date: 05 Feb 1998 14:39:39 -0800 (PST) Eventually, I imagine I will cease to be amazed at the rkba communities insistence on eating it's young (I have an exceptional imagination). But, until that day and as of right now this post was the most remarkable example I can think of. Talking to some contracted fulfillment house in a state with bad labor laws we can't credit that perhaps this yocum was talking for himself or perhaps simply through his hat. Hmmm. Flame on friends, I even promise not to reply. - Boyd Kneeland NRA life, JPFO, GOA, CCRKBA, SAF, GOAL pres. Council for Legislative Action Washington, DVCF! At 11:13 AM -0600 2/5/98, Neil Dickey wrote: >It was forwarded in part: > >> Thu, 05 Feb 1998 10:04:37 -0400 (EDT), >> Patricia Neill : >> >>Fwd from the Kemp list ... >> >> >> NRA: "Our purpose is to get rid of them" >> (high capacity semi-automatic rifles) >> >>by ORAL DECKARD >>The Vigo Examiner >> >>I just got off the phone with the NRA (The Powerful gun Lobby.) I was told >>repeatedly that "Our purpose is to get rid of them" (high capacity >>semi-automatic rifles). > >[ ... ] > >This article doesn't square at all with a recent NRA Alert I got which >calls for a campaign to reverse California State Atty. Gen'l Dan Lundgren's >orders for the confiscation of modified SKS rifles. > >Somewhere or another, someone appears to have gotten the facts wrong. Any >comments, Tanya? > >The opinions which I have expressed herein are entirely my own, unless other- >wise noted. No-one else should be held responsible for what I think. > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >| D. N. Dickey | Virtuous motives, trammeled by inertia and | >| Research Associate | timidity, are no match for armed and | >| Northern Illinois Univ. | resolute wickedness. | >| | - W. S. Churchill | >| **Finger for public key** | | >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: DNC chairman too? (fwd) Date: 05 Feb 1998 21:22:13 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- from Governor Captured Live By Paul M. Rodriguez Picture this: Surveillance videotapes purport to show Colorado Democratic Gov. Roy Romer conducting an affair, and allegations abound. Sound familiar? olorado Gov. Roy H. "Buddy" Romer is chairman of the Democratic National Committee, or DNC, and a staunch defender of President Clinton in the latest White House sex scandal. But the married Romer, father of seven, active churchman and former trustee of the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, has some explaining of his own to do, Insight has learned. .. . . . Romer's active defense of Clinton and denunciation of the president's accusers has prompted release of previously unknown and highly confidential records that appear to show the Colorado governor in 1995 in compromising poses with a female alleged to be a former employee and longtime friend. Romer, who succeeded Donald W. Fowler as DNC chairman after the Democratic fund-raising scandals broke in 1997, repeatedly has denied in published reports going back several years that he has engaged in an extramarital affair. Specifically, he has denied an extramarital romance with Betty Jane Thornberry, once a confidential assistant to Romer at the DNC and previously a top state-paid political aide to the Colorado governor as well as a senior adviser on his many political campaigns. .. . . . The allegations first were made an issue for state voters during Romer's 1990 gubernatorial campaign against Republican John Andrews. In an effort to quash the rumors, Romer held a press conference and issued an unequivocal denial, declaring, "It's false. It's not true. I do [sic] not have an affair with B.J. Thornberry, nor have I ever. I don't have a sexual relationship with her now, nor have I ever." Blaming the press, Romer continued, "It's an interesting circumstance where you have to reply to that kind of journalism." .. . . . When the rumors resurfaced in his 1994 campaign against Bruce Benson, Romer's campaign consultant, Mike Stratton, repeated Romer's denials that he was "absolutely not" having an affair with Thornberry. Romer campaign manager Alan Salazar angrily charged at the same time that the allegations were "disgusting and it is revolting, and it is vile. [Romer's opponents are] interested in drudging up ugly gossip about old rumors that were put aside years ago." In the end, Benson reluctantly issued an "apology" and concern among the public and the press dissolved. With confidence restored by the stern denials, Romer was swept back into office with 55 percent of the vote to Benson's 39 percent. But the whispers continued. . . . . Since the Clinton sexcapades scandal broke loose in 1997 involving Paula Corbin Jones and again with Monica Lewinsky, Romer repeatedly has defended the president in much the same way as he defended himself. For example, while in San Diego recently for the Super Bowl, he declared, "This man is the leader of the free world and here we are trying him on 30-minute clips on Sunday-morning television. What we ought to say is that the charges have been made, the president has denied it and there are unanswered questions." He continued: "We're simply driving to a conclusion before the evidence is in, and that's not proper. I think it's going to damage the presidency if we continue." .. . . . Evidence is important. Insight has obtained confidential records -- including photographs and videotapes -- purportedly showing that Romer may have had more than a platonic relationship. .. . . . The timing could not be worse for the Democratic Party -- both in terms of public image during a critical election year and also with respect to the need for fund-raising to pay down huge debts carried over from the 1996 presidential race. .. . . . The GOP, in some quarters reeling from an "everybody does it" malaise, may react weakly to the possibility of a Romer affair. Voters could go either way: They simply could be inured to the latest news or it could send them over the edge. .. . . . In the photographs and videotapes, as well as other records obtained by Insight -- allegedly obtained between April and July 1995 -- Romer is seen embracing, hugging and kissing a woman said to be Thornberry during visits to Washington. On one trip on July 22, 1995, Romer is seen on videotape kissing her. Intimacies begin in a parking lot shortly after Romer exits the terminal at Dulles International Airport in the early evening, where he waves to her. They embrace repeatedly, kiss and then enter a car belonging to Thornberry. Inside the car, with Romer in the driver's seat and the lady next to him, they again lock into an embrace and engage in kissing lasting about six minutes -- from 6:00 to 6:06 p.m., according to the confidential records. .. . . . The two also are seen kissing, hugging and holding hands on at least one other occasion during this July trip to Washington, according to the confidential records. Moreover, it appears from the photos, videos and other records that Romer spent the night at a private house located on V Street in Northwest Washington after dining with the woman at an elegant French restaurant in Northern Virginia. Leaving the restaurant at 9:05 p.m., "with their arms around one another, they walked to the back of the parking lot and into the woods, where they hugged and kissed until 9:08 p.m. They returned to her car at 9:10 p.m.," the confidential reports state. .. . . . After a roundabout drive to Washington that private surveillance teams believe was meant to throw off any would-be chasers, the woman and Romer are seen entering the V Street house owned, according to land-deed records, by a Coloradan who then worked on Capitol Hill. Shortly after 9:50 p.m., when the garage door closes, the lights in the house go on. The woman and Romer are not seen leaving the house until they do so the next morning at approximately 10:25 a.m. "Mr. Romer and Ms. Thornberry were observed getting into her car in the garage, he in the driver's seat and she in the front passenger's seat," the confidential reports state. "No luggage was observed. He backed the car out of the garage and started to drive.... He stopped for a moment and they seemed to be studying a map. He then drove away," the reports state. .. . . . The documents refer to other occasions in which Romer and a woman identified as Thornberry are seen together, including another airport meeting on May 26, 1995, when hugs and kisses also were recorded and detailed. .. . . . Romer is not known, according to state political observers, as a tactile person who generally hugs or kisses staff members. He usually does not take a security detail with him on trips, preferring to travel alone when in Washington, say the same observers, who add that the governor seldom details where he stays on trips -- even to close staff. .. . . . The origin of the surveillance documents could not immediately be learned. Sources and intermediaries who supplied the material to Insight are opponents of Romer and include members of both parties. . . . . Both in writing and during repeated telephone calls to his offices in Colorado and at the DNC in Washington, Insight asked Romer for comment. However, at press time the governor had declined to respond. .. . . . Thornberry issued a denial in 1990, saying, "The Rumor [sic] is not true. The feelings range from rage to feeling absolutely vulnerable and helpless. I feel violated." When the rumors resurfaced in 1994, she did not comment. .. . . . Darryl Elkin, acting executive director of the Colorado State Democratic Party, tells Insight, "Those rumors were put to rest long ago, and woe to anybody to try [to resurface them]. Anybody trying to resurrect that is politically motivated." Indeed, sourcing for the confidential records delivered to Insight can be linked to political opponents of Romer upset at the continued public perception that the Colorado governor is morally above reproach when, according to them, he is not. "It's bad for the party that this is going on.... It needs to come out now so we can get it behind us," says one Democratic source claiming knowledge of the issue. . . . . When he was tapped by Clinton to succeed Don Fowler as head of the DNC, Romer swept into Washington not just as a sitting governor but as a stalwart and shining star of the Democratic Party; an Orion of ethics, honesty and straight shooting. He promised Clinton, Congress and the American people that he would get to the bottom of alleged wrongdoing at the DNC involving fund-raising practices that elicited substantial attention and concern about improper and illegal activities. As a result of these alleged misdeeds, some admitted by DNC officials, the party has plummeted deeply into debt currently estimated to be about $10 million. .. . . . Grabbing control of the DNC from Fowler, Romer declared he had taken Clinton's offer because "what's important is... the people, the ideas and values that drive the system, rather than excessive money and so on. That's why I took this job." And in a January 1997 appearance on CNN's Inside Politics, Romer distanced himself from Fowler when he declared, "Don was in charge [of] a system that, frankly, was overwhelmed with volume, and they had inadequate procedures in place." . . . . But the problem at the DNC had begun, however coincidentally, with Clinton's March 1996 appointment of Thornberry as the DNC's executive director. Thornberry accepted some responsibility for the DNC's lax donor-vetting system but claimed there "was no way in the world" to control the checks -- numbering more than 30,000. But she conceded, "We've made mistakes, and we take it very seriously." In addition, Thornberry admitted she had "misgivings" about John Huang's May 1995 trip to Taiwan to meet with prospective donors but decided to approve it nonetheless. .. . . . Thornberry began her political career as a councilwoman in Craig, Colo., and in 1982 took the reins of the reelection campaign of then-state treasurer Romer. After successfully managing that campaign, she became his deputy state treasurer and later served as his chief of staff for most of his first two terms as governor. After Clinton's election, Thornberry was appointed to the Interior Department, where she quickly became embroiled in controversy. .. . . . In early 1995, the White House was called by and on the behalf of Suzanna Hubbell, the wife of former associate attorney general Webster Hubbell, who had been forced to resign in 1994 after he pleaded guilty to fraud and tax charges. One of the calls was made by Interior's then-deputy chief of staff Thornberry on Feb. 6 to White House aide and Clinton confidante Bruce Lindsey. Later that day, Lindsey contacted Thornberry to assure her that the White House Counsel's Office was going to approve Hubbell's reinstatement at the Interior Department. That same day, Suzanna Hubbell officially was reinstated at her $59,022 job, according to news reports. .. . . . Nor was controversy absent during Thornberry's tenure at the DNC. Despite amassing as much as $15 million in debt and being forced to return nearly $3 million in improper contributions, she was retained at the DNC through the first year of Romer's chairmanship. In early December she resigned to become chief of staff to Dwight Robinson, deputy secretary of Housing and Urban Development. She has not returned Insight's telephone calls offering her a chance to comment. .. . . . Revelations of Romer's alleged intimate encounters have come at a prickly time for Democrats as they rock and reel over continued federal criminal probes of the fund-raising debacle and newly explosive sex scandals involving the president just 10 months before midterm congressional elections. As the national spokesman for the Democratic Party, second only to Clinton, Romer has been under extreme pressure to portray his president and party as representing the highest values of the American people. It has become a difficult task, as several indictments already have been obtained by a joint Justice Department-FBI task force looking into illicit fund-raising, and Congress is expected to make further referrals for follow-up criminal investigations. .. . . . As the nation confronts moral and ethical issues about public officials as a result of the alleged Clinton sexcapades, photographs and other evidence of Romer's apparent intimate encounters add fuel to an already explosive and volatile national debate about political leadership. .. . . . The Romer problem, like the Clinton scandal, seems likely to involve the perception of betrayal of public trust by a politician hiding behind lawyerly lingo. When stories in Colorado first suggested Romer was conducting an affair with Thornberry, voters expressed grave concern and told pollsters and journalists that, while a private matter, proof of infidelity would undermine the moral leadership of the governor and reflect poorly on his likely effectiveness if reelected -- unless he could disprove the charges. As in the first Clinton defense against the now-infamous Gennifer Flowers revelations, it seemed the Romer response was masterful in deflecting attention from his alleged improper behavior. . . . . Colorado Democrats and Republicans said they had heard for several months that damning evidence existed of a romance involving Romer. Officials at the DNC and the RNC said they had no knowledge of any such materials, though they had heard the rumors over a period of years as well -- rumors that Romer repeatedly had denied. .. . . . White House officials had no comment. .. . . . .. . . . Jennifer G. Hickey contributed to this article. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: Luther Williams vs California (fwd) Date: 05 Feb 1998 21:27:53 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Reply-To: "Sen. Diane Feinstein" Cc: "Rep. Frank Riggs" , Education Clearinghouse , Ron & Julia Croyts , Karen Holgate , Susan Holladay , Steve Laib , "John E. Stone " , "Nicholas, Janet" Please review the attached letter. I have seen the letter Mr. Williams wrote, and I believe it is fairly quoted and characterized in the following letter to President Clinton. Despite the sordid examples of some who hold high office in Washington, there should be no place in government for people who abuse their positions of power. In this case, Mr. Williams has demonstrated that he is unfit for the office he holds. Therefore, I would like you to do all you can to persuade the administration to fire Luther Williams, the National Science Foundation Director for Education and Human Resources. Please let me know your position on this matter. Straight talk would be preferable to the usual flowery non-statements received from politicians. Do you, or do you not, believe that the federal government or its agencies should be able to influence education decisions of the state? Do you, or do you not, believe that the federal government should be able to overrule the wishes of parents with regard to the education of their own children? Philip Graf 7784 Kennedy Rd Sebastopol, CA 95472 ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- Subject: Time: 1:33 PM OFFICE MEMO Luther Williams vs California Date: 1/21/98 The letter below went to the President last week. The following Congressmen signed the letter: Goodling, Riggs, McKeon, Hoekstra and Graham. The President had not responded as of this morning. _____________________ December 18, 1997 The Honorable William Jefferson Clinton President of the United States The White House Washington, DC 2000? Dear Mr. President: The purpose of this letter is to express our deep concern about the interference of the federal government, specifically the National Science Foundation, in State governance matters involving school curriculum. We believe this warrants your personal and immediate attention. California has been in the process of developing rigorous, academic standards in mathematics, and other subject areas for the past several years. The California State Board of Education, by law has the final authority on what these standards should be, and it has been deeply involved in their development. On December 11, 1997, the day before the State Board of Education was to approve new mathematics standards, The National Science Foundation Director for Education and Human Resources, Luther Williams, in his official capacity, sent a letter to the President of the State Board of Education Yvonne Larson, criticizing the Board's preliminary decision to adopt standards of which Mr. Williams disapproved. In his letter he made clear his disdain for the competence of the State Board of Education to decide what is best for California children as indicated below: "The Board actions, charitably, is shortsighted and detrimental to the long-term mathematical literacy of children in CaliforniaO.The wistful or nostalgic "back-to-basics" approach that characterizes the Board standards overlooks the fact that the approach has chronically and dismally failed." For a Federal official, with no legitimate stake in the debate and no facts to back up his claims, to openly seek to influence the decision was bad enough. However, the following paragraph from his letter definitely crosses the line between Federal and State jurisdiction over local education matters: "The National Science Foundation currently maintains a portfolio exceeding $50 million in awards to six public school systems in California (East Side Union, Fresno, Los Angeles, Oakland, Paramount, San Diego)O.These awards, though only moving into their second and third years of implementation, are beginning to stimulate significant learning gains in mathematics and science achievementO.You must surely understand that the Foundation cannot support individual school systems that embark on a course that substitutes computational proficiencies for a commitment to deep, balanced, mathematical learning." It is clear from Mr. Luther's own comments that there is insufficient scientific data to back up his claims that "significant gains in mathematics achievement" will result from this "approved" National Science Foundation approach to mathematics instruction. In fact the National Science Foundation conducted research in Project Follow Through over twenty five years at a cost of more than one billion dollars, that supports "computational proficiencies" as a fundamental and necessary part of mathematics instruction. Mr. Williams conveniently ignores these findings. His heavy-handed approach is further reflected in the final paragraph of his letter: "We view the Board action in California with grave disappointment and as a lost opportunity for the cities we support - indeed, for the entire stateO.We disagree, decisively, with the Board's decision to systematically remove components from the standards that focus on problem solving and other elements of the rigorous and powerful use and learning of mathematics." It is our view that the National Science Foundation should not try to override a State Board decision. To use the hammer of possible withdrawal of federal funds to force a state into compliance with unproven practices is unconscionable. We consider the action taken by Mr. Williams as totally inappropriate, and an infringement of the Federal government upon the will of the States and the people of California. The Federal government has no business interfering with the California State Board of Education on something as sensitive as the content of school curriculum. Please let us know what action you intend to take to address the actions of Mr. Williams. Sincerely, _________________ BILL GOODLING Committee on Education and the Workforce Cc: Yvonne Larson, Chairman, California State Board of Education Delaine Easton, California Superintendent of Instruction Honorable Richard Riley, United States Secretary of Education Neil F. Lane, Director, National Science Foundation Luther Williams, Assistant Director for Education, National Science Foundation Pete Wilson, Governor of California ----------------- End Forwarded Message ----------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: AZ Needs Help--Now! (fwd) Date: 05 Feb 1998 21:32:01 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Forwarded from John Walker Please spread this around .... We need all the calls and letters we can muster to stop the indescriminate closing of shooting ranges on public land. ) We Need Your Help ....... NOW! Our Shooting Facility in Tucson Arizona has been "temporarily" closed by the Forest Service. In our ongoing effort to reopen the ranges, the congress of the United States has taken an interest in this matter and scheduled a hearing for February 12, 1998. Would you please write letters of support for the reopening of our range to Committee Chairperson Helen Chenoweth and have them faxed to her office? (the original should still be sent by mail for the record) Please cc: the rest of the officials on the list. They are all key to rectifying what we have been going thru. Short letters of support from around the country will show Representative Chenoweth and the others that people all over ARE concerned about the forest service's attitude toward shooting facilities. Additional information and / or a page of discussion points is available if you need it. Our contact information is at the end of this message. Some of those points are: Tucson Rod & Gun Club has been in operation for over 40 years. The club ranges serve over 28,000 shooters a year. TR&GC's range facility has an impeccable safety record. The club offers a variety of firearms safety instruction programs as well as a myriad of competitive and recreational shooting opportunities. All firearms shooting has been blocked by the Forest Service. The US Forest Service has been trying to shut down the range for a few years using tactics of suppression, oppression and economic collapse to (what many feel) make this an example or a "how to" book for government bureaucracies to shut down shooting facilities (private or public) across the country. In some cases they have threatened individual members under CERCLA "superfund" type schemes, going so far as to attempt to change EPA regulations (which at the current time do not consider lead on an active shooting range hazardous) At least a half a dozen "experts" have examined the range for sound, safety, lead, design etc. and the overwhelming majority have agree that there are no significant matters that pose problems and there are absolutely no problems that cannot be corrected. All this taken into account the Forest Service refuses to allow the club to make any improvements. It was reported that the USFS refused to talk with investigators for the congressional committee sent to research the issue. We know that this is short notice and thank you for your quick response. Please send or fax written correspondence as soon as possible to the following people urging them to get personally involved and do all that is possible to reopen the Tucson Rod & Gun Club. (or send to one and cc the rest) 1) Representative Helen Chenoweth - Chair Subcommittee on Forest & Forest Health 1337 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 DC - (202) 225-0691, fax (202) 225-0521 2) Senator John McCain 241 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 DC - (202) 224- 2235, fax (202)-224-2862 Phoenix - (602)-952-2410, fax (602)952-8702 3) Senator Jon Kyl 724 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 DC - (202) 224-4521, fax (202) 228-1239 Phoenix - (602) 840-1891, (602) 840-4848 4) Congressman Don Young - Chairman House Committee on Resources 1324 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-2761, fax (202) 225-5929 5) Representative Jim Kolbe 405 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 DC - (202) 225-2542, fax (202) 225-0378 Tucson - (520) 881-3588, fax (520) 322-9490 Tucson Rod & Gun Club (would appreciate copies of any letters / faxes) P.O.Box 12921 - Tucson, Az. 85732 Got questions? Call Fred Griisser (602) 848-6002 (voice / fax) or e-mail; Visit Tucson Rod & Gun Clubs web site at: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Liberty or Death Subject: >>> Wanna Kill the Flu? <<< Date: 05 Feb 1998 21:14:50 -0800 To All: For the last couple of years I've been raving about a treatment for influenza that really works. To date, of the thousands of people I've told about it, 2 have tried it, and they agreed that it's incredible. Oh well. Go to this website and check it out: The product is called Sambucol, and it's an elderberry extract. The folks at the above website have put together a good page explaining how it works (I just discovered them with an altavista search). See if you can get it locally; if not, these folks probably have it in stock. Or do a web search on Sambucol. Call health food stores. I'm not kidding, folks, this stuff works; go read the website, and don't miss the *more* at the bottom of page 1. You have to start taking it when symptoms first appear. Or you can ignore me like lots of others have. Hey, it ain't *my* body you've got there, and if you want to feel like you wish you were dead for a week or more, fine. Not my problem. Myself, I have a stock of Sambucol, ready and waiting... - Monte -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Maybe freedom's just one of those things that you can't inherit." - Peter Bradford, in the film "Amerika" -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Idaho Observer - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: Currie New York Times (fwd) Date: 06 Feb 1998 10:59:22 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- -- [ From: Debra McKim-Brown * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] -- Friday, February 6, 1998 Copyright 1998 The New York Times WASHINGTON -- President Clinton's personal secretary has told investigators that Clinton summoned her to the White House hours after he testified in the Paula Corbin Jones lawsuit and led her through an account of his relationship with Monica S. Lewinsky that mirrored that testimony, according to lawyers familiar with her account and his testimony. The secretary, Betty Currie, has told investigators the President asserted that he had never been alone with Lewinsky and that he had resisted her sexual advances, the lawyers said. They paraphrased Currie as saying that the President had portrayed his relationship with Lewinsky through such questions as We were never alone , right? Currie, however, has told investigators that the President and Lewinsky sometimes were alone, the lawyers said. She has also turned over gifts to investigators that she retrieved from Lewinsky, including a hat pin, a brooch, and a dress, the lawyers familiar with her account said. These gifts are among several pieces of new evidence that Currie has provided to investigators, who are trying to determine whether the President tried to hide aspects of his relationship with Lewinsky. Last December, Jones's legal team served Lewinsky with a subpoena that demanded she surrender any gifts she had received from the President. According to Lewinsky's account, she discussed the demand for the gifts with Clinton in late December, and he told her if she did not have the gifts, she would not have to turn them over, according to lawyers familiar with the account provided by Lewinsky to the Whitewater independent counsel. Soon after, Currie collected the items from Lewinsky. Two weeks ago, Currie turned over a box of gifts to investigators working for the independent counsel, Kenneth W. Starr. Currie has been extensively interviewed by agents and prosecutors from the office of independent counsel. The gifts and her conversation with the President are among several pieces of new information she has provided to investigators about possible efforts to hide evidence of Clinton's relationship with Lewinsky from lawyers for Paula Corbin Jones , the lawyers said. Starr has been investigating whether Clinton lied about his relationship with Lewinsky, a 24-year-old former White House intern, or encouraged her or others to lie, too. Currie, who authorized many of the 37 visits Lewinsky made to the White House after she stopped working there, has told investigators that she does not know if Lewinsky and President Clinton had a sexual relationship, the lawyers said. Clinton has repeatedly denied, and did so again today, that he had "sexual relations" with Lewinsky and has said he never encouraged anyone to lie. A White house spokesman said tonight: "For the past few weeks we've been subjected to false leaks designed to mislead both reporters and the American public. We're not going to dignify the latest false leak with a response." On Jan. 17, a Saturday, Clinton testified under oath in the Jones law suit for six hours. According to a lawyer who has reviewed the President's testimony, Clinton said that he could not specifically recall being alone with Lewinsky but that if they had been alone, the encounters involved only brief official contact. Clinton testified at his lawyer's office, a site chosen to keep Jones, who was also present, from entering the White House. After the testimony , Clinton returned to The White House. He canceled plans to go out to dinner with his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton. According to Currie's account, the lawyers said, the President called her Saturday night and summoned her to work at the White House the next day. It was there, Currie told the investigators, that she had a private meeting with Clinton in which she listened as the President posed and then answered a series of questions about his relationship with Lewinsky . It is not clear who, if anyone, instructed Currie to retrieve the gifts from Lewinsky or whether Currie knew they had been subpoenaed by Jones's lawyers. Currie's lawyer, Lawrence Wechsler, released a one sentence statement tonight: "Without commenting on the allegations raised in this article, to the extent that there is any implication or suggestion that Currie was aware of any legal or ethical impropriety by anyone, that implication or suggestion is entirely inaccurate." Reached by telephone at her home in Arlington, Va., Currie declined to comment tonight, saying, "You've already talked to my lawyer." Lawyers for Lewinsky, in their latest proposed testimony to Starr, have provided her account of how the gifts wound up in the possession of Clinton's secretary. This proposed testimony is consistent with Currie's version on several points, according to lawyers familiar with the inquiry. Currie has already emerged as a central figure in the inquiry. Vernon E . Jordan Jr., the Presidential confidant who helped Lewinsky get a lawyer and find a job, has said that Lewinsky was "referred" to him by Currie. The possibility that Currie, 58, might be helping investigators has been a subject of anxiety for the White House for weeks, according to Administration officials. Currie was absent from work in the days after the story erupted last month, and in that time she was secretly meeting with Starr's investigators, lawyers familiar with the inquiry said. She has since returned to work and was at her desk outside Clinton's office today, a White House spokesman said. Lawyers say Currie's meetings two weeks ago with investigators were a moment of deep anguish for the longtime Democratic loyalist, who worked in the 1992 Clinton Presidential campaign. Colleagues describe her as deeply religious woman. Lawyers familiar with the inquiry say that Currie appeared to be a reluctant but truthful witness who felt torn between her devotion to her boss and an obligation to tell what she knew to Starr, whom the White House has characterized as a right-wing zealot intent on destroying the Clintons. Last month, Currie appeared before the Washington grand jury investigating the case. What she said remains a secret. Federal rules generally bar anyone except the witness from disclosing grand jury testimony until it is released in court. Lewinsky became a White House intern in the summer of 1995. An associate of Lewinsky and others familiar with her account say she has acknowledged in her proffers that she had a sexual relationship with the President from 1995 to 1997. At the end of 1995, she took a job in the White House legislative affairs office. In April of 1996, Lewinsky was transferred to the Pentagon after White House aides became concerned about her habit of turning up at Presidential events and ceremonies to which she was not invited. In the summer of 1997, Lewinsky began confiding to a friend, Linda R. Tripp, about what she described as an affair with the President. Tripp taped some of these conversations without Lewinsky's knowledge. By the fall, Lewinsky had begun looking for a job in New York with the assistance of Currie. In October, Currie asked a deputy White House chief of staff, John D. Podesta, to help Lewinsky find a job in New York , where Lewinsky's mother lives, said an associate of Currie's. On an official trip to South America, Podesta asked the chief United States delegate to the United Nations, Bill Richardson, whether he could find work for "a friend" of Currie. By the end of October, Richardson and two aides met with Lewinsky at the Watergate apartment complex, where they offered her a job. She turned it down. DEC. 5. Lawyers for Jones notified Clinton's lawyer that Lewinsky was a possible witness in the case. A few days later, Jordan, a Washington insider who serves on the corporate boards of Revlon and American Express, began looking for a job for Lewinsky. In his only statement on the matter, Jordan has said the former intern was "referred" to him by Currie. He did not elaborate and declined to answer any questions. DEC 17. Lawyers for Jones issued a subpoena to Lewinsky that demanded her testimony and any gifts she might have received from Clinton. It is not clear what the Jones lawyers knew about the relationship. After the subpoena was issued, Lewinsky and Clinton had several conversations and at least one private meeting in the White House, said an associate of Lewinsky. At that session, according to Lewinsky's version of events, CLinton told her that if she were in New York, she might be able to avoid testifying in the Jones lawsuit. Clinton also reportedly told her she could explain her visits to the White House as trips to see Currie. In a conversation with Clinton in December, Lewinsky warned the President that the lawyers for Jones were aggressively pursuing details of their relationship, including any gifts. It was at this time, according to Lewinsky's account, that Clinton noted that she could avoid turning over the gifts if she no longer had them. There have been numerous reports about Clinton's gifts to Lewinsky. After the story erupted three weeks ago, Lewinsky was quoted as having told Tripp on tape that Clinton gave her a dress. When Federal agents searched Lewinsky's apartment for any gifts or other evidence, her lawyer, William H. Ginsburg, said that no such dress had been found. Ginsburg said other inconsequential items, like a book of poetry, had been seized by the agents. JAN. 7. Lewinsky signs an affidavit denying that she had a sexual relationship with Clinton. Efforts to land her a job by Jordan reach fruition over the next several days with a post offered to her by Revlon in New York. JAN. 17. After years of legal skirmishing, the lawyers for Jones finally had their chance to question Clinton. In a six-hour, secret session, Clinton's lawyers attempted to block questioning about Lewinsky , citing her affidavit, according to people involved in the deposition. The effort failed. A Federal judge allowed some questions to be asked about Lewinsky. He denied that he had sex with her. Asked if he had given her gifts, he replied that perhaps he had done so, but only ordinary White House souvenirs, according to a lawyer who has read the President's deposition. Clinton also said he could not recall being alone with Lewinsky, though he might have done so in conducting official business. That evening, a report on the internet that said Newsweek had declined to publish a story it was preparing on an affair between the President and a White House intern. It is not known whether Clinton was aware of the report. But that evening, he canceled a dinner outside the White House with the First Lady. Currie has told investigators, lawyers said, that the President called her and asked her to meet him at the office the following day. JAN. 18. Currie met Clinton at the White House, according to lawyers familiar with her account. Lawyers familiar with the inquiry said Currie recalled that President had asked a series of questions to which he supplied the answers. The lawyers paraphrased the President's remarks about Lewinsky as being along these lines: We were never alone together, right? Clinton also asserted to Currie that he resisted the former intern's advances, Currie has told investigators. JAN. 21. News organizations report that Starr is investigating whether Jordan and the President took improper steps to hinder the lawsuit brought by Jones. The focus is on Lewinsky's affidavit denying the sexual relationship and her job offer from Revlon, which is retracted shortly after the story breaks. For the next several days, Currie was not at her desk in the White House, prompting concerns about whether she had been contacted by Starr's investigators, an Administration official said. In fact, Currie was talking. She provided investigators with the box of gifts and recounted some of Clinton's remarks about Lewinsky. After missing several days of work, she returned to her desk at the White House, where she was warmly embraced by colleagues. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: WT: China blocks Burton's investigators (fwd) Date: 06 Feb 1998 13:08:39 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- China blocks Burton's investigators ("dingicat" , 4:44) Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater Not to be used for commercial purposes By Jerry Seper THE WASHINGTON TIMES The Chinese government has blocked congressional investigators from traveling to Hong Kong and Beijing as part of an ongoing campaign-finance investigation and threatened to arrest them if they try. Four investigators for the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee were scheduled to leave for China Saturday, but passport and visa applications submitted Jan. 23 to the Chinese Embassy in Washington were refused, said the committee's chairman, Rep. Dan Burton, Indiana Republican. The investigators were told the Chinese Foreign Ministry in Beijing had issued standing orders that embassy officials in Washington were not to process visa -- Continued from Front Page -- requests for any congressional investigators seeking to visit China as part of the campaign-finance probe. They also were told they would be arrested if they tried otherwise to enter the country. "In light of President Jiang Zemin's recent pledge in Washington to President Clinton of cooperation in getting at the truth in campaign-finance matters, I fail to comprehend China's obstructionist attitude," Mr. Burton said in a letter Thursday to Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright. "I find it outrageous that China would seek to block the U.S. Congress from official and legitimate business abroad," he said. Chinese Embassy spokesman Yu Shu Ning denied that the visa applications had been rejected because of the investigation. He said they were withheld by embassy officials in Washington pending "instructions from home." Committee investigators have focused in recent weeks on accusations that the Chinese government sought to influence the U.S. political process during the 1996 presidential election. The inquiry has included an investigation of suspected efforts by the Chinese Embassy to funnel illegal foreign money into several campaigns, including that of Mr. Clinton. Chinese government officials have denied the accusations. State Department spokesman James Foley said he had not yet seen the letter and was unaware that visas had been denied. He said, however, that the department would look into the matter. Mr. Burton, in his letter, said the indictment last week of former Little Rock businessman Charles Yah Lin Trie on charges he illegally funneled foreign cash to the Democratic National Committee made it important for committee investigators to be allowed to enter China to pursue the accusations. "A staff visit at this time will be particularly useful to both our governments to clear the air on all matters related to the involvement of Chinese citizens in possible campaign-finance abuses by U.S. officials," he said. Mr. Trie, who fled to China after the campaign-finance probe began, was indicted Jan. 29 on 15 counts accusing him and a business associate, Antonio Pan, of obstruction of justice, conspiracy and wire fraud in their transfer of money from U.S. banks to illegally reimburse contributors. The indictment, the first by the Justice Department's campaign-finance task force, said Mr. Trie and Mr. Pan illegally diverted money to the DNC through "straw donors" who were then secretly reimbursed in cash by the two men. Mr. Trie also is accused of funneling more than $600,000 to the DNC. The indictment said much of the money came from foreign sources. Mr. Trie pleaded not guilty Thursday in U.S. District Court and is scheduled for trial on Oct. 7. Last July, Sen. Fred Thompson, Tennessee Republican and chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, said at the start of campaign-finance hearings that China plotted to influence U.S. policy with illegal political contributions. Mr. Thompson said committee investigators believed that high-level Chinese government officials had "crafted a plan to increase China's influence over the U.S. political process." He said the Chinese government violated U.S. law by enlisting people to pour money into national and state political campaigns to influence U.S. policy toward Beijing. "The government of China is believed to have allocated substantial sums of money to achieve its objectives," Mr. Thompson said. Mr. Burton asked Mrs. Albright for her "immediate intervention with the government of China" to ensure that committee investigators are allowed into that country. "I hope that you will address this matter with the Chinese government as quickly as possible so that any further delays can be avoided," he said. The four investigators, who were not identified in the letter, included three from the committee's majority staff and one from the minority staff. They had been scheduled to visit Hong Kong from Saturday until Feb. 18, and Beijing from Feb. 18 to Feb. 25. Copyright ) 1998 News World Communications, Inc. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: JT: Bill's problem and ours (fwd) Date: 06 Feb 1998 16:07:57 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Jerusalem Post Friday, February 6, 1998 Bill's problem and ours By JONATHAN ROSENBLUM (February 6) - "What the president does behind closed doors is nobody's business," runs the received wisdom of the day. Morality, we are assured, can be neatly bifurcated into public and private spheres. Nothing could be further from the Jewish view. For us, all life is ultimately lived in the presence of God. The claim that one area of life has no implications for other areas belongs to the evil inclination's arsenal of tricks. Conscience and self-discipline cannot be infinitely compartmentalized. Just because someone cheats at golf - another notorious Clinton failing - doesn't mean he will rob a bank, but one would be well-advised to be careful buying a used car from him. William Jefferson Blythe Clinton himself constitutes the clinching refutation for the argument for unrelated moral spheres. The taint of personal corruption has adhered to him no less than the rumors of insatiable womanizing from the beginning of his political career. Consider some of the highlights: * The Clintons' erstwhile Whitewater partner, Susan McDougal, today rots in jail for contempt of court for her refusal to testify, despite a grant of immunity, concerning the president's role in procuring a fraudulent loan from the Small Business Administration, the proceeds of which eventually ended up in the Whitewater account. If the president has nothing to hide, why doesn't he tell his former close friend to reveal whatever she knows? * On his way to jail for embezzlement, Webster Hubbell, Hillary's former law partner and associate attorney-general, was lucky enough to have Clinton's closest aides arrange for him to receive $400,000 in consulting fees from close Clinton cronies. Hush money? * Former Little Rock restaurateur Charles Yah Lin Trie thoughtfully handed over to the Clinton Defense Fund a paper bag stuffed with $460,000 in illegal, laundered contributions. The grateful president created for him a new seat on a federal trade commission. Under federal indictment, Trie has conveniently fled the country to avoid testifying. * The White House and the president were virtually rented out to Democratic donors in 1996: $10,000-$25,000 for invitations to state dinners; $50,000-$100,000 for dinner or an hour-long chat over coffee with the president; and for really big bucks, a night in the Lincoln bedroom, golf with the president, or a ride on Air Force One. The president only stopped months of denying the "sale of the White House" when a memo outlining the plan turned up with his enthusiastic scribbling: "Yes, pursue all 3 and promptly. . . . Ready to start overnights right away." Michael Kelly of the liberal New Republic characterized the 1996 Clinton fundraising operation as setting "a level of corruption and greed . . . that is unprecedented." * One of the most successful Democratic fundraisers was John Huang, a former employee of the Indonesia-based Lippo Group, who was personally installed by the president at the Commerce Department and the Democratic National Committee. Of the millions he collected from Asians, large sums came from the Lippo Group itself, which has been described as a "joint venture with the Chinese government." * Denied White House access to sell his plans for a multibillion dollar oil pipeline from the Caucasus to Turkey, shadowy Lebanese-American businessman Roger Tamraz became a major Democratic contributor and frequent White House visitor. After one private chat with the president, Clinton told his chief of staff to press the Department of Energy to find a way to support the proposal. Quid pro quo. Bill Clinton is the most powerful man in the world, holding in his hands the power to destroy the world many times over. If he were a drug addict, would anyone claim that his addiction was irrelevant? Is it far-fetched to think that his "girl" problem similarly numbs his judgment? To the extent that a person is thrall to his material or physical desires, our Sages stress, he is incapable of objectively evaluating a situation. Certainly Clinton has repeatedly shown himself unable to make the elementary calculation, "Weigh the reward of the sin against its cost," even by his own calculus of reward and cost. We have come a long way from the days that JFK romped in the White House. Someone as bright as Clinton must surely have realized that he could not keep his activities behind closed doors. Consider the logistical difficulties alone. The president is constantly surrounded by Secret Service agents, just as he was surrounded as Arkansas governor by state troopers, who later proved embarrassingly talkative. In the nature of things, his affairs of the heart have a very limited life expectancy. At the end, there is always likely to be one embittered party, like Gennifer Flowers, eager to talk for revenge or money. And, Yael Dayan notwithstanding, there are many women who do not find the president's advances enchanting, and who will not remain silent about them, ala Paula Jones. Yet knowing all this, Clinton has apparently been unable to hold his libido in check, in the process diminishing the office he holds and turning himself into the perpetual butt of Jay Leno and David Letterman's jokes. Kennedy's judgment was so clouded that he saw no problem in sharing a mistress with a leading mob boss. Can we be confident that Clinton's is not similarly affected and that decisions potentially involving tens of thousands of lives, such as that to bomb Iraq, will not be influenced by the need to distract attention from his romantic travails. And what finally is revealed by our rush to forgive Clinton? Our eagerness to be easy on him partakes of our own desire to view ourselves as good fellows without devoting much effort to actually becoming good people. Young, handsome, and concerned, Clinton has grown used to the forgiveness that we readily grant him in the hope that we too will not be challenged to improve our character. (The writer is a Jerusalem Post columnist.) ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jaspar Subject: Heston LIVE on AOL 2/7 Date: 06 Feb 1998 20:02:36 -0700 Promo from AOL .... 02/07 NRA VP Charlton Heston 3:30pm ET (AOL Live) Charlton Heston is the first vice-president of the National Rifle Association of America. Elected to the NRA board in 1997, he is one of only 16 individuals in the NRA's 126-year history to be awarded Honorary Life Membership -- the association's highest honor. Growing up hunting, shooting and fishing in the north woods of Michigan, Heston found in America's outdoors tradition and a respect for individual freedom and personal responsibility that would guide him through life. While studying at Northwestern University, he married fellow acting student Lydia Clarke, and, after serving three years in the Army Air Corps during World War II, they moved to New York's theatre district. Since then Heston has starred in more than 70 motion pictures and nearly as many theatre productions. Among his other achievements, Heston won an Academy Award for Best Actor in "Ben-Hur" as well as similar international citations, was elected six times as president of the Screen Actors Guild, served as the first chairman of the American Film Institute and authored four books. Event Keyword: "AOL Live" Time: 3:30pm ET (C) 1998 America Online, Inc. Transmitted: 02/05/1998 10:01 PM - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Subject: No matter how paranoid I get, I can't keep up Date: 08 Feb 1998 14:54:25 -0500 (EST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Bruce Sterling, and others, have asked of the Washington Post story [see below]: > Is this story correct? The Washington Post gives a highly distorted account of some very important scientific work we have done. I suggest that list members read our paper - - for themselves before getting carried away. The story is as follows. Bill G gave our department $20m for a new building, and his people said that what they really wanted from our group was a better way to control software copying. So it would have been rather churlish of us not to at least look at their `problem'. Now the `final solution' being peddled by the smartcard industry (and others) is to make software copying physically impossible, by tying program execution to a unique tamper-resistant hardware token. We wouldn't like to see this happen, and we have already done a lot to undermine confidence in the claims of tamper-proofness made by smartcard salesmen. So Markus and I sat down and tried to figure out what we could do for the Evil Empire. We concluded that=20 (1) large companies generally pay for their software;=20 (2) if you try to coerce private individuals, the political backlash=20 would be too much;=20 so=20 (3) if the Evil Empire is to increase its revenue by cracking down on piracy, the people to go after are medium sized companies. So the design goal we set ourselves was a technology that would enable software vendors to catch the medium-sized offender - the dodgy freight company that runs 70 copies of Office 97 but only paid for one - while being ineffective against private individuals. We succeeded. In the process we have made some fundamental discoveries about Tempest. Army signals officers, defence contractors and spooks have been visibly flabberghasted to hear our ideas or see our demo. In the old days, Tempest was about expensive hardware - custom equipment to monitor the enemy's emissions and very tricky shielding to stop him doing the same to you. It was all classified and strictly off-limits to the open research community. We have ended that era. You can now use software to cause the eavesdropper in the van outside your house to see a completely different image from the one that you see on your screen. In its simplest form, our technique uses specially designed `Tempest fonts' to make the text on your screen invisible to the spooks. Our paper tells you how to design and code your own. There are many opportunities for camouflage, deception and misconduct. For example, you could write a Tempest virus to snarf your enemy's PGP private key and radiate it without his knowledge by manipulating the dither patterns in his screen saver. You could even pick up the signal on a $100 short wave radio. The implications for people trying to build secure computer systems are non-trivial. Anyway, we offered Bill G the prospect that instead of Word radiating the text you're working on to every spook on the block, it would only radiate a one-way function of its licence serial number. This would let an observer tell whether two machines were simultaneously running the same copy of Word, but nothing more. Surely a win-win situation, for Bill and for privacy. But Microsoft turned down our offer. I won't breach confidences, but the high order bit is that their hearts are set on the kind of technology the smartcard people are promising - one that will definitively prevent all copying, even by private individuals. We don't plan to help them on that, and I expect that if they field anything that works, the net result will be to get Microsoft dismembered by the Department of Justice. Meantime we want our Soft Tempest technology to be incorporated in=20 as many products as possible - and not just security products! So to Rainier Fahs, who asked: > If these rumors are true, I guess we will face a similar discussion on > free availability in the area of TEMPEST equipment. Does privacy > protection also include the free choice of protection mechanism? I say this: our discovery, that Tempest protection can be done in software as well as hardware, puts it beyond the reach of effective export control. So yes, you now have a choice. You didn't before, Ross Anderson ---------- British Technology Might Flush Out Software Pirates By John Burgess Washington Post Foreign Service Saturday, February 7, 1998; Page H01=20 CAMBRIDGE, England=97 It's a technique that intelligence agencies have used for years: Park a van filled with monitoring gear near an embassy and listen for the faint radio signals that computers routinely emit when they are on. Analyze those signals for clues to the data that are on the computers. Now researchers at the University of Cambridge, home of groundbreaking work in intelligence over the years, are trying to adapt this technology to the fight against software piracy. With special code written into software, they say, computers could be made to broadcast beacons that would carry several hundred yards and identify the software they were running, complete with serial numbers of each copy. Vans run by anti-piracy groups could pull up outside a company's office and count the number of software signals emanating from it. If, say, 50 beacons for a particular title were detected but the company had licensed only two copies of the software, that could become evidence on which a court would issue a search warrant. Ross Anderson, a University of Cambridge lecturer who is overseeing the project, said the idea originated last year when Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates visited the university after his private foundation announced a $20 million donation to the school. Gates told officials that, among other things, he would love the university to come up with new anti-piracy techniques. So far, Microsoft isn't enthusiastic about the university's approach, Anderson said. "They have some reservations. Obviously there are Big Brother aspects," he said. A Microsoft spokeswoman said the company has no plans to adapt the technology. Emilia Knight, a vice president at BSA Europe, a trade group that combats software piracy, said such an anti-piracy system might be technically feasible. But she noted many practical questions on the legal side, such as how the system would differentiate between companies pirating software and those legally using multiple copies of programs. Knight said that concerns of privacy and consumer rights might make the system a no-go for industrialized countries. But in places like Eastern Europe, she suggested, where piracy is rampant and there is no tradition of such protections, the software signal detectors might be acceptable. Richard Sobel, a political scientist who teaches at Harvard University and researches privacy issues, called it "an appalling idea." "If the technology is there to identify what software people are using, there's the prospect to figure out what people are doing. =2E . . It sounds like a horrible violation of privacy," Sobel said. In Britain, however, it might seem less controversial. Here authorities have long used similar techniques to ferret out people who fail to pay the annual license fee of about $150 that the law requires for each TV set in the country. Cruising the streets here are vans carrying equipment that can detect emissions from a TV set's "local oscillator," the part that turns a station's signal into a picture. If the gear senses a TV set inside a house from which there is no record of a license payment, this is used as evidence to levy fines. The system also can tell what channel people are watching because the oscillator gives off a slightly different signal for each one. Anderson's researchers have built a prototype that can detect the type of software running on a machine from short range -- the hallway outside the room where the computer is running. Anderson said they are ready to build prototype hardware with a longer range, at a cost of about $15,000-$30,000 -- if the lab can find a customer. So far, none has stepped forward. =A9 Copyright 1998 The Washington Post Company ---------- =20 Today's Washington Post claims that a Cambridge research team led by o= ne=20 Ross Anderson is developing technology that would require all personal= =20 computers to broadcast the identity of all programs they are running s= o=20 that anti-piracy investigators can sit outside universities and busine= sses=20 and check to see whether the folks inside are running more programs th= an=20 their licenses allow. =20 =20 The article says that even Microsoft thinks this might go too far in= =20 invading the privacy of computer users. But advocates for the technolo= gy=20 claim that it will work fine in benighted Eastern European countries w= here=20 piracy is rampant and the natives are used to having their privacy inv= aded. =20 This raises at least three questions: =20 1. Is this story correct? =20 2. If so, is the Ross Anderson it describes the same Ross Anderson kn= own=20 on this list for his attacks on Big Brother? =20 3. If so, are we to understand that Ross objects not so much to invad= ing=20 privacy as to government competition in that endeavor? =20 Stewart Baker - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "E.J. Totty" Subject: Re: [FFNET V2N9] Response to Denny's Firearm Ban (fwd) Date: 08 Feb 1998 15:01:29 -0700 Bill, NOTE: Your mail headers have some funky crap happening. TO WIT: Organization: (N.) To be organized. But that's not important right now..... Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: roc@lists The FUNK: -and- roc@lists No one else has this in their message headers. It prevents replies to your messages, and causes fatal errors in MAIL DELIVERY. [...] 4. So long as Denny's is open to the public and I am a member of the public I will exercise my right to keep and bear arms for lawful purpose while patronizing Denny's as I alone see fit, and I will exercise my right to privacy as as I alone see fit. [...] Being the Libertarian that I am, my belief is that if you don't want to serve some one in your _own_ business establishment, then that is your Right - it is after all your property, and you invite those who enter with the caveat that they must meet certain criteria. Having said that, and in consonance with the current interpretation of the U.S. Civil Right Act, and attendant laws, no establishment of public business may discriminate against a class of citizens, preventing their entry upon said private premises where said private premises are otherewise open to the public by commercial invitation. Merely wearing an accoutrement ancillary to otherwise civil garb, is no reason to cause alarm, most especially if that accoutrement is concealed, and does not pose an immediate threat to life, health, or safety. Lastly, discrimination against another as a result of exercising a Constitutional Right, is second only to discrimination as a result of birth. Before you attack on the grounds you state, lets the dogs of the goverment work for you first. I wonder, what do they say to cops? ET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Subject: (fwd) Clinton Willing To BLACKMAIL Congressmen To Survive (fwd) Date: 08 Feb 1998 19:40:21 -0500 (EST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Topic: White Water Stephanopolos: Clinton Willing to use blackmail on Congress! ABC - This Week "Without" David Brinkly February 8, 1998 Rodger Schultz Appearing on the Brinkley show, without Brinkley, George Stephanopolos made the following charge: Stephy: It's even worse than that. They're already discussing the "Ellen Romesch (SP) defense. Ellen Romesch was an East German spy who was having an affair with Jack Kennedy. Bobby Kennedy was given the job of getting her out of the country. J Edgar Hoover went to congressional leaders and said, "don't you dare investigate this matter in public or I'll hang all your dirty laundry out to dry." Donaldson: Are you suggesting that Clinton is threatening to expose secrets of ...." Stephy: Yes. I need not remind you about 900+ FBI files, do I? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Clinton Willing To BLACKMAIL Congressmen To Survive (fwd) Date: 08 Feb 1998 16:43:59 PST wrote : > > >---------- Forwarded message ---------- > >Topic: White Water > >Stephanopolos: Clinton Willing to use blackmail on Congress! > >ABC - This Week "Without" David Brinkly The tense is wrong. I thought he had been doing that all along .....else why does Newt jump to do his every bidding Jack > > > >February 8, 1998 Rodger Schultz > >Appearing on the Brinkley show, without Brinkley, George Stephanopolos >made the following charge: > > Stephy: > It's even worse than that. They're already discussing the "Ellen >Romesch (SP) defense. Ellen Romesch was > an East German spy who was having an affair with Jack Kennedy. Bobby >Kennedy was given the job of getting her out > of the country. J Edgar Hoover went to congressional leaders and >said, "don't you dare investigate this matter in public > or I'll hang all your dirty laundry out to dry." > > Donaldson: Are you suggesting that Clinton is threatening to expose >secrets of ...." > > Stephy: Yes. > >I need not remind you about 900+ FBI files, do I? > > > > >- > > > Jack Perrine | ATHENA Programming, Inc | 626-798-6574 | ---------------- | 1175 No. Altadena Drive | fax 398-8620 | | Pasadena, CA 91107 US | - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: [FFNET V2N9] Response to Denny's Firearm Ban (fwd) Date: 08 Feb 1998 16:30:47 PST On Feb 8, E.J. Totty wrote: > Bill, >------------------------------------------------------------------ > NOTE: > Your mail headers have some funky crap happening. > TO WIT: >Date: Tue, 3 Feb 98 14:42:34 PST >Organization: (N.) To be organized. But that's not important right now..... >From: (Bill Vance) >To: >Subject: [FFNET V2N9] Response to Denny's Firearm Ban (fwd) >Sender: >Precedence: bulk >Reply-To: roc@lists > > The FUNK: > > -and- > roc@lists > > No one else has this in their message headers. > It prevents replies to your messages, and causes >fatal errors in MAIL DELIVERY. >------------------------------------------------------------------ The "lists" problem comes from the ROC lists, "Reply-To:" header. The, "%", char I have to add by hand to the addr, as apparently has no map entry for uucp mail, thus I have to tell my uucp feed site to use an alternate mailer to reach it, which the, "@", char won't do. That means that I have to send the mail from elm, call it up into my editor and modify the address, and then call one of the control files into the editor to change the bang path as well, in order to post to roc at all. Befor ROC added, "lists" to it's, "Reply-To:", addr, all I had to do was modify the bang path. Sometimes I mess it up, but not allways. When I do, it bounces from my feed site, which means you shouldn't be seeing it at all unless the list is playing with it again. The, "roc@lists", addr is likely what it's sending to you, but what it's sending to me is, "Reply-To:". I can work with, but seems to bounce from further out. Maybe it's time to rattle someones cage @xmission.....:-) -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Sara Lee Boycott response (fwd) Date: 08 Feb 1998 18:54:09 PST >From the FAP list, there's some good ideas here. Anyone know someone willing to work on such an, "award email list"? I think if it helps remove the Brady types from Candidacies, then it's worth it, even if the winners might not be particularly Pro-Gun. On Feb 8, Bill Vance wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] On Feb 08, Frank Finch wrote: > wrote: >> >> I received the exact same letter, word-for-word, in response to my 11/26/97 >> letter to Sara Lee. It was dated 12/5/97. The signature is original - by >> Jeffrey Smith, Sr. Mgr., Media Relations for Sara Lee. >> >> It's an excellent idea that we nominate women who've advanced Second >> Amendment/Self Defense agendas. Elizabeth Swasey of NRA's CrimeStrike would >> seem to be a good choice. Any comments? > > >Elizabeth Swasey is an excellent candidate, as would be Tanya Metaska, >Marion Hammer, Paxton Quigley, or thousands of other Gals who are doing >a great job for the RKBA effort. Better yet, see to it that really deserving gals get it every year, though it might be a bit much to expect a Pro-Gun Gal every year. There are others out there, too, that could use a hand. Seems to me there are numerous awards that could use better Candidates than left over Closet Communists. Bill Clinton certainly doesn't deserve a Nobel Peace Prize, etc. A _BOOBY_ _Prize_ maybe, but the point is, these cretins are nominating each other for everything from spelling prizes to Honorary Dog Catcher of the Year. Now I'm not suggesting we change the List Charter for this, but I'm sure we all know other lists/groups/people who'd be willing to contribute a little time and effort to this sort of task; I.e., chasing down award giving orgs, and supplying _real_Candidates_ who really deserve to win something. It's the sort of thing we can all support on the side without a lot of major effort lost from RKBA concerns, though it should be _our_ particular orientation. I suggest an, "award email list", for this, and I don't mean just for the gals, but for everyone. Any other ideas? >My original idea was meant to promote nominations for as many Women as >possible. Thus "flooding" the "Sara Lee Frontrunner Foundation" with so >many "pro-gun" Women, that they would either be forced to select one, or >be red-faced as they explained just how they overlooked thousand of >Women to award their prize to a "Brady type". The $50,000.00 doantion >could go a long way for our effort also. Think of the expression on that >old prune Brady's face, when one of the many outstanding, and deserving >Women received an award this year off-setting, no...bettering Brady's >award ! > >Then, Mr. Jeffrey Smith's words about "few may not agree with the >causes...blah, blah, blah...." would serve as "humble pie" for his >highness, the "spin doctor", Mr. Smith. > > >Frank Finch > >-- >"Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and >preserve order in the world as well as property. . . Horrid >mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of >them." -- Thomas Paine [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: Stephanopolous--The Last Line Of Defense (fwd) Date: 09 Feb 1998 09:06:01 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Well, we need wonder no more about why the Republicans are quaking in their boots at the thought of impeachment. According to George Stephanopolous on Sam and Cokie, Clinton will not go quietly. He will be prepared to use his last line of defense--career ending attacks on Republicans publicizing the many skeletons in their closets. Sam Donaldson laughed and said: "Let the games begin!" George Will said: "This sounds like Mutually Assured Destruction". If the press keeps it up the Clinton scandals may explode into a bipartisan bloodletting despite the wishes of the leadership of both major parties. This is an opportunity for insurgents within both parties who have moral courage to take their rightful place in leadership. Many of us on this list have long felt this sunshine would be a positive, not a negative outcome. If this housecleaning of both parties is the Clinton legacy it will have been a wonderful outcome to this sorry chapter of American history. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: Media is missing boat on Clinton (fwd) Date: 09 Feb 1998 11:55:25 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Triangle Business Journal February 9, 1998=20 From The Right=20 Media is missing boat on Clinton ...=20 Starr delved into Clinton's private life because Hubbell reneged on deal=20 John Hood=20 Jesse Helms, Lauch Faircloth, Kenneth Starr, The Washington Post and The New York Times are all part of the "vast, right-wing conspiracy" that is out to destroy the president with false allegations of sex, lies, and audiotape.=20 That's the Clinton Administration's defense, as articulated by First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, in the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal now dominating the headlines. In North Carolina, the Hunt Administration has suggested a variant of this explanation by blaming overzealous reporters for the state Department of Transportation scandal. It's the old "blame the messenger" defense. Sadly, it sometimes works.=20 The Clinton Administration argues that the news media is so fixated on boosting their ratings and being first with salacious gossip that they aren't exercising journalistic judgment. Independent consul Starr, for his part, is supposedly out of control and delving into matters far beyond his initial scope of Whitewater land deals in Arkansas.=20 The news media deserve some criticism, but not for their copious coverage of a scandal that could potentially bring down the president. The real problem with the media coverage is that it has failed to explain why Starr's office got into the Lewinsky mess in the first place.=20 Let's review the original Whitewater allegations. The Clintons had business partners, Jim and Susan McDougall, with substantial interests in real estate and banks. To the extent that they engaged in shady deals or bent laws, the question becomes how much the Clintons knew. Most important is the allegation that Clinton went to a friend, David Hale, and requested a fraudulent $300,000 loan for Susan McDougall.=20 Hale says he did. Clinton says he didn't. McDougall is in jail because she refuses to say Clinton did or he didn't. Remember, Starr has already convicted the McDougalls and former Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker on separate Whitewater-related charges.=20 One person that likely has a lot of information about the Whitewater allegations is Webb Hubbell, former No. 2 man in the Clinton Justice Department and former Hillary Clinton law partner. Three years ago, he was indicted by Starr's office for mail fraud and tax evasion. During his days in Little Rock, he bilked his clients and partners out of a half-million dollars.=20 Because of Hubbell's intimate friendship and business association with the Clintons, Starr decided to try to make a deal with him. In the interim, Hubbell received a lucrative "public relations" contract that helped alleviate his personal and financial woes. The contract was with Revlon Corp., and was arranged by presidential friend and advisor Vernon Jordan.=20 Starr and Hubbell did make a deal. Hubbell would plead guilty, serve two years in prison, and be a "cooperative witness" in the Whitewater cases.=20 But Hubbell reneged. He never gave Starr any useful information. Starr and his investigators believed that Hubbell did so because of hush money -- the Revlon contract set up by Jordan, presumably at the president's behest.=20 Enter Linda Tripp. She brings credible evidence to Starr of another case in which Jordan appears to be arranging a Revlon job for a witness, Lewinsky, with damning evidence against the president. No doubt Starr went ballistic.=20 But he likely also recognized an opportunity -- if he could prove Jordan's involvement in an attempt to silence Lewinsky, it might lead to evidence uncovering witness tampering in the Whitewater case.=20 Television, in particular, has virtually ignored this aspect of the story, even as it has obsessed about every grainy picture of Lewinsky and the precise meaning of every word that Clinton and his spokesmen utter.=20 As with the Watergate scandal, the Whitewater scandal is less about the original wrongdoing than possible recent attempts, in Washington and by federal officials, to cover it up. As for the idea that Faircloth is conspiring with Sam Donaldson, it's hard not to snicker. Obstruction of justice, however, is no laughing matter.=20 Hood is president of the John Locke Foundation, a think tank based in Raleigh.=20 =A9 1998, Triangle Business Journal =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Curtis Subject: Reagan Date: 09 Feb 1998 17:31:28 -0500 (EST) The following is from the Washington Times. I catagorize it under: "I don't know whether to laugh, cry or scream". jcurtis Another Right-Winger A book purchased at a Smithsonian gift shop -- "The Presidents of the United States of America" by Nicholas Best (Bulfinch Press) -- contains one-page summaries of the lives of each of the presidents. Here's the summary of Ronald Reagan's life: "After a career as a sports reporter and Hollywood star, Reagan became, at 69, the oldest man ever to be elected president. He suffered from Alzheimer's disease during his second term and aides had to hold up prompt cards at meetings to remind him what to say." "He was born in Illinois in 1911, but later became governor of California. Although very right-wing, he was an easy-going man who took a relaxed attitude to life and liked to watch Westerns in the afternoon." "Liberals derided his 'Star Wars' program, a massive build-up of arms against the Soviet Union. Yet, the cost was so great that the Communist system couldn't match it and collapsed." "Reagan was a great communicator, skilled at TV presentation. Mistakes by his administration were never attributed to him personally. He retired, much liked, in 1989." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: 800 number for Congress (fwd) Date: 09 Feb 1998 22:54:13 PST On Feb 9, Douglas Davis wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] >----Forwarded Message(s)---- > > #: 23319 S0/CompuServe Mail [MAIL] > 09-Feb-98 12:48 EST > Sb: 800 number for Congress > Fm: Howard Last > > To: Paul Gallant/NY [70274,1222] > >Subject: 800 number for Congress >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > >to reach Senators or Congressmen 1-800-522-6721 > >Call Senators > > >Tell them you are OPPOSED to Satcher for Surgeon General. > >Head of Center for Disease Control. Guns are a virus which must be >eradicated. > >Enough said. > >Howard Last ****************** Firearms, self-defense, and other information, with LINKS are available at: Latest additions are found in the group NEW with GOA and other alerts under the heading ALERTS. For those without browser capabilities, send [request index.txt] to and an index of the files at this site will be e-mailed to you. Then send [request ] and the requested file will be sent as a message. Various shareware programs are archived at: To receive the contents of the FTP site, send [request index.ftp] to FTP capabilities needed to retrieve programs. ******************** [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Gun Control Poll (fwd) Date: 09 Feb 1998 22:54:54 PST On Feb 9, Douglas Davis wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] >Return-Path: >From: >Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 11:57:14 >To: >Subject: Gun Control Poll > > > >Found this website (E-Poll) which is conducting a poll on gun control - notably >the Washington I-676 style proposals. I voted today - and joined a 70+% >majority which favors "our" viewpoint. > >The website is: > > > >Select the topic from that page (they will request some basic demographic >info) > >Go and vote! > > > >____________________________________________________________________ >Get free e-mail and a permanent address at > > ****************** Firearms, self-defense, and other information, with LINKS are available at: Latest additions are found in the group NEW with GOA and other alerts under the heading ALERTS. For those without browser capabilities, send [request index.txt] to and an index of the files at this site will be e-mailed to you. Then send [request ] and the requested file will be sent as a message. Various shareware programs are archived at: To receive the contents of the FTP site, send [request index.ftp] to FTP capabilities needed to retrieve programs. ******************** [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: WP: Findings Link Clinton Allies To Chinese Intelligence (fwd) Date: 10 Feb 1998 08:26:54 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Findings Link Clinton Allies To Chinese Intelligence By Bob Woodward Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, February 10, 1998; Page A01 Mochtar Riady and his son James, who control the Indonesian-based Lippo Group conglomerate and have been friends and financial supporters of President Clinton since his days as Arkansas governor, "have had a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence agency," according to an unclassified final draft of a report by the Senate committee that last year investigated campaign finance abuses. The report was drawn from highly classified intelligence information supplied by both the CIA and the FBI that was not revealed during several months of public committee hearings last year, executive branch sources said yesterday. The unclassified document contains few specifics on the nature of the relationship between the Riadys and Chinese intelligence. No one, including the committee, has alleged that Clinton or any of his senior White House or campaign aides were aware of any improper connection the Riadys or others may have had with the Chinese government. Officials said that much of the specific intelligence information on which the report's conclusions are based was withheld from the document to protect sources and methods used to gather it. The report itself says that information on the Riadys was "recently acquired." It describes their relationship with Chinese intelligence as appearing to be "based on business interests," with the Riadys obtaining Chinese assistance for international business opportunities "in exchange for large sums of money and other help." As of two weeks ago, the 13-page report on the Chinese connection -- part of a much larger document compiled by the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee on the conclusions drawn from last year's hearings -- was the subject of bitter dispute between the committee and the CIA and the FBI, which feared it would compromise intelligence-gathering. Both agencies now have agreed to the final draft formulation, although the Justice Department has raised unspecified last-minute objections to its release. The report describes what it calls "strong circumstantial evidence" that six individuals with strong ties to the Chinese, including the Riadys, may have funneled foreign money into political campaigns during the 1996 U.S. election cycle. It singles out one of the six, California immigration consultant and longtime Democratic fund-raiser Maria Hsia, as "an agent of the Chinese government," although it cites no specific actions taken in support of this role. Hsia's lawyer, Nancy Luque, angrily denied last night that Hsia was a Chinese agent or that she participated in any campaign fund-raising illegalities. "The allegations are false, and have been proven false. They are not under investigation by anyone, anywhere." Concern about Chinese activities began in 1996, when the CIA determined that China, which worried that it lacked sufficient influence in U.S. politics and policymaking, planned to raise $3 million for an effort to buy influence with U.S. politicians, according to officials familiar with sensitive intelligence. These sources have said that most of the money was to be allocated to the Chinese embassy in Washington and to various Chinese consulates across the United States. The Washington Post first reported the investigation into the Chinese plan last February. When the Senate committee began its hearings on the overall issue of alleged campaign fund-raising abuses last July, Chairman Fred D. Thompson (R-Tenn.) said the panel "believes that high-level Chinese government officials crafted a plan to increase influence over the U.S. political process." But by the time the hearings ended on Oct. 31, little evidence of such a plan had been publicly produced. The report's conclusion that the Riadys and others have had ties to Chinese intelligence is likely to focus new attention on the now 15-month-old Justice Department investigation into a wide range of allegations involving the abuse of campaign finance laws by both Democrats and Republicans. Although the overall Thompson committee report is noticeably partisan in nature and emphasizes the views of the committee's Republican majority -- committee Democrats wrote their own competing draft chapters -- the document concerning the Chinese connection appears understated and studiously nonpartisan. The Riady relationship with Clinton stems from the early 1980s, when family patriarch Mochtar Riady's Lippo Group bought a minority interest in the Arkansas-based Worthen Bank. Riady dispatched his son James to learn the banking business in Little Rock. Soon after arriving, young Riady was introduced to then-Gov. Clinton at a Worthen luncheon. In a 1984 interview with an Arkansas magazine, Mochtar Riady outlined his business philosophy: "Every network has to have its foundation laid on special, personal, human connections. What I am looking at is what my partners can offer in personal contacts and business connections." The connection formed with Clinton continued after he began his run for the presidency in 1991, and was visible during the 1996 campaign. Since 1991, the Riadys and others connected to Lippo have contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democratic National Committee. The party has returned nearly half a million dollars contributed by an Indonesian couple with ties to Lippo. James Riady attended a key Oval Office meeting on Sept. 13, 1995, when Clinton approved the transfer of former Lippo executive John Huang, who had been working in a sub-cabinet Commerce Department position, to a DNC fund-raising post. In another Oval Office meeting with Clinton in September, 1996, Riady lobbied for favorable trade relations with China. Although it gives few details about Hsia, the report says, "The Committee has learned that Hsia has been an agent of the Chinese government, that she acted knowingly in support of it, and that she has attempted to conceal her relationship with the Chinese government. The committee has also learned that Hsia has worked in direct support of a PRC [People's Republic of China] diplomatic post in the U.S." The report does not attempt to tie any specific Hsia fund-raising activities to the Chinese. A lengthy portion of the overall committee document, which runs some 1,500 pages, details her connection with the Hsi Lai Buddhist temple in Los Angeles. Using temple monastic personnel as straw donors, the larger report alleges, Hsia "illegally laundered" more than $130,000 in political contributions to Democrats beginning in 1993, including thousands of dollars from a temple event attended by Vice President Gore in the early spring of 1996. The overall report notes that "any link between Hsia and PRC intelligence would raise new questions about Hsia's involvement in funneling money from the Hsi Lai Temple to a number of both local and national political candidates in the United States from at least as early as 1993 through the presidential election of 1996. Were such alleged intelligence reports to be true, Hsia's long relationship to the Vice President of the United States would raise grave new questions about the extent to which Chinese intelligence operatives have been able to influence U.S. politics during the Clinton administration." Three other individuals are named in the report, although few details are provided in support of its conclusions about them. The report says that Ted Sioeng, a former California businessman who controls an empire worth about $500 million, "worked, and perhaps still works, on behalf of the Chinese government." The report says that $200,000 of the $400,000 given to the Democrats by Sioeng and his family was "funded by transfer from overseas accounts." The committee, which has no authority to compel production of foreign bank records, said it traced the money to "Hong Kong but no further." Sioeng's attorneys have flatly denied the allegations. The report touches very lightly on John Huang, who has been a focus of public attention in the campaign finance controversy since the beginning. It says the committee has "unverified information" that Huang, the former Lippo executive and Democratic fund-raiser, may have a direct financial relationship with the Chinese government. Last year, the DNC returned more than half of some $3 million Huang collected for the party, saying its origins could not be established. Huang has denied any wrongdoing through his attorney. The sixth person identified in the report is Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie, a Little Rock friend of Clinton, who on Jan. 28 became the first person indicted as part of the Justice Department investigation. Last week, he pleaded not guilty to charges of obstruction of justice and campaign finance violations. Trie is a former Little Rock restaurateur who set up an international trading business after Clinton was elected president. The report says that some of Trie's money -- although not necessarily the $1.2 million in contributions to the DNC and Clinton's legal defense funds with which he was involved -- were traced from Taiwan and Cambodia, but no further. Sources said that a significant portion of the information on which the conclusions in the report are based comes from electronic intercepts of international phone calls or other communications obtained by the National Security Agency or from FBI counterintelligence wiretaps in this country. These were the parts of the report that were deleted or watered down from the initial draft, which was classified Top Secret/codeword. For example, the report says "PRC officials discussed financing American elections through covert means" but gives no specifics about who, when or what was discussed. Some of this information was available in classified form, but officials said it would not prove a direct link between these individuals and specific contributions. In another reference to what sources said is sensitive intelligence, the report says, "The committee has received information that Hsia worked with Ted Sioeng and John Huang to solicit contributions from Chinese nationals in the U.S. and abroad for Democratic causes." It is illegal for foreign nationals to give to U.S. political campaigns. Until Trie returned to this country and appeared in court last week, all six of those cited in the report had either stayed abroad or declined to testify before the committee. In addition, the report noted that China "has denied the committee's request for assistance." In brief form, the report summarizes previously reported information about how the Chinese in 1995 developed a plan to influence U.S. politicians. By 1996, it included efforts to make political contributions in congressional elections. In June 1996, the FBI warned six senators and congressmen that they might be targeted for Chinese contributions. The FBI informed two members of the National Security Council staff, but the information was not passed to Clinton, who later expressed public irritation at the lapse. The Thompson report describes the Chinese plan as "a broad array of Chinese efforts designed to influence U.S. policies and elections through, among other means, financing election campaigns." The report says that the information that the Chinese wanted to influence the 1996 presidential contest is "fragmentary" but cites no example. In a summary, the report says: "Illegal foreign contributions were made to the DNC and . . . these contributions were facilitated by individuals with extensive ties to the PRC." The report mildly criticizes the Justice Department for "a failure to share relevant classified information," as well as for delays and a lack of coordination between the FBI divisions and the Justice Department. The report says that the deletions by the U.S. intelligence agencies were justified to protect sources. "That protection is a legitimate concern," the report says, "but it has come at the cost of curtailing public knowledge and debate." Researcher Jeff Glasser contributed to this article. =A9 Copyright 1998 The Washington Post Company =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: NYT: Justice Dept. Officials Recommend Special Prosecutor in Babbitt Case (fwd) Date: 10 Feb 1998 08:28:14 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- NY Times February 10, 1998 Justice Dept. Officials Recommend Special Prosecutor in Babbitt Case By DAVID JOHNSTON ASHINGTON -- Top Justice Department officials have formally recommended that Attorney General Janet Reno seek an independent prosecutor to investigate Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt's role in a decision to kill an Indian casino project in Wisconsin, law enforcement officials said on Monday. In a formal memorandum, Reno's advisers said that their preliminary inquiries could not resolve whether Babbitt told the truth in statements to lawmakers about his role in the casino deal. Reno is likely to accept her aides' advice, officials said, by Wednesday, the deadline for seeking an outside counsel on this issue. Her decision on whether to seek an independent prosecutor's inquiry into another Clinton Cabinet officer comes at a tumultuous moment in the 19-year old history of the independent counsel statute. Another outside prosecutor, Kenneth Starr, has come under furious assault from Democrats for spending five years investigating first the Clintons' Whitewater land deal and now expanding his inquiry into the explosive realm of the nature of President Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky, a former White House intern. The Babbitt case raises the specter of another far-reaching investigation because its roots are linked to political fund-raising, with casino deal opponents pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into Democratic campaigns. It would be the first outside inquiry of campaign finance irregularities -- something the Republicans have long wanted. Reno is said by some officials to be demanding a tightly worded charter for the prosecutor in an attempt to keep the inquiry from spreading into the swirling tangle of issues related to how Democrats financed Clinton's re-election. A panel of appellate judges would have to approve any charter for an independent prosecutor, recommended by Reno. In Babbitt's case, law enforcement officials say Reno has little choice but to seek the appointment of an independent counsel because the evidence against the interior secretary remains contradictory. Although Babbitt repeatedly has said he played no role in a departmental decision to deny a permit for the casino, a lawyer involved in the casino deal said Babbitt told him of a concerted White House lobbying effort to thwart the project. The independent counsel statute seems almost certain to force Reno into an appointment in this case, because the statute prohibits Justice Department prosecutors -- in their preliminary inquiries -- from employing tools that are routine in such criminal cases, like compelling witnesses to appear before a grand jury to sort out conflicting claims. As a result, they have not been able to summon Babbitt before a grand jury. The timing is doubly painful for the Clinton administration because Reno's decision also comes at a time when the Justice Department's own slow-moving campaign-finance inquiry has returned its first indictments against some of Clinton's political friends like Yah Lin Trie. A former Little Rock restaurateur, Trie has been charged with illegally funnelling hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democrats during Clinton's re-election campaign. Reno has almost always accepted her aides' recommendations in these investigations in the past. Babbitt would be the fourth Cabinet member to undergo such scrutiny after former Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy, former Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros, and former Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, who died in April 1996 when his plane crashed in Croatia. She last sought an independent counsel, concurring with staff recommendations, in the Cisneros inquiry. This appointment would arm Republicans with the prosecutorial weapon they have demanded from Reno since the campaign-finance issue erupted. But if Reno succeeds in limiting the prosecutor's charter, an investigation into Babbitt's activities would not provide a prosecutor with a license to rummage through the entire catalog of alleged campaign abuses. Interior officials in Washington rejected the casino permit in 1995 after rival tribes hired a high-powered Democratic lobbyist, Patrick O'Connor, who led the effort to overturn the permit. O'Connor had important contacts at the White House, like Harold Ickes, the former deputy chief of staff, and Bruce Lindsey, the presidential counselor. In 1996, after the decision to scrap the project, the tribes opposing the Interior permit contributed $230,000 to the Democrats. Republican lawmakers said the permit issue exemplified a clear-cut case in which a government favor was exchanged for campaign contributions. The casino decision forms the backdrop for the specific issues of perjury at the heart of the Babbitt inquiry. The inquiry focuses on a lobbyist, Paul Eckstein, a former law school classmate and law partner of Babbitt, who was hired as lobbyist by the tribes that lost the permit battle. On the day of the permit decision, Eckstein prevailed on Babbitt to meet with him. By Eckstein's account, Babbitt told him that Ickes had ordered a quick resolution of the case. Eckstein added that the secretary had also asked whether his old friend was aware how much the prevailing Indian group had contributed. When first asked about the remarks, Babbitt denied to a senator that he ever made them. Later, after the casino issue ignited into a potential scandal, Babbitt changed his story. Babbitt admitted that he had mentioned Ickes' name, but only as a kind of closing comment to excuse himself from the meeting with Eckstein. "I never spoke with Mr. Ickes about the Hudson matter, and I shouldn't have given Mr. Eckstein any reason to suppose that I had," Babbitt said in testimony about the issue to a House investigating committee on Jan. 29. "I regret the remark. It was a mistake. But that's all that it was." ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boyd Kneeland Subject: Re: Gun Control Poll (fwd) Date: 10 Feb 1998 09:22:13 -0700 I just did that and in the frame you get -after- you hit submit were the words: Woops...XferRespDB Thank you for participating in our poll! For additional polls covering News & Politics and Entertainment issues relate= d to you, check out the list on the right. If you would like information about blah blah blah... any ideas on what that "woops..." is about? BK (As I type this, that page sits in the background sucking cycles and every other operation wait. Push-ee pages suck!) PS. went to the "contact" page wich has -no- contact information but rather some cutesy "surprise" poll about their polls. Dutifully filled that out, asking them to email me about what XferRespDB meant and got:" Sorry The resource requested /cgi/emailform.cgi cannot be found. If you feel that this is a configuration error, please contact the administrators or the author of the referring page.. Roxen=B7Enterprise/1.0=B7prerelease, at " Incredible! They're running a Lotus database engine for this site and not only can't they get -basic- html right (like having webmaster mailto's on their pages) but the ersatz contact crap doesnt even work. With the volume of people out there competing for business as "web page "designers"",...the mind simply boggles. Hope the rest of you have better luck then I did. -Boyd >On Feb 9, Douglas Davis wrote: > >[-------------------- text of forwarded message follows -------------------= -] > >>Return-Path: >>From: >>Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 11:57:14 >>To: >>Subject: Gun Control Poll >> >> >> >>Found this website (E-Poll) which is conducting a poll on gun control - >>notably >>the Washington I-676 style proposals. I voted today - and joined a 70+% >>majority which favors "our" viewpoint. >> >>The website is: >> >> >> >>Select the topic from that page (they will request some basic demographic >>info) >> >>Go and vote! >> >> >> >>____________________________________________________________________ >>Get free e-mail and a permanent address at >> >> >****************** >Firearms, self-defense, and other information, with LINKS are >available at: Latest additions are >found in the group NEW with GOA and other alerts under the >heading ALERTS. For those without browser capabilities, send >[request index.txt] to and an index of the files >at this site will be e-mailed to you. Then send [request ] >and the requested file will be sent as a message. >Various shareware programs are archived at: > To receive the contents of the >FTP site, send [request index.ftp] to >FTP capabilities needed to retrieve programs. >******************** > > >[------------------------- end of forwarded message -----------------------= -] > >-- >---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - > ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** >----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------= - >An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no >weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his >hand =3D Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a >on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Chris= t >----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------= - > >- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: News update on Horiuchi (fwd) Date: 10 Feb 1998 11:56:16 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- I got this from the CNN web site and just pass it on as an update on the trial. Don Loftus Gainesville, FL Feds seek dismissal of charge against FBI sniper BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- The federal government on Monday sought the dismissal of a state involuntary manslaughter charge against the FBI sharpshooter who killed Randy Weaver's wife at Ruby Ridge six years ago. The Justice Department petition filed in federal court argued that Lon Horiuchi was protected by the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution so he cannot be subject to state prosecution for actions in the line of duty. Horiuchi was among dozens of federal agents who surrounded Weaver's remote mountain cabin in the Idaho Panhandle in August 1992 in an attempt to arrest Weaver on an illegal weapons charge. Last August, five years to the day after Vicki Weaver's death, prosecutor Denise Woodbury filed the involuntary manslaughter charge against Horiuchi. The Justice Department had earlier declined to prosecute Horiuchi. On January 7, U.S. District Judge Edward Lodge moved the case to federal court. Horiuchi pleaded innocent. His trial is scheduled for March 10. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: AP: Report: Gore Misstated Fund-Raising (fwd) Date: 10 Feb 1998 14:51:19 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Report: Gore Misstated Fund-Raising By KEVIN GALVIN Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) -- A draft of the final Senate report on fund-raising abuses in the 1996 presidential election suggests Vice President Al Gore and some top campaign advisers misstated their fund-raising activities and that several Democratic money men were connected with the Chinese government. A section of the draft report -- portions of which were obtained by The Associated Press -- said the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee collected evidence making it obvious ``that despite his various denials,'' Gore ``was well aware'' that an event he attended at a Buddhist temple near Los Angeles in April 1996 was designed to raise money for the Democratic Party. Gore originally said he thought the event was community outreach, but later acknowledged he knew it was donor-related and that his staff failed to tell him it was a formal fund-raiser. The Senate committee, which compiled the report following months-long hearings and interviews last year, also concluded that President Clinton's top political aide at the time, Harold Ickes, illegally ``seized the reins of financial power'' at the Democratic National Committee to ``squeeze as much money'' out of the party as possible for the 1996 re-election campaign. Meanwhile, The Washington Post said in today's editions that the report stated that Mochtar and James Riady -- head of the Indonesia-based Lippo Group conglomerate and longtime Clinton supporters -- ``have had a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence agency.'' The report said that relationship appeared to be ``based on business interests'' to obtain Chinese assistance in international business opportunities ``in exchange for large sums of money and other help.'' The committee also said, according to the Post, that it had ``unverified information'' that John Huang, the former Lippo executive and onetime Democratic fund-raiser, may have a direct financial relationship with the Chinese government. Huang has denied such allegations through his lawyer. The Democratic Party had to return $3 million in 1996 campaign donations -- most of it raised by Huang or Yah Lin ``Charlie'' Trie -- because of concerns the money came from foreign or other improper sources. Senate investigators traced more than $1 million wired to Trie from Asia, including $470,000 from his business partner, Macao property developer Ng Lap Seng. Trie, a friend of Clinton since the president was Arkansas governor, is awaiting trial on federal charges of conspiring to make illegal donations and to obstruct congressional and Justice Department investigations into his fund-raising activities. The Post said much of the information on the alleged China links was based on U.S. counterintelligence intercepts. When the hearings began last year, the committee's chairman, Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., said the investigation would demonstrate that China tried to influence U.S. elections. But the hearings provided little public evidence of that. The White House dismissed the committee's findings as politically motivated. ``It is sad to see $3 million in taxpayer money being used to fund a partisan attack instead of a bipartisan call for campaign-finance reform,'' White House spokesman Jim Kennedy said. The report also cited sworn Senate testimony by Terence McAuliffe, who was treasurer of the Clinton-Gore '96 campaign, in which he said he had no active part in discussions about a contribution swap scheme that triggered a federal grand jury investigation of the 1996 Teamsters election. But Matthew Angle, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, told Senate investigators that McAuliffe ``asked did we know anybody that could or would write a check to (Teamsters President) Ron Carey and that if we could help Carey, then we would perhaps get contributions back to the DCCC.'' The Washington Times reported in today's editions that Clinton fundraisers received $211,000 from the Teamsters through Martin Davis, the union's political consultant. The committee intends to ask the Justice Department to determine whether dealings between the Teamsters and top Clinton aides violated federal law. Ickes, who testified in public before the committee, and an attorney for McAuliffe disputed the report's conclusions. ``I don't believe the referral has any merit,'' Ickes said Monday night. ``I told the truth about everything that was asked, and I have nothing further to say about it.'' McAuliffe's attorney, Richard Ben-Veniste, said the statements made against his client were taken out of context. ``It comes up because it was there on the (donation) commitment sheet -- not because Terry McAuliffe calls a meeting and says, `Hey, gang, I've got a really good idea. To blow it up like this is just not right.'' Meanwhile, a draft section of the Democrats' minority report said former GOP Chairman Haley Barbour deliberately sought foreign donations for the National Policy Forum, a Republican think tank. The section said a $2.1 million loan guarantee for the policy forum came from a Hong Kong business instead of its U.S. subsidiary, as Barbour testified last summer before the committee. As soon as the policy forum obtained the money, it wired $1.6 million to the RNC. Barbour ``knew the money would be used to fund congressional elections in 1994'' because the policy forum was ``a de facto subsidiary'' of the Republican National Committee, the excerpt said. Ed Gillespie, a spokesman for Barbour, replied: ``The fact is the (National Policy Forum) siphoned money from the RNC, it never funneled money into it. Every witness who testified before the committee ... said it was a legal transaction.'' AP-NY-02-10-98 0454EST ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: Requesting help for a 'polls headache' (fwd) Date: 10 Feb 1998 15:41:27 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- To everyone, I'm sick of the all the darn polls, so I thought this would be helpful in getting a better understanding of the propaganda attached to the polls we're being bombarded with. Working with a post found on a.c-e.c.w, I've tried to put the data in a more readable form (original is added below my reconstruction), so you can see what I was working with. I went to the source, the National Journal, but it is a subscription so I couldn't see the origin of the data. What I'm unsure of, is what should be the proper heading for the first Column. I just put Clinton, in general. Is that correct? The Job Approval in Column 2 is understandable. I presume these are averages over a five year period. Any comments, or can someone repaste with corrections. >From what I'm seeing, the media is playing its usual mind games with a dumb populace. I know they have my dander up, and I don't like being made a subject of pollster voodoo. It will lower my blood pressure if someone can clear up this matter. Thanks, Bill ___________________________________________________ Clinton Clinton Job Approval Fav/Unfav Fav/Unfav ___________________________________________________ ABC/Money 53 / 43 60 / 35 CBS News 44 / 32 66 / 25 Gallup/CNN/ USA Today 65 / 34 69 / 28 NBC 50 / 37 72 / 21 NBC/Wall Street Journal 57 / 27 79 / 15 New York Post/Fox 5 56 / 41 57 / 42 New York Post/Zogby 59 / 38 62 / 37 New York Times/CBS 48 / 31 73 / 24 U.S. News 54 / 36 66 / 30 *************************************************** found a.c-e.c.w Organization: Erol's Internet Services Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater Polls: Here are Clinto Polls from various sources. Since 1994, John Zogby has proved to be the most accurate when measured against election results. Note the spread between Clinton's Job approvals and Favorable ratings. It seems the media chooses to report the former over the latter. Big surprize. Here's the source. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: AP: Draft Senate report suggests DNC chairman lied (fwd) Date: 11 Feb 1998 08:12:24 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Draft Senate report suggests DNC chairman lied Associated Press, 02/10/98 17:33 WASHINGTON (AP) - In a draft report on their campaign finance probe, Senate investigators suggest a former Democratic national chairman lied under oath about his contacts with the CIA on behalf of a donor seeking U.S. support for an oil pipeline through Central Asia. Don Fowler, who was chairman of the Democratic National Committee, testified in a sworn deposition and in public hearings before the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee that he had no recollection of contacting a CIA agent for information about Roger Tamraz, the contributor whom Fowler helped gain access to the White House. But Fowler's own handwritten notes and telephone records suggest he knew that the contact, identified only as ``Bob,'' was a CIA agent and testimony from two White House aides indicate Fowler referred more than once to the agent in his discussions with them about Tamraz, investigators say. The agent testified that Fowler asked him for information that would allay concerns of National Security Council staffers who had opposed granting Tamraz access to any high-ranking government officials. ``Fowler has been less than candid in his recollection of these events,'' reads a draft section of the committee report obtained by The Associated Press. ``Because Fowler twice talked to Bob, recorded Bob's full name and CIA affiliation in his notes, and told at least two other people of his contacts with the CIA officer, it is extremely unlikely that Fowler genuinely did not recall his contacts with the CIA.'' Fowler's supporters have argued that he had no reason to lie about the conversations. In his deposition, Fowler said that ``I have plumbed my memory in every way that I can, and I have no memory of ever having talked to anybody at the CIA.'' His attorney, Jim Hamilton, declined comment Tuesday. In his appearance before the committee, Tamraz, a millionaire oilman from Lebanon, bluntly informed the committee that the $300,000 he gave to Democrats for the 1996 election was intended to gain access to top White House decision makers in spite of the NSC's qualms about his background. Tamraz, who has become a U.S. citizen, was promoting an oil pipeline project from the Caspian Sea through the Caucasus, but NSC staffer Sheila Heslin, who chaired an interagency group working to secure an agreement to build a pipeline in the region, resisted his requests for support. Heislin, who learned that Tamraz had exaggerated his contacts with Central Asian leaders and oil companies and that he had a checkered financial history, warned other administration officials to steer clear of Tamraz. Tamraz has had legal troubles in France and Lebanon stemming from two bank failures. After a breakfast meeting between Vice President Al Gore and Tamraz was canceled because of Heislin's concerns, Tamraz worked his political contacts to secure an invitation to a fund-raising dinner at the home of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass. He was seated with Gore and Kennedy. Later, he managed to raise the pipeline idea at a fund-raising event with President Clinton. In a later meeting with Fowler and a DNC aide designed to overcome the NSC's resistance to his plan, Tamraz encouraged the party officials to contact Bob, who had already been calling Heislin on his behalf. Fowler's handwritten notes from the meeting reflected Tamraz' comments. Bob submitted a statement to the committee saying Fowler ``called me at the request of ... Roger Tamraz'' and that Fowler ``was attempting to arrange a meeting between the vice president and Tamraz concerning Tamraz' oil pipeline.'' Bob said he didn't tell Fowler he was a CIA agent. Concerns about the allegations have already prompted the CIA to draft new rules to prevent its employees from essentially lobbying other government officials. Meanwhile, the chairman of a House committee looking into fund raising urged Attorney General Janet Reno to appoint an independent counsel to investigate what role political donations played in the Interior Department's decision to deny a request to open a casino by Native Americans in Wisconsin. Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., complained that the department and administration officials had withheld documents from House investigators and attorneys involved in a civil suit against Interior. ``The facts and allegations raised during our hearings make it clear that a thorough and independent investigation is required,'' Burton wrote ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: John Zogby gets different results in his survey (fwd) Date: 11 Feb 1998 08:16:22 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- WorldNetDaily Tuesday, February 10, 1998=20 Are Clinton polls accurate? Zogby gets different results in his survey=20 By Joseph Farah =A91998, Are national public opinion polls showing President Clinton with approval ratings of 70 percent and higher accurately reflecting the views of the American people?=20 John Zogby, the only pollster who called the 1996 presidential election to the exact percentage of victory, once again is at odds with some of his colleagues.=20 His latest tracking polls on President Clinton show, like most other national surveys, Clinton=92s support rising each day of the crisis. But the increases are not nearly as dramatic in Zogby=92s samplings. He found in a survey conducted Jan. 26 through Jan. 30:=20 * the president=92s job performance rating rose from 55.8 percent to 62.3 percent. His negative declined to 37.1 percent.=20 * His favorable rating -- previously as high as 66.2 percent -- declined to only 49 percent the first day of polling, then steadily rebounded to 58.5 percent.=20 * Slightly fewer voters were more likely to believe Monica Lewinsky at the end of the tracking (28.2) than at the beginning (30.9 percent), while more were willing to believe the president (42.1 percent to 43.9 percent).=20 * By the end of the week, a slight majority of voters (51.8 percent) were inclined to let the president complete his term even if there is evidence that he has lied in sworn testimony, compared with 43.2 percent who felt he should leave office.=20 Zogby=92s numbers, while still surprisingly good for a Clinton camp beleaguered by scandal, are starkly different from some other showing the president=92s approval rating nearing 90 percent. But Zogby offers a reasonable explanation for the trend consistent in all the surveys.=20 =93I must admit that these numbers are not what many of us may have expected,=94 he said. =93Thus, here is an opportunity to reflect on the pol= l numbers and what they mean. In short, I think we may have misunderstood the American voters. The polling numbers do not, as some have suggested, show a lack of a sense of moral outrage. Nor do they suggest that the voters are so myopic that they do not care about the private life of their president as long as the economy is sound and the nation is at peace.=94=20 Zogby attributes the reaction to a =93fundamental sense of fairness=94 in the American people. Without hearing Lewinsky herself, they are willing to give the president the benefit of the doubt. He also points out that Americans have a great respect for the institution of the presidency and recalls that President Nixon=92s poll numbers were quite high almost until the day he resigned during the Watergate scandal.=20 Zogby=92s 1996 track record made him something of a media star. From early on in the campaign, his polls predicted Clinton would win by a much smaller margin than any of the other major pollsters were showing. Ultimately, he not only got Clinton=92s eight-point margin of victory right, but was the only pollster who got the numbers for Bob Dole and Ross Perot right as well.=20 While the CBS/New York Times final poll predicted Clinton would win by 18 points, Zogby projected Clinton would win 49 percent, Bob Dole 41 percent, Ross Perot 8 percent and 2 percent for others. Those were the exact results on election day.=20 Joseph Farah is editor of the Internet newspaper and executive director of the Western Journalism Center, an independent group of investigative reporters.=20 =A91998, Western Journalism Center =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: Starbucks Murder-original Text-Flat Tire for Caity (fwd) Date: 11 Feb 1998 08:21:15 -0600 (CST) This is the lady Linda Tripp saw coming out of Clinton's office with smeared lipstick, ruffled blouse and hair all messed up.=20 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- =A0 3 Employees Killed At D.C. Starbucks Workers Found Shot in Back Room By Steve Vogel and Cheryl W. Thompson Washington Post Staff Writers Tuesday, July 8, 1997 ; Page A01 Three employees of a Starbucks coffee store near Georgetown were found brutally slain yesterday morning, sending shock waves through a community generally immune from such violence. The bodies of night manager Mary Caitrin Mahoney, 25, Emory Allen Evans, 25= , and Aaron David Goodrich, 18, were found at 5:15 a.m. in a back room of the store at 1810 Wisconsin Ave. NW, in Burleith, just north of Georgetown, pol= ice said. An employee arriving for work found the bodies. All three had been sh= ot several times. The distraught employee ran from the store and flagged down a passing Metro bus, screaming that people had been shot, according to a police supervisor. The driver of the bus notified police. Evans started working at the store part time about three weeks ago, and Goodrich had been hired several months ago, friends and relatives said. No money was taken from the store, police said. A police source at the scene said detectives were working "a solid lead" an= d examining whether a former employee might be involved. "We are definitely checking that out," he said. In response to the slayings, an official for Starbucks announced that secur= ity guards have been added to several local stores for an indefinite period. Police believe the slayings took place about the time the store closed at 8 p.m. Sunday. Several bullet casings were recovered at the scene but no weapon was found, according to a homicide detective. The slayings were the first for the chain, which has more than 1,200 locati= ons around the world, Torrenga said. D.C. Council member Jack Evans (D-Ward 2) described the killings as "horrible." "To have a triple homicide anywhere i= n the District of Columbia is an unusual event," said Evans, who represents t= he Georgetown area on the council. "To have a triple homicide in Georgetown is extraordinary. Georgetown has never been a place where crime has been a problem." Mahoney's silver 1994 Saturn sat alone in the parking lot adjacent to Starbucks, where she had left it the day before. The only possible indicati= on that something had gone awry was a FLAT TIRE [emphasis added] on the front passenger side of the car. Inside, the car was spotless, save for what look= ed like signs that Mahoney had recently spent time playing with a pet -- a dir= ty tennis ball, a plastic chew toy, a dog's brush and a red towel. Mahoney's grandmother had recently bought the car for her so she would be safer in the city. "She was brave," her mother, Mary Belle Annenberg, said during a telephone interview from the family's home in Baltimore. "She did = not want to live [her life] afraid."=20 And when she moved to Washington several years ago, she would jog alone an hour before daybreak, never worrying about being attacked or assaulted. "Caity was special," her mother said. "She had an enormous heart. She proba= bly would have compassion for the person who killed her." Mahoney, who lived in Northwest Washington, was the youngest of three child= ren and was looking forward to celebrating her 26th birthday July 22. She adore= d animals, particularly horses, and even took in Marlu, her sister Molly's toothless black-and-white alley cat. Mahoney attended Fordham University and Ithaca College in New York before graduating with honors from Towson State University, near Baltimore. A loya= l and active Democrat, she interned for President Clinton when he was first elected, arranging tours at the White House, her mother said.>>> Just making sure she didn't go anywhere with the flat tire? Only her car? =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: FEC Declines to Probe Dem Finance Official (fwd) Date: 11 Feb 1998 08:26:46 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- CENTER FOR RESPONSIVE POLITICS Special Release Paul Hendrie 202/857-0044 FEC Declines to Probe Major Democratic Finance Official Ties to Gore Cited As Reason WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 10, 1998 - The Federal Election Commission has declined to investigate former Democratic National Committee Finance Vice Chairman Howard Glicken's possible role in soliciting illegal foreign campaign contributions, citing his "potential fund-raising involvement in support of Vice President Gore's expected presidential campaign..." documents made public this week show. The disclosure suggests that the FEC is reluctant to take on a prominent political player who might contest allegations of breaking campaign finance laws. The FEC memorandum doesn't elaborate further on why Glicken's position as a potential Gore fund-raiser would be relevant to the case. A preliminary investigation by FEC staff developed evidence that Glicken solicited contributions to the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee from Florida developer Thomas Kramer, a German national who agreed last summer to pay a $323,000 penalty for making illegal political donations. The penalty was the largest the FEC has ever assessed against an individual. It is illegal for foreign nationals to contribute to U.S. political campaigns. Kramer alleged that a DSCC solicitor suggested he disguise a $20,000 contribution to the DSCC in 1993 by giving in the name of his secretary, Terri Bradley, documents released when the Kramer settlement was finalized last summer revealed. However, the solicitor was not identified. It is illegal to make a political contribution in another person's name or instruct somebody to disguise a donation. A report by the FEC general counsel's office, made public this week, says, "the available evidence obtained from the DSCC suggests that Howard Glicken, a south Florida fund-raiser, was responsible for both of Mr. Kramer's contributions to the DSCC, including the $20,000 contribution made in the name of his secretary." The report says the information is "not conclusive" and that Bradley refuses to provide further information without immunity from criminal prosecution. Although the counsel would normally recommend an investigation, it concluded that there is insufficient time within the statute of limitations to conclude a probe. However, the statute of limitations would give the FEC until March 1999 to investigate a $40,000 contribution to the DNC in March 1994, which Glicken apparently solicited from Kramer. But the general counsel recommended against further proceedings. "Because of Mr. Glicken's high profile as a prominent Democratic fund-raiser, including his potential fund-raising involvement in support of Vice President Gore's expected presidential campaign, it is unclear that this individual would agree to settle this matter short of litigation, " says the FEC counsel's memorandum. "Therefore, rather than continuing this matter for an unspecified period in pursuit of one participant and because of the low prospect for timely resolution, the age of the matter and the already successful resolution concerning all principals in this case, this Office does not recommend further proceedings concerning these two DNC contributions either," the memo added. The decision not to pursue an investigation of Glicken apparently closes the book on the Kramer case, which also resulted in a $77,000 penalty against the Miami law firm of Greenberg, Traurig, Hoffman, Lipoff, Rosen & Quentel for soliciting contributions from the developer. Former DNC Finance Chairman Marvin Rosen, a partner in the firm, accepted the money from Kramer. Glicken certainly qualifies as a big political player. He was among the overnight Lincoln Bedroom guests, listed by the White House among "long-time friends," of President Clinton, rather than the less-exclusive category of "friends and supporters." He also was on the guest list for two White House coffees hosted by Vice President Gore. Glicken was co-host at a March 1994 fund- raising dinner in Miami that raised a reported $3.4 million for the DNC. The dinner honored President Clinton, who personally thanked Glicken during his remarks. The timing suggests that Kramer's contribution may have been made in connection with the event. Glicken also was among 22 executives selected in 1994 to accompany the late Commerce Secretary Ronald Brown on a trade mission to Latin America. The FEC has the authority to refer serious cases of campaign finance violations to the Justice Department, which can pursue criminal prosecutions. Generally, the Justice Department pursues criminal prosecutions in cases where "knowing and willful" violations of the "core provisions" of the Federal Election Campaign Act come into play. Among those core provisions are the prohibitions of contributions from foreign nationals and the ban on disguised or laundered contributions, both of which have been alleged to have occurred in the Kramer case. Kramer was an equal opportunity giver, who funneled more than $400,000 to state, local, and federal campaigns in 1993 and 1994. The Florida Republican Party, the largest recipient of Kramer's donations, already has been fined $82,000. - Latest in an occasional series of special reports by the Center for Responsive Politics. ******************************************************************* Edward F. Immler There is a time to lead, a time to follow, and a time to just get out of the way. Great leaders know which is appropriate. ******************************************************************* ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: CLINTON LEAKS (fwd) Date: 11 Feb 1998 12:00:37 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Much has been said of leaks lately. It is very clear the President and First Lady are furious over information being leaked about Clinton's sex scandal. The Clinton steamroller spin-machine is out in full force trying to pin the leaks on Ken Starr. Yet, the President is silent and unconcerned about other leaks involving secrets of national security. Leaks so dangerous that CIA and NSA agents testified under oath that full disclosure would wreak our international relations, and threaten the lives of informants (spies) around the world. The Secretary of Commerce announced new security measures recently with much fanfare. The tightening of security at the Commerce Department came on the heels of an internal report which noted the agency had a few leakers in recent months and something should be done. Commerce employee John Huang, for one, obtained access to hundreds of secret reports and briefings. Today, Huang is touring Asia with no schedule for his return. Another example, Ira Sockowitz, walked out of the Commerce Department with thousands of pages in secret documents. Both Huang and Sockowitz were former DNC fund-raisers appointed to their sensitive positions by President Clinton. One reporter asked Daley if the new measures would prevent another "John Huang"? "The only things sure in life are death and taxes," replied the Commerce Secretary. Although some efforts to reduce the number of Commerce employees with secret or better clearance has been made there are still thousands of such employees scattered around the world. Many have never been briefed on handling secrets and many, like Huang and Sockowitz, were cleared without a background check. Secretary Daley also noted a new big increase in security spending by the Commerce Department. However, he did have trouble explaining where the money for such an increase is coming from. He explained there would be no request for more budget nor a change of how the current budget is spent. How that results in a 27% increase in security spending is beyond me. Perhaps, more financial magic from an administration famous for smoke and mirror economics. Another new feature is the first Undersecretary of Security at Commerce. The holder of this new job is a former Secret Service Agent named Holms. The promising start of the new Commerce security director, however, has a down side. Agent Holms was in charge of Vice President Gore's security detail at the now infamous Buddhist temple fund-raiser. Furthermore, Holms has his job cut out for him. Sure Huang and Sockowitz are gone. However, there are other, uncleared/appointed/political employees who have Top Secret with Codeword clearance who remain. The first place I would start, if I were Holms, would be in the Bureau of Export Administration. I would sit down with Hoyt Zia, the top legal counsel at BXA, and start asking a few questions. How often did Zia go to the DNC headquarters with John Huang with Ira Sockowitz? Why did Zia call John Huang when Huang was avoiding US Marshals to escape a subpoena? How did Zia get Huang's home, DNC office and girlfriend's phone numbers? (Mrs. Huang * Please note * call Hoyt Zia and get that special phone number in Maryland.) What did Zia do when he worked at Motorola before joining the Commerce Department? How often did Zia meet with former friends, turned lobbyists, from Motorola? How often did Zia date a lobbyist for Iridium (a Motorola satellite company)? What sensitive export projects for China did Zia oversee at the same time? Who showed Zia John Huang's testimony from Huang's closed deposition? When did Zia meet Communist Chinese representatives and what did they discuss? Yet, these are questions the White House should be asking. Sure the Monica crisis may embarrass the President, perhaps even force his resignation but the data leaked from the Commerce Department damaged our nation and our collective security. Instead of acting swiftly to protect our national security all the President's men are engaged in zipping up a crisis between Bill Clinton and a 21 year old intern. All the frequent and outspoken White House complaints are directed toward a scandal measured in inches and not one that spans the globe. The lack of concern over our national security is reflected by Bill Clinton's super-concern over his political security as President. 1 if by land, 2 if by sea. Paul Revere - encryption 1775 Charles R. Smith SOFTWAR Pcyphered SIGNATURE: AF18DE416118661C73A0ECBC112121B312B5A0D2D5901DCD84B78EFC7321A496 C08DB418E368A458EE21BD6A1E0B1B0A303955233EF0FF3591EC1A2D71FE4035 549E25C2AAF8FC50 ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: CAS: METCALF: The Quigley Factor (fwd) Date: 11 Feb 1998 12:04:30 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- In a message dated 98-02-10 20:48:04 EST, writes: << The anti-communist (Quigley called them "Radical Right") factions within the U.S. were elated to find Quigley stating: "There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes Communists act." (To find this you have to last up to page 950). >> I was a student of Quigley's at Georgetown in 1973-75. He was a very charismatic professor whose lectures were punctuated with vastly entertaining asides about virtually every conceivable topic in modern history. Certain people on the right, and maybe on the left as well, assume that because Quigley researched and wrote about the Round Table groups etc he was totally in sympathy with their aims. Whatever he may have earlier believed, when I observed him it would be fair to say Quigley admired many of the individuals who were involved in such groups as individuals, but only partially subscribed to their ideals. In his politics as expressed in the classroom, Quigley was in many ways like so many Boston Irish in his sympathies for and loyalty to the Democratic party. I believe he provided assistance of sorts (in the form of some writing and ideas) for that noted radical John McCormack, the Boston congressman who ended his career as Speaker, for many years. Quigley always heaped scorn on Marxism as an intellectual dead end and often listed as a point in favor of the Democrats, as opposed to the Republicans, in the 1940s and 1950s was that the policies of the Democrats were more pro-defense than those of the GOP. It is a gross canard to imply that he in any way favored the policies or goals of the various Communist states that existed at the time. As for being a one-worlder, Quigley in 1974 said, in one of those asides I mentioned, that "the United Nations is a disaster. It should have been abolished years ago." I remember this quite vividly because he said this with even more vehemence than was usual for him -- he was not exactly a shy or softspoken man. This at a time when the principal function of the UN seemed to be a sounding board for tinpot anti-Americanism -- Quigley's critique was similar to that expressed by many Americans then (and since). Although Tragedy and Hope is an immensely detailed and significant work, I believe Quigley's greatest intellectual contribution can be found in a much slimmer volume entitled "Evolution of Civilizations." This book constructs an analytical framework for study of the various civilizations that have existed since the Sumerians. I recently received a catalogue from a conservative publisher which listed this book -- a bargain at $7 or so if you can't find it in the library. Perhaps the reason the conservative publisher featured this book is its chapters on Western Civilization, where Quigley admiringly explains the radical methods of thought that Christianity brought to our civilization and which formed its core. This can be best summed up by the answer that Christian thought provided to many of the most burning questions of the early days, i.e., was Jesus God or man, is man saved by faith or works, was "both." His point -- I think valid although surely debatable -- is that the mainstream Christian outlook has never accepted a final answer but has always supported a neverending quest for truth, with no one group possessing a monopoly of same. It is no accident that the scientific method, while perhaps not invented in the west, has recorded its greatest triumphs in Western countries. I think Quigley would have been revolted by the more recent caricature of some of his ideas masquerading under the guise of "diversity." All told, I think many of Clinton's policy failings stem not from having been a student of Quigley but from not having learned the lessons very well. Sorry for this long more or less OT post, but I get tired of seeing Quigley's views misrepresented by people who never knew him. Bob Lipscomb ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: Inquiring Minds Want to Know (fwd) Date: 11 Feb 1998 12:46:30 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- NATIONAL INQUIRER Other Women In Bill's Secret Life WE MADE WHOOPPEE, CLAIMS GROUPIE Connie Hamzy was lolling by the pool at a North Little Rock hotel, wearing a skimpy string bikini, when she took a tawdry plunge into presidential sexual history. "A former neighbor came over and said Gov. Clinton wanted to meet me in the lobby," Connie, a famed rock and roll "groupie," told The ENQUIRER about her meeting with Bill 13 years ago. "We ended up in an alcove, making out like crazy! He was kissing me, and his hands were all over me. Finally, he asked for my phone number." But Connie never saw Clinton again. On January 27, 1997, the American Spectator magazine gave Hamzy three lie-detector tests on her story about meeting Clinton -- and she passed! Connie added: "I may be a slut, but I'm not a lying slut!" SHARON STONE BRINGS OUT BILL'S BASIC INSTINCTS When you say the name Bill Clinton to Sharon Stone, her eyes sparkle. And when the President ponders his fantasy dates, Sharon Stone is quick to pop into his mind. Barbara Pfafflin, long-time mistress of ex-Clinton strategist Dick Morris, says Dick told her, "Bill is really, really hot for Sharon Stone. "I'm sure they had a liaison during a presidential trip." Barbara asked him, "A sexual liaison?" She says Morris laughed, "With Bill Clinton, everything is sexual." The "Basic Instinct" star appeared at a fund-raiser for the President during his bid for reelection -- and makes no secret of being a big Bill booster. She even proclaimed that if he weren't married to Hillary, she'd love to share the White House bedroom with him, according to a friend of the dazzling star. "She thinks the ultimate aphrodisiac would be to sleep with the President. And she has said that one of her all-time fantasies is to visit the White House and run from room to room 'twirling Bill Clinton's boxer shorts above my head.' " PAL GOT AMBASSADOR JOB AFTER CLINTON GOT HIS WIFE President Clinton swapped an ambassadorship for a friend's wife! That's the charge of former U.S. State Department foreign service officer Christina Marie Alexandre, who worked for stunning blonde Shelia Lawrence, 36, and her husband Larry Lawrence, the former Ambassador to Switzerland who died at age 69. "Shelia's sexual intimacy with President Clinton was an open secret among the staff at Larry Lawrence's Hotel del Coronado in San Diego -- and among his embassy staff in Switzerland," declared Alexandre in an exclusive ENQUIRER interview. Larry was a heavy contributor to the Democratic party, giving an estimated $10 million over the years. "He wanted to be an ambassador and he asked Clinton for Switzerland as his reward for political support, and he got it," said Alexandre. "The tit for tat was that Larry would allow the President to be intimate with Larry's wife Shelia and not make a fuss over it." In April 1995 Alexandre became a whistle-blower, filing charges of fraud, waste and mismanagement with the State Department against Ambassador Lawrence. She's now in private industry in San Francisco. Lawrence, who died of leukemia in January 1996, made news when his military record as a wounded war hero proved to be fictitious -- and his remains were dug up from Arlington National Cemetery a few months ago. Shelia Lawrence recently gave a deposition to Paula Jones' attorneys and afterward released a statement saying that she testified: "I have never had a sexual or romantic relationship of any type with President Clinton." And she said claims the affair won her husband the ambassadorship are "lies." But political syndicated columnist Arianna Huffington told The ENQUIRER that Larry Lawrence's close friend revealed: "Larry's greatest leverage was having turned a blind eye toward Clinton's affair with his own wife." ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Good news: Waco: The Rules of Engagement Date: 11 Feb 1998 12:56:26 -0600 (CST) I just read that "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" received a nomination for an Academy Award in the documentary category. This is an outstanding development. It means WTRE will now be viewed by the "Hollywood Elite" and get all kinds of new exposure. Perhaps now people besides those of us in the "vast right wing conspiracy" will finally learn the truth about what our government did to our fellow citizens at Waco. Steve Silver Proud member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy and Vice President The Lawyer's Second Amendment Society, Inc. 18034 Ventura Blvd., No. 329 Encino, CA 91316 (818) 734-3066 (The LSAS is a 501(c)(4) Non-Profit Corporation) Visit the LSAS's new and updated Web page at: Send an e-mail request, including your snail mail address, to: for a complimentary copy of the LSAS's newsletter, The Liberty Pole. Remember: Firearms: They save lives. *** Self-defense is not a crime. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Turkey bombs Kurds in Iraq? Date: 11 Feb 1998 13:02:18 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Reuters news Wednesday February 11 11:31 AM EST Turkish Jets Bomb Kurdish Rebels By Elif Unal DIYARBAKIR (Reuters) - Turkish planes raided Kurdish rebel positions in northern Iraq for the second consecutive day on Wednesday, Turkish security officials said. "Planes bombed the Metina region this morning," a security official told Reuters. He said F-16 jets from the main southeast Turkish city of Diyarbakir had launched the attacks on Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) positions in Metina, a mountainous region on the Iraqi side of the remote border. The reports conflicted with denials by Turkey that its military is active in Kurdish-held northern Iraq, which broke from Baghdad's control after the Gulf War in 1991. "The Turkish armed forces have not carried out operations in northern Iraq for any reason whatsoever," military spokesman Colonel Husnu Dag told a briefing of diplomatic correspondents on Wednesday. Security officials in southeast Turkey and witnesses said Turkish troops and jets hit PKK positions in northern Iraq on Tuesday. The rebels use bases in the area in their fight for Kurdish self-rule in southeast Turkey. Feuding Iraqi Kurdish groups have ruled northern Iraq under Western protection for almost seven years, but Ankara complains that instability there encourages Kurdish separatism in Turkey. Turkey has taken steps to cope with 100,000 Iraqi Kurdish refugees it fears could flee towards Turkey if there is a U.S. military strike on Iraq in the U.N. arms inspection crisis, a cabinet minister said in comments published on Wednesday. "Measures have been taken to welcome 100,000 people in the security belt that will be created 15 km (nine miles) inside Iraq," the Yeni Yuzyil daily quoted Yildirim as saying. "Tents, food and medical supplies have been prepared," he said. One million Kurdish refugees fled to the Iranian and Turkish borders after a failed Kurdish uprising following the Gulf War. A government crisis committee met on Tuesday to discuss responses to any wave of refugees that flees towards Turkey. Yildirim said parliament would need to approve creation of a Turkish zone inside Iraq, but witnesses reported earlier this week that 7,000 Turkish troops already crossed the border to begin preparing for a refugee influx. More than 27,000 people have been killed in the PKK's 13-year-old armed struggle for self-rule in southeast Turkey. Government officials have suggested Iraq could lash out with chemical or biological weapons if Ankara assisted its NATO ally the United States against Baghdad. But State Minister Sukru Sina Gurel played down that danger on Wednesday. "It is just a fantasy amid the crisis to think that Iraq can hit us," he told a news conference. He said the Health Ministry had nevertheless taken measures near the border with Iraq against any possible biological or chemical weapons attack from Baghdad. It was not clear what those measures were. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Korea still gets Reactor for peace Date: 11 Feb 1998 13:00:33 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Reuters New Media Tuesday February 10 5:07 PM EST SKorea, Japan Seen Fulfilling NKorea Project WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Madeleine Albright expressed confidence Tuesday that South Korea and Japan would pay the major costs of a $5.1 billion nuclear project for North Korea despite the Asian financial crisis. "As far as the reactor is concerned, the South Koreans are going to be able to fulfill their responsibilities, and ... the Japanese also," she told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Albright said she inquired on Monday about the status of those funding commitments "and I was assured that it would be okay." The Asian financial crisis has raised doubts about whether South Korea, which has negotiated a massive bailout from the International Monetary Fund, and Japan, whose economy remains anemic, could make good on their commitments to fund the bulk of the $5.1 billion project. Under a 1994 agreement with the United States, North Korea agreed to halt its nuclear program -- which Washington said was aimed at producing nuclear weapons -- in return for two 1,000-megawatt light-water nuclear reactors that would provide the Stalinist regime with power. Construction of the reactors began August 1997 and is scheduled for completion around 2004. The project is being handled by the Korean Energy Peninsula Development Organization which includes the United States, South Korea, Japan and the European Union as board members. Albright said the United States was continuing to talk to other countries to also help fund the project, which Washington views as critical to its goal of stopping the spread of nuclear weapons. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Leading members of an international consortium helping isolationist North Korea build two nuclear power reactors met for two days to discuss the project, including cost sharing, the group said in a statement Friday. The Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization's (KEDO) executive board of Japan, South Korea, the United States and the European Union agreed in Nov. 1997 on a cost estimate of $5.18 billion for the project. The statement said the meetings Thursday and Friday at KEDO headquarters in New York were held to "discuss several issues related to the light-water reactor project, the supply of heavy fuel oil and other issues. Among the issues discussed was the question of cost sharing for the project." The two-day discussions had not been expected to provide final agreement on cost sharing. The KEDO statement said the talks were "productive and part of an ongoing process that will continue." _________________________________________________________________ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Good news: Waco: The Rules of Engagement (fwd) Date: 11 Feb 1998 14:00:44 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- I just read that "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" received a nomination for an Academy Award in the documentary category. This is an outstanding development. It means WTRE will now be viewed by the "Hollywood Elite" and get all kinds of new exposure. Perhaps now people besides those of us in the "vast right wing conspiracy" will finally learn the truth about what our government did to our fellow citizens at Waco. Steve Silver Proud member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy and Vice President The Lawyer's Second Amendment Society, Inc. 18034 Ventura Blvd., No. 329 Encino, CA 91316 (818) 734-3066 (The LSAS is a 501(c)(4) Non-Profit Corporation) Visit the LSAS's new and updated Web page at: Send an e-mail request, including your snail mail address, to: for a complimentary copy of the LSAS's newsletter, The Liberty Pole. Remember: Firearms: They save lives. *** Self-defense is not a crime. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: New Zogby poll casts different light (fwd) Date: 11 Feb 1998 14:05:22 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- POLITICS , repub-d , REPUB-L , RUSHTALK In the Nov. 1996 Presidential election, many polls were commissioned, which predicted the outcome as a landslide victory for Bill Clinton, winning by as much as 30 percentage points over Bob Dole. Most were proven wildly inaccurate, when the marging came out to 8 percentage points. The only poll to call the election correctly, was that done by the Zogby organization. Now, a new Zogby Poll has been taken, commissioned by radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh. Zogby's organization took data from Feb. 8, 1998 thru Feb. 11, 1998, in a survey of 1,000 likely voters: 1. Would you like your children to look up to President Clinton as a personal role model, or would you prefer that they did not look up to him as a role model? a. Yes, look up to him 23.5% b. No, do not look up to him 63.2% c. Not sure 13% 2. Suppose you were ready to hire a candidate who was well-qualified for the job, but then you find out that they like to have consensual sex with subordinates. Would you still hire the person, or would you not hire him or her? Would hire 28% Would not hire 58% Not sure 13% 3. Would you consider it immoral for a U.S. President to have consensual sex with a 21-year-old intern, or would you consider this acceptable behavior? Immoral 66.7% Acceptable 15.4% Not sure 18% 4. If your spouse had sex with someone he or she was supervising, would you consider this immoral, or would the behavior be acceptable? Immoral 88.8% Acceptable 3.5% Not sure 7.7% 5. Suppose you were engaged to someone and you find out that they cheated on you repeatedly and continued to do so. Would you still marry that person, or would you break off the engagement? Still marry the person 2.4% Break off the engagement 89.1% Not sure 8.5% ------------ John Zogby, president of the polling organization that bears his name, evaluated the results of his poll, and commented on the seemingly odd circumstance of the President's rising popularity in the midst of various scandals plaguing his administration: "To those who suggest that Americans do not care about moral behavior and character in their leadership, this poll is a powerful antidote. Why, then, are the President's job performance ratings and favorability ratings, going up? "What we have here, are competing values. Americans care deeply about the Presidency, the results of an election, and that any person is innocent until proven guilty. These are strongly held and sacred values to Americans, but they are in competition with stories of alleged immoral behavior. "Clearly, and not surprisingly, the American people are not ready to undo an election or tinker with an institution, until evidence is strong and incontrovertible. Meanwhile, the President has built up a huge reservoir of good will, as the economy continues to do well, the budget deficit appears to be eliminated, and the United States is staring down Saddam Hussein. "But make no mistake about it. Should evidence become firm, these high numbers, especially those that suggest they're rallying to him in the midst of his State of the Union Message, and press charges, can plummet." - John Zogby, Feb. 11, 1998 ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: TAS: Ellen Rometsch, Where are You? (fwd) Date: 11 Feb 1998 15:35:04 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Excerpted from Wayne Mann's "The Political Digest Light" - contact Mann at to get on his mailing list. --- Jim Online Update February 10 - 16, 1998 Ellen Rometsch, Where Are You? by Byron York TAS Just think of the phrases you hadn't heard until the newest White House scandal broke wide open. Clintern. Tailgate. Starr I Are. And think of the legal education you've gotten from the TV commentariat. Rule 6-E. Use immunity. Transactional immunity. And what about the fascinating philosophical quandaries that have arisen since January 21st? Is oral sex sex? Are sexual relations and a sexual relationship the same thing? No doubt Monica Lewinsky has taught us all a lot. But on Sunday, students of White House gamesmanship witnessed perhaps the most astonishing lesson yet. Its title: "The Ellen Rometsch Strategy." Former Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos let it out on ABC's "This Week With Sam & Cokie." Discussing the White House plan to attack Kenneth Starr, Stephanopoulos suddenly -- and without provocation -- revealed the Clintons' extraordinary endgame scenario: STEPHANOPOULOS: There's a different, long-term strategy, which I think would be far more explosive. White House allies are already starting to whisper about what I'll call the Ellen Rometsch strategy. She was a girlfriend of John F. Kennedy, who also happened to be an East German spy. And Robert Kennedy was charged with getting her out of the country and also getting John Edgar Hoover to go to the Congress and say, don't you investigate this, because if you do, we're going to open up everybody's closets. And I think that in the long run, they have a deterrent strategy on getting a lot of... DONALDSON: Are you suggesting for a moment that what they're beginning to say is that if you investigate this too much, we'll put all your dirty linen right on the table? Every member of the Senate? Every member of the press corps? STEPHANOPOULOS: Absolutely. The President said he would never resign, and I think some around him are willing to take everybody down with him. Clearly Ellen Rometsch is someone we should know more about. Fortunately, her story is told in the new book by Seymour Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot. Rometsch was indeed a girlfriend of John F. Kennedy. And she was from East Germany. (Although Hersh presents no evidence that she was a spy, it seems that her nationality was enough for the Kennedys to worry that she might at least appear to be a spy if the story ever got out.) Rometsch was also a highly-paid prostitute who had had several dalliances with members of the Senate. Her affair with the president happened at about the same time as the Profumo scandal that crippled the Macmillan government in Britain. Determined to make sure that nothing of that sort happened in Camelot, Bobby Kennedy had Rometsch deported and paid off. According to Hersh, Clark Mollenhoff of the Des Moines Register reported in October 1963 that the Senate Rules Committee was planning to investigate the deportation. The committee was also, according to Mollenhoff's article, "in the process of examining allegations regarding the conduct of Senate employees as well as members of the Senate." That was explosive enough, but Mollenhoff added, "The evidence also is likely to include identification of several high executive branch officials as friends and associates of the part-time model and party girl." The only "high executive branch official" who mattered was, of course, the president. Hersh reports that Bobby Kennedy went to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, the man who knew the secrets, and suggested that Hoover meet with the two top members of the Senate, Democrat Mike Mansfield and Republican Everett Dirksen. Hoover's job was to tell the two senators that if the Rometsch/JFK story got out, all sorts of embarrassing stories about prominent Senators might also emerge. As always, Hoover delivered. Hersh cites an interview Robert Kennedy gave in 1964 for the archives of the Kennedy Library: Clark Mollenhoff wrote an article that [Rometsch] had been tied up with people at the White House, which was, in fact, incorrect. I looked into the files and she had been tied up with a lot of people at the Capitol! I got all the information she had...and it got to large numbers on both ways [Democrats and Republicans]. I thought it was very damaging and...I spoke to the President about it. It didn't involve anybody at the White House, but I thought it would just destroy the confidence that people in the United States had in their government....Some of the Senators had Negro girlfriends and all kinds of things which were not very helpful. According to Hersh, Kennedy went on to say that Hoover's briefing was "a shock" to Mansfield and Dirksen. "From then on," Bobby Kennedy concluded, "there was less attention" paid to the subject of Ellen Rometsch and John F. Kennedy. Given the facts of the story, it is nothing short of amazing that Stephanopoulos would volunteer it as a possible outcome of the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal. And it is even more surprising that very few reporters paid much attention. The story got only brief mentions in the New York Times, (which, alas, didn't even mention Ellen Rometsch), the New York Post, and the Boston Globe. Beyond that, nothing. Maybe the rest of the press will be more interested later, if Bill Clinton starts his scorched-earth endgame. But no one should be surprised. After all, George told us it would happen. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Curtis Subject: First Lady: Net News Needs Scrutiny Date: 11 Feb 1998 17:26:46 -0500 (EST) Here is another view into left-facism. They'd like to control the net, good luck. Most mainstream politicians would *love* to put the net back in its box. Note the "any kind of editing function or gatekeeping function" below. Just another word for people who will suppress news and roll over on command. Who knows when and how this would have broken, if not for Matt Drudge. From Reuters, fair use claimed under copyright law. WASHINGTON - Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a meeting with reporters Wednesday that "we are all going to have to rethink how we deal with" the Internet because of the handling of White House sex scandal stories on Web sites. In an otherwise low-key question-and-answer session, Clinton was at her most intense when asked whether she favored curbs on the Internet, on which news services have serveral times made headlines themselves with their coverage of the president's purported affair with a White House intern. "We are all going to have to rethink how we deal with this, because there are all these competing values ... Without any kind of editing function or gatekeeping function, what does it mean to have the right to defend your reputation?" she said. "There used to be this old saying that the lie can be halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on," Mrs. Clinton added. "Well, today, the lie can be twice around the world before the truth gets out of bed to find its boots." The sex scandal has been closely linked to Internet news sites from the start. Online reporter Matt Drudge, of the Drudge Report, broke the story when he reported that Newsweek had held off publishing an account of the scandal. And both The Wall Street Journal and Dallas Morning News Web sites have been withdrawn after the respective news organizations cited factual problems. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "E.J. Totty" Subject: Re: First Lady: Net News Needs Scrutiny Date: 11 Feb 1998 14:49:19 -0700 John, [...] "There used to be this old saying that the lie can be halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on," Mrs. Clinton added. "Well, today, the lie can be twice around the world before the truth gets out of bed to find its boots." [...] Leave it to a statist to mangle an old saying. To wit: Confucius say, "Lies travel around the world many times, before Truth has a chance to put her boots on." What is it about the Clintons, that a good memory would do wonders? Maybe it would help if they knew what the truth really was . . . ET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Skip Leuschner Subject: Re: First Lady: Net News Needs Scrutiny Date: 11 Feb 1998 17:09:02 -0800 E.J. Totty wrote: > > What is it about the Clintons, that a > good memory would do wonders? Maybe it would > help if they knew what the truth really was . . . > > ET > > - - - even better if they cared. Skip - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Denny's--It's Over! (fwd) Date: 12 Feb 1998 01:25:01 PST And in record time, too. Are we getting good or what? On Feb 11, jaspar wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] All, Just got a call from Mr. Don Spice of Denny's - this is official, Denny's policy regarding the signs is, the signs will NOT go up or be taken down if they did go up. Mr. Spice was very concerned that they offended so many people and that was not Denny's intention. I told Mr. Spice that I would spread the word that Denny's has no intention of infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens. Please remove any Denny's boycott posts and pass the word. Mark one up for responsible law-abiding citizens! Regards, Charlie [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: WND: Petition Filed for Ron Brown Probe (fwd) Date: 12 Feb 1998 11:12:34 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- For education and discussion. Not for commercial use. [] Petition filed for Ron Brown probe WorldNetDaily February 12, 1998 Editorial WASHINGTON - Judicial Watch filed a petition yesterday with the three-judge panel overseeing the independent counsels to continue an investigation of the late Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, which was under way at the time of his death in a plane crash last April in Croatia. At the time of his death, Brown was a material witness in Judicial Watch's lawsuit against the Commerce Department. It was this case that uncovered the role of John Huang in the 1996 presidential campaign and sparked the campaign finance scandal. Brown was under investigation by an independent counsel and an indictment was expected. "According to his business partner and confidant, Nolanda Hill, Brown had told President Clinton days before he was asked unexpectedly to travel to Croatia that he would negotiate a plea agreement with the independent counsel, which would entail telling the independent counsel what he knew about alleged illegalities in the Clinton-Gore administration," said Larry Klayman, head of Judicial Watch. "Clinton, according to Brown, responded badly." Following his death in Croatia, the Pentagon abruptly announced that the death was accidental before a standard safety investigation was undertaken. Later, the Armed Force Institute of Pathology discovered a hole in Brown's skull the size of a .45-caliber bullet. No autopsy was conducted, despite the fact that several pathologists insisted that no cause of death could be established without one. Neither the Brown family nor any of the families of the victims of the crash were notified of the unusual circumstances of Brown's death. Last November, several officers of the AFIP went public with their concerns. Judicial Watch now represents one of the pathologists and a military photographer involved in the death probe. In its petition, Judicial Watch submits sworn affidavits from the U.S. military officers involved in the Brown death probe. "Judicial Watch has learned that the independent counsel who had been investigating Secretary Brown at the time of his death never closed the inquiry," said Klayman. Judicial Watch is calling for a continued probe of Brown's death and the death of Barbara Wise, a Commerce Department employee found dead in the office shortly after Huang was deposed in the lawsuit. Wise reportedly worked in the same section of the Commerce Department as Huang. "Judicial Watch is taking this action because (Attorney General) Janet Reno has refused to investigate," said Klayman. "While Judicial Watch makes no accusations that Brown was murdered, his death raises questions about why an autopsy was not performed, particularly since he was a Cabinet secretary and a material witness and putative defendant in legal proceedings at the time. The independent counsel clearly has jurisdiction to investigate Brown's death, since, if his fate was not accidental, it could amount to criminal obstruction of justice and witness tampering." WorldNetDaily ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: JW: Petition for Continuation of I.C. re Ron H. Brown (1/2) (fwd) Date: 12 Feb 1998 12:04:05 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Division for the Purpose of Appointing Independent Counsels=20 In re Ronald H. Brown (Division No. 95-2 ___________________)=20 =A0 =A0=20 PETITION TO ORDER CONTINUATION OF THE INDEPENDENT COUNSEL'S=20 INVESTIGATION INTO MATTERS RELATED TO FORMER=20 SECRETARY OF COMMERCE=20 RONALD H. BROWN =A0=20 Judicial Watch, Inc. ("Judicial Watch"), a public interest group, hereby petitions the Division for the Purpose of Appointing Independent Counsels ("Judicial Panel") to order the Independent Counsel appointed to investigate the activities of Ronald H. Brown, formerly the Secretary of Commerce of the United States to continue with his inquiry as set forth below. This Judicial Panel has authority to undertake this step because new evidence indicates that the death of Secretary Brown -- who was the target of a criminal investigation commenced under the Independent Counsel statute and a material witness in another important federal case involving political corruption -- was not sufficiently investigated in light of prima facie forensic evidence demonstrating that his death may not have been accidental. Additionally, career military personnel, including some of the armed services' top forensic pathology personnel, have been subjected to investigation, intimidation (including intimations about the theoretical applicability of the death penalty), and retaliation because they have voiced concerns about the inadequate investigation of the death of Ron Brown.=20 More important, Attorney General Reno has announced that the Clinton-Gore Justice Department will not investigate the scientifically insufficient inquiry into Secretary Brown's death, even given this credible, new evidence about his death. See Associated Press dispatch, January 8, 1998, attached as Exhibit 1. Because the Court on its own motion declined to terminate the Office of the Independent Counsel in this matter as "not currently appropriate," it continues to have jurisdiction over this case. See Order of July 14, 1997, attached as Exhibit 2. Thus, the Court has ample reason and authority, as well as the responsibility to the public, to order the resumption of the Independent Counsel's investigation and to expand the investigation into matters connected with Secretary Brown's death, including violations of the witness tampering statutes, 18 U.S.C. =A7=A7 1512 and 1513, the laws against obstruction of justice, 18 U.S.C. =A7=A7 1509 and 1510, and conspiracy. See In re Espy, 80 F.3d 501 (D.C. Cir. 1996). MEMORANDUM OF LAW=20 I. INTRODUCTION.=20 A. Background on Investigations of Secretary Brown.=20 At the time of Secretary Brown's death on April 3, 1996, while on a United States Department of Commerce trade mission in Bosnia and Croatia, an Independent Counsel appointed by this Judicial Panel was investigating him for alleged bribery and corruption. See Order Appointing Independent Counsel in re Ronald H. Brown, July 6, 1995, attached as Exhibit 3.=20 When Ron Brown died, he was also enmeshed in what was quickly becoming a landmark Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") suit brought by Judicial Watch concerning the alleged sale of seats on Clinton-Gore Commerce Department trade missions in exchange for political contributions to the Democratic National Committee and the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election campaign. In the course of discovery in this FOIA case, Judicial Watch had noticed Secretary Brown for a deposition. Inadvertently, Judicial Watch had noticed this deposition for the same week Secretary Brown was to travel to Bosnia and Croatia on his fateful trade mission. See Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Ron Brown, attached as Exhibit 4. At the request of the Clinton-Gore Justice Department, which was defending Secretary Brown's Commerce Department in the suit, the deposition was postponed until after his return. As Ron Brown was a material witness to the allegations of political corruption, the Court has since confirmed that it would have required his deposition, had he lived. See Transcript of Hearing, August 7, 1996, in Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Commerce, Civil Action No. 95-2123 (D. District of Columbia), before the Honorable Royce C. Lamberth, attached as Exhibit 5 at 41.(1)=20 Following the death of Ron Brown, Judicial Watch's suit uncovered the role Mr. John Huang had played in campaign fund-raising as a Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Clinton-Gore Commerce Department. On the eve of the 1996 Presidential Election, Judicial Watch forced Mr. Huang out of hiding and took his deposition. In doing so, Judicial Watch sparked the campaign fund-raising scandal that continues to date. The sale of seats on trade missions was just one of a myriad of taxpayer-financed goods and services sold by the Clinton-Gore Administration for campaign contributions, in violation of 18 U.S.C. =A7 600, among other relevant criminal statutes. See fund raising materials of the Democratic National Committee and documents obtained from the files of Harold Ickes, former Deputy White House Counsel, attached as Exhibit 6.=20 Because of the death of Ron Brown, the Independent Counsel requested that this Judicial Panel authorize the transfer of his investigation to the Clinton-Gore Justice Department. See Order of the Special Division, November 14, 1996, and Washington Post, November 15, 1996, attached collectively as Exhibit 8. Importantly, however, this was done before Ron Brown's death was thought to be anything other than accidental. Credible new evidence suggests that this may not be the case.=20 B. The Flawed and Insufficient Investigation of the Death of Secretary Brown.=20 1. The Clinton-Gore Administration Departed From Standard Military Procedures Concerning Air Craft Crash Investigations in Investigating the Brown Crash.=20 =A0=20 Secretary Brown and his high-level Department of Commerce trade mission delegation were traveling on an United States Air Force CT-43 executive transport(2) piloted by an United States Air Force ("USAF") aircrew when it crashed while attempting to land at the airport in Dubrovnik, Croatia. On board were thirty-four (34) other persons, including government employees and business executives who had been invited on the Bosnia-Croatia trade mission. Lieutenant Colonel Steven Cogswell, a USAF forensic pathologist and who investigated the crash of Ron Brown's aircraft, states that long-standing Air Force crash investigation procedures were not followed, and that the USAF moved almost immediately to declare the crash to be accidental. See statements of Lieutenant Colonel Steven Cogswell in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, December 3, 1997, and December 9, 1997, and verified in the Affidavit of Lieutenant Colonel Cogswell, attached collectively as Exhibit 9. Although USAF policies require that all plane crashes initially be considered as resulting from undetermined causes, this was not done in the case of Secretary Brown's plane. See Transcript of Interview with Lieutenant Colonel Steven Cogswell attached as Exhibit 10 at 12-13. Instead, there appears to have been a "preconceived notion," perhaps brought about by ulterior motives on the part of the Clinton-Gore Administration, that the crash was nothing more than an accident. On the day Secretary Brown's plane went down, both the Clinton-Gore White House and the Pentagon strongly indicated that the crash was caused by bad weather. See Exhibit 8 [Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article of December 3, 1997]. Later, the USAF report on the crash concluded that weather conditions were not a contributing factor in the crash. See USAF Safety Board Report, attached as Exhibit 11 at 1, 65. Also, other high Clinton-Gore Administration officials "rushed to judgment" by labeling the crash an accident. For example, Secretary of Defense William Perry told the Associated Press a day after the crash, before any accident investigation could even be commenced, that "it was a classic sort of accident that good instrumentation should be able to prevent." See Associated Press dispatch, April 4, 1996, attached as Exhibit 12. This departure from standard USAF procedures raises questions about the thoroughness of the investigation into the causes of the crash and whether hasty conclusions were drawn for reasons of political expediency and/or to prevent the truth from being known.=20 2. The Clinton-Gore Administration Departed from Standard Medical and Scientific Practices in its Limited Medical Inquiry into the Death of Ron Brown and its Failure to Order an Autopsy Despite Evidence of Foul Play.=20 a. Overview.=20 Recently, career military officers and a ranking non-commissioned member of the armed forces have come forward with credible information, including sworn statements, which suggest that the cause of Secretary Brown's death was not properly and scientifically evaluated, and that the available scientific evidence raises questions about whether it was caused by a gunshot wound to the head. These personnel include medical doctors and board-certified forensic pathologists and a senior forensic photographer working at the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner ("OAFME") in the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology ("AFIP") (the branch of the military which conducted "external examinations" of the bodies of Secretary Brown and the others aboard the ill-fated flight)(3). These professional military personnel and experts in different forensic pathology disciplines have come forward in the interests of medical science, the credibility of the forensic pathology profession, and, as will be seen, at considerable risks to their careers. The testimony of these career military experts reveals an apparent gunshot wound in the crown of Secretary Brown's skull when his body was examined by the OAFME staff immediately upon its return to the United States. Based on the training and experience of these experts, as well as the opinions of other independent forensic pathology experts who have since examined available evidence about the wound, the likely prima facie explanation for the hole is that it resulted from a .45 caliber bullet. Most important, the X-rays of Secretary Brown's skull, taken during an examination by OAFME personnel, clearly show what forensics experts call a "lead snowstorm," which is typically associated with gunshot wounds. Inexplicably, these X-rays can no longer be found in the military's official files, and there is evidence that other scientific evidence relevant to this point may have been deliberately altered.=20 b. Evidence of a Gun Shot Wound to Secretary Brown's Head Was Observed During an External Examination, but No Follow-up Autopsy was Ordered, as Standard Forensic Practice Requires.=20 =A0=20 When the remains of Secretary Brown and the other crash victims were returned from Croatia to the USAF Base at Dover, Delaware, OAFME personnel were on hand to conduct a medical and forensic examination of the bodies. The external examination of Secretary Brown was performed by Colonel William Gormley, an Assistant Armed Forces Medical Examiner. Chief Petty Officer Kathleen Janoski, the Chief of the Forensic Photography Division at OAFME and a twenty-two year veteran of the United States Navy ("USN"), was assigned to photograph Ron Brown's remains during Colonel Gormley examination.(4) She has offered an affidavit of her observations of the examination of Secretary Brown conducted by Colonel Gormley and subsequent events. See Affidavit of Chief Petty Officer Kathleen Janoski, USN and Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article of January 13, 1998, attached collectively as attached as Exhibit 13. Chief Janoski was present for the entire course of the external examination of Secretary Brown. Exhibit 13 at paragraph 8. Chief Janoski testified that she observed a circular hole in the crown of Secretary Brown's head while photographing the body. Based on her training and experience, which includes work with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and many cases involving deaths due to gunshot wounds, she believed the hole suggested the presence of a gunshot wound. Exhibit 13 at paragraph 8. When she remarked in an audible voice that the hole resembled a gunshot wound, she was overheard by Colonel Gormley, told to "be quiet," and "not to remark about the wound." Exhibit 13 at paragraph 8. Chief Janoski also testifies that, based on her training and experience, Colonel Gormley did not conduct a thorough examination of Secretary Brown's remains for further evidence of a gunshot wound, as she had seen doctors do in other cases when visible evidence suggested such an injury. Exhibit 13 at paragraph 10. She specifically observed that no tests for gunshot residues were ordered by Colonel Gormley, as she had observed other pathologists do in cases involving possible gunshot wounds. Id.=20 Lieutenant Colonel David Hause of the United States Army ("USA"), another military pathologist present during the examination of Secretary Brown, has stated he also examined the suspicious wound in Secretary Brown's head and concluded that it resembled a .45 caliber bullet wound. Colonel Hause is considered to be one of the military's leading experts on gunshot wounds. See, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, December 9, 1997, attached as Exhibit 15. Colonel Hause states that he believes the possibility that the wound was caused by a gunshot was not properly considered during the examination of Secretary Brown's body, and that an autopsy should have been ordered in light of this possibility. Id. Another high-ranking forensic pathologist at OAFME who has examined the available evidence, including color slides showing the apparent gunshot wound in Secretary Brown's head, also has concluded that the nature of the injury is indicative of a gunshot wound, and that sound forensic practice required that an autopsy be conducted on Ron Brown. See the statements of Major Tom Parsons, M.D., USAF, in the Pittsburgh-Tribune Review, January 11, 1998, attached as Exhibit 16.=20 Both Colonel Hause and Major Parsons vigorously dispute that a proper death investigation was conducted by the military. Their views on this matter have been deliberately misrepresented to the press and the public by the military hierarchy, for no apparent reason other than to prevent the public from demanding a thorough scientific inquiry. This deliberate falsification of the scientific opinions offered by two high-ranking military officers alone should raise profound questions.=20 In addition however, respected civilian experts who examined the evidence have also concluded that the government did not properly investigate the cause of Secretary Brown's death. For example, Dr. Cyril Wecht, the medical examiner for Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, who is familiar with the evidence,(5) has rendered a professional opinion that all of the forensic evidence is consistent with a gunshot wound, and that sound practice required that an autopsy be performed on Ron Brown. See Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article of December 17, 1997, and transcript of interview with Dr. Wecht, CNBC Television, December 31, 1997, at 4, attached collectively as Exhibit 17.=20 Additionally, a careful examination by Lieutenant Colonel Cogswell of the aircraft wreckage and the crash site yielded no crash debris that could have caused such a wound. See generally Exhibit 9. Despite this, and despite apparent evidence of a .45 caliber gunshot wound in Secretary Brown's head, which caused trained observers to agree that further inquiry was necessary, no further investigation was ordered, nor were the necessary authorizations for an autopsy secured. This is a gross and inexplicable lapse of acceptable forensic practice, especially given the sudden, violent death of a cabinet member and thirty-four (34) other Americans on official government business in a foreign country.=20 Astoundingly, Colonel Gormley has offered inconsistent and changing explanations for his omissions. First, he stated that the wound in Secretary Brown's skull, which he examined after it was pointed out to him by Chief Janoski, was not a bullet wound because it did not penetrate the skull and because the brain was not visible. See Exhibit 15. He has subsequently admitted that a photograph of the wound, as well as photographs of Secretary Brown's X-rays, showed that the skull was penetrated and that Secretary Brown's brain was visible. Transcript of Television Interview with Colonel William Gormley, Black Entertainment Television, December 11, 1997, attached as Exhibit 18 at 18. He also has admitted that the hole in the crown of Ron Brown's head looked like an entrance wound from a gunshot, and that it was a "red flag" for a forensic pathologist which should have triggered a further inquiry. Exhibit 18 at 19. In fact, and even more damning, Colonel Gormley now admits that he consulted with other high-ranking pathologists present during the external examination of Ron Brown's body and they "agreed that [the hole in his head] look[ed] like a gunshot wound, at least an entrance gunshot wound." Exhibit 18 at 19. Finally, Colonel Gormley confesses that, even in such extraordinary circumstances, no autopsy of Secretary Brown was ever requested:=20 END - Part I =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: JW: Petition for Continuation of I.C. re Ron H. Brown (2/2) (fwd) Date: 12 Feb 1998 12:04:21 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Division for the Purpose of Appointing Independent Counsels =20 In re Ronald H. Brown (Division No. 95-2 ___________________)=20 PART II [CONTINUED] [b]ased on discussions at the highest level from in Commerce, at the Joint [Chiefs of Staff] and the [Department of Defense], the White House =2E . . .=20 =A0=20 Exhibit 18 at 8-9. Thus, the conclusion that the medical investigation into the causes of Secretary Brown's death was improperly influenced by pressure from the highest level of the Clinton-Gore Administration is inescapable.=20 Most important, because cabinet secretaries such as Ron Brown are covered by federal laws that deal with assassinations of federal officials and certain acts of terrorism, the matter should have been referred to the Federal Bureau of Investigation as soon as the apparent gunshot wound was discovered. See, e.g., 18 U.S.C. =A7 351. Even were this not so (as the military may contend), standard forensic practice, medical ethics, not to mention common decency, require that the Clinton-Gore Administration should have notified Secretary Brown family upon the discovery of the apparent gunshot wound and sought their permission to conduct an autopsy.=20 Also of importance is the additional fact that critical forensic evidence was tampered with at some point following the initial examination of Secretary Brown's remains by the military, and after political pressure prevented a thorough examination, including an autopsy. Chief Janoski, as part of her duties during the external examination by Colonel Gormley of Secretary Brown, was present when X-rays of his body, including two (2) views of his head, were placed on a light table in the examination area. She made slide photographs of these X-ray images on her own initiative and stored them away at OAFME. Exhibit 13 at paragraph 9.=20 In the Fall of 1996, Chief Janoski learned from Jeanmarie Sentell, a Special Agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, that the X-rays of Secretary Brown's head had been destroyed after the "lead snowstorm" was discovered. Exhibit 13 at paragraph 12. Chief Janoski was told by Special Agent Sentell that such a "lead snowstorm" on X-rays is caused by the disintegration of bullet on impact. Exhibit 13 at paragraph 12. Chief Janoski also testifies that she was told by Special Agent Sentell that a second set of X-rays of Secretary Brown were made "less dense" (apparently by manipulation of the X-ray apparatus) to diminish or eradicate the "lead snowstorm" image, and that Colonel Gormley was involved in the creation of this second set of X-rays. Exhibit 13 at paragraph 12. Chief Janoski testifies that, although she had photographed the first set of X-rays of Secretary Brown's skull, she never made photographs of this second set, nor did she order the other AFIP photographer's under her command at Dover to make such photographs. Exhibit 13 at paragraph 13. Tellingly, Colonel Gormley admits that it is standard AFIP practice for remains readied for examination to be X-rayed before being presented to pathologists in the examination area. Exhibit 18 at 9. Thus, it seems likely that no "second set" of X-rays of Ron Brown were ever made, and that, because a second set of X-rays has never been located, this story is simply a red herring concocted after the fact.=20 Upon being informed by Special Agent Sentell of the destruction of the first set of X-rays, Chief Janoski recalled that she had also made slide photographs of these same X-rays showing the "lead snowstorm." Exhibit 13 at paragraphs 9 and 13. Chief Janoski showed these slides to Colonel Cogswell after her discussion with Special Agent Sentell, and he concluded that the images indeed showed a "lead snowstorm" effect indicative of a gunshot wound. Id.=20 In fact, Chief Janoski determined that official photographs of the X-rays of Ron Brown's head showing the "lead snowstorm" had never been made part of official military file, as is standard OAFME operating procedure. Exhibit 13 at paragraphs 15 and 16. Thus, the slides made by Chief Janoski on her own initiative, with their tell-tale signs of a "lead snowstorm" typically associated with gunshot wounds, are likely the only remaining images of Secretary Brown's head X-rays, and the Court should order them taken into safekeeping by the Independent Counsel immediately=20 Not surprisingly, after the Pentagon learned of this evidence that contradicted the official explanation for the cause of Secretary Brown's death, it ordered a "Command Investigation" into the circumstances surrounding the disclosure of this evidence, as well as the disclosure of information about the dispute within OAFME concerning the cause of Secretary Brown's death and the adequacy of the OAFME inquiry into that cause. See Exhibit 13 at paragraphs 17 and 18. Despite being told that the investigation was an informal inquiry into improving administrative and communications procedures at OAFME (see Exhibit 13 at paragraph 18), persons subject to this investigation, including Chief Petty Officer Janoski, were warned by the investigators to seek legal counsel. See Exhibit 13 at paragraph 24. During the course of this investigation, OAFME also placed senior military officers under the equivalent of "house arrest," searched their homes without a search warrant, and even raised the theoretical applicability of the death penalty to these matters under certain provisions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. See Washington Times, December 28, 1997, attached as Exhibit 19 and Letter, Larry Klayman, Esq. and Don Bustion, Esq., to Colonel Barry Thompson, OAFME, December 31, 1997, attached as Exhibit 20. Yet, on January 8, 1998, Attorney General Reno announced that the Clinton-Gore Administration would not investigate the the military's inquiry into Secretary Brown's death. See Exhibit 2.=20 II. DISCUSSION.=20 The Independent Counsel statute allows this Judicial Panel to order the continuation of the investigation of Secretary Brown. See 28 U.S.C. =A7 591 et seq. Under the statute, after an Independent Counsel is appointed, the appointing judges retain jurisdiction over all matters relating to the tenure and activities of the Independent Counsel. They also retain full authority to expand the mandate of the Independent Counsel to investigate matters related to the original appointment. See 28 U.S.C. =A7 594(e) and In re Espy, 80 F.3d 501 (D.C. Cir. 1996). Surely, the failure to inadequately investigate the violent death of the target of an investigation, who was also a material witness in another major case, is a matter related to the subject of the original investigation. Importantly, it would not be an expansion of the original investigation, since Secretary Brown was its target and his death may have been related to frustrating its conclusion.=20 In this case, the Independent Counsel reported to this panel that his investigation "should not continue" solely because of the death of Ron Brown. This conclusion was reached when the death of Secretary Brown was thought to be wholly accidental, and before credible, non-partisan expert witnesses of the highest professional standing and with direct personal knowledge of the facts came forward to make public their concerns about the need for a credible inquiry into his death and the previous investigation of it.=20 For if the death of Ron Brown was other than an accident, then it may also be part of a plan to obstruct the Independent Counsel's investigation, especially because there are indications that the matters under his inquiry may have reached persons beyond Ron Brown.(6) This would also constitute a fraud upon the Court and a complete miscarriage of justice.=20 Because this investigation was prematurely terminated on the basis of incomplete and erroneous evidence, including the wholly premature and unwarranted assumption that the death of Ron Brown was only an "accident," this Court has full authority under the independent counsel statute to order the resumption of the investigation. While not even necessary given the fact that a putative defendant was killed, without the concurrence of the Attorney General, the Court may even expand the expand the scope of the independent counsel's investigation by referring to him the obviously related matters concerning the cause of Ron Brown's death and the demonstrably inadequate investigation of his death by government officials. See In re Espy, 80 F.3d 501 (D.C. Cir. 1996) and 18 U.S.C. =A7 594(e). Moreover, aside from any statutory provisions preserving the Court's authority to order the Independent Counsel to resume this investigation, the federal courts have inherent constitutional authority to protect their jurisdiction and to take steps necessary to make that jurisdiction effective. U.S. v. Alsbrook, 336 F. Supp 973 (D.D.C. 1966).=20 III. CONCLUSION.=20 Were not for the dedicated, professional military personnel from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology who have come forward, the public would have never known the truth about the inadequate forensic investigation into Secretary Brown's death and the apparent cover-up of evidence of a gunshot wound to his head.=20 Petitioner respectfully submits that these matters should be of grave concern to this Judicial Panel, since they provide credible evidence that the Panel's authority and processes may have been deliberately flaunted, to put it mildly. Under these circumstances, the Court has ample authority, both under the Independent Counsel statute and its inherent supervisory powers, to address this apparent obstruction of justice. Thus, the investigation of the Independent Counsel into the activities of the late Commerce Secretary Ron Brown should be continued to include the unusual circumstances surrounding his death.=20 Respectfully submitted,=20 JUDICIAL WATCH, INC.=20 =A0=20 _______________________=20 Larry Klayman, Esq.=20 D.C. Bar No. 334581=20 =A0=20 =A0 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: THE HILL: Hillary is now Boss of the White House (fwd) Date: 12 Feb 1998 15:02:31 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- For education and discussion. Not for commercial use. HERE'S THE DEAL: HILLARY IS NOW BOSS OF THE WHITE HOUSE BY DICK MORRIS THE HILL FEBRUARY 12, 1998 The White House: The coup was bloodless and, most likely, wordless. The minute President Clinton was thrown irredeemably on the defensive on Jan. 21 - the very day he began his sixth year in office - Hillary took over. Not just the scandal defense but the building itself. The bargain is clear to both the president and the first lady. She need never articulate it. He intuits it. Here's the deal: She'll bail him out of this mess, but, now, she calls the shots. The president, hanging by his wife's largesse, knows enough to step aside. From now on it will be her appointments, her policies, her positions that get green lights. The formal staff of the White House, will have to take a back seat reminiscent of the health care reform days. Move over Bowles, McCurry and Emanuel. Make room for the new kitchen cabinet: Susan Thomases, Ann Lewis, Milan Verveer and Sidney Blumenthal. Le nouveau regime est arrive. Hillary had been forced to relinquish her power after the 1994 debacle when it became evident that her continued central role had locked her in a zero sum game with her husband. The stronger she seemed, the weaker he looked. She realized that any good she might have done in specific areas was massively undone by cultivating an image of presidential weakness her husband neither needed nor deserved. In the short term, the president has no alternative. But the more Hillary runs the show, the more Clinton's weakness image will return. As long as it has taken Alan Greenspan to purge the economy of its inflation psychology, so long has it taken Clinton's handlers to dispel the image of his weakness. Clinton was never weak. It was Hillary who was strong. Americans don't understand how each person in a marriage can grow stronger the more their partner is empowered. They see marital power as an either/or proposition. If the wife is strong, the husband must be weak. Clinton can survive with 30 percent of America believing him to be immoral and unethical. Lewinsky just adds fuel to a fire burning from the Gennifer Flowers, draft, Whitewater, travel office, FBI files, commodities market and campaign finance scandals. One more log will intensify the heat, but it won't spread the conflagration. But he can't make it if the 30 percent who think he is immoral are joined by another 30 percent who feel he is weak, passive, indecisive, vacillating, opportunistic, flip-flopping and changing with the wind. It was the conversion of this second group of Clinton-doubters who make all the difference in the president's ratings. Hillary's assumption of command is a direct catalyst for these doubts to arise again. For Hillary, her strategy is even more risky. If the public believes that Clinton is innocent in L'affaire Monica Lewinsky, she can defend him with impunity. But if America comes to feel that he is guilty and that she knows he's guilty, the damage to her would be extraordinary. In the health care flight, Hillary lost some of her reputation for political sagacity. In certain quarters, her integrity has come under fire. But she survives with a high rating. But if America believes she is countenancing her husband's infidelities out of a desire to remain in office, her very legitimacy will come into doubt. The job she holds - first lady - has, after all, only one qualification. Desperate times demand desperate strategies. But the president and the first lady would be well-advised to lead her backstage after a suitable interval. In chess, you don't lead with your queen - or your king. The Congress: If Dante chose to punish the GOP in his inferno for its excesses of partisanship in recent years, he could not have picked a torture more exquisite than that which is now being visited on congressional Republicans. They must keep Bill Clinton in office at all costs. While the Lewinsky scandal will turn their constituents into a howling lynch mob demanding the president's neck, the consequence of his removal from office is painfully clear. Al Gore as president until at least 2004 and probably until 2008. Normally an event as traumatic as the removal of a president would doom the deposed leader's party to a decade in the minority. But if a disaster mounted for Clinton, the nation would clamor for Clinton minus the scandal. There is no better description of Gore. Gore would take power early enough to consolidate his hold and the GOP would be locked out of the White House for another six to 10 years. Al-Gore-a-phobia has stilled the voices of the GOP in the current scandal and will likely force each Republican senator to dance a delicate minuet on a tightrope above the bared fangs of their political base. When Rush learns that Newt and Dick and Trent and Phil are flacking for Clinton, there will be hell to pay. But the alternative - a Democratic reign second in length only to that of FDR-Truman - is unthinkable. Dick Morris is a former political consultant to President Clinton, Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and other political figures. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: unsubscribe Date: 12 Feb 1998 21:03:22 -0800 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: The Other Intern (fwd) Date: 13 Feb 1998 08:52:54 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- This report from The Washington Weekly indicates that Mary Mahoney, the ex-White House intern brutally executed at Starbucks, was close to White House intern Monica Lewinsky. It also seems that the Washington D.C. police define the case as an improper area of inquiry. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Forwarded Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The Washington Weekly, Feb. 9, 1998 D.C. Police Silent on Murder of Former White House Intern On July 6, 1997, a brutal triple murder took place at a Starbucks restaurant in an upscale Georgetown neighborhood. The victims were Aaron Goodrich, 18; Emory Evans, 25; and Mary Caitrin Mahoney, 25. According to a July 13 Washington Post story, ballistics test indicated that 10 shots were fired from two different guns, sometime after 9:15 p.m. The Post story characterized the crime as an "execution-style" murder. The murders were strange for several reasons. First, the restaurant's doors were locked when the victims were found. Nothing appeared to have been stolen, although nearly $4,000 was in the store at the time. Police initially discounted robbery as a motive. Second, the restaurant was in a neighbor- hood that has a very strong neighborhood watch program. None of Washington D.C.'s 397 murders in the previous year had occurred in or near Georgetown, which is rated safer than many other American cities such as Palm Springs and Oceanside, California and Boulder, Colorado. Third, neighbors heard no gunfire, indicating that the assailants might have used silencers. Finally, multiple murders are rare even in violent areas of Washington D.C. Making the story particularly interesting is the fact that Mary Mahoney was shot as many as five times, according to some press reports. As the Washington Post reported: She was almost unrecognizable. Caity, the coffee shop assistant manager, was first shot in the chest, police said. She had raised her hands to her face, possibly to protect herself. A bullet pierced her hands and hit her face. Then she was shot in the back of the head. Ms. Mahoney had been heavily involved in presidential politics, working on Bill Clinton's campaign in 1992. She served as a White House intern for a while in the first Clinton Administration, arranging White House tours. After finishing a degree in Women's Studies at Towson State Uni- versity in Baltimore in 1995, she moved to Washington perman- ently, taking a job as an assistant manager at the Starbucks restaurant. There Ms. Mahoney's path seems to have crossed that of another White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. George Stephanopoulos said last week that Lewinsky used to hang out at the Starbucks where he lived. These connections to Lewinsky and the White House have raised eyebrows in many quarters. The January 23, 1998 Strategic Weekly Briefings contained the following account attributed to anonymous sources: When Monica Lewinsky first met with Vernon Jordan in November 1997 she told him she didn't want to end up like Caity Mahoney. Jordan professed not to know whom Lewinsky was referring to until she identified Mahoney as the former White House intern who was murdered last summer in a Starbucks. . . . Police are apparently no nearer to solving the crime than they were in July of 1997. In a December 6 story the Washington Post reported that a police informant in the case had been beaten to death outside a row house in Southwest Washington. Police sent the informant into a crack house to purchase cocaine, hoping to find grounds to search the house and question the occupants about the Starbucks case. Three men were arrested in the beating death, but police found no connection to the Starbucks murders. Efforts by the Washington Weekly to gain information from the D.C. police have been unsuccessful. The following exchange occurred on Thursday of last week with D.C. police detective Tony Patterson, who is in charge of the case: QUESTION: May I ask you some questions? PATTERSON: It depends. Which case? QUESTION: About the Starbucks murder. May I ask you some questions? PATTERSON: No, no. I can't discuss that case. QUESTION: You can't discuss that case? PATTERSON: Not right now. QUESTION: Can you discuss it off the record? PATTERSON: No. QUESTION: You can't discuss your informant who was beaten to death? PATTERSON: No, that's what I said. Too much hes been released to the press already. QUESTION: Can you discuss aspects of the case that would not affect your investigation? PATTERSON: No sir. QUESTION: You can't discuss anything? You can't describe the murder scene? PATTERSON: That's already known. QUESTION: It's known from press accounts, but what is not known so well is what you have to say. PATTERSON: I have nothing else to say about it. Efforts to contact Starbucks management were somewhat more fruitful. The Washington Weekly talked to Kenny Fried, a Starbucks spokesman on Friday. QUESTION: I would like to get a statement from you about where the Washington D.C. murder case is at this point. FRIED: We're working on getting the store reopened at this point. QUESTION: What is the status of the case with the police? FRIED: They're definitely working on it. They've not closed it. It's a high profile thing here. But, unfortunately, the people--we've never sent any statements out or anything like that. We're trying to open our store at this point, that's our concern. The store will reopen February 20th. In Washington this was the biggest story for two weeks. It was on the front page of every paper and on the newscasts morning till evening, so it was very heavily on the minds of the media here. QUESTION: Do you know at this point if the police have a suspect orsuspects in the case? FRIED: We don't know anything about that. QUESTION: I take it this was very unusual for the store. It was located in a very nice neighborhood in Georgetown, is that correct? FRIED: Yes, it's a nice area with a national retailer and Starbucks never had anything like this happen in their history. And so it's just unusual and three young people were killed and so these factors together created a lot of attention. QUESTION: The Washington Post characterized this as an execution-style murder. Do you have any comment on that? FRIED: I'm dealing mostly with the reopening of the store, so I won't comment on that. We have not talked to media because we just want to get the store reopened. I can tell you that our CEO has announced that all future net profits for the life span of the store will go to a designated anti- violence organization. The particular organization will be announced when the store opens. QUESTION: There is a lot of speculation going around on the internet about who could have had a motive for this killing. And this is being connected to the fact that this young lady was a former White House intern, and that rumors were circula- ting in Washington at this time that an intern was going to come forward with information about the President's activit- ies in the White House. Have you heard stories like that? FRIED: No, I haven't. QUESTION: Do you have any comment on that? FRIED: I'm not the right person to comment on that. I can see if there is anyone at headquarters who could comment on that. QUESTION: Do you know of any apparent motive in this slaying? FRIED: No, we don't, nothing. There was speculation that it was robbery. QUESTION: Was there any indication from the crime scene that it was an attempted robbery? FRIED: That's all a police matter. The Washington Weekly continues to investigate this case. Anyone with information on the case is encouraged to contact the Washington Weekly by email at: . Confidentiality is assured. Published in the Feb. 9, 1998 issue of The Washington Weekly. Copyright (c) 1998 The Washington Weekly ( Reposting permitted with this message intact. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End Forwarded Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ************************************************************** VISIT Ian Williams Goddard ---> ______________________________________________________________ IDENTITY MATRIX | I D E N T I T Y C O N S E R V A T I O N -----------------| The basis of logic is identity (ID). The 1 2 3 | basis of ID is difference. Degrees of dif- _________ | ference can be quantified as ID units. The 1 | 0 1 2 | | ID Matrix shows the ID units of three num- | | | bers, and may do so unto infinity. The ID 2 |-1 0 1 | | units of each number are derived from the | | | others, and therefore ID is holistic not 3 |-2 -1 0 | | atomistic. As the sum of all ID units unto ----------- | infinity equals 0, identity is conserved. _________________|____________________________________________ GODDARD'S METAPHYSICS-> ______________________________________________________________ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Too damn funny (but off topic) Date: 13 Feb 1998 15:45:28 -0600 (CST) This is too damn funny. On January 12, 1998, the Los Angeles Daily Journal, the local legal newspaper, ran an article entitled, "Coaches Are Not Required by Disabilities Act." The story stated: "Rejecting contentions by the federal government and a California disability rights group, a district judge in Michigan has dismissed a novel discrimination lawsuit brought on behalf of two mentally retarded men who lost their jobs at Hertz Corp. when their government-funded job coaches were caught "making out" in a rental car while the two retarded workers looked on from the back seat. The judge, ruling on a key issue often raised in disability cases, emphatically turned down the claim that Hertz had a duty to find other job coaches as a "reasonable accommodation" for the two handicapped men under federal law." The article went on to explain the coaches were paid to teach the two retarded men how to pick up trash at the Hertz Detroit Metropolitan Airport parking facility. During the "passionate lovemaking" incident, the two retarded gentlemen were "trapped in the back of the car and forced to witness the incident." The coaches' salaries were paid for with tax money from the EEOC. As a result of the kissing incident, the two coaches were fired. The two retarded men were then fired since they no longer had "job coaches." The two retarded ex-employees sued to get their jobs back, and for an order directing Hertz to obtain new coaches through the EEOC. Fortunately, the Court dismissed their lawsuit. My questions: (1) what the heck's a job coach? (2) does this mean there were four people doing the job of one or two? (3) I wonder if federally funded "job coaches" will one day help retarded people become doctors, lawyers or accountants? (4) why is our federal tax money being spent on this? (5) What were those two coaches thinking? Steve Silver Proud member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy and Vice President The Lawyer's Second Amendment Society, Inc. 18034 Ventura Blvd., No. 329 Encino, CA 91316 (818) 734-3066 (The LSAS is a 501(c)(4) Non-Profit Corporation) Visit the LSAS's new and updated Web page at: Send an e-mail request, including your snail mail address, to: for a complimentary copy of the LSAS's newsletter, The Liberty Pole. Firearms: They save lives. *** Self-defense is not a crime. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: most disturbing film I have ever seen (fwd) Date: 13 Feb 1998 16:58:49 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- [ My for the main news paper in Orange county this piece certainly says some very nasty things about Republicans.......what a pleasant thought to have major media begin to sound like the grassroots Jack ] The truth about Waco and government lies Diane Fallon OCR This past weekend I watched the most disturbing film I have ever seen. While my husband and I sat frozen on the couch, our 24-year-old son, who has seen every horror film ever made, had to leave the room. He could not bear to watch. You will never see this on television. It is too powerful. "Waco: The Rules of Engagement," an incredible documentary by Mike McNulty, is an indictment of everyone involved in the federal government's assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, in April of 1993. It has been nominated for an Academy Award for best documentary. The film is brilliant in how it cuts back and forth from what agents testified to before Congress to what the video and audio transcripts revealed. In every instance, they lied. Even the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearm's own undercover agent told Congress his colleagues lied when they testified he did not call off the raid. In their "Two thumbs up" review, Siskel & Ebert said, "It is pretty clear, on the basis of this film, that the original raid was staged as a publicity stunt and the final raid was a government riot, a tragedy caused by uniformed boys with toys." Coincidentally, the FBI and BATF "lost" all crucial pieces of evidence that would indict them, including the front doors of the house which would have shown that they, and not the Davidians, fired the first shots. The biggest indictment is the infra-red aerial film, which clearly shows gunfire going into the house at critical flash points of the standoff. The man who patented this process expertly explains to the viewer what is being seen on the film, as opposed to what the agents said they did. Gunfire comes from both the tanks that are pouring gas into the house and agents outside the house, before and during the burning. Then there is the cutback to Congress, where the same men who were incommand of the 1992 assault on the Weavers' compound at Ruby Ridge, testify that at no time did the FBI fire a single shot. The film also shows the Davidians themselves, mostly the women and children, in a home video a few weeks before their deaths, as well as some footage taken during the attack that killed them. The government has tried very hard to demonize these people, but they could be anyone's loved ones. And they did not sound like kooks; they were articulate and thoughtful. They were human beings, living their lives the way they wanted, not hurting anyone. And as they were gassed and burned to death, the FBI refused to let fire trucks in to save them. As I watched this film, I remembered thinking a similar thought as I watched the Oklahoma City bombing. "What kind of person could commit such a horrible act." Unlike Tim McVeigh, who now awaits execution for his deed, these federal officers are decorated heroes. The end of the film is perhaps the most chilling. In a show of pure arrogance, BATF officers hoist their own banner up the flagpole, next to what was once a home, as if they were the victors in some foreign country. This is the mindset of these people. To them, this was a military operation and the Davidians were the enemy. They would not quit until their mission had been accomplished. Their mission was to destroy, and destroy they did. Just like Ruby Ridge, the government charged the citizens they attacked with murdering federal agents. And just like Ruby Ridge, the jurors found the citizens innocent. Just like Ruby Ridge, Congress held hearings, and in the end, nothing changed. Congress is so confident in the gullibility of its constituents, members feel all they have to do is give the appearance that they care, so they hold public hearings to show there is no cover-up. They are the truth seekers, so they tell us. Amazingly, Congress concluded that there was no misconduct on the part of government agents and that the Davidians committed suicide. The story, they say, is over. Well, it isn't. Not by a long shot. Just as the real story of what happened at Ruby Ridge eventually surfaced, the same will happen with Waco as this remarkable film finds its way into the living rooms across America, in spite of the apparent skittishness of TV executives. If Congress had held these agencies accountable for what they did at Ruby Ridge, Waco would not have happened. Citizens, including local and state law officers from states across the nation, are now taking action against various federal agencies. For the first time in our history, a federal law officer has been held accountable for his actions (at Ruby Ridge) and faces trial for involuntary manslaughter. It is not too late for the State of Texas to do likewise. Stay tuned. "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" can be ordered over the Internet at or by calling 800-326-0996. Jack Perrine | Athena Programming | 626-798-6574 -----------------| 1175 N Altadena Dr | -------------- Jack@Minerva.Com | Pasadena CA 91107 | FAX-309-8620 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: Klayman, Ron Brown probe, John Conyers, Clinton payoff? (fwd) Date: 16 Feb 1998 08:02:50 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Today, Fri, 2/13, I caught the latter couple of minutes of Chris Ruddy on Ken Hamblin about 12:50 (SF) on KSFO560. In case some CASers are unaware, Ken Hamblin is a black conservative syndicated talk show host based in Denver. He styles himself the Black Avenger who stands for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Adding to his interest in the Ron Brown matter is the fact that Hamblin is a private pilot. Unfortunately I caught only a minute of the interview between Hamblin and Ruddy. Apropos of the fact that Klayman has petitioned the court to renew the investigation of the matters relating to Ron Brown, Hamblin asked Ruddy the attitude of John Conyers, the Dem representative from Michigan. Conyers, Maxine Watters (sp), the Black Caucus, and the NAACP have IN THE RECENT PAST all been supportive of further inquiry re Ron Brown. But, even more recently Conyers has also been prominent in attacking Ken Starr. Ruddy responded by relating the following: Even after the Monica matter had broken, Conyers had scheduled a news conference to support further inquiry in the Ron Brown matter. However, shortly before the scheduled time for that conference, Conyers canceled it. Hamblin asked why, and Ruddy responded to the effect that Clinton allocated $400 million to be spent in the districts of members of the Black Caucus. Hamblin asked a second time so that Ruddy repeated the statement, and then Hamblin, who is strongly anti-affirmative-action, went ballistic. Sadly, I had to get out of the car so I missed the remainder. If I understood, the clear implication was that Clinton gave the Black Caucus the $400 million to get Conyers off the Ron Brown case and to get the all aboard in defending the President in the Monica matter. Wondering if anyone else heard this exchange, or has any related info. Palmer ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: CAS: OCR: most disturbing film I have ever seen (fwd) Date: 16 Feb 1998 08:05:54 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- EXPERT WITNESS RADIO SHOW (99.5 FM, WBAI, New York City) Tuesdays 7-8pm.. I have had the producers of WACO--Dan and Amy--now nominated for an Academy Award--on my show several months ago...My show by the way is in Congressman Charles Schumer country--the man prominent in the cover-up of the Waco events..In any case, they are agains scheduled to do my show on Tuesday February 24th, at which time I again will call--as a court qualified expert in the use of deadly force--for an investigation of Schumer and all those other congressman taking part in the hearings, for Obstruction of Justice...that to protect the Clinton Administration from the scandal they so justly deserved, they used the hearings to obuscate and hide the true facts., Of course, being congressmen, they are immune from prosecution for what they did on camera, but I think it important for the American people to understand the gravity of their actions.. Mike Levine Author of TRIANGLE OF DEATH (Dell) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Iraq hid deadly weapons abroad Date: 16 Feb 1998 13:06:25 -0600 (CST) Reuters New Media Monday February 16 7:05 AM EST Iraq Hid Deadly Weapons Abroad - Congress Report By Jim Wolf WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iraq has smuggled deadly weapons programs to sympathetic Arab states for safekeeping along with up to 400 Scud missiles that could deliver germ or chemical agents, the director of a U.S. congressional task force said Sunday. Yossef Bodansky, director of the House of Representatives Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, said Iraq also retained production capabilities for weapons of mass destruction through joint programs in Sudan and Libya. About 400 surviving Iraqi Scud missiles of a type that could be used to deliver such weapons were shipped to Sudan and Yemen after Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990, Bodansky said. In a telephone interview, he said his information, first published in a Feb. 10 task force report, came from Arab opposition movements as well as from British, German and Israeli intelligence sources. Defense Secretary William Cohen said "whether the report is accurate or not, it does in fact, I think, just by surfacing, give some validity to what we have been trying to accomplish" -- getting full access to suspected weapons sites in Iraq. Richard Butler, the Australian diplomat who heads the United Nations weapons inspection effort, said the "logic" of the alleged Iraqi weapons shifting was clear. "That could only have been the case under circumstances where we weren't there first," he said on the CNN program "Late Edition," adding: "That's why access is crucial." At issue is Iraq's defiance of U.N. Security Council disarmament resolutions that ended the 1991 Gulf War, including those meant to give inspectors' unrestricted access to suspected weapons sites. Iraq denies having any hidden weapons of mass destruction. It has sought to limit U.N. inspections of "presidential sites," including Saddam's palaces and what it calls other symbols of national sovereignty. In Baghdad, General Amir Al Sa-adi, an adviser to President Saddam Hussein, denied the report and heaped scorn on Butler. "This is absolute nonsense. None of this has happened," he told reporters in a news conference carried live by CNN. U.S. National Security Adviser Sandy Berger said Sunday that the United States would strike Iraq militarily time and again if necessary to deny Saddam his deadliest weapons. "We will do what we can at this point as far as diminishing his capacity" to build weapons of mass destruction, he said of a looming round of possible U.S. and British military strikes. "But we would make it clear that if we have evidence he is rebuilding (after the possible next U.S.-led strike), we would act again," Berger added on the NBC program "Meet the Press." Berger, President Bill Clinton's top national security aide, suggested that the threatened U.S.-led military action may still be at least one week away in the absence of full Iraqi cooperation with U.N. weapons inspectors. "I would say it's not measured in days but it's also not measured in months," he said. He accused Saddam of having used chemical weapons 10 times since 1983. Senator John McCain, an Arizona Republican on the Armed Services Committee, urged Clinton to set a deadline for full Iraqi compliance with Security Council resolutions that ended the 1991 Gulf War. "... We just can't keep up this kind of ... back and forth," he said on Fox News Sunday. "It continues to erode our capability." If Iraq fails to cooperate fully with the weapons dismantling teams, Berger said the United States would do "as much as we can" to curb its ability to develop chemical, biological and nuclear weapons as well to limit its capacity to threaten its neighbors. Cohen, preparing the public for military action, displayed a picture of the broken bodies of a mother and her infant child he identified as Iraqi Kurdish victims of a nerve agent. "Madonna and child, Saddam Hussein-style," Cohen intoned, holding up the picture on the the ABC program "This Week." ^REUTERS@ _________________________________________________________________ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Margolis outlines US incompetence in the Mideast....VERY GOOD (fwd) Date: 16 Feb 1998 16:04:44 -0600 (CST) Foreign Correspondent Inside Track On World News By International Syndicated Columnist & Broadcaster Eric Margolis ,,ggddY"""Ybbgg,, ,agd888b,_ "Y8, ___`""Ybga, ,gdP""88888888baa,.""8b "888g, ,dP" ]888888888P' "Y `888Yb, ,dP" ,88888888P" db, "8P""Yb, ,8" ,888888888b, d8888a "8, ,8' d88888888888,88P"' a, `8, ,8' 88888888888888PP" "" `8, d' I88888888888P" `b 8 `8"88P""Y8P' 8 8 Y 8[ _ " 8 8 "Y8d8b "Y a 8 8 `""8d, __ 8 Y, `"8bd888b, ,P `8, ,d8888888baaa ,8' `8, 888888888888' ,8' `8a "8888888888I a8' `Yba `Y8888888P' adP' "Yba `888888P' adY" `"Yba, d8888P" ,adP"' `"Y8baa, ,d888P,ad8P"' ``""YYba8888P""'' NOT SO FAST, SEN. LOTT by Eric Margolis 16 Feb 1998 NEW YORK - Senate majority leader Trent Lott and other senior Republicans are demanding the US adopt a long-term strategy of covert action and subversion to overthrow Saddam Hussein and other Mideast troublemakers who disturb the Pax Americana. Bombing Iraq is simply not enough, warned war-fevered Republicans. Saddam must be driven from power once and for all. Many pro-Israel Conservatives demand the US Army march on Baghdad. If Senator Lott knew Mideast history better, he might not be so eager for covert action, or hopeful Iraq's government could be overthrown to America's profit. He might even learn the United States is not the solution to the Mideast's chronic instability and tensions, but a major source. A few examples: *1947. Washington is displeased by Syria's government.A CIA-Army `political action team' mounts a coup, employing a `CIA asset,' Gen. Husni Za'im. As senior CIA Mideast agent Miles Copeland delightfully recalls, the Americans kept calling Za'im `our boy,' or `Husni,' and ordering him about. The day after Za'im's coup, Copeland and the American agents went to inform the new dictator whom he would appoint as ambassadors and cabinet ministers. When the Americans called him, `Husni,' Za'im ordered them to `stand at attention,' and address him as `Excellency.' US-Syrian relations have been terrible ever since. Two subsequent, US-backed coups backfired. *1952. The US helps engineer a coup against British puppet ruler of Egypt, King Farouk. CIA backs a young colonel, Gammal Abdel Nasser. But when the US later tries to pressure Nasser into joining Washington's `new order' for the Mideast, the Baghdad Pact, Nasser rebels and becomes America's enemy number one. CIA tries first to overthrow, than assassinate Nasser. All attempts fail. *1953. Iran's popular, elected leader, Mohammed Mossadegh, attempts to assert Iranian control of his nation's oil industry, whose profits go to the US and Britain. A CIA coup overthrows Mossadegh, and puts `our boy' Reza Shah on the throne. Iran's US-trained secret police keep the Shah in power through a reign of terror. Islamic-nationalist revolution sweeps Iran in 1979, ending US domination. *1957/58. US and Britain thwart popular uprisings against King Hussein of Jordan. *1958. Washington installs a client regime in Lebanon, which then dutifully calls for US troops. Beginning of Lebanon's 35 years of instability and civil war. *1958. Britain's Iraqi puppets, King Faisal and Nuri as- Said, overthrown by the bloodthirsty Col.Kassim. US uses Kassim to attack Nasser. Kassim murdered by Col. Aref in CIA-mounted coup. Aref's helicopter blown up. A few more murders later, CIA helps engineer into power a promising, young, Baath Party enforcer, Saddam Hussein, *1960. Anwar Sadat goes on CIA payroll. After Nasser's death, CIA puts Sadat into power in Egypt. Corrupt and hated, Sadat is assassinated to great popular joy.. *1969. The US elbows Britain out of Libya to gain control of its high-grade oil. CIA overthrows British puppet, King Idris, and - in one of its most brilliant moves - helps into power a young, reformist colonel, Muammar Khadaffi. When Khadaffi subsequently trumpets the Arabs are being robbed of their oil by the west, and raises prices, he goes unto America's hit list. . *1976. US, Iran and Israel secretly arm Iraq's Kurds and promote their rebellion to destabilize Iraq. Kurdish revolt plays major role in igniting Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988 in which one million died. US abandons Kurds, gets chummy with Baghdad. *1980. Saddam Hussein becomes America's most important Mideast ally in trying to crush Iran's Islamic revolution. Urged on, armed and financed by the US, Saddam invades Iran in 1980. CIA and Pentagon supply military advice and intelligence on Iran. US and British intelligence help Iraq obtain its chemical and biological warfare capabilities. *1983. US attempts to install a client, Christian/fascist regime in Lebanon, drive out Syrian influence. US Marines sent to Beirut, under cover of `peace-keepers.' They are bombed out of Lebanon by Shia militants: 309 Americans die, including CIA's top Mideast staff. *1985. CIA's revenge backfires. Lebanese CIA agents detonate truck bomb in Beirut in a failed attempt to assassinate Shia leader, Sheik Fadlallah. Eighty-three civilians killed, 240 wounded. *1986. US tries to assassinate Khadaffi by bombing his residence in Tripoli. One baby daughter killed, one injured.He escapes. Downing of Pan Am and French UTA flights may be revenge for this failed hit. Three other attempt to assassinate Khadaffi, using CIA-organized Libyan exiles, fail. *1996. The Bay of Camels - CIA's biggest flop since Cuba. , Urged on by President Clinton, CIA mounts an elaborate coup against Saddam Hussein. Iraqi exiles, armed and trained by CIA, to march on Baghdad from US/British ruled Kurdistan. CIA organizes a cabal of generals to assassinate Saddam. Public places in Baghdad are bombed, many civilians killed, in order to `destabilize' Iraq (this while the US is busy denouncing terrorism). But Saddam's spies have infiltrated the plot. The whole operation collapses. CIA's agent network in Iraq is rolled up. Many Kurds back Saddam, turn on pro-US Kurds. CIA agents in Kurdistan run for their lives, abandoning allies and tons of documents. Saddam is strengthened. CIA's inept Director, John Deutch, fired for this Mother of All Fiascos. . Republicans now urge more of the above to keep the Mideast calm. You certainly can't argue with success. copyright eric margolis 1998 ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** To receive Foreign Correspondent via email send a note to with the message in the body: subscribe foreignc To get off the list, send to the same address but write: unsubscribe foreignc WWW: For Syndication Information please contact: Email: FAX: (416) 960-4803 Smail: Eric Margolis c/o Editorial Department The Toronto Sun 333 King St. East Toronto Ontario Canada M5A 3X5 Jack Perrine | Athena Programming | 626-798-6574 -----------------| 1175 N Altadena Dr | -------------- Jack@Minerva.Com | Pasadena CA 91107 | FAX-309-8620 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: The Democratic Party Ship (fwd) Date: 16 Feb 1998 17:03:37 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- As the scandals accumulate throughout the Democrat Party one is forced to note the similiarity between this organization and the pirates who sailed the Spanish Main in centuries past. Like a pirate ship of yesteryear the modern Democratic Party also seeks to plunder the wealth of others and divide the booty amongst its "crew",and like a gang of cutthroats and thieves no moral judgement is placed upon those who wish to join- only that they be loyal. Take your sexual pleasure in toilet stalls along an interstate? No need to worry that your squalid depravity will be censured by the leadership of the Democrat Pirate Ship.Who are they to talk? This ship is commanded by Bill Clinton with First Mate Roy Romer and Cabin Boy Dick Morris.They welcome all aboard! Got a little larceny or fraud in your past business dealings? So much the better.The gun deck crew of Dick Gephardt,Tom Daschle and Barney Frank don't mind.They need fresh talent to replace the casualties from past battles.Mel Reynolds,Dan Rostenkowski,Walter Tucker, KIA and with Bonior,McDermott and others lying wounded in sick bay your blemished past will only show your eminent fitness to join this band of brigands! Sail to the exotic ports of the Orient and load up on cash,guns and drugs which will not only pay for your libertine liberty but can be traded in for defense attorneys,Spin Doctors and TV time in the rich cities along the Eastern Seaboard of the US.Then its down to Spanish Main with Bob Torricelli and Joe Kennedy to bask in the Puerto Rican sun soaking up rays and laundered donations. Yes being a Democratic Buccaneer is the life.No need to worry about how to pay for things,no need to take responsibility for the children you leave in every port.Your victims will do that for you.Just sail on and plunder but bury your treasure well for it may come in handy for the day when you look out on the horizon and see a fleet of honest sailors heading your way ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: WP: A Woman's Pleasure, the President's Pain (fwd) Date: 17 Feb 1998 08:27:02 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- A Woman's Pleasure, the President's Pain Lucianne Goldberg Revels in Frenzy She Helped Start=20 By Rene Sanchez Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, February 17, 1998; Page A04=20 NEW YORK =96 Her phone rings every few minutes. Someone else is always knocking. Every day, more desperate suitors arrive on Lucianne Goldberg's doorstep, enticing her with all manner of deals, bribes and sweet talk.=20 She is a pivotal but still somewhat mysterious figure in the web of accusations engulfing President Clinton, and she loves playing hard to get.=20 For nearly a month, the brash, smoky-voiced book agent who coaxed her friend Linda Tripp into taping Monica Lewinsky's claims of a sexual affair with Clinton has shunned every plea to release copies of those tapes and has mostly ducked the media's blinding glare.=20 Instead, Goldberg remains burrowed in her elegant apartment building here on Manhattan's Upper West Side, revealing what she knows a few crumbs at a time, as nonchalantly as if she were feeding pigeons in nearby Central Park, and clearly reveling in the Washington scandal frenzy that she helped ignite.=20 "You have to be brain-dead not to be interested in this," she bellowed the other day. "And there's so much more to come!" Goldberg, 62, seems to be one of the few characters in the unfolding Washington drama who is having a good time. Unlike many others, she is not emerging shaken or stone-faced from grand jury questioning. She is not exchanging harsh words about investigation leaks or alleged political conspiracies.=20 Rather, she is marveling at all the attention =96 she logged 110 phone messages in just one day last week =96 watching with glee as a president she disdains battles extraordinary charges of misconduct and toying with lawyers and the press.=20 "Lucianne is one of those people who takes great delight in this sort of thing," said Tony Snow, the conservative political commentator who several years ago introduced Goldberg to Tripp. "She has an almost Dickensian interest in human foibles. And she just can't take it all too seriously."=20 Goldberg contends that she has been offered as much as $2 million, from the National Enquirer, for her copies of Tripp's sensational tapes. So far, anyway, she's not selling.=20 A network news program, which Goldberg declined to name, has been sending her a weekly bouquet of flowers in the hope that she'll swoon for them, then talk. "I love when they get all warm and mushy like that," she says. "But it won't work."=20 One of the president's lawyers, David E. Kendall, also called not long ago to ask her if there was any chance she wouldn't mind letting him listen, just a bit, to some of the tapes. "He was quite the grand gentleman," Goldberg says. "But I hooted in his face."=20 She says that she received a subpoena recently from independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr, but that she has since been told by his office to ignore it.=20 "All I know is what's on the tapes, and they have those already," Goldberg said. "I had nothing to wear to a grand jury anyway."=20 Still, the precise role that Goldberg has played in bringing Lewinsky's allegations to public attention, and to Starr, remains murky, but potentially important.=20 She insists that all she did was advise Tripp to tape Lewinsky's incredible charges when the two women worked at the Pentagon, and claims that ever since then she has merely been a curious bystander. But others who know Goldberg's personal contempt for Clinton, along with her long-standing ties to political conservatives and her penchant for political mischief =96 she was a $1,000-a-week spy for Richard M. Nixon's campaign in the 1972 presidential election =96 are not so sure.=20 Once the secret taping of Lewinsky began, Goldberg arranged for Tripp to meet with Newsweek reporter Michael Isikoff, who had been investigating other sexual allegations about Clinton. Some are also questioning whether Goldberg had a hand in helping the attorneys for Paula Jones with their sexual harassment suit against Clinton.=20 The group bankrolling Jones's case, the Rutherford Institute, began receiving anonymous tips about Lewinsky from a female caller last fall, soon after Tripp began taping her. And the suggestion repeatedly arises that Goldberg was the one who called. Not true, she maintains, adding that she believes the charge is being promoted by Clinton's "slime machine."=20 "I have no ties to them, and I never made any of those calls," Goldberg said. "But even if Linda did, or if I did, so what? What's the problem? I don't see where it goes. They didn't need Monica Lewinsky to try to set Clinton up for perjury. They already had a lot on him. People really shouldn't overlook the cleverness of Paula Jones's lawyers."=20 In conversation, Goldberg speaks quite bluntly and has a habit of weaving her own speculation and the gossip of others into what she portrays as factual accounts. What often emerges are vivid tales that at once appear rooted in both fact and rumor.=20 On the tapes she has listened to, Goldberg said that Tripp and Lewinsky refer to "other girls" that Lewinsky also told about her alleged sexual relationship with Clinton. "Maybe it was one of them who alerted the Paula Jones people," Goldberg said.=20 Goldberg, who once worked as a campaign aide for Lyndon B. Johnson and as a White House aide for President John F. Kennedy, said that she last spoke to Tripp after her friend wore a wire for Starr and met Lewinsky at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Pentagon City.=20 She said that Tripp called her by cell phone after the successful sting operation, as she was being driven by federal agents back to her home in suburban Maryland.=20 "She called me on the way back from it saying, 'They're going to shut me down now, they're changing my phone number,' " Goldberg recalled. "She couldn't really talk."=20 "So I said, 'Did you get the Vernon Jordan stuff?' and she said 'Yes!' "=20 "Then I asked, 'As much as you had before?' And she said, 'Even more!' "=20 Goldberg, who was the book agent for former detective Mark Fuhrman's bestselling account of the O.J. Simpson murder trial, first met Tripp several years ago to discuss a possible book that both of them were interested in doing about Vincent Foster, the White House deputy counsel who committed suicide. Tripp was working as an aide in the counsel's office at the time. Goldberg also has tried to develop several other book projects detailing Clinton's alleged womanizing, but none of them has materialized.=20 From her Manhattan hideout, working contacts inside the Beltway and beyond by phone, Goldberg is still immersed in the presidential controversy. She trades gossip regularly with controversial Internet columnist Matt Drudge =96 "I know him, I know everybody" =96 and she keeps talking even though she says she is convinced her phone line is now tapped. "Big deal =96 I have nothing to hide," she says.=20 For now, Goldberg is vowing to resist all overtures to appear on television, or to begin her own book project about the scandal. She also says she is keeping track of which reporters and media figures pester her the most so they can be snubbed later.=20 It is a game she relishes. As a reporter's conversation with her from a pay phone next to her apartment building was being cut short by a lack of coins last week, Goldberg couldn't resist one last taunt.=20 "Ha! Too bad you don't have any more nickels. Who knows what I'm about to say?"=20 =A9 Copyright 1998 The Washington Post Company Back to the top =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: WT: Inside Beltway-Chicoms praise Hillary (fwd) Date: 17 Feb 1998 08:46:34 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Inside the Beltway Political tidbits and other shenanigans from around the nation's capital ------------------------------------------------------------------------ By John McCaslin THE WASHINGTON TIMES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Homage to Hillary Now we have a motive for why the Communist Chinese government may have been willing to spend millions of dollars to infiltrate the Clinton White House. What better place to learn the art of propaganda, and from Hillary Rodham Clinton, no less! Veteran Chinese propagandist Yu Quanyu, director of the press and media institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, urged Communist Party officials recently to educate themselves in Western propaganda skills, citing as a blueprint speeches given by the first lady. Mr. Yu's extraordinary observations are quoted in the journal Ideological and Political Work Studies and reprinted in the Far Eastern Economic Review, which made its way to Washington. Mr. Yu, you see, is highly impressed with Mrs. Clinton's speeches before the masses, particularly her addresses to the international women's forum in Beijing in 1995. Each speech, he noted, lasted "15 minutes each time, winning seven or eight rounds of applause each." More astonishing, Mr. Yu noted, was that Mrs. Clinton's addresses contained little or no substance and had no reasoning whatsoever. Instead, he said, they were "aimed at merely winning applause and votes." Mr. Yu said Chinese propagandists, in homage to Mrs. Clinton, must "assimilate certain skills" as demonstrated by the first lady, so as to "engage in a public opinion struggle with our political adversaries." Marshmallow? Embattled Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt invited all department employees to a "campfire meeting" last Friday in the department's main auditorium. Scouts ... er, bureaucrats who attended sat by the imaginary campfire and shared concerns they had about Attorney General Janet Reno's appointment of an independent council to investigate Mr. Babbitt's role in the controversy over a disputed Indian casino application. At least one Interior employee, impressed with the dialogue, was overheard to remark: "We haven't had one of these 'campfire' meetings in a coon's age here at Interior!" Another marshmallow? "Now I know that these are strange times." --Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt, opening up last week's "campfire meeting." Donner International Renaming Washington National Airport after Ronald Reagan caused this columnist to recall efforts earlier this decade by then-Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole to rename Washington Dulles International Airport after Dwight D. Eisenhower. To support the name change, Mr. Dole argued that many passengers visiting the nation's capital from overseas often confused Dulles with Dallas and wound up instead at the Alamo. This column noted that for this very same reason Attorney General Janet Reno would never have an airport named for her, unless of course it was located in Reno, Nev. We never stopped to think how much our Reno remark would rock Reno. Everybody but the mayor has written to Inside the Beltway, asking what inside information we could pass on with regard to renaming the Reno airport. Hey, we were only kidding! One Reno resident we didn't fool is Richard W. Hawkins. "It's highly unlikely the Reno-Cannon International Airport in this northern part of Nevada will be renamed the Janet Reno or even Reno International Airport," he writes. "There's an appropriate, widespread joke in the Reno area these days that Janet has given Reno a bad name," he adds. "In fact, there's a better chance that the airport would be renamed the Donner Party International Airport before we'd consider any honor to Janet or any other appointee in the Clinton administration." For those who forget the grisly details, the ill-fated Donner party resorted to cannibalism after becoming snowbound in the Sierra Nevadas outside Reno in the winter of 1846-47. 'Til death do us part "When the Clinton scandal broke out I said to my husband, 'James, we both understand the rules of marriage -- right, James?'" --Republican strategist Mary Matalin, referring to Democratic strategist/husband James Carville and the Monica Lewinsky affair, during an appearance on CNBC's "Equal Time." Historic Henry A powerful leader, a bit on the chubby side, but still known as a ladies' man -- President Clinton, right? No, it's England's 16th century monarch King Henry VIII, most famous for going -- sometimes violently -- through six wives. Mr. Clinton, who is known to spend much time pondering his "historic legacy," will be glad to learn that history has judged Henry VIII rather kindly, at least according to one British candy company. Dan Bergen of Alexandria noticed some Clintonesque aspects in this biography of Henry VIII, which came as an insert in a box from English candymaker Dorchester Chocolates: "He was an athlete, scholar and musician, in fact, the perfect Renaissance prince. Henry could be cruel and ruthless. Two of his six wives were beheaded, as were some of his ministers. He squandered the wealth accumulated from the dissolution of the monasteries, he crushed rebellion with savagery, but, in a violent and turbulent age, he was an admired and respected monarch." Great poll ratings, in other words. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: SADDAM'S SINISTER SCIENTIST: THE DEADLIEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD] Date: 17 Feb 1998 09:24:55 -0600 (CST) This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --1915762710-2023195212-887729095=:8602 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=us-ascii Content-ID: --1915762710-2023195212-887729095=:8602 Content-Type: MESSAGE/RFC822 Content-ID: Content-Description: Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id OAA15555 for ; Mon, 16 Feb 1998 14:26:33 -0800 (PST) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.6.9) with SMTP id PAA11096; Mon, 16 Feb 1998 15:33:55 -0500 (EST) Message-Id: <> Comments: Authenticated sender is X-Distribution: Moderate MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Reply-to: Priority: normal X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Win32 (v2.54) Many thanks to Evan Soule for providing this revealing newspaper article. Listen carefully as the Slickster makes his nation-wide call to war speech on 2/17/98, to see if he mentions what Dr. Rihab Taha has developed for use against Israel and the USA. Is it worth the horrible deaths of possibly millions of innocent civilians, just to get the minds of the sheeple off of Monica Lewinsky and Zippergate? It has been revealed that Iraq already has hit teams in the USA prepared to release the deadly weapons that Dr. Rihab Taha has developed. X-Sender: FRONT PAGE STORY From the HERALD SUN SUNDAY - Melbourne, Australia February 15, 1998 ___________________________________________________________ *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** SADDAM'S SINISTER SCIENTIST: THE DEADLIEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD! ***** DR. RIHAB TAHA ***** ***** DR. RIHAB TAHA ***** ***** DR. RIHAB TAHA ***** --- Special Report by Ron Laytner --- SHE is the mother of a baby daughter, but makes unspeakable potions to kill people by the tens of thousands. She is the mousy British-trained scientist who is now Saddam Hussein's heroine in the chemical weapons laboratories of Iraq. Meet the woman they call Dr. Germ --- mastermind of the Doomsday arsenal that contains enough chemicals and viruses to kill everyone on Earth twice over. Dr. Rihab Taha, 42, has overseen the creation of 10 billion doses of the bugs responsible for anthrax, botulism, ebola, and bubonic plague. If her deadly weapons were released on battlefields or against the world's major cities, she could go down in history as the world's deadliest woman. Meanwhile, Pentagon chief General Henry Shelton revealed a plan to blast Iraq with cruise missiles and bombs. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ SHE has been dubbed Dr. Germ --- the most dangerous woman to walk the Earth, and already this British-trained scientist has created enough biological weapons to kill everyone on EARTH twice over. Yet, in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, she is a heroine, who, only two weeks ago, was publicly applauded by the dictator at Baghdad's Military Industrial Commission as he handed her a glittering prize for her deadly work. In a neat, blue suit and sober jewellery, Dr. Rihab Taha, 42 and at the centre of the growing Iraqi crisis, smiled her thanks before driving home to look after her baby daughter in a smart and very secure Baghdad townhouse. For this mother, with mousy hair now flecked with grey, is the person who persuaded Saddam Hussein to launch his controversial germ warfare program back in the 1980. And it is her lethal handiwork, started on her return from the University of East Anglia, in the cathedral town of Norwich, England, in 1984, and kept secret by Saddam Hussein, that has sparked the latest crisis. In an extraordinary decade, Dr. Germ has overseen the creation of 10 billion killer doses of toxins, including botulinum, a vicious food poisoning bug that provokes a swollen tongue, frothing mouth and dizziness before a victim's rapid death. She is suspected of producing a host of lethal viruses and bacteria that are stockpiled secretly in Iraq in bunkers and factories known only to Saddam's henchmen. Most incredibly, she has masterminded the testing of anthrax, which dissolves the kidneys, liver, and lungs leading to death within two days, on rats, mice, dogs, sheep, and donkeys. Almost certainly, humans too, say United Nations inspectors. Videos seized by them two years ago showed the animals, often placed in sealed plastic boxes, writhing in agony as the biological agents took their toll. Today it seems certain that under Dr. Germ's direction, research also was done into haemorrhagic conjunctivitis, which temporarily blinds and makes eyes bleed, plus another ghastly virus leading to lethal diarrhoea in children. Dr. Germ became an expert on camel pox, which provokes bleeding skin lesions, and a rare African fever. As the scale of Dr. Germ's foul deeds come to light, those who knew her in Norwich --- where for five years she studied plant toxins and would return from holidays in Iraq with gift-wrapped boxes of dates for fellow students --- have expressed surprise at the notorious rise of a "very ordinary" scientist and nondescript girl, who loved watching the BBC in her spare time. "She talked about Saddam Hussein as though he was someone she admired, almost on fatherly terms," admitted a student who befriended Dr. Germ at the time. "But she was difficult to get to know. She and two other Iraqi girls would keep up to date on the Iran-Iraqi conflict by staying glued to the TV." Today her professors speculate that Dr. Rihab Taha may have been sent to the West specifically to gain expert knowledge on biological weaponry for the regime back home. Or, they wonder, did her skills just fit neatly into an emerging master plan when she returned to her native Iraq? "It's like your daughter has gone and done something dreadful. Finding out what Taha does now has been a great shock to me," says Dr. John Turner, the head of the East Anglia University's biology department and her teacher for four years. "Of all the students I have had, Taha is the last person I would suspect of doing something like this. She kept quiet and was in the background. Although she was well liked, she was not a gifted student, but very hard-working. I am flabbergasted." Even the first UN inspector to meet Dr. Germ, though aware that she played a key role, was unprepared for the woman he faced; a woman so nervous that she even shyly sought his opinion of her work as a scientist. "She was an unassuming individual to look at her. No one would suspect that she was the head fo the country's germ warfare program," admits Dr. David Huxsoll, who headed the initial UN weapon inspection team in 1991. (He was the former commander of the U.S. Army's Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Dietrick Maryland. After heading the UN inspection team in 1991, he returned in 1994. He is now dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine at Louisiana State University.) UN inspectors have, at last, discovered the truth about the sinister work of Dr. Germ --- and other Iraqi scientists, many of whom were educated at British universities --- despite her own desperate attempts at a cover up. After seven years of sleuthing, the believe Dr. Germ's Doomsday arsenal of biological weaponry may have been used on human guinea pigs. Recent Israeli intelligence reports point to such atrocities at Salman Park, a military complex 80km south of Baghdad. According to Israeli military sources, it was here --- from safely behind a glass screen --- that Iraqi scientists watched as Iranian prisoners of war were strapped to beds in an underground room. On the ceiling was a powerful spraygun aimed at the terrified men beneath. On occasions, the spraygun poured out anthrax bacteria which penetrates the skin and lungs, leaving the prisoners dying in agony from internal haemorrhaging. At other times, it contained toxins for use in chemical weapons. Again, the victims faced a horrible death. In another test, at an open-air site near Iraq's border with Saudi Arabi, 12 Iranian prisoners were tied to posts while shells loaded with anthrax were blown up by remote control a few metres away. The heads of the doomed dozen were shielded to protect them from shrapnel so the power of the bacteria could be properly monitored. Each died from the disease a couple of days later. It is the horrific possibility of experimentation on humans that is now being explored by the UN inspectors, who were turned away from the Abu Gharib jail, near Baghdad, when they tried to uncover evidence that prisoners had been removed for the obscene testing two years ago. Raymond Zilimskas, a former germ warfare analyst at the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency in the US, met Dr. Germ and her sidekicks on two trips to Iraq. He says her scientific and management prowess was obvious to him. But, today, he wonders if Saddam Hussein is trying to hide the extent of this monster woman's work exactly because it involved experiments on humans. "That's what everybody's asking," Zilimskas said recently. "The speculation is that in Iraq there probably has to be unsavory activities, including unethical experimentation. The real mystery has to do with testing. It is the records of this work that Iraq will go to any lengths to hide." So, despite their undoubted skills, the inspectors -- men and women from 21 countries -- have a hard job. As they search in river beds and tunnels for warheads fitted with deadly germs, in ministries for an odd file that might give them a clue, they concede that they are up against a determined madman in Saddam Hussein. But they are secretly helped by Israel, which has a national interest in preventing Iraq keeping or acquiring weapons of mass destruction. In 1981, Israeli war planes bombed Iraq's Osirak nuclear rectors to prevent the country building a nuclear bomb. During the Gulf War, Iraq, in response, aimed Scud missiles at Israel and its extraordinary 50 metre-long "supergun," a one-shot weapon designed to fire chemical or biological payloads, was aimed directly at Tel Aviv. Today, Israeli agents pass information under cover to the UN, which is wary of publicity about the arrangement because of the Arab world's animosity to the Jewish state. Israeli agents never enter the UN, but meeting are set up in safe houses and hotel rooms so vital intelligence can be passed over the help jam Saddam Hussein's war machine. And, in Israel, thousands of citizens line up for biological gas masks, knowing that an attack on Iraq will bring Iraqi bio-missiles to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Since the inspection regime was set up by the UN only weeks after Iraq's defeat in the Gulf War in 1991, a fantastic array of Saddam Hussein's instruments of mass destruction has been destroyed or removed, including an assembled supergun, 150 Scud missiles, 30 chemical warheads and 690 tons of chemical weapons. In fact, more Iraqi weaponry has been disarmed in this way that the US and its Allies managed to eliminate by bombing in the 1991 conflict. Yet, despite successes, the UN believes many of the most dangerous weapons of all --- the biological ones --- are hidden by the Iraqis. At one stage, inspectors feared that sizeable quantities of anthrax were being driven around the country in refrigerated trucks by Saddam Hussein's Special Republican Guard so it could not be found. Certainly, when Dr. Germ was first relentlessly questioned about her research she denied everything, bursting into tears, throwing tantrums, and even storming out of the interview room. A deliberate liar, she pretended that all biological agents and munitions had been destroyed in the months after the Gulf War. Dr. Taha also kept secret the existence of a germ warfare factory at al_hakim, 130km west of Baghdad, where lethal research was carried out under her instructions. At the heart of Iraq's biological warfare effort, code-named Project 324 because work started at al_hakam on March 24, 1988, the factory produced gas gangrene, which makes the skin of a human melt and fall off. It was from there, during the Gulf War, that Dr. Germ carried out Saddam Hussein's personal instructions to experiment on loading bombs and missile warheads with deadly toxins. At the secret factory -- which escaped US and British aerial bombardment during Gulf War action, but has been since destroyed by the UN -- the tiny, but determined female scientist discovered that a single missile warhead filled with anthrax could annihilate 30,000 or 40,000 people in 12 hours of hell. A teacup of the toxin is enough to wipe out the inhabitants of a small town. Yet, when Dr. Germ was grilled about the al-Hakam factory, she insisted it was making only chicken feed to help end the hunger of Iraq's people. "Our country now needs fat chickens and lots of eggs, so we are trying to do just that," she claimed. "This project is purely for civilian use." That was, of course, a lie. But her devious work, including a plan to wreak havoc in the West by developing an antibiotic-resistant chemical, earned Dr. Taha friends in high places. On one notable occasion, as a UN inspector began to list the biological agents she had developed, he reported she started to cry hysterically. Suddenly, General Amer Kashid, Iraqi official in charge of liaising with the UN inspections team --- and a mastermind of the attacks on Kuwait, Israel, and Saudi Arabia during the Gulf conflict --- stepped in. He called the inspector a bad scientist for accusing Dr. Germ of misdeeds. Soon after, the inspectors discovered the general was in love with Dr. Taha and had sired her daughter. He had quietly married her in 1994, despite still being married to another woman, the mother of his six-year-old child. However, the real breakthrough came when Saddam Hussein's son-in-law, General Hussein Kamal -- himself a super weapons expert -- defected from Iraq to Jordan in 1995 and told the world about Dr. Germ. He said her charming ways and pleasant manner were nothing but a sham. General Kamal's testimony about Taha and Iraq's bio-weapons preparations came to an end when he was personally convinced by Saddam Hussein to return to Iraq, where he was immediately killed. But he gave the first open knowledge of Saddam's monstrous woman scientist who had worked on killer viruses and forms of germ warfare --- a woman who was completely unknown before. This was the woman who had a child at home, but was preparing potions to kill other mothers' babies. Faced with the damning new evidence, Dr. Taha confessed. "She suddenly had no hesitation about presenting herself as the brains behind the biological weapon-building in Iraq," one UN weapons inspector commented. "She is proud of her country and proud of her work. I don't think she had a qualm in the world about her misdeeds." Today, Dr. Rihab Taha must be high on the target list of the West's secret services. Perhaps higher, even, than Saddam Hussein. She also may be a war criminal for violating the international laws on germ warfare. But in Iraq she is upheld as a shining example of womanhood by Saddam Hussein, who gave her the prize for scientific achievement so very recently. "It was obviously for her work in biological weaponry," a UN scientist observed the other day. "Dr. Germ has never achieved anything else during the whole of her career to date. But she may go down in history as the most deadly woman of all time." --1915762710-2023195212-887729095=:8602-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: HS: Dr. Germ (fwd) Date: 17 Feb 1998 10:11:25 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Now don't you feel safe with Clinton and Clinton in charge: FRONT PAGE STORY From the HERALD SUN SUNDAY - Melbourne, Australia February 15, 1998 ___________________________________________________________ *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** SADDAM'S SINISTER SCIENTIST: THE DEADLIEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD! ***** DR. RIHAB TAHA ***** ***** DR. RIHAB TAHA ***** ***** DR. RIHAB TAHA ***** --- Special Report by Ron Laytner --- SHE is the mother of a baby daughter, but makes unspeakable potions to kill people by the tens of thousands. She is the mousy British-trained scientist who is now Saddam Hussein's heroine in the chemical weapons laboratories of Iraq. Meet the woman they call Dr. Germ --- mastermind of the Doomsday arsenal that contains enough chemicals and viruses to kill everyone on Earth twice over. Dr. Rihab Taha, 42, has overseen the creation of 10 billion doses of the bugs responsible for anthrax, botulism, ebola, and bubonic plague. If her deadly weapons were released on battlefields or against the world's major cities, she could go down in history as the world's deadliest woman. Meanwhile, Pentagon chief General Henry Shelton revealed a plan to blast Iraq with cruise missiles and bombs. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ SHE has been dubbed Dr. Germ --- the most dangerous woman to walk the Earth, and already this British-trained scientist has created enough biological weapons to kill everyone on EARTH twice over. Yet, in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, she is a heroine, who, only two weeks ago, was publicly applauded by the dictator at Baghdad's Military Industrial Commission as he handed her a glittering prize for her deadly work. In a neat, blue suit and sober jewellery, Dr. Rihab Taha, 42 and at the centre of the growing Iraqi crisis, smiled her thanks before driving home to look after her baby daughter in a smart and very secure Baghdad townhouse. For this mother, with mousy hair now flecked with grey, is the person who persuaded Saddam Hussein to launch his controversial germ warfare program back in the 1980. And it is her lethal handiwork, started on her return from the University of East Anglia, in the cathedral town of Norwich, England, in 1984, and kept secret by Saddam Hussein, that has sparked the latest crisis. In an extraordinary decade, Dr. Germ has overseen the creation of 10 billion killer doses of toxins, including botulinum, a vicious food poisoning bug that provokes a swollen tongue, frothing mouth and dizziness before a victim's rapid death. She is suspected of producing a host of lethal viruses and bacteria that are stockpiled secretly in Iraq in bunkers and factories known only to Saddam's henchmen. Most incredibly, she has masterminded the testing of anthrax, which dissolves the kidneys, liver, and lungs leading to death within two days, on rats, mice, dogs, sheep, and donkeys. Almost certainly, humans too, say United Nations inspectors. Videos seized by them two years ago showed the animals, often placed in sealed plastic boxes, writhing in agony as the biological agents took their toll. Today it seems certain that under Dr. Germ's direction, research also was done into haemorrhagic conjunctivitis, which temporarily blinds and makes eyes bleed, plus another ghastly virus leading to lethal diarrhoea in children. Dr. Germ became an expert on camel pox, which provokes bleeding skin lesions, and a rare African fever. As the scale of Dr. Germ's foul deeds come to light, those who knew her in Norwich --- where for five years she studied plant toxins and would return from holidays in Iraq with gift-wrapped boxes of dates for fellow students --- have expressed surprise at the notorious rise of a "very ordinary" scientist and nondescript girl, who loved watching the BBC in her spare time. "She talked about Saddam Hussein as though he was someone she admired, almost on fatherly terms," admitted a student who befriended Dr. Germ at the time. "But she was difficult to get to know. She and two other Iraqi girls would keep up to date on the Iran-Iraqi conflict by staying glued to the TV." Today her professors speculate that Dr. Rihab Taha may have been sent to the West specifically to gain expert knowledge on biological weaponry for the regime back home. Or, they wonder, did her skills just fit neatly into an emerging master plan when she returned to her native Iraq? "It's like your daughter has gone and done something dreadful. Finding out what Taha does now has been a great shock to me," says Dr. John Turner, the head of the East Anglia University's biology department and her teacher for four years. "Of all the students I have had, Taha is the last person I would suspect of doing something like this. She kept quiet and was in the background. Although she was well liked, she was not a gifted student, but very hard-working. I am flabbergasted." Even the first UN inspector to meet Dr. Germ, though aware that she played a key role, was unprepared for the woman he faced; a woman so nervous that she even shyly sought his opinion of her work as a scientist. "She was an unassuming individual to look at her. No one would suspect that she was the head fo the country's germ warfare program," admits Dr. David Huxsoll, who headed the initial UN weapon inspection team in 1991. (He was the former commander of the U.S. Army's Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Dietrick Maryland. After heading the UN inspection team in 1991, he returned in 1994. He is now dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine at Louisiana State University.) UN inspectors have, at last, discovered the truth about the sinister work of Dr. Germ --- and other Iraqi scientists, many of whom were educated at British universities --- despite her own desperate attempts at a cover up. After seven years of sleuthing, the believe Dr. Germ's Doomsday arsenal of biological weaponry may have been used on human guinea pigs. Recent Israeli intelligence reports point to such atrocities at Salman Park, a military complex 80km south of Baghdad. According to Israeli military sources, it was here --- from safely behind a glass screen --- that Iraqi scientists watched as Iranian prisoners of war were strapped to beds in an underground room. On the ceiling was a powerful spraygun aimed at the terrified men beneath. On occasions, the spraygun poured out anthrax bacteria which penetrates the skin and lungs, leaving the prisoners dying in agony from internal haemorrhaging. At other times, it contained toxins for use in chemical weapons. Again, the victims faced a horrible death. In another test, at an open-air site near Iraq's border with Saudi Arabi, 12 Iranian prisoners were tied to posts while shells loaded with anthrax were blown up by remote control a few metres away. The heads of the doomed dozen were shielded to protect them from shrapnel so the power of the bacteria could be properly monitored. Each died from the disease a couple of days later. It is the horrific possibility of experimentation on humans that is now being explored by the UN inspectors, who were turned away from the Abu Gharib jail, near Baghdad, when they tried to uncover evidence that prisoners had been removed for the obscene testing two years ago. Raymond Zilimskas, a former germ warfare analyst at the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency in the US, met Dr. Germ and her sidekicks on two trips to Iraq. He says her scientific and management prowess was obvious to him. But, today, he wonders if Saddam Hussein is trying to hide the extent of this monster woman's work exactly because it involved experiments on humans. "That's what everybody's asking," Zilimskas said recently. "The speculation is that in Iraq there probably has to be unsavory activities, including unethical experimentation. The real mystery has to do with testing. It is the records of this work that Iraq will go to any lengths to hide." So, despite their undoubted skills, the inspectors -- men and women from 21 countries -- have a hard job. As they search in river beds and tunnels for warheads fitted with deadly germs, in ministries for an odd file that might give them a clue, they concede that they are up against a determined madman in Saddam Hussein. But they are secretly helped by Israel, which has a national interest in preventing Iraq keeping or acquiring weapons of mass destruction. In 1981, Israeli war planes bombed Iraq's Osirak nuclear rectors to prevent the country building a nuclear bomb. During the Gulf War, Iraq, in response, aimed Scud missiles at Israel and its extraordinary 50 metre-long "supergun," a one-shot weapon designed to fire chemical or biological payloads, was aimed directly at Tel Aviv. Today, Israeli agents pass information under cover to the UN, which is wary of publicity about the arrangement because of the Arab world's animosity to the Jewish state. Israeli agents never enter the UN, but meeting are set up in safe houses and hotel rooms so vital intelligence can be passed over the help jam Saddam Hussein's war machine. And, in Israel, thousands of citizens line up for biological gas masks, knowing that an attack on Iraq will bring Iraqi bio-missiles to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Since the inspection regime was set up by the UN only weeks after Iraq's defeat in the Gulf War in 1991, a fantastic array of Saddam Hussein's instruments of mass destruction has been destroyed or removed, including an assembled supergun, 150 Scud missiles, 30 chemical warheads and 690 tons of chemical weapons. In fact, more Iraqi weaponry has been disarmed in this way that the US and its Allies managed to eliminate by bombing in the 1991 conflict. Yet, despite successes, the UN believes many of the most dangerous weapons of all --- the biological ones --- are hidden by the Iraqis. At one stage, inspectors feared that sizeable quantities of anthrax were being driven around the country in refrigerated trucks by Saddam Hussein's Special Republican Guard so it could not be found. Certainly, when Dr. Germ was first relentlessly questioned about her research she denied everything, bursting into tears, throwing tantrums, and even storming out of the interview room. A deliberate liar, she pretended that all biological agents and munitions had been destroyed in the months after the Gulf War. Dr. Taha also kept secret the existence of a germ warfare factory at al_hakim, 130km west of Baghdad, where lethal research was carried out under her instructions. At the heart of Iraq's biological warfare effort, code-named Project 324 because work started at al_hakam on March 24, 1988, the factory produced gas gangrene, which makes the skin of a human melt and fall off. It was from there, during the Gulf War, that Dr. Germ carried out Saddam Hussein's personal instructions to experiment on loading bombs and missile warheads with deadly toxins. At the secret factory -- which escaped US and British aerial bombardment during Gulf War action, but has been since destroyed by the UN -- the tiny, but determined female scientist discovered that a single missile warhead filled with anthrax could annihilate 30,000 or 40,000 people in 12 hours of hell. A teacup of the toxin is enough to wipe out the inhabitants of a small town. Yet, when Dr. Germ was grilled about the al-Hakam factory, she insisted it was making only chicken feed to help end the hunger of Iraq's people. "Our country now needs fat chickens and lots of eggs, so we are trying to do just that," she claimed. "This project is purely for civilian use." That was, of course, a lie. But her devious work, including a plan to wreak havoc in the West by developing an antibiotic-resistant chemical, earned Dr. Taha friends in high places. On one notable occasion, as a UN inspector began to list the biological agents she had developed, he reported she started to cry hysterically. Suddenly, General Amer Kashid, Iraqi official in charge of liaising with the UN inspections team --- and a mastermind of the attacks on Kuwait, Israel, and Saudi Arabia during the Gulf conflict --- stepped in. He called the inspector a bad scientist for accusing Dr. Germ of misdeeds. Soon after, the inspectors discovered the general was in love with Dr. Taha and had sired her daughter. He had quietly married her in 1994, despite still being married to another woman, the mother of his six-year-old child. However, the real breakthrough came when Saddam Hussein's son-in-law, General Hussein Kamal -- himself a super weapons expert -- defected from Iraq to Jordan in 1995 and told the world about Dr. Germ. He said her charming ways and pleasant manner were nothing but a sham. General Kamal's testimony about Taha and Iraq's bio-weapons preparations came to an end when he was personally convinced by Saddam Hussein to return to Iraq, where he was immediately killed. But he gave the first open knowledge of Saddam's monstrous woman scientist who had worked on killer viruses and forms of germ warfare --- a woman who was completely unknown before. This was the woman who had a child at home, but was preparing potions to kill other mothers' babies. Faced with the damning new evidence, Dr. Taha confessed. "She suddenly had no hesitation about presenting herself as the brains behind the biological weapon-building in Iraq," one UN weapons inspector commented. "She is proud of her country and proud of her work. I don't think she had a qualm in the world about her misdeeds." Today, Dr. Rihab Taha must be high on the target list of the West's secret services. Perhaps higher, even, than Saddam Hussein. She also may be a war criminal for violating the international laws on germ warfare. But in Iraq she is upheld as a shining example of womanhood by Saddam Hussein, who gave her the prize for scientific achievement so very recently. "It was obviously for her work in biological weaponry," a UN scientist observed the other day. "Dr. Germ has never achieved anything else during the whole of her career to date. But she may go down in history as the most deadly woman of all time." ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Hamas Vows to Attack Israel if US Strikes Iraq Date: 17 Feb 1998 16:56:45 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Reuters New Media Tuesday February 17 4:59 PM EST Hamas Vows to Attack Israel if US Strikes Iraq By Nidal al-Mughrabi GAZA (Reuters) - The armed wing of the militant Moslem group Hamas has vowed to carry out attacks against Israel if the United States takes military action against Iraq. "We will not stand with our hands tied if the Iraqi people and their children or any Arab or Moslem people are subjected to U.S. military attacks and we will answer this in our special way by hitting the Zionist depth and its monstrous entity," the Izz el-Deen al-Qassam Brigades said in a statement made available to Reuters on Tuesday. "We consider this a continuation of our holy struggle against the Zionist enemy. This is serious, not a joke, and you will realize the truth of this soon," the statement said. Hamas, which violently opposes peace deals between Palestinians and Israel, has carried out several suicide bombings that have killed scores of Israelis. The United States and Britain have threatened to strike Iraq if it does not give U.N. weapons inspectors access to sites suspected of containing materials for weapons of mass destruction. Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and Palestinian Authority officials have urged Iraq to comply with U.N. resolutions on weapons inspections but have also said they opposed a U.S. strike on Baghdad. "The United States draws out its foreign policy with the mind-set of a cowboy to defend its so-called strategic interests. It has no principles, morals, or any humanitarian considerations," the Izz el-Deen al-Qassam Brigades said. "Proof of this is its position on Iraq and its continued sponsorship of the Zionist enemy and its monstrous entity at the expense of our Palestinian rights and our pure land. We hope Arab and Moslem people will awaken in the face of U.S. terrorism," the statement added. Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin said he had not heard of the statement from the group's military wing but it would be natural for Arabs to be angry if the United States attacked Iraq. "The (Hamas) political wing rejects a U.S. attack on Iraq but we don't decide the plans of the military wing and we don't know what it is planning," he told Reuters. "People have feelings and the Palestinian and Arab people are boiling at what is happening in Iraq and it would be natural if there was a suitable reaction to U.S. injustice," he said. Yassin urged Arabs to boycott U.S. goods, saying "if we can't fight it (the United States) militarily, then let's fight it economically." _________________________________________________________________ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Curtis Subject: Paxton Quigley Date: 17 Feb 1998 18:04:45 -0500 (EST) check out the National Enquirer. Today's top story is a quick one on Paxton Quigley. factual, informative, interesting. just what one has come to expect from the tabloid press. ciao, jcurtis - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 18 Feb 1998 03:33:22 PST On Feb 17, Christopher Coffin wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] --WebTV-Mail-1117514577-17448 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." (John 3:3) (NIV) --WebTV-Mail-1117514577-17448 Content-Type: MESSAGE/RFC822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: Allaire Cold Fusion 3.1 BLIND MAN'S BLUFF IN THE YEAR 2000 What are you going to be doing for a living in the year 2001? Unless you're a fix-it man living in a small town, you won't be doing what you do today. If you make your living in financial services, you will surely be doing something else. If you're a journalist, you will be in a new profession. But what? What other useful service can you provide? You have very little time to make the switch. Let me show you why. We live in a world that depends on a high division of labor. That world has less than three years to go. In one gigantic collapse, the division of labor will implode. This implosion will begin in 1999. It will accelerate in 2000 and thereafter. Those who work in highly specialized fields will find little or no demand for their skills, in the face of an enormous supply of desperate, low-wage competition. Any job classification that did not exist in 1945 will probably not have a lot of demand in 2001, with one exception: computer software programming. The June 2 issue of Newsweek ran a front-cover story on the looming computer crisis of the Year 2000 -- called y2k (Year 2 K -- shorthand for a thousand). In the week it the article appeared (late May), the Dow Jones Industrial Average set a record new high. (It was beaten a week later.) If investors believed the information reported in the Newsweek article, the world's stock markets would have collapsed. Clearly, people don't believe it. That's why a small handful of people can get out now -- out of the stock market, the bond market, and any city over 25,000. Not everyone can get out at the top of a bull market. This includes the "bull market" known as modern industrial society. Pull the plug on the local power utility for 30 days, and every city on earth becomes unlivable. What if the plug gets pulled for five years? How do you rebuild the shattered economy if the computers go down, taking public utilities with them? Without electricity, you can't run the computers. Without computers, you can't fix computers. How can you assemble teams of programmers to fix the mess? More to the point, how do you pay them if the banks are empty? Chase Manhattan Bank has 200 million lines of code to check and then repair. Citicorp has 400 million lines. All big banks are similarly afflicted. And even if this could be fixed, bank by bank, there is no universal repair standard. Thus, the computers, even if fixed (highly doubtful) will not work together after the individual repairs. A noncompliant bank's data will then make every compliant bank noncompliant. Thus, the world banking system will crash in 2000. When the public figures this out in 1999, the bank runs will begin. You probably will not have your present job in 2001. "It Just Can't Be True!" You don't believe me, of course. Not yet. But I havepublished the evidence on this Web site. You can verifywhat I'm saying. But you still won't believe it. Why not? Because it's too painful. In their book, The Sovereign Individual, Davidson and Rees-Mogg make a very important observation: A recent psychological study disguised as a public opinion poll showed that members of individual occupational groups were almost uniformly unwilling to accept any conclusion that implied a loss of income for them, no matter how airtight the logic supporting it. Given increased specialization, most of the interpretive information about most specialized occupational groups is designed to cater to the interests of the groups themselves. They have little interest in views that might be impolite, unprofitable, or politically incorrect (p. 339). My views are all three: impolite, unprofitable, and politically incorrect. Impolite, because I am saying this: (1) those advising you are as blind as an eighth-century Israelite king; (2) they have given you information that will prove to be wildly unprofitable; (3) all the hype about your getting rich -- the world's getting rich -- is a clap-trap. We are heading for a disaster greater than anything the world has experienced since the bubonic plague of the mid-14th century. Because the year 2000 begins on a Saturday, millions of victims will not be aware of their dilemma until the following Monday or Tuesday. They will pay no attention to advance warnings, such as this one, that they are at risk. As you read this report, I want you to think to yourself: "How will this affect me? Is my business at risk? Is my income at risk? What should I do?" I also want you to visit my Web site, and examine the accumulating evidence, week by week. The Origin of the Problem Here is the problem. Over three decades ago, computer programmers who wrote mainframe computer software saved disk space -- in those days, very valuable space -- by designating year codes as two-digit entries: 67 instead of 1967, 78 instead of 1978, etc. Back then, saving this seemingly minuscule amount of disk space seemed like an economically wise decision. This may prove to be the most expensive forecasting error since Noah's flood. What the programmers ignored for three decades is this: in the year 2000, the two digits will be 00. The computer will sit there, looking for a year. At midnight, January 1, 2000, every mainframe computer using unrevised software dies. If old acquaintances are in the computer, they will indeed be forgot. Programmers who recognized the implications of this change did not care. They assumed that their software would be updated by year 2000. That assumption now threatens every piece of custom software sitting on every mainframe computer, unless the owner of the computer has had the code rewritten. In some cases, this involves coordinating half a billion million lines of code. (Example: AT&T) One error on one line can shut down the whole system, the way that America Online was shut down for a day in 1996 because of a one-digit error. The handful of reporters who have investigated this problem have met a wall of indifference. "We're all using microcomputers now." "This is a problem only for a few companies that are still using mainframes." "Cheap solutions will appear as soon as there is demand." "The software will be updated soon, and I'll buy it then." "If this were a serious problem, we'd have heard about it." Yet this last response is given to someone -- a reporter -- who is trying to tell people about the problem. I first read about this problem years ago in a book by the pseudonymous author, Robert X. Cringely: Accidental Empires. It is not as though the computer industry has been unaware of it. Only a few weeks ago, I read a Wall Street Journal column on computers that mentioned it. The writer wrote that his editor is getting tired of having him mention it. This is typical. The general public hasn't heard about it, yet editors are already tired of hearing about it. "It's old news." Well, it's new news for most people. What does it matter, really? We use microcomputers. Microsoft has solved the Year 2000 problem, we assume. So have most software companies. Everyone uses desktop computers or, at the largest, minicomputers, right? Wrong. Governments Rely on Aging Mainframes and Software On September 24, 1996, Congressman Stephen Horn, who is Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology, submitted to the full committee a report on the Year 2000 problem. The Subcommittee held hearings on April 16. (Just one day of hearings. This indicates the degree of concern that the government has.) He said that these hearings revealed "a serious lack of awareness of the problem on the part of a great number of people in business and government. Even more alarming was the cost estimate reported to the Subcommittee to remedy the problem, which was said to be $30 billion for the Federal Government alone." Then he announced: Without greater urgency, those agencies risk being unable to provide services or perform functions that they are charged by law with performing. Senior agency management officials must take aggressive action if these problems are to be avoided. Yet despite Horn's valid warning, nothing visible is happening. He knows this. These agencies must shift hundreds of millions of dollars from their existing budgets to hire outside programmers to rewrite the code that runs these agencies. This isn't being done. More to the point, the longer they delay, the worse the problem gets. You can't just go out and hire programmers who are familiar with the code. As businesses find out what threatens them, the demand for these highly specialized services will soar. (If businessmen don't figure this out in time, payment will come due in January of 2000.) The Subcommittee's report warns: "This issue may cause banks, securities firms and insurance companies to ascertain whether the companies they finance or insure are year 2000 compliant before making investment decisions." It also says that companies will start demanding contractual warranties guaranteeing against Year 2000 breakdowns. A memorandum from the Library of Congress Research Service (CRS) has warned that "it may be too late to correct all of the nation's systems." So, the question arises: Which systems will survive and which ones won't? Here are some problem areas, according to CRS: Miscalculation by the Social Security Administration of the ages of citizens, causing payments to be sent to people who are not eligible for benefits while ending or not beginning payments to those who are eligible; Miscalculation by the Internal Revenue Service of the standard deduction on income tax returns for persons over age 65, causing incorrect records of revenues and payments due; Malfunctioning of certain Defense Department weapon systems; Erroneous flight schedules generated by the Federal Aviation Administration's air traffic controllers; State and local computer systems becoming corrupted with false records, causing errors in income and property tax records, payroll, retirement systems, motor vehicle registrations, utilities regulations, and a breakdown of some public transportation systems. I don't think these are small issues. They will probably start receiving media attention when it is so late in the process that there will be massive foul-ups in coordinating the revisions. Notice, the biggest one is missing: an international bank run, as depositors demand cash. From that day on, all exchanges will be local: the collapse of the division of labor. When the computers' clocks think it's 1900, it soon will be. I realize that there has been tremendous progress in microcomputer power, but does anyone really think that all of the Federal government's forms -- not an infinite number, but approaching infinity as a limit -- can be put on three dozen Compaq desktop computers and run with, say, Lotus Approach or Microsoft Access? And even if they could, how would you re-train all of the bureaucrats to use the new systems? How fast will they learn? How fast do bureaucracies adapt? The Subcommittee's report warns: The clock is ticking and most Federal agencies have not inventoried their major systems in order to detect where the problem lies within and among each Federal department, field office and division. The date for completion of this project cannot slip. By "cannot," the Subcommittee's report-writer meant "must not." The date can surely be allowed to slip. It almost certainly will be allowed to slip. Additionally, the task may be more difficult for the public sector, where systems have been in use for decades, may lack software documentation and therefore increase the time it takes from the inventory phase to solution. Did you get that? The software code's records are gone! Remember also that we're not just talking about the United States government. We're talking about every government -- national, state, and local -- anywhere on earth that has its data stored on an unrevised mainframe computer system or which relies on any third-party computer service that uses uncorrected software. As the year 2000 approaches, word will slowly begin to spread: "After the three-day weekend that will inaugurate the year 2000, there is going to be a hangover the likes of which we have never seen before." For some, it will be a time of celebration. For others, it will be the end of their dreams. It depends on whether they are being squeezed by the government or dependent on it. But it's not just government that is at risk. It's private industry. Kiss Medicare Goodbye Some 38 million people will receive Medicare payments in 1997. In 2000, an estimated one billion claims will be filed, totalling over $288 billion. This, according to a May 16, 1997 report of the General Accounting Office (GAO): "Medicare Transaction System." Problem: the Medicare system won't make it through 2000. The same GAO report shows why. Medicare claims are not actually administered by Medicare. It's administered by 70 private agencies. These agencies have been informed that their contracts will not be renewed in 2000. The agency that officially supervises Medicare has plans for one huge computer system that will bring the program in-house. It is the same dream that motivated the Internal Revenue Service for the past 11 years. The IRS announced earlier this year that after 11 years and $4 billion, the attempt had failed. Medicare now knows that it has a problem with its computers. They are not Year 2000-compliant. So, to make sure that they will be compliant, Medicare has issued an appeal to the 70 newly canned companies: please fix the year 2000 problem for us before you leave. As the GAO report puts it, "contractors may not have a particularly high incentive to properly make these conversions. . . ." What if the system fails? (What if? Are they kidding? When!) The report says that the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), which is responsible for running Medicare, has not made contingency plans. "HCFA officials are relying on the contractors to identify and complete the necessary work in time to avoid problems. Yet the . . . . contractors not only have not developed contingency plans, they have said that they do not intend to do so because they believe that this is HCFA's responsibility." Kiss the IRS Goodbye The IRS has 100 million lines of code. Their code is not year 2000-compliant. After the failure of the 11-year project to upgrade the system, Chief Information Officer Arthur Gross announced that getting the IRS year 2000- compliant is the "highest priority for the IRS." The IRS has nearly 50,000 code applications to coordinate and correct. This task will require the IRS to move 300 full- time computer programmers to the new project. (Reported in "TechWeb," April 21, 1997). For comparison purposes, consider the fact that the Social Security Administration began working on its year 2000 repair in 1991. Social Security has 30 million lines of code. By June, 1996, the SSA's 400 programmers had fixed 6 million lines. What if the IRS isn't technically equipped to pursue tax evaders after December 31, 1999? What if the IRS computer system isn't fully integrated with all of its branch offices? What if the system's massive quantities of forms are not stored in a computer system that is Year 2000-compliant? More to the point, what if 20% of America's taxpayers believe that the IRS can't get them if they fail to file a return? In 1999, the IRS may find a drop in compliance from self-employed people. If the IRS can't prosecute these people after 1999, there will be a defection of compliance by the self-employed. When word spreads to the general public, there will be a hue and cry -- maybe at first against the evaders, but then against employers who are sending in employees' money when self-employed people are escaping. Meanwhile, cash-only, self-employed businesses will begin to lure business away from tax-compliant businesses by offering big discounts. This will start happening all over the world. Once it begins, it will not easily be reversed. The tax system rests on this faith: (1) the government will pay us what it owes us; (2) the government can get us if we stop paying. Both aspects of this faith will be called into question in the year 2000 if the governments' computers are not in compliance. Big Brother is no more powerful than his software. On January 1, 2000, this strength may fall to zero. Actually, double zero. If the IRS cannot collect taxes, and if all the other mainframe computer-dependent tax collection agencies on earth do not fix this, what will happen to the government debt markets worldwide? To interest rates? To the government-guaranteed mortgage market? Kiss them all goodbye. "No Problem! Trust me!" There are a few conservative financial newsletter writers who have heard about y2k. They deny its economic relevance. A shut-down of all mainframe computers would mean that newsletter writers will be out of business after 1999 -- a thought too terrifying for them. So, they brush y2k aside with some version of this rebuttal: "Of course, the government may not get its computers fixed." This is supposed to calm you. It should terrify you. Ask yourself: What happens to T-bills and T-bonds if the IRS computer breaks down and a tax revolt spreads because taxpayers know the IRS will never find them, and that if they pay their taxes, they won't get their refunds? What happens to money market funds and bond funds that invest heavily in government debt when investors realize that if the IRS can't collect taxes, the government will default on its debt? What happens to the banks when depositors figure out that the FDIC is bankrupt and that nobody insures their accounts any more? What happens to your job when the banks close because of bank runs, and no business can borrow money or even write a check to its employees? What happens to the delivery of food into cities when money fails because the banks are busted? What happens to the delivery of public utilities when money fails because the banks are busted? What happens to your retirement fund when ERISA, the government pension guarantee program, goes bankrupt? What happens to the 38 million people in the U.S. who are dependent on Medicare? What happens to 42 million people on Social Security? What happens to every state government? What happens to crime rates when the state cannot imprison violent criminals and may have to release those who are locked up because they can't be fed? What happens to the world economy when this scenario is multiplied across every government? Kiss you job goodbye. Especially if you're a journalist. I know. I am one. I figure I'll be out of work -- forced retirement -- January 1, 2000. I'm making plans to be in small-scale agriculture. I'm out of debt. What about you? Psychological Deferral Those in authority prefer to defer thinking about this. They are playing Scarlett O'Hara: "I'll think about it tomorrow," followed by, "Well, fiddle dee-dee." Deferral is a normal response to distant problems. The question is: What can we afford to defer? People defer making this assessment. The fact that you have not read much about this looming problem doesn't mean that it isn't a problem. If your employer has not actively sought solutions to this problem, your firm had better not use mainframe computers or be dependent on suppliers that rely on mainframe computers. Everyone assumes that someone else is doing something to solve these problems. "It's being taken care of." The problem here is the passive voice. Who, exactly, is taking care of it? What, exactly, is this person doing? Is he on schedule? How do you know for sure? Are you taking his word for it? Anyone who takes the word of a computer programmer that he is on schedule is a person of very great faith. If the programmer says "Sorry, I didn't make it" on December 31, 1999, you're dead in the water. Meanwhile, he moves on. What You Should Do, Beginning Today First, you investigate whether what I'm saying is true. Second, think through what happens to you if the local power company and the local water and sewage company shut down in your city for six months. "Who ya gonna call?" Especially if your phone is dead? And if you do get through, how ya gonna pay if your local bank is defunct? Third, here is my personal strategy. I have adopted a question: "Can I prove on paper that he owes it to me?" I want hard copy print-outs of everything I do with the government. If you are owed money from Social Security, and you're dependent on this income, contact the Social Security Administration every year and get a letter telling you what you're owed. This is true of every government pension system. Do you have a copy of your birth certificate? If not, write to your place of birth and get it. Even if that community has not computerized the records, do it now. Even if it keeps the records in a desktop, do it. If word starts to spread, they may be buried in requests in 1999. You want your paperwork completed before word gets out. Do you have a copy of your college transcripts? If not, get it. The same goes for your work record history. Assume that your records are in some company's mainframe computer. Assume also that the company has failed to update the software. Do you have a print-out of all of your insurance records? Would they stand up in court? If not, get what you need, now. Have you spoken with your local insurance agent? Is he fully aware of the problem? Ask him straight out if he has scheduled an update of his software if he relies on vendor-supplied software. He deserves to know what is coming. So do you. (If you want to photocopy this issue to send him, go ahead.) Think through this problem in advance, before it gets out and creates a banking panic, all over the world. This story will get out eventually. In 1999, when reporters are running around looking for sensational Year 2000-third millennium stories, this one will at last surface. It already has: in Newsweek. At that point, every government bureaucrat whose agency is at risk will start playing the "No problem" game. "It's being taken care of." The bureaucrat's number-one rule is to evade responsibility. No one with any authority is going to admit that his malfeasance in office is going to create a disaster on Jan. 1, 2000. The basic response will be this: "There's no problem here, and furthermore, I'm not responsible when everything collapses next year!" Keep visiting my Web site for updated information: E-mail this report to anyone you care about. --WebTV-Mail-1117514577-17448-- [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: CAS: Secret Society? (fwd) Date: 18 Feb 1998 07:44:56 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Cc: Newsgroup , Trent C Mulkern The Perry's wrote: > > > > > While attempting to research Clinton's background, I came across this > link. Here is a snip from the page: Could this be a frame to > understand many of the strange events of the past 6 years? Is this > news to anybody but me? > > > > > According to Professor Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown > University, "The scholarships were merely a facade to conceal the > secret society, or more accurately, they were to be one of the > instuments by which the members of the secret society could carry out > his purpose." "The Rhodes Scholarships," Blumenfeld writes, "as > outlined in Rhodes' will, became the main instrument whereby the most > promising young people throughout the English-speaking world could be > recruited to serve an idea that Rhodes thought would take 200 years to > fulfill." And, says Blumenfeld: > > "Obviously, the way the secret society would recruit its > future leaders from among the Rhodes scholars was to dangle > before them the prospects of future advancement in whatever > field they chose to pursue, be it education, politics, > government, foundation work, finance, journalism, etc. Thus, > if you understood the implicit message being given to you by > your sponsors you might one day become president of Harvard, > President of the United States, a Supreme Court Judge, a US > senator, or president of the Carnegie Foundation. The road > to fame and fortune was open as long as you played the game > and obeyed the rules. The Association of American Rhodes > Scholars has an alumni membership of about 1,600. They have > become leading figures in the new ruling elite in America." > > ...No country that values its safety should allow what > [Rhodes-Milner] group accomplished - that is, that a small > number of men would be able to wield such a power in > administration and politics, should be given almost complete > control over the publication of documents relating to their > actions, should be able to exercise such influence over the > avenues of information that create public opinion, ... > > (in Rhodes' own words) create "a society copied, as to > organization, from the Jesuits." > > In case you are not aware of it, the Jesuits were the most > zealous and ruthless of orders. > > A more realistic portrayal of Oxford, and it's overly pompous "graduates", such as Clinton, Sarbanes, Bradley, etc. can be found in Roger Morris' book "Partner's in Power". Go to chapter 5, "Oxford". On page 83 & 84 starting with the last paragraph on pg. 83, you get an idea of the charade that is a Rhodes Scholar. Much of what I have always wondered about the vacuousness, yet glibness, of current-day Rhodes scholars fell into line after reading this part of Morris' book. Here's a few snips: "Unlike American higher education, there are no compulsory courses or lectures, no class quizzes or semester exams..." "Oxford places the emphasis on fluency and glibness," said one Rhodes scholar. "Serious discussions are not encouraged." " hour tutorial sessions but twice a week, the ungraded essays only to be read out to the instructor, and no examinations at terms end..." "You could do as little or as mich as you wanted. It was kind of a lark," said Dell Martin, a Clinton contemporary in the late 1960's. "Hard work is not only unnecesary, it's essentially frowned upon," said David segal, an American at Balliol College who later wroteof an Oxford "ethic...semi-officially codified as 'effortless superiority.'" "...few demands on underlying substance or sustained intellect." "My main impression was just how easy it was," said another Rhodes Scholar at Oxford just after Clinton. "There's a sort of a conspiracy of silence not to reveal this." ...William Weld typically remembered his Oxford years as "lager and chocolates, poker games and parties without end, ten sets of tennis every afternoon, played on grass courts so that no one ever got tired." The big secret about the "society" is that Rhodes scholars are simply layabout members of yet another good ol' boy network, given to the promotion of each other, and to keeping their shallowness and lack of actual hard work a secret. Jay A. -- "Absence of proof is not proof of absence." - Michael Crichton ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: SNOW: Clinton's Lose-Lose Strategy for the U.S. in Iraq (fwd) Date: 18 Feb 1998 08:16:19 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- For education and discussion. Not for commercial use. [Courtesy of Spotnews] CLINTON=92S LOSE-LOSE STRATEGY FOR U.S. IN IRAQ Creators Syndicate 2/17/98 Tony Snow February 17, 1998 CLINTON=92S LOSE-LOSE STRATEGY FOR U.S. IN IRAQ WASHINGTON -- Secretary of Defense William Cohen stormed Russia, Europe and the Middle East last week, seeking support for U.S. military action against Iraq. He had been given the unlovely chore of promoting a one-week bombing campaign that seems more like a temper tantrum than a show of serious force. Our allies were not impressed. Saudi Arabia, arguably our most important helper during the Gulf War, firmly refused to fulfill Cohen's request for help. Russia and France made no secret of their skepticism. Italy wasn't happy in the wake of our inadvertent attack on a ski resort. Germany remained conspicuous by its silence. Most European leaders want to end the economic embargo against Iraq so their businesses can get rich rebuilding the nation's decimated economy. Although Russia can't compete commercially, it still has left-over assets from the Cold War. Recent reports indicate that the Yeltsin government has sold Iraq the tools necessary to brew up chemical and biological weapons. So we stand virtually alone in our martial ambitions, supported only by such warlord states as Canada and Great Britain. The plan fits a pattern. The Clinton administration seldom thinks strategically when it comes to military engagements. It tends to leap from crisis to crisis, without regard to potential side effects. Unfortunately, complications abound. Right now, we have the wherewithal to bomb Iraq for a few weeks at most. But an officer who fought in the Gulf War points out that such attacks aren't likely to make much of a difference, since we've already reduced Saddam's fiefdom to rubble. "It's like hitting a car with a sledgehammer," says the vet. "When you see the first hit, you say: 'Wow! That was devastating.' But there's not a whole lot of difference between the 99th and 100th." If bombing runs didn't prove crippling, then what? A land assault doesn't look possible. Even if the Saudis let us use their kingdom as a staging area, we don't have enough bodies to pull off an invasion. The administration has slashed the Army to 10 divisions -- a 44 percent cut from 1991 -- and it has only three heavy artillery divisions. Virtually all our forces are accounted for. Every fighter in Europe is either on the way to Bosnia or on the way home. Most of the remaining troops find themselves either in Korea or on various "peacekeeping missions" promoted by Comandante Clinton. In other words, we would have to pull out of Korea or Bosnia or both if we decided to pacify Iraq. We're not prepared for that. Clinton's emphasis on peacekeeping has left our military establishment reeling --overworked, understaffed and burnt out. The president has mounted more military operations than any of his predecessors. Yet each year the budgets shrink, morale collapses, and the young men and women who serve ask themselves: What's the point? Right now, for instance, we are making war cries in the Middle East, even though we have one-third fewer fighter and bombers in the region than we did two years ago. We're on the verge of recalling one of the three aircraft carriers from the area. And the administration this week announced plans for further cuts in Air Force and Navy budgets. Is it any wonder our allies have a hard time taking us seriously? There are other concerns: If we send in the jets, women pilots will get into the fray. What happens if and when an aviatrix gets her own parade in Baghdad? What should we do after the raids? We can't count on an anti-Saddam insurgency. We betrayed the Kurds after Desert Storm, which means that nobody is likely to volunteer to do our bidding. Besides, as one Senate expert notes, insurrections tend to succeed only when their patrons live next door. Finally, what's the end game? We say we don't want to kill Saddam -- unless that happens to be the happy byproduct of a bombing. We don't want to take out his army. We just want to send a message: We are not amused. In an eerie reminder of the administration's inattention to history, the Pentagon has dubbed the latest build-up "Operation Desert Thunder." Students of military lore will recall that our failed effort to bomb North Vietnam into submission was: Rolling Thunder. In short, we have the potential for the worst of all worlds: We could shatter our brittle relations with European and Arab allies, without achieving anything significant on the battlefield. The best thing to do now is talk loudly, and walk away. Intelligence officers report that in the waning hours of the Gulf War, Saddam asked two questions: Will they kill me? And, will they cross the Euphrates? Upon hearing that the answer to both queries was no, he reportedly smiled and said, "Then I win." =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: "Globalization vs. National Sovereignty: The Princes of the 20th Century" - a Bob Djurdjevic speech (Feb. 17) (fwd) Date: 18 Feb 1998 08:37:47 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Century" - a Bob Djurdjevic speech (Feb. 17) FROM PHOENIX, ARIZONA NOTE: If you do NOT wish to receive the e-mail editions of our reports, please send us your e-mail address and write REMOVE or UNSUBSCRIBE. We'll be happy to oblige. Just be sure to specify your EXACT address to which this is being sent. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Truth in Media's GLOBAL WATCH Bulletin 98/2-4 17-Feb-98 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Topic: GLOBAL AFFAIRS Outline of the luncheon speech delivered by Bob Djurdjevic at the=20 Feb. 17 meeting of "WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS" organization in Phoenix INTRODUCTION Orginally, the TiM editor intended to give his speech in his usual, off-the-cuff, extemporaneous manner. But following the announcement of his talk to WHTT in TiM GW Bulletin 98/2-3 (2/12/98), we've received a number of requests for a copy of the text from TiM readers around the world who could not physically be present. They hailed from New York, to Australia, to Russia, to Belarus, to some European countries... =20 So by popular demand, the TiM editor wrote out the speech in full. It was delivered today practically verbatim per the enclosed text. Globalization vs. National Sovereignty:=20 Colonizing the World by Dollars Instead of Bayonets "THE PRINCES OF THE 20TH CENTURY"=20 (Multinational Companies)=20 "Valentine's Day Card" 1998 PHOENIX - [Skipping the usual introductory, crowd-warming remarks] Well, maybe I should tell you what I am planning to talk about today. As you may have heard, the title of my talk is Globalization vs. National Sovereignty: How "The Princes of the 20th Century" - the Multinational Companies - Colonize the World Using the Dollars Instead of Bayonets.=20 (So if you're here for a different reason, I hope it's still not too late to get a refund?) Within that, as a general topic, I plan to address the following specific questions: =09=B7 =09Who is still the Bogey - the Enemy No. 1 - of the New World Orde= r elite?=20 =09=B7 =09Why is the Great Asian Bailout yet another example of "Socialism International?" =09=B7 =09What weapons, besides the dollars, does the New World Order use t= o colonize or enslave sovereign nations? (I will touch on Bosnia, NATO expansion and the Middle East within this topic) =20 =09=B7 =09And finally, I plan to share with you my "Valentine's Day Card" 1= 998 But I have to warn you. Unless you're a full time "New World Order Watcher," you may find some things rather disconcerting. That's because "at a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act," according to George Orwell. Or putting it another way, "where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise," as Thomas Gray put it in the 18th century. =09=B7 Who Is Still the "Bogey?" Talk is cheap, they say. Put your money where your mouth is. Money talks louder than words. If these truisms still work, the wallets of the New World Order's money holders have spoken loudly and clearly: Russia is still the "Bogey!" Forget the cheap talk about a "Partnership for Peace." Duplicitous partnerships like that are made in hell. They tend to lead to war, not peace, as the Hitler-Stalin pact of the 1930s had proven. =20 Forget the cheap talk about "nation building" and "democracy" whenever our government sends money or troops abroad. Follow the money to see into which mouth it is being put.=20 The investment decisions of the "Princes of the 20th Century" - the multinational companies - are telling us that democracy is for suckers. =20 The Chinese government shot its own people because they wanted democracy. The Russian government shot its own people in the name of democracy. So if "ET" dropped in on Planet Earth from outer space, he might have thought that the democratic leaders of the free world would have punished the Chinese and rewarded the Russians. Right? Sorry, "ET." This is Planet Earth, not Planet Hollywood. This is where Greed, not Justice rules supreme. Since the Tiananmen square massacre in June 1989, during the 1990-1996, China received $158 billion in foreign investments from the "Princes." That's about $40 million per head of each killed Chinese pro-democracy demonstrators, I figure. In just a single year (1996), communist China received nearly as much as all foreign investments the democratic Eastern European countries got in seven years of the 1990s - combined! ($42 billion vs. $46 billion). =20 As for Russia, some $400 billion dollars-worth of national assets were privatized and transferred to western banks under the guise of "reform," according to some opposition leaders with whom I met last year in Moscow. By contrast, during the entire period since the end of the Cold War, Russia's aggregate "reward" from the multinationals was less than $6 billio= n. So $400 billion out; $6 billion in! Communist China got 27 times more money from the "Princes" than the democratic Russia. =20 And that's exporting democracy and American values? Of course, not. And here is another example. =09=B7 Why is The Great Asian Bailout yet another example of "Socialism International?" The short answer to the above question is because it uses PUBLIC funds to bail out PRIVATE banking interests. Just as was the case on a smaller scale three years ago, when the Republican and Democratic leaders both joined the President in robbing the U.S. Taxpayer to bail out the Wall Street bankers in Mexico.=20 In short, the IMF and the World Bank are financial instruments which the New World Order uses to export socialism around the world. And to enslave sovereign nations with Draconian measures, as became quite apparent recently in Asia, when the PRIVATE capital fled. As the "Asian Tigers" were reduced to paper tigers by methods of usury, some of them are wishing they'd never taken the foreign investors' money. Too late now, of course. Malaysia's Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, said on November 24 at the APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Community) conference in Vancouver, Canada: "Two decades of growth was wiped out in two weeks... Vibrant economies have been reduced to begging for aid from the IMF." Dr. Mahathir added that the free markets were "a recipe for slavery." True. But during the post-Cold War market globalization and expansion (1990-1996), the Asia/Pacific region attracted about $375 billion in foreign investments. That's about 74 cents of every dollar the multinational companies had invested anywhere in the developing world ($505 billion). But then the bubble burst in the fall of 1997, the recriminations followed. "Power corrupts," Dr. Mahathir railed in Vancouver. "As much as government can become corrupt when invested with absolute power, markets can also become corrupt when equally absolutely powerful. We are seeing the effect of that absolute power today - the impoverishment and misery of millions of people and their eventual slavery." So maybe Russia's relatively low intake of foreign capital may end up being its blessing in disguise? Nevertheless, such imbalances in capital investments are actually bad for world peace. The fact that it is done deliberately makes a mockery out of the globalists' line - "world peace through world trade." On the contrary, a state of low-grade perpetual war seems to be what Big Business wants. =20 Why? For answers to that question let's move on to the Balkans and the Middle East. =09=B7 Colonizing Bosnia I could probably spend several days talking about the Balkans as I traveled there many times during the Bosnian war. But in the interest of time, let me ask you to trust me when I say that the U.S. government's policies have stoked the fires of war which led to the greatest human and material carnage Europe since World War II.=20 NATO's bombing of the Bosnian Serbs in August-September 1995 ensured their defeat. This was done in the typical Gulf War style, including the use of depleted uranium against targets in populated areas, and with the "whole world" ganging up on the designated culprit - the 800 thousand Serbs! That's like the population of downtown San Francisco, half of Houston's or one-tenth of Metropolitan Chicago's. The war was eventually halted by a U.S.-imposed "peace" agreement signed in Dayton, Ohio, in November 1995. =09=B7 NATO Expansion Since that time, 98% of foreign investment has ended up in the Muslim-Croat federation. The Serbian half of Bosnia got only 2% of foreign aid. So the war and colonization of the Orthodox Christian Serbs continues. It's just that money has replaced the bombs as the weapon of choice. Now, let me pause here and quickly shift gears to the proposed NATO expansion in Eastern Europe. What do you think, which will be the first country where NATO will be deployed? =20 Answer: BOSNIA! In fact, NATO has already been deployed in Bosnia for about five years, however surreptitiously. And it is there to stay. Just as the U.S. troops have never left the Arab lands after the Gulf War. =20 It is interesting, isn't it, therefore, how all this invokes similarities with the U.S. policy vis-=E0-vis Iraq? Another small country, another "hot= " region of the world, another gangland example of the U.S. and other western government's treachery and hypocrisy causing a massive loss of human life and property. =09=B7 Colonizing Iraq First, we built up Saddam Hussein's military capabilities in the 1980s. During the Iraq-Iran war, for example, it was the U.S. and British governments that supplied to Iraq most of the terrible weapons of mass destruction. The French and the Germans also pitched in. The Feb. 12 reports by Reuters and The Independent, as well as a Jan. 29 Wall Street Journal OpEd piece, provide the gory details. Yet all these self-righteous defenders of the "free of the free world" shamefully looked the other way as Iran vainly protested at the U.N. the genocidal use such weapons by Iraq against its troops in the 1980s. =20 Then, just as in Bosnia later on, the U.S. envoy to Iraq tricked Hussein into attacking Kuwait, a country minted arbitrarily by the British colonialists in the early part of this century. Before that it was a part of Iraq, just as Bosnia was a part of Yugoslavia. =20 As the NWO trap door closed behind Iraq, the "whole world" ganged up on it in a most massive display of military power since World War II. Some 250,000 Iraqis perished, most innocent civilians, according to Ramsey Clark, a former U.S. Attorney General, writing in "The Fire This Time," his 1992 book. Followed by more innocent civilian casualties due to seven years of U.N. sanctions. If peace in the Middle East were indeed the objective of the New World Order leaders, the coalition troops could have easily taken Baghdad and dislodged Saddam Hussein in 1991. But no, the victorious American President decided to save Iraq for another President to use as a punching b= ag. And now, a draft-evading, leftist President, who would not qualify even for the lowest security clearance had he not been elected Chief Executive, is trying deflect the nation's attention from his zipper by threatening to bomb the Iraqis again. =20 =09[speech interrupted here by spontaneous applause] What sort of monsters have we sent to Washington? Honor of the entire nation and the disgrace of the highest office in the land have sunk to a new low. =09=B7 But WHY do the New World Order leaders want perpetual low grade war= s?=20 Once again, let's follow the money... What country, in your opinion, leads the whole world in terms of the growth of its gross domestic product (GDP)? Correct answer: BOSNIA! Its GDP increased by 50 percent in 1996, the first post-Dayton year, according to the Jan. 17 issue of the London-based ECONOMIST. What nation came second? =20 ALBANIA! Another country which just had a close brush with civil war, and where international troops and monitors are deployed as "peacekeepers." Closer to home, we've seen similar tactics at work in Panama, El Salvador, Haiti... =20 In Panama, for example, a planeload of American business executives ready to start working on reconstruction projects arrived in Panama City while the street fighting was still going on, the head of OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corporation) told me when we met in Washington in June 1990. The ill-fated Ron Brown mission was in Bosnia and Croatia even before all the I-FOR troops had been fully deployed. See a pattern? First destroy them, then take over and rebuild them. Which kind of puts a "black humor" spin on an old one-liner: =20 =09QUESTION: What's the difference between mechanical and civil engineers? =09ANSWER: Mechanical engineers build the weapons; civil engineers build th= e targets. =09[laughter] Either way, both the destruction and the rebuilding helps keep the bankers' and multinationals' businesses humming. Either way, Big Business wins. What do Bosnia, the NATO expansion and the perpetual Middle-eastern crisis have in common? Increased spending. More money for the "Princes."=20 So perpetual war for perpetual commerce - should be the real motto of the heartless and godless New World Order. And who loses? Well, the taxpayers do. The 200 million humans killed by the governments in the 20th century alone, according to the University of Hawaii professor, R.J. Rummell, certainly would also qualify as losers. And so could Liberty and National Sovereignty, especially if the MAI Treaty is signed as planned by April 28. In other words, what we are seeing is an evil, genocidal, parasitic, Machiavellian industrial-financial elite - enriching itself on the backs of other fellow-humans' pain and suffering. It's just that the weapons and the targets; the engineers and the victims; the countries and the ideologies... bear different names in various deadly cycles. That's precisely the kind of threat against which President Dwight Eisenhower warned the nation in his farewell speech in 1961: "In the councils of government, we must guard against acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial-(congressional)-complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of that combination endanger our liberties or democratic process." And yet we have allowed to happen during the last 37 years. Through our lethargy; through our materialism; through our self-indulgence; through our greed; and through a deliberate process of educational and media-led "dumbing down of America," as I put it in an August 1997 column in the WASHINGTON TIMES. We did not heed President Eisenhower's warning. We did allow the New World Order elite to "endanger our liberty and democratic processes." =09=B7 What's to be done? In a word - disarmament! First regional, followed by a global reduction of the weapons of mass destruction. We must put these merchants of death out of business. I don't know if you saw today's OpEd piece in the New York Times by Thomas Friedman. He also argued the same thing. He said that "stemming the weapons proliferation should be the centerpiece of U.S. foreign policy." Friedman criticized Madeleine Albright for being inconsistent - on one hand threatening to expand NATO into the Baltics, on the other hand complaining about Russia not going along with the proposed bombing of Iraq. Well, no wonder some people who have known the Secretary of State for some time reportedly call her Madeleine Halfbright. =09[laughter] But Madeleine is Mrs. Fullbright when it comes to knowing what side her bread is buttered on. And who her real bosses are. Her policies may not make sense to people who seek real peace. But this Secretary of State is performing at the A+ level if the goal is "perpetual war for perpetual commerce." =09=B7 My "Valentine's Day Card" 1998 Which is why, I want to conclude my talk by sharing with you my "Valentine's Day Card" 1998. Its title: "Don't Cry for Me Argentina." Who can forget the hauntingly beautiful melody from "Evita?" It was a song of a passionate love for one's country. The patriotic flame burned fiercely in Eva (Duarte) Peron's heart despite turbulent times and grave illness which snuffed out her life at age 33. It was also a story of an "American Dream" the Argentinean way - a poor girl from the pampas countryside makes good and rises to become Argentina's First Lady at the age of 27. Here are some lyrics: =09Don't cry for me Argentina =09The truth is I never left you =09All through my wild days =09My mad existence =09I kept my promise =09Don't keep your distance =09And as for fortune, and as for fame =09I never invited them in =09Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired =09They are illusions =09They are not the solutions they promised to be =09The answer was here all the time =09I love you and hope you love me =09Don't cry for me Argentina... Or America... Or Canada.... Or Russia... Or Serbia... Or Germany... Or Iraq... Or Iran... Or Japan...=20 So my "Valentine's Day Card" 1998, inspired by Evita, was dedicated to the love of one's country. May we all cherish our different cultures, pray in our different ways, sing in our different languages, admire our different ethos... =20 For, "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal - that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness." May God gives us strength to defend our liberty and to regain our Constitution from the globalist colonizers; the Wall Street worshipers of the Golden Calf - the godless, heartless, materialistic New World Order elite. =20 "Vive la difference!" God bless all patriots of the world! God bless Americ= a! Thank you. ---------------------- [long applause]=09=09=09=09(TOTAL LENGTH: 30 minutes) =09QUESTIONS & ANSWERS During a 15-minute Q&A period which followed the speech, the topics ranged from the Iraq crisis, to Bosnia, to the Federal Reserve Board and how the IMF gets its money. Since the latter question was only indirectly to the content of the speech, while building on it, here is a summary of the answe= r: A: You're right, Sir. Ever since the Federal Reserve Board was established in 1913, along with the introduction of the income tax, the financial elite have been gradually tightening the noose around our collective necks. In other words, they have been colonizing America using similar financial weapons as those I had described before. For example, income tax is NOT the plutocrats' God-given right; from a 17-page first tax law in 1913, it has now grown to over 3,000 pages. =20 (In the 1930s, the INDIVIDUALS' income tax was 1.4% of GNP; CORPORATE was 1.6% of GNP; In 1990, they were 8.8% and 2.0% of GNP respectively - a SIX-fold increase for individuals; only 25% for corporations.)=20 But the greatest travesty was how Big Business used World War II to push through as a TEMPORARY wartime emergency legislation during the FDR administration a law requiring employers to make collect income tax at the source - without compensation. This communist-style legislation turned the American legal principle - "innocent until proven guilty" - on its head. It gave the IRS the rights normally accorded a defendant while putting the burden of proof on the accused taxpayer. Over half a century later, this has given a whole new meaning to the term "temporary." Worse than that, this enabled the corporate elite to install a direct line into your and my wallets, taking out our money practically at will. Since these people worship the Almighty Dollar as the Golden Calf, the best way for Americans to fight back is by repealing this law, however belatedly. If you cut off the taxpayers' money supply to the Feds, the IMF and/or the World Bank, the effect would be like the same as disconnecting a dying patient from his life-support systems. As Chuck said in the introduction, we - Americans - are among the few nations in the world fortunate enough to have at our disposal the legal, non-violent means to hit back against the New World Order tyranny. All that's missing is the will to use them. So I say, let's start fighting back by cutting off the blood supply to the bloodsucking New World Order. Let's repeal the "temporary" law on automatic income tax deductions at the source. ---------------------- You can visit the "WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS" Web site at: ---- Bob Djurdjevic=20 TRUTH IN MEDIA=20 Phoenix, Arizona=20 e-mail: Truth in Media Web page: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: WSJ:OT: Al D'Amato,Geraldine Ferraro And the Mob (fwd) Date: 18 Feb 1998 08:44:53 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- February 18, 1998 Al D'Amato, Geraldine Ferraro And the Mob By BYRON YORK New York promises to have one of the most bruising Senate races in the country this November. Already Republican Sen. Alfonse D'Amato is taking on his leading Democratic challenger, former Rep. Geraldine Ferraro. As a recent New York Post headline put it: "Senator Al Out to Marry Gerry to the Mob." The D'Amato camp pledges to play up Ms. Ferraro's connections with Arthur Coia, head of the Mafia-plagued Laborers International Union of North America. And it's true that Ms. Ferraro has ties with Mr. Coia. But it turns out Mr. D'Amato too has unsavory union connections, including some to the very same Mr. Coia. Partisan mudslinging aside, there are serious reasons for concern about what kind of people both candidates associate with. Mr. Coia's sordid record is well known. In 1981, he and his father, also a top Laborers official, were indicted in connection with a scheme to loot a Laborers insurance fund. (Also charged in the indictment was New England mob boss Raymond Patriarca.) But the racketeering and bribery charges against Mr. Coia and his father were dropped when a judge ruled that the statute of limitations had expired. In 1986 the President's Commission on Organized Crime named the Laborers one of the most corrupt unions in the country. In November 1994, the Justice Department finished a draft of a lawsuit under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations law, which alleged that Mr. Coia had "associated with, and been controlled and influenced by, organized crime figures." But the Justice Department and the union ultimately settled. The suit was never filed, and Justice allowed Mr. Coia himself to direct the union's mob cleanup. The move provoked suspicion in light of Mr. Coia's close relationship with President Clinton: The union boss was listed as one of the president's top 10 supporters in a Democratic National Committee document uncovered during the campaign finance investigation. But House hearings in 1996 failed to find any proof that the White House directed the Justice Department to go easy on the Laborers. Now Mr. Coia faces new charges of mob involvement, this time from within his own union. In November the Laborers' ethics enforcement officer--an in-house prosecutor installed as a condition of the RICO settlement--filed papers charging that Mr. Coia knowingly associated with mobsters and knowingly permitted them to influence the affairs of the union. The complaint, filed with the union's quasijudicial independent hearing officer, also charges that Mr. Coia took kickbacks from companies that did business with the Laborers. And more than one grand jury is probing Mr. Coia. None of which seems to bother Ms. Ferraro. The RICO allegations notwithstanding, she happily attended a lavish birthday party Mr. Coia threw in her honor at the 1996 Democratic National Convention. A month later she traveled to Las Vegas for a featured speaking role at the Laborers annual convention. She embraced Mr. Coia on stage and spoke warmly of him and of the union. Ms. Ferraro has insisted that there was no proof Mr. Coia is an associate of mob figures. "He has not been accused of anything with organized crime," she claimed on CNN in February 1997. "This man Coia has never been convicted of anything," she said, this time accurately, on a local New York newscast last month. The accusations of mob ties, she told the Providence Journal-Bulletin, were nothing but bigotry: "It seems any time there is an Italian-American in a position of prominence, there are these allegations." (The Coia connection, of course, is far from the only allegation of organized-crime links in Ms. Ferraro's past. Readers wanting more information might want to look at Sidney Blumenthal's detailed account in the Jan. 6, 1986, issue of The New Republic.) Nonetheless, the Ferraro camp is quick to point to Mr. D'Amato's own Coia connections. Mr. D'Amato, they note, has accepted $15,000 in campaign contributions from the Laborers. He returned $5,000 that was given in the last two years, but decided not to return donations made to his 1992 re-election effort. What Ms. Ferraro apparently doesn't know is that Mr. D'Amato's link to the Laborers involves more than just campaign contributions. A clue to the connection is in a Jan. 9 letter from Mr. Coia to Mr. D'Amato. Mr. Coia wrote that he was "appalled" by Mr. D'Amato's allegations about Ms. Ferraro and demanded that he apologize. He also reminded Mr. D'Amato of those Laborers contributions he had accepted. And then this: "Perhaps even more telling, you attended a private meeting with our New York representative within the past few weeks at which you suggested that a meeting be set up with me to discuss your upcoming Senatorial race." D'Amato campaign official Kieran Mahoney denies that Mr. D'Amato wanted a meeting with Mr. Coia; a Laborers spokesman says the union stands by Mr. Coia's account. What is not in dispute is that the Laborers "representative" who did meet with Mr. D'Amato is a friend of the senator named Sam Fresina, a Laborers local official in Albany, N.Y. A Republican consultant who is looking into the Ferraro-Coia connection readily concedes the relationship. "The real reason behind [D'Amato's] taking Laborers money was always Fresina," the consultant says, adding that he has checked out Mr. Fresina's past and found him to be "clean." Yet Mr. Fresina was mentioned in the Justice Department's never-filed 1994 RICO draft lawsuit, which said that in 1992 "Sam Fresina, an associate of the Buffalo LCN [La Cosa Nostra] family" was installed in the job of business manager of the Laborers Upstate New York District Council. The RICO draft says Mr. Fresina was one of two men chosen to lead the council; the other was the son-in-law of Buffalo mob boss Joseph Todaro. (Mr. Fresina has not returned repeated phone calls seeking comment.) Now Mr. Fresina, like Mr. Coia, is facing disciplinary charges from within the Laborers union. The union's ethics officer has filed a complaint with the independent hearing officer, alleging that Mr. Fresina took part in a scheme to steer about $220,000 in union funds to Salvatore Lanza, yet another alleged mob associate who was part of the union's notoriously corrupt Mason Tenders District Council in New York City. After federal prosecutors filed RICO charges against the Mason Tenders, Mr. Lanza landed a position as administrator of the Laborers' state political action committee. The complaint says that union ethics officers then ordered Mr. Fresina, who was the PAC chairman, to fire Mr. Lanza without any severance pay. According to the ethics officer's complaint, Mr. Fresina and others in the PAC made up a phony employment agreement under which Mr. Lanza was paid off; the papers further allege that Mr. Fresina tried to hide the payoff from union investigators. Mr. Fresina has denied the allegations. A secret hearing was held last week on the ethics officer's complaint, and a ruling on Mr. Fresina's case is expected within a few weeks. Asked about Mr. D'Amato and Mr. Fresina, Mr. Mahoney said, "The basic answer is that Sam Fresina and his local of the Laborers have been friends and supporters of the senator's campaign. He's a friend and a supporter, but it's not a close personal friendship." It seems unlikely that either Mr. D'Amato or Ms. Ferraro will volunteer a full explanation of their ties to Laborers officials suspected of mob connections. But New York voters should demand one. Mr. York is an investigative writer with The American Spectator. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 18 Feb 1998 11:09:29 PST > > BLIND MAN'S BLUFF IN THE YEAR 2000 > > > What are you going to be doing for a living in the >year 2001? Unless you're a fix-it man living in a small >town, you won't be doing what you do today. If you make >your living in financial services, you will surely be doing >something else. If you're a journalist, you will be in a >new profession. But what? What other useful service can >you provide? You have very little time to make the switch. > > This is all very interesting and I am sure that Gary North is doing his part toward developing awareness toward the Y2K problem .....and maybe selling lots of subscritpions to his letter. However, it is obvious that he is not a programmer or a manager of programmers and is overlooking several significant facts in the real world 1) In the Real World programs are replaced / modernized, but managers always have one goal: More money / more staff / more prestige. Hence, they continually count up all the lines of code with a holly zeal in order to convince their management how horrible the work load was and how they needed more staff .....lots more staff to maintain all these lines of code......even tho a large part of this code had not been used for years / no one had any idea how to use it. A certain large institution in the military space complex was trying to justify newer faster computers as no one is ever interested in making what they have work better...... So, they looked at a major application that was in FORTRAN and had maybe a 150 subroutines that were in the modern style....that is they were highly modular and only has 10 to 20 lines of code, so to the non managerial eye the whole complex had maybe THREE thousand lines of code. However, each subroutine had an INCLUDE to bring in all the data declarations and were about 150 lines long. So, if one counted the lines of program when the programs were listed there were not 20 line subroutines but 170 line subroutines and the total number of lines of code to maintain had magically grown by 22,500 or a factor of 7.....and all with no extra requirement of maintenance. Since, I suspect manager everyplace have the same mentality I think these line counts of code are vastly over stated 2) I have noticed great changes in the banks I deal with. One calls and pushes a few buttons and all sorts of account details come forth. I could be very wrong but I do not think all these changes were made without at the same time getting rid of the date problem in the programs that process accounts / credit cards. Now, it may be true that a given bank has say 100 million lines of code and it may be that say only 20 million has been made Y2K compliant and so Gary North is shouting from the housetops the banks will close / fail since they still have 80 million lines of code to convert. Now, I confess I do not know but large institutions have zillions of programs for lots of things other than processing accounts / credit cards. There are programs for inventory / employee records / managing trust accounts / computing taxes / scaling risk on derivatives and so while the bank might only have made 20 percent of its code Y2K compliant it may well have made 100 percent of its programs Y2K compliant that have to do with its root business: processing checks, deposits and credit cards. One suspects that if inventories are not right or some risk management routines do not work quite right money will be lost and lawyers will be happy ....but the banks will still be processing checks and the world will be functioning....tho not quite so well 3) Finally Gary makes a great to do that the IRS is very far behind and if its computers do not work the government will end or something like that. However, Gary obviously has nothing to do with business or he would know that virtually all taxes are collected with nothing being done by the IRS. Employers make more or less instant deposits of with held income taxes / FICA / Medicare / Excise Taxes / Corporate Income taxes are deposited in either local bank or the FED depending on size of depositor. No one has any idea whose income / medicare taxes have been deposited until the employer sends a copy of the W2 forms to the SSA. So, while the government might not know whose taxes they were spending the money would still be flowing thru the federal government with or without Y2K compliant computers ......Now come April of 2001 if the government could not process requests for refunds trouble might break out with great ease....but certainly nothing would take place on the stroke of midnight at the start of the millenium Jack > >- > > > Jack Perrine | ATHENA Programming, Inc | 626-798-6574 | ---------------- | 1175 No. Altadena Drive | fax 398-8620 | | Pasadena, CA 91107 US | - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Clinton singing "These are a few of my favorate things" Date: 18 Feb 1998 13:15:45 -0600 (CST) >MY FAVORITE THINGS - CLINTON VERSION > >Blow jobs and land deals in backwater places, >Big Macs and french fries and girls with big faces >Lots of nice cleavage that makes willie spring >These are a few of my favorite things > > >Susan McDougal and Gennifer Flowers >Horny young interns who while 'way the hours >Profits from futures that Hillary brings >These are a few of my favorite things > > >When that Jones bites, >When Ken Starr stings, >When I'm feeling sad, >I simply remember my favorite things >And then I don't feel so bad > > >Beating the draft board and getting elected >Naming to judgeships some hacks I've selected >Conspiracy theories that blame the right wing >These are a few of my favorite things > > >Golfing with Vernon and suborning perjury >Falling down drunk that required knee surgery >Stars in the White House who come here to sing >These are a few of my favorite things > >When that Jones bites, >When Ken Starr stings, >When I'm feeling sad, >I simply remember my favorite things >And then I don't feel so bad > > >Meeting with Boris and Helmut and Tony >States of the Union with lots of baloney >Winning debates and the joy of my flings >These are a few of my favorite things > > >When that Jones bites, >When Ken Starr stings, >When I'm feeling sad, >I simply remember my favorite things >And then I don't feel so bad - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Curtis Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 18 Feb 1998 16:43:08 -0500 (EST) Everyone I know in computer work concedes that the Y2K problem is real and has been grossly overstated. It has been a dandy "Cobol Employment Act". Gary North is, in my opinion, acting out some sort of techno-phobia. It might well be worthwhile to keep paper records of all your bank, broker, and investment accounts. Maybe pull a month's expenses out in cash, just in case. The IRS has been screwing up their computers for many years now, to the tune of ~$7B in this last iteration. Western Civilization *may* be declining, but a whole set of Cobol bugs is unlikely to bring it down in one big hooey. jcurtis - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Neil Dickey) Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 18 Feb 1998 16:00:17 -0600 John Curtis wrote in part: > Western Civilization *may* be declining, but a whole set > of Cobol bugs is unlikely to bring it down in one big > hooey. Aw, but John, it's been fortold: This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper. T. S. Eliot Maybe old T. S. was on to something. (I hope I quoted him correctly; somebody please fix it if I didn't.) The opinions which I have expressed herein are entirely my own, unless other- wise noted. No-one else should be held responsible for what I think. | D. N. Dickey | Virtuous motives, trammeled by inertia and | | Research Associate | timidity, are no match for armed and | | Northern Illinois Univ. | resolute wickedness. | | | - W. S. Churchill | | **Finger for public key** | | - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Liberty or Death Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 18 Feb 1998 18:15:34 -0800 > Everyone I know in computer work concedes that the > Y2K problem is real and has been grossly overstated. > It has been a dandy "Cobol Employment Act". > > Gary North is, in my opinion, acting out some sort of > techno-phobia. It might well be worthwhile to keep > paper records of all your bank, broker, and investment > accounts. Maybe pull a month's expenses out in cash, > just in case. The IRS has been screwing up their > computers for many years now, to the tune of ~$7B in > this last iteration. > > Western Civilization *may* be declining, but a whole set > of Cobol bugs is unlikely to bring it down in one big > hooey. > > jcurtis It's way more than COBOL bugs, j. I worked in computers, as a programmer, for 15 years. It involves most PCs, as well as imbedded chips, which are in everything from microwave ovens to nuclear reactors. Ignorance continues to be bliss; for another 700 or so days. - Monte -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Maybe freedom's just one of those things that you can't inherit." - Peter Bradford, in the film "Amerika" -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Idaho Observer - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 18 Feb 1998 21:59:08 PST On Feb 18, John Curtis wrote: > Everyone I know in computer work concedes that the > Y2K problem is real and has been grossly overstated. > It has been a dandy "Cobol Employment Act". > > Gary North is, in my opinion, acting out some sort of > techno-phobia. It might well be worthwhile to keep > paper records of all your bank, broker, and investment > accounts. Maybe pull a month's expenses out in cash, > just in case. The IRS has been screwing up their > computers for many years now, to the tune of ~$7B in > this last iteration. > > Western Civilization *may* be declining, but a whole set > of Cobol bugs is unlikely to bring it down in one big > hooey. > > jcurtis You're forgetting all the embedded systems involved, too though. These are everywhere from banks to aircraft/port systems to freight haulling to Public Utility/Power Distribution systems, Reactor Controls, and on and on and on. It's not just one or two things here and there that we're looking at, it's the Domino Effect that will get us. The number, "99", being a Control Char for all sorts of data may well give us a preview/shakeup as well. -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fwd: (from Sen. Ashcroft) Hatch's S-10 will go to the full Senate (fwd) Date: 18 Feb 1998 23:36:40 PST On Feb 19, C. F. Inston wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Looks like the work on the Senate Judiciary committee didn't work to kill S.10, time to work on our individual U.S. Senators now. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FWD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% John Ashcroft wrote: > > Dear On-Line Friend: > > Thank you for sharing your ideas with me about juvenile > justice. I am happy to report that the Senate Committee on the > Judiciary, of which I am a member, favorably reported the Violent > and Repeat Juvenile Offender Act of 1997, clearing it for > consideration by the full Senate early in the new year. > > The Committee recognizes that a traditional rehabilitative > approach to juvenile justice has been ineffective and inadequate > in trying to curb juvenile crime. Data confirms this -- from > 1985 to 1996, the number of persons under the age of 18 arrested > for violent crimes rose by 75 percent. Criminologists also > expect the number of juvenile offenders to increase as the > children of the baby boom generation reach the age at which they > are most likely to commit crimes. > > To counteract this trend, the Violent and Hardcore Juvenile > Offender Act (S.10), which I sponsored, enables state and local > governments to establish effective juvenile justice systems so > that serious, violent, and chronic juvenile offenders can be > identified, punished, and deterred. The Judiciary Committee > recognizes that an effective strategy to reducing violent > juvenile crimes requires greater access to juvenile records and > greater collection of data. Currently, juvenile records are > tightly controlled. The police, school officials, and even > judges are unable, in many cases, to obtain information about > possible violent and repeat youth offenders. Neither these > juvenile offenders nor society is well served by this policy. > > It is imperative that judges, educators, and law enforcement > officers have accurate information about violent juveniles. Many > of these offenders move from county to county and from state to > state in committing crimes. Therefore, I have authored > provisions in S.10 that encourages states to create and maintain > criminal records on juveniles. S.10 would encourage states to > transmit juvenile criminal records, including fingerprints and > photographs, to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for inclusion > into the national criminal identification data base. Juvenile > criminal records would then be made available to state and > federal courts for purposes of sentencing juveniles. These > records would also be made available to law enforcement agencies > and school officials. > > Likewise, violent disabled students should be held > accountable for their behavior, especially when the disability > has no relationship to the violent behavior. On June 4, 1997, > the President signed the Individuals with Disabilities Education > Act Amendments of 1997 (P.L. 105-17). This legislation expands > the authority of school officials to discipline students with > disabilities. Under prior law, violent children were not removed > from the classroom until the dispute was resolved. Now, a > hearing officer can order a change in placement for no longer > than 45 days if the child is considered to be of harm to himself > or others. The new law also subjects disabled students to the > same discipline as a child without a disability if the child > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > carries a weapon to school or uses, possesses, or sells illegal > drugs. > > While I support tough action against juvenile offenders, I > will not allow S.10 to be used as a means to expand gun control > regulations. Standing firm in my belief in the Second Amendment, > I will continue to oppose misguided amendments to S.10 that > infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens to keep and bear > arms. Restricting lawful firearm ownership will not stop crime. > > Finally, let me stress that S.10 as it was voted out of the > Judiciary Committee is not a perfect bill. In particular, the > bill does not do enough to ensure that the most violent juvenile > criminals are treated as adults. I plan to offer amendments on > the Senate floor to ensure that those who commit adult crimes are > sentenced as adults. > > Once again, thank you for expressing your views. If you > have additional concerns, please feel free to contact my office. > > > Sincerely, > > John Ashcroft > -- Charles 'Chuck' Inston Copyrighted material contained within this document is used in compliance with the United States Code, Title 17, Section 107, "for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching" [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: Would anyone care to critique these ideas? (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 08:52:54 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- If Iraq is partitioned, a northern, oil-rich portion going to a nominal Kurdistan sponsored and largely directed by Turkish and US national interest, specifically that of ridding Turkey of its Kurdish dissenters, and that of permitting the U.S. to exert a measure of control over the quantity of oil available on international markets, with the effect of maintaining a stability of price in ongoing efforts to prevent further deflation, and a southern Shiite portion ceded to the control of Iran, a number of mid and long-range problems may be foreseen. These mid and long-range problems are only relevant of course in the assumption that the immediate coordination of an attack upon Iraq itself by three military powers, Turkey, Iran and the United States, each with widely divergent national interest, and thus objectives, is altogether successful in achieving the creation of three stable new national entities, or the alternative of absorbing formerly Iraqi territory into one or more existing states. An endeavor necessarily attempted only with very high risk factors of unforeseen and unintended consequences involved. Assuming all goes well in the initial territorial acquisition envisioned by the plan of partition, and does not in the process ignite broader military conflicts within tribal, political or national entities, it is of prime importance to evaluate the United States' national interest in terms of risk and reward. The greatest reward available to the United States appears two fold; first, in no particular order of precedence, the achievement of a domestic political stability for its executive and legislative branches of government, presently threatened by a burgeoning series of scandals, rapidly escalating out of control, thus avoiding a constitutional crises for the president and maintenance of a status quo for the congressional houses. Second; the successful achievement of a mechanism with which to maintain a control over the pricing of global energy resources by regulation of supply at a time when an oversupply threatens to further erode commodity prices in an already severely deflating world economy. The greatest apparent risk, and only that which is readily apparent, as the unforeseen must also be weighed into the balance as well, is that the nations involved in the benefit or territorial acquisition, particularly Iran, are possessed of agendas either hidden and inimical to the interest of the United States, or particularly with Turkey, be forced by the rearrangement of geo-political realities to assume new positions of alignment against the United States. Iran's interest in a partition of Iraq is understandable. Eliminating Iraq as a rival and establishing undisputed Iranian control of the Shatt-al Arab waterway is a long-standing goal of Iran. The achievement of this Iranian goal explains why Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries are appalled at the idea of an American attack. Further, it means that the United States has abandoned a fundamental tenet of its foreign policy since the late 1950s, which is maintaining the balance of power between Iran and Iraq so that neither could dominate the Persian Gulf. The dismantling of Iraq and making Iran the undisputed native power in the region, is necessarily inherent in the proposed military action . The only things which could limit Iran's threat to the United States' national interest at that point would be the continued presence of massive U.S. forces in the region as a permanent deterrent; an option which is not available at this time, due to the overextended condition of U.S. military power. Or, dramatically emphasizing the U.S. and Israeli nuclear deterrent in an area where no assurance of mutual assured destruction can be guaranteed to suffice in preventing further hostilities which could then necessarily ignite a global thermonuclear exchange. A possible hidden agenda of Iran's may be contemplated in addition to the more obvious ones outlined above. If Iran achieves position key to the geo-political realities of world stability it must be accepted that whatever alliances it might already have, or would establish with other nations becomes critically important to the interest of the United States. Present geo-political realities are such that the only creditable direct military threats to the United States are seen from Russia, China, and North Korea. At this time each of these nations, individually though possessed of sufficient armament and ambition to bear close attention, are rendered somewhat benign to the interest of the United States due to their economic reliance upon U.S. markets and credit facilities. Despite this economic condition however, it must be noted that these three significant military threats to the United States are in fact natural allies, and despite recent conditions in Russia, remain so, both ideologically, geographically, and economically, and each of these three nations have been traditionally, and conceivably could still be, enemies of the United States, committed to its removal as the single super power. If conditions were to come about wherein the reliance upon U.S. markets and credit could be either externally controlled, or rendered secondary to the possible objectives of these traditional communist allies, the recreation of an axis against the United States can easily be anticipated. If Iran is further permitted the opportunity to become a single key factor in the stability of global commerce by virtue of its geography and military supremacy, it is to be expected that its freedom to ally itself militarily with those powers it perceives most in line with its own self-interest will be greatly enhanced. Despite the apparent ideological, i.e. religious, barriers which presumably would restrain its close military allegiance with communist powers, even if economically reformed communist powers, Iran presently is a major recipient of both military and industrial technology from both Russia and China, while at the same time being geographically far more naturally aligned with those powers than with any other. In addition it must be recalled that the same religion which might presumably restrain such an allegiance, is also one which promulgates the idea that the 'enemy of my enemy is my friend'. Certainly Iran has made it eminently clear, both in word and in action, it considers the United States its greatest enemy. A position which the United States could take lightly, or discounted only at great risk of peril. Iran is also is possessed of a culture in which economic benefit is not conceivable as its greatest benefit, and has, even in recent times, been seen to act decisively on that premise. Thus to assume Iran could be controlled by the economic benefits the U.S. could offer, would be highly problematical, even unlikely. I would propose that it is very likely, and in fact probable, any axis against the United States would, if not already, then in the event of Iran achieving regional supremacy would include Iran. If such an axis comprised China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, it becomes difficult to imagine how the United States could avoid being subject to the greatest possible threat, both economically and militarily. In the event of the establishment of such an axis against the United States it also becomes difficult to imagine Turkey retaining its traditional loyalty to the interest of the United States, and indeed is far easier to envision a realignment of the majority of the mid-east nations more to resemble the allegiances present at the height of the Cold War. In such a situation, it is improbable that any nuclear or other military deterrent of the United States would be effective, as such an axis would have as an option, control, even to the point of destruction, of the U.S. economy, and would not necessarily need resort to the use to any degree more than the implied use of military force. In conclusion, any reward conceivable in the partition of Iraq is far out weighed by the possible risk to the United States as the leading global power. Containing any Iraqi threat by continued embargo is by far the more attractive course; one with a more foreseeable outcome, and one, despite the possibility, by no means a certainty, of partition serving to contain the effect of U.S. domestic political scandal, while providing control of oil prices, whatever the outcome may be of these far lesser dangers. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: Maria HsiaIndicted (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 09:08:14 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Democratic Fund-Raiser Indicted 8.01 p.m. ET (102 GMT) February 18, 1998 WASHINGTON =97 A Democratic fund-raiser, Maria Hsia, was indicted Wednesday on charges of conspiring to use corporate money belonging to a Buddhist Temple to make illegal campaign contributions to President Clinton's re-election campaign. The International Buddhist Progress Society, commonly known as the Hsi Lai Temple, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator, the Justice Department said. Vice President Al Gore was a featured guest at an April 29, 1996 event at the Temple in Hacienda, Calif. but has said he did not know the purpose was to raise funds for Democratic campaigns. The indictment alleges that Hsia and others solicited contributions for the event. Chris Lahane, a Gore spokesman, said Wednesday: "The matters for which Ms Hsia has been indicted do not involve Vice President Gore. This is now a question for the courts to determine and we are confident fairness will be done.'' The Justice Department said the six-count indictment charged Hsia, 47, with conspiring to defraud the United States and causing the submission of false statements to the Federal Election Commission. It was the second indictment the Justice Department has obtained in its investigation of fund-raising abuses. Late last month, Yah Lin "Charlie'' Trie was indicted on charges of illegally concealing the source of thousands of dollars in donations to Democrats. "This is yet another step forward in the Justice Department's investigation of campaign finance abuses associated with the 1996 election,'' Attorney General Janet Reno said. Hsia, who has an immigration consulting business in Arcadia, Calif., was expected to surrender Thursday for arraignment in Washington federal court, the department said. Nancy Luque, Hsia's attorney, denied the allegations in a statementWednesday, saying the Justice Department's case was ''built on a factual and legal house of cards'' and the indictment itself was "false and misleading.'' "Its central premise, that Maria Hsia knew about and/or orchestrated the reimbursement of political contributions by a religious organization, is absolutely false. Knock it down and the indictment falls of its own weight,'' Luque said. She said Hsia made no campaign contributions "in the name of another'' and planned to fight the charges, adding that the indictment was political and would not withstand scrutiny. The indictment alleges that from mid-1993 through 1996, Hsia was involved in a conspiracy in which corporate money belonging to the Temple was used to make secret, disguised and illegal campaign contributions to federal, state and local candidates and their political committees. It further alleged that the scheme used a variety of straw donors or "conduits'' including Temple monks and nuns, volunteers, Hsia and her clients. According to the allegations, Hsia and the Temple caused the conduits to make contributions in their own names to various political campaigns and committees. Those included the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Clinton's 1996 campaign, Senator Edward Kennedy's 1994 re-election campaign and Congressman Patrick Kennedy's 1996 re-election campaign. The straw donors, including Hsia, were reimbursed with money from the Temple, the indictment alleged. The part of the indictment dealing with the April event attended by Gore alleged that individuals associated with the Temple wrote about $45,000 in checks to the DNC Committee. The Temple paid three people, who gave a total of $10,000, in full for their contributions, according to the indictment. The day after the event, Hsia was alleged to have contacted Temple personnel and requested that the Temple solicit $55,000 toward the event. The Temple then allegedly collected $55,000 in contributions by obtaining $5,000 checks from 11 people. The Temple then allegedly provided the checks to Hsia and a DNC fund-raiser. The Temple allegedly reimbursed each of the 11 individuals in full with checks drawn on a corporate bank account. The indictment alleged the contributions were provided to the DNC. "The only explanation for this indictment is a political one,'' Luque said. "It is apparently easier for everyone with a stake in the system to criminalize (and demonize) the political involvement of a powerless and well meaning ethnic group than ... to recognize that the system is broken and must be fixed.'' =A9 Reuters Ltd. All rights reserved =A9 1998, News America Digital Publishing, Inc. d/b/a Fox News Online. All rights reserved. Fox News is a registered trademark _________________________________________________ Bonnie Granat Technical Writing, Editing, & Consulting Updated Resume: =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Curtis Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 10:13:40 -0500 (EST) > > >It's way more than COBOL bugs, j. I worked in computers, as a programmer, >for 15 years. It involves most PCs, as well as imbedded chips, which are in >everything from microwave ovens to nuclear reactors. > >Ignorance continues to be bliss; for another 700 or so days. > We'll see. The IRS has already bolluxed up $7 billion worth of computer development projects and essentially scrapped them. Didn't affect me at all. I think that my car, microwave, power grid, and 90% of my financial accounts are going to be operating just fine on D + 1. Positing a massive collapse is, in a word, paranoia. jcurtis - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: WT: Iraq strike gets hoots in heartland (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 09:17:16 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Iraq strike gets hoots in the heartland ------------------------------------------------------------------------ By Warren P. Strobel THE WASHINGTON TIMES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ President Clinton's Iraq policy drew hoots in the heartland yesterday as a raucous, globally televised town-hall meeting in Columbus, Ohio, turned into a shouting match resembling a crowd at a wrestling match. Against a background of near-constant heckling from anti-war protesters reminiscent of the Vietnam War era, Mr. Clinton's top national security advisers repeatedly tried to make their case for military action against Saddam Hussein. But participants in the arena at Ohio State University were having none of it. Making the White House reporters seem soft by comparison, they demanded to know why the United States was singling out Iraq, what the consequences of a bombing campaign would be and why U.S. allies are not going along. The heckling carried through most of the program, with only a few respites. It started moments after Mrs. Albright launched into her opening statement. The secretary of state, the leadoff speaker and perhaps the most familiar face, seemed to bear the brunt of it. "One, two, three, four, we don't want your racist war," some of the hecklers chanted, reprising a chant recalling the left-wing taunts of President Lyndon B. Johnson three decades ago. Others interrupted the speakers with boos and shouts of "Lies!" "Are we willing to send troops there to finish the job? Or are we going to do it half-assed?" pleaded one veteran, near tears as he recalled how he lost his youngest son and the son's cousin in Vietnam. A younger man demanded to know why the Clinton administration is putting Iraq's human rights abuses under the microscope, while selling arms to nations such as Indonesia and Israel. He did not explain the comparisons. Not all in the audience were hostile. Many applauded as hosts Bernard Shaw and Judy Woodruff helped the administration officials quiet the boos and chants rolling across the audience from the top of the bleachers. One U.S. soldier, calling in from Germany, told Defense Secretary William S. Cohen that if Saddam refused to accept weapons inspections and military action is required, "Go ahead and do it. If a soldier member's life needs to be lost, let it start with mine." Other participants asked respectful, probing questions about such topics as the lack of international support for military action; whether Saddam had moved chemical and biological weapons out of Iraq for safekeeping (Iraqi officials insist there is no evidence of this); and what Israel might do if Saddam lashes out against the Jewish state in response to a U.S. attack. Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright -- who looked acutely uncomfortable throughout most of the program -- gave stock answers to most questions. One questioner was undeterred. "You are not answering my question, Madame Albright," he insisted coolly. As the 90 minutes drew to a close, Mr. Clinton's national security adviser, Samuel R. Berger, tried to sum up: "Part of what we fight for as a country is the freedom to argue. And I appreciate all of you coming. I appreciate most of you listening." The forum was planned as part of the White House effort to persuade Americans of the necessity of military action to stop Saddam's building chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. However, it illustrated the difficulty of persuading the nation --and close U.S. allies -- that a limited military effort can achieve limited objectives. The lesson Saddam may take from the division in U.S. opinion is not clear. "Democracies, as they contemplate military action, have to deal with protests. ... We get through that," White House Press Secretary Michael McCurry said. "It's not going to get the kind of press coverage that this event probably warrants," Mr. McCurry said, arguing that focus on the hecklers should not obscure the fact that the participants asked "good, tough, serious questions." The spokesman said the president was informed of how the event went and may have watched some of it on television. Given Mr. Clinton's ability to deal with hecklers, Mr. McCurry said, "He wished he was there." Rep. John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican, chairman of the House Republican Conference, criticized the forum as a political ploy that backfired. "If the Clinton administration's goal was to send a message to Saddam via CNN, this was an unmitigated disaster," Mr. Boehner said. "This is a matter of global security and international peace, and they turned it into the Oprah Winfrey show." The White House arranged to have the event broadcast live exclusively on CNN in order to ensure the widest audience abroad, where CNN's programming is widely broadcast. The arrangement rankled other news media organizations, as well as some in the audience yesterday. "This is not an open forum, it is a media event staged by CNN," said Rick Theis, who grabbed the microphone and nearly stormed the podium toward the end of the program. "If this were a school board meeting or some other town meeting in a democracy, people would be allowed to make statements, as well as ask questions." Mr. Theis, noting Mr. Clinton's modest goals for an air strike on Iraq, said: "If he wants to send a message, we, the people of Columbus and central Ohio and all over America, will not send messages with the blood of Iraqi men, women and children!" Mr. Berger repeated the U.S. preference for a diplomatic solution to the impasse. But if U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan returns from a weekend trip to Baghdad empty-handed, "that is the point at which the president will have to decide whether military action is necessary," he said. For the benefit of those watching on television, Mr. Shaw told the crowd: "There are about 12 of you who are shouting, but most people would like to hear the secretary of state." Mrs. Albright tried to continue and, after several more false starts, seemed glad to finish her statement and leave the podium to Mr. Cohen. She was interrupted several minutes later. "Could you please tell these people I'd be very happy to talk to them when this is over?" she asked the hosts. Mary Ann Akers contributed to this report. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chuck Scanland Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 09:29:33 -0600 At 10:13 AM 2/19/98 -0500, John Curtis wrote: > [snips] > > We'll see. The IRS has already bolluxed up $7 billion worth > of computer development projects and essentially scrapped them. > > Didn't affect me at all. > > I think that my car, microwave, power grid, and 90% of my > financial accounts are going to be operating just fine on > D + 1. Positing a massive collapse is, in a word, > paranoia. > My $.02.: While I agree with John in general, in particular I am making a point of not flying on 1/1/2000. I'll let others check the integrity of the FAA flight control computer systems. =8-o Chuck - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boyd Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 08:37:30 -0800 (PST) I think the truth -clearly- is somewhere between Gary and John, personally I lean way over toward John. Folks are concerned about embedded systems (a valid concern) but keep in mind that: All but the very cheapest applications have been moving -away- from this, I think it's very likely I will wake up on January one and my microwave oven will not be able to look up the time required to automatically defrost my chicken. Somehow, I will carry on : ) The firmware in even the cheapest applications started out as software and reputable vendors (here I exclude the maker of my microwave) can and to update firmware, aka "embedded systems" in most cases. (probably my microwave is a one chip deal, for $299 Sharp ain't gonna give me a new brain/rom/clock system. I'll go down to costco and get a new oven. Probably.) The use of intelx86 embedded systems started after the trend away from E systems. Traditional embedded systems got pushed out by cheaper "pc" esque machines, chip makers retaliated with cheaper embedded systems, and only then did some of them start getting modeled on the x86 systems. Older systems may well not have y2k problems, people paid real money for them and they weren't products of the wintel juggernaut. Life critical embedded systems, by and large (like elevators) do not use languages out of "computer science" departments. Many building systems use MMC (or something like that) wich is a product of mechanical engineering study and extremely faut tolerant and tight. I'm betting if there are problems the power will go out and I'll be able to ride the elevators here all day on locally generated power. Call me "blind" if you'd like Monte, but there are billions of dollars being spent on this. Call up my employer, we'll be happy to sell you inventorying software that will also check every app (& the bios) on every pc on your large LAN (against a known problems database). Call me "Paranoid" if you want John, but there ain't no way the currently devastated Asian markets are dealing with y2k in there financial systems. NPR reported this week that the EC commission on Y2k procedures can't even get the Germans to talk to them. So, with the Limited info I have now, I think ther will be problems. I do not think it will return us (by itself) to a "small agrarian society". The only way our societys getting "small" is with massive deaths probably followed by decay related plagues. Nope, I can see limited bank problems domestically, probably a complete realignment of trade for months or possibly a year or two and widespread power failures as previously undiscovered system problems crop up. Not saying I don't have friends in Idaho, or a "hankerin'" for land there myself. I like camping though, and I have a red cross approved attitude about storing supplies. I hope I'm wrong and Johns right. I hope you all can get over this namecalling with people you disagree with. But I am (as the boy scout marching song says) "prepared". boyd (All opinions expressed are mine alone) For an evaluation copy of Express Meter 2000, have your purchasing dept (or call em yourself) contact WRQ sales at 206 217 7400 or email me. At 9:29 AM -0600 2/19/98, Chuck Scanland wrote: >At 10:13 AM 2/19/98 -0500, John Curtis wrote: >> >[snips] >> >> We'll see. The IRS has already bolluxed up $7 billion worth >> of computer development projects and essentially scrapped them. >> >> Didn't affect me at all. >> >> I think that my car, microwave, power grid, and 90% of my >> financial accounts are going to be operating just fine on >> D + 1. Positing a massive collapse is, in a word, >> paranoia. >> > >My $.02.: While I agree with John in general, in particular I am >making a point of not flying on 1/1/2000. I'll let others >check the integrity of the FAA flight control computer systems. =8-o > >Chuck > >- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Curtis Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 11:55:27 -0500 (EST) > I think the truth -clearly- is somewhere between Gary and John, >personally I lean way over toward John. Folks are concerned about embedded >systems (a valid concern) but keep in mind that: [long pertinent discussion deleted] >> I think that my car, microwave, power grid, and 90% of my >> financial accounts are going to be operating just fine on >> D + 1. Positing a massive collapse is, in a word, >> paranoia. >> > If I offended anyone by using the term "paranoid" I apologize, I didn't mean to insult anyone. I lean towards a touch of paranoia myself. (let me be clear that this isn't clinical, its just an occasional frame of mind %^) ). I tend to agree that life after y2k won't be problem free, but if we didn't have problems, life would be boring. I think that having access to a small store of food, fresh water, and heat for the house independent of outside supply is just common sense. Look at the recent storm in Maine. Lack of power for a couple of weeks in a Maine winter is no joke. ciao, jcurtis - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Liberty or Death Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 09:55:37 -0800 >>It's way more than COBOL bugs, j. I worked in computers, as a programmer, >>for 15 years. It involves most PCs, as well as imbedded chips, which are in >>everything from microwave ovens to nuclear reactors. >> >>Ignorance continues to be bliss; for another 700 or so days. >> > > We'll see. The IRS has already bolluxed up $7 billion worth > of computer development projects and essentially scrapped them. > > Didn't affect me at all. > > I think that my car, microwave, power grid, and 90% of my > financial accounts are going to be operating just fine on > D + 1. Positing a massive collapse is, in a word, > paranoia. > > jcurtis Do you like to eat? And do you live live in a place where January is warm enough to survive w/out heat? I'm sure you're gonna be just fine, j - pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Don't, however, attempt to take any of *my* food when you're hungry; all I'll have available is measured in .308. - Monte -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Maybe freedom's just one of those things that you can't inherit." - Peter Bradford, in the film "Amerika" -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Idaho Observer - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Curtis Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 13:06:24 -0500 (EST) > >Do you like to eat? And do you live live in a place where January is warm >enough to survive w/out heat? > >I'm sure you're gonna be just fine, j - pay no attention to the man behind >the curtain. > >Don't, however, attempt to take any of *my* food when you're hungry; >all I'll have available is measured in .308. > > > >- Monte > Based on this post, I would like to recind my previous apology. If Monte thinks I'm going to go trekking out to Idaho to steal some food from him, and is compelled to warn me off with a threat of gun violence, I'd have to say he is either engaging in immature posturing or seriously paranoid. Maybe a little of both. I predict that lots of people are going to be coming out of the woodwork and forecasting the imminent collapse of civilization over the next couple of years. Chalk it up to millenial fever. Definitely time to reread "The Paranoid Style in American Politics". Stay in Idaho, Monte. Come the big one, I'll be working productively and looking after my family, same as always. jcurtis - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: AP: Two Arrested in N.Y.C. Subway Plot (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 12:15:49 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- February 19, 1998 Two Arrested in N.Y.C. Subway Plot Filed at 12:39 p.m. EST By The Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) -- Two members of the Aryan Nation have been arrested in Nevada and accused of plotting a bacterial attack on the New York City subways, an FBI source said today. The source, who spoke in New York on condition of anonymity, provided no other details. The FBI in Nevada said only that two men were taken into custody in a luxury car outside a doctor's office in Henderson, Nevada. Nevada FBI spokesman Aurelio Flores said the car, a white Mercedes, was taken to Nellis Air Force Base for evaluation. Flores said the FBI has secured the area where the car was found and had ``made everything safe.'' He said the agency was not looking for explosives. He did not discuss the case further. The New York source said the suspects allegedly planned to release a ``dangerous bacterial substance'' in the subways. New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was briefed on the case by FBI Director Louis Freeh. He was told ``there is no reason for alarm,'' said spokeswoman Cristyne Lategano. Giuliani, speaking generally about the threat of terrorism, said: ``Every part of America, every part of the world, is vulnerable to terrorism. ... There is no way to make an open society, a democracy, invulnerable to terrorism or to criminal acts. Short of closing down America and closing down the city of New York, it would be impossible to do that.'' The mayor added, ``It is impossible to have a police officer every place. That would be unrealistic, and it would change the nature of a free society. Short of that, I think New York City is doing everything it can do to try to reduce the risk.'' Copyright 1998 The New York Times Company ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boyd Subject: Re: CAS: AP: Two Arrested in N.Y.C. Subway Plot (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 11:53:27 -0800 (PST) What I find interesting is that the mayor implies that a police state -would- make people safe from terrorism (as if there's a difference between the two concepts). Alarming, and far more frightening then being liquified in the frontal wave of some "terrorists" bomb for me anyway. But it does seem more and more common to view freedom as some sort of burdensome cost borne by society. >---------- Forwarded message ---------- >Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 11:59:02 -0600 >From: Bill Nalty >To: >Subject: CAS: AP: Two Arrested in N.Y.C. Subway Plot > >February 19, 1998 > >Two Arrested in N.Y.C. Subway Plot > >Filed at 12:39 p.m. EST >By The Associated Press > >NEW YORK (AP) -- Two members of the Aryan Nation have been arrested in >Nevada and accused of plotting a bacterial attack on the New York City >subways, an FBI source said today. > >The source, who spoke in New York on condition of anonymity, provided no >other details. > >The FBI in Nevada said only that two men were taken into custody in a >luxury car outside a doctor's office in Henderson, Nevada. > >Nevada FBI spokesman Aurelio Flores said the car, a white Mercedes, was >taken to Nellis Air Force Base for evaluation. > >Flores said the FBI has secured the area where the car was found and had >``made everything safe.'' > >He said the agency was not looking for explosives. > >He did not discuss the case further. > >The New York source said the suspects allegedly planned to release a >``dangerous bacterial substance'' in the subways. > >New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was briefed on the case by FBI >Director Louis Freeh. He was told ``there is no reason for alarm,'' said >spokeswoman Cristyne Lategano. > >Giuliani, speaking generally about the threat of terrorism, said: >``Every part of America, every part of the world, is vulnerable to >terrorism. ... There is no way to make an open society, a democracy, >invulnerable to terrorism or to criminal acts. Short of closing down >America and closing down the city of New York, it would be impossible to >do that.'' > >The mayor added, ``It is impossible to have a police officer every >place. That would be unrealistic, and it would change the nature of a >free society. Short of that, I think New York City is doing everything >it can do to try to reduce the risk.'' > >Copyright 1998 The New York Times Company > >========================================================================== >This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If >you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to > In the message body put: unsubscribe cas > > >- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: AP: Two Arrested in N.Y.C. Subway Plot (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 15:07:42 -0600 (CST) Lets remember the plot behind Oklahoma City and the Iraq connection. this could be part of the same group. Subj: Paper: IRA Aided Okla. Bombing .c The Associated Press LONDON (AP) - The IRA supplied the detonator used in the bombing of the U.S. federal building in Oklahoma, The Sunday Telegraph reported, quoting documents filed by lawyers for chief suspect Timothy McVeigh. (cut) The Sunday Telegraph said defense documents submitted to U.S. District Court in Denver, where McVeigh will be tried, allege that a neo-Nazi cell had been conspiring to blow up a U.S. federal building in early 1995 and had received assistance from Sinn Fein, described as ``the Irish terrorist group.'' (cut) The Sunday Telegraph, a respected conservative weekly, said the source of the allegations about Sinn Fein-IRA involvement in the Oklahoma bombing is Carol Howe, an American government informer. She alleges that the link with the IRA was Andreas Strassmeir, a former German army officer who became chief of paramilitary operations at an armed white separatist enclave in Elohim City, Okla., The Sunday Telegraph said. McVeigh's lawyers will argue that the neo-Nazi group at Elohim City which calls itself the Aryan Republican Army was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing, the paper said. Ms. Howe, a white-separatist insider turned government informant who federal officials privately dismiss as unstable, was indicted on March 12 in Tulsa, Okla., on unrelated bomb-threat conspiracy charges. She claims she overheard Strassmeir and Dennis Mahon, a white supremacist, plot bombings of federal buildings while meeting at Elohim City. She told a free-lance writer she relayed the conversation to her federal handlers well before the Oklahoma City bombing. The paper cited several links between the IRA, which draws support from Roman Catholic parts of Northern Ireland, and the U.S. neo-Nazi movement. Mark Thomas, the intellectual mentor of the Aryan Republican Army, was quoted as telling the paper that he identified with the IRA's ``anti-colonial'' struggle. A recruitment tape made by a group of graduates from Elohim City makes continual references to the IRA, The Sunday Telegraph said. It said Mahon, a leader of the White Aryan Resistance and a friend of Strassmeir, also claimed to have given advice to the IRA to target ``top British officers and police officials'' but avoid civilians. According to The Sunday Telegraph, McVeigh's lawyer Stephen Jones has visited Northern Ireland and interviewed a member of the IRA, who was not identified, as well as officials from Britain's domestic intelligence service MI5 and counterterrorism experts. Jones has also been relying on British forensic scientists with detailed knowledge of IRA bombing techniques to help prepare his case, it said. A British explosives expert is expected to appear as a witness at McVeigh's trial, the paper said. AP-NY-03-30-97 1256EST _________________________________________________________________ IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE TENTH CIRCUIT TIMOTHY JAMES McVEIGH, Petitioner-Defendant, v. HONORABLE RICHARD P. MATSCH, Respondent. Case No. 96 (Case No. 96-CR-68-M below) PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS OF PETITIONER-DEFENDANT, TIMOTHY JAMES McVEIGH AND BRIEF IN SUPPORT OVERVIEW The McVeigh defense, based upon the material provided to it, suggests the following hypothesis: A foreign power, probably Iraq, but not excluding the possibility of another foreign state, planned a terrorist attack(s) in the United States and that one of those targets was the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. The Murrah Building was chosen either because of lack of security (i.e. it was a "soft target"), or because of available resources such as Iraqi POW's who had been admitted into the United States were located in Oklahoma City, or possibly because the location of the building was important to American neo-Nazis such as those individuals who supported Richard Snell who was executed in Arkansas on April 19, 1995. The plan was arranged for a Middle Eastern bombing engineer to engineer the bomb in such a way that it could be carefully transported and successfully detonated. There is no reported incident of neo-Nazis or extreme right-wing militants in this country exploding any bomb of any significant size let alone one to bring down a nine (9) story federal building and kill 168 persons. In fact, not even members of the left-wing militant groups such as the Weatherman were ever able to accomplish anything of this magnitude. This terrorist attack was "contracted out" to persons whose organization and ideology was friendly to policies of the foreign power and included dislike and hatred of the United States government itself, and possibly included was a desire for revenge against the United States, with possible anti-black and anti-semitic overtones. Because Iraq had tried a similar approach in 1990, but had been thwarted by Syrian intelligence information given to the United States, this time the information was passed through an Iraqi intelligence base in the Philippines. Operating out of the Philippines as a base, the state-sponspored [sic] terrorists, with the Murrah Building already chosen as the target, enlisted the support and assistance of members of the Radical American Right. The defense believes the evidence suggests that American neo-Nazis were chosen to carry out the bombing of the Murrah Building because of a shared ideological bent of hatred against the American government. It is possible that those who carried out the bombing were unaware of the true sponsor. The evidence collected by the defense suggests that the desired ideology was found by the state-sponsored terrorists in Elohim City, Oklahoma, a small compound near Muldrow, Oklahoma, consisting of between 25 and 30 families and described as a terrorist organization which preaches white supremacy, polygamy and overthrow of the government. Elohim City was a haven for former members of The Covenant, The Sword and the Arm of the Lord ("CSA"), another extremist organization that had been raided by the federal government on April 19, 1995 [1985], exactly ten years to the day prior to the Oklahoma City bombing. One member of CSA turned on the organization and testified in court at the trial of Richard Snell and others who were charged in Arkansas with sedition in that they conspired to destroy the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City with a rocket launcher in the early 1980's. Snell was convicted on unrelated capital charges and sentenced to death in Arkansas. He was executed the day of the Oklahoma City bombing--April 19, 1995--and is buried at Elohim City. It is from this group of people that the defense believes that the evidence suggests foreign, state-sponsored terrorists groomed the most radical persons associated with Elohim City and extracted monumental revenge against the federal government by destroying the Murrah Building on the day of Richard Snell's execution and the anniversary date of federal raid. But the defense hypothesis also entails evidence, very strong evidence, that the federal government, through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, had an informant in Elohim City, an informant who warned federal law enforcement prior to April 19, 1995, that former residents, including the former chief of security, of Elohim City were planning to "target for destruction" federal buildings in Oklahoma, including the Alfred P. Murrah Building. The defense believes this scenario is true, that is is [sic] eerily similar to the World Trade Center bombing where the FBI had an informant infiltrate the terrorist group but failed to stop that criminal act, and that, absent judicial intervention, information concerning these matters in the possession of the federal government will be forever buried. The defense for Mr. McVeigh is not engaged in a fishing expedition. As the information set forth in this Petition demonstrates, the McVeigh defense, using resources provided to it by the district court, has conducted a wide-ranging and increasingly narrow focused investigation. But without subpoena power, without the right to take depositions, and without access to national intelligence information, the McVeigh defense can go no further. AP 19-Apr-1997 0:06 EDT Copyright 1997. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- Victims of the Oklahoma City bombing sued the government, a day care center and a Houston chemical company Friday, alleging they failed to protect the public from the deadly bomb blast. The lawsuits, filed by Johnnie Cochran and other lawyers, came on the eve of the second anniversary of the explosion at the federal building and beat a two-year statute of limitations that will expire Monday. (cut) More than 300 people joined the lawsuit against the overnment. They claim the bureau had prior warning of the April 19, 1995 bombing and that officials of the day care center in the federal building knew or should have known about the attack. McCurtain, Okla. McCurtain Daily Gazette 11 February 1997 by J.D. Cash Copyright 1997 Reprinted with permission. (cut) Such is the life today of one Carol E. Howe. During a series of clandestine interviews, Howe told the McCurtain Daily Gazette that the BATF knew as far back as the fall of 1994 that the Murrah Federal Building and two other Oklahoma federal buildings had been targeted for destruction by residents of and frequent visitors to an eastern Oklahoma religious cult known as Elohim City. Howe's "handler" was Special Agent Angela Finley of the Tulsa office of the BATF. And, during the interviews, she described in great detail her work for that agent, whom she simply calls, "Angie." Among her more than 70 reports to Finley were warnings that two Elohim City subjects were casing three Oklahoma federal buildings-- and preparing for a subsequent bombing. She now believes that on April 19, 1995, those same subjects-- with the aid of others-- bombed the Murrah Federal Building, the worst act of terrorism in U.S. history. (cut) Early in the interviews, Howe described her dealings with the mysterious "German tourist" and Elohim City security advisor, Andreas Carl Strassmeir. Howe said Strassmeir's best friends at Elohim City were Pete ward, Kevin McCarthy, and Mike Brescia, and that a close Tulsa friend was Dennis Mahon. Howe said it was during this December, 1994, period that Timothy McVeigh and Mike Fortier visited. (cut) "He brought in Pete Langan and Kevin McCarthy, the bank robbers. In no time I had them painting the grenades in fron of the surveillance camera and I later gave the film to Angie." (cut) Howe also told agents that "everyone at Elohim City was reading The Turner Diaries and Mein Kampf." (cut) High level sources told the Gazette that a cable dated April 28, 1995, was sent to the Secretart of State in Washington, D.C., from the U.S. embassy in Bonn, Germany, responding to a request the previous day from Special Agent Hudspeth concerning information on Strassmeir. That April 29 cable provided detailed intelligence to the FBI, collected from various German law enforcement data bases, concerning Strassmeir's travels and history. Strassmeir is referred to in that "priority cable" as a "suspect" in the Oklahoma City bombing investigation, and the Bonn embassy provided photographs of him, plus a list of addresses where he had lived during the previous decade along with assurances that his military records would be dispatched as soon as they were obtained. Also, the Gazette has learned, on March 18, 1996, a special intelligence bulletin was issued by the Diplomatic Security Division, Counter Terrorism Unit, of the Department of State concerning Strassmeir's previous alleged criminal activities while in the United States. The cables states that Strassmeir overstayed his visa in 1991 and was known to have been the militia training officer for a white seperatist group called WAR. (cut) According to NBC News and a prominent London newspaper, Strassmeir has either left Berlin or is avoiding the media since the Howe revelations emerged. Prior to that, the former German military officer had been living in his parents' fashionable Berlin home and freely giving media interviews. Strass,eir's father recently retired as Secretary of State to Berlin, and he is still considered a close confidante of German Chencellor Helmut Kohl. A few days ago, Strassmeir's former roomate at Elohim City, Michael Brescia, was indicted and arrested for his alleged role in robbing a bank in Madison, Wisconsin. The government says that Brescia joined with other members of the Aryan Republican Army in pulling off the August 30, 1995 heist. Reuters New Media Wednesday March 26 4:14 AM EST Oklahoma Bombing Suspect Seeks Classified Data DENVER (Reuter) - Lawyers for Oklahoma City bombing defendant Timothy McVeigh Tuesday asked a federal appeals court to delay the March 31 start of his trial until the court decides if prosecutors must provide the defense with classified intelligence data. The defense team told the appeals court that it needed the material to investigate its theory that a foreign government, possibly Iraq, may have planned the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building, which killed 168 people. Remember Peter Langan (a/k/a Commander Pedro)? Remember Strassmeir, Brescia, Ward and the Aryan Republican Army? In cleaning out the archives, I just found this very interesting tiny excerpt from a newspaper clipping. Excerpts, yes -- but the name and date of the newspaper were included in the notice and the complete article can be obtained. Peter Langan became a Secret Service informant as early as August 1993, almost two years before the OKC bombing. For those who believe that Michael Brescia was one of the John Doe IIs, it should be somewhat interesting to now deal with the reality that he was under the command, while in the ARA, of a Secret Service informant. Think about that for a while. Forwarded from the archives: Excerpts from a 'Columbus Dispatch' article 1/20/96 [Headline Unknown] by Brent LaLonde and Michael J. Berens In an informant-for-hire deal, the man arrested after a shootout in Columbus Thursday -- and now a suspect in 18 Midwestern bank robberies--was released from a Georgia jail in 1993 at the request of the Secret Service. Peter K. Langan was released from the county jail in Carnesville, Ga., in August 1993 to help the Secret Service investigate threats against the government, said Lindsay Tise, district attorney for the Northern Judicial Circuit in Georgia and the person who approved the deal. The band of bank robbers may have safe houses and weapon caches nationwide and ties to a white supremacist militia group, the FBI said yesterday. [END OF EXCERPTS] ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "E.J. Totty" Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 07:02:05 -0700 Neil, [...] Maybe old T. S. was on to something. (I hope I quoted him correctly; somebody please fix it if I didn't.) [...] Actually, it's: This is the way the world will end, ... ... Not with a bang, with a wimper. Back in the late 60's, I was listening to a classical radio station in Philadelphia, while serving on the U.S.S. Saratoga (CVA-60), and they played a recording he had made, with that particular little ditty. It was part of a Sci-Fi special they were doing, and they were playing different movie sound tracks. I remember it quite well, because of his pecular elocution. ET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Liberty or Death Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 17:08:04 -0800 >>Do you like to eat? And do you live live in a place where January is warm >>enough to survive w/out heat? >> >>I'm sure you're gonna be just fine, j - pay no attention to the man behind >>the curtain. >> >>Don't, however, attempt to take any of *my* food when you're hungry; >>all I'll have available is measured in .308. >> >> >> >>- Monte > Based on this post, I would like to recind my previous > apology. Figgers; not to worry, I was being serious but not at *you*, John. Fact is, if things get as bad as they might (and I *do* hope you're right, John, but I just can't see it knowing what I know) food will be non-existant at Safeway within days if not hours. I don't intend to threaten anybody, and of course I wouldn't expect you to come to Iderho. But. What I have will barely be enough for me and mine, and those that didn't have the forsight to be prepared will hopefully know better than to try to take it from those who did. Hunger does strange things to people... > If Monte thinks I'm going to go trekking out > to Idaho to steal some food from him, and is compelled to > warn me off with a threat of gun violence, I'd have to > say he is either engaging in immature posturing or > seriously paranoid. Consider me either seriously paranoid or seriously aware of what's coming; your choice :) > Maybe a little of both. Nah; I don't posture, and I'm not immature. Simply picked words to illustrate the serious nature of the problem - and as I already said, they weren't directed at you specifically. > I predict that lots of people > are going to be coming out of the woodwork and forecasting > the imminent collapse of civilization over the next couple > of years. Chalk it up to millenial fever. Chalk it up to having a clue. The banks, a large percentage of them, ain't gonna make it. The European and Japanese businesses aren't even *starting* to work on y2k; Europe is too busy with the new currency. You don't spoze either of those might affect us over here? > Definitely time to reread "The Paranoid Style in American > Politics". > > Stay in Idaho, Monte. Come the big one, I'll be working > productively and looking after my family, same as always. > > jcurtis As well you should be. :) - Monte -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Maybe freedom's just one of those things that you can't inherit." - Peter Bradford, in the film "Amerika" -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Idaho Observer - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Liberty or Death Subject: (fwd) Y2K: Navy Subs Can't fire Missiles, Embedded Chip Probs. Date: 19 Feb 1998 17:16:21 -0800 >***Breaking News*** > >This a hasty report from Cory Hamasaki which was first posted to the >csy2000 usenet news group late Wednesday, 2/18. Note the first section >where Y2K embedded chip problem are discussed which prevent the firing of >missiles from nuclear subs. This pretty well indicates that it is likely >land-bassed missiles and their older systems will have the same problem. >Our world is nearly over. Buy food, tools and guns. > >Allen Comstock > >-------------Begin Forwarded Material------------------ > > DRAFT >I will expand and repost this as part of the next WRP. > >Summary of DC Y2K User's group meeting - Embeddeds. > >1. Diane Shields - CACI - Submarine Fire Control Systems. > >Subsystem vendors go out of business. >Explained Black Box v. White Box testing. > >Use Qualified Personnel >Start in 1997 >Accurate documentation >Keep records >Too late for large systems > >Discovered major, catastrophic date problem 6 months ago. my >question, what was the problem?> provided details on the failure mode of the >Fire Control System. The launch system for nuclear missiles! > > >2. Pete Himmelburger - GTE - Phones > >license latch; ambiguity; horizontal tests; unit v. system tests; test >platforms unavailable at any cost; only fix absolutely critical; plan, plan, >plan; document; > >3. Rick Cowles - DEC/Compaq - Utilities > >Nukes provide 20% of US Power; 60% in NJ; no easy fixes; Industry late; >cited >failures discovered in testing. > >4. Hernando Quintero - BRI - Power generation > >Based on technical assessment of hundreds of systems in 20 generating >facilities including Gas, Oil, and Coal but not Nuclear, 400 person days >per >site; expert engineers. > >15% of systems are not Y2K compliant and have problems ranging from minor >inconveniance to loss of life. > >Problems found in systems responsible for boilers, water treatment, >programmable sequence controls, area control systems, cc20 boiler >management, >turbine management, smart sensor data freeze, etc. > >5. Tom Shope - FDA - Medical systems. > >Pacemakers OK (except perhaps one obsolete model) but pacemaker monitoring >systems and external control systems may have problems. Imaging systems >and >radiation therapy systems suspected to have problems. FDA sent out a >request >for information from medical equipment suppliers >but >they are concerned about complex computer controlled system. Responses due >in >March, monitor click down to Y2K info. > >----------------------- >Met several c.s.y2k'ers; reflected on the new wave of denial in c.s.y2k; >please denial-heads, don't attempt to reason this one out. Don't try to >extrapolate from what you know to Y2K failure modes. > >Last year we had a c.s.y2k squabble about nuclear missile controls; a >denial-head who said his wife had been a launch officer ran his keyboard, >called us stupid for worrying about launch controls. Well guess what, CACI >has run tests and has found date problems in nuclear missile launch >controls. >Just because his wife knew the combo to the safe and how to key the >system, doesn't mean she has any understanding about what's under the hood. > >Last year we had a c.s.y2k squabble about planes, air traffic control, and >the >FAA. Turns out that KLM is canceling flights, the FAA is hosed, and >tonight at DC Y2K> there are 170 date sensitive systems in a jetliner. > >Power? Rick managed to keep those denial heads in check but, surprise, >Hernando has run tests and checks on 20 generating facilities and they have >big problems to include the possibility of loss of life. > >Got it, denial-heads, Y2K is real; don't attempt to reason it out; don't >extrapolate from what you know. That's like going into a chemical >manufacturing plant and declaring that you know that turning knobs won't >cause >a problem... because you saw a chemistry set in a store once. > >Stay tuned to c.s.y2k. Time ran out a year ago. > >cory hamasaki 681 days now. > > > > > > - Monte -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Maybe freedom's just one of those things that you can't inherit." - Peter Bradford, in the film "Amerika" -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Idaho Observer - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: ET: Anthrax terror plot foiled in US (fwd) Date: 19 Feb 1998 21:49:32 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- =3D99999999&P4%5FFOLLOW%5FON=3D%2F98%2F2%2F20%2Fwanth20%2Ehtml&pg=3D/et/98/= 2/20/wanth20.html International News=20 Electronic Telegraph=20 Friday 20 February 1998 Issue 1001 Anthrax terror plot foiled in US By Hugh Davies and Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Washington=20 External Links=20 Anthrax [with focus on Saddam Hussein and biological weapons] - ABC News Aryan Republican Army revealed - TWO white supremacists were being held in Las Vegas last night on suspicion of plotting a terrorist attack with a biological agent, believed to be anthrax. The men have been charged with possessing weapons of mass destruction. One was on probation for obtaining bubonic plague bacteria from a laboratory. Armed agents surrounded Larry Wayne Harris, 46, and William Leavitt, 47, as they sat in a Mercedes at Henderson, Nevada, 30 miles from Las Vegas. They were about to conduct a chemical test at a doctor's surgery. The FBI tried to play down speculation of a plan to attack New York, similar to the 1995 release of the nerve gas sarin that killed 12 and injured 5,500 in Tokyo's underground system. An official said: "These individuals were trying to be maybe copycats of what happened in Japan. They might have talked about different cities. We have no conclusive evidence to indicate they were talking about a specific city." Bobby Siller, the agent who led the arrest team, which included medical experts, said he had "no indication of what the target might have been". But the FBI and terrorist experts in America have been concerned about links between Iraq and far-Right anti-government groups. The Aryan Nations movement, which is ferociously anti-semitic, has what it calls a military wing, an underground terrorist cell known as the Aryan Republican Army (ARA) which models itself on the IRA. In a recruitment video obtained by The Telegraph, it makes an explicit threat to exterminate the Jewish population of the United States as part of its drive to create an "Aryan Republic". The White Aryan Resistance, which is affiliated to the Aryan Nations, received payments from Iraq for propaganda purposes during and after the Gulf war. Mr Siller said the men were picked up just as they were about to "conduct some kind of chemical test" at a doctor's clinic. He said that based on statements and "evidence we have developed", the FBI believed that anthrax was about to be examined. He said the arrests were made within 12 hours of a tip-off by an individual. "We had surveillance on them, ground and air. We followed them to this location for an hour or so with a SWAT team, prepared to deal with a biological incident." The beige Mercedes was seized and taken to Nellis air force base under heavy security precautions because of the suspicion it contained anthrax. The FBI sent its hazardous response material unit from Quantico, Virginia, to examine the substances. The Pentagon also dispatched five experts from a base in Utah. William Cohen, the US Defence Secretary, recently warned on television of the dangers of anthrax. It could devastate a city in a week if released in the air, he said. Anthrax heads the US government's list of biological warfare threats because it is considered the easiest germ weapon to make and use. An infectious disease that normally afflicts animals, especially cattle and sheep, it can be produced in a dry form ideal for storage and for grinding into tiny particles that can be inhaled. Anthrax spores are very stable and may remain viable for many years in soil and water. When inhaled, they cause severe pneumonia and death in a week. Harris was arrested two years ago with the germ that causes bubonic plague. Also in his possession at the time was a map of the New York subway. The germ, contained in three phials, was sent to him through the post by the Maryland headquarters of the American Type Culture Collection, the world's largest distributor of micro-organisms. =A9 Copyright Telegraph Group Limited 1998. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Subject: Re: (fwd) Y2K: Navy Subs Can't fire Missiles, Embedded Chip Probs. Date: 19 Feb 1998 23:21:24 -0500 (EST) Well, if those who refuse to panic are "denial-heads," can we call those who want to panic now and avoid the rush, "chicken littles?" A couple of qualifiers: 1. I'm not currently employed in a nuke plant, though I have been in the past. 2. I acknowledge that embedded systems are embedded in all sorts of places you might not expect these days. That said, I'll bet the first taker a dollar against a doughnut that 90% of U.S. nuke plants sail right through into the new millenium and don't even trip for any technical reason. (I wouldn't *ever* bet against stupid *political* reasons.) Why do I think so? Nuke plants are much less computerized than you might think. Many still use electromechanical relays to provide important logic functions. Relays have a lot going for them - for instance you never have to worry about introduction of stupid software bugs. Most of the things that computers do in nuke plants aren't date-dependent. They just do things like monitoring parameters and yelling when they are too high or too low. The computers tend to be used for process monitoring, providing additional information beyond that provided by the panel instruments. They also keep nice detailed data about things like how your fuel is being burned, but a good nuke engineer with an HP-48 calculator could probably get close enough. The one thing I can think of that might cause headaches would be the computerized "to-do" lists of regular "surveillance instructions." I expect a few of the less important ones might get missed. Not too big a deal, just embarassing. Oh, last but not least, nuke plants are better-understood than most complicated facilities. Most complicated systems have dark cob-webby corners (virtual or real) that nobody remembers anything about. These are much less common in nuke plants. A real effort is made to ensure that somebody is responsible for truely understanding each important piece of equipment, how it works and how it interrelates with the rest of the plant. Occasionally, a dark corner turns up in a nuke plant, but not often. Any takers for that $1? bd p.s. I'm not too worried about the fossil-fired generating stations either. Many of the ones around here don't even use electrical instruments for the more important functions. I mean, if they wanted to show steam pressure in the control room, they ran a little instrument line all the way to a pressure gauge in the control room. And the operators don't need all those fancy boiler fire instruments, they can just open a little door on the side of the boiler, lean out the front door of the control room, and use the flame color to fly by the seat of their pants. And so on. On Thu, 19 Feb 1998, Liberty or Death wrote: > > >***Breaking News*** > > > >This a hasty report from Cory Hamasaki which was first posted to the > >csy2000 usenet news group late Wednesday, 2/18. Note the first section > >where Y2K embedded chip problem are discussed which prevent the firing of > >missiles from nuclear subs. This pretty well indicates that it is likely > >land-bassed missiles and their older systems will have the same problem. > >Our world is nearly over. Buy food, tools and guns. > > > >Allen Comstock > > > >-------------Begin Forwarded Material------------------ > > > >3. Rick Cowles - DEC/Compaq - Utilities > > > >Nukes provide 20% of US Power; 60% in NJ; no easy fixes; Industry late; > >cited > >failures discovered in testing. > > > >4. Hernando Quintero - BRI - Power generation > > > >Based on technical assessment of hundreds of systems in 20 generating > >facilities including Gas, Oil, and Coal but not Nuclear, 400 person days > >per > >site; expert engineers. > > > >15% of systems are not Y2K compliant and have problems ranging from minor > >inconveniance to loss of life. > > > >Problems found in systems responsible for boilers, water treatment, > >programmable sequence controls, area control systems, cc20 boiler > >management, > >turbine management, smart sensor data freeze, etc. [...] > > > >----------------------- > >Met several c.s.y2k'ers; reflected on the new wave of denial in c.s.y2k; > >please denial-heads, don't attempt to reason this one out. Don't try to > >extrapolate from what you know to Y2K failure modes. > > > >Last year we had a c.s.y2k squabble about nuclear missile controls; a > >denial-head who said his wife had been a launch officer ran his keyboard, > >called us stupid for worrying about launch controls. Well guess what, CACI > >has run tests and has found date problems in nuclear missile launch > >controls. > >Just because his wife knew the combo to the safe and how to key the > >system, doesn't mean she has any understanding about what's under the hood. > > > >Last year we had a c.s.y2k squabble about planes, air traffic control, and > >the > >FAA. Turns out that KLM is canceling flights, the FAA is hosed, and > > >tonight at DC Y2K> there are 170 date sensitive systems in a jetliner. > > > >Power? Rick managed to keep those denial heads in check but, surprise, > >Hernando has run tests and checks on 20 generating facilities and they have > >big problems to include the possibility of loss of life. > > > >Got it, denial-heads, Y2K is real; don't attempt to reason it out; don't > >extrapolate from what you know. That's like going into a chemical > >manufacturing plant and declaring that you know that turning knobs won't > >cause > >a problem... because you saw a chemistry set in a store once. > > > >Stay tuned to c.s.y2k. Time ran out a year ago. > > > >cory hamasaki 681 days now. > > - Monte > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: AEP in DC: Iraq revenge fears as extremists are held (fwd) Date: 20 Feb 1998 07:55:42 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- =3D99999999&pg=3D/et/98/2/20/wanth120.html International News=20 Electronic Telegraph=20 Friday 20 February 1998 Issue 1001 Iraq revenge fears as extremists are held By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Washington=20 THE Aryan Nations movement, which is linked to the two men held in Las Vegas over a suspected plan to release anthrax, has ties to Iraq which raises concern that Baghdad could be seeking revenge on America. Iraq has a record of using white extremists to further its cause in the US. Dennis Mahon, a former Imperial Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and now leader of the White Aryan Resistance in Oklahoma, was on the Iraqi payroll as a propagandist for three years between 1992 and 1995. In a recent interview with The Daily Telegraph, he said: "They paid me $100 a month, not much, but it all helps." During the build-up to the 1991 Gulf war he produced a TV documentary denouncing US policy towards Iraq. Dr Laurie Mylroie, an expert on Iraq at the Foreign Policy research institute in Philadelphia, is convinced that Saddam Hussein is engaged in a campaign of state-sponsored terrorism against the United States. She argues that Iraq was the mastermind behind the bombing of the World Trade Centre in New York in 1993, a claim supported by the FBI in New York. However, in Washington, FBI officials were convinced that the bombing was planned by Islamic extremists with no ties to any government. The Aryan Nations has an underground terrorist wing known as the Aryan Republican Army, or ARA. In a recruitment video titled the Armed Struggle Underground, obtained by The Telegraph, the group threatens to exterminate the Jewish population of the United States as part of its drive to create an "Aryan Republic". A laconic "Commander Pedro" is seen sitting in a command bunker with a ski mask covering his face. He threatens to use chemical and biological weapons to achieve ethnic cleansing. The ARA is the successor to the Aryan Resistance Movement, the military arm of a clandestine Nazi organisation called the Bruders Schweigen, or simply the Order. It was broken up by the FBI in 1984. A county grand jury in Oklahoma is investigating allegations that Elohim City, and the Aryan Nations movement in general, was behind the Oklahoma City bombing in April 1995, the worst act of terrorism in US history. Carol Howe, an undercover informant for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, warned its Tulsa office in late 1994 that residents of Elohim City were planning to bomb federal buildings. Phone records show that Tim McVeigh, the convicted bomber, called the compound shortly before the blast. Larry Harris, 46, who was arrested with William Leavitt, 47, on Wednesday night was arrested two years ago with the germ that causes bubonic plague. He was also carrying a map of the New York subway. Three phials containing the germ were sent to his Ohio home by Federal Express at his request. FBI agents, alerted by the laboratory, raided his house, finding 10 M-1 carbines, smoke grenades and blasting caps. Harris was only charged with fraud for saying the germ was destined for the company for which he worked. He was placed on probation for 18 months and ordered to stop saying he worked for the CIA. 22 December 1997: Terror threat grows after Oklahoma blast 21 October 1997: FBI 'knew in advance' of Oklahoma bomb 25 April 1997: Bomb plotter aimed 'to shake up America' =3D99999999&pg=3D/et/98/2/20/wanth120.html =A9 Copyright Telegraph Group Limited 1998. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Religious Freedom?? PLEASE RESPOND! Date: 19 Feb 1998 18:51:01 -0500 Although this comes from a painfully liberal list, I strongly agree that this Resolution is another step to removing the First Amendment. Please vote! Rachel > >ISTOOK warps survey on WEB. PLEASE COMPLETE IT. > >If you have a few moments, please go to the link below and complete the >survey. It is being conducted by Rep. Ernest Istook, whose >so-called Religious Freedom Amendment is about to be debated in the >House. There's also space on that web site to type in some comments >about how you feel about his attempt to rewrite the Bill of Rights. > >** Remember that Question 1 is very misleading in that truly voluntary >individual and group prayer IS already allowed, but not in the >captive-audience classroom situation. > > > >Laura Montgomery Rutt > >(forwarded info from Carl Silverman) > ************************************************************** * "Just when you think you've got me figured out * * The season's already changing..." -- Meredith Brooks * * * ************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boyd Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Blind Man's Bluff in the Year 2000 (fwd) Date: 20 Feb 1998 08:15:45 -0800 (PST) snip >> Based on this post, I would like to recind my previous >> apology. > >Figgers; not to worry, I was being serious but not at *you*, John. I gotta say monte, I was as surprised as John by your post. >Fact is, if things get as bad as they might (and I *do* hope you're >right, John, but I just can't see it knowing what I know) food will >be non-existant at Safeway within days if not hours. John has wisely not publicly stated his food storage situation, but I don't think that's reason to assume he's not sitting on several months of stores. Where I live, (Seattle area) the red cross recommends people have -everything- they'd need for 3 days with no outside help, so that's what I tell people I have. >I don't intend to threaten anybody, and of course I wouldn't expect >you to come to Iderho. But. What I have will barely be enough for >me and mine, and those that didn't have the forsight to be prepared >will hopefully know better than to try to take it from those who did. Well, if you see a guy in a souped up 77 ScoutII with 10 jerry cans on the roof and a trailer of supplies behind him. Please don't shoot -8' | . hee whack! Boyd - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: CAS: FBI CONSPIRACY IN FOSTER INVESTIGATION, Pt. 2 (fwd) Date: 20 Feb 1998 10:56:58 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Cc: In a message dated 98-02-19 21:02:11 EST, you write: << Thanks for posting this info. Amazing coverup, no? As a group, shouldn't we all be trying to help Patrick's case? >> For those who wish to do so, now is a particularly good time to send money to the Knowlton Legal Fund. The fund has been "living" pretty much hand to mouth, but every month or so there is another crisis or mini-crisis re $$$. I am doing some local fundraising (or fundraising efforts!) today for PK. I see the PK lawsuit as the best "wedge" into the whole Foster case right now. The work that has been done so far has turned up some very interesting non- public stuff (including totally new material and solid confirmtation of some long standing speculation) that is decidely "good news" from the point of view of the law suit (and of folks like me). It is a question of having the manpower and the horsepower to pursue a variety of "branches in the road" to the end -- that is to run down a wide range of evidential possibilities (I ID'd a lot of roads to go down in early 1995, went down some of them a long way, some of them a little way; there was a continuous trde-off re trying to put my time where I thought it would pay off the most. I know the results of some of that follow-up work and what I have heard is good news. I also believe that some branches I did not even think of -- let alone pursue in a substantive way -- are also leading to "good news." John and Pat necessarily ahve to play some of this kinda close to the chest (I am quite sure there is a lot of stuff they have not told me), but I do hear some this and that from time to time, especially when they think I know stuff they don't that interplays with stuff they are fidning out. They are also doing some good detective work on their own. Anyway, if you can afford it and want to do so, please send them some $$$ -- no matter how little (or how much!). John Clark's address has been published here many times. If you want to call to confirm the address for sending some $$$ John's phone number in DC is 202-332-3030 (as mnay of you know). Warm regards, Hugh S. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boyd Subject: Re: (fwd) Y2K: Navy Subs Can't fire Missiles, Embedded Chip Probs. Date: 20 Feb 1998 09:48:06 -0800 (PST) Can anyone verify that comp.sys.y2k is an actual uusenet group? If it is i would like to check it out, but the two newshosts I've checked don't have it. Boyd - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Curtis Subject: Re: (fwd) Y2K: Navy Subs Can't fire Missiles, Embedded Chip Probs. Date: 20 Feb 1998 13:20:29 -0500 (EST) re: comp.sys.y2k. our news server here doesn't have it. Just eyeballed ~400 news posting (using on the year 2000 problem. the group in the comp heirarchy appears to be: there were postings on this scatter shot around various news groups, but this was the only dedicated group I found. ciao, jcurtis - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: Tucker Pleads Guilty (fwd) Date: 20 Feb 1998 14:35:52 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Former Gov. Jim Guy Tucker pleaded guilty Friday to setting up a sham bankruptcy that saved him and a partner $3 million in federal income taxes after the sale of a cable television business in Florida. In a plea agreement with Whitewater prosecutors who filed the charges, Tucker will be placed on probation. There was no immediate word on whether there was any requirement that he help investigators who are looking into President Clinton's Arkansas business dealings. In a hearing before U.S. District Judge Stephen M. Reasoner, Tucker admitted not disclosing the sale of a Plantation, Fla., cable television system when filing papers as part of a bankruptcy filing in Texas in the 1980s. ``I plead guilty,'' Tucker said. ``I accept responsibiility for it.'' The former governor, said his personal lawyer, John Haley, would plead guilty separately to a misdemeanor. The plea came the day after jury selection began in Tucker's trial on the cable deal. Tucker resigned after being convicted in a separate case brought by Whitewater prosecutors in 1996. He was sentenced to four years' probation, including 18 months of home detention that expired Thursday. Tucker has also battled health problems in recent years and underwent a liver transplant. Copyright 1998 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: U.S. Prepares to Bomb Nevada (fwd) Date: 20 Feb 1998 14:38:22 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- < U.S. Prepares to Bomb Nevada < < WASHINGTON - The President said today that U.S. forces are prepared < to bomb the state of Nevada unless white supremacist groups open up < their homes to U.N. inspectors. Yesterday the FBI arrested two < supremacists in Nevada on suspicion of making Weapons of Mass < Destruction (WMD). < < Although many nations have biological and chemical weapons, < easily constructed with ingredients purchased from U.S. suppliers, < Secretary of State Notbright pointed out that white supremacists < are likely to use these weapons against their own people, and can < only be stopped by bombing these people first. < < After noting that civilian casualties are expected, Dr.-Ms.- < Madame-Secretary Notbright blurted out, "Our critics are wrong, and < we do have clear goals -- it's clear to us that these supremacists < can't kill women and children with Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) < if these women and children are already dead from our bombs. This < is the fundamental premise of our non-proliferation policy!" < < The students in the University of South Carolina audience, who < were required to brush their teeth and bring an apple for the teacher < before being admitted to the auditorium, nodded their heads politely. < < Some of Nevada's neighbors have not supported Washington's < buildup of forces, fearing that the reaction of supremacists in < their own states to U.S. policy will only exacerbate the problem. < When asked about this, the President replied, "I've already < consulted with my interns on this. They tell me that we can always < bomb those neighboring states at some point in the future. Right < now I just want to unzip my options and leave it open." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Bill Of Attainder Project (fwd) Date: 20 Feb 1998 15:00:56 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ----------,,,,, ********************************** BILL OF ATTAINDER PROJECT ********************************** Gestapo Methodology Scholars are finding out more about how the Nazi Gestapo worked and what made them so effective in taking away human and civil rights. There were actually fewer members of the Gestapo per capita than was suspected in the past. Major cities could have as few a 26 members of the feared group. How did they become so effective? They used citizens, the media, and fear. One of the myths they spread about Jews was that there was a secret world effort to overthrow the German government and enslave the German people. The propaganda machine of the Nazis became so effective spreading these rumors nobody objected to the sudden repression instituted by National Socialists against anybody that fit the profile. Sound familiar? Can the same sort of tyranny be happening in the United States today? Are government agencies effectively destroying civil liberties by playing the "us and them" game the way the Nazis did? Examine the facts. One of the first things Nazis did was institute plans of asset forfeiture and other bills of attainder against anyone they could label subversive or criminal. Germans who were being convinced that these subversives were a danger to them remained complacent while they watched the Nazis become more and more abusive. Eventually the Nazis stripped their victims of all property, civil, and human rights. They did the same to anyone who thought abuse was a bad idea. Have you ever told an American cop that current policies like asset forfeiture are wrong? Don't do it if you are a suspect. One of the things that helped Nazis get away with their evil was the fact that few Germans understood what their rights were. Most Americans do not know enough about the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to object to unfair searches and seizures. The same manipulations the Gestapo pulled against the Germans are being pulled against Americans now. Some will object to comparing the American government and police to Nazis. True, the target groups are different as are the motives but the methodology is unmistakable. The use of the "us and them" manipulations are the same. More developed technologies make the repression even more effective and systematic. The media is as effective for American repression of rights today as it was for the Gestapo. This is happening because the government manipulates the media in spite of the fact they do not own it. Few Americans are aware of these manipulatins and how they happen. (For more on how this manipulation works one should see the documentaries of Barbra Trent of the Empowerment Project) On 2/12/98 Channel 7 in Los Angeles aired a live story about a bus in Hollywood where every passenger was made to exit the bus, one at a time with their hands in the air, everyone was searched searched. The bus was stopped because it was alleged that a man was brandishing a pistol. In spite of the fact that the man was arrested and the gun was in custody all the rest of the passengers were searched after the suspect had been taken away in a patrol car. Anyone the police determined to be a gang member was arrested. If the passenger fit the profile he was taken away. All during the live broadcast newscasters and police justified the actions of police at the scene by stating their "might be" more guns or the suspect may have given others on the bus weapons to hold. Other justifications included comments about fellow gang members who "might" be involved. It never occurred to the media that they were watching civil rights violations as they were taking place. Certainly the policeman helping newsmen present the broadcast did not mention the fact that anyone had Fourth Amendment rights against unlawful searches. The Bill Of Attainder project has received many reports of warrantless door-to-door searches taking place in North Carolina in the search for suspected bomber Eric Rudolph. Rudolph has been named as a suspect in an abortion clinic in Atlanta. Again, the media mentions nothing about the rights of citizens being violated. They only paint a picture of the police doing their job to protect us from terrorists. Police are using road blocks all over the country and justifying them in any way they can. Soon they will stop trying to justify them. On 11/24/97 the Bill Of Attainder Project revised and issued an article, "War's Deadliest Weapon" which exposed the use of post- MILSTAR satellite technology to spy on American citizens. The Libertarian Party released an article, 2/17/98, which mirrored the Project's article about the same kind of abuse using satellite technology with amazing capabilities. It is clear that the government intends to protect us by eliminating the Fourth and Fifth Amendments. Can American police abuse citizens to the extent the Gestapo did? If police are allowed to abuse and murder citizens like Brian Cox, or on Ruby Ridge, and go unchecked in their abuse of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, they will be exactly as bad as the Gestapo. Every major police agency in the country has been militarized. America is not becoming a police state, it has already become a police state. The warnings of scholars like Noam Chomsky that America would become a "National Security State" have gone unheeded. Time will tell if Americans can recover their rights and heritage. It is time to confront legislators and the media with the facts. If we do not demand our rights we will continue to lose them. Bill Of Attainder Project - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Subject: NRA CRIMESTRIKE in action? Date: 21 Feb 1998 09:38:46 -0500 (EST) Lets lock up those violent juvenile offenders! bd ---------- Forwarded message ---------- News Story Pensacola News Journal Friday, Febuary 20, 1998 Kindergartner arrested in school scuffle By Sonja Lewis and Lesley Conn New Journal Staff Writters Her daddy told her it was like finger-painting, but 5 yaer-old Chaquita Doman was actually being fingerprinted following her arrest Wednesday and it wasn't fun. The Edgewater Elementary kindergarten student was booked on a felony battery warrant at the Department of Youth Services after scuffling with her school counselor. Linda green, 51, told Escambia deputies Chaquita bit and scratched her Feb. 3 when she tried to calm the girl. The warrant for battery of an elected official or educator was issued the day of the incident. Escambia deputies have never arrested anyone younger, a spokeswoman said. Chaquita's father, Lee Ernest Middleton, said the arrest is the most ludicrous thing he's ever experienced. District spokeswoman Barbara Frye said school officials were making sure a child with "an-out-of-contorl rage" got some counseling. Deputies notified Chaquita's parents Tuesday of the arrest warrant. Her parents brought her in Wednesday. "Can you imagine what it's like to have your daughter fingerprinted and escorted by a deputy to a juvenile facility?" asked her father. Middleton, 35, said he plans to contact a lawer as early as this morning because of the emotional trauma suffered by his daughter and her identical twin sister, Shakita. He took his daughters out of school Thursday. Missing four of her front teeth, Chaquita nodded Thursday that she bit and scratched someone. "She's good", she said tossing her thumb towards her twin. "I'm bad". Chaquita threw furniture and inflicted at least 27 deep scratches and bit Green's arm to cause "significant bleeding," Frye said. Chaquita was suspended for three days and her parents were asked to sign a counseling referral slip, Frye said. Because Green wanted the child to be councled, she called deputies. Middleton says he was not asked to sign anything until her suspention was up. He said he agreed to counseling. Because of juvenile protection laws, the State Attorney's Office could not say what action was taken. But her parents were told there would be no charges filed, they said. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Skip Leuschner Subject: [Fwd: WARNING VIRUS] Date: 21 Feb 1998 15:32:02 -0800 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------E6A23E2783A Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thus might be bogus. Sounds a lot like others that were. But FWIW. Regards, Skip. --------------E6A23E2783A Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id OAA13925 for ; Sat, 21 Feb 1998 14:55:26 -0800 (PST) Received: (from by (queuemail) id ROX02687; Sat, 21 Feb 1998 17:52:54 EST Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: Juno 1.49 X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 0-26,28-29,31-36 Message-ID: <> HEY ZOE! Here is the virus warning! FW: Fw: Virus Warning from Microsoft >>>>Subject: FW: Virus Warning from Microsoft >>>>Importance: High The following message was received from Karl Kramer, VP Data Operations. >> Please read and adhere to the warning. Thanks. > > > >Date: Friday, February 06, 1998 4:52 PM If you receive an email titled "WIN A HOLIDAY" DO NOT open it. It will erase EVERYTHING on your hard drive. Forward this letter out to as many people as you can. This is a new, very malicious virus and not many people know about it. This information was announced yesterday morning from Microsoft; please share it with everyone that might access the internet. Once again, pass this along to EVERYONE in our address book so that this may be stopped. Also, do not open or even look at any mail that says "RETURNED OR UNABLE TO DELIVER" This virus will attach itself to your computer components and render them useless. Immediately delete any mail items that say this. AOL has said that this is a very dangerous virus and that there is NO remedy for it at this time. Please practice cautionary measures and forward this to all your online friends ASAP. >>>>> > > > >>>>> > > >>>>> > > >>>>> > > >>>> > >>> > > > > > --------- End forwarded message ---------- _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] --------------E6A23E2783A-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Subject: NRA CRIMESTRIKE in action? (fwd) Date: 22 Feb 1998 08:50:38 -0500 (EST) Didn't see this come through the first time. Apologies if you did. -bd ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Lets lock up those violent juvenile offenders! bd ---------- Forwarded message ---------- News Story Pensacola News Journal Friday, Febuary 20, 1998 Kindergartner arrested in school scuffle By Sonja Lewis and Lesley Conn New Journal Staff Writters Her daddy told her it was like finger-painting, but 5 yaer-old Chaquita Doman was actually being fingerprinted following her arrest Wednesday and it wasn't fun. The Edgewater Elementary kindergarten student was booked on a felony battery warrant at the Department of Youth Services after scuffling with her school counselor. Linda green, 51, told Escambia deputies Chaquita bit and scratched her Feb. 3 when she tried to calm the girl. The warrant for battery of an elected official or educator was issued the day of the incident. Escambia deputies have never arrested anyone younger, a spokeswoman said. Chaquita's father, Lee Ernest Middleton, said the arrest is the most ludicrous thing he's ever experienced. District spokeswoman Barbara Frye said school officials were making sure a child with "an-out-of-contorl rage" got some counseling. Deputies notified Chaquita's parents Tuesday of the arrest warrant. Her parents brought her in Wednesday. "Can you imagine what it's like to have your daughter fingerprinted and escorted by a deputy to a juvenile facility?" asked her father. Middleton, 35, said he plans to contact a lawer as early as this morning because of the emotional trauma suffered by his daughter and her identical twin sister, Shakita. He took his daughters out of school Thursday. Missing four of her front teeth, Chaquita nodded Thursday that she bit and scratched someone. "She's good", she said tossing her thumb towards her twin. "I'm bad". Chaquita threw furniture and inflicted at least 27 deep scratches and bit Green's arm to cause "significant bleeding," Frye said. Chaquita was suspended for three days and her parents were asked to sign a counseling referral slip, Frye said. Because Green wanted the child to be councled, she called deputies. Middleton says he was not asked to sign anything until her suspention was up. He said he agreed to counseling. Because of juvenile protection laws, the State Attorney's Office could not say what action was taken. But her parents were told there would be no charges filed, they said. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Neil Dickey) Subject: Re: [Fwd: WARNING VIRUS] Date: 22 Feb 1998 09:19:19 -0600 Skip Leuschner wrote: >Thus might be bogus. Sounds a lot like others that were. > >But FWIW. It is bogus, Skip. There is a website which catalogues these things: There are others as well, among them the Datafellows ( as in F-Prot ) site at: It's always a good idea to have a look there when one of these "warnings" pops up. The opinions which I have expressed herein are entirely my own, unless other- wise noted. No-one else should be held responsible for what I think. | D. N. Dickey | Virtuous motives, trammeled by inertia and | | Research Associate | timidity, are no match for armed and | | Northern Illinois Univ. | resolute wickedness. | | | - W. S. Churchill | | **Finger for public key** | | - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: tm Subject: Re: NRA CRIMESTRIKE in action? Date: 22 Feb 1998 13:25:26 -0500 I fail to see how a 5 year old child who is accused of attacking her teacher has anything to do with Crimestrike.

Tanya K. Metaksa
Executive Director
NRA Institute for Legislative Action
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Perrine Subject: Re: [Fwd: WARNING VIRUS] Date: 22 Feb 1998 11:30:32 -0800 At 09:19 2/22/98 -0600, you wrote: >Skip Leuschner wrote: > >>Thus might be bogus. Sounds a lot like others that were. >> >>But FWIW. When one uses words of course to communicate one must use common definitions....or carefully qualify the words. Now as to the exact virus that Skip was mentioning I have no idea. And if one speaks of Viruses in long as one is talking about ordinary old fashioned ASCII TEXT E-mail there is never any danger. However, a great many people are now using E-mail that has HTML control in it .......AND MAIL LIKE THIS CAN EASILY BE FILLED WITH THINGS THAT CAN WITH GREAT EASE CRASH YOUR SYSTEM ....... or perahps do things that are far worse. For instance Tanya just replied to Brad and her response on my old fashioned mailer which is safe to use since it does not interpret HTML saw only the following mess of brackets while of course on the more modern mailer Tanya's signature was in a more stylish font and a more intense color. However, if one is using a www browser NETSCAPE or IE to read mail that can and will depending on the options set interpret all the HTML which can certainly allow downloading of JAVA or ACTIVE-X depending on the browser and either can certainly take over the machine and do all sorts of horrible things At any rate giving blanket assurances that such and such piece of E-mail is or does not contain a VIRUS is really silly unless the assurance is qualified by knowing the E-Mail does not contain HTML and is not being read on an advanced browser And no offense to Tanya but I think for security more and more people will simply stop allowing any sort of HTML on to their machines without perhaps first reading it on a really old fashioned mailer ...... Jack I fail to see how a 5 year old child who is accused of attacking her teacher has anything to do with Crimestrike.

Tanya K. Metaksa
Executive Director
NRA Institute for Legislative Action
> >It is bogus, Skip. There is a website which catalogues these things: > > > >There are others as well, among them the Datafellows ( as in F-Prot ) site >at: > > > >It's always a good idea to have a look there when one of these "warnings" >pops up. > >The opinions which I have expressed herein are entirely my own, unless other- >wise noted. No-one else should be held responsible for what I think. > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >| D. N. Dickey | Virtuous motives, trammeled by inertia and | >| Research Associate | timidity, are no match for armed and | >| Northern Illinois Univ. | resolute wickedness. | >| | - W. S. Churchill | >| **Finger for public key** | | >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >- > > Jack Perrine | Athena Programming | 626-798-6574 -----------------| 1175 N Altadena Dr | -------------- Jack@Minerva.Com | Pasadena CA 91107 | FAX-309-8620 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #73 (fwd) Date: 22 Feb 1998 12:00:33 PST On Feb 22, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Heads Up A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia February 22, 1998 #73 by: Doug Fiedor Previous Editions at: THE TENTH AMENDMENT SHALL PREVAIL Overlooked by many of our friends and neighbors=20 watching that grossly overreaching hand of the federal=20 regulatory bureaucracy was a great piece in Investor's=20 Business Daily on February 13, 1998. The article reports=20 on a paper written by H. Sterling Burnett of the National=20 Center for Policy Analysis, titled "Reg Reformers Learn=20 to Crawl Before They Walk." This is good stuff. It=20 should be rubbed in the nose of every single member of=20 Congress. Investor's Business Daily reports: "Federal=20 rules and regulations have backfired, causing outcomes=20 ranging from waste to death. In their rush to make the=20 country risk-free, regulators have often failed to see --=20 and in some cases have ignored -- the damage their rules=20 can do." For instance: "When the government ordered=20 automakers to install passenger-side air bags in cars,=20 regulators forgot to mention that the devices were=20 potentially deadly to infants, toddlers and short=20 adults -- and children died." The report goes on to mention a Harvard=20 University Brookings Institution study reporting that=20 shaving weight off new cars to meet the government's=20 mandatory fuel economy standards has caused an additional=20 2,200 to 3,900 highway deaths a year. Many researchers=20 are estimating that new ozone rules alone could actually=20 result in 7,000 deaths a year. "Yet the urge to regulate=20 continues to grow -- with the size of the Federal=20 Register, which announces new and proposed rules,=20 expanding by 70,000 pages in 1994 alone." Some call them "regulations." But, to the=20 normal American citizen, they are laws; laws which were=20 unilaterally imposed on America by unelected bureaucrats. =20 Because, when they are taking you to court and fining or=20 imprisoning you for a breach of one of these regulations,=20 there is no distinction. Calling these things=20 "regulations," rather than "laws," is little more than a=20 cheap trick in political semantics to get around the=20 Constitutional provision that only Congress may make law. So, as Investor's Business Daily reports: "In=20 an effort to rein in federal regulation -- which costs the=20 average American household more than $6,000 per year -=20 Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.)=20 introduced the Regulatory Improvement Act of 1997. The=20 bill says the reasons for new regulations must be clear=20 and justified." The bill states that the American public has=20 a right to know what certain regulations are supposed to=20 do, and would require new mandates be subjected to a cost- benefit analysis. If regulatory agencies fail to use the=20 least costly methods to fix health, safety and=20 environmental problems, supposedly the public has a right=20 to know why. Americans are also proposed to have a right=20 to know the relative risks regulations are supposed to=20 reduce. And, to discourage junk science, agencies must=20 clearly state whatever scientific evidence the government=20 has to back up the new rules. In other words, the bill is little more than=20 political rhetoric. Political pacification. Fluff. =20 Baloney. It heaps Constitutional violation on top of=20 Constitutional violation. The very first sentence of our Constitution=20 clearly states that: "All legislative Powers herein=20 granted shall be vested in a Congress . . ." Only=20 Congress may make law -- law being that which controls=20 the actions of the citizens of the country. Rules,=20 regulations and executive orders, then, are something=20 other than law. Rules, regulations and executive orders=20 may be used to direct the internal operation of=20 government. But rules, regulations and executive orders=20 should have no direct affect on the American people. Senator Carl Levin is basically a socialist and=20 doesn't know any better. Levin has always believed that=20 the federal government knows more than the citizen and=20 should control everything in the lives of the American=20 people. But we expected more -- a lot more -- from=20 Senator Fred Thompson. It's a shame, too. It looked=20 like he had promise. We already have something called the Regulatory=20 Improvement Act, which has never once been used to defeat=20 a regulation. The Congressional Review Act allows=20 Congress 60 legislative days to review a rule. During=20 that time, it can pass a joint resolution of disapproval=20 -- which would stop the rule from taking effect. Of course, that presupposes that someone in=20 Congress is paying attention to what the regulatory=20 agencies are doing. Which, of course, is not the case. =20 The Lords and Ladies of the Hill cannot even find the time=20 to read the bills they vote on, so forget about them=20 reading rules, regulations or executive orders. In fact, even the liberal Washington Post=20 noticed the obvious negligence of Congress. In a=20 February 13, 1998 piece by Cindy Skrzycki, titled: "Will=20 Congress Wake Up to Its Rule-Blocking Weapon?" she writes=20 in part: "Advocates of the Regulatory Improvement Act=20 hope they can jar Congress from its regulatory reform=20 lethargy. The Congressional Review Act was supposed to=20 be a weapon to block, or at least delay, questionable=20 federal regulations. But the law hasn't helped remove=20 even a single one of the 7,408 regulations that flowed=20 out of dozens of federal agencies last year. "Political observers say Congress isn't interested=20 in blocking regulations. Some members prefer business as=20 usual and others don't want to waste political capital=20 attacking regulations that haven't roused public=20 opposition. Some analysts say the strong economy has=20 helped leave regulatory reform in the dust." Not quite! Congress may be negligent and basically=20 impotent, but 'We the People' are not. The executive and=20 legislative branches have greatly overextended their=20 authority with these oppressive regulatory agencies. =20 Worse, they continually disregard the opinions of the=20 Supreme Court. So, they are soon to learn a very=20 important lesson in grass roots politics. And, we have=20 the United States Supreme Court opinions in "New York,"=20 "Lopez," "Printz," and others to back us up. Today, tens of millions of American citizens=20 want major changes in the federal regulatory bureaucracy. =20 Many of these American citizens want the federal=20 regulatory agencies totally abolished. The agencies may=20 not be abolished, but their activities can be greatly=20 curtailed. To that end, a definitive course of action is=20 now coming out of the planning stage. We SHALL Rout the Regulators. All of them. =20 The Tenth Amendment shall prevail. More on this as activities become public. POLITICAL CHICANERY Even when they're trying to be serious, they're=20 still fun to watch; because often they do not have a clue=20 what they are talking about. I'm talking about the=20 controlling elite in Washington, of course. Americans watched and listened to President=20 Clinton's press conference at the Pentagon on Feb. 17. He=20 appeared tired and flubbed a few lines, but that's not the=20 point. Everyone does that from time to time. More interesting to those of us working in=20 support of the Constitution is the way he compared the=20 District of Columbia to a government compound in Iraq: "One of these presidential sites is about the=20 size of Washington, D.C. That's about -- how many acres=20 did you tell me it was? -- 40,000 acres. We're not=20 talking about a few rooms here with delicate personal=20 matters involved." The "delicate personal matters" crack did not=20 pass without amusement to many of us out here in fly-over=20 country. But we'll let that go for now. During the presidential campaigns, the Boy from=20 Dog Patch often bragged that he taught Constitutional law=20 at the university level. The liberals in the national=20 media also like to relate this fact as a method of=20 pointing out how bright they think he is. Therefore,=20 that leaves the subject wide open for us to point out a=20 major disparity or two. Article 1, Section 8 of the United States=20 Constitution states that, "Congress shall have the power=20 to . . . exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases=20 whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles=20 square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the=20 Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government=20 of the United States." As Clinton said, the District of Columbia=20 includes about 40,000 acres. Which, at 640 acres per=20 square mile, comes out to an area of 63 square miles. =20 Oops! Congress is mandated by the Constitution to=20 oversee Washington, D.C. That is their playground. They=20 are empowered to "exercise exclusive Legislation in all=20 Cases whatsoever" in the District. However, as with many=20 other tasks mandated to Congress by the Constitution, the=20 duty was farmed out to a group not authorized by the=20 Constitution: a city government. Consequently,=20 Washington, D.C. is easily the worst run city in the=20 country. Congress, using the federal bureaucracies it=20 set up, had another idea. Instead of exercising=20 "exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever" over the=20 little District of Columbia, it chose to extend that=20 authority a bit. Congress, and the bureaucracies it=20 created, now pass laws, rules and regulations to control=20 all actions of all people in the United States. No matter that the Constitution only allows=20 that type of authority over the supposed ten square miles=20 of the District and certain other government properties. =20 The federal government intentionally disregard the=20 Constitution's limitations by neglecting the District=20 and legislating for every other place in the country. That's right. Congress, and the executive=20 branch, totally ignored the District for a couple of=20 decades and concentrated on ruling the rest of the=20 country, where it is forbidden by the Constitution to=20 legislate. From the largest State governments to the=20 smallest school districts, the will of the federal=20 government is pervasive. From automobiles to zithers,=20 from ditches to Big Macs and Whoppers, the heavy hand of=20 the federal government controls it all. It's more than just a matter of an extra 43=20 square miles and the mismanagement of the District of=20 Columbia. The federal government has totally and=20 completely forgotten its place in the scheme of things. And this President doesn't have a clue. WAR-PROTESTERS MEET WAR-PROTESTERS You have got to be a flaming idiot to announce=20 a war on a college campus and expect a good reception. It=20 seems like at least a few of these leftist liberal war=20 protesters of the 1960's now making up the Clinton=20 administration would remember how it was. Or, perhaps=20 this is just another example of how self-centered and=20 egotistical this administration and its sycophants at CNN=20 really are. I mean, geezzz, give me a break here! Just=20 cause they give their so called "town meeting" at the=20 very liberal Ohio State University, they think things are=20 going to be different? War is war. Who cares if it was=20 started by conservatives or liberals after the shooting=20 starts. So, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright,=20 Defense Secretary William Cohen and National Security=20 Adviser Samuel Berger got the hot seat for a while. =20 Good. It would have been totally amazing if anything else=20 happened. As it was, CNN could only round up a crowd of=20 3,000 -- which was not even half of the capacity of the=20 auditorium. Their idea of a "town meeting" was a highly=20 scripted forum, an "infomercial" for Iraq policy. It=20 didn't work. It will never work. Americans will support=20 the troops, but never that incompetent administration. =20 And if that incompetent administration does not support=20 the troops 100%, all hell is going to break out here. Albright, who was clearly frustrated after=20 repeated attempts at finishing her statement, asked CNN=20 moderator Judy Woodruff: "Would you please tell these=20 people I would be happy to talk to them after." =20 University security personnel tossed out some of the=20 demonstrators, but it didn't help much. Half of the=20 audience were booing and jeering. Berger and Cohen got=20 almost the same treatment from the crowd. CNN's Judy Woodruff and Bernard Shaw acted=20 like deer caught in the headlights. It appeared they=20 thought there may be a riot -- and they were the center=20 of attention. And, in truth, there was a great deal more=20 action on the floor than on the stage. Cohen told the crowd, "We do not see the need=20 to carry out a large land campaign in order to topple=20 Saddam Hussein. Our mission is to get the inspectors=20 back. If they can't get back, to make sure he can't=20 constitute or reconstitute this threat." That, of course, is something less than the=20 complete truth. Our inspectors were there for years. =20 They destroyed a lot of war materials over the years. =20 Then the Clinton Administration started to help, and=20 Hussein retaliated. The investigators were first=20 obstructed by the Iraqi government and later tossed out=20 on their ears. At the first sign of obstruction, the proper=20 response to Hussein should have been simple: Tell them=20 they have two hours to remove all people from the area=20 refused access to inspectors because that building will=20 cease to exist after that time. Bomb the place. Then,=20 the building will no longer need to be inspected. We did, after all, win the war. Those=20 inspections were, therefore, there on our terms, not=20 Iraq's. The Clinton Administration completely disregarded=20 that fact. And so too did the Clinton Administration=20 blow the relationship with Saddam Hussein. Clinton=20 thinks of the United States as the world's peace keeper,=20 an international police department. Yet, Clinton allowed=20 Hussein to make the United States look like the playground=20 bully. Saddam thumbs his nose at us, and all Clinton does=20 is rattle sabers -- selling wolf tickets, we used to call=20 it in the Army. Vacant threats. Hussein's Republican Guard are a proud lot. =20 They would like to remain so. Because of that, they=20 should have been used. An unofficial message to the=20 Republican Guard that they will be totally and completely=20 bombed off of the face of the earth, at our leisure,=20 without warning, if the government if Iraq is not changed,=20 could produce some very interesting results. . . . When Clinton learns his saber rattling is not=20 working, he sends U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan over=20 to talk. Do we bow to the decision of Annan? Who knows. =20 Probably. If so, nothing changed. But right now, there are a couple other things=20 we Americans should consider. One is that this talk of=20 "weapons of mass destruction" is little more than=20 political rhetoric being used to fan the flames of=20 popular opinion here at home. All countries in that area=20 of the world -- and many countries throughout the world --=20 have those very same weapons stockpiled. Anyone wanting to see real weapons of mass=20 destruction in operation should see our B-52's carpet- bombing. Take the word of an Army ground hugger, that=20 massive display of raw power is both awesome and=20 terrifying. The other point is that, as Clinton attempts to=20 disarm the American public, Saddam Hussein is passing out=20 fully automatic AK-47's to anyone able to fire one. The February 20 issue of the Federalist Digest=20 summarizes the Iraqi situation quite succinctly: "A draft=20 report by the U.S. House of Representatives Task Force on=20 Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, based on American,=20 German, and Israeli intelligence, says that Iraq has=20 secretly built chemical weapons plants in Sudan,=20 transferred weapons-grade fissile materials to Algeria,=20 and sent its top scientists to Libya with instructions to=20 develop a biological warfare complex. Muslim terrorists=20 in Hamas plan to attack Israel in the event of U.S.=20 military strike against Iraq. Israel is preparing to turn=20 Arab sand into molten glass with a very long half-life. =20 Meanwhile, Mr. Clinton is busy entertaining Hollywood=20 elite and White House interns." Clearly, the Clinton Administration has made=20 some very serious errors in foreign policy. China and=20 Russia quickly come to mind. But the Iraq problem is=20 easier to see. It is obvious that this administration is=20 just too incompetent to deal effectively with any of these=20 situations. Everything happening points to one conclusion: =20 Clinton does not have a clue what to do. AGAIN, IT ENDS IN KENTUCKY That's right. It's all going to end right here,=20 in my neighborhood. We're paying attention, working=20 together, making a difference, and whatever other clich=E9=20 you might want to tag it with. Remember the biosphere reserves? Gone! The=20 local sheriff down around the Mammoth Cave area took a=20 torch to the offending biosphere sign a few months ago. =20 Kentucky people joined together to badger the hell out of=20 Members of Congress to stop that biosphere madness and=20 the people of America agreed, and joined in the quest. =20 Congress responded by doing about three-quarters of what=20 was necessary to effectively end the project. Now we have a U.S. Senator who thinks it would=20 be good for the federal government to own another chunk of=20 Kentucky. He forgot that the U.S. Constitution mandates=20 approval by the State legislature before that can happen. =20 We collectively reminded him; and informed him that we=20 the people will not allow such a vote to be approved in=20 the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. =20 Our U.S. Senator is a bit miffed and confused, but he'll=20 get over it someday. Simply put, we the people of the Commonwealth=20 of Kentucky do not want federal government agents=20 interfering in our lives. To that end, we have every=20 intention of enforcing all rights due us under the United=20 States Constitution and the Constitution of the=20 Commonwealth of Kentucky. Elected officials are beginning=20 to learn that. Our basic problem now is with appointed=20 bureaucrats, both State and federal. Our future plans are simple. We will soon=20 begin attempting to force elected officials to fire any=20 and all bureaucrats who do not honor our State and=20 national Constitutions as written. If elected officials=20 do not do so, they will find a great number of citizens=20 out on the street working against them during the next=20 campaign cycle. Some of us took on the Heritage River scam=20 problem. State Senator Richard L. "Dick" Roeding=20 suggested a resolution, much as he did with the biosphere=20 reserve problem. Craig Brown, who writes here=20 periodically, volunteered to draft such a resolution. The=20 resolution was presented by State Senators Dick Roeding,=20 Gex Williams, and others. And, as with the biosphere=20 reserve resolution, it passed without dissent. The=20 resolution states in part: "The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of=20 Kentucky is unalterably opposed to the inclusion of any=20 land within the borders of the Commonwealth within the=20 purview of the AHRI [American Heritage Rivers Initiative]=20 or any territorial use without the express consent of the=20 General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, as=20 provided by the Constitution of the United States and the=20 Constitution of Kentucky." Therein, the will of the people becomes the=20 official opinion of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. We=20 shall have no Heritage River projects in Kentucky. End=20 of story. Another win? No! Only a beginning. We still=20 have hundreds of federal agents wandering our state,=20 inflicting their will on State and local governments,=20 school boards and citizens. This need not be. And, this=20 should not be. Most people in Kentucky feel that we have=20 quite enough State and local officials and do not need or=20 want interference by the federal government. Therefore,=20 we shall continue, one step at a time. Anyone wishing information on the many grass=20 roots programs currently in operation (and producing=20 results) in Kentucky may write to Craig Brown at=20 None of these programs require a=20 great amount of expertise. All they require is that you=20 get up off of your couch for a couple hours two or three=20 times a month and talk with some of your friends and=20 neighbors. Many Americans have forgotten that the federal=20 government is our government. We own it. The employees=20 of the federal government are our employees, not our=20 masters. And even though most of these employees have=20 forgotten it, the Constitution is their job description. =20 It is, therefore, our responsibility, as citizens, to=20 ensure that government employees follow their job=20 description to the letter. When they do not, it then=20 becomes our duty to fire them. -- End --=20 [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Neil Dickey) Subject: Re: [Fwd: WARNING VIRUS] Date: 22 Feb 1998 14:10:14 -0600 Jack Perrine wrote in response to me (I think): [ ... ] >However, if one is using a www browser NETSCAPE or IE to read mail that >can and will depending on the options set interpret all the HTML which >can certainly allow downloading of JAVA or ACTIVE-X depending on the >browser and either can certainly take over the machine and do all sorts >of horrible things No argument here. There are security issues involving unscrupulous web-site maintainers that are well known. This is the same, well-known, problem which exists with word-processors like Microsoft Word. >At any rate giving blanket assurances that such and such piece of E-mail >is or does not contain a VIRUS is really silly unless the assurance is >qualified by knowing the E-Mail does not contain HTML and is not being >read on an advanced browser I'm not sure if you're responding to me or not because of the confusing manner in which you appended messages to your post. I will assume that you were. Do try not to be absurd. I read the post that Skip sent out. There was nothing hidden in it. I examined the archives which I passed on to the list, where this particular warning is clearly listed as a variant of the shop-worn "Good Times" hoax. The specific message that Skip copied to us *is*a*bloody*hoax*. That's all there is to it. If some clown with more HTML skill than good sense now makes a real threat out of it, that's a different matter. >And no offense to Tanya but I think for security more and more people will >simply stop allowing any sort of HTML on to their machines without perhaps >first reading it on a really old fashioned mailer ...... No offense to you but if you arrange the forwarded parts of posts you reply to more carefully, it will be easier to figure out what and who you are replying to. The opinions which I have expressed herein are entirely my own, unless other- wise noted. No-one else should be held responsible for what I think. | D. N. Dickey | Virtuous motives, trammeled by inertia and | | Research Associate | timidity, are no match for armed and | | Northern Illinois Univ. | resolute wickedness. | | | - W. S. Churchill | | **Finger for public key** | | - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Subject: felonious five-year-olds Date: 22 Feb 1998 18:17:34 -0500 (EST) (HTML tags painfully edited out) >I fail to see how a 5 year old child who is accused of >attacking her teacher has anything to do with Crimestrike. > >Tanya K. Metaksa >Executive Director >NRA Institute for Legislative Action > My impression is that the NRA never saw a "get tough on crime" campaign it didn't like. That's been the sense of the faxalert/crimestrike bulletins I've received. The state of FL has just charged a five-year-old "violent juvenile offender" with a felony. I thought that might be the sort of thing the crimestrike folks would approve of. I think the whole get-tough-on-crime thing has been grossly overdone. I know some good people who have been done great harm by an overzealous "justice" system. bd ****** [For instance, the following sounded rather approving... -bd] Juvenile Arrests Up 60% In Decade Despite a decline of 9% in juvenile violent crime arrests in the two years 1995 and '96, juvenile arrests were still 60% above 1987 levels, according to a new report by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, "Juvenile Arrests 1996." By comparison, adult violent crime arrests were up 24% for the decade, the report said. [...] - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RTR:Supreme Court Lets Stand Ruby Ridge Ruling (fwd) Date: 23 Feb 1998 12:05:07 -0600 (CST) Does this mean there really is a "legal over riding authority" could it be the US constitution?=20 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- 80223/news/stories/rubyridge_1.html -- Monday February 23 11:17 AM EST Supreme Court Lets Stand Ruby Ridge Ruling By Gail Appleson WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court Monday=20 let stand a ruling that said federal agents at the deadly seige at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, in 1992 are not=20 immune from civil claims they lied about events at the shootout. This case stems from the fatal confrontation at the=20 home of white separatist Randy Weaver. The FBI's "shoot to kill" policy led to the death of Weaver's=20 wife and the serious wounding of his long-time friend, Kevin Harris. Harris sued 13 federal agents for their actions but=20 the agents moved to dismiss the complaint, alleging they were immune from such claims. The district court=20 denied the motion based on the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable seizure. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the ruling. On Aug. 21, 1992, the agents entered Weaver's property=20 to serve an arrest warrant upon Weaver. Harris was then living on the Weaver property. Three agents had=20 confronted Harris, Weaver, Weaver's son Sammy, and the family dog at a road intersection near the Weaver=20 property. One of the agents shot and killed the dog and firing=20 erupted. Sammy and one of the agents were killed. Harris said he fired one or more shots but that they=20 were in self defense. Following the incident, Harris alleged that some of=20 the agents conspired to lie about events, including describing Harris as the initiator. A group of FBI=20 agents and marshals then created a special "shoot to kill" rule allowing them to shoot adults in the=20 vicinity. On Aug. 22, federal agents shot and wounded Weaver and=20 killed his wife. Harris was seriously injured when he was hit in the chest and arm. The standoff ended=20 nine days later when Weaver surrendered. Weaver and Harris were indicted for assaulting the=20 agents with a deadly weapon and for killing the agent, though they were later acquitted. Harris then sued the agents. Among his claims was that=20 his Fourth Amendment rights were violated. He argued that the agents' lie about his role in the first=20 shooting led him to be shot and almost killed in the second incident. The fabrications also led to his=20 arrest and wrongful prosecution. The agents argued that as law enforcement officers,=20 they had immunity from claims that they gave false testimony. The Ninth Circuit said that while immunity has been=20 granted to officers who testify during the trial stage of a proceeding, this was a difference case. It=20 held that the agents at Ruby Ridge functionally served as complaining witnesses who initiated Harris'=20 prosecution and as such were not entitled to immunity for their false statements. The court also said that the 13 defendants, working=20 together, created special rules that required FBI agents to "shoot on sight" in order to "kill." The=20 rules infringed on Harris' rights. The appeals court said there was no immunity for this as well or the=20 fact that Harris was shot without warning while he was retreating. -------------------------------------------------------- =20 Copyright =A9 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.=20 Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written=20 consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for=20 any actions taken in reliance thereon. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: (OT) False Alarm-Anthrax 'Alert' (fwd) Date: 23 Feb 1998 08:38:49 -0600 (CST) This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --1915762710-1542453501-888244729=:8147 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=us-ascii Content-ID: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- --1915762710-1542453501-888244729=:8147 Content-Type: MESSAGE/RFC822 Content-ID: Content-Description: Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id IAA12941 for ; Sun, 22 Feb 1998 08:23:41 -0600 Received: (from listserv@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.7.4-jdm) id JAA00972 for okcty-outgoing; Sun, 22 Feb 1998 09:22:36 -0500 (EST) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.7.4-jdm) with ESMTP id JAA06638 for ; Sun, 22 Feb 1998 09:22:27 -0500 (EST) Received: from default ( []) by (8.8.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id IAA11403; Sun, 22 Feb 1998 08:24:16 -0600 (CST) Message-Id: <> X-Sender: X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.5 (32) X-Priority: 1 (Highest) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Sender: Precedence: bulk X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id IAA12941 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ---------------------------- NOTE: "The FBI confirmed Saturday that the confiscated version is a non-lethal type that veterinarians use." ---------------------------- Source: One suspect in anthrax case released from custody February 21, 1998 Web posted at: 10:08 p.m. EST (0308 GMT) LAS VEGAS, Nev. (CNN) -- One of the two men arrested for posession of what turned out to be non-lethal anthrax was released from custody Saturday evening. William Leavitt Jr., 47, thanked God, his family, law enforcement officials, a federal magistrate judge and his lawyers for getting him out of prison on his own recognizance, saying the past three days have been the "most difficult days of my life." Leavitt and Larry Wayne Harris, 46, were arrested Wednesday night and charged with conspiracy to possess and possession of a biological agent. Leavitt's release came just hours after FBI agents raided the microbiologist's home north of Las Vegas in search of more evidence. Pale and appearing on the verge of tears, Leavitt, a self-described medical researcher, said he has no hard feelings toward FBI investigators. "I understand what happened, and I understand the position the FBI took based upon the information they received," Leavitt told the media just after his release from the Clark County Detention Center. "I spent many, many hours in fasting and in prayer, and wanted the truth (to) be known." One stipulation for Leavitt's release is that he "will not conduct or participate in any biological or biochemical treatment," according to court documents. The FBI acknowledged earlier Saturday that test results so far show the confiscated anthrax is not the deadly military-grade version. "We truly felt, and we feel now, that we had enough probable cause to believe there was a danger to the community," FBI agent Bobby Siller told reporters. "We had to act the way we did." Siller, special agent in charge of the FBI's Las Vegas office, said the arrests of Leavitt and Harris were made on the basis of information from witnesses, as well as surveillance and background checks. Residents assured they are not in danger Before their arrests, Harris and Leavitt had told more than one person that they had military-grade anthrax and planned to test it at a nearby medical center, Siller said. Siller also reassured Las Vegas residents they are not in danger. "There is no reason for anybody to be concerned about any contaminants in this area," Siller said. U.S. Army experts at Fort Detrick, Maryland, concluded the substance was not a biological weapon after completing a series of tests that began Friday morning, sources told CNN. The FBI confirmed Saturday that the confiscated version is a non-lethal type that veterinarians use. The FBI apparently also seized other material in Ohio from houses owned by Harris. That material is still being tested at Fort Detrick, and those tests will not be completed before Monday. Police suspect Harris gave 'inoculations' Saturday, a Columbus, Ohio, police investigator said he believes Harris regularly gave some people injections that Harris claimed would protect them against biological agents. "It's something we've suspected and can't divulge our sources, but we think he was giving inoculations," Det. Rick Adrian said. It was unclear how long Harris offered the injections, what the shots contained or whether anyone became sick because of them. The FBI affidavit detailing the case against Harris says he claims to be an officer in the Idaho-based white separatist group Aryan Nations. Mark Potok, a spokesman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, a national watchdog group that monitors extremist groups, told The New York Times that Harris traveled around the country, "meeting with extremist anti-government groups and inoculating them against anthrax." Harris was previously given probation after pleading guilty to illegally obtaining bubonic plague bacteria through the mail in 1995. Army lab finds Las Vegas anthrax not dangerous; judge releases one suspect Copyright © 1998 The Associated Press LAS VEGAS (February 21, 1998 11:12 p.m. EST -- A substance feared to be a biological weapon turned out to be a safe form of anthrax used in animal vaccines, and one of the two men arrested in a case that sent fear through the region was released from jail Saturday. "I absolutely have no hard feelings," a visibly shaken William Leavitt Jr. said at a news conference, calling the circumstances that led to his arrest "misunderstandings and probably some miscommunication." The FBI insisted Saturday that arresting the two men on biological weapons charges was necessary to protect the public. "Because of the potential serious threat to the community, our actions had to be quick and decisive," said Bobby Siller, special agent in charge of the FBI's Las Vegas office. "We had to act the way we did." A judge signed an order releasing one of the men, William Leavitt Jr., Saturday. Under an agreement his attorney reached with prosecutors, Leavitt will be allowed to remain free on his own recognizance while authorities determine whether to drop charges. The other man arrested in the case, Larry Wayne Harris of Lancaster, Ohio, who is on probation for an earlier conviction, remained in jail and was scheduled to appear in court Monday for a detention hearing. Leavitt was not required to go to that hearing. The anthrax material, tested at an Army laboratory at Fort Dietrick, Md., was found by FBI agents Wednesday during the arrests of Leavitt and Harris. Both men were charged with conspiracy to possess and possession of a biological agent for use as a weapon. Tests showed the material was not military-grade anthrax, which is potent enough to kill thousands of people. "Legally, this means their case goes down the toilet," said Lamond Mills, Leavitt's lawyer. "I would expect the U.S. attorney to drop the charges. "Let them now 'fess up and say it was a mistake," he said. Mills said a deal to drop charges against Leavitt would require him to promise to stop some of his laboratory work. Another one of his attorneys, Kirby Wells, said Leavitt, 47, was emotional after hearing about the tests. "I told him the good news. We embraced," he said. Siller declined to explain why charges would not be dropped immediately. He defended the FBI's investigation, which was based on an informant's tip and statements made by the suspects, and said it would have been "irresponsible" not to follow up on the allegation. Leavitt and Harris had, themselves, portrayed the material as dangerous military-grade anthrax, Siller said. Agents also seized other biological material in Ohio from houses owned by Harris, a former Aryan Nations member. That material was still being tested at Fort Dietrick, and those tests will not be completed before Monday. A message left at the federal public defender office, which is representing Harris, was not immediately returned. Harris, 46, pleaded guilty in 1995 to wire fraud after his arrest for obtaining three vials of freeze-dried bubonic plague bacteria through the mail. He was put on 18 months of probation. Even if the biological weapons charge is dropped, Harris could still face penalties for violating probation. Harris and Leavitt were turned in by Ronald Rockwell, whom the FBI portrayed as a "citizen performing his civic duty." Mills called Rockwell a twice-convicted extortionist and scam artist who went to the FBI when a business deal turned sour. Rockwell, a Las Vegas resident, said in media interviews he was scared when Leavitt and Harris, who were interested in what he portrayed as his disease-fighting machine, said they had the deadly bacteria. Leavitt and Harris were arrested outside a medical office in Henderson, Nev. The case frightened many around the country, especially near Las Vegas. People flooded talk-radio shows asking about evacuation plans, the symptoms of anthrax and the safety of the region's water supply. Surplus stores sold out of stocks of gas masks. The arrests came as the United States was considering military action against Iraq for harboring biological weapons. Five days before the arrests, Rockwell and Leavitt appeared for two hours on a local radio show to talk about how they planned to test biological agents being brought to Las Vegas by Harris, according to a tape of the show reviewed Saturday. They said during "The Lou Epton Show" on KXNT-AM on Feb. 13 that the testing was to be done on a device that could cure an anthrax infection. By MICHAEL FLEEMAN, Associated Press Writer Copyright © 1998 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ This mailing list is processed through Majordomo at Oakland University. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe okcty --1915762710-1542453501-888244729=:8147-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: PSA Project LifeLine anti gun on 1190AM Imus in the Morning Dallas Date: 23 Feb 1998 08:05:18 -0600 (CST) I just heard another PSA public service announcement by a group called "Project Lifeline" on 1190AM IMUS in the morning 8am Dallas 2-23. It had the sound of kids playing with a loaded handgun in the background as a Woman Doctor talks about how: A gun is fired more times against a love one or friend than an intruder. You are 43 more times to be injured by a gun if you own one. Please if you own one remove the bullets and put them in a safe place, better yet get rid of the gun. Then you here the kids fussing over the gun and it discharges. Then she says before its to late. It is time we find out more about this and start the letter writing campaign. Imus is one of the top rated shows in America. I think this is only being aired in Dallas at this time. Regards, Paul Watson C.P.M., Senior Buyer UTD The University of Texas at Dallas ph# 972/883-2307,fax# 972/883-2348 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: Anthrax or "Ant-wax?"-to janet Reno's guys it makes no difference (fwd) Date: 23 Feb 1998 08:34:54 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- ence Anthrax or Ant wax?=97To the Department of Justice and the Media It Makes n= o Difference. by Michael Levine Author of TRIANGLE OF DEATH and Host of THE EXPERT WITNESS SHOW (WBAI, 99.5 FM, NYC, Tuesdays 7-8pm) =09The minute I saw the frightening headlines about the "plot" to infest t= he New York City subway systems with "anthrax," shouted from every newspaper headline and television talk show, I knew, from my 25 years as a federal agent, that the story was a lot of bovine excretia. I immediately recogniz= ed the work of media hungry law enforcement suits and prosecutors, combined wi= th conniving, lying,criminal informants ready to set their own mothers up for = a few Judas bucks, feuled to hysteria by "journalists" who are willing to pri= nt anything the government issues as a statement, without a single hard question. =09So I tell my wife, partner in life and co-writer Laura Kavanau= , that if I were these guys [the alleged "right wing, madmen biological terrorists," as they've been described by the media] I would claim that I thought I was buying "ant-wax," to shine my car up. I'll bet all charges a= re dropped and/or they don't serve a day in jail. =09Why would I say such a thing? Because the whole setup stunk of informan= t entrapment; that is a crime that never would have happened if not for the government or its agents setting up a couple of fall guys for a high profil= e media bust. Like Waco. Like Ruby Ridge. Like the DeLorean case. And wha= t could be more "newsworthy" now that Sadaam is acting up again, than a coupl= e of militia anthrax terrorists?=09 =09But come on, now; I'm a 25 year veteran federal agent, I've got a lot of questions to ask before I swallow this ridiculous story: Anthrax through t= he mail to make a bug bomb for the New York subway system? An FBI surveillanc= e investigation that saved New York? No one warned New York? Puleeeze, gimm= e a break; Only boobs, egg heads and naive unexperienced journalists would fal= l for this crap and just print it, scaring the ant-wax out of the whole count= ry, without asking a couple of hard questions. =09Questions like: Did a criminal informant start this case? Was he paid?= How much? What is his record of reliability? What is his criminal record? D= id the FBI allow the "madmen right wingers" to actually obtain this deadly stu= ff? If they did=97why? Did they notify New York City of this awful threat? I= f not=97why not? Etc. Etc. You get the picture. =09Ironically Rudy Giuliani, mayor of New York city, himself a master of me= dia enforcement, was the first to recognize this non-story for just what it was= : Justice Department media hype a/k/a mierda del toro. =09And now that the truth seems to be coming out=97how do we finally put a = stop to this schoolboy garbage that not only costs an enormous amount of taxpayer money, but often=97as in the case of Waco, Ruby Ridge and many other cases= I have been personally involved in that never made the media=97costs lives? = =20 =09Only one way: we take the politics and media hype out of law enforcement= and start firing and jailing some of the clowns with badges and law degrees who are guilty of this fraud. See below for latest "ant-wax" news: Lawyer: FBI Seized Anthrax Vaccine =2Ec The Associated Press By MICHAEL FLEEMAN LAS VEGAS (AP) - Far from planning an anthrax attack, William Leavitt Jr. w= as involved in a bizarre deal to buy a $2 million germ-killing machine from an FBI informant who double-crossed him, Leavitt's lawyers said Friday. Leavitt was described by his attorneys as a well-meaning, if gullible scientist. He and Larry Wayne Harris, both microbiologists, were arrested in suburban Henderson Wednesday outside a medical office and charged with conspiracy to possess and possession of a biological agent. His lawyers said Leavitt was operating under the assumption that what Harri= s had was Anthrax vaccine, which is legal and safe. The FBI was awaiting tests Friday to determine if it was vaccine or materia= l grade anthrax, which is potent enough to kill thousands of people. Leavitt is married with three children and runs his own fire-protection business. The FBI says he also owns microbiological laboratories in his hometown of Logandale, Nev., and Frankfurt, Germany. His criminal attorney, Lamond Mills, said the FBI's informant, Ronald Rockwell, was trying to ``scam'' Leavitt into buying a germ-killing machine= =2E ``When he couldn't scam 'em, he went the other way. He became a good guy fo= r the FBI,'' Mills said. Leavitt's business lawyer, Kirby Wells, said the machine was called the AZ-= 58 Ray Tube Frequency Instrument Prototype, and was hyped by Rockwell in gloss= y brochures as being able to flush the body clean of bacteria and viruses. ``It looked like a bunch of bells and whistles,'' said Wells, who said he s= aw a picture of the machine. ``What made my client believe there was substance= to that thing, I don't know. I wish I did.'' A promotion on the Internet has a bold headline: ``ANTHRAX,'' and goes on t= o say the AZ-58 ``can treat large numbers of people at the same time.'' ``Has the greatest health discovery in history been suppressed?'' the ad as= ks. Leavitt was close to buying the machine in a $2 million deal, but wanted to test it before making a $100,000 down-payment and arranged to fly Harris to Las Vegas about a week ago to help, said Wells. Leavitt believed that Harris was transporting anthrax vaccine, Mills said. = But Rockwell told the FBI that Leavitt described it as military-grade. On the''NBC Nightly News'' Friday, Rockwell reiterated that Leavitt and Har= ris said they had military grade anthrax. ``They lied on what they were going to do,'' Rockwell said. ``It scared me = so bad.'' There is no phone listing for Rockwell in the Las Vegas area. His attorney = has not returned calls to The Associated Press. Leavitt and Harris were arrested Wednesday night after the FBI, with Rockwell's help, tailed the men to a medical office in suburban Henderson. Authorities removed a cooler and petri dishes from the office, and sealed t= he men's beige Mercedes in plastic before transporting it to an Air Force base= =2E Leavitt, 47, and Harris, 46, of Lancaster, Ohio, are being held without bon= d. In an affidavit, the FBI said described Rockwell as a cancer research scientist who was convicted of felony extortion in 1981 and 1982. But the F= BI has vouched for his credibility, saying he came forward without getting a d= eal and was a ``citizen performing his civic duty.'' Harris' attorney, Michael Kennedy, said Thursday that Rockwell's credibilit= y ``is something we're going to look into.'' It was unclear how Leavitt, a Mormon bishop with strong political ties, got hooked up with Harris, an alleged white supremacist who has been plugging h= is self-published book about germ warfare. The FBI has said Harris met Rockwell last summer at a Denver science conference, while Leavitt's attorneys said they believed Rockwell got the m= en together. Mills said the results of the FBI tests will determine if they remain unite= d in their defense. ``If the tests come back non-toxin, there is no case,'' said Mills. ``If it comes back military grade, then whoa, time out, that's not our fault. We separate from (Harris) completely.'' AP-NY-02-20-98 1940EST Copyright 1997 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without prior written authority of The Associated Press.=20 =20 To edit your profile, go to keyword NewsProfiles. For all of today's news, go to keyword News. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: The Priapic Goat And His Elusive Concubines (fwd) Date: 23 Feb 1998 08:05:28 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- [Forwarded from ] Exegesis A Forum Encouraging Moral Excellence Published Worldwide from Washington February 20, 1998 The Priapic Goat And His Elusive Concubines He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat; He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat; Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet! Our God is marching on. Julia Ward Howe Battle Hymn of the Republic Here was a woman alleging that the Commander-in-Chief of the world's paramount nuclear power had the self-control of a priapic goat and the press did not see reason to find out if there was evidence to support her claims. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Daily Telegraph LITTLE ROCK - America has recently celebrated President's Day, the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and it is a bizarre paradox to realize who now sits in their place. Nowhere are folks so embarrassed about it as here in this attractive Southern city. We visited a Wal-Mart store in Benton, Arkansas on Saturday morning and asked people if they were proud of Bill Clinton, but despite our best efforts, we were unable to find a single person who would speak up for him. Since the media tell us his approval rating is approaching 100% and the Exegesis poll shows 100% disapproval, and was conducted personally by the editor and thus subject to no margin of error whatsoever, we are forced to conclude that either we interviewed a very unusual sample of the good folks of Arkansas or the media are lying to us. Which could it possibly be? There is also a gruesome side to Little Rock. Some enterprising folks do a Clinton Tour, showing where he lived, worked out, ate at McDonalds, and the churches he and his wife attended - he was at Immanuel First Baptist while she attended First United Methodist. The tour is now extended to include the infamous Rose Law Firm, the Excelsior Hotel and the locations where the bodies of various friends and colleagues of Mr. Clinton have been found. It is beginning to resemble the famous 'Jack the Ripper' tour in London. A brief visit to Arkansas teaches a great deal about the President's early life. Hot Springs is an elegant resort in a small valley sandwiched between Lake Ouachita and Lake Catherine, where the springs are genuinely hot. Gentry used to come here to take the waters. Today, people still come from surrounding towns to fill bottles with hot mineral water, and bathing facilities along Bathhouse Row still exist, even though most are now closed. This is where Bill Clinton grew up. Between First and Second Grades, he transferred to Ramble Elementary School from his first home in Hope, while his mother ran a house at 1011 Park Avenue, on the north side of town. He was a bright student who played in the Trojan Pep Band and enjoyed chili cheeseburgers and Grapettes at Hamburger Hangout. In his mid-teens, he became Master Counselor of the Masonic Temple's DeMolays. At McClard's Bar-B-Q, young Bill and his friends would enjoy the ribs, cole slaw and beans, washed down with a creamy milkshake. Purely in the interests of research, we sampled some of these delicious items on your behalf. McClard's walls are lined with photos of the great and famous, including the President and Speaker Newt Gingrich. So how was it that a bright young man from a small southern resort became the most corrupt President in American history? Like all of us, he has flaws. This is not said in an accusatory fashion, but in an attempt to understand the complex man who sits, at least for a short while longer, in the Oval Office. It is no exaggeration to suggest that his principal flaw, manifested in addictions to image, sex and other gratifications of the flesh, has dominated his life. He dropped a small hint recently. At the National Prayer Breakfast, Mr. Clinton quoted the prayer of King Solomon: "I am only a little child, and I do not know how to carry out my duties. Your servant is here among people you have chosen - a great people - too numerous to count or number. So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong." (1 Kings 3: 7-9). It was fitting for him to quote King Solomon, who was renowned for his 300 wives and 700 concubines. This was the most honest self-evaluation the President has yet made. He cannot be pleased to witness the results of his soft-shoe shuffle around the truth. Worldwide, great dictators and small children alike are discussing the intimate details of the Commander-in-Chief's sex life. His conduct is teaching a generation that truth and falsehood carry equal moral weight, and that lies, adultery, bribes, blackmail and threats are all perfectly acceptable, especially on the road to political power. While we await the mystical denouement of the White House drama, there are humorous moments, one of which took place this week here in Little Rock. As Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reports in the [London] Daily Telegraph, one of Bill Clinton's closest friends, Beth Coulson, was ambushed by investigators in the Paula Jones sexual harassment lawsuit trying to serve her a subpoena as she was getting into her car on Country Club Boulevard. Having mounted a subtle surveillance operation, they ran across the sidewalk waving the papers at her. At first she resisted, diving into her vehicle and locking herself inside. But when the subpoena was placed under the windshield wiper, she admitted defeat. As a former Clinton-appointed judge, she could hardly be seen to be evading the due process of the law quite so blatantly. She is one of dozens of Bill Clinton's female friends who are participating in this intriguing game of cat and mouse. Some have gone to ground, others have suddenly found pressing business overseas. When Mr. Clinton made a desperate attempt this week to have the case dismissed, Mrs. Jones' lawyer, Donavan Campbell Jr., said: "Mrs. Jones looks forward to presenting to the court her substantial proof of defendant Clinton's pattern and practice of predatory behavior toward women, including state and federal employees, and his vast efforts to silence those who would speak the truth." We shall have to wait for that evidence until Mr. Clinton's trial opens on May 27, but the fear and distrust of him in Arkansas suggest that his efforts to silence those who would speak the truth about him have stretched far beyond this particular lawsuit. The Clinton body count currently stands at 105. In his new book, "The Secret Life of Bill Clinton", Mr. Evans-Pritchard discusses a few of the murders of Mr. Clinton's associates and colleagues, his ties to organized crime in Arkansas, and his alleged collusion with one of the nation's biggest cocaine-smuggling operations. He also describes how the White House has corrupted the Justice Department and has used the FBI against political opponents, among other things. As he wrote in the Daily Telegraph recently: "For all his charm, this President now looks a very, very, very bad man. Given such serious accusations, it is strangely deflating to find him only in the dock for this alleged subornation of a concubine. But they convicted Al Capone on tax evasion and sometimes you have to take what you can get. Besides, the saga of Paula Jones is illuminating. For it brings into focus the modus operandi of this White House, not to mention the question of armed police allegedly sent as pimps to corral vulnerable women - total strangers - as if they were prostitutes. It was obvious to any journalist who took the trouble to investigate that this was not a trumped-up allegation or 'tabloid trash' as the President's lawyer called it, even if there was room for doubt about the exact sequence of events at the Excelsior Hotel. But the American press did not bother to ascertain the facts. Here was a woman alleging that the Commander-in-Chief of the world's paramount nuclear power had the self-control of a priapic goat and the press did not see reason to find out if there was evidence to support her claims." Mr. Clinton is certainly not the first leader to be driven from power in disgrace, though few have departed in such complete denial, at such a slow pace and in a manner determined to bring down half of Washington with him. The hot topic of conversation in Little Rock and Washington remains how and when he will depart and whether he will ever come clean and tell the truth. The Ceaucescus were overthrown and shot by firing squad; Hitler committed suicide before justice could be done. Like all bullies, Mr. Clinton is not a brave man. It will be interesting to see how he and his wife exit the political stage. One can only hope that he will do so quickly and quietly and before further damage is done to America's overburdened soul. As the enormity of the truth emerges, Mr. Clinton's options for maneuver are becoming somewhat limited. He may be feeling trapped, and when the game is almost up, desperate men do desperate things. As his friend, King Solomon, also said: "The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast." (Proverbs 5: 22). Yet, we must not lose sight of the essence of this matter: it really is not about the lurid sexual dalliances with casual whores, terrified employees or God-fearing women, even if their numbers run into the hundreds. It is about the murders, the blackmail, the thefts, the abuse of power both in Little Rock and in Washington, and it is about next week's scandal, the Senate's confirmation that the very heart of the US Government was infiltrated by Chinese espionage with Mr. Clinton's acquiescence. It is about deliberately lying under oath, and about repeated violations of the very same Constitution of the United States that, in his Oath of Office, the President swore he would "preserve, protect, and defend". Those who wish to see these difficulties resolved for the greatest good will urge the President to proceed to the next step. For his sake, and America's sake, he must now confess the whole truth and repent. In case he should find himself, for once, at a loss for words, we hope these will be appropriate for him and anyone else who feels the desire to begin a new life, unencumbered by whatever has happened in the past: "Almighty and most merciful Father, we have erred and strayed from Thy ways like lost sheep, we have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts, we have offended against Thy holy laws, we have left undone those things which we ought to have done, and we have done those things which we ought not to have done. But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us, spare Thou those who confess their faults, restore Thou those who are penitent, according to Thy promises declared unto mankind in Christ Jesus Our Lord; and grant, O most merciful Father, for His sake, that we may hereafter live a godly, righteous and sober life, to the glory of Thy Holy Name. Amen." (The Book of Common Prayer, Rite 1) For years, the media and other Clinton associates have been bribed with favors. To the eternal shame of American journalism, those bribes have bought silence. Yet how much longer will these associates be willing to sacrifice their integrity for a disgraced man who is on his way out of office and whose only hold over them will soon be nothing more than a threat to use his underworld connections to cause them harm? As the White House and the media spiral into a panicked whirlwind of half-truths, outright lies, distractions and thorough confusion, it is important to retain a clear vision of reality. Let us be encouraged by Paul's words: "Be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry." (2 Timothy 4: 2-5). Faithfulness to God, family, duty and country represent the best of American and Christian virtues. Let us hold fast. Our God is marching on. =87 Steve Myers =D7 Editor _________________________________________________ Exegesis is also published in "Rich Text" format, in which the column appears in color and with different sizes and styles of text. To read "Rich Text" you need Eudora 3.0 or above or similar. If you have the right software, you could be seeing Exegesis the same way as our fax readers see it - and in color. 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If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: NYT: Arkansas Governor, in Plea Deal, to Aid Whitewater Probe (fwd) Date: 23 Feb 1998 07:49:26 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- NY Times February 21, 1998 Arkansas Governor, in Plea Deal, to Aid Whitewater Probe By STEPHEN LABATON ASHINGTON -- Marking an important breakthrough for Whitewater prosecutors, former Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker reached a plea agreement Friday and promised to cooperate with investigators who have spent the last four years examining the business dealings of President and Hillary Rodham Clinton before they arrived in Washington. Tucker, who pleaded guilty to a tax evasion conspiracy charge, has long been considered a potentially significant witness in the inquiry because of his involvement in a failed land deal involving a corrupt savings association. Mrs. Clinton did legal work on the land deal, known as Castle Grande, which was built on a series of sham transactions and created some of the biggest losses for Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan in Little Rock, Ark. Madison Guaranty was operated by the Clintons' former business partners, and was ultimately bailed out by the federal government at a taxpayer expense of more than $60 million. Mrs. Clinton has testified that she did nothing improper in her handling of the Castle Grande deal, that her work on the project was minimal, and that she could not recall many details. But a report prepared by Republicans on the Senate Whitewater committee challenged her version of events and suggested she was more heavily involved than she has acknowledged. Tucker also has extensive knowledge of the Clintons' dealings with James and Susan McDougal, their business partners in the Whitewater land venture. During the 1992 presidential campaign, Susan Thomases, a lawyer for the Clintons, directed a reporter to Tucker to understand what concerns the Clintons had about Mr. McDougal. Tucker and Mr. McDougal had been partners in a number of ventures. Officials at the White House said Friday that they could not comment on Tucker's plea agreement. But Tucker's plea was seen Friday as welcome news by Whitewater Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, who has come under withering criticism for pursuing an ever-expanding inquiry that now encompasses the Monica Lewinsky investigation in Washington. "The plea agreement anticipates that Gov. Tucker's cooperation will constitute substantial assistance to the United States," Starr said. One of Starr's deputies, W. Hickman Ewing Jr., also hailed the agreement. "We do believe this will be a significant advancement toward the goals of this investigation," Ewing said in front of the courthouse in Little Rock, where Tucker pleaded guilty. He would not say what information he expected to get. Tucker, 54, refused to say whether he had any information of value to the investigators. "I guess everyone would have their own interpretation of that," the former governor said after his court appearance. "What may be important to some people may not be important to others. My family and I have been through a nightmare for the last four years, and it is time that that come to an end." Throughout much of his career, Tucker had been a rival of Clinton's. After Clinton was elected president in 1992, Tucker succeeded him as governor of Arkansas. But in 1996, Tucker resigned in disgrace after being convicted of two felony counts in the fraud trial of the McDougals. Because of serious health problems, Tucker was spared a jail sentence. But he was indicted on separate charges of making false statements to obtain a federally backed loan, defrauding the IRS, and trying to hide the profits from a multimillion-dollar cable television deal. They were resolved Friday when he pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge of engaging in a sham bankruptcy to avoid paying federal income tax and agreed to talk to investigators about what he knows on a wide array of subjects. In exchange for his plea, prosecutors said that they would not recommend a prison sentence. The count he pleaded guilty to carried a maximum sentence of five years. Prosecutors also agreed not to retry Tucker on the other two felony convictions should they be overturned by an appeals court. Thursday he completed 18 months of home detention, the sentence for those charges. Tucker agreed to make restitution and pay any back taxes and to serve probation, as determined by a judge at a later proceeding. Home | Sections | Contents | Search | Forums | Help Copyright 1998 The New York Times Company ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Wisconsin! Terminate United Nations (fwd) Date: 23 Feb 1998 11:23:51 PST On Feb 23, Jo wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] TERMINATE UNITED NATIONS OPERATIONS, SAY STATE LAWMAKERS Telephone report from Mrs Virginia Meves, manager, Wisconsin State operation, 30 January 1998, confirmed that Assembly Joint Resolution 67 memorializing members of Congress, "to cease engaging in military activity that is under the jurisdiction of the United Nations or any world body, to cease supporting the establishment of a 'new world order' or any form of global governmewnt ....", has passed from State-Federal Relations Committee to Rules Committee by majority vote. Transmittal to General Assembly, and filing, "A Complaint for Declaratory Judgement, Injunctive and Other Equitable Relief", against the United Nations, with the United States Supreme Court, is pending. Of thirty members, Committee to Restore the Constitution, who have initiated similar action in their States, citizens of Wisconsin are first to succeed in generating massive public demand for public hearing before a State legislative committee indicting the subversive United Nations Organization. Success of this early legislative action is the result of organizing 'people power': 1. Designating leaders who brought the issue before county commissions requesting 'letter of support' and State legislative hearing on AJR 67, addressed to State lawmakers in their districts. 2. Structuring 'telephone trees' and computer outreach calling upon citizens to demand favorable support of AJR 67 by their State legislators in guiding the resolution through the legislature. 3. Posting news releases to newspapers, radio stations and television stations covering (a) introduction of the resolution to State legislators, and (b) providing background information/documentation on facts in the case. 4. Providing documents and assistance to members of the State-Federal Relations Committee in preparation for public hearing on AJR 67. Network of citizens and Constitution-oriented organizations, established by persistance and skills of Mrs Meves, created a 'model' operation and a 'standing room only' attendance at subsequent hearing. Photo copy, "1997 Assembly Joint Resolution 67", State of Wisconsin, and copy Col Roberts' testimony before State-Federal Relations Committee, State of Wisconsin, 29 October 1997, available. Additional State campaigns are vital to force indictment of the United Nations under authority of 'original jurisdiction' (Article III, section 2, Constitution of the United States). Your participation and leadership may determine whether you and your descendants live in a free American society, or in a socialist 'new world order'. Transform 'spectatorship' to 'participation' in the struggle to defend and preserve freedoms of person and property guaranteed to you by the Constitution. Begin by sending self-addressed, stamped 4X9 envelope. Ask for 'Tactical Operation' to resolve the United Nations problem. Archibald E. Roberts, LtCol, AUS, ret, Director COMMITTEE TO RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION, Inc. Post Office Box 986 Fort Collins, Colorado USA 80522 [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: RTR:Supreme Court Lets Stand Ruby Ridge Ruling (fwd) Date: 23 Feb 1998 11:40:17 PST On Feb 23, wrote: >Does this mean there really is a "legal over riding authority" could it be >the US constitution?=20 What there is, (at this Legal level), is precedent. The precedent is that if a Federal employee gets a speeding ticket or a Law Suit layed against him, he has to take care of it himself, i.e., pay the ticket or the damages etc. Then too, the Immunity Issue is getting second looks lately: HAFER VS. MELO: The United States Supreme Court, in the case of Hafer v. Melo, 112 S. Ct. 358, 116 L. Ed. 2d 301, decided November 5, 1991, held in their syllabus, "State officials may be held personally liable for damages under =A71983 based upon actions taken in their official capacities." Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, in rendering the Court's unanimous decision, stated: We...hold that state officials sued in their individual capacities are "persons" for the purposes of =A71983. ...Will [v. Michigan Dept. of State Police, 491 U.S. 58 (1989)] itself makes clear that the distinction between official-capacity suits and personal-capacity suits is more than "a mere pleading device." ...[O]fficers sued in their personal capacity come to court as individuals. A government official in the role of personal-capacity defendant thus fits comfortably within the statutory term "person." Cf. id. at 71 n. 10 ("[A] state official in his or her official capacity, when sued for injunctive relief, would be a person under =A71983 because 'official-capacity actions against the State'")...Through =A71983, Congress sought "to give a remedy to parties deprived of constitutional rights, privileges and immunities by an official's abuse of his position." Monroe v. Pape, 365 U.S. 167, 172 (1961). Accordingly, it authorized suits to redress deprivations of civil rights by persons acting "under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage." 42 U.S.C. =A71983 And while that's about State Officials, ANOTHER ITEM THAT MIGHT BE OF INTEREST: If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any inhabitant of any State, Territory, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States or because of his having so exercised the same; or If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured -- They shall be fined not more than $10,000.00 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results, they shall be subject to imprisonment for any term of years or for life. (18 U.S.C. 241) -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: (OT) Larry Harris: Dangerous Kook or Patriot ? (fwd) Date: 23 Feb 1998 08:27:34 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- For education and discussion. Not for commercial use. The Reagan Information Interchange Larry Harris - A dangerous Kook with Anthrax or Patriot? Microbiologist Harris Has been Warning People About Biological War By: Mary Mostert, Editor The headlines scream: "Man Arrested for Anthrax Possession Bragged he Could "wipe out New York" Larry Wayne Harris and William Leavitt are accused of illegally possessing "the deadly germ anthrax" and, the report states, bragging that they had "enough to attack New York City subways. Yet, further down in the report, the report states that "Harris, identified by the FBI as a member of the Aryan Nations, was previously given probation after pleading guilty to illegally obtaining bubonic plague bacteria through the mail in 1995. He is also author of a self-published book called "Bacteriological Warfare: A Major Threat to North America." "Leavitt, who has no criminal record, owns a microbiology lab in rural Logandale, about 60 miles north of Las Vegas, and another in Frankfurt, Germany, according to the affidavit prepared by FBI Special Agent John H. Hawken." By inference and suggestion the public is led to believe that these men were about ready to "wipe out a city." Yet, that is not what they said and, based on Harris' writings, is actually the opposite of what he believes. In his book, short wave radio shows, cassettes and writings Harris expresses very real concern for what he believes is a plot by Moslems to destroy America with bacteriological warfare. He claims in one of his cassettes that there is an Iraqi "plan to attack America in 100 areas with bubonic plague and anthrax. He describes the dangers and how to protect yourself." Actually, this view of Iraq is quite similar to that now being expressed by President Clinton - that Saddam Hussein is a such a great threat to America that we need to go over and bomb them. At this point in time we do not know what was in the vials that Harris and Leavitt had in the possession. I, frankly, don't know what the laws are concerning anthrax bacteria. Anthrax, after all, is quite common. It usually attacks and kills cattle. And, if Harris believed that the American people need to know how to protect themselves from it, his having a vial of it does not prove that he was going to use it on a city. This is what we have a legal system for. It is up to that system to determine what they were doing - but, as Clinton supporters say on a daily basis, he is innocent until proved guilty. The threat of biological warfare comes not only from Iraq - but from other countries, if we are to believe recent articles on the subject. In November 1997 the Washington Times reported: "China has finished building a major production plant in Iran for special equipment used in making chemical weapons, according to a classified U.S. intelligence report. "The top-secret document says that Chinese technicians completed work in June on a factory that makes "glass-lined equipment" but that final delivery of some equipment for the facility, along with chemical-weapons materials, was held up temporarily by the Beijing government. "Glass-lined equipment is essential in the production of chemical warfare agent precursors and is controlled by the Australia Suppliers Group," the report says. "A U.S. official said building the equipment factory may violate the recently concluded Chemical Weapons Convention, which bars international cooperation in developing poison weapons and which both China and Iran have signed. "The Australia group is a 30-nation forum seeking to halt the spread of chemical and biological weapons by restricting transfers of equipment and materials -- including glass-lined equipment needed to neutralize the corrosive effects of chemicals used in making poison gas. "China and Iran are not part of the group but may be subject to sanctions under U.S. proliferation law." This is Iran, not Iraq. From CIA documents, some members of the Senate clearly feel that Iran is a greater danger for biological warfare than Iraq. "Sen. John Ashcroft, Missouri Republican and member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee," the Washington Times noted, "said China's work in building the facility bolsters a recent CIA report "which says that China is the world's worst proliferator of weapons of mass destruction." "The CIA report not only designated China on nuclear and chemical, but it also indicated that that included biological weapons," Mr. Ashcroft said during a luncheon meeting with reporters and editors at The Washington Times. "Other orders paid for by Tehran's Razak Laboratories in 1995 and Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries in Tabriz, but not delivered, include 49 metric tons of alkyl dimethylamine -- used in making detergent -- and 17 metric tons of sodium sulfide, a chemical used in making mustard gas." In a different article, entitled "New Agent XV Said to be in Iraq," the Washington Times talked about Larry Harris and his efforts to warn the American people about the dangers of biological warfare. Noting that the information in the article, reporter Richard Finke wrote: "This report is highly reliable as it is sourced from publicly available media and well-placed private individuals within sympathetic intelligence departments. It was verbally reported to me directly and previous experience has been acutely accurate. "Larry Harris, Registered Microbiologist, previously much maligned as 'Dr. Frankenstein,' has his book on civil defense against Biological Warfare now in the Library of Congress, according to his publisher, Virtue International. In fact, it has been declared to be an item of "emminent domain" subject to open government use as needed without obligation to obtain the author's prior permission (for a fee yet)! His book is available for $19.95." So, what's really going on here? Has the government captured a dangerous enemy of the American people and foiled a mad man's attempt to destroy a city? Or, perhaps, has the government captured and silenced a patriot who knows too much? The timing of Harris arrest seems odd. Is this all part of an effort to confuse and propagandize the American people? Unfortunately, when the President of the United States is a known liar, only a very na=EFve American would automatically believe White House commentary on this or any other subject. Perhaps the President is telling the truth - but, with his record, we are taking a big risk assuming that what he says is true. To comment: HotTopics Online Preprocessor Copyright =A9 1996, 1997 Waveshift Inc. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: (OT) Larry Harris: Dangerous Kook or Patriot ? (fwd) Date: 23 Feb 1998 08:27:34 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- For education and discussion. Not for commercial use. The Reagan Information Interchange Larry Harris - A dangerous Kook with Anthrax or Patriot? Microbiologist Harris Has been Warning People About Biological War By: Mary Mostert, Editor The headlines scream: "Man Arrested for Anthrax Possession Bragged he Could "wipe out New York" Larry Wayne Harris and William Leavitt are accused of illegally possessing "the deadly germ anthrax" and, the report states, bragging that they had "enough to attack New York City subways. Yet, further down in the report, the report states that "Harris, identified by the FBI as a member of the Aryan Nations, was previously given probation after pleading guilty to illegally obtaining bubonic plague bacteria through the mail in 1995. He is also author of a self-published book called "Bacteriological Warfare: A Major Threat to North America." "Leavitt, who has no criminal record, owns a microbiology lab in rural Logandale, about 60 miles north of Las Vegas, and another in Frankfurt, Germany, according to the affidavit prepared by FBI Special Agent John H. Hawken." By inference and suggestion the public is led to believe that these men were about ready to "wipe out a city." Yet, that is not what they said and, based on Harris' writings, is actually the opposite of what he believes. In his book, short wave radio shows, cassettes and writings Harris expresses very real concern for what he believes is a plot by Moslems to destroy America with bacteriological warfare. He claims in one of his cassettes that there is an Iraqi "plan to attack America in 100 areas with bubonic plague and anthrax. He describes the dangers and how to protect yourself." Actually, this view of Iraq is quite similar to that now being expressed by President Clinton - that Saddam Hussein is a such a great threat to America that we need to go over and bomb them. At this point in time we do not know what was in the vials that Harris and Leavitt had in the possession. I, frankly, don't know what the laws are concerning anthrax bacteria. Anthrax, after all, is quite common. It usually attacks and kills cattle. And, if Harris believed that the American people need to know how to protect themselves from it, his having a vial of it does not prove that he was going to use it on a city. This is what we have a legal system for. It is up to that system to determine what they were doing - but, as Clinton supporters say on a daily basis, he is innocent until proved guilty. The threat of biological warfare comes not only from Iraq - but from other countries, if we are to believe recent articles on the subject. In November 1997 the Washington Times reported: "China has finished building a major production plant in Iran for special equipment used in making chemical weapons, according to a classified U.S. intelligence report. "The top-secret document says that Chinese technicians completed work in June on a factory that makes "glass-lined equipment" but that final delivery of some equipment for the facility, along with chemical-weapons materials, was held up temporarily by the Beijing government. "Glass-lined equipment is essential in the production of chemical warfare agent precursors and is controlled by the Australia Suppliers Group," the report says. "A U.S. official said building the equipment factory may violate the recently concluded Chemical Weapons Convention, which bars international cooperation in developing poison weapons and which both China and Iran have signed. "The Australia group is a 30-nation forum seeking to halt the spread of chemical and biological weapons by restricting transfers of equipment and materials -- including glass-lined equipment needed to neutralize the corrosive effects of chemicals used in making poison gas. "China and Iran are not part of the group but may be subject to sanctions under U.S. proliferation law." This is Iran, not Iraq. From CIA documents, some members of the Senate clearly feel that Iran is a greater danger for biological warfare than Iraq. "Sen. John Ashcroft, Missouri Republican and member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee," the Washington Times noted, "said China's work in building the facility bolsters a recent CIA report "which says that China is the world's worst proliferator of weapons of mass destruction." "The CIA report not only designated China on nuclear and chemical, but it also indicated that that included biological weapons," Mr. Ashcroft said during a luncheon meeting with reporters and editors at The Washington Times. "Other orders paid for by Tehran's Razak Laboratories in 1995 and Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries in Tabriz, but not delivered, include 49 metric tons of alkyl dimethylamine -- used in making detergent -- and 17 metric tons of sodium sulfide, a chemical used in making mustard gas." In a different article, entitled "New Agent XV Said to be in Iraq," the Washington Times talked about Larry Harris and his efforts to warn the American people about the dangers of biological warfare. Noting that the information in the article, reporter Richard Finke wrote: "This report is highly reliable as it is sourced from publicly available media and well-placed private individuals within sympathetic intelligence departments. It was verbally reported to me directly and previous experience has been acutely accurate. "Larry Harris, Registered Microbiologist, previously much maligned as 'Dr. Frankenstein,' has his book on civil defense against Biological Warfare now in the Library of Congress, according to his publisher, Virtue International. In fact, it has been declared to be an item of "emminent domain" subject to open government use as needed without obligation to obtain the author's prior permission (for a fee yet)! His book is available for $19.95." So, what's really going on here? Has the government captured a dangerous enemy of the American people and foiled a mad man's attempt to destroy a city? Or, perhaps, has the government captured and silenced a patriot who knows too much? The timing of Harris arrest seems odd. Is this all part of an effort to confuse and propagandize the American people? Unfortunately, when the President of the United States is a known liar, only a very na=EFve American would automatically believe White House commentary on this or any other subject. Perhaps the President is telling the truth - but, with his record, we are taking a big risk assuming that what he says is true. To comment: HotTopics Online Preprocessor Copyright =A9 1996, 1997 Waveshift Inc. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: 5th Anniversary Brutal BATF Waco Raid (fwd) Date: 23 Feb 1998 08:23:48 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Reply-To: WACO DEMO AT WASHINGTON POST & BATF HEADQUARTERS IN D.C. Members of the Committee for Waco Justice in Washington, D.C. will commemorate the fifth anniversary of the brutal BATF raid on the Branch Davidians on February 28, 1993. Please join us: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH 12:00 noon at Washington Post, 15th and L Street, protest and leaflet 12:30 p.m. (approx) walk/cab to BATF headquarters at 650 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., protest and leaflet Below is the letter we wrote to Washington Post editors and writing explaining why we would be protesting there. Feel free to join us. Email or call 202/635-3739 or 202/797-9877. (Note: New Waco photographs, including of past Committee demonstrations, are now available at: and ) *** COMMITTEE FOR WACO JUSTICE Re: February 27 "Waco" Demonstration at the Washington Post Saturday, February 28th is the fifth anniversary of the day 76 heavily armed agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms headquarters made a military-style assault on 135 people=96mostly women, children and elderly people=96living at the Branch Davidian church outside Waco, Texas, killing six civilians. On Friday, February 27th, when offices are open, we will hold our fifth protest at BATF headquarters, at noon. We have decided that before that protest we will protest at the Washington Post. It is true that most newspapers have not done enough independent research to properly report on government agents' crimes at Waco. Never the less, we have chosen to protest at the Washington Post because: a) it has refused to cover the ample evidence that BATF agents illegally shooting from helicopters killed four Davidians on February 28, b) of the Post's hypocrisy in acting like it is fairly covering current sexual-related charges against Clinton, when it has ignored ample evidence of his involvement in, and obstruction of justice related to, the mass murder of civilians by federal agents at Waco. (Evidence of both are enclosed.) It is inevitable that President Clinton will be exposed as the criminal sexual predator he is. This is some small form of justice for "Waco" since Clinton justified federal agents' killing 82 Davidian men, women and children because of David Koresh's alleged depredations. However, the larger issue remains: if the press allows federal agents to get away with these murders, it becomes co-conspirator to future mass murders of civilians in the United States. We will be protesting to encourage Washington Post editors and writers to take an honest look at evidence that agents fired from helicopters and of Clinton and his cronies culpability and obstruction of justice in the Waco massacre As you may know, the film "Waco: The Rules of Engagement", which covers these and many other issues, has earned an academy award nomination for best documentary. I would encourage all Post writers to see this film immediately. (See ) Also, we are enclosing a copy of member Carol Moore's book The Davidian Massacre. Please address any questions to her at 202-635-3739. Or visit her web page **** FACT SHEET: EVIDENCE OF PRESIDENT CLINTON'S OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE IN THE 1993 WACO MASSACRE This sheet outlines just some of the evidence that President Clinton, through his various appointees, intentionally obstructed justice in covering up negligent and intentional homicide by federal agents of 82 Branch Davidians--24 men, 35 women and 23 children. Clinton's brutal comment April 20, 1993 is typical of a co-conspirator, not a President: "I was, frankly, =91surprised,' would be a mild word to say, that anyone would suggest that the Attorney General should resign because some religious fanatics murdered themselves." ** One of the chief planners of the February 28, 1993 BATF raid on the Branch Davidians was Bill Clinton's personal friend William Buford, Special Agent in Charge of Little Rock BATF. According to a March, 1993, Wall Street Journal article, the day after the February 28 raid, then-Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman visited the injured Buford in a Texas hospital and reported back to Clinton. Congress never asked Altman or Buford about what they discussed. Did President Bill Clinton have foreknowledge of, or involvement in, the Waco raid which he has not revealed? ** During the siege against the Davidians news reporters claimed that the White House was "micro-managing" the FBI's actions at Waco. However, during 1995 Congressional hearings former Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell denied he discussed the subject more than once with President Clinton. Attorney General Janet Reno initially asserted Hubbell had spoken to Clinton on April 19th but withdrew her statement when Clinton and Hubbell denied it. * An FBI report on White House counsel Vince Foster's suicide revealed that his wife, Lisa, told the FBI that Foster felt responsible for the deaths of the Davidians. Lisa Foster must be quizzed about what Vince Foster told her about his and the White House's involvement in the Waco massacre. During the House Waco hearings the White House released Foster's "Waco file" which contained only one memorandum. In August, 1997, journalist Ambrose Evans-Prichard revealed Foster's former executive assistant, Deborah Gorham, told the Senate Banking Committee in June, 1997, that Foster kept a file on the Waco incident locked in an office cabinet. Evidently Congress did not ask her if it contained more than the one memorandum previously released to Congress. Linda Tripp was also a Foster aide. What could she tell us about the White House's involvement in Waco?? * Confidential memoranda and handwritten notes presented during the 1995 House Waco hearings revealed that the Treasury Department, under pressure from the Justice Department and Webster Hubbell, halted its post-February 28 shooting review investigation because agents' stories "did not add up." The Justice Department protested that the interviews were generating "exculpatory" material that could help the Davidian defendants at trial. Webster Hubbell even threatened to go to Bill Clinton if the Treasury Department did not cooperate in the suppression of such exculpatory evidence. During the hearing, representatives quizzed defense attorneys on this suppression of evidence. However, Congress never asked Webster Hubbell about his role in squelching these interviews. And even though Hubbell promised to produce his personal "Waco files" to Congress, he did not do so. * On April 19, 1993, Reno and Hubbell sat in the FBI Operations Center in Washington, D.C. for four hours watching the tank attack on Mount Carmel. Reno mentioned during the 1993 house hearings that she talked to Clinton at 11:00 a.m. on April 19th, just before she left the Operations Center. Incredibly, Congress never asked her then, or during 1995 hearings, about the content of this conversation! Did Clinton tell her to press on with the attack? Did he tell her to leave Webster Hubbell in charge? What instructions did he give her?? There is ample similar evidence of cover-up by the Clinton White House and executive branch in both the 1993 and 1995 Congressional "Waco" hearings, in the conduct of the Treasury and Justice Department investigations into the massacre, and in the prosecution of Davidian defendants. Clinton's deliberate suppression of evidence and obstruction of justice in the massacre of 82 civilians at Waco is a far more heinous crime than that of asking an intern to lie under oath about their sexual affair. A separate independent counsel must be appointed to find evidence of negligent and intentional homicide of the Davidians and of systematic cover-up of those crimes that goes all the way up to President Clinton. Fact Sheet assembled by Carol Moore, author, The Davidian Massacre. *** WACO: FEBRUARY 28, 1993 EVIDENCE OF DEADLY GUNFIRE FROM BATF HELICOPTERS Probably the most blatant cover-up regarding the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms' (BATF) February 28, 1993 raid on the Branch Davidian religious group near Waco, Texas is the cover-up of the fact that agents shot from helicopters, killing as many as four Davidians. This act is unprecedented in American law enforcement. Had it not been so successfully covered up by federal agencies, Congress and the press, there would have been a public outcry leading to prosecution and imprisonment of BATF Agents. During a May, 1995 televised debate, Carol Moore, author of the book The Davidian Massacre, asked former BATF Director Stephen E. Higgins, who approved the raid, if BATF agents should be charged with murder should evidence of lethal firing be indicated. He replied, "Absolutely. If they fire at someone who was not firing at them or pointing a weapon at them it would absolutely be murder." Mr. Higgins, like the rest of the federal establishment, refuses to admit these murders were in fact committed. Many believe federal agents subsequently sabotaged negotiations and conducted a vicious April 19, 1993 assault which burned Mount Carmel to the ground in order to destroy bullet hole evidence of helicopter gunfire, as well as evidence of indiscriminate gunfire from the ground. (Davidian survivor David Thibodeau claims firing from helicopters left 100 bullet holes in the walls and roofs. And it is well known that one of the double front doors, the one containing evidence BATF shot first and furiously, was never found after the fire.) Below is substantial evidence, presented in rough chronological order, that BATF agents shot from at least one of the three helicopters which approached Mount Carmel at the beginning of the BATF raid. (Two helicopters were small observation craft containing National Guard pilots and one BATF agent; the third was a large Blackhawk containing two National Guard pilots and approximately eight BATF agents.) ** Discussions of Using Helicopter Gunfire as a Diversion One document indicating agents considered using such gunfire was found among thousands turned over to Congress. A handwritten note by some unknown Treasury Department review official who had interviewed BATF agents read: "HCs [helicopters] as a diversion. Simultaneous gunfire. Worked in Seattle. Three to four hundred meters from boundary. Hover. Practiced at Hood." (Assumedly BATF agents practiced this maneuver at Fort Hood, where they trained for the raid.) ** Questionable Helicopter Pilot Testimony At trial three National Guard helicopter pilots denied the helicopters had circled Mount Carmel before the beginning of the raid, as if scoping it out for targets. However, KWTX-TV cameraman Dan Mulloney and reporter John McLemore testified they saw the helicopters do just that. This cast doubt on the guardsmens' testimony that there had been no shooting from the helicopters. ** Agent Admitted Agents Were Armed and Willing to Fire During the House Waco hearings, BATF agent Davy Aguilera, who was in the Blackhawk helicopter, revealed that BATF agents in that aircraft had had their weapons loaded during the raid. He also disclosed agents had been told they would be permitted to fire in self-defense. When asked if any agents had fired, Aguilera answered, "No." Raid co-commander Phillip Chojnacki responded to the same question with, "Not to my knowledge." Representative Melvin Watt then submitted "for the record the statements of a number of individuals who were actually on the helicopters who deny that they fired at any point." However, these were merely statements of National Guard helicopter pilots, not BATF agents. ** Agent Admitted Agents Might Have Fired BATF audio tapes reveal that immediately after the gunfight, BATF agent James Cavanaugh, a temporary negotiator, argued by telephone with David Koresh about whether there was firing from the helicopters. Cavanaugh then admitted, "I'm not debating the fact that there might have been fire from the helicopters but what I'm telling you is there were no mounted guns, no outside mounted guns, on those helicopters." ** Government Claims the Helicopters Took Davidian Gunfire BATF agents and National Guard pilots claim that when the helicopters got within 350 meters of the building, they were fired upon and forced back. Photographs show several holes in the aircraft. If the Davidians did indeed fire at the helicopters--before or after BATF agents fired--Aguilera's testimony makes it clear agents felt they did have a right to fire back. And it is likely they did so. ** BATF Video Shows Helicopter Diving Towards Building A BATF agent took video footage from the Blackhawk helicopter which clearly shows the Blackhawk diving down towards the back of the building--and that it is clearly closer than 350 meters. The video clip ends abruptly at that point. A simple projection of the speed and trajectory of the helicopter's approach suggests it did fly over the swimming pool and building, as Davidians allege below. The National Guard pilot of the Blackhawk did admit at trial that the helicopter flew as low as 50 feet off the ground. Also, during this approach several sounds like gunfire can clearly be heard on the BATF video. A civil suit attorney calculates that these sounds only could have come from the helicopter. (The BATF video reveals that a second video was taken by BATF agent Ted Royster. BATF claims this is Royster's personal video tape and refuses to release it, claiming it contains no incriminating material.) ** KWTX-TV Video Shows Helicopter Shoot Davidian on the Watertower One of two KWTX-TV cameramen shot video from the road southwest of Mount Carmel. As seen in the movie "Waco: The Rules of Engagement," a helicopter southwest of the building and water tower veers back towards them just as movement from what is evidently a person is seen on top of the tower. Seconds later, the individual disappears, very possibly shot by agents in the helicopter. ** KWTX-TV Video Shows Shots Fired From Sky Another KWTX-TV cameraman followed BATF agents onto the grounds of Mount Carmel. His camera also caught footage of the helicopter above veering back. Soon after, he took the often shown video of an agent being shot at through the wall of the second story room. This shot also displays evidence that at least four bullets were fired from above just two to three minutes into the raid. The sounds of aircraft overhead can be heard. Bullet holes can be seen appearing in the roof and eaves of the building and the projected trajectory of the bullets appears much too steep to have come from the four story tower, from which some Davidians were firing. ** Davidians Complained About Firing to 9-1-1 Operators Early in the raid, in a phone call to 9-1-1, now-deceased Davidian Wayne Martin cries out: "Another chopper with more people; more guns going off. They're firing. That's them, not us." Now-deceased Steve Schneider adds, "There's a chopper with more of them. Another chopper with more people and more guns going off. Here they come!" In the next hours Martin warns repeatedly that BATF should keep helicopters at a distance. ** Davidians Complained About Helicopter Gunfire On Negotiation Tapes During the 51 day siege, David Koresh and Steve Schneider insisted to FBI negotiators that BATF agents had shot from the helicopters and killed Davidians. They repeatedly claimed that FBI agents wanted to burn Mount Carmel to destroy the evidence of this and other lethal firing. ** Thirteen Davidian Survivors Claim They Saw Firing or Evidence of Firing Marjorie Thomas testified under oath at trial that she and two other women near their third floor window saw a helicopter approaching the building with a person hanging out. As the helicopter drew nearer, several bullets came through the window, flying over the womens' heads. Kathryn Schroeder testified under oath at trial that she saw bullet holes in the ceiling of the four story tower, holes that could only have been made from shooting from the sky. Kevin Whitecliff stated at allocution before sentencing: "There were three or four helicopters buzzing around shooting at people. I thought I was going to die." Rita Riddle told reporters in March, 1993, "I heard them spraying the building when they went over," and stated in a signed affidavit that she saw a bullet come down through the ceiling from the sky. Clive Doyle has testified before Congress and written in an affidavit that Winston Blake was killed from a bullet that, from the trajectory through the wall, only could have come from a helicopter. (Jaime Castillo in a statement to Texas Rangers and David Thibodeau before Congress and in a signed affidavit make the same claim.) Doyle also states that he himself saw a helicopter directly above the swimming pool. Renos Avraam stated at allocution that BATF came in "with helicopters blazing. Davy Aguilera, he was firing one of them. He ain't going to deny it. Helicopters blazing." (Both Clive Doyle and David Thibodeau have testified that Avraam told them he was in the back of the building and saw the firing himself.) Derek Lovelock told attorney Jack Zimmermann that he heard helicopters and saw bullets come down through the ceiling of the first floor, one story cafeteria at the back of the building. Catherine Matteson claims that one or more helicopters circled the building, firing at both the front and the back, and that she had to fall to the floor to avoid the bullets coming through the roof. Annetta Richards claims she saw bullets come down from above as the helicopters were flying overhead. Gladys Ottman makes claims similar to those of Matteson and Richards. Davidian Child: Psychologist Bruce D. Perry, who interviewed Davidian children who left Mount Carmel after the raid, described a child drawing a picture of a house beneath a rainbow. The child put bullet holes in the roof of the four story tower. ** Attorneys Saw Evidence of Firing From Helicopters Davidian attorneys Dick DeGuerin and Jack Zimmermann, who visited Mount Carmel during the siege, have testified under oath before Congress, at trial and in affidavits that there were numerous bullet holes that obviously came from the sky in the four story tower and in upper story walls. Zimmerman is a former Army officer. ** Davidians Claim Helicopter Gunfire Killed Four Winston Blake, a black from England, was killed instantly by one bullet in the head as he sat on his bed. Survivors say the bullet entered the room's wall at a downward trajectory and only could have come from a helicopter. The American coroner claimed Blake had been shot at close range; the Manchester, England coroner could find no such evidence. The discrepancy sparked an English police investigation. (The government claimed other Davidians killed Blake.) Jaydean Wendell, an Asian-American, was killed instantly by one shot through the head as she lay in bed. Attorney Jack Zimmermann said he saw bullet holes by the "upper bunk wall" going in the direction of a pool of blood on the bed. (Two Davidian prosecution witnesses testified that Wendell might have been shooting a gun at the time of her death.) Peter Gent, an Australian, was killed instantly by a shot to the heart. Davidians assert he was cleaning the inside of the water tower, heard the commotion, stuck his head out to see what was going on, and was shot by an agent in a helicopter. (A BATF agent on the ground claimed he shot an armed man on the water tower.) Peter Hipsman, an American, probably was shooting from the fourth floor when he was shot in the chest and arm. The medical examiner revealed that the shots traveled from left to right, as if he was shot from the sky. Believing federal agents meant to kill them all, he allowed another Davidian to end his life. Two other Davidians died February 28, 1993. David Koresh's father-in-law Perry Jones was standing behind Koresh when he opened the front door and tried to talk and cooperate with attacking federal agents. Jones was mortally wounded in the stomach as agents opened fire on the two unarmed men and committed suicide. And Michael Schroeder was ambushed and killed by federal agents as he approached Mount Carmel on foot later that day. Four BATF agents shooting at the Davidians were killed by defensive gunfire. There is evidence that at least one agent was wounded by BATF friendly fire. Missing bullets make it difficult to prove if others were injured or even killed by such fire. The Treasury and Justice Departments, Congress and the press have ignored or suppressed this overwhelming evidence of lethal helicopter gunfire. However, jurors in the 1.5 billion dollar Davidian civil suits, which allege such firing, may take it more seriously. Attorneys will produce ample evidence like that above during the civil trial. For more information please contact Carol Moore, member of the Committee for Waco Justice and author of The Davidian Massacre. 202-635-3739. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: 5th Anniversary Brutal BATF Waco Raid (fwd) Date: 23 Feb 1998 08:23:48 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Reply-To: WACO DEMO AT WASHINGTON POST & BATF HEADQUARTERS IN D.C. Members of the Committee for Waco Justice in Washington, D.C. will commemorate the fifth anniversary of the brutal BATF raid on the Branch Davidians on February 28, 1993. Please join us: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH 12:00 noon at Washington Post, 15th and L Street, protest and leaflet 12:30 p.m. (approx) walk/cab to BATF headquarters at 650 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., protest and leaflet Below is the letter we wrote to Washington Post editors and writing explaining why we would be protesting there. Feel free to join us. Email or call 202/635-3739 or 202/797-9877. (Note: New Waco photographs, including of past Committee demonstrations, are now available at: and ) *** COMMITTEE FOR WACO JUSTICE Re: February 27 "Waco" Demonstration at the Washington Post Saturday, February 28th is the fifth anniversary of the day 76 heavily armed agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms headquarters made a military-style assault on 135 people=96mostly women, children and elderly people=96living at the Branch Davidian church outside Waco, Texas, killing six civilians. On Friday, February 27th, when offices are open, we will hold our fifth protest at BATF headquarters, at noon. We have decided that before that protest we will protest at the Washington Post. It is true that most newspapers have not done enough independent research to properly report on government agents' crimes at Waco. Never the less, we have chosen to protest at the Washington Post because: a) it has refused to cover the ample evidence that BATF agents illegally shooting from helicopters killed four Davidians on February 28, b) of the Post's hypocrisy in acting like it is fairly covering current sexual-related charges against Clinton, when it has ignored ample evidence of his involvement in, and obstruction of justice related to, the mass murder of civilians by federal agents at Waco. (Evidence of both are enclosed.) It is inevitable that President Clinton will be exposed as the criminal sexual predator he is. This is some small form of justice for "Waco" since Clinton justified federal agents' killing 82 Davidian men, women and children because of David Koresh's alleged depredations. However, the larger issue remains: if the press allows federal agents to get away with these murders, it becomes co-conspirator to future mass murders of civilians in the United States. We will be protesting to encourage Washington Post editors and writers to take an honest look at evidence that agents fired from helicopters and of Clinton and his cronies culpability and obstruction of justice in the Waco massacre As you may know, the film "Waco: The Rules of Engagement", which covers these and many other issues, has earned an academy award nomination for best documentary. I would encourage all Post writers to see this film immediately. (See ) Also, we are enclosing a copy of member Carol Moore's book The Davidian Massacre. Please address any questions to her at 202-635-3739. Or visit her web page **** FACT SHEET: EVIDENCE OF PRESIDENT CLINTON'S OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE IN THE 1993 WACO MASSACRE This sheet outlines just some of the evidence that President Clinton, through his various appointees, intentionally obstructed justice in covering up negligent and intentional homicide by federal agents of 82 Branch Davidians--24 men, 35 women and 23 children. Clinton's brutal comment April 20, 1993 is typical of a co-conspirator, not a President: "I was, frankly, =91surprised,' would be a mild word to say, that anyone would suggest that the Attorney General should resign because some religious fanatics murdered themselves." ** One of the chief planners of the February 28, 1993 BATF raid on the Branch Davidians was Bill Clinton's personal friend William Buford, Special Agent in Charge of Little Rock BATF. According to a March, 1993, Wall Street Journal article, the day after the February 28 raid, then-Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman visited the injured Buford in a Texas hospital and reported back to Clinton. Congress never asked Altman or Buford about what they discussed. Did President Bill Clinton have foreknowledge of, or involvement in, the Waco raid which he has not revealed? ** During the siege against the Davidians news reporters claimed that the White House was "micro-managing" the FBI's actions at Waco. However, during 1995 Congressional hearings former Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell denied he discussed the subject more than once with President Clinton. Attorney General Janet Reno initially asserted Hubbell had spoken to Clinton on April 19th but withdrew her statement when Clinton and Hubbell denied it. * An FBI report on White House counsel Vince Foster's suicide revealed that his wife, Lisa, told the FBI that Foster felt responsible for the deaths of the Davidians. Lisa Foster must be quizzed about what Vince Foster told her about his and the White House's involvement in the Waco massacre. During the House Waco hearings the White House released Foster's "Waco file" which contained only one memorandum. In August, 1997, journalist Ambrose Evans-Prichard revealed Foster's former executive assistant, Deborah Gorham, told the Senate Banking Committee in June, 1997, that Foster kept a file on the Waco incident locked in an office cabinet. Evidently Congress did not ask her if it contained more than the one memorandum previously released to Congress. Linda Tripp was also a Foster aide. What could she tell us about the White House's involvement in Waco?? * Confidential memoranda and handwritten notes presented during the 1995 House Waco hearings revealed that the Treasury Department, under pressure from the Justice Department and Webster Hubbell, halted its post-February 28 shooting review investigation because agents' stories "did not add up." The Justice Department protested that the interviews were generating "exculpatory" material that could help the Davidian defendants at trial. Webster Hubbell even threatened to go to Bill Clinton if the Treasury Department did not cooperate in the suppression of such exculpatory evidence. During the hearing, representatives quizzed defense attorneys on this suppression of evidence. However, Congress never asked Webster Hubbell about his role in squelching these interviews. And even though Hubbell promised to produce his personal "Waco files" to Congress, he did not do so. * On April 19, 1993, Reno and Hubbell sat in the FBI Operations Center in Washington, D.C. for four hours watching the tank attack on Mount Carmel. Reno mentioned during the 1993 house hearings that she talked to Clinton at 11:00 a.m. on April 19th, just before she left the Operations Center. Incredibly, Congress never asked her then, or during 1995 hearings, about the content of this conversation! Did Clinton tell her to press on with the attack? Did he tell her to leave Webster Hubbell in charge? What instructions did he give her?? There is ample similar evidence of cover-up by the Clinton White House and executive branch in both the 1993 and 1995 Congressional "Waco" hearings, in the conduct of the Treasury and Justice Department investigations into the massacre, and in the prosecution of Davidian defendants. Clinton's deliberate suppression of evidence and obstruction of justice in the massacre of 82 civilians at Waco is a far more heinous crime than that of asking an intern to lie under oath about their sexual affair. A separate independent counsel must be appointed to find evidence of negligent and intentional homicide of the Davidians and of systematic cover-up of those crimes that goes all the way up to President Clinton. Fact Sheet assembled by Carol Moore, author, The Davidian Massacre. *** WACO: FEBRUARY 28, 1993 EVIDENCE OF DEADLY GUNFIRE FROM BATF HELICOPTERS Probably the most blatant cover-up regarding the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms' (BATF) February 28, 1993 raid on the Branch Davidian religious group near Waco, Texas is the cover-up of the fact that agents shot from helicopters, killing as many as four Davidians. This act is unprecedented in American law enforcement. Had it not been so successfully covered up by federal agencies, Congress and the press, there would have been a public outcry leading to prosecution and imprisonment of BATF Agents. During a May, 1995 televised debate, Carol Moore, author of the book The Davidian Massacre, asked former BATF Director Stephen E. Higgins, who approved the raid, if BATF agents should be charged with murder should evidence of lethal firing be indicated. He replied, "Absolutely. If they fire at someone who was not firing at them or pointing a weapon at them it would absolutely be murder." Mr. Higgins, like the rest of the federal establishment, refuses to admit these murders were in fact committed. Many believe federal agents subsequently sabotaged negotiations and conducted a vicious April 19, 1993 assault which burned Mount Carmel to the ground in order to destroy bullet hole evidence of helicopter gunfire, as well as evidence of indiscriminate gunfire from the ground. (Davidian survivor David Thibodeau claims firing from helicopters left 100 bullet holes in the walls and roofs. And it is well known that one of the double front doors, the one containing evidence BATF shot first and furiously, was never found after the fire.) Below is substantial evidence, presented in rough chronological order, that BATF agents shot from at least one of the three helicopters which approached Mount Carmel at the beginning of the BATF raid. (Two helicopters were small observation craft containing National Guard pilots and one BATF agent; the third was a large Blackhawk containing two National Guard pilots and approximately eight BATF agents.) ** Discussions of Using Helicopter Gunfire as a Diversion One document indicating agents considered using such gunfire was found among thousands turned over to Congress. A handwritten note by some unknown Treasury Department review official who had interviewed BATF agents read: "HCs [helicopters] as a diversion. Simultaneous gunfire. Worked in Seattle. Three to four hundred meters from boundary. Hover. Practiced at Hood." (Assumedly BATF agents practiced this maneuver at Fort Hood, where they trained for the raid.) ** Questionable Helicopter Pilot Testimony At trial three National Guard helicopter pilots denied the helicopters had circled Mount Carmel before the beginning of the raid, as if scoping it out for targets. However, KWTX-TV cameraman Dan Mulloney and reporter John McLemore testified they saw the helicopters do just that. This cast doubt on the guardsmens' testimony that there had been no shooting from the helicopters. ** Agent Admitted Agents Were Armed and Willing to Fire During the House Waco hearings, BATF agent Davy Aguilera, who was in the Blackhawk helicopter, revealed that BATF agents in that aircraft had had their weapons loaded during the raid. He also disclosed agents had been told they would be permitted to fire in self-defense. When asked if any agents had fired, Aguilera answered, "No." Raid co-commander Phillip Chojnacki responded to the same question with, "Not to my knowledge." Representative Melvin Watt then submitted "for the record the statements of a number of individuals who were actually on the helicopters who deny that they fired at any point." However, these were merely statements of National Guard helicopter pilots, not BATF agents. ** Agent Admitted Agents Might Have Fired BATF audio tapes reveal that immediately after the gunfight, BATF agent James Cavanaugh, a temporary negotiator, argued by telephone with David Koresh about whether there was firing from the helicopters. Cavanaugh then admitted, "I'm not debating the fact that there might have been fire from the helicopters but what I'm telling you is there were no mounted guns, no outside mounted guns, on those helicopters." ** Government Claims the Helicopters Took Davidian Gunfire BATF agents and National Guard pilots claim that when the helicopters got within 350 meters of the building, they were fired upon and forced back. Photographs show several holes in the aircraft. If the Davidians did indeed fire at the helicopters--before or after BATF agents fired--Aguilera's testimony makes it clear agents felt they did have a right to fire back. And it is likely they did so. ** BATF Video Shows Helicopter Diving Towards Building A BATF agent took video footage from the Blackhawk helicopter which clearly shows the Blackhawk diving down towards the back of the building--and that it is clearly closer than 350 meters. The video clip ends abruptly at that point. A simple projection of the speed and trajectory of the helicopter's approach suggests it did fly over the swimming pool and building, as Davidians allege below. The National Guard pilot of the Blackhawk did admit at trial that the helicopter flew as low as 50 feet off the ground. Also, during this approach several sounds like gunfire can clearly be heard on the BATF video. A civil suit attorney calculates that these sounds only could have come from the helicopter. (The BATF video reveals that a second video was taken by BATF agent Ted Royster. BATF claims this is Royster's personal video tape and refuses to release it, claiming it contains no incriminating material.) ** KWTX-TV Video Shows Helicopter Shoot Davidian on the Watertower One of two KWTX-TV cameramen shot video from the road southwest of Mount Carmel. As seen in the movie "Waco: The Rules of Engagement," a helicopter southwest of the building and water tower veers back towards them just as movement from what is evidently a person is seen on top of the tower. Seconds later, the individual disappears, very possibly shot by agents in the helicopter. ** KWTX-TV Video Shows Shots Fired From Sky Another KWTX-TV cameraman followed BATF agents onto the grounds of Mount Carmel. His camera also caught footage of the helicopter above veering back. Soon after, he took the often shown video of an agent being shot at through the wall of the second story room. This shot also displays evidence that at least four bullets were fired from above just two to three minutes into the raid. The sounds of aircraft overhead can be heard. Bullet holes can be seen appearing in the roof and eaves of the building and the projected trajectory of the bullets appears much too steep to have come from the four story tower, from which some Davidians were firing. ** Davidians Complained About Firing to 9-1-1 Operators Early in the raid, in a phone call to 9-1-1, now-deceased Davidian Wayne Martin cries out: "Another chopper with more people; more guns going off. They're firing. That's them, not us." Now-deceased Steve Schneider adds, "There's a chopper with more of them. Another chopper with more people and more guns going off. Here they come!" In the next hours Martin warns repeatedly that BATF should keep helicopters at a distance. ** Davidians Complained About Helicopter Gunfire On Negotiation Tapes During the 51 day siege, David Koresh and Steve Schneider insisted to FBI negotiators that BATF agents had shot from the helicopters and killed Davidians. They repeatedly claimed that FBI agents wanted to burn Mount Carmel to destroy the evidence of this and other lethal firing. ** Thirteen Davidian Survivors Claim They Saw Firing or Evidence of Firing Marjorie Thomas testified under oath at trial that she and two other women near their third floor window saw a helicopter approaching the building with a person hanging out. As the helicopter drew nearer, several bullets came through the window, flying over the womens' heads. Kathryn Schroeder testified under oath at trial that she saw bullet holes in the ceiling of the four story tower, holes that could only have been made from shooting from the sky. Kevin Whitecliff stated at allocution before sentencing: "There were three or four helicopters buzzing around shooting at people. I thought I was going to die." Rita Riddle told reporters in March, 1993, "I heard them spraying the building when they went over," and stated in a signed affidavit that she saw a bullet come down through the ceiling from the sky. Clive Doyle has testified before Congress and written in an affidavit that Winston Blake was killed from a bullet that, from the trajectory through the wall, only could have come from a helicopter. (Jaime Castillo in a statement to Texas Rangers and David Thibodeau before Congress and in a signed affidavit make the same claim.) Doyle also states that he himself saw a helicopter directly above the swimming pool. Renos Avraam stated at allocution that BATF came in "with helicopters blazing. Davy Aguilera, he was firing one of them. He ain't going to deny it. Helicopters blazing." (Both Clive Doyle and David Thibodeau have testified that Avraam told them he was in the back of the building and saw the firing himself.) Derek Lovelock told attorney Jack Zimmermann that he heard helicopters and saw bullets come down through the ceiling of the first floor, one story cafeteria at the back of the building. Catherine Matteson claims that one or more helicopters circled the building, firing at both the front and the back, and that she had to fall to the floor to avoid the bullets coming through the roof. Annetta Richards claims she saw bullets come down from above as the helicopters were flying overhead. Gladys Ottman makes claims similar to those of Matteson and Richards. Davidian Child: Psychologist Bruce D. Perry, who interviewed Davidian children who left Mount Carmel after the raid, described a child drawing a picture of a house beneath a rainbow. The child put bullet holes in the roof of the four story tower. ** Attorneys Saw Evidence of Firing From Helicopters Davidian attorneys Dick DeGuerin and Jack Zimmermann, who visited Mount Carmel during the siege, have testified under oath before Congress, at trial and in affidavits that there were numerous bullet holes that obviously came from the sky in the four story tower and in upper story walls. Zimmerman is a former Army officer. ** Davidians Claim Helicopter Gunfire Killed Four Winston Blake, a black from England, was killed instantly by one bullet in the head as he sat on his bed. Survivors say the bullet entered the room's wall at a downward trajectory and only could have come from a helicopter. The American coroner claimed Blake had been shot at close range; the Manchester, England coroner could find no such evidence. The discrepancy sparked an English police investigation. (The government claimed other Davidians killed Blake.) Jaydean Wendell, an Asian-American, was killed instantly by one shot through the head as she lay in bed. Attorney Jack Zimmermann said he saw bullet holes by the "upper bunk wall" going in the direction of a pool of blood on the bed. (Two Davidian prosecution witnesses testified that Wendell might have been shooting a gun at the time of her death.) Peter Gent, an Australian, was killed instantly by a shot to the heart. Davidians assert he was cleaning the inside of the water tower, heard the commotion, stuck his head out to see what was going on, and was shot by an agent in a helicopter. (A BATF agent on the ground claimed he shot an armed man on the water tower.) Peter Hipsman, an American, probably was shooting from the fourth floor when he was shot in the chest and arm. The medical examiner revealed that the shots traveled from left to right, as if he was shot from the sky. Believing federal agents meant to kill them all, he allowed another Davidian to end his life. Two other Davidians died February 28, 1993. David Koresh's father-in-law Perry Jones was standing behind Koresh when he opened the front door and tried to talk and cooperate with attacking federal agents. Jones was mortally wounded in the stomach as agents opened fire on the two unarmed men and committed suicide. And Michael Schroeder was ambushed and killed by federal agents as he approached Mount Carmel on foot later that day. Four BATF agents shooting at the Davidians were killed by defensive gunfire. There is evidence that at least one agent was wounded by BATF friendly fire. Missing bullets make it difficult to prove if others were injured or even killed by such fire. The Treasury and Justice Departments, Congress and the press have ignored or suppressed this overwhelming evidence of lethal helicopter gunfire. However, jurors in the 1.5 billion dollar Davidian civil suits, which allege such firing, may take it more seriously. Attorneys will produce ample evidence like that above during the civil trial. For more information please contact Carol Moore, member of the Committee for Waco Justice and author of The Davidian Massacre. 202-635-3739. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: CAS: (OT) False Alarm-Anthrax 'Alert' (fwd) Date: 23 Feb 1998 08:38:49 -0600 (CST) This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --1915762710-1542453501-888244729=:8147 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=us-ascii Content-ID: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- --1915762710-1542453501-888244729=:8147 Content-Type: MESSAGE/RFC822 Content-ID: Content-Description: Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id IAA12941 for ; Sun, 22 Feb 1998 08:23:41 -0600 Received: (from listserv@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.7.4-jdm) id JAA00972 for okcty-outgoing; Sun, 22 Feb 1998 09:22:36 -0500 (EST) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.7.4-jdm) with ESMTP id JAA06638 for ; Sun, 22 Feb 1998 09:22:27 -0500 (EST) Received: from default ( []) by (8.8.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id IAA11403; Sun, 22 Feb 1998 08:24:16 -0600 (CST) Message-Id: <> X-Sender: X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.5 (32) X-Priority: 1 (Highest) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Sender: Precedence: bulk X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id IAA12941 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ---------------------------- NOTE: "The FBI confirmed Saturday that the confiscated version is a non-lethal type that veterinarians use." ---------------------------- Source: One suspect in anthrax case released from custody February 21, 1998 Web posted at: 10:08 p.m. EST (0308 GMT) LAS VEGAS, Nev. (CNN) -- One of the two men arrested for posession of what turned out to be non-lethal anthrax was released from custody Saturday evening. William Leavitt Jr., 47, thanked God, his family, law enforcement officials, a federal magistrate judge and his lawyers for getting him out of prison on his own recognizance, saying the past three days have been the "most difficult days of my life." Leavitt and Larry Wayne Harris, 46, were arrested Wednesday night and charged with conspiracy to possess and possession of a biological agent. Leavitt's release came just hours after FBI agents raided the microbiologist's home north of Las Vegas in search of more evidence. Pale and appearing on the verge of tears, Leavitt, a self-described medical researcher, said he has no hard feelings toward FBI investigators. "I understand what happened, and I understand the position the FBI took based upon the information they received," Leavitt told the media just after his release from the Clark County Detention Center. "I spent many, many hours in fasting and in prayer, and wanted the truth (to) be known." One stipulation for Leavitt's release is that he "will not conduct or participate in any biological or biochemical treatment," according to court documents. The FBI acknowledged earlier Saturday that test results so far show the confiscated anthrax is not the deadly military-grade version. "We truly felt, and we feel now, that we had enough probable cause to believe there was a danger to the community," FBI agent Bobby Siller told reporters. "We had to act the way we did." Siller, special agent in charge of the FBI's Las Vegas office, said the arrests of Leavitt and Harris were made on the basis of information from witnesses, as well as surveillance and background checks. Residents assured they are not in danger Before their arrests, Harris and Leavitt had told more than one person that they had military-grade anthrax and planned to test it at a nearby medical center, Siller said. Siller also reassured Las Vegas residents they are not in danger. "There is no reason for anybody to be concerned about any contaminants in this area," Siller said. U.S. Army experts at Fort Detrick, Maryland, concluded the substance was not a biological weapon after completing a series of tests that began Friday morning, sources told CNN. The FBI confirmed Saturday that the confiscated version is a non-lethal type that veterinarians use. The FBI apparently also seized other material in Ohio from houses owned by Harris. That material is still being tested at Fort Detrick, and those tests will not be completed before Monday. Police suspect Harris gave 'inoculations' Saturday, a Columbus, Ohio, police investigator said he believes Harris regularly gave some people injections that Harris claimed would protect them against biological agents. "It's something we've suspected and can't divulge our sources, but we think he was giving inoculations," Det. Rick Adrian said. It was unclear how long Harris offered the injections, what the shots contained or whether anyone became sick because of them. The FBI affidavit detailing the case against Harris says he claims to be an officer in the Idaho-based white separatist group Aryan Nations. Mark Potok, a spokesman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, a national watchdog group that monitors extremist groups, told The New York Times that Harris traveled around the country, "meeting with extremist anti-government groups and inoculating them against anthrax." Harris was previously given probation after pleading guilty to illegally obtaining bubonic plague bacteria through the mail in 1995. Army lab finds Las Vegas anthrax not dangerous; judge releases one suspect Copyright © 1998 The Associated Press LAS VEGAS (February 21, 1998 11:12 p.m. EST -- A substance feared to be a biological weapon turned out to be a safe form of anthrax used in animal vaccines, and one of the two men arrested in a case that sent fear through the region was released from jail Saturday. "I absolutely have no hard feelings," a visibly shaken William Leavitt Jr. said at a news conference, calling the circumstances that led to his arrest "misunderstandings and probably some miscommunication." The FBI insisted Saturday that arresting the two men on biological weapons charges was necessary to protect the public. "Because of the potential serious threat to the community, our actions had to be quick and decisive," said Bobby Siller, special agent in charge of the FBI's Las Vegas office. "We had to act the way we did." A judge signed an order releasing one of the men, William Leavitt Jr., Saturday. Under an agreement his attorney reached with prosecutors, Leavitt will be allowed to remain free on his own recognizance while authorities determine whether to drop charges. The other man arrested in the case, Larry Wayne Harris of Lancaster, Ohio, who is on probation for an earlier conviction, remained in jail and was scheduled to appear in court Monday for a detention hearing. Leavitt was not required to go to that hearing. The anthrax material, tested at an Army laboratory at Fort Dietrick, Md., was found by FBI agents Wednesday during the arrests of Leavitt and Harris. Both men were charged with conspiracy to possess and possession of a biological agent for use as a weapon. Tests showed the material was not military-grade anthrax, which is potent enough to kill thousands of people. "Legally, this means their case goes down the toilet," said Lamond Mills, Leavitt's lawyer. "I would expect the U.S. attorney to drop the charges. "Let them now 'fess up and say it was a mistake," he said. Mills said a deal to drop charges against Leavitt would require him to promise to stop some of his laboratory work. Another one of his attorneys, Kirby Wells, said Leavitt, 47, was emotional after hearing about the tests. "I told him the good news. We embraced," he said. Siller declined to explain why charges would not be dropped immediately. He defended the FBI's investigation, which was based on an informant's tip and statements made by the suspects, and said it would have been "irresponsible" not to follow up on the allegation. Leavitt and Harris had, themselves, portrayed the material as dangerous military-grade anthrax, Siller said. Agents also seized other biological material in Ohio from houses owned by Harris, a former Aryan Nations member. That material was still being tested at Fort Dietrick, and those tests will not be completed before Monday. A message left at the federal public defender office, which is representing Harris, was not immediately returned. Harris, 46, pleaded guilty in 1995 to wire fraud after his arrest for obtaining three vials of freeze-dried bubonic plague bacteria through the mail. He was put on 18 months of probation. Even if the biological weapons charge is dropped, Harris could still face penalties for violating probation. Harris and Leavitt were turned in by Ronald Rockwell, whom the FBI portrayed as a "citizen performing his civic duty." Mills called Rockwell a twice-convicted extortionist and scam artist who went to the FBI when a business deal turned sour. Rockwell, a Las Vegas resident, said in media interviews he was scared when Leavitt and Harris, who were interested in what he portrayed as his disease-fighting machine, said they had the deadly bacteria. Leavitt and Harris were arrested outside a medical office in Henderson, Nev. The case frightened many around the country, especially near Las Vegas. People flooded talk-radio shows asking about evacuation plans, the symptoms of anthrax and the safety of the region's water supply. Surplus stores sold out of stocks of gas masks. The arrests came as the United States was considering military action against Iraq for harboring biological weapons. Five days before the arrests, Rockwell and Leavitt appeared for two hours on a local radio show to talk about how they planned to test biological agents being brought to Las Vegas by Harris, according to a tape of the show reviewed Saturday. They said during "The Lou Epton Show" on KXNT-AM on Feb. 13 that the testing was to be done on a device that could cure an anthrax infection. By MICHAEL FLEEMAN, Associated Press Writer Copyright © 1998 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ This mailing list is processed through Majordomo at Oakland University. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe okcty --1915762710-1542453501-888244729=:8147-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Liberty or Death Subject: From Dr. Laura Date: 24 Feb 1998 09:35:26 -0800 Whilst listening to Dr. Laura yesterday, I heard the following: Apparently, a pastor friend of hers sent her a note. It seems that a member of his congregation was a trekkie and had used checks with various Star Trek scenes on them. When counting tithes and offerings each Sunday, the counting folks always got a kick out of seeing her Star Trek checks, which, while the scenes varied, also had a Star Trek quote (of her choice, apparently) that never varied. Well, the woman decided to switch to Star Wars. She picked the famous Han Solo quote: "I have a bad feeling about this..." to go on the various Star Wars scenes on the checks. All was well, as the counter folks enjoyed the new Star Wars checks for a while. Then she decided to switch to Scenes from the Bible. But she didn't like any of the available Bible quotations, so she just left that part of the form she filled out for the new checks blank. The folks that print the checks saw the blank quote thing and decided that she apparently wanted to keep the same quote from Star Wars with her new Scenes from the Bible checks. So, the new checks had things like Moses parting the Red Sea, with the quote: "I have a bad feeling about this..." And David facing Goliath: "I have a bad feeling about this..." And Moses going up the mountain to meet with God: "I have a bad feeling about this..." !!! I loved it! - Monte -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Maybe freedom's just one of those things that you can't inherit." - Peter Bradford, in the film "Amerika" -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Idaho Observer - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Reform party was working to elect Democrats over Republicans Date: 24 Feb 1998 13:10:21 -0600 (CST) I smell a rat? The more I read this the more I get mad. I was one of the idiots who supported Perot until he pulled out when the polls showed him hitting 30% and increasing. Then the guy had the balls to claim it was over Bush dirty tricks and his daughters pending wedding, give me a break the guy is a fake. Now we find the Reform party working to actually help the old party "Democrats" win back seats from current Republicans. Now come on, anyone who is a reformer knows that when the Democrats had the house, taxes, regulations, debt, corruption and big government were on the rise. I think this is incredible and shows that the Reform party and Perot must be in the pocket of the Democrats and are only about diverting true reform away from the freshmen Republicans or Libertarians toward a false Messiah. This is just as bad as the Mafia controlled Labor unions running all those attack ads against Dull "Dole" about all the starving children and old people who the mean Republican reformers were going to throw into the streets by reforming Social Security and Welfare. The more things change the more they remain the same. The Good Old Boy corruption racket of Washington DC is still in charge of politics. Paul Watson ---------- Forwarded message ---------- February 20, 1998 INTERN SCANDAL CANCELS PEROT OFFER ASSOCIATED PRESS DALLAS (AP) -- Ross Perot's top lieutenants dangled the prospect of using the billionaire's deep pockets to help Democrats seize control of the House, but abruptly shelved the idea after the Monica Lewinsky matter soured their mood. "Democrats have some self-policing to do," said Russell Verney, chairman of the Perot-founded Reform Party. With President Clinton's party deep in debt and struggling to overcome an 11-seat GOP majority in the House, Democrats welcomed signals that Perot might lend a hand. Yet party officials said they never expected the Reform Party to follow through on the suggestion; they entertained the notion simply to maintain communication with the party, its voters and Perot, Democrats said. "We didn't have any expectations" about Perot's support, said Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesman Dan Sallick. "And we still don't." Dissatisfied with the GOP leadership, Reform Party vice presidential candidate Pat Choate proposed in November that party members target 40 to 50 vulnerable House Republicans for defeat in 1998. "We can win enough votes to shift control of the House," he said. Two weeks ago, Verney met for breakfast at a Washington hotel with Mike Wessel, general counsel to House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt, D-Mo., and Paul Frick, political director for the Democratic National Campaign Committee. They discussed vulnerable Republican congressional districts and the strength of Perot voters in those areas. By all accounts, Verney ended the meeting by voicing distaste for the brewing Lewinsky scandal; the Democrats contended the controversy would not effect the party's chances in 1998. Verney says he told the Democrats they were unlikely to get help from the Reform Party while the Lewinsky scandal is percolating. "I essentially told them that circumstances had changed radically," Verney said in an interview. "I'm not so sure if our strategy is capable of working anymore. ... The issue of character and integrity is going to be important in 1998, so we have to be concerned about all this." The strategy called for the Reform Party and Democrats to identify districts with vulnerable incumbent Republicans and large numbers of Perot voters, he said. The Reform Party, which is trying to be less reliant on Perot's money and magnetism, would recruit and manage candidates against the targeted GOP congressmen. Yet, Verney said the party had been expected to ask Perot to pay for a national advertising campaign promoting the effort. However, a senior Democratic official familiar with the meeting said Verney never spelled out the strategy, nor did he tie the possibility of Reform Party support to the Lewinsky matter. Privately, senior Democrats expressed skepticism about whether the party actually intended to help. A Democratic Party spokesman played down the significance of the meeting. "Our goal with a meeting like this is to establish an open line of communication," Sallick said. He urged the Reform Party not to jump to conclusions about Clinton's relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. "We would just hope they would keep an open mind ... if they have a dissatisfaction with the Republican leadership in Congress." Perot and Gephardt have met privately since Choate's statement in November, but aides said they doubt the Missouri lawmaker raised the topic of Reform Party help. Perot has the resources to make a difference: He spent $60 million of his own money to run for president in 1992. Four years later, he accepted a federal grant of nearly $30 million that limited his spending then to $5,000. Verney said he had serious questions about Clinton's denials of an affair with Ms. Lewinsky. "You can't hide from the truth," he said of Clinton. Alluding to House Speaker Newt Gingrich's $300,000 fee for ethics violations, Verney said, "Gingrich proved you can lie for $300,000. Clinton proved you can lie for free." Verney said he was not speaking for Perot, who was not commenting on the Lewinsky matter or the plan to help Democrats. _________________________________________________________________ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: All charges dropped in Anthrax case Date: 24 Feb 1998 13:24:30 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Today's News =20 ALL WEAPONS CHARGES DROPPED IN ANTHRAX CASE =20 Tuesday, February 24, 1998 =20 =20 By MICHAEL FLEEMAN The Associated Press =20 LAS VEGAS -- Two men arrested in an anthrax scare were cleared Monday of all biological weapon charges, but one still faced new allegations of violating his probation. =20 Federal prosecutors withdrew felony charges against William Leavitt Jr. and Larry Wayne Harris, who each had faced counts of conspiracy to possess and possession of biological material for use as a weapon. =20 "It's over. It's done. I want to get in with my life," Leavitt, 47, told a news conference before entering the downtown federal court building. =20 Harris and Leavitt, of Logandale, Nev., were arrested last week in suburban Henderson, Nev., in a case that sent a shudder across the nation. =20 But weekend tests showed the material contained in glass vials seized from the men was actually a harmless anthrax vaccine for animals. Additional test results, released Monday, showed that material seized from Harris' Ohio home also was a safe vaccine. =20 Leavitt was released from jail over the weekend on his own recognizance -- although the FBI continued to search his home. Harris remained in jail. =20 Harris was accused of violating probation terms prohibiting him from doing any bacteria studies on his own. And he allegedly misrepresented himself in an unrelated case as being associated with the CIA. =20 Harris violated at least three provisions of his 18-month probation, U.S. Attorney Sharon Zealey said Monday. He threatened to possess anthrax for use as a weapon, conducted bacteria experiments on his own, and misrepresented himself in an unrelated case as being associated with the CIA, she said. =20 He could receive up to five years in prison if convicted of the alleged probation violations. =20 =20 =20 Copyright =A91998 Bergen Record Corp. =20 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Subject: Re: CAS: (OT) Larry Harris: Dangerous Kook or Patriot ? (fwd) Date: 24 Feb 1998 17:13:47 -0500 (EST) I heard Harris on the radio once, claiming that Ohio was under anthrax attack or some similarly absurd thing. I vote for kook. And maybe "useful idiot." bd On Mon, 23 Feb 1998 wrote: > > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > Date: Sat, 21 Feb 1998 17:45:45 -0600 > From: Brenda Jinkins > To: CAS > Subject: CAS: (OT) Larry Harris: Dangerous Kook or Patriot ? > > For education and discussion. Not for commercial use. > > The Reagan > Information > Interchange > > > Larry Harris - A dangerous Kook with Anthrax or Patriot? > > Microbiologist Harris Has been Warning People > About Biological War > > By: Mary Mostert, Editor - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Liberty or Death Subject: >>> Steel on Steel <<< Date: 24 Feb 1998 16:27:01 -0800 Might I be so bold as to suggest that y'all mosey over to and listen to the last 2 "Steel on Steel" programs with John Loeffler? In the latest, John (and Chuck Missler) interview Don McAlvaney about Y2K and other assorted problems coming our way. It's called "Economic Instability," and it's excellent. In the previous, "Presidential Scandal," John and Chuck interview Ambrose Evans-Pritchard about much more than just presidential scandals. Extremely good program. Steel on Steel is a weekly radio program, heard on 80+ stations around the country. In my opinion, it's the best program out there. And with RealAudio you can listen to an archive of previous programs. I'm not kidding, folks, this is extremely good stuff. John's the best, and his guests are the cream of the crop. Go check it out. - Monte -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Maybe freedom's just one of those things that you can't inherit." - Peter Bradford, in the film "Amerika" -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Idaho Observer - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Cloyes Subject: Re: CAS: (OT) Larry Harris: Dangerous Kook or Date: 25 Feb 1998 07:27:54 -0500 I heard him talk last summer and had the chance afterwards to talk with him directly. He could best be described as someone who is trying to educate people about the dangers associated with a possible bacteriological attack of anthrax/plague that a co-worker had relayed to him. He may or may not be a fraud, but his message is true. Tom At 05:13 PM 2/24/98 -0500, you wrote: >I heard Harris on the radio once, claiming that Ohio was under anthrax >attack or some similarly absurd thing. I vote for kook. And maybe >"useful idiot." > >bd > >On Mon, 23 Feb 1998 wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >> Date: Sat, 21 Feb 1998 17:45:45 -0600 >> From: Brenda Jinkins >> To: CAS >> Subject: CAS: (OT) Larry Harris: Dangerous Kook or Patriot ? >> >> For education and discussion. Not for commercial use. >> >> The Reagan >> Information >> Interchange >> >> >> Larry Harris - A dangerous Kook with Anthrax or Patriot? >> >> Microbiologist Harris Has been Warning People >> About Biological War >> >> By: Mary Mostert, Editor > > > >- > > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Obscenity Hearings Date: 24 Feb 1998 17:27:08 -0500 Forwarding along... > > Attached is an article from yesterday's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette >regarding a House hearing on proposed changes in PA's obscenity laws. As you >will see, three changes are proposed, all of which appear to have religious >right fingerprints on them, and all with far-reaching implications: > > 1. To change the "commununity" by which "community standards" are >judged from the state to the county. > > 2. To delete "educational" from the list of redeeming social >values which protect a work from obscenity charges. > > 3. To change obscenity from a misdemeanor to a felony, with >resulting increases in penalties. > > The first of these proposals, if passed, would almost certainly cause >an immediate increase in the number of obscenity trials in PA. > > It is clear from the article that some groups--namely, the mass media-- >are fighting these proposals. Does anyone know whether any public interest >groups are aware of this situation and taking any action? What about the >American Library Association, for example? If you can put me in touch >with any >such groups, I'd appreciate it. > > Lloyd Stires > >Dr. Lloyd K. Stires >Department of Psychology >Indiana University of Pennsylvania >Indiana, PA 15705-1068 >(412) 357-2579 > > >******************************************************************************* > > > New standard sought to assess obscenity > > Thursday, February 19, 1998 > > By Frank Reeves, Post-Gazette Harrisburg Correspondent > > HARRISBURG -- A House panel considered legislation yesterday that > would let juries use a countywide standard to assess whether a book, > movie, videocassette or other form of expression is obscene. > > Juries determining whether sexually explicit material is obscene under > Pennsylvania's obscenity statute now apply a statewide standard. > > The legislation's proponents told the House Judiciary Committee > subcommittee on courts that passing the bill would make it easier for > prosecutors to win convictions against adult bookstore owners and > others who traffic in pornography. > > "A statewide standard serves no other purpose than to give > (pornography industry lawyers) a vague and confusing concept they can > use to throw sand into the eyes of juries," said Dorn Checkley, state > director of Pennsylvanians vs. Pornography, a Pittsburgh-based > anti-obscenity group. > > "It is hard enough to ask a jury to figure out what is acceptable in > their community, much less asking them to try to figure out what is > acceptable in Erie or Allentown, in Pittsburgh or Philadelphia." > > But critics warned that letting jurors apply county standards of > decency could potentially create a confusing patchwork of obscenity > rules for each of the state's 67 counties. They said such a result > could hamper distribution of books, movies and newspapers across the > state. > > Speaking on behalf of the Pennsylvania Newspapers Publishers > Association and four other newspaper groups, John V.R. Bull, assistant > to the editor of The Philadelphia Inquirer, warned that if the bill > passed, "newspapers could become little more than bland, watered-down > bulletin boards, carriers of meeting notices, local public events and > other noncontroversial items. > > "In practice, newspapers would have to tailor their content -- > everything from allegations against the president of the United States > to bra advertising by their local department store -- to the community > with the most restrictive standards," he said. "Even newspapers that > hold back the specifics of the allegations against the president might > well be exposed -- if you'll forgive the term -- to prosecution." > > Joining the newspaper groups in opposition were the National > Association of Theatre Owners of Pennsylvania and the Motion Picture > Association of America, which represent major motion picture and TV > producers, such as Disney, Paramount, MGM and Twentieth-Century Fox. > The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association also opposed the bill. > > Lewis Grafman, attorney for the theater owners group, said his > organization feared that if juries were allowed to apply local > standards, "the First Amendment industries, such as local theaters, > would become too easy a target for ephemeral community witch hunts and > political interests." > > But the legislation's sponsor, Rep. Thomas Armstrong, R-Lancaster, > said such fears were little more than "smoke and mirrors" to confuse > the issue. He said his bill wasn't aimed at "mainstream" newspapers, > magazines or films. He challenged critics to cite one instance in > which even an R-rated movie or a newspaper had been successfully > prosecuted for obscenity in states that let juries apply local > standards. > > The U.S. Supreme Court, in a landmark 1973 case, Miller vs. > California, defined the criteria to decide whether a book, film or > other material was obscene. The court said the key test was "whether > the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would > find the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest." > > In 1977, the Legislature revised Pennsylvania's obscenity statute to > reflect the U.S. high court ruling. State lawmakers then defined > "contemporary community standards" as a statewide measure. > > Armstrong said several states, including Florida, Utah and Virginia, > had adopted local standards rather than statewide ones to assess > whether material is obscene. He said the courts had upheld these > standards as constitutional. > > Current state law also defines an obscene work as one that, when > "taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, > educational or scientific value." Armstrong's bill would delete > "educational" from that definition. > > Armstrong introduced a similar bill in the 1995-96 session. The House > passed it, 115-77, but it died in the Senate. > > His bill also would increase the penalty for violating the obscenity > law. Anyone convicted of giving a child an obscene book or using a > child in a obscene work would be guilty of a third-degree felony and > face a maximum penalty of seven years in prison and a $15,000 fine. > Such a conviction now is just a first-degree misdemeanor, with a > five-year maximum prison penalty and a $10,000 fine for a first > offense. Any subsequent offense is a third-degree felony. > ______ > ************************************************************** * "Just when you think you've got me figured out * * The season's already changing..." -- Meredith Brooks * * * ************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Subject: Re: CAS: (OT) Larry Harris: Dangerous Kook or Patriot ? (fwd) Date: 25 Feb 1998 09:02:33 -0500 (EST) But, whether deliberately or accidentally, he provided substantial fodder for the KGBATFBI and their lap-dog media to use to smear a lot of people. bd On Wed, 25 Feb 1998, Tom Cloyes wrote: > I heard him talk last summer and had the chance afterwards to talk with him > directly. He could best be described as someone who is trying to educate > people about the dangers associated with a possible bacteriological attack > of anthrax/plague that a co-worker had relayed to him. He may or may not be > a fraud, but his message is true. > Tom > > At 05:13 PM 2/24/98 -0500, you wrote: > >I heard Harris on the radio once, claiming that Ohio was under anthrax > >attack or some similarly absurd thing. I vote for kook. And maybe > >"useful idiot." > > > >bd > > > >On Mon, 23 Feb 1998 wrote: > > > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > >> Date: Sat, 21 Feb 1998 17:45:45 -0600 > >> From: Brenda Jinkins > >> To: CAS > >> Subject: CAS: (OT) Larry Harris: Dangerous Kook or Patriot ? > >> > >> For education and discussion. Not for commercial use. > >> > >> The Reagan > >> Information > >> Interchange > >> > >> > >> Larry Harris - A dangerous Kook with Anthrax or Patriot? > >> > >> Microbiologist Harris Has been Warning People > >> About Biological War > >> > >> By: Mary Mostert, Editor > > > > > > > >- > > > > > > > > - > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: China Denies Selling Prisoners Organs Date: 25 Feb 1998 12:47:03 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Reuters New Media Tuesday February 24 3:07 PM EST China Denies Selling Prisoners' Organs BEIJING (Reuters) - China Tuesday denied it had a program to market body parts of executed prisoners one day after a U.S. attorney arrested two Chinese nationals for allegedly conspiring to sell human organs. "The Chinese government has indicated that such incidents will not happen in China," Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao told reporters when asked about the arrests. "If such incidents do occur, Chinese law will punish the offenders," Zhu said. The U.S. Attorney in Manhattan said Monday it had arrested two Chinese nationals for allegedly offering to sell corneas, kidneys, skin and lungs to an undercover agent posing as head of a kidney dialysis center. One of the men, Wang Chengyong, had told the agent the organs had come from executed prisoners, whose deaths he personally oversaw to ensure the parts would be viable for transplant, the attorney's office said. The attorney's complaint against the men alleges that Wang signed contracts to provide organs for a 25 percent cut of the transplant fee. Wang, described as a former state prosecutor, and accomplice Fu Xingqi, had offered two corneas for $5,000, the undercover agent said. The men were arrested last Friday. The London-based rights group Amnesty International said China executed more than 4,300 people in 1996, more than the rest of the world combined and 20 times more than second-place Ukraine. Western rights activists have alleged China systematically harvests the organs of executed prisoners without the consent of their families for sale to patients needing transplants. Beijing has denied such charges. _________________________________________________________________ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Study: US Science Students Behind World (fwd) Date: 25 Feb 1998 12:52:34 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Reuters New Media Tuesday February 24 3:06 PM EST Study: US Science Students Behind World By Leslie Gevirtz BOSTON (Reuters) - U.S. high school seniors are among the world's worst at mathematics and science, according to an international study released Tuesday. U.S. 12th graders outperformed only three countries -- Lithuania, Cyprus and South Africa -- among the 21 nations that took part in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). "This is unacceptable," U.S. Secretary of Education Richard Riley said in a statement. "We need to have higher expectations for our students. Many of our students stop taking math and science after 10th or 11th grade ... even among college bound high school seniors, 51 percent have not even taken four years of science." The report ranked the Netherlands and Sweden as having the top performing students in mathematics and science. Asian countries chose not to participate in the TIMSS 12th grade study. Tuesday's results complemented those released in November 1996 for 41 countries at the seventh and eighth grades, and in June 1997 for 26 countries at the third and fourth grades. Some 500,000 students of different grades participated in the studies by taking an exam in 1995. Analyzing the three sets of results was responsible for the delay in publishing conclusions. "In most countries, there was a substantial gender difference favoring males on all three tests," said TIMSS director and Boston College Professor Albert Beaton. Males outperformed females in all but one of the 21 countries -- South Africa -- tested in mathematics and science literacy. Despite different educational approaches, structures and organizations, "it is clear that parents' education is positively related to students' mathematics and science literacy," the study said. "As was the case for eighth graders, in every country final-year students whose parents had more education had higher mathematics and science literacy," the researchers reported. Dr. Michael Martin, TIMSS's deputy director, said: "The literacy we are speaking of is the kind of knowledge that a variety of countries and cultures agree an educated person should know. "For mathematics, a bit of trigonometry, algebra, geometry and the sort of stuff that goes along with that. In science, it's the general stuff," Martin said, pointing to a passing familiarity with geology, biology, basic chemistry and some physics. The students ranged in age from 17 to 21 depending on when they were in their final year in secondary school. In Iceland, which placed third overall, "students start school later and finish it later," Martin said. "It's kind of hopeful really. I mean they start school later in life, but yet are obviously able to master the subjects." Students in most countries reported spending between two and three hours a day on homework on average. However, 25 percent or more of final-year students in Austria, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States reported studying for less than an hour a day. Individual countries provided funding for the national implementation of the tests and therefore decided which tests their students would take. The U.S. Education Department, the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Canadian government funded international coordination for TIMSS. The following are two examples of questions that the U.S. high school seniors and those finishing secondary schools in 20 other countries were asked as part of the TIMSS: Q: From a batch of 3,000 light bulbs, 100 were selected at random and tested. If five of the light bulbs in the sample were found to be defective, how many defective light bulbs would be expected in the entire batch? A: 15 B: 60 C: 150 D: 300 E: 600 The correct answer is C. Q: Nuclear energy can be generated by fission or fusion. Fusion is not currently being used in reactors as an energy source. Why is this? A: The scientific principles on which fusion is based are not yet known. B: The technological processes for using fusion safely are not developed. C: The necessary raw materials are not readily available. D: Waste products from the fusion process are too dangerous. The correct answer is B. _________________________________________________________________ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: FBI, Pentagon Probing Computer Break-Ins (fwd) Date: 25 Feb 1998 12:52:53 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Reuters New Media Wednesday February 25 1:15 PM EST FBI, Pentagon Probing Computer Break-Ins By Charles Aldinger WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon and FBI are investigating intense, successful efforts by computer "hackers" over the last two weeks to obtain information from U.S. military computers, a top defense official said Wednesday. Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre told reporters there was no indication that the electronic invasion was connected to a crisis over U.N. arms inspectors in Iraq. And he stressed that ultra-sensitive classified systems had not been breached. Hamre said it was apparently the most intense such break-in effort to date and was a "wake-up call" on the vulnerability of government and corporate computers to sophisticated search software owned by professionals and amateurs. "During the last two weeks the (Defense) Department has experienced a fairly heavy-duty cyber attack," Hamre told reporters in an interview. "In this case, we have been working very closely with the attorney general and the FBI." "We did not have any penetration of our classified networks," said the number two official in the department. "The unclassified networks, however, were penetrated." He said the incidents had intensified attempts by the department to more quickly spot break-in attempts and catch persons responsible. "It has dramatically accelerated the Pentagon's and federal government's plans to get on top of this problem," Hamre said, stressing that sensitive data on personnel, payrolls and other information from Wall Street to the armed forces was often not adequately guarded by electronic "firewalls". Hamre said it was not known whether the attempts, which were nationwide, involved one or more persons in the United States or overseas who used computers to get into Pentagon information systems. But he suggested the moves might be by amateurs in response to "contests" among hackers. "There are hackers that enjoy just breaking into people's computers to see what they can see. And, of course, there is always a mystique about the Department of Defense," he told reporters. "There are actually hacker clubs and there are hacker contests. And, in that sense, the Department of Defense is vulnerable." Hamre declined to discuss details of the latest efforts or to reveal what information had been obtained. But he said the incidents appeared to be similar to previous attempts by hackers to show that they could get into protected systems. He said the recent incidents included attempts to set up electronic "trap doors" in software systems through which information could be siphoned. Sophisticated amateur computer hackers have been previously convicted, fined and jailed for breaking into sensitive military and other government information databases. The director of the super-secret U.S. National Security Agency said in October 1997 that the number of break-ins of Defense Department systems was increasing dramatically. "I think it was, in many ways, a wake-up call," Hamre said Wednesday of the recent incidents. ^REUTERS@ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Obscenity Hearings Date: 25 Feb 1998 12:12:19 PST On Feb 24, wrote: >Forwarding along... >> >> Attached is an article from yesterday's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette >>regarding a House hearing on proposed changes in PA's obscenity laws. As you >>will see, three changes are proposed, all of which appear to have religious >>right fingerprints on them, and all with far-reaching implications: While there may be some religious folks involved in this at some level or location, I see nothing here or in the article that indicates anything of the sort. How about a little more accuracy, and a little less name calling? >> 1. To change the "commununity" by which "community standards" are >>judged from the state to the county. >> >> 2. To delete "educational" from the list of redeeming social >>values which protect a work from obscenity charges. >> >> 3. To change obscenity from a misdemeanor to a felony, with >>resulting increases in penalties. >> >> The first of these proposals, if passed, would almost certainly cause >>an immediate increase in the number of obscenity trials in PA. >> >> It is clear from the article that some groups--namely, the mass media-- >>are fighting these proposals. That's reason enough to support the proposals to the hilt right there. >> Does anyone know whether any public interest >>groups are aware of this situation and taking any action? What about the >>American Library Association, for example? If you can put me in touch >>with any >>such groups, I'd appreciate it. >> >> Lloyd Stires Have you tried a web search? >>Dr. Lloyd K. Stires >>Department of Psychology Ah, _that_ explains it! Gotta keep those future kooks coming so as to keep one's job, eh? :-) >>Indiana University of Pennsylvania >>Indiana, PA 15705-1068 >>(412) 357-2579 >> >> >>******************************************************************************* >> >> >> New standard sought to assess obscenity >> >> Thursday, February 19, 1998 >> >> By Frank Reeves, Post-Gazette Harrisburg Correspondent >> >> HARRISBURG -- A House panel considered legislation yesterday that >> would let juries use a countywide standard to assess whether a book, >> movie, videocassette or other form of expression is obscene. >> >> Juries determining whether sexually explicit material is obscene under >> Pennsylvania's obscenity statute now apply a statewide standard. >> >> The legislation's proponents told the House Judiciary Committee >> subcommittee on courts that passing the bill would make it easier for >> prosecutors to win convictions against adult bookstore owners and >> others who traffic in pornography. >> >> "A statewide standard serves no other purpose than to give >> (pornography industry lawyers) a vague and confusing concept they can >> use to throw sand into the eyes of juries," said Dorn Checkley, state >> director of Pennsylvanians vs. Pornography, a Pittsburgh-based >> anti-obscenity group. >> >> "It is hard enough to ask a jury to figure out what is acceptable in >> their community, much less asking them to try to figure out what is >> acceptable in Erie or Allentown, in Pittsburgh or Philadelphia." Or harder for Liers, (OOPS! I mean), _Lawyers_ to issue blanket statements/ defences. >> But critics warned that letting jurors apply county standards of >> decency could potentially create a confusing patchwork of obscenity >> rules for each of the state's 67 counties. They said such a result >> could hamper distribution of books, movies and newspapers across the >> state. Not necessarily a bad thing. >> Speaking on behalf of the Pennsylvania Newspapers Publishers >> Association and four other newspaper groups, John V.R. Bull, assistant >> to the editor of The Philadelphia Inquirer, warned that if the bill >> passed, "newspapers could become little more than bland, watered-down >> bulletin boards, carriers of meeting notices, local public events and >> other noncontroversial items. Too late, they've allready been there for years. >> "In practice, newspapers would have to tailor their content -- >> everything from allegations against the president of the United States >> to bra advertising by their local department store -- to the community >> with the most restrictive standards," he said. "Even newspapers that >> hold back the specifics of the allegations against the president might >> well be exposed -- if you'll forgive the term -- to prosecution." I doubt it; Seen any good obscene bra's lately? And as for the POTUS, have you had to explain to a small child what, "Oral Sex", means, because of the, "coverage"? >> Joining the newspaper groups in opposition were the National >> Association of Theatre Owners of Pennsylvania and the Motion Picture >> Association of America, which represent major motion picture and TV >> producers, such as Disney, Paramount, MGM and Twentieth-Century Fox. >> The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association also opposed the bill. >> >> Lewis Grafman, attorney for the theater owners group, said his >> organization feared that if juries were allowed to apply local >> standards, "the First Amendment industries, such as local theaters, >> would become too easy a target for ephemeral community witch hunts and >> political interests." "Power To The People", is no longer PC? How edifying! >> But the legislation's sponsor, Rep. Thomas Armstrong, R-Lancaster, >> said such fears were little more than "smoke and mirrors" to confuse >> the issue. He said his bill wasn't aimed at "mainstream" newspapers, >> magazines or films. He challenged critics to cite one instance in >> which even an R-rated movie or a newspaper had been successfully >> prosecuted for obscenity in states that let juries apply local >> standards. Good point. >> The U.S. Supreme Court, in a landmark 1973 case, Miller vs. >> California, defined the criteria to decide whether a book, film or >> other material was obscene. The court said the key test was "whether >> the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would >> find the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest." >> >> In 1977, the Legislature revised Pennsylvania's obscenity statute to >> reflect the U.S. high court ruling. State lawmakers then defined >> "contemporary community standards" as a statewide measure. >> >> Armstrong said several states, including Florida, Utah and Virginia, >> had adopted local standards rather than statewide ones to assess >> whether material is obscene. He said the courts had upheld these >> standards as constitutional. That being the case, what's the big deal? >> Current state law also defines an obscene work as one that, when >> "taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, >> educational or scientific value." Armstrong's bill would delete >> "educational" from that definition. _Some_ Public Education is allready obscene enough these days. >> Armstrong introduced a similar bill in the 1995-96 session. The House >> passed it, 115-77, but it died in the Senate. >> >> His bill also would increase the penalty for violating the obscenity >> law. Anyone convicted of giving a child an obscene book or using a >> child in a obscene work would be guilty of a third-degree felony and >> face a maximum penalty of seven years in prison and a $15,000 fine. >> Such a conviction now is just a first-degree misdemeanor, with a >> five-year maximum prison penalty and a $10,000 fine for a first >> offense. Any subsequent offense is a third-degree felony. >> ______ At least this part is somewhat debatable; There is a question of degree involved, and it should be appropriatly addressed. >************************************************************** >* "Just when you think you've got me figured out * >* The season's already changing..." -- Meredith Brooks * >* * >************************************************************** -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Subject: incredible story, good outcome (fwd) Date: 25 Feb 1998 19:26:10 -0500 (EST) Your public servants in action. bd 07:01 PM ET 02/24/98 U.S. woman awarded $450,000 after strip search SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. woman who was strip searched, X-rayed and forced to defecate in front of airport customs agents was awarded more than $450,000 Tuesday after a jury decided her civil rights had been violated. Amanda Buritica, a 51-year-old school crossing guard from Port Chester, N.Y., was detained and subjected to body searches for some 22 hours on Sept. 22, 1994, after she arrived at San Francisco International Airport on a flight from Hong Kong. "This was excessive and arbitrary," attorney Gregory Fox, who represented Buritica in her civil suit, said after the jury's verdict. "I think this is a very strong sign that the jury agreed that the way the U.S. customs is running drug interdiction policy in San Francisco is unconstitutional." Buritica testified during her trial that agents of the U.S. Customs Service picked her out of the arrivals line, patted her down and then put her through a strip search and an examination by X-ray in an effort to see if she had concealed illegal drugs or swallowed them in packets. When nothing was found, they took her to a hospital and induced her to ingest a powerful laxative that caused her to have 28 involuntary bowel movements while observed by two customs agents over an eight hour period. No drugs were found. Lawyers and officials at the customs service had no immediate comment on the verdict, which specified that the money award was to make up for lost wages, psychological counseling and intense emotional distress. Fox said the agents targeted Buritica because she was born in Colombia, although she is now a U.S. citizen. Lawyers for the customs agents said the search was ordered because Buritica fit a profile for suspected drug-runners: a single woman traveling alone from Hong Kong who dressed in loose clothing and was reticent when answering questions. The jury found two of the customs agents each liable for $225,000 in compensatory damages, while two others were assessed nominal compensatory damage awards of $1 each. The chief customs inspector at the airport was found to be liable for an unspecified amount in punitive damages, which the two sides decided should be $1,000 -- bringing the total award to $451,002. U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker put off a decision on whether the Customs Service itself should be held liable and, if so, whether it should pay additional punitive damages. He is also considering a request by Buritica for an injunction requiring the service to improve training for agents at San Francisco International Airport. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Cloyes Subject: Re: CAS: (OT) Larry Harris: Dangerous Kook or Date: 26 Feb 1998 07:16:45 -0500 Not argument there, my only contention is that he is not a terrorist as they say he is. It's unfortunate that, in this country, anything you say or do can and will be turned against you despite your intentions. Guilty until proven innocent. Just another indicator of the upside-down thinking in America. Tom At 09:02 AM 2/25/98 -0500, you wrote: >But, whether deliberately or accidentally, he provided substantial fodder >for the KGBATFBI and their lap-dog media to use to smear a lot of people. > >bd > >On Wed, 25 Feb 1998, Tom Cloyes wrote: > >> I heard him talk last summer and had the chance afterwards to talk with him >> directly. He could best be described as someone who is trying to educate >> people about the dangers associated with a possible bacteriological attack >> of anthrax/plague that a co-worker had relayed to him. He may or may not be >> a fraud, but his message is true. >> Tom >> >> At 05:13 PM 2/24/98 -0500, you wrote: >> >I heard Harris on the radio once, claiming that Ohio was under anthrax >> >attack or some similarly absurd thing. I vote for kook. And maybe >> >"useful idiot." >> > >> >bd >> > >> >On Mon, 23 Feb 1998 wrote: >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >> >> Date: Sat, 21 Feb 1998 17:45:45 -0600 >> >> From: Brenda Jinkins >> >> To: CAS >> >> Subject: CAS: (OT) Larry Harris: Dangerous Kook or Patriot ? >> >> >> >> For education and discussion. Not for commercial use. >> >> >> >> The Reagan >> >> Information >> >> Interchange >> >> >> >> >> >> Larry Harris - A dangerous Kook with Anthrax or Patriot? >> >> >> >> Microbiologist Harris Has been Warning People >> >> About Biological War >> >> >> >> By: Mary Mostert, Editor >> > >> > >> > >> >- >> > >> > >> > >> >> - >> >> > > >- > > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Cloyes Subject: ANTI-GUN BILL PASSES IN GEORGIA SENATE WITH NRA APPROVAL!! Date: 26 Feb 1998 07:41:07 -0500 Comments? >Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:37:58 -0500 >From: E Pluribus Unum >X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.01 [en] (Win95; U) >To: E Pluribus Unum Email Distribution Network >Subject: ANTI-GUN BILL PASSES IN GEORGIA SENATE WITH NRA APPROVAL!! > >The following announcment was sent to me from Citizens for Safe >Government (CSG): > >A =93Lock Away Your Gun=94 bill unexpectedly passed the Georgia Senate on >Friday, February 20, in a surprise deal brokered by Senate bosses and >the NRA. > >In exchange for mention of the NRA=92s =93Eddy Eagle=94 gun safety program, >the deal substituted gun storage language for the original wording of >S. B. 407, a gun control bill by Senate Anti-Gun Boss David Scott >(D-Atlanta). > >The sell-out passed by a 37-13 margin over the objections of a dozen >Senators led by Senate Pro-Gun Leader Pam Glanton (R-Riverdale). > >Under the proposal, local government officials would have broad leeway >to decide how you should keep a pistol in your home, car, or >elsewhere. If you=92re not doing whatever they think is proper, you >could be arrested. Your gun would be confiscated. Upon conviction, >you=92d pay a minumum $1000 fine and face up to a year in prison. > >The bill now goes to the House, where gun owners face an uphill battle >to defeat a coalition of anti-gunners and NRA compromisers who are >supporting it. > >The legislative situation has worsened dramatically. Last week, Sen. >Scott was pushing a different version: a gun control bill which would >have made you a criminal if you negligently allowed a minor to possess a >pistol. > >But gun owners saw that anti-gun officials would make liberal use of >the vague language in S. B. 407 to persecute people if it passed. >Grass-roots opposition stirred up by CSG activists had the bill facing >defeat on the Senate floor. > >That=92s when Mr. Scott went to Senate underboss Sonny Perdue >(D-Bonaire) and Republican floor boss Chuck Clay (R-Marietta). Both >are compromisers with long histories of backing gun control deals. > >The three bosses cut a deal to substitute gun storage language for the >original wording of S. B. 407. The NRA signed off on it in exchange for >notice that local schools have the option to teach the NRA=92s =93Eddy >Eagle=94 gun safety program for children. > >Compromisers seized control of the NRA Board after a power struggle >last year. Now they are pushing an agenda of compromise on gun rights >to seek a better image in the media. > >Aside from going along with =93Lock Away Your Gun=94 in Georgia, this year >the NRA is pushing a Brady Check bill to set up a state-level gun >control agency to enforce gun owner registration in Alabama. > >On Thursday morning, February 19, the Scott-Perdue-Clay compromise was >offered up as a floor substitute for the doomed original bill. Senator >Scott praised the NRA for their co-operation. > >Senator Clay, a Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor, said >that although the compromise language was vague, gun owners persecuted >under the law would likely be acquitted after a trial by jury. > >Senator Ralph David Abernathy III (D-Atlanta) urged the Senate to pass >the compromise which, he said, was essentially the =93Lock Away Your Gun=94 >legislation he=92d been pushing for years. But he seemed >disappointed that the bosses and NRA were getting the credit instead >of him. > >CSG legal advisers say while the bill doesn=92t literally specify that >people must keep their guns locked up, the language is drafted so that >police could charge anybody who didn=92t lock up a pistol when it wasn=92t >in their immediate personal possession. > >Here=92s the roll call vote on S. B. 407, passage by substitute: >-- >Voting For S. B. 407 (voting against gun rights) > >Name District/Party/City Office Fax > >Peg Blitch (7: D-Homerville) 656-0053 657-1806 >Edward Boshears (6: R-Brunswick) 656-0082 656-6483 >Rooney Bowen (13: D-Cordele) 656-7580 651-6767 >Robert Brown (26: D-Macon) 651-7738 651-5795 >Chuck Clay (37: R-Marietta) 656-0032 657-9727 >Mike Crotts (17: R-Conyers) 656-0071 656-6484 >Mike Egan (40: R-Atlanta) 656-6191 651-6767 >Vincent Fort (39: D-Atlanta) 656-5091 657-7266 >Hugh Gillis (20: D-Soperton) 656-5080 657-9728 >Floyd Griffin (25:D-Milledgeville) 656-0091 656-0449 >Ed Harbison (15: D-Columbus) 656-0074 657-7266 >Steve Henson (55: D-Stone Mountain) 656-0061 657-9728 >Jack Hill (4: D-Reidsville) 656-5038 651-6768 >George Hooks (14: D-Americus) 656-0065 651-5588 >Eric Johnson (1: R-Savannah) 656-5109 657-9887 >Diana Johnson (2: D-Savannah) 656-0075 656-6581 >Ren=E9 Kemp (3: D-Hinesville) 656-0070 657-1806 >Robert Lamutt (21: R-Marietta) 656-5085 657-1424 >Clay Land (16: R-Columbus) 656-7428 656-6484 >Steve Langford (29: D-LaGrange) 656-5067 651-6767 >Guy Middleton (50: D-Dahlonega) 656-5913 657-9723 >Mary Margaret Oliver (42:D-Decatur) 656-5920 651-6768 >Sonny Perdue (18: D-Bonaire) 656-6892 657-3217 >Thomas Price (56: R-Roswell) 656-5039 657-0786 >Harold Ragan (11: D-Cairo) 656-0083 651-6768 >David Ralston (51: R-Blue Ridge) 656-6559 657-0459 >Sam Roberts (30: R-Douglasville) 656-0036 657-0459 >David Scott (36: D-Atlanta) 656-0090 none >Connie Stokes (43: D-Decatur) 656-5114 657-0797 >Van Streat (19: D-Nicholls) 656-9218 656-4579 >Charlie Tanksley (32: R-Marietta) 656-0037 657-9887 >Mark Taylor (12: D-Albany) 651-7738 651-5795 >Nadine Thomas (10: D-Ellenwood) 656-0078 657-0786 >Don Thomas (54: R-Dalton) 656-6436 657-7081 >Loyce Turner (8: D-Valdosta) 656-5035 651-6768 >Jim Tysinger (41: R-Atlanta) 656-5068 651-6767 >Charles Walker (22: D-Augusta) 656-0040 651-5588 > >Voting Against S. B. 407 (voting for gun rights) > >Joey Brush (24: R-Appling) 657-0406 657-0797 >Joe Burton (5: R-Atlanta) 656-0086 651-6767 >Casey Cagle (49: R-Gainesville) 656-6578 657-1424 >Nathan Dean (31: D-Rockmart) 656-5121 651-6768 >Pam Glanton (34: R-Riverdale) 656-0094 657-7853 >Ed Gochenour (27: R-Macon) 656-0044 657-7853 >Bob Guhl (45: R-Social Circle) 656-0150 657-7081 >Sonny Huggins (53: R-LaFayette) 656-0057 656-4579 >Eddie Madden (47: D-Elberton) 656-6030 657-9723 >Richard Marable (52: D-Rome) 656-5120 657-9728 >Rick Price (28: R-Fayetteville) 656-6446 657-0785 >Billy Ray (48: R-Lawrenceville) 656-0048 656-6581 >Steve Thompson (33: D-Powder Springs) 656-0041 651-6768 > >Not Voting > >Ralph David Abernathy (38:D-Atlanta) 656-0056 656-0449 >Don Balfour (9: R-Lilburn) 656-0095 656-6483 >Paul Broun (46: D-Athens) 656-5095 651-6767 >Don Cheeks (23: D-Augusta) 656-0045 651-6767 >Terrell Starr (44: D-Forest Park) 656-7586 657-9728 > >Not Present > >Donzella James (35: D-College Park) 656-0049 657-0785 > > (All phone numbers shown above are area code 404) >--=20 >****************************************************************** > E Pluribus Unum The Central Ohio Patriot Group > P.O. Box 791 Eventline/Voicemail: (614) 823-8499 > Grove City, OH 43123 > >Meetings: Monday Evenings, 7:30pm, Ryan's Steakhouse > 3635 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. (just East of Sawmill Rd.) > > >****************************************************************** > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Monica: They're out to kill me Date: 26 Feb 1998 12:33:16 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Posted for educational puposes only STAR MAGAZINE March 3, 1998 Cover Blurb: SCARED MONICA: THEY'RE OUT TO KILL ME Story headline: MONICA LIVING IN FEAR AFTER INTERN IS SHOT DEAD by Richard Gooding Terrified Monica Lewinsky - the woman at the center of the Clinton sex scandal - has told friends her life could be in danger. She talks ominously about the bizarre, unexplained murder of another White House intern who was one of her best pals. "I don't want to end up like Caity Mahoney," she is reported to have said. Mahoney was gunned down, execution style for no apparent reason last summer at a Starbucks coffeehouse near the White House - a place where Monica, 24, and other Clinton interns frequently hung out. STAR has also learned that Monica and confidante Linda Tripp - who secretly taped Monica's claims of a White House affair with President Clinton - frequently talked about being in danger. "You don't think they're going to kill us?" Tripp said a number of times in recent months to another friend of hers. Then, just as the sex scandal was about to surface, Tripp was mysteriously invited by a close pal of Hillary Clinton's to a weekend getaway and fretted to a friend: "What if they poison me?" But it was the shocking slaying of the other former White House intern that has raised the most disturbing questions yet in the scandal. Mary Caitrin Mahoney, 25, campaigned full time for Bill Clinton in the 1992 race and then arrived in Washington in January of 1993 with a coveted summons to be one of the president's first interns. She later became assistant manager of a Starbucks coffeehouse in the posh Georgetown district - where she still had friends in high places and a thirst for the hottest political gossip. One day Chelsea was a customer - but she couldn't find enough change for her coffee. Caity Mahoney reached into her own pocket and treated her. Subheadline: HIT MEN SILENCE HER PAL Photo of Caity Mahoney Photo Caption: Monica was shaken by the grusome death of Caity Mahoney (above). Former top White House adviser George Stephanopoulos lived in the neighborhood and was a regular. And so was Monica Lewinsky. She and Caity were often seen chatting and laughing about their shared experiences as young women in the Clinton White House. Photo of Starbucks Photo Caption: Monica was a regular at the Starbucks where three workers were gunned down, execution style. Last July 7, Caity was in the cafe cleaning up after closing time with co-workers Emory Evans and Aaron Goodrich. Sometime after 9pm., two gunmen got inside and shot all three to death. Caity was singled out for the most horrendous fate - as if she'd been the killers' prime target. Of the ten shots fired, she was hit five times at point blank range, including at least once in the face. The final bullet was delivered to the back of her head after she'd already fallen. In one hand, in a death grip, Caity clutched the keys to the store's safe, which held the weekend's receipts of more than $10,000. D.C. cops were mystified by the apparent lack of motive in the crime. The safe hadn't been opened. The cash registers were undisturbed. The store hadn't been ransacked. None of the victims' personal belongings had been touched. "No one knows whether Monica ever confided in Caity about her relationship with the president," says an insider. "But they talked a lot. And now Caity is dead." Meanwhile, Monica has become a household name as the woman who could bring the Clinton presidency down. She also faces possible perjury charges from Ken Starr, who's trying to prove she lied under oath when she denied having a sexual relationship with the president. "No wonder she's scared." (End of Article) Poster's Notes: Is this Supermarket Tabloid Trash of Hardnosed Investigative Reporting? Recall this: It was the self same STAR Magazine that exposed the Gennifer Flowers scandal when the rest of the press would have none of it. And more precisely, it was the self same STAR reporter, Richard Gooding, who exploded THE political bombshell of 1996 - "White House Call Girl Scandal": the story of Dick Morris, his hooker and her luscious toes - which ended Morris' formal White House career. So when it comes to the realm of sexually tinged poltical intrigue, the Grocery Tabs have been a damn sight more forthright - and accurate - than their mainstream brethren. A WILLEY-MAHONEY-LEWINSKY TIMELINE July 4, 1997: Matt Drudge reveals that Newsweek's Michael Isikoff is hot on the trail of a second Paula Jones - inside the White House. Drudge does NOT name the woman. July 7, 1997: The Starbucks Massacre: Former White House intern Mary Mahoney and two co-workers are shot five times execution style.At this time,only the White House knows it has "An Intern Problem". Still,Internet speculation as to a possible connection to a new White House sex scandal is rampant. July 15, 1997: According to recent Newsmagazine reports, on or about mid-July, President Clinton tells Monica that he can't see her for awhile. July 28, 1997: Drudge scoops Newsweek once again, naming Kathleen Willey as the woman Bill Clinton sexually harrassed inside the White House. With Willey's I.D., specualtion around the Starbucks connection subsides. Dec. 5, 1997: Paula Jones' legal team notifies the White House that Monica Lewinsky is on their witness list. Dec. 6, 1997: Nearly 5 months to the day after the still unsolved Starbucks Massacre, Eric Butera, an informant working with DC Police on the Starbucks case, is beaten to death while working at their behest on an unrelated drug case. Jan 21, 1998: The Washington Post identifies Monica Lewinsky as the former White House intern implicated in a sexual relationship with the president. Spotlight on Starbucks, once again. Carl of Oyster Bay ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas ---------------- Campaign Inquiry Follows Cash to US From Macao New York Times 2/26/98 David Johnston WASHINGTON -- House and Senate investigators, examining how overseas money was laundered into President Clinton's re-election campaign, have unearthed evidence that a Macao developer entered the United States at least six times carrying large sums of cash, congressional officials said Wednesday. The Republican investigators have found records indicating that Ng Lap Seng, a property developer based in Macao, brought a total of $333,000 in cash into the United States, reporting the money as required on Treasury Department declaration forms. Ng carried the money with him when he arrived in the country on his travels between 1994 and 1996. Republicans have said that Ng also was the source of much more money, including hundreds of thousands of dollars in wire transfers from overseas that found its way into campaigns in 1994 and 1996. But investigators have only recently discovered the cash and have no idea what Ng did with that money once he was in the country. They acknowledged that there was no evidence of impropriety, but they continued to focus on Ng because he was once a business partner with Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie. Trie has been indicted on charges of disguising the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars given to the Democratic Party during the last campaign. Republicans have said that Ng was a source of Trie's campaign contributions, which were substantial. The Democratic National Committee returned $645,000 that Trie contributed or raised after concluding that the money came from questionable or possibly illegal sources. Clinton's legal defense fund also returned $640,000 contributed by Trie. Trie's lawyer, Reid Weingarten, has said that his client has done nothing illegal. Congressional investigators have compared the dates of Ng's trips to the United States with the dates of meetings he had at the White House, to assess whether they could be linked. On five of the six occasions when Ng arrived in the United States with cash, he visited the White House within two days of his arrival. Ng met most often at the White House with Mark Middleton, a former political aide, who left to pursue private business projects in Asia. Middleton has cited the constitutional right against self-incrimination in refusing to cooperate with the congressional inquiry. Wednesday, a White House spokesman, James Kennedy, dismissed any connection between Ng's money and his visits. "It is not a crime for people to come to the United States with money, and it is not a crime for people to visit the White House," he said. "To suggest there is any connection between the two in the absence of any evidence is ridiculou The investigators have also examined the activities of Shao Zhengkang, a Chinese businessman, theorizing that he could be a link between Trie and senior levels of the Chinese government. The Republicans have speculated that Shao, who is known as Peter, has ties to Chinese intelligence and to Ng. In part, Trie has been an irresistible focus of the congressional inquiry because he has been a longtime friend of Clinton who became a large Democratic donor, using his connections to launch a career as an Asian business consultant. The White House appointed him to an advisory trade commission on Asia. Wednesday, House Republicans released notes taken during an interview in December with a former Senate aide who helped screen appointees to the commission. The aide, Steven Clemons, is quoted in the notes as saying he sought to thwart Trie's appointment. The interview summary prepared by Republicans said that Clemons was told by White House officials that Trie was "an absolute must appointment" whose selection was sought "directly from the highest levels of the White House." Clemons' contact at the White House was Charles Duncan, an official in the personnel office, who sought the Trie appointment. Duncan's lawyer, A. Scott Bolden, Wednesday rejected Clemons' account. "My client, under oath, has categorically denied that anyone picked for the commission was chosen from a list of contributors," Bolden said. "There was never any pressure from White House higher-ups." The White House denied that Trie was picked for the commission because of his political influence. "Mr. Trie was appointed to the commission because of his background as an Asian-American, his knowledge about Asian issues, his experience as a small businessman as well as the fact that he was a friend and supporter of the president," Kennedy said. ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: FBI to Pay Whitleblower $1.16m Date: 27 Feb 1998 09:29:02 -0600 (CST) FBI to Pay Whistleblower $1.16M=20 By Michael J. Sniffen Associated Press Writer Thursday, February 26, 1998; 5:48 p.m. EST WASHINGTON (AP) -- The FBI agreed Thursday to pay a settlement worth more than $1.16 million to agent Frederic Whitehurst, the whistleblower who triggered an overhaul of the FBI crime laboratory.=20 Whitehurst returned to work from a yearlong suspension Thursday and voluntarily resigned as part of the deal.=20 In the 16-page settlement, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, the FBI agreed to pay $1.166 million now to purchase annuities that would pay the 50-year-old chemist-agent annual amounts equal to the salary and pension he would have earned had he kept working until normal FBI retirement at age 57.=20 Under terms of the settlement, the FBI will pay $258,580 in legal fees to Whitehurst's lawyers and the Justice Department will drop all consideration of disciplinary action against him.=20 In a brief statement acknowledging Whitehurst's return to work and his decision to resign as of Friday, the FBI said, ``Dr. Whitehurst played a role in identifying specific areas (of the lab) to be examined and some of the issues he noted resulted in both internal and external reviews.''=20 For 10 years, Whitehurst, a lab supervisor who was once the FBI's top bomb residue expert, complained mostly in vain about lab practices. But his efforts finally led last April to a scathing 500-page study of the lab by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Bromwich.=20 Bromwich blasted the world-renowned lab for flawed scientific work and inaccurate, pro-prosecution testimony in major cases including the Oklahoma City and World Trade Center bombings. Bromwich recommended major reforms, discipline for five agents that is still under consideration, and transfer of Whitehurst to other duties.=20 But he also criticized Whitehurst for ``overstated and incendiary'' allegations of intentional misconduct that Bromwich's investigators did not find.=20 Whitehurst had been suspended with pay since January 1997 and was facing discipline for refusing to cooperate with an investigation of the leak of some of his allegations to a magazine.=20 He agreed to drop allegations in his lawsuit against the FBI that the bureau retaliated against him for whistleblowing. But Whitehurst's allegations against the FBI and the Justice Department of violating his rights under the Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act continue. Those cases are in confidential mediation.=20 The FBI's action was praised by Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who chairs a Senate Judiciary subcommittee that oversees the bureau and has sharply criticized the FBI's treatment of Whitehurst. The bureau's settlement sent a signal that ``product was more important than image,'' Grassley said. ``Make no mistake about it, however, the FBI would have preferred to get rid of the messenger.''=20 Hailing Whitehurst for ``immense public service,'' Grassley said he had been ``unfairly attacked by the FBI and Justice Department's inspector general.''=20 ``The FBI did the right thing. It's a positive message to all employees,'' said Whitehurst's attorney, Stephen Kohn. ``We hope they cooperate with the ongoing investigation into identifying the victims of the forensic misconduct.''=20 The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers has joined Whitehurst in a lawsuit against the Justice Department to obtain working drafts and other data from the inspector general's investigation to identify defendants whose trials may have been tainted by flawed lab work or testimony.=20 The FBI has asserted that no prosecutions will be lost because of the lab problems. Justice Department officials have said none have been lost so far but the final outcome remains to be seen. Government witness lists were revised in the Oklahoma City bombing and other prosecutions and at least one count in another trial was dropped, all after word of lab errors or mistakes came out.=20 Whitehurst is to become founding director of the National Whistleblower Center's Forensic Justice Project. The project will review past FBI lab work to ensure innocent people were not harmed and it plans to monitor the FBI's ongoing effort to obtain its first accreditation of the laboratory by outside experts.=20 For the seven years until he reaches age 57, Whitehurst would receive payments of $95,412 a year from the settlement. Between 57 and 62, he would receive $57,000 a year, or roughly his full pension had he continued working. At age 62, the payment would decline to $24,468 a year because he would then be able to draw the actual FBI pension he has earned up to the point of his resignation.=20 Whitehurst's wife, who continues to work in the FBI lab, would receive the payments after his death.=20 =A9 Copyright 1998 The Associated Press =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jaspar Subject: A Victory in L.A. Date: 27 Feb 1998 09:25:59 -0700 I'm on a lot of conservative mailing lists. Last Fall I got a request for a donation from a group called "Keep Larry Elder on the Air." Elder is a weekday afternoon talk radio host in Los Angeles. He is black, and promotes conservative values, and he's very popular. But some folks hated Larry and his message enough to organize a successful boycott of his sponsors. Larry's show was about to be canceled. Larry is a major defender of the Second Amendment, and a proponent of concealed carry for Californians. Larry's rival show (in the same time slot) is the "John and Ken Show," and these fellows (especially John) usually label gun owners as gun nuts, or right wing whackos, or worse. So I mailed in a modest donation to save Larry. I often listen to his show, and I would miss him. A few weeks ago, I received another letter from the group, and I assumed it was another appeal for money. I was happily surprised. Sometimes, if enough of us fight back, and we do it right, we can win. Below is the letter I received. [From] "Keep Larry Elder on the Air" David Horowitz, Chairman Administered by the Center for the Study of Popular Culture P.O. Box 67398 Los Angeles, CA 90067 February 4, 1998 I am writing to give you a more or less final report on our campaign to Keep Larry Elder on the Air, to which you gave such an important boost. Our campaign had several objectives: to save Larry's show, which was in danger of being terminated, to bring Larry's message to a broad audience, to raise his visibility in the hopes of increasing that audience, and to expand the support base of the Center for the Study of Popular Culture. I am happy to report that all of these objectives have been achieved. When we began our campaign, the Talking Drum boycott of Larry's KABC talk show had been accompanied by several sponsor withdrawals from the program. Larry believed his show was in imminent danger of being canceled by KABC. Our press conference on October 28th, announcing the Keep Larry Elder on the Air Campaign, forestalled that event. Over the next three weeks we ran more than 300 television ads on cable and network television in the greater Los Angeles area--a 100-mile stretch from San Clemente to Oxnard--reaching 18 million homes. The 30-second spots appeared on such shows as Nightline, Jeopardy, Politically Incorrect, Geraldo, Grodin, and Crossfire and various evening news programs. We also did a direct mail appeal to 50,000 people in the Los Angeles area. As a result of our campaign, interest in Larry's show grew enormously. Newsweek senior editor, Howard Fineman, commented on a segment of Grodin devoted to the subject that our campaign was "the hottest political issue in L.A." The Los Angeles Daily News made it a front page above the fold story. The Arbitron ratings for the quarter have just been released. Larry's ratings jumped between 20-30% passing KFI's "John and Ken" (his rival show) for the first time in total listeners. "It's the biggest bump in this time period I've ever had," Larry says. It was the first time in five years that KABC had topped KFI in the ratings. In the middle of our campaign, KABC station chief Maureen Lesourd, who had cut Larry's airtime hours in half, was fired. The attitude of the new management towards Larry's show is 180 degrees different from Lesourd's. They fully support Larry's show and are in the process of increasing his airtime. Meanwhile, Larry is in the process of negotiating a syndication deal (which KABC previously blocked) with a company called Synergy that will carry his show nation-wide. I hope you feel as gratified as we do that this important show has been saved and is now stronger than ever. I thank you all for your confidence in the Center and for your support for Larry. As a result of the campaign Larry is a stronger voice for reason than he was before, and the Center's support base has been expanded by half. All told, we raised $500,000 for the campaign from 5,000 individuals, who will now be included in the pool of Center supporters. Every penny of these funds was spent on television ads, direct mail solicitations and the staff to support them. Perhaps the most important lesson of this campaign is the importance of fighting back when articulate leaders like Larry Elder are under attack. If we fight back, we can win. I am also pleased to report that the Center hosted Speaker Newt Gingrich last week before an audience that included actors Kurt Russell and Tony Danza, LA Times editor-in-chief Michael Parks and top executives from Paramount, Disney, and Fox. It was the largest friendly entertainment industry turnout for a Republican since the Eisenhower Administration. Thank you again for your help. With gratitude, David Horowitz - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Subject: my NSDHO re. NRA board elections Date: 27 Feb 1998 17:10:06 -0500 (EST) Re. NRA board elections: Being out of the information loop, I've been a little bewildered by the current NRA board war. Having been an underdog myself, I've tended to root for the apparent underdog, Knox. I also haven't been pleased with some directions the NRA has taken under the current board majority. So I was leaning toward the Knox faction, but there was and is much I don't understand so I was uncertain. Until I saw that the board majority faction has recommended Ollie North, that is. It's a matter of record that North engaged in criminal acts in support of unconstitutional policies and he was/is part of our (now not-so-) secret uncontrolled permanent government which daily seeks to enslave us and practically everybody else on the planet. IMNSDHO, no person who cares a fig for the tattered remnants of our once-great republic could ever have recommended North for anything except jail. Thanks Sue King. I'll be sure to select my candidates from your "Do not vote for" list (advertisement after p. 33, _American Rifleman_, March 1998). Brad Dolan NRA Life Member >Committee for a Strong and Effective NRA >Sue King, Treasurer =EF 515 Timber Terrace =EF Houston, Texas 77024 > James E. Reinke, Co-Chairman >Volume 2 =EF No. 1 =EF 1998 Barbara A. Phillips, >M.D., Co-Chairman > > > >NRA Past Presidents Council: Robert Corbin =EF Joe Foss =EF Howard >Pollock =EF James Reinke > > > NRA STATE ASSOCIATIONS SERIOUSLY AFFECTED BY NRA BYLAW AMENDMENT > > A proposed amendment to the NRA Bylaws will be on the ballot for >a vote by NRA voting members in the March, 1998 issues of The American >Rifleman, The American Hunter and The American Guardian. > >Read the Bylaw Amendment! > >Join NRA's leaders and the overwhelming majority of NRA Board members -- >VOTE NO ! > > > Neal Knox and the two Directors who crafted this Amendment, Ronin >Colman and Albert Ross, are betting you won't read the Amendment and >won't understand the harm this proposed Bylaw Amendment will do to NRA >and to you. If this Bylaw Amendment passes, our mission and cause in >furthering the Second Amendment would grind to a halt. > > >Does your State Association or NRA affiliated club or organization ever >invite an NRA Officer or NRA Board member to attend one of your meetings >or events? [...] >Then VOTE FOR 26 of these 31 candidates RECOMMENDED BY The NRA Nominating >Committee [...] Oliver North [...] - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: March 28 1998 is the 5th anniversary of the Waco BATF attack Date: 27 Feb 1998 17:39:39 -0600 (CST) March 28, 1998 is the 5th anniversary of the Waco BATF attack. March 28,1993 is the infamous day the BATF attacked a church and home full of women and children. The Branch Davidians near Waco Texas a religious sect of devout Christians. The attack included machine gun strafing from circling helicopters and indiscriminate shooting at unknown targets by the BATF on the ground using machine guns and hand guns. The women and children inside were lying on the floor as most of the bullets penetrated the thin plywood buildings. The shooting only stopped after the BATF shot all their available ammunition into the building. The Davidians in an act of mercy allowed the BATF to remove all dead and wounded agents and peacefully retreat with out any return fire. The siege ended on April 19, 1993 with a US Army tank assault and deadly CS gas mixed with flammable solvents that erupted into an inferno burning to death more than 80 people trapped inside. Their crime had been believing in a charismatic Christian preacher who sold legal guns by a licensed gun dealer to make money for their church. No attempt was ever made to legally serve a search warrant or arrest warrant for David Koresh or any of his associates. A phone offer by David to the BATF to come out and inspect his property was turned down by the BATF when a Waco gun store owner called him to let him know they were down there asking about his transactions. A Texas jury found all Davidians innocent of charges from the attack and after the jury was dismissed the Federal Judge imposed federal firearm sentences for the use of a firearm during the commission of a crime. This was done despite the fact a jury had found them innocent of all crimes. These Davidians are currently in Federal prisons on multiple year sentences. Please take time to say a prayer for the dead Davidians, BATF agents and the death of our Constitutional way of government and its protections of the rights of innocents and citizens of this great country. Paul Watson Dallas, Texas See - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Greg Doty) Subject: Fwd: piml] Anti-Gun Organizations Date: 28 Feb 1998 06:58:44 -0800 (PST) >From: Clido >Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 22:57:44 EST >To: >Subject: Fwd: piml] Anti-Gun Organizations >X-UIDL: 6ab55993b2cba9e72cd0f22dd6e93477 > >Content-ID: <> >Content-type: text/plain; charset=3DUS-ASCII > >Return-Path: >Received: from ( [])= by > (v39.9) with SMTP; Thu, 26 Feb 1998 10:53:06 -0500 >Received: from ( []) > by (8.8.5/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0) > with ESMTP id KAA18411; > Thu, 26 Feb 1998 10:52:46 -0500 (EST) >Received: (from daemon@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) id > JAA20679 for piml-mail; Thu, 26 Feb 1998 09:42:48 -0600 (CST) >Received: from ( []) by= > (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id JAA20672 for ; > Thu, 26 Feb 1998 09:42:45 -0600 (CST) >Received: from ( []) > by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id KAA17062; > Thu, 26 Feb 1998 10:42:26 -0500 (EST) >Received: from ( > > by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id KAA17443; > Thu, 26 Feb 1998 10:41:56 -0500 (EST) >Received: from bigbrother ( by= > (4.1/EDS-1.0) > id AA17579; Thu, 26 Feb 98 10:33:24 EST >Sender: >Message-Id: <> >Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 10:33:24 -0500 >From: "Mark A. Smith" >X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.04Gold (X11; I; SunOS 4.1.3 sun4m) >To: Mark >Subject: piml] Anti-Gun Organizations >Errors-To: >X-bmw: Black Marble Wombat Version 5.1 Galstar Secure Hack >Mime-Version: 1.0 >Content-type: text/plain; charset=3DUS-ASCII >Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit > > > >-------------------- >---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - >---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - >---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - >[Image] > = [Image] > ILA Research & Information Division > Fact Sheet > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - > > Anti-Gun Organizations > > (Updated May, 1996) > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - >Handgun Control, Inc. (HCI) > >Headquarters: 1225 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 1100 > Washington, DC 20005 >Telephone: (202) 898-0792 >Fax: (202) 371-9615 > >Regional Offices: 10951 W. Pico Boulevard > Suite 204 > Los Angeles, CA 90064 > (213) 446-0056 > Fax: (310) 475-3147 > > 114 Sansome Street > Room 802 > San Francisco, CA 94104 > (415) 433-3535 > Fax: (415) 433-3357 > >Staff: 32 >Founding Chair: Nelson T. "Pete" Shields, III >Chair: Sarah Brady >President: James Guest >Treasurer: Mark Ingram >Secretary: Lois Hess > >Board of Directors: >David Birenbaum >Carl Bogus >John Corderman >Lee Fisher >John Hechinger >Larry Lowenstein >John Phillips >Helen Raiser >Maurice Rosenblatt >Jeanne Shields >Odile Stern >Edward O. Welles > >Publication: Washington Report, quarterly >PAC: National Handgun Control Voter Education Fund >Membership: 250,000 dues-paying members. HCI claims >1,000,000+ members, but this includes contacts by interested >parties by any means. > >HCI originated (1974) as the National Council to Control Handguns >(NCCH), a group which lobbied for government restrictions on the >right to keep and bear arms through support for restrictions on >the manufacture, importation, sale, transfer, and civilian >possession of handguns. The organization voiced a desire for an >eventual handgun ban through gradual steps, but changed its name >and espoused goals due to results of a survey. In 1991, HCI >amended its Articles of Incorporation to reflect its support of >restrictions on rifles and shotguns as well. > >HCI National Committee: > >Steve Allen >Lauren Bacall >Marjorie Benton >Lloyd Bridges >Edmund G. Brown, Sr. >Ellen Burstyn >Julia Child >Jackie Cooper >Hume Cronyn >Joseph Curran >Stephan Dart >William Dorman >Gerald Dunfey >Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. >Kenneth Gibson >Rabbi Jos. B. Glaser >Betsy Gotbaum >Michael Gross >Elliot Jones Halberstam >Mariette Hartley >Richard Hatcher >Janet Gray Hayes >Andrew Heiskell >Hal Holbrook >Maynard Jackson >Albert Jenner, Jr. >Shirley Knight >Patricia Kennedy Lawford >Jack Lemmon >Edward Levi >John Lindsay >Marsha Mason >Jane McMichael >Patrick Murphy >Paul Newman >George D. Newton, Jr. >Victor Palmeri >Gregory Peck >Russell Peterson >Sol Price >Milton Rector >Will Rogers, Jr. >James W. Rouse >Rabbi Alexander M. Schindler >Neil Simon >Rod Steiger >Dr. Emanuel Taney >Eli Wallach >Ruth Warrick >Francis Wheat >James Whitmore >Andy Williams > >In March 1995 HCI began a "Campaign to Protect Sane Gun Laws," >listing these organizations as "Campaign Partners," for having >pledged to fight any efforts to repeal the Brady Act and the >Clinton "assault weapons" ban: > >Ambulatory Pediatric Ass'n >American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing >American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry >American Academy of Pediatrics >American Ass'n of Family and Consumer Sciences >American Ass'n for World Health >American Ass'n of Neurological Surgeons >American Ass'n of Retired Persons >American Counseling Ass'n >American Ethical Union >American Federation of Teachers >American Firearms Ass'n >American Jewish Committee >American Jewish Congress >American Medical Ass'n >American Medical Student Ass'n >American Medical Women's Ass'n >American Nurses Ass'n >American Psychological Ass'n >American Public Health Ass'n >American Trauma Society >Americans for Democratic Action >Anti-Defamation League >Ass'n of American Medical Colleges >B'nai B'rith >Black Mental Health Alliance >Central Conference of American Rabbis >Children's Defense Fund >Church of the Brethren >Coalition to Stop Gun Violence >Coalition for Peace Action >College Democrats of America >Congress of Nat'l Black Churches, Inc. >Congress of Neurological Surgeons >Consumer Federation of America >Council of Chief State School Officers >Council of the Great City Schools >Environmental Action Foundation >Episcopal Church-Washington Office >Friends Committee on Nat'l Legislation >General Federation of Women's Clubs >Gray Panthers >Hadassah >Interfaith Neighbors >Int'l Ass'n of Educators for World Peace >Int'l Ladies' Garment Workers' Union >Jewish Labor Committee >League of Women Voters of the United States* >Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs, Evangelical Lutheran >Church in America >Manhattan Project II >Mennonite Central Committee-Washington Office >Nat'l Assembly of Nat'l Voluntary Health & Social Welfare >Organizations >Nat'l Ass'n for the Advancement of Colored People >Nat'l Ass'n of Chain Drug Stores >Nat'l Ass'n of Children's Hospitals and Related Institutions >Nat'l Ass'n of Counties* >Nat'l Ass'n of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners >Nat'l Ass'n of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officers >Nat'l Ass'n of Elementary School Principals* >Nat'l Ass'n of Public Hospitals >Nat'l Ass'n of School Psychologists >Nat'l Ass'n of Secondary School Principals >Nat'l Ass'n of Social Workers >Nat'l Black Nurses' Ass'n >Nat'l Coalition Against Domestic Violence >Nat'l Center to Rehabilitate Violent Youth >Nat'l Commission for Economic Conversion & Disarmament >Nat'l Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA >Nat'l Council of Jewish Women >Nat'l Council of La Raza >Nat'l Council of Negro Women >Nat'l Council on Family Relations >Nat'l Education Ass'n* >Nat'l League of Cities >Nat'l Network for Youth >Nat'l Organization for Women >Nat'l Organization on Disability >Nat'l Peace Foundation >Nat'l People's Action >Nat'l Political Congress of Black Women >Nat'l Parent, Teachers Ass'n* >Nat'l SAFE KIDS Campaign >Nat'l Spinal Cord Injury Ass'n >Nat'l Urban Coalition >Nat'l Urban League, Inc. >NETWORK: A Nat'l Catholic Social Justice Lobby >Peace Action >Physicians for Social Responsibility >Project on Demilitarization and Democracy >Public Citizen >SaferWorld >Society of Critical Care Medicine >Southern Christian Leadership Conference >The Synergetic Society >Union of American Hebrew Congregations >Unitarian Universalist Ass'n >United Church of Christ, Office for Church in Society* >United Methodist Church, General Board & Church Society >United States Catholic Conference >United States Conference of Mayors >War and Peace Foundation >Women's Nat'l Democratic Club >Women Strike for Peace >Women's Action for New Directions (WAND) >Women's Int'l League for Peace and Freedom >World Spiritual Assembly, Inc. >YWCA of the U.S.A. >20/20 Vision > >*The national organization only endorses federal legislation. > >The Center to Prevent Handgun Violence (CPHV) is an HCI >"educational" spin-off that portrays firearms and their ownership >as inherently dangerous. Straight Talk About Risks (S.T.A.R.), >CPHV's politically-based anti-gun curriculum targets >schoolchildren aged pre-K through 12th grade. The CPHV is >located at 1400 K Street, N.W., Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005. > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - >Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) > > >Headquarters: 100 Maryland Avenue, N.E. > Washington, DC 20002 >Telephone: (202) 544-7190 >President: Michael K. Beard >Co-Chairpersons: Ethel Kennedy, Coretta Scott King > >National Sponsors: >William E. Colby >Judy Collins >Monsignor John J. Egan >Walter E. Fauntroy >Dr. Dorothy Height >Dr. Barbara Jordan >Comm. George Napper >Harry Nillson >Gregory Peck >Dr. Alvin F. Pouissant >Rabbi David Sapperstein > >The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV), was originally formed >in 1975 as the National Coalition to Ban Handguns (NCBH) "for the >purposes of banning the importation, manufacture, sale, transfer, >ownership and possession of handguns." In 1989, after expanding >its efforts to include restrictions on all firearms, the group >adopted its new name, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. > >The United Methodist Church was the principle founder of CSGV. >CSGV's membership is comprised of individual supporters. Ex-CIA >employee, Edward O. Welles, who also helped to form HCI, was an >original NCBH board member and, reportedly, NCCH/HCI was an >unreported member of the Coalition for several years. > >CSGV's policy-making membership is comprised of 44 national >organizations including: >American Academy of Pediatrics >American Association of Suicidology >American Ethical Union >Americans for Democratic Action >American Jewish Committee >American Jewish Congress >American Psychiatric Association >American Public Health Association >Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America >The Bible Holiness Movement, International >B'nai B'rith Women >Center for Science in the Public Interest >Central Conference of American Rabbis >Child Welfare League >Church of the Brethren, Washington Office >Citizens For Safety >The Communitarian Network >The Council of The Great City Schools >The DISARM Education Fund >Fellowship Reconciliation >Friends Committee on National Legislation >International Ladies Garment Workers Union >Jesuit Conference=D1Office of Social Ministries >Jewish Community Center Association >Loretto Community >Mennonite Central Comm., DC Office >National Association of Social Workers >National Council of Jewish Women, Inc. >National Council of Negro Women, Inc. >National Urban League, Inc. >North American Federation of Temple Youth >Pan American Trauma Association >Presbyterian Church USA, Social Justice and Peacemaking Ministry >Unit >Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Religious Action Center >Unitarian Universalist Association >United Church of Christ, Office for Church and Society >United Federation of Teachers >United Methodist Church, Board of Church and Society >U.S. Conference of Mayors >U.S. Student Association >United Synagogues of America >Women's League for Conservative Judaism >Women's National Democratic Club >YWCA of the U.S.A. > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - >The Educational Fund to End Handgun Violence (EFEHV) > >Headquarters: Box 72 > 110 Maryland Avenue, N.E. > Washington, DC 20002 >Telephone: (202) 544-7227 >Director: Josh Horwitz > >Incorporated in 1978 as an "educational" spin-off to the >Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, the EFEHV is supported by private >donations and foundation grants. The fund distributes anti-gun >"research" on handgun violence, firearms marketing and >production, and firearms design. > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - >CeaseFire, Inc. > >Headquarters: 1290 Avenue of the Americas > New York, NY 10104 >Telephone: (212) 484-1616 >Executive Director: Elizabeth Schmidt > >Advisory Panel Members: >Reginald Brack, Chairman, Time, Inc. >Senator Bill Bradley, (D-NJ) >Stephen Brobeck, Exec. Dir. Consumer Federation of America >Doug Carlston, Chair and CEO, Broderbund Software, Inc. >President Jimmy Carter >Senator John Chafee, (R-RI) >K. Kaufer Christoffel, M.D., M.P.H., Children's Mem. Hospital, >Chicago >Walter Cronkite, Journalist >Barry Diller, Chairman, Silver King Communications >Michael Douglas, Actor >Millard Drexler, CEO, Gap. Inc. >Marian Wright Edelman, Pres., Children's Defense Fund >Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO, The Walt Disney Co. >Susan Estrich, Professor, The Law Center, The University of >Southern California >Senator Dianne Feinstein, (D-CA) >Mark Finucane, Former Chairman, Nat'l Assoc. of Public Hospitals >Tom Freston, Chairman, MTV Networks >Kieth Geiger, Pres., Nat'l Education Association >Gerald Grinstein, Chairman, Burlington Northern >Alan G. Hassenfeld, Chairman, Pres. and CEO, Hasbro, Inc. >John Kennedy, Editor in Chief, GEORGE magazine >Deborah Leff, Pres., The Joyce Foundation >H. Michael Lemmons, Exec. Dir., Congress of Nat'l Black Churches >Edward Malloy, Pres., University of Notre Dame >Paul Newman, Actor >Michael Ovitz, Pres., The Walt Disney Company >Ron Perlman, Pres., Revlon, Inc. >Mike Pertschuk, Co-Director, The Advocacy Institute >Roberta Copper Ramo, Pres. American Bar Association >Steve Rattner, General Partner, Lazard Freres & Co. >Matt Rodriguez, Superintendent, Chicago Police Department >Mark Rosenburg, M.D., M.P.H., Director, Nat'l Center for Injury >Prevention and Control >Dewey Stokes, Former Nat'l Pres., FOP >Howard Stringer, Chairman and CEO, TELE-TV >Stephen Teret, M.D., M.P.H., Director, John Hopkins Center for >Gun Policy and Research >James Todd, M. D., Executive Vice-Pres., AMA >Jann S. Wenner, Chairman, Wenner Media, Inc. >Lois Jean White, Pres.-Elect, Nat'l PTA >Jay Winston, Director, Center for Health Communications, Harvard >University > >CeaseFire, Inc. was formed in 1995 with a stated mission to >"reshape the gun violence debate in America." Infused with money >from Courtney Love, the widow of Rock star Curt Cobain, who >committed suicide, the organization signed on the numerous >high-profile celebrities and business people listed above to >their advisory panel. CeaseFire runs TV Public Servivce >Announcements with celebrities and runs print advertising in >major newspapers and magazines with the message that guns are >dangerous and gun ownership is a threat to family and friends. >Their stated goal is to promote "handgun-free homes and families" >by claiming that gun ownership is a public health threat. > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - >The Violence Policy Center (VPC) > >Headquarters: 1300 N Street, N.W. > Washington, DC 20005 >Telephone: (202) 783-4071 >Executive Director: Josh Sugarmann >Of Counsel: Kristen Rand > >The Violence Policy Center is the new name of the New Right Watch >(NRW), a non-profit group that "researched" what it perceived as >a new right-wing American political movement. NRW focused its >attack on semi-automatic firearms with two releases: "Assault >Weapons and Accessories in America" (1988), a joint effort with >EFEHV, and "Assault Weapons: Analysis, New Research, and >Legislation" (1989). Funding for New Right Watch was received >from individual and foundation grants. > >VPC is a non-profit national "educational" foundation that >proposes firearms restrictions as measures to reduce violence in >America. VPC's Executive Director, Josh Sugarmann, formerly the >Executive Director of the New Right Watch and, previously, with >the National Coalition to Ban Handguns, authored a book attacking >the NRA, "NRA: Money, Firepower, and Fear" (1992). > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - >Other National Organizations With Anti-Gun Policies: > >AFL-CIO >Amer. Academy of Pediatrics >Amer. Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry >Amer. Alliance for Rights and Responsibilities >Amer. Assoc. of Retired Persons >Amer. Assoc. of School Administrators >Amer. Assoc. for the Surgery of Trauma >Amer. Bar Assoc. >Amer. Civil Liberties Union >Amer. Medical Assoc. >Amer. Trauma Society >Nat'l Assoc. of Community Health Centers >Nat'l Assoc. of Police Organizations >Nat'l Assoc. of School Psychologists >Nat'l Coalition Against Domestic Violence >Nat'l Education Assoc. >Nat'l Safe Kids Campaign >Physicians for Social Responsibility >Dehere Foundation >Harris Foundation >Hechinger Foundation >Joyce Foundation >Lauder Foundation >Lawrence Foundation >Ortenberg Foundation >Police Foundation >H.M. Strong Foundation >Florence and John Shumann Foundation >The Council of the Great City Schools >U.S. Catholic Conference, Dept. of Social Development >Committee for the Study of Handgun Misuse & World Peace >Common Cause >Children's Defense Fund >Disarm Educational Fund >George Gund Fund >Anti-Gun Individuals & Celebrities >Steve Allen - Entertainer* >Cleveland Amory - Author >Louis Anderson - Comedian >Richard Dean Anderson - Actor >Ed Asner - Actor >Lauren Bacall - Actress* >Candice Bergen - Actress >Herbert Block - Cartoonist >Peter Bonerz - Actor >Robert E. Brennan - Financier >Jimmy Breslin - Columnist >Beau Bridges - Actor >Lloyd Bridges - Actor* >Steven Brill - Author >Mel Brooks - Actor/Director >Dr. Joyce Brothers - Psychologist/ Author >Bishop Edmond Browning - Espiscopal Leader >Art Buchwald - Columnist >Ellen Burstyn - Actress >James E. Carter - Former President >Robert Chartloff - Producer >Julia Child - Author/Chef* >Jackie Cooper - Actor/Director* >Walter Cronkite - Journalist >Hume Cronyn - Actor* >Pam Dawber - Actress >Phil Donahue - Talk Show Host >Richard Donner - Director >Michael Douglas - Actor >Amitai Etzioni - Teacher >Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. - Actor* >Mike Farrell - Actor >Jane Fonda - Actress >Art Garfunkel - Singer >Michael Gartner - Columnist >James Glassman - Editor >Louis Gossett, Jr. - Actor >Michael Gross - Actor >Elliott Gould - Actor >Bryant Gumbel - Entertainer >Mark Harmon - Actor >Mariette Hartley - Actress >Bob Herbert - Columnist >Howard Hessman - Actor >Hal Holbrook - Actor* >Molly Ivins - Columnist >Maynard Jackson - Mayor, Atlanta* >C. Everett Koop - Former Surgeon General, National Safe Kids >Campaign >William Kovacs - Director >Ann Landers - Columnist >Leonard Larson - Columnist >Norman Lear - Producer and Pres. People for the American Way >Jack Lemmon - Actor* >Hal Linden - Actor >Jack Lord - Actor >Mike Luckovich - Cartoonist >Marsha Mason - Actress* >Colman McCarthy - Columnist >Mary McGrory - Columnist >Abner Mikva - Former Judge >Norval Morris - Law Professor >Paul Newman - Actor >Harry Nilson - Singer >Leonard Nimoy - Actor >Jennifer O'Neill - Actress >Jane Pauley - Entertainer >Gregory Peck - Actor* >Robert Redford - Actor/Director >Rob Reiner - Actor/Director >Steven Rockefeller - Financier >Will Rogers, Jr. - Actor >Neil Simon - Playwright* >Rod Steiger - Actor* >Lyle Elmer Strom - Federal Judge >Tom Teepen - Editor >Marlo Thomas - Actress* >Garry Trudeau - Cartoonist >Eli Wallach - Actor* >Richard Widmark - Actor >James Whitmore - Actor* >Andy Williams - Singer* >Oprah Winfrey - Entertainer >Joanne Woodward - Actress* >Herman Wouk - Author >* Denotes membership on HCI's National Committee > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - >Anti-Gun Corporations/Corporate Heads > >The following listing includes the most prominent national >corporations and/or corporate heads that have used the company >name while actively supporting anti-gun proposals or >organizations. > >Ben & Jerry's Homemade, Inc. >Bennett R. Cohen Chrm. & CEO >Rte. 100, Box 240 >Waterbury, VT 05676 >(802) 244-5641 >Ice cream and frozen yogurt > >Blockbuster Entertainment Corp. >H. Wayne Huizenga, Chrm. & CEO >P.O. Box 407060 >Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33340 >(305) 832-3000 >Retail video rental stores. > >Carter Hawley Hale Stores, Inc. >Philip M. Hawley, Chrm. & CEO >444 South Flower Street >Los Angeles, CA 90071 >(213) 620-0150 >Retail clothing and accessories stores > >Crown Central Petroleum Corp. >Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr. >One North Central Street >Box 1168 >Baltimore, MD 21203 >(301) 539-7400 >Refiners and marketers of petroleum products, convenience stores > >The Walt Disney Company >Michael Eisner, Chrm. and CEO >500 S. Buena Vista St. >Burbank, CA 91521 >(818) 560-1000 >Entertainment Conglomerate > >Hyatt Corporation >Jay Pritzker, Chrm. & CEO >200 West Madison >Chicago, IL 60606 >(312) 750-1234 >International hotels > >ICN Biomedicals >Adam Jerney, Chrm. & CEO >3300 Hyland Avenue >Costa Mesa, CA 92626 >(714) 545-0113 >Pharmaceutical products > >GEICO Indemnity Co. >One GEICO Plaza >Washington, D.C. 20076-0032 >(301) 986-2500 >Property Insurance > >MNC Financial, Inc. >Alfred Lerner, Chrm. >Ten Light Street >Box 987 >Baltimore, MD 21203 >(301) 244-5000 >Banking, financial services > >National Parks and Conservation Association >1776 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. >Washington, D.C. 20036 >(800) 628-7275 > >Hechinger Company >John W. Hechinger, Chrm. >1616 McCormick Drive >Landover, MD 20785 >(301) 341-1000 >Lumber and building supply retailer > >Kenneth Cole >152 W. 57th Street >New York, NY 10019 >(800) 536-2653 >Clothing retailer > >A & M Records >Al Cafaro, Chrm. & CEO >595 Madison Avenue >New York, NY 10022 >(212) 826-0477 >Record Production, Entertainment > >Southland Corporation >Masatoshi Ito, Chrm. >2711 North Haskell Avenue >Dallas, TX 75221 >Convenience stores > >Stoneyfield Farms Yogurt. >Mr. Gary Hirshberg, CEO >10 Burton Drive >Londonderry, NH 03053 >(603) 437-7594 >Yogurt > >Rolling Stone Magazine >Jann Wenner, Chrm. & CEO >745 5th, Avenue >New York, NY 10151 >(212) 758-3800 > >Time Warner Inc. >Gerald M. Levin, Chrm. & CEO >75 Rockefeller Plaza >New York, NY 10019 >(212) 484-8000 >Publishing, film and music recordings > >Working Assets >Peter Barnes, Founder >701 Montgomery Street >San Fransisco, CA 94111 >(415) 788-0777 >Long distance telephone service > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - >Publication and Media Outlets > >The following publications and media outlets have assisted in the >attack on Second Amendment rights. The editorial policies of >some of the media sources listed portray firearms in a negative >manner in an attempt to generate public support for restrictions >on firearms ownership. Others have refused some or all of NRA's >advertisements. > >Capital Cities/ABC >Television Network >77 W. 66th Street >New York, NY 10023-6298 >(212) 456-7777 > >Audubon Society >Audubon >950 Third Avenue >New York, NY 10022-2705 >(212) 546-9100 > >Bell Atlantic-D.C. >2055 L Street, N.W. >Washington, D.C. 20036 >(202) 392-9900 > >Better Homes and Gardens >1716 Locust Street >Des Moines, IA 50309-3023 >(515) 284-3000 > >Blue Chip Stamps >15801 S. Eastern Avenue >Los Angeles, CA 90040 >(213) 720-4600 > >The Christian Publishing Society >The Christian Science Monitor >One Norway Street >Boston, MA 02115 >(508) 586-6200 > >Columbia Broadcasting Service >CBS Television Network >51 W. 52nd Street >New York, NY 10019 >(212) 975-4321 > >Corporation For Public Broadcasting / PBS Television >1320 Braddock Place >Alexandria, VA 22314-1698 >(703) 739-5000 >(703) 739-0775 - Fax > >Cox Newspapers >Atlanta Journal-Constitution >Credibank Towers, Suite 400 >2800 Biscayne Blvd. >Miami, FL 33137 >(305) 576-7678 > >Gannett News Service >USA Today >1000 Wilson Blvd. >Arlington, VA 22229 >(703) 276-5806 > >Johnson Publishing Company, Inc. >Ebony Magazine >820 S. Michigan avenue >Chicago, IL 60605-2190 >(312) 322-9250 > >Knight-Ridder Newspapers >Detroit Free-Press >321 W. LaFayette Blvd. >Detroit, MI 48231 >(313) 222-6400 >and >Miami Herald >One Herald Plaza >Miami, FL 33132-1683 >(305) 350-2111 > >McCall's Magazine >110 Fifth Avenue >New York, NY 10017-5603 >(212) 463-1000 > >National Broadcasting Company >NBC Television Network >30 Rockefeller Plaza >New York, NY 10112 >(212) 664-4444 > >Newsweek, Inc. >Newsweek Magazine >444 Madison Avenue >New York, NY 10022-6999 >(212) 350-4000 > >The New York Times Corporation >The New York Times >229 W. 43rd Street >New York, NY 10036 >(212) 556-1234 > >Time Magazine >Time & Life Building >Rockefeller Center >New York, NY 10020 >(212) 522-1212 > >Times-Mirror Corporation >The Los Angeles Times >Times Mirror Square >Los Angeles, CA 90053 >(213) 237-3000 > >The Baltimore Sun >501 N. Calvert Street >Baltimore, MD 21278 >(301) 332-6300 > >The Tribune Company >Chicago Tribune >435 N. Michigan Avenue >Chicago, IL 60611 >(312) 227-3000 > >Washington Post >1150 15th Street, N.W. >Washington, D.C. 20071 >(202) 334-6000 > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - >Compiled by: >NRA Institute for Legislative Action >11250 Waples Mill Road >Fairfax, Virginia 22030 > >Revised 5/96 > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Greg Doty) Subject: Fwd: piml] "GUN CONTROL" = GUN PROHIBITION Date: 28 Feb 1998 06:59:02 -0800 (PST) >From: Clido >Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 22:58:22 EST >To: >Subject: Fwd: piml] "GUN CONTROL" = GUN PROHIBITION >X-UIDL: 391fdbe5459e08e36abff0e8323e3ba4 > >Content-ID: <> >Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII > >Return-Path: >Received: from ( []) by > (v40.1) with SMTP; Fri, 27 Feb 1998 02:10:22 -0500 >Received: from ( []) > by (8.8.5/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0) > with ESMTP id CAA22516; > Fri, 27 Feb 1998 02:10:12 -0500 (EST) >Received: (from daemon@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) id > BAA15898 for piml-mail; Fri, 27 Feb 1998 01:07:20 -0600 (CST) >Received: from ( []) by > (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id BAA15887 for > ; Fri, 27 Feb 1998 01:07:18 -0600 (CST) >Received: from default ( []) > by (8.8.7/8.8.5) with SMTP id XAA08161; > Thu, 26 Feb 1998 23:02:05 -0800 (PST) >Message-Id: <> >X-Sender: >X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0.3 (32) >Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 22:57:21 -0800 >To: >From: Roxanne Johnson >Subject: piml] "GUN CONTROL" = GUN PROHIBITION >Errors-To: >X-bmw: Black Marble Wombat Version 5.1 Galstar Secure Hack >Mime-Version: 1.0 >Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII >Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit > >"GUN CONTROL" = GUN PROHIBITION by Don B Kates > >[What follows is adapted and expanded from a larger article in the new >book by Don B. Kates and Gary Kleck, The Great American Gun War: Essays >in Firearms and Violence (Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, >1997)] > > >****************************************************************************** > >TO UNDERSTAND THE GUN CONTROL MOVEMENT REQUIRES RECOGNIZING THAT AT ITS >CORE LIES THE BELIEF THAT IT IS BARBARIC FOR AN INDIVIDUAL EVEN TO >HAVE--MUCH LESS USE--ARMS FOR SELF-DEFENSE. > >****************************************************************************** > > >Consistently, over more than three decades, the Gun Control Movement has >promoted "moral" opposition-to the individual right to self-defense. To >understand at its core lies the belief that it is barbaric for an >individual even to have--much less use--arms for self-defense. > > >In this respect, those who dominate the organized Gun Control Movement >differ vastly from people and legislators who may support a particular >gun law in the (often naive) belief that it will curb crime. Though >often presented in the guise of crime control, the Gun Control Movement's >fundamental concern is to impose its morality on those who believe in the >fundamental right of self-defense. > > >Typical is nationally syndicated columnist Garry Wills. In column after >column for over two decades he has reviled gun owners as "anti-citizens" >arming "against their neighbors," "gun fetishists," "traitors," "enemies >of their patria." As one of his columns puts it, "Every handgun owned in >America is an implicit declaration of war on one's neighbor." In >another, Wills denounces "individual self-protection" as "anti-social >behavior," declaring that "every civilized society must disarm its >citizens against each other." > > >Liberal columnist Molly Ivins agrees, and it is one of the few things on >which conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer sees eye to eye with >Ivins and Wills. Krauthammer supports the "assault weapon" ban not as a >crime control measure--he concedes it will have negligible impact on >crime--but as a step toward accustoming Americans to the moral imperative >for banning and confiscating all firearms. > > >The same general view has been endorsed on religious grounds by a leading >representative of the Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist >Church (which is one of several quite different Methodist denominations >in the U.S.). The Board has long been the force behind the National >Coalition to Ban Handguns (which has now been renamed the Coalition >Against Gun Violence [CSGV] to emphasize that it seeks to ban not just >handguns but any long gun designed primarily for self-defense.) > > >Rather than shooting rapists, it is women's Christian duty to >submit to rape, according to an article by Reverand Allen Brockway, >editor of the official magazine of the Board of Church and Society of the >United Methodist Church. [EMPHASIS MINE] He poses the rhetorical >question, "Is the Robber My Brother?"--and Reverend Brockway answers, >"Yes." > > >Rev. Brockway recognizes that the woman who is accosted in the park may >not think of her violater as her neighbor, or that his "safety is of >immediate concern"--but, Brockway preaches, "Criminals are members of the >larger community no less than are others. As such, they are our >neighbors or, as Jesus put it, our brothers... . [Though violent >criminals act wrongfully,] it is equally wrong for the victim to kill the >robber or burglar, save in those extremely rare circumstances when the >unambiguous alternative is one own's death." > > >Such views are not just an atypical product of sexism or religious >extremism. They characterize the Gun Control Movement. Feminist icon >Betty Friedan denounces "the trend of women buying guns" as "a horrifying >obscene perversion of feminism." Friedan believes "that lethal violence >even in self-defense only engenders more lethal violence, and that gun >control should override any personal need for safety." > > >Likewise, then-New York Governor Mario Cuomo said Bernhard Goetz was >morally wrong in shooting the men who attacked him the subway even if the >shooting was clearly necessary to resist robbery: "If this man was >defending himself against attack with reasonable force, he would be >legally [justified, but] not morally." > > >Similarly, the WASHINGTON POST has denounced "the need that some >homeowners and shopkeepers believe they have for weapons to defend >themselves" as representing "the worst instincts in the human >character." > > >As Governor of Massachusetts, Michael Dukakis declared: "I do no believe >in people owning guns, only police and military. I am going to do >everything I can to disarm this state." > > >Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark calls gun ownership an insult to >America: "A state in which a citizen needs a gun to protect himself from >crime has failed to perform its first purpose." Clark denounces this >kind of society as a return to barbarism, and anarchy, "a jungle where >each relies on himself for survival." > > >"The only reason for guns in civilian hands is for sporting purposes," >says HCI Chairperson Sarah Brady. Likewise, when asked in an interview >about the legitimacy of handguns, her husband James Brady answered: "For >target shooting, that's ok. Get a license and go to the range. [But >not] for defense of the home--that's why we have police departments." > > >Sarah Brady put it even more forcefully in a September 21, 1993, speech >to the Women's National Democratic Club: "We would like to see, in the >future, what we will probably call needs-based licensing of all weapons. >...Where it would make it much more difficult for ANYBODY to be able to >purchase handguns...." [emphasis hers]. > > >Handgun Control, Inc. (HCI) has no religious connection and claims to be >more moderate than CSGV, but marches to the same drummer: that it is >antisocial to own a firearm for self-defense. HCI's ultimate goal is >federal gun licensing under which self-defense would not be acceptable >ground for gun ownership; only sportsmen and sportswomen would be allowed >to own guns. > > >The LOS ANGELES TIMES agrees that federal law should limit ordinary >people to "ownership of sporting and hunting weapons" only: "Under our >plan, individuals could own sporting weapons only if they had submitted >to a background check and passed a firearms safety course. Other >special, closely monitored exceptions could be mad, such as serious >collectors." [LOS ANGELES TIMES "Taming the Monster: The Guns Among Us," >editorial, Dec. 10, 1993] > > >*********A DIFFERENCE IN DEGREE********** > >Taking a closer look at statements of anti-gun attitudes reveals, >interestingly, some differences--but only as to "how much" gun control >they demand. Reverent Brockway, quoted above, would allow a woman to >shoot her rapist if she somehow "unambiguously" knew her rapist was going >to kill her afterwards. The Presbyterian Church USA would not. It >condemns taking a criminal's life under any circumstances whatsoever. > > >In a statement urging Congress to ban handguns, the Presbyterian Church >USA's representative, Reverend Kathy Young, stressed that the General >Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA "has declared in the context of >handgun control and in many other contexts, that it is opposed to 'the >killing of anyone, anywhere, for any reason.' " Rev. Young said the >Church has no objection to hunting guns (long guns) owned for "sports." >She said that what the General Assembly condemns are "weapons of death," >that is, "handguns" kept for self-defense or criminal misuse. The Church >condemns bothe equally: "To be opposed to killing is to be opposed to >the instruments that make killing possible, that are designed solely for >the purpose of killing;" and "There is no other reason to own a handgun >(that we have envisioned, at least) than to kill someone with it." > > >Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) would not just stop sales of supposed >"assault weapons"; she would confiscate all those already owned: "If I >could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an >outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America turn >them all in, I would have done it." > > >Yet this is less extreme than those urging the confiscation of all >guns--the views of people such as Krauthammer and Ivins ("Bann the >Things. Ban Them All."). > > >Calling for a complete gun ban, the DETROIT DAILY PRESS editorialized: >"No private citizen has any reason or need at any time to possess a gun. >This applies to both honest citizens and criminals. We realize the >Constitution guarantees the 'right to bear arms,' but this should be >changed." > > >Echoing the cry is teh NEW YORK TIMES: "One way to discourage the gun >culture is to remove the guns from the hands and shoulders of people who >are not in the law enforcement business." > > >Dr. Katherine Christoffel, who heads her own medical anti-gun group, has >said, "Guns are a virus that must be eradicated.... They are causing an >epidemic of death by gunshot, which should be treated like any >epidemic--you get rid of the virus.... Get rid of the guns, get rid of >the bullets, and you get rid of the deaths." > > >Anti-gun advocates may differ in how much gun control they advocate, but >they are united in believing that guns must be removed from the hands of >the people for "moral" reasons. Since they see guns as the primary >mechanism that facilitates self-defense, they would discourage >self-defense by banning guns. > > >An outgrowth of this point of view is the law that HCI and CSGV succeeded >in having adopted by the District of Columbia in 1976: Householders may >not buy handguns, nor may guns of any type be kept assembled or loaded >for self-defense. > > >It was under these laws that the District achieved its dubious honor of >being known as the "murder capital" of America, yet HCI continually urges >cities and states to pass the same law, trumpeting again and again that >"the only reason for guns in civilian hands is for sporting purposes." > > >In a free society, the only legitimate basis for law is controlling >dangerous behavior, not imposing a minority moral vision on the majority. > The great majority of Americans, whether gun owners or not, reject the >anti-gun "moral vision" and accept self-defense as full justification for >gun ownership by law-abiding, responsible adults. That is why gun >control advocates generally soft-pedal their elitist "moral" agenda, >blending it into false and misleading arguments about crime control. > > >SOURCE: American Guardian, March 1998, page 44. > > > > > > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > > >"Running With The Pack!" > >ALPHA SITES: > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "E.J. Totty" Subject: Re: Obscenity Hearings Date: 28 Feb 1998 11:18:35 -0700 At 17:27 -0500 2/24/1998, wrote: >Forwarding along... >> >> Attached is an article from yesterday's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette >>regarding a House hearing on proposed changes in PA's obscenity laws. As you >>will see, three changes are proposed, all of which appear to have religious >>right fingerprints on them, and all with far-reaching implications: -snip- It never ceases to amaze me how many ways the dolts in both elected and appointed office can figure out how to violate the prime directive, "Congress shall make no law . . ." and say that their 'new law' is consistant with that prime directive. In the way of policticans, you get what you pay for, and in the way of bureaucrats, you pay for what you get. ET Once again: In the land of the free, and the home of the brave, there are more laws _against_ freedom, than those which support it. I seriously think most American's don't want freedom. What they _do_ want is to be told - no informed - that they are free, while being indoctrinated on just how they will exercise what freedom remains. Will the last sane person leaving Washington, D.C., please hit that reset button? -