------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: How 'bout it! Date: 01 Dec 1998 00:29:22 PST Is our friendly local list owner in the house? :-) -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Please vote in this Poll!!! Should gun manufacturers be held responsible... ? (fwd) Date: 01 Dec 1998 00:26:44 PST On Nov 30, Jurist wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Attention RKBA Defenders, We must learn from this! The anti-Constitutionalist Leftists in our midst do NOT worry that what they assert in legislatures or before the courts may well be unconstitutional, or against common sense, or against facts or most significantly for us... ..against LEGAL PRECENDENT... ..they just DO it... and KEEP doing it until they reach their objective. We must unlearn our attitude of accepting a Leftist one-way ratchet that holds that once we have lost yet another measure of our rights by new law or court holding that we must accept it as a permanent change. Like the way Patton studied Rommel's tactics and used them to defeat the Nazi's, we must study successful tactics and use them to defeat the Left. When we say: "It's too late" or "There's nothing we can do" the Left has won without them lifting a finger and we are not worthy of the freedom the generations of Private Ryans have died to protect. DON'T believe we are helpless! We need to counterattack with our own lawsuits, our own (factual, but EMOTIONAL) propaganda, our own new laws. In the meantime, do not allow the leftist media another poll that states "most people support... [yet another anti-Constitutional proposition]. Please vote! > "Should gun manufacturers be held responsible for violence involving the firearms they make?" http://www.accessatlanta.com/ajc/ ..and once you have voted, contact you CongressCritters, thanks to GunOwners of America at: http://www.gunowners.org/mailerx.html Now go get 'em! In liberty, Rick V. jurist@attymail.com The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Call Congress toll free (fwd) Date: 01 Dec 1998 01:27:24 PST On Dec 1, RichSlick@aol.com wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Recd From: spiker@amnix.com (spiker) Hi Rich, There are two ways to call the following Congresscritters toll-free. I looked up the zip codes for each one on your list. 1-800-343-3222 Type in the your zip code and be connected to your Congresscritters office free of charge. 1- 800-361-5222, ext 90001 (ask for your Congresscritters office.) This is a critical week to keep calling. Its for all the marbles. The Judiciary Comittee meets next week to vote on impeachment. The full House the following week. Please keep calling your congressman (1-800-343-3222) and enter the extension number to be connected directly to their office. John Edward Porter (R-Ill) 1-800-343-3222 Ext 60085 Peter King (R-NY) 1-800-343-3222 Ext 11762 James Traficant (D-OH) 1-800-343-3222 Ext 44503 Mark Souder (R-Ind) 1-800-343-3222 Ext 46802 Billy Tauzin (R-Ind) 1-800-343-3222 Ext 70360 Bob Livingston (R-LA) 1-800-343-3222 Ext 70005 Christopher Shay (R-CT) 1-800-343-3222 Ext 06604 Dick Gephardt (D-Mo) 1-800-343-3222 Ext 63123 [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: FCC Public File Auto-FAQ Date: 01 Dec 1998 05:13:01 PST This "FAQ" is auto-posted once a month via cron triggered script, and may be triggered off by hand from time to time in between if the info is requested by someone, such as when the House recently voted down the AW Ban and the Media threw a hissy fit. The purpose of this FAQ is to inform people what they can do about Media generated lies and misinformation. While the FCC only handles Broadcast Media, (TV and Radio), some of these techniques will work for magazines and newspapers too. If I've missed something, or you find errors, let me know and I'll add/fix it. 1.a. Send letters of complaint to the Station Manager every time it happens with all the time, details, other info, and your complaint(s). 1.b. Send an additional copy for their FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Public file. 1.c. Send an additional copy to the FCC itself, in case they don't put it in their Public file. 2.a. Send a letter of complaint to their Station Owner as per above, with copies as per above (1.b and 1.c). 3. Send copies of their replies to you along with yours to them to their FCC Public file, so that it gets nice and fat, again, with copies to the FCC itself. 4. If you can afford it, send all corespondence by Certified Mail with Return Receipt Requested. Send a copy of the Return Receipt with everything that goes to the FCC itself, so that they will have additional evidence if the Station is cheating on their Public File. 5.a. Go to the Public Library and look up "Standard Rate and Data Services" (SRDS) "Directory of National Advertisers." It is found in many major Libraries (in the business/reference stacks), and lists EVERY current advertiser, who the players are at both the company and advertising agency(s), and the appropriate telephone and fax (and probably E-Mail by now) addresses. If your Library doesn't have it, it can be requested. Otherwise you can watch their commercials for a few days to a week, listing all their advertisers. There are other references that have the addresses for the nation's business headquarters too. look them all up and pass the addresses and phone/FAX numbers etc., around so that everyone can bitch to the sponsors. IF enough people do that, it'll get back to the Station. Tell them if the Station continues their nastiness you'll _consider_ changing to brand(X), (otherwise they'll just write you off as a loss). 5.b. The above, (5.a.), can be a lot easier and less time consuming if you're dealing with a newspaper's or a magazine's ads, as they are right in front of you for the listing. 6. If they put on something good or even just more reasonable, call and compliment them on it, but do _not_ send any kudos to their FCC file, or write to them about it. That way they have to keep it up and hope, as there is nothing good in the file or in writing that they can show the FCC to justify their Station's License. 7. Federal Communications Commission, Complaints and Compliance Division Room 6218, 2025 M Street NW Washington, D.C. 20554 FAX: 202-653-9659 FCC Attn: Edythe Wise -- An _EFFECTIVE_ | The _only_important_difference_ between Nazi-ism, Fascism, weapon in every | Communism, Communitarianism, Socialism and (Neo-)Liberalism hand = Freedom | is the _spelling_, and that the last group hasn't got the on every side! | Collective brains to figure it out. -- Bill Vance -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul M Watson Subject: (fwd) [patriot] Its The Law (fwd) Date: 02 Dec 1998 16:03:27 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Reply-To: texas-gun-owners@Mailing-List.net Posted to texas-gun-owners by chasm@insync.net (schuetzen) On Wed, 02 Dec 1998 08:24:39 PST, "Ray Thomas" Ray Thomas wrote: It's the Law Forced Altruism List 11/4/98 Only the posts that carry this notice reflect the opinion of the List owner. All other posts are the opinion of the poster, and may or may not reflect the opinion of the List owner. This is one of the best listings of the onerous laws that have been passed by this Republican Congress I've seen. It shows graphically that we only have one major political party, but with two names. This is one you should read carefully (even if you have to print it out and save it until you have time to read it) to learn just what unconstitutional laws have been passed by this "Republican Congress" you elected to help you make government smaller and less intrusive. RAY THOMA$, Moderator [govtwatch] ESSAY By OneOfUs @kachina.net Friday, November 06, 1998, 12:31 AM PST LAND-MINE LEGISLATION by Claire Wolfe Let me run by you a brief list of items that are "the law" in America today. As you read, consider what all these have in common. 1. A national database of employed people. 2. 100 pages of new "health care crimes," for which the penalty is (among other things) seizure of assets from both doctors and patients. 3. Confiscation of assets from any American who establishes foreign citizenship. 4. The largest gun confiscation act in U.S. history - which is also an unconstitutional ex-post-facto law and the first law ever to remove people's constitutional rights for committing a misdemeanor. 5. A law banning guns in ill-defined school zones; random roadblocks may be used for enforcement; gun-bearing residents could become federal criminals just by stepping outside their doors or getting into vehicles. 6. Increased funding for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, an agency infamous for its brutality, dishonesty and ineptitude. 7. A law enabling the executive branch to declare various groups "Terrorists" - without stating any reason and without the possibility of appeal. Once a group has been so declared, its mailing and membership lists must be turned over to the government. 8. A law authorizing secret trials with secret evidence for certain classes of people. 9. A law requiring that all states begin issuing drivers licenses carrying Social Security numbers and "security features" (such as magnetically coded fingerprints and personal records) by October 1, 2000. By October 1, 2006, "Neither the Social Security Administration or the Passport Office or any other Federal agency or any State or local government agency may accept for any evidentiary purpose a State driver's license or identification document in a form other than [one issued with a verified Social Security number and 'security features']." 10. And my personal favorite - a national database, now being constructed, that will contain every exchange and observation that takes place in your doctor's office. This includes records of your prescriptions, your hemorrhoids and your mental illness. It also includes - by law - any statements you make ("Doc, I'm worried my kid may be on drugs...... Doc, I've been so stressed out lately I feel about ready to go postal.") and any observations your doctor makes about your mental or physical condition, whether accurate or not, whether made with your knowledge or not. For the time being, there will be zero (count 'em, zero) privacy safeguards on this data. But don't worry, your government will protect you with some undefined "privacy standards" in a few years. All of the above items are the law of the land. Federal law. What else do they have in common? Well, when I ask this question to audiences, I usually get the answer, "They're all unconstitutional." True. My favorite answer came from an eloquent college student who blurted, "They all SUUUCK!" Also true. But the saddest and most telling answer is: They were all the product of the 104th Congress. Every one of the horrors above was imposed upon you by the Congress of the Republican-Revolution --- the Congress that pledged to "get government off your back." Read the rest of this article here: http://www.america-collins.com/essay-art1.htm This email brought to you courtesy of... "The Professional Order Of Politicians" (POOP!) (making hay out of haybales since day one.) our motto: "Problems...NOT Solutions!" Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com Check out the Forced Altruism web site at: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/3656 or subscribe to the Forced Altruism List. Go to: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/forcedaltruism and follow the prompts to subscribe. And if you care about your children, check the Child Protector Watch web site at: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/2667 You may also wish to subscribe to "Beyond Common Sense," a free online monthly newsletter. Go to: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/beyondcommonsense and follow the prompts. If you'd like to learn how to live a longer life, while maintaining your health, check out the "Stay Alive Longer web site at: http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/stayalive **COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. Ref.: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml To unsubscribe from this mailing list, or to change your subscription to digest, go to the ONElist web site, at http://www.onelist.com and select the User Center link from the menu bar on the left. -- For help with Majordomo commands, send a message to majordomo@mailing-list.net with the word help in the message body. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Another poll (fwd) Date: 02 Dec 1998 06:40:45 PST On Dec 2, C. D. Tavares wrote: Not that it would make an, "effective tool"..... [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] This is one we probably can't afford to lose. > M O J O U R N A L > News from the MoJo Wire and Mother Jones magazine > Week of December 1 - 7, 1998 >S N A P P O L L __________________________________________ > >THIS WEEK: Instant background checks for gun buyers began nationwide >yesterday. Meanwhile, the FBI plans to build a national database of gun >buyers. Do you think this database would be a violation of privacy, or an >effective tool in national gun control (or both)? > > http://www.motherjones.com/ -- Tavares@alum.mit.edu http://www.macol.net/~tavares [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: And yet another Poll (fwd) Date: 02 Dec 1998 07:25:46 PST On Dec 1, Jurist wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Attention RKBA Defenders, Don't hand the Left a popular poll result that support a gun-bann result. Please - Go there and vote! (It's down and to the right on the page) 12/01/98 http://www.desnews.com/ Question: Should the Utah Legislature pass a law enabling administrators to ban guns in: Schools only 126 votes (11%) Churches only 10 votes (1%) Both 791 votes (68%) Neither 233 votes (20%) -- The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Endurance folks -- yet Another Anti-gun poll; please vote (fwd) Date: 02 Dec 1998 07:24:34 PST On Dec 1, Jurist wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Think the new instant background checks for all handgun and rifle purchases will be effective? Yes -- an FBI call center will alert gun-shop owners to individuals who are not allowed to purchase guns - 25% => 3912 votes No -- even if someone is turned down at a legal establishment, there are always other ways to get a gun - 65% => 9953 votes Unsure -- seems the Brady Law will work only in conjunction with an illegal-weapons possession law - 10% => 1393 votes - Current Vote Tally: 15258 Read All About It: "Changes in U.S. Gun Sale Law http://nt.excite.com/poll/index.dcg -- The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Fw: Solid Waste Disposal (fwd) Date: 03 Dec 1998 21:40:45 PST On Dec 3, Kevin McGehee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Thanks, David, for passing this along. Kevin McGehee Fairbanks/North Pole, AK mcgehee@mosquitonet.com http://www.mosquitonet.com/~mcgehee/ You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything. -----Original Message----- Washington Post December 3, 1998 54 Babies By George F. Will CHINO HILLS, Calif.=97Where Route 71 crosses over Payton Drive, at the bo= ttom of the steeply sloping embankment, two boys, who were playing nearby, fou= nd the boxes. The boys bicycled home and said they had found boxes of "babie= s." Do not be impatient with the imprecision of their language. They have not read the apposite Supreme Court opinions. So when they stumbled on the bo= xes stuffed with 54 fetuses, which looked a lot like babies, they jumped to conclusions. Besides, young boys are apt to believe their eyes rather tha= n the Supreme Court. The first count came to a lot less than 54. Forgive the counters' imprecision. Many fetuses had been dismembered -- hands, arms, legs, head= s jumbled together -- by the abortionist's vigor. An accurate count require= d a lot of sorting out. The fetuses had been dumped here, about 30 miles east of Los Angeles, on March 14, 1997, by a trucker who may not have known what the Los Angeles abortion clinic had hired him to dispose of. He later served 71 days in j= ail for the improper disposal of medical waste. Society must be strict about = its important standards. What local authorities dealt with as a problem of solid waste disposal struck a few local residents as rather more troubling than that. They started talking to each other, and one thing led to another, and to the formation of Cradles of Love, which had the modest purpose of providing a burial for the 54 babies. The members of Cradles of Love -- just a few normal walking-around middle-class Americans -- called them babies, and still do. These people = are opposed to abortion, in spite of the Supreme Court's assurance in 1973 th= at abortions end only "potential life." (Twenty-five years later the Supreme Court has not yet explained how a life that is merely "potential" can be ended.) Some will say the members of Cradles of Love, who are churchgoers, have b= een unduly influenced by theology. Or perhaps the real culprit is biology. It teaches that after the DNA of the sperm fuse with those of the ovum a new and unique DNA complex is formed that directs the growth of the organism.= It soon is called a fetus, which takes in nourishment and converts it to ene= rgy through its own distinct, unique organic functioning, and very soon it lo= oks a lot like a baby. Anyway, theology or biology or maybe their eyes told the members of Cradl= es of Love that there were some babies in need of burials. So they asked the coroner to give them the fetuses. Then the American Civil Liberties Union was heard from. It professed itself scandalized by this threat to . . . what? The ACLU frequently works itself into lathers of anxiety about threats to the separation of church and state. It is difficult, however, to identify any person whose civil liberties were going to be menaced if the fetuses were (these are the ACLU's words) "released to the church groups for the expre= ss purpose of holding religious services." The ACLU said it opposed "facilitation" of services by a public official. The ACLU's attack on the constitutionally protected right to the free exercise of religion failed to intimidate, and in October the babies were buried in a plot provided at no charge by a cemetery in nearby Riverside. Each baby was given a name by a participating church group. Each name was engraved on a brass plate that was affixed to each of the 54 small, white= , wooden caskets made, at no charge, by a volunteer who took three days off from work to do it. Fifty clergy and four persons active in the right-to-life movement carried the caskets. Each baby's name is inscribed= on a large headstone, also provided at no charge. Fifty-four doves, provided= at no charge by the cemetery, were released at the services. The ACLU trembled for the Constitution. We hear much about the few "extremists" in the right-to-life movement. Bu= t the vast majority of the movement's members are like the kindly, peaceabl= e people here, who were minding their own business until some of the result= s of the abortion culture tumbled down a roadside embankment and into their lives. Which is not to say that this episode was untainted by ugly extremism. It would be nice if the media, which are nothing if not diligent in document= ing and deploring right-to-life extremism, could bring themselves to disappro= ve the extremism of the ACLU, which here attempted a bullying nastiness unredeemed by any connection to a civic purpose. =A9 Copyright 1998 The Washington Post Company [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: In the Wilderness: 5 Dec 98 (fwd) Date: 06 Dec 1998 11:41:11 PST On Dec 5, Kevin McGehee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] IN THE WILDERNESS (c) 1998 KEVIN McGEHEE North Pole, Alaska mcgehee@mosquitonet.com http://www.mosquitonet.com/~mcgehee/ Permission granted to anyone wishing to forward, redistribute, or broadcast this article WITH FULL ATTRIBUTION. ================================================================ THE CENTER There's a widespread notion in post-modern America, largely thanks to popular culture, that great heroes stand always in opposition to great villains. I contend that the phrase "great villain" is an oxymoron. In this century we have towering examples of real-life villains who are supposed to have been "great" because of the magnitude of their crimes -- Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin for two examples. Hitler built a third German empire on hatred, ignited a war that would engulf the planet, and inspired his followers to commit murder on a massive scale in a most cold and technocratic -- one might almost say *bureaucratic* -- manner. And Stalin ruled Russia (misnamed at the time as the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics," which is soon to be no more than the answer to a trivia question) on the basis of fear, his own fear that those around him in the seats of power in his empire were enough like him that his life was in danger at their hands every minute of every day of his 29-year rule. During those three decades, he engineered the starvation deaths of millions of his own people whom he feared would attempt to overthrow him, and sabotaged his country's war effort by purging the military of those he deemed suspect. The magnitude of their deeds is profound, but the villainy itself is shallow. Hitler's evil was rooted in the smallness of resentment, not the greatness of whatever is supposed to motivate a "great" villain. Stalin simply feared for his life, whether justified or not. What enabled them to commit their crimes was a combination of personal charisma on their own part, and a willingness on the part of others to share and reflect the evil traits they bore. The opposite of great heroism is not great villainy, because there is no such thing. There is only meanness, smallness, crudeness -- albeit sometimes on a massive scale. The old saying has it wrong: It is *mediocrity* that is the root of all evil: the unwillingness of a man or a woman to aspire beyond the levels of conduct, of thought (where applicable), of morality which they already have reached, perhaps were born to. Hitler's hate and his charisma, no matter how well combined, could never have amounted to anything if thousands of Germans had not been too lazy about themselves to see through him. And this leads to another point about evil. Whereas great heroes generally are lone figures, rising above the terrain of history to make their mark, massive villainy requires mass support. Heroism is individual; evil is collective. Yet the charisma of the chief villain in a moment of mass evil often causes confusion, because it enables him to seem to rise above the mob and become the center of attention, even when the true atrocities are being done by faceless members of the mob. We should bear in mind when confronting such characters that they are not the source of villainy, but simply its temporary focus. Eliminating the leader doesn't eliminate the evil; it will rise again the next time someone of his stripe, suffering his defining flaw, begins to sound the call once more. Crass motivations can never be bred out of humanity, short of a miracle -- and shouldn't expecting a miracle from the government be considered a violation of the separation of church and state? Hate and fear are only two of the drives that have led to an eruption of evil in the 20th Century. Think of other base reasons people have long had for victimizing one another: greed, lust, pride... And then there are the truly puerile drives, such as the uncontrollable desire to be the center of attention, whatever form that attention may take. Jack Kevorkian certainly seems to suffer this flaw, given his recent *60 Minutes* performance. In fact, in a civilization where, according to some dead guy who once sculpted a soup can, everyone would be famous for 15 minutes, it follows logically that there would be those who would crave more than their fair share. The extreme archetype in popular lore is the guy who stages his *own* death before a live audience -- that way he never has to hear the applause die down. More banal are the shock comics, who go out of the way to say outrageous things just to enjoy the knowledge that people will be talking about it for days. The best thing to do is try to ignore them; if enough people tune them out, consistently enough and long enough, eventually they'll decide to get a real job. But that's only acceptable for people who don't hurt anyone with their antics. A medical doctor who kills cannot be tolerated. And Dr. Death knows it, so he will continue to do it until he is stopped, or until one day he inadvertently administers the lethal service to himself. What, then, do we do with a President who thrives on being the center of attention, whose entire political career has been based only on his need to be forever in *somebody's* spotlight, even if it's the light the cops used to shine in a suspect's face during questioning in those old gangster movies. Like Kevorkian, he constantly brings the attention around to himself by doing outrageous things -- flashing a state employee in a hotel room and asking her to "kiss it;" baldly lying to the nation, to a grand jury, and to Congress, none of whom are in any remote fantasy going to believe him; using transparent ploys to try to manipulate the process to his own advantage. He *keeps* doing these sorts of things because he's sure he can keep getting away with them, but why does he do them in the first place? For William Jefferson Clinton, it's not enough merely to be the President. He has to be THE President, every minute of every day of his tenure. He has the charisma to pull it off, and he has a willing audience that consists of more than just his supporters, and not a few of his opponents. He needs the attention, and deep down he can feel the truth: that when people stop talking about him, when they forget about him, get a life, and move on (for real), he will not only cease to be the center of attention, he will, in every way that matters to *him,* cease to be. So even if he is impeached, and convicted, and removed from office, rest assured that this man will not go quietly. All the while complaining of the media circus that his trial would be (assuming Al Gore wouldn't be even more stupid than he usually is by pardoning him), he would do everything in his power to make it that way, the judicial event of the millennium, with him as the star. Even before opening arguments end, people would be saying, "O.J. who?" "Put it all behind us"? That's the last thing he wants. And maybe he's not really hurting anyone except those whose reputations are trashed by the faceless members of his mob, but the American people have not yet begun to see the ugly face of scandal fatigue. That boy's just getting started. -30- December 5, 1998 ================================================================ **Visit the IN THE WILDERNESS archives** http://www.mosquitonet.com/~mcgehee/advance.htm The views expressed herein are entirely those of the author(s), and do not reflect those of any person or group with whom the author(s) may be affiliated, unless explicitly labelled as doing so. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Sylvester Subject: Reserve Major gets canned, Active Duty Major only "cautioned" Date: 07 Dec 1998 03:12:40 -0600 For complete article see: http://www.washtimes.com/investiga/investiga2.html Major gets punished for criticizing president ---- By Rowan Scarborough THE WASHINGTON TIMES ---- The Marine Corps effectively has ended the career of a reserve officer for strongly criticizing President Clinton's sexual misconduct and calling for his removal from office in a Nov. 9 op-ed article in The Washington Times. Maj. Daniel Rabil on Saturday evening appeared before his commanding general for disciplinary action. He was told he is being transferred to non-drill reserve status and is having a letter of caution put in his personnel file. The actions by Maj. Gen. David Mize, commander of Marine Forces Reserve in New Orleans, effectively end the officer's 11-year career because he has no chance of promotion. Maj. Rabil, 34, who wrote the article while a civilian, said in an interview he is considering resignation. "The only regret is it was perceived by the Marine Corps leadership as damaging to the Marine Corps. That wasn't my intent," he said. "I don't think it was perceived by mainstream Americans as extreme based on the letters and phone calls for support I received." . . . Maj. Rabil received a stiffer penalty than did Maj. Shane Sellers, an active duty officer who labeled the president an "adulterous liar" in a Navy Times article. A Marine general issued Maj. Sellers a letter of caution that was not filed in his personnel record. Dennis J. Sylvester Captain USAFR(ret) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: S L I C K Endorsement (fwd) Date: 07 Dec 1998 11:14:16 PST On Dec 7, RichSlick@aol.com wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] the Common Conservative 12/1/98 To visit the Common Conservative website, click here-----> the Common Conservative or, http://www.commonconservative.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- This issue the Common Conservative brings you: Tom Adkins' FEATURE ARTICLE "How Conservatives Lost America- And how we can take our nation back" by Tom Adkins A two part series on how liberals took over America, and how to take America back. Features Tax Bytes by Charles E. Perry "Bizarre Testimony Before the Committee" Libaral scholars twist relative morality to new depths. The Bottom Line by Thomas Lindaman "Three Little Words" Lindaman exposes another liberal hypocrisy. >From the Barstool in the Corner by Shooter O'Gavagan "Freedom or Autocracy" The choice is yours... Citizen Kane by DN Kane "Krazy Konservatives and Demonizing Demagogues" The lexicon of the left speaks with forked tongue. Too Sense Worth by Ray Patrick "United We Stand - Divided We Lose" Is divisiveness winning, and America losing? Shelley's Sanctuary by Shelley Goodge "Year of the Rat" Book Review The expose on the Chinese election money scandal. Interesting Times by Sarah J. McCarthy "Ups and Downs at the Mood Disorder Clinic" The speech police vs. the thought police. >From Across the Pond by Christian DeFeo - British journalist "American Liberalism: An Infantile Disorder" It's not really a philosophy after all... Coda by Patrick Burns "The Elders Effect" You thought she was gone... Specials How Government Should Work by Charles E.Perry The Federalist Papers Explained Part IX - Our Federal and National Constitution Charles Perry overviews what the Founding Fathers really meant. On The Lighter Side Up Against the Wall by Kevin Tuma - Political Cartoonist Keeping the Liberals "Up Against the Wall!" Limericks From Linnval by Shirley J. Bailey Shirley spanks those liberals in verse... Historical Trivia from Joshua Fletcher Posing questions from the past... The Right Frame of Mind with Dr. Gengis K. Perriman Advice for the terminally-Liberal... Guest Writers This issue the Common Conservative brings you 4 guest writers. "The Spin of Clinton's Actions" by Joan Nagy But will actions speak louder than words? "Impeachment IS Censure" by Jim Phillips Counterpunching the censure sound byte. "Guilt and the Left" by Alan Levite When political guilt becomes self-loathing. "Al Gore's Nose - Voice of a Reformer" by Gene Crocker, Ph.D. The prez-in-training is following the footsteps. the Common Conservative Poll Introducing a weekly poll question - please check it out! *********************** the Common Conservative Forum Now you can post your thoughts and comments on our bulletin board!!! *********************** [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Michael New's "New" Book (fwd) Date: 07 Dec 1998 21:34:02 PST On Dec 07, InTheRiver wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Hi folks - Just got this on another list. Thought y'all might be interested. For those who don't know, Michael is the American soldier who=20 refused to wear UN Blue and was removed from the army for doing so. =20 Michael is a Christian; his mom and dad were missionaries when he=20 was growing up. I know his dad, Daniel; they're very sweet, very=20 seriously Christian people. I haven't read the book (yet), but I can recommend it anyway, just=20 from what I know about Michael and his parents. There you go :) - Monte http://www.mikenew.com/book.html=20 MICHAEL NEW MERCENARY - OR AMERICAN SOLDIER? By Daniel D. New, with Cliff Kincaid Book Cover Now available in time for Christmas =AD the family=20 perspective on what happened when Michael New refused to wear=20 an unauthorized United Nations uniform, and what it means for=20 America, if our soldiers can be forced to serve under the United=20 Nations against their will. Sent to any donor who sends a gift to the Michael New Action Fund=20 of $23.95 or more (postage included, since the cover price is=20 $19.95). Single copies will be autographed upon request. If you want to order for Christmas gifts, we are making these=20 books available to our friends at discounts virtually unknown in=20 the book-selling industry. Why would we do such a thing with a brand=20 new book (no puns intended), which is destined to become a best- seller? Because, unlike our printer, we=92re not "in it for the money."=20 We=92re in this struggle that we might secure the blessings of=20 freedom to ourselves and our posterity. We must pay the printers=20 in advance order to order the second edition. This first edition=20 paperback, in 9 x 6 format, is a beautiful book, containing a=20 highly readable story. Postage Paid prices: 10 copies @ $10 =3D $100=20 25 copies @ $8 =3D $200=20 100 copies @ $5.50 =3D $550=20 1,000 copies @ $4.50 =3D $4,500 If Americans respond like I think they will, we=92ll sell out of=20 the first edition and be forced to order more soon. More=20 importantly, this book may find its way on to the shelves of=20 many thousands of Americans without ever appearing on a single=20 New York Times bestseller list! Ideal gift for Veterans who care, for all active-duty military=20 personnel, and for young people considering enlisting today.=20 They, above all, need to understand the implications of what=20 is being done to them. Also good for your public library,=20 church library, school library, your military post library,=20 teachers of history/government/current events, and your=20 friendly history buff. All who love Liberty will welcome this=20 book. TO ORDER SINGLE COPIES BY PHONE, CALL Michael New Action Fund=20 1-800-771-2147 Ext. 99 VISA MasterCard To order by mail send $19.95 plus $4 to cover postage and handling to: Michael New Action Fund=20 P.O. Box 100=20 Iredell, Texas 76649 - Monte Let the River flow - let the River flow Holy Spirit, come=20 Move in power And let the River flow from "Let the River Flow," by Darrell Evans [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Fw: EIA Communique - 12/7 (fwd) Date: 07 Dec 1998 21:42:21 PST On Dec 7, Kevin McGehee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] -----Original Message----- The Education Intelligence Agency COMMUNIQU=C9 =97 December 7, 1998 + NEA's campaign against the right-wing seems to be picking up steam =97= an apparent trickle-down effect of its conspiracy report in October. The uni= on, at the request of the Texas State Teachers Association, is sending reinforcements to the Edgewood School District, where CEO America operate= s the nation's only district-wide, privately funded voucher program. This has t= o be considered an escalation by NEA officials, who previously had downplayed their objections to voucher programs that did not involve public money. NEA, of course, has been very active in the campaign against taxpayer-funded vouchers in Milwaukee and Cleveland. NEA representatives tentatively scheduled a training session at Memorial High School for this Thursday night. The foc= us is expected to be on organizing "a grassroots campaign in favor of public schools," including a "good news" public relations program. In Indiana and Wisconsin, NEA affiliates are releasing their own reports = and essays on The Conservative Network. While NEA placed the Heritage Foundat= ion and seven individuals at the head of the network, the Indiana State Teach= ers Association sees the American Legislative Exchange Council as the source = of evil. ALEC acts as a clearinghouse and database of model legislation for conservative state legislators. The Wisconsin Education Association Counc= il, on the other hand, thinks the Bradley Foundation is Public Enemy Number O= ne. In "Anatomy of a Movement: Wisconsin Vouchers and the Bradley Foundation,= " WEAC Research Coordinator Jeffrey Leverich ironically writes "the public should be aware when a common link exists between seemingly autonomous voices." Leverich even crosses the boundary where NEA stopped, saying fla= tly that the efforts the Bradley Foundation supports have "an ideology with strong racial undertones." Other affiliates have touted a recent conspiracy piece by Rob Boston in Church & State, the organ of Americans United for Separation of Church an= d State. In "The Public School Bashers," Boston takes on just about every individual and organization critical of public education, but naturally emphasizes the Religious Right and the "Roman Catholic hierarchy." (Caref= ul, Rob. Throw the Pope in and you've come full circle to join with the right-wing purveyors of conspiracy.) Among Boston's scary revelations: "The Christia= n Coalition once devoted an entire training seminar on how to run for schoo= l board." The reason for all this fascination with the right-wing may have been confessed last week by Katrina vanden Heuvel in the left-wing newspaper T= he Nation. In an essay entitled "Come Together: Building a Progressive Majority," vanden Heuvel discloses that envy may be driving the Left's obsession wit= h right-wing plots. "With the different pieces in place (labor commitment, expertise, local coalitions), now is the time to build the progressive equivalent of the Christian Coalition," she writes, adding that such a gr= oup could train people to run for office, introduce ballot initiatives, "and build a network of talk-show guests and pundits with a coordinated message." Sounds conspiratorial to me. + Oh, those wacky teachers! Last week's newspapers contained an unusual number of unusual teacher stories: * Christopher Mastro, a teacher for 25 years in Voorheesville, New York, resigned under pressure after some parents complained of his "unpredictab= le behavior." Mastro was noted for throwing chalk, slamming doors and tossin= g chairs to get his students' attention. The latest chair-throwing incident led the school board to initiate dismissal proceedings. Mastro resigned inste= ad, cutting a deal in which he will receive his annual salary of $62,000 unti= l January 2000 not to teach. Mastro remains very popular with a large segme= nt of the Voorheesville community. "He'd bring out the shy people," one former student reminisced. * Teachers at the Morris Elementary School in Carbon County, Pennsylvania filed a grievance against the Jim Thorpe Area School District for deprivation of an implied benefit =97 free coffee and doughnuts during a district in-service day. "On first light, it seems pretty superficial," said Bob Whitehead, t= he Pennsylvania State Education Association's UniServ director for the regio= n. "But there's a constant erosion of what teachers have come to expect up there." Whitehead told the Allentown Morning Call that the district has provided coffee and doughnuts for 27 years. "It's not part of the contrac= t, so therefore it's not a valid grievance," said School Director Harold Fredericks. * New Jersey just enacted a law that requires swimming teachers to know h= ow to swim. Education Week reported the new law stemmed from an incident in which a sixth-grader drowned in a Trenton middle school's pool because one teac= her couldn't swim and the other refused to jump in. * An unnamed high school science teacher in Newhall, California, is "unde= r the gun" for an experiment that went horribly (if predictably) wrong. Two students were seriously injured, one requiring a tracheotomy, when the "cannon" they had built under the directions of the teacher exploded. The experiment consisted of taping hollowed-out apple juice cans together end-to- end, punching a small hole in the bottom of the tube, and lighting a smal= l amount of wood alcohol through it to propel tennis balls a great distance. In the Military Airlift Command we called this a "MAC cannon." Civilians = may have heard it called a "spud gun" because potatoes are the projectile of choice. It is extremely dangerous even when it doesn't explode. I persona= lly witnessed a 20-man tent brought down by a single potato. + Madison Teachers Inc., a local NEA affiliate in Madison, Wisconsin, negotiated a unique contract provision. Teachers may pay their automobile insurance through payroll deduction. This convenience, however, is limite= d to teachers who insure with Horace Mann, a company with substantial teacher union connections. Why union officials should negotiate a provision that benefi= ts only teachers who insure their cars with one particular private company (chosen by the MTI Board of Directors), then have the taxpayers pick up t= he cost of administering that deduction from paychecks, is a question deserv= ing of a straight answer. + The Illinois Education Association got its first benefit for taking th= e unusual step of backing Republican George Ryan in the governor's race. Ry= an defeated Democrat Glenn Poshard, who had received the endorsement of the Illinois Federation of Teachers. IEA President Bob Haisman was named to h= ead Ryan's Transition Committee on Education and Workforce Training. The committee will focus on implementing Ryan's education goals: class size reduction, literacy and dedicating 51 cents of every new tax dollar to education. + In the Nov. 16 Communiqu=E9, EIA asked: "Is mandatory attendance the l= ast taboo in the education debate?" Sixteen days later, the front page story = in Investor's Business Daily was headlined: "Repeal Compulsory School Laws?" Introduce your friends and associates to the EIA Communiqu=E9. It's free,= its list is private, and it subscribes to the notion that today's oddball ide= a is tomorrow's cutting edge issue. + Quote of the Week: "Things are moving in that direction. We just all h= ave to get together and charge the wall." =97 Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.)= , in the Dec. 14th issue of The New Republic. Dana Millbank reported that Lieberman "sees the makings of a revolt against the unions and the rest of the education establishment" by Democrats. # # # The Education Intelligence Agency conducts public education research, analysis and investigations. Director: Mike Antonucci. Ph: 916-422-4373. Fax: 916-392-1482. E-Mail: EducIntel@aol.com [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Constitutional Defense Network (fwd) Date: 08 Dec 1998 00:18:36 PST On Dec 8, Jurist wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Hello RKBA Defenders, I was going to just post this to PA-RKBA, but realized that the topics here touch us all. Even as we speak, the medium you and I are using to outflank the Leftist Lie Machine (ABC/CBS/CNN/NBC etc...) is in serious danger. [see URL's below] Proposed rulemaking -- a way of outflanking Congress via administrative agency (here, the FCC) is underway to make each log-on a long-distance call -- even though 99.999% of dialups are local. The intent [right out of Hillary's mouth, also below] is to shut us down. Please call, fax, write and e-mail Congress today! Sorry to keep harping on this... it's only Freedom that is at stake. Best regards, Rick V. >From PA-RKBA [All politics is local] Steve (?) wrote: > Rick & Larry, > ... > > On the other hand, I am HIGHLY motivated to kick some local ass in this fight and have done so in the past (Brady protest and Allentown gun exchange in Sep and Oct). I suppose the difference is that if you can get 30 or 40 people together to act in a concerted fashion in a two county area with a total population of somewhere around half a million, you can actually make things happen (the Allentown gun exchange is dead). > Verily, it is written: "All politics is local," "Think globally -- act locally," "A single drop times many equals an ocean," etc. etc. Those sayings may be used by the Left, but they are not exclusively Leftist in origin. Those are Canons of Political action, in the nature of laws of physics. We even had one like it in the Corps, for when someone accused you of trying to arrange deckchairs on the Titanic. You'd just look the Gunny in the eye and say: "That may be all well and true Gunny, but *not on my watch!* I can't police the world, but can guaran-fu@kin-tee you that I will take care of my own corner of it!" We'd square our sh*t away, and lo' and behold if people didn't start to notice your small organization as an example. When you start hearing others repeating what you've said or emulating a dedication to excellence, there is no finer rush. > Help me see the light. Tell me how a bunch of timid, apathetic, paranoid, just-want-to-be-left-alone, RKBA supporters are going to become a potent force for change at the national level? The kinds of folks you've just described won't get ANYTHING other than less freedom and more taxes, and they'll STILL die in the end. Might as well make a fuss before you go! I'll use the VCDL (Virginia Citizen's Defense League) as a positive example. It's a small merry band of men and women RKBA-defenders that get things done. If each state or region has one or more organizations like that and we TALK to each other, guess what--- we're National! We've got between 65-100 MILLION gunowners in the USA. Since those of us on the Listservs are a small minority of that number, it is up to US to first become recruiters to our most likely receptive audience ... the REST of that 65-100 million VOTERS. That's a MASSIVE block of voters, -- potentially a political powerhouse --- that has been effectively disenfranchised (by *ourselves* through lack of interest). Politicians should be kissing our behinds. Why aren't they? Sure we can blame the Media for lying about the RKBA and spiking good news. But we have now the power at our fingertips to instantaneously communicate worldwide with our fellow RKBA defenders [internet]. Hillary and the rest of her Leftist cronies recognize this, even if we don't and are, even as we speak, trying to clamp down on our primary line of communication. Our use of the Internet terrifies and infuriates them. There must be something good there. Aside from impeachment THIS threat of long-distance clamp-down is the most *imminent* threat that we face. Here's the orignal news story. >CNN: "Users, advertisers await FCC decision on Internet charges" > >November 7, 1998 - Web posted at: 5:47 p.m. EST (2247 GMT) > >SAN FRANCISCO (CNN) -- The cost of going online could go up significantly if the Federal Communications Commission decides that dialing your local Internet provider is a long-distance call. > >The decision may affect not just the 50 million people who use the Internet, but the major advertising business that has grown up around it. http://cnn.com/TECH/computing/9811/07/net.commerce.impact/index.html ------------------------- Why? ------------------------- Because COST is a "gatekeeping function!" http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/10230.html >First Lady: Net News Needs Scrutiny - Reuters - 12:46pm 11.Feb.98.PST WASHINGTON - > Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a meeting with reporters Wednesday that "we are all going to have to rethink how we deal with" the Internet because of the handling of White House sex scandal stories on Web sites. >In an otherwise low-key question-and-answer session, *Clinton was at her most intense* [!!!!!!] when asked whether she favored curbs on the Internet, on which news services have serveral times made headlines themselves with their coverage of the president's purported affair with a White House intern. >"We are all going to have to rethink how we deal with this, because there are all these competing values ... Without any kind of editing function or gatekeeping function, what does it mean to have the right to defend your reputation?" she said. Pay attention: "EDITING FUNCTION"/ "GATEKEEPING FUNCTION" = CONTROL ------------------ Now Please DO Something About It ------------------- Contact Congress: http://www.gunowners.org/mailerx.html GOA's nifty mass e-mailer. Use it to demand a Brady repeal, then use it again to defend your right to talk about the RKBA on the internet without long distance charges. Call or Fax your Congresscritter: http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/ In Liberty, Rick V. --- The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: RAPTUS: Y2K and Martial law (fwd) Date: 08 Dec 1998 07:09:24 PST On Dec 8, FrizBMG@aol.com wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Good Morning .Ifound this online atWorldnetnews.com Y2K and martial law For those suspecting the federal government is making Y2K millennium bug contingency plans that include the suspension of civil liberties, fears were not allayed by the nation's Y2K czar at his first summit last week. In answer to a question about electrical-power failures caused by embedded chip problems and other millennium bug breakdowns, John Koskinen, the chairman of President Clinton's Y2K council, said: "In a crisis and emergency situation, the free market may not be the best way to distribute resources. ... If there's a point in time where we have to take resources and make a judgment on an emergency basis, we will be prepared to do that." Now what does that mean? These guys don't think the free market is the best way to distribute resources in the best of times. But this statement requires some explanation. This is a statement that should prompt congressional hearings -- out in public, not in executive session. This is a statement that brings to mind a history of executive orders mandating emergency presidential powers that would make our Founding Fathers spin in their graves. Yet, I saw the chilling statement reported only by Wired News, which covered the Y2K council's first summit in San Francisco last Thursday. Nothing in the Associated Press. Nothing in the San Francisco papers. Nothing on the major networks. Worse yet, even Wired News, which, thank heavens, saw fit to publish the quote, did not choose to lead its story coverage with it. Now, I can understand government seizing an opportunity for more power in a crisis. It's the nature of government to do just that. What I don't understand is how we could receive so many warnings by government officials of their ominous plans for martial law beginning Jan. 1, 2000 without scrutiny by the press, civil libertarians and other so-called government watchdogs. Why am I like a voice crying out in the wilderness over this issue? This is, by my count, at least the second major pronouncement by high-ranking members of the Clinton administration that preparations are being made to scrap the Constitution in the event of problems we know are coming on a date just over a year away. The first, to refresh your memories, came in June, when Sen. Robert Bennett, chairman of the Senate's Year 2000 committee, was interviewing a top Pentagon official, Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre. Here's how that exchange went: Bennett: "In the event of a Y2K-induced breakdown of community services that might call for martial law," will the military be ready? Hamre: "We've got fundamental issues to deal with that go beyond just the Year 2000 contingency planning. And I think you're right to bring that up." Understand that Bennett, a Republican from Utah, wasn't suspiciously asking Hamre if the military was secretly planning a hideous martial law scenario. He was knowingly asking him, apparently hopeful that the military would be prepared to carry out it out. I know it's too much to ask, but shouldn't the members of the House Judiciary Committee at least have all this in the back of their minds today as they consider articles of impeachment against President Clinton? Is this a leader the nation can trust on the brink of a potential national crisis? Is this a man America can trust with emergency powers? Americans have come to believe their freedom is a permanent state. When people take their freedom for granted, it is most in peril. Is it not possible, with all we now know about the character of Bill Clinton, that he would attempt to turn such a crisis into a semi-permanent presidency -- one with imperial powers? And, with all we know about the character of the spineless Congress, is it unthinkable to imagine its members abdicating their authority and collaborating in such an insidious scheme? Am I being paranoid? I don't think so. After all, it's not me who is raising the ugly specter of martial law in the context of the Y2K crisis. It is the United States government -- first in a public meeting between representatives of the legislative and executive branches and now in a public summit convened by the president's Y2K czar. This is not a hallucination, folks. It's reality. Hearings are being conducted. Plans are being made. Further evidence of this plot comes in the form of Presidential Decision Directive 63, issued by Bill Clinton last May. It calls for the development of a plan to ensure "essential national security missions" as well as general public health and safety by, you guessed it, the year 2000. The carefully worded directive emphasizes the preservation of order, the delivery of minimum essential services and the maintenance of a "national infrastructure protection system" involving the military, intelligence agencies, law enforcement and the mandatory participation of the "private sector." Under the directive, the "National Infrastructure Protection Center," which includes the FBI, the Secret Service, other federal law enforcement agencies, the Department of Defense and the intelligence agencies, calls the shots. To me, the cynic, all this sounds like code for martial law. Not interested in the federal plans? You may have to be. The document states that "it is preferred that participation by owners and operators in a national infrastructure protection system be voluntary." Note that word "preferred." You may be drafted. The first set of plans from federal agencies were due on Clinton's desk last month. You can bet he won't be holding any press conferences on those details any time soon. I can tell you this news agency will be filing Freedom of Information Act requests for those documents. But, don't hold your breath, this White House claims a broad exemption from the FOIA that none of its predecessors has claimed -- just one more reason for impeachment, if you ask me. Of course, maybe Y2K will come and go with no major calamities. Would you like to bet your freedom on that possibility? [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: RAPTUS: Fwd: (Carol C Ferguson): Holiday Precautions...Please Read (fwd) Date: 09 Dec 1998 23:52:39 PST Pass it on..... On Dec 9, BaBette Z. Bechtold wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] --------- Begin forwarded message ---------- pmfergie@eoni.com,auntiedaphne@juno.com, pearlypooh@juno.com, Tacker22@aol.com,GOOFTRUUP@aol.com Message-ID: <19981209.125107.-237705.1.seaseafergie@juno.com> This was sent to me and I thought you would be interested to read it as well. ************* On Inside Edition there was an article that is of interest to all women. There are several new scams to abduct women. In one, a man comes up to a woman in a Mall or Shopping Center and asks if she likes Pizza. When she says she does, he offers her $100.00 to shoot a commercial for Pizza, but they need to go outside where the lighting is better. When the woman goes out of the mall she is abducted and assaulted. Another ploy is a very nicely dressed man asks a woman if she would be in a Public Service announcement to discourage drug use. The man explains that they don't want professional actors or celebrities they want the average mother to do this. Once she leaves the mall she is a victim. The third ploy, and the most successful, a very frantic man comes running in and asks a woman to please help him, his baby is not breathing. She runs out of the mall following him and also becomes a victim. These have been happening in well lit parking areas, in daylight as well as night time, all over the country. The abductor usually uses a van to abduct the woman. 'Inside Edition' set up a test in a Mall and 10 out of 15 women went out of the Mall on the Pizza and the PSA scam. And all of them went out of the Mall on baby scam. Please pass this along to your friends and family as now that it has been shown on nationwide TV there are bound to be copycats of this. The third one, I think, is the scariest. You might resist pizza or becoming a commercial celebrity...but who would be able to resist a frantic father asking for help for his child? I was going to pass this on to the ladies only, but guys, if you love your mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, associates, etc., you may want to pass it on to them, as well. Cynthia Casas Jr. Communications Associate THE WORLD BANK - EXT Internal Communications tel: 202-458-1208 fax: 202-522-2638 ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] --------- End forwarded message ---------- ________________________________________________________________ Get secure free e-mail that you don't need Web access to use from Juno, the world's second largest online service. Download your free software at http://www.juno.com/getit.b.html. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Impeachment: Latest Voting Intentions (fwd) Date: 11 Dec 1998 09:20:06 PST On Dec 11, Exegesis wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] _________________________________________________ Exegesis A Compass For Moral Excellence Published Worldwide From Washington http://www.sm.org/exegesis December 10, 1998 ____________________________________________________ The Impeachment Of William Jefferson Clinton Here is our latest information. It's up to all of us. The Congress is at (202) 225 3121 Republicans Who Plan To Vote Against Impeachment Chris Shays (CT) 202-225-5541 Mark Souder (IN) 202-225-4436 Amo Houghton (NY) 202-225-3161 Peter King (NY) 202-225-7896 Jack Quinn (NY) 202-225-3306 Republicans Who May Vote Against Impeachment Jay Dickey (AR) 202-225-3772 Jim Kolbe (AZ) 202-225 2542 Tom Campbell (R-CA) 202-225-2631 Steve Horn (CA) 202-225 6676 Nancy Johnson (CT) 202-225 4476 Mike Castle (DE) 202-225-4165 Lincoln Diaz-Balart (FL) 202-225-4211 Clay Shaw (FL) 202-225-3026 Saxby Chambliss (GA) 202-225 6531 John Porter (IL) 202-225-4835 Jim Bunning (KY) 202-225 3465 (plans to abstain) Wayne Gilchrest (MD) 202-225-5311 Connie Morella (MD) 202-225-5341 Bob Franks (NJ) 202-225-5361 =46rank LoBiondo (NJ) 202-225-6572 Marge Roukema (R-NJ) 202-225-4465 Jim Saxton (R-NJ) 202-225-4765 Heather Wilson (NM) 202-225-6316 Michael Forbes (NY) 202-225-3826 Benjamin Gilman (NY) 202-225-3776 Sue Kelly (NY) 202-225-5441 Rick Lazio (NY) 202-225 3335 John McHugh (NY) 202-225-4611 David Hobson (OH) 202-225-4324 Bob Ney (OH) 202-225-6265 Jon Fox (PA) 202-225-6111 Scott Klug (WI) 202-225 2906 Democrats Who Plan To Vote For Impeachment Gene Taylor (MS) 202-225-5772 Ralph Hall (TX) 202-225-6673 Virgil Goode (VA) 202-225-4711 Democrats Who May Vote For Impeachment Bud Cramer (AL) 202-225-4801 Gary Condit (CA) 202-225-6131 Carolyn Maloney (D-CT) 202-225-7944 Leonard Boswell (D-IA) 202-225-3806 Lee Hamilton (D-IN) 202-225-5315 Tim Roemer (D-IN) 202-225-3915 Chris John (LA) 202-225-2031 Pat Danner (MO) 202-225-7041 Mike McIntyre (NC) 202-225-2731 Jim Traficant (OH) 202-225-5261 Paul McHale (PA) 202-225-6411 John Murtha (D-PA) 202-225-2065 John Spratt (D-SC) 202-225-5501 Bart Gordon (D-TN) 202-225-4231 Charles Stenholm (TX) 202-225-6605 James Moran (D-VA) 202-225-4376 Jay Johnson (D-WI) 202-225-5665 Your move. Let me know as you succeed in changing minds! =87 Steve Myers = =D7 Editor _________________________________________________ =A9 Exegesis 1998 Post Office Box 789, McLean, Virginia 22101, USA Please Visit our Web Page at http://www.sm.org _________________________________________________ We welcome your letters to the editor. Please write to editor@sm.org Exegesis http://www.sm.org/exegesis To subscribe or to unsubscribe an old address on our list, please visit http://www.sm.org/exegesis/subscribe.html ___________________________________________________ ExTel IS YOUR PHONE BILL TO HIGH? See all our services at http://ld.net/?sm.org HUGE SAVINGS ON YOUR PHONE BILL! US domestic calls now just 7.5 cents a minute =46rom the US, call the UK for just 6.9 cents a minute! Other international rates include Australia 15 cents, New Zealand 20.5 cents, Germany 16.5 cents Calling Cards at 14.9 cents a minute Whichever service you'd like to use, you'll find more information and sign up forms on our web page at http://ld.net/?sm.org _________________________________________________________ =2E.. and if you'd like your own home-based business, you'll find the answer at Partners in Prosperity http://www.sm.org/pp ___________________________________________________ =A9 Exegesis 1998 Post Office Box 789, McLean, Virginia 22101, USA [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Fwd: [FP] (fwd) Date: 11 Dec 1998 11:47:46 PST Isn't the Internet wonderful? :-) On Dec 11, Sarahanna Richards wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] >From: "ScanThisNews" >Subject: [FP] "Anti-government groups" fighting "anti-money laundering" regulation >Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 21:33:32 -0600 > >SCAN THIS NEWS >12/10/98 > >---------------------- >New anti-money laundering rules spark big protest on bank privacy >5.26 p.m. ET (2226 GMT) December 10, 1998 > >By Marcy Gordon,=A0Associated Press > >WASHINGTON (AP) =97 Federal regulators are being deluged with thousands o= >f >e-mail messages from citizens furious about new anti-money laundering rul= >es >that they view as an invasion of privacy. > >As a visible symbol of the federal government with a plaque in every bank >branch, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. has become a magnet for >consumers' anger over the proposed rules. > >But regulators at other federal banking agencies also reported Thursday t= >hey >had received many protesting e-mails, letters and telephone calls =97 som= >e of >them apparently instigated by anti-government groups. > >The ire is directed at the proposed regulations, called "Know Your >Customer'' rules, that would require banks to verify their customers' >identities and know where their money comes from. Banks also would have t= >o >determine customers' normal pattern of transactions and report any >"suspicious'' transactions to law enforcement authorities. > >The proposal, published Monday in the Federal Register, is designed to >combat money laundering techniques used by drug traffickers and other >criminals to hide illegal profits. Laundering includes the use of wire >transfers and bank drafts as well as "smurfing,'' the practice of breakin= >g >down transactions into smaller amounts that don't have to be reported und= >er >banking laws. > >The torrent of e-mail, first reported in The Wall Street Journal Thursday= >, >came as the 90-day public comment period opened for the proposal. > >It reflects growing anxiety among consumers about banks' use of personal >financial data =97 a concern that prompted a top federal regulator to war= >n the >banking industry this spring that it needs to protect customers' privacy. > >Someone from Texas wrote, "I am appalled at even the suggestion of such a= >n >intrusion into our personal lives by the federal government.'' > >In another message, a Florida doctor told the regulators: "Next you'll ... >be implanting (an electronic) chip in newborns at birth so they can be >scanned as they walk in any banks as an adult.'' > >FDIC spokesman David Barr said the agency had received a staggering 2,700 >e-mails and letters opposing the proposal. > >At least some of the angry messages appear to have been inspired by >anti-government groups claiming the proposed rules are part of a federal >conspiracy aimed at limiting people's constitutional rights, according to >the Journal and people close to the situation. > >Regulators and banking industry officials, who worked together on the new >rules, have taken pains to reassure consumers that their privacy would be >protected under the changes. > >"Because of privacy concerns, it is the ... expectation that banks would >obtain only that information that is necessary to comply with the rule, a= >nd >would limit the use of this information to that purpose,'' the Office of = >the >Comptroller of the Currency, which regulates nationally chartered banks, >said in a statement. > >John Byrne, senior counsel of the American Bankers Association, said, "Jo= >e >Q. Citizen needs to recognize that there's nothing for him or her to worr= >y >about.'' > >comments@foxnews.com >=A9 1998, News America Digital Publishing, Inc. d/b/a Fox News Online. > >-----Original Message----- >From: W.G.E.N. [mailto:idzrus@earthlink.net] >Sent: Thursday, December 10, 1998 6:30 PM >To: idzrus@earthlink.net >Subject: NID:"KYC" Feds being deluged with Email protest > > >Don't believe anything you read on the Net unless: >1) you can confirm it with another source, and/or >2) it is consistent with what you already know to be true. > >Reply to: > > To subscribe to the free Scan This News newsletter, send a message to > and type "subscribe scan" in the BODY. > Or, to be removed type "unsubscribe scan" in the message BODY. > For additional instructions see www.efga.org/about/maillist.html >----------------------------------------------------------------------- > "Scan This News" is Sponsored by S.C.A.N. > Host of the "FIGHT THE FINGERPRINT!" web page: > www.networkusa.org/fingerprint.shtml ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Sylvester Subject: Democrats Explictly ignore 10th Amendment Date: 12 Dec 1998 19:15:10 -0600 Watching the House Judiciary commitee debate on the censure resolution put forth by the Democrats, I heard seveal times words to the effect "Since the Constitution does not prohibit (Censure of the President) we can do it". One, Rep Scott I think, went so far as to say, "it (the Constitution) says we can do *anything we want* to promote the General Welfare". What the Constitution really says, (Art I Sec. 8) "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;" I read this to mean they can lay and collect taxes in order to pay debts and provide for defense and the general welfare and *for no other purposes* not that they can do "anything they want" even in the listed areas. Hmm, this means they can't tax something in order to regulate it, unless they also have the power to regulate it *and* doing so promotes the general welfare. However, as we know, this and all other powers are subject to the "further declaratory and restrictive clauses" (quoting the BoR "preamble") of the Bill of Rights, including(Amendment X): "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." I also found it amusing, in an ironic sort of way, to hear so many, from both sides of the podium, spouting piously about "supporting and defending" the Constitution, and their reverance for that document, considering what havoc they have wrought upon it, most especially upon the 2nd, 4th,...ah hell in reviewing the first 10 amendments, they've raped parts of all of them, save perhaps the third. Dennis J. Sylvester Captain USAFR(ret) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: SLICK: Impeachment Call-In for all the marbles (fwd) Date: 13 Dec 1998 04:13:46 PST On Dec 13, RichSlick@aol.com wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Below is a list of all the fence sitters. Do yourself a favor and tell them what they need to know, but start with your own Congressman's local office. n a message dated 98-12-11 09:46:56 EST, gra@inetport.com writes: << From Eagle Forum, Impeachment Congressional for Phone Numbers You can reach Members through the Capitol Switchboard at 202/225-3121 or toll-free at 1-877-866-6836 (Direct dial phone number follows each Member's name) Republicans Who Have Said They Will Vote Against Impeachment Amo Houghton (R-NY) 202-225-3161 Peter King (R-NY) 202-225-7896 Jack Quinn (R-NY) 202-225-3306 Chris Shays (R-CT) 202-225-5541 Mark Souder (R-IN) 202-225-4436 Republican Members Who Might Vote Against Impeachment Brian Bilbray (R-CA) 202-225-2040 Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) 202-225-3665 Tom Campbell (R-CA) 202-225-2631 Michael Castle (R-DE) 202-225-4165 Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL) 202-225-4211 Jay Dickey (R-AR) 202-225-3772 Michael Forbes (R-NY) 202-225-3826 Jon Fox (R-PA) 202-225-6111 Bob Franks (R-NJ) 202-225-5361 Greg Ganske (R-IA) 202-225-4426 Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD) 202-225-5311 Ben Gilman (R-NY) 202-225-3776 David Hobson (R-OH) 202-225-4324 Sue Kelly (R-NY) 202-225-5441 Ray LaHood (R-IL) 202-225-6201 Steve LaTourette (R-OH) 202-225-5731 Jim Leach (R-IA) 202-225-6576 Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) 202-225-6572 John McHugh (R-NY) 202-225-4611 Constance Morella (R-MD) 202-225-5341 Bob Ney (R-OH) 202-225-6265 John Porter (R-IL) 202-225-4835 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) 202-225-3931 Marge Roukema (R-NJ) 202-225-4465 Jim Saxton (R-NJ) 202-225-4765 Clay Shaw (R-FL) 202-225-3026 John Shimkus (R-IL) 202-225-5271 Joe Skeen (R-NM) 202-225-2365 W.J. "Billy" Tauzin (R-LA) 202-225-4031 James Walsh (R-NY) 202-225-3701 Zach Wamp (R-TN) 202-225-3271 Heather Wilson (R-NM) 202-225-6316 Democrat Members Who Might Vote For Impeachment Leonard Boswell (D-IA) 202-225-3806 Gary Condit (D-CA) 202-225-6131 Bud Cramer (D-AL) 202-225-4801 Pat Danner (D-MO) 202-225-7041 Virgil Goode (D-VA) 202-225-4711 Bart Gordon (D-TN) 202-225-4231 Ralph Hall (D-TX) 202-225-6673 Lee Hamilton (D-IN) 202-225-5315 Chris John (D-LA) 202-225-2031 Jay Johnson (D-WI) 202-225-5665 Carolyn Maloney (D-CT) 202-225-7944 Paul McHale (D-PA) 202-225-6411 Mike McIntyre (D-NC) 202-225-2731 James Moran (D-VA) 202-225-4376 John Murtha (D-PA) 202-225-2065 Tim Roemer (D-IN) 202-225-3915 John Spratt (D-SC) 202-225-5501 Charles Stenholm (D-TX) 202-225-6605 Gene Taylor (D-MS) 202-225-5772 James Traficant (D-OH) 202-225-5261 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Eagle Forum * P.O. Box 618 * Alton, IL 62002 Office: 618-462-5415 * Fax: 618-462-8909 ________________________________________________________________________ Remember, American citizens have the Constitutional rights of equal justice and of impeachment. The Congress has a Constitutional duty to carry out a justified impeachment Impeachment protects citizens from someone who is unfit for office. A Congressional vote against a justified impeachment is a vote to destroy our system of equal justice. Congressmen have a Constitutional duty to protect our system of equal justice, not destroy it. Coaliton for Equal Justice >> With the House vote set for next week, this is now for all the marbles - A constitutional based equal justice system or a country run by criminals with no rights for citizens. Please call your Congressman and as many of those listed below as often as possible and demand that Clinton be impeached. Thanks to all who participated in past call-in supporting equal justice, the rule of law and freedom. There can be no doubt now after Clinon's continued perjury and obstruction of justice in his 81 answers to the Judiciary committee (see articles below) and the Judiciary Committee hearings , that Clinton and his Democrat Party are willing to tear down this country's system of equal justice and to put at risk, freedom around the world, in order to protect a corrupt president, a corrupt government and a corrupt political party. (There are now 14 high level DNC employess on trial, pleaded, or being investigated - including John Chung, Charlie Trie, and Maria Tsia)) Clinton and the Democrats are illegally stealing our right to remove an unfit President, and our right to have a system of equal justice for all. We refuse to give up our system of equal justice and have it replaced with an O.J. type of justice which has no rules for the elite insiders, such as the system that now exists in China. >From Eagle Forum, Impeachment Congressional for Phone Numbers You can reach Members through the Capitol Switchboard at 202/225-3121 or toll-free at 1-877-866-6836 (Direct dial phone number follows each Member's name) Republicans Who Have Said They Will Vote Against Impeachment Amo Houghton (R-NY) 202-225-3161 Peter King (R-NY) 202-225-7896 Jack Quinn (R-NY) 202-225-3306 Chris Shays (R-CT) 202-225-5541 Mark Souder (R-IN) 202-225-4436 Republican Members Who Might Vote Against Impeachment Brian Bilbray (R-CA) 202-225-2040 Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) 202-225-3665 Tom Campbell (R-CA) 202-225-2631 Michael Castle (R-DE) 202-225-4165 Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL) 202-225-4211 Jay Dickey (R-AR) 202-225-3772 Michael Forbes (R-NY) 202-225-3826 Jon Fox (R-PA) 202-225-6111 Bob Franks (R-NJ) 202-225-5361 Greg Ganske (R-IA) 202-225-4426 Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD) 202-225-5311 Ben Gilman (R-NY) 202-225-3776 David Hobson (R-OH) 202-225-4324 Sue Kelly (R-NY) 202-225-5441 Ray LaHood (R-IL) 202-225-6201 Steve LaTourette (R-OH) 202-225-5731 Jim Leach (R-IA) 202-225-6576 Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) 202-225-6572 John McHugh (R-NY) 202-225-4611 Constance Morella (R-MD) 202-225-5341 Bob Ney (R-OH) 202-225-6265 John Porter (R-IL) 202-225-4835 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) 202-225-3931 Marge Roukema (R-NJ) 202-225-4465 Jim Saxton (R-NJ) 202-225-4765 Clay Shaw (R-FL) 202-225-3026 John Shimkus (R-IL) 202-225-5271 Joe Skeen (R-NM) 202-225-2365 W.J. "Billy" Tauzin (R-LA) 202-225-4031 James Walsh (R-NY) 202-225-3701 Zach Wamp (R-TN) 202-225-3271 Heather Wilson (R-NM) 202-225-6316 Democrat Members Who Might Vote For Impeachment Leonard Boswell (D-IA) 202-225-3806 Gary Condit (D-CA) 202-225-6131 Bud Cramer (D-AL) 202-225-4801 Pat Danner (D-MO) 202-225-7041 Virgil Goode (D-VA) 202-225-4711 Bart Gordon (D-TN) 202-225-4231 Ralph Hall (D-TX) 202-225-6673 Lee Hamilton (D-IN) 202-225-5315 Chris John (D-LA) 202-225-2031 Jay Johnson (D-WI) 202-225-5665 Carolyn Maloney (D-CT) 202-225-7944 Paul McHale (D-PA) 202-225-6411 Mike McIntyre (D-NC) 202-225-2731 James Moran (D-VA) 202-225-4376 John Murtha (D-PA) 202-225-2065 Tim Roemer (D-IN) 202-225-3915 John Spratt (D-SC) 202-225-5501 Charles Stenholm (D-TX) 202-225-6605 Gene Taylor (D-MS) 202-225-5772 James Traficant (D-OH) 202-225-5261 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Eagle Forum * P.O. Box 618 * Alton, IL 62002 Office: 618-462-5415 * Fax: 618-462-8909 ________________________________________________________________________ Remember, American citizens have the Constitutional rights of equal justice and of impeachment. The Congress has a Constitutional duty to carry out a justified impeachment Impeachment protects citizens from someone who is unfit for office. A Congressional vote against a justified impeachment is a vote to destroy our system of equal justice. Congressmen have a Constitutional duty to protect our system of equal justice, not destroy it. Coaliton for Equal Justice =================================================================== uwsa@uwsa.com is an unmoderated mail list to discuss general government topics. To join or leave this list send mail to majordomo@uwsa.com TO: majordomo@uwsa.com (un)subscribe uwsa Visit our world wide web site at http://www.uwsa.com Support UWSA.COM at http://www.uwsa.com/UWSAintro.html [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul M Watson Subject: "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" on HBO! (fwd) Date: 14 Dec 1998 08:07:40 -0600 (CST) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Reply-To: texas-gun-owners@Mailing-List.net Posted to texas-gun-owners by ghanka@bindview.com HBO-S is airing "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" at the following times: Saturday 12/12/98 9:45 PM Monday 12/14/98 2:30 PM Tuesday 12/15/98 3:45 AM ...and probably additional times in the future. HBO-S is channel 912 on DirecTV/USSB. Greg Hanka -- For help with Majordomo commands, send a message to majordomo@mailing-list.net with the word help in the message body. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Fwd: Important Information (fwd) Date: 14 Dec 1998 09:50:50 PST On Dec 14, CCHOL@aol.com wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Notice that it says in two weeks. I have read that we have until March. However, I don't trust the FCC or anyone involved. Hillary is actively involved in this. She said that we have to much access to others of like mind and the Internet needs to be monitored. This would be a good start. I would have to get off the Internet completely and I'm sure many others would, too. Pass this one to everyone we know. They are trying to sneak it through while everyone is occupied with Christmas and the impeachment hearings. Neta Important Information There is a new bill in US Congress that will be affecting all Internet Users. You might want to read this and pass it on with a prayer. CNN stated that the Government would in two weeks time decide to allow or not allow a Charge to your (OUR) phone bill equal to a long distance call each time you access the Internet. Think about that for a minute, and how it would effect each and every one of us. Please visit the following URL and fill out the necessary form! The address is http://www.house.gov/writerep If EACH one of us, forward this message on to others in a hurry, we may be able to prevent this injustice from happening! [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Perrine Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Important Information (fwd) Date: 14 Dec 1998 10:14:51 -0800 At 09:50 AM 12/14/98 PST, you wrote: >On Dec 14, CCHOL@aol.com wrote: > >[-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > >From: PIPPEN50@aol.com >Subject: Important Information >Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 00:23:26 EST > >Notice that it says in two weeks. I have read that we have until March. >However, I don't trust the FCC or anyone involved. Hillary is actively >involved in this. She said that we have to much access to others of like mind >and the Internet needs to be monitored. This would be a good start. I would >have to get off the Internet completely and I'm sure many others would, too. >Pass this one to everyone we know. They are trying to sneak it through while >everyone is occupied with Christmas and the impeachment hearings. >Neta > >Important Information >There is a new bill in US Congress that will be affecting all Internet >Users. You might want to read this and pass it on with a prayer. CNN >stated that the Government would in two weeks time decide to allow or >not allow a Charge to your (OUR) phone bill equal to a long distance >call each time you access the Internet. I keep reading this phrase: "A charge equal to a long distance call....." but I have no idea what it means...... A long distance call of a minute to the next area code for a few cents / a long distance call to New York that lasts for a minute or so / Or a very expensive call to down town Los Angeles to a governmental agency where one ends up on hold for eons.....or so it seems / a long .....long distance call to a loved one that lasts and lasts Does anyone have any idea what it means in terms of actual costs And since many of the cable companies are giving much rather good rates and very high bandwith.......as long as there is only one active computer in a houshold.....why not just talk to the internet via a cable modem and forget the phone company Jack Jack >Think about that for a minute, and how it would effect each and every one >of us. >Please visit the following URL and fill out the necessary form! The >address is >http://www.house.gov/writerep >If EACH one of us, forward this message on to others in a hurry, we may >be able to prevent this injustice from happening! > >[------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] > >-- >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** >----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- >An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no >weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his >hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a >on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ >----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- > >- > > Jack Perrine | Athena Programming | 626-798-6574 -----------------| 1175 N Altadena Dr | -------------- Jack@Minerva.Com | Pasadena CA 91107 | FAX-398-8620 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Harry Barnett Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Important Information (fwd) Date: 14 Dec 1998 12:16:39 -0800 (PST) THIS IS A HOAX! "The federal government is NOT going to start charging for e-mail, or any other use the the internet. When you see a call to arms about this issue, disregard it." http://www.nonprofit.net/hoax/hoax.html#Famous Hoaxes Use any number of search engines to find "hoax" and this hoax is sure to be mentioned on most of the Web Pages containing information about hoaxes. Otherwise, Have a nice day Harry On Mon, 14 Dec 1998, Bill Vance wrote: > Important Information > There is a new bill in US Congress that will be affecting all Internet > Users. You might want to read this and pass it on with a prayer. CNN > stated that the Government would in two weeks time decide to allow or > not allow a Charge to your (OUR) phone bill equal to a long distance > call each time you access the Internet. > Think about that for a minute, and how it would effect each and every one > of us. > Please visit the following URL and fill out the necessary form! The > address is > http://www.house.gov/writerep > If EACH one of us, forward this message on to others in a hurry, we may > be able to prevent this injustice from happening! > > [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] > > -- > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** > ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- > An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no > weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his > hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a > on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ > ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- > > - > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Fratrum: Fwd: Important Information (fwd) Date: 14 Dec 1998 14:26:53 PST Sorry to pass along a hoax under the abv Subject: line, folks. Like they say, if you don't mess up once in a while, you ain't trying.....:-) -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Fwd: Important news that needs immediate attention! (fwd) Date: 14 Dec 1998 16:35:55 PST I'm going to tell them to forget Impeachment, just send him to the Guillotine! :-) On Dec 14, CCHOL@aol.com wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] I received the following E-mail. Pass it on to everyone that you know who is intelligent and wants Clinton impeached. This group is trying to scare people into believing that our country will fall apart if Clinton is impeached. Use their free number to call your reps. That should upset their plan. Go to their website listed and see the long list of people that they are targeting. We need to E-mail each one of these. Or you could call each one of them at the expense of this group and the People for the American Way (really un- American). Have a great day! Neta :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I put myself on one of their mailing lists. Below is what I just received. No wonder Congress is being flooded with calls. They can't buy the votes, so now they are buying the phone calls. I will use THEIR 800# to call Congress from now on. Since I am not the only one who has thought of this, their claim on # of "pro-censure" calls is also off. Dear MoveOn Petitioners, I know you're furious -- and maybe a little sad for our country. I am. The only cure for this feeling is action. Over this weekend, email may be the best way to reach Congress. As outlined on our webpage, an email version of your petition has been automatically sent to your representative. But you can do more. We've set up a special group email address to make it easy to forward a note to swing votes. The email address is: swingvotes@list.moveon.org If you send a letter to this address, we will automatically bounce it to three dozen Members of Congress on our swing list -- the ones who have email. You can see our swing member list at http://www.moveon.org/swingvotes.htm Compose an email and send it to "swingvotes@list.moveon.org" -- there is a sample letter at the bottom of this message. You will feel better, and it could make a real difference. We have one week left before a House vote on impeachment. We can turn this around. The three day call-a-thon we promoted this last Wednesday through Friday delivered 94,659 anti-impeachment calls through the 1-877-TO-MOVEON number. This isn't counting tens of thousands of direct calls made by our members. The phones on Capitol Hill are ringing off the hook. The Capitol Hill switchboard has been incredibly busy. And swing members are listening. A staff member from Speaker Elect Bob Livingston's office told me they've been swamped with pro-censure calls in the last three days -- that's us, folks. And as censure becomes the key issue in impeachment discussions, our efforts and message have received great media attention, both local and national. Because of the overwhelming success of the toll-free campaign, another organization, People For the American Way, has agreed to fund the toll-free line until the House convenes. THE 1-877-TO-MOVEON NUMBER WILL REMAIN LIVE THROUGH NEXT WEDNESDAY. The call campaign will begin again on Monday. If you can't wait, and want to make calls over the weekend, you can find instructions at http://www.moveon.org/actions.htm And as we begin the final countdown to the House vote, moveon.org has posted a live simulcast of all the comments entered in the petition drive -- all 150,000. Giving four seconds per comment, this simulcast will take an entire week to play all the comments -- from now until the House vote. If you have a Java enabled browser you can view the simulcast at: http://www.moveon.org/thepeople.htm These comments are great. They speak volumes on the diversity of our backgrounds, yet unity of our message and purpose. -Wes. _________ This is a message from http://www.moveon.org. If you don't wish to receive any further messages, just reply and type "remove" ______________ SAMPLE EMAIL TO ALL SWING VOTES -- REMEMBER: Short personal messages are best As a leading member of the House, I ask you to show leadership and openly support the option of censure over impeachment. I am deeply concerned that a trial in the Senate will continue to divide our country. At a time of global economic uncertainly and international challenges, we must unite. We have better work to do as a nation. It's time for healing. It's time for true statesmen to lead the way. Sincerely, Wes Boyd. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: SLICK: Natl Call-in (fwd) Date: 15 Dec 1998 05:52:29 PST On Dec 15, RichSlick@aol.com wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Over half the eligilbe voters boycotted the last election, because _____ [fill in the blank] Less than half of the people who did take time to vote, did NOT vote for Clinton. In other words, 24-25% of the electorate actually took time to vote for him in his "landslide". Don't anyone tell me the polls say 60% want him as president, when that many never took the time ot vote! Rich Martin Editor of Slick Subj: CLNews> URGENT: Contact Your Member Of Congress Now Sender: owner-commonlawnews-l@smtp.teleport.com Reply-to: advocate_1@prodigy.net "From the Chronicles of . . . . . .The Holy Grail" -----Original Message----- Sent: Sunday, December 13, 1998 7:15 AM Listed below are the Republican turncoats that are voting against impeachment and their phone numbers!!! Demonstrate in front of their offices in their towns and flood their offices with calls Mon. thru Thurs. of this week. Do not let up!!!! Also remind them that they will loose their elections in the year 2000 if they do not vote to impeach traitor, Clinton!!!!!!!!! Call now!!!!!!! Clinton is sending threatening letters to Republican, Rep. J. Dickey from Arklansas to vote against impeachment from the White House! This guy is what is 'RUNNING OUR COUNTRY AND OUR LIVES????" KEEP CALLING, CALLING, CALLING!!!!! Impeach, impeach, impeach!!!!! >>-----Original Message----- >>>AFA ACTION ALERT 12/11/98 >>> >>>American Family Association <>< >>>Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, President >>>Tim Wildmon, Vice President >>>P.O. Drawer 2440 >>>Tupelo, Mississippi 38803 >>>Telephone 601/844-5036 >>>URL http://www.afa.net >>> >>>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>> >>>CONTACT YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS NOW >>> >>>The House of Representatives will probably take up the article(s) of >>>impeachment against President Clinton next Thursday, December 17, 1998. >>> >>>The Judiciary Committee is expected to send to the House floor at least one >>>and perhaps three articles of impeachment accusing the President of: >>>1. lying under oath in the Paula Jones civil suit and in his August 1998 >>>grand jury testimony; >>>2. obstructing justice, including his involvement in Monica Lewinsky's now >>>admittedly false affidavit and conspiring to conceal gifts; and >>>3. abusing the power of the presidency by lying to the American people and >>>his staff. >>> >>>The perjury charge has the best chance of passage on the House floor. The >>>House parliamentarian is expected to rule a substitute resolution of >>>censure "out of order." Impeachment with a conviction is the only >>>constitutional form of Congressional censure of a president. >>> >>>The vote on impeachment could very well be the most important vote by the >>>House of Representatives this century and could determine the fate and >>>future of our Republic as a government of laws, not of men. If impeachment >>>fails, President Clinton will emerge stronger than ever and will found a >>>new class of criminally immune political elitists. >>> >>>Conservatives must remind Members of Congress to uphold their >>>constitutional duty. Failure to impeach Bill Clinton will undermine the >>>rule of law for future generations. America will live with this vote >>>forever. >>> >>>ACTION ITEMS: >>> >>>1. Contact your member of Congress now. Use short, one-message themes like; >>>No one is above the law - and failure to impeach Bill Clinton will >>>undermine the rule of law for future generations. >>> >>>Call Toll Free 1-877-866-6836 (Ask them to connect you with your >>>Representative) >>>Capitol Switchboard 202-225-3121 >>>Point your browser: http://www.house.gov/writerep >>> >>>2. A list of potential "swing" Members follows. These are the "swing" >>>Members who will determine the impeachment decision. Urge them to vote for >>>impeachment and oppose censure. >>> >>>REPUBLICANS NOW EXPECTED TO VOTE AGAINST IMPEACHMENT >>> >>>The Honorable Amo Houghton (R-NY) >>>Phone 202-225-3161 >>>Fax 202-225-5574 >>>E-mail amo.houghton@mail.house.gov >>>mailto:amo.houghton@mail.house.gov >>> >>>The Honorable Peter King (R-NY) >>>Phone 202-225-7896 >>>Fax 202-226-2279 >>>E-mail peter.king@mail.house.gov >>>mailto:peter.king@mail.house.gov >>> >>>The Honorable Jack Quinn (R-NY) >>>Phone 202-225-3306 >>>Fax 202-226-0347 >>>(Rep. Quinn has no public e-mail address) >>> >>>The Honorable Christopher Shays (R-CT) >>>Phone 202-225-5541 >>>Fax 202-225-9629 >>>E-mail rep.shays@mail.house.gov >>>mailto:rep.shays@mail.house.gov >>> >>>The Honorable Mark Souder (R-IN) >>>Phone 202-225-4436 >>>Fax 202-225-3479 >>>E-mail souder@mail.house.gov >>>mailto:souder@mail.house.gov >>> >>>DEMOCRAT MEMBERS WHO MIGHT VOTE FOR IMPEACHMENT >>> >>>The Honorable Virgil Goode (D-VA) >>>Phone 202-225-4711 >>>Fax 202-225-5681 >>>E-mail rep.goode@mail.house.gov >>>mailto:rep.goode@mail.house.gov >>> >>>The Honorable Ralph Hall (D-TX) >>>Phone 202-225-6673 >>>Fax 202-225-3332 >>>E-mail rmhall@mail.house.gov >>>mailto:rmhall@mail.house.gov >>> >>>The Honorable Gene Taylor (D-MS) >>>Phone 202-225-5772 >>>Fax 202-257-7074 >>>E-mail gene.taylor@mail.house.gov >>>mailto:gene.taylor@mail.house.gov >>> >>>Leonard Boswell (D-IA) >>>mailto:rep.boswell.ia03@mail.house.gov >>>Gary Condit (D-CA) >>>mailto:rep.condit@mail.house.gov >>>Bud Cramer (D-AL) >>>mailto:BUDMAIL@mail.HOUSE.GOV >>>Pat Danner (D-MO) >>>No E-mail >>>Bart Gordon (D-TN) >>>mailto:bart.gordon@mail.house.gov >>>Lee Hamilton (D-IN) >>>mailto:hamilton@hamilton.house.gov >>>Chris John (D-LA) >>>mailto:christopher.john@mail.house.gov >>>Jay Johnson (D-WI) >>>mailto:jay.johnson@mail.house.gov >>>Paul McHale (D-PA) >>>mailto:MCHALE@MAIL.HOUSE.GOV >>>Mike McIntyre (D-NC) >>>mailto:CongMcIntyre@mail.house.gov >>>James Moran (D-VA) >>>mailto:jim.moran@mail.house.gov >>>John Murtha (D-PA) >>>mailto:murtha@mail.house.gov >>>Tim Roemer (D-IN) >>>mailto:tim.roemer@mail.house.gov >>>John Spratt (D-SC) >>>mailto:Rep.Spratt@mail.house.gov >>>Charles Stenholm (D-TX) >>>mailto:texas17@hr.house.gov >>>James Traficant (D-OH) >>>mailto:TELLJIM@MAIL.HOUSE.GOV >>> >>>REPUBLICAN MEMBERS WHO MIGHT VOTE AGAINST IMPEACHMENT >>> >>>Brian Bilbray (R-CA) >>>mailto:brian.bilbray@mail.house.gov >>>Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) >>>mailto:Rep.Boehlert@mail.house.gov >>>Tom Campbell (R-CA) >>>mailto:campbell@mail.house.gov >>>Michael Castle (R-DE) >>>mailto:Delaware@mail.house.gov >>>Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL) >>>No e-mail >>>Jay Dickey (R-AR) >>>mailto:talk2jay@mail.house.gov >>>Michael Forbes (R-NY) >>>mailto:ny01.FORBES@MAIL.HOUSE.GOV >>>John Fox (R-PA) >>>mailto:JON.FOX@MAIL.HOUSE.GOV >>>Bob Franks (R-NJ) >>>mailto:FRANKSNJ@MAIL.HOUSE.GOV >>>Greg Ganske (R-IA) >>>mailto:Rep.Ganske@mail.house.gov >>>Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD) >>>No E-mail >>>Ben Gilman (R-NY) >>>No E-mail >>>David Hobson (R-OH) >>>No E-mail >>>Sue Kelly (R-NY) >>>mailto:DEARSUE@HR.HOUSE.GOV >>>Ray LaHood (R-IL) >>>No E-mail >>>Steve LaTourette (R-OH) >>>No E-mail >>>Jim Leach (R-IA) >>>mailto:talk2jim@mail.house.gov >>>Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) >>>mailto:lobiondo@mail.house.gov >>>John McHugh (R-NY) >>>No E-mail >>>Constance Morella (R-MD) >>>mailto:rep.morella@mail.house.gov >>>Bob Ney (R-OH) >>>mailto:bobney@mail.house.gov >>>John Porter (R-IL) >>>No E-mail >>>Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) >>>No E-mail >>>Marge Roukema (R-NJ) >>>No E-mail >>>Jim Saxton (R-NJ) >>>No E-mail >>>Clay Shaw (R-FL) >>>No E-mail >>>John Shimkus (R-IL) >>>mailto:shimkus@mail.house.gov >>>Joe Skeen (R-NM) >>>No E-mail >>>W.J. "Billy" Tauzin (R-LA) >>>No E-mail >>>James Walsh (R-NY) >>>mailto:rep.james.walsh@mail.house.gov >>>Jach Wamp (R-TN) >>>No E-mail >>>Heather Wilson (R-NM) >>>No E-mail >>> >>>3. Send this e-mail to friends and urge them to be "Salt & Light" by taking >>>action and passing this ALERT on to others. >>> >>>================================================= >>>"Spreading Truth on the Information Superhighway" >>>AFA ACTION ALERT >>>Buddy Smith, Editor >>>Please tell a friend about the AFA ALERT >>> >>>To Subscribe to the the AFA Alert Mailing list send e-mail to >>>afalert@afa.net with the word Subscribe in the subject header. You will be >>>automatically added to the alert list. >>>To Unsubscribe to the the AFA Alert Mailing list send e-mail to >>>afalert@afa.net with the word Unsubscribe in >>>the subject header. You will be automatically dropped from the alert list. >>>Please do not e-mail opinions and comments to afalert@afa.net. They are >>>handled electronically and will not be read. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Happy Birthday BOR Date: 15 Dec 1998 06:18:44 PST Happy Birthday Bill Of Rights; Adopted this day, in 1791. -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: [Fwd: IP: (fwd) Pledging Allegiance to the Planet] (fwd) Date: 15 Dec 1998 06:19:32 PST On Dec 15, Y2J wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] schuetzen wrote: > On Tue, 15 Dec 1998 00:16:00 -0500, Smyth@xta.com wrote: > > Message-ID: <003d01be27e1$a88a18a0$903baacf@300mhzpentium2> > From: "Daniel Robert Smyth" > > ................< Begin Forwarded Message >............. > > Pledging Allegiance to the Planet > > GROVE CITY, PA - While school children in Oak Park, IL are pledging > allegiance to the planet (See Education Reporter, October 1998), at least > one elementary school in Grove City, PA, has taken the concept a step > farther. Students are reciting a pledge of allegiance to the world, and > signing a written pledge as well. > > The oral pledge is as follows: > > "I pledge allegiance to the world, to cherish every living thing; to care > for earth and sea and air, with peace and freedom everywhere." > > The written pledge is printed on a certificate-like form that has the United > Nations logo at the top. It reads: > > "Recognizing that people's actions towards nature and each other are the > source of growing damage to the environment and resources needed to meet > human needs and to ensure survival and development, I pledge to the best of > my ability to help make the Earth a secure and hospitable home for present > and future generations." It is followed by a blank signature line. > > According to education researcher and author, Pamela Hobbs-Hoffecker, these > types of pledges are an outgrowth of "International" or "Global" education, > which is usually included in OBE. > > In her 1995 book, Outcome-Based Education, the State's Assault on Our > Children's Values, co-written with fellow researcher Peg Luksik, Hoffecker > states: "International education classes often speak of 'America/Global > Village' in the same breath. They are not synonymous." > > OBE outcomes, she writes, typically call for global education to be > integrated into the entire learning process of American children. "In other > words, all courses teach global citizenship, and parents can't opt their > kids out." > > ................< End Forwarded Message >............. > > Addendum: > > Quotation from the SOUTHERN-STYLE message board: > >>>> > ...for your knowledge (and to help others with questions), the Pledge > appears on page 19 of the CTA/NEA Teacher Handbook entitled "California > Challenge: A Program for Celebrating Diversity- 'Understanding Cultural > Diversity' ". We reviewed this **** document several months ago upon > discovering that our teachers union was offering teacher salary points to > attend workshops on "Making Schools Safe" > http://www.southern-style.com/conflictresolution.htm ], which was > completely about Diversity/Homosexual advocacy. Yes, Our Tax Dollars at > Work!!! > > On page 2 of our newsletter Chalk Talk (June, 1998), we make mention of the > Handbook (see "Teaching Under the Influence"), " A recent CTA (California > Teacher Association)/ NEA Teacher Handbook entitled "Understanding Cultural > Diversity" says, "Teachers play the role of chief transmitter and > interpreter of society's philosophy and values." > <<<< > > Semper Fidelis , > Daniel Robert Smyth - Rockford , Illinois > Http://home.xta.com/Smyth > > **************************************************** > To subscribe or unsubscribe, email: > majordomo@majordomo.pobox.com > with the message: > (un)subscribe ignition-point email@address > > or (un)subscribe ignition-point-digest email@address > **************************************************** > www.telepath.com/believer > **************************************************** -- Sent to you by: JVS a/k/a Y2J "It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark." "Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had happened." --Sir Winston Churchill "It is our duty still to endeavor to avoid war; but if it shall actually take place, no matter by whom brought on, we must defend ourselves. If our house be on fire, without inquiring whether it was fired from within or without, we must try to extinguish it." --Thomas Jefferson to James Lewis, Jr., 1798. "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." --George Orwell Failure to prepare is preparing to fail. --Benjamin Franklin [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Curtis Subject: a Constitutional question Date: 15 Dec 1998 17:48:12 -0500 (EST) ``The issue is about principle, not politics,'' Rep. Jack Quinn said in announcing he will now vote for impeachment. ``My decision is based on the clear evidence of perjury and obstruction of justice as presented by the House Judiciary Committee in the last week.'' One undecided moderate, Rep. Michael Castle, R-Del., wrote the GOP leadership today urging a tough censure resolution that would require Clinton to pay at least $2 million in restitution for the costs of the Monica Lewinsky investigation. ``Even at this late date there are compelling reasons to pursue a different course with a better solution for our nation,'' he said. O.K. The above quote is from a Washington Post article, discussing the tide turning against our Beloved President in the House. My question is: How the hell can the U.S. House pass a censure resolution that fines somebody (anybody) $2Million dollars (or two dollars for that matter)? Isn't this a Bill of Attainder, and, hence, unConstitutional? Wouldn't it be grand if it came down to a House censure resolution, ratified by the Senate, and Our Beloved President asked the Supreme Court for an opinion as to whether this was an unConstitutional bill of attainder? Hahaha. Does anyone have a sensible, accurate answer to this question? thanks, jcurtis - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Curtis Subject: Re: a Constitutional question Date: 15 Dec 1998 18:27:11 -0500 (EST) Okay, I know its bad form to followup to your own post, but I just can't write anymore verilog code tonight, so I looked this up on some random web site. (http://www.usconstitution.net/const.html) Article I The Legislative Branch Section 9: [some deletions for brevity] The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it. No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. That's pretty clear, "No Bill of Attainder .... shall be passed.". Its even more clear than the Writ of Habeas Corpus, above, which has Rebellion and Invasion as exceptions. Here's a definition: (from the site above) Attainder attainder n. The loss of all civil rights by a person sentenced for a serious crime. [< OFr. attaindre, to convict] Source: AHD In the context of the Constitution, a Bill of Attainder is meant to mean a bill that has an negative effect on a single person. Ok. So we have approx. several score of Constitutional "experts" yapping on TV about "rising to the threshold of impeachment", etc. etc. We also have U.S. Congressmen and "distinquished" former Senators yapping about fines and resolutions of censure. The Constitution seems pretty clear. Congress can't pass a bill that affects a single person negatively. No exceptions, no escape clauses. So the chattering classes are nattering on about using a part of the Constitution that is pretty clearly meant to be used (impeachment) and totally silent on the prohibition of Bills of Attainder. My conclusion: U.S. Constitution, R.I.P. The entire body of commentators, scholars, lawyers and experts have entered the "post-ironic" age, and don't even bother to read the darn thing as they know that what it says is not material. ciao, jcurtis P.S. if you are reading this, congratulations. You may belong to a dwindling body of people who think that the Constitution means something and are willing to learn what it means. Some of you may even believe that the Constitution is still in effect. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kenneth Mitchell Subject: Re: a Constitutional question Date: 15 Dec 1998 16:26:59 -0800 At 05:48 PM 12/15/98 -0500, you wrote: > > My question is: How the hell can the U.S. House pass a > censure resolution that fines somebody (anybody) $2Million > dollars (or two dollars for that matter)? > > Isn't this a Bill of Attainder, and, hence, unConstitutional? > > Wouldn't it be grand if it came down to a House censure > resolution, ratified by the Senate, and Our Beloved President asked > the Supreme Court for an opinion as to whether this was an > unConstitutional bill of attainder? You are correct. It would be a Bill of Attainder. Slick Willie is TRYING to promote such a deal, so that Congress will leave him alone, since they will have "already punished him", but I strongly suspect that in a year or two, he would appeal the penalty, and the Supremes will, quite rightly, overturn it. In short, I believe that Slick Willie will say and do ANYTHING *now* to postpone the problem, and if this involves something that's clearly unconstitutional - well, it has never stopped him before! Ken Mitchell Citrus Heights, CA kmitchel@gvn.net 916-955-9152 (vm) 916-729-0966 (fax) --------------http://www.gvn.net/~creative/------------------------ "Self-government won't work without self-discipline... The abandon- ment of self-discipline has ignited a regulatory explosion. The number of government agencies has doubled in ten years. On average, for every new law passed by Congress, unelected bureaucrats turn out 18 new regulations with the force of law. ...Because some loony birds with unbuttoned brains abuse theirs, the federal government is now threatening to take away our fireworks and our firearms. It is down this road that whole nations go from regulation to regimentation to tyranny." Paul Harvey, IMPRIMIS, October 1998. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Silver Subject: LSAS's 'ATF Night' 12/17/98 Date: 15 Dec 1998 19:59:47 -0800 The Lawyer's Second Amendment Society's bi-monthly "ATF Night" takes place Thursday, December 17, 1998, at the San Gennaro Cafe, 9501 Culver Blvd., Culver City (Tel: 310-836-0400) "ATF Night" is an informal evening of adult beverages, cigars and firearms talk. Speakers are strictly kept to a minimum to allow everyone plenty of time to converse and discuss politics (rumors that this month's ATF Night will actually be an "Impeach the Perjuror!" rally are totally unfounded) Social hour begins at 6:30 p.m., dinner at 7:30 p.m. We order off the menu; prices range from $6 to $22, or so. Call the LSAS for more info at: (818) 734-3066. And don't forget: Monica says, "Bring your cigar...." -- Steve Silver Vice President: The Lawyer's Second Amendment Society, Inc. 18034 Ventura Blvd., No. 329, Encino, CA 91316 (818) 734-3066 The LSAS is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit corporation * * * Get the TRUTH About Guns. Visit: http://www.guntruths.com/ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Harry Barnett Subject: Wag the Dog Date: 16 Dec 1998 15:33:17 -0800 (PST) Eerie. Life imitating art... - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Skip Leuschner Subject: Re: Wag the Dog Date: 16 Dec 1998 17:04:15 -0800 Harry Barnett wrote: > > Eerie. Life imitating art... > > - I've been thinking and saying Wag-the-dog all afternoon, but Sen Lieberman just stated to Jim Lehrer on the News Hour that this strike has been in semi-automatic mode ever since the last of Saddam's to/from the brink adventures. Lieberman said that congress was briefed several weeks ago that if the leader of the inspection team experienced Iraqi obstructionism again, he and his team would pack up and leave Iraq (as they did yesterday) and strikes would begin when they reported out and safe - i.e., our endless threats made good, finally. That's plausible - but like any thinking person, it's impossible to ignore the Clinton factor. Regards, Skip. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Wag the Dog Date: 16 Dec 1998 16:30:26 PST On Dec 16, Harry Barnett wrote: >Eerie. Life imitating art... Again, and again, and.... Isn't this about the seventh or ninth time he's pulled this same crap? -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: The Left has formed phone banks and are pushing hard against Impeachment (fwd) Date: 16 Dec 1998 16:31:03 PST On Dec 16, Jurist wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] - Don't let them win once again. Attention RKBA Defenders, This is no time to get comfortable. This morning I called every fence- sitting representative on this page. Please call and say "please tell the Representative to vote for impeachment" and then move onto the next representative. The e-mail servers have been backed up and are no longer even being read. Your call really does count! We need to get this guy out! Fourty minutes out of your lifetime in what may be the last best chance of casting out this abomination. http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3674cc9939ea.htm Thank you so very much. Rick V. >"Still if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." -- Winston Churchill. -- The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Pirates of Pennsylvania Avenue (fwd) Date: 17 Dec 1998 14:06:18 PST On Dec 17, Kevin McGehee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] My contacts at the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy(tm) have provided the following transcript from another White House audio, this during an Oval Office meeting about Iraq. ================================== THE PRESIDENT: Cohen, I need to know that you're with me on this. You used to be a Republican, so at a time like this I need to know where your loyalties lie. JAMES CARVILLE: Heh-heh-heh. Bill, you said "lie." SECRETARY COHEN: Mr. President, I am the very model of a modern Clinton liberal. I've information fallacious, nefarious and criminal. I can go on Sunday talk shows if I've heard the White House spin before, And whistle every tune from that infernal nonsense "Pinafore." CARVILLE: He has information fallacious, nefarious and criminal, He is the very model of a modern Clinton liberal. COHEN: I'll quote the White House line that this is national security, And viciously attack all those who dare impugn your purity. To those who do cite "Wag the Dog" I'll claim it is coincidence, My tone will be quite snotty in my disdain for their insolence. CARVILLE: To those who do cite "Wag the Dog" he'll claim it is coincidence, His tone will be quite snotty in his disdain for their insolence. His fate is tied to yours, he is no longer individual, He is the very model of a modern Clinton liberal! COHEN: My fate is tied to yours, I am no longer individual, I am the very model of a modern Clinton liberal! ================================== Hmmmmmmmm....... Kevin McGehee Fairbanks/North Pole, AK mcgehee@mosquitonet.com http://www.mosquitonet.com/~mcgehee/ Heroism is individual; evil is collective. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: RAPTUS: FW: Clinton Endangers Troops (fwd) Date: 17 Dec 1998 14:06:54 PST On Dec 17, Rose Bowen wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Clinton Endangers Troops Freedom Watch 12/16/1998 Ron Paul WASHINGTON, DC -- As US troops prepared to once again be used as political pawns by the President, Rep. Ron Paul called on Bill Clinton to resign for the good of the country and the safety of American soldiers. "Once again President Clinton is using American troops to deflect attention from his record of lies, distortions, obstruction of justice and abuse of power," said Rep. Paul after arriving in Washington on Wednesday afternoon. "Just a couple months ago, the president launched an attack against the nation of Sudan in an attempt to cover over his personal problems; an attack which we know now had no basis whatsoever in protecting US interests." Paul said the Clinton ruse with Iraq is not only shameful, but recklessly dangerous. "Even if one can look past the constitutional prohibition against the US policing the world, the timing of this new attack against Iraq screams of hypocrisy by a president who has shown a complete disregard for our military, our Constitution and our national defense," said Rep. Paul, a former Air Force flight surgeon. "Iraq has been 'disobeying' the United Nations for years now, but suddenly, on the verge of his impeachment, this president decides to launch an attack, in essence an unconstitutional declaration of war." Rep. Paul said that it is "despicable for a man who ran from military service to now use soldiers as a shield from impeachment." "How many American soldiers and innocent Iraqi children will die so that this president can hide from justice? How many American citizens are now at increased risk from terrorist attack because of this president? How much innocent blood will have to flow to cover this president's sins? This attack has no basis in protecting our national security and only increases the danger to our people." ================================================= Rose Bowen bowenten@swva.net Need a web presence at an affordable cost? Custom Sites and Web Hosting! http://www.sayhello.com/global/ Fax: 212-652-5092 ICQ #405591 [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Additional information (fwd) Date: 17 Dec 1998 16:39:05 PST On Dec 17, Doug Spittler wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] >-----Original Message----- >From: Philip Van Cleave >To: va-rkba@listbox.com >Date: Tuesday, December 15, 1998 12:58 AM >Subject: VA-RKBA! SAF to sue Chicago and New Orleans! > > >>I was listening to Tom Gesham's "Gun Talk" show on the internet this >>Sunday. He was interviewing Alan Gotlieb of the Second Amendment >>Foundation. Allan said that SAF is getting ready to sue Chicago, New >>Orleans, Handgun Control Inc, Violence Policy Center and any other city >>that signs on to sue gun manufacturers and dealers. Apparantly he is >>seeing a ground swell of support on this issue. >> >>They are taking a civil "RICO" approach saying that the cities, HCI and VPC >>are conspiring to deny American citizens their civil rights by destroying >>the gun manufacturers with frivolous law suits. It will also open up the >>cities, HCI and VPC to discovery looking for illegal conspiracy with the >>cities. The cities and HCI will not be able to communicate with this kind >>of suit pending, otherwise proving conspiracy would be much simpler. >> >>I ***love*** being on the offense. I look forward to Chicago, New Orleans, >>and HCI getting their asses kicked. A RICO violation could have some >>severe punishments. (They can't try for a criminal RICO because the know >>that Jane Reno would never back anything that would be pro-2nd Amendment.) >>SAF is looking for more contributions for this most worthy cause. >> >>Philip Van Cleave >>Virginia Systems, Inc. >>5509 West Bay Court >>Midlothian, VA 23112-2506 >> >>Telephone: (804) 739-3200 >>Fax: (804) 739-8376 >>Home Page: >>EMail: philip@virginiasystems.com >>--------------------------- >>VA-RKBA WEB: http://www.wizard.net/~kc/varkba.html >> >>This list is governed by an acceptable use >>policy: http://www.wizard.net/~kc/policy.html >>and available upon request. >> >>To unsubscribe send a message to majordomo@listbox.com >>with the following line in the body: >> >>unsubscribe va-rkba >> >>VA-RKBA IS A PROJECT OF GUNSSAVELIVES(TM) >> >>VA-RKBA IS A PRIVATE UNMODERATED >>LIST. THE OWNER TAKES NO >>RESPONSIBILTY FOR CONTENT. >>ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: In the Wilderness: 19 Dec 98 (fwd) Date: 19 Dec 1998 22:16:21 PST On Dec 19, Kevin McGehee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] IN THE WILDERNESS (c) 1998 KEVIN McGEHEE North Pole, Alaska mcgehee@mosquitonet.com http://www.mosquitonet.com/~mcgehee/ Permission granted to anyone wishing to forward, redistribute, or broadcast this article WITH FULL ATTRIBUTION. ================================================================ THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MAKING HISTORY AND BEING HISTORY He is, officially, the 42nd President of the United States. He is the 41st man to hold the office, but only the 36th to be elected to it. Four presidents succeeded upon the deaths of their respective predecessors and never won election, including Andrew Johnson; a fifth, Gerald R. Ford, succeeded upon the resignation of his predecessor and failed in his 1976 election bid. And Grover Cleveland, who served two non-consecutive terms, is counted twice in the official tally. Like all of his predecessors, he has achieved certain firsts. He is the first Arkansan ever to become president. He is the first ever to have been born after the end of World War II. He is (I believe) the first left-hander ever to be elected to a second term. In this half of the 20th Century, he is the first president to see his party gain seats in the House in off-year elections during his second term. He is *not* the first president to have had his name changed -- in his case, from William Jefferson Blythe to William Jefferson Clinton when he was adopted by his stepfather Roger Clinton. Leslie Lynch King, Jr. was adopted and renamed after his adoptive father, Gerald Rudolph Ford. And Ulysses S. Grant's real first name was Hiram; his name was changed in a clerical error at West Point. He is only the third president ever to be the subject of articles of impeachment placed before the House of Representatives. With the House today approving two articles, he becomes only the second ever to be impeached. That presidential impeachment has occurred only twice in the 209-year history of our Constitution, is encouraging. That impeachment articles were generated twice in just the last 25 years, is not. Regardless of whether this exercise forces him from office before his term expires, Bill Clinton's presidency must be seen as a *symptom* rather than a cause of what has gone wrong with our country. Just as abuse of power wasn't "cured" when Richard Nixon resigned, it will not pass into oblivion with Clinton's departure. It is axiomatic to say these days that Clinton's legacy will be a negative one, but that would be an oversimplification because it's not entirely his own. The negative legacy that many will attribute to Bill Clinton was not created by him. It was allowed to create itself during this century -- and to a great extent that phenomenon occurred before he was even born. Members of the "Baby Boom" generation aren't altogether to blame for the generation's faults, only for the evils each of them has committed. Nor were the radical 1930s socialist college professors altogether to blame for twisting the Boomers' world view into such a mess -- after all, the Boomers' parents allowed it -- but the profs are guilty of teaching falsehoods to millions of young skulls full of mush. At every step in the process that created this sad moment in American history, men and women made choices of their own free will, and in nearly every case it was a choice to trade what was right for what was easy, convenient, or personally beneficial. This is what it means to be created in the image of God. Each of us chooses between salvation and perdition. Nor is it a choice made in some kind of tremendous, earth-shattering moment, what has come to be referred to as "a religious experience." The choice is made in the smallest of ways, with the wrong choice being easily rationalized: "I need it more than he does." "It's such a trifle, it won't make any difference." "I'm too important to take the consequences for such a small thing." "It's not sex if she keeps her clothes on." On the very eve of the President's impeachment, support for impeaching him was found (in a poll) to be still less than a majority. It's almost certain that the margin of victory in the House consisted of members who did the right thing only because they found that, politically, they were damned if they did and damned if they didn't. If there is any lesson to be drawn from this, it is that sometimes people will do the right thing even if they don't want to. Even if they're afraid. Even if, given the chance, they'd do the wrong thing if it's easier, more convenient, or more personally beneficial. This is what it means to be born of ashes and dust. Bill Clinton is not a self-made man. His place in history may fit him like a glove, but he didn't create it without help. If he continues to make wrong choices and do wrong things, the Senate should convict him of at least one of the two articles under which he was impeached today. They should remove him from office and ban him forever from holding the public trust that he has so grievously abused. They should add to Bill Clinton's list of firsts: First president to be removed from office through impeachment. The Senators have the choice: do the right thing and make history, or do the wrong thing and ensure that our nation will soon BE history. -30- December 19, 1998 ================================================================ **Visit the IN THE WILDERNESS archives** http://www.mosquitonet.com/~mcgehee/advance.htm The views expressed herein are entirely those of the author(s), and do not reflect those of any person or group with whom the author(s) may be affiliated, unless explicitly labelled as doing so. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Taste Massage Date: 20 Dec 1998 21:48:47 PST Tasting, tasting, one, two, three, tasting; This has been a taste, _only_ a taste..... Anyone at all receiving this drivel? Reply to list and to me both, thanks. Having some problems..... -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tsuma@aol.com Subject: Re: Taste Massage Date: 21 Dec 1998 01:20:45 EST In a message dated 12/20/98 10:01:23 PM, roc@xpresso.seaslug.org writes: >Anyone at all receiving this drivel? Reply to list and to me both, thanks. >Having some problems..... > Loud and clear over here... Vanze Lum - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Taste Massage Date: 20 Dec 1998 23:15:33 PST On Dec 21, Tsuma@aol.com wrote: >In a message dated 12/20/98 10:01:23 PM, roc@xpresso.seaslug.org writes: > >>Anyone at all receiving this drivel? Reply to list and to me both, thanks. >>Having some problems..... > >Loud and clear over here... Hmmmm, now it's working, strange..... -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: wbg Subject: Re: Taste Massage Date: 21 Dec 1998 03:42:30 -0800 (PST) > > Tasting, tasting, one, two, three, tasting; > This has been a taste, _only_ a taste..... > > Anyone at all receiving this drivel? Reply to list and to me both, thanks. > Having some problems..... > Tastes fine to me ...... Brewster Has anybody else noticed how strangely (and newly) silent their "progressive" acquaintances are the last day or two? Hee, hee. -- ************************************************************************* " Why is history important? Without history, many people have no idea how many of today's half-baked ideas have been tried, again and again - and have repeatedly led to disaster. Most of these ideas are not new. They are just being recycled with re-treaded rhetoric. " Thomas Sowell ************************************************************************* W. Brewster Gillett wbg@hevanet.com Portland, Oregon USA *********************************************************************** - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry E. Barnett" Subject: Re: Taste Massage Date: 21 Dec 1998 08:14:49 -0800 -----Original Message----- On Dec 21, Bill Vance wrote: >On Dec 21, Tsuma@aol.com wrote: > >>In a message dated 12/20/98 10:01:23 PM, roc@xpresso.seaslug.org writes: >> >>>Anyone at all receiving this drivel? Reply to list and to me both, thanks. >>>Having some problems..... >> >>Loud and clear over here... > >Hmmmm, now it's working, strange..... > May be working for you, but a reply I made 12/20 to "Re: Wag the Dog" didn't make it through, either. Must be disinformation bugs find the posts so tasty they eat them... Harry - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: Fw: top1 Vote tally / Partisanship (fwd) Date: 21 Dec 1998 13:26:20 PST On Dec 21, Kevin McGehee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Another fact-based indictment of how Big Media chooses to report (distort) the news. Kevin McGehee Fairbanks/North Pole, AK mcgehee@mosquitonet.com http://www.mosquitonet.com/~mcgehee/ Heroism is individual; evil is collective. -----Original Message----- The Old Hokie wrote: > >> >>Just out of curiosity (because I was supervising kids in the >>lab and missed most of it) does anyone have a source where I >>can find out the actual vote counts on all the articles of >>impeachment & a list of who crossed party lines? >> >> - - -Adina > >Thanks, Adina, for asking the question. As a result of it, >I did the research, and here's the result. > >199 of the 206 Democrats [96.6 %] voted straight 'no' on all >four articles of impeachment. 6, [2.9 %], either did not >vote on all of them, or voted 'yes' on one or more. One >[0.5 %] was not present, and did not vote at all. > >The only 'Independent' in the House voted 'no' on all four. > >Amongst the GOP, 144 [63.2 %] voted 'yes' to all four, >while 84 [36.8 %] voted 'no' on one or more. > >If you hadn't asked the question, and if I hadn't done the >research, I wouldn't have known just how 'partisan' the >Democrats had been, nor how relatively 'non-partisan' the >Republicans were. Thus your enquiry has been a real >service to us all. > >Those who voted other than a straight 'no' amongst the >Dems were: [N = no, Y = yes, NV = no vote] > >Miller - Calif NV - NV - NV - NV >Allen - Maine N - N - NV - NV >Taylor - Miss Y - Y - Y - Y >Hall - Texas Y - Y - Y - N >Stenholm - Texas Y - Y - Y - N >Goode - Virginia Y - Y - Y - N > >Republicans splitting their votes were: > >Dickey - Ark Y - N - Y - N >Shadegg - Ariz Y - Y - Y - N >Kolbe - Ariz Y - Y - Y - N >Riggs - Calif Y - Y - Y - N >Campbell - Calif Y - N - Y - N >Kim - Calif Y - N - N - N >Bilbray - Calif Y - Y - Y - N >McInnis - Colo Y - Y - Y - N >Hefley - Colo Y - Y - Y - N >Shays - Conn N - N - N - N >Johnson - Conn Y - Y - N - N >Castle - Del Y - N - N - N >Scarborough - Fla Y - N - Y - N >Goss - Fla Y - Y - Y - N >Foley - Fla Y - N - Y - N >Shaw - Fla Y - N - Y - N >Leach - Iowa Y - Y - N - N >Ganske - Iowa Y - Y - Y - N >Latham - Iowa Y - Y - Y - N >Porter - Ill Y - Y - Y - N >Weller - Ill Y - Y - Y - N >Fawell - Ill Y - Y - Y - N >Shimkus - Ill Y - Y - Y - N >McIntosh - Ind Y - Y - Y - N >Souder - Ind N - N - Y - N >Moran - Kans Y - Y - Y - N >Whitfield - Ky Y - Y - Y - N >Northrup - Ky Y - Y - Y - N >Rogers - Ky Y - Y - Y - N >Tauzin - La Y - Y - Y - N >McCrery - La Y - Y - Y - N >Gilchrest - Md Y - Y - Y - N >Ehrlich - Md Y - Y - Y - N >Morella - Md N - N - N - N >Upton - Mich Y - Y - Y - N >Ramstad - Minn Y - N - Y - N >Emerson - Mo Y - Y - Y - N >Hulshof - Mo Y - Y - Y - N >Parker - Miss Y - Y - Y - N >Hill - Montana Y - Y - Y - N >Burr - N C Y - N - Y - N >Bereuter - Nebr Y - Y - Y - N >Bass - N H Y - Y - Y - N >LoBiondo - N J Y - Y - Y - N >Saxton - N J Y - Y - Y - N >Franks - N J Y - Y - Y - N >Frelinghuysen - NJ Y - Y - Y - N >Ensign - Nev Y - N - Y - N >Gibbons - Nev Y - N - Y - Y >Lazio - N Y Y - N - Y - N >King - N Y N - N - N - N >Fossella - N Y Y - Y - Y - N >Kelly - N Y Y - N - Y - N >Gilman - N Y Y - N - Y - N >Boehlert - N Y Y - Y - N - N >McHugh - N Y Y - Y - N - N >Walsh - N Y Y - Y - Y - N >Quinn - N Y Y - Y - Y - N >Houghton - N Y N - N - N - N >Portman - Ohio Y - Y - Y - N >Gillmor - Ohio Y - Y - Y - N >Hobson - Ohio Y - N - Y - N >Kasich - Ohio Y - Y - Y - N >Pryce - Ohio Y - N - Y - N >Regula - Ohio Y - Y - N - N >Ney - Ohio Y - N - Y - N >LaTourette - Ohio Y - Y - Y - N >Largent - Okla Y - Y - Y - N >Weldon - Penna Y - Y - Y - N >Greenwood - Penna Y - N - Y - N >Shuster - Penna Y - N - Y - N >English - Penna Y - N - N - N >Sanford - S C Y - N - Y - Y >Graham - S C Y - N - Y - Y >Thune - S D Y - Y - Y - N >Jenkins - Tenn Y - Y - Y - N >Granger - Texas Y - Y - Y - N >Thornberry - Texas Y - Y - Y - N >Bonilla - Texas Y - Y - Y - N >Davis - Virginia Y - Y - Y - N >White - Wash Y - Y - Y - N >Nethercut - Wash Y - Y - Y - N >Klug - Wisc Y - N - Y - N >Petri - Wisc Y - Y - Y - N > The Old Hokie [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: How Santa knows... (fwd) Date: 21 Dec 1998 13:27:04 PST On Dec 21, Rich Zellich wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Found on the net...forwarded without attribution by a friend (I know _he_ didn't write it): You'd better watch out, You'd better not cry, You'd better not pout; I'm telling you why. Santa Claus is tapping Your phone. He's bugging your room, He's reading your mail, He's keeping a file And running a tail. Santa Claus is tapping Your phone. He hears you in the bedroom, Surveills you out of doors, And if that doesn't get the goods, Then he'll use provocateurs. So--you mustn't assume That you are secure. On Christmas Eve He'll kick in your door. Santa Claus is tapping Your phone. [Supposedly written for and sung at a US Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel Christmas party] [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: linzellr@datastar.net (Robert Linzell) Subject: Fwd: LibertyNow News Update Date: 21 Dec 1998 19:58:39 -0600 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Some EXCELLENT links, esp. the one at WorldNet Daily about the Clinton scandals. This is one mail list I'm glad I joined! - --Bob in Miss. State Motto: Virtute et Armis ("By Valor and Arms") =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D> L i b e r t y N o w <=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Daily News Update =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: http://www.free-market.net/features/lists/ =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D> Bill filed opposing veggie libel law Source: San Antonio Express-News Country: United States Bad-mouthing Texas food products can land you in court =97 where you'l= l win. That's why state legislators are discussing dumping a law that stampedes over free speech. (12/21/98) URL: http://expressnews.com/pantheon/news-bus/business/1901dmcd.shtml = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D> An action career with the IRS? Source: WorldNetDaily Country: United States The federal tax agency is recruiting strong-arm types for very special work. Wouldn't it be nice to get some of our people into the IRS while we can? (12/21/98) URL: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/bluesky_exnews/19981221_xex_an_action_ca.sht= ml = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D> Healey leads attack on Gulf policy Source: London Daily Telegraph Country: United Kingdom Our only partners in dumping explosives on Iraq are beginning to ask whether they did the wrong thing for the wrong reasons. (12/21/98) URL: http://www.telegraph.co.uk:80/et?ac=3D000271261842766&rtmo=3D0GXJKGNq&atm= o=3Dggggg3qK &P4_FOLLOW_ON=3D/98/12/21/nirq21.html&pg=3D/et/98/12/21/nirq21.html = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D> U.N. plans for global chaos: Bennett says no plans in U.= S. for martial law Source: WorldNetDaily Country: United States As the United Nations dickers over the Y2K issue, Sen. Robert Bennett denies that the U.S. will follow the Canadian example and plan = for martial law. (12/21/98) URL: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/bluesky_exnews/19981221_xex_un_plans_glo.sht= ml = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D> Film puts culture under pressure, says minister Source: South China Morning Post Country: India Indian government officials defend their resubmittal of a film depicting lesbianism to the censor board. (12/21/98) URL: http://www.scmp.com/news/template/Asia-Template.idc?artid=3D1998122102432= 0031&top =3Dasia&template=3DDefault.htx&maxfieldsize=3D1811 = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D> DNA lab raises privacy concerns Source: AP in Boston Globe Country: United States New Hampshire authorities are adopting an increasingly popular law-enforcement toy: a DNA database. The prospect of "genetic dragnets" has some people uneasy. (12/21/98) URL: http://www.boston.com/dailynews/wirehtml/355/DNA_lab_raises_privacy_conce= rns.sh tml = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D> The real high crimes and misdemeanors Source: WorldNetDaily Author: Joseph Farah Country: United States At his trial, Clinton should be charged with his real crimes: misuse of the IRS, pawing through FBI files, and a variety of police-state tactics. (12/21/98) URL: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/bluesky_btl/19981221_xcbtl_the_real_h.s= html = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D> Social insecurity: poof! you can retire rich Source: New York Times Country: United States Martin Fedlstein has proposed a new idea for quasi-privatizing Social Security. It still leaves little room for personal choice. (12/21/98) URL: http://www.nytimes.com/library/review/122098socsec-review.html = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D> Deregulation recharges an industry Source: Washington Post Country: United States The electricity industry has found new life in the promise of a free market. (12/21/98) URL: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/WPlate/1998-12/21/025l-122198-idx.ht= ml = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D> Japan official wants deregulation = Source: AP in Waco Tribune-Herald Country: Japan Japan, once a showpiece of government-led economies, is looking to wide-ranging deregulation to spur entrepreneurial activity. (12/21/98) URL: http://www.accesswaco.com/shared-cgi/aponline/show_story.cgi?id=3Daponlin= e-menus- data/Financial.AP.V0136.AP-Japan-Trade-Chi.story&menu=3DFinancial.html = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D> Smoking out cigarette thieves Source: MSNBC Country: United States High prices and half-way prohibition are spurring tobacco-related crime. Who would have guessed? (12/21/98) URL: http://www.msnbc.com/local/WSAZ/19407.asp = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D> Washington's unnecessary Persian Gulf obsession Source: Cato Institute Author: Ted Galen Carpenter Country: United States Now that the bombings are over and have accomplished nothing, a foreign policy analyst calls for the U.S. to just let go of its unhealthy preoccupation with the Persian Gulf. (12/21/98) URL: http://www.cato.org/dailys/12-18-98.html = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D> Flynt to reveal naked truth about more lawmakers Source: The Salt Lake Tribune Country: United States Skin-mag publisher Larry Flynt promises to bare all about Republican dalliances in retaliation for Clinton's impeachment. (12/21/98) URL: http://www.sltrib.com/12211998/nation_w/68831.htm = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D/ End of News Update \=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Please forward and copy freely, but include the following message: LibertyNow is paid for by Members and Partners of Free-Market.Net and The Henry Hazlitt Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corp. http://www.free-market.net/ | http://www.hazlitt.org/ http://www.free-market.net/about/members.html http://www.free-market.net/about/partners.html =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGPfreeware 6.0 for non-commercial use Comment: Get public key from iQA/AwUBNn78xO0M/FuXc0xJEQJ4+gCgrOr2G/jrraosGW1KB8b/LExzuh4AnjrG d+ZsDx1h+kmlkNPM6BSQajBm =3D0PWY -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: The three stages of man Date: 24 Dec 1998 11:12:30 PST What are the three stages of man? 1. He believes in Santa Claus. 2. He doesn't believe in Santa Claus. 3. He _IS_ Santa Claus. :-) -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Cloyes Subject: Fwd: About Executive Order 13107 Date: 25 Dec 1998 12:17:13 -0500 >Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 17:51:30 -0500 >From: E Pluribus Unum >X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.06 [en] (Win95; U) >To: E Pluribus Unum Email Distribution Network >Subject: About Executive Order 13107 > >Source: WorldNetDaily >http://www.WorldNetDaily.com/bluesky_btl/19981223_xcbtl_executive_.shtml > >Executive Order 13107=20 > > From where do our rights descend? The Bill of Rights? > No. The Constitution? No. The Federal government? > No. The United Nations? Certainly not. > > But, apparently, that's what Bill Clinton thinks. For > earlier this month, Dec. 10 to be exact, he issued > another one of his infamous executive orders -- this time > on "the implementation of human rights treaties." In > Executive Order 13107, Clinton sets up a new federal > bureaucracy for the purpose of implementing U.N. > treaties, whether ratified by the U.S. Senate or not. And > that federal bureaucracy will implement the treaties on > the U.N.'s terms. > > Sound like a deal? It gets worse. > > Though President Clinton said he issued the order to > further his goal of promoting human rights around the > world, it's important to understand exactly how the > U.N. defines "human rights." > > That definition is offered in the Universal Declaration of > Human Rights, which talks about the right to freedom of > thought, conscience, religion, opinion, and expression. > All good stuff, until you realize whom the ultimate > authority is. Who is the sovereign that imparts such > blessings upon the populace of the world? > > The answer to that question is stated unequivocally in > article 29 of the U.N. document, which states: "These > rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised > contrary to the purposes and principles of the United > Nations." > > That pretty much explains who the "massa" is and where > the plantation boundaries end. What a stark contrast > between the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights, and the > founding documents of the United States of America. > The Declaration of Independence and Constitution both > make it clear that basic human rights are inalienable, > meaning they descend from the ultimate Sovereign, the > Creator, God. Therefore, no human authority, no > government, no criminal, no individual can abrogate or > abridge those rights. > > Remember, any right government can bestow upon a > people, it can just as easily take away. This is a > profound principle Americans have forgotten. The day > they accept the principle that rights descend from > government authority is the day they lose their freedoms. > It's as simple as that. > > In effect, that is what Executive Order 13107 decrees. > It's an attempt by Bill Clinton to persuade Americans > that human rights descend not from God but from > worldly government authorities -- with the ultimate > authority represented by the United Nations.=20 > > In other words, the U.N. believes people have the right > to dissent, unless it's a dissent against the United > Nations. It reminds me of the old Soviet model. There it > was even more bluntly stated: "There can be no place > for freedom of speech, press, and so on for the foes of > socialism." Basically, the U.N. has rewritten that maxim: > "There can be no place for freedom of speech, press, > and so on for the foes of the United Nations." > > The U.N. practices what it preaches, too. In Bosnia, the > U.N. forces have seized control of radio and TV > stations broadcasting pro-Serbian news and > propaganda. In fact, U.S. troops participated in those > raids. How does one justify such actions under the U.S. > Constitution, which explicitly recognizes the rights of all > people -- not just Americans -- to speak their minds > and express themselves freely? > > Welcome to the Brave New World of U.N. > doublespeak. And President Clinton is dragging the > U.S. deeper into this quagmire than has any other > president in history. > > Not only does Executive Order 13017 promote an > unworthy and dangerous goal, but the road to that > objective, namely the executive order itself the way Bill > Clinton has employed it, is a corrupt and > unconstitutional process. > > Executive orders are supposed to be a presidential tool > for running the executive branch of government. Clinton > has used them freely during his terms in office to make > policy affecting other branches of government, the > states, and individuals. Now, with 13017, he's > attempting to implement international treaties! Executive > orders were never intended to be used as imperial > orders.=20 > > Once again, though, the only people with the authority > to curb the misuse of executive orders are the members > of Congress, who have 30 days from the issuance of an > order to reject it by majority vote. Trouble is, they > seldom bother to read them. And the press seldom > bothers to cover them -- even when they represent > sweeping new interpretations of human rights and > compromises of U.S. national sovereignty. > > It's time for Congress not only to reject Executive Order > 13017, but also to review, in the context of the ongoing > impeachment process, all of President Clinton's more > than 200 executive orders. In both substance and in > intent, they represent one of the worst abuses of power > in an administration characterized by abuse of power.=20 > > =A9 1998 Western Journalism Center=20 >--=20 >****************************************************************** > E Pluribus Unum The Central Ohio Patriot Group =20 > P.O. Box 791 Eventline/Voicemail: (614) 823-8499 =20 > Grove City, OH 43123 =20 > > Meetings: Monday Evenings, 7:30pm, Ryan's Steakhouse =20 > 3635 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. (just East of Sawmill Rd.) =20 > =20 >http://www.infinet.com/~eplurib eplurib@infinet.com =20 >****************************************************************** >=20 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: roc@xpresso.seaslug.org (Bill Vance) Subject: In the Wilderness - 27 Dec 98 (fwd) Date: 27 Dec 1998 12:14:48 PST On Dec 27, Kevin McGehee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] IN THE WILDERNESS (c) 1998 KEVIN McGEHEE North Pole, Alaska mcgehee@mosquitonet.com http://www.mosquitonet.com/~mcgehee/ Permission granted to anyone wishing to forward, redistribute, or broadcast this article WITH FULL ATTRIBUTION. ================================================================ McTHOUGHT We live in a world where it is considered better to be nice than to be kind. The difference should be obvious if you think about it -- the trouble is that no one does. The truth is that some of the cruelest people in the world are also among the nicest. In the language of therapy, they're called "enablers." In contrast, much of life's greatest kindnesses are done without a smile; there was a phrase a few years back: "tough love." And all too often these days if you try to do a friend or loved one a necessary kindness, others will accuse you of being mean. We can't correct a child's unacceptable behavior because it's mean -- better to be cruel and let him grow up to be a criminal or a social outcast. We can't imprison a criminal because that's mean -- better to be cruel by exposing him to possible revenge while he's running around loose after his token (and utterly fake) show of contrition. It's mean, and therefore unacceptable, to remove people from their jobs after they've trampled the code of conduct implicit in the employment agreement -- better to be cruel and let them believe their untrustworthiness isn't a handicap in either their business or their social relationships. All of these reactions (they're unworthy of the name "opinions") are widespread, and that's a sign of why our civilization is in such dire straits. If people were to think things like this through, they would realize that these reactions are wrong; the trouble is that thinking is optional in the late 1990s. Just as many of our meals come to us without our having to cook them, too many of the "opinions" held by Americans today have been cooked up by others in a mass-production line, and handed over fully formed without the customer knowing anything about what's in them. The conventional "news" outlets that reach the most people -- those untextured, creamy smooth (and utterly indistinguishable from one another in any meaningful way) TV network news operations at ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN -- have long since metastasized into dispensers of fast-food opinion. McThought. And so similar are the results that we might as well refer to them all together as a single entity. Perhaps "Omnibus Broadcasting System" -- whenever I catch one of their newscasts I'm constantly shouting those initials... The standard OBS position on any issue is based on the idea that what Americans want more than anything, at least in matters of substance, is niceness. Substance is good, as long as you can't taste it, smell it, or feel lumps in it. Texture and flavor are for the mind candy the entertainment division offers during prime time -- especially the texture and flavor of sexual innuendo or, as is increasingly the case, out-uendo. The closest any television entertainment comes to discussing real substance is on a network I don't really include in the OBS conglomerate: Fox. Unfortunately for Fox, its entertainment "substance" is mind candy for conspiracy theorists. But at least they're not afraid, in either their entertainment division or the news operation, of suggestions that the government isn't 100% nice. If the OBS news division had a similar point of view, President What's-His-Name would have been gone months ago. In a day and age when people are utterly obsessed with nutrition for their bodies, they rot their brains with intellectual junk food and consider their minds well-fed. And it's not as if there were no alternatives! So here's my suggestion for a New Year's resolution: Enjoy life; indulge moderately in foods that are bad for you, as long as your diet overall is well-balanced. But swear off the mind candy completely. Restrict your intake to solid ideas -- stuff you can sink your mental teeth into. And spread the word. -30- December 27, 1998 ================================================================ **Visit the IN THE WILDERNESS archives** http://www.mosquitonet.com/~mcgehee/advance.htm The views expressed herein are entirely those of the author(s), and do not reflect those of any person or group with whom the author(s) may be affiliated, unless explicitly labelled as doing so. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] -- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: larry ball Subject: Sexual Harassment Guest Editorial from The 'Lectric Law Library Date: 31 Dec 1998 08:16:37 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------84EF59CCDE23A9EE85F777A1 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit http://www.lectlaw.com/ge-sh.htm --------------84EF59CCDE23A9EE85F777A1 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii; name="ge-sh.htm" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="ge-sh.htm" Content-Base: "http://www.lectlaw.com/ge-sh.htm" Content-Location: "http://www.lectlaw.com/ge-sh.htm" Sexual Harassment Guest Editorial from The 'Lectric Law Library
Guest Editorial on S*xual Harassment
By Bella Abzug, Gloria Steinem, Jill Ireland and Jane Fonda

Hi Folks, I'm Ralf R Rinkle, as you know the Library's Head Librarian, Legal Counsel, Name Partner (along with my idiot brother Randolph) in Rinkle and Rinkle PC, and, as this genuine unretouched photograph shows, the winner of the United Nation's Worldwide Commission for the Elimination Of S*xual Harassment Worldwide (TUNWCFTEOSHW) 1998 Anti-S*xual Harassment Person Of The Year Prize (TUNWCFTEOSHWASHPOTYP).

Genuine unretouched photograph of Ms. H. Bamawandnadpudawieana, TUNWCFTEOSHW Chairwoman
congratulating Ralf R. Rinkle, Esq. for winning the 1998 TUNWCFTEOSHWASHPOTYP.

Unfortunately, Bella, Gloria, Jill and Jane were called away on urgent business and asked me to write this guest editorial knowing that they could trust me to fairly represent, promote, promulgate and express their position.

A Blight On Our Society

As any sensitive human, man or woman, male or female, xx or xy chromosomed, penilely or vaginally endowed or disadvantaged, must realize, s*xual harassment is degrading to both its victim and perpetrator, a blight on our society and an infringement of every person's right to freedom, equality and to reach their full potential, free of discrimination, bias or prejudice. And it's against the law.

Lately, the issue has been raised to the forefront of our consciousness by the tawdry spectacle of s*x related allegations involving our President unfolding daily before our eyes. And while, if the allegations are proven true, appropriate punishment must follow, never forget that the presumption of innocence is a vital and essential element of our judicial system as well as a fundamental principle of truth, justice and the American way. Therefore, we must all to keep an open mind until all the facts are in, even regarding someone as definitely guilty and unable to keep his weenie in its bun as our President.

Crimes, Lies & Punishment

But we should also realize that the talk of impeachment arises from his alleged obvious lies, not from him attempting to do the horizontal belly-bump with anyone wearing a skirt - except, I hope, Scotchmen. And while I respect, honor and admire our low-life, draft-dodger burning, creepazoid President, if he indeed lied then we have no choice but to throw the bastard out. How can we meekly accept the preversion of all that is good and just or call ourselves Americans if we close our eyes to a President, or any elected official for that matter, saying anything untrue?

Holy Moly!! The idea of a politician telling a lie sends shivers up and down the spleen of every true American. We've never allowed it before, and if the adulation and high regard we have for our politicians is to be preserve, once the bastard's proven guilty we should not only impeach him but hang him from the Capital's flagpole by his harassing middle-leg as a reminder that if we allow one politician to lie, pretty soon others may be tempted to do the same. If we're to remain The Land Of The Free and The Home Of The Brave, Cubs, and Mets we must so act, if not for ourselves, then for our children and grandchildren. If not now, when? If not what, how?

Defending American Values

I sincerely thank the endless stream of intelligent, patriotic, right-wing American cretins parading through the talk shows for their unanimous support of my zero-tolerance lie position, but I must say that it's really starting to burn my butt when these self-proclaimed defenders of family and American values put down our fine President because of a little wayward wee-wee waving. What a bunch of hypnocrits! How the hell can they ignore the fact that, except for screwing-over minorities, there's nothing more American than s*xual harassment? You think that when the Mormons deserted the Mayflower they asked for written permission before raping all the Indians? Or that the slaves gleefully agreed beforehand to being impregnatized by Tommy Jefferson, Abe Lincoln and our other four fathers? Or that Betty Ross made that flag just for the hell of it?

Lets face it, without harassment most of us wouldn't even be born. I mean what woman in her right mind - except for maybe floozies, drug fiends, nymphomatics and liberals - would want to do that yucky, disgusting s*x stuff without being forced to? None that I've ever had s*x with - that's for damn certain! And I sure as hell know my mother wouldn't. Would yours?

God's Position On This Issue

And seeing these bible-bumpers all dumping on the only President we have for so called s*xual harassment when it's God's idea in the first place is revoltilizing! If God didn't want s*xual harassment then why did he make women so s*xy and small and easy to overpower and give them those neat things on their chests? And why'd he give men that thingie that gets hard (or so I'm told) and takes over our brain whenever we're around a woman of the female persuasion? Lets hear you answer those ones Jerry Falwell and Oral Robertson!!!

And while these self-proclaimed defenders of morality bitch and moan against s*x education by the government, how many of them have s*x with their kids so they can teach them the right way to do things? Probably less than half... that admit it at least. Geez!

And now they have the gall to insinuate our President has oral s*x! Listen, I admit that I'm an expert on s*x, and have thought about having some more times than I can count, so I know that regular s*x is how people make babies, and that anal s*x is how lawyers are created, but oral s*x?? Is that how you get rock and roll singers or where baby teeth come from or what? Give me a break! It's absurd and obviously something the damn President haters invented from cool cloth.

Other Important Questions

This whole matter raises lots of other questions too. Like why the hell are there all those damn interns swarming around the White House like cockroaches in a Harlem tenement? With all the taxes we pay they can't afford experienced doctors? Whose pocket's getting lined by this bushwah? Why is there so much illness there in the first place and what exact diseases are apparently running so rampant? And why don't you hear a word about this from the media? I wouldn't be surprised if that damn Cronkeit bastard's behind the whole damn thing.

And what about all the harassment women do to men? Shoot, half the time I innocently pinch some dolly's cute butt she'll attack me like a s*x-crazied maniac. And it's even worse when I unintentionally reach down some stacked broad's...


Message From The Staff
Dear Patron,
Ummmmmm... Our beloved Head Librarian got a little carried away above, undoubtedly due to the pressure of his many philanthropic endeavors and heavy pro bono caseload. We sincerely apologize to you, as well as to Ms. Abzug, Steinem, Ireland & Fonda, and promise that we will correct this unfortunate incident as soon as humanly possible.

Thank you for your patience.

--- The Library Staff ---

p.s. You should also be aware that we are investigating the possibility that the genuine unretouched photograph above may not be genuine or unretouched.

Back to the Library Rotunda

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