From: (roc-digest) To: Subject: roc-digest V2 #43 Reply-To: roc-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roc-digest Friday, January 9 1998 Volume 02 : Number 043 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 15:51:23 -0800 From: Liberty or Death Subject: >>>>> The Sweeneys need your help!!! Just received from Faith Sweeney: >It has now been reported that the Governor is considering asking the >State Troopers to assist the Marshals instead of calling in the National >Guard to protect us. In addition many people are contacting me via >phone this am to tell me that when calling the Governor's office the >response is that they are deferring to the Feds. > >PLEASE CONTINUE CALLING THE CONTACT NUMBERS BELOW. MY FAMILY NEEDS ALL >OF THE HELP WE CAN GET! > >FAS People, the Sweeney family is about to lose their home, and possibly their lives, because of a corrupt bank and a corrupt federal government that's in cahoots with them. The home is theirs; go to their web page to see the details at AND CALL THE NUMBERS BELOW!!! This is likely going to be coming down in the next day or two, if not sooner. - - Monte > Hey, people in the 4th District of Essex in Massachusetts, do you KNOW > about this GOOBER you have working for you at the State House??! > > Yesterday evening, January 6, 1998, Massachusetts State Representative > FORRESTER "TIM" CLARK, a/k/a ELMER FUDD, showed up at the Sweeney's > house wearing camouflage pants and a camouflage ballcap, claiming the > Sweeneys were "endangering the surrounding community" and that they > should "turn the keys to the house over to the Marshals tomorrow." > > FUDD also announced he was ARMED. By way of explanation, he claimed to > be "fearful" of the Sweeneys who have consistently maintained an UNARMED > peaceful occupation of their home. He didn't offer any explanation for > his goofy outfit, however. Consistent with the Sweeneys' continuing > policy of unarmed, peaceful protest, the armed and dangerous ELMER FUDD > was ordered off the property. He then went whining to the local media. > > Yes, Gump, er, Fudd, er, CLARK showed up wearing cammies and carrying a > GUN, claiming HE was "afraid of the Sweeneys." > > So far, the ONLY person to show up with a GUN, looking like the > hysterical knee-jerk caricatures the Boston Globe keeps inventing, has > been FUDD HIMSELF, TIM CLARK, STATE REPRESENTATIVE, a person who is NOT > supporting the Sweeneys. In fact, the ONLY people threatening anyone > with GUNS have ALL been GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES!! > > Please BE SURE TO CALL AND EMAIL THE GOVERNOR OF MASSACHUSETTS AND THE > BOSTON GLOBE about this moron! T-I-M C-L-A-R-K. While you're at it, > ask the Governor if he will call out the National Guard to PROTECT THE > SWEENEYS and THEIR PROPERTY! > > Massachusetts Governor: PHONE: 617-727-3600, FAX: 617-727-9725 > EMAIL: > Address: The Honorable Paul Cellucci, Acting > Governor, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, > State House, Boston, MA 02133 > > Boston Globe's PHONE: 617-929-2000-EXT.2539, PAGER: 617-579-7150, Fax: > 617-929-3186 > Resident-Media-Whore EMAIL: > Dave Armstrong > > Boston Herald PHONE: 617-426-3000-EXT. 606, FAX: 617-542-1315 > ED HAYWARD > > STATE HOUSE PRESS PHONE: 617-722-2495, FAX: 617-742-2507 > GALLERY > > ASSOCIATED PRESS: PHONE: 617-357-8100 FAX: 617-338-8125 > Bill Porter (or anyone covering the Sweeney story at AP) > > > Elmer Fudd, a/k/a Tim Clark PHONE: 617-722-2090, FAX: 617-722-2897 > State Representative > Fourth Essex District, Room 540, > State House > Boston, MA 02133-1054 > > ************************************* > CORRECTION: The AP erroneously reported yesterday that State Senator > Bruce Tarr had asked the Sweeneys to leave their home but that is > totally wrong. State Senator Tarr, who doesn't wear cammies or carry a > gun, has ASKED FOR A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION OF THE LAWYERS, JUDGE, AND > BANKERS INVOLVED IN SWINDLING THE SWEEENEYS. > > ************************************* > > Please look at the Sweeney Web Page and call and email people on this > list. Ask for a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION of the lawyers (JOHN HANIFY AND > JOSEPH SHEA) and judge (EDWARD HARRINGTON) involved in the Sweeney case; > ask when the FDIC is going to pay the Sweeneys the $4 million they owe > them, and ask WHEN THE U.S. Marshals office is going to be CALLED OFF! > > SWEENEY SIEGE CONTACT LIST > > SWEENEY WEB PAGE > > Andrew Hove PHONE: 202-393-8400, FAX: 202-898-3772 > Acting Chairman > Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) > 550 17th St. NW, Washington, DC 20434, > > Eugene A. Ludwig PHONE: 202-874-4900, FAX: 202-874-4950 > Comptroller of the Currency > FDIC Director > 250 E Street SW > Washington, DC 20219 > > Joseph H. Neely PHONE: 202-393-8400, FAX: 202-898-3500 > FDIC Director > 550 17th St. N.W. > Washington, DC 20429 > > Ellen Seidman PHONE: 202-906-6590, FAX: 202-898-0230 > FDIC Director > Office of Thrift Supervision > Department of the Treasury > 1700 G Street, N.W. > Washington, DC 20552 > > Robert Rubin PHONE: 202-622-5300, FAX: 202-622-2599 > Secretary > U. S. Treasury > 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW > Washington, DC 20220 > > Valerie Lau PHONE: 202-622-1090, FAX: 202-622-2073 > U. S. Treasury Inspector General > 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW > Washington, DC 20220 > > Massachusetts Governor: PHONE: 617-727-3600, FAX: 617-727-9725 > EMAIL: > Address: The Honorable Paul Cellucci, Acting > Governor, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, > State House, Boston, MA 02133 > > William Galvin PHONE: 617-727-7030 FAX: 617-742-4722 > Mass. Secretary of State > State House > Boston, MA 02133 > > Thomas Curry PHONE:(617) 727-3120 > Commissioner (Can investigate ComFed Mortgage Co.!) > Division of Banks and Loan Agencies > 100 Cambridge St. 20th Fl. > Boston, MA 02202 > > Joseph DeNucci PHONE: (617) 727-2075 > > Auditor (Can investigate ComFed Mortgage Co.!) > State of Massachusetts > State House Room 229 > Boston, MA 02133 > > Judge A. David Mazzone PHONE: 617-223-9107, FAX: 617-223-4127 > (Former and supposed) Mediator > U. S. Post Office and Court House > 90 Devonshire Street > Boston, MA 02109 > > Nancy McGillivray PHONE: 617-223-9731, FAX: 617-223-9726 > U. S. Marshal (in charge) > U.S. Marshal's Service > U. S. Post Office and Court House > 90 Devonshire Street > Boston, MA 02109 > > Donald Stern PHONE: 617-223-9400, FAX: 617-223-4825 > U.S. Attorney > 1003 J.W. McCormick > PO & Court House > Boston, MA 02109 > > Bruce Tarr PHONE: 617-722-1600, FAX: 617-722-1310 > State Senator > Room 314, State House > Boston, MA 02133 > > Cheryl Jacques PHONE: 617-722-1555, FAX: 617-722-1054 > State Senator > Room 312B, State House > Boston MA 02133 > > Kevin M. Burke PHONE: 978-745-6610, FAX: 978-741-4971 > District Attorney > Museum Place > One East India Square, > Salem, MA 01970 > > Scott Harshbarger PHONE: 617-727-2200, FAX: 617-727-3251 > Attorney General > One Ashburton Place > Boston, MA 02108 > > William Cohen PHONE: 703-693-0566, FAX: 703-697-2147 > Secretary of Defense > 1000 Defense > Pentagon > Washington, DC 20301 > > John Hanify PHONE: 617-423-0400, FAX: 617-423-0498 > Hanify & King > RTC LAWHORE WHO STOLE THE SWEENEY'S $4 MILLION FILE FROM THE STATE COURT > One Federal Street > 13th Floor > Boston, MA 02110 > > Joseph Shea PHONE: 617-439-2280, FAX: 617-973-9748, EMAIL: > > CURRENT FDIC LAWHORE > Nutter, McClennen & Fish > One International Place > Boston, MA 02110-2699 > > John Tierney PHONE: 978-531-1669, FAX: 978-531-1996 > US Congressman DC PHONE: 202-225-8037, DC FAX: 202-225-8020 > 6th District MA > 17 Peabody Square > Boston, MA 01960 > > John Kerry PHONE: 617-565-8519, FAX:617-248-3870, EMAIL: > > U.S. Senator > One Bowdoin Square > 10th Floor > Boston, MA 02114 > > Edward Kennedy PHONE:617-565-3170, FAX:617-565-3183, > > U.S. Senator > Room 409 JFK Building > Boston, MA 02203 > > Alfonse D'Amato PHONE: 202-224-6542, FAX: 202-224-2080 > U. S. Senator > Chairman Senate Banking Committee, SH 520 > Washington, DC 20510 > > MEDIA: > > Boston Herald PHONE: 617-426-3000-EXT. 606, FAX: 617-542-1315 > ED HAYWARD > > STATE HOUSE PRESS PHONE: 617-722-2495, FAX: 617-742-2507 > GALLERY > > ASSOCIATED PRESS: PHONE: 617-357-8100 FAX: 617-338-8125 > Bill Porter (or anyone covering the Sweeney story at AP) > > Boston Globe's Phone: 617-929-2000-EXT.2539, PAGER: 617-579-7150, Fax: > 617-929-3186 > Resident-Media-Whore EMAIL: > Dave Armstrong - - Monte -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Maybe freedom's just one of those things that you can't inherit." - Peter Bradford, in the film "Amerika" -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Idaho Observer - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 15:53:25 -0800 From: Liberty or Death Subject: >>>>> More Sweeneys >Please contact FDIC directors and request meetings be scheduled between the >Sweeney mediation team and the FDIC Directors. Also, please contact >Senator Tarr and ask that he continue his efforts. Rhetta > > >JOHN & RHETTA SWEENEY >24 Meyer Lane >Hamilton, MA 01982 >508-468-1536 >508-468-4428 (fax) >E-MAIL >INTERNET >MEMORANDUM > >BY FAX: > >TO: FDIC BOARD OF DIRECTORS > Chairman Andrew C. Hove Jr. > Joseph H. Neely > Eugene A. Ludwig, Comptroller of Currency > Ellen Seidman. Director Office of Thrift Supervision > >FROM: John and Rhetta Sweeney > >SUBJECT: Mediation Talks > VIOLATIONS OF FRAUD > > Please have this letter serve as a reaffirmation of our request to >continue mediation efforts by way of meetings at your Washington offices. >The Right Rev. Mark Dyer and Senator Bruce Tarr of Massachusetts, who have >been members of our mediation team, are available to support these >efforts. > > Because many of the issues which we presented to acting mediator, Judge >David Mazzone, were never addressed, we believe that he terminated >mediation efforts prematurely on December 29, 1997. > > In addition, we would like to bring to your attention that the subject of >known fraud violations which failed ComFed committed against us have been >the subject of three Congressional hearings, and judgment was issued by the > state court finding the violations of fraud. John Bovenzi represented the >FDIC at those hearings. GO TO: (click on U. S. >Senate and U. S. House) and (click on state court judgment) > >Page 2 >FDIC Board of Directors >January 8, 1998 > > >Please consider the following quotes made by several Congressional leaders: > > >QUOTES > >Please consider the following statements by Congressional and town leaders >detailing the known fraud the Sweeneys suffered because of violations >committed by ComFed Savings Bank and continued mistreatment by federal >agencies. GO TO: (click on quotes) > >It is now January of 1998 and the FDIC is seeking to seize the Sweeney >property using federal court orders which were obtained through fraud upon >the court. Now, the FDIC has gained further federal orders authorizing >U.S. Marshals to physically remove the Sweeneys from their home. > >Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen >Former U. S. Senator of Maine > >Hearing Before the Subcommittee On Oversight of Government Management and >the District of Columbia of the Committee on Governmental Affairs United >States Senate - One Hundred and Fourth Congress, First Session, January 31, >1995 > >Chairman Cohen . . . . . >As part of my earlier efforts to examine the actions of banking agencies, I >was informed of an extraordinary case in Massachusetts involving Rhetta and >John Sweeney, who are here with us today to testify. (See page 4) > >And the facts are that the Sweeneys were mistreated, they were fraudulently >deceived. They were entitled to in excess of a three-plus million-dollar >award, (See p.46) > >. . . . the judge (state court) ruled on a consumer fraud statute. She >found under a consumer fraud statute that there was in fact a violation. >(See p.46) > >Page 3 >FDIC Board of Directors >January 8, 1998 > > >I spoke with the court yesterday, . . . .the court advised me that the >attorney for the bank, the same attorney with the law firm that was hired >by the RTC to represent it, inquired on a frequent if not daily basis when >that decision was going to be handed down. . . .and unbeknownst to the >court, the attorney for the RTC at that point physically removed the >documents from the court and took possession of them for some 25 days, >never notifying the court that he had possession. (See p.20) > >So this was a pattern, it seemed to me of fraudulent misrepresentations of >the bank. (See p.20) > >Hearing Before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs United >States Senate - One Hundred Fourth Congress, First Session, June 14, 1996 > >Senator Cohen, Testimony before Chairman D'Amato. . . . . >This, I think, is one of the most egregious cases I have seen in my years >in the Senate and in the House, whereby a couple who is innocent of any >wrong doing, who had been the victims of fraudulent misrepresentation are >then victimized a second time by a government agency. And, by the way, I >spoke with the presiding judge in that case. She advised me that several >of the loan officers were in fact indicted and convicted of fraud. (See >p.3) > >Chairman D'Amato . . . . >It seems very evident to me that the Sweeneys were victimized, twice, first >by the fraudulent conduct by the bank which lead to a cash award in state >court and then by the federal government, . . . . .(See p.3) > >Senator John Kerry. . . . >Here, you had, indeed, a fraud, but it was a fraud perpetrated on the >Sweeneys by ComFed, the bank. . . .(See p.8) > > > >Page 4 >FDIC Board of Directors >January 8, 1998 > >Senator Faircloth. . . >But why did the RTC hire the same law firm the bank used to sue the >Sweeneys? Since the bank had been found by State court to be guilty of >fraud, would you not think there would be a conflict by going back and >hiring the same law firm? (See p.26) > >Senator Bennett. . . . >Has anybody in the federal court examined the merits of the State court >judge's opinion? (See p.26) > >Hearing before the Congress of the United States House of Representatives >Committee on Small Business Subcommittee on Government Programs - One >Hundred and Four Congress, Second Session, September 25, 1996 > >Chairman Peter G. Torkildsen. . . >It would appear, I think, to a reasonable person that both for the Sweeneys >and the Scotts that some degree of fraud by the former ComFed Institution >was perpetrated against them. . . . . . > >. . . . .and the fact that it was done fraudulently by an Institution is >bad enough on its own, but it is my belief that the fact that the federal >government has certainly prolonged some of this agony, and I do think that >is a fair statement, is unconscionable. . . . > >Peter P. Britton, Member Town of Hamilton Planning Board >I am outraged to have witnessed such brutish interference in the affairs of >a state and town by federal agencies and their agents. > >I have never in my previous twenty years on the Planning Board of Hamilton, >Massachusetts faced a more serious threat to our board's credibility as >protector of the public trust. > > > > >Page 5 >FDIC Board of Directors >January 8, 1998 >If the FDIC prevails, what are we to tell good faith buyers of property? >We need declare that we have been made aware of fraud, an awareness shared >by ComFed's own admission, by Judge Izzo, and I am made to understand by >the FBI. . . . . > >. . . at worse the FDIC is an accessory or accomplice to theft of property >of Massachusetts State Court record . We are watching, hopefully from >Hamilton, Massachusetts that you will aggressively provide oversight and a >remedy. The Town of Hamilton and it's Planning Board will not recognize >the sale of the Sweeney property or representations of proposed subdivision >by the FDIC as anything other than sale of stolen property. > > The law provides that no one can benefit from fraud. The evidence >presented to you, proves beyond any doubt that the note issued by ComFed is >null and void because of fraud. > > Therefore, we request that you Chairman Hove; Director Seidman; Director >Neely; and Director Ludwig; at the earliest possible time, schedule >meetings with our mediation team to discuss settlement and closure of this >unfortunate situation. We will provide Bishop Dyer and Senator Tarr with >our written proposal. > > Please note also, that we have requested further Congressional hearings be >scheduled to support all the efforts being made to reach a speedy >resolution. > >Respectfully submitted, >John and Rhetta Sweeney >Under Siege >in Hamilton, MA >cc: The Right Rev. Mark Dyer > Senator Bruce E. Tarr > Nancy McGillivray, U.S. Marshal > > >Rhetta B. Sweeney >Rock Maple >24 Meyer Lane >Hamilton, MA 01982 >508-468-1536 >508-468-4428 (fax) > > > - - Monte -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Maybe freedom's just one of those things that you can't inherit." - Peter Bradford, in the film "Amerika" -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Idaho Observer - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 07:46:35 -0600 (CST) From: Subject: NRA Bylaws: Preventing GREED from Taking Over (fwd) - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 08:31:04 -0500 (EST) From: Chris BeHanna To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: NRA Bylaws: Preventing GREED from Taking Over PLEASE READ, FOWARD, CROSS-POST, PRINT OUT, AND SHOW TO YOUR FRIENDS! POST AT GUN STORES, CLUBS AND RANGES! PLACE IN YOUR MAILINGS. SPREAD THE WORD! - ----- Begin Forwarded Message WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? by John H. Trentes Candidate - NRA Board of Directors Why should any of us send even a single dollar bill to the National Rifle Association of America without a solid assurance that it won't wind up in the pocket of a self-dealing officer, director, or vendor instead of being spent in the fight to protect the Second Amendment? If you just smiled knowingly at this question, then it is time we considered a few things about Human Nature and how it affects crucial business at our beloved Association. Money flows through the NRA, and lots of it. The number of individuals and organizations that have a personal stake in receiving part of that money is truly mind-boggling. They range from a shotgun trick shooter receiving a few thousand, up to large public relations and marketing firms that get paid MILLIONS. The stakes are high; no-one who has secured such a handsome paycheck from the Association wants to have it reduced or eliminated. All of these vendors have a vested interest in maintaining a profitable relationship with the NRA, at any cost. Human Nature is at work here, by which I really mean GREED. If greed becomes the moving force behind the daily activities of the NRA, then its mission will be forgotten. Should that day arrive, we will all pay a heavy price, and the medium of exchange will be our freedoms. Safeguards need to be put in place to expose conflicts of interest and self-dealing amongst those in charge, and to subject their political or financial conduct to the glaring light of day and to the critical scrutiny of the membership. Individuals with the solemn responsibility of leadership in this organization cannot be allowed to use their power, notoriety, or authority to shield their dealings with the NRA from public view. If this can be prevented, then and only then can we be satisfied that "every penny" of our money (yours and mine!) is being handled with a "Scotsman's stewardship". In the dark, even a Scotsman is tempted to cheat. The NRA By-laws already contain a financial disclosure provision (Article IV, Section 2) but, regrettably, it doesn't even come close to offering the fiscal protection we need. As it stands now, directors, officers, or employees of the NRA only have to disclose a self-dealing business transaction with the organization if it took place within the last year and if the amount of money changing hands was more than $2000.00. By setting a dollar amount like this, any dishonest officer, staff member, or director can easily avoid having to disclose his or her financial hanky-panky merely by splitting large-dollar transactions into numerous small deals amounting to no more than $2000.00 each. Therein, my friends, lies a GAPING loophole. In the next Board elections, the membership will vote on a by-law amendment that will slam this loophole shut with a resounding bang. The proposed amendment would: * Require Directors, Directors Elect, Officers, and members of the Executive Council to provide a sworn statement prior to the annual meeting that fully discloses all of his or her dealings with the NRA, its affiliates, Directors, Directors Elect, Officers, employees, vendors, or employees of vendors if they benefited in any way, WITH NO DOLLAR LIMIT, for the last THREE years; * Require the Executive Vice President, Treasurer, Executive Director of General Operations, Executive Director of NRA/ILA, and NRA/ILA Fiscal Officer to disclose all of his or her dealings with the Directors, Directors Elect, Officers, or Members and the Executive Council of the NRA, or its affiliates, Directors, Directors Elect, Officers, Employees, vendors, or employees of vendors OR ANYONE WHO HELD SUCH OFFICE IN THE LAST THREE YEARS, if it benefited him or her IN ANY WAY. Again, there is no dollar limit to skirt under; and * Prohibit any Officer of the NRA or Member of the Executive Council from undermining the fit and proper function of the Nominating Committee or the Board of Directors by misusing his or her public notoriety (notoriety that was cultivated with member dollars!) to influence Board of Director elections, an activity which is not within the duties, responsibilities, or authority granted to them by the By-laws. If you are tempted to succumb to the warm, fuzzy feeling that none of this is necessary because the NRA is one big happy family, that worrying about the financial conduct of the staff and directors is paranoid because, after all, blood is thicker than water, I have some distressing news for you: GREED is thicker than blood. And ask yourself this: If any current officer or director of the NRA is opposed to this by-law amendment... Why? What are they hiding from you? THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES FOR NRA BOARD OF DIRECTORS WANT TO HELP YOU FIND OUT! VOTE FOR THE FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE BYLAW AMENDMENT AND THESE BOARD CANDIDATES WHO SUPPORT IT! 1. Please vote for these Second Amendment Action candidates: Jerry L. Allen Michael J. Beko James A. Church William Dominguez Howard J. Fezell Daniel B. Fiora Arnold J. Gaunt Fred Griisser Wesley H. Grogan, Jr. David M. Gross John Guest Fred Gustafson Don L. Henry William B. Hunt Phillip B. Journey Michael S. Kindberg Jeff Knox John C. Krull Robley T. Moore Larry R. Rankin Albert C. Ross Frank H. Sawberger Thomas L. Seefeldt Kim Stolfer John H. Trentes Glen I. Voorhees, Jr. 2. Copy and circulate this letter: a) to NRA members on the internet, b) to your gun clubs and NRA member friends, c) distribute this letter and list at gun shows, gun stores, and shooting ranges. Ask all NRA members you know to VOTE FOR THE SECOND AMENDMENT ACTION CANDIDATES. 3. A few advertising dollars go a long way when they tell the truth. Please send your donation to: Second Amendment Action 100 Heathwood Drive Liberty, SC 29657 4. Visit our web sites for further information: (contains Heston interviews) - ----- End Forwarded Message PLEASE READ, FOWARD, CROSS-POST, PRINT OUT, AND SHOW TO YOUR FRIENDS! POST AT GUN STORES, CLUBS AND RANGES! PLACE IN YOUR MAILINGS. SPREAD THE WORD! Regards, Chris BeHanna PGP Key Available NJ-RKBA List Maintainer GUNS SAVE LIVES! (400,000 per year in the U.S. alone!) Lon Horiuchi, give yourself up! - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 10:27:30 -0500 (EST) From: Chris Ferris Subject: Gun laws crush local economy in Japan (fwd) From the same people who sent the U.S.S. Arizona to the bottom in 1941 and who killed my Mom's cousin Curtis (an Army horse cavalry lieutenant) during the fall of the Philippines shortly thereafter ... check this out ... especially the part about "scanning of the biathletes' eyes" ... unreal ... - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 08:17:25 - -0500 NOZAWA ONSEN, Japan (AP) -- The Winter Olympics may put this hot springs and ski resort on the international sports map, but villagers here are up in arms over the idea of rifle-toting biathletes shooting up the hillsides. Japan's gun control laws -- among the world's strictest -- have presented officials with a host of difficulties for the biathlon, which combines rifle shooting and cross-country skiing. Mitsu Sato, head of the village's Olympic preparations, said two lifts and a ski slope will be shut down during the games because they fall within a 770-yard safety zone that by law must be established around any shooting ranges. Closing the lifts could cost resort owners $2.2 million in lost revenues. "The city has been in a panic about closing the lifts," Sato said. With the Feb. 7-22 Olympics less than a month away, many of Nozawa's 5,000 townspeople still aren't convinced that hosting it is such a good idea. "People feel there is nothing they can do now," said shop assistant Yoshiko Yamazaki. Handgun possession is virtually unheard of in Japan, and a law banning anyone under 18 from using firearms had to be revised to allow foreign biathletes to compete here. Nagano organizers say biathletes can expect possibly the tightest supervision ever. All guns and ammunition will be inspected and transported to a special lock-up area at the Olympic village. The amount of ammunition each country will have will be specified, and every cartridge will be counted after firing. For identification purposes, each athlete will have the iris of his or her eye scanned -- a high-tech version of fingerprinting. But while many foreign athletes may feel a bit pinched under Japan's laws, they can count themselves lucky compared with aspiring Japanese biathletes. Nagano officials rejected a request from the Japanese biathlon team to train here with live ammunition last summer. The team is training in Europe instead, and won't return until the beginning of February, according to Nozawa official Take Maseru. Gun laws haven't been the only problem, however. The Nagano biathlon was originally scheduled to be held in the village of Hakuba, which is also holding the downhill skiing and ski jumping events. Organizers decided to move it to protect the nesting grounds of a rare species of hawk. "The wildlife and environment are protected while our jobs are hurt -- that's not good," said Yuko Miyasaka, a grandmother and lifetime Nozawa resident. *** NPA EUROPEAN LEGAL ACTION APPEAL *** Japan is funding international victim-disarmament programs, destroying freedom and violating human rights world-wide. Boycott Japanese goods and send the money you save to NPA Fighting Fund (dept. CS), c/o BM NPA, London WC1N 3XX (United Kingdom). To subscribe (or unsubscribe), send email to with no subject and the text: subscribe cybershooters (or unsubscribe cybershooters) as the first and only line in the message body. For further information, please refer to the Cybershooters FAQ at - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 11:25:17 -0600 (CST) From: Subject: Washington State Top Court Rejects Term Limits (fwd) - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Reuters New Media Friday January 9 1:57 AM EST Washington State Top Court Rejects Term Limits By Tom Banse OLYMPIA, Wash. (Reuters) - The Washington Supreme Court overturned a voter-approved 1992 law that set term limits for state lawmakers and other officials, saying the measure undermined the state's constitution. In a 6-2 ruling, the high court struck down the initiative that limited state representatives to six years in office and set eight-year limits on state senators, the governor and the lieutenant governor. Writing for the court majority, Justice Phil Talmadge sidestepped the issue of whether term limits were right or wrong. Instead, Talmadge said term limits can only be imposed by amending the state's constitution -- and not by passing a ballot initiative. "A statute, whether adopted by the Legislature or the people, may not add qualifications for state officers where the Constitution sets those qualifications," Talmadge wrote. In a strongly worded dissent, Justice Richard Sanders argued for the right of voters to add restrictions to public service. The state constitution is not exclusive, he wrote. "Today, six votes on this court are the undoing of the 1,119,985 votes that Washingtonians cast at the polls in favor of term limits," Sanders concluded. A wave of relief swept through the state Capitol after the high court's decision was announced. Thirty state representatives and 17 state senators would have been "limited out" by the law over the next two years. "If citizens want change, they can still vote officials out of office," said Washington Gov. Gary Locke, a Democrat. "All that a six-year term limit does is institutionalize inexperience," said state Rep. Marlin Appelwick, a Seattle Democrat and one of six veteran lawmakers who brought the challenge the Supreme Court decided Thursday. Paul Jacob, the executive director of the national advocacy group U.S. Term Limits, called the Washington state reversal "unfortunate." "It's a bad decision, but luckily the decisions have been going the other way around the country," Jacob said. Term limits for state officials have now been thrown out in three states and upheld in at least five others. A federal appeals court in San Francisco last month upheld California's limits on state officials. That ruling also rescued Oregon's term-limit law, which had been struck down by a lower court. Because of the maze of conflicting court opinions, a forthcoming report by the Council of State Governments, based in Lexington, Kentucky, suggests that "the constitutionality of state legislative term-limit measures will ultimately have to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court." The next move by Washington term-limit supporters will be to try to get lawmakers to place a constitutional amendment before voters authorizing a 12-year limit on service in the state legislature. _________________________________________________________________ Reuters Limited - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 11:10:51 -0800 From: Liberty or Death Subject: Gorbachev as TV Pizza Hut Spokesman Most of you have probably seen Mr. Gorbachev in his new role as a TV Spokesman for Pizza Hut. Isn't it just ducky that an "American" company would choose an admitted hard-line communist who is also one of the kingpins in the New World Order global conquest to represent them? Well, Redmon Barbry has something to say about that: - ------- From Redmon Barbry's "Fratricide" January 9, 1998 Meeting at Applewhite, Koresh & Jones Chief: Let's come to order. Now, I know that a lot of rumors have been flying around, and there has been a lot of talk about how we've taken it on the chin from the PepsiCo campaign. But we are not about to take that lying down. So, today, we are announcing our new ad campaigns for three of the leading accounts here. The first presenter is Mr. Immi Tative, who is going to tell us about his strategy for the McDunald's account. Immi, go ahead. IT: Thanks, Chief. Here's our layout: a straight, head-to- head with PepsiCo. Taco's can't match hamburgers. Culturally speaking, McDunalds holds all the aces. And to balance Gorbachev, our spokesman will be... (unveils portrait) Vlad the Impaler! (general applause) Chief: Well done. I think that calls for congratulations all the way around, don't you? (more applause) Now, Mr. Helmet Bungler, to unveil the campaign for Eastern European Volksbagen. HB: "Preciate that, Chief. Well, as you know, we have been casting around for something that would put Volksbagen in front again, something to make a statement that would distinguish the Volksbagen in the former Lebensraum. Well, Chief, we went back to basics, back to our origins, and here it is... the basic black Beetle! (a trickle of applause)... and to help make our statement... (unveils portrait)... that's right, Adolf Hitler! (general applause) Chief: Excellent. Congratulations. You people outdo yourselves, year after year, but this time, you have really hit the nail on the head. HB: We thought for a long time about using Adolf Eichmann, but we finally decided that the Jewish angle, well..., you know. Chief: Very perceptive of you, Mr. Bungler, and very sensitive. Well done; our final presentation comes from Mr. Pred Nisone, representing the Vaselini Hand Care account. Pred? PN: Thanks, Chief. This year we wanted to bring forward a new outlook on hand care products, something that would cause a lot of hand washing without a lot of hand wringing. (titters of laughter) Ha, ha. Well, for that, we needed a spokesman who could carry some weight with people, a man whose hand hygiene was legend, who could lend this product line a helping... well, you know. Name recognition, that's what I said. I said it over and over to my people, name recognition, name recognition... And the team finally put it all together. Ladies and gentlemen, the Vaselini Hand Care Products spokesman of the year... (unveils portrait) Let's hear it for... yes, it's Pontius Pilate! (thunderous applause) Chief: Great, great. Well, we have seen some truly amazing, innovative plans and strategies today, very forward- looking. Thanks to everyone. I think that the company can look forward to some very strong numbers. I don't see how we can go down from here. Redmon Barbry ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ N.B.: This microscopic electronic magazine, or microzine, is solely a work of opinion by the author. No funds, subscriptions, or submissions are solicited, though help, comments, and suggestions are always welcome. FRATRICIDE will always be an e-mail zine. Send mail requesting distribution of FRATRICIDE to, and I will include you in the (roughly) monthly mailing. An archive of FRATRICIDE is maintained at the FRATRICIDE Home Page at - - Monte -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Maybe freedom's just one of those things that you can't inherit." - Peter Bradford, in the film "Amerika" -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Idaho Observer - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 12:23:04 -0800 (PST) From: Harry Barnett Subject: Re: Washington State Top Court Rejects Term Limits (fwd) On Fri, 9 Jan 1998 Reuters wrote: > Writing for the court majority, Justice Phil Talmadge sidestepped the > issue of whether term limits were right or wrong. Instead, Talmadge > said term limits can only be imposed by amending the state's > constitution -- and not by passing a ballot initiative. > > "A statute, whether adopted by the Legislature or the people, may not > add qualifications for state officers where the Constitution sets > those qualifications," Talmadge wrote. Whenever I find myself on the same side of an issue as ultra-Liberal, never-saw-a-gun-law-I-didn't-like Grandstand Phil, I automatically revisit my conclusions. The only thing surprising about this opinion is who the Chief Justice chose to write the majority opinion. He is, fortunately or unfortunately, as your choice of sides on this issue dictates, absolutely correct. "Side-stepped?" Leave it to some simple-minded journalist to characterize what happened this way. Since it is not necessary to decide "rightness" or "wrongness" in a political sense, why attempt to drag it into the opinion? Talmadge didn't "sidestep" it; the "rightness" or "wrongness" of the concept is irrelevant to the decision, and is correctly left to the political arena. > > In a strongly worded dissent, Justice Richard Sanders argued for the > right of voters to add restrictions to public service. The state > constitution is not exclusive, he wrote. > > "Today, six votes on this court are the undoing of the 1,119,985 votes > that Washingtonians cast at the polls in favor of term limits," > Sanders concluded. So, according to Sanders, VOTES determine the constitutionality of legislation? Look for more "whichever way the political wind blows" judislating from this guy in the future. Unless we un-elect him. You see, in Washington, Supreme Court Justices are ELECTED for six year terms. > Term limits for state officials have now been thrown out in three > states and upheld in at least five others. > > A federal appeals court in San Francisco last month upheld > California's limits on state officials. That ruling also rescued > Oregon's term-limit law, which had been struck down by a lower court. > > Because of the maze of conflicting court opinions, a forthcoming > report by the Council of State Governments, based in Lexington, > Kentucky, suggests that "the constitutionality of state legislative > term-limit measures will ultimately have to be decided by the U.S. > Supreme Court." Note that this is a STATE issue is decided on the basis of STATE Constitutions. Unless identically worded State Constitutions are ruled upon differently by different Federal Circuits, a "split among the Circuits", the US Supreme Court is unlikely to hear the issue. The U.S. Supreme Court is the sole arbiter of what "will ultimately have to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court", not some self-selected elitists in Kentucky. States are entirely capable, and it is not inappropriate, of handling this issue in entirely different ways. So a Georgia State Opinion regarding Term Limits on Georgia State officials conflicts with a Texas State Opinion regarding Term Limits on Texas State officials, so what? It is, after all, an entirely internal, State's Rights, issue. It all depends on what the STATE Constitution says as to STATE elective officials. Different practices among different States as to Term Limits are highly unlikely to raise an issue under the Constitution, Laws, and Treaties of the United States in any rational society. However, given the overpopulation of under-employed lawyers, look for one of them to fabricate a legal theory to try, no matter how absurd. The irony (and hypocrisy) here is the pompous pronouncement that it is necessary for the Judicial Arm of Big Brother to interfere in a purely State internal issue. > > The next move by Washington term-limit supporters will be to try to > get lawmakers to place a constitutional amendment before voters > authorizing a 12-year limit on service in the state legislature. They should have done this from the get-go, if they were really serious about Term Limits. It's harder to pass, but it's the right way to do it. We have Term Limits in Washington State already. It's called a Ballot Box. Maybe this point needs to be driven home to Sanders in a way that he will understand. - ----- Harry Barnett - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ End of roc-digest V2 #43 ************************