From: (roc-digest) To: Subject: roc-digest V2 #58 Reply-To: roc-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roc-digest Saturday, January 31 1998 Volume 02 : Number 058 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 10:12:43 -0600 (CST) From: Subject: CAS: LAT: Buddhist Temple To Be Indicted in Donor Probe (fwd) - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 09:54:51 -0600 From: Bill Nalty To: Subject: CAS: LAT: Buddhist Temple To Be Indicted in Donor Probe Los Angeles Times Friday, January 30, 1998 Buddhist Temple To Be Indicted in Donor Probe By WILLIAM C. REMPEL, RONALD J. OSTROW, Times Staff Writers WASHINGTON--Federal prosecutors have notified defense lawyers that they intend to seek a criminal indictment against the Southern California Buddhist temple that hosted a 1996 political fund-raiser for Vice President Al Gore, accusing the religious center of violating campaign finance laws, it was learned Thursday. Attorneys for Hsi Lai Temple in Hacienda Heights are expected over the weekend to make a last-ditch appeal to government investigators to spare the religious organization from felony charges, which could include conspiracy allegations, according to sources with knowledge of the matter. A criminal action against a religious institution, although not unprecedented, is highly unusual and appears to signal that the Justice Department is taking a hard line in its investigation of alleged campaign finance violations. A indictment against the temple also threatens to compound the political embarrassment dogging Gore since questions first were raised during the 1996 presidential campaign about the propriety of using the nonprofit religious center as a venue for raising about $140,000 for the Democratic Party. It later was revealed that about $55,000 in donations from nuns and monks was improperly reimbursed by the temple. Three temple nuns, granted immunity from prosecution by the Senate in exchange for testimony, have since cooperated with federal investigators looking into the role of longtime Democratic fund-raiser and temple devotee Maria Hsia. The Arcadia-based immigration consultant helped arrange Gore's temple visit. Hsia's defense attorney Nancy Luque said her client "is saddened by the prospects of a temple indictment but convinced that she and the temple will be vindicated." Temple attorney Brian A. Sun would not comment except to complain about leaks. He blamed the Justice Department and said he was "deeply troubled and disappointed." Gore spokesman Christopher Lehane said a possible temple indictment does not affect the vice president because there is "no basis to suggest that the vice president was aware of or involved with any of the alleged misconduct at the temple event." He acknowledged, however, that Gore's foes will no doubt seek to use any legal charges to inflict more political damage. "It will come as no surprise to us if our partisan opponents continue to exploit this issue for political gain in the future," Lehane said. The government's unexpected move against Hsi Lai Temple, which unlike the nuns did not receive any congressional immunity, came as the Justice Department made public details of the first criminal charges filed in connection with the campaign finance inquiry. On Thursday, prosecutors released copies of the indictment against Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie, a longtime friend of President Clinton's and a major Democratic fund-raiser; and against his associate, Yuan Pei "Antonio" Pan. They were charged with conspiracy, mail and wire fraud and election code violations. Trie, 49, also was charged with conspiring to obstruct justice, witness tampering and obstructing the Senate investigation into campaign fund-raising. "This is an important step forward in addressing campaign finance abuses associated with the 1996 election," Atty. Gen. Janet Reno said in announcing the indictment. While the 15-count indictment did not accuse Clinton or Gore of wrongdoing, both men are mentioned as passive players in several "overt acts" to further the conspiracy cited by the grand jury in the case. For example, Overt Act No. 7 in the indictment notes that Trie and an unnamed business associate from Macao attended the Democratic National Committee Presidential Gala on June 22, 1994, in Washington and "Trie sat with the president of the United States." And Overt Act No. 36 notes that on Feb. 20, 1996, Trie, Pan and an unnamed business associate from Macao attended a "DNC breakfast meeting with the vice president of the United States" at a Washington hotel. Such overt acts are related to an alleged conspiracy to buy high-level political access and use it to benefit the private business interests of Trie and Pan, according to the indictments. The alleged conspiracy, which ran from April 1994 to September 1996, also involved channeling foreign money to the DNC through the use of "straw donors"; concealing the source of the money by reimbursing conduit donors in cash and using multiple bank accounts; and receiving benefits from the DNC, which the grand jury described as a victim of the conspiracy. Lehane minimized the significance of references to Gore in Trie's indictment. Trie, a former Little Rock, Ark., restaurateur who followed Clinton to Washington, owned and operated two international trading companies and was associated with a third--all sharing offices in an apartment at the Watergate South complex in Washington. Pan, 50, a Taiwanese national, began working for Trie in August 1995 after serving as senior vice president of Lippo Group-Chinese division. The Lippo Group's owners are the Indonesia-based Riady family, longtime supporters of Clinton. Trie and Pan, the indictment alleges, arranged for a series of straw or conduit contributions to the DNC, with donations made in the name of one person and then secretly reimbursed in cash by Trie or Pan. DNC policy and federal election laws banned foreign and conduit contributions, but Trie and Pan allegedly relied on secret reimbursement and false-reporting schemes to circumvent the rules. Trie was credited with bringing over $600,000 to the DNC--much of it obtained from foreign sources or conduit contributions, the indictment says. By raising the money, Trie was named a trustee of the Democratic Party, an award for major supporters. Such status provided various benefits, including access to White House officials, invitations to White House events, special White House tours, administrative assistance by the DNC and membership on DNC committees and related groups. Pan and Trie used Trie's status as a trustee and his access to high-level government officials to benefit their business interests, the indictment alleges. The indictment does not identify the "high government" officials that Trie and Pan allegedly bought access to, and Justice Department officials declined to elaborate on the charges. Both Trie and Pan are believed to be in China, and federal arrest warrants have been issued for them. Reno has asked China's justice minister for cooperation in the investigation, but federal law enforcement sources said they believe that their best prospects for catching them will come if they travel outside China. Sources familiar with the ongoing Justice Department investigation of campaign finance matters say decisions on the next round of indictments--reportedly involving the Hsi Lai Temple and Hsia--are expected to be made early next month, possibly as early as next week. The temple, a California nonprofit corporation, could face a fine if convicted. No individuals or officials of the temple are believed to be included in the Justice Department notification. Hsia attorney Luque said she believes that the government is threatening to indict the temple "because . . . the nuns [receiving immunity] were unwilling to implicate Maria [Hsia]" in a conspiracy. The nuns have made a number of grand jury appearances, but their testimony remains secret. * * * * ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 12:56:00 -0600 (CST) From: Subject: CAS: LETTERS TO SOFTWAR (fwd) - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 11:58:09 -0500 (EST) From: CharlesSmith To: Subject: CAS: LETTERS TO SOFTWAR I have received quite a few cards and letters in recent days. I would like to share two of them with you... EMBASSY OF AUSTRALIA MR. CHARLES R. SMITH SOFTWAR Dear Mr. Smith I refer to your fax of 24 November 97, and advise that the Defense Signals Directorate declines your offer of an interview to the article pending publication in INSIGHT magazine. Please address any queries to Defense Public Information Branch tel (612) 6265 2999, Fax (612) 6265 1099 Yours faithfully, Ian Williams Lieutenant Colonel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last year I documented the breach of national security by former DNC fund-raiser Ira Sockowitz. Mr. Sockowitz took a Presidential appointment to a job for Secretary Ron Brown in the Commerce Dept. His job was to review and vest companies that flew along with Secretary Brown on overseas trade trips. His immediate supervisor was Commerce General Counsel Ginger Lew. Mr. Sockowitz also shared this task with John Huang. Many of the companies okayed by Sockowitz to travel with Brown also just happen to make large donations to the DNC at about the same time. In 1996 Sockowitz was scheduled to fly with Secretary Brown on the fatal flight into the former Yugoslavia. Last minute changes forced Sockowitz to take an earlier flight, thus he was waiting on the ground with the advance party when Brown's aircraft crashed. Ira Sockowitz performed one last job for his boss in 1996. Ira Sockowitz identified Ron Brown's body. When Sockowitz returned to Washington he followed his supervisor Ms. Lew and took a new job at the Small Business Administration. However, Sockowitz would also take thousands of secret documents from the Commerce Dept. in violation of national security. One of these documents was a highly secret report written by the CIA and the NSA on the international market for encryption software. Because of Sockowitz's breach of security both the CIA and NSA were forced to testify that disclosure of this document would effect the international relations of the US. Specifically, the report contained top secret data from various sources around the world, including Australia's Defense Signals Directorate. One Softwar fax of the NSA/CIA testimony to our southern allies later... Surprise! DSD declines to comment. Perhaps, they are afraid I will put "down under" and "Clinton" in the same sentence without a reference to Monica Lewinsky. Little known to me last November, the US encryption czar, William Reinch, was then traveling on Presidential order, trying to repair the diplomatic damage of the Sockowitz documents. President Clinton is seeking world wide approval for his Key Recovery plan on crypto. Mr. Reinch tried to convince our allies that the current US Administration could be trusted with a back door into all the code keys. However, our allies do not see much advantage in giving their secret keys to an already leaking President. They are not amused by the Sockowitz affair and according to the recent EPIC newsletter, gave Mr. Reinch a cold reception in each capitol. In fact, Japan was so sensitive to his visit (on the heels of the China/Fundraising scandals) that they demanded all meetings be held in secret. So, I am not really surprised that the DSD would decline to talk to me (or any other American) at the moment... Another source also refused to talk to me recently. This one, however, was much closer to home. I had the pleasure of talking to Chris Madison, the Press Officer for Delaware Senator Joe Biden. Madison called me a "f*cking conservative" and an "attack journalist". I, of course, sent a fax to Senator Biden, quoting Chris (without the "*") and asked that, in future, they refrain from using such vulgar terms as "conservative". In response I have a received an unsigned letter from Chris which reads (in part): To: Charles Smith From: Chris Madison I sincerely apologize for this morning's exchange. You caught me at a very bad time.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh, well... No apology necessary, Chris. All is forgiven. The fault, you see, was really mine. I made the mistake of not catching the news before calling. I phoned Chris the same morning that Matt Drudge broke the Monica Lewinsky affair. Mr. Madison is much like every Democrat on Capitol Hill right now. He, his fellow Democrats, and even our allies from "down under", are all *VERY* sensitive to questions about President Clinton. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 if by land, 2 if by sea. Paul Revere - encryption 1775 Charles R. Smith SOFTWAR Pcyphered SIGNATURE: 394859484D43AF3AB8FE8269A9DC2C4B83A254A87AD20B1BB19458CCC55D730B CC253C98AD80BA778B7510C95F77788C2489E92A1FDC846D9F14109B6A62B9CA 0AD98EEB2D90441C ========================================================================== This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe cas - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 13:43:29 -0600 (CST) From: Subject: JPFO: RKBA and Civil Rights (fwd) - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 14:37:22 -0500 (EST) From: Richard L Hartman To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: JPFO: RKBA and Civil Rights NEW PARADIGMS IN THE CIVIL-RIGHTS MOVEMENT: Yes, Virginia, We Can Win; but First We Must Define the Question, and Then, We must Hold Hands and Work Together. By Robert G. Heinritz, Jr., J.D. Speech to Gun Rights Conference, Denver, Colorado, September 28, 1997 There is story about Sol, the Jewish tailor-haberdasher, who won a trip to Italy. Included in the trip was a tour of Rome and an audience with the Pope. Sol was a religious man, so he considered it an honor to meet with the leader of another great religion. When he returned home Sol's partner, Al, asked him, "So what about the Pope?" Sol's reply, "About a 38-portly." The lesson, of course, is that we all tend to see things in ways that relate to what we know. So what do I know, and what does that have to do with the Second Amendment movement? I'm an attorney and have worked for a big-deal law firm trying big-deal lawsuits, but my first love is management. For the last dozen years, far more of my work has been as a management consultant; specializing in strategic planning, productivity, and business turnarounds. In plain English, that means helping CEO's and their companies define who they are, where they want to be in 5 or 10 years; and then helping them develop clear, written plans with specific measurable goals for getting there. I also help them implement - by training them in team-building and productivity. This allows companies to achieve Win-Win-Win results; a win for the customers, a win for the employees, and a win for the companies who put their wealth at risk to create value for the economy. Sometimes this includes what businessmen call turnarounds; starting with a company that is in trouble - sometimes near bank-ruptcy - and helping it become efficient and productive. While this can require the use of sophisticated tools, most of it isn t rocket science. It's pretty fundamental stuff. What is required includes the ability to: a. Face reality as it is, not as we wish it to be, b. Admit our mistakes, and learn from them, c. Step back to question the fundamental assumptions that had been taken for granted, and d. Make and implement hard decisions. In short, I know leadership when I see it. I know good strategy when I see it. For members of the Second Amendment movement I recommend Al Dunlap's book, MEAN BUSINESS: How I Save Bad Companies, and Made Good Companies Great, as an example of good strategy. You will find many parallels - both good and bad. The bad news includes some of the same self-defeating practices we are commonly guilty of. (You may be reminded of Pogo's, "We have met the enemy, and they is us.") But there is also good news. You'll see Dunlap execute business, organizational, marketing, and financial strategies - in a manner that any competent manager could adapt to Second Amendment goals. So what is meant by "New Paradigms in the Civil-Rights Movement? A paradigm is how one defines the question, or more accurately, the unstated assumptions in a question. For example, early astrologers struggled to create a calendar which could accurately predict the movement of the heavenly bodies around the Earth. Notice how the question was defined. Until Copernicus with his theory, and Galilao, with the data gathered from his telescope, taught us that heavenly bodies do not move around the earth, it was impossible to create an accurate calendar because of how the question was asked. The answer was in finding a better way to state the question. In business, new paradigms - new ways of defining the question - or new ways of thinking out of the box include: 1. Sam Walton - rather than competing head-to-head against larger, more powerful retailers in high-priced malls - opened his first warehouse-discount store in the giant megalopolis of Bentonville, Arkansas - - where the leading occupation had been jury duty. 2. Domino's Pizza - rather than competing against strong, established chains and restaurants to fill their stores with customers - instead took their stores to the customer - with a revolutionary delivery system. 3. Hospitals - in an industry with 50% of their beds empty, and an industry-average-net-profit of $0 - reversed the question of how to fill their beds with sick people, and developed the concept of wellness centers, which have succeeded in generating much higher occupancy with much higher profit-margins. It is very likely that the United States wouldn't exist in the form we know it if the Founders hadn't re-defined the question. They began petitioning for rights of Englishmen. Ultimately, they fought for and won rights of Americans - rooted in English rights - but taking several steps beyond; not the least of which is - Englishmen were (and still are) subjects of the sovereign - while Americans are citizens who own the sovereign. That s pretty fundamental. Reality as it is, not as we wish it? We in the Second Amendment movement are losing because (a) we confuse symptoms with problems and fail to accurately define the real problem, and (b) we fail to develop a real long-term strategy to take the initiative and win. 1. For example, do you think we have a PR problem? Or that the media aren't fair? Or that politicians who claim to support the Second Amendment turn on us by voting for anti-gun bills? Those aren't problems. Those are symptoms of a (much) larger problem. 2. Do you think we are winning because there are now 31 states with concealed-carry laws? If you think so, you may wish to reconsider. As Dan Polsby said in the March 24th issue of the National Review, we are kidding ourselves, because in the national debate we are losing, and losing badly. How can this be when the scholarly data is on our side? Perception is reality. - All politicians can count. Polsby didn't provide answers, but he correctly stated the problem. In a democracy, public policy is tailored to what the people believe, no matter what the facts might be. For weapons policy the point is not the connection between guns and violence - but how people see the connection. In the current atmosphere, cheerleading for gun rights will look mighty like cheering for murder and suicide and opposing common decency. The larger message - if people don't believe in each of the specifics in the Bill of Rights, sooner or later all those rights will be footnotes in history - by popular vote. The anti-civil rights forces have their own long-term strategic plans to whittle-down the Bill of Rights to nothing.(Some argue that 8 of 10 of the Bill of Rights are already gutted.) Henry Kissinger said, "You're not paranoid if they are really out to get you." We are in a war of information, and they are out to get us. Their Marxis-styled war of deceit is well-documented - most recently in Radical Son, by David Horowitz. Until we face these realities, and adequately define the question - the real question - we have little hope of success. What are the New Paradigms? Our battle is not for the Second Amendment - it is for the Bill of Rights. Our targets are not shooters or politicians - but opinion leaders and the voting public. Our goal - is to win over the hearts and minds of the American public. This is our new paradigm. This is our turnaround. Sound grandiose? Maybe not. David Kopel has said the Bill of Rights isn't for conservatives to protect their property or guns, or for liberals to protect filthy speech or rights of accused. Those rights were meant to hang together. To the extent any of the rights are abridged, all are at risk. Or as Dr. Martin Luther King said, "Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere." Our priority may be the Second Amendment, but our perspective must be civil rights. Charlton Heston s 3-year campaign to save the Second Amendment is wonderful, and very much needed. But that campaign is to our long-term goals as the original 13 Colonies were to the United States. But first we must define who we are, and where we are going. As Lewis Carroll said in Alice in Wonderland, "If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." So who are we? There is nothing inherently wrong with being, say, a small group of target or bird shooters - anymore than being a membership-organization of 20-million. But given the political and societal realities, unless we figure out a way to make allies of people who have no interest in picking up a gun we could end up in the same fix as in Great Britain or Australia. As my friend, Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp said, The Second Amendment ain't about duck hunting. We need allies. Alone, we can't win hearts and minds here - any more than we could in Vietnam. We need conservatives, liberals, and agnostics - who may or may not have an interest in guns - but with whom we can forge common bonds in the Bill of Rights and the values that made this country. 1. Do you really want to face reality as it is, and not as we wish it to be? Politicians don't turn on us. Politicians vote anti-Second Amendment, anti-Civil rights, because it gives them power. If it had been necessary for him to gain the Presidency, even Bill Clinton would have been pro-gun. Perception is reality. All politicians can count. 2. So we need the people from A.C.L.U. - as they need us. We need the environmentalists. We need the libertarians, the churches, the unions, the doctors, the sociologists, and the teachers. We need the children. Most of all we need the voting public. If we have them, the media and politicians will follow. (So how do we do this?) Action Plans Like a well-run business with competitors trying to put it our of business, we must have clear, written, long-term strategic plans. This can help us with many things, including: First: A clear definition who we are and what we stand for - not against. Second: Clearly-defined and measurable goals, enabling us to take the initiative. Politics is almost inherently short-term oriented, so in the absence of clear, long-term plans it is almost impossible not to get pulled into defensiveness by reacting to the opposition's initiatives. With long-term goals, it is easier to make incremental, short-term gains toward our objectives. By taking and maintaining the initiative, it is easier to manage the public debate, frame the issues and get good press. Our tests have proven that. Third: Finding a Ronald Reagan leader - or several of them - who are good T.V. communicators, friendly, welcoming, inclusive, bringing more people into the efforts; but absolutely reliable and unwavering on principles and fundamental values. There can be more than one, and they should include women. Rebecca John Wyatt and Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp are good examples. Both are warm, articulate, and effective communicators. Rebecca is as good with the data as anyone. Suzanna is the only person I know who successfully got Representative Charles Schumer to shut up! Fourth: No compromising on principles! We can pick our battles, and it can be appropriate to compromise to achieve an advance-ment toward our goals. We should never compromise our principles. We should never compromise with the people who are out to get us. Compromising with the devil is a losing strategy! Winston Churchill strongly condemned Neville Chamberlain s treaty with Hitler as appeasement. An appeaser, according to Churchill, is someone who throws his children to the crocodile, in hopes the Crocodile will eat him last! Examples? 1. How often have we been maneuvered into campaigning for our gun control bills (and it's not the gun that is being controlled - it's the civil-rights of the law-abiding) because our anti-rights bill curbs rights of the law-abiding less than their anti-rights bill? Often, both are bad bills, exhibiting our failure to have taken the initiative to frame the issues correctly. 2. To that end, how could we support any but Representative Helen Chenoweth's bill to totally repeal the Lautenberg amendment? The Lautenberg law is totally bad, of questionable Constitutionality, and questionable ancestry. ( Question-able ancestry is lawyer-talk for S.O.B.) We screwed up when we allowed it to be passed in the first place. It needs to be totally repealed! In the real world, compromise happens. But compromise on principle should never be tolerated. In facing reality as it is - not as we wish it to be - we should recall Churchill's promise, "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, sweat, and tears." We are facing exciting opportunities - if we know how to manage them. Like the Soviet Union in its final years, the anti-civil rights forces in the United States are big, scary, dangerous - and from outward appearances - well-funded and nearly invulnerable. But behind the facade is little depth and staying-power. It was Ronald Reagan who was willing to stand firm on principles, develop the plan, and expend the resources to deter aggression. He knew where he was going, and he never wavered. In the face of such resolve, an already weakened Soviet Union folded. Arming to deter aggression ultimately served non-violence. History can repeat itself, but it will take our leadership, effort, and resolve: The anti-civil rights forces in this country will continue to advance if we let them. But their flaws are more apparent. It's not for nothing that Rush Limbaugh became a millionaire. The absurdity of the opposition is their Achilles heel. The credible scholarly data is on our side, and they know it. Much like the N.A.A.C.P. during the first half of this century, we are many people, with many different interests, doing many different things, but all for common civil rights goals. It is in our interest to pull as many people into the effort as we can. Our plan must be long-term in orientation, large-scale in perspective, and inclusive in its execution. We must bring as many allies as possible into the effort. Most important, it must clearly state what we are for - not against - to help us gain the initiative. Then we must implement - with an ongoing policy of always seeking the initiative. The job isn't easy - but it is simple if we keep our heads and work together. If we do, there is reason for optimism. Despite the day-to-day media trash, there is an underlying wisdom, goodness, and strength among the people of this country. They are ready to hear our message. It is our job - our responsibility - to manage and deliver it effectively. Civil rights, at a minimum, includes the right to defend your life - and the lives of your babies. If it saves one life, it's worth it! - so - Let's do it for the children-! - ----- Bob Heinritz is an honors graduate in management and law, and a member of the Bar of the states of Arizona, Illinois, and Missouri. He is a former trial lawyer, and now a business attorney and management consultant, specializing in strategic planning, productivity, and business turnarounds. - ---------------------------------------------------------- JPFO would like to thank its membership for their loyal support. For without our membership, alerts as this would not be possible. Please consider joining JPFO today. Membership information is available on our web site. - ---------------------------------------------------------- ************************************************************** Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership Chris W. Stark - JPFO Director of Electronic Communications 2874 So. Wentworth Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53207 Ph. (414) 769-0760 Fax (414) 483-8435 e-mail: Visit our Web Page at: "America's Most Aggressive Defender of Firearms Ownership." ************************************************************** TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR E-MAIL ALERTS, send an e-mail to: ..and in the body of the message, type the word "subscribe". ************************************************************** - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 01:00:03 EST From: Subject: Blue Wolfe howls his last It is with deep sadness and a loss for words that I bring this news to you. I was informed earlier this evening that LoboAzul passed away from us yesterday afternoon. I am told that he had a massive heart attack while in front of his computer. Respects can be paid at: Buffington Funeral Home Yoakum, TX Sun. from 1 till 9 and Mon. all day. More information is available from: Tim Richard 915-267-6658 I hope one of you can find more eloquent words than I, to post for those not fortunate enough to have known Jim Bohan on a more personal basis. Jim would have told all of us to throw back a few cold ones for him, and to move on. It may take more than a few. We have lost a great fighter, a dedicated campaigner, a true present day PATRIOT! Goodbye Lobo, GOD speed. Al Alcock - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 09:11:29 -0500 (EST) From: Brad Subject: How an ordinary American can become "a security risk" - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- #Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 21:05:17 -0500 #From: John Young #To: #Subject: Why This List Is A Security Risk Setting policy on national security risk for the entire USG, the DoD proclaims a trustworthy person does not engage in the following: Sec. 147.14 Guideline L--Outside activities. (a) The concern. Involvement in certain types of outside employment or activities is of security concern if it poses a conflict with an individual's security responsibilities and could create an increased risk of unauthorized disclosure of classified information. (b) Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include any service, whether compensated, volunteer, or employment with: (1) A foreign country; (2) Any foreign national; (3) A representative of any foreign interest; (4) Any foreign, domestic, or international organization or person engaged in analysis, discussion, or publication of material on intelligence, defense, foreign affairs, or protected technology. - ----- >From 32 CFR Part 147 published today. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 10:12:54 -0600 From: (Neil Dickey) Subject: Re: Blue Wolfe howls his last Al Alcock gave us the sad news: >It is with deep sadness and a loss for words that I bring this news to you. > >I was informed earlier this evening that LoboAzul passed away from us >yesterday afternoon. I am told that he had a massive heart attack while in >front of his computer. He howls yet in our memories. He died at his post. God speed you to you rest, Lobo; we shall remember you when we have won this, our fight. You will be sorely missed. With great respect, Neil Dickey - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 07:48:20 -0700 From: "E.J. Totty" Subject: Re: Blue Wolfe howls his last Al, [...] I was informed earlier this evening that LoboAzul passed away from us yesterday afternoon. [...] What say, the warrier, who in his heart knows all manner of grief, sorrow, sadness? To look at today, and see tomorrow, and know there will be happeness. We here, saw his pain, and saw his fight; we here knew the words he spoke were true, were right, and measured ourselves in his light. No warrier dies in vein, and none can really know his pain, but we who live on can for ourselves, sustain his efforts, and turn his dreams into reality. Though our size now be numerically smaller, by our efforts and his knowledge, we can be intellectually taller. He has passed to that other place, let us pick up his standard and maintain our pace. If we look back, let us always see, the ole Blue Wolf prodding us on, to victory. Later, Jim. ET - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 09:00:20 -0700 From: "E.J. Totty" Subject: Re: How an ordinary American can become "a security risk" Brad, [...] Setting policy on national security risk for the entire USG, the DoD proclaims a trustworthy person does not engage in the following: Sec. 147.14 Guideline L--Outside activities. [...] Oh well, guess I'm not trustworthy anymore. I work for a corporation which does all of those things, and I do some on a daily basis for the corporation. But then, I'm retired from all that! screwit! ET - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Jan 98 09:26:09 -0700 From: jaspar Subject: Re: Blue Wolfe howls his last >I hope one of you can find more eloquent words than I, to post for those not >fortunate enough to have known Jim Bohan on a more personal basis. It's hard to be eloquent when one is so shocked and saddened. Last week, I snail-mailed Jim a copy of our local (So. CA) newsletter, because I respected his opinion, and wanted his feedback. On Wed., 1/28, he wrote back: "Got it, today. Nice work. The cover is particularly effective." I needed that encouragement, and he was always there to give it. Always. Above all, for me, Jim was a superb mentor. Whenever I posted or wrote, I'd ask myself, "What will Lobo think of this?" Jim kept me focused, because he was so bright, and his standards were so high. Well, I know that Jim's still looking over my shoulder, from where he is now, and he's telling all of us to give 'em hell. What a man, what a patriot. My God, he will be sorely missed. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Jan 98 09:55:38 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Blue Wolfe howls his last (fwd) A sorrowful Duty indeed to pass along this news. Having earned the respect of us all in his various ways, he will be sorely missed. Aside from all the reasons we all have to miss him, he's the only person besides myself that I know of, who could use playing cards like shuriken, so our fellow Martial Artists have an extra reason to miss him, as he can no longer pass along a rare art. There are others who will miss him too. Some of you may recall him as co-founder of DF8, the De-Foley-ate Congress movement, that ousted House Speaker Tom Foley, with Richard L. Hartman, or again with Richard, the co-founder of the NoBan list, ( In any case, one of the gallant ones is gone. EYES RIGHT!!!!! Review friends, troops long past review. . . . . TAPS Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 01:00:03 EST From: To:,,,, Subject: Blue Wolfe howls his last It is with deep sadness and a loss for words that I bring this news to you. I was informed earlier this evening that LoboAzul passed away from us yesterday afternoon. I am told that he had a massive heart attack while in front of his computer. Respects can be paid at: Buffington Funeral Home Yoakum, TX Sun. from 1 till 9 and Mon. all day. More information is available from: Tim Richard 915-267-6658 I hope one of you can find more eloquent words than I, to post for those not fortunate enough to have known Jim Bohan on a more personal basis. Jim would have told all of us to throw back a few cold ones for him, and to move on. It may take more than a few. We have lost a great fighter, a dedicated campaigner, a true present day PATRIOT! Goodbye Lobo, GOD speed. Al Alcock - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Jan 98 22:17:23 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Tucson School District Hosts Anti-American group (fwd) On Jan 31, Jo wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Forwarded from education loop: >>Hi All, >>Our local school district has rented out a high school and has invited >>speakers from the Chicano Moratorium Committee and to speak to >>High school students. This weekend 5000 members of this group and >>Mexican nationals (from Nogales-Sonora)will be marching though the city >>of Tucson. The march is in protest over "the day the United States Stole >>our land" this Saturday marks 150 years since the treaty of Guadeloupe >>Hidalgo was signed. The newspaper that was handed out in classrooms has >>a full page picture of Che and the pages are riddled with anti-american >>slogans like "capitalist pigs" "White Gringo slave owners" and on and >>on. Below is a brochure that was handed out. All of the literature >>clearly promotes communism. read on! >> >>URGENT INFORMATION - >>TUCSON SCHOOL DISTRICT HOSTS ANTI-AMERICAN DEMONSTRATION >> >>Dear Fellow Concerned Citizens, Parents, Legislators, Educators, Members >> >>of the Press and Friends, >> >>Within the last week or so it has been brought to my attention that our >>school district (TUCSON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT) will be playing host to >> >>a march and rally by the Hispanic group called M.E.Ch.A. and organized >>by the National Chicano Moratorium Committee. These groups have been >>identified as the "radical" fringe of the Hispanic Community and have >>demonstrated in their own writings that they advocate the overthrow of >>the United States government. On January 31st 1998 at PUEBLO High school >> >>3500 S. 12th Tucson, Arizona, these radicals will be meeting at Tax >>Payer expense, on School property, to protest 150 years of U.S. >>Occupation of their lands. Not only is this a slap in the face to all of >> >>the citizens that have fought to defend our country but it appears to be >> >>a violation of TITLE 18 of the U.S. code concerning ANTI-AMERICAN >>Activities (which is a felony). It must also be noted that these groups >>are also being funded and endorsed by the school district as a drop out >>prevention tool. Does this really belong in our schools? I have typed in >> >>the exact text of the brochure which was obtained from Pueblo High >>School. If you have any other questions please e-mail me. >>-------------------------------------------------------- >>February 2, 1848:The Day the United States Stole Our Land >>RAZA MARCH AGAINST 150 years of U.S. Occupation >> >>MARCH AND RALLY >>JANUARY 31, 1998 >>10 a.m. Pueblo High School 3500 S. 12th >>Tucson, Arizona >> >>February 2 1998 marks 150 years of U.S. Yankee invasion and the >>anniversary of the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo. This treaty was signed >>to end the war of aggression against the Mexican people by the U.S. >>Government and which robbed over half of Mexican National territory. >>This treaty, which has never been respected by the U.S. Government, >>converted Mexicanos living on this land into second class citizens, For >>this reason February 2, 1998 will be a national day of resistance for >>the people of Mexico. >> >>Somos un Pueblo - Sin Fronteras! >> >>DEMANDS: >>*Rescind the Immigration Reform Law >>*Demilitarization of the Border >>*The Abolition of the Border Patrol >>*End the U.S. Intervention in Mexico >>*End the Militarization of Mexico by the PRI-PAN Government >>Cancellation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) >>*Freedom for all Political Prisoners >> >>To all RAZA who believe in our people's right to self-determination and >>our right to be on our own land, come to Tucson and unite with RAZA >>Power. >>-Organized by the national Chicano Moratorium Committee. >>For More Info: (619) 696-9804 or (520) 498-9405 >> >> >>-- >>Steve Goss >> >>Arizona Parents for Traditional Education >> [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ End of roc-digest V2 #58 ************************