From: (roc-digest) To: Subject: roc-digest V2 #76 Reply-To: roc-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roc-digest Monday, February 23 1998 Volume 02 : Number 076 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998 08:50:38 -0500 (EST) From: Brad Subject: NRA CRIMESTRIKE in action? (fwd) Didn't see this come through the first time. Apologies if you did. -bd - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Lets lock up those violent juvenile offenders! bd - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- News Story Pensacola News Journal Friday, Febuary 20, 1998 Kindergartner arrested in school scuffle By Sonja Lewis and Lesley Conn New Journal Staff Writters Her daddy told her it was like finger-painting, but 5 yaer-old Chaquita Doman was actually being fingerprinted following her arrest Wednesday and it wasn't fun. The Edgewater Elementary kindergarten student was booked on a felony battery warrant at the Department of Youth Services after scuffling with her school counselor. Linda green, 51, told Escambia deputies Chaquita bit and scratched her Feb. 3 when she tried to calm the girl. The warrant for battery of an elected official or educator was issued the day of the incident. Escambia deputies have never arrested anyone younger, a spokeswoman said. Chaquita's father, Lee Ernest Middleton, said the arrest is the most ludicrous thing he's ever experienced. District spokeswoman Barbara Frye said school officials were making sure a child with "an-out-of-contorl rage" got some counseling. Deputies notified Chaquita's parents Tuesday of the arrest warrant. Her parents brought her in Wednesday. "Can you imagine what it's like to have your daughter fingerprinted and escorted by a deputy to a juvenile facility?" asked her father. Middleton, 35, said he plans to contact a lawer as early as this morning because of the emotional trauma suffered by his daughter and her identical twin sister, Shakita. He took his daughters out of school Thursday. Missing four of her front teeth, Chaquita nodded Thursday that she bit and scratched someone. "She's good", she said tossing her thumb towards her twin. "I'm bad". Chaquita threw furniture and inflicted at least 27 deep scratches and bit Green's arm to cause "significant bleeding," Frye said. Chaquita was suspended for three days and her parents were asked to sign a counseling referral slip, Frye said. Because Green wanted the child to be councled, she called deputies. Middleton says he was not asked to sign anything until her suspention was up. He said he agreed to counseling. Because of juvenile protection laws, the State Attorney's Office could not say what action was taken. But her parents were told there would be no charges filed, they said. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998 09:19:19 -0600 From: (Neil Dickey) Subject: Re: [Fwd: WARNING VIRUS] Skip Leuschner wrote: >Thus might be bogus. Sounds a lot like others that were. > >But FWIW. It is bogus, Skip. There is a website which catalogues these things: There are others as well, among them the Datafellows ( as in F-Prot ) site at: It's always a good idea to have a look there when one of these "warnings" pops up. The opinions which I have expressed herein are entirely my own, unless other- wise noted. No-one else should be held responsible for what I think. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | D. N. Dickey | Virtuous motives, trammeled by inertia and | | Research Associate | timidity, are no match for armed and | | Northern Illinois Univ. | resolute wickedness. | | | - W. S. Churchill | | **Finger for public key** | | - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998 13:25:26 -0500 From: tm Subject: Re: NRA CRIMESTRIKE in action? I fail to see how a 5 year old child who is accused of attacking her teacher has anything to do with Crimestrike.

Tanya K. Metaksa
Executive Director
NRA Institute for Legislative Action
- - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998 11:30:32 -0800 From: Jack Perrine Subject: Re: [Fwd: WARNING VIRUS] At 09:19 2/22/98 -0600, you wrote: >Skip Leuschner wrote: > >>Thus might be bogus. Sounds a lot like others that were. >> >>But FWIW. When one uses words of course to communicate one must use common definitions....or carefully qualify the words. Now as to the exact virus that Skip was mentioning I have no idea. And if one speaks of Viruses in long as one is talking about ordinary old fashioned ASCII TEXT E-mail there is never any danger. However, a great many people are now using E-mail that has HTML control in it .......AND MAIL LIKE THIS CAN EASILY BE FILLED WITH THINGS THAT CAN WITH GREAT EASE CRASH YOUR SYSTEM ....... or perahps do things that are far worse. For instance Tanya just replied to Brad and her response on my old fashioned mailer which is safe to use since it does not interpret HTML saw only the following mess of brackets while of course on the more modern mailer Tanya's signature was in a more stylish font and a more intense color. However, if one is using a www browser NETSCAPE or IE to read mail that can and will depending on the options set interpret all the HTML which can certainly allow downloading of JAVA or ACTIVE-X depending on the browser and either can certainly take over the machine and do all sorts of horrible things At any rate giving blanket assurances that such and such piece of E-mail is or does not contain a VIRUS is really silly unless the assurance is qualified by knowing the E-Mail does not contain HTML and is not being read on an advanced browser And no offense to Tanya but I think for security more and more people will simply stop allowing any sort of HTML on to their machines without perhaps first reading it on a really old fashioned mailer ...... Jack I fail to see how a 5 year old child who is accused of attacking her teacher has anything to do with Crimestrike.

Tanya K. Metaksa
Executive Director
NRA Institute for Legislative Action
> >It is bogus, Skip. There is a website which catalogues these things: > > > >There are others as well, among them the Datafellows ( as in F-Prot ) site >at: > > > >It's always a good idea to have a look there when one of these "warnings" >pops up. > >The opinions which I have expressed herein are entirely my own, unless other- >wise noted. No-one else should be held responsible for what I think. > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >| D. N. Dickey | Virtuous motives, trammeled by inertia and | >| Research Associate | timidity, are no match for armed and | >| Northern Illinois Univ. | resolute wickedness. | >| | - W. S. Churchill | >| **Finger for public key** | | >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >- > > Jack Perrine | Athena Programming | 626-798-6574 -----------------| 1175 N Altadena Dr | -------------- Jack@Minerva.Com | Pasadena CA 91107 | FAX-309-8620 - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 Feb 98 12:00:33 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #73 (fwd) On Feb 22, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Heads Up A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia February 22, 1998 #73 by: Doug Fiedor - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Previous Editions at: - ------------------------------------------------------------------ THE TENTH AMENDMENT SHALL PREVAIL Overlooked by many of our friends and neighbors=20 watching that grossly overreaching hand of the federal=20 regulatory bureaucracy was a great piece in Investor's=20 Business Daily on February 13, 1998. The article reports=20 on a paper written by H. Sterling Burnett of the National=20 Center for Policy Analysis, titled "Reg Reformers Learn=20 to Crawl Before They Walk." This is good stuff. It=20 should be rubbed in the nose of every single member of=20 Congress. Investor's Business Daily reports: "Federal=20 rules and regulations have backfired, causing outcomes=20 ranging from waste to death. In their rush to make the=20 country risk-free, regulators have often failed to see --=20 and in some cases have ignored -- the damage their rules=20 can do." For instance: "When the government ordered=20 automakers to install passenger-side air bags in cars,=20 regulators forgot to mention that the devices were=20 potentially deadly to infants, toddlers and short=20 adults -- and children died." The report goes on to mention a Harvard=20 University Brookings Institution study reporting that=20 shaving weight off new cars to meet the government's=20 mandatory fuel economy standards has caused an additional=20 2,200 to 3,900 highway deaths a year. Many researchers=20 are estimating that new ozone rules alone could actually=20 result in 7,000 deaths a year. "Yet the urge to regulate=20 continues to grow -- with the size of the Federal=20 Register, which announces new and proposed rules,=20 expanding by 70,000 pages in 1994 alone." Some call them "regulations." But, to the=20 normal American citizen, they are laws; laws which were=20 unilaterally imposed on America by unelected bureaucrats. =20 Because, when they are taking you to court and fining or=20 imprisoning you for a breach of one of these regulations,=20 there is no distinction. Calling these things=20 "regulations," rather than "laws," is little more than a=20 cheap trick in political semantics to get around the=20 Constitutional provision that only Congress may make law. So, as Investor's Business Daily reports: "In=20 an effort to rein in federal regulation -- which costs the=20 average American household more than $6,000 per year -=20 Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.)=20 introduced the Regulatory Improvement Act of 1997. The=20 bill says the reasons for new regulations must be clear=20 and justified." The bill states that the American public has=20 a right to know what certain regulations are supposed to=20 do, and would require new mandates be subjected to a cost- benefit analysis. If regulatory agencies fail to use the=20 least costly methods to fix health, safety and=20 environmental problems, supposedly the public has a right=20 to know why. Americans are also proposed to have a right=20 to know the relative risks regulations are supposed to=20 reduce. And, to discourage junk science, agencies must=20 clearly state whatever scientific evidence the government=20 has to back up the new rules. In other words, the bill is little more than=20 political rhetoric. Political pacification. Fluff. =20 Baloney. It heaps Constitutional violation on top of=20 Constitutional violation. The very first sentence of our Constitution=20 clearly states that: "All legislative Powers herein=20 granted shall be vested in a Congress . . ." Only=20 Congress may make law -- law being that which controls=20 the actions of the citizens of the country. Rules,=20 regulations and executive orders, then, are something=20 other than law. Rules, regulations and executive orders=20 may be used to direct the internal operation of=20 government. But rules, regulations and executive orders=20 should have no direct affect on the American people. Senator Carl Levin is basically a socialist and=20 doesn't know any better. Levin has always believed that=20 the federal government knows more than the citizen and=20 should control everything in the lives of the American=20 people. But we expected more -- a lot more -- from=20 Senator Fred Thompson. It's a shame, too. It looked=20 like he had promise. We already have something called the Regulatory=20 Improvement Act, which has never once been used to defeat=20 a regulation. The Congressional Review Act allows=20 Congress 60 legislative days to review a rule. During=20 that time, it can pass a joint resolution of disapproval=20 - -- which would stop the rule from taking effect. Of course, that presupposes that someone in=20 Congress is paying attention to what the regulatory=20 agencies are doing. Which, of course, is not the case. =20 The Lords and Ladies of the Hill cannot even find the time=20 to read the bills they vote on, so forget about them=20 reading rules, regulations or executive orders. In fact, even the liberal Washington Post=20 noticed the obvious negligence of Congress. In a=20 February 13, 1998 piece by Cindy Skrzycki, titled: "Will=20 Congress Wake Up to Its Rule-Blocking Weapon?" she writes=20 in part: "Advocates of the Regulatory Improvement Act=20 hope they can jar Congress from its regulatory reform=20 lethargy. The Congressional Review Act was supposed to=20 be a weapon to block, or at least delay, questionable=20 federal regulations. But the law hasn't helped remove=20 even a single one of the 7,408 regulations that flowed=20 out of dozens of federal agencies last year. "Political observers say Congress isn't interested=20 in blocking regulations. Some members prefer business as=20 usual and others don't want to waste political capital=20 attacking regulations that haven't roused public=20 opposition. Some analysts say the strong economy has=20 helped leave regulatory reform in the dust." Not quite! Congress may be negligent and basically=20 impotent, but 'We the People' are not. The executive and=20 legislative branches have greatly overextended their=20 authority with these oppressive regulatory agencies. =20 Worse, they continually disregard the opinions of the=20 Supreme Court. So, they are soon to learn a very=20 important lesson in grass roots politics. And, we have=20 the United States Supreme Court opinions in "New York,"=20 "Lopez," "Printz," and others to back us up. Today, tens of millions of American citizens=20 want major changes in the federal regulatory bureaucracy. =20 Many of these American citizens want the federal=20 regulatory agencies totally abolished. The agencies may=20 not be abolished, but their activities can be greatly=20 curtailed. To that end, a definitive course of action is=20 now coming out of the planning stage. We SHALL Rout the Regulators. All of them. =20 The Tenth Amendment shall prevail. More on this as activities become public. POLITICAL CHICANERY Even when they're trying to be serious, they're=20 still fun to watch; because often they do not have a clue=20 what they are talking about. I'm talking about the=20 controlling elite in Washington, of course. Americans watched and listened to President=20 Clinton's press conference at the Pentagon on Feb. 17. He=20 appeared tired and flubbed a few lines, but that's not the=20 point. Everyone does that from time to time. More interesting to those of us working in=20 support of the Constitution is the way he compared the=20 District of Columbia to a government compound in Iraq: "One of these presidential sites is about the=20 size of Washington, D.C. That's about -- how many acres=20 did you tell me it was? -- 40,000 acres. We're not=20 talking about a few rooms here with delicate personal=20 matters involved." The "delicate personal matters" crack did not=20 pass without amusement to many of us out here in fly-over=20 country. But we'll let that go for now. During the presidential campaigns, the Boy from=20 Dog Patch often bragged that he taught Constitutional law=20 at the university level. The liberals in the national=20 media also like to relate this fact as a method of=20 pointing out how bright they think he is. Therefore,=20 that leaves the subject wide open for us to point out a=20 major disparity or two. Article 1, Section 8 of the United States=20 Constitution states that, "Congress shall have the power=20 to . . . exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases=20 whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles=20 square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the=20 Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government=20 of the United States." As Clinton said, the District of Columbia=20 includes about 40,000 acres. Which, at 640 acres per=20 square mile, comes out to an area of 63 square miles. =20 Oops! Congress is mandated by the Constitution to=20 oversee Washington, D.C. That is their playground. They=20 are empowered to "exercise exclusive Legislation in all=20 Cases whatsoever" in the District. However, as with many=20 other tasks mandated to Congress by the Constitution, the=20 duty was farmed out to a group not authorized by the=20 Constitution: a city government. Consequently,=20 Washington, D.C. is easily the worst run city in the=20 country. Congress, using the federal bureaucracies it=20 set up, had another idea. Instead of exercising=20 "exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever" over the=20 little District of Columbia, it chose to extend that=20 authority a bit. Congress, and the bureaucracies it=20 created, now pass laws, rules and regulations to control=20 all actions of all people in the United States. No matter that the Constitution only allows=20 that type of authority over the supposed ten square miles=20 of the District and certain other government properties. =20 The federal government intentionally disregard the=20 Constitution's limitations by neglecting the District=20 and legislating for every other place in the country. That's right. Congress, and the executive=20 branch, totally ignored the District for a couple of=20 decades and concentrated on ruling the rest of the=20 country, where it is forbidden by the Constitution to=20 legislate. From the largest State governments to the=20 smallest school districts, the will of the federal=20 government is pervasive. From automobiles to zithers,=20 from ditches to Big Macs and Whoppers, the heavy hand of=20 the federal government controls it all. It's more than just a matter of an extra 43=20 square miles and the mismanagement of the District of=20 Columbia. The federal government has totally and=20 completely forgotten its place in the scheme of things. And this President doesn't have a clue. WAR-PROTESTERS MEET WAR-PROTESTERS You have got to be a flaming idiot to announce=20 a war on a college campus and expect a good reception. It=20 seems like at least a few of these leftist liberal war=20 protesters of the 1960's now making up the Clinton=20 administration would remember how it was. Or, perhaps=20 this is just another example of how self-centered and=20 egotistical this administration and its sycophants at CNN=20 really are. I mean, geezzz, give me a break here! Just=20 cause they give their so called "town meeting" at the=20 very liberal Ohio State University, they think things are=20 going to be different? War is war. Who cares if it was=20 started by conservatives or liberals after the shooting=20 starts. So, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright,=20 Defense Secretary William Cohen and National Security=20 Adviser Samuel Berger got the hot seat for a while. =20 Good. It would have been totally amazing if anything else=20 happened. As it was, CNN could only round up a crowd of=20 3,000 -- which was not even half of the capacity of the=20 auditorium. Their idea of a "town meeting" was a highly=20 scripted forum, an "infomercial" for Iraq policy. It=20 didn't work. It will never work. Americans will support=20 the troops, but never that incompetent administration. =20 And if that incompetent administration does not support=20 the troops 100%, all hell is going to break out here. Albright, who was clearly frustrated after=20 repeated attempts at finishing her statement, asked CNN=20 moderator Judy Woodruff: "Would you please tell these=20 people I would be happy to talk to them after." =20 University security personnel tossed out some of the=20 demonstrators, but it didn't help much. Half of the=20 audience were booing and jeering. Berger and Cohen got=20 almost the same treatment from the crowd. CNN's Judy Woodruff and Bernard Shaw acted=20 like deer caught in the headlights. It appeared they=20 thought there may be a riot -- and they were the center=20 of attention. And, in truth, there was a great deal more=20 action on the floor than on the stage. Cohen told the crowd, "We do not see the need=20 to carry out a large land campaign in order to topple=20 Saddam Hussein. Our mission is to get the inspectors=20 back. If they can't get back, to make sure he can't=20 constitute or reconstitute this threat." That, of course, is something less than the=20 complete truth. Our inspectors were there for years. =20 They destroyed a lot of war materials over the years. =20 Then the Clinton Administration started to help, and=20 Hussein retaliated. The investigators were first=20 obstructed by the Iraqi government and later tossed out=20 on their ears. At the first sign of obstruction, the proper=20 response to Hussein should have been simple: Tell them=20 they have two hours to remove all people from the area=20 refused access to inspectors because that building will=20 cease to exist after that time. Bomb the place. Then,=20 the building will no longer need to be inspected. We did, after all, win the war. Those=20 inspections were, therefore, there on our terms, not=20 Iraq's. The Clinton Administration completely disregarded=20 that fact. And so too did the Clinton Administration=20 blow the relationship with Saddam Hussein. Clinton=20 thinks of the United States as the world's peace keeper,=20 an international police department. Yet, Clinton allowed=20 Hussein to make the United States look like the playground=20 bully. Saddam thumbs his nose at us, and all Clinton does=20 is rattle sabers -- selling wolf tickets, we used to call=20 it in the Army. Vacant threats. Hussein's Republican Guard are a proud lot. =20 They would like to remain so. Because of that, they=20 should have been used. An unofficial message to the=20 Republican Guard that they will be totally and completely=20 bombed off of the face of the earth, at our leisure,=20 without warning, if the government if Iraq is not changed,=20 could produce some very interesting results. . . . When Clinton learns his saber rattling is not=20 working, he sends U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan over=20 to talk. Do we bow to the decision of Annan? Who knows. =20 Probably. If so, nothing changed. But right now, there are a couple other things=20 we Americans should consider. One is that this talk of=20 "weapons of mass destruction" is little more than=20 political rhetoric being used to fan the flames of=20 popular opinion here at home. All countries in that area=20 of the world -- and many countries throughout the world --=20 have those very same weapons stockpiled. Anyone wanting to see real weapons of mass=20 destruction in operation should see our B-52's carpet- bombing. Take the word of an Army ground hugger, that=20 massive display of raw power is both awesome and=20 terrifying. The other point is that, as Clinton attempts to=20 disarm the American public, Saddam Hussein is passing out=20 fully automatic AK-47's to anyone able to fire one. The February 20 issue of the Federalist Digest=20 summarizes the Iraqi situation quite succinctly: "A draft=20 report by the U.S. House of Representatives Task Force on=20 Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, based on American,=20 German, and Israeli intelligence, says that Iraq has=20 secretly built chemical weapons plants in Sudan,=20 transferred weapons-grade fissile materials to Algeria,=20 and sent its top scientists to Libya with instructions to=20 develop a biological warfare complex. Muslim terrorists=20 in Hamas plan to attack Israel in the event of U.S.=20 military strike against Iraq. Israel is preparing to turn=20 Arab sand into molten glass with a very long half-life. =20 Meanwhile, Mr. Clinton is busy entertaining Hollywood=20 elite and White House interns." Clearly, the Clinton Administration has made=20 some very serious errors in foreign policy. China and=20 Russia quickly come to mind. But the Iraq problem is=20 easier to see. It is obvious that this administration is=20 just too incompetent to deal effectively with any of these=20 situations. Everything happening points to one conclusion: =20 Clinton does not have a clue what to do. AGAIN, IT ENDS IN KENTUCKY That's right. It's all going to end right here,=20 in my neighborhood. We're paying attention, working=20 together, making a difference, and whatever other clich=E9=20 you might want to tag it with. Remember the biosphere reserves? Gone! The=20 local sheriff down around the Mammoth Cave area took a=20 torch to the offending biosphere sign a few months ago. =20 Kentucky people joined together to badger the hell out of=20 Members of Congress to stop that biosphere madness and=20 the people of America agreed, and joined in the quest. =20 Congress responded by doing about three-quarters of what=20 was necessary to effectively end the project. Now we have a U.S. Senator who thinks it would=20 be good for the federal government to own another chunk of=20 Kentucky. He forgot that the U.S. Constitution mandates=20 approval by the State legislature before that can happen. =20 We collectively reminded him; and informed him that we=20 the people will not allow such a vote to be approved in=20 the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. =20 Our U.S. Senator is a bit miffed and confused, but he'll=20 get over it someday. Simply put, we the people of the Commonwealth=20 of Kentucky do not want federal government agents=20 interfering in our lives. To that end, we have every=20 intention of enforcing all rights due us under the United=20 States Constitution and the Constitution of the=20 Commonwealth of Kentucky. Elected officials are beginning=20 to learn that. Our basic problem now is with appointed=20 bureaucrats, both State and federal. Our future plans are simple. We will soon=20 begin attempting to force elected officials to fire any=20 and all bureaucrats who do not honor our State and=20 national Constitutions as written. If elected officials=20 do not do so, they will find a great number of citizens=20 out on the street working against them during the next=20 campaign cycle. Some of us took on the Heritage River scam=20 problem. State Senator Richard L. "Dick" Roeding=20 suggested a resolution, much as he did with the biosphere=20 reserve problem. Craig Brown, who writes here=20 periodically, volunteered to draft such a resolution. The=20 resolution was presented by State Senators Dick Roeding,=20 Gex Williams, and others. And, as with the biosphere=20 reserve resolution, it passed without dissent. The=20 resolution states in part: "The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of=20 Kentucky is unalterably opposed to the inclusion of any=20 land within the borders of the Commonwealth within the=20 purview of the AHRI [American Heritage Rivers Initiative]=20 or any territorial use without the express consent of the=20 General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, as=20 provided by the Constitution of the United States and the=20 Constitution of Kentucky." Therein, the will of the people becomes the=20 official opinion of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. We=20 shall have no Heritage River projects in Kentucky. End=20 of story. Another win? No! Only a beginning. We still=20 have hundreds of federal agents wandering our state,=20 inflicting their will on State and local governments,=20 school boards and citizens. This need not be. And, this=20 should not be. Most people in Kentucky feel that we have=20 quite enough State and local officials and do not need or=20 want interference by the federal government. Therefore,=20 we shall continue, one step at a time. Anyone wishing information on the many grass=20 roots programs currently in operation (and producing=20 results) in Kentucky may write to Craig Brown at=20 None of these programs require a=20 great amount of expertise. All they require is that you=20 get up off of your couch for a couple hours two or three=20 times a month and talk with some of your friends and=20 neighbors. Many Americans have forgotten that the federal=20 government is our government. We own it. The employees=20 of the federal government are our employees, not our=20 masters. And even though most of these employees have=20 forgotten it, the Constitution is their job description. =20 It is, therefore, our responsibility, as citizens, to=20 ensure that government employees follow their job=20 description to the letter. When they do not, it then=20 becomes our duty to fire them. -- End --=20 [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998 14:10:14 -0600 From: (Neil Dickey) Subject: Re: [Fwd: WARNING VIRUS] Jack Perrine wrote in response to me (I think): [ ... ] >However, if one is using a www browser NETSCAPE or IE to read mail that >can and will depending on the options set interpret all the HTML which >can certainly allow downloading of JAVA or ACTIVE-X depending on the >browser and either can certainly take over the machine and do all sorts >of horrible things No argument here. There are security issues involving unscrupulous web-site maintainers that are well known. This is the same, well-known, problem which exists with word-processors like Microsoft Word. >At any rate giving blanket assurances that such and such piece of E-mail >is or does not contain a VIRUS is really silly unless the assurance is >qualified by knowing the E-Mail does not contain HTML and is not being >read on an advanced browser I'm not sure if you're responding to me or not because of the confusing manner in which you appended messages to your post. I will assume that you were. Do try not to be absurd. I read the post that Skip sent out. There was nothing hidden in it. I examined the archives which I passed on to the list, where this particular warning is clearly listed as a variant of the shop-worn "Good Times" hoax. The specific message that Skip copied to us *is*a*bloody*hoax*. That's all there is to it. If some clown with more HTML skill than good sense now makes a real threat out of it, that's a different matter. >And no offense to Tanya but I think for security more and more people will >simply stop allowing any sort of HTML on to their machines without perhaps >first reading it on a really old fashioned mailer ...... No offense to you but if you arrange the forwarded parts of posts you reply to more carefully, it will be easier to figure out what and who you are replying to. The opinions which I have expressed herein are entirely my own, unless other- wise noted. No-one else should be held responsible for what I think. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | D. N. Dickey | Virtuous motives, trammeled by inertia and | | Research Associate | timidity, are no match for armed and | | Northern Illinois Univ. | resolute wickedness. | | | - W. S. Churchill | | **Finger for public key** | | - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998 18:17:34 -0500 (EST) From: Brad Subject: felonious five-year-olds (HTML tags painfully edited out) >I fail to see how a 5 year old child who is accused of >attacking her teacher has anything to do with Crimestrike. > >Tanya K. Metaksa >Executive Director >NRA Institute for Legislative Action > My impression is that the NRA never saw a "get tough on crime" campaign it didn't like. That's been the sense of the faxalert/crimestrike bulletins I've received. The state of FL has just charged a five-year-old "violent juvenile offender" with a felony. I thought that might be the sort of thing the crimestrike folks would approve of. I think the whole get-tough-on-crime thing has been grossly overdone. I know some good people who have been done great harm by an overzealous "justice" system. bd ****** [For instance, the following sounded rather approving... -bd] Juvenile Arrests Up 60% In Decade Despite a decline of 9% in juvenile violent crime arrests in the two years 1995 and '96, juvenile arrests were still 60% above 1987 levels, according to a new report by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, "Juvenile Arrests 1996." By comparison, adult violent crime arrests were up 24% for the decade, the report said. [...] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 12:05:07 -0600 (CST) From: Subject: RTR:Supreme Court Lets Stand Ruby Ridge Ruling (fwd) Does this mean there really is a "legal over riding authority" could it be the US constitution?=20 - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 11:47:33 -0600 Subject: Supreme Court Lets Stand Ruby Ridge Ruling 80223/news/stories/rubyridge_1.html - -- Monday February 23 11:17 AM EST Supreme Court Lets Stand Ruby Ridge Ruling By Gail Appleson WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court Monday=20 let stand a ruling that said federal agents at the deadly seige at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, in 1992 are not=20 immune from civil claims they lied about events at the shootout. This case stems from the fatal confrontation at the=20 home of white separatist Randy Weaver. The FBI's "shoot to kill" policy led to the death of Weaver's=20 wife and the serious wounding of his long-time friend, Kevin Harris. Harris sued 13 federal agents for their actions but=20 the agents moved to dismiss the complaint, alleging they were immune from such claims. The district court=20 denied the motion based on the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable seizure. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the ruling. On Aug. 21, 1992, the agents entered Weaver's property=20 to serve an arrest warrant upon Weaver. Harris was then living on the Weaver property. Three agents had=20 confronted Harris, Weaver, Weaver's son Sammy, and the family dog at a road intersection near the Weaver=20 property. One of the agents shot and killed the dog and firing=20 erupted. Sammy and one of the agents were killed. Harris said he fired one or more shots but that they=20 were in self defense. Following the incident, Harris alleged that some of=20 the agents conspired to lie about events, including describing Harris as the initiator. A group of FBI=20 agents and marshals then created a special "shoot to kill" rule allowing them to shoot adults in the=20 vicinity. On Aug. 22, federal agents shot and wounded Weaver and=20 killed his wife. Harris was seriously injured when he was hit in the chest and arm. The standoff ended=20 nine days later when Weaver surrendered. Weaver and Harris were indicted for assaulting the=20 agents with a deadly weapon and for killing the agent, though they were later acquitted. Harris then sued the agents. Among his claims was that=20 his Fourth Amendment rights were violated. He argued that the agents' lie about his role in the first=20 shooting led him to be shot and almost killed in the second incident. The fabrications also led to his=20 arrest and wrongful prosecution. The agents argued that as law enforcement officers,=20 they had immunity from claims that they gave false testimony. The Ninth Circuit said that while immunity has been=20 granted to officers who testify during the trial stage of a proceeding, this was a difference case. It=20 held that the agents at Ruby Ridge functionally served as complaining witnesses who initiated Harris'=20 prosecution and as such were not entitled to immunity for their false statements. The court also said that the 13 defendants, working=20 together, created special rules that required FBI agents to "shoot on sight" in order to "kill." The=20 rules infringed on Harris' rights. The appeals court said there was no immunity for this as well or the=20 fact that Harris was shot without warning while he was retreating. -------------------------------------------------------- =20 Copyright =A9 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.=20 Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written=20 consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for=20 any actions taken in reliance thereon. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 08:38:49 -0600 (CST) From: Subject: CAS: (OT) False Alarm-Anthrax 'Alert' (fwd) This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. 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(CNN) - -- One of the two men arrested for posession of what turned out to be non-lethal anthrax was released from custody Saturday evening. William Leavitt Jr., 47, thanked God, his family, law enforcement officials, a federal magistrate judge and his lawyers for getting him out of prison on his own recognizance, saying the past three days have been the "most difficult days of my life." Leavitt and Larry Wayne Harris, 46, were arrested Wednesday night and charged with conspiracy to possess and possession of a biological agent. Leavitt's release came just hours after FBI agents raided the microbiologist's home north of Las Vegas in search of more evidence. Pale and appearing on the verge of tears, Leavitt, a self-described medical researcher, said he has no hard feelings toward FBI investigators. "I understand what happened, and I understand the position the FBI took based upon the information they received," Leavitt told the media just after his release from the Clark County Detention Center. "I spent many, many hours in fasting and in prayer, and wanted the truth (to) be known." One stipulation for Leavitt's release is that he "will not conduct or participate in any biological or biochemical treatment," according to court documents. The FBI acknowledged earlier Saturday that test results so far show the confiscated anthrax is not the deadly military-grade version. "We truly felt, and we feel now, that we had enough probable cause to believe there was a danger to the community," FBI agent Bobby Siller told reporters. "We had to act the way we did." Siller, special agent in charge of the FBI's Las Vegas office, said the arrests of Leavitt and Harris were made on the basis of information from witnesses, as well as surveillance and background checks. Residents assured they are not in danger Before their arrests, Harris and Leavitt had told more than one person that they had military-grade anthrax and planned to test it at a nearby medical center, Siller said. Siller also reassured Las Vegas residents they are not in danger. "There is no reason for anybody to be concerned about any contaminants in this area," Siller said. U.S. Army experts at Fort Detrick, Maryland, concluded the substance was not a biological weapon after completing a series of tests that began Friday morning, sources told CNN. The FBI confirmed Saturday that the confiscated version is a non-lethal type that veterinarians use. The FBI apparently also seized other material in Ohio from houses owned by Harris. That material is still being tested at Fort Detrick, and those tests will not be completed before Monday. Police suspect Harris gave 'inoculations' Saturday, a Columbus, Ohio, police investigator said he believes Harris regularly gave some people injections that Harris claimed would protect them against biological agents. "It's something we've suspected and can't divulge our sources, but we think he was giving inoculations," Det. Rick Adrian said. It was unclear how long Harris offered the injections, what the shots contained or whether anyone became sick because of them. The FBI affidavit detailing the case against Harris says he claims to be an officer in the Idaho-based white separatist group Aryan Nations. Mark Potok, a spokesman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, a national watchdog group that monitors extremist groups, told The New York Times that Harris traveled around the country, "meeting with extremist anti-government groups and inoculating them against anthrax." Harris was previously given probation after pleading guilty to illegally obtaining bubonic plague bacteria through the mail in 1995. - ----------------------------- Army lab finds Las Vegas anthrax not dangerous; judge releases one suspect Copyright © 1998 The Associated Press LAS VEGAS (February 21, 1998 11:12 p.m. EST -- A substance feared to be a biological weapon turned out to be a safe form of anthrax used in animal vaccines, and one of the two men arrested in a case that sent fear through the region was released from jail Saturday. "I absolutely have no hard feelings," a visibly shaken William Leavitt Jr. said at a news conference, calling the circumstances that led to his arrest "misunderstandings and probably some miscommunication." The FBI insisted Saturday that arresting the two men on biological weapons charges was necessary to protect the public. "Because of the potential serious threat to the community, our actions had to be quick and decisive," said Bobby Siller, special agent in charge of the FBI's Las Vegas office. "We had to act the way we did." A judge signed an order releasing one of the men, William Leavitt Jr., Saturday. Under an agreement his attorney reached with prosecutors, Leavitt will be allowed to remain free on his own recognizance while authorities determine whether to drop charges. The other man arrested in the case, Larry Wayne Harris of Lancaster, Ohio, who is on probation for an earlier conviction, remained in jail and was scheduled to appear in court Monday for a detention hearing. Leavitt was not required to go to that hearing. The anthrax material, tested at an Army laboratory at Fort Dietrick, Md., was found by FBI agents Wednesday during the arrests of Leavitt and Harris. Both men were charged with conspiracy to possess and possession of a biological agent for use as a weapon. Tests showed the material was not military-grade anthrax, which is potent enough to kill thousands of people. "Legally, this means their case goes down the toilet," said Lamond Mills, Leavitt's lawyer. "I would expect the U.S. attorney to drop the charges. "Let them now 'fess up and say it was a mistake," he said. Mills said a deal to drop charges against Leavitt would require him to promise to stop some of his laboratory work. Another one of his attorneys, Kirby Wells, said Leavitt, 47, was emotional after hearing about the tests. "I told him the good news. We embraced," he said. Siller declined to explain why charges would not be dropped immediately. He defended the FBI's investigation, which was based on an informant's tip and statements made by the suspects, and said it would have been "irresponsible" not to follow up on the allegation. Leavitt and Harris had, themselves, portrayed the material as dangerous military-grade anthrax, Siller said. Agents also seized other biological material in Ohio from houses owned by Harris, a former Aryan Nations member. That material was still being tested at Fort Dietrick, and those tests will not be completed before Monday. A message left at the federal public defender office, which is representing Harris, was not immediately returned. Harris, 46, pleaded guilty in 1995 to wire fraud after his arrest for obtaining three vials of freeze-dried bubonic plague bacteria through the mail. He was put on 18 months of probation. Even if the biological weapons charge is dropped, Harris could still face penalties for violating probation. Harris and Leavitt were turned in by Ronald Rockwell, whom the FBI portrayed as a "citizen performing his civic duty." Mills called Rockwell a twice-convicted extortionist and scam artist who went to the FBI when a business deal turned sour. Rockwell, a Las Vegas resident, said in media interviews he was scared when Leavitt and Harris, who were interested in what he portrayed as his disease-fighting machine, said they had the deadly bacteria. Leavitt and Harris were arrested outside a medical office in Henderson, Nev. The case frightened many around the country, especially near Las Vegas. People flooded talk-radio shows asking about evacuation plans, the symptoms of anthrax and the safety of the region's water supply. Surplus stores sold out of stocks of gas masks. The arrests came as the United States was considering military action against Iraq for harboring biological weapons. Five days before the arrests, Rockwell and Leavitt appeared for two hours on a local radio show to talk about how they planned to test biological agents being brought to Las Vegas by Harris, according to a tape of the show reviewed Saturday. They said during "The Lou Epton Show" on KXNT-AM on Feb. 13 that the testing was to be done on a device that could cure an anthrax infection. By MICHAEL FLEEMAN, Associated Press Writer Copyright © 1998 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ This mailing list is processed through Majordomo at Oakland University. If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to In the message body put: unsubscribe okcty - --1915762710-1542453501-888244729=:8147-- - - ------------------------------ End of roc-digest V2 #76 ************************