From: (roc-digest) To: Subject: roc-digest V2 #149 Reply-To: roc-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roc-digest Friday, June 12 1998 Volume 02 : Number 149 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 12:19:45 -0400 From: Tom Cloyes Subject: Fwd: Video info >From: >Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 07:05:16 EDT >To: >Subject: Fwd: Video info >X-Mailer: AOL 3.0 for Windows 95 sub 49 > >From: >Return-path: >To: >Subject: Video info >Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 19:53:30 EDT >Mime-Version: 1.0 >Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII >Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit > > >by BOB LESMEISTER > > > >The Law Enforcement Alliance of America (LEAA) has produced a professional >quality video of six street cops testifying before Congress, expressing their >views against gun control. > >HIS 53-MINUTE VIDEO is everything that the Brady Bunch will try to prevent you >from seeing and hearing. Cops tell Congress that gun control doesn't make them >safer, it only endangers civilians. They inform Congress that most of the gun >control schemes are nothing more than an attempt to disarm honest citizens by >lying to the public about how fewer guns in honest hands make a cop's life >safer and easier. Well, they don't and these cops should know. > >This session was recorded April 5, 1995 during official Congressional >testimony before the House Subcommittee on Crime. You have never seen >Congressman Schumer (the Goomer) more frustrated, more out of his league, more >spittin' mad, more put in his place, than ever before. The following cops >informed Congress about the inherent dangers of gun control: Sgt. Bill Hinz >(Minneapolis, MN), Lt. Dennis Tueller (Salt Lake City, UT), master Police >Officer Craig Roberts (Tulsa, OK), Chief Dwaine Wilson (Kennesaw, GA), Officer >Bryant Jennings (Memphis, TN) and Officer Steve Rodriguez (Albuquerque, NM). > >You say you never heard of these hearings? You didn't see anything in the news >or on TV? Well, of course not! This is the kind of testimony that NBC, CBS and >ABC hope you never hear. Even Hanoi Jane's CNN kept the viewing public from >ever hearing these cops. > >The video is called What Real Cops Think About the Gun Ban and the real cops >mentioned above dispel the public's distorted view that all law enforcement >backs the government's idea of gun control. Fact is, only a small portion of >street cops are in favor or gun control. According to Executive Director of >LEAA, Jim Fotis, "Real cops shred the anti-gun `big lies' about alleged law >enforcement support for gun bans and gun control and expose how anti-gun >politicians manipulate political police administrators and organizations to >advance their big brother, big government agenda. Real cops reveal how anti- >gun politicians manipulate law enforcement to create the myth that law >enforcement supports the Clinton Gun Ban and gun control in general." > >This is a must have video and it should be shown in homes, in gun shops, in >civic centers, at rallies, in schools and wherever people need to know the >truth. You can order a copy by sending $24.95 plus $3.75 shipping to LEAA, >Dept. AFI, 7700 Leesburg Pike, Suite 421, Falls Church, VA 22043. Make the >checks payable to "LEAA Video." Or you can order by phone with a credit card >by calling 1-800-766-8578. You can bet Wild Bill and the Brady Bunch hope you >never write that check or make that call. > - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 13:09:08 -0500 (CDT) From: Subject: (fwd) - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Subject: Serving the people who are keeping the world free Our mission is to assist and encourage individuals and organizations to advance America's vision of individual freedom, private property rights, free markets, and national sovereignty. Hosted by Sovereignty International Environmental Conservation Organization Environmental Perspectives, Inc. Freedom Week Watch for new services offered by as we continually expand our efforts to make your work more effective. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 18:09:19 -0400 From: Tom Cloyes Subject: Fwd: The Four Corners Manhunt >Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 +0000 >From: E Pluribus Unum >X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.01 [en] (Win95; U) >To: E Pluribus Unum Email Distribution Network >Subject: The Four Corners Manhunt > >The Four Corners Manhunt >by Sarah Thompson, M.D. > >"Tonight I'm standing on Highway 666 running through towns like >Cortez, Shiprock, Sheep Springs and ending in Gallup, New Mexico. To >some, a beautiful stretch of the American landscape, but to Alan Pilon >and Jason McVean, who are still at large, it is literally a candyland of >murder and mayhem." - paraphrased from Natural Born Killers (NBK) > >Today is day 12 of what the Denver Post calls "the greatest Western >manhunt in recent memory." The search has "included 51 local, state >and federal agencies and 500 heavily armed SWAT teams using 17 >national guard helicopters." The monetary costs so far are estimated >at about $1.6 million. The real cost is much higher. > >"Patrolman Dale Claxton was just the first of three peace officers >that Pilon and McVean shot during their reign of terror." - >paraphrased from NBK=20 > >For those of you who are unfamiliar with the "Four Corners Manhunt", >it started on May 29 when Cortez, Colorado police officer Dale Claxton >stopped a suspected stolen truck and was shot and killed by one or more >of the occupants.=20 > >The murder of a police officer is a tragic, but unfortunately not >uncommon event. To date, 68 law enforcement officers have died in >1998, 27 of them by gunfire. What is uncommon is the response to this >murder, along with the subsequent non-fatal shootings of two sheriff's >deputies. > >Cortez is a small tourist town of just under 7300 people, and had 23 >officers before Claxton was killed. It's about 38 miles from "Four >Corners", where Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona meet. > >In Cortez, reality, fantasy and the media fused to create an >apocalyptic vision worthy of an Oliver Stone movie. This is >particularly ironic, since the only other mention of Cortez I've ever >heard was in Stone's film, "Natural Born Killers", where Cortez is >listed as one of the scenes of the fictional Mickey and Mallory Knox's >killing spree. "Natural Born Killers" is a bloody meditation on the >role the media play in glamorizing murder and mayhem. > >And like the killers in Stone's film, these killers were not >"ordinary". They didn't kill in some burned out inner city. They >weren't wearing baggy pants, baseball hats or flashing gang symbols.=20 >They didn't use a handgun. No, these killers, about whom absolutely >nothing was known, were immediately labeled "militia types" because >they were "dressed in camouflage and black paramilitary gear". > >Worse, these "militia types" had "fully automatic" weapons. Actually, >the firearms involved have been identified as SKS rifles. Most SKS >rifles are _not_fully automatic, although it's entirely possible that >those in question were. But is killing someone with a fully automatic >weapon _worse_ than killing someone with a bolt action rifle, or a >semiautomatic pistol? What about clubbing someone to death with a >baseball bat, stabbing him with a knife, or running him off the road?=20 > >Is shooting someone with a fully automatic SKS rifle worse than a >government sniper with a high-power rifle killing an innocent woman >holding her child? Is it worse than gassing and burning members of an >unpopular religion? Is it worse than using sarin nerve gas to kill >military deserters? How does it compare with killing innocent >bystanders while engaged in a high-speed chase of a teenager who ran a >stoplight? > >Later I learned that two SKS assault rifles (an assault rifle is by >definition fully automatic, but the press uses the term to mean any >ugly rifle, so I'm at a loss again), a duffel bag filled with >ammunition, a two-way radio and a cell phone had been discovered.=20 >Worse, some of the ammunition was in .308 caliber, which would fit a >"high power military rifle" (but not an SKS). > >While this equipment was portrayed as indicative of serious and >extremely dangerous criminals, with the exception of the allegedly >fully-automatic SKS rifles, it's pretty ordinary stuff. Similar >equipment could no doubt be found in the trucks of many local >residents and tourists; .308 caliber is one of the most commonly-used >hunting loads. And while I don't hunt, my weekend shooting >expeditions often find me equipped with a military M-1 carbine, a >range bag full of ammo, and my cell phone. Sometimes I'm even >carrying .308 ammo for my high-power long-distance target rifle. And >I guess I should confess that my sun hat has a camouflage pattern. > >Within hours of the shootings, students at Pleasant View School were >stranded as school bus service was canceled. Several entirely >innocent families were told they couldn't go back to their homes, >presumably because their presence might deter law enforcement officers >from shooting at anything that moved. (Had it been for their own >protection, I should think they'd have been given a choice!) A >helicopter equipped with infrared night vision was in the sky by 10 PM. > >By the next day, both the FBI and the National Guard were involved, >along with specially equipped helicopters. Two hundred officers from >four states and two Indian reservations were searching the ground.=20 >Computer checks of "persons of interest" were being run. Records of >"recent arrestee(s) who favored black army boots and green, brown and >black camouflage clothing" were being reviewed. > >But who's a "person of interest"? Judging from the above, I guess I >am, although I've never been convicted of anything worse than >speeding. Are you? And what about those "recent arrestees"? Being >arrested in no way means that you're guilty of anything. And isn't >selectively targeting people based on their choice of clothing a >violation of their civil liberties? Why are there even databases of >what arrestees wear? Had the killers been wearing Utah Jazz T-shirts, >no doubt the entire state of Utah would now be under martial law! > >And what about the National Guard? Why is the military involved in >law enforcement, in direct violation of _posse comitatus_? Because >Colorado Governor Romer declared a "state of emergency" in order to >mobilize the National Guard and utilize funds from the state Disaster >Emergency Fund. (Governor Leavitt of Utah also declared a state of >emergency, but stated that the Utah National Guard would only be used >to provide transportation for SWAT officers.) If the murder of one >single human truly warranted declaring a "state of emergency", then >the National Guard would be patrolling the streets of every major city >in this country on a permanent basis. > >By June 2, the suspects had been identified, not as a result of >exemplary police detective work or the intensive manhunt, but because >an ex-girlfriend of one of the men turned them in. The suspects: Alan >Lamont "Monty'' Pilon, Robert Matthew Mason, and Jason Wayne McVean. > >According the the Denver Post: "It appears to us their friendship is >based upon similar interests,'' (Colorado Bureau of Investigation >Director) Whiteside said." (Huh? Aren't _most_ friendships based >upon similar interests? Do we need the CBI to figure that out for >us?) "They're outdoorsmen and they have an interest in firearms and >camping." > >"None of the men have any known affiliation with paramilitary groups," >(Cortez Police Chief) Lane said, "although Pilon may be >'anti-government'. Specifically, he is believed to be angry with the >Internal Revenue Service." (Say what? Isn't _everyone_ angry with >the IRS?) > >Pilon also has a "criminal record" consisting of drunk driving and >driving without a license. > >In other words, while the media have done their best to portray these >men as hardened criminals and terrorists, "a person who has an >interest in firearms and camping and is angry at the IRS" could easily >describe half the people I know! Later Mason's brother, who >coincidentally works for the corrections department, reported that >Mason held anti-government and anti-law enforcement beliefs, but there >are certainly many non-criminal Americans who share those views. In >fact, holding anti-government views is one of our rights as free >citizens, and it shouldn't in any way be considered evidence of >criminality. > >On June 4, a San Juan County (Utah) Sheriff's deputy was shot and >injured by a "camouflage-clad man" believed to be one of the fugitives >near the San Juan River, just outside Bluff, Utah. Later in the day, >one of the suspects, subsequently identified as Mason, was found dead, >apparently of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.=20 > >Bluff was immediately sealed and evacuated. All roads in the area >were blocked and vehicles were searched at gunpoint. Armed personnel >evacuated tourists rafting on the San Juan River. Even the National >Park rangers were carrying M-16 military assault rifles. (Remember >that when federal law enforcement personnel carry assault rifles it's >"good", but should a citizen have one, he's a "dangerous criminal".) > >And in yet another case of "life imitating Stone", the Denver Post >reported that "Gov. Roy Romer was flying with a team of CBI agents to >the Four Corners area to assist in what he is now saying may be a >well-planned conspiracy involving more than the three 'young men who >have demented minds.'" Assuming that the Post didn't mean to say that >Gov. Romer was assisting the "conspiracy", they must have meant that >several CBI officers were occupied with guarding and entertaining the >governor and his public relations staff, and were thus prevented from >doing anything meaningful. No evidence of a conspiracy has yet been >found. > >After ten days, San Juan County Sheriff Mike Lacy admitted defeat.=20 >"We have found no leads. We have nothing to go on... We have not the >slightest idea of where they are." > >The tally? One officer is dead, two injured. One alleged killer is >dead, two escaped. At least $1.6 million has already been spent on >law enforcement, and the search continues. Hundreds of innocent >people were forced from their homes and deprived of their civil >rights. No doubt additional hundreds of innocent people were >subjected to warrantless searches of their vehicles, searches that >were conducted at gunpoint. Tourists had their vacations abruptly >terminated. > >Tourism, the major source of income in Bluff, is dead for the rest of >the season. (Bluff has about 350 residents and hosts about 250,000 >visitors a year.) The same can most likely be said for the entire >Four Corners area. That hundreds or thousands of people may lose >their jobs, businesses, homes and savings is irrelevant. What matters >is that our masters once more put on a stunning show of force to remind >us that they _are_ our masters.=20 > >The media have colluded with the tyrants once again by vilifying gun >owners and creating a new class of undesirables based on their >clothing. Unfounded claims of lawless "militia-type" terrorists and >vast, dangerous conspiracies, have once again been used to frighten >the general public into believing they need 51 law enforcement >agencies and the military to protect them from _three_ criminals. =20 >Anger at the IRS, a nearly universal sentiment, has now been branded >as "anti-government" and potentially criminal. Where does that leave >those of us who are not only angry at the IRS, but angry at the FBI, >BATF, DEA, FEMA, or even FICA?=20 > >If only it had worked out a little better, it would have been the >blockbuster summer movie of 1998. After all, no one can tell the >difference between "news" and fiction these days anyway. The story >had all the right elements: lots of gunfire, terrified children, >fleeing townspeople, mysterious military helicopters, and awesome >scenery. > >But alas, the combined forces of all those agencies, armed with the >very best equipment, accomplished nothing more than creating a media >feeding frenzy. The suspects were identified only because an >ex-girlfriend turned them in. The only one ever found was dead, >apparently by his own hand. And the "heroes" ended up looking like >Keystone Kops. > >In "Natural Born Killers", Mickey and Mallory Knox escape and live >happily ever after. It's looking like Pilon and McVean may do the >same. Life imitates art once again. > >And to be perfectly honest, I'm conflicted about the whole thing, as >are many other people with whom I've discussed the Four Corners >manhunt. One correspondent commented that he was glad he wasn't in >Bluff because he'd be dead, or more police would be dead, since he >wouldn't take kindly to being searched at gunpoint. Many expressed >outrage that both military and law enforcement personnel were >knowingly depriving residents and tourists of their constitutional >rights. A few have expressed the opinion that since law enforcement >and the military have now been given an unlimited license to kill as >long as they do so "in the line of duty", the only proper course for >free people is to shoot them. > >I can't condone the unprovoked murder of a police officer. But >neither can I condone the behavior of overzealous law enforcement and >military personnel. I would not submit to being searched at gunpoint, >nor would I agree to evacuate my home unless _I_ thought it was >dangerous to stay. > >Even some area residents are skeptical of the "greatest Western >manhunt in recent memory". "There are all kinds of stories -- people >in Bluff claim they have seen these guys,'' said 70-year-old Bluff >resident R. G. Drummond. "But I can't believe all these people >stomping through the desert and flying over my head in those gizmos >can't find two people. I mean, what do you figure this is costing >me?'' > >What it is costing us is our freedom. When our militarized system of >law enforcement launches an operation, the operant policy is "scorched >earth". Anything and everything that stands between them and their prey >is destroyed as if by a plague of locusts. The Constitution is >irrelevant. So are the rights of the people they claim to be >"protecting". > >Millions of men have fought to preserve our Constitution and our >freedom. Is the life of one police officer, a man who took his own >oath to defend our Constitution, worth surrendering our freedom and >nullifying the law he swore to uphold? > >Why is the life of a law enforcement officer more valuable than the >life of any other person? And why is the death of Officer Claxton >more important than the death of any other law enforcement agent? > >On June 5, Officer Chris Lydon of the California Highway Patrol was >killed in an accident while pursuing a drunk driver. No suspect was >arrested. On June 3, Agent Alexander Kirpnick of the Border Patrol in >Arizona was killed while attempting to apprehend alleged drug >smugglers. One of the suspects was captured, but four others escaped >to Mexico. > >Yet there are no manhunts going on in California, nor have any cities >been evacuated. The National Guard has not been mobilized to invade >Mexico. I guess Orwell was right: All people are equal but some >people are more equal than others. > >Do you think you're safe in your home? You're not. You can be >forceably "evacuated" any time law enforcement officers or the >military decide to play "war games" and want a "free-fire" zone. Are >you, like many of us, planning a summer vacation? Think about it.=20 >The tiny, picturesque town you're planning to visit may be evacuated, >and you may spend your vacation in a junior high school gym. You may >be pulled out of a river or off a hiking trail and abruptly sent home.=20 >You and your vehicle may be searched at gunpoint. Presumably you may >also be detained should you be in possession of a politically >incorrect firearm, book, or camping outfit. > >This is America, folks, and you'd best be prepared. We're already >living under martial law, and we only have "rights" when our masters >graciously allow us to exercise them. And a "right" than can be >revoked at will is no right at all. > >What will you do when some SWAT team performs a dynamic entry into >your bedroom at 2 AM? How will you respond when you're ordered to >evacuate your home? What will you say to the officer who orders you >out of your car at gunpoint? How do you explain any of this to your >children? How do you protect them? You need to think through each of >these scenarios carefully and decide what response is right for _you_. > >It's not a movie. I can't write the script for you, direct the >action, or add a happy ending. It's live, uncut, and unrated. There's >no "take two" and the blood is real. You get one chance, at most, so >you'd better learn your lines and recognize your cues. > >I cannot condone the murderous behavior of Pilon and McVean. But I >applaud their escape and survival skills. Like Butch Cassidy and the >Sundance Kid, who hid out in the same desolate valley, they are both >outlaws and heroes. And I must admit, the fact that Pilon and McVean >got away, even if it's only temporarily, gives me hope. Because if >they can evade the combined forces of law enforcement and the >military, others can too. And if it comes down to it, as I believe it >will, I'd like to know that the real "good guys", those people willing >to resist a tyrannical police state in order to restore liberty, will >stand a chance of prevailing. > > >Information for this article was provided by the online editions of >the Salt Lake Tribune, The Deseret News, The Denver Post, AP Wire and >the Officer Down Memorial Page, "Natural Born >Killers" is a film by Oliver Stone, based on a script by Quentin >Tarantino. > >=A91998 Sarah Thompson, M.D. >--=20 >****************************************************************** > E Pluribus Unum The Central Ohio Patriot Group > P.O. Box 791 Eventline/Voicemail: (614) 823-8499 > Grove City, OH 43123 > >Meetings: Monday Evenings, 7:30pm, Ryan's Steakhouse > 3635 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. (just East of Sawmill Rd.) > > >****************************************************************** >=20 - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 19:18:50 -0700 From: Jack Perrine Subject: A Show That Says Yes to Firepower A Show That Says Yes to Firepower By GARY KRIST NYT In Hollywood . . . there are more gun owners in the closet than homosexuals." -- Charlton Heston, new president of the National Rifle Association. In an announcement that took Hollywood insiders by surprise, Helen LaCorcia, star of the hit ABC sitcom "Helen," admitted today that she has for many years secretly been the owner of a handgun. "It's time to come clean," Ms. LaCorcia said, patting a holster strapped stylishly under her left shoulder. "If Hollywood and the rest of America can't accept me for what I am, it's their problem, not mine." Ms. LaCorcia, appearing at a hastily called press conference, then drew her Sig Sauer 9-millimeter semiautomatic and brandished it in front of the cameras. "And yes, it's loaded," she said. "Deal with it." Later, in an unscheduled appearance on "Oprah," Ms. LaCorcia elaborated on her revelation. "Hollywood has been hypocritical on this issue for years," she said. "Everyone knows that the industry is full of weapons enthusiasts, but no one wants to admit it. They're all afraid that nobody will cast them if word gets around that they're packing heat." Asked if her eponymous television character will also be coming out as a gun owner, the gamine comedian said: "Absolutely. In fact, we've already scripted an episode in which Helen meets someone -- someone special -- who takes her to a firing range and persuades her to fire off a couple practice rounds. She's converted immediately." Ms. LaCorcia then added, "We're hoping to get Quentin Tarantino for the part." Across the nation, gun industry analysts were quick to hail the announcement as a milestone. "Sure, we've had plenty of sitcoms with pistol-toting sidekicks and best friends," said Graydon Menaker, media critic for Guns & Ammo magazine. "But this is the first time we'll be seeing a fully armed major character in a top-rated comedy series. It's historic." Some television executives were more cautious. "The audience for shows like 'Helen' tends to be a lot more pacifist than we realize," said Les Goreham, the vice president for product placement at CBS. "Our friends at ABC are in uncharted waters here." Lobbyists and representatives of gun-control organizations responded to the announcement with derision. "These are supposed to be family shows," complained Adelaide Tift of Americans Against the Propagation of Firearms. "Next we'll have the Nanny toting a .22-caliber Beretta. Or Frasier with an Uzi in his briefcase. And where will it end? 'Third Glock From the Sun'?" The real test of Ms. LaCorcia's decision, however, will come from regular watchers of "Helen," and at least some of them were cheering her courage. "I'm proud of her," said Malia, a self-described munitions performance artist from New York. "It's about time someone stood up and showed the world that owning a handgun doesn't make us any different from anyone else. I had actually lost interest in the show recently, but now I'll be glued to my set every week." But other longtime fans were less certain in their reactions. "I guess I'll still watch it," said Jennifer, a Chicago native who has been a devotee of the show since its premiere. "As long as the writers don't get too trigger-happy, you know? I watch 'Helen' to have a few laughs, not to be lectured at about the social acceptability of possessing weapons." Looking suddenly embarrassed, she quickly added, "Not that there's anything wrong with that." Gary Krist is the author of the novel "Bad Chemistry." Jack Perrine | ATHENA Programming | 626 - 798- 6574 ----------------- | 1175 N Altadena Dr | ------------------- | Pasadena, Ca 91107 | FAX 398 8620 - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 22:28:57 -0500 From: (Robert Linzell) Subject: Fwd: SECRETARY OF THE NAVY RESIGNATION Forwarded FYI. Names and e-mail addresses were omitted in the interest of privacy. This may be another piece in the puzzle, or just another non-event. It does seem consistent with a book review in the May 11-17, 1998, issue of the national weekly edition of _The_Washington_Times_ ("'The Downsized Warrior' in the new world order," p. 28). The following came from a lab director, so I'm reasonably sure it's authentic. Yours in the struggle, Bob in Mississippi >From: >To: allhands >Subject: SECRETARY OF THE NAVY RESIGNATION >Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 09:45:31 -0500 > > >Subject: SECRETARY OF THE NAVY RESIGNATION > > >Capt Buckley wanted this message from the Secretary of the Navy to be >available to all hands. >Thanks, >XXX > > 1. Today, June 8, I wrote both President Clinton and >Secretary of Defense Cohen to inform them that I would be stepping down >as Secretary of the Navy effective in December of this year. I intend >to return to the private sector. Even though I will not be leaving >office until later this year, I felt that letting my intentions known >now would allow the President sufficient time to identify a new >Secretary, have that person confirmed by the United States Senate, and >allow for a smooth transition. > 2. During my five-year tenure as Secretary of the Navy, I >have been honored, privileged and humbled to have served in my position >as civilian head of the greatest, most powerful and most professional >Navy/Marine Corps team in the history of the world. During my time as >Secretary, I have met with tens of thousands of Sailors and Marines and >their families and marveled at your commitment, dedication, >professionalism, courage and endless sacrifice. You and your families >have my undying respect, and that of my wife, Margaret, as well. > 3. As your Secretary, I have also met with Myriad National >and World leaders, including Mayors, Governors, Cabinet Officers, >Ambassadors, Congressmen, Senators, Presidents, Prime Ministers and >Chief Executive Officers of Global Corporations. Without exception, >each of them has expressed profound respect for the job that you do as >part of the Navy/Marine Corps team. That is why I am proud to be your >Secretary of the Navy - Your leader and your strongest advocate. > 4. As I look back on my time in office, I feel very >fulfilled over what we have accomplished together. The Department of >the Navy has been transformed, and I am proud to have participated in >that. Even though we have seen the biggest drawdown since World War II >resulting from our victory in the Cold War, we remain an extremely ready >and capable force. That ready capability continues to evidence itself >day in and day out as the Navy and Marine Corps remain forward deployed >and engaged in a still dangerous world. > 5. Many challenges remain. But the leadership and the many >programs which have been put in place tell me that we are ready for the >21st century. > 6. In my remaining six months in office, I will continue to >travel to fleet units and commands around the world where I hope to see >many of you and your family members to thank you personally for your >outstanding service. Being your Secretary of the Navy makes me realize >that I am richly blessed and fulfilled. This opportunity is the >experience of a lifetime. Be assured that I will continue to sing your >praises and tell your story. May god bless you all. > 7. Released by the Honorable John H. Dalton, Secretary of >the Navy. > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 11:49:06 -0500 (CDT) From: Subject: Conservative Bumper Stickers (fwd) - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 09:24:33 -0700 From: Jack Perrine To: Subject: Conservative Bumper Stickers Warning: The following is sure to offend somebody, so if you choose to proceed, do so with caution. For the rest of us, sit back and enjoy. 1. Liberals: So open minded their brains fell out. 2. Bill Clinton: The reason stupid people should not be allowed to vote. 3. Bill Clinton: The best president communist Red China can buy. 4. For a "strong woman" Hillary sure does whine a lot. 5. Anybody counted the White House silverware lately? 6. Just another slave of the "Welfare State". 7. Vote Democrat! It's fun to bankrupt a nation! 8. Vote Democrat! Punish your successful neighbor! 9. Ted Kennedy for Life Guard. 10. Vote Democrat! It's better than thinking! 11. I was a Democrat... then I got a job. 12. Fur is warm. 13. Stop Global Whinning! 14. AIDS... Drugs... Abortion... don't Liberals just kill you? 15. No job? No money? No problem! Vote Democrat! 16. Annoy a liberal, work hard and make your own money. 17. Annoy a liberal, grow tobacco and give it out for free. 18. Communist money runs the White House. 19. EQUAL RIGHTS FOR unborn WOMEN! 20. Forget the sex. How about the FBI files and China? 21. Kennedy's car has killed more people than my handgun. 22. Question Liberalism. 23. It takes a village... to take my gun. 24. Sure you can have my gun. Bullets first! 25. All in favor of gun control- raise your right hand. (Shown with picture of Hitler with right arm extended). 26. If you are out of work and hungry... eat an environmentalist. 27. You feel my pain? You are my pain. 28. Crime doesn't pay. Unless you're the President. 29. Hitler was " FOR THE CHILDREN" too. 30. Visualize Impeachment. 31. Guns don't kill people, kids on welfare do. 32. Poor Rush. So many scandals & only 3 hours a day to talk about them. 33. To a Liberal- peace means the "Absence of any Opposition". 34. Equal Opportunity Employer: (Majorities need not apply). 35. Affirmative Action: (I refuse to make it on my own). 36. Clinton / Gore Indictments / Pending 37. If things get any worse, we'll have to ask the government to stop helping. 38. Democrats love the poor so much they want to create more. 39. Save the baby seals. Club a Liberal. 40. Vote Republican. The money you save will be your own. 41. But... Clinton promised. 42. Abortion: One dead. One wounded. 43. Hey Hillary! The residents of your "Village" better keep their hands off my children. 44. Save a tree. Eat a beaver. 45. Socialism works. Just ask the Cubans. 46. Put the Clinton Cabinet back in the closet. 47. Clinton Creed: Take credit, not responsibility. 48. No wonder Clinton is for legalized abortion. Look at all the child support he's saving. 49. What did Clinton do when the Abortion Bill came across his desk? He paid it! 50. Friends don't let friends vote Democrat. 51. Hey Bill. It's the "White House" not the "Whore House". 52. Is your Church B.A.T.F. approved? [Bureau of Alcohal, Tobacco and Firearms]. 53. Communist Manifesto. DNC Handbook. 54. Increase the minimum wage... cut taxes! 55. BILL CLINTON. Made in China. 56. If his private life doesn't matter... let him date your daughter. 57. I hired Craig Livingstone! 58. God judge the U.S.A. 59. War Vet. A dying breed in an ungrateful nation. 60. Karl Marx was a Democrat. 61. It's 10 pm. Do you know where your president is? 62. Support the IRS. Vote Democrat! 63. If Vince Foster had a gun he'd be alive today. 64. Are you a Liberal or just plain stupid? 65. The two scariest words in the English language: President Gore. 66. When does the ACLU defend "second hand smoke". When it's the American Flag. 65. "Pro Life"! And my children will vote too! 66. Ignore the media. Think for yourself. 67. How do you know that scandal is rocking the White House? When Socks the cat and Buddy the dog make headline news. (Think about it) 68. I'm not this way because I listen to Rush. I listen to Rush because I'm this way. 69. Ever notice how all the "Celebrate Diversity" stickers look the same? 70. Celebrate Diversity not Perversity. 71. Please work harder. There are millions on welfare counting on you. 72. Fight Crime. Shoot back. 73. I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6. 74. Quarrentine AIDS. 75. If guns cause crime, than matches cause arson. 76. MODERN DAY AMERICAN DREAM: A liberal fleeing the country with an illegal alien under each arm. 77. LIBERAL LOGIC: Against the death penalty. For abortion. 78. LIBERAL LOGIC: Ban tobacco. Legalize pot. 79. I survived Roe vs Wade. 80. If it's not a baby, then you're not pregnant. 81. The Holocaust: Gun Control in Action. 82. What's wrong with this country when you can't hate someone unless they're white? 83. Make getting welfare as hard as a bulding permit. 84. I love animals... they taste so good. 85. Only in America does a draft dodger live in the White House while a Vietnam Vet lives in a cardboard box. 86. If the Liberals can't get your guns they'll take your ammo. 87. Save a cop. Shoot a criminal. 88. Driver carries no more tha $20.00... (worth of ammo). 89. Impeach Clinton. And her husband too. 90. Jimmy Carter. No longer the worst President we ever had. 91. I believe Paula. 92. I voted for Clinton. Please forgive me! 93. Have faith that Democrats are so "Pro-Abortion"- that they'll make themselves extinct. 94. Vote Democrat! It's easier than getting a job. 95. Missing Clinton? Check under tires. 96. How can you tell when a Democrat is lying? You see their lips moving. 97. Impeach Clinton. "For the Children". 98. James Carville. What you get when you drag a hundred dollar bill down Pennsylvania Avenue. 99. Spotted Owels taste like chicken. 100. Gays in the military? Why not? They're in the White House. 101. To Republicans everyday is like July 4th. To Democrats everyday is like april 15th. Click below for more pearls of wisdom. (Rush Limbaugh) - - Conservativ... - --part2_896032408_boundary-- - --part1_896032408_boundary-- Jack Perrine | Athena Programming | 626-798-6574 -----------------| 1175 N Altadena Dr | -------------- Jack@Minerva.Com | Pasadena CA 91107 | FAX-309-8620 - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 11:54:44 -0500 (CDT) From: Subject: Conservative Bumper Stickers (fwd) - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 09:24:33 -0700 From: Jack Perrine To: Subject: Conservative Bumper Stickers Warning: The following is sure to offend somebody, so if you choose to proceed, do so with caution. For the rest of us, sit back and enjoy. 1. Liberals: So open minded their brains fell out. 2. Bill Clinton: The reason stupid people should not be allowed to vote. 3. Bill Clinton: The best president communist Red China can buy. 4. For a "strong woman" Hillary sure does whine a lot. 5. Anybody counted the White House silverware lately? 6. Just another slave of the "Welfare State". 7. Vote Democrat! It's fun to bankrupt a nation! 8. Vote Democrat! Punish your successful neighbor! 9. Ted Kennedy for Life Guard. 10. Vote Democrat! It's better than thinking! 11. I was a Democrat... then I got a job. 12. Fur is warm. 13. Stop Global Whinning! 14. AIDS... Drugs... Abortion... don't Liberals just kill you? 15. No job? No money? No problem! Vote Democrat! 16. Annoy a liberal, work hard and make your own money. 17. Annoy a liberal, grow tobacco and give it out for free. 18. Communist money runs the White House. 19. EQUAL RIGHTS FOR unborn WOMEN! 20. Forget the sex. How about the FBI files and China? 21. Kennedy's car has killed more people than my handgun. 22. Question Liberalism. 23. It takes a village... to take my gun. 24. Sure you can have my gun. Bullets first! 25. All in favor of gun control- raise your right hand. (Shown with picture of Hitler with right arm extended). 26. If you are out of work and hungry... eat an environmentalist. 27. You feel my pain? You are my pain. 28. Crime doesn't pay. Unless you're the President. 29. Hitler was " FOR THE CHILDREN" too. 30. Visualize Impeachment. 31. Guns don't kill people, kids on welfare do. 32. Poor Rush. So many scandals & only 3 hours a day to talk about them. 33. To a Liberal- peace means the "Absence of any Opposition". 34. Equal Opportunity Employer: (Majorities need not apply). 35. Affirmative Action: (I refuse to make it on my own). 36. Clinton / Gore Indictments / Pending 37. If things get any worse, we'll have to ask the government to stop helping. 38. Democrats love the poor so much they want to create more. 39. Save the baby seals. Club a Liberal. 40. Vote Republican. The money you save will be your own. 41. But... Clinton promised. 42. Abortion: One dead. One wounded. 43. Hey Hillary! The residents of your "Village" better keep their hands off my children. 44. Save a tree. Eat a beaver. 45. Socialism works. Just ask the Cubans. 46. Put the Clinton Cabinet back in the closet. 47. Clinton Creed: Take credit, not responsibility. 48. No wonder Clinton is for legalized abortion. Look at all the child support he's saving. 49. What did Clinton do when the Abortion Bill came across his desk? He paid it! 50. Friends don't let friends vote Democrat. 51. Hey Bill. It's the "White House" not the "Whore House". 52. Is your Church B.A.T.F. approved? [Bureau of Alcohal, Tobacco and Firearms]. 53. Communist Manifesto. DNC Handbook. 54. Increase the minimum wage... cut taxes! 55. BILL CLINTON. Made in China. 56. If his private life doesn't matter... let him date your daughter. 57. I hired Craig Livingstone! 58. God judge the U.S.A. 59. War Vet. A dying breed in an ungrateful nation. 60. Karl Marx was a Democrat. 61. It's 10 pm. Do you know where your president is? 62. Support the IRS. Vote Democrat! 63. If Vince Foster had a gun he'd be alive today. 64. Are you a Liberal or just plain stupid? 65. The two scariest words in the English language: President Gore. 66. When does the ACLU defend "second hand smoke". When it's the American Flag. 65. "Pro Life"! And my children will vote too! 66. Ignore the media. Think for yourself. 67. How do you know that scandal is rocking the White House? When Socks the cat and Buddy the dog make headline news. (Think about it) 68. I'm not this way because I listen to Rush. I listen to Rush because I'm this way. 69. Ever notice how all the "Celebrate Diversity" stickers look the same? 70. Celebrate Diversity not Perversity. 71. Please work harder. There are millions on welfare counting on you. 72. Fight Crime. Shoot back. 73. I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6. 74. Quarrentine AIDS. 75. If guns cause crime, than matches cause arson. 76. MODERN DAY AMERICAN DREAM: A liberal fleeing the country with an illegal alien under each arm. 77. LIBERAL LOGIC: Against the death penalty. For abortion. 78. LIBERAL LOGIC: Ban tobacco. Legalize pot. 79. I survived Roe vs Wade. 80. If it's not a baby, then you're not pregnant. 81. The Holocaust: Gun Control in Action. 82. What's wrong with this country when you can't hate someone unless they're white? 83. Make getting welfare as hard as a bulding permit. 84. I love animals... they taste so good. 85. Only in America does a draft dodger live in the White House while a Vietnam Vet lives in a cardboard box. 86. If the Liberals can't get your guns they'll take your ammo. 87. Save a cop. Shoot a criminal. 88. Driver carries no more tha $20.00... (worth of ammo). 89. Impeach Clinton. And her husband too. 90. Jimmy Carter. No longer the worst President we ever had. 91. I believe Paula. 92. I voted for Clinton. Please forgive me! 93. Have faith that Democrats are so "Pro-Abortion"- that they'll make themselves extinct. 94. Vote Democrat! It's easier than getting a job. 95. Missing Clinton? Check under tires. 96. How can you tell when a Democrat is lying? You see their lips moving. 97. Impeach Clinton. "For the Children". 98. James Carville. What you get when you drag a hundred dollar bill down Pennsylvania Avenue. 99. Spotted Owels taste like chicken. 100. Gays in the military? Why not? They're in the White House. 101. To Republicans everyday is like July 4th. To Democrats everyday is like april 15th. Click below for more pearls of wisdom. (Rush Limbaugh) - - Conservativ... - --part2_896032408_boundary-- - --part1_896032408_boundary-- Jack Perrine | Athena Programming | 626-798-6574 -----------------| 1175 N Altadena Dr | -------------- Jack@Minerva.Com | Pasadena CA 91107 | FAX-309-8620 - - ------------------------------ End of roc-digest V2 #149 *************************