From: (roc-digest) To: Subject: roc-digest V2 #155 Reply-To: roc-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roc-digest Sunday, June 28 1998 Volume 02 : Number 155 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 24 Jun 98 13:44:09 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: RAPTUS: John Yonge : [CSRL] Saving Seed Becomes Illegal (fwd) On Jun 23, BaBette Z. Bechtold wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Thought what this guy had to say needed a broader audience, Blessings, BaBette - --------- Begin forwarded message ---------- From: John Yonge To: Christian Self-Reliant Living and Homesteading Subject: [CSRL] Saving Seed Becomes Illegal Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 21:35:47 -0700 Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 17:49:40 -0400 From: John Yonge Subject: Saving Seed Becomes Illegal Because I had to unsubscribe from the list temporarily, I can't see what is being said about the posts I sent in. Therefore, I want to send some pieces of a shcoking article I read in Natural Life Magazine in case anyone is interested. Here goes with my comments in square brackets: ________________________________ Saving Seed Becomes Illegal Mississipi-based Delta & Pine Land co. and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) have received a US patent on a new genetic technology designed to prevent unauthorized seed saving by farmers [and homesteaders]. The patented technology, called "Control of plant gene expression," allows seed companies to control the viability of progeny seed without harming the crop. In other words, the new technology alters the seed so that it will not germinate if replanted a second time. [You can plant the original seed you buy and produce a "normal" crop with it, but the seeds from that "normal" crop won't work so that you'll have to buy more seed the following year. The question now becomes, who owns the seed that the new crop produces, the seed company who sold the original seed, or the farmer who grew the crop? USDA is suggesting that they own the second-generation seed and will use their patent to deny us the right to re-seed.] The patent is broad, applying to all plants and seeds of all species [including vegetables]...If commercially viable, the patented technology could have far-reaching implications for farmers and the commercial seed industry. If the technology is widely licensed, it could be a boon to the seed industry--especially for companies marketing self-pollinating seeds such as wheat, rice, cotton, soybeans, oats, and sorghum. If commercially viable, the new technology could mean huge profits in entirely new sectors of the seed industry. For farmers, the patented technology will undoubtedly mean greater dependence on the commercial seed market. If widely utilized, farmers will lose the age-old right to save seed from their hervest [not without a big fight!]. And it appears that corporations are already moving in this direction. Recent reports say that Monsanto has hired Pinkerton investigators to identify unauthorized seed-saving farmers [can you believe that??? Farmers are being threatened with charges for using the seeds from their own plants!! This is control of a high order, and it threatens Christians in the tribulation because it promises to force us to buy seeds every year when the mark of the beast is in force.] [snip] The USDA wants the technology to be "widely licensed and made expeditiously available to many seed companies," says Phelps [of Delta and Pine co.] The goal is "to increase the value of proprietary seed owned by US seed companies and to open up new markets in Second and Third World countries." [I fail to see how this will increase the value of seed. Can anyone help me with this?] [end of article] John ************************************************************ Christian Self-Reliant Living and Homesteading List ************************************************************ List/Digest Commands SUBSCRIBE - subscribes you to the mailing list. UNSUBSCRIBE - unsubscribes you from the mailing list. SUBSCRIBE DIGEST - subscribes you to the digest. UNSUBSCRIBE DIGEST - unsubscribes you from the digest. DIR - sends a listing of files available in the list's GET directory GET filename1.ext,filename2.ext - sends the requested file(s) HELP - send you a help file on using the list. PRIVATE - Send a private message to the list administrator. 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Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Jun 98 13:45:26 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Mother Jones- another gun poll (fwd) On Jun 24, R. Lunn wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] These guys never learn. We trounced them a few years ago... - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- <> S N A P P O L L ___________________________________________________ THIS WEEK'S POLL: The mayors of Philadelphia, Chicago, and New Orleans are threatening to sue gun manufacturers in an attempt to hold them responsible for gun violence in the cities. Do you think gunmakers should be liable for deaths and injuries caused by their products? Vote and discuss at: <> - ----------------------------------------------------------- So far the results are: 22.19% say Yes 77.81% say No 311 have voted Vote early and vote often... DVC - -- Regards, >>Dick<< [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Jun 98 13:45:59 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: fwd: Vote in MI Poll (fwd) On Jun 24, Richard Hartman wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Forwarded.... We folks in Michigan could really use your help on this one. There seems to be a flood of "no" votes in the past hour. I think someone is putting the "fix" in. Jim [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Jun 98 15:53:41 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: 2nd ABC poll (fwd) On Jun 24, William Gray wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ABC News has T W O gun-related polls on their web site. 1. WHAT DO YOU FEAR MOST has guns as #2, biological weapons as #1 and two trivial choices in 3 and 4. 2. JUST BELOW THAT there is a 20/20 DoubleTake poll asking whether you regularly carry a knife or other weapon for self protection. Vote early and often. I fear bio weapons and I carry. Your mileage may vary. Regards, BIll [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 16:26:54 -0700 From: Jack Perrine Subject: RE: 2nd ABC poll (fwd) On Wednesday, June 24, 1998 4:54 PM, Bill Vance [] wrote: > On Jun 24, William Gray wrote: > > [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > > ABC News has T W O gun-related polls on their web site. > > 1. WHAT DO YOU FEAR MOST has guns as #2, biological weapons as #1 and > two trivial choices in 3 and 4. > > 2. JUST BELOW THAT there is a 20/20 DoubleTake poll asking whether you > regularly carry a knife or other weapon for self protection. Over the last year while walking BARAK in the morning an ever larger percentage of the people walking for exercise seem to come with a short walking stick in one hand. I suppose this is a weapon. In most cases considering the physical condition of the walker I am sure it would just irritate a truly aggressive dog.....and while I have never asked I assume that they are afraid of dogs .....or even coyotes. I have less trouble believing that it would be an effective weapon against a young male bent on robbery or such....but then few people walking in the early morning have much to steal..... At any rate as time goes on a vry large percentage of the people who are brave enough to walk are carrying something that looks like a weapon......tho, the part of the population who are brave enough to walk any futher than front door to car door is becoming vanishingly small Five years ago on a warm summer evening on walking two miles with BARAK one could expect to pass a couple of dozen people getting a breath of air.....but now if one walks two miles a night one is lucky to see a single other pedestrian in a weeks time..... So, perhaps the poll needs another question: How many never leave a strongly fortified home for fear of crime....or words to that effect [ BARAK is an 8 year old Wolf Hybrid and he gets highly nervous when there is another person within blocks and insists on stopping and doing intensive observation when they are behind, I am very aware of how few other people are actually on the streets walking ] Jack > Vote early and often. I fear bio weapons and I carry. Your mileage may > vary. > > Regards, > > BIll > > [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] > > -- > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** > ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- > An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no > weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his > hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a > on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ > ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- > > - > Jack Perrine | ATHENA Programming | 626 - 798- 6574 ----------------- | 1175 N Altadena Dr | ------------------- | Pasadena, Ca 91107 | FAX 398 8620 - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 20:46:45 -0500 From: Jacques Tucker Subject: ALERT! Dangerous desiccant? A WMSA member in the boonies of Missouri advises us that he ordered various cartridges and surplus military ammo cans from the Cheaper Than Dirt catalog. CTD is a firm in Ft. Worth that apparently has a full page ad for their catalog in the American Rifleman mag. He says there was also desiccant listed in the catalog just under the ammo cans, so he ordered a batch to help preserve the items he planned to store. A cautious fellow, he called the desiccant manufacturer to verify it was wise to use it with his ammo, etc. "Oh," said the lady who answered, "don't use that for metal. It has sulphur in the paper and will destroy any metal." The manufacturer of the desiccant is United Desiccants, 127 Christine Dr., Belen, NM 67002. Their toll free line is 800-989-3374. The MilSpec on the 5.5 oz. packages is MIL-D-3464 Type I and II. Our member called the NRA several times to alert them of the problem. He indicates they really don't care. "It doesn't matter." Advertising revenue may be more important, I suppose? He was able to get credit from the vendor, CDT, for just trashing this stuff. It costs more to ship than it's worth. Let your gunner friends know of this potential disaster. Jacq' Jacques Tucker Western Missouri Shooters Alliance - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Jun 98 17:40:38 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: RE: 2nd ABC poll (fwd) I used to do a lot of running years ago, about 5 miles a day. When I did I carried a 7 foot oak quarter stave. Once while running, I was accosted by a pair of shepherds, or shepherd/coyote mix, (it was getting dark). One got behind my legs while the other pushed me over backwards, onto the ground. They then circled and, "came in", whether for the kill or to play, I don't know. So anyway, I engaged them with a bit of ground fighting. Having the stave by the middle, I lay on my back and played, "helicopter", first one direction and then the other, striking both of them until they backed off. At that point they lost interest, and I got up, and striking at them, ran them off. Large critters are nothing to fool aound with. On Jun 24, Jack Perrine wrote: >Over the last year while walking BARAK in the morning an ever larger >percentage of the people walking for exercise seem to come with a >short walking stick in one hand. I suppose this is a weapon. In most >cases considering the physical condition of the walker I am sure >it would just irritate a truly aggressive dog.....and while I have >never asked I assume that they are afraid of dogs .....or even >coyotes. I have less trouble believing that it would be an effective >weapon against a young male bent on robbery or such....but then few >people walking in the early morning have much to steal..... > >At any rate as time goes on a vry large percentage of the people who >are brave enough to walk are carrying something that looks like a >weapon......tho, the part of the population who are brave enough to >walk any futher than front door to car door is becoming vanishingly >small > >Five years ago on a warm summer evening on walking two miles with >BARAK one could expect to pass a couple of dozen people getting a >breath of air.....but now if one walks two miles a night one is >lucky to see a single other pedestrian in a weeks time..... >So, perhaps the poll needs another question: How many never leave >a strongly fortified home for fear of crime....or words to that effect > >[ BARAK is an 8 year old Wolf Hybrid and he gets highly nervous when >there is another person within blocks and insists on stopping and >doing intensive observation when they are behind, I >am very aware of how few other people are actually on the >streets walking ] > >Jack > > Jack Perrine | ATHENA Programming | 626 - 798- 6574 > ----------------- | 1175 N Altadena Dr | ------------------- > | Pasadena, Ca 91107 | FAX 398 8620 - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 21:15:27 +0500 From: "Brad Alpert" <> Subject: RE: 2nd ABC poll (fwd) > From: (Bill Vance) > I used to do a lot of running years ago, about 5 miles a day. When I did I > carried a 7 foot oak quarter stave. Once while running, I was accosted by a > pair of shepherds, or shepherd/coyote mix, (it was getting dark). One got > behind my legs while the other pushed me over backwards, onto the ground. > They then circled and, "came in", whether for the kill or to play, I don't > know. So anyway, I engaged them with a bit of ground fighting. Having the > stave by the middle, I lay on my back and played, "helicopter", first one > direction and then the other, striking both of them until they backed off. > At that point they lost interest, and I got up, and striking at them, ran > them off. Large critters are nothing to fool aound with. So, the moral is - "Run softly and carry a really big stick?" Sorry, couldn't resist :-) Brad - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 22:41:45 -0500 From: larry ball Subject: Re: ALERT! Dangerous desiccant? Let Cheaper Than Dirt know. They are on the Web. I think they might care. I have found them reputable. Larry Ball Jacques Tucker wrote: > A WMSA member in the boonies of Missouri advises us that he ordered various > cartridges and surplus military ammo cans from the Cheaper Than Dirt > catalog. CTD is a firm in Ft. Worth that apparently has a full page ad for > their catalog in the American Rifleman mag. > > He says there was also desiccant listed in the catalog just under the ammo > cans, so he ordered a batch to help preserve the items he planned to store. > > A cautious fellow, he called the desiccant manufacturer to verify it was > wise to use it with his ammo, etc. "Oh," said the lady who answered, > "don't use that for metal. It has sulphur in the paper and will destroy > any metal." > > The manufacturer of the desiccant is United Desiccants, 127 Christine Dr., > Belen, NM 67002. Their toll free line is 800-989-3374. The MilSpec on the > 5.5 oz. packages is MIL-D-3464 Type I and II. > > Our member called the NRA several times to alert them of the problem. He > indicates they really don't care. "It doesn't matter." Advertising > revenue may be more important, I suppose? > > He was able to get credit from the vendor, CDT, for just trashing this > stuff. It costs more to ship than it's worth. > > Let your gunner friends know of this potential disaster. > > Jacq' > Jacques Tucker > Western Missouri Shooters Alliance > > - - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 23:02:01 -0500 From: Jacques Tucker Subject: Re: ALERT! Dangerous desiccant? At 10:41 PM 6/24/98 -0500, you wrote: >Let Cheaper Than Dirt know. They are on the Web. I think they might care. I >have found them reputable. > Cheaper Than Dirt is aware. They're the vendor that told him to trash 'em. Jacq' - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Jun 98 23:48:35 CDT From: (Neil Dickey) Subject: Re: ALERT! Dangerous desiccant? Jacques Tucker wrote in part: >A cautious fellow, he called the desiccant manufacturer to verify it was >wise to use it with his ammo, etc. "Oh," said the lady who answered, >"don't use that for metal. It has sulphur in the paper and will destroy >any metal." I confess that I'm not quite sure what the lady meant, but a very common laboratory dessicant is composed of calcium sulfate. That may have been what you got. If that is true, we have stored metal objects in dessicators charged with calcium sulfate for periods of years without any damage, though the objects are not in direct contact with the dessicant. The metal objects include items made of steel and brass. Offered for what it's worth. The opinions which I have expressed herein are entirely my own, unless other- wise noted. No-one else should be held responsible for what I think. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | D. N. Dickey | Virtuous motives, trammeled by inertia and | | Research Associate | timidity, are no match for armed and | | Northern Illinois Univ. | resolute wickedness. | | | - W. S. Churchill | | **Finger for public key** | | - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Jun 98 01:46:16 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Big Stick On Jun 24, Brad Alpert wrote: >> From: (Bill Vance) > >> I used to do a lot of running years ago, about 5 miles a day. When I did I >> carried a 7 foot oak quarter stave. Once while running, I was accosted by a >> pair of shepherds, or shepherd/coyote mix, (it was getting dark). One got >> behind my legs while the other pushed me over backwards, onto the ground. >> They then circled and, "came in", whether for the kill or to play, I don't >> know. So anyway, I engaged them with a bit of ground fighting. Having the >> stave by the middle, I lay on my back and played, "helicopter", first one >> direction and then the other, striking both of them until they backed off. >> At that point they lost interest, and I got up, and striking at them, ran >> them off. Large critters are nothing to fool aound with. > >So, the moral is - "Run softly and carry a really big stick?" > >Sorry, couldn't resist :-) > >Brad And it's all your fault, too.....:-) About sticks as weapons though, there are a number of things to take note of. This particular one was about 1 1/4" in diameter by 7 feet. That's a bit large for some folks, but as a large one I could use it well, being as I was 5' 11" tall. Even at that it's on the long side, but that just means you want a slightly wider grip for some things. I had taken a square piece, and spoke shaved it down to 16 flat sides, so there were lots of little corners along it's length to add a bit of sting to any strike. Something else to consider, is the, "hammer handle", treatment. Ever noticed that hammer and axe handles etc., allways have a bit of a bevel? This is achieved with a grinding wheel, such as you might use for sharpening an axe etc. In ancient times people would sometimes use a spear with a wooden tip. basically, they would sharpen it to the proper shape, and then toast it next to the fire to harden it. The grinding wheel does both shaping and hardening in one process, as it heats it up as you shape the end and bevel the edge, (flat ends w/bevel in this case). This doesn't hurt the grinding wheel, and though it does load up a little with a bit of fine wood material/ dust, this stuff goes away the first time you try to sharpen/grind anything on it. No problem. I can hit someone with a stick 6 or 7 times in the time it takes to draw and aim a pistol, which means if I'm close enough and notice it, they'll never get the chance to use it. These days however, I use a cane, so I'd have to be a lot closer, even though I could strike more rapidly with it..... Sticks and stones are the oldest, and thus the most sophisticated of weapons. Think of a bullet as a sophisticted stone.....:-) - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 07:58:21 -0500 (CDT) From: Paul M Watson Subject: BEIJING PLAYS HARDBALL AND WINS! (fwd) - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 18:31:44 -0700 From: Jack Perrine To: "Jack Perrine (E-mail)" Subject: BEIJING PLAYS HARDBALL AND WINS! Dear Friends, "...America had best wake up. Last week's trade numbers were the most ominous yet. Exports to Asia fell, as imports soared. This nation is now running a merchandise trade deficit clocked in April at nearly $260 billion a year, and accelerating. Last year's trade deficit in goods came in at just under $200 billion...." FTC-Linda PS - Sorry to send Pat's article so late - I finally received it after making calls to his syndicate. ===================== BEIJING PLAYS HARDBALL AND WINS! BY PATRICK J. BUCHANAN JUNE 23, 1998 [ I certainly agree with Pat on this: If China says if you do not do something we will default, I would have simply said: "Be My Guest" Jack ] On the eve of Mr. Clinton's departure for China, Beijing decided to snap the White House to attention, with a naked threat to send the near-bankrupt economies of Asia into free fall. China's threat took the form of a warning: Either you and Tokyo intervene to stop the fall of the Japanese yen, or we will let China's currency and the Hong Kong dollar collapse, as well. China was threatening a financial Jonestown -- a U.S. market crash while Clinton is in Tienanmen Square. That's hardball. It worked. Goldman Sachs' wonder boy at Treasury, Robert Rubin, ditched his no-intervention-to-prop-up-the-yen line and dumped billions of U.S. dollars to arrest its fall, as the White House began to slobber all over Beijing for its "responsibility." Why would Rubin be terrified of China's igniting a new round of devaluations? Well, consider the total exposure of Western banks in Asia's "emerging markets." According to the Financial Times, as of one year ago, U.S. banks had $43 billion at risk there; Canada's banks had $15 billion; Japan's, $271 billion; Europe's, $353 billion. As a share of its bank capital, America had 12 percent at risk in the emerging Asian markets; Canada, 46 percent; Europe, 48 percent; Japan, 109 percent! Put starkly, devaluation by China could set off a new round of currency crises that would force huge new U.S.-IMF bailouts or a string of Asian defaults that could bring down the banks of Japan and Europe in a worldwide financial catastrophe. Query: Can someone explain what benefit America derives from the Global Economy to justify leaving us at such a risk? And what do we get from our China trade to justify giving Beijing such leverage over the United States? Last week, Beijing demonstrated two things: China fears its own devaluation less than we do, and in any game of "chicken" the Americans will blink first. What could we have done when Beijing issued its ultimatum? Well, we could have told Beijing: "Devalue and be damned! And if you do, we will impose on all goods made in China the same tariffs you impose on goods made in the United States. That would mean, fellas, your export market here will be taken over by Free Asia; your $50 billion trade surplus with us will be wiped out; your 7 percent anticipated growth will be more like 0 percent; and you can face the music of tens of millions of jobless Chinese rioting in your cities. So, don't fool with Uncle Sam!" Americans fail to realize that we hold all the high cards in any showdown. U.S. exports to China are but one-tenth of 1 percent of our economy, but Beijing's exports to us account for maybe 8 percent of its entire GDP. We could sink Beijing in six months. Why then dance to China's tune? Answer: Our god is Mammon; we are thus infinitely more terrified of offending the gods of globalism. America had best wake up. Last week's trade numbers were the most ominous yet. Exports to Asia fell, as imports soared. This nation is now running a merchandise trade deficit clocked in April at nearly $260 billion a year, and accelerating. Last year's trade deficit in goods came in at just under $200 billion. Through these gigantic deficits, and World Bank and IMF loans, America is shoveling money out to nations that are capturing ever-larger shares of our home market. Asia has now begun to gear up to "export its way out of recession." Those exports are coming our way. Tomorrow's trade deficits will make today's look anemic. Not to worry, writes economist Robert Samuelson in The New Republic's review of my book, "The Great Betrayal." We send dollars overseas and get neat things back -- "It is a good deal for us." Emeritus Professor David Landes of Harvard, in a book being universally hailed, "The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are so Rich and Some Are so Poor"-- has a less cheery view. Comparing us to Holland of centuries ago, Landes writes: "As branches of manufacturing have shrunk before foreign competition, enterprises have discharged redundant labor or moved to lower-wage areas. New workers cost less than old. ... Poor immigrants have kept coming. Unions have struck, sometimes only hastening plant closings or transfers of orders to cheaper suppliers." The British also embraced free trade as a "matter of faith," an "economic religion," writes Landes, and rejected all warnings that their industrial supremacy was vanishing -- for, to accept that was to accept a "challenge to the sacred." We follow the same path and, burbling economists notwithstanding, shall reach the same end. c 1998 Patrick J. Buchanan =========end======= Jack Perrine | ATHENA Programming | 626 - 798- 6574 ----------------- | 1175 N Altadena Dr | ------------------- | Pasadena, Ca 91107 | FAX 398 8620 - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 98 22:43:23 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #91 (fwd) On Jun 28, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Heads Up A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia June 28, 1998 #91 by: Doug Fiedor - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Editions at: and - --------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING THE SAME KIND OF COUNTRY Let's see if we can work out some kind of accurate score here. There were 90-some people who either took the Fifth and/or fled the country rather than testify about those illegal Chinese campaign contributions made to the Clinton, Clinton & Gore campaign and the Democratic national committee. Investigations are finally starting to move on that matter. Albeit very slowly. Then, there's that little matter of the President of the United States allowing communist China to obtain much of our best cryptography, the supercomputers and tooling necessary to make nuclear weapons, the missile technology necessary to deliver said nuclear bombs over here, the satellite technology necessary to bring the Chinese military forces out of the dark ages, and all sorts of sophisticated high-tech military communications equipment. The impropriety of handing all this top secret equipment over to the barbarians running a communist country is also now under investigation in Congress. So, now Clinton goes to China with an entourage of about 1,200, including nearly one-third of the White House staff. What the hell are they going to do over there, plan Clinton's legal defense? They should. Because, if anyone in Congress ever starts finding their cajones and getting patriotic, the fur is going to fly. Clinton gave us a hint as to his intentions a while back. If we can believe anything Clinton says, one of his heroes was Franklin D. Roosevelt. FDR's authoritarian hero was, of course, 'Uncle Joe' -- as in Joe Stalin. Clinton doesn't have an Uncle Joe. The only person Clinton has available similar to Stalin is China's President, Jiang Zemin. This could quickly get a bit far-fetched, of course, so we will stop that line of thought right here. Besides, all FDR ever gave Stalin was a few hundred million dollars and some military support. Unlike Clinton, FDR did not give the communists the keys to all our best military equipment. Also, FDR was single minded in his quest to control nearly everything in the United States from the White House. Clinton is a control freak too, but he's generally schizophrenic about it. Actually, Clinton can't even make up his mind about China. For instance, in October 1992, Clinton told the Washington Post, "I believe our nation has a higher purpose than to coddle dictators and stand aside from the global movement toward democracy." In an April 30, 1998 press conference, when asked about China, Clinton told Sarah McClendon: "We are trying to get to a point where we can work more closely with them and where they cooperate more closely with us. So we're trying to build the same kind of world in the future and not a very different kind of world. And I hope we'll get there." Huh? "We're trying to build the same kind of world?" Like communist China? Now, this may have been an off-the-cuff comment. But even so, it came from the President of the United States at an official function. What kind of signal does this send to the rest of the world? China wants the United States to lift the sanctions placed after the 1989 military action at Tiananmen Square. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of freedom demonstrators were killed there. However, on the Clinton side, there was Waco. The people at Waco were doing nothing more ominous than holding a religious service on their own property when they were attacked. None of the killers involved in either incident were ever punished. So Clinton pretty much loses that Tiananmen Square trump card. No one in the Clinton entourage to China dares bring up the subject of the illegal campaign funds, either. China already put the American delegation on notice about that. According to former American ambassador to China, James Lilley, China is telling Washington to "back off" or risk calling Chinese President Jiang Zemin "a liar." "The Chinese have let the Americans know that if they pursue this one, the relationship is in trouble," Lilley said. The communist Chinese tyrants are also making another major demand. The commies want Taiwan back in the fold of the oppressed. Red China's Foreign Minister, Tang Jiaxuan, unabashedly presented the communist case again at a pre-summit news conference two weeks ago: "The president should, at an appropriate occasion, make a public statement reiterating what the U.S. has already promised on the Taiwan question. The U.S. side should also indicate it will take concrete actions to match the commitment it has made with deeds." Previous to the Clinton administration, Taiwan was our friend. Previous to the Clinton administration, the United States would fight the spread of communism on all fronts. But that was then and this is now. Today's United States President is aiding and abetting the spread of communism in the world. Towards that end, it appears that Clinton fully intends to commit our friends in Taiwan to a lifetime of oppression under communist Chinese dictators. "So we're trying to build the same kind of world in the future and not a very different kind of world," Clinton said of his relationship with the communist Chinese dictators. Unfortunately, we can probably believe that statement. - ----------------------------- For more on communist China, and the Chinese government's position on the above issues, visit the Chinese Embassy web page at: There are a number of very interesting reports in both the News and the Issues and Events sections. A RESULT OF EXCESSIVE GOVERNMENT A few months ago it was a day care center. Then, it was the home of an elderly couple. After that came a few more homes and a medium sized chemical plant. This time it was a gas station near the center of a major city. The modus operandi was the same in each instance: A group of well armed masked men burst into a building and quickly herd the unsuspecting people into a corner or small room. One or two of the men guard the people at gun point, and the others ransack the place. The intruders operate much like terrorists, in that they use the element of surprise to attack their marks. The attackers act like crooks because, in truth, there is no legal authority for their actions. And the invaders resemble a street gang in their methods, because they display absolutely no consideration for other people's property. But the attackers are none of the above. The masked men brandishing military weapons are government agents. They are the modern day tax collectors. In this case, a full squad of men quickly entered Elena Klochko's gas station, frightened her half-dozen employees into a room, and "secured the area" by posting armed guards around the premises. The once tidy office was then systematically ransacked as the tax collectors "examined" the business records and everything else. Knickknacks and papers ended up scattered throughout the building. Local police were told of the ruckus and, thinking it was a street gang robbery, responded quickly. But the police too were barred form entering by the armed men at the doors. Meanwhile, Ms. Klochko and her employees had to sit quietly, not allowed to use the telephone, or even the bathroom, until the attack squad of tax collectors decided to leave. Calling business owners "scofflaws," the government justifies such tactics by saying that small businesses alone neglect to pay over $100-million in taxes annually. The aim is to see if the lavish living style of some business people is possible on the income they declare for tax purposes. Even though in shock from the raid, Ms. Klochko tried to justify what happened. "I comprehend the government's desperation," Ms. Klochko told a Washington Post reporter. "It's true that many people evade taxes. I'm not one of them." Although somewhat frightened of government reprisals, Ms. Klochko is now fighting the action in court. "I feel it is wrong to remain silent. The government is right to look for ways to collect. But there is a flip side to power, and it can be brutal." She also recently formed a group to help protect business people against overbearing tax police. This raid created a scandal in Moscow, where it happened. Russians, you see, are no longer used to scenes of abuse by government agents. Interestingly enough, such oppressive tactics began in Russia shortly after a group of American academics went over as advisors to the Russian government. Here in the United States, we accept such actions by government. The federal government's police force is actually a standing army totaling over 60,000 armed agents. Just a few years ago, a federal regulator dressed in a sport coat, and brandishing nothing more ominous than a clipboard, investigated any suspected infraction of a law or regulation. Today, they send in a SWAT team outfitted with bullet-proof vests and armed with grenades and automatic weapons. No American business is any more violent than it ever was. That is, we in an office or factory workforce are not armed and dangerous. Yet, today's federal regulators often act as if they may be risking their lives by walking into a business unarmed. For some reason, we Americans have learned to accept these overreactions as normal. Perhaps we have something to learn about freedom from the people who are just now learning to exercise theirs. - ----------------------------- For an excellent series of reports on that standing army the Clinton administration operates as a federal police force, check out the WorldNetDaily archive site at: As a starting point, scroll down to the August 15,1997 piece titled "Armed and dangerous: Federal agencies expanding use of firepower." The information related there is not only enlightening, it is frightening. Under Clinton, the training of armed federal agents and military trained SWAT teams has become a major growth industry. TAX FREEDOM ON THE NET Usually we would say that the Lords and Ladies of Capitol Hill never saw a tax they didn't like. However, we found one: the Internet tax. The Internet Tax Freedom Act passed the House last Tuesday. Upon passage, House Majority Leader Dick Armey released the following statement: "Congress recognizes that the Internet is the future of commerce. We're giving net consumers a break. "I applaud the administration for working with us to promote Internet tax freedom. But if they're serious about what they're saying, they should stop imposing taxes on gateways to the Internet. The Gore [telephone] Tax has got to go. "We've nipped the Internet tax in the bud, but we will need to keep up the pressure. The Clinton administration is always on the lookout for creative new opportunities to raid the taxpayers, and we need to be ever-vigilant to protect consumers." According to those proposing the bill, the Internet Tax Freedom Act's goal is to provide much more certainty in questions relating to tax liability. This is in everyone's best interest. It's in the best interest of the rural family that wants to start a business on the Internet so that they can have access to a global marketplace. It's in the best interest of Internet users, who want to know that any products or services that they purchase using the Internet aren't subject to multiple or special taxation. And it's in the best interest of tax collectors, who want clear rules about what kinds of transactions can be taxed and who will collect the tax. The bill will also prohibit state and local governments from imposing taxes on Internet access charges, such as any state and local taxes that discriminates against or singles out the Internet. It also calls on the Administration to demand that foreign governments keep the Internet free of taxes and tariffs. However, as always there is a caveat. The bill directs the Administration, in consultation with Congress, to study U.S. and international taxation of Internet commerce and to make recommendations to Congress on whether the Internet ought to be taxed and how taxes can be applied without subjecting Internet and electronic commerce to special, discriminatory, or multiple taxation. Interestingly enough, one intent of the bill is to protect against the imposition of new tax liability for consumers and vendors involved in commercial transactions over the Internet. This includes the application of discriminatory tax collection requirements imposed on out-of-state businesses through strained interpretations of 'nexus.' We can say, almost for certain, that some points in this bill will not last past the first court trial. Nevertheless, from an Internet users point of view, this seems to be a good deal. That is, it will stop every state and municipality from looking at the Internet as if it were another cash cow ready for milking. Now, if Congress will get off of its collective backside and get rid of that stupid telephone tax Gore had the FCC impose on us, we'll be all set for a while. Until the next Congress looks at it again, anyway. Fore more information, visit Representative Christopher Cox's Internet Tax Freedom Page at: INVEST 15 MINUTES IN OUR FUTURE Pull it out, dust it off and give it a read. Next Saturday is Independence Day, which means we should all again review The Declaration of Independence. There's an important lesson to be learned there. History seems to be repeating itself. Offered here are a few select quotes from the Declaration of Independence. Where Jefferson wrote the word "He," we suggest that, just for fun, the reader substitute the words "Federal Government." Early in the text, Jefferson (and the Founding Fathers) instructs us on the purpose of government in a free society: He writes that to secure "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness," . . . "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed." It would be very interesting if those in Washington would learn the meaning of "Liberty" again. Instead, by 'cracking down' on every real or perceived problem imaginable, the government regularly diminishes the Liberty of all Americans and makes the pursuit of individual happiness unnecessarily difficult. Later in the text, Jefferson writes: "Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." That was written before the Constitution became the law of the land, of course. Historians say that "the Declaration of Independence was the promise; the Constitution was the fulfillment." Our problem today, therefore, is to find a way to get the central government to actually obey the Constitution and organize government in the form originally intended by the Founding Fathers. Jefferson writes prophetically that, "Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed." Today, Americans are again starting to worry about the course of government. Still, not enough are yet paying close attention. Given the time constraints of working and raising a family, sports, television, the Internet, and just taking care of the normal business of life, few Americans have time to be concerned with the actions of the central government. That is, until they get caught violating some silly law, rule or regulation no one except regulators even knew existed. In the body or the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson lists a number of major grievances. Many of these are surprisingly applicable again today. For instance: "He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly Firmness his Invasions on the Rights of the People." Today, the central government does not 'dissolve Representative Houses repeatedly.' Rather, the central government repeatedly overrules laws passed by our State legislatures. "He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers." This practice is not publicly known, but it is nevertheless common. The executive and legislative branches simply ignore judicial rulings they do not like. Numerous instances of the complete disregard for Supreme Court rulings in support of the Tenth Amendment have often been described in this publication. "He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the Tenure of their Offices, and the Amount of Payment of their Salaries." This does not happen with 'normal' federal courts. However, Administrative Law Judges serve completely at the pleasure of the administration and/or the executive agency for which they are employed. "He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance." Today, there are over 110 executive agencies operated by hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats. Their only function is to enforce strict controls on the American people. We know many of them as the alphabet agencies, such as EPA, FBI, BATF, FCC, FDA, etc. "He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power." More and more, the military is becoming part of the central government's law enforcement structure. >From the Delta Force at Waco, the Marines shooting a lone shepherd in Texas, to the Army and Marine special operations forces attack teams practicing live-fire exercises on our cities, the American military seems to be preparing for war against the American people. No member of the military should have rights greater than the average American civilian. That means that, in peacetime, military personnel may not be armed in public unless all citizens in that area of the country may also be armed with the same style weapon. Nor should military vehicles that are not clearly marked with easily discernible vehicle and unit numbers be allowed in a civilian area. These simple rules must again be enforced by all civilian police agencies. Else, the military looks like the masters of the people rather than the protectors of the nation. "He has combined with others to subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation." The Constitution is the law of the land. No law, rule, regulation, treaty or agreement may overrule anything in our Constitution. The central government has allowed a foreign government, the United Nations, to take up residence within our country. Today, the UN covets our land and attempts to change our laws. This is totally against our Constitution, and the UN should be swiftly expelled from this country. "For imposing Taxes on us without out Consent." June 25, the Americans for Tax Reform Foundation announced, was the "Cost of Government Day." That is, June 25 was the point in the year at which Americans have earned enough in collective gross income to pay all the financial obligations imposed by federal, state and local governments. Last week, Senator Fred Thompson identified that the average family annually pays yet another $7,000 in stealth charges resulting directly from regulatory excesses. Clearly, the tax burden brought about by excessive government programs is becoming overbearing. This commentary is by no means complete. Even a quick read of the Declaration of Independence will produce a number of other similarities between Colonial life under the British Crown and life as ruled by today's central government. -- End - [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ End of roc-digest V2 #155 *************************