From: (roc-digest) To: Subject: roc-digest V2 #165 Reply-To: roc-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roc-digest Sunday, July 19 1998 Volume 02 : Number 165 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 16 Jul 98 21:13:58 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Brady Law (fwd) On Jul 16, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Coalition for Constitutional Liberties Weekly Update for 7/17/98 Volume I, Number 22 Brought to you by the Center for Technology Policy of the Free Congress Foundation Lisa S. Dean, Director ( Patrick S. Poole, Deputy Director ( Oliver Black, Research Associate (( phone: 202-546-3000 fax: 202-544-2819 For a Web version of this update go to: Sen. Smith Looks to Gut Brady Law Registration In early June, the FBI released its draft proposals for implementing the Brady Registration Act. Among other things, the FBI wants to register gun owners for at least 18 months and to impose an additional tax on certain gun owners. After the FBI draft regulations were issued, Senator Bob Smith put the FBI on notice regarding his intentions to get an amendment placed in an upcoming appropriations bill. The Smith Amendment would defund the ability of the FBI to collect a tax on gun owners. Moreover, it would defund any attempt by the FBI to use the Brady instant check as a mechanism to keep gun owners' names, and requires the "immediate destruction of all [gun buyer] information, in any form whatsoever." Finally, the Smith amendment improves upon other proposals in Congress that would seek to prevent the FBI from registering gun buyers. Other bills leave the "policing" of the FBI to Attorney General Janet Reno. Not Senator Smith's language. His proposal specifically allows for aggrieved private citizens to sue the agency and collect monetary damages, including attorney's fees. >From Gun Owners of America Alert: [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 07:36:22 -0700 From: Liberty or Death Subject: The M-16 in Viet Nam, Part II Hi people - For those of you that enjoyed reading Dick Culver's Part I about the problems of the Matty Mattel Mouse Gun in Viet Nam, Part II is now on his website. It covers more of the technical reasons for the failures, and it's another excellent read. - - Monte - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Let the sea roar and its fulness, The world and those who dwell in it. Let the rivers clap their hands; Let the mountains sing together for joy before the Lord. For He is coming to judge the earth; He will judge the world with righteousness, And the peoples with equity. - Psalm 98 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 98 22:55:47 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #94 (fwd) On Jul 19, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Heads Up A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia July 19, 1998 #94 by: Doug Fiedor - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Editions at:=20 and - --------------------------------------------------------------------- WATCHING THE WHITE HOUSE IMPLODE The district court, the appellate court and=20 the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court all said that=20 Clinton=92s Secret Service guards and bodyguards must=20 testify before the grand jury. The Justice Department=20 was, of course, trying to block that testimony. However,=20 Reno was effectively told to kiss-off and stop acting like=20 the Clinton defense team. Only the Independent Counsel=20 represents the United States in this matter, said the=20 Courts. Denying the administration=92s application for=20 a stay, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist wrote in part: =20 =93The opinion of the court of appeals seems to me cogent=20 and correct. The district court which considered the=20 matter was also of that view, and none of the nine judges=20 of the court of appeals even requested a vote on the=20 applicant's suggestion for rehearing en banc.=94 As with the Nixon White House, there are audio=20 and (now) video tapes, telephone logs, parking passes and=20 visitor logs to examine. All these are under the direct=20 control of the Secret Service. At one time there were up=20 to four security cameras in the Oval Office alone --=20 monitored by the Secret Service. That could make for some=20 very interesting news-clips, if rumors of philandering are=20 true and the cameras are still installed. Also before the grand jury, and further=20 straining the Clintons=92 envelope of secrecy, is Linda=20 Tripp ( Tripp has already=20 spent six days before Starr=92s special grand jury and there=20 are more to come. Linda Tripp says of her days before the=20 grand jury, =93... the media have inaccurately characterized=20 the content of my testimony, to date, before the federal=20 grand jury in Washington, D.C. =85 I continue to believe=20 that it is my obligation to testify truthfully and=20 completely and this is what I will continue to do.=94 She=20 also stated: =93I fully intend to share this information=20 with the public at a later date, once the investigation=20 has concluded.=94 Our complements to Linda, who may yet=20 become the hero of the year in all this. We hope that=20 her courage in telling the truth is emulated by all=20 involved. Also important was the action taken by the=20 =93Big Seven=94 organizations of state and local governments. =20 The so called Big Seven includes the National Governors=20 Association, National Conference of State Legislatures,=20 the Council of State Governments, the U.S. Conference of=20 Mayors, the National League of Cities, the National=20 Association of Counties and the International City/County=20 Management Association. They took issue with Clinton=92s=20 new Executive Order 13083 on federalism. Therefore, they=20 drafted a letter to Clinton demanding that he withdraw the=20 executive order and backed it up with a visit to Mickey=20 Ibarra, the chief of White House intergovernmental=20 relations. Part of the complaint, as reported by the=20 Washington Post, was that no state or local government=20 official was consulted in the drafting of the executive=20 order. The directive, the Big Seven officials said in the=20 letter, =93calls into question fundamental principles of=20 federalism.=94 That=92s an understatement. Clinton=92s=20 executive order just about abolishes federalism. The Washington Post reports: =93White House=20 officials yesterday denied the order signaled any change=20 of policy and scrambled to appease the Big Seven, knowing=20 that almost all the groups will be meeting in the next few=20 weeks and that congressional Republicans are on the trail=20 of the controversy. Indeed, yesterday afternoon, Barry J.=20 Toiv, a White House spokesman, said administration=20 officials had decided to recommend to the president that=20 he issue another order delaying implementation of the=20 first one so officials would have the opportunity to meet=20 and discuss the issues with state and local authorities.=94 Meanwhile, Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA) introduced=20 H.R. 4197, the "State Sovereignty Act of 1998.=94 =20 ( The bill reads in part=20 [spelling corrected]: =93(a) COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT. -- The=20 head of each Federal department and each Federal agency=20 shall ensure that each activity of the department or=20 agency, respectively, is carried out in accordance with=20 all provisions of Executive Order 12612 (as in effect on=20 October 26, 1987) as apply to the activity under the terms=20 of that Executive Order. =93(b) LATER ORDER OF NO FORCE OF EFFECT. ---=20 Executive Order 13083, issued May 14, 1998 shall have no=20 force or effect.=94 We support Barr=92s bill as a first step, but=20 also suggest that President Reagan=92s Executive Order 12612=20 be written into federal statute by Congress. For a side by side comparison of Both the=20 Reagan and Clinton executive orders on federalism, visit=20 the Free Republic web site at:=20 Contact all State legislators and Members of=20 Congress. We must demand that true federalism again=20 becomes the supreme law of the land. HE WHO PAYS THE PIPER. . . . .=20 As the =93silly season=94 heats up (campaign=20 season) again, perhaps we should start reporting on the=20 real energy driving politics in Washington: money. According to a joint study by the Associated=20 Press and the Center for Responsive Politics, there are=20 14,484 registered lobbyists on Capitol Hill. That is,=20 lobbyists on Capitol Hill outnumber Members of Congress=20 27 to 1. These special interest lobbyists spend one- billion one-hundred seventy million dollars a year to=20 lobby Congress. And, those are only the professional=20 lobbyists who publicly admit to their activities. The Washington Times reported that the most=20 heavily lobbied issues last year were the federal budget,=20 taxes, health, transportation, and defense. Spending a=20 whopping $17.1 million, the biggest spender last year was=20 the American Medical Association. Within industry=20 categories, telecommunications was the biggest spender at=20 $63.96 million. The pharmaceutical industry spent $59.7=20 million for lobbying; oil and gas, $51.7 million; defense,=20 $40 million; the automobile industry, $34.6 million; and=20 business groups, $24.6 million. On average, about $21.9-million is spent=20 annually lobbying each Member of Congress. And the above=20 numbers do not include Political Action Committee campaign=20 contributions, issue orientated advertising and other such=20 multimillion dollar incidentals. Anyone see a problem here yet? Because,=20 folks, the above numbers have nothing whatsoever to do=20 with what the individual voters back home kick in to the=20 Congressional campaign funds. All the above was business,=20 union, State and local government money. Foreign=20 government lobbying money is in there too, of course. But=20 don=92t look for foreign government accountings because such=20 spending is illegal. So, unlike China, most foreigners=20 have some very sophisticated ways of hiding (money- laundering) their contributions. The functions of the lobbyist are many, but=20 they all revolve around influencing the vote of Members of=20 Congress. This always includes paying for the votes=20 through contributions to campaign (and other) funds, of=20 course. But it can also include actually writing bills to=20 be introduced in Congress, holding special =93meet and=20 greet=94 parties and outings for Members of Congress and,=20 of course, sponsoring those ever-present campaign fund- raisers. While in Washington, many Members of Congress=20 spend much of their free time attending these functions. =20 They must, because that is how they receive a large chunk=20 of their campaign funds. Now comes the new campaign finance bill we=20 hear so much about. The bill was written with strong=20 input from Washington special interest lobbyists and, of=20 course, sitting Members of Congress who want what those=20 lobbyists have to offer: money. Therefore, we notice that=20 most constraints proposed by that bill (depending on which=20 version) are placed on small groups and normal people. But there is yet another very interesting=20 aspect of that campaign finance bill: There are at least=20 three U.S. Supreme Court opinions (controlling legal=20 opinions, in Al Gore speak) that would make some aspects=20 of any version of the bill unconstitutional from the day=20 it is passed -- if any version ever is passed. Do we need campaign finance reform? =20 Definitely. But it would probably be a good idea if=20 sitting politicians and currently active lobbyists did not=20 have a hand in crafting such reform. Expecting them to=20 restrict themselves is kind of like asking my big male=20 Great Dane to sit by quietly and watch the local raccoon=20 eat the dog food out of his bowl. Even the wild raccoon=20 knows there ain=92t going to be any days like that. We certainly need to keep the special interest=20 lobbyists away from crafting campaign finance bills. =20 Keeping politicians out of the process, however, may be a=20 little more difficult. There is a way, but it=92s not easy=20 to pull off properly. All politicians should get their campaign=20 funds, 100% of their campaign funds, from voting=20 constituents in their district. Those not registered to=20 vote should not be allowed to contribute to campaign funds. =20 Furthermore, the maximum contribution allowable should be=20 $1,000 per registered voter. Any registered voter in the=20 district should be able to help in an election campaign,=20 just not for pay (excepting those few paid by the campaign=20 funds). Such an arrangement would make Members of=20 Congress rather attentive to the people in their districts. =20 It would also allow new blood to get elected more often as=20 they would be home and in position to collect campaign=20 contributions easier. Paid professional lobbyists should be outlawed. =20 Any person may lobby any member of government, so long as=20 they are not paid to do so -- or promising campaign=20 (bribes) contributions. The federal government was, after all, intended=20 to be a representative government. No more should well- funded lobbyists representing whatever from a state a=20 thousand miles away from your district have the ear of=20 your Member of Congress to propose projects (and laws)=20 you and others in your district may not agree with. There=20 could still be some such requests from time to time, but=20 all constituents would at least be on equal footing with=20 the out of district interlopers. And that $1.17-billion=20 currently spent on lobbying Capitol Hill every year can be=20 distributed to corporation shareholders, union members=20 and/or taxpayers where it belongs. The problem with the above scheme is that=20 it would probably require a Constitutional amendment. For more on campaign finance, go to: =20 STEALING FREEDOM ONE LIE AT A TIME Another proposal for oppression was recently=20 released by the Department of Justice. The report was=20 written by the National Institute of Justice, which is the=20 Justice research division charged with assessing existing=20 Department of Justice policies and recommending solutions. =20 The report states that there is a rampant lack of respect=20 for the justice system among the nation's youth, and that=20 youngsters do not recognize the societal relevance of=20 truthful testimony under oath. =93In a number of jurisdictions, statutes against=20 witness tampering, suborning perjury (encouraging perjury=20 by threats or inducements), or obstruction of justice do=20 not carry high enough penalties to either deter or=20 substantially punish witness intimidation . . . defendants=20 are reported to feel they have little to lose -- and a=20 great deal to gain (from perjury and obstruction).=94 Now, where in the world would American kids=20 learn about things like witness tampering, suborning=20 perjury and obstruction of justice? Could it be that the=20 nightly news of the goings on at the White House has=20 become a national tutorial on such things? The Clintons and staff lie to the nation=20 regularly. In fact, the White House has a whole stable of=20 talking heads paid to lie to us on television each and=20 every evening. We know they are lying, and the TV=20 newscasters know they are lying. But, as our kids see it,=20 the adults on television humor them along and act as if=20 they were telling the truth. No one actually expects anyone from the=20 executive branch to commit the truth anymore, and they=20 don=92t very often. Rather, they often act like the=20 business of conducting the people=92s business is none of=20 the people=92s business. Take FBI Director Louis J. Freeh, for instance. =20 Under Freeh, the FBI adopted a highly restrictive media=20 policy called "Bright Line." Freeh=92s bright line means=20 that if an FBI agent talks to the press, they will be=20 fired. And, apparently some agents were fired. Although=20 supposedly a public servant, Freeh takes the position that=20 the American people are not to know anything. Period. These =93Justice=94 people no longer deserve our=20 respect. They can and do tell us, or omit, anything they=20 please. Yet, we note that there is a law about lying to=20 them. Shouldn=92t it work both ways? And then there=92s Congress. Americans watched=20 numerous Congressional hearings in which both Members of=20 Congress and witnesses were fabricating the truth. In the=20 law, that is called perjury. However, no one was ever=20 arrested. Why in the world should American citizens=20 take any federal law seriously when public officials=20 regularly violate many of them at will? In Detroit, kids=20 saw a Member of Congress smoking a joint, then try to give=20 a speech while looking like he could take a nose-dive off=20 the stage at any point. And, we might add, his best=20 friend, a well known State Senator, went to prison for=20 crack cocaine. A couple hundred Detroit kids know these=20 stories well. Kids also notice when two Members of Congress=20 are debating an issue from greatly different positions. =20 Publicly debating the issues should be encouraged. But=20 when there are extreme differences on the same issue, it=20 often becomes evident that at least one side must have=20 vacated the arena of truth. The Department of Justice report is correct. =20 Many Americans feel they have little to lose and a great=20 deal to gain from perjury and obstruction of justice. But=20 they come by that feeling honestly, by watching the=20 actions of public officials. And if it works for public=20 officials, which it does, then why not do it? As far as the law itself is concerned, it can=20 no longer be obeyed. For, as James Madison admonishes in=20 The Federalist Papers No. 62:=20 =93It will be of little avail to the people that=20 the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws=20 be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so=20 incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be=20 repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or=20 undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what=20 the law is today, can guess what it will be tomorrow. Law=20 is defined to be a rule of action; but how can that be a=20 rule, which is little known, and less fixed?=94 All most Americans want is to be let alone. =20 The volumes of laws, rules and regulations have=20 overwhelmed the ability of the American public to=20 understand. Most in the federal government seem to run=20 government at their own personal pleasure and for their=20 own personal needs. That they are no longer respected by=20 the American people is evidenced by that fact that not=20 even half of America=92s registered voters will turn out for=20 an election. Simply put, for government officials to be=20 respected, they must first respect the American people. =20 Stealing our freedom with every new law, rule and=20 regulation is not a way to show respect. Repealing most=20 of them would be a start. GORE: THE SKY IS FALLING Here comes Ozone-head Al Gore again, spouting=20 that global warming stuff. Now they=92re saying that we=20 just had the warmest six months ever recorded on Earth,=20 and that July is likely to set a record as well. Here in=20 the foothills of Appalachia, we saw things a bit=20 differently -- like a cold spring and a cool and rainy=20 early summer -- but apparently we don=92t count. Anyway, Vice President Al Gore, brought a few=20 federal climate officials to the White House last week to=20 announce his latest global temperature propaganda. He=20 said there was =93evidence=94 of a long-term warming of the=20 planet because of man-made pollution. =93How much more=20 proof do we need that global warming is real?=94 Gore=20 declared as he called for even more and harsher=20 regulations. One problem is that few atmospheric scientists=20 outside of government agree with Gore. In fact, many of=20 the scientists monitoring the earth=92s temperature by=20 satellite actually think the earth may be cooling slightly. The offending pollutant du jour, of course,=20 is the carbon dioxide caused by burning of fossil fuels,=20 breathing, plants growing, and generally most everything=20 else in life. Funny thing about carbon dioxide, it is=20 very necessary for every type of life we know about at=20 this time. So, it was with great pleasure that we found=20 an excellent report on the subject that was signed off on=20 by quite a few practicing scientists. The text is=20 readable by non-scientists, and we wholeheartedly=20 recommend this report to anyone interested in this issue. =20 The abstract describes the text thusly: =93A review of the research literature concerning=20 the environmental consequences of increased levels of=20 atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to the conclusion that=20 increases during the 20th Century have produced no=20 deleterious effects upon global weather, climate, or=20 temperature. Increased carbon dioxide has, however,=20 markedly increased plant growth rates. Predictions of=20 harmful climatic effects due to future increases in minor=20 greenhouse gases like CO2 are in error and do not conform=20 to current experimental knowledge.=94 Or, as I informed our regional federal EPA=20 director, =93If you have a little extra CO2, please send it=20 over to us. Local farmers would certainly appreciate it,=20 as their crops would grow larger and faster. And, the=20 acceleration of plant growth would replace the CO2 with=20 oxygen.=94 The report=92s discussion section tells the story=20 specifically and should be required reading for all=20 bureaucrats: =93There are no experimental data to support=20 the hypothesis that increases in carbon dioxide and other=20 greenhouse gases are causing or can be expected to cause=20 catastrophic changes in global temperatures or weather. =20 To the contrary, during the 20 years with the highest=20 carbon dioxide levels, atmospheric temperatures have=20 decreased.=20 =93We also need not worry about environmental=20 calamities, even if the current long-term natural warming=20 trend continues. The Earth has been much warmer during=20 the past 3,000 years without catastrophic effects. Warmer=20 weather extends growing seasons and generally improves the=20 habitability of colder regions. =91Global warming,=92 an=20 invalidated hypothesis, provides no reason to limit human=20 production of CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, and SF6 as has=20 been proposed. =93Human use of coal, oil, and natural gas has=20 not measurably warmed the atmosphere, and the=20 extrapolation of current trends shows that it will not=20 significantly do so in the foreseeable future. It does,=20 however, release CO2, which accelerates the growth rates=20 of plants and also permits plants to grow in drier regions. =20 Animal life, which depends upon plants, also flourishes. =93As coal, oil, and natural gas are used to feed=20 and lift from poverty vast numbers of people across the=20 globe, more CO2 will be released into the atmosphere. =20 This will help to maintain and improve the health,=20 longevity, prosperity, and productivity of all people. =93Human activities are believed to be responsible for the=20 rise in CO2 level of the atmosphere. Mankind is moving=20 the carbon in coal, oil, and natural gas from below ground=20 to the atmosphere and surface, where it is available for=20 conversion into living things. We are living in an=20 increasingly lush environment of plants and animals as a=20 result of the CO2 increase. Our children will enjoy an=20 Earth with far more plant and animal life as that with=20 which we now are blessed. This is a wonderful and=20 unexpected gift from the Industrial Revolution.=94 The report is titled: =93Environmental Effects=20 of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide,=94 and was authored=20 by Arthur B. Robinson, Sallie L. Baliunas, Willie Soon,=20 and Zachary W. Robinson of the Oregon Institute of Science=20 and Medicine, and the George C. Marshall Institute. Find the paper at: =20 The text is=20 actually designed to petition government. ABOLISH COMMUNISM AND SOCIALISM We have wanted to tell Congress to shut up=20 many times and on many issues. We have not, however,=20 because the Constitution gives a Member of Congress the=20 expressed right to say anything they wish on any issue,=20 while on the floor. So, it was with great interest that=20 we read that foreign communists are demanding that the=20 Clinton administration muzzle Congress. According to the Hong Kong Standard last=20 week, the dictators in Beijing, China demanded the Clinton=20 administration =93take steps to rein in the US Congress to=20 put a stop to resolutions it sees as hostile.=94 Clinton, of course, said things while in China=20 that go directly against our established Taiwan policy. =20 That is, Clinton hinted around that he believes Taiwan to=20 be a wayward Chinese province which should join the=20 mainland communist dictatorship. China thinks of Taiwan as a rebel province=20 that is still part of China, not a sovereign state. =20 =93Taiwan, as a part of China, is not entitled whatsoever to=20 join the United Nations (UN),=94 a Chinese Foreign Ministry=20 Spokesman said at a press conference in Beijing. =20 Therefore, China takes the position that foreign=20 governments must not support Taiwan, and says the island=20 is unqualified to join any world bodies, including the=20 World Bank and International Monitory Fund. Our House and Senate, still having something=20 resembling common sense once in a while (and respecting=20 those campaign contributions they have received over the=20 years), proposed resolutions in favor of Taiwan=20 independence -- err, in favor of keeping Taiwan as it is,=20 anyway. The Senate=92s resolution immediately passed,=20 reaffirming US commitments toward Taiwan and supporting=20 the island's entry into the World Bank and International=20 Monetary Fund. The resolutions also repeat a U.S. pledge=20 to help Taiwan maintain a sufficient self-defense=20 capability and called on China to renounce the use of=20 force against the island. Well, apparently the communist dictatorship=92s=20 Foreign Ministry blew a gasket. =93We are strongly opposed=20 and express our dissatisfaction=94 at the Senate resolutions=20 that were aimed at =93interfering in China's internal=20 affairs,=94 Foreign Ministry spokesman Tang Guoqiang was=20 reported as saying. As reported, the communist dictators said that=20 =93some members of the US Congress are =91tabling anti-China=20 resolutions one after the other, trying to obstruct the=20 improvement and development of China-US relations. They=20 will not succeed in their attempts=92.=94 =93We hope that the US government will adopt=20 effective measures to eliminate interference and prevent=20 Congress from passing anti-China resolutions so that Sino- US relations will not be harmed.=94 Then they instructed us=20 that: =93The US constitution entitles the government =91to=20 adopt effective measures to prevent the Congress from=20 passing such resolutions=92.=94 Yo -- Commie Dictators! We have a real news=20 flash for you. We can=92t even get Congress to obey our=20 Constitution, which is effectively their job description. =20 Today, the Congress of the United States does anything it=20 pleases. In certain circumstances, the president may veto=20 a bill and stop it from becoming law. But no one -- not=20 the people, nor the president or the Courts -- can make=20 them shut up. They can lie, twist the truth, obfuscate,=20 and hide things form the people. And they do so,=20 regularly. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do=20 about it, either. That is written in our supreme law, the=20 Constitution. So, don=92t look for them to start listening=20 to a communist dictatorship on the other side of the=20 world. They will not. Besides, in this matter, Congress has the=20 support of most of the American people. Simply put, we=20 want communism and socialism abolished, not expanded. =93We firmly believe that the issue of Taiwan=20 will eventually be settled properly in accordance with the=20 guideline of =91Peaceful reunification and one country, two=20 systems=92,=94 Tang said; adding that the reunification of the=20 motherland is the fundamental guarantee for the interests=20 of the Taiwan compatriots. =93With the accomplishment of the motherland=92s=20 peaceful reunification, the Taiwan compatriots, together=20 with the rest of the Chinese people from all ethnic=20 groups, will enjoy fully the dignity and glory of the=20 motherland internationally,=94 the communist spokesman said. That=92s probably true. If under the communist Chinese=20 government, the so-called =93Taiwan compatriots=94 will either=20 have to conform to the communist oppressors or be told to=20 kneel down and take a bullet to the back of the head. For more information on the opinions of the=20 communist Chinese dictators, visit their Washington=20 Embassy web page at: -- End -- [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Jul 98 16:39:56 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: New Online Poll (fwd) On Jul 19, Jeff Quinton wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Should Clinton be impeached? Vote at [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 21:56:31 -0700 From: Jack Perrine Subject: From Orlin: The Donaldson Report on TWA coverup At the current time Orlin's WWW page ( is filled with pointers to documents that have more information on what is discussed below. However, most of them seem to be PDF FORMAT which are not of any help unless you go to ACROBAT and down load a reader Jack Hey, Leslie Stahl: Eat this The following report, issued two years after the TWA800 crash, confirms most of my initial assertions, based on sources at the highest level of the investigation, that were made within a few days of the crash on July 17, 1996. Interim Report on the Crash of TWA Flight 800 and the Actions of the NTSB and the FBI by Commander William S. Donaldson III, USN Ret. in cooperation with Associated Retired Aviation Professionals for the Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure SUBCOMMITTEE ON AVIATION U.S. House of Representatives July 17, 1998 The complete Donaldson Report is available for download in PDF or GIF format here: Donaldson Report. Summary The preponderance of facts in this report support the following conclusions: 1. That TWA FL800 was intentionally destroyed by a powerful, proximity fused, airbursting, anti-aircraft weapon, launched from a position approximately one nautical mile off shore and three nautical miles east of Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York. 2. That TWA FL800 was also engaged, seconds later by a second missile, fired from a closer position to the south of TWA FL800's track. 3. That senior FBI agents were close eyewitnesses to the shoot down. That those FBI Agents believed the aircraft was shot down and that those FBI Agents did not file eyewitness reports, FBI 302 forms. 4. That no evidence has yet been developed that implicates the US military as participants in the loss of TWA FL800. 5. That the United States Justice Department moved on 24 July 1996 to suborn Title 49 U.S. Code by denying access of Parties to the Investigation and NTSB Investigators to eyewitness and real evidence. 6. That the White House's early public statements, made without justification, impugned or ignored eyewitness statements to discredit missile sighting reports. 7. That terrorist communiques in the Mideast that predicted the time of the attack on the United States, were also treated with contempt as being totally unfounded by White House spokespersons. 8. That United States was under specific threat of terrorist attack against airports and airliners in the New York area in retaliation for the conviction of the World Trade Center conspirators. 9. That the Administration was aware that a sighting of a probable unguided missile was made on the evening of 17 November 1995, by two airline crews from Lufthansa and British Airways at altitude near Long Island. 10. That FBI Agents have not specifically identified surface radar targets that were at the geographic points eyewitnesses indicate as the source of the missile fire. 11. That one unidentified surface radar target fled the scene of the shootdown at 30 knots. When TWA FL800 exploded, the contact was only 2.9 nautical miles (nm) away. 12. That the 30 knot surface target avoided visual contact with the other surface targets on a heading of 203 (degrees)T, and did not stop or turn to provide assistance. 13. That FBI counter-terrorism Agents briefed the NTSB Operational Factors Group, including the Parties to the Investigation, in January of 1997, specifically pointing out where a missile was launched. 14. That the FBI is in possession of eyewitness testimony that proves, without doubt, TWA FL800 came under missile attack and refuses to release this information. 15. That the FBI is in possession of high explosive chemical residue evidence on interior and exterior parts first identified by bomb sniffing dogs at Calverton, then verified as a specific high explosive by chemical sniffers at Calverton. 16. That the FBI leadership attacked the validity of their own chemical residue findings after using the same FBI Laboratory personnel who were responsible for falsifying laboratory evidence in hundreds of previous cases. 17. That the FBI is in possession of shrapnel removed from the bodies of victims, and is holding laboratory findings secret. 18. That the FBI contrived a plausible excuse for the presence of high explosive residue in the aircraft as having been contaminated by bomb sniffing dog training alleged to have been done in St. Louis on 10 June 1996. 19. That the FBI had no answer as to why the dog's handler's placement of training samples in the aircraft did not match the locations where the contamination was found on aircraft parts. 20. That the NTSB leadership began a public media campaign in April 1997, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that a center wing tank explosion caused the mishap. 21. That NTSB officials directed a NASA laboratory to immediately stop testing when nitrates (explosive residues) were found on critical early debris. 22. That a TWA employee caught an NTSB official falsifying the Debris Field data record in the placement of aircraft seats. 23. That when evidence of this act was provided to the Chairman of the NTSB (including pictures taken by the NYPD), in a letter written by TWA attorneys, Mr. Hall insisted the TWA employee be removed and that she be targeted for investigation and indictment. 24. That NTSB officials have been relentlessly and persistently eliminating or rewriting findings in the database that cannot be explained in their theory. 25. That the NTSB refused to accept the testimony of Captain Mundo, the flight engineer on the flight previous to FL800, who stated that he left ZERO fuel in the center wing tank. 26. That the tail of the aircraft failed shortly after the nose came off, which proved a massive outside force brought down FL800. 27. That the NTSB refuses to release Debris Field information or the Bruntingthorpe explosive test data to the parties to the investigation, because both contain powerful exculpatory evidence refuting a center wing tank initiating event. 28. That because of the results of the Bruntingthorpe tests, the NTSB leadership has refused to allow the CVR Analysis Group to reconvene. 29. That the NTSB leadership, now in possession of redacted eyewitness forms from the FBI, refuses their own investigators access to them. 30. That the NTSB leadership has oddly shown absolutely no interest in eyewitness testimony despite the fact eyewitnesses have information vital to the airborne breakup sequence and placement of floating debris. 31. That there is the appearance the Justice Department delayed seven months to file frivilous criminal charges and arrest Captain Stacy and Mr. and Mrs. Sanders in order to threaten and subdue disgruntled investigators immediately prior to the Baltimore NTSB Public Hearing. 32. That there is the appearance the FBI intentionally tried to arrest the Sanders family while they were outside of New York in order to place them in the limbo of the criminal transportation system. 33. That there is the appearance of prosecutorial misconduct in the Sanders and Stacey cases that include a threatened raid of CBS headquarters in New York and seizure of exculpatory evidence by the FBI as well as the removal of similar evidence from Calverton. 34. That non-government investigators who are members of the Principal Parties cannot go to Calverton without Government escort. 35. That the Government refused the help of professional ocean salvage operators who had equipment on site on 18 July 1996. Even though Weeks Marine and AT&T, who both routinely contracted with the Government in the past, had equipment to support divers, robot submarines, lift and storage capabilityfar superior to the Navy's, already on-site, their assistance was refused. 36. That the CIA contrived with the FBI, a knowingly false crash scenario, alleged to have been drawn from eyewitness statements, produced a false video, and released it to the mass media. 37. That FBI officials are now refusing to release eyewitness statementsback to the eyewitnesses who gave them and that these eyewitnesses are now filing Freedom of Information Act requestsin hope of obtaining their own statements. 38. That the White House, by categorizing the shootdown of FL800 as a potential crime, instead of a political act of war, has been able to keep the military experts totally isolated from the case. 39. That the White House has ignored a call for a congressional inquiry by a past Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 40. That this report provides "clear and credible evidence" that officials in the Clinton Administration are guilty of criminal wrongdoing and that Attorney General Reno should be compelled to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the actions of the NTSB and FBI in covering up evidence that a missile shot down TWA Flight 800. Jack Perrine | Athena Programming | 626-798-6574 -----------------| 1175 N Altadena Dr | -------------- Jack@Minerva.Com | Pasadena CA 91107 | FAX-309-8620 - - ------------------------------ End of roc-digest V2 #165 *************************