From: (roc-digest) To: Subject: roc-digest V2 #167 Reply-To: roc-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roc-digest Sunday, July 26 1998 Volume 02 : Number 167 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 25 Jul 98 21:57:40 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Heads Up #95 (fwd) On Jul 25, Doug Fiedor wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Heads Up A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia July 26, 1998 #95 by: Doug Fiedor - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Editions at:=20 and - --------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALITARIANISM REVISED Remember Checkpoint Charlie? That was the=20 famous =93gate=94 that separated East and West -- free and=20 communist -- Berlin until the Berlin wall came down. It=20 wasn=92t a happy place, to say the least. A person could=20 get themselves arrested there if they did not have their=20 papers in order. Or, if one tried to sneak through, in=20 either direction, they could easily be shot dead. That checkpoint was propagandized throughout=20 the world as a prime example of a totalitarian government=20 run amuck. So, why do we allow somewhat similar=20 checkpoints here in the land of the free and the home of=20 the brave? Members of Congress fly commercial aircraft=20 a lot. They therefore have a personal interest in=20 assuring they will not be inconvenienced in any way while=20 traveling. A bad guy could get on one of their flights=20 and maybe =93do=94 something, they felt. So, they tried to=20 fix it. Nowadays, every commercial air passenger=20 must submit to a search and provide government documents=20 proving who they are. Carry a little extra cash, and the=20 traveler is subject to arrest and the cash confiscated. =20 Carry a personal weapon for self defense, and go directly=20 to jail. Enter an aircraft without properly identifying=20 yourself and men with guns come to take you away. And,=20 if you do not leave willingly, you will be shot. Roadblocks around the country are like that,=20 too. Any police officer can set up a roadblock anywhere=20 they wish. Police may now stop travelers for any reason=20 or for no reason. Americans must stop, show their papers=20 and answer questions. To not stop means instant arrest. =20 Actively protest the arrest and one could be shot. There is even a type of checkpoint for seeking=20 employment nowadays. Employers must now act as police. =20 That is, they are to properly question potential=20 employees, check their government provided documents, and=20 then contact the central government to see if the=20 potential employee is government approved to hold a job in=20 the United States. That came about, of course, because of the=20 negligence of the central government. Our country=92s=20 borders have major holes in which thousands of illegal=20 aliens walk through daily. The central government found=20 it easier to bother all Americans with presenting=20 documentation than to protect our borders. Conversely,=20 instead of allowing the illegal aliens to earn a living,=20 the central government gives them free medical treatment,=20 education and welfare -- at the expense of all legal=20 American citizens. Now we are to have yet another set of official=20 identification numbers and government issued documents for=20 medical treatment. As with commercial Aircraft traveling=20 and motoring down the highway, government will also set=20 up checkpoints and impede the flow of treatment traffic. =20 Already, the central government restricts the ability of=20 senior citizens on Social Security to spend their own=20 money for medical treatment. Seniors who violate this=20 rule can have their assists =93forfeited=94 and will probably=20 be jailed -- and if they protest this violation of freedom=20 too adamantly, can get themselves shot to death. Liberty, as defined in law by Blackstone in=20 the =93Commentaries on the Law,=94 is =93the power of=20 locomotion, of changing situation, of moving one=92s person=20 to whatever place one=92s own inclination may direct,=20 without imprisonment or restraint, unless by course of=20 law.=94 We find this right protected, to a limited extent,=20 within the body of our Constitution, and further=20 guaranteed within the Bill of Rights. Except for=20 emergencies, government has no authority to violate=20 liberty. Our rights to life, liberty and property are=20 said to be =93unalienable=94 rights. That is, they are=20 absolute rights and are incapable of being given up, taken=20 away, or transferred to another. That=92s what the Founding=20 Fathers intended, anyway. (For more in this, visit the=20 first section of that text posted at:=20 and=20 Yet, we Americans sit by quietly as our=20 freedoms, rights and liberties are snatched one by one by=20 the central government. Apparently, many Americans truly=20 believe that the expediency of government agents really=20 does supersede the freedom of the people. As long as the=20 sports games are played on schedule and there=92s food in=20 the refrigerator we don=92t seem to notice our rights evaporating. Soon our driver=92s licenses, Social Security=20 tax number, government approved medical treatment=20 authority & identification, credit cards, and work permits=20 will be on one central government provided internal=20 passport. That will make it most convenient for=20 bureaucrats. For any real or suspected violation of any=20 law rule or regulation, they will then have the ability to=20 instantly cancel most human functions with one change of=20 their computer=92s database. Checkpoint Charley was little more than an=20 historical photo opportunity on the road to totalitarianism. =20 Congress is giving modern bureaucrats in the United States=20 potential for the real thing. Do you have your papers in order? GOVERNMENT DISOBEDIENCE What do you do when the people working for=20 you refuse to follow their job description and then lie=20 about it? You have that problem now you know. We all do. =20 Our public servants are disobedient. Pick any part of the Constitution -- the very=20 first line, for example: =93All legislative Powers shall be=20 vested in a Congress. . . .=94 There is nothing very=20 difficult to understand about that statement. =93All=94 means=20 every bit. =93Legislative Powers=94 means to make law. And=20 =93shall=94 means that is how it is to be done. Written another way, Congress shall make all=20 law. In this case, =93law=94 being that body of rules and=20 principles governing the affairs of a community and=20 enforced by a political authority. It would be a violation of the very first=20 sentence of our Constitution, then, if any department of=20 government other than Congress promulgates =93rules and=20 principles=94 which are =93enforced by a political authority=94=20 over the people of the United States. Yet all of the=20 regulatory agencies regularly pass rules and regulations=20 having the full force of law. Even the president=20 sometimes makes law via executive order. Do we believe in our Constitutional way of=20 government, or shall we continue to stand by silently and=20 accept willful disobedience by our public servants? The Social-Democrats among us would have=20 us believe that our Constitution is a living document,=20 that the meaning of the words change with circumstances=20 over time, and that a strict interpretation would be=20 overly restrictive to government. Last week, while=20 substituting for Rush Limbaugh on the radio, Professor of=20 Economics Walter Williams cut right through that baloney=20 with one short sentence: =93How would you like to play=20 poker with living rules?=94 Our Constitution is a contract between the=20 States and the federal government. It was approved by=20 the people, through the sovereign States for those=20 purposes, and only those purposes, set down in the=20 contract. We call those purposes =93enumerated=94 powers. =20 But they are also contractual duties. Two of the most important functions of the=20 federal government are to protect the integrity of the=20 nation as a whole and the rights of the American people. =20 The Preamble to the Constitution even mentions these=20 functions: =93provide for the common defence=94 and =93secure=20 the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.=94 One of the duties of the federal government,=20 then, is to guard our borders against invasion. Yet, each=20 day thousands of foreigners are allowed to sneak into the=20 United States. Some states now have millions of illegal=20 foreign residents, but the federal government does nothing=20 to round them up and send them back. Instead of=20 protecting our borders, and keeping out illegal aliens,=20 the federal government placed tracking restrictions on all=20 American citizens that are both obnoxious and=20 unconstitutional. This is total disobedience of both the=20 written word and the intent of the Constitution. Another problem is the tons of illegal drugs=20 freely entering the United States from other countries. =20 The federal budget allocations for drug interdiction=20 dropped from 33 percent to 12 percent of the total illegal=20 drug fighting budget under the Clinton Administration. =20 As interdiction decreased, the street price of illegal=20 drugs decreased and illegal drug use by teenagers=20 drastically increased. Yet, instead of halting the flow of illegal=20 drugs into our country and drying up the market, the=20 federal government imposed hundreds of unconstitutional=20 and oppressive laws, rules and regulations on law-abiding=20 American people. This, too, is disobedience to both the=20 words and intent of our Constitution. Today, there are over 170,000 federal=20 bureaucrats spending over $17-billion a year. Their only=20 function in life is to control the actions of the American=20 people. The demands of this regulatory bureaucracy=20 currently cost the average American family approximately=20 $7,000 a year in stealth taxes. Yet, few if any of the=20 activities regulated by the federal regulatory bureaucracy=20 are authorized to the federal government by the=20 Constitution. Again, willful disobedience. The First Amendment clearly states that=20 =93Congress shall make no law=94 regarding religion, speech,=20 press, assembly, or to petition government. Yet, the=20 federal government disobeyed the Constitution and passed=20 laws restricting everything except the press. The Second=20 Amendment states that =93the right of the people to keep and=20 bear arms, shall not be infringed.=94 The federal=20 government disobeyed that, too, by passing dozens of=20 restrictions on personal arms. The Fourth Amendment, protecting our right=20 to privacy and to be secure in our =93persons, homes,=20 papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and=20 seizures,=94 has been totally trashed in recent years. The=20 director of the FBI even wants legislation passed=20 prohibiting Americans from putting an envelope=20 (encryption) on their personal e-mail messages. =20 Forfeiture and warrantless searches are total disobedience=20 to the Constitution. Yet, we Americans are learning to=20 accept this unconstitutional behavior by public servants=20 as normal. It=92s time we the sovereign citizens of these=20 United States join together to exert our rightful position=20 over these wayward public servants. Because, if we fail=20 in correcting these ills in government, we will be=20 committing a major disservice to our grandchildren:=20 committing them to living their lives in what is quickly=20 developing into a highly regulated dictatorship. FLEETING FREEDOM Sometimes it does one good to admit to one=92s=20 indiscretions. And, being one who would never be mistaken=20 for a saint, I=92ve had a few. For instance, every so often=20 I like to mosey down the old highway to the local town=92s=20 greasy spoon and have lunch with a group of old timer=20 yellow-dog Democrats. These senior citizens may be the quintessential=20 yellow-dogs, but it=92s not a good idea to mistake them for=20 Social-Democrats. Even hinting that one of these old=20 timers is a socialist could easily get one knocked into=20 the prone position. They, of course, know that I am not a yellow- dog, and most of them have even read this publication from=20 time to time. So it=92s interesting in itself that, with a=20 twinkle in their eyes and a nod of their heads, a couple=20 of them always invite me over to join them for a little=20 political banter while we eat. As they started on their list of real and=20 perceived offenses by Newt and the boys in Congress, I=20 tossed them a curve ball. =93What are some of the=20 differences between now and when you were young and just=20 married,=94 I asked. =93And, I=92m talking political stuff now. =20 Like the differences in freedom of the people.=94 Unbeknownst to me, that question hit a raw=20 nerve. I soon noticed that I had caused quite a bit of=20 agitation, and probably a little bit of indigestion,=20 around the table. =93My tobacco allotment is down to 10% of what=20 it was,=94 one farmer said disgustedly. =93They have things=20 so screwed up a man can=92t even make an honest living=20 anymore.=94 =93I saved all my life to have a good retirement,=94=20 another said. =93Now some (expletive deleted) tells me that=20 I MUST accept whatever medical treatment the government=20 thinks I should have. They told me it=92s against the law=20 for me to use my own money pay a doctor.=94 That statement caused a bit of heated discussion=20 around the table, and it was soon very evident to everyone=20 in the restaurant that none of these old-timers agreed=20 with that action by government. =93They searched my bags when we went out to=20 (see his son in) California,=94 one man said about his=20 second ever commercial air flight. =93Just like I was a=20 common criminal, or something. Looked through everything=20 we had.=94 =93I was thinking about all the rules and=20 regulations nowadays,=94 I said. =93There weren=92t any regulations 50 or 60 years=20 ago,=94 one man said. =93A man did what he wanted. Just so=20 long as you didn=92t bother the neighbors, a man could do=20 just about anything he wanted.=94 =93We had restrictions under Roosevelt,=94 one farmer said. =93Yeah, but who followed them?=94 another man=20 laughed, with nods of agreement and chuckles all around.=20 =93Government men didn=92t visit these parts. They had bigger=20 fish to check on. We had revenuers once in a while, but=20 they didn=92t like to come here.=94 The conversation digressed from there, sticking=20 mostly to local and State issues. But it was clear that=20 these senior gentlemen recognized some very real changes=20 in the amount of freedom allowed the people, and they were=20 not happy about those changes. And so it is throughout the country with=20 groups of senior citizens. Get them talking a while and=20 all too often they=92ll prefix a statement with something=20 like, =93I remember when we could. . . .=94 This presents a problem many of us who are=20 over 50 years old are noticing on the Internet. There is=20 a lot of talk about the misdeeds of government, about=20 freedom, rights and liberty. The problem is that America=20 is quickly losing its institutional memory for freedom. =20 It has been over sixty years since Roosevelt started=20 corrupting the federal government -- removing personal=20 and State=92s rights and putting federal agencies in control=20 of everything. Few Americans remember =93how it was=94=20 when we had true freedom. And herein lies the shame of it all: Here in=20 the land of the free and the home of the brave, only about=20 ten percent of us can remember how it was to be free. We=20 Americans have learned to accept womb to tomb regulation=20 of everything in our lives as being the duty of government. =20 Perhaps it=92s time we all lunch with some old timers and=20 query them on what this freedom thing was actually all=20 about when applied to real everyday life. THIRD WAY NOT THE AMERICAN WAY Back in March, British Prime Minister Tony=20 Blair addressed the French National Assembly in Paris=20 concerning his ideas for the proper approach to economy,=20 jobs and social policy in the new European Union. The=20 Prime Minister called for the abandonment of old=20 ideologies as governments respond to a rapidly changing=20 world. There is no such thing as Left or Right in=20 economic management any more, only good or bad, he said. =20 Blair then challenged the French and other European=20 governments to adopt the =93Third Way=94 of government. Blair emphasized the need for basic conditions=20 for workers, but also said that job security comes through=20 workers having skills rather than through regulating the=20 job market. He believes that governments should play an=20 active role in improving the employability of their=20 workforces. Blair also warned that there can be no return=20 to 1950s values, but called for a strengthening of family=20 and community life: =93We need to fashion some order among=20 the disintegration. People want a society free from=20 prejudice but not from rules.=94 Downing Street billed the address as =93the most=20 complete statement of the Prime Minister=92s personal creed=20 since the election.=94=20 Another of the =93Third Way=94 leaders is Gerhard=20 Schroder, candidate for Chancellor of Germany -- currently=20 with a 16 point lead over sitting Chancellor Helmut Kohl. =20 In the July 20 edition of Time Magazine, Jordan Bonfante=20 writes from Bonn in part: =93As the latest member in the growing ranks of=20 so-called Third Way leaders, Schroder hopes to emulate the=20 success of left-of-center politicians like Bill Clinton=20 and Tony Blair, who won office by scrapping traditional=20 big-spending, big-government ideologies in favor of the=20 free-market solutions advocated by their right-leaning=20 rivals. =93Wary of what he calls =91philosophical=20 catchwords,=92 Schroder does not refer explicitly to the=20 Third Way. The phrase seems to mean not simply a=20 compromise between right and left but a synthesis of=20 fiscal conservatism with social responsibility that can=20 appeal across a broad middle. Schroder recognizes the=20 idea in the rise of a like-minded international fraternity. =20 =91There's a mainstream of modern social democratic=20 thinking, trying to find answers to the new questions=20 arising from globalization,=92 he says. =91The main question=20 is balance: how to modernize the society and modernize=20 the economy and have social security -- how to keep that=20 balance.=92=94 Closer to home, The New York Times reports: =20 =93This month Mrs. Clinton convened and presided over the=20 first of what is expected to be several meetings at the=20 White House at which prominent Democratic thinkers=20 discuss ways of finding common ground on issues like=20 trade, education and Social Security.=94 Sidney Blumenthal, the Times reported,=20 organized the meeting but declined to discuss the=20 immediate political implications. =93This was a step in the=20 long-term development of a new progressive politics in=20 America that has been begun by the president,=94 Blumenthal=20 said. =93And it reflects that the center of political and=20 intellectual vitality lies here in what we call =91the third=20 way=92.=94=20 The New York Times reports that the =93third=20 way=94 strategy, as championed by Clinton and Prime Minister=20 Tony Blair of Britain, is founded on the notion that=20 political parties should not feel limited to the=20 traditional right or left approach to governing. That is=20 certainly part of the story, but little more than the tip=20 of the old iceberg. The Third Way, as taught to Rhodes Scholars=20 at Oxford University, and now at Harvard University=20 School of Government, is a bit more ominous than what us=20 serf-citizens are being told. The Third Way (not to be=20 confused with the British political party) is actually a=20 blend of the best of communism and the best of capitalism. =20 Well, that=92s what Third Way proponents say, anyway, when=20 they will answer. Actually, in a third way society, the people=20 are trained to support industry (structured school to work=20 programs). Also, unlike in a strictly communist society,=20 property ownership is acceptable under the Third Way=20 doctrine. However, everything applicable to the=20 citizens -- the workers -- is to be highly regulated and=20 standardized. In other words, the elite get the freedom=20 and the workers get controlled. Needless to say, the Third Way is far afield=20 from the =93American Way.=94 But, due to the control freaks=20 presently running the central government, this =93Third Way=94=20 is quickly coming our way. This is a world wide movement on which we=20 will continue reporting as information materializes. For=20 more information see Heads Up issues #62 (December 7),=20 #63 (December 14) and #72 (February 5). -- End=20 Time reset the =93gun poll=94 they have been=20 running for the past month. Apparently, they were unhappy=20 with the real view of the American public. So, let=92s give=20 it to them again. Vote early and vote often. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Jul 98 22:00:34 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: TIme Gun Poll Reset On Sat, 25 Jul, Doug Fiedor wrote: > Time reset the gun poll they have been >running for the past month. Apparently, they were unhappy >with the real view of the American public. So, let's give >it to them again. Vote early and vote often. > > - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Jul 98 22:54:27 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: AdvAM: This Guy's GOT to Be Kidding! (fwd) On Jul 25, Kevin McGehee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] The ADVANCE AMERICA Network (c) 1998 KEVIN McGEHEE North Pole, Alaska Permission granted to anyone wishing to forward, redistribute, or broadcast this article for NON-PROFIT purposes. Profit-making publications must have *express consent* to reprint any AdvAM/AdvAK materials. Thank you. ================================================================ DID THIS JUDGE SAY WHAT I THOUGHT HE SAID!? Imagine a statute of limitations on unconstitutional legislation. Suppose Congress or a state legislature could pass a law that is blatantly at odds with what the Constitution clearly states are the limits of its powers. Suppose at the time the law is passed you grumble but shrug it off, not really aware of its potential. Suppose many years later the Gummint decides to test the scope of this law and starts infringing radically on the rights of citizens. And suppose you realize only then that there may be a difference between what this law says the Gummint can do, and what the Constitution says the Gummint can do. So you sue. You petition the court to stop the Gummint from doing what it says the law lets it do. You argue (or TRY to argue) that if the law lets the Gummint do these things that the Constitution forbids, then the law is unconstitutional and must be struck down. And then suppose the judge tells you you're too late. You should have sued to strike down this unconstitutional law within six years after it was enacted, he says. Since you didn't, the law is constitutional, he says. Imagine a statute of limitations on unconstitutional legislation. That, according to a news report in the *Fairbanks Daily News-Miner* today, is precisely what U.S. District Court judge James Robertson did in a suit challenging the U.S. Department of the Interior's attempt to take over management of Alaska's freshwater fisheries under the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA). The report reads: "Robertson found that any question about ANILCA's constitutionality should have come within six years of the law's passage." The ruling will most assuredly be appealed. Time limits on constitutionality challenges cannot be tolerated. Outrageous! - -30- July 25, 1998 ================================================================ **Visit the AdvAM/AdvAK archives** The views expressed herein are entirely those of the author(s), and do not reflect those of any person or group with whom the author(s) may be affiliated, unless explicitly labelled as doing so. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Jul 98 22:56:21 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fw: Pending Craig-Murkowski Puerto Rico statehood bill--7 (fwd) On Jul 26, wh.clark wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] URGENT ACT NOW! Weldon Clark - ---------- From: Albert C. Ross To: ''; ''; '' Cc: ''; ''; ''; '' Subject: FW: Pending Craig-Murkowski Puerto Rico statehood bill--7 moreguncontrol votes in House, 2 in Senate--Calls Needed Now Date: Saturday, July 25, 1998 9:09 PM - ---------- From: Jim Boulet, Jr. [] Sent: Saturday, July 25, 1998 5:47 PM To: Neal Knox Cc: Leroy Pyle; Joseph Tartaro; "Chris Knox" "Weldon Clark"; Albert Ross; Sandy Crosnoe; Susan Fiol Subject: Pending Craig-Murkowski Puerto Rico statehood bill--7 more guncontrol votes in House, 2 in Senate-Calls Needed Now The Puerto Rico statehood bill pending in the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources means 7 more anti-gunners in the House and two more in the Senate. The Committee could take up this bill as early as Wednesday, July 29th. There are three parts to this alert: (1) A letter from Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America delivered to Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) opposing the bill. (2) A short blurb on what you and your group can do with names addresses and sample text for Committee members. (3) A fact sheet on Puerto Rico's murder rates and gun control laws prepared by English First. Thank you for doing what you can. Please feel free to copy and redistribute this alert. Jim Boulet, Jr. Executive Director English First (1) Letter from Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America to Senator Craig on Puerto Rico Statehood July 24, 1998 The Honorable Larry Craig United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Senator Craig, As one gun rights activist to another, I am deeply concerned about your reported efforts to promote pro-statehood legislation for Puerto Rico. As a state, Puerto Rico would have six or seven Congressmen and two Senators, all representing an island where a government license is required to purchase or reload ammunition, let alone to possess a firearm. I've attached a summary of their gun laws, taken from the NRA. Despite these strict gun control laws, Puerto Rico has a murder rate double that of New York City and three times the national average. Puerto Rico's Congressional delegation, whether Republicans or Democrats, is quite likely to be determined advocates of more gun control. You and I have both seen how much damage just one Senator can do to our Second Amendment rights, as Senators Lautenberg and Durbin are demonstrating right now. Second Amendment votes are notoriously close and hard fought. The semi-auto ban was decided by a margin of just 216-214 in the House and by a handful of votes in the Senate. Puerto Rico statehood not only means seven more anti-gun votes in the House and two more in the Senate, but given the mood of some supporters of independence for the island, additional acts of terrorism on the mainland. One senseless tragedy is often enough to spark Congress to repeal more of the Bill of Rights, especially the Second Amendment. Puerto Rico statehood is a great danger to our right to bear arms. I urge you to vote against any efforts to resurrect S.472/H.R.856/the Murkowski substitute in the Senate's Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Sincerely, Larry Pratt Executive Director (2) Other Pro-gun leaders can do two things. First, English First is organizing a joint letter to Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott. If you would like to add your name and the name of your group (for identification purposes only), contact Jim Boulet or Frank Pejack at (703) 321-8818 or fax your signature, name, title and group to (703) 321-8408. Second, enough calls, faxes and telegrams into the offices of Energy and Natural Resources Committee members could keep this bad bill off the Senate floor. Available voice, fax and e-mail addresses for each committee member are printed below. Committee Members (Republicans) Frank Murkowski (R-AK) (202) 224-6665 (voice) (202) 224-5301 (fax) (e-mail) Pete Domenici (R-NM) (202) 224-6621 (v) Don Nickles (R-OK) (202) 224-5754 (v) (202) 224-6008 (f) Larry Craig (R-ID) (202) 224-2752 (v) (202) 228-1067 (f) Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO) (202) 224-5852 (v) (202) 224-1933 (f) Craig Thomas (R-WY) (202) 224-6441 (v) (202) 224-1724 (f) John Kyl (R-AZ) 202-224-4521 (v) 202-228-1239 (f) Rod Grams (R-MN) (202) 224-3244 (v) (202) 228-0956 (f) Gordon Smith (R-OR) (202) 224-3753 (v) (202) 228-3997 (f) Slade Gorton (R-WA) (202) 224-3441 (v) (202) 224-9393 (f) Conrad Burns (R-MT) (202) 224-2644 (v) (202) 224-8594 (f) (Democrats) Dale Bumpers (D-Arkansas) (202) 224-4843 (v) Wendell Ford (D-KY) (202) 224-4343 (v) Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) (202) 224-5521 (v) Daniel Akaka (D-HI) (202) 224-6361 (v) (202) 224-2126 (f) Byron Dorgan (D-ND) (202) 224-2551 (v) (202) 224-1193 (f) Bob Graham (D-FL) (202) 224-3041 (v) Ron Wyden (D-OR) (202) 224 -5244 (v) (202) 228-2717 (f) Tim Johnson (D-SD) (202) 224-5842 (202) 228-5765 (f) Mary Landrieu (D-LA) (202) 224-5824 (v) (202) 224-9735 (f) You can also call your two Senators directly by dialing the Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Your fax or e-mail might say: With all the problems in this country, what is the hurry about Puerto Rico? There are many questions about admitting a Spanish-speaking nation-state with high unemployment, high welfare use and a terrible crime problem. Haste makes waste. Given the costs of Puerto Rico statehood, I say America can't afford its own Quebec. Please do not bring either of these bad Puerto Rico statehood bills (H.R. 856 and/or S.472) out of committee. The Senate has more important things to vote on like (insert your favorite issue here). (3) English First Alert on Puerto Rico and Gun Control Puerto Rico: High Murder Rates and Strict Gun Control Laws A state of Puerto Rico would be entitled to two Senators and six or seven Congressmen. It would be America's 25th largest state. Crime United States Murder Rate (1996): 7.4 per 100,000 New York City Murder Rate (1996): 12.0 per 100,000 Puerto Rico Murder Rate (1996): 25.0 per 100,000. Rank of Puerto Rico if included among states based on 1996 murder rates: 6th. Puerto Rico's Current Gun Control Laws (source, NRA-ILA A government license is required to possess almost any firearm. A person who "has or possesses any pistol, revolver, or other firearm without having a license therefor" is guilty of a misdemeanor for a first offense, a felony for subsequent offenses. [Title 25; Chapter 51. Weapons. Section 416 There may be an exception for "hunting and target shooting arms" [Section 445]]. The government's permission must be sought prior to the purchase of a firearm. No dealer in firearms or ammunition shall deliver a firearm or issue the corresponding delivery permit to a purchaser without the latter's handing over to him a license to have and possess a firearm, duly issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, or a hunter's, shooter's or other kind of license authorizing him, pursuant to law, to possess a firearm, and unless said license contains an authorization for the purchase of said weapon, and said dealer shall not sell to such purchaser any weapon other than the one described in said license [Section 438]. A firearms license is required to purchase or reload ammunition. Ammunition shall not be manufactured, caused to be manufactured, or imported, offered, sold, lent or transferred unless a license is held therefor . . . [Section 412]. No dealer in firearms or ammunition shall sell any quantity of ammunition to any person failing to present a license to carry, or a license to have or possess a firearm [Section 438]. Ammunition sales are individually registered. A record in triplicate shall be kept of each firearm sold and of each sale of ammunition, in books devoted to this purpose which shall be printed In the manner that may be prescribed by the Superintendent of Police of Puerto Rico and the record of each sale shall be personally signed by the buyer and by the person making the sale, each in the presence of the other; and such record shall set forth the date, day and time of the sale, caliber, make, model and factory number of the weapon, caliber, brand and quantity of ammunition, the name, birthplace, address, occupation and civil status of the buyer [Section 436 (5)]. What You Can Do to Stop Puerto Rico Statehood You can send telegrams to your two Senators and Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott opposing Puerto Rico statehood by calling toll-free: 1-888-888-0089 There will be a charge of $8.50 applied to your telephone bill. (The entire charge goes to Western Union.) Those who are not already members of English First will get a free six-month subscription to our newsletter and legislative alerts (a $10 value). Prepared by English First, 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 (703) 321-8818 (v) _____________ You can receive your own copy of this e-mail for free. Contact - ---------- [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Jul 98 16:10:09 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Fw: D.C. Shooting - Worthless "Gun Control" laws FAIL AGAIN (fwd) On Jul 26, Terry Walker wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] - -----Original Message----- From: Chris W. Stark To: Date: Sunday, July 26, 1998 12:05 AM Subject: D.C. Shooting - Worthless "Gun Control" laws FAIL AGAIN > ****JPFO e-mail Alert!**** > > Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc. > Aaron Zelman - Executive Director > 2874 So. Wentworth Ave. > Milwaukee, WI 53207 > Ph. (414) 769-0760 Fax (414) 483-8435 > > > > 07/25/98 > -------- > > > D.C. Shooting - Worthless "Gun Control" laws FAIL AGAIN > > by Richard Stevens > JPFO Firearms Sentinel Editor > > > Charging through a metal detector and shooting two Capitol >police officers, a killer invaded the Capitol building on Friday >afternoon, July 24, 1998, with apparent intent to harm a political >leader in the building. As the killer used a firearm to kill the >officers, we can expect renewed calls for more "gun control." >Defenders of the right to keep and bear arms must be ready. > > This particular murderous attack teaches some valuable >lessons. First, the attack demonstrated that "gun control" laws >do not prevent crime. The attacker carried a concealed firearm >in a federal building in Washington, D.C. and later discharged >it there. He therefore violated several federal and local (D.C.) >firearms laws, as well as laws against assault, battery, and >homicide. The laws did not stop a determined killer. > > Second, the attack showed how important it is to have an >armed defense against aggressors. The Capitol attacker was able >to kill and injure far fewer persons than did the young teenage >school boys in Jonesboro. What was the difference? The Capitol >attacker charged into a building where the defenders were armed. >The Jonesboro killers fired on unarmed and undefended victims. >Go to >Go to > > After killing several persons and injuring dozens more, >the Jonesboro killers escaped without injury to themselves. The >Capitol attacker, however, was injured when one of his victims >(before dying) shot back. The Jonesboro school victims died >undefended. The Capitol attacker's intended victim (as yet >unknown), was defended and suffered no injury whatsoever. > > Third, the Capitol attack proved again that the mere >presence of armed police and metal detectors will not deter >some aggressors. Some particularly dedicated, fanatical, or >psychotic killers will attack innocent people, regardless of >the risks of criminal prosecution or death. These killers can >only be stopped by superior force, and sometimes even the >police cannot deploy sufficient force to prevent all injuries >and deaths. > > If police officers cannot guarantee protection even to >themselves in a well-defended Capitol building, then they >surely cannot guarantee protection to ordinary citizens in >ordinary homes. The police owe no legal duty to protect >individual citizens; their job is only to protect society >in general. If you face a threat of attack by a deranged >and murderous aggressor, then trading your gun for a >telephone to dial "9-1-1" is to surrender to the killer. >Go to > > JPFO mourns the deaths of the two Capitol police officers >who died in the line of duty. They gave up their lives to >defend innocent people against a murderous attacker. No more >noble sacrifice of life is possible. JPFO offers its heartfelt >condolences to the families of those officers, who themselves >will suffer their personal loss forever. > > Words and feelings cannot reverse the officers' families' >pain and suffering. The "gun control" lobby, however, will likely >use this incident to launch a campaign to disarm and thereby leave >completely defenseless other innocent persons. Don't allow the gun >prohibition rhetoric to go unchallenged -- answer the newspaper >editorials in your town, and call into talk shows. You could save >a life -- possibly your own. > >-------------------- > >To become a JPFO member, go to: >There you will see a printable member application, along with >info on membership. If you wish, you can become a member using >our on-line application as well. Membership IS open to ALL Law >abiding citizens. > >**************************************************************** >Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) >Chris W. Stark - Director of Electronic Communications >2874 So. Wentworth Ave. >Milwaukee, WI 53207 >Ph. (414) 769-0760 >Fax (414) 483-8435 > > >Visit our Web Page at: > >MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN TO ALL LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. > >"America's Most Aggressive Defender of Firearms Ownership." > "If you don't support JPFO, then WHY support ANYONE?" >**************************************************************** >Copyright (c) 1998, JPFO >Republication permitted provided this article & attribution >is left intact in its original state. >**************************************************************** > > TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR E-MAIL ALERTS, send an e-mail to: > > > >...and in the body of the message, type the word "subscribe". >**************************************************************** [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ End of roc-digest V2 #167 *************************