From: (roc-digest) To: Subject: roc-digest V2 #186 Reply-To: roc-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roc-digest Sunday, September 27 1998 Volume 02 : Number 186 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 11:22:15 -0700 (PDT) From: Harry Barnett Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter weighs in On Thu, 24 Sep 1998, Boyd wrote: > Harry, I agree with you about the media not diseminating facts. But I think > the one case where we really and truly see the spirit of the populace is in > a vote. Our last vote here in Washington was almost a record low turnout, > doesnt that argue for widespread apathy? boyd I can't speak to this directly because circumstances like making sure Mama and the Kids continue to sleep indoors and eat three meals a day have taken precednce over keeping up with current events in Washington. But generally speaking, how do we actually know it was a "low turnout"? Isn't this source of infoormation the Media? What makes their assertion that it was "a low turnout" believable when their credibility is so poor? Wasn't the last one, the turnout for that gun-grabbers' pipe dream, the "trigger locks" and "mandatory training" initiative pretty good? Wasn't it raining across the State of Washington on the 15th? That is the single factor which most determines low turnout at the polls (which is sign of apathy all by itself!), believe it or not. Another thing which drives low turnout is that people may care, but they just don't see their vote as making a difference, and they may be working 7/12's, too, for the same reasons I am. People do the things they think are important to them personally. How did the Libertarians do in WA, BTW? - ----- Harry Barnett - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 14:52:23 -0400 (EDT) From: John Curtis Subject: Safire column The following is an exerpt from William Safire's latest column. For the full thing, go to Maybe Lippogate isn't dead, after all. ciao, jcurtis - ---------------------------------------- Once the main stream of inquiry begins to flow, tributaries in related Congressional investigations will feed it. The Resolution of Inquiry should cover the long abuse of executive privilege in the House Oversight Committee's campaign finance investigation. Attorney General Reno's refusal to share more of the suppressed Freeh and La Bella memos may figure in the coming inquiry; this includes information that might help Congress tie the President to potentially illegal fund-raising with James Riady, John Huang and Charlie Trie. Also, the Judiciary Committee could put impeachment pressure into a demand for information Justice has about espionage connected to corrupt Commerce Department approvals of technology transfers to China, but refuses to divulge to the ultra-secret Chinagate select committee. The preceding convoluted paragraph has a bunch of reporting behind it and may be worth reading again, keeping in mind that Congress's impeachment power can overcome ordinary separation-of-power barriers to investigation. This has to go beyond Monica to show some pervasive pattern of abuse. For all the Clinton chickens coming home to roost, Congress must build a large coop. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Sep 98 13:37:17 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter weighs in On Sep 24, Boyd wrote: >Harry, I agree with you about the media not diseminating facts. But I think >the one case where we really and truly see the spirit of the populace is in >a vote. Our last vote here in Washington was almost a record low turnout, >doesnt that argue for widespread apathy? boyd More like widespread disgust with the choices offered. - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 19:10:04 -0700 (PDT) From: Boyd Subject: Re: The Linda Smith saga continues - she needs your help Lots of stuff I agree with snippted >From one who knows her well, we can=92t do better than Linda Smith. >She=92ll drive the good ol=92 boys in the U.S. Senate crazy and she could >change that arrogant institution forever. And we just can=92t do worse >than allowing Patty Murray to be reelected. > >I=92m not on Linda=92s campaign staff. I=92m just one of her 35,000 smal= l >contributors who is writing from the heart to ask you to join =93Linda=92s >Army.=94 We are out to prove that good candidates can win senate seats >without selling their souls to PACs, lobbyists and corporations, and >because we want at least one truly honest, courageous, principled and >independent-thinking representative in the U.S. Senate. Won=92t you >join us? DITTO! CLAW will be sending volunteers and contributions her way but she needs more help. Sending a small check not only helps unseat one of the most deserving-to-be-unseated reps but it will send a message that big donors need not control elections to every precinct and parish in the nation. Please, do anything you can. >As indicated on Linda=92s web page, send contributions to: > > Committee to Elect Linda Smith > PO BOX 65117 > Vancouver, WA 98665 > >(Remember, FEC requires contributions over $200 to be accompanied by >full information on yourself and your employment and employer) > >Thanks and best regards, > >R. L. =93Skip=94 Leuschner, US Navy (Retired) Boyd Kneeland, pres., Council for Legislative Action, Washington - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 13:30:31 -0400 (EDT) From: Chris Ferris Subject: The Meaning of Honor (and of Words) in Pre-Clinton Times September 25, 1998 The Honorable William Jefferson Clinton The White House Washington, D.C. 20050 Dear Mr. President: On May 6, 1943, in an era not so very long ago when honor still mattered, my late uncle, U.S. Army Second Lieutenant Geoffrey Cheney Ferris, a field artillery forward observer attached to an infantry battalion in the thick of combat on a dusty hill near Mateur, Tunisia, sent his fellow soldiers, his family, his friends, his fellow Americans back home and even enemy troops a crystal clear message about character and courage. Uncle Geoff took a position of cover, not behind White House spin doctors Mike McCurry and John Podesta, but behind some rocks, as Field Marshal Erwin Rommel's well trained and well equipped infantry advanced with rapidity to silence him, the one man who could call artillery fire upon them before they attacked U.S. Army infantry units. Having advanced well ahead of friendly lines with his driver and his radio-telephone operator to determine the exact location of enemy forces, Uncle Geoff quickly realized the danger involved and, without hesitation, he ordered his driver and his RTO to withdraw to safety while he remained behind, .30 caliber M-1 carbine and .45 ACP pistol in hand, to provide a withering hail of covering fire for his two comrades in arms. Uncle Geoff surely knew the feeling, "Death is approaching," as, alone, he checked his magazines, reloaded his two firearms, and continued to send a stream of bullets at his adversaries as they closed in to remove him as a threat. Unlike you, Mr. President, my Uncle Geoff did not have Attorneys Kendall or Bennett by his side, objecting to the speed of the enemy's advance, whispering sweet nothings in his ear, taking breaks to guzzle diet sodas, or calling the attacking Afrika Korps infantry "partisans working for Kenneth Starr" ... Nosiree. Uncle Geoff, alone, stood fast as whistling metal projectiles stitched the earth around him and eventually pierced his body, taking his life. But his sacrifice was not in vain. Mr. President, my uncle made a conscious decision to die so that others might live. He did not quibble. He did not equivocate. He did not prevaricate. He did not ask Rommel's Afrika Korps officers to "censure" him because, heck, he had "felt Rommel's pain", Clinton-style. He did not call Dick Morris to ask how his actions would play out in polls. Uncle Geoff remained, of his own volition, in the kind of real world, horrific battlefield crossfire that Clinton apologist and shill Bill Press could never imagine. As Uncle Geoff sensed, "Death is approaching," he was alone, one man against four times that number. But, in truth, Mr. President, he was never really alone. Uncle Geoff, as he fought and died so bravely, must have known that my late father, his older brother and a fellow Army field artillery officer who would wade ashore at Omaha Beach in 1944 and would engage in combat during the Battle of the Bulge in the European Theater of Operations, was there with him, in spirit. His mom and dad were there. His many friends were there. His good pals back at his former employer, Winchester Repeating Arms Company of New Haven, Connecticut, were with him, as were his fellow G.I.s who loved him in an honest way that you and Hillary, both power-crazed, could never understand. And God, too, was with him, ever prepared to gently take him into His arms and to lift him up to heaven with the grace and dignity befitting a nobly fallen veteran. Yes, I am referring to the same God whose name you invoke every time you bite your lower lip, send your "spin-ministers" onto TV shows to discuss the state of your soul and your latest contrition cell count, or walk from a church, your Bible angled so that media cameras will focus on it. A word of caution, Sir. God is quite experienced. He has been around a long, long time and He knows the difference between a man of honor and a dishonorable man. Throughout the ages, God has racked up a lot of miles on His odometer sitting in final judgment of people, good and bad. When you finally meet God, He will tell you just what you are and if you meet His standards. My sense is that God, a deity who has seen it all, probably does not ask focus groups if men of your type should be given a free pass for misdeeds done on terra firma. You will just have to wait and see. Oh, and don't bother asking Sidney Blumenthal to task your Magnum P.I.s to dig up any dirt on God and to pass it on to Salon magazine. God is clean, and He might be more offended than Henry Hyde by Sidney Blumenthal's low road tactics. Now, back to honor and the meaning of words. Before you high five your six figure attorneys because your performance on the grand jury videotape was, hey, "not half bad", based on the infamous polls, take a break late at night and walk slowly among the silent rows of polished granite headstones at Arlington National Cemetery. Read the names, the ranks, the branches of service and the combat decorations earned by thousands of brave soldiers, Marines, sailors, airmen and coastguardsmen, honorable Americans who placed country before self. My Uncle Geoff was only one such man. He is joined by hundreds of thousands of others who, since our great nation was formed, have fallen willingly to preserve our Republic and our freedom. Stand quietly, Mr. President, and, if you listen carefully, you may just hear the hushed whispers of many valiant Americans who will urge you to reconsider the total adverse impact of your recurring misbehavior on the presidency and on our nation. The barely audible voices of the Arlington National Cemetery Caucus of Honor may quietly urge you to do the right thing by resigning ... resigning because protecting the best interests of America should matter more to you than should attending to your own ego. If you will not listen to principled Americans who have advised you, in all candor, that you no longer have the moral authority to lead this nation or to send our sons and daughters off to war, listen instead to my Uncle Geoff and to those valiant service members whose past sacrifices should not be stained by the dishonor of your continuing presence in office any longer than one more day. Resign. Now. Show that honor still matters. Even to you. Be remembered for acting honorably in your last action taken as President of the (great) United States of America. There is no shame in admitting that you can no longer lead and in turning the reins of government over to the Vice President. In fact, you might just find that many Americans would respect you for making just such a decision ... a decision requiring you to place country before self. The Arlington National Cemetery Caucus of Honor is watching ... and waiting. Along with the rest of America. Sir, the ball is in your court. Respectfully, Christopher C. Ferris 186 Coburn Woods Nashua NH 03063-2860 - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 13:02:47 -0700 From: Skip Leuschner Subject: The Linda Smith saga continues FYI, another version of the Linda Smith saga I e-mailed last week. For info, Linda's web site is Regards, Skip. ***** Smith goes against Washington September 27, 1998 BY ARIANNA HUFFINGTON COMMENTARY This November, for only the third time in U.S. history, two women will face each other in a race for the Senate. It is a contest of great national significance, not because of its lamentable rarity, but because it presents voters in Washington state with a stark choice. Democratic Sen. Patty Murray, an Identikit member of the political class, will be facing Republican Rep. Linda Smith, one of only a handful of truly independent leaders in Congress. The main goal of the Smith campaign is to ``restore the confidence of Americans in their government.'' If you think that is just more pro forma political droning, you only have to look at her record. One of her first acts in Congress was to introduce legislation to clean up what she calls ``the sewer'' of special-interest money in politics and to topple the dominance of political action committees. She does not believe that politicians can hope to gain the public trust without changing the campaign fund-raising rules. To prove she means it, she has refused to take PAC money herself, thus taking the courageous step of putting her lack-of-money where her mouth is. Not surprisingly, the Republican archfoe of campaign finance reform, Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, did all he could to undermine Smith in her primary race. He found the rock that her opponent, Christopher Bayley, lived under and raised it just high enough so he could crawl out. Bayley's main attraction, other than the fact that he outspent Smith 3-1, was that he opposed campaign finance reform and would gladly do the big boys' bidding-- something Smith never has done. I asked Smith if McConnell--who is, after all, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee overseeing Senate races- - -had called to congratulate her on foiling his plan to return her to oblivion. ``No,'' she replied without any rancor, making it clear that you don't need the old boys' network to get ahead. Smith has been accused--by her fellow Republicans, no less--of being everything from ``a little kooky'' to ``unwilling to listen.'' ``She's got no eardrums,'' one Republican said, while another complained that ``you can't count on her for anything.'' The simple translation is that she is willing to take on the political class, including the leadership of her own party. Good for her, and tough for the GOP troglodytes. By contrast, when Murray was about to call on the president to resign, she was all too easily persuaded by Al Gore and other Democratic Party elders to refrain. Like a good little girl, she just said instead that his behavior was ``disappointing.'' A year and a half ago, when my column praised Smith as ``an unruly woman,'' she told me that she liked the moniker. ``It's good to be a team player,'' she said, ``but you also have to know the difference between all of us standing together and all of us jumping off the same cliff.'' She was one of the few courageous GOP souls-- nine, to be precise--who voted against Newt Gingrich for speaker. She even had the guts to vote against the balanced budget, which she considers ``a fraud perpetrated on the American people by robbing the Social Security trust fund to the tune of $500 billion.'' While toady Murray was crawling across China on her belly last year, Smith was voting against most favored nation status, even though she, too, comes from the state where Boeing has its international headquarters and employs 103,000 people. No wonder that Murray, who counts Boeing among her biggest contributors, has been dubbed the ``senator from Boeing''--a sobriquet once reserved for corporate functionary Scoop Jackson. Smith's position is diametrically different. ``Boeing has already moved a portion of the Kansas production line to China,'' she told me. ``All of the plane technology, except the wings, can be produced in China. How long will it be before jobs begin to leave Washington state, too? On top of it, this nation cannot afford to engage in trade without a conscience.'' Smith feels the same way about corporate welfare, which is why she voted against ethanol subsidies for Archer Daniels Midland (one of America's leading producers of political candidates and candidate- related products). Murray, of course, toed the bright line of the political industrial complex once again and voted for the $3 billion corporate subsidy. Patty Murray, Barbara Boxer and Carol Moseley-Braun--all holdovers from the Year of the Woman, are now vulnerable, with the momentum against them in the coming election. Perhaps 1992 should be renamed the year that proved that female politicians can be as lousy and worthless as men. Perhaps, too, Washington will lead the nation to greatness yet again. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 27 Sep 98 15:53:35 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: S L I C K #49 part 2 (fwd) On Sep 26, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Earlier edition was an edited version. This is what you missed. SCORCHED EARTH POLICY I welcome the advent of the scorched earth policy. I think all pols and media types should participate. Bring it all out. Let the people decide. If a pol distributes flyers showing his happy traditional family, and he commits adultery, expose him/her. If a pol claims to be a practicing Christian, but only graces his church during let it be known to everyone. To let the pols get away with these lies is an immoral act. RichSlick sez: when they use their personal lives to garner votes, they become fair targets for scrutiny. IRS If the IRS can tax a baseball fan for catching a HR and returning it to the hitter, can they tax a terminally ill kid who is sent to Disney Land by the Make a Wish Founda- tion? Or what about all the ties etc the prez says he gives away, are they exempt? What's the difference? Shouldn't all those ties he claims he is giving away count v his lifetime gift allowance? If a $9 baseball hit by McGwire is worth a cool million, how much is a $10 tie worn by the prez worth? A gift is a gift. These absurd laws are unreal and have to go. FICA It sounds so good to say, no tax cut until you save FICA. Problem is the FICA can't save. If the whole $80 bil were given to the FICA by raising the current FICA flat tax from 15.4% to 20 or 25%, the net effect on "savings would be zero. By law, the SSA would receive $80 bil in special U.S. Treasury bonds, and the new tax would go the fedl govt to negate the cut in income taxes. ABORTION A mother/woman does not have the God-given authority to do anything she pleases with her body or her child's body. Think about this before responding. Is prostitution legal? How about incest? Why should the murder of children be legal? Received from loyal reader TRADE DEFICIT Better late than never, the prez promises to fullfill his 1991 pledge to reduce the trade deficit with Japan. Bill Clinton is meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi to discuss new fiscal policies and banking reform as well as reduced trade barriers and open markets. RichSlick fears they won't open their markets, just our wallet. AN INTERESTING ITEM Overturning an Election. The most recent argument by visible Clintonoids against impeachment is that it will somehow overturn an election. As usual, there are a number of really fun responses to this assertion -- the first being that Bob Dole is not in the line of succession. We only need to return 25 years in the past -- where the removal of a sitting President, one that won nearly 60% of the vote and 49 states was not overturning an election. The fact that Nixon was about to be impeached was not viewed at the time as overturning an election. Perhaps it can only happen when the perpetrator is a democrat. More Interesting Items can be be found on Rod Martin's (no relation) "Vanguard" at KATHIE'S KORNER In two years, Californians may vote whether to define marriage in California as a legal relationship between one man and one woman. I will vote against such a law. In fact, pondering the issue has made me wonder why we allowed the government to concern itself with marriage, essentially a religious sacrament. We don't (yet) need a license to be baptized, to christen children, to receive last rites, to celebrate religious holidays. Why did we think we needed a govt. license for marriage? If there are legal advantages to marriage, they are wrong. I accept that there are social, spiritual and even physical advantages to marriage, but in a free society, the govt ought not to favor one class of people over another. Because while in the case of marriage I am on the "right side" to receive advantages, in the case of some of the other sacraments named above, I may be on the "wrong side." It should not be the business of government to divide us. Reply-to: * * * * * Subscribe to this Slick e-zine featuring Kathie's Korner, and receive absolutely free, a copy of Rich's Major Media Mailing List containing over 500 e-mail addresses. To subscribe, send your check for $12.50 to the address at the top of this message. Be sure to include your e-mail address. Anyone wishing to carry Slick at their WWW site should contact me by e-mail. Having the current Slick updated once or twice a week gives visitors a reason to come back soon. THE TRUTH IS... A. Powerful. C. In the eye of the beholder. B. Irrelevant. D. All of the above. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 27 Sep 98 15:26:52 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: RAPTUS: While you were "sleeping"... (fwd) On Sep 26, Don Capps wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] ...the collectivists were marching on! American Policy Center 13873 Park Center Rd. Suite 316 Herndon, VA 20171 (703) 925-0881 FAX: (703) 925-0991 BEWARE LANDOWNERS: The Midnight Raid on Your=20 Liberties is About to Begin Like addicts hawking priceless heirlooms for a=20 one-time fix, Congress is recklessly exchanging our=20 liberties for election year pork and a pat on the=20 head from the radical environmentalists. They=92re doing this by signing on to the Omnibus=20 Parks Bill (HR 4570), an eclectic mix of last-minute=20 pork barrel requests and long-standing bad=20 legislation that stood no chance of passing on its=20 own merit. Included in the Omnibus Parks Bill are measures to=20 spend over $200 million to federalize (steal)=20 private land and establish more river schemes, more=20 heritage areas and more wild life preserves. Every=20 one robs property owners of the use of their land,=20 kills jobs and wastes millions of tax dollars. There=20 is so much garbage in this 500+ page bill (and still=20 growing), it=92s hard to award a blue ribbon to the=20 most outrageous porker. One close contender though,=20 would be the provision being driven by New Mexico=92s=20 two U.S. senators to spend $150 million bailing out=20 a wealthy oilman who needs to unload a 95,000-acre=20 ranch. The serious blow to the economy will be made=20 up through higher property taxes from other=20 homeowners. Although many Republicans recognize this bill to be=20 bad legislation, they=92ve pledged to vote for it=20 anyway because they=92ve added their own pet pork,=20 they don=92t see the land-grabbing provisions as=20 effecting their own districts, and it=92s an=20 opportunity to be seen as a good green Republican. Furthermore, an effort to kill the bill (which will=20 probably be voted on in the middle of the night=20 while you=92re sleeping!) can=92t be found because it=92s=20 being pushed by the Republican leadership in an=20 attempt to tie up loose ends before adjournment. The House Resources Committee, where the bill was=20 introduced last Wednesday, said it will probably=20 move to the Rules Committee by early next week. ACTION TO TAKE: 1. Call Newt Gingrich and tell him "NO" to the=20 Omnibus Parks Bill. Tell him all bills should be=20 debated in open session and pass or fail on their=20 own merit: 202-225-0600. 2. Call your Congressman. Tell him you will hold him=20 accountable on election day if he supports this=20 assault on your property rights and the federal=20 treasury. Tell him you demand a "recorded" vote --=20 not a "voice" vote. That=92s just a sneaky ploy!=20 Capitol Switchboard: 202-225-3121. American Lands Sovereignty and Protection Act Still=20 Stalled in Senate Committee Unless the heat is turned way up in the final few=20 weeks of the 105th Congress, the long-fought-for=20 American Lands Sovereignty and Protection Act (S.=20 2098) seems doomed to die in Senator Frank=20 Murkowski=92s Committee on Energy & Natural=20 Resources. Murkowski=92s office said Wednesday it hasn=92t seen=20 enough support to hold hearings.. The bill, passed by the House and now sponsored in=20 the Senate by Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell, will=20 forbid designation of U.S. land as UN World Heritage=20 Sites & Biosphere Reserves without Congress=92=20 approval. It would also return land-use decision=20 powers to the proper localities within the areas=20 already designated -- where the UN hasn=92t been shy=20 about exercising huge powers gained through=20 international treaties signed by the Clinton=20 Administration. "Surely you must support such a concept (to repeal=20 this UN encroachment)," said American Policy Center=20 (APC) President Tom DeWeese in a letter to=20 Murkowski. Accompanying the letter were 50,000=20 signed petitions in support of S. 2098. APC, its extensive grassroots support base and other=20 property rights advocates have fought long and hard=20 to get this bill through Congress. It=92s taken three=20 years to pass the House and then find a Senate=20 sponsor. If S. 2098 doesn=92t move through the Energy=20 and Natural Resource Committee before the end of=20 this session, the entire process will have to start=20 again in the House next year. DeWeese warned Murkowski that if no action was taken, the UN intends to name 71 more U.S. locations as=20 Heritage Sites. "This is a travesty that must be=20 corrected," DeWeese said. "You, sir, have the power=20 to do something about it." ACTION TO TAKE: 1. Generate other Congressional support for the=20 bill. Call your state=92s two Senators and ask them to=20 co-sponsor the bill. Capitol Switchboard:=20 202-224-2131. 2. Call Senator Murkowski=92s office: 202-224-6665 and=20 demand he hold hearings. Cheers For Senator Barbara Boxer? Who=92d have thought Senator Barbara Boxer would be=20 helping the property rights movement? Albeit for the=20 wrong reasons, Boxer=92s opposition to the Quincy=20 Library Group (QLG) Bill is helping to kill the=20 measure. Boxer was originally a co-sponsor of the=20 legislation, but later withdrew her support and=20 placed a hold on the bill after deciding it "didn=92t=20 have adequate environmental protections," explained=20 staff from her office Thursday. Please don=92t tell Senator Boxer, but the QLG Bill --=20 which is purported to be a compromise between =20 property rights advocates and environmentalists --=20 is anything but a compromise. It=92s really a wolf in=20 sheep=92s clothing written by greens and a few suckers=20 from the timber industry. It will kill the cattle=20 industry, eventually even kill the timber industry=20 and hand the greens an enormous victory. Those Republicans who still don=92t get it and are=20 pushing the bill, haven=92t made any progress in=20 negotiations with Boxer. "Senator Boxer=92s opposition remains firm," said=20 staff from Rep. Wally Herger=92s office, a proponent=20 of QLG. While it=92s likely the clock will run out on the=20 105th Congress and the QLG Bill will die a=20 much-deserved death, a breakthrough in negotiations=20 is entirely possible. Therefore it=92s important to=20 keep up the pressure. ACTION TO TAKE: 1. Call Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott and voice=20 your opposition to the bill. 202-224-6253. 2. Call both your senators and voice your opposition=20 to them as well. Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 22:32:28 -0700 From: "Chuck Norgaard" Subject: Fw: State Legislators's the real world.....keep your powder dry.....C. - ---------- > From: Committee to Restore the Constitution > To: Recipient List Suppressed:; > Subject: State Legislators > Date: Sunday, September 27, 1998 3:30 PM > > STATE LEGISLATORS: REPOSITORY OF CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS * - Part 1 > > THE STATE LEGISLATORS > > If we define our terms and analyze just what the trouble is in the United > States with regard to restoring Constitutional Government we can see a > number of things. First of all, what we sometimes decry as supposed acts > are not acts at all, they are the attempted acts of special agents created > by the Constitution. There were three such agencies created in the first > three Articles of the Constitution; Number One dealing with the Congress; > Number Two dealing with the Executive Branch; and Number Three dealing with > the Courts; all of them special agencies, having limited powers. > > Therefore, these agencies have to look to that instrument and to that > instrument alone, for a specific enumeration of their powers. But somethng > has gone wrong, and we see that our State Legislators say, "We don't think > that Federal Courts ought to tell us how to apportion our State > Legislatures. We think that it is horrible for the Federal Courts to > undertake such Judicial Legislation". They call it "judicial legislation" > when in fact these State Legislatures THEMSELVES are the ones who are to > blame. Whether they know it or not, the States are, in law, the principals, > and it is through the State Legislatures that the State speaks in its > highest sovereign capacity. Therefore, the State Legislatures have a > responsibility which they are not discharging, and if Federal Agents come > along to enforce some ruling that the Legislators don't like, it is not the > act of the Federal Agent which is changing the Constitution, it is the > INACTION of the State. It is the State's act, or failure to respond to this > challenge that is causing the degradation of our Constitutional system. > > DELEGATED POWERS > > It is very difficult sometimes to talk to Legislators who have been > psychologized into thinking that (1) all great and good things come from > that Mecca in the Eastern part of our country and (2) that the States > somehow form some sort of satrapies, or provinces, that are dependent upon > the Federal agencies for their very existence. Indeed, even the term > 'States Rights' is something of a misnomer because the issue isn't a > question of States Rights. In using that term, we tend to think that the > States have certain Rights and if the Federal agencies will allow it, then > maybe the States can exercise those Rights. That isn't the case at all. > > The question is, what powers were DELEGATED to these special agencies. The > next succeeding question, of course, is what the State must do to correct > an excess of its agent. Many say, that if the State enforces the > Constitution it would be putting the Congress or the President or the > Supreme Court or some other Federal agency at defiance and therefore we > would end up with anarchy. But, it wasn't anarchy when Marshall in MARBURY > v. MADISON decided that the Congress had no authority to enact the Statute > that the Congress claimed to enact. Nor is it anarchy to enforce any of the > provisions of the Constitution. Quite the contrary, we are allowing > ourselves to fall into a condition of uncontrolled and uncontrollable > anarchy by our FAILURE to enforce the provisions of the United State > Constitution. > > One of our jobs is to get our State Legislators to lose their inferiority > complex. They have the idea that because a Federal Representative gets a > lot more money than a State Legislator does, that therefore the Congressman > has more authority. And, lawyers frequently share the view that the name > 'Supreme Court of the United States' means that this is the Court to which > all good legal beagles must turn and point to get the next signal as to > what new 'Statute' shall be conjured up by a majority of that group. This > is not the law, and it's unfortunate that lawyers are ham ignorant of the > principles upon which our Constitution was founded. It is not a question of > turning to the Supreme Court to find out what to do, because what the > Supreme Court shall do under the Constitution is what the Constitution says > it shall do. To get any change in their Commissions all Federal agencies > must reapply to their principals, the STATES. Merely because we have an > organization called the Supreme Court of the United States does not detract > from the fact that the Supreme Court of the United States is probably > (leaving out, let's say, our J.P. Courts) the Court of least jurisdiction > of any that we're likely to come in contact with. You take a case into the > Federal System and you have to show specifically how you get jurisdiction > to attach to that case. You have to allege a jurisdictional amount; you > have to make allegations of citizenship to show that it comes within the > specifically limited areas that the Federal Courts have any authority > whatever to act in. And, the Supreme Court of the United States is further > limited to act only with "such exceptions, and under such regulations as > the Congress shall make". The State Court is not so limited. Neither is a > State Legislature so limited. > > CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS > > The State Legislature can do anything it chooses, barring interdiction by > either the Federal or the State Constitutions. On the contrary, the Federal > Legislature may lawfully enact only in those specific areas where they are > specifically given authority. The Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the > Constitution are sometimes referred to as 'mere surplusage' - they add > nothing (they don 't hurt anything either). They were put in to make > abundantly clear a limitation that was already there in a manner in which > the Constitution was formed - by making a special agency in the first > place. The Constitution was clear that it was only those powers that were > delegated that could be exercised by those agencies, and putting in > specific Amendments spelling that out in express terms really adds nothing. > However, it does make it more difficult for usupers to deny that those > limitations are there. > > Usurpation is a bi-lateral act. It does not consist alone of an attempt to > exercise power by someone having no authority to exercise that power. It > consists of that in the first instance (someone trying to exercise the > power who has no authority to do so). But to complete that act, usurpation > consists of the person or the entity having lawful authority to exercise > that power, surrendering it or acquiescing in the exercise of that power by > the usurper. > > TO BE CONTINUED > ______________________________________ > > * Extract from an address, "State Action to Restore the Constitution", by > T. David Horton, Attorney, Counsel, Committee to Restore the Constitution. > Mr Horton, Post Office Box 2107, Carson City, Nevada, 89702, is a member > District of Columbia, Virginia and Nevada Bar; member US 9th Circuit Court > of Appeals, DC; expert witness before numerous Congressional Committees in > matters pertaining to Constitutional inquiries; Graduate Ohio State > University, American University, Washington, DC, Catholic University, > Washington, DC, and Hamilton College, New York. > ____________________________________________________________________________ __ > > Don't stand idle while others, for lack of knowledge, watch in helpless > despair, confiscation of their money and property by illegal stratagems of > a central government in Washington. > > Participate in the campaign to enforce basic principles originally embodied > in the Constitution of the United States. > > Begin your mission by sending your name and address. Ask for "Plan of > Operations" to oust regional government controls over your life, your > family and your community. Enclose $1.00 for postage. > > Packet you will receive includes 6-page 'operations manual' with list of > legal documents indicting the men and the system engaged in a conspiracy to > overthrow the Constitution and erect a United Nations 'new world order' on > ruins of the Republic. > > Shows you how to harness powers of County and State governments to your > mission and 'criminalize' regional government operations in your State. > > Archibald E. Roberts, LtCol, AUS, ret, Director > COMMITTEE TO RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION, Inc. > Post Office Box 986 Fort Collins, Colorado USA 80522 > Website: > Subject: "The Silent Revolution of Federal Regionalism - A Solution" > - - ------------------------------ End of roc-digest V2 #186 *************************