From: (roc-digest) To: Subject: roc-digest V2 #196 Reply-To: roc-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roc-digest Wednesday, November 4 1998 Volume 02 : Number 196 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 13:04:35 -0800 From: Boyd Kneeland Subject: Re: Fw: US Congress members of Socialist party (fwd) Skip Leuschner wrote: > wbg wrote: > > [snip, snip] > > > > I think both you and Kevin need to be much, much more careful about how you > > characterize information. I am as opposed as either of you are to every > > single one of the disgusting leftist congresscritters on this list, but > > if you go to the site and look carefully, you will learn that if we > > characterize these people as card-carrying Socialists, or even as members > > of the DSA, we are essentially casting ourselves as as big a pack of > > liars as we already know they are. This sort of thing has the potential > > to really harm our side's credibility. > > > [snip] > > > > Please be careful how you fling words around - or we'll put ourselves in > > the position of being perceived as as big a gang of deceivers as they are. > > > > Brewster > > -- > > To add my vote to Brewster's point, I checked out the web site > as recommended, and found that I'd been lied to, as Brewster > points out. The effect, on me at least, was to identify the > sender as a "Carville class" hothead with no credibility - one > of those "delete before reading" folks. > > FWIW. Skip. We've all got to help each other here, work on "presentation" as they say. I think everyone on roc that I've communicated is on the same side so if we can work on issues like phrasing, sourcing and credibility here it will show results in the "real world". (I'd have to agree with Skip et al on the original post.) Just my .02. Everybody voted today? My polling place (in Washington states 41st Leg. district) was busy at 10am. -Boyd Kneeland - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 20:24:38 -0600 From: (Robert Linzell) Subject: Re: FCC Proposes Location Tracking for Wireless Phones - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Greetings From Dixie: Well, it looks as if Gene Taylor (D-MS5) is going back to the HR. He has had no real competition since his election a few years back (this is his 3rd term). The so-called competitors this time around were pretty lame, and had virtually no support from the national level. We had a Libertarian, a Reformer, and a Natural Party candidate. The only televised debate I saw was pretty well a wash out. Oh well, Taylor is pretty pro-gun, and has spoken loudly against the Clintons recently. He tends to vote along party lines about 40% of the time, FWIW. As of 8:22 p.m. CDT, he has 81% of the vote. Looks like a lot of Governors' mansions will be stolen by commies --er, I mean, Democrats. <;^) The reason for this message is that the subject line has already come true. I recently recalled something I read in a computer trade rag (I think) a year or so ago about the Iridium satellite phone system. The article mentioned that users will be able to be located anywhere on the globe. I went to the Iridium web site today, and there it was, in black and white: "Iridium satellites also keep track of the users' telephone location anywhere on the globe...." See the full blurb at (although few details are given). Users concerned about privacy may want to consider alternative communications methods, or keep their Iridium phone/pager switched off most of the time. Looks like the FCC will have an easy time with Iridium users. FYI. Yours in the Struggle, Bob in Mississippi - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGPfreeware 6.0 for non-commercial use Comment: Get public key from iQA/AwUBNj+6xu0M/FuXc0xJEQL1/QCgul9c2rsNrZvqfjBtGEUnHRCSrl8AoJ24 XP1NWhvxBc5+Wehd+/xFZ+Vr =azVs - -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Nov 98 23:29:58 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Too Much Monkey Business (fwd) On Nov 4, Tom Walls wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] When John Glenn returns from space, everybody dress in ape suits. Pass it on. Tom Walls Gainesville, Fla [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 07:26:38 -0500 From: Tom Cloyes Subject: Re: Too Much Monkey Business (fwd) At least he is out of the Senate! Tom At 11:29 PM 11/3/98 -0800, you wrote: >On Nov 4, Tom Walls wrote: > >[-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > >When John Glenn returns from space, everybody dress in ape suits. > >Pass it on. > >Tom Walls >Gainesville, Fla > >[------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] > >-- >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** >----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- >An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no >weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his >hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a >on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ >----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- > >- > - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 09:25:16 -0600 (CST) From: Paul M Watson Subject: An ignorant army of uninformed voters (fwd) - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 08:54:03 -0600 (CST) Topic: White Water DAMN! REESE NAILS IT again! EVEN BEFORE THE ELECTION RESULTS! Orlando Sentinel 11-2-98 Charley Reese An ignorant army of uninformed voters By Charley Reese Published in The Orlando Sentinel, November 3, 1998 Unless they can pass the same test that immigrants must pass to become citizens, people shouldn't be allowed to vote. The idea that there is some public benefit in ignoramuses and morons pulling levers next to names on a ballot is one of the evil myths of post-modern America. The purpose of voting, in our country, is to select men and women with the competence and integrity to operate the mechanics of government fixed by our Constitution. For this process to have any public benefit requires that the choices be made on an intelligent, knowledgeable and reasoned basis. I'm not sure most Americans have faced up to just how corrupt our electoral process has become. I don't mean the obvious buying of votes, having dead people vote or rigging voting machines. It has become standard operating procedure for candidates to lie not only about themselves but about their opponents. If they have the money, candidates even hire people who are professional experts in lies and deceptions. Candidates base campaign positions not on beliefs or convictions but on polling data. This blatant deception has become so accepted as part of the process that television networks think nothing of hiring professional campaign deceivers as campaign commentators. At the same time, politicians, knowing that an ignorant voter is the best defense against accountability, have encouraged universal registration without regard for patriotism, interest or knowledge on the part of voters. These apathetic and ignorant voters, moved only by their self-interest, so outnumber the interested and informed voters that the demagogues always win. As a matter of fact, campaigns are directed at these apathetic and ignorant voters. Thus, the American people are effectively deprived of their right to self-government. Big-money contributors buy the ears of the politicians, and the ignorant army of uninformed voters overwhelms those Americans, either liberal or conservative, who have gone to the trouble of educating themselves about the candidates and the issues. These ignorant voters are the ``barbarians'' that Thomas Macaulay, the British historian, predicted would plunder the United States in the 20th century. ``American democracy must be a failure,'' Macaulay said, ``because it places the supreme authority in the hands of the poorest and most ignorant part of the society.'' Macaulay would have earned an A as a prophet if he could have foreseen that his own country would fall the same way, drowned in the same flood of egalitarianism unleashed by the French Revolution. Today, most politicians sound like social workers. If they are incumbents and feel called upon to defend their records, they talk about what they've done for the people. In the case of federal legislators, what they've done is almost always a list of things that the Constitution forbids them to legislate on. Of course, they neglect to say that all they do -- if anything, because they are great exaggerators -- is done at the expense of the people. But people who demand cash benefits and services from government are content with social-worker politicians. They have the mentality of beggars instead of the once-customary attitude of self-reliance. They are easy to buy off with pittances and promises. I'm not suggesting that some people be barred permanently from voting. I'm merely suggesting that all of us demonstrate some knowledge and some interest in public affairs before we get our voter-registration card. We should think of voting as a privilege of citizenship that is earned. I expect, however, that I will climb Mount Everest before there is any serious political reform in this country. _________________________________________________________________ - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 09:27:43 -0600 (CST) From: Paul M Watson Subject: Who Dumped Saltpeter on the GOP (fwd) - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Who Dumped Saltpeter in the GOP Fountain ? OWK 11/4/98 One who knows... What happened yesterday..?? What went wrong..?? This isnt a difficult question to answer. Anyone willing to look at the situation with even the slightest hint of objectivity can tell you. The GOP has lost its manhood. This has not always been the case. The greatest successes ever enjoyed by the republican party, have come from the partys willingness to stand firm in the face of opposition. The Contract with America was roundly ridiculed by the press, and by the left. In the face of that ridicule, the GOP stuck to its guns, and enjoyed the greatest single election turnaround in the history of party politics. And then theres Ronald Reagan. He spent his entire political career being ridiculed, lambasted, and undermined by his opposition, and even by those in his own party. He stood against this opposition like a man, and drew well from both parties giving him landslide victory. Like any other human interactions, politics and elections are driven largely by psychological perceptions of the central players on the stage. We have created a two party system, whose power brokers are judged as icons for the party itself. The ability of these icons to project power, reliability, and confidence has as much to do with success or failure, as does policy. The republican party has lost the mid-term elections almost entirely because of its failure to stand and fight on issues of importance. The party leadership chose to capitulate on issue after issue, in an effort to avoid the appearance of controversy. In doing so, the have emasculated the party. I challenge each of you, and I challenge the GOP leadership, to review the product of the 105th congress. Review it, and count the number of times the GOP has stood firm on principle. Try it, you wont need many fingers I can assure you. When the party fails to stand for anything, it projects an image of weakness, and ineptitude. You have all seen it. You have all felt that sickening feeling in your gut. You have seen Trent Lott stare down at the ground, and kick at his shoes, and say, "We felt it was important to work to bring this to closure in a bi-partisan way", and you knew he was surrendering yet again. Well if the GOP wishes to prosper as a party, they need to shed this testosterone free image. They need to develop a real legislative agenda. Not some candy-ass "save Social Security", and "more teachers" garbage. They need to stand for the goals they swore to defend. They need to forward an agenda which is true to the smaller government, lower taxes, freer people, and stronger defense. They need to start now, and they need to stand firm against the opposition. If they do these things, and they show the stones to carry them out, they will win in ways they never imagined. People vote for men who can project power. They cannot bring themselves to vote for habitual cowering capitulators. Stand now and be counted, or be forever marginalized _________________________________________________________________ Posted by: One who knows... ( * 11/04/98 06:30:45 PST Reply _________________________________________________________________ To: One who knows... Actually, it happened a year ago this time in November when Janet Reno, sandbagged the Thompson committee. She waited until after Thompson declared he would end the hearings before trundling out all the damning information. The bull dyke at justice, effecitively told the republicans that they were not men. From: ckilmer ( * 11/04/98 06:39:07 PST Reply _________________________________________________________________ To: One who knows... There is a new element in the mix. The Democrats have perfected, with the direction of the LIAR, lying. And they are good at it. After 1994, the Democrats knew their ideas were lost so they turned to bald-face lying which is now perfected. The Contract with America could not have passed in this envoirnment(today) and Reagan would have been hard pressed to be elected - because of the professional liars. It's only going to get worse with the lying and it's only going to get worse for conservative priniples unless the GOP figures out how to combat the obtrusive lying. From: DEADROCK (emailname) * 11/04/98 06:45:38 PST Reply _________________________________________________________________ - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 09:28:09 -0600 (CST) From: Paul M Watson Subject: Are We in Trouble? (fwd) - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 08:54:39 -0600 (CST) Topic: White Water Are We in Trouble? Vanity 11/04/98 rw4site This began as a reply for the "How the GOP miscalculated" article, but vanity got the best of me and my controlled response, displayed here, does not even begin to show the anger and despair I am experiencing this morning. Yes, we are in real trouble. Thanks to the control of information disseminated by the liberal media and the criminal enterprise of the liberal, socialist, Democrats. Our losses will not be measured, so much, by the number of lost seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. Our losses will be measured by the lost freedoms that the poor Congressional leadership will allow to occur during the next two years. We can look back at the inroads gained by (the Democrats) the gun control crowd, the abortion rights crowd, the anti Christian crowd and the campaign finance reform crowd. These inroads were gained while Newt and Trent led the Republican controlled Congress with a larger majority than they will now have. It requires 218 votes in the House for a bill to pass if all members are present (they usually are on important issues) and now that number is going to be hard to get, thanks to Moderate Republicans. Coming Attractions * More Gun Control A powerful gun control advocate will be leaving the House and going to the Senate. Schumer will now have six years and much more power to inject his un-Constitutional gun control mandates into law. * Campaign Finance Look for more limitations to be placed on the amount of money that can be raised and spent for conservatives and conservative causes, while Unions and liberals will be allowed unlimited amounts. * A new Fairness Doctrine This will end conservative talk radio. The old one did and you can bet that the new one will be more restrictive. * Unlimited Abortion Laws restricting the right to protest the act of infanticide will be strengthened. The one saving grace may be the Republican control of the state governments, although I feel that even this will be limited because most of those elected are moderate or liberal Republicans. _________________________________________________________________ My comments are above. What are yours? Posted by: rw4site ( * 11/04/98 06:08:44 PST Reply _________________________________________________________________ To: rw4site I can only agree with you. This is a victory for Immorality in politics. A vote that character does not matter(except for conservaties) . As far as I am concerned there is no longer a republican party. The republicans in Congress are a bunch of umprincipled,spineless,whimps who shake in their boots at the thought of upseting the pevert From: tsali1927 ( * 11/04/98 06:19:22 PST Reply _________________________________________________________________ To: rw4site From Nov/Dec issue of The American Rifleman..."Schumer has already promised that gun control will be one of his top two priorities if elected." Gee...what a surprise THAT is!!! I warned everyone via this website and others. Can anyone spell P...V...C..???? From: donozark ( * 11/04/98 06:28:21 PST Reply _________________________________________________________________ No, burying your gun and ammo is symbolic to burying you freedom!! From: rw4site ( * 11/04/98 06:33:52 PST Reply _________________________________________________________________ To: rw4site My God, my God, why have you forsaken us? I can barely hold my head up this a.m. What went wrong? Are we that bad? From: meandog () * 11/04/98 06:36:05 PST Reply _________________________________________________________________ To: rw4site Dear Fellow Conservatives, Ameirca is the last hold out against Socialism. The goal of all informed liberals is Global Socialism. They are willing to fight and fight hard to win over Americans because we are the worlds leader with huge redistributable resources. We are involved in a serious war. We have only a few more elections before changing the course of our nation will be nearly impossible. Don't give up. Don't stop pushing. But, realize that this is not a game. You're involved in a very serious battle for the control of, and the future of America. Now, we must work on local elections to stop the advancement, and place our people in power. DECLARE WAR AGAINST THE LEFT! From: tracey12 ( * 11/04/98 06:43:48 PST Reply _________________________________________________________________ To: rw4site Yeah. Here in the Peoples' Republic of California, we wisely returned Boxer to the Senate AND elected Gray Davis Governor. With a Dem Assembly, he will have carte blanche to gerrymander the districts and ensure a leftist lock on the legislature for years to come. What's more, we elected a leftist to Attorney General, so all the pieces are in place for a massive assault on the Second Amendment here at the state level. Excuse me, gotta go buy some more ammo. --Boris From: Boris ( * 11/04/98 06:46:28 PST Reply _________________________________________________________________ - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 10:46:06 -0500 (EST) From: John Curtis Subject: Re: FCC Proposes Location Tracking for Wireless Phones > >"Iridium satellites also keep track of the users' telephone location > anywhere on the globe...." > Yup, that has been in the works for sometime. Ordinary cell phones also track their rough position within the radio cell (cell sizes vary according to location and reception position - smaller in cities, larger in areas with flat terrain and good antenna locations). This information is sufficient to get a reasonably accurate notion of the phone's position. Digital cell phone encryption uses an extremely weak method that is breakable without any knowledge of keys, etc. using a modest amount of cipher knowledge and a PC. See sci.crypt news group for a discussion of digital cell-phone encryption. Cell phones are pretty much equivalent to open radios - traffic analysis, signal interception, and location of transmitter are more-or-less trivial matters for anyone with sufficient resources deployed. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 09:14:27 -0800 From: Jack Perrine Subject: RE: An ignorant army of uninformed voters (fwd) On Wednesday, November 04, 1998 7:25 AM, Paul M Watson [] wrote: > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 08:54:03 -0600 (CST) > > > Topic: White Water > > DAMN! REESE NAILS IT again! EVEN BEFORE THE ELECTION RESULTS! And yet if I had simiply suggested denying the vote to all those on would have been highly offended....but certainly it is a logical impossibility for a democracy ....or any other form of government to exist .....when the welfare slime can vote themselves more benefits without ever having to ponder the trauma of actually paying more taxes themselves. So, it is not so much a matter of being stupid....tho all people on welfare on utterly stupid....but simply that they are entitled and not responsible for their own actions. Jack > Orlando Sentinel > 11-2-98 Charley Reese > > An ignorant army of uninformed voters > > By Charley Reese > > Published in The Orlando Sentinel, November 3, 1998 > > Unless they can pass the same test that immigrants must pass to become > citizens, people shouldn't be allowed to vote. > > The idea that there is some public benefit in ignoramuses and morons > pulling levers next to names on a ballot is one of the evil myths of > post-modern America. > > The purpose of voting, in our country, is to select men and women with > the competence and integrity to operate the mechanics of government > fixed by our Constitution. For this process to have any public benefit > requires that the choices be made on an intelligent, knowledgeable and > reasoned basis. > > I'm not sure most Americans have faced up to just how corrupt our > electoral process has become. I don't mean the obvious buying of > votes, having dead people vote or rigging voting machines. > > It has become standard operating procedure for candidates to lie not > only about themselves but about their opponents. If they have the > money, candidates even hire people who are professional experts in > lies and deceptions. Candidates base campaign positions not on beliefs > or convictions but on polling data. This blatant deception has become > so accepted as part of the process that television networks think > nothing of hiring professional campaign deceivers as campaign > commentators. > > At the same time, politicians, knowing that an ignorant voter is the > best defense against accountability, have encouraged universal > registration without regard for patriotism, interest or knowledge on > the part of voters. These apathetic and ignorant voters, moved only by > their self-interest, so outnumber the interested and informed voters > that the demagogues always win. As a matter of fact, campaigns are > directed at these apathetic and ignorant voters. > > Thus, the American people are effectively deprived of their right to > self-government. Big-money contributors buy the ears of the > politicians, and the ignorant army of uninformed voters overwhelms > those Americans, either liberal or conservative, who have gone to the > trouble of educating themselves about the candidates and the issues. > > These ignorant voters are the ``barbarians'' that Thomas Macaulay, the > British historian, predicted would plunder the United States in the > 20th century. ``American democracy must be a failure,'' Macaulay said, > ``because it places the supreme authority in the hands of the poorest > and most ignorant part of the society.'' > > Macaulay would have earned an A as a prophet if he could have foreseen > that his own country would fall the same way, drowned in the same > flood of egalitarianism unleashed by the French Revolution. > > Today, most politicians sound like social workers. If they are > incumbents and feel called upon to defend their records, they talk > about what they've done for the people. In the case of federal > legislators, what they've done is almost always a list of things that > the Constitution forbids them to legislate on. Of course, they neglect > to say that all they do -- if anything, because they are great > exaggerators -- is done at the expense of the people. But people who > demand cash benefits and services from government are content with > social-worker politicians. They have the mentality of beggars instead > of the once-customary attitude of self-reliance. They are easy to buy > off with pittances and promises. > > I'm not suggesting that some people be barred permanently from voting. > I'm merely suggesting that all of us demonstrate some knowledge and > some interest in public affairs before we get our voter-registration > card. We should think of voting as a privilege of citizenship that is > earned. I expect, however, that I will climb Mount Everest before > there is any serious political reform in this country. > > _________________________________________________________________ > > > > > > - - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 09:22:08 -0800 From: Jack Perrine Subject: RE: Who Dumped Saltpeter on the GOP (fwd) On Wednesday, November 04, 1998 7:28 AM, Paul M Watson [] wrote: > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > > > Who Dumped Saltpeter in the GOP Fountain ? > > OWK > 11/4/98 One who knows... > > What happened yesterday..?? What went wrong..?? This isnt a difficult > question to answer. Anyone willing to look at the situation with even > the slightest hint of objectivity can tell you. The GOP has lost its > manhood. > > > This has not always been the case. The greatest successes ever enjoyed > by the republican party, have come from the partys willingness to > stand firm in the face of opposition. The Contract with America was > roundly ridiculed by the press, and by the left. In the face of that > ridicule, the GOP stuck to its guns, and enjoyed the greatest single > election turnaround in the history of party politics. And then theres > Ronald Reagan. He spent his entire political career being ridiculed, > lambasted, and undermined by his opposition, and even by those in his > own party. He stood against this opposition like a man, and drew well > from both parties giving him landslide victory. I think this is pretty silly. The accursed GOP has stood on principle on virtually every vote: Unfortunately the principle has been to totally screw the white US citizen with respect to doing every possible for the third world alien filth / the principle has always been to be a traitor and do everthing to screw the US .....just as the hard working traitors the Republicans have become by destroying the US while building up and financing every possible international organization: UN / IMF / NATO / WORLD BANK / WTO. The have been devoted to the priciple of destroying our education system by maintaing the accursed department of educaition and the ultimate in FILTH ...the concept that all will be taught the same.....the disgusting leaning disabled which are forced into mainstream class rooms so none can learn / the brain dead third world trash well as the few remaining Whites and Asians that pay all the taxes and support all these parasites....they are all going to be taught NOTHING so they can be taught the same. And not only that they gave up on their contract with America as soon as they got power and started to implement a socialist police state as directed by the ultimate socialist filth: NEWT > > Like any other human interactions, politics and elections are driven > largely by psychological perceptions of the central players on the > stage. We have created a two party system, whose power brokers are > judged as icons for the party itself. The ability of these icons to > project power, reliability, and confidence has as much to do with > success or failure, as does policy. The republican party has lost the > mid-term elections almost entirely because of its failure to stand and > fight on issues of importance. The party leadership chose to > capitulate on issue after issue, in an effort to avoid the appearance > of controversy. In doing so, the have emasculated the party. > > I challenge each of you, and I challenge the GOP leadership, to review > the product of the 105th congress. Review it, and count the number of > times the GOP has stood firm on principle. Try it, you wont need many > fingers I can assure you. When the party fails to stand for anything, > it projects an image of weakness, and ineptitude. You have all seen > it. You have all felt that sickening feeling in your gut. You have > seen Trent Lott stare down at the ground, and kick at his shoes, and > say, "We felt it was important to work to bring this to closure in a > bi-partisan way", and you knew he was surrendering yet again. > > Well if the GOP wishes to prosper as a party, they need to shed this > testosterone free image. They need to develop a real legislative > agenda. Not some candy-ass "save Social Security", and "more teachers" > garbage. They need to stand for the goals they swore to defend. They > need to forward an agenda which is true to the smaller government, > lower taxes, freer people, and stronger defense. They need to start > now, and they need to stand firm against the opposition. > > If they do these things, and they show the stones to carry them out, > they will win in ways they never imagined. People vote for men who can > project power. They cannot bring themselves to vote for habitual > cowering capitulators. Stand now and be counted, or be forever > marginalized > _________________________________________________________________ > > Posted by: One who knows... ( * > 11/04/98 06:30:45 PST Reply > _________________________________________________________________ > > To: One who knows... > Actually, it happened a year ago this time in November when Janet > Reno, sandbagged the Thompson committee. She waited until after > Thompson declared he would end the hearings before trundling out all > the damning information. The bull dyke at justice, effecitively told > the republicans that they were not men. > From: ckilmer ( * > 11/04/98 06:39:07 PST Reply > _________________________________________________________________ > > > To: One who knows... > There is a new element in the mix. The Democrats have perfected, with > the direction of the LIAR, lying. And they are good at it. After 1994, > the Democrats knew their ideas were lost so they turned to bald-face > lying which is now perfected. The Contract with America could not have > passed in this envoirnment(today) and Reagan would have been hard > pressed to be elected - because of the professional liars. > > It's only going to get worse with the lying and it's only going to get > worse for conservative priniples unless the GOP figures out how to > combat the obtrusive lying. > From: DEADROCK (emailname) * > 11/04/98 06:45:38 PST Reply > _________________________________________________________________ > > > > > > - - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 09:53:06 -0800 From: Subject: Re: FCC Proposes Location Tracking for Wireless Phones washington.general had a long thread in the early 90's about a DOT study that used cell data to analyze commute flows. It wasn't tracking individuals (in the analysis), there was debate about the accuracy of the data gathered and a lot of controversy on line about the privacy implications (saying to me that this isn't something big brother would have ease of use in). But as John says it certainly isnt anything new. Boyd John Curtis wrote: > > > > >"Iridium satellites also keep track of the users' telephone location > > anywhere on the globe...." > > > > Yup, that has been in the works for sometime. > > Ordinary cell phones also track their rough position > within the radio cell (cell sizes vary according to > location and reception position - smaller in cities, > larger in areas with flat terrain and good antenna > locations). This information is sufficient to > get a reasonably accurate notion of the phone's > position. > > Digital cell phone encryption uses an extremely > weak method that is breakable without any knowledge > of keys, etc. using a modest amount of cipher knowledge > and a PC. > > See sci.crypt news group for a discussion of > digital cell-phone encryption. > > Cell phones are pretty much equivalent to open radios - > traffic analysis, signal interception, and location of > transmitter are more-or-less trivial matters for anyone > with sufficient resources deployed. > > > > - - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 09:58:28 -0800 From: Subject: Re: Are We in Trouble? (fwd) Lets not all fall so deep into sorrow here that we forget to do our civil duties. I'm not saying I think Paul would do that (I dont) but reading his words some will shrug their shoulders, throw up their hands and retreat to the workshop. Forget that noise! Complacency got us low turn out, complacency of thought got (the ignorant and therefore IMHO deserving voters of his district) Chuckie into office, but make no mistake further complacency can make everything - -much-worse-. None of us are going to give up, none of us -can- give up. Use the political process as your outwordly courteous and civil -vent- of frustration. And more importantly get more of your friends to do the same thing. My .02 -Boyd Kneeland Paul M Watson wrote: > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 08:54:39 -0600 (CST) > > > Topic: White Water > > Are We in Trouble? > > Vanity > 11/04/98 rw4site > > This began as a reply for the "How the GOP miscalculated" article, but > vanity got the best of me and my controlled response, displayed here, > does not even begin to show the anger and despair I am experiencing > this morning. > > Yes, we are in real trouble. Thanks to the control of information > disseminated by the liberal media and the criminal enterprise of the > liberal, socialist, Democrats. > > Our losses will not be measured, so much, by the number of lost seats > in the U.S. House of Representatives. Our losses will be measured by > the lost freedoms that the poor Congressional leadership will allow to > occur during the next two years. We can look back at the inroads > gained by (the Democrats) the gun control crowd, the abortion rights > crowd, the anti Christian crowd and the campaign finance reform crowd. > These inroads were gained while Newt and Trent led the Republican > controlled Congress with a larger majority than they will now have. It > requires 218 votes in the House for a bill to pass if all members are > present (they usually are on important issues) and now that number is > going to be hard to get, thanks to Moderate Republicans. > > Coming Attractions > > * More Gun Control > A powerful gun control advocate will be leaving the House and > going to the Senate. Schumer will now have six years and much more > power to inject his un-Constitutional gun control mandates into > law. > * Campaign Finance > Look for more limitations to be placed on the amount of money that > can be raised and spent for conservatives and conservative causes, > while Unions and liberals will be allowed unlimited amounts. > * A new Fairness Doctrine > This will end conservative talk radio. The old one did and you can > bet that the new one will be more restrictive. > * Unlimited Abortion > Laws restricting the right to protest the act of infanticide will > be strengthened. > > The one saving grace may be the Republican control of the state > governments, although I feel that even this will be limited because > most of those elected are moderate or liberal Republicans. > _________________________________________________________________ > > My comments are above. What are yours? > Posted by: rw4site ( * > 11/04/98 06:08:44 PST Reply > _________________________________________________________________ > > > To: rw4site > I can only agree with you. This is a victory for Immorality in > politics. A vote that character does not matter(except for > conservaties) . As far as I am concerned there is no longer a > republican party. The republicans in Congress are a bunch of > umprincipled,spineless,whimps who shake in their boots at the thought > of upseting the pevert > From: tsali1927 ( * > 11/04/98 06:19:22 PST Reply > _________________________________________________________________ > > To: rw4site > From Nov/Dec issue of The American Rifleman..."Schumer has already > promised that gun control will be one of his top two priorities if > elected." Gee...what a surprise THAT is!!! I warned everyone via this > website and others. Can anyone spell P...V...C..???? > From: donozark ( * > 11/04/98 06:28:21 PST Reply > _________________________________________________________________ > > No, burying your gun and ammo is symbolic to burying you freedom!! > From: rw4site ( * > 11/04/98 06:33:52 PST Reply > _________________________________________________________________ > > To: rw4site > My God, my God, why have you forsaken us? I can barely hold my head up > this a.m. What went wrong? Are we that bad? > From: meandog () * > 11/04/98 06:36:05 PST Reply > _________________________________________________________________ > > To: rw4site > Dear Fellow Conservatives, Ameirca is the last hold out against > Socialism. The goal of all informed liberals is Global Socialism. They > are willing to fight and fight hard to win over Americans because we > are the worlds leader with huge redistributable resources. > > We are involved in a serious war. We have only a few more elections > before changing the course of our nation will be nearly impossible. > > Don't give up. Don't stop pushing. But, realize that this is not a > game. You're involved in a very serious battle for the control of, and > the future of America. > > Now, we must work on local elections to stop the advancement, and > place our people in power. > > DECLARE WAR AGAINST THE LEFT! > From: tracey12 ( * > 11/04/98 06:43:48 PST Reply > _________________________________________________________________ > > To: rw4site > Yeah. Here in the Peoples' Republic of California, we wisely returned > Boxer to the Senate AND elected Gray Davis Governor. > > With a Dem Assembly, he will have carte blanche to gerrymander the > districts and ensure a leftist lock on the legislature for years to > come. > > What's more, we elected a leftist to Attorney General, so all the > pieces are in place for a massive assault on the Second Amendment here > at the state level. > > Excuse me, gotta go buy some more ammo. > > --Boris > From: Boris ( * > 11/04/98 06:46:28 PST Reply > _________________________________________________________________ > > > > - - - ------------------------------ End of roc-digest V2 #196 *************************