From: (roc-digest) To: Subject: roc-digest V2 #274 Reply-To: roc-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roc-digest Wednesday, August 25 1999 Volume 02 : Number 274 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 22 Aug 99 13:13:29 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [2ndamendmentnews] 24 Children Murdered: Hunt for Killers Continues (fwd) On Aug 22, Weldon Clark wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] From: Weldon Clark 24 Children Murdered: Hunt for Killers Continues by Weldon Clark To anyone who prizes his or her freedom, Waco needs no introduction. But you do need to know about recent developments in the investigation of the matter. The need is especially clear since most of the national media have been working hard to ignore the story--despite its listing on AP and UPI wire services, and discussion in the Washington Times, the Washington Post, and other sources. First, there have been lawsuits filed by families of those killed at Waco and by some of the survivors. The suits were transferred to Judge Smith, the same judge who sentenced some of the Davidians to long prison terms, and is generally thought of as a very pro-government, very anti-Davidian judge. The government of course moved to dismiss the cases. To the surprise of many, Judge Smith refused, leaving open such claims as the Davidians' assertion that the government shot at people leaving the burning building. This, Smith stated, had at least some evidence to support it, and if proven would "shock the conscience of the court." Judge Smith must have been startled at the next development. Without warning, the Texas Department of Public Safety appeared in his court. TDPS announced that the Texas Rangers (which are part of TDPS) had two large rooms full of Waco evidence that had never seen the light of day. It explained that members of the public--documentary producer Michael McNulty and attorney David Hardy--had been asking for copies, but that when it offered to make them, federal agencies forbade it. Yet when McNulty and Hardy asked the federal agencies for copies, the same agencies claimed that they couldn't give them because only the Rangers had control over the evidence. TDPS added that it did not want to be responsible for withholding the evidence, hinted that it did not trust the federal agencies to have it, and offered to file the entire mass (estimated at twelve tons of material) in court! Things became more lively when TDPS explained just what was in the evidence. TDPS commissioner Jim Francis said that it contained government fired projectiles, which appeared to be pyrotechnic (that is, fire producing). It appears to this author that may prove that FBI started the fire that killed 74 people, including two dozen children. He allowed he was no expert, but said the evidence would be at least "problematic" for the FBI's position. (The projectiles, fired from the FBI's M- 79 grenade launchers, including pyrotechnic CS gas rounds. These expel the CS by burning a mixture similar to black powder, and are stamped with warnings that they cause fires and may not be used against buildings.) The evidence was so sensitive, Francis explained, that he had instructed the Rangers to keep FBI out of the evidence locker until it could be secured with the court, and he had ordered the Rangers to commence their own investigation. The revelation of hidden evidence must have shocked Judge Smith, hitherto seen as very pro-government. He issued an order accepting the Ranger's evidence. Then he issued a second order, which is utterly unprecedented. He ordered all federal agencies to turn over to the court all evidence "in any way relevant to the events at Mt. Carmel [the Davidian building]." No one had even thought to ask for such an order; in a civil case, judges just don't order all the evidence turned in, whether it has been subpoenaed or not. An anonymous law enforcement authority was quoted in the Dallas Morning News as predicting that "The Justice Department is going to have a fit!" That's a safe prediction. Attorney Hardy's Freedom of Information Act suit drove ATF to admit that it had three and maybe four video cameras filming what happened at the Davidians' front door, and likely showing exactly what had happened when the first shots were fired--but ATF claimed all copies had vanished. So had an infrared tape of the building, which would conclusively show if and when the Davidians fired. We may now know exactly where those tapes are sitting, and exactly why they've had to be hidden for six years. Now for the things we can't talk about--or, at least, things were we can only reveal part of the story. Michael McNulty, producer of the documentary "Waco: The Rules of Engagement," is producing a second documentary. If the first one was stunning--it won an Academy Award nomination--the second one makes it look mild. With solid evidence, most of it from the government's own files, he shows that the FBI may be guilty of lying, perjury, and homicide. He found the 40 mm Pyrotechnic shells, and tied them to the fire. Retired FBI and government sources agreed to talk. The picture that emerges is even grimmer than we might have thought. Some Davidians had claimed that FBI fired into the building and shot at people who tried to escape. McNulty has uncovered STRONG proof that the statements are true. FBI infrared tapes, far better than those shown in his first documentary, show not only the FBI gunshots but also the FBI shooters. A law enforcement videotape shows the muzzle flashes. Internal FBI reports confirm that gunfire was heard from one of their sniper positions. This is only a tiny part of the new evidence McNulty has uncovered, but it should give you a guess as to what the rest is like. Here are just some of the indictments, each carefully documented, that McNulty's new documentary will level. Yes, there is a reason why 74 people burned rather than escape the burning building. Those who came out the back way--away from the media cameras--had been shot as they tried to get out. Yes, the "brave federal agents" got trigger- happy. Yes, a federal agency levied war against American civilians--including two dozen children. McNulty showed his documentary to Congressional staffs recently, and the effect was immediate. Congressmen and Staffers were seen leaving in tears, others in angry determination. Now there is talk of new congressional hearings- done the right way, for once. The Washington Times carried the story under the headlines "The Waco Cover-up Begins to Unravel." Sources close to the case demanded anonymity to avoid Judicial Reprisals. The Waco dam is cracking, and we need your help to break it wide open. If you value your freedom, and the Republic we have known and loved, sit down, right now, and: 1. Write your own Congressman, demanding hearings into the new evidence uncovered in Texas and soon to be seen in a disturbing new documentary film "Waco: A New Revelation". You can call your representatives at the following toll-free numbers US Capitol Switchboard 888-449- 3511 You can also call them using the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. Here's an e-mail link to Congress. 2. Down load this document and make copies to distribute to your friends, family and coworkers. Resend this article as far and wide as you possibly can. To spread the word call Rush Limbaugh at 800-282-2882 and callers may call in from 12 noon to 3PM EST, M-F 3. Write Jim Francis, Chairman Texas Dept of Public Safety PO Box 4087 Austin, TX 78773-0001 thanking him for his integrity and for protecting the reputation of his State and that of the Texas Rangers. Jim Francis was appointed to this position by Governor George W. Bush and we may assume his actions in standing up to the feds have the tacit approval of Governor Bush. 4. If you can, contribute to pressing the civil suits brought by the Davidians. Most of what they had went up in smoke, and they're now faced with the need to finance lawsuits against the government--which is defending with your tax dollars. None of this money is for attorney fees. The case requires expensive depositions. Contributions can be sent to (and checks made out to) WACO JUSTICE FUND 5847 San Felipe Suite 1450 Houston, TX 77057. **************************** The 2ndAmendmentNews Team The way to protect your own rights is to protect the rights of others. Our right to own and use firearms and all of our rights are under attack. We receive e-mail addresses from various sources that represent the recipients as receptive to our timely, low-to- moderate volume rights-related alerts (generally no more than weekly, never more than daily, depending on legislative and other circumstances). Occasionally recipients turn out to be not interested, and we remove them immediately with our sincere apology for any inconvenience. If you wish to be removed send an e-mail to 2ndamendmentnews- and include "unsubscribe". If you know anyone who would appreciate these alerts, please let us know and we'll enroll them on a trial basis. Also, feel free to forward our alerts. If you've received this as a forward and wish to subscribe please send a reply to me at or Cordially Yours, The 2ndAmendmentNews Team 2ndAmendmentNews is published by volunteer activists who support the full original individual rights intent of the 2nd Amendment and the whole bill of rights and oppose any appeasement concerning our rights. The moderators include Chris Behanna, Weldon Clark and Steve Cicero. If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. -- Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776. - --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- ONElist: your connection to online communities. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Aug 99 13:20:51 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Re: Poll (fwd) On Aug 23, C. D. Tavares wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] > > >Yes 69.7% >No 30.2% > >258 votes The question (someone forgot to mention this!) is, "Should proper gun use be taught in schools?" Actually, my real opinion is "no" (schools teach way too much incidental shit already) but I voted yes just to twist their knickers. It's now 74.2% yes out of 404 votes. - -- [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Aug 99 19:59:09 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Fratrum: Re: Subject: To all you gun haters out there......Just recentlyposted to MSNBC Bulletin Board... (fwd) On Aug 24, Huck wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Here's a great idea! Huck > Just recently posted to MSNBC Bulletin Board: > > > Subject: To all you gun haters out there...... > From: JEMIII > Host: > Date: Tue Aug 24 17:08:09 > > Did you know that D.C. has a gun buy back program and lets you remain > anonymous when you turn a gun in? Up until last week, anyway. Well, it > gave me an idea, being a gun owner and all, so guess what I did a little > while ago? - Yep, I turned in a whole pass'l of hardware to our dear ol > gov't. I spent the previous 2 years collecting all the junk, non-firing, > worthless examples of the modern firearm and turned them all in.(Really- > none were repairable!) I made nearly six grand on the deal. With the > proceeds, I turned around and bought (yes, bought!) some really serious > hardware that actually will fire if it becomes necessary to test out > some ammunition now and then. It just goes to show that democracy really > does work. The city of D.C. paid for a bunch of new guns and I didn't > pay anything but a few dollars > here and there for "junk". The kicker?=== I DON'T EVEN LIVE IN D.C.- I > JUST DROVE THERE. I COUDN'T FEEL ANY BETTER IF I HAD JUST PLOWED MY BOOT > UP KLINTON'S censored by Huck..... > > BY FOR NOW. GOTTA GO. SIGN ME "ONE MORE STRIKE AGAINST ALL JERK'IN > LIBERAL LEFT GUN HATERS. AND HAVE A REAL NICE DAY! [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Aug 99 22:25:11 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: RKBA! Welcome to The Resistance. Get your stickers here (2/2) (fwd) (fwd) On Aug 24, Paul M Watson wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] any case, take your choice. Here's what a friend wrote: << As you know, I liked the Vive La Resistance theme...but then I always preferred Winston Churchill to Neville Chamberlain. More recently, it seems that black civil rights proceeded when the reviled Black Panthers got going, and gay rights got off the ground led by a bunch of kick-ass drag queens in The Stonewall Riots. The women's movement even had S.C.U.M, and I won't offend sensibilities by telling you what that stood for . Tough Israelis like Moshe Dayan and The Entebbe rescue made anti-Semitism and terrorism less a popular sport. And then look at the horrendous success of ACT-UP, the AIDS activist group (even though I wanted to shoot them the night they disrupted the San Francisco Opera opening in 198?.) Point is, I am not too sure that "nice makes right" is a winning philosophy. I have only seen RKBA being whittled to nothing during the sixties/seventies/eighties/nineties while the NRA et al continued their best Neville Chamberlain impersonation. I suggested a poster campaign...say Suzanna Gratia Hupp holding her favorite self defense weapon with RKBA! and Vive La Resistance. I still like that theme. And ain't I a woman? Anybody ask Claire Wolf what she thought...or Sarah Thompson? It has always struck me that on any issue you really have one {unpopular} minority doing battle with another (ruling caste) minority, with the majority wafting towards whoever looks like the winners, but basically wanting to sit it out. Your job as a minority player is to rally and inspire your own troops, and neutralize the mob in the middle so they stay out. You will never win many over unless you look like a winner, or scare them half to death. Appeasers do not look like winners. Just my two cents' worth to add to the largely conciliatory posts that were included. Still, to use an old resistance phrase, "Chacun a son gout." Do both! RKBA! Vive La Resistance! >> If you can help spread these stickers around, mail me a self-addressed stamped business-size envelope with postage as follows: 33 cents postage (one ounce) for 28 stickers; 55 cents postage (two ounces) for 92 stickers; 77 cents postage for 156 stickers (three ounces); or 99 cents postage (four ounces) for 220 stickers. (Each "package" includes a two-page insert; 64 stickers weigh a bit under one ounce. If your envelope is very heavy, I'll decrease the number of stickers to make the weight. You'll need only one stamp on the envelope you send me, even if you include a love note along with your self-addressed stamped return envelope.) Please don't ask for more stickers than you can distribute. My address is 27 Vine St., Andover, MA 01810-5025. This is not a business, but I'll accept contributions to cover my costs. In the first press run, the actual cost per sticker is 4.326 cents. I'm told that costs in future press runs may be higher, but they'll still be under a nickel apiece. Please be sure to include a note with your email address or phone number, in case I have to contact you to advise you of a delay for reprinting. Also, after October 1, 1999, please contact me before you mail me anything, to see if I'm still doing all of this. Email, or call 978/475-5646. You're welcome to make your own stickers, or use the designs on pro-freedom signs. Please note that I've been advised to copyright this material to protect against its appropriation or improper use, so: NOTICE: RKBA! and the RKBA!-Liberty Bell design are Copyright 1999 by Sam Cohen. Some people want to make modified versions that spell out what "RKBA!" stands for. I believe that (a) we should purposely not elaborate on "RKBA!", but deliver it as a teaser and wait for critical mass -- when there are so many of them around that the PRESS will ask one of us and publish the explanation of this ubiquitous mystery (and remember, the whole idea is to add RKBA! as a "logo" to OTHER pro-gun/pro-freedom messages, so a full wording would clutter things); and (b) in the context of stickers (as opposed to larger signs), leaving the message short and cryptic will favor the spreading of these stickers by kids who (we hope) will be attracted to the "in-group" mystery nature of the message. If you do decide to spell out the words, however, I'd recommend expansion to: The [R]ight of the people to [K]eep and [B]ear [A]rms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED[!] The "of the people" part is crucially important, lest people argue that that right applies only to the National Guard, or some such BS. Also, as I should have stated in the original 8/7/99 Internet post, the basic idea of the exclamation point is to refer to the operative part of the Second Amendment: "shall not be infringed (!)" Now, where should these stickers go? Where they'll be seen by the most people. Everywhere. Here are a few ideas: This Halloween, put a few (unpeeled - that is, with the backing still on) in trick-or-treat sacks along with the candy. Lots of parents will see them, and some may even use them later. Stick up doctors' waiting rooms (on magazines that you donate), store fronts (with the store's permission, of course), and letters and packages of all kinds. And remember, high school and college students may be our most important "market." [NOTICE: This communication is not a solicitation to break any laws. I will not ship these stickers to anyone who I know will use them in an illegal manner.] You can also have fun with them. A friend writes: "Do it in a spirit of harmless mischief. All stick-up suggestions MUST be non-violent and non-vandalistic. That is why rags were tolerated in their heyday at universities throughout the British Empire. Thinking up and executing rags was also excellent training; many of Winston Churchill's most brilliant misdirections of the Nazis were really just more elaborate and serious rags." "Just daydreaming Why not stick up anti-gun newspapers like the New York or LA Times, particularly on days they run one of their anti-gun headlines, hmmm? Just put your 50 cents in the machine and stick up the papers. . I would reaalllyyy love to stick it to our dear Dianne F and Babble Boxer. At one of their $1,000 a plate fundraisers, stick up the glasses, the dinnerware, the podium " Thanks for your support! Sam Cohen Gun control creates defenseless victims. It's more than wrong, it's obscene. RKBA! Justifying the right to keep and bear arms by statistics, on the basis of beneficial behavior by the many, is as dangerous as denying that right on the basis of criminal behavior by the few. You do not justify fundamental rights. RKBA! - - -- Bill Hartwell RKBA! Male Survivors: Female Survivors: Civil Rights: - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet: (William Hartwell) AirPower Information Services The Pro-freedom Online Service, since 1989! BBS:610-259-2193 Telnet:// Web Hosting - your domain name, unlimited traffic, 45 MB server space! Mailto: This message was processed by AirPower's NetXpress Server. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- ONElist: home to the world's liveliest email communities. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Texas-Gun-Owners is at ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. - - To unsubscribe, send a message to, and as the body of the message (plain text, no HTML), send the following: . unsubscribe noban email-address . where email-address is the address under which you are subscribed. Report problems to [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Aug 99 22:26:02 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: RKBA! Welcome to The Resistance. Get your stickers here (1/2) (fwd) (fwd) On Aug 24, Paul M Watson wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 12:15:16 -0500 From: schuetzen Reply-To: To: Subject: [tgo-l] (fwd) Fwd: RKBA! Welcome to The Resistance. Get your stickers here From: (schuetzen) OK - this is one of those times I am going against my strictest rules - But, I feel that everyone needs to see this. Do get into and support this. If anyone on these elists can make stickers, let us know and we will send you $ to make these or similar stickers. DO send $ to Cohen to help support his efforts. Lets take discussions about this to the RKBA list to Join the RKBA list - go to: fwiw chas On Mon, 23 Aug 1999 19:19:23 -0500, (William Hartwell) wrote: This is from the Massachusetts Firearms List, and the more people who get in on this campaign, the more effect we can have. All over the country would be wonderful. - -Begin quoted message - Welcome to The Resistance. I hope you'll pass along this information (and forward this email post). There are three parts to it: First, how the "RKBA!" logo, and the idea of The Resistance, came about; second, why I made the RKBA!-Liberty Bell stickers, how you can get them from me, and how you can make your own; and third, some suggestions on how to use the stickers. - - --Sam Cohen 8/23/99 On August 7, 1999, a number of ideas came together for me, and I posted an email message on the Internet. Here is [a slightly corrected version of] that message: - - ----------- RKBA! Welcome to The Resistance (women too) ----------- If this makes sense to you, please forward it to others... We in the Massachusetts Firearms email list have been working on pro-gun public messages for months. This grassroots project began with signs for a rally in Boston Common in May; progressed to ideas for a billboard campaign; evolved into slogans for lawn signs; and now focuses on stickers and stencils inspired by the pink triangle of the gay freedom movement. The effort has coincided with what is arguably the most dangerous political and cultural assault on personal freedom in this country's history. Throughout the process, we've brainstormed and argued to try to find the one most effective message, the one best idea for words and graphics. This may have made sense when the goal was an expensive billboard, but now it's not necessary: any number of excellent short phrases can work on lawn signs, and several recent suggestions would work well for stickers or even (let's say it out loud) roadside graffiti. There's no need to cull the ideas down to one... as long as there's a single unifying symbol to tie all the messages together and identify them as coming from a single, unified group of people. That key unifying symbol already exists, and has been right under our noses: RKBA! Four capital letters... plus the exclamation point. It's short. It's known to us, to all other pro-gun activists, and to many other gun owners. (And don't disparage the need for a rallying symbol of solidarity within this kind of movement.) More importantly, it's just cryptic enough so that people will want to know what it means -- and we'll tell them. Add it as a logo to signs and slogans, and as a sign-off or postscript to longer messages. Use it alone, or with the word "Freedom." (Hand out thousands of "RKBA! Freedom" stickers to kids on the subway. Thanks, Richard C.) Use it anywhere you'd paint or draw a symbol. You can make it part of a fancy stencil, but you don't have to. It's only four letters and an exclamation point: write it on restaurant checks, on invoices, on packages you send, on business cards... anywhere people will see it. Go ahead and make lawn signs that say "Save the 2nd Amendment" or "Criminals go where guns are banned," or any number of other good phrases (maybe even including "Silence = Death," appropriated from the gay freedom movement), but add "RKBA!" to the end. (How about: "For the Children -- RKBA!") Design a stencil of a five-pointed star with the digit "2" inside (thanks, Sasquatch) - - -- but put "RKBA!" underneath it. See for some great "Burma-Shave"-style pro-gun roadside signs from the Champaign County (IL) Rifle Association. Stay tuned to the Massachusetts Firearms list for more ideas. Just add "RKBA!" to everything. Rick Vaughan ( signs his excellent messages with the tag line, "The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA." Rick, add an exclamation point. Why the exclamation point? [First, to help make the four letters evoke the Second Amendment by suggesting the all-important concluding phrase, "shall not be infringed (!)" But also,] To signify the imperative: Join us! Do something! Don't give in! Learn, educate, speak out, resist! If we all use it, this symbol -- RKBA! -- will be our version of the clenched fist of the black power movement. Now... Some of us breathe more deeply with mention of the Sons of Liberty, and most of us stand just a little taller with thoughts of 1776. But the anti-freedom forces have made a lot of progress in this country -- so much so, in recent years, that times have changed; we've entered a "new reality" (thank you, Andy B.) -- and a better model for us than the Concord Patriots may now be the French Resistance during the Nazi occupation. When someone asks who's writing RKBA! everywhere, and wants to know who we are -- tell them we're The Resistance. We're not the NRA (although most of us may be members); we're not any other group. We're not conservative Republicans. We're not the Christian religion, in any of its versions. We're not for or against abortion, legalization or suppression of drugs, or any other issue except individual liberty and the right of the people to keep and bear arms. And because - -- like the French Maquis of the early 1940s -- we're the voices of freedom in a country governed by tyranny, we're also The Underground. (Yes, that's already happened: How many of us want to advertise our gun ownership?) One further thing: We won't succeed in regaining our freedom without the support of more women, now over half of all voters. The other side has been shameless in deceptively preying on women's protective instincts, and we must devote a large part of our efforts to reversing this process. To this end, one technique is to modify some of the RKBA! symbols: to the bottom of the letter "B," attach, as a descender, the lower part of the female symbol (like a small inverted crucifix). This version of the RKBA! logo would go nicely with appropriate signs and messages -- for example (thank you, Kevin McD.), "Support Gun Permits for Women (RKBA!)." We could even discuss copyrights with the NRA and post "Refuse To Be A Victim (RKBA!)." Let's make this work -- and may God help us. RKBA! Sam Cohen One of the most appealing ideas behind this campaign was inspired by the story of how a company had printed thousands of small stickers with their corporate logo, handed them out to people in a large city, and then watched the stickers appear in so many places that they attracted the attention of the news media. It occurred to me that we could do the same thing, so I created a graphic design with "RKBA!" on a Liberty Bell silhouette, and ordered a few thousand round, two-inch stickers. Some people thought that this first design was "too militant," so I created a modified version. You can refer to them as "the red one" and "the blue one." I'll describe both designs (and give you their Web URLs, so you can print your own if you want), then offer some commentary. You can see color images at (Thanks to Len C. for the Web site. Also, check out Len's neat freehand art at Sticker #1 ("the red one"): Round, 2" diameter, red ink on glossy white, "permanent" sticker (not peel-off). Surrounded by an outer circle: silhouette of Liberty Bell with a bold "RKBA!" worked into the center of the graphic; the word "Freedom" reversed out over the top crosspiece-support of the bell; and, aligned in a circular curve following the edge-circle under the bell, the words "Join The Resistance." Graphic is reduced to 45% of the .gif image at Sticker #2 ("the blue one"): Same as #1, except: Blue instead of red; the word "Freedom" (at the top) is removed; and, in place of "Join The Resistance" (under the bell, on a curve), the words "Cherish Your Freedom" (in slightly larger font than the tagline of Sticker #1). Graphic is reduced to 42% of the .gif image at (named for Mark B., who suggested the use of the "Cherish Your Freedom" tagline, which is borrowed from the banner of my gun club). Let me make a couple of points, please. First and foremost, I'd like to repeat that no one should get hung up on any particular graphic; what almost everyone seems to agree on is the single, "pure" idea of getting "RKBA!" into the public consciousness through a "critical mass" PR campaign -- as a tag line or logo to unify OTHER pro-gun messages/images/slogans/etc. Most people also agree with the idea of running that PR campaign, at least in part, on an "underground" basis (hence, The Resistance). Second, for what it's worth: Design #1 is SUPPOSED to be a little "militant." One thought here is that, with its suggestion of rebelliousness, it just might catch on with young folks, who'll be most active in spreading it about. Note that the reason for making 2" circles instead of 3" ones is that they can be placed more surreptitiously (and carried in a shirt pocket). Another thought is that this design will communicate urgency, let the public know that some people feel strongly enough to mount this campaign, and (this is important) register better precisely because the message is a strong one. Will it be a counterproductive for some? Maybe -- but (again, for what it's worth) my informal poll says that it will do more good than harm. In [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Aug 99 11:23:40 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [slick-d] While the right hand is...the left is doing... (fwd) Anyone care to hazad a guess as to how long it'll be till RKBA becomes an issue in this Court? On Aug 25, D. D. wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Watch and see, or do what you must. Rick - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 11:26:32 EDT Subject: THIS ONES FOR YOU, WALTER SCHEWE To: Source: Human Events Published: August 27, 1999 Author: Joseph A. D'Agostino Posted on 08/24/1999 13:48:20 PDT by jedediah smith Delgates working in New York to hammer out the last details of a treaty designed to create a new International Criminal Court (ICC) have made two radical proposals recently. The first would give the court the power to declare "keeping a woman pregnant" a violation of international law. The second would strip priests, pastors, rabbis and other religious counselors of the attorney-client type privilege they now enjoy in most civilized nations regarding the content of conversations they have while counseling members of their congregations. The forced pregnancy language-an Orwellian inversion of the inalienable right to life mentioned in the U.S. Declaration of Independence-would apply only in time of war (it is place under the heading of "war crime"), but observers of the ICC deliberations say it would set an ominous precedent that could be extended. The new proposals were made in the international preparatory commission that will continue to meet in New York until June 2000 to hammer out the last details of the ICC. Last year, delegates from nations including the United States agreed to the outline of the ICC at a conference in Rome. The body they agreed to create would be an independent international court nominally affiliated with the United Nations. In this latest round of discussions, it was the Canadian delegates who proposed abolishing the ancient religious-counselor privilege in order to aid criminal prosecutions. Austin Ruse, director of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, which has offices in the United Nations Plaza, told HUMAN EVENTS the chances are now "50-50" that the language will be adopted in the final treaty to be drafted next June. Along with Canada, he said, France is also a strong supporter of abolishing the privacy of the confessional. A spokesman for the U.S. mission to the UN said that the U.S. delegation negotiating the ICC treaty had not yet taken a position on either the forced pregnancy language of the question of confessional confidentiality. Ruse said the U.S. delegation was concerned only with removing American soldiers engaged in war from the ICC's jurisdiction, a concern that led the Clinton Administration's delegates to vote against the ICC outline last year. But President Clinton has long endorsed the concept of the ICC, and his delegates in New York are now trying to amend the draft charter so that the President can support it. In a speech to the UN General Assembly on Sept. 22, 1997, Clinton said, "Before the century ends, [we] should establish a permanent international court to prosecute the most serious violations of humanitarian law." Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jesse Helms (R.-N.C.) wrote Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on March 26, 1998, "I am unalterably opposed to the creation of a permanent UN criminal court because any permanent judiciary within the United Nations system would be totally inappropriate." Richard Wilkins, a professor of law at Brigham Young University who was in New York monitoring the preparatory commission's discussions, said that the "keeping a woman pregnant" clause was added to other language in the draft that already addressed the question of "forced pregnancy." The language in question says, "The accused intended to keep the woman pregnant in order to affect the ethnic composition of a population or carry out another grave violation of international law." That last phrase, said Wilkins, could lead to criminal prosecution of government officials who enforce laws against abortion. "They are moving, in separate tribunals, to make abortion rights an international human right," he said. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ End of roc-digest V2 #274 *************************