From: (roc-digest) To: Subject: roc-digest V2 #295 Reply-To: roc-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roc-digest Saturday, October 23 1999 Volume 02 : Number 295 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 22 Oct 99 18:19:03 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [slick-d] [ "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism..."] (2/2) (fwd) On Oct 22, ALLEN BENZ wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Heston? No. It was Laurence Tribe, the influential liberal constitutional law expert at Harvard Law School who personally favors gun control. Perhaps because there are so many guns already in circulation, most people, polls show, have always believed the Amendment gives individuals a right to firearms. But for some 60 years courts have ruled that the Amendment merely guarantees a collective right to arms -- by state militias, for example and extends no such right to individuals. Now some mainstream legal scholars, including some liberals, say a new expansive interpretation has persuaded them that the Second Amendment may have to be pulled out of the courthouse dustbin. In something of a nightmare for gun-control advocates, a conservative federal judge in Lubbock, Texas, tried to do just that last month. Contrary to all modern legal precedents, the judge, Sam R. Cummings, said the Amendment gives individuals some rights to weapons. He cited new assertions in recent years that the Amendment's history shows it was intended to guarantee individuals such rights. Constitutional experts say it is too early to tell if the Second Amendment will gain real force. But if an individual's right were established under the Second Amendment, courts would have to weigh any gun-control legislation that limits ownership by individuals to determine whether it meets some reasonable governmental purpose. These experts say the Texas case could well go to the Supreme Court. Two justices, Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia, have indicated that they are sympathetic to the expanded definition of the Second Amendment. But it is unclear whether other justices would agree. Even if the Texas case doesn't get past the federal appeals court where it is now headed in New Orleans, Cummings' ruling shows that the new interpretation of the Second Amendment has given gun advocates rhetorical strength. "There is a certain surface plausibility to interpreting the Second Amendment as protecting a right to private gun ownership," said Michael C. Dorf, a professor of constitutional law at Columbia Law School who favors gun control. "When you dig beneath the surface, you can refute that interpretation but it would be better if we didn't have to engage in that argument at all." Critics have said for several years that the reinterpretation of the Second Amendment is partisan work by scholars supported by the NRA. In a 1995 article in The New York Review of Books, Garry Wills attacked the new scholarship as a simple-minded mixture of "humbug with history." But some constitutional law experts say the recent scholarship proves that the Second Amendment gives citizens a right to weapons. "There was never even a suggestion that it would be appropriate for the national government to deny gun ownership to a private person," said William Van Alstyne, a constitutional law professor at Duke University and a gun owner who said he has been examining the Amendment more closely in recent years. The new scholarship began in the 1980s, when scholars started to challenge the prevailing view of the Amendment. They poked through history and found what they said was clear evidence that the drafters meant to give individuals the right to bear arms. One source they cited was the British Bill of Rights of 1689, which they said was a model for the Second Amendment. The British Bill said, "The subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defense suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law." This and other texts, they said, showed that the Second Amendment was meant to protect private citizens. The new thinking spread beyond the margins of academia. A respected constitutional expert at the University of Texas, Sanford Levinson, argued in an influential 1989 Yale Law Journal article, "The Embarrassing Second Amendment," that the liberal legal establishment had ignored the provision because it could be a barrier to gun control. Such a cold shoulder would never be offered, he said, to Bill of Rights provisions that intellectuals found less embarrassing, like the fashionable First Amendment. Gun-control advocates have worked hard to undermine the new analysis. The Amendment deserved to atrophy, they say, because it is more like the outdated Third Amendment, which prohibits the quartering of troops in peacetime, than the First Amendment, with its modern-sounding free-speech guarantees. Scholars supporting gun control have also mined history for nuggets they say prove the Amendment was limited to collective arms possession. In a law review article last year, Carl T. Bogus, a law professor at Roger Williams University in Bristol, R.I., argued that James Madison included the Second Amendment merely to win support for the Bill of Rights from Southerners who wanted armed units to control slaves. Some of these scholars agree that the language of the British Bill of Rights was reflected in the Second Amendment a century later. But the British Bill's language permitting gun ownership "as allowed by law," they say, was really a form of gun control because there had long been curbs on owning weapons. The purpose of the measure, they say, was to make it clear after the reign of the Catholic King James II that Parliament, not the monarch, would decide who would have what weapons. The back-and-forth is probably just beginning. But it is clear the argument over the Second Amendment has become much more serious than it was only a few years ago. Tribe said he had re-examined the issue because of the recent burst of scholarship. His study of the Amendment's language and historical context, he said, caused him to believe that the provision had been cast aside too easily. But even if there is some individual right to arms, Tribe said, he is persuaded that most existing and proposed gun-control measures would probably be constitutional anyway. Still, he expects legal experts to be startled when they learn that a new edition of his influential treatise, "American Constitutional Law," to be published this summer, will for the first time include an extensive section suggesting that the prevailing view of the Second Amendment as guaranteeing only collective rights to weapons may have been simplistic. "A lot of people who are coming to the conclusion that the Second Amendment is not just limited to the states are themselves quite liberal," Tribe said. 'It's not just the 'hired guns for the NRA."' I want you to please read the above piece carefully, and note how many "lawyers" are involved in this so-called discussion. If you really want to begin to understand where the push for gun control is coming from, start with the American BAR Association, and the International BAR Association as well. And, with all of the secret little clubs, such as the Inns of Court, that these parasites belong too (all leading right back to London, and the bankers thereof). How many "lawyers" (actually, Esquires) are there in your local "government?" In your state "government?" In the national "government?" Identify the enemy, my friends, and it is much easier to defeat him. Blind yourself to his presence, and you will never know what has happened. As more and more people begin to starve to death around the world, because of actions directly related to Washington, DC, perhaps more Americans will begin to understand why judgement will come against them. The United States (not America), is the New World Order, and most of the rest of the world understands this. Please think about this: Only in America... do we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'. I urge you to pass this post on to others, or post it as you see fit to the Internet, unaltered in any way, as others may need to understand what is going on. We all have a moral obligation to help understanding and knowledge spread across America. "But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood." Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV) The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance; this is the lesson that America forgot in the enjoyment of the excess of materialism, and in the orgy of plundering the world with unjust weights and measures. "Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had happened." - Sir Winston Churchill When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest. Lawyers: 99.9 percent of them give the rest of the profession a bad name. I don't think you can make a lawyer honest by an act of legislation. You've got to work on his conscience. And his lack of conscience is what makes him a lawyer -- Will Rogers (1879-1935) It also can be said better: When do you know a lawyer is lying? When his mouth is open. The solution is simple ... convince people to stop signing government forms... if their compliance is absolutely, positively required and mandated by law ... then no signature is necessary. For example, no one signs an agreement say that they will not murder. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Oct 99 21:18:16 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [slickplus] SLICK: Letter to Judge Presiding Over Waco Trial (fwd) On Oct 22, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Subj: Letter to Judge Presiding Over Waco Trial To:, >From: >Subj: Wrongful Death Action by Survivors of Waco Stand-Off >John B. Thompson, Attorney >1172 South Dixie Highway, Suite 111 >Coral Gables, Florida 33146 >Phone: 305-666-4366 > >August 24, 1999 > >The Honorable Walter Smith >United States District Court >Waco, Texas VIA E-MAIL > > Re: Information Pertaining to the Branch Davidian Wrongful Death > Action > >Dear Judge Smith: > > I hestitate to intrude regarding the above, but I am privy to certain >information that may lead to the discovery of admissible evidence that may >help inform the jury as to why the unfortunate deaths in Waco at the Branch >Davidian compound occurred. Today's reportage of an FBI Agent's statement >that pyrotechnic grenades were actually used prompts me to approach Your >Honor. > > May I first note that I am rated "A/V" by Martindale-Hubbell, so I do not >make any assertions herein lightly and unmindful of the consequences should >they not be true. > > Secondly, I am record counsel in the much-publicized federal lawsuit >filed in Paducah, Kentucky, in April of this year on behalf of the parents of >the three girls shot and killed in the school shootings there. Having been >on 60 Minutes, Today, CNN, Fox, ABC World News Tonight, and NBC Nightly News, >largely because our suit was filed before the Littleton massacre and >predicted it, because of the commonality of the entertainment products >involved, I am not looking for publicity in that or any other matter. I have >plenty to contend with. I am providing this information because I believe it >my duty as an officer of the court. > > Further, I am a Christian who understands that I do not have the luxury >or privilege of falsely defaming anyone. > > But I do know and can prove the following: I was the last Republican to >run against now Attorney General Janet Reno, having been her opponent in the >general election of 1988 for the office of Dade County (Florida) State >Attorney. > > Janet Reno was then and is now a chronic alcoholic, so inebriated at >times during office hours that she would pass out at her desk here in Miami. >There were five police officers ready, willing, and able to testify at her >Senate confirmation hearings for the office of A.G. that they pulled her over >on five separate occasions for drunk driving while she was State Attorney. >Another individual and I were approached by the Senate Judiciary Committee >with this information. I have spoken with another officer regarding similar >conduct by Ms. Reno. > > After Waco, I was called by senior political reporter David Johnston of >the New York Times, who told me of Reno's drunkenness while she was A.G. I >could go on about this problem she has, including its interplay with her >Parkinson's symptoms, but the point is that Ms. Reno was probably "out of it" >when the decision to make the incursion into the compound was made. She >wasn't operating a vehicle while drunk; she was operating a Department of >Justice while drunk. > > Secondly, and related to what I understand may be some issues in the case >before you, Janet Reno has a very, very, very long history of making up, out >of whole cloth, child abuse and sexual child abuse allegations in order to >burnish her reputation as a child rights advocate. Dorothy Rabinowitz of the >The Wall Street Journal, arguably the dean of all American newpaper >editorialists, exposed this habit of hers, which habit helped secure a >long-standing and completely fabricated criminal conviction of a South Miami >police officer, Grant Snowden. Also, senior editor of Readers Digest, Trevor >Armbrister, also exposed Reno on this propensity to make these things up, >thereby crushing innocent people with false child abuse claims. I say all >this as someone who myself has been a child rights advocate who has >represented sex abuse victims. > > This is relevant because you will recall that Ms. Reno, the night of the >incursion into the compound, stated categorically on Larry King Live on CNN >that the assault occurred in order to save the children from this abuse. She >has since had to admit that no such proof ever existed. She knew at the time >that this was a fabrication. She was not mistaken. She knew she was making >it up. She has built a career upon making such allegations up. > > I believe what I and others can show, then, is that Reno was most likely >impaired by alcohol abuse at the time of the Waco assault, and further that >she knew there was absolutely nothing to the concerns about child abuse. She >lied. > > Your Honor, you know the case before you better than I, but I would >respectfully submit that these bits of information, which can be corroborated >independent of me, may indeed have a bearing upon why and how the >conflagration that ended in the lives of innocent children occurred. I am >willing to state under oath what I know. I am sure others will as well. I >am not sure how best to get this information into the hands of the plaintiffs. > > I will conclude by stating further that the House of Representative's >Majority Counsel for the Impeachment Inquiry, David Schippers, sent his top >two investigators to Miami to debrief me about what I know about Ms. Reno in >the above and other regards, some of it so sensitive that I think it best not >to put it in this e-mail. The next day Mr. Schippers acted upon my >information. It pertains to blackmail. It may provide a further explanation >as to why the Justice Department has been less than forthcoming with the >information as to what really went on at Waco. > > Your honor, if you choose to move on and do nothing with this >information, I shall understand. I happen to believe, however, that the >survivors of what the Justice Department did--killing the children to save >them--have a right to know all that there is to know. > > Respectfully >submitted, > > John B. Thompson, >Florida Bar #231665 > > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To join the Waco discussion group, Click here ----> waco-gro To join the Slick discussion group, Click here ----> slick-d-sub and read what others are saying about these issues. FREE To join the SlickPlus internet group, Click here ----> and receive free e-mails from others about the same topics. FREE To sign off, send e-mail to what could be easier? * * * * * - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Java or juggling?. Everybody learns something at Where you'll find thousands of free 2torials, affordable online courses, and useful tips for everyday life. To subscribe to the Slick e-zine, send e-mail to for details. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 23 Oct 99 09:14:39 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: New Bill # HR 1577 (fwd) On Oct 22, David W Shuee wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Please feel free to cross post HR 1577 IH 106th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1577 To establish certain uniform legal principles of liability with respect to manufacturers of products. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES April 27, 1999 Mr. HOSTETTLER (for himself, Mr. NORWOOD, Mr. STUMP, Mr. HAYES, and Mr. TANCREDO) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee on Commerce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To establish certain uniform legal principles of liability with respect to manufacturers of products. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the `Interstate Commerce Freedom Act'. SEC. 2. FINDING AND PURPOSE. (a) FINDING- The Congress finds that the free flow of interstate commerce is vitally important to the continued economic vitality of the Nation. (b) PURPOSE- Based upon the powers contained in Article I, section 8, clause 3 of the United States Constitution, the purpose of this Act is to promote the free flow of goods and services and to lessen burdens on interstate commerce by establishing certain uniform legal principles of liability with respect to manufacturers of products that have moved in or that otherwise affect interstate commerce. SEC. 3. RELATIONSHIP TO STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS. (a) RELATIONSHIP TO STATE LAWS- This Act preempts the laws of any State to the extent that State laws are inconsistent with this Act, except that this Act shall not preempt any State law that provides greater protections from liability for manufacturers. (b) RELATIONSHIP TO FEDERAL LAWS- Nothing in this Act may be construed to supersede or alter any other Federal law. SEC. 4. LIABILITY OF MANUFACTURER FOR HARM PROXIMATELY CAUSED BY CRIMINAL OR INTENTIONALLY TORTIOUS ACT OF ANOTHER. In any civil action brought in any State or Federal court alleging liability of a manufacturer for harm resulting from a product of the manufacturer, the manufacturer shall not be liable for such harm if a proximate cause of the harm was a criminal or intentionally tortious act of a person other than the manufacturer. SEC. 5. LIABILITY OF MANUFACTURER FOR HARM RESULTING FROM SALE OR MARKETING OF PRODUCT. In any civil action brought in any State or Federal court alleging liability of a manufacturer for harm resulting from any sale or marketing of a product of the manufacturer, the manufacturer shall not be liable for such harm unless the manufacturer failed to substantially comply with a State or Federal statute applicable to the sale or marketing of such product and such failure was a proximate cause of the harm. SEC. 6. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Act, the following definitions shall apply: (1) CLAIMANT- The term `claimant' means a person who brought the civil action against the manufacturer, or a person on whose behalf the civil action was brought. (2) HARM- The term `harm' includes any physical, nonphysical, economic, or noneconomic loss. (3) MANUFACTURER- The term `manufacturer' means, with respect to a product, any person who produced, created, made, constructed, or designed the product. (4) PRODUCT- The term `product' means any object or substance produced, created, made, constructed, or designed for commercial or personal use that has moved in or that otherwise affects interstate commerce. (5) STATE- The term `State' means any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and any other territory or possession of the United States, or any political subdivision of any of the foregoing. SEC. 7. APPLICABILITY. This Act shall apply to any civil action commenced after the date of enactment of this Act. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 23 Oct 99 09:15:32 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [richslick] S L I C K Year 4, No. 47 (fwd) On Oct 23, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] =A9 1999 Rich Martin Permission to repost in full, or in part, is granted. You are encouraged to pass this message on to anyone=20 who might be interested in its contents. Better yet, print a=20 copy for a friend who is not on-line. Any and all comments=20 on the subject matter are always welcome. Do NOT use your reply button. Send them to: To join the Slick discussion group,=20 Click here ---->slick-d-s= ubscri and read what others are saying about these issues.=20 From the Desk of Rich Martin P O Box 531918 972/263-6631 Grand Prairie, TX 75053 "If you want to conquer fear, don't sit at home [in your=20 undershorts] and think about it. Go our and get busy." =20 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow=20 _______________________________________________=20 Happy World Series, 1999 Last week the paper was promoting a plan to widen I-35=20 to 16 lanes in Ft worth and 20 lanes in Dallas! This week=20 the EPA is telling us we've got to cut down the amount we=20 drive and how fast we drive, or they will unilaterally impose=20 economic sanctions on the region. The double nickel=20 fedl edict is about to be re-imposed. They also have a "new=20 and improved" fuel for our cars which will only cost a dime=20 more and cut mileage 10%. It will replace the carcinogen- laced fuel they now force us to use. Questions, when will=20 they issue gas ration stamps and where is the revolution?=20 It's not a matter of IF or WHEN we'll have a revolution.=20 The question is: is it going to be (relatively) bloodless=20 like the USSR's, or one in the American tradition. Lincoln's=20 war cost US 10% of the existing population. That's a hefty=20 price to pay, even for freedom. (Had the South prevailed in=20 the Civil War, historians would have named it Revolutionary=20 War II.)=20 =20 When I first put the above thought into words, Peggy=20 replied, "ARE YOU CRAZY? USSR?" She knew instinctively, it was not a politically correct position to espouse. But=20 today, it's not nearly so radical. I get more and more e-mails every day of people promoting a peaceful revolution.=20 (That's Resolution with an "v".) And I'm not talking about=20 hot heads, terrorists or political extremists. They're well- thought-out essays, with measured words, often eloquent.=20 You've got a computer. You see them too. Reasoned arguments=20 trying to convince you to boycott this, or write that to=20 your congressman. Like death and taxes, the revolution is=20 inevitable.=20 I belong to one list that writes a letter for=20 congressional consumption. They send it to everyone on the=20 list, and after we approve it, it gets re-sent to our=20 individual Congressmen under our signature!=20 I'll be at Las Vegas' Harrah's Nov 3 to 5. Any=20 suggestions on how to pass the time? How Slick is Slick?=20 The prez says the GOP are isolationists. Well, if=20 opposing the bombing of European capitals while ignoring the=20 turnover of the Panama Canal we built is isolationism, I'll=20 wear the badge proudly.=20 T he Salt Lake Tribune -- Babbitt Gets Feisty=20 O J RE-VISITED Playing 18 holes of solo golf in the dark!!! As Rush=20 pointed out, we haven't heard a story like that since=20 Nicole Brown-Simpson & Ron Goldman were murdered.=20 Where's Hillary? BEST of the WACO-GROUP LIST Written in response to an e-mail written in the same vein. Amen Brother Meyer!!!! This is the ticket. Interaction=20 with our local officials. Give them the courage to do what=20 is right. Send the ones that don't back to private sector.=20 Educate, promote, communicate the peaceful return back to=20 the 1791 constitutional form of Federal Government. Most=20 governing should happen at the town and county level then=20 State. We can do this peacefully. Truth is the ultimate=20 weapon against tyranny. Floyd F. Meyer, Sovereign American=20 Citizen (in service of my country)=20 waco-group archi= ves< /A> The Militarization of America: Par= t 2< /A>=20 DOW JONES Does anyone on this list have factual knowledge to=20 confirm my suspicions that the feds are again tapping into=20 the Fedl Employee Retirement Trust Fund, this time to prop=20 up the stocks used to determine the Dow-Jones?=20 MEDIACRATS How come the mass media isn't repeating their usual=20 phraseology: if the election were held today, George Bush=20 would win by.....instead they say the George W campaign has=20 amassed an unconscionable $60 mil war chest---and then go on=20 to repeating mythical cocaine rumors. BIG LABOR =20 Big Labor has announced they will spend $46 mil to oust =20 35 conservative Congressmen in 15 states. Rank & File, take=20 note of where your dues are going. $46 mil could pay your=20 dental insurance.=20 EDUCATION PBS radio reported that they found 2 parents at the back=20 of a room at a school function hosting George W. that were=20 not happy with him. "He didn't say anything about class- size," but then went on to say when they asked him directly,=20 he said he'd defer that decision to the local school boards.=20 If that's saying nothing, I'm a blue blood eastern=20 establishment liberal. They just don't get it. BILL OF RIGHTS END RUN America's most famous gun manufacturer, Colt, has=20 announced it will drop 7 product lines and the civilian=20 population as customers. UPS has led the way in driving up=20 firearm shipping costs by banning ground shipments. Two doz=20 law suits have made corps look at the bottom line. In the=20 spirit of the 2nd amendment, may all their offspring have=20 bald heads and live in servitude ever more.=20 ECONOMY The average family of four, the feds say, earns $39K=20 annually, with both parents working. They go on to say, a=20 single mother with half the income is below the poverty=20 line, and so is her children. (Wonder if they're counting=20 her food stamps and child support payments.) INFLATION Last month's Wholesale Price Index (WPI), a leading=20 indicator, jumped 1.7%. Last year they only admitted 1.3%=20 increase in the CPI. Seniors will see a 2.4% increase in=20 their benefits next year. Congress has doubled the prez=20 salary and given themselves increases exceeding the=20 inflation rate. =20 TOBACCO DEAL The great state of Fla has opened the gates to bankrupt=20 the American tobacco industry. I wonder if they've given any=20 thought who will fill the void they are trying to create. Do=20 you prefer Canadian Navy cuts, or Red China's Pagoda, the=20 world's largest cig manufacturer? KATHIE'S KORNER I tell you, we in California are trailblazers. We=20 invented the Reverse Robin Hood. Why rob the rich to give to=20 the poor, when the poor are so numerous and so uneducated...=20 and stealing from the rich can be so difficult and dangerous?=20 Can't we get the same glow from stealing from the poor and=20 giving the booty to the rich? Of course! So about 10 years=20 ago, we persuaded these poor dummies to tax themselves a=20 quarter-cent to create an open=3Dspace district. Since then the=20 county collects $12 million a year in SALES TAXES, the most=20 regressive taxes there are. This money is then blatantly=20 GIVEN to wealthy property owners in return for promises that=20 last forever, like "the check is in the mail" promises. These=20 promises go something like "I solemnly promise and do swear=20 not to develop the back 40, which never was worth much=20 anyway, going straight up a granite rockface, in return for=20 the million dollars cash you hand my way." Lately the vast=20 unwashed of the county have been agitating for the right to=20 hike on what they mistakenly think of as "their" lands, to=20 the mild dismay of the property owners. Pray for America! =20 Reply to: Kathie =20 JUSTICE WASHINGTON STATE STYLE The infamous Washington state HRS Dept of King County=20 were accused of 60-Minutes 2 last week, of railroading Bill=20 & Cathy Swan, who each served 3 yrs for a crime they did=20 not commit. Lot's of innocent people were imprisoned because=20 media like CBS convinced jurists that "children don't lie."=20 The program featured their now 17-year-old daughter who said=20 her parents were falsely accused. Her testimony, and that of=20 her little sister, were delivered in court by proxies from=20 the HRS! America, don't you just love it? PANAMA CANAL Isn't it ironical, the very nation we carved out of=20 Columbia to host our Atlantic-Pacific shortcut, has turned=20 on US after we rescued them from their leader. We kept their=20 casualties minimal, didn't we? Now they seem to be inviting=20 the world's most populous nation in to protect them from=20 another foray. They act like they don't trust US. REMEMBER THE GOOD OLE DAYS... when our govt wasn't interested to making war vs nations=20 incapable of harming US, but would not hesitate to enforce=20 the Monroe Doctrine vs the world's only other super-power. when parochial schools were affordable and plentiful. when it was better to let 10 guilty men go free than to=20 imprison one innocent man? World's Smallest=20 Political Quiz=20 THIS SPACE FOR RENT Reliable Internet Access for only $14.95 a month. Over 600 access numbers in 26 States and growing. Cyber77-ISP, web hosts, unlimited access,=20 high-speed servers=20 If you have your own web site, you know it's not enough=20 to be on the internet with 30,000,000 geeks. Oh, search=20 engines are great---for the other guy, but wouldn't you=20 prefer to be a little more direct? Instead of trying to=20 reach millions of people who can't spell your name, here's=20 your chance to target thousands of politically active=20 people like yourself. Send e-mail for details to RichSlick. PARTING THOUGHT "The average age of the world's greatest civilizations=20 has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed=20 through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from=20 spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty;=20 from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness;=20 from selfishness to complacency; from complaceny to apathy;=20 from apathy to dependence; from dependency back again into=20 bondage." -- Fraser Tyler, English historian.=20 * * * * *=20 Subscribe to this Slick e-zine featuring Kathie's Korner, and receive absolutely free, a copy of Rich's Major Media=20 Mailing List containing over 400 e-mail addresses. To=20 subscribe, send your check for $24.95 to the address at the=20 top of this message. Be sure to include your e-mail address. Anyone wishing to carry Slick at their WWW site should=20 contact me by e-mail. Having the current Slick updated once or twice a week gives visitors a reason to come back soon. THE TRUTH IS...=20 A. Powerful. C. In the eye of the beholder.=20 B. Irrelevant. D. All of the above. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get A 0% Intro APR Visa with Instant Approval right now a at home: - Simplifying group communications [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ End of roc-digest V2 #295 *************************