From: (roc-digest) To: Subject: roc-digest V2 #341 Reply-To: roc-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roc-digest Sunday, May 14 2000 Volume 02 : Number 341 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 12:08:47 -0700 From: "Steven A. Silver" Subject: MMM Lies & the truth about guns This Sunday's "Million Moms March" is being promoted heavily by the Clinton Administration and its P.R. cronies in the media. Of course, in all the gushing about the event, the supporters have conveniently ignored the deadly consequences their proposals will have. To lean the truth about the Million Moms' deceptions, go to For a good source of data regarding violent crime and firearms, go to: Steve Silver Attorney at Law: The Lawyer's Second Amendment Society: Citizens of America (fighting back): Get the TRUTH About Guns: - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 May 00 12:44:25 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: VOLUNTEER INSTRUCTORS MOUNT 'PROJECT KIDSAFE' THIS SATURDAY, MAY 13 (fwd) On May 12, Wendell M. Joost III wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Wendell Joost > ============================================== > > FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE > > Contact: Joe Waldron (425) 454-4915 > > VOLUNTEER INSTRUCTORS MOUNT 'PROJECT KIDSAFE' THIS SATURDAY, MAY 13 > > BELLEVUE, WA - "Our goal is a million gun-safe kids," said Joe > Waldron, national organizer of "Project KidSafe," which will be inaugurated > at gun ranges and other facilitieis in eight states this Saturday, May 13. > > Volunteer firearms instructors are coordinating the nationwide > event, which will provide home firearm safety and child gun safety courses > to families, and single mothers and their children. > > The effort is being sponsored by WeCARE, a coalition representing > several gun safety organizations, said Waldron. Instructors certified by > the National Rifle Association will offer Home Firearms Safety programs, > and the award-winning Eddie Eagle Gun Safety programs at various locations. > > "Education and training are the solutions to gun accidents, not > more gun control laws," Waldron said. "We're mounting this effort, in the > hopes that it becomes an annual event." > > Nationally, firearms-related deaths of youngsters age 15 and under > are at an all-time low. Supports of "Project KidSafe" give much credit for > this to firearms safety courses, including hunter education, which have > provided training to millions of Americans over the past 25 years. > > An instructor involved in coordinating the multi-state event, > Wendell Joost of Kirkland, Wash., noted, "There will be a Chief Instructor > for each class conducted at each site. We will conduct the four-hour long > NRA Home Firearms Safety course, which teaches safe gun handling skills, > and how to safely handle, unload and securely store rifles, pistols and > shotguns." > > The Eddie Eagle program will be offered where possible. NRA > guidelines require that the Eddie Eagle course for children be offered only > in "neutral" environments, and not on gun ranges. > > "Project KidSafe" events are scheduled in Washington, Idaho, > Indiana, Michigan, Colorado, California, Texas and Virginia. For example: > > * In San Bernardino, Calif., a program will be hosted at the Magnum > Range, 9 - 11 a.m. and 1 - 3 p.m. > > * In Manassas, Va, a course is scheduled at Hampton Inn, Route 234 > just south of I-66, 8 a.m.- noon. > > * In Utica, Mich. the Detroit Sportsmen's Congress is hosting an > event at the DSC clubhouse, 49800 DeQuindre Road, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. > > * In Bothell, Wash., a Home Firearms Safety course will be offered > at the Kenmore Gun Ranges, starting at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. > > * In Snoqualmie, Wash. an event will be held at the Snoqualmie > Valley Rifle Club, Highway 202, two miles west of Snoqualmie. > > For more information on Project KidSafe events, visit their website > at:> [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 May 00 19:41:37 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [slickmisc] TIMSS (fwd) On May 12, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] From the Home of Rich & Peggy Martin Grand Prairie, TX 75050 It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice. _______________________________________________ INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY As most readers are aware, I am a strong proponent for school vouchers, but this aside, I think it is first incumbent upon us all to realize/admit: what we are doing now is not working. Don't know about you, but I'm tired of reading articles like the one below which shows the ineffective teaching methods and belittles our students knowledge. If education is as important as we all seem to claim, isn't it time we tried something that might work, instead of pouring more money into the bottomless pit of the failing public school systems that are failing our next generation of leaders? Below is not a solution. It is an indictment of our failing system that shows the need to stop pouring money into the system that ranks US 17th out of 17 on a regular basis, unless you agree with some public school teachers who really believe their students are that dumb. Rich Martin Editor of Slick Summary of TIMSS The TIMSS (Third International Math & Science Study) provided an unprecedented opportunity for debate and analysis of the US education system. It dispelled notions of education commonly held by educators, parents, and students worldwide, and introduced new theories about how and what and why children learn. It was an objective, unassailable, scientific survey of students' skills around the world which enables international comparisons to be made free of political, partisan, and natinonalistic claims. It included both sexes and a wide array of students of all geographies, income strata, races, nationalities and religions, eliminating the usual arguments that such standardized tests are biased against a certain minority group. It proved that the US education system is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the world's worst. WORLD'S HIGHEST EDUCATION COSTS & LOWEST SCORES As a percent of GDP, only two countries spend more for education than the US, but no country's 12th graders scored lower than everyone else in so many different subjects. Of 34 TIMSS subjects, the US was dead last in 17 of them. Japan and Korea, who spend half as much as a percent of GDP for education, educate their 8th graders well enough to score more than 100 points higher than ours, proof that spending more money isn't a prerequisite to improving education. Within the G-7 countries, a 1% increase in education spending as a percent of GDP correlates to a 40 point decrease in TIMSS scores. Where the 12th graders of most countries scored higher than their 8th graders (as much as 92 points higher), the 12th graders in the US scored 72 points lower, suggesting that American high schools may have a serious adverse effect on students. It demonstrated that the "gender gap" (the difference between boys' and girls' test scores) is constant across the world and is not the result of some systemic discrimination against girls and in favor of boys in the US, as claimed by feminists. It demonstrates that American 12th grade girls had been taught math and physics principles, but that zero percent of them were able to apply those principles to problem solving. US HAS WORLD'S LOWEST TIMSS SCORES At the 12th grade level, compared to American girls, French boys scored 130 points higher in Calculus and 147 points higher in Advanced Math, Swedish boys scored 193 points higher in Mechanics and 154 points higher in Wave Phenomena, Russian boys scored 166 points higher in Electricity & Magnetism and 91 points higher in heat, Lithuanian boys scored 121 points higher in Numbers and Equations, Swiss boys scored 161 points higher in Geometry, German boys scored 115 points higher in Modern Physics, Dutch boys scored 129 points higher in General Math and 113 points higher in General Science, Norwegian boys scored 189 points higher in Physics American boys compared to American girls scored 41 points higher in Calculus, 92 points higher in Advanced Math, 52 points higher in Mechanics, 18 points higher in Wave Phenomena, 28 points higher in Electricity & Magnetism, 26 points higher in Heat, 3 points higher in Numbers & Equations, 31 points higher in Geometry, 20 points higher in Modern Physics, 54 points higher in General Math, 61 points higher in General Science, 91 points higher in Physics, and 33 points higher in Advanced Science. AMERICAN GIRLS' LOWER THAN IF THEY JUST GUESSED There were questions which required only that a student remember a math or physics principle, and questions that required students to solve problems using those principles. Most of them were multiple choice questions with 4 or 5 choices. If students guess on a series of 4 choice questions, they will get 25% of them correct, and if they guess on a series of 5 choice questions, they will get 20% of them correct. Once adjusted for multiple choice guesses, American 12th grade girls demonstrated that they remembered an average of half of the math and physics principles on the test. But their aggregate score on both math and physics questions which required those principles to be applied to problem solving was zero percent. Of these problem solving questions, on 7 of the 20 multiple choice physics questions and on 4 of the 16 multiple choice math questions, they correctly answered fewer questions than if they had just guessed. Such consistently wrong answers cannot be explained by sheer probability theory. For example, question K10 ANGLE INSCRIBED BY FIGURES INSIDE A SEMICIRCLE had 4 possible answers, so 25% of students guessing on the question would have guessed correctly. But only 9% American girls correctly answered this question, 16% fewer than if they had just guessed. American boys didn't do well on this question either, with only 33.7% correct answers, but the 8.7% more correct answers that they got than if they had just guessed is infinitely greater than zero percent. None of the average international scores for any of the math questions for girls followed this pattern. Adjusted for guesses, the average international score for girls for all of the math problem solving questions was 14.5%, compared to 1.9% for American girls. Because the error was plus or minus 3%, a score of 1.9% is a demonstration of zero problem solving skills for American girls, compared to at least 11.5% for girls internationally. The international math scores for all boys was lower than if they had just guessed on only one question, which is the above question, on which they scored 3% lower. This can be explained entirely by the plus or minus 3% error. Their average score on these questions was 18.3%, which is 3.9% higher than the international girls' score. BOYS ANSWER 6% MORE QUESTIONS CORRECTLY THAN GIRLS, A 31 POINT DIFFERENCE The average percent correct in advanced math for American boys was 7.9%, which is 6% higher than American girls, but 6.6% lower than girls internationally and 10.4% lower than boys internationally. It was also lower than if they had just guessed on only one question, which is a different question than the one above. They scored 4% lower on a question regarding permutations, which would suggest that (had it not been for the dismal performance of girls) the American education system is not teaching this subject correctly. In other words, this would otherwise suggest that American text book and/or teachers are teaching the wrong thing about permutations. The difference between boys and girls in the final score in advanced math was 31 points (457 vs. 426), evidence that a score of 426 is the TIMSS score someone with no problem solving skills would receive. The average international scores for girls (482) was 25 points higher than for American boys, the international score for boys (519) was 62 points higher, and Swiss boys scored 102 points higher at 559. Thus the 10.4% difference between American boys and boys internationally is equivalent to a 62 point difference in TIMSS scores. The difference between 426 and 457 doesn't seem like much of a difference, until you realize that it's the difference between zero percent having problem solving skills and 6% having problem solving skills. WHY DID GIRLS SCORE LOWER THAN IF THEY HAD JUST GUESSED? Without considering any other factors, it's impossible for girls to score consistently lower on 11 of 36 math and physics questions (almost a third of them) than if they had just guessed, without knowing enough about the subject in order to answer these questions incorrectly. Analyzing this data solely by itself, it would appear that our education system is somehow encouraging American girls to intentionally answer such questions incorrectly, in a way that no other education system does. The low score of American boys relative to the average international score for girls suggests that either this also decreases boys' scores, or that a similar thing is happening to boys but they are rejecting the disinformation and relying on innate math skills more often than girls. NO RESPONSE TO SOME QUESTIONS? A possible explanation suggested by the National Center for Education Statistics is a poor test taking strategy by American girls. If a large percentage of them didn't answer these questions at all, then they would have scored lower than if they had just guessed on all the questions. The test results containing the percent of students who didn't answer each question shows that only a small percent of American girls didn't answer these questions at all, eliminating this is as a possible factor. ___________________________________________________________ T O P I C A The Email You Want. Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Your Favorite Topics Message from Second Amendment Sisters - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry experiments. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a closed list, however, you are encouraged to respond to this message at To have your address removed, send a blank email to No muss, no fuss. What could be easier? [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 May 00 21:27:41 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Millions Mom March Dangerous To Women And Kids (fwd) On May 12, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Millions Moms March Dangerous To Women And Kids by Liz Michael,, Released May 13, 2000 for immediate release - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= I'm going to come right out and say this. I can't mince words any = longer. The so-called "Million Moms March" represents a clear and present danger = to every woman in this nation, especially every teenage girl in this = nation. Every woman participating in this march is particpating in an = act that may very well lead to her own death, assault, or rape, as well = as the death, assault or rape of any woman or young girl in her family. = Every individual participating in this march or financing this march is = effectively sponsoring a future criminal assault on me and people I = love, and I hold them as responsible as the criminal himself. I know what you're going to say: "Liz, isn't that a bit strong? Can't = intelligent people agree to disagree?" No, not on this. I'm tired of trying to make peace with these people. = I'm tired of having to defend my right to protect myself and my family. = Tired of protecting my right not to be raped. Not to be murdered. Not to = be a victim.=20 I usually approach the subject of the Second Amendment with the approach = for which I believe it was designed: namely that the Second Amendment = was designed to keep various arms in private hands to insure against the = establishment of a tyrannical government. I'm gonna not talk about that: = for now. The Jewish Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide notwithstanding. I'm gonna frame the firearms issue strictly in terms of one factor. = Natural law. First of all, let's establish one premise. A person under attack from an = assailant has an inherent human right to defend themselves from that = attack by any means necessary. I think most of us, in our hearts, = believe that. If you do not believe that, you're already a stupid idiot. = YES! YOU! STUPID! I said it. I meant it. Deal with it. Second. That right is natural and inherent. It is a right that any = creature on this earth has by nature of their creation. Look at mammals, = birds, insects, you name it. The vast majority of them are vested by a = survival instinct to automatically repel any attempt to harm them, to = prevent it, to hide from it. They are also given, in addition to their = natural characteristics for self-defense, a brain, to devise ways of = protecting themselves from attack, sheltering themselves from attack, = and so forth. Third, this right and instinct extends to THEIR FAMILY. Look at almost = any animal species, and you will always see vigorous attempts by = mothers, and often even fathers, to protect their young. But it's not = just blood relatives. That instinct toward self-protection also extends = to the pack, the pride, the colony. Even if members of the colony really = aren't related.=20 Fourth, the right and instinct also extends TO THEIR PROPERTY. You see = this in the wild. You even see it among pets. It's why dogs make such = good guards. They instinctively protect the turf. And not just real = property, but THINGS also. I had to lay all that out. Because I think everyone who deludes = themselves into thinking they are civilized, or live in a civilized = society, ties themselves to the bizarre concept, that all society's = problems can be solved if only they can pass some STUPID LITTLE LAW. The criminal, though, like the predator in the jungle, is under no such = delusion. The criminal determines exactly what he wants, what his soul = craves, and he goes after it. Sometimes the law does dissuade him. But = the more vicious and demented he is, or the greedier he is, the less = likely any stupid little law will deter him. So into this eternal battle between criminal and citizen, come these = individuals. They say that "we all will be safer if we all submit = ourselves to restraints upon when and how we are allowed to defend = ourselves, and we must get government approval to defend ourselves, and = only defend ourselves in the way the government states we can. And we = don't want any defense methods to be transferrable from one person to = another. And kids shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves." Of course, they don't say it THAT way. They say "we want govenment = registration of handguns." "We demand trigger locks be sold with every = gun." "We want every gun owner to be licensed by the government." "We = want to compel smart guns." "We want a Juvenile Brady bill." Gun control isn't just unconstitutional. Gun control isn't just a bad = idea.=20 Gun control is unnatural. It is against nature. People don't act like = that. No creature on earth acts like that. Regardless of your religious = belief, regardless of whether you think we have a soul or spirit or not, = you must concede that however we came to be here, and whatever else we = are, we are in animal form, and we have animal instincts, and one of = those animal instincts is the instinct, the duty, to protect ourselves, = our family, our friends and neighbors, and our property from harm. And = we would not have flourished as a species without that natural instinct. Now some of these "Million Mugger-enabling Meddlers" will ask me "Liz, = do you want your six year old girl to handle firearms? Your sixteen year = old boy? Aren't you afraid of having a gun in your house because of = that?" I'll be frank with you. Given the penchant for child molestors and child = rapists, I frankly would get my kids to a shooting range at early an age = as possible so that they may familiarize themself with that means of = self-defense, as well as familiarizing them with other self-defense = methods. I frankly would rather my child have a piece concealed and know = how to use it in today's world. I would probably give him one. I = probably wouldn't let him go to a public school where he couldn't carry = it.=20 Which brings me to the point. The "Million Mugger-enabling Meddlers" = would have my full support if they were, like Mothers Against Drunk = Drivers, demanding stiffer criminal penalties for physical assaults = against children.=20 But the "Million Mom March" is doing the opposite. They aren't trying to = make it safe for my kid to walk the street. They're actually setting up = situations where my family might be rendered defenseless against these = same thugs. Howso? Everything they propose.... EVERYTHING.... is aimed against me = protecting myself and my family protecting itself, not for it. Forget = the damned Constitution for a second. Forget the damned country for a = second. A waiting period denies me for the length of the waiting period = my access to self -defense and defense of my family. Permit and = licensing requirements do the same thing: delay and prevent my natural = instinct for self-defense. Age requirements: same thing. Saying a = teenage girl is legally prohibited from carrying a firearm is like = giving a child snatcher free license at her.=20 What about trigger locks, Liz? Surely you can't be against mandating = trigger locks? But it's the same thing. A trigger lock places an = assailee at a distinct disadvantage. Crimes don't happen in days. They = happen in seconds. Suddenly. Every second is precious in a self-defense = and a trigger lock costs precious seconds and might disable the firearm = entirely. But enough of this falderal. Forget how many votes you have or think you = need. Forget your interpretation of the Constitution. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT = TO TELL ME HOW I AM TO DEFEND MYSELF OR MY FAMILY. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO = TELL MY NEIGHBORHOOD HOW IT IS TO DEFEND ITSELF. None. Notta. Zippo. = Zilch. No STUPID LITTLE LAW you pass against us will ever negate that = natural God-given right and instinct. Deal with that. The gun control people, in my opinion, have crossed a line in the sand. = This ceased to be a civilized discussion long ago. This is a matter of = self-protection. A matter of turf. If you are in favor of restricting = the citizens' right to self-defense and defense of her family, then you = are on the side of the criminals. Either you believe an individual has a = right to defend against an assailant unhampered by stupid little laws, = or you are on the side of criminals. And if you believe in using the = power of the state to come down on me for protecting myself or my = family, then both you and the state that does that are criminals. YES! = YOU! And I'm here to tell you, on behalf of many many Americans with = families, that we will have none of it any longer. Million Mom March = supporters, what you advocate, if you succeed, will be a prelude to = revolution. That is neither a threat nor a promise. That is natural law. = We will not take these stupid little laws aimed at us any longer. We = will, like a mother lioness defending her turf and her cubs, use any = means necessary. Ultimately, whether you want it or not, natural law = will assert itself. Deal with it. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ------- Copyright, 2000,, Permission to reprint granted so long as the website and the copyright = remains referenced. No exclusivity may be retained by any individual or = press entity which reprints. Liz Michael=20 - Political Activism For The Liberation Of The World has a new server and a new news format - check it out = today! VP of Operations, Analon Computers - Founder, Bill Of Rights Political Action Committee - = Telephone: 213-840-6972 Fax: 818-240-9425 P.O. Box 546, Glendale CA 91209 [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 May 00 23:38:01 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: Judge: Gun Makers Not Responsible for Use (fwd) On May 12, David Hannon wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Judge: Gun Makers Not Responsible for Use UPI Thursday, May 11, 2000 CHICAGO - A Chicago judge today dismissed part of a lawsuit, saying gun makers have "no duty to control the distribution of their products." The decision came in a suit filed on behalf of the families of a Chicago police officers and two others who were shot to death. Circuit Judge Jennifer Duncan-Brice, in an 11-page opinion, dismissed the part of the lawsuit that claimed gun makers should be held liable for what is done with their products. Duncan-Brice wrote gun maker Smith & Wesson and others "owed no duty to control the distribution of their products to the general public." The families of slain Chicago police officer Michael Ceriale, 26, who was killed during a drug surveillance, Andrew Young and Salada Smith are seeking class action status for their suit against two dozen companies involved in the gun industry. They claim the defendants should be held responsible for negligently entrusting their guns to customers and creating a public nuisance. The public nuisance part of the lawsuit will go forward. A second public nuisance lawsuit against gun makers also is pending in Chicago courts, filed by the city of Chicago. (C) 2000 UPI All Rights Reserved. [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 May 00 12:16:39 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [Fratrum] Fw: Modified Blood Indentifed In Chemtrails (fwd) On May 13, John Fisher wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] Lots of secrecy here, but if it IS blood (modified?) could it also contain "modified" viruses and such? Whatever it is, if you believe in chemtrails making people sick, its working in this area anyway. John - ----- Original Message -----=20 From: John M. Novak To: Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 7:39 PM Subject: Modified Blood Indentifed In Chemtrails > > BIOLOGICAL COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED >=20 > May 11 2000 > copyright 2000 by Clifford E Carnicom >=20 >=20 > Biological components have now been identified in the two ground samples > previously analyzed on Numerous red blood cells, white > blood cells, and unidentified cell types have been found within the > sub-micron fiber sample previously presented and submitted on Jan 20 2000= to > Carol M. Browner, Administrator of the United States Environmental > Protection Agency. To date, Ms. Browner has refused to > identify the sample delivered to her by certified mail, and to disclose > those results to the American public. >=20 > A visual analysis has now been conducted with a professional quality > microscope on May 7 2000 that reveals the important discovery above. More > information and images from this analysis will be presented in the future= . > Depicted above is one of two remarkable discoveries of clustered red bloo= d > cells which become readily visible after being subjected to immersion oil= . > The cells appear to be of a freeze-dried or dessicated nature in their > original form within the microscopic fibers. Isolated and individual bloo= d > cells are interspersed throughout both of the samples which have previous= ly > been described. The surface of the cells appear to be modified in some wa= y, > but electron microscopy will likely be required to establish further deta= il. > Professional medical analysis > of the images and chemical analysis of the fibers, and the subsequent > disclosure of those results, now exists as a fundamental need. >=20 > The individual that provided the images herein and those that will follow > shall remain anonymous. I was a witness to the events that have been > recorded. The source material for the images presented herein has been > duplicated and distributed to numerous locations across the United States= , > and it is secured by various methods. >=20 > The ramifications of this recent discovery establish sufficient cause for > widespread involvement of the American people in this issue, and for > subsequent Congressional hearings. >=20 > Clifford E Carnicom > May 11 2000 [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 May 00 12:00:22 PST From: (Bill Vance) Subject: [harpazo] City ousts congregation (fwd) On May 14, wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------] TESTING THE FAITH=20 City ousts congregation=20 Local government seizes church's=20 property through eminent domain=20 By Julie Foster =A9 2000 Property purchased by a small congregation in the state of New York is bein= g=20 seized through eminent domain by local government, which claims the propert= y=20 is "blighted" and zoned for business.=20 St. Luke's Pentecostal Church bought the property -- including a=20 moderately-sized, run-down building -- in 1997 as a permanent home for its= =20 congregation of just over 100 members. The church has been meeting in rente= d=20 facilities for more than 20 years.=20 But the town of North Hempstead stepped-in last year to purchase the proper= ty=20 as part of its redevelopment project.=20 Many local governments across the United States set up "redevelopment=20 agencies" that seek out impoverished or unused areas, declare them=20 "blighted," acquire them through eminent domain and use federal funds to=20 improve economic development.=20 John Moss, attorney for the North Hempstead Community Development Agency,=20 said the church's property was earmarked for business in 1994. The town has= =20 been developing other properties listed on its urban development plan and h= as=20 now come to St. Luke's property on Prospect Ave., a run-down section of the= =20 town's New Cassel community.=20 North Hempstead's Community Development Agency now owns the dilapidated=20 building at 822 Prospect Ave. in New Cassel, N.Y.=20 Asked why the church was not informed of the property's "blighted" status=20 when the sale took place in 1997, Moss told WorldNetDaily, "The onus is not= =20 on the town to police [the sale of] these properties."=20 If municipalities did step-in to warn buyers, lawsuits would be filed again= st=20 the town for discouraging sales, he said.=20 "We're not big brother," Moss said. "People can do what they want with thei= r=20 property," but when it becomes a "problem," the town steps-in, he added.=20 "We are not anti-church," CDA executive director Kevin Saunders told a loca= l=20 newspaper. "By redeveloping properties, both commercially and residentially= ,=20 we are enhancing the quality of life in this neighborhood," he said.=20 The town began eminent domain proceedings in March, offering $80,000 to St.= =20 Luke's for its real estate, despite the fact the congregation paid $130,000= .=20 According to the CDA's lawyer, John Moss, the amount of money offered was=20 based on the property's appraised value. The church has until June 29 to=20 contest the figure.=20 "It was church property. It was never a church," Saunders told WorldNetDail= y.=20 The previous owner of the "blighted" property was the Jeremiah Baptist=20 Church, which had obtained permits for improvements before the sale took=20 place. St. Luke's proposed improvements are nearly identical but, rather th= an=20 granting permits, the CDA is seizing the property.=20 "The arrogance of the town officials outrages us," said Richard Cooper, cha= ir=20 of the Nassau County Libertarian Party.=20 "It made my Libertarian colleagues and me mad that the town did not have th= e=20 decency to offer at least what the Rev. Jenkins paid for it, and then=20 resorted to a squeeze-play tactic to force them to accept a low-ball offer,= "=20 Cooper said.=20 St. Luke's lost its tax exempt status after the town zoning board informed= =20 him he did not have a suitable number of parking spaces. The church now owe= s=20 more than $20,000 in property taxes that have been accruing, unbeknownst to= =20 Jenkins, since St. Luke's purchased the property.=20 Jenkins, who declined to comment while his lawyer is out of town, has seen= =20 church attendance numbers drop during the ordeal.=20 New York Libertarians call the town's actions a "scheme" to deprive a poor= =20 congregation of its property.=20 Mildred Little, a member of the North Hempstead Zoning Board, told the=20 Westbury Times, "We want improvement, first and foremost, and this property= =20 has been lying dormant for quite a while."=20 "We have enough churches here in New Cassel," she continued. "I would like = to=20 see done with the property what it was earmarked for ... business."=20 Outraged by Little's comments, Cooper said, "Instead of protecting the=20 people's right to property, the government is conducting legalized theft."= =20 In response to St. Luke's ordeal, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, introduced the=20 Church Protection Act to stop federal funds under the Community Development= =20 Block Grant program from being used in church condemnation proceedings.=20 Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, introduced legislation to prevent eminent domain fr= om=20 being used to seize church property.=20 The measure was included as an amendment to H.R. 1776, the American=20 Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act of 2000, which was approved by t= he=20 House in April and is now awaiting a vote in the Senate.=20 "The federal government should never be in the business of funding activiti= es=20 that negatively impact the rights of individuals to worship," said Paul.=20 "This is a major step in addressing the recent imbalance in federal=20 activities tending to infringe upon constitutionally-guaranteed free exerci= se=20 rights."=20 "The legislation I crafted was not just designed to address one certain=20 instance," he continued. "If any church can be destroyed or displaced with= =20 federal funds, then all churches are subject to such difficulties. Our=20 Founding Fathers well recognized that this sort of thing should not go on a= nd=20 that is why they gave us the First and Fifth Amendments," concluded Paul.=20 Even with the legislation, St. Luke's fight continues. The property now=20 belongs to the CDA, but the church has seven weeks to contest its assessed= =20 value.=20 "Even if the court finds for the town, the battle is not over for the right= s=20 of St. Luke's and all Americans," said Cooper.=20 "Moses said to Pharaoh, let my people go. The Libertarian Party says to the= =20 politicians, let these people stay," he concluded.=20 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Julie Foster is a staff reporter for WorldNetDaily.=20 =A0=A0 E-mail to a friend=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 =A0 Printer-friendly version =A0 =A0=20 We have enough churches here in New Cassel. I would like to see done with t= he=20 property what it was earmarked for ... business. =A0=20 - -- Mildred Little, member of the North Hempstead Zoning Board=20=20 =A0=20 Instead of protecting the people's right to property, the government is=20 conducting legalized theft. =A0=20 - -- Richard Cooper, chair of the Nassau County Libertarian Party=20=20 [------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- - - ------------------------------ End of roc-digest V2 #341 *************************