From: (roc-digest) To: Subject: roc-digest V2 #454 Reply-To: roc-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roc-digest Saturday, July 21 2001 Volume 02 : Number 454 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 11:33:47 -0700 From: Bill Vance Subject: Latest Fed attrocity A year or two ago, most of us were sorrowed to hear that Roy Rogers, "King of the Cowboys", had died. I was just informed that his wife, Dale Evans, passed away a couple weeks ago. Well guess what? The Feds want $220,000 or they're going to close Roy's museum down. When Trigger, Roy's companion for over 30 years, died, Roy couldn't bear to part with him, and so had him stuffed, and put on display. Among other things, the Feds claim his value has increased by a couple hundred percent, and thus they want tax for him, a horse they never bought, fed, trained, lived with, or loved. Talk about dog robbers. More at and no doubt other places. - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----- End forwarded message ----- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 01:48:42 -0700 From: Bill Vance Subject: the gun lobby needs a gun lobby (fwd) From: Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 22:55:13 EDT Subject: {slick-d} the gun lobby needs a gun lobby [libertyics] 2A: The Gun Lobby Needs a Gun Lobby By Nancy Johnson=20 07.12.01 >After watching the sell outs by the NRA I concur with what Nancy Johnson >has to say here. There is an old saying that behind every successful ma= n >you will find a WOMAN. Maybe it is time for the women to step forward a= s >too many men have failed to stand up. Stand UP or step aside and let us >get the job done! >Jackie Juntti >WGEN > > > >The Gun Lobby Needs a Gun Lobby By Nancy Johnson 07.12.01 > > >While on a recent radio show, J.J. Johnson was asked, "what does the Gu= n >Lobby need to do to save the Second Amendment". His answer: "The Gun Lo= bby >needs a Gun Lobby". Since the Nation Rifle Association is the largest >organization with over 4 million members, if there is a gun debate in th= e >Major Media, the NRA gets the phone call. It's time to change that. > > >There are over 80 million gun owners. And many pro-gun activist feel th= e >NRA is not, and cannot be the organization to vigorously fight the battl= e >as it's needed, for fear of getting attacked for being too "extreme". T= he >fact is, the NRA could not respond with an effective campaign against th= e >Million Mom March. This is one of several reasons that, with all due >respect to the NRA, many including myself feel a change of the guard is=20 needed. > > >The Second Amendment Sisters began in 2000 as a counter demonstration to >the Million Moms March. The Million Moms was (and is) a disaster. They >know it and we know it, no matter what the government-controlled media h= as >to say. >On their first anniversary, "Million Moms" tried once more to buy a big >demo. Second Amendment Sisters put more people on the ground in several >western cities. Even where they managed to attract a few hundred, as th= ey >did in Sacramento, it was obvious from the dozens of unopened boxes of >T-shirts that they had hoped for more. > > >The Second Amendment Sisters is ideally positioned to be the leading >Pro-Gun group in the country. There are many fine groups -- Gun Owners = of >America,, Second Amendment Foundation, Jews f= or >the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. The problem is (sorry, I gotta = be >blunt) that white males run them and speak for them. What too many gun >activists fail to see is that the political landscape determines the rul= es >of engagement for battle. > > >No one wants to have a debate and openly tell a woman they can't defend >themselves. SAS is about women. And if sex sells, then it's time to pu= t >some attractive women (especially mothers and even grandmothers) in the >forefront on the Second Amendment fight. > > >What many believe is the leading defender of the Second Amendment, the >National Rifle Association, supports Project Exile and now focuses on >hunters rights. Unfortunately, the NRA has followed what appears to be = the >inevitable course of a large and aging organization. It exists to promo= te >the organization rather than its goals. This is a natural result of >dedicated volunteers, who become staff and then find their careers >completely dependent on maintaining the donor base. The NRA is not alon= e; >I have seen the same trend in my own political party. > > >The NRA did nothing about the recent problems with K-Mart. >K-Mart announced that due to pressure from anti-gun groups, it was stopp= ing >sales of certain types of ammunition. >The NRA did nothing. But grass roots action forced K-Mart to dump Rosie >O'Donnell. > > >It is very hard to support the position that a woman should just take a >chance that she will be raped. Or robbed. Or see her children >molested. A woman is a perfect Poster Child for Second Amendment >rights. Maybe she is a single mother, maybe a waitress who comes home a= t >two in the morning. >Maybe she is the victim of domestic violence. The bottom line is that i= t >is a lot harder to attack a woman who wants to defend herself. > > >A woman with a gun is sexy. Look at the posters for movies of those bux= om >and muscular women holding serious hardware. It turns men on. There ar= e >also a lot of men who will not even consider romantic involvement with a= n >anti-gun woman, due in part to Lautenberg Amendment. Stories of a gun >grabbing partner calling the BATF and reporting her man's guns after a >domestic squabble and reports of domestic violence when there was none a= re >becoming common. This phenomenon will only increase as the gun grabbing >gets fiercer. More and more women who are for more gun control will fin= d >fewer and fewer men who will even consider a long-term relationship with= =20 them. > > >The NRA has a good program for younger folks called the Eddie Eagle >Program. Perhaps it's time for the our "Sisters" to start the "Annie >Oakley Club" =E2=80=93 dedicated to teaching young girls about firearms = and >firearms safety. The SAS can only improve its image by gathering sponso= rs >for Women's marksmanship competitions. > > >We, the Second Amendment Sisters, need to be as vigorous as the Pro-Choi= ce, >animal rights groups and the NEA. We need to get a letter or a protest >going about any infringement whatsoever of our Second Amendment rights, >just like they did with abortion, testing animals, or private education >respectively. Some of the positions taken by Pro-Choice did not make >sense, like supporting late term abortions. There were very few of them >and accepting this just gave fodder to the other side. Now it's time fo= r >SAS to do the same -- trigger locks, the California laws -- all must be >fought. > > >There is a great grass roots explosion of pro-gun sentiment. >The grass roots efforts shut down the recent UN Summit on gun control, w= ith >no help from the NRA. There were so many letters (I don't believe the >number "100" that they released) that they called in extra >security. Several congressmen and bureaucrats, including John Ashcroft, >went to the UN and defended the Second Amendment. > > >Where was the NRA? > > >Second Amendment Brothers: Hold the door open for us, please. We have a >vacuum in leadership at the top of the pro-gun movement. Lets make the >40,000 Moms and the rest of the anti-gun crowd sorry they ever got us=20 started. - --=20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - --- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RK= BA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------= - --- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath n= o weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand =3D Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy= a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Chr= ist - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------= - --- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - --- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 22:22:12 -0700 From: Bill Vance Subject: PARAGON FOUNDATION ALERT: SHOUTING THE BATTLECRY OF FREEDOM LIVE KLAMATH TALK SHOWS beginning July 20 (fwd) Lots of good contact info here. This one seems to have the hallmarks of being the spark that might inflame the naton..... From: (Jay Walley) Subject: URGENT PARAGON FOUNDATION ALERT: SHOUTING THE BATTLECRY OF FREEDOM LIVE KLAMATH TALK SHOWS beginning July 20 Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 19:00:44 -0600 LIVE KLAMATH TALK SHOWS BEGINNING July 20 To the Paragon List: Please forward widely Good Morning Friends of Liberty,, First, may I apologize to all, for the emails I have not answered. I just returned from St. Louis MO, and became immediately involved in the Klamath dilemma to the exclusion of all other activities. I am firmly convinced that the outcome of that crisis will affect every person reading this email. Simply, The Klamath is ground-zero for rural America. I am packing now to fly to Oregon and stand with the Klamath Basin Farmers as yet another major chapter of that battle for our rights unfolds. We are all needed and I pray that you may join me there. (Please hold all emails and phone calls to me until further notice. If Urgent, please contact me through he Paragon Foundation at 1-877-847-3443) A recent email from the Klamath farmers states, "We need to be quick about raising awareness and getting more people over to Klamath ... the excavating that may start today or tomorrow is likely to create another "scene" with the Feds. When they figure out that the farmers are intent on something more than symbolism, there will be court orders and more Federal LEOs generated. If you cannot come to the Klamath, you can do your part by accomplishing all or part of the following: 1. PRAY HARD !! 2. AIR YOUR VIEWS ON LIVE KLAMATH TALK SHOWS July 20 Michael Reagan Show. On Friday July 20, Flood the Michael Reagan show at 1-800-468-6453 4:00 to 7:00 PM Pacific Time with calls. Mike's program Director says they will welcome. July 21 Barbara Simpson Show July 21 KSFO San Francisco 6:00 PM Pacific Time, Listener call in Numbers (415), or (510), or (408) or (707) 808-5600. 22 July The Edge: 7:00 AM Pacific, Z600 Radio The Number One Radio Station in Montana. Wants out of state calls: Public Call in (406) 752-2600 Listen to the show on the internet at July 23 The Woody Woodland Show WGIR, WGIP, WGIN, Number one rated Talk Show in New Hampshire will air a live Klamath Show 10 to 11 AM Eastern time but does not want out of state phone calls. 23 July Derry Brownfield Show 23 July, Call the Derry Brownfield Show : 10 to 11 am Central Time Listen Live at Listener call in Line 1-800-973-3779 July 23 The American Sovereign July 23, 3:15 Pacific Time The American Sovereign (National Show) Call Listener call in Line (888) 385-3733 July 23 Brian Wilson Show: Call Brian Wilson KSFO San Francisco 8:00 PM Pacific Time July 23, Listener call in Lines 415), or (510), or (408) or (707) 808-5600 July 24 Radio Free New Hampshire Annie Conceison, will Air a live Klamath Show 4 to 5 PM Eastern Time at but does not want phone out of state phone calls July 24 Alabama Al Talk Show WXBK, Alabama 6:00 AM, Pacific Time , , No calls please 3. TELEPHONE AND FAX: IMMEDIATELY CONTACT: David Thomas Westren Represenative for the White House 202-456-7944 Office 202-309-1358 Cell Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber at (503) 378-4582 fax: (503) 378-4863. President Bush at (202) 456-1414 fax: (202) 456-2461. Ask that they do everything in their power to help the Klamath Farmers 4. SIGN THE ON LINE PETITION at; 5. BATTLES LIKE THIS COST MONEY SO SEND URGENTLY NEEDED FUNDS TO ONE OF THE BELOW: Frontiers of Freedom- People for the USA Funds As per the Pacific Regional Director 3 funds, chose one or all, Earmark in the memo portion of check, ( tax deductible ) Headgate Fund: will pay for fuel for the pump, may also be used to support other expenses incurred by the people at the Headgates, as they come up and are needed and are peaceful .... Family Relief Fund: This fund will be used to help purchase food, and other relief needs for the victims ( there are hungry children ) families in the basin, that are ) This money will be distributed to do the most good. Web Site Fund: this fund will be used to support this web site, that currently is not funded. Web site is also acting as new service to the country's media, issuing press releases. Many improvements and continued service to the community will be possible with some funding. FOF-PFUSA P.O. Box 28 Merrill, OR 97633 Klamath Irrigation District- Defense Fund, non profit status, tax ID # available Mail or drop off Klamath Irrigation District 6640 KID Lane Klamath Falls, OR 97603 (541) 882-6661 Fax (541) 882-4004 Klamath Water Users Association You can Earmark for: Website ( ) or general fund 2455 Patterson Street, Suite 3 Klamath Falls, OR 97603 541-883-6100 Tulelake Growers Association "We support the peaceful activities at the Headgates" established in 1943, TGA serves the Whole Basin Basin Checks made out to TGA-Environmental Account This Account established in 1992 to address and publicize environmental issues and how they effect farmers in the Klamath Basin, and help finance activities that promote the farmers cause. ( they put all they could into the Bucket Brigade for example ) They are also accepting new memberships ( nationwide) more details to come Tulelake Growers Association PO Box 338 ( or 356 Main Street ) Tulelake, CA 96134 Cointact Deb Crisp at 530- 667- 5214 ... 9:00 to 5:00 pacific time Any Questions Contact: Klamath Water Users Association 2455 Patterson Street, Suite 3 Klamath Falls, OR 97603 541-883-6100 Need More Information: Need to Reach me? Call The Paragon Foundation at 1-877-847-3443. PLEASE HOLD ALL EMAILS AND PHONE CALLS TO MY OFFICE NUMBER In Freedom, Jay - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 22:23:04 -0700 From: Bill Vance Subject: Dr Brown: Still A Nation Of Cowards. (fwd) Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 23:36:58 -0400 From: Brad3000 Subject: SRA - Dr Brown: Still A Nation Of Cowards. - -------- Original Message -------- Subject: My latest article FYI Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 19:28:46 -0700 From: Dr. Michael S. Brown Reply-To: To: Hi Friends, Here is my latest article. Feel free to use it in any way you like. Hope you enjoy it. Take Care, Mike Brown Vancouver, WA Still a Nation of Cowards "A Nation of Cowards" was first published in 1993 as an essay in a journal called "The Public Interest". In a previous column, I said that I considered it the greatest document of the American gun rights debate. Now the author, Jeff Snyder, has published a book that will be mandatory reading for those who enjoyed the original essay. It is titled "Nation of Cowards" and is available from Accurate Press (1-800-374-4049). The new book includes the namesake essay and many more that examine the ethical and moral roots of the right to keep and bear arms. Snyder is a New York attorney who moonlights as a Constitutional Libertarian writer. His numerous articles have appeared in news- papers, gun magazines and policy journals. Most participants in the gun debate prefer to discuss statistics, practicalities and outcomes of various gun control plans. Snyder rejects this entire line of utilitarian reasoning and makes his stand upon the most basic principles of human rights. He is a master at pointing out the logical and ethical fallacies inherent in the concept of gun control. Here are some of his ideas, as I see them, and greatly condensed for this article. Let's consider laws that declare schools or churches to be gun-free zones. If one thinks that such pre-emptive laws are effective, then it would be even more effective to simply declare all human bodies to be bullet-free zones. This would be ridiculous of course, yet it would probably appeal to politicians who value symbolism and emotion over logic. The unspoken objective of pre-emptive laws is to reduce the need for self-restraint and personal responsibility. If people do not have the means to harm each other, it is no longer important for them to control their tempers or act politely. We are asking the government to protect us from ourselves so that we can be freed from that responsibility. This might seem like a logical plan, especially to lazy slackers who aren't willing to assume the basic duties of a free person. One flaw in the logic is that laws themselves do not prevent crime. Laws work when most individuals choose to respect the law and exercise self-restraint. Unfortunately, the violent people we fear are lacking in those basic virtues. That is why pre-emptive laws are ineffective. They are nothing more than a political tool to satisfy the emotional needs of the electorate and they have a corrosive effect on personal values. Snyder addresses the current plague of zero tolerance rules in schools by comparing them to the ancient custom of human sacrifice. Even though it makes no sense to punish a student for a harmless act, they must suffer for the good of the entire group. Sadly, we are teaching our youth that ethical and moral behavior is secondary to obeying every rule, no matter how silly or onerous. There is little incentive to teach independent thinking or a sense of personal honor when so many aspects of daily life are prescribed by law. Many influential groups now say that citizens should not resist criminal attack. People are told that it isn't worth taking a risk to defend their dignity or even their life. Better to beg for humane treatment from violent criminals than to take respons- ibility for one's own defense. On the other hand, it is acceptable to rely on armed police officers to shoulder our risks and do the dirty work in exchange for the meager salaries we are willing to pay. Snyder does not spare those on the pro-gun side (like me) who use utilitarian arguments to argue for privileges that the Founders declared to be inalienable human rights independent of government or public approval. If we argue that gun ownership is good for society simply because it inhibits crime, we are implicitly admitting that our right to keep and bear arms is dependent upon provable benefits. Gun rights activists should also heed Snyder's warning that guns alone do not fight crime or resist tyranny. It takes committed individuals to do that. Some patriotic citizens feel all is well as long as we have our guns, but the electorate is being lulled into a sense of security by economic prosperity and the constant promotion of big government as the means to relieve ourselves of tiresome responsibilities. As we all know, rights and responsibilities go together. Some day we may awaken to find that many of our basic rights have been given away and it is too late to recover them, even through armed struggle. "Nation of Cowards" contains far too many good points to list them all here. If you are interested in the gun debate you must read it for yourself. It's possible that the intellectual tone and language may be challenging for some readers. "Nation of Cowards" would really excel as required reading material for college courses in ethics, sociology, criminology or government. If it were up to me, every college student would be expected to read it and write a lengthy report demonstrating his or her understanding of the material. But considering the current climate of mindless political correctness in higher education, I won't hold my breath. Dr. Michael S. Brown is an optometrist and board member of Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws - - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 21:18:50 -0700 From: Bill Vance Subject: Forwarded news from Down Under... (fwd) Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 23:19:06 -0400 From: kurt Subject: Forwarded news from Down Under... >Ed Chenel, a police officer in Australia asked that this be put on a >Email list and passed on to Americans.........Ed is a good friend. > >Hi Yanks, I thought you all would like to see the real figures from >Down Under. It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia >were forced by a new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to >be destroyed by our own government, a program costing Australia >taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. > >The first year results are now in: Australia-wide, homicides are up >3.2 percent, Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent; >Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent!) >In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up >300 percent. (Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them >in, the criminals did not and criminals still possess their guns!) >While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in >armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in >the past 12 months, since the criminals now are guaranteed that >their prey is unarmed. There has also been a dramatic increase in >break-ins and assaults of the elderly. Australian politicians are >at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such >monumental effort and expense was expended in "successfully ridding >Australian society of guns." > >You won't see this data on the American evening news or hear your >governor or members of the state Assembly disseminating this >information. The Australian experience proves it. Guns in the hands >of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control >laws affect only the law-abiding citizens. Take note Americans, >before it's to late! > >PLEASE FORWARD TO EVERYONE ON YOUR EMAIL LIST! Note: And the United Nations wants ever more disarmament? - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 19:44:40 -0700 From: Bill Vance Subject: Fiedor Report on the News (fwd) From: Doug Fiedor Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 15:43:37 -0400 Subject: {NewsUCanUse} Fiedor Report on the News Fiedor Report on the News A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia July 22, 2001 #237 by: Doug Fiedor - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Editions at: - --------------------------------------------------------------------- LAWBREAKERS GET A FREE PASS John Ashcroft lost his Senate seat because of blatant voter fraud. Dubya also almost lost the election due to wide spread voter fraud. So, one would expect that now that Bush is President and Ashcroft is Attorney General, voter fraud would be receiving close scrutiny. It's the same with all the campaign finance illegalities. There is good evidence -- plenty good enough to convict me if I did any of that -- that the Democratic Party took many millions of dollars illegally. Furthermore, unions and other far left groups spent many more millions of dollars in unreported funds as "walking around money" for the Gore campaign. That also deserves a major investigation. At least 25 House members and 10 Senators have major irregularities in their campaigns finances. Also, it is a big joke around Washington that the only thing separating an out and out bribe from a "gift" is who is giving and who is receiving. No matter how the law reads, just about anything goes on Capitol Hill. We're over six months into a new administration now. Still, no one is looking into any of these problems. Many of the lobbyist groups are still receiving plenty of foreign money to pass around Capitol Hill. Even the Chinese communists caught on and bought themselves some big name lobbyists to launder their bribes and/or campaign donations. A new broom is supposed to sweep clean. Yet, many of the very same people who caused all the problems during the Clinton Administration are still holding government positions and are still funneling money and services to the far-left groups sponsoring socialism. Instead of investigations, the "Compassionate Conservative" administration decided to completely disregard all the lawbreakers and "move forward." Now we learn that the Bush Administration is considering a grant of amnesty for the millions of illegal Mexicans who have sneaked into the United States and taken up residence. These are obvious lawbreakers, one and all. According to Ari Fleischer last week, the amnesty plan is part of a package of agreements being developed by U.S. and Mexican officials concerning Mexican immigration. Total amnesty and the guest-worker program are both being pushed by Mexican President Vicente Fox. It appears that the Fox Administration is cavorting with communist China on one hand and encouraging his people to sneak over here on the other. Either way, this is bad news for the citizens of the United States. If it gets any worse, we'll be moving Fox's name all the way over to the far left column, just under Castro's. The administration uses the need for cheap labor as an excuse to validate violation of the law. Let's see if we can keep this straight now: Laws are passed that apply to the general population of the country. Government officials and their paying friends, however, do not necessarily need to obey all laws. After all, they trade big bucks and favors -- can't impede that. Ditto for the foreigners laundering hundreds of millions through lobbyists every year. And, of course, some moneyed consortiums need the cheap labor the illegal Mexicans provide. So, they will get a pass, too. Is that how it works now? If there's a dollar or two in it for someone, violation of the law is approved? Apparently that may not be exactly true either. It is only acceptable to violate federal law when there is money in it for public officials. Normal American citizens, those who have nothing to do with politics, still have to obey all laws. Well . . . except for somewhere between three and fifteen-million illegal Mexicans, that is. They apparently get a free pass for one breach of federal law. Therefore, it is my contention that, in order for this to be fair, each and every taxpayer in the country should now petition our Compassionate Conservative President for a waver of one felony offense. After all, if millions of known lawbreakers are getting a free pass, it certainly should be no problem for the Compassionate One to grant those of us who pay the bills for this country one free felony. If you haven't violated a law yet, that's fine. Just collect the chit and hold it until you get caught for something. Then, pass it over to the nice officer and that will be that. Simple. Because, if only some get to violate our law at will, that tells me there really is no law. Just selective tyranny. Anyone else think we need a "Constitutional Conservative" at the helm, rather than a "Compassionate Conservative"? UN AND MEDIA SPIN ON GUNS The anti-Bill of Rights gun-grabbers over at the New York Times were incensed on July 12 about the Bush Administration's position at the United Nations anti-small arms conference: "The Bush administration might as well have sent Charlton Heston, president of the National Rifle Association, to deliver its opening address to a United Nations conference on small arms this week. In a shameless subordination of diplomacy to domestic political pandering, John R. Bolton, the undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, told the gathering that Washington would not support an agreement to curb the international flow of illicit small arms if it infringed on the right of Americans to bear arms." The Clinton administration socialists were major players in that world-wide "Third Way" conspiracy. This Bush Administration does not seem to be very interested in any of that. The New York Times, of course, supports Clinton -- and therefore appears nearly ready to began an editorial jihad against the Bush Administration. They write: "The draft documents before the conference would not infringe on gun ownership in the United States, and in any case the conference's plan of action will not be legally binding on any nation. The conference is not about taking guns away from Americans, but about preventing guns from reaching the world's dictators and warlords." Now . . . one thing we know for sure about the folks over at the New York Times is that they have some very good writers -- and, hence, people who are also very good readers. Their first paragraph above is clearly their opinion. That's fair. We all have opinions. The second quotation, however, presents a real problem on this end because it is presented as fact. Yet, it is only slightly true. For instance, one UN paper, "Removing Military Weapons From Civilian Hands,"(1) presents all sorts of proposals that, if implemented, would adversely impact on the Constitutionally protected rights of the American people. In this proposal, as in much of what the United Nations does, the basic premise may have some validity, but the devil is in the details. For instance, who gets to define what a "military" weapon is? Silly question, eh? They do, of course. They start out by proposing an international ban on trafficking in the type of automatic rifles preferred by many modern armies. Then, buried in the text, add in semi-automatic guns. Of course, that would include most hunting rifles and modern handguns. One of the excuses the UN uses for calling for the world-wide ban on guns in civilian hands is that they "make conflict resolution even more difficult." Well, of course they do! For instance, the people in the Warsaw Ghetto had just ten guns with which to hold off the Nazi cowards. Were many of them armed with quality weapons, some of them may still be alive today. Ditto for a few million people under Stalin and Mao. But, that seems to be exactly one of the reasons the UN wants guns out of the hands of civilians: "They can be kept by civilians and used for protection in the absence of state law and order." My personal favorite UN excuse for the ban on civilian firearms comes on page five: "they make it harder for the State to regain the legitimate monopoly of force." Isn't that exactly the point? Guns are the people's means of making the government behave. When the people are well armed, bureaucrats will act properly because they know their lives could depend on it. When the people are unarmed and fear the government, the door is open for tyranny. Yet, the UN suggests that all world governments and Non-Government Organizations work "for the collective good" to get guns out of the hands of civilians. One suggestion for the anti-gun campaign is to frame it in a way that "would be hard for the anti-control lobby to argue against such an initiative -- after all who could easily justify the right for civilians to bear arms for military purposes and thus argue taking automatic and semi-automatic weapons off the streets of cities and out of schools." Their other suggestion is to limit ammunition. Actually, they even call for the "monitoring" and limiting of ammunition supplies. However, that does not yet concern civilians. So, when the New York Times editorializes that: "The conference is not about taking guns away from Americans, but about preventing guns from reaching the world's dictators and warlords," that is obviously not the truth. - ----------------------------- 1. GOOD NEWS FOR CONSERVATIVES Not all news is bad news. Especially now, since that proverbial political pendulum is about to hit the peg on the far left and take a sharp bounce towards center. This is the time that all those conservatives working hard in the background for the past decade or more start realizing their just rewards. That eight year, $250-million contract Rush Limbaugh signed last week is, of course, rather noteworthy. Rush now makes more than all the liberal network newsreaders combined. In a major sign of the times -- and a mix of Rush's common sense brand of conservatism and gift of gab -- while the liberal network news shows are all losing their audience, the Rush Limbaugh show is steadily gaining. We might snicker, from time to time, when we see that the liberal broadcast media and printed press outlets have lost much of the support of the American people. But really, there are mixed emotions about that on this end. Whereas we have been warning for many years that the liberal media is about to crash as a business concern, they didn't believe it. Now that it's happening -- belt tightening and lay-offs are media wide -- we find it to be a very sad situation. But, now comes the shake-out. Most liberal media outlets blame a loss of "" advertising and other such nonsense for their loss of income. Don't believe that. The one true fact is that they are losing their audience. Their far-left bias has alienated at least 60% of the American people able to read and speak English. Meanwhile, conservative establishment media like The Washington Times(1) and its sister publication Insight Magazine(2), The New York Post(3), and FOX News(4) have soared forward to fill the void. Internet publications like The Drudge Report(5), WorldNetDaily(6), OpinioNet(7), NewsMax(8), and Capitol Hill Blue(9) have also become very popular. The Wall Street Journal even offers most of its editorial page free to surfers on the Internet as "OpinionJournal"(10). The most interesting news over at the Wall Street Journal is that their ever popular (even though he hasn't ran any of my stuff in recent decades!) editorial page editor, Robert Bartley, is retiring. Certainly, conservatives are going to miss that guy. For the past 30 years, Robert Bartley has been like a bright laser beam slicing through the fog of liberalism. And, talk about honesty in reporting: In a very memorable op-ed while filling the space for contributing editor Al Hunt, Bartley actually admitted that Hunt was their resident socialist. Robert Bartley will most definitely be missed when he retires next year. On the other hand, it appears that he helped make yet another in a long series of great decisions by tapping Pulitzer Prize winner Paul Gigot as his successor. They have a number of excellent people to chose from, but Gigot is a great choice. The problem is, who will take Paul Gigot's Washington beat? Those will be difficult shoes to fill. Many reporters and editors from most news organizations have something in common with this scribbler and upwards to 100,000 other Americans. Once or twice a day they wander over to the Free Republic web site to scan the articles chosen by readers to post and comment on. Take it from someone who is on both sides of that deal, editors and reporters have an avid interest in reading what the general public thinks of their reporting -- or to see if their reporting will even be of enough interest to get posted on Free Republic. Many left-wing journalists have gone into a major funk after reading the critique of their "reporting" by a couple dozen perceptive article readers on Free Republic. Two major liberal newspapers -- who can give criticism but obviously cannot take it -- have actually taken Jim Robinson, the owner and operator of Free Republic, to court and directed him to prevent the site's visitors from posting their newspapers' articles for comment. The visitors stopped, sort of. But, in truth, that legal action made the LA Times and Washington Post newspapers look like total asses in the media industry -- as well as to many thousands of us on the World Wide Web. The non-commercial Free Republic has become the modern day Liberty Tree for thousands of conservative Americans and various citizen's groups. Over the last couple years, members have organized into State chapters and a couple associated national groups. All of these groups are very active and some have themselves (rightfully so) become newsworthy recently. So it was with great pleasure that we learned that Jim Robinson was contacted by Paul Haughton, President of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies -- a group dedicated to promoting "conservatism in the tradition of the Founding Fathers" -- two weeks ago(13). "It is a great honor to notify you that you have been selected by the Board of Directors of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies to receive this year's Ronald Reagan Freedom Award," Haughton wrote to Jim Robinson. The national convention will begin on August 24th in Dallas/Fort Worth. Previous recipients of the Ronald Reagan Freedom Award include great Americans like Congressman Bob Barr and former FBI agent Gary Aldrich. Our hardy Congratulations go to well deserving Jim Robinson -- and all the Freepers. Really, this could not happen to a nicer, more well deserving guy! When they start a ledger of Constitutional Conservatives who are making a real difference in today's society, there will be quite a few people from Free Republic right up at the top of the list and Jim Robinson started it all by providing the electronic meeting place. From picketing the Vice President's mansion last winter to admonish Gore to "Get out of Cheney's house" to helping the Bush team counter the mess the Gore Democrats made of the election in Florida; from joining in support of the farmers harmed by the environmentalist whackos in Klamath to picketing Condit's (D-CA) office; from the hundreds of folks joined together to fight liberal bias in the media to the volumes of historically valuable documentation "Alamo Girl" compiled verifying Clinton administration wrongdoing; these are the folks at Free Republic, working to insure that our grandchildren enjoy the freedom and Liberty intended by the Founding Fathers through our Constitution. It is, therefore, no surprise that so many Americans, in and out of the media business, make the Free Republic web site a major part of their daily information source. All conservatives should check it out. - ----------------------------- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ~ End ~ - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ End of roc-digest V2 #454 *************************