From: (roc-digest) To: Subject: roc-digest V2 #456 Reply-To: roc-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roc-digest Thursday, July 26 2001 Volume 02 : Number 456 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 10:27:41 -0700 From: Bill Vance Subject: Book on "How to Run for Local Office" (fwd) I haven't seen this book yet, and doubt that it has the character of the original grassroots how-to manual by Robert A. Heinlein, "How To Take Bac= k Your Government", but it might have good updated info..... Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 19:34:45 +0000 From: "Charles C. Carter" Subject: Book on "How to Run for Local Office" Now is the time to recruit good, patriotic friends and neighbors to run for every public office in every county in America in the next 2 years. Simply call up your helpful county voter registrar's office and ask them for their web site with the list of vacant offices and 'JUST DO IT!" OR STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW BAD THINGS ARE IN YOUR SCHOOLS, YOUR CITIES AND YOUR COUNTRY! TAKE BACK YOUR GOVERNMENTS! This book might be of help also with campaigns for school boards, city councils, state and national offices! Char Carter, Monterey, CA Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 15:29:35 -0400 (EDT) From: Email3 Subject: Book on "How to Run for Local Office" Records show that you may be a candidate for public office, know someone = who may be, or already and incumbent officeholder. If you know someone who is pla= nning on running for public office next year, the book described in this e-mail= would make a great gift. In any case, you need to check out this book. There are dozens of people in communities all across America who run for = local office every year. They run for local School Board, City Council, City Cl= erk, Mayor, Township Trustee and Library Board just to name a few. Yet, when = they go to their local library or bookstore, they usually cannot find any mate= rial on the subject. If you don=92t believe me, just check your own library o= r sto by your local bookstore and ask for any book on running for local public = office. I=92ll bet you won=92t find any. =93How to Run for Local Office=94 is an easy-to-read, 128-page paperback = manual that takes you step-by-step through the entire election process. It was writt= en by Robert J. Thomas. He has been the Mayor of Westland, Michigan, since 1990= . You can check out more information about the book including reviews at Amazon= .com, or by going to the publisher=92s web site at If you che= ck the reviews at Amazon, make sure to check the one from Wayne A. Smith. He is currently teaching a course in elective politics at the University of Pennsylvania=92s Fels Center of Government. =93How to Run for Local Offic= e=94 is=20 of the required reading books for the course and the book is also used by= other teachers in the field at colleges and universities around the country. =93= How to Run for Local Office=94 is also recommended reading by =93Campaigns & Ele= ction online magazine, which is one of the most respected sources of informatio= n for anyone in politics today. You can also special order the book at most maj= or bookstores. The cover price is $19.95 plus $2.00 for shipping and handlin= g per book. Following is a list of chapters from the book. =93How to Run for Local Office=94 ISBN#0-9668304-0-7 Publication Date, April 1999. First Edition Chapters=85 One Getting Started Two Things You Need To Consider Three Get Organized Four Your Database Five Walking Door To Door Six Campaign Literature Seven Campaign Signs Eight Raising Campaign Money Nine Endorsements Ten Appearances at Events Eleven Cable Television and Commercials Twelve Primary Election Day Thirteen Phone Banks and Surveys Fourteen On To the General Election Fifteen General Election Day Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail. R & T Enterprise, Inc. Robert J. Thomas Mayor Westland, MI - --=20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - --- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RK= BA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------= - --- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath n= o weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand =3D Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy= a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Chr= ist - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------= - --- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - --- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 18:31:27 -0700 From: Bill Vance Subject: The Treasonous Gift of American Land to the Socialist United Nations (fwd) From: Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 19:54:15 EDT Subject: The Treasonous Gift of American Land to the Socialist United Nations - ----- Original Message ----- From: Dr Byron Weeks Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 4:26 PM Subject: The Treasonous Gift of American land to the Socialist United Nations. THE LIGHTNING BOLT OF REALITY: TREASON RUNS DEEP! Posted By: PuzzlePieces Date: Wednesday, 25 July 2001, 2:50 p.m. THE UNITED NATIONS HAS APPARENTLY ALREADY BEEN GIVEN KLAMATH FALLS AND THE OHIO VALLEY AND WHO KNOWS HOW MANY OTHERS... "When I compared the U.N protected areas to regions that are under fire from federal regulators and environmental takings that force people from the land, I found they are the same." A LIST OF SOME OF THE 'TREASONOUS': "U.S agencies with IUCN membership and providing funding include:Department of Agriculture - Forest Service, Department of the Interior, National Park Service, U.S. Agency for International Development, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce and Department of State." A Lightning Bolt of Reality - The UN Threat To America By J. Zane Walley This article made possible by a grant from the Paragon Foundation 7-23-1 Is the United Nations threat to America freedoms genuine? For years, I shrugged such a farfetched notion off. I would listen patiently to very earnest folks who spouted a seemingly endless stream of dire warnings about global and one-world government. I reckoned they had fallen under the influence of the conspiracy conjecturers and spent too much time reading spy thrillers and watching science fiction. As I researched the plight of farmers, ranchers, miners, loggers and other people who made their living from the land, it became apparent that their livelihoods and homes were being annihilated by international treaties and agreements. Global pacts hidden darkly in the background apparently drove major federal government actions that were hostile to people who work the land. The first lighting bolt of reality exploded into my dumbed-down brain when a very knowledgeable scholar gave me a copy of a 1972 environmental law paper by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Morges, Switzerland. In the IUCN paper, The Easement as a Conservation Technique, chapter two, titled, "The Need for Conservation Easements in the United States" explains how governmental agencies can regulate private property without owning or paying for it. It also suggests that CEs are a method for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to achieve regulatory authority. It further explains how state and federal constitutional private property rights laws could be circumvented. In researching the IUCN I found that they are the environmental agency of the United Nations, bringing together 76 states, 111 government agencies, 732 NGOs, 36 affiliates, and some 10,000 scientists and experts from 181 countries. Their membership list of signatory American agencies and NGO has dumbfounded me. U.S agencies with IUCN membership and providing funding include: Department of Agriculture - Forest Service, Department of the Interior, National Park Service, U.S. Agency for International Development, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce and Department of State. A very few of the many IUCN NGOs members are: The Nature Conservancy, Defenders of Wildlife, Environmental Defense Fund, National Audubon Society, National Parks and Conservation Association, National Wildlife Federation, and Natural Resources Defense Council. In fact, almost all of the Major NGOs who are wreaking ruin on proud and productive Americans are IUCN signatories. Further research proved that The Tax Reform Act of 1976 incorporated principles favorable to the IUCN vision. Virtually, elements of the act were a rubber stamp of the IUCN agenda. Simply summed up, their agenda is global environmental regulation. To regulate the world environment, they must of course, regulate the people. I followed that thread into the spool and stumbled on a United Nations website, U.N. Protected Areas in the United States. The website contained 129 fine-print pages of U.N. Protected areas in America! 129! Millions upon millions of acres of our country are listed. Those protected areas are regulated by the IUCN. When I compared the U.N protected areas to regions that are under fire from federal regulators and environmental takings that force people from the land, I found they are the same. Other documents also have severely unnerved me. The United Nations Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development produced a how-to-manual, The Forced Relocation of Rural Populations, which was distributed in Africa and included the stated mission, "To foster a more balanced spatial distribution of the population by promoting in an integrated manner equitable and ecologically sustainable development." One of the concepts advanced in the U.N paper will ring true to countless rural Americans who helplessly watched their lives be destroyed by environmental regulations. "When rural resident inhabitants are denied access to the natural resources essential to their livelihoods, they will be forced by economics to relocate." Our own government has two publications in print that will raise your hackles: The first, Your Rights and Benefits as a Displaced Person, (Publication No. FHWA-PD-95-010) states, "Government programs designed to benefit the public often result in acquisition of private property and sometimes in the displacement of people from their residences, businesses, or farms." The other pamphlet, Acquiring Real Property for Federal and Federal Aid Programs and Projects (Publication No. FHWA-PD-95 005), spells out how the government can take your land. The U.S Government publications and the U. N. Manual have analogous themes. The Endangered Species Act is a concrete example of the authoritarian power of international treaties over Americans rights and property. Read U.S. Code 16, Sec. 1531 (a) (4) Congressional Findings and Declaration of Purposes and Policy. You will find that the Endangered Species Act is conformable to and in accordance with: (A) migratory bird treaties with Canada and Mexico; (B) the Migratory and Endangered Bird Treaty with Japan; (C) the Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the Western Hemisphere; (D) the International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries; (E) the International Convention for the High Seas Fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean; (F) the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; and (G) other international agreements In a mockery of the "advice and consent" responsibility placed upon the Senate by our Constitution, the U.S. Senate ratified 34 international treaties without debate, without a vote, and almost without notice during the 106th Congress. So, am I hearing the flutter of black helicopter rotors and the goose-stepping tread of foreign troops? No. However, the evidence that our freedoms are being methodically destroyed by federal agencies that kowtow to international powers is both concrete and public. The clamor to get America out of The U.N. is direly inadequate. If our country is to regain sovereignty, we must abrogate all international treaties and require that our federal bureaus withdraw from U.N pawn agencies.[ It is time to water the tree of liberty with the blood of traitors--btw] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 23:58:11 -0700 From: Bill Vance Subject: Driving Us to Violence (fwd) From: Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 01:35:22 EDT Subject: Driving Us to Violence >Driving Us To Violence >By Ray Thomas > >One of the things I've noticed lately is that the government, at all >levels, seems to be going out of its way to do things that enrage the >citizens. > >Things that if these citizens have a backbone, would cause them to rebel. >Almost the way King George kept on doing things to enrage the colonists >until they rebelled. Only it didn't turn out the way King George planned. >Is the idea to push us so hard that we'll inevitably fight back so they can >use the army to "crush us?" It's a known fact that the first people to rebel >will be those most likely to rebel. > >It's an efficient way to get those people to "reveal themselves" so they can >be "taken out." Let's look at a few of their outrages: > >Child Protection: They claim that child abuse is "in crisis." > >That "reports" of child abuse have increased at an "alarming rate" >and that "extreme measures" are necessary to combat it. Measures that >violate the Constitution and rape the rights of parents. They routinely >snatch children from loving parents, force the parents to "jump through many >hoops" in an effort to satisfy the child protectors so they can get their >children back. But they most likely have lost them forever, especially if >they don't have the resources to hire lawyers and expert witnesses and fight >them properly. > >There are several things nobody knows, or will not admit. First, that in >every case, the child protectors will try to keep the children, even if no >charges can be proven against the parents, and put them up for adoption, >thereby permanently severing the ties between parent and child. They get >large fees from the feds for every day those children are in their custody >and $4,500 to $6,000 for each adoption. > >Second, that 80% to 90% of those "child abuse reports" just aren't true >(by their own figures). But they do get lots of "reports" because they >advertise for them. They have literally hundreds of "hot lines" where >people can call in and make a "report" of child abuse that is totally >anonymous. > >That's right: forget about the constitutional right to "confront your >accuser." All it takes is an anonymous "report" to cause the child >protectors to come in and ruin your life and in the end, probably destroy >it. The "Good Samaritan Laws" completely protect not only the person doing >the "reporting," but also everybody connected with the child protectors from >any kind of "legal" retaliation, even if the report or actions of the social >workers can be shown to be lies and overstepping of their authority, they >usually cannot be sued. They have it all their own way, set up to keep us >from being able to properly oppose them. > >Part of their "advertising involves teaching your children in school that if >they ever "don't like what their parents are doing, all they have to do is >put in a child abuse "report" and their parents will be "taken care of." > >Talk about destroying parental authority! > >The kids don't understand how devastating this can be to their family until >it's too late. If they later recant, they are simply not believed. > >What really amazes me is the fact that almost nobody pulls a "going postal" >event on a child protector office. They're hurting families "where they >live" in one of the most basic of things: the love between a parent and >child. Yet nobody commits violence against them. Postal workers have >gotten so angry over working conditions, for Heaven's sake that they've gone >into their workplace with guns and killed people. It even happened one time >in a state government office. > >So why does nobody go into a child protector office and kill people? > >It could be that while doping up children to make them mind, they're also >forcing parents to be doped, as well. There is a rising effort in child >abuse cases to force parents to be drugged, since their actions in response >to having their family destroyed sometimes causes people to "diagnose" them >as "out of control." > >Whatever the reason, they can't keep it under control much longer, because >people are reaching their limit. And maybe that's the plan, with social >workers being the "cannon fodder" to force government retaliation. > >"Storm Trooper" Raids: It used to be that if the police wanted to arrest >you, they knocked on your door, showed you the warrant, and took you into >custody. No one got hurt (as a rule). Today, they get out their >"jack-boots" and burst into your home or business screaming with way too >many cops, carrying "assault rifles" and "flash-bang grenades," If you try >to defend yourself, they often just "fill you full of lead." Many times they >find, after they've killed somebody, that they were at the wrong address >(again, more and more often)! > >That the person they killed was completely innocent and had no reason to >believe it was cops bursting into his/her home in such a fashion so they >tried to defend their home and family. In one case in Denver a cop said: >"If Mena had not had a gun, he'd still be alive." So today, it's a crime to >try to defend your home when people you don't know are cops invade your >home? Ismael Mena was executed for "contempt of cop." He was otherwise >innocent, even though they tried to demonize him. > >Such raids are happening with increasing frequency all over the country, and >the "causes" are becoming more and more trivial. A recent raid involved an >alleged "pyramid scheme" scam. In such raids, cops are becoming more and >more "trigger-happy," killing more and more innocent people. If that isn't >a recipe for retaliatory violence from the citizens, I don't know what is. > >Land Grabs: In Sandpoint, Idaho recently, cops tricked JoAnn McGuckin into >going with them to "get some groceries." While they had her off her >property, they arrested her for imagined child abuse and put her in jail >while they went after her children. The idea was to get her and the >children off their land, which had previously been taken and sold for a >small tax bill. The bill was about $8,000 and the property was worth >$500,000. They took it and disposed of it in such a way that the county >kept the $45,000 left over after the taxes were paid instead of having to >give that money to her. > >The only reason we even know about it is that the kids held the cops at bay >for five days. That usually just doesn't happen. When they come for your >kids, they just take them and the news media usually knows nothing about it >(and doesn't care). They put a $100,000 bail on her to keep her out of it. > >The evidence of that is that after they finally got her kids off the >property, they reduced the charges and released her on her own recognizance >without conditions. > >They still have the kids and I'm confident that they'll ultimately be >adopted out. > >Land grabs such as this, like the "storm-trooper raids," are happening more >and more often. Sometimes it is a "naked grab" and other times it is simply >creating conditions that destroy the value of the land. > >Klamath Falls, Oregon: In this case, the feds didn't just grab the land. >They destroyed the value of the land, along with the economy of an entire >area of the country by shutting off irrigation water to all the 1,400 >farmers in the Klamath Valley. This destroyed the entire farming industry >in that area. Farmers are rebelling and have several times turned the water >back on. When the feds came in and guarded the "headgate controls," the >farmers dug a ditch and routed the water around it. What the feds will do >about that, I don't know. > >I do know that many farmers were "enticed" into moving there to farm by >promises of water rights "in perpetuity." Now that they have invested their >money and their lives there, the government has destroyed them. The >"excuse" is to "save" a "garbage fish." > >In other words, the government has taken the position that a fish is more >important than humans and that destroying the livelihood of thousands of >farmers and the economy of an entire area is more important. > >Waco: A lot has been written about this fiasco. It may have been the >"opening gun" in the campaign of the power seekers to push us to violence. >It was all about a small thing and did not warrant the massive >"storm-trooper" tactics the government used there. Especially since >they could have "taken"David Koresh any time while he was visiting >in town. But it was done in such a way that guaranteed a violent >response and caused the deaths of several feds ("cannon fodder") >and almost 100 Branch Davidians including many of the children >the government, and Janet Reno claim to want to "protect." > >According to the "Oklahoma Bomber," this is the catalyst for his >actions in blowing up the federal building there. > >Ruby Ridge: I can't even think about this outrage without getting mad. > >Here, they hid in the woods until Randy Weaver and his family dog discovered >them. Then they killed the dog (later driving over his body several times) >and laid siege to Weaver's home, ultimately wounding his son and killing his >wife with their infant in her arms by shooting her through a door from >hiding. Again, over a small thing that didn't warrant such a response. The >way they did it makes it look like they planned it that way. Lon Horiuchi, >the man who killed her from hiding, has still to be "brought to justice" and >may never be. > >I could go on and on, citing outrage after outrage, but I won't. You'd soon >get bored. Which is what the power seekers are counting on as they >continually "increase the ante" by doing things like this more and more >often until something "Snaps." They want people to "be bored" by such things >so they won't do anything about it until the number of those who have >suffered these abuses "rise up in righteous anger" and commit violence, as >happened in Oklahoma, so they can make ever more restrictive laws and even >send in the army to "crush" any opposition without the rest of us getting >excited. They're both pushing those who are nearer to violence into >"jumping off the deep end" and "desensitizing" the rest of us so they won't >have to fight the entire populace. After they've gotten rid of those who >would be the first to get violent over their outrages, it'll be easier to >control the rest because they'll have the "example" of what happened to the >people they "crushed." > >That's the way dictators work. Make an "example" of the most violent to use >in "cowing" the rest, who have become "bored" about constantly hearing of >one outrage or another somewhere else. By the time the power seekers get to >them, it will be too late. For them. - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RKBA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand = Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 14:16:47 -0700 From: Bill Vance Subject: Holocaust Survivor Denounces Anti-Gun Movement (fwd) From: Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 15:43:20 EDT Subject: Holocaust Survivor Denounces Anti-Gun Movement Full Interview with Holocaust Survivor, Theodore Haas=20 =20 =20 Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.=20 P.O. Box 270143=20 Hartford, WI 53027=20 Phone (262) 673-9745=20 Fax (262) 673-9746=20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ----- Holocaust Survivor Denounces Anti-Gun Movement Unlike many interviews with Holocaust survivors, this one conducted by=20 Aaron Zelman, founder, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (P= .O.=20 Box 270143, Hartford, WI 53027; 262-673-9745; membership $20) with Theodo= re=20 Haas, a JPFO member and a former prisoner of the infamous Dachau=20 concentration camp, is a clear warning to all freedom loving peoples to k= eep=20 our guard up against arrogant politicians who are hell bent to create=20 governments that control our lives. In pre-Nazi Germany, the good,=20 law-abiding citizens dozed while government passed laws (all purported to= be=20 for the public good) that paved the way for tyranny to flourish. Haas, wh= o=20 survived years of Nazi persecutors, is speaking out to Americans who are = now=20 dozing while our government, at the strong urging of leftists in the medi= a=20 and others in society they influence, passes laws (again supposedly for t= he=20 public good) to ban and severely restrict firearms ownership. Theodore Ha= as=20 believes gun control is a prelude to totalitarian rule -- The editors.=20 Go to the JPFO Main Page=20 Legacy of Gun Control ... a Flash Macromedia video movie.=20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ----- Q.) How did you end up at Dachau? How old were you? A.) November 9th, 1938 was Kristalnacht -- The Night of Broken Glass --= The=20 night Synagogues were ransacked and burned, Jewish owned shops destroyed;= I=20 guess you could call it the night the fires of hell engulfed the soul of=20 humanity. I was arrested November 10th, "for my own personal security." I= was=20 21 years old. My parents were arrested and ultimately died in a concentra= tion=20 camp in France. I was released from Dachau in 1941, under the condition t= hat=20 I leave Germany immediately. This was common procedure before the "Final=20 Solution." Q.) What did you think when you were sent to Dachau? What did you know=20 about Dachau beforehand? A.) My first thoughts were those many others: "The world has gone mad."= I=20 knew that the life expectancy at Dachau was relatively short. I knew=20 beforehand that inmates were abused. The horror of Dachau was known=20 throughout Germany. People (Germans) use to frighten their children, "If = you=20 do not behave, you will surely end up at Dachau." A famous German comedia= n,=20 Weiss Ferdl, said "Regardless how many machine gun towers they have aroun= d=20 K.Z. Dachau, if I want to get in, I shall get in." The Nazis obliged him;= he=20 died at Dachau. Q.) How did you accept the fears of Dachau? A.) Due to the constant hunger and extreme cold weather, one becomes to= o=20 numb to even think of fear. A prisoner under these conditions becomes=20 obsessed with survival; nothing else matters. Q.) What were the living conditions like in Dachau? A.) We were issued one quarter of a loaf of bread. That was to last thr= ee=20 days. In the morning, we picked up, at the kitchen, a cup of roasted barl= ey=20 drink. There was no lunch. At dinnertime, sometimes we got a watery soup = with=20 bits of tripe or some salt herring and a boiled potato. Our prison clothe= s=20 were a heavy, coarse denim. They would freeze when they got wet. We were = not=20 issued hats, gloves or underwear.=20 The first night, about 500 prisoners were stuffed into a room designed = to=20 hold 50 (Believe me, it is possible). Later on, we were forced to sleep o= n=20 straw. As time went on, the straw disintegrated and we became louse infes= ted.=20 The guards delighted in making weak and ill clothed prisoners march or st= and=20 at attention in rain, snow, and ice for hours. As you can imagine, death = came=20 often due to the conditions. Q.) Do you have residual fears? How do you feel about German re-unifica= tion? A.) I have nightmares constantly. I recently dreamed that a guard grabb= ed=20 me. My wife's arm touched my face, and I unfortunately bit her severely.=20 German re-unification, in my opinion, will be the basis for another war. = The=20 Germans, regardless of what their present leadership says, will want thei= r=20 lost territories back, East Prussia, Silesia, and Danzic (Gdansk). My fam= ily=20 history goes back over 700 years in Germany. I understand all too well wh= at=20 the politicians do not want the people to be thinking about. Q.) You mentioned you were shot and stabbed several times. Were these=20 experiments, punishment or torture? A.) They were punishment. I very often, in a fit of temper, acted "whil= e=20 the brain was not in gear." The sorry results were two 9 mm bullets in my= =20 knees. Fortunately, one of the prisoners had a fingernail file and was ab= le=20 to dig the slugs out. In another situation, I was stabbed in the washroom= of=20 room #1, Block 16. Twice in a struggle where I nearly lost my right thumb= . A=20 German prisoner Hans Wissing, who after the war became mayor of his home=20 town, Leinsweiler, witnessed the whole situation. We stayed in touch unti= l a=20 few months ago, when he died. Q.) Do you remember some of the steps taken by the Nazis to de-humanize= =20 people and to make them feel hopeless? How were people robbed of their=20 dignity? A.) If you had treated an animal in Germany the way we were treated, yo= u=20 would have been jailed. For example, a guard or a group of them would sin= gle=20 out a prisoner and beat him with canes or a club. Sometimes to further=20 terrorize a prisoner, the guards would form a circle around a prisoner an= d=20 beat him unconscious. There were cases of a prisoner being told to report= to=20 the Revier ("Hospital") and being forced to drink a quart of castor oil.=20 Believe me, this is a lousy, painful, wretched way to die. You develop=20 extreme diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and severe dehydration. If the Nazis=20 wanted you to live and suffer more, they would take measures to rehydrate= to=20 victim. Q.) What was the routine like at Dachau? A.) Three times a day, we were counted. We had to carry the dead to the= =20 square. Each time, we had to stand at attention in all kinds of weather. = We=20 stood wearing next to nothing, had weak bladders, while our tormentors ha= d=20 sheepskin coats and felt boots. The bastards really enjoyed watching us=20 suffer. I remember how the guards had a good laugh when one of them=20 "accidentally" let loose with a machine gun, killing about 30 prisoners. Q.) What did people do to try to adjust to Dachau? Keep up their spirit= s up? A.) There were some actors, comedians, and musicians among us. Sometime= s=20 they would clandestinely perform. One of the musicians got hold of a viol= in=20 and played for us. To this day, it remains a mystery how he got his hands= on=20 a violin. I still keep in touch with other prisoners. I am a member of th= e=20 Dachau Prisoners Association. Each year I go back to Germany to visit. Q.) Did people ever successfully escape? Do you remember acts of braver= y? A.) Nobody escaped, only in the movies does the "hero" escape. Guards=20 received extra leave time for killing prisoners that got too close to the= =20 fence. I do, however, think all prisoners were heroes in their own way.=20 Especially the German prisoners, for they would not acquiesce to the Nazi= s.=20 They suffered greatly too. Q.) Did the camp inmates ever bring up the topic, "If only we were arme= d=20 before, we would not be here now"? A.) Many, many times. Before Adolph Hitler came to power, there was a b= lack=20 market in firearms, but the German people had been so conditioned to be l= aw=20 abiding, that they would never consider buying an unregistered gun. The=20 German people really believed that only hoodlums own such guns. What fool= s we=20 were. It truly frightens me to see how the government, media, and some po= lice=20 groups in America are pushing for the same mindset. In my opinion, the pe= ople=20 of America had better start asking and demanding answers to some hard=20 questions about firearms ownership, especially if the government does not= =20 trust me to own firearms, why or how can the people be expected to trust = the=20 government?=20 There is no doubt in my mind that millions of lives could have been sav= ed=20 if the people were not "brainwashed" about gun ownership and had been wel= l=20 armed. Hitler's thugs and goons were not very brave when confronted by a = gun.=20 Gun haters always want to forget the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, which is a=20 perfect example of how a ragtag, half starved group of Jews took up 10=20 handguns and made asses out of the Nazis. Q.) Did you have any contacts with the White Rose Society (mostly Germa= n=20 students against Hitler)? Did anyone try to hide you from the Nazis? A.) I did not, but my local friend, Richard Scholl, had two cousins or=20 nephews who were members. Both were executed in Munich (I believe) for=20 standing up for decency and freedom. Not enough people knew about the Whi= te=20 Rose Society. There were many non Jews who were not anti Semitic and were= =20 very much opposed to Hitler. It was impossible to hide people from the Na= zis=20 in Germany -- it is so densely populated and food was rationed. Another p= oint=20 that many people fail to understand is that in Germany, you had a situati= on=20 where the children were reporting to their teachers if their parents list= ened=20 to the BBC on the short wave radio, or what they were talking about at ho= me.=20 If a German was friendly to a Jew, he was warned once. If he failed to he= ed=20 the warning, he would disappear and never be heard from again. This was k= nown=20 as "Operation Night and Fog." Q.) Do you think American society has enough stability that Jews and ot= her=20 minorities are safe from severe persecution? A.) No. I think there is more anti-Semitism in America (some of it caus= ed=20 by leftist Jewish politicians and organizations who promote gun control=20 schemes) than there was in Germany. This may stun some people, but not al= l=20 Germans hated Jews. My best and devoted friends in Germany were Christian= s. I=20 perceive America as a very unstable society, due to social tinkering of t= he=20 Kennedy/Metzenbaum-type politicians. When I first came to this wonderful=20 country after World War II, America was vibrant, dynamic and promising=20 society. There really was an American dream, attainable by those who want= ed=20 to work. Now, due to the curse of Liberalism, America is in a period of m= oral=20 decline. Even worse, corrupt criminals hold high political office, and yo= u=20 have police officials who don't give a damn about the Bill of Rights. The= y=20 just want to control people, not protect and serve. When you study histor= y,=20 you see that when a country becomes an immoral manure heap, as America is= =20 rapidly becoming, all minorities suffer, and ultimately, all the citizens. Q.) What words of warning would you like to give to young people who wi= ll=20 soon be eligible to vote? A.) Vote only for politicians who trust the people to own all types of=20 firearms, and who have a strong pro-Second Amendment voting record.=20 Anti-gunownership politicians are very dangerous to a free society. Liber= ty=20 and freedom can only be preserved by an armed citizenry. I see creeping=20 fascism in America, just as in Germany, a drip at a time; a law here, a l= aw=20 there, all supposedly passed to protect the public. Soon you have total=20 enslavement. Too many Americans have forgotten that tyranny often masquer= ades=20 as doing good. This is the technique the Liberal politicians/Liberal medi= a=20 alliance are using to enslave America. Q.) What message do you have for ultra-Liberal organizations and=20 individuals who want America disarmed? A.) Their ignorance is pitiful -- their lives have been too easy. Had t= hey=20 experienced Dachau, they would have a better idea of how precious freedom= is.=20 These leftist should leave America. These Sarah Brady types must be educa= ted=20 to under-stand that because we have an armed citizenry, that a dictatorsh= ip=20 has not yet happened in America. These anti-gun fools are more dangerous = to=20 Liberty than street criminals or foreign spies. Q.) Some concentration camp survivors are opposed to gun ownership. Wha= t=20 message would you like to share with them? A.) I would like to say, "You cowards; you gun haters, you don't deserv= e to=20 live in America. Go live in the Soviet Union, if you love gun control so = d---=20 much." It was the stupidity of these naive fools that aided and abetted=20 Hitler's goons and thugs. Anti-gunownership Holocaust survivors insult th= e=20 memories of all those that needlessly perished for lack of being able to=20 adequately defend themselves. Q.) It appears the Liberal left in America is tolerating, and sometimes= =20 espousing anti-Semitism. Why do you think so many Jews still support the=20 leftist form of Liberalism? A.) It is for this very reason that I firmly believe that we harbor mor= e=20 stupid and naive people in our midst, than any other group of people. It=20 amazes me how Liberal Jews have such short memories that today, they woul= d be=20 so supportive and involved in setting up the mechanics of gun control, so= =20 that a Holocaust can happen again. All they're doing is playing into the=20 hands of the very clever communists who are masters at conning Americans. Q.) Why did you join JPFO? A.) I feel every Jew should be armed to the teeth, as should every=20 American. I joined JPFO because as a group, we can stand up up Liberal Je= wish=20 gun haters and also to Gestapo minded anti-gun police who want total cont= rol=20 of the people. I wish JPFO was in existence years ago. I believe the Jewi= sh=20 involvement in gun control would not be anywhere close to what it is toda= y,=20 but better now than never.=20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ----- To deny that an unarmed citizen could benefit from being well armed in = a=20 predicament such as this, is to Love a Lie, more than to love the truth! - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ----- [ JPFO Home > Gun Control -- The KEY to GENOCIDE! > Holocaust Survi= vor=20 Denounces Anti-Gun Movement ]=20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ----- =A9 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 JPFO < >=20 - --=20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - --- RKBA! ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** RK= BA! - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------= - --- An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath n= o weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand =3D Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy= a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus Chr= ist - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+------------------= - --- Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - --- - - ------------------------------ End of roc-digest V2 #456 *************************