From: (roswell-digest) To: Subject: roswell-digest V1 #39 Reply-To: roswell-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk roswell-digest Tuesday, May 16 2000 Volume 01 : Number 039 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 18:07:03 EDT From: Subject: [roswell] Re: Hi Jenn! Welcome aboard! Linda "Are you scared?" - Max "Well I know I'm supposed to be but, I'm just gonna put myself in your hands" - -Liz - Sexual Healing **************** "I can't do it to you." - Liz "I am glowing. My toes, my heart, only you can't see it, it's on the inside." - -Max - Sexual Healing **************** Max (to Kyle) : "We're gonna win her back, Come on!" Kyle: "Well, how do we split her up exactly? Every other week? Monday, Wednesday, Friday? Alternate Saturdays?" ***************** Liz (to Max): "That day that you saved me I felt something that I just had to put into words. So, years from now if anyone...anyone ever touches me the way that you did, I'll know what it's supposed to feel like." - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 15:51:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Chantel Reynolds Subject: Re: [roswell] Re: Hi Jen, I'm new as well--I just joined last night and hadn't had time to say anything yet! I can't remember when I recognized my obsession with Roswell, but I think it happened somewhere about the time I *really* noticed Brendan Fehr. ;) Plus I live in New Mexico, and we're all still obsessed with 1947. I've gotten my friend hooked in the last three episodes, and I'll be spending the summer getting him caught up on the earlier shows. So from one newbie to another: welcome! Chantel __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 19:02:55 EDT From: "Jenni fer" Subject: [roswell] excited for tonight's episode! hey guys, I think I'm going to like this list, everyone is so friendly! Yeah my brother watches Roswell, i'm not even sure how he got into it but I'm glad he got me into it! It's a good show, the plot line is way cool and the characters are easy to like. I hate when I really like a show that's only on for one week though, I always look so forward to every week. I have to start doing like my brother does and tape the shows for a while and then watch them all at once... the problem with that is that I'd be way behind in the story! I'd have to say that my favourite character is Michael, he's a really sensitive guy, sweet, oh and did I mention CUTE!? :) I like all of them though for thier own reasons. wow, I think I'm babbling... thanks for taking me in guys! Until l8r, Jenn ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 17:36:53 PDT From: "Kelly Girl" Subject: Re: [roswell] Soundtrack hey all! now don't get me wrong, the soundtrack for BTVS was okay...i was one of the first to buy it.... but i think the soundtrack for Roswell will be so much more kick A**! kellygirl ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 17:45:56 PDT From: "Kelly Girl" Subject: Re: [roswell] tonight hello and welcome jenn! tonights eppie is something we all have been waiting for.... and the good news, that someone else brought us (the renewal for 13 more eppies) is something all of us have been waiting for. i have such mixed emotions... tonight is going to be the *end* and yet not the *end*. looking so forward to tonight's eppie! hmmm? wondering what i am going to do and watch on Monday's??? are there going to be Roswell reruns ? kellygirl ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 20:57:18 -0400 From: "Mel" Subject: RE: [roswell] tonight everyone have their tissues ready?? - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Kelly Girl Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 8:46 PM To: Subject: Re: [roswell] tonight hello and welcome jenn! tonights eppie is something we all have been waiting for.... and the good news, that someone else brought us (the renewal for 13 more eppies) is something all of us have been waiting for. i have such mixed emotions... tonight is going to be the *end* and yet not the *end*. looking so forward to tonight's eppie! hmmm? wondering what i am going to do and watch on Monday's??? are there going to be Roswell reruns ? kellygirl ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 21:07:21 -0500 From: "Mike Stone" Subject: RE: [roswell] Re: > ... Plus I live in New Mexico, and > we're all still obsessed with 1947. Hey there; When the show first came out, I remember hearing some news reports of people in NM, specifically around Roswell, that said they didn't like the show because it was nothing like the real Roswell (go figure). How would you comment on that, as a resident? :) - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 19:08:10 -0700 (PDT) From: shayla cabral Subject: [roswell] DESTINY ... roswell!!!!! oh my god!!!! i can not believe its over for this season...i am going to miss this show and i loved tonights was so sad! i loved the whole episode... exept for the part when tess grabbed max and said "i knew this was meant to be.."..i just wanted to kill her character...i feel so bad for max and liz... i just want to say that max rocks!!!!!! and i hope that if and when there is a next season that max and liz will get back together!!!!!! ~shayla~ ___________________________________________________ GO Network Mail Get Your Free, Private E-mail at - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 22:17:22 -0400 From: "Mel" Subject: [roswell] RE: DESTINY ... roswell!!!!! AHHHHH!! Ok, my eyes will not be dry for weeks! I will be watching every single episode every week over the break. So that makes it 3 eps a day and one day with 4 right...LOL Mel - -----Original Message----- From: shayla cabral [] Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 10:08 PM To: Mel; Subject: DESTINY ... roswell!!!!! oh my god!!!! i can not believe its over for this season...i am going to miss this show and i loved tonights was so sad! i loved the whole episode... exept for the part when tess grabbed max and said "i knew this was meant to be.."..i just wanted to kill her character...i feel so bad for max and liz... i just want to say that max rocks!!!!!! and i hope that if and when there is a next season that max and liz will get back together!!!!!! ~shayla~ ___________________________________________________ GO Network Mail Get Your Free, Private E-mail at __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 21:28:10 -0500 From: "Mike Stone" Subject: [roswell] Destiny Well, I don't have a lot of time to talk about this episode, but MAN, was it weird. I'll have to critique the entire season as a whole later on, but the only problem I had with the last few episodes is that the plot line was pretty scattered with too many twists. I am a little forgiving of this, since I think it was obvious that Katims, et al, knew the show was in jeopardy earlier on that they let on to the public, and decided to try to wrap everything up before the show may have been canceled. I really doubt the last 4 episodes, or so, were really written as we saw it. I remember reading that Roswell was one of the few shows that actually had not only the first season's story line ready to go, but the season after that. Anyway, the only real thing I would have changed about Destiny, is the whole mother thing. For one thing, it's a bit silly, and if they really needed to divulge that much information in just the first season, then it should have been done in some other way (such as in a book or something, or at least in an original language that had to be deciphered later on.) I'd give this episode a 7.5 out of 10. So I'm curious, now that the season is wrapped up... What was your favorite episode(s) of the season? (Saying 'All of them!' is not allowed. ;) My answer would be: 1) Independence Day 2) Toy House 3) White Room The first episodes were really great, and helped build the season, but I thought these particular episodes were the best written and acted all the way around. Other episodes suffered from bad cinematography, minor inconsistencies, or just weird lines. But overall, I'd rate the whole season an 8.0 out of 10. Hopefully the next season won't continue to go TOO far into the whole sci-fi thing, and maintain a nice human/teen sentimentality to it. I'd also like Riverdog again, the interesting mythology with the whole indian thing, and keep it mysterious. And could next season REALLY not have Liz, Maria or Alex and still be Roswell? :) - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 22:30:56 EDT From: "Jenni fer" Subject: [roswell] general comments hey everyone... I read all your comments on tonight's show and on Roswell in general and I just have to say that tonight's episode kicked ass!!!!! I have to say that I hate commercials!! AHHHHHH, especially when you're dying to know what happens. It was so great when my bro taped the episodes and I got to watch them one after the other (and fast forward the commercials :)) because there was like no having to wait a week to see what happens. Too bad they have to break the show for the summer, what is with those people?!! :) As for the people in Roswell NM not liking the show because it was nothing like what really happened... well I don't think the show was meant to be exactly like the real happenings, just kind of a play on it with some interesting twists and good use of the imagination. well that's all I have to say for tonight. Jenn ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 19:45:34 -0700 From: Anita Bunter Subject: [roswell] K Heigl interview There's a good story about the Roswell show AND its fans [yaay!] AND a wonderful interview with Katherine Heigl in the Seattle newspaper today. I've tried to cut and paste the article here (this is my first = post here, so I hope it works). If my post gets screwed up, the whole article=20 (and a great photo of Katherine) is online at:=20 - -- Anita Doubtful at first, Heigl now a believer in 'Roswell'=20 Monday, May 15, 2000=20 By JOHN LEVESQUE Seattle Post-Intelligencer TV Critic=20 A few years ago, Katherine Heigl couldn't have cared less about the fate = of a struggling television show on a small network.=20 "I was a real TV snob," the 21-year-old actress confessed during a = recent stop in Seattle to promote a new line of Levi's products. With a = blossoming feature-film career built on a modeling foundation that began = when she was 9, Heigl watched TV but paid little attention to its = potential for enhancing her career.=20 Then she was persuaded to read the pilot script for "Roswell," a = well-crafted sci-fi love story based on the "Roswell High" series of = books by Melinda Metz, about teenage aliens trying to survive in a = hostile environment -- Earth.=20 "I read it hesitantly," Heigl recalled.=20 But the prospect of a steady income and regular weekly exposure is = appealing to most young actors, and Heigl gradually warmed to the idea = of playing Isabel Evans, one of three orphaned survivors of a UFO crash = in Roswell, N.M.=20 By the time Heigl (pronounced HIGH-gul) had been put through TV's = "torturous" audition process, first in front of producers, then in front = of network executives, she was so invested in the project that her = snobbery had melted under a tide of intense proprietorship.=20 "At that point," she said, "I really wanted it."=20 And now, after shooting 22 episodes of a series with a cult following = for which "enthusiastic" is a wholly inadequate descriptive, she really = doesn't want to lose "it."=20 The riveting season finale of "Roswell" airs tonight at 9 (KTWB/22), but = the fate of the series won't be officially known until tomorrow, when = The WB unveils its fall-2000 lineup in front of the New York advertising = community.=20 Recent signs are pointing toward renewal, thanks to improved ratings = after the show moved from Wednesdays to Mondays last month. In the = Wednesday slot, it was pitted against UPN's "Star Trek: Voyager," a = well-established science fiction drama. On Mondays, "Roswell" is the = only sci-fi show on the mainstream dial, a distinct alternative to the = silliness of "Ally McBeal" and "Everybody Loves Raymond."=20 Still, location filming and special effects make "Roswell" an expensive = series, so if a cost-benefit analysis is factored into marginal ratings, = non-renewal is certainly a defensible option.=20 Defensible, maybe, but not wise. Probably the best argument for renewal = is the show's rabidly devoted fan base. If the network chooses to = cancel, it can expect a backlash the likes of which it probably hasn't = seen in its brief existence. Fans have created dozens of Web shrines = (the slickest and most authoritative:, and a = hard-core group calling itself AlienBlast raised enough money to = advertise its concerns in Variety. The most visible "statement," though, = was a "Roswell Is HOT!" letter campaign that directed thousands of = bottles of Tabasco sauce to The WB's corporate offices in Burbank. = (Tabasco sauce is a favorite condiment of the "Roswell" aliens.)=20 The WB then mailed some of the bottles to TV critics, but enthusiasm = from the publicity side doesn't necessarily mean the programming side is = of the same mind.=20 Heigl, who grew up in New Canaan, Conn., a tony suburb of New York, = thinks The WB would be foolish to pull the plug on "Roswell," and not = just because she'd be out of a job.=20 "They need that audience," she said of the show's relatively strong = showing among 18- to 34-year-olds. "That's the demographic they're = lacking."=20 Industry-savvy talk comes naturally to Heigl, who has grown up in front = of cameras and now lives outside Los Angeles with her manager/mom, = Nancy. From 1992 through 1998, the 5-foot-9 Heigl, who has always looked = older than her age, made at least one film a year, including 1994's "My = Father, the Hero" with Gerard Depardieu. Though few people are likely to = be wowed by some of her other films -- "Bride of Chucky," "Under Siege = 2," "Bug Buster" -- Heigl considers it all a learning experience.=20 The past year on "Roswell" she describes as "stressful but satisfying" = - -- the stress coming from 12- and 14-hour work days, the challenges of = working with a different director every week, and trying to fit into an = ensemble cast. The satisfaction, she said, comes from seeing all the = characters evolve under the guidance of creator Jason Katims ("My = So-Called Life," "Relativity") and executive producer Thania St. John = and, ironically, from working with all those different directors.=20 A particular favorite is Jonathan Frakes, another executive producer. = Frakes, a veteran of "Star Trek: The Next Generation," directed three = episodes this season. Heigl calls him "funny, exuberant, a great actor's = director."=20 Heigl, who signed a seven-year contract, can't imagine the show running = that long. But "another year or two," she said, is definitely warranted. = "I'm really impressed and proud of what it's become," she said. "I = thought it would be boring. It's been anything but."=20 =A9 1998-2000 Seattle Post-Intelligencer - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ----------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 22:44:02 -0400 From: "Mel" Subject: RE: [roswell] general comments Yes this episode was fantastic..definitely one of the best..but then again, don't we say that every week. I would say more, but I know there are people out there who have not yet seen it. Good Luck to those people...make sure the tissues are handy..I cannot stress that enough. Mel - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Jenni fer Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 10:31 PM To: Subject: [roswell] general comments hey everyone... I read all your comments on tonight's show and on Roswell in general and I just have to say that tonight's episode kicked ass!!!!! I have to say that I hate commercials!! AHHHHHH, especially when you're dying to know what happens. It was so great when my bro taped the episodes and I got to watch them one after the other (and fast forward the commercials :)) because there was like no having to wait a week to see what happens. Too bad they have to break the show for the summer, what is with those people?!! :) As for the people in Roswell NM not liking the show because it was nothing like what really happened... well I don't think the show was meant to be exactly like the real happenings, just kind of a play on it with some interesting twists and good use of the imagination. well that's all I have to say for tonight. Jenn ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 22:46:34 -0400 From: "Mel" Subject: RE: [roswell] K Heigl interview Thanks Anita...that is a nice article. Mel - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Anita Bunter Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 10:46 PM To: '' Subject: [roswell] K Heigl interview There's a good story about the Roswell show AND its fans [yaay!] AND a wonderful interview with Katherine Heigl in the Seattle newspaper today. I've tried to cut and paste the article here (this is my first post here, so I hope it works). If my post gets screwed up, the whole article (and a great photo of Katherine) is online at: - -- Anita Doubtful at first, Heigl now a believer in 'Roswell' Monday, May 15, 2000 By JOHN LEVESQUE Seattle Post-Intelligencer TV Critic A few years ago, Katherine Heigl couldn't have cared less about the fate of a struggling television show on a small network. "I was a real TV snob," the 21-year-old actress confessed during a recent stop in Seattle to promote a new line of Levi's products. With a blossoming feature-film career built on a modeling foundation that began when she was 9, Heigl watched TV but paid little attention to its potential for enhancing her career. Then she was persuaded to read the pilot script for "Roswell," a well-crafted sci-fi love story based on the "Roswell High" series of books by Melinda Metz, about teenage aliens trying to survive in a hostile environment -- Earth. "I read it hesitantly," Heigl recalled. But the prospect of a steady income and regular weekly exposure is appealing to most young actors, and Heigl gradually warmed to the idea of playing Isabel Evans, one of three orphaned survivors of a UFO crash in Roswell, N.M. By the time Heigl (pronounced HIGH-gul) had been put through TV's "torturous" audition process, first in front of producers, then in front of network executives, she was so invested in the project that her snobbery had melted under a tide of intense proprietorship. "At that point," she said, "I really wanted it." And now, after shooting 22 episodes of a series with a cult following for which "enthusiastic" is a wholly inadequate descriptive, she really doesn't want to lose "it." The riveting season finale of "Roswell" airs tonight at 9 (KTWB/22), but the fate of the series won't be officially known until tomorrow, when The WB unveils its fall-2000 lineup in front of the New York advertising community. Recent signs are pointing toward renewal, thanks to improved ratings after the show moved from Wednesdays to Mondays last month. In the Wednesday slot, it was pitted against UPN's "Star Trek: Voyager," a well-established science fiction drama. On Mondays, "Roswell" is the only sci-fi show on the mainstream dial, a distinct alternative to the silliness of "Ally McBeal" and "Everybody Loves Raymond." Still, location filming and special effects make "Roswell" an expensive series, so if a cost-benefit analysis is factored into marginal ratings, non-renewal is certainly a defensible option. Defensible, maybe, but not wise. Probably the best argument for renewal is the show's rabidly devoted fan base. If the network chooses to cancel, it can expect a backlash the likes of which it probably hasn't seen in its brief existence. Fans have created dozens of Web shrines (the slickest and most authoritative:, and a hard-core group calling itself AlienBlast raised enough money to advertise its concerns in Variety. The most visible "statement," though, was a "Roswell Is HOT!" letter campaign that directed thousands of bottles of Tabasco sauce to The WB's corporate offices in Burbank. (Tabasco sauce is a favorite condiment of the "Roswell" aliens.) The WB then mailed some of the bottles to TV critics, but enthusiasm from the publicity side doesn't necessarily mean the programming side is of the same mind. Heigl, who grew up in New Canaan, Conn., a tony suburb of New York, thinks The WB would be foolish to pull the plug on "Roswell," and not just because she'd be out of a job. "They need that audience," she said of the show's relatively strong showing among 18- to 34-year-olds. "That's the demographic they're lacking." Industry-savvy talk comes naturally to Heigl, who has grown up in front of cameras and now lives outside Los Angeles with her manager/mom, Nancy. From 1992 through 1998, the 5-foot-9 Heigl, who has always looked older than her age, made at least one film a year, including 1994's "My Father, the Hero" with Gerard Depardieu. Though few people are likely to be wowed by some of her other films -- "Bride of Chucky," "Under Siege 2," "Bug Buster" -- Heigl considers it all a learning experience. The past year on "Roswell" she describes as "stressful but satisfying" -- the stress coming from 12- and 14-hour work days, the challenges of working with a different director every week, and trying to fit into an ensemble cast. The satisfaction, she said, comes from seeing all the characters evolve under the guidance of creator Jason Katims ("My So-Called Life," "Relativity") and executive producer Thania St. John and, ironically, from working with all those different directors. A particular favorite is Jonathan Frakes, another executive producer. Frakes, a veteran of "Star Trek: The Next Generation," directed three episodes this season. Heigl calls him "funny, exuberant, a great actor's director." Heigl, who signed a seven-year contract, can't imagine the show running that long. But "another year or two," she said, is definitely warranted. "I'm really impressed and proud of what it's become," she said. "I thought it would be boring. It's been anything but." © 1998-2000 Seattle Post-Intelligencer - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 22:51:34 EDT From: Subject: Re: [roswell] Destiny A few thoughts on tonights show: All I can say is WOW!!! That was the most intense, mind blowing thing I have ever watched! I don't think you can pack much more action & drama into an hour. I felt like I was watching a hockey game cause I was actually talking/yelling at the tv. (I can get a little carried away when it comes to the NHL. lol) I just loved the whole scene between Max & Liz in the bus. It was just so romantic yet so sad in a Shakespeare tragedy sort of way. They ARE destined to be together no matter what anyone else thinks. (Then again, I'm just a hopeless romantic) And Tess...Everytime she talked I couldn't help but think "Die bitch!" She's just so annoying & whiny...but in a good way. A good tv show needs someone like that to stir/spice things up. Just as long as she doesn't get Max! I also can't believe Micheal killed someone. I believe someone on here predicted something like that would happen. It brings a whole new aspect to his personality/character. I don't believe he is a cold hearted killer like Nesedo, however. I bet his character will have a difficult time dealing with this in upcoming episodes. He's scared of his power and this makes him more vulnerable. I also never thought we'd hear him tell Maria he loves her. Maybe there actually is hope for the two of them. I believe A LOT was packed into the last 4 episodes and that it will be hard to keep up that pace inthe upcoming season. I almost feel that maybe too much information was revealed. That was probably because the future of the show was uncertain. I feel the show can go in all sorts of directions now. I just hope it doesn't become too sci-fi. While I thoroughly enjoyed the past few episodes, I also enjoy the more human sided episodes too. Hopefully the producers can find a healthy mix of both. The fact that Valenti & Kyle know their secret will make things more interesting. Karie - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 22:19:51 -0700 From: Subject: Re: [roswell] Destiny wrote: > I also can't believe Micheal killed someone. I believe someone on here > predicted something like that would happen. It brings a whole new aspect to > his personality/character. I don't believe he is a cold hearted killer like I think the boy's overreacting, and hope he'll cool off soon. He killed a known murderer in self-defense; killing doesn't get more justified than that. _Valenti_, right arm of the law, was trying to work himself up to execute Pierce in cold blood. Which, arguably, is a weakness in the story: they got off lightly. Kyle conveniently releases Pierce so they have an airtight excuse to kill him, plus Kyle conveniently gets shot so they can win Valenti's loyalty permanently. Kind of cheating, compared to having them face the decision of just killing him. I suppose Michael's hyperreaction might be meant as the balance, but I'm not impressed. > to keep up that pace inthe upcoming season. I almost feel that maybe too much > information was revealed. That was probably because the future of the show > was uncertain. > > I feel the show can go in all sorts of directions now. I just hope it doesn't > become too sci-fi. While I thoroughly enjoyed the past few episodes, I also Yeah. I mean, I'm a good SF fan, but... well, I'm not sure they can pull off the consequences of this. Will the show haul ass into strange territory and deal with human society learning of the existence of aliens? Will we have lots of cloak and dagger games as the bad aliens close in for the kill? And what were all those contacts being made -- other agents, waiting for The Leader to grow up (not to mention be born), or enemy agents? Did the ship crash in 1947 because it was shot down? If the Other Side is so bad and powerful, why are they sneaking around the Earth? And are the sides what they say they are? Maybe Max et al. were deposited by the equivalent of defeated Nazis, or some overthrown royal family, "enslaved" by republican forces... that'd be kind of cool: saving the show from falling straight into Lost Alien Prince mode, because they'd still be trying to figure out who they are, or rather, who they want to be. - -xx- Damien X-) - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 22:22:14 -0700 From: Subject: Re: [roswell] Destiny "Mike Stone" wrote: > been done in some other way (such as in a book or something, or at least in > an original language that had to be deciphered later on.) I'd give this Speaking of which, there is a book. The spiral notebook Tess fetched. (Great civilizations invent alike.) What's in it? I like Nacedo being resurrectable, though. Cool high tech, yay. I was hoping Liz would be wielding one of the stones, though. - -xx- Damien X-) - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 22:33:12 -0700 From: Subject: Re: [roswell] DESTINY ... roswell!!!!! shayla cabral wrote: > exept for the part when tess grabbed max and said "i knew this was meant to > be.."..i just wanted to kill her character...i feel so bad for max and Well, you've got to admit something: she's right. She and Max were meant to be together. Mommy Alien meant it to be. Original Max and Tess would probably have meant it to be. Whether current Max means it to be is another matter. As Adam Young said in _Good Omens_, regarding God's plan for the world: "I don't see why it matters what is written. Not when it's about people. It can always be crossed out." And from the broken record of loose ends: why Liz having the images of where the orb was buried? It seems _really_ unlikely that Nacedo was responsible: (a) he doesn't like her. (b) He wouldn't have been leading Max to anything like that. Okay, this was also brought to you by the Liz Parker Shall Go Off-Planet Club, membership me. I guess this is why fanfic gets written. Characters: cool. Premise: cool. Execution: where the hell are they going? - -xx- Damien X-) - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 01:39:35 EDT From: Subject: Re: [roswell] DESTINY ... roswell!!!!! All I really have to say about the whole meant to be deal is that Mommy said that he was her bride right? Well there isn't really anything saying that orgin wise they belonged. If you see their culture as ours is, arranged marriages are not usually due to fate. So Tess probably has nothing to do with their destiny except she happen to be chosen by Max's parents. Winnie - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 07:36:26 EDT From: Subject: [roswell] Hi Everyone Hi Everyone! My name is Erica and I have been watching the show since the very beginning. Roswell is the best show ever. I was so excited when they said it was going to be renewed for 13 more epiosdes. I have been getting these emails like this for about 3 weeks but never got enough courage to say something. All I can say about last nights episode was that it was so sad. I cried and I cried. It was so sweet when Liz and Max were in that van and Max told her he loved her. That was so sweet. I can't believe that Michael killed Agent Pierce. I didnt think that Michael could actually do it. Michael isn't gonna be one of those persons that are just gonna kill people just for the fun of it. As for Tess, I can't stand her. When she said ,"I knew it was meant to be", I wanted to slap her. I mean did she forget that Liz was in the same room. I mean Liz loves Max and that just made Liz just that more upset. Does anyone know if Tess is gonna be in the next season. Erica - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 08:36:38 -0400 From: "irene" Subject: [roswell] "What happens now?. . ." s p o i l a g e t o f o l l o w . . . . . . . . What the blond said. . . What *does* happen now? I've been pretty well spoiled for weeks now, so I knew what was to come in "Destiny". I just have to say that I *cannot* get a bead on what next season will be about. . . No, I mean, *really* not. Do they leave home and head off somewhere to formulate plans and fight off the bad guys? Do they go back home and try to pretend everything is normal, ignoring Liz, Maria and Alex now because it's not their destiny? Is next year about fighting and ray guns and more astral communiques from the great beyond? I just cannot see what comes next. As it stands, though, (and my faith in Katim's promise that he has no intentions of breaking Max and Liz up -- and really, that extends to *all* of the relationships -- Michael and Maria , Isabel and Alex -- is weakening), I do not see how they can make the destiny thing and relationship thing work at the same time. Argh!!! When I look ahead to next fall - it's just a big blank page. A black hole. This is tearing me up inside. I just don't see how any of them will ever be happy again. (And if they ain't happy, well, I'm not either. . .) I'm just not sure I want this to turn into a cheesy Sci Fi series. Can't we have both? I want both. . . So I'm freaking. Sue me. . . No, wait, better yet! Reassure me! Please? Irene - -- who may even be too sad to write sad stories. . . "Knowing you has made me. . . human. Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from now, my destiny is the same. It's *you*. I want to be with *you*, Liz. . . I *love* you." - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 10:10:43 EDT From: Subject: Re: [roswell] DESTINY ... roswell!!!!! writes: > All I really have to say about the whole meant to be deal is that Mommy said > that he was her bride right? Well there isn't really anything saying that > orgin wise they belonged. If you see their culture as ours is, arranged > marriages are not usually due to fate. So Tess probably has nothing to do > with their destiny except she happen to be chosen by Max's parents. I haven't seen the episode yet (because it doesn't air here until Saturday), but I was weak and read the script. Doesn't his mother say something like "I sent to you your young bride, your love, your inspiration." That doesn't sound like an arranged marriage to me. I really don't understand why so many people are making Tess out to be the bad guy. When she came out of the pod, she was met by Nasedo... and her whole life, she was told that she belonged with Max. That's all she knows and believes. So of course she's going to try to make it happen. Rayne - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of roswell-digest V1 #39 **************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit for help and info. ----------------------------------------------------------------