From: To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #8 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Thursday, 30 January 1997 Volume 02 : Number 008 In this issue: San Mateo Convention Jilliebean!! RE:Fw: My mom is at peace Fwd: Re: RS and ceramics RS: Nicholas Bantock RS: Mixed Media Collage Swap TAN: i can cry if i wanna Re: Encouragement RS: Aglaia Open Studio's RS: Envelope Exchange Lori Blaauw only Trade Non Sequitur images Re: RS: help -- co-worker leaving - URGENT RE: Sending cash for catalogs? Re: Info on Sarnia Gallery Glass supply? Re: Fw: My mom is at peace Re: RS: what's the word on Fruit Basket Upset? Re: RS: Nicholas Bantock Sold out of sponges and brushes CAYA See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shauna Poong Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 14:10:39 -0800 Subject: San Mateo Convention >>You ARE coming to the San Mateo convention the 22,23 of February, right?<< Definitely! I read all the Texas convention goers discussion of how to spot each other. The San Mateo goers should have something too. Speaking of conventions -- what happened to San Jose and Marin? ------------------------------ From: (Ginny Newman) Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 17:11:36 EST Subject: Jilliebean!! Hi Jill, Please email me, I've got it back. Ginny Happy Rubber Stamps ------------------------------ From: "Paul & Jody" Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 13:52:28 -0800 Subject: RE:Fw: My mom is at peace Dear Michele, I am so sorry that you have lost your mother. Take comfort in knowing that she is no longer trapped in that pain wracked body. I know that it's hard with your most recent memories of her being not in the prime of health, but think back on her during the best times that you had together. Most importantly, take care of yourself. Grief knows no time. You don't get to say "Friday afternoon is open to cry." It can hit standing in line at the grocery store. So take care of yourself. Get enough sleep, and take bubble baths as needed. This last month, I've taken 3 baths on a couple of days, in dealing with the grief of losing my brother on Christmas Eve. And thats OK!! I know that everyone says that it will get easier as time goes on, and it will. It's kind of like waves going in and out, washing a little of the pain away each time. I'll be praying for you during this time, and all the activity that will be going on this week for your family. Take care! Jody Speck - ---------- > From: > To: > Subject: My mom is at peace > Date: Thursday, January 30, 1997 9:14 AM > > My mom died this morning at 9am central time after lapsing into a coma > yesterday. At least now she feels no more pain and can be with her mother > and oldest daughter. > > > > ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< > * MonarchStamper * > * _ \/ _ * Michele * * > * (_)/\(_) * > * (_)\/(_) * > * * > * /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\* > * Love is the irresistable desire * > * to be desired irresistably. * > * Louis Ginsberg * > ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 16:17:09 -0500 (EST) Subject: Fwd: Re: RS and ceramics oops, didn't copy the whole list by mistake... - --------------------- Forwarded message: Subj: Re: RS and ceramics Date: 97-01-29 22:47:19 EST From: Aglaia To: The Potters Pads by Milwaukee Clay (can get from Nasco) work really well on greenware or bisque. I like greenware with a colored undercoat, then stamping with the potters pad - fire, then clear gaze/fire. The greenware does break if you press on it hard so I found I couldn't use larger stamps and get the entire stamp to print unless I went to bisque. The Potter Pad can go in the greenware or glaze firing. I do find that when I do bisque and it tells you to let it dry (the Potter's Pad stamping) then glaze and fire that it's really easy to run/smudge your print. You have to LIGHTLY sponge on the glaze, let it dry and do this for a few coats - drying well between coats to avoid the smearing/streaking of the Potter's Pad. Much easier if you have undercoats you like to cover greenware with undercoat, dry and stamp - then fire before the glaze coat. Also, if you don't like the way ot looks you can wipe the whole underglaze off the greenware and start over. Black potters pad on bisque does not wash off but leaves a mark - you can't really do the image over. If you get the potters pad it's best to get the reinker so if you don't get complete coverage in your stamping you can use their reinker to touch up with a brush. You can also stamp pretty nicely just using an underglaze as your "stamp pad" smear some of it onto a foam brush and use your stamp on that. The consistency of the Potter's Pads I have is perfect tho & a tad easier. For non-ceramicists - greenware is wet clay that has air dryed, it has not yet been fired in a kin so is very fragile. Bisque was greenware that has been through 1 firing (most ceramic pieces take two firings). You have to use ceramic glazes cause regular inks would burn right off in the firing process. Using ceramic glazes, say on tiles, gives you a nice hard coating - great for trivets or decorating your wall. You can paint already fired tiles with acrylics and seal - it's just not as durable as a fired on glaze. Also getting wet clay from your ceramics shop and stamping into the clay to leave an imprint, then wash with a transluscent galze in the final firing looks lovely. maggie Aglaia Handcrafts & Rubber Stamps ------------------------------ From: Shauna Poong Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 14:27:04 -0800 Subject: RS: Nicholas Bantock Are you a Nicholas Bantock fan? Would you like to put together a book of artful correspondence in that style? Email me if you are interested so I can get a count of how many people and I will send you the particulars. ------------------------------ From: Shauna Poong Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 14:26:04 -0800 Subject: RS: Mixed Media Collage Swap Name of Swap: MIXED MEDIA COLLAGE SWAP Hosted by: Stampoong: Items Info: 4x5 to 8x10 color photocopy (send as many out as you want back) Theme/Details: No theme, integrate at least three different mediums Mailing info: Include an 8.5x11 SAE with $2.00. Email for address. Deadline: The end of the month. You will have something in return by the middle of the next month. ------------------------------ From: Shauna Poong Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 14:29:19 -0800 Subject: TAN: i can cry if i wanna Dear Kathy, You wrote >> I get to come home at 6:00 to a house of 2 teenagers & a husband - all of whom I love dearly - and have to nag, nag, nag....get the homework, band practice, chores, etc., etc. done!! Then *I* get to sit & do homework with the boys who have been home since 3:30 & still have not finished (or started the h.w.) And then start supper & then clean up...and so on.<< Here=92s a thought: What is happening at home is unfair. You are putting = a lot of energy into fixing everyone else life except your own. Your husband and sons simply have to put up with your nagging (which they may or may not even listen to) and in return they get to have you do everything for them. What a deal! The key is: you want them to do things. Obviously, nagging is not motivating them. Since that has failed, why not try something different? Decide what you *need* to have happen. Do you need the house clean when you come home? How clean? Do you need to have the boys homework finished by the time you get home? Now what do they need? Does your husband and sons need you to cook dinner? Can they cook for themselves? Do the boys need help with their homework? Can they do it on their own? Then sit down and negotiate. Each chore can be rated by the time it takes, housecleaning takes xx time, cooking takes xx time and homework takes xx time.=20 Then talk together and decide who will do what. Maybe your husband will pick up the living room and vacuum while the boys do homework and then you will cook dinner. Make these things contingent upon each other. If you don=92t cook dinner, then your husband does not have to clean-up! But it will also work the other way. If they don=92t do their part, you don=92= t have to cook. They will definitely test you. They will want you to cave in and go back to nagging. That was easier than changing and actually having to do something. It will be REALLY HARD for you to stick to your guns here. You may have to eat dinner before you come home a few times because they haven=92t done their part. They may even try to wiggle out by fixing some horrible junk food dinner for themselves that makes you feel like you are endangering their health by allowing this to be consumed. Don=92t let it get to you. After the food runs out of the refrigerator and you are not shopping because you are waiting for them to do their part they may be ready to change. On the other hand, it could take them a month to change. They won=92t die of malnutrition in a month. You will have to fen= d off your guilt monster by reminding yourself that nagging and doing all the work was the easy way. This is harder but ultimately better for everyone. For the cleaning, if you can stand letting it stay a mess until the person now responsible (not you) does it, that=92s great. If you can=92t = do that, you could say, =93I=92m not cooking because I have to clean. If you would have cleaned, then I would be able to cook.=94 You=92re not nagging. You=92re not saying it over and over. You are simply stating that actions have consequences. That is the lesson that you are teaching here. Good luck.=20 =93my sun swap cards - which I spent tons of time on - were lost in the mail=94 AGH!!!!! Although when things become more fair at your house, the= n you=92ll have more time and energy to spend on things that feed your spirit. Take care, Rubber Woman. Let me know how it goes, Shauna aka.stampoong ------------------------------ From: (Linda S. Skirvin) Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 15:14:41 EST Subject: Re: Encouragement Hi Debbie! You are a true inspiration to us all, especially me. Thank you for the lovely post! Giggles and Grins! Love, Linda On Thu, 30 Jan 1997 08:35:53 -0500 (EST) writes: > > >I'm glad that I could be helping part of an encouraging message that >seemed >to be sent to you. The first time I heard it read out loud at an FA >meeting(Families Anonymous) I got chills and tears in my eyes as well. > I >truly believe that we are sent messages for a purpose and it's all in >the >timing. > >I hope that all gets better for you for whatever it is that you are >experiencing. > > (MiracleStamper) :-) > ------------------------------ From: Aglaia@AOL.COM Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 16:16:12 -0500 (EST) Subject: RS: Aglaia Open Studio's Be sure to mark your Calendars for 1997's Open Studio Dates. March 22 9:30 to 3:30 September 20 9:30 to 3:30 I generally plan the studio's around equinox's and other dates that mark new beginnings and this year we're mighty close to those celebrations :-) Shop, talk, visit and view boxes of mailart at your leisure. Folks here at the close of day generally head off for coffee or pizza together. More details will be posted closer to the studio sale dates. Happy Stamping! maggie ------------------------------ From: Shauna Poong Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 14:40:45 -0800 Subject: RS: Envelope Exchange Do you have interesting US Postal stamps that you want to put on envelopes embelished with artwork that compliments the stamp? I do. Let=92s exchange! NAME OF SWAP: Envelope Exchange HOSTED BY: Stampoong: ITEMS INFO: 10 of Any standard size envelope is okay (A-2,A-4, A-6, A-10, etc.) Although, foriegn postage can be used as an accent, $.32 of US postage must be attached somewhere on the front of the envelope (but not necessarily in the upper left hand corner) THEME/DETAILS: Stamp and art must compliment each other. Do NOT put any addresses on the envelope=20 MAILING INFO: Include a 9 x 12 SAE with $2.00 for postage. Email for address. DEADLINE: Feb. 28th ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 15:44:32 -0700 Subject: Lori Blaauw only Sorry to post the list. I just tried replying to your last message and it keeps coming back "undeliverable". Is something wrong on your end? I'll keep trying to send it. Jen ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 17:50:22 -0500 (EST) Subject: Trade Non Sequitur images I would like to trade some Non Sequitur images if anyone is interested, all UMs. I have Ready for Battle (Knight on Horse) Tender is the night (Large image lady and knight in room) Knight Standing Miedieval couple Older Woman and Cat If you have any trades please let me know. Not necessarily NS, I love dragons, fairies also Suki ------------------------------ From: Jill Korpal Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 13:20:14 -0800 Subject: Re: RS: help -- co-worker leaving - URGENT Time is my friend For everytime we meet The time we spend Is precious and sweet Sweet Songs to sing and pretty words that rhyme And memories that cling Thanks to time Long walks to walk And long talks to talk And tall hills to climb And mountains of time It's time now to go For everything must end I'll see you soon I know Knowing time is my friend. It may be sappy but it has always been one of my favorites for special people. Jilliebean - -- **~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~ Life is an exciting business, and most exciting when it is lived for others. Helen Keller **~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~ ------------------------------ From: "Jonathan Zwang" Date: Thu, 30 Jan 97 22:52:13 UT Subject: RE: Sending cash for catalogs? I usually send cash under $10 to most of the vendors on the list. I personally have never had a bad experience, but I only buy from those vendors who I have heard really good things about. Sometimes I tell them I will be sending cash and ask if it is okay, and wait to make sure I get a reply. geevee so many stamps, so little time - ---------- From: Deborah K. Johnson Sent: Thursday, January 30, 1997 9:33 AM To: Subject: RS: Sending cash for catalogs? Does anyone ever just drop cash in the envelope when sending for catalogs or is that a bad idea? Do you know what happens to M&Ms when you put them in the microwave? Deborah J. aka Bibelots -for the M&Ms for Breakfast Steering Committee ------------------------------ From: "Jonathan Zwang" Date: Thu, 30 Jan 97 22:36:46 UT Subject: Re: Info on Sarnia A really good friend of mine has been transferred to Sarnia. She has been there a while and has just come back to Texas for a visit. She is lonely and feeling isolated - she is a great crafter and new to rubber stamping - Anybody live close to Sarnia that I can hook her up with? geevee so many stamps, so little time ------------------------------ From: Susan Sproc Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 18:16:46 -0500 Subject: Gallery Glass supply? Does anyone know where I can buy Gallery Glass paints? I know this was discussed before, but I hadn't seen Lisa Thompson's beautiful creations in Somerset. She has certainly created a stamping procedure which gives beautiful results. Thanks, Susan ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 17:51:13 EST Subject: Re: Fw: My mom is at peace Michele might I add further that we don't forget our loved ones. What Jody has said here I know personally to be so very true. I lost my only son three years ago and while I still think of him, I see him as a guardian angel protecting me and those close to me. I know this for a fact. Also the part about the waves is especially true, all of a sudden sometimes for no apparent reason. They do come less frequently as time goes by though. My thoughts and prayers are with you! Don On Thu, 30 Jan 1997 13:52:28 -0800 "Paul & Jody" writes: >Dear Michele, >I am so sorry that you have lost your mother. Take comfort in knowing >that >she is no longer trapped in that pain wracked body. I know that it's >hard >with your most recent memories of her being not in the prime of >health, but >think back on her during the best times that you had together. Most >importantly, take care of yourself. Grief knows no time. You don't get >to >say "Friday afternoon is open to cry." It can hit standing in line at >the >grocery store. So take care of yourself. Get enough sleep, and take >bubble >baths as needed. This last month, I've taken 3 baths on a couple of >days, >in dealing with the grief of losing my brother on Christmas Eve. And >thats >OK!! I know that everyone says that it will get easier as time goes >on, and >it will. It's kind of like waves going in and out, washing a little of >the >pain away each time. I'll be praying for you during this time, and all >the >activity that will be going on this week for your family. Take care! >Jody Speck > >---------- >> From: >> To: >> Subject: My mom is at peace >> Date: Thursday, January 30, 1997 9:14 AM >> >> My mom died this morning at 9am central time after lapsing into a >coma >> yesterday. At least now she feels no more pain and can be with her >mother >> and oldest daughter. >> >> >> >> ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >> * MonarchStamper * >> * _ \/ _ * Michele * * >> * (_)/\(_) * >> * (_)\/(_) * >> * * >> * /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\* >> * Love is the irresistable desire * >> * to be desired irresistably. * >> * Louis Ginsberg * >> ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< > > ------------------------------ From: (Ma Vinci) Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 18:13:55 EST Subject: Re: RS: what's the word on Fruit Basket Upset? Temporarily have had to suspend their biz...owner is ill and trying to sell the company. Robin On Thu, 30 Jan 1997 10:07:55 -0500 writes: >Hi y'all, > >Does anyone know what's up with Fruit Basket Upset?? Are they still >in >business? I sent away months ago for a grab bag, and no word. I love >their >stuff, so it's too bad. *sniff* > >Amethyst > > ------------------------------ From: (Ma Vinci) Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 18:13:55 EST Subject: Re: RS: Nicholas Bantock I am...but his name isn't Nicholas...Nick. Just Nick. Robin On Thu, 30 Jan 1997 14:27:04 -0800 Shauna Poong writes: >Are you a Nicholas Bantock fan? Would you like to put together a book >of artful correspondence in that style? Email me if you are >interested >so I can get a count of how many people and I will send you the >particulars. > ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 15:17:36 +0000 Subject: Sold out of sponges and brushes Sorry the whole bunch is gone, if you want to order some let me know and I will be glad to.. along with any ofter accessories items she carries.. Posh.. baggie Baggie 903 54th St. SE Auburn, WA 98092 I stamp whatever the little voices tell me. ------------------------------ From: Bladerunr Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 17:24:59 -0800 Subject: CAYA I got my second round of these and they are back in the mail-headed to colleen in CA-i think-i already mailed this and THOUGHT i would remember who I mailed to-oh well, someone will get this soon! donna joy ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #8 ********************************** To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.