From: To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #54 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Sunday, 2 February 1997 Volume 02 : Number 054 In this issue: Re: Scuze Me....... Re: TAN Groundhogs Day HALOS Vendor or Sheryl Porter Needed!! Re: PRAYERS PLEASE... Re: Remembering your swaps Re: TAN: humor Actual sign Re: Question--abbreviation DOTS fs Re: Where is Giggles today???? RS: DeNami Swap Reminder Re: RS: Grapevine Convention (long) Re: TAN GROUNDHOG NO SHADOW Re: Scuze Me....... Re: Computer Rubberstamping RE: SLUGS ARE GOOD FOR Re: TAN Groundhogs Day RE: TAN: humor Actual sign Re: TAN: humor Actual sign Re: your moms store RS: New uses for old stamping toys See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Elaine Morgan Date: Sun, 02 Feb 1997 19:22:37 +0000 Subject: Re: Scuze Me....... Barbara Holl wrote: > > Darlene, > > How is your dad? > > I've requested Phil to eat the slugs, but haven't seen him yet! Some of > us are ok, but there are others that deserve Phil..... > > Barbara (StampBear) > > > On Sun, 2 Feb 1997, dksather wrote: > > > I can not believe that you Washington SLUGS are letting these people > > talk about you this way. Ya know kids, Debbie, Nan and Rubberzombie > > aren't that bad once you get used to them. Have you slugs no backbone? > > Stand up and be proud! Well as proud as you can be and be a slug. > > TOD > > > > > >I thought Phil was a vegetarian and didn't eat meat... Elaine InkyPinkies Carpe Diem! > > > > LAWRENCE JAMES LITTLE wrote: > > > > > > We had slugs in Memphis, too. AAAAAACK they are the gossest > > > thing on earth!! I'd much rathe step in a warm cow-pie barefooted than > > > step on a slug! Isn't the silvery mucous trail they leave awful?? We > > > used to get them IN the house......we never walked around barefooded in > > > the dark! Does anyone know what good purpose they serve?? Might be a > > > tad easier to tolorate the beasties if we knew they were good for > > > something. > > > Gald to be an InkyAngel....I can fly over them now. > > > > > > Dorothy > > ------------------------------ From: Elaine Morgan Date: Sun, 02 Feb 1997 19:23:06 +0000 Subject: Re: TAN Groundhogs Day We don't drink anymore, period. Go borrow from the neighbors.... It really does work. They hide in the daytime and come out at nite to party...LOL..they sleep it off in the daytime.. Elaine Inkypinkies Carpe Diem! Barbara Holl wrote: > > I've heard of that, but haven't tried it. No beer! > > Barbara (StampBear) > > > On Sun, 2 Feb 1997, Elaine Morgan wrote: > > > I really have not been following this thread...but this salt and slugs > > caught my eye...We use beer in a dish and then they climb up in it, get > > drunk and die... > > Elaine > > InkyPinkies > > Carpe Diem! > > > > > > Barbara Holl wrote: > > > > > > Did you see a slug? The groundhog says Spring is on it's way! I have > > > plenty of salt, just find me a slug. > > > > > > Barbara (StampBear) > > > > > > > > > On Sat, 1 Feb 1997, Mark Soper wrote: > > > > > > > Well.... > > > > In the wilds of Washington, I've yet to spot a groundhog (altho I'm > > > > told the one in the Naughty Room is lookin' mighty plump and tasty....) > > > > but we do have ONE thing a lotta the country DOESN'T have...ladies and > > > > gentleman, I give to you the...... > > > > > > > > SLUG!!!! > > > > > > > > Yes, in Washington, on groundhog's day (being to all intents and > > > > purposes, totally bereft of groundhogs), we like to run around and see > > > > if we can spot the first slug of spring. If we do, and we are able to > > > > spring forward and dump salt all over his nasty, slimy little body, not > > > > only will he turn into something resembling a prune surrounded by a > > > > small pond of mucous, it will mean spring is here!!! If not, it's 6 > > > > more weeks of winter (but we still celebrate....why? Cause maybe, just > > > > maybe, it's 6 more weeks of no slugs!!!!!). > > > > > > > > You Groundhog people sure have a soft don't have to > > > > sprinkle salt on 'em or nothing...... > > > oven handy and some onion and maybe a little thyme> > > > > > > > > rubberpuma > > > > > > ------------------------------ From: (Deni Johnson) Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 18:28:23 -0600 Subject: HALOS Vendor or Sheryl Porter Needed!! HELP!!! I just ordered 2 pounds of unmounted from Viva Las Vegas stamps--and I have no way to mount them (talk about the horse before the cart)----I am looking for a good deal on a HALOS set--I've never tried it--but the folks on this list rave....please contact me if you can help. THANKS!! Deni ******************************************************************** (+)(+) / \ "He's only MOSTLY dead" \ -==- / \ / Deni Johnson <\/\/\/> / \ Check out my "Princess Bride Page" ------------------------------ From: Elaine Morgan Date: Sun, 02 Feb 1997 19:35:58 +0000 Subject: Re: PRAYERS PLEASE... Why don't you give us her addy and the ones that want to could send her a card and say that we are a rubberstamp friend of yours..I would be happy to send her one to cheer her up. Elaine InkyPinkies Carpe Diem! wrote: > > I was wondering if all of you great ladies, and men, :} would say a prayer > for my daughter. She just went into the OR a few minutes ago to have > emergency surgery on her small intestine. She is in Mi., and I am in Miss., > so I am sure you parents can imagine how hard that is not being there with > them. > Sorry to post this to the group, but I know if anything can come of good, it > is from this list. > Thanks.. > Ann:::::::::::: > > Sometimes I talk before I think.. > therefore, please forgive me for > what is not in my control.. :} ------------------------------ From: (hornbrkj) Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 18:12:53 -0400 Subject: Re: Remembering your swaps Seems quite simple to me: I just print off a copy of the official swap notice, e-mail the hostess for her snail addy, write that on the bottom of the notice. Put it on my stamping table until the cards (or whatever) are finished and mailed. Then I file it. Ant Judy H. >>How does everyone keep up with which swaps you are signed up for, the details, the due dates, etc. It seems really confusing to me with all the great swaps that are going on at the same time<< ------------------------------ From: Elaine Morgan Date: Sun, 02 Feb 1997 19:32:14 +0000 Subject: Re: TAN: humor Actual sign Stamo!! You go to the naughty room this very minute. No, wait, on second thought, you better not cuz Anglehrt and Giggles are in there. Thank goodness you don't have a key! Elaine InkyPinkies Carpe Diem! Wayne Gartley wrote: > > >>Did you know there is also a Blue BAlls, Pa.? I've been there... > > I haven't been there but I've had them! > > Stampo ------------------------------ From: (Patti Welsh) Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 19:30:47 EST Subject: Re: Question--abbreviation It means: The Other Darlene StamPatti, vsa & vsr Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture! On Sun, 2 Feb 97 23:17:20 UT "Wayne Gartley" writes: >LOL... I've seen it too and thought TOD was someone's name! > >Stampo > ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 19:49:25 -0500 (EST) Subject: DOTS fs My saved email has disappeared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know 2 of you emailed me about buying stamps. One of you wanted the ballerina stamp and the other one wanted the list I have. I'm sorry. Please email me again and I will print your replies. Friends - Jan ------------------------------ From: (Linda S. Skirvin) Date: Sun, 02 Feb 1997 19:47:09 EST Subject: Re: Where is Giggles today???? Believe it or not she is still alive and kicking and complaining about not having any chocolate! Ahhhh life is normal in the isolation bubble! Tee Hee! Actually the doctors thought that I had been too quiet for the past week so they thought they would shoot some blue dye into my kidneys to see how they were working......they failed to tell me that this stuff stains the toilet and now I have a blue poka dotted toilet! Oh well, the new color suits John! Tee Hee! Anyway the kidneys obviously work real well except that my body has decided it likes this blue dye stuff and has decided to keep some of it inside. I've been having a wonderful time with John due to a reaction to the dye.......geez! I feel so much better when the doctor's just leave me alone!!! Anyway, I have been busy making Stamper A Day notecards and cutting wallpaper and making envelopes and getting lots of exercise going to see John! What a weekend! Hope I have lots more like this one....NOT!!!! Giggles and Grins! Love, Linda On Sun, 2 Feb 1997 10:11:12 -0800 (LAWRENCE JAMES LITTLE) writes: > > I haven't seen anything on the list from Giggles in many >hours...Anyone know how she is doing?? > > I miss you Giggles. > > InkyAngel sends Blessings and Hugs, Dorothy > ------------------------------ From: (Betsy McLoughlin) Date: Sun, 02 Feb 1997 19:51:26 EST Subject: RS: DeNami Swap Reminder Reminder of the swap - still time to sign up. > Details: cards in multiples of 5 - extra for hostess not necessary, >but of course I won't refuse any extras :) >Send 1.01 in postage stamps - return address label would be much >appreciated - I will probably re-use the envelope you send your order >in. Hope that doesn't offend anyone, but I don't have lots of choice >at the moment - won't be able to elaborately decorate your envelopes. > >Open to sign up until February 15, 1997. > >Due date: February 29, 1997. Will return within 2 weeks (or sooner >if there are no stragglers). Do whatever you'd like - just needs to >have at least one DeNami Stamp on it! > >My address: Betsy McLoughlin, 9200 Frostburg Way, Gaithersburg, MD >20879-1452 > >Here are the people signed up so far: I may have missed someone - >please let me know! > >Linda Neumann >Andi StitchInk >Cheryl Simmers RECEIVED >Suzanne Owen >Linda Wynn >Lisa >Tracey Carr Debbie >Betsy McLoughlin >me >you :) > >Some local customers: >Betty Edmands >Marlene Coffey >Bettie Mathis >maybe more! >Betsy, The Rubber Chicken Lady > ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 18:50:09 -0600 Subject: Re: RS: Grapevine Convention (long) metnames!!! I met so many >people... Shannon Green, Linda Malcolm-Lim, Kandee Block, Ginny Newman, >Stacia Blodgett, Vicki (Cajunstamper), Sue (thepaperlady), and so many >others (sorry if I forgot someone!!). Sandy Lemons Definately won the >big hair contest!!!! Shannon was a close second! I missed meeting >Janet (boo hoo!)... someone said she wasn't feeling well. We all >visited a bit, took some pictures and then split up and agreed to meet >there...IT WAS GREAT!! I sat with Stacia Blodgett, StamperKat, Linda >Malcolm-Lim at my end of the table. WOW..Sounds like a really awesome week-end.......... now someone needs to scan in a couple of pictures for us left at home to meet all of you too. :{ Ann:::::::::::: Sometimes I talk before I think.. therefore, please forgive me for what is not in my control.. :} ------------------------------ From: (Susan Ann Buetow) Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 15:21:25 PST Subject: Re: TAN GROUNDHOG NO SHADOW I BELIEVE>>>I BELIEVE..hehehahahaaa udderstamper On Sun, 02 Feb 1997 10:26:02 -0800 (Ruthann Gigliotti) writes: >Punxsutawney Phil did NOT see his shadow this morning. >That means Spring is just around the corner..Yea!!! >You better believe it. He is always right.. >-- >Ruthann > ------------------------------ From: Elaine Morgan Date: Sun, 02 Feb 1997 19:22:37 +0000 Subject: Re: Scuze Me....... Barbara Holl wrote: > > Darlene, > > How is your dad? > > I've requested Phil to eat the slugs, but haven't seen him yet! Some of > us are ok, but there are others that deserve Phil..... > > Barbara (StampBear) > > > On Sun, 2 Feb 1997, dksather wrote: > > > I can not believe that you Washington SLUGS are letting these people > > talk about you this way. Ya know kids, Debbie, Nan and Rubberzombie > > aren't that bad once you get used to them. Have you slugs no backbone? > > Stand up and be proud! Well as proud as you can be and be a slug. > > TOD > > > > > >I thought Phil was a vegetarian and didn't eat meat... Elaine InkyPinkies Carpe Diem! > > > > LAWRENCE JAMES LITTLE wrote: > > > > > > We had slugs in Memphis, too. AAAAAACK they are the gossest > > > thing on earth!! I'd much rathe step in a warm cow-pie barefooted than > > > step on a slug! Isn't the silvery mucous trail they leave awful?? We > > > used to get them IN the house......we never walked around barefooded in > > > the dark! Does anyone know what good purpose they serve?? Might be a > > > tad easier to tolorate the beasties if we knew they were good for > > > something. > > > Gald to be an InkyAngel....I can fly over them now. > > > > > > Dorothy > > ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 02 Feb 1997 19:55:43 EST Subject: Re: Computer Rubberstamping This looks like a go for me. Count me in please. PeterPan If You Believe, Anything Is Possible, after all, Perception is Reality COME ON APRIL!!! On Sun, 2 Feb 1997 18:11:05 PST writes: >For those of us who uses computers and have spent a few $$$$ for >clipart software let see what we can do. > >NAME OF SWAP: Computer Rubberstamping >HOSTED BY: StampinSis >ITEMS INFO: 5/5 cards, postcards or anything your heart desires >THEME/DETAILS: Use some kind of computer clip art and dress it up >with embossing, other stamps or some kind of embellishment. >MAILING INFO: SAL and equiv postage >POSTMARKED BY: April 11 >Note: and by now if you figured out I will include a special surprise ------------------------------ From: "Wayne Gartley" Date: Mon, 3 Feb 97 00:46:58 UT Subject: RE: SLUGS ARE GOOD FOR And don't forget Campbell's Cream of Slug Soup! Stampo ------------------------------ From: Elaine Morgan Date: Sun, 02 Feb 1997 19:23:06 +0000 Subject: Re: TAN Groundhogs Day We don't drink anymore, period. Go borrow from the neighbors.... It really does work. They hide in the daytime and come out at nite to party...LOL..they sleep it off in the daytime.. Elaine Inkypinkies Carpe Diem! Barbara Holl wrote: > > I've heard of that, but haven't tried it. No beer! > > Barbara (StampBear) > > > On Sun, 2 Feb 1997, Elaine Morgan wrote: > > > I really have not been following this thread...but this salt and slugs > > caught my eye...We use beer in a dish and then they climb up in it, get > > drunk and die... > > Elaine > > InkyPinkies > > Carpe Diem! > > > > > > Barbara Holl wrote: > > > > > > Did you see a slug? The groundhog says Spring is on it's way! I have > > > plenty of salt, just find me a slug. > > > > > > Barbara (StampBear) > > > > > > > > > On Sat, 1 Feb 1997, Mark Soper wrote: > > > > > > > Well.... > > > > In the wilds of Washington, I've yet to spot a groundhog (altho I'm > > > > told the one in the Naughty Room is lookin' mighty plump and tasty....) > > > > but we do have ONE thing a lotta the country DOESN'T have...ladies and > > > > gentleman, I give to you the...... > > > > > > > > SLUG!!!! > > > > > > > > Yes, in Washington, on groundhog's day (being to all intents and > > > > purposes, totally bereft of groundhogs), we like to run around and see > > > > if we can spot the first slug of spring. If we do, and we are able to > > > > spring forward and dump salt all over his nasty, slimy little body, not > > > > only will he turn into something resembling a prune surrounded by a > > > > small pond of mucous, it will mean spring is here!!! If not, it's 6 > > > > more weeks of winter (but we still celebrate....why? Cause maybe, just > > > > maybe, it's 6 more weeks of no slugs!!!!!). > > > > > > > > You Groundhog people sure have a soft don't have to > > > > sprinkle salt on 'em or nothing...... > > > oven handy and some onion and maybe a little thyme> > > > > > > > > rubberpuma > > > > > > ------------------------------ From: "Wayne Gartley" Date: Mon, 3 Feb 97 00:46:03 UT Subject: RE: TAN: humor Actual sign Hey, how come I didn't get a key? Stampo ------------------------------ From: (Linda S. Skirvin) Date: Sun, 02 Feb 1997 20:07:08 EST Subject: Re: TAN: humor Actual sign I need to get out of the Naughty Room!!!! It's getting too crowded in here!!!! Besides all the slurping noises from that Ground Hog sucking on Angelhrt's toes is making me sick.........Help get me out of here!!! Giggles and Grins! Love, Linda On Sun, 02 Feb 1997 19:32:14 +0000 Elaine Morgan writes: >Stamo!! You go to the naughty room this very minute. No, wait, on >second thought, you better not cuz Anglehrt and Giggles are in there. >Thank goodness you don't have a key! >Elaine >InkyPinkies >Carpe Diem! > > > >Wayne Gartley wrote: >> >> >>Did you know there is also a Blue BAlls, Pa.? I've been there... >> >> I haven't been there but I've had them! >> >> Stampo > ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 20:21:06 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: your moms store In a message dated 97-02-02 17:27:01 EST, you write: >Hey Wendy-- >is it true that you mom has a store in Vermont?? You know I am not to far >away...maybe i could take a road trip from good old Albany some day?? > >Holli > >HolliHobby > > > Holli, It's true. She opened Stamp On It in August of '96 so she's pretty new to the whole business end of it. The store is in the Towne Market Place in Essex Junction, VT. Albany is about 3 hours from here. If you do decide to come, let me know ahead of time and I can get you specific directions!! Wen ------------------------------ From: Commander Claus Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 17:25:35 -0800 (PST) Subject: RS: New uses for old stamping toys I've been playing around with my stamping accessories and trying to find new uses for a lot of them, and I cam across a good one. The Kreate-a-Lope comes with the templates as well as two rectangular pieces to fold the paper around. I hardly ever use the big piece, so it was sitting unused. Well, I slotted that sucker into my stamp positioner, and POOF! Instant see-through positioning. No more pesky papers lying around. This is especially good for me since I use HALOS and I would be going through the see-through paper like crazy since I can't guarantee that the stamp will be in the same position on the mount every time. Anybody else found new uses for old stamping accessories? Santa - ---------- ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #54 *********************************** To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.