From: To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #120 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Thursday, 6 February 1997 Volume 02 : Number 120 In this issue: Messages not showing up RS: Remembering Swaps Compilation Post Re: RS Cards Need Good Home! Re: RS-TAN:Messages not coming back to us Re: Oprah yesterday? RS: Watercolor tips wanted Re: RS: Official Floral Swap DAS Clay???? For Julie Hall R/S ... SORTA TAN ... " WHAT IF .... " AZ STAMPLIST (fwd) Re: NDN: Eudora/list help needed See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Laurie R Morrison) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 08:13:18 PST Subject: Messages not showing up did anyone ever find out why this is happening? thanks, Laurie ------------------------------ From: "Pamela D. Moore" Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 09:07:02 -0500 Subject: RS: Remembering Swaps Compilation Post My original question: How does everyone keep up with which swaps you are signed up for, the details, the due dates, etc. It seems really confusing to me with all the great swaps that are going on at the same time! The answers I received: From: I created a "spreadsheet" on Excel (Lotus will do too) with columns for:=20 Name of Swap (also lists how many, i.e., 5 for 5, 6 for 5, etc.)=20 Due Date=20 Confirm Sign-Up (did the hostess get my name? Good because sometimes a server goes down and you don't know if the hostess got your name. If I don't get a confirmation within a reasonable, I do private e-mail.)=20 Date I mailed swap (fill that in after you mail it)=20 Hosted by (enter e-mail addy AND snail addy) Details (specific rules, i.e., theme, specific colors, etc.) Description of card (Describe card(s) you sent) Misc Notes (mailing requirements) I also keep a large "post it" sheet on the wall next to my table (don't have a bulletin board) - lists for month and swap name only in chronological order. I can always refer to the spreadsheet for the= specifics. Hope this helps - understand the confusion - I'm on 23 swaps now and knew I had to find some way to get organized or I would stand the chance of upsetting a lot of people! Linda Neumann ********** From: Being the AR (Anal Retentive in Freudian speak) I am I had to find a way to keep it together. To help keep me organized I have a notebook with ideas about stamping. One of the areas I have labeled Swaps. I print out the information and put it in the notebook. At the top of the page I write the date it is due, filing them in the order of when they are due. The snail mail addy is written on the paper so I have it nearby. When I send my swap I write the date I sent, how many, how much postage, etc. This seems to= help. Also in this notebook I have copies of items I have ordered or am interested in ordering. That way I can keep track of what I am getting, when I sent the payment, and when I get it. It is also a good reference for what vendors sell what items. I hope this helps you. It isn't fool proof, I still have to remember to put it in the notebook.=20 Pedstamper Carey ********** From: Pam there is also a MASTER SWAP LIST it was posted about a week ago. Print it out this will help alot then just cross them off when you have got them out. I have a copy of the current If you dont, I will gladly pass it along your way Lisa : ) ********** From: Elaine Morgan Hi, the ones I am in..I print them out and have them in order of date. I would not be able to remember who was who or what was what...or as a matter of fact, when was when and where was where..... And just reading your other question, I had a stamp made with my name and email addy from Evo..I put that on the back of my card. Stamp credits I write on a post it note, one for each card. I am a newbie too and learned this from the gang on the list. InkyPinkies Elaine ********** From: (mona everett (Poste Haste)) I finally bought a small planning calendar and write the info for swaps in there. Mona--Poste Haste ********** From: (Kathy A. Nakata) I use a calendar where I record the swap name on the date it is due. The calendar hangs right next to my stamping table so I can see at a glance what I have coming up for that month. I also print out the swap details and keep them in a binder next to the calendar. That way I have the information for the swap at my fingertips. Now, does all that mean I do my swaps with plenty of time left or do I wait until the last minute? Hmmm. I'll leave that open to interpretation!! :) Kathy ********** From: Nancy Curry I printed out calendars for each of the twelve months and pace due dates on them. I keep the calendars and a print out of each swap requirements in a rubberstamping folder so I have easy reference. To make it easier to find everything, I color code each swap, using the same marker to write on the calendar as I do to highlight the swap name. Things are easy to find. When I have sent a swap, I date that sheet and place it in the back of the pile. Upon receipt of teh swap, I again date it received back so I can see the turn around times. Stampin' MAH MAH Nancy Curry ********** From: I also print out the swap info and sort them by date and I have one of those huge callendars you get at the office supply store and I mark the due date of each swap I am in on it in different colors. I also mark the calendar a week in advance of the due date (in appropriate color) in case I am running late, I can tell at a glance which ones need top priority. Hope this helps. ********** From: I found that I just print the ones I want to be in and then write them in my day timer 7 days before they are due (this allows for mailing). Good luck and have fun. Debbie-Wantastamp ********** From: Impress of the Night I made a special little book with a page for each month. I then have lined areas with the name of the swap, number of cards needed, postage amount, due date, date sent, hostess' name. I have room for 4 of these areas per page. Impress of the Night ********** From: Fairly recently, someone posted to the list about a class project which is a calendar. I've taken the idea and done the following: 1-I bought a 3 ring binder and 13 clear plastic page protectors 2-For each month, I've created a calendar with the dates going down in two columns, so there is room to write stuff under each day. 3-I write in whatever swap is due, the date, and the info in the space for that day. I usually also write in to mail the swap about 4 days before the due date as a reminder. 4-I also keep a record of birthdays, anniversary, holidays, etc. on the appropriate days on each monthly sheet. 5-I keep a copy of each card (or a written record) I've send during that month. I also keep a copy of each swap card. 6-In the 13th page protector, I keep extra cards I might have made for fun or from a swap (these don't include the swap copy I keep in the monthly page protector). Then when I need a card for someone, I have some to choose from. 7-This binder LIVES in my stamp area and whenever the urge to stamp hits, I check what's upcoming before I do anything else. Jody MorrCatsNRubbr ********** From: (Brigitte Molitor) The best and easiest way for me to remember swaps is to keep a pad of post-its by the computer and write the swap, host/hostess email addy, snail addy, how many and due date. I then stick it to the side of the monitor. That way I HAVE to look at it everyday and plan accordingly. If I find that time is getting away from me, it helps me to respond in a timely manner to the hostess if I am unable to fill my obligation, so that the hostess is not waiting for my stuff(this has only happened once with me!). Stampbuffer ********** From: Lynda Jean Lutz I keep a folder by my conputer labeled RubberStamps. When I decide to join a swap, I print out the email that has all the info about the swap and stick it in my folder. I also tend to highlight the due date on the paper copy. I also keep a post-it note pad by the computer... make notes to myself on it and stick on outside of folder. Just an works for me so far LYnda =20 ********** From: I got one of those yearly planners that have each month on a two page spread. When a swap comes up that I am interested in, I write it down on the due date or sign-up date--in pencil. I don't sign up until just before it is due, to make sure I will really be able to play. This way, I don't have to withdraw if I can't do it, but that's just my own quirk. Anyway, I carry the planner with me to work everyday, and look at it occasionally. I see what's coming up in the near future and start thinking about what I could do for the swap. When I finally make it official, I go over the pencilled-in name in pen, and eventually write the date I send the cards out. When the cards come back, I try to remember to write the date received, but I don't always remember. Then again, I've only done seven or eight, so as time goes on, I'm sure I'll get the system down pat. Just my 2=A2-- Lisa ********** From: Hi Pamela I have a card index which I've put into months, it also has my snail addys in. I move the months around so the cuirrent one is at the front. As I join a swap I make a card out with all the details, due date number etc. I don't keep them on the computer because I always find it easier this way. Suki ********** From: I've tried a few ways but the best has been through the computer. I create my own file folder called stamping. Then I create folders for each month. When I send a swap to file I send it to the folder for the month it is due. It's fast, easy and reliable. On Feb 1 I printed all the swaps for the month. But I could also work through the file system on the computer. (I just like paper, I guess). Debbie B Lady ********** From: (Paula Jo Green) If you are interested, I sell a swap journal to list members for $5.00. I put 18 pages in it (one for each month plus 6 extras). On each page, you can record information for up to 3 swaps. Information includes: swap theme, hostess, what to make, due dates, hostess' address info, etc. It comes in a bound in a pocket portfolio. If you think this is something you would be interested in, let me know. DG Stamper (Domestic Goddess Stamper) ********** From: (Patti Welsh) I copy messages to an e-mail folder for swaps that interest me. When I sign up, I save everything pertaining to the swap in that folder. But since I have frequent power loses resling in wiping out my e-mail folders, I also have a hardcopy backup system. I use a school assignment book where I write the information there as to swap name, date, hostess, snail mail address, number to make, amount of postage, and any other pertinent things. I only allow two pages per month (each page holds 3 swaps), so I won't over commit myself again (I hate when that happens. I really don't like to drop out of a swap I've committed to do, and on the few occasions that I've had to, I always felt very bad about it, even guilty). I've been using this method for a couple of years now. When a swap is mailed, I mark the date and crossed it off. But I've recently decided this wasn't good enough, and was getting messy to keep track of things. I still use it, but have added the following refinements. =20 1st. I purchased a one year planner that is printed out like a chart on a plastic sheet 13" x 20". You can see the whole year at once, and I can write on it and wipe it off. I keep this on the wall behind my computer desk where I can refer to it as often as necessary. I have a big X on the date each swap is due. If two are due the same date, I make two Xs. This planner right now has 11 Xs on it the first being Feb. 10 and the last being April 20. I hope I can handle all this FUN. (Feb - 4, Mar - 5, Apr - - 2) 2nd. I have also started a swap commitment file. I keep a hanging file folder for each swap, filed in due date order. The name of the swap and due date is on the tab. Each folder contains the printout of the swap proposal, and the confirmation that I'm in it. I'm also keeping work in progress for each swap in these as well. SSS has a folder of her/his own and each study group has only one, where the date is changed for each= project. 3rd. When a swap is completed, all the paperwork for that swap (including at least one copy of my contribution to the swap) is moved to a file titled COMPLETED. I still keep the assignment book, with all the above information and in there I mark the date the cards are mailed.=20 4th An added (overkill maybe?) precaution - I have a weekly desk calendar. On the due date of a swap, I write the name of the swap that is due that day. That's just an extra added reminder. I need all the reminders I can get. =20 Now my big problem is, I still can't keep track of the assignment book or the calendar. So, that's where the Yearly Planner and the Files come in. This may be more than anybody else wants to do, but it works for me, and I really need to have lots of reminders to ensure I don't miss deadlines. I suffer from Chronic CRS and Terminal CRAFT (Can't Remember Stuff * Can't Remember A Fardling Thing). StamPatti, vsa & vsr ********** From: "Jonathan Zwang" I have a desk calender next to my computer and i write all the ongoing swaps in the boxes. The ones I have signed up for I circle. I keep the details of all swaps on my computer saved to a folder called swaps. The swaps I participate in I print out and pin to my wall above my craft table. I make an extra card for me and when the swap is sent out I put one of my cards on it with a piece of tacky plastic and write down on the paper the date sent. When I receive the other cards in the mail I put the print out, my card and the other cards in a page protector in my binder labeled swaps. geevee ********** From: (hornbrkj) Seems quite simple to me: I just print off a copy of the official swap notice, e-mail the hostess for her snail addy, write that on the bottom of the notice. Put it on my stamping table until the cards (or whatever) are finished and mailed. Then I file it. Ant Judy H. ********** From: I quickly print the swaps off, and keep them in a folder...according to date due. I reuse paper, on the empty side for this, saves paper... ********** From: I print out the email, and keep notes as to whether I signed up, when due, and if I already got them done and in the mail. Then, I keep the extra card I made for my records with the email to match with the others when they get there. that way, i can know what to expect, and about when. Of course, I have only gotten 1 back so far, but it is keeping me organized so far. ********** From: Kristina I have an e-mail folder called "swaps." When I see a swap call that interests me the first thing I do is save it to my swaps folder and then tell the hostess I want to sign up. When she sends me back her snail address I save that to the swaps folder too. Every few weeks I go into the folder and clean out swaps that have been received on my end. This works great because I always have the info nearby and I can easily look up an address for someone who misplaced it. Since the subject line always contains the name of the swap it's easy to find what I need in the swaps folder.=20 I also save the info to a separate text file that sits on my hard drive. It's nice to have the info off-line so I can look up an address without signing onto my system. This is pretty much the ONLY organized thing in my life.=20 ********** From: Kerry Keolker Just one more...a while back a came across a GREAT note book. It is a 3 ring binder that is 9"x8" and 2" thick. Inside it has dividers for: master listing (for description of stamp), stamp pages (where you stamp the stamp..great index),inks-powders (place for sample, color, manufacturer, acquired, store), markers, pencils & pens (with a place for samples), chalks & paints (same as inks), papers & materials (with room for sample, style, purchased from, sizes available), scissors, edgers & punches (same as inks), accessories & gadgets (prd. name, manufacturer, address, phone, cost, date acq., retailer and a box for descr. and tips on use), ART PALS DIRECTORY & LOG (this is where I keep my swap info, special web sites, etc), techniques & tips, publications, catalog list, stores, events, and lastly a wish list section...that is my fullest...if hubby needs an idea he looks there first. This book has become my 'stampers Bible'. More then once it has saved me from getting a repeat. I have only found these at one place..Stamping Room Kirkland WA.. If I can help you out with more info..please PRIVATE e me at Happy Stamping Karen ********** From: Cynthia Sillitoe Interesting to read these. Ideally, I think I'd like a big calendar, but no room. Also between tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome, I have terrible handwriting which even I can't read sometimes! I keep an e-mail "mailbox" for swaps. (For swaps I host, I create a mailbox for each one so messages don't get buried.) I also keep a list on disk of the swaps that are upcoming. My biggest problem is I don't always get these written down right away....I'm a little lazy. I also keep a file on disk of swaps I've received back, so I have a log of all the swaps I've done. Usually my upcoming file has only the theme, deadline (it's arranged by deadline) and amount of cards. Then when I'm ready to send the cards out, I look through the swaps mailbox and find the host's address. This would probably be good info to have on my disk list, too, but again, I'm lazy....Cynthia ********** From: (Inga M Mirin) I was looking around AOL this morning and I found a new (at least to me) service that they provide. A reminder service. It is intedned to be for reminding people when birhtdays and anniverserys and such, but why couldn't a person list their swaps there too. They send out 10 day reminder email as well as 3 day reminders (optional). I think that this would be really neat. You could list the hostesses name and then in hte "other" catagory you could describe the swap. Anyway, it is a thought for those on AOL and who's office is a disaster area like mine. ;-} ********** From: Mark Van de Voorde A few days ago someone listed 2 sites on the web; one was the hallmark site and they offer a reminder service (never mentioned any cost on the write up). That may be another option to those of us not on AOL. =20 ********** From: Joyce Tubbs I've had good luck with an online reminder service. There are several, one is listed below. I haven't joined the full service, just use the free reminder service to log all swaps. I give myself about a 2 week notice.=20 Tripod, Inc. 191 Water Street Williamstown, MA 01267 Joyce ********* From: Well, I keep them on my desk top in a folder which had the first and last half of every month. It has worked so far. Carocline ********** From: Joyful Stamper I'm not as sophisticated as some of you; I merely write the information on a piece of paper and tape it to the wall by my crafty table/desk :) ********** From: (Laurie R Morrison) I do as someone earlier posted...I print out the swap info and keep them in a file folder on my craft table, by order of due date.=20 ********** Thanks everyone for your terrific ideas! *************************************************** Pamela Moore Humboldt, Tennessee "Living is easy with eyes closed; misunderstanding all you see." - -- J. Lennon *************************************************** ------------------------------ From: Barbara Holl Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 07:27:10 -0800 (PST) Subject: Re: RS Cards Need Good Home! Hi Cynthia, I have found a good way to get rid of all those cards you don't need. Our club has decided to give the extra card that we get at each meeting to the Battered Women's Shelter. I also give cards that I no longer feel the need to keep for ideas to the Shelter. The director says that the women often need a card to write a note to someone and the kids like to give cards to each other and to relatives. The women are protected from the outside world for quite and while and often need help changing their Social Security number and other identification. This center is one of the best in the area and one of only two locally. If others are interested contact your local YMCA or the police department can put you in touch with the director in your area. Our club is talking about donating some stamping supplies and then working with the women and kids to help them learn how to use the supplies. Then they could make their own cards, too. Barbara (StampBear) On Thu, 6 Feb 1997, Cynthia Sillitoe wrote: > And they don't eat much either! > > Okay, guys, I've been doing this swap thing for over three years now. I've > tried to keep all the return cards--or most. I've also got some duplicates. > Even my packrat nature is overwhelmed, so it's time to share the wealth. If > you'd like some of these cards, send me an SASE. (At 6x9) I'll send as many > cards as will go for however much postage you you can put on one > stamp, two, etc. E-mail me for my snail addy (or I'm on the snail address > list.) > > Most of these cards are mainstream to cute. I've got a wide range of things > and, while I can't make any guarantees, if there's something you're > particularly into (teddy bears, pigs, cats, etc.) let me know and I'll try > to send related cards. > > I *do* have some weird cards also. So if you're into weird, let me know. I > won't send them unless they're requested. > > This is a great way for stampers of all levels to get ideas! > > E-mail me if you're interested....I'll be here in the avalanche! Cynthia > > ------------------------------ From: (Laurie R Morrison) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 08:20:58 PST Subject: Re: RS-TAN:Messages not coming back to us hey..careful with the JUNO crack! :) Laurie ------------------------------ From: (hornbrkj) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 11:21:11 -0400 Subject: Re: Oprah yesterday? > and y'all know I love ALL things Celtic. have a great day- Laurie< ... well, yeah, Laurie -- we know -- having heard it about a gazillion times. Ant Judy H. ------------------------------ From: Elaine Normandy Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 08:28:33 -0700 (MST) Subject: RS: Watercolor tips wanted I am working on a project using watercolors, and want to solicit tips and helpful hints. I will compile and post any suggestions to the list. Thanks. Elaine Normandy (High Plains Stamper) Colorado Springs, Colorado, where all the weeds are wildflowers ------------------------------ From: (Jodie T.) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 05:29:59 -1000 Subject: Re: RS: Official Floral Swap The postmark date for this swap is tomorrow, Friday, 2/7/97. Please let me know the status of your items... If you need my addy, please e-mail me privately... Thanks, Jodie >>NAME OF SWAP: Floral Swap >>HOST: Jodie ( >>DETAILS: 5 for 5 cards/postcards >>THEME: Card/postcards must have some kind >>of floral design. >>POSTAGE: SAE with equivalent loose postage, plus >>one extra stamp, no metered postage strips, please. >>Extra postage will be returned. >>POSTMARK: February 7, 1997 >> >>Players: >>1) Me of course... >>2) Julie Carleton >>3) Elsa Lee REC'D >>4) Elaine Morgan >>5) Peggy Watson REC'D >>6) Sandy Wisneski REC'D >>7) Marcia Balonis REC'D >>8) Lisa Wynn REC'D >>9) Tonya Rilling REC'D >>10) Jody Morrison >>11) Ann Graham DROPPED >>12) Ginny Newman REC'D >>13) Janice Rollin REC'D >>14) StampinSis >>15) Sue Bell >16) Linda Skirvin >17) Peter Pan >18) Lesa >19) Tar Heel Stamper REC'D >20) Linda Neumann REC'D >21) Lynnete Walters >22) Debbie Bergen >23) Melissa Moon >24) Andi (StitchInk) 25) AngelHeart REC'D 26) Wanda 27) Lisa REC'D 28) Pam Moore 29) Lee Ann >> >>Anyone else? Newbies? Don't be shy! >> >>Please e-mail me privately if you need my snail mail addy... >> Thanks, Jodie Azadi and Art Impressions... All at a 35% discount, for a limited time only... Clearsnap, Rubber Stampede, Stampendous: 30% discount plus $3.00 postage ------------------------------ From: Linda Lewis Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 10:40:04 -0500 (EST) Subject: DAS Clay???? Does anyone know where to get this??? Thanks Lynn in Akron ------------------------------ From: (Jodie T.) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 05:42:33 -1000 Subject: For Julie Hall Hi Julie, Please e-mail me...I lost your addy... Thanks, Jodie Azadi and Art Impressions... All at a 35% discount, for a limited time only... Clearsnap, Rubber Stampede, Stampendous: 30% discount plus $3.00 postage ------------------------------ From: (hornbrkj) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 11:55:06 -0400 Subject: R/S ... SORTA TAN ... " WHAT IF .... " Greetings All: Popping in with a question that I hope will generate some list discussion ... **WHAT IF....** someone (Madame "X") on the list has not fulfilled their obligation as hostess (i.e., didn't return swap cards), or if someone (Madame "Y") on the list absconded with $$ sent to them for items that were never sent out. I am *not* referring here to a hostess who had some unforeseen circumstances come her way, and who has explained to the participants that things would be late. I am talking about those people who let months and months go by, who don't return e-mail or snail mail inquiries .... Do you think Madame "X" or Madame "Y" should be *allowed* to sign up for SSS? Do you think if Madame "X" or Madame "Y" goes to the list and sets up a swap with herself as hostess, that anyone having knowledge of her past "non-performance" should advise the list? At what point should "all be forgiven and forgotten?" I guess you all know what I think, so won't bore you with the gory details. Ant Judy H. ------------------------------ From: valobra Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 08:57:02 -0700 (MST) Subject: AZ STAMPLIST (fwd) Someone asked a stamplist of what? Well I thought it would be neat to have listing of people in AZ for networking.. Up to date listing of stores and what they carry, stamp-related events, conventions in AZ or nearby, classes being offered (like right now I am looking classes in using trias) and so on and so forth. valobra WHO LOVES ARIZONA valobra DaMadStamper ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 02:24:31 -0700 (MST) From: valobra To: Subject: AZ STAMPLIST All of you who lives in Phoenix or nearby please email me I thought it would be neat to start a AZ stamplist or something... valobra DaMadStamper -*valobra*- e-mail address: MOTD: priority in my life.... Friends. ------------------------------ From: valobra Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:02:46 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: NDN: Eudora/list help needed This means that her space is very limited. Some schools or organization put a limit to how many or how much space one can get in e-mail. This particular person Kathy Nakata is one with such acct. I often get that message. What that means too is that your post didnt make it through. If you are trying to send her personal e-mail. Try again in a day or two, hopefully by then Kathy have cleaned up her mailbox and made room again. valobra DaMadStamper On Thu, 6 Feb 1997, Carmelle Kezys wrote: > >X-POP3-Rcpt: kezysc@soma > >To: > >From: (Post Office) > >Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 07:12:54 -0800 > >Subject: NDN: Eudora/list help needed > >Organization: Virtual Valley, Inc. San Jose, Califor > >X-Gateway: FirstClass Gateway for SMTP/NNTP (Mac68K) version 1.00 > > > >Sorry. Your message could not be delivered to: > > > >Kathy A. Nakata (Mailbox or Conference is full.) > > > > > Hello List Members: > > Does anyone know what the above message means? If I send a post to the list > why would I get a specific reply back re:one person...please help me "sniffle"! > > Carmelle Kezys > > -*valobra*- e-mail address: MOTD: priority in my life.... Friends. ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #120 ************************************ To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.