From: (rubberstampers-digest) To: Subject: rubberstampers-digest V2 #1419 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk rubberstampers-digest Thursday, March 5 1998 Volume 02 : Number 1419 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 23:52:54 EST From: Stampher2 Subject: Re: RS: Cleveland Convention in April I'm going to the Cleveland Convention in April also !!! Actually, my mom ( f/n/a and I are working the convention for Applachian Art Stamps !! :-) YIPPIE !!!! We are all soooo excited ! I can't wait to meet the "northerners" that I talk with ... and that I swap with ! YEAH !!! We'll be in town Thursday nite ... and drive home Monday morning. Please be sure to stop by and see us at the AAS booth ! We'd love to get together with other stampers & vendors ... just let us know what's going on. Lisa Wynn This message was from Stampher2 - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 00:38:56 EST From: CardsLady1 Subject: Re: RS:TAN: new postage rates > << FYI: The US Postage rates are scheduled to increase on May 1, 1998. This will affect all the swaps due after May 1. >> > What are they going to?? Pepper This message was from CardsLady1 - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 18:32:03 -0400 From: "Judy Hornbrook" Subject: RS: Re: Directory Pages - no Psychics here LindaLoo: Anger? I expressed anger? Disappointment, would be more like it. Don't worry ... when I'm angry, it will come through loud and clear. And ... if you've read my posts by now, you'll already see that I addressed the high drop-out rate already. But ... I'll do so again ... I find it incomprehensible that 55% of the people dropped out .... it's not that I don't believe it ... I just cannot comprehend that high a percentage dropping out. I've never had it happen in any of the swaps I've hosted. Before you fire off another post to me, I suggest you read what I've *already* written on this matter. I got caught in a similar snag myself last night, when I fired off a post to Jessica, and found today that an apology was in order. Ant Judy H. >.Ant Judy, How was Jessica to know that 54 of the 99 people who signed up for the swap would fail to live up to their word? Instead of expressing anger at her, maybe you should ask why 55 people couldn't be bothered to advise Jessica that they wouldn't be playing after all. Ant Judy H. This message was from "Judy Hornbrook" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 22:32:09 +0000 From: (stampinnut r rrt) Subject: RS: RS Friendly Plastic ideas I have made pins with this stuff..... First I cut it to the shape I need. Like girl pins....cut out circle for the head with a stem attatched for the neck. cut 2 rectangles legs and 2 slight bit shorter rectangles for the arms. I lay down the head, arms and legs and cut a body )triangle shape and place body on top....warm it up in the oven.....when I take it out...I take small design stamps...stamp the stamp in embossing ink...clear or colored...then press it into the plastic. You can paint these as well....glue yarn on for hair and a pin in the back. You can use a heat gun to warm the plastic up as well. After it is warned you can also cut it with small fimo cutters. Stampin Nut _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (stampinnut r rrt) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 19:47:05 -0800 From: Shaunna Frasure Subject: RS: Ad:Tombow Mono Adhesives Placing another order on March 11th. Tombow Mono Adhesive:Dispenser applies thin film of adhesive smoothly, quickly, and cleanly. Available in permanant for strong, instant bonding or temporary for repositioning applications. Refills sold seperately. *** Dispensers-(which include one roll of adhesive $4.99 (reg $6.99) *** Refills-$3.25 each (reg 3.95) 5 Refills for $14.75 10 Refills for $28.95 Shipping Chart for USA: Up to $20-$3.00 $21 to $45-$4.00 $46 to $75-$5.00 $76+ -$6.00 Canadians Add $1.00 Overseas-Add $2.00 Now accepting Discover, Visa, and M/C. I will confirm all orders. Thanks for your business!=) - -- Queen La Fetti a.k.a. Shaunna Frasure--- "A Day Without Confetti is Like A Day Without Sunshine!" Custom Creations, 299 Fourth Ave., Portola, CA 96122-9206 (800)320-6327 Now accepting VISA, M/C, and DISCOVER Credit Cards California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. This message was from Shaunna Frasure - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 21:20:46 EST From: Subject: RS: Re: TAN: Giggles' Pity Party HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot even imagine Giggles being afraid of me!!! She knows I'm just a big softie! And I love her waaaaaay to much to frighten her!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXGIGGLESXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO Love and Angel Hugs to all, Dorothy On Wed, 04 Mar 1998 01:17:21 EST (Linda S Skirvin) writes: >Wow! Look out a mad Inkyangel........I'm going to go hide.....I'm >more afraid of her than the cancer! Ha! Ha! Ha! > >Giggles to you always! >Love, Linda > >On Tue, 03 Mar 1998 23:15:42 EST writes: >>Way to go!!!! I know that you can have a real kick-ass attitude if >>you set your mind to it!! Now, the rest of us need to take the same >>attitude on your behalf! We all need to send our energy to you so >>you and your attitude stay strong and keep kicking those nasty little > >>buggers out of your body!!! >> >>You have never seen me pissed off.....well look out cancer!!! I'm >mad >>now and when I get mad I get my way!!!! Giggles will win this and >be >>healthy in June!!! Got that?!?!? >> >>InkyAngel yes, even Angels are allowed to get angry....for the >>right reasons! >>_____________________________________________________________________ > >>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. >Get >>completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno >>at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] >_____________________________________________________________________ >You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get >completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno >at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 23:17:36 -0500 From: Subject: RS: AD: Stamping Shapes Sampler Packs (limited #) Special: 3/5/98 Sampler Pack of Stamping Shapes / Tiles I will be offering 15 sampler packs from now until March 15... or until supply lasts, to give people who have not tried these the opportunity to try these out at a reasonable price and with enough to play with that few goofs won't matter.... you'll have enough left to work with. Each sampler pack is 10.00 (including shipping). Please, one per customer! 8 2 7/8" chipboard circles #77C-6 15 2" chipboard hearts #77H-4 10 2" corrugated hearts #88H-4 20 each of the following: 3 1/4" corrugated squares #88S-5 2 7/8" corrugated circles #87C-6 2" clay coated newsback hearts #98H-4 1 1/2" clay coated newsback circles #98C-3 1 1/2" chipboard circles #77C-3 tiny corrugated circles #87C-1 1 1/2" corrugated circles #88C-3 And tip sheets Sorry, no credit cards: check or money order only. Please e-mail me with your order or to check on availability. Orders shipped when payment is received. Questions?? E-mail me and I'll be glad to answer! Lisa Howard _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 23:39:17 -0500 From: "Nancy Green" Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Names for Grandmothers Antpam, I'm the mother of the son as well. My DIL is a sweetheart, but I know what you mean. Luckily for me the other Grandmother wants to be called "Nanny" which really didn't want for me. My full name is Nancy Jo (and a lot of my family still calls me that!) and my son suggested Nana Jo . I thought it was kind of cute. I also like the suggested names of Grams and Grammy and Gramze. Great suggestions out there you all! Nancy Green The Gator Stamper St. Cloud, FL "Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday" - ---------- > From: Antpam > To:; rubberstampers@CRAFTS.DM.NET > Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Names for Grandmothers > Date: Thursday, March 05, 1998 11:12 PM > > In a message dated 98-03-05 06:58:52 EST, writes: > > << What are some good Grandmother names out there. Yours or your > Grandmother's. > > Thanks! > > Nancy Green >> > Interesting question. My daughter-in-law told me right off the bat "My mom > and dad want to be called nana and poppa. What would you like to be called?" > I wanted to say"You mean out of what's left?" Oh well. I find that the > mother to the son is alot less included than the mother of the daughter. Does > that make sense? It was like when they got married - one of my friends said > to me - "get used to it. The mother of the groom wears beige and keeps her > mouth shut." This is so unlike me =) I never keep my mouth shut number 1 > and number 2 - beige is not a good look for me. So we've done some tip-toeing > around . . . This message was from "Nancy Green" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 19:42:27 -0800 From: Shaunna Frasure Subject: RS: Ad:Encore Metallic Inkpads Order going in March 11th (next Wed) ****I now Accept Visa, M/C, and Discover cards!!!********* *These are the first ever quick drying pigment Metallic inkpads. *Acid Free Pigment Ink for paper, fade resistant, Stackable, easy to hold, Washes off stamps with water, Embossing optional. New larger size 3.82" X 2.48" inches. *Encore Metallic Inkpads-$6.75 each All six colors for $38.00 Colors: Pink Purple Blue Green Gold Silver Shipping in the US: Up to $20-$3 $21 to $45-$4 $46 to $75-$5 $76+ -$6 Canadian please add $1 Oveaseas negotible depending on order=). Californians Only add 7.25% sales tax I will confirm all orders. Please send check or M.O's to the biz name and addy below. Thanks for your business!=) Ciao! - -- Queen La Fetti a.k.a. Shaunna Frasure--- "A Day Without Confetti is Like A Day Without Sunshine!" Custom Creations, 299 Fourth Ave., Portola, CA 96122-9206 (800)320-6327 Now accepting VISA, M/C, and DISCOVER Credit Cards California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. This message was from Shaunna Frasure - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 23:14:09 -0500 From: Subject: RS: AD: Stamping Shapes / Tiles for UTEE and more Stamping Shapes / Tiles: for magnets, pins, books, and more! Great for use with the UTEE (Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel/ powder, amazing glaze, etc.). My newest use for these is to decorate the tops of cigar boxes. 1 1/2" Circles available as follows: Chipboard #77C-3: 2.00 for 25 4.00 for 50 8.00 for 100 (3.00 shipping) Corrugated cardboard #88C-3: 1.25 for 25 2.50 for 50 5.00 for 100 (2.50 shipping) NEW Clay coated newsback #98C-3: 1.50 for 25 3.00 for 50 6.00 for 100 (2.50 shipping) 2 7/8" Circles available as follows: Corrugated cardboard #87C-6: 2.00 for 25 4.00 for 50 8.00 for 100 (3.00 shipping) NEW Chipboard #77C-6: 2.50 for 25 5.00 for 50 10.00 for 100 (3.50 shipping) 3 1/4" Squares available as follows: Corrugated cardboard* #88S-5: 2.00 for 25 4.00 for 50 8.00 for 100 (3.00 shipping) Tiny Circles (under 1") available as follows: Corrugated cardboard* #87C-1: .75 for 25 1.50 for 50 3.00 for 100 (.50 shipping) 2" Hearts available as follows: Chipboard #77H-4: 2.00 for 25 4.00 for 50 8.00 for 100 (3.00 shipping) Corrugated cardboard* #88H-4: 1.25 for 25 2.50 for 50 5.00 for 100 (2.50 shipping) NEW Clay coated newsback #98H-4: 1.50 for 25 3.00 for 50 6.00 for 100 (2.50 shipping) * these are a white corrugated cardboard instead of the regular brown Sorry, no credit cards: check or money order only. Please e-mail me with your order or to check on availability. Orders shipped when payment is received. Questions?? E-mail me and I'll be glad to answer! Lisa Howard _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 21:32:55 -0800 From: "Jana' DeMore" Subject: RS: test I don't know if my posts are going through. sorry to bother you all. I posted about a swap proposal and haven't seen it. Please put Jana' in the subject line. Thanks "nite-stmpr" Jana' DeMore 100 W. Curtis St. Aberdeen, WA 98520 Stampin' UP! Demonstrator This message was from "Jana' DeMore" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 20:14:50 -0800 From: KatsPurr Subject: Re: RS: Idea for Vendor Ads on List I'm obviously a day behind on reading my e's. Anyway, I think this is a *Great* idea Mars had! Please Go For It, Vonderful Vendors!! Purrrrr........ At 04:27 PM 3/4/98 -0500, Mars Mannix wrote: >How do vendors feel about putting the "expiration date" of their ad >either in the subject line of the message like this: >"RS:AD: white cardstock sale exp3/30/98" or, putting it first thing in >the body of the message. That way, i won't have to scroll down and read >through to see if this is an expired ad or not. Plus, it will help me >decide HOW SOON to spend my $$$$. >You all could just try it, and see how it works. >Ideas? Comments? (let's not start the how many ad stuff, just a response >to this particular idear) >Thank ya. >======================== ^ Kat ^ (|) (|) (= Y`=) `~u~` KatsPurr: a 'play' on 'Casper' cuz I'm both cat- & Spirit-minded *Be on the lookout for MIRACLES; they're happening daily!* This message was from KatsPurr - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 00:16:35 EST From: Rbrstamped Subject: RS: AD: Paper Packs...Free Shipping! Expires 3/31 PaperPaperPaperPaperPaperPaperPaperPaper, lotsa Paper! ~Free Shipping Greeting Card Packs w/Envelopes, 15 cards in each package. Marble Parchment & Envelopes, Asst Colors $4.40/pk Assorted Parchment cards/envelopes $3.60/pk Parchment Postcards 25/pack (no envelopes) $1.80/pk Cream Linen cards/envelopes $4.00/pk White Linen cards and envelopes to match $4.00/pk Copper Glossy & White envelopes $4.40/pk Red Confetti & Green Confetti, cards/envelopes $4.40/pk Green & Cranberry Linen w/White envelopes $4.40/pk Orange Glossy/Black Glossy cards w/black envelopes $4.80/pk Rubber Stamped POB 20357 Oakland, CA 94620 This message was from Rbrstamped - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 22:01:14 -0800 From: Subject: RS: Stamp Francisco's stamp policy? I got a piece of paper from Stamp Francisco that gave me permission to use their images in any kind of work that I might sell, with a proviso that I write on the work somewhere, (on the back was OK), what images were from SF. So, now that they've been purchased by someone else, is that contract I signed with them still valid? *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^Stargazer -*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ for RS card samples: for Star Trek: _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 20:19:01 -0800 From: Shaunna Frasure Subject: RS: Ad:Odds & Ends I have the following items in stock and ready to ship: ***2-Bulldog Trimmers-These are the little green ones with the arm that comes down to cut the paper, kinda a small version of the ones they used to have at school. $12.95 each (reg $22.50ea) ***Archival Reinkers - 1 each-Colbalt & Sepia $1.75 each ***Vivid Reinker-Olive- $1.50 ***Kaleidacolor Reinkers - 2 each of colors #7Pansy and #12 Spring Green-$1.75 each ***Adirondak Stamp Pads- 1 Espresso and 1 Currant- $2.75 each ***Colorbox Stencil Pigment Pad-Only one in Primrose-this is 6 squares of colors: Turquoise, Peony, Lavender, Violet, Lilac, Pink-$5.25 ***Stampendous mini Set-Mini Stamp Set on foam-Tulip friends-One stamp of chick, one of tulips, and one of bunnies with a purple mini dye ink pad-$3.75 ***Ranger Big & Juicy Rainbow Pad-Vibrant Primary-$10.95 ***Package of 10 Vellum envelopes(A-2)-$2.50 ***2-Packages of Clear Envies (3 1/4 X 5 1/4)- $4,00 each ***Confetti-Odds & End Packages-$1.15 each or 10 for $10: 3-Black and white Cows 3-Pink & White Cows 5-Bridal Shower mix-Bells Doves, irridiscent pieces in blues and whites 3-Pink Piggys 1-Black Grad Hats 1-Easter Parade-Eggs & Bunnies ans green grass 2-Santa Fe-Multi colored chilis 3-Its a Boy 2-Its a Girl 1-Nursey mix 2-Black Tie affair Mix-Black top hats and champagne glasses & Stars 1-Bourbon Street-Masks, Champagne glasses etc in greens and purples 1-Gift Boxes 3-Happy BD gift boxes 3-Calif Dreamin-Fish, Palm Trees, and dots 1-Garden party 2-Airplanes 1-Cowboy Hats 1-Bunny Love-White bunnies pink hearts 1-Pink Elephants 2-Under the Sea-Fish and Dots in blues and greens 2-Rubberstamp Shapes 1-Party Hats - 1-Garden Butterflies-Multi colored butterflies and green jimmies 1-Chocolate Drops 1-Lips-red Pink and Silver 1-Daisies 1-Baby Dinos ****First come, first serve!=) Thanks! Queen La Fetti a.k.a. Shaunna Frasure--- "A Day Without Confetti is Like A Day Without Sunshine!" Custom Creations, 299 Fourth Ave., Portola, CA 96122-9206 (800)320-6327 Now accepting VISA, M/C, and DISCOVER Credit Cards California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. This message was from Shaunna Frasure - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 00:25:37 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: RS: Vendors: Looking for 2 more Laurel Burch stamps I too would like to find the Balinese Carp (984F), as well as the Celestial Feline (982F). Does anyone have either for sale? I'm currently unsubbed to Rubbertown, so any vendors responding from there, and not the "big list," please e-mail directly. - --(Another) Lisa ****************************************************************** Never give up on a dream just because of the length of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 23:45:49 EST From: (Linda S Skirvin) Subject: RS: Re: What is a RAK? Well Lynn a RAK is when you take some of that paper and cardstock that you sell and you put it in an evelope and mail it to: Linda Skirvin, 152L Capitol Hill Drive, Londonderry, NH 03053-5415! ROTFLMBO! Hey!~ Don't say I didn't try to answer this question for you! Tee Hee! Giggles to you always! Love, Linda On Thu, 5 Mar 1998 22:33:49 EST Treegiving writes: >Can anyone tell me about the SS exchange? Is this like a Secret pal >that you >give things to? I notice a lot of posts that refer to packages >received. I >know, all these questions! >Thank you, >Lynn >The Giving Tree >This message was from Treegiving >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (Linda S Skirvin) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 22:04:49 -0500 From: (Patti Welsh) Subject: Re: RS: Messages being lost??????? I'm seeing lots of discussion on subjects where I haven't seen the original posts. Maybe some of my mail bounced, but this seems like more than it should be. --`--,--{@ Patti in Fort Myers, FL @}--`--,-- Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture ~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~ Do visit my new storefront to the WI Mall: Quality, name brand merchandise at deep discount. On Wed, 04 Mar 1998 20:33:46 -0700 writes: >Do any of you experience messages that you send don't make it to the >server? I have sent several messages and am wondering if this one is >going to make? > > >-- >*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* >Kathyrn Evans >Santa Clara, CA >Proud to be a STAMPAHOLIC! >*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* >This message was from >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (Patti Welsh) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 18:13:24 -0400 From: "Judy Hornbrook" Subject: Re: RS: Directory Pages Mailed - question please Hi Diane & fellow listers: Thank you for your post(s). I didn't play in the first directory swap. Diane, did you play in this last one? Just wondered ... because I didn't see one of your sheets. And, yes, I can see a problem created by those who join and then don't follow through on their committment. There was a communication problem with this swap, almost from the beginning. I was told to send 100 pages ... I got less than 50 back .... I find it incomprehensible that 50% of the players would drop out ... I've never had that large a drop-out rate in any of the swaps I've personally hosted. And ... if my extras had been returned to me (I had sent enough postage), I wouldn't have had a problem - it was not up to the hostess to decide on her own to do whatever she wanted with the extras that each participant created / paid for copying, etc. And .... again I say: I have apologized to Jessica for being snippy or ______________ {fill in the blank with whatever you (or anyone) thought I was being ... and I don't want to hear about it, but the odds are that I will anyway - so go for it, if it makes anyone feel better}. Jessica has graciously indicated that she will return the extras to the participants, after hearing from some of us who were .... less than pleased. This hostess has my respect and admiration for wanting to straighten things out. - -----------snip--------- Diane Bowman said: >>..I was in the first directory swap. I enjoyed it very much. And we were supposed to send in about 150. I probably got 110+. The problem there is not the hostess... it is those who make the committment and then don't follow through for some reason or another. That is not the fault of the hostess.<< Ant Judy H. This message was from "Judy Hornbrook" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 01:08:34 EST From: Subject: RS: TTPO Received Hello: I received my first TTPO today in the mail. It was from Penelope Lincoln. Thanks Penelope, things are a little brighter now, ha ha!!!!! Piglet! SteelerStamper (YES I'M STILL AROUND!) _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 23:25:26 -0500 From: "Marcia L. Balonis" Subject: Re: RS: READ READ READ READ PLEEAASSSEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! WOW WOW WOW!!!! Sure would like to be there!!! maybe my "ship" will come in or I'll win the lottery or something. Enjoy!! Hugs Violetnut ***Cloud9*** wrote: > > I've got some WONDERFUL news to share with ALL of you!!!!! > > First off, I want to say "Thanks" to two very special stampers..who > adopted me when I first began this wonderful journey into the rubber > stamp world... > > {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Feathers}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} > > {{{{{{{{{{{{{{Linda Skirvin/Giggles}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} > > Both of you gave me a wonderful base of knowledge when I > started... you BOTH thoroughly corrupted me... and I've kept > up the learning process.... thank you BOTH for everything you've done > and all the encouragement you've given me!!!!! > > ********NOW....for my EXCITING NEWS!!!!!********** > > I will be at my FIRST EVER Rubber Stamp convention...this August.. in > Cincinatti!!!!! Sound exciting yet???? gets > BETTER.... I will be there, with none other than...Kevin > Nakagawa and Stampscapes!!! I'll demo'ing my stipple brush technique > right along side of the Master Himself...He'll do the Tonal > applicator ..I'll do stipple brushes!!! > > Friends..this has been my DREAM since the first time I ever laid eyes > on a Stampscapes image.... I hope any of you who plan to be at the > Cincinatti convention will stop by and say hello to me....I'll be the > one wearing the black fishnet stockings...holding a stipple brush... > and grinning like the cat who ate the canary!!!!! > > Just HAD to share my wonderful news...I'm so happy right now I can > hardly sit still long enough to type this post.... smiles!!!!!!!!!!> > > WarmHugs > Angelhrt/Tyra > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > "True friends are like guardian angels; always with you in spirit, > loving you, supporting you, expecting nothing in return ..." > --Barclay > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > > > This message was from "***Cloud9***" > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from "Marcia L. Balonis" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 19:50:02 -0800 From: Shaunna Frasure Subject: RS: Re: Ad:Doilies & Glitter Glues!! PLacing an order March 11th!! ***Paper Heart Doilies-4": Comes in: Red White Gold Silver $2.25 per pack of 24 ***BEST DEAL-One package of each color-$8.50 ***Glitter Glue in Lots of Colors-These are great, not runny, I love em!=) $1.50 per bottle All 20 colors-$28.95 Colors: Crystal Icicle Rainbow Silver Yellow Golden Rod Gold Green Lime Green Patina Holly Turquoise Dark Blue Red Candy Cane Copper Pink Magenta Starry night Lavender ***Starwriter Glitter Tubes- Small(6.5 grams)-$1.25 each OR All 9 colors for $10.95 Colors: Yellow Peach pink Lavender Sky Blue Mint Gold Silver Clear Sparkle Large(10 grams)-$1.50 each ***Starwriter Glitter Tubes- Large(10 grams) $1.50 each OR All nine colors for $12.95 Colors: Orange Ruby Fushia Purple Royal Blue Evergreen Gold Silver Clear Sparkle Shipping Chart for USA: Up to $20-$3 $21 to $45-$4 $46 to $75-$5 $76+ -$6 Canadians add $2 Oveaseas depends on order California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. ***I will confirm all orders!! Now accepting Credit Cards too! Thanks for your order!=) -- -- Queen La Fetti a.k.a. Shaunna Frasure--- "A Day Without Confetti is Like A Day Without Sunshine!" Custom Creations, 299 Fourth Ave., Portola, CA 96122-9206 (800)320-6327 Now accepting VISA, M/C, and DISCOVER Credit Cards California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. This message was from Shaunna Frasure - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 19:48:17 -0800 From: Shaunna Frasure Subject: RS: Ad:Dove Blender Pens-Brayers & Replacement Heads for Brayers Order going in March 11th. Dove Blender Pens & Brayers plus Replacement Heads for brayers: ***Dove blender pens-These are the refillable ones that you can also buy new tips for. Dove Blender Pens-$2.95 Dove Refill Bottles-$3.95 Dove Tips-.50 each ***BEST DEAL: Whole Set-Dove Blender pen, refill bottle and tip for $6.99!!! ***Hunt Speedball #4117 4" Soft Rubber Brayer w/Removable roller-$8.95 Foam Roller for #4117 Hunt Speedball Brayer-$5.99 Acrylic(Lucite) Roller for #4117 Hunt Speedball Brayer-$6.50 ***BEST DEAL: Whole Set- #4117 Brayer w/soft Rubber Roller, Foam attachment roller, and Acrylic Attachment Roller for $19.95!!! Shipping Chart for USA: Up to $20-$3 $21 to $45-$4 $46 to $75-$5 $76+ -$6 California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. Canadians add $2 Overseas-depends on order and how much it weighs ***I will confirm all orders. I accept Credit Cards too!=) Thanks so much for your order!=) - -- Queen La Fetti a.k.a. Shaunna Frasure--- "A Day Without Confetti is Like A Day Without Sunshine!" Custom Creations, 299 Fourth Ave., Portola, CA 96122-9206 (800)320-6327 Now accepting VISA, M/C, and DISCOVER Credit Cards California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. This message was from Shaunna Frasure - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 23:10:44 -0500 From: Subject: RS: I'm the one and thanks Giggles Okay, I'm puzzled..... this is the first time I saw this, Linda. I would have thanked you for your glowing report on my shapes sooner if I had seen it! I wonder what happened that I didn't get it. Anyway, I'm glad you liked them. I appreciate input (positive OR negative) concerning my shapes. I think they're great, but I'm a bit biased !! Have fun with them!! And if anyone hasn't seen my ad, I'll post it again tonight, along with a separate post for a limited number of sampler packs. Thanks again and happy stamping!!! Lisa Howard Ok, Linda, you convinced me! I NEED these!! who do I get them from??? Quick!!! I NEED them!!! InkyAngel On Wed, 04 Mar 1998 00:02:04 EST (Linda S Skirvin) writes: >These are REALLY cool!!!! I received the wonderful box of different >cardboard and chipboard shapes! These are so neat! I always wanted >to get a package of them at the Stamp stores but I think the price is >ridiculous in those stores! You are offering one heck of a great >deal! Now I have to tell you how I have played with these >tonight....With the convention coming in June, The heart shape >cardboard pieces I painted with "Plaid" pink paint and then I stamped >a Suzy Zoo little mouse holding a heart with black permanent ink. I >then took my Embossing Fluid and covered the whole heart and heated >it. Then I gave it another coat and Wow! The little heart is so >shinny and strong. These is so much easier and nicer than having to >laminate all those pins made out of cardstock and cut them out! This >is wonderful! I also experimented using the Joseph's Coat on these >shapes and it works great with the cardboards that are covered white! > The square shapes fit in the Fiskars Fancy Corner Scissors so I gave >them a whole totally different look. > >These shapes are the right weight for all pins and magnets! I am so >happy you let me play with these. You can bet I will be ordering from >you soon! > >I was paying the price of those skinny little wood shapes for making >sturdier magnets but this is so much nicer and easier and much less >expensive! > >Anyone who hasn't tried these "shapes" from Lisa really needs to have >some fun and order some soon! No, I'm not affiliated and I didn't >even have to buy these but I do know that I'm so glad she sent these >to me as I want more and they will make great rak magnets and pins! > >Giggles to you always! >Love, Linda >__________________________________________________ Lisa Howard _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 22:30:24 -0500 From: (Kathleen O McCaffrey) Subject: RS: Directory Pages--New Round--New Rules Jessica, I would really like to get in on this . I have missed sign up for the last 2 directories. I'm hoping more people play. Hearing only 50 out of a list of 700+ participated doesn't sound like a lot of fun ,just a little!!LOL More people, more fun!! Sign me up!! Thanks , KalicoKathy Every day is a gift from God, spend it wisely. On Thu, 05 Mar 1998 03:35:42 GMT (Jessica Edwards) writes: >I have decided to make some changes for the next round. I will still >hostess this swap because I enjoy doing it and I enjoy seeing where >you >all get your creativity!! > >I will receive your pages sent to me. >Communication will be the name of the game==I will e-mail you as soon >as >I receive your pages in my hot little hands. >Extra copies will be returned IF you request it at the beginning of >the >round before all pages are swapped. >If you sign up...PLEASE make sure that this is a committment you can >keep because so many dropped out or didn't send any at the last minute >and we were way short. If you want to DO this...make sure you >understand >that this is a committment for this round. >Each round you decide to play, you need to sign up for each time. >Priority Mailers will NOT be used. Send a SAML AND a folded up 9x12 >manilla envelope with your pages for me to mail them back to you. >I will invest and purchase the large freezer bags for moisture >protection. I am NOT asking to be reimbursed for these, but it is up >to >you if you want to. > >Postage will be priority mail. If it costs more than that, I will let >you know. Overseas players...your costs will be anywhere from 10-12 >dollars. England-Holland-Australia costs more unless you want me to >try >and use International priority which seems to cost less in the long >run. > >Opinions anyone?? I am keeping an open mind. >Thank you for your time. >Jessica >Stampin' Bookworm >This message was from (Jessica Edwards) >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (Kathleen O McCaffrey) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers-digest V2 #1419 *************************************