From: (rubberstampers-digest) To: Subject: rubberstampers-digest V2 #1469 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk rubberstampers-digest Tuesday, March 10 1998 Volume 02 : Number 1469 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 16:08:53 -0800 From: Subject: Re: RS: marshmallow peep stamps Yes, it is MOMR that has the Peep stamp...I have ordered one thru Dawn from Golden Sunrise..she ahd a sale going!! (Wasn't me tht requested, but thought I'd share my info ,too! Ann-onymous On Thu, 05 Mar 1998 22:16:41 -0800 Larry Anderson & Diane Hare writes: >Elaine at Carmen's Veranda says *they* only have the marshmallow bunny >stamp (and UM), but that she believes that Museum of Modern Rubber has >a chick peep and MMR's phone number is (213) 662-1133. > >Sorry, but I can't recall who'd requested this information, or even if >it was on the RS or RT list. > >Diane Hare/MS.HARE San Andreas,CA snotmyfault >-- >-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- > Visit our web page at: >Call our Commodore 64 BBS (Silicon Realms 300-2400 baud) at: (209) >754-1363 >-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- > >This message was from Larry Anderson & Diane Hare > >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 22:53:38 -0800 From: Shaunna Frasure Subject: RS: Ad:As Seen in Somerset Studio-Marvy Metallics Order 3/11 > Really cool marbling technique shown in latest Somerset Studio magazine using Marvy Metallics, its found on pages 22, 23. Check it out, super simple too!=) > > > > > Ordering Marvy Metallic Pens Wednesday (March 11th!!): > > > > > > ***Marvy Metallics-Waterbased Pigment Ink- for Matte and Glossy > > > Surfaces. Fade proof, Impressions once dried are waterproof. Apply wide nib directly to rubber or use to color in. Although water and fade > > > resistant, pigment ink will wash off stamps while still wet. > > > > > > Special Prices-$2.35 each OR All Seven Colors for $15.95!!!(reg $21.70) > > > Colors: > > > Gold > > > Silver > > > Copper > > > Blue > > > Pink > > > Green > > > Purple > > > > > > Shipping Chart: > > > Up to $20-$3 > > > $21 to $45-$4 > > > $46 to $75-$5 > > > $76+ -$6 > > > Canadians add $1 > > > Oveaseas-depends on order > > > California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. > > > > > > I will confirm all orders! Now Accepting Credit Cards too!=) Thanks for your order!=) - -- Queen La Fetti a.k.a. Shaunna Frasure--- "A Day Without Confetti is Like A Day Without Sunshine!" Custom Creations, 299 Fourth Ave., Portola, CA 96122-9206 (800)320-6327 Now accepting VISA, M/C, and DISCOVER Credit Cards California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. This message was from Shaunna Frasure - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 02:28:18 EST From: FranRShaw Subject: Re: RS: TAN BIG TIME Now *that* was a lovely message!! Thank you, Donnajo!! - -Fran the Frantic Stamper :-@ In a message dated 98-03-09 23:25:45 EST, writes: << I LOVE YOU GUYS..... TONIGHT WHEN I WAS VERY TIRED AND LOW YOU ALL maid ME SMILE WITH ALL THAT SPELL CHECKING STUFF.... IS THERE OR ISN'T THERE STUFF... RUBBERSTAMPING STUFF..... WAYS TO SPEND MY MONEY STUFF.... I am always on this crazy white box and you guys are the reason. Can't think of a better one. THanks :) Donnajo >> This message was from FranRShaw - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 22:50:42 -0800 From: Shaunna Frasure Subject: RS: Ad:Doilies & Glitter Glues!! > PLacing an order Wednesday (March 11th!!)Yes, I do accept Credit Cards!!!=) > > ***Paper Heart Doilies-4": > Comes in: > Red > White > Gold > Silver > $2.25 per pack of 24 > > ***BEST DEAL-One package of each color-$8.50 > > ***Glitter Glue in Lots of Colors-These are great, not runny, I love > em!=) > $1.50 per bottle > All 20 colors-$28.95 > Colors: > Crystal > Icicle > Rainbow > Silver > Yellow > Golden Rod > Gold > Green > Lime Green > Patina > Holly > Turquoise > Dark Blue > Red > Candy Cane > Copper > Pink > Magenta > Starry night > Lavender > > ***Starwriter Glitter Tubes- > Small(6.5 grams)-$1.25 each OR All 9 colors for $10.95 > Colors: > Yellow > Peach > pink > Lavender > Sky Blue > Mint > Gold > Silver > Clear Sparkle > Large(10 grams)-$1.50 each > > ***Starwriter Glitter Tubes- > Large(10 grams) > $1.50 each OR All nine colors for $12.95 > Colors: > Orange > Ruby > Fushia > Purple > Royal Blue > Evergreen > Gold > Silver > Clear Sparkle > > Shipping Chart for USA: > Up to $20-$3 > $21 to $45-$4 > $46 to $75-$5 > $76+ -$6 > Canadians add $2 > Oveaseas depends on order > California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. > > ***I will confirm all orders!! Now accepting Credit Cards too! Thanks > for your order!=) - -- Queen La Fetti a.k.a. Shaunna Frasure--- "A Day Without Confetti is Like A Day Without Sunshine!" Custom Creations, 299 Fourth Ave., Portola, CA 96122-9206 (800)320-6327 Now accepting VISA, M/C, and DISCOVER Credit Cards California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. This message was from Shaunna Frasure - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 22:52:14 -0800 From: Shaunna Frasure Subject: RS: Ad:Vivid Specials Order going in Wednesday (March 11th)- > > *****NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS!!************ > > Vivid Dye Ink Pads-$3.75 each (reg $4.50) > Buy 3 for $10 (reg $13.50) > > Vivid Dye Ink Mini's-$1.95 each (reg $2.50) > Buy 10 for $18.50 (Reg $25.00) (these are larger than most small ink > pads-rectangular shaped with a high raised foam pad) > > Vivid Reinkers-$1.95 each (reg $2.50) > Buy 3 for $5 (reg $7.50) > > Wide Variety of Colors Available: > > Yellow > Orange > Red > Fushia > Garnet > Purple > Ultramarine > Turquoise > Green > Raspberry > Peach > Pink > Orchid > Lavender > Sky Blue > Aqua > Teal > Spring Green > Brown > Taupe > Brick > Butterscotch > Straw > Olive > Plum > Tea Rose > Cobblestone > Black > > Shipping Chart for USA: > Up to $20-$3 > $21 to $45-$4 > $46 to $75-$5 > $76= -$6 > Canadians Please add $2 > Overseas-negotiable depending on size of order > Californians Only add 7.25% sales tax > > ******Now Accepting Credit Cards (Visa/M/C and Discover)********> > > I will confirm all orders. Checks and M.O.'s fine too. Please make out > and send to biz addy and name below! Thanks for your business!=) > -- - -- Queen La Fetti a.k.a. Shaunna Frasure--- "A Day Without Confetti is Like A Day Without Sunshine!" Custom Creations, 299 Fourth Ave., Portola, CA 96122-9206 (800)320-6327 Now accepting VISA, M/C, and DISCOVER Credit Cards California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. This message was from Shaunna Frasure - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 01:34:20 CST From: "Kim Michels" Subject: RS: Button Swap Hostess: Kim Michels What: Use buttons as embellishments, or use button stamps. Send: 6/5 of anything, postcards, cards, etc. Mail: With SAML and $2.00. Due: May 29th. Signed up: Kim Michels Donnajo Troup Sheryl Davis Calamity J Patty Richie Ruth Soldavini Debi Lym Germaine Kathryn Evans Barb Schuck Stacie Buchmiller Heather Reilly Belinda Muench Kathy Anderson Debbie Andrea Lum Cheryl Margaret Winckler Pam MacVittie Karen Sequira Marcia Patti Murphy Felicia Jackson Becki Kauffman Jill Heidi Terry Bauer Ann Larsen Jennifer Mayer You? Just let me know! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at This message was from "Kim Michels" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 23:48:00 -0800 From: "Crafty bonnie 2" Subject: RS: TAN Eating and Effects. . . Fibromyalgia Hi loves. . . I have started a new eating program, and wanted to pass on some information that I came across tonight. There is an article at this url: It is about this eating program and it's effects on Fibromyalgia. .. also articles about many other health concerns. Love n hugs b2 This message was from "Crafty bonnie 2" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 23:01:32 -0800 From: Shaunna Frasure Subject: RS: Ad:Colorbox Colors & Prices > Order going out Wednesday (March 11th): > > **Heres a list of the single colors(Prices do follow): > > Canary > Marigold > Orange > Scarlett > Magenta > Peony > Violet > Royal Blue > Cyan > Turquoise > Green > Fresh Green > Evergreen > Cranberry > Mignight > Apricot > Coral > Pink > Orchid > Lilac > Heliotrope > Lavender > Sky Blue > Aqua > Mint > AppleGreen > Lime > Topaz > Cocoa > Brown > Old Rose > Smoke Blue > Peacock > Celadon > Moss Green > Parchment > Amber > Terra Cotta > Antique Pewter > Eggplant > Dusty Plum > Chianti > Teal > HunterGreen > Ruby > Robins Egg > Colonial Blue > Frost White > Sky Gray > Black > Seaglass > Dune > Velvet > Harbor > Alpine > Gold > Silver > Copper > Bronze > > > *******NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS!!!************** > > > > Colorbox Single Color Pads(No Metallics)-$4.50 each(reg$5.95) > > Buy 4 for $17.00!!(reg$23.80) > > Reinkers-$2.50 each(reg$3) > > Buy 5 for $11.50!!(reg$15) > > > > Colorbox Metallics Pads-$5.50 each(reg$6.95) > > Buy 4 for $20.00!!(reg$27.80) > > Colorbox 3-Color Pads-$4.95 each(reg$6.50) > > Buy 4 for $18!!(reg$26) > > > > Colorbox 5-Color Pads-$5.50 each(reg$6.95) > > Buy 4 for $20.00!!(reg$27.80) > > > > Colorbox Stencil Pads-$5.75 each(reg$7.50) > > Buy 4 for $22!!(reg$30) > > > > Colorbox 3-Color Option Pads-$5.75 each(reg$7.50) > > Buy 4 for $22!!(reg$30) > > > > Colorbox 5-Color Option Pads-$6.50 each(reg$8) > > Buy 4 for $24!!(reg$32) > > > > Paintbox II option Pads-$13.95 each(reg$18.50) > > Buy 2 for $27!!(reg$37) > > > > Crafters Pigment Ink Pads-$13.95 each(reg$18.50) > > Buy 2 for $27!!(reg$37) > > > > *****NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS!!! Or check and M.O.'s, I will confirm all orders. Thanks for your business!=) > > > > Shipping in USA: > > Up to $20-$3 > > $21 to $45-$4 > > $46 to $75-$5 > > $76+ -$6 > > Canadians please add $2 > > Overseas is negotible depending on the order=) - -- Queen La Fetti a.k.a. Shaunna Frasure--- "A Day Without Confetti is Like A Day Without Sunshine!" Custom Creations, 299 Fourth Ave., Portola, CA 96122-9206 (800)320-6327 Now accepting VISA, M/C, and DISCOVER Credit Cards California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. This message was from Shaunna Frasure - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 02:38:44 EST From: SereneGirl Subject: RS: Re: TAN: What's an Athiest? In a message dated 98-03-10 02:04:16 EST, writes: << Unrepentant sin.....listing the substantial entry in your checkbook as "Rent" (rather than Rubber).....well, that's the sin part...the unrepentant is when you *keep* doing it. >(Whatever hell is.....) A world without rubber stamps. >> ROFLMAO..... Well, I have to say that this is the BEST explanation of unrepentant sin and hell I've heard lately..... one question though.... (since April 15th is fast upon us).... Is unrepentant sin deductible???? Serene This message was from SereneGirl - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 01:00:55 -0600 From: Phil Schloss Subject: Re: RS: Do You Ever Notice....and notice and notice Darlene, The reason for no name, is that it is easy to to be nasty, if you don't have to stand up and be counted. I try not to anwser any nasty email if it does not look like a real person, but it is easy to get sucked in. Another very interesting thing to do is to feed the nasty emails into a program that I have been working on for the last year and a half and see how close the writing style is for the different nasties we get on the list. Very interesting results, if only I could publish them---maybe next year when the contract is done. I sure do appreciate all the different styles of email everyone, as it has allowed me to do a lot of testing without leaving the list mail. Darlene Sather wrote: > > That those people who try so hard to make AJ look bad never have a real > name? Why is that AJ? Don't s'pose they are scared of an actual verbal > confrontation. My own interpretation is that AJ is really Ms Sugarbaker > from Designing Women. Don't think I would get in her way either. > TOD > > This message was from "Darlene Sather" > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - -- Phil Schloss ******* Visa, MasterCard and AmEx cards as soon as the equipment arrives*** "FIT-IT"-It works for you! at URL--> Come visit my on-line rubber stamp catalog, you will love the designs. Or email for address to order a paper catalog $3.00 from Red Castle Inc. Rubber Stamps This message was from Phil Schloss - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 00:01:25 -0800 From: KatsPurr Subject: Re: RS: TAN Religious post At 10:19 AM 3/9/98 -0900, you wrote: >The following contains religious material, so if you are offended by >that sort of thing delete now. I thought it was really neat, and I'm >sure some of you will feel the same. ............. :::::::::::::::::::::: Lynette . . . WOW!!! Absolutely Awesome!!! ^ Kat ^ (|) (|) (= Y`=) `~u~` KatsPurr: a 'play' on 'Casper' cuz I'm both cat- & Spirit-minded *Be on the lookout for MIRACLES; they're happening daily!* This message was from KatsPurr - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 01:34:56 CST From: "Kim Michels" Subject: RS: Art Impressions Swap Hostess: Kim Michels What: Use Art Impressions stamps in your work. Once again, if you want to make an extra one for AI, you may, and I will forward all of them to Art Impressions. Send: 5/5 for just the swap, 6/5 for the swap and AI or me, or 7/5 for the swap, AI, and me. Mail: With SAML and $2.00 Due: April 1st Signed up: Kim Michels Patti Walena Majors Corliss Marianne Sue Frasula Rachel Leshko Sandy Hampson Ingrid Susan aka airstamper *recieved* Zonia Ziada Pam MacVittie Stampracer Rhonda Barbieri Betty Vaugn Jane Duttton Kath Diane Mascolo Ann Kousa Norma Thoshinsky Shawn Buckmaster Ruth Soldavini You? Just let me know! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at This message was from "Kim Michels" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 02:34:09 EST From: Bibelots Subject: RS: Color Copies -- what makes a good one? I just had an eraser-carved stamp image, fancied up with silver corrugated background, bits of gold and silver tissue, and touches of Marvy metallic ink -- I thought it was looking good -- color-copied to make stickers. And it cost $3.00 and some. And they were about the ugliest things I ever saw when all was said and done. The metallics were greenish and yellowish and grayish instead of gold and silver, all of the colors were darker than they should have been, the lovely glints of metallic ink on top of clear EP were now flat and flaky and looked like some kind of disease.... So, besides all of the above, what are the kinds of things to avoid when doing color copies? What works best? How can you tell if you are a victim of an inexperienced counterperson? TIA, Deborah ~dkj This message was from Bibelots - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 02:14:00 EST From: FranRShaw Subject: RS: My "Silly Swap" package from Beverly!! Remember Beverly, a.k.a. Piglet, a.k.a. Steelerstamper? Well, last year, we (a group of 6 stampers) decided to do this little swap thing between the 6 of us. We called it Silly Swapper. It kinda went ho hum with a couple of people dropping out... but it still was fun. Well, Beverly had told me that she had a box ready for me. This was before Christmas, and if you guys remember well, she was working her little fingers to the bone at the PO during the Crhistmas rush. I talked to her the other day, and she felt so bad because my box was still sitting in a corner at her house. She has been VERY busy donating her time to make fund-raiser items for her church. Well... today, my box... actually "boxes!!" arrived!! WOWEY WOW!!! I can't believe all this great stuff!! I'm going to start off with the best first!! I opened the smaller of the two boxes first, and GOSH ALL MIGHTY!!!! (yes I'm screaming!) Beverly, you are SOOOOO great!!! She sent me this most gorgeous statue of a 1/2 man, 1/2 wolf American Indian head. I can't believe how GORGEOUS this is!! It's about 18 inches tall and done in earth tones. It's so breathtaking!! I still can't believe my eyes!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! And if that wasn't enough... there was a second box.. this one FULL of stamping stuff!!! She sent me a HUGE frame stamp, a HUGE birthday saying that is just halarious!!, a Kitty Klaus stamp, PLUS a big stamp of a girl running with a wolf, a medium stamp of leaves, a small teddy bear stamp, a small butterfly stamp, and TWO yo-yo stamps (one bear, and one bunny). But wait, that's not all ... (as in the commercials), there was also 4 sheets of French Marble paper, 2 rolls of currogated paper, 10 sheets of patterned tissue paper, and a HUGE sheet of red and gold abaca mesh stuff. WOW, I've only seen this in the natural in small rolls (strips, really), but this is a great big huge sheet of it!!! Oh, and there was also 2 bottles of EP. One is Topiary green (which I have but am almost out of... not any more!!) and the other is called Claret. Looks wonderful!!! :-) Thanks so much, Beverly!!! I'm THRILLED!!! This message was from FranRShaw - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 02:25:54 -0600 From: vb Subject: RS: Sylvia Liles: Rec'd Stamper's Helper Thanks so much, Sy, for sending the Stamper's Helper so fast! It looks great and I can't wait to start organizing. Of course, like I mentioned to you, it would be wonderful if you could include an organizing person to send with this (since I'm not too great in that area)! LOL I've already put it in a binder and am looking forward to getting all my "stuff" in order. Anyone who is interested in taking a look at this, there's a pic on Sylvia's web site : Also..thanks for the unmtd stamp! You know that I love it :) Vicki (CajunStamper) This message was from vb - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 01:18:35 -0600 From: Phil Schloss Subject: Re: from Nan Re: RS: VIRUS ALERT!!! Nan, This is cute, and so easy to do, and the virus checker won't even catch it. But doesn't aol give you the opition of being asked before executing? In NS you can under options/general preferences/helpers state how you want each type of file handled, like save it ask what to do with it, etc. So you have control of a lot to things even if you have attachments in line. I have MS Word doc turned off, and if some sends me one I either delete it/or open it on other system with WP and no macros. One other thing people should remember is that you can have a virus on your system for months or longer before you start to have problems. You should not run with out a reasonable current virus checker/shield installed and running all the time. If you don't it is like playing Russian Roulette. A lot of things blamed on virus problems are really hardware/software failures. And a lot of problems blamed on hardware/software failures are really operator problems. Phil Anne louR wrote: > > AOL-ers, if you have your mail set to automatic download of files, deselect > that feature immediately. If you don't, a zipped self-activating .exe file can > infect your machine. You may miss a file to download that way, but you won't > get a virus or something else you don't want on your hard drive, either! > > Cheers, ex fast posto (Nan) > This message was from Anne louR > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - -- Phil Schloss ******* Visa, MasterCard and AmEx cards as soon as the equipment arrives*** "FIT-IT"-It works for you! at URL--> Come visit my on-line rubber stamp catalog, you will love the designs. Or email for address to order a paper catalog $3.00 from Red Castle Inc. Rubber Stamps This message was from Phil Schloss - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 01:34:02 CST From: "Kim Michels" Subject: RS: Postcard Swap Hostess: Kim Michels What: Just stamp up any theme of postcards you wish! Send: 5/5, 10/10, etc. Please stamp up one extra postcard and mail it normally, when you mail out your packet. I have a friend in Italy who collects postmarks from different places, and these will be for him. Mail: with equal postage and SAML. Due: March 20th. Signed up: Kim Michels *done* Barbara Simpson *recieved* Shellie Maccaux *recieved* Leilani Jaimee J Rollin Diane Aiken Patty Sulcs *recieved* Sally Kennedy Sandy Lemons *recieved* Rosmarie Smith *recieved* Debra Wunderly Elaine Germaine Christie Kurtz Ruth Duefrane Heidi Diane Hare Robin Swaby Valerie Bernunzio You? Just let me know! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at This message was from "Kim Michels" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 02:45:00 EST From: SereneGirl Subject: Re: RS: Humor please no flames I didn't write it In a message dated 98-03-10 02:36:23 EST, writes: << Does anyone have a male chauvinist pig stamp? I need to make Phil a card. >> Diane, I don't have the stamp, but here's the innards for the card: WoMeN RoCk!! : ) Everday I give thanks to the Goddess I have two mounds upon my bodice I shave my legs, I sit down to pee I can justify any shopping spree Not to a barber, but a beauty salon Can get a massage without a hard on Can balance the checkbook, pump my own gas Can talk to my friends about the size of my ass I always save money by using coupons Can admit to others when I am wrong Don't drive in circles at any cost So I don't have to admit when I am lost Don't act like I'm in a timed marathon Every time I go to the john Let me tell you men Listen to me boys Those things in your pants That you treat as toys You love them more then we ever will We would rather suck on a cold pickled dill I spend two hours preparing for a date Only to find you're two hours late I don't watch movies with lots of gore Don't need instant replay to remember the score I won't lose my hair I don't get jock itch And just cause I'm assertive Don't call me a bitch I don't wear the same underwear everyday The food in my fridge has no sign of decay I don't go to Sears To look at the tools I don't cheat at poker I follow the rules I don't smoke cigars Don't pay for drinks at bars I don't punch my friends just to say "Hi" And it's o.k. for me to cry I know all you men Think that you're "IT" But compared to a woman You just ain't SHIT! actually, now that I think of it.... maybe this one has already been posted to the list :/ It does, however, seem appropos :) This message was from SereneGirl - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 00:03:45 -0700 From: Linda Strawn Subject: Re: RS: Re: Anyone having problems w/bounced mail? I Agree I think they caused me one sleepless night trying to figure out what was happening, maybe they should pay it for pain and suffering....Linda Patricia A. Koss wrote: > > I vote with Chris. I could use $500. Maybe I should send several > messages and get more. > > Pat Koss > > Chris McEwen wrote: > > > > Janet will be more able to answer this as it has come up in the > > past, but evidently there is a list member whose ISP makes > > automated replies to email their customers receive. It causes > > everyone to blow a fuse, the person whose ISP does this gets > > sidetracked for a few days, the ISP in question gets some angry > > phone calls and it calms down for a few months. > > > > I think we all should be charging that ISP a $500 fine for > > spamming our mail boxes, don't you? After all, their customer > > subscribed to the list and therefore mail from the list is not > > spam, but we never subscribed to the ISP so their email IS spam! > > > > --Chris McEwen reply to: > > Socrates Press > > Keyport, Washington > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: > > To: Rubber Stampers > > Date: Saturday, March 07, 1998 5:16 PM > > Subject: RS: Anyone having problems w/bounced mail? > > > > >I keep getting a message about and it said > > something > > >about my messages that I'm posting are spam related and have > > been > > >flagged. It said I must contact that addy to see if it was a > > spam > > >message and if not they need to investigate why it was flagged. > > > > > >Is anyone else have this problem? > > > > > >-- > > > > > >Kathyrn Evans > > >Proud to be a STAMPAHOLIC! > > >*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > > >"WHEN REPLYING OR SENDING ME MAIL PLEASE PUT MY NAME IN THE > > SUBJECT" > > >THANK YOU!!! > > > > > > > > > Now I know the whole world isn't bitter because I found the > > > Rubber Stampers! > > >This message was from > > >-- > > >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the > > Dueling Modems > > >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at > > . > > > > > > > This message was from "Chris McEwen" > > -- > > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > This message was from "Patricia A. Koss" > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from Linda Strawn - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 00:06:42 -0800 From: KatsPurr Subject: Re: RS: Wallpaper Envelopes are not my choice .... At 05:23 PM 3/9/98 EST, Michele wrote: >I am sorry to hear about your bad experiences... >I LOVE the look of wallpaper envelopes and have gotten several in the mail and >never had a problem.... >What about others on the list? >I don't want to make them if others don't like getting them. >Michele >This message was from MMILLS96 >-- I haven't rec'd too many, yet have had *no* prob with any that arrived. Also, I have sent some out and have heard no complaints. I *love* wallpaper envies, they're so purrrrdy!!! mew........... ^ Kat ^ (|) (|) (= Y`=) `~u~` KatsPurr: a 'play' on 'Casper' cuz I'm both cat- & Spirit-minded *Be on the lookout for MIRACLES; they're happening daily!* This message was from KatsPurr - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 00:13:20 -0800 From: (E. E.C. deMars) Subject: RS: Angel Club Have over 20 responses of people who are interested!! Think that's a great start, so have a few things to throw out, and anyone who's got a response to these, or wants to also do this, let me know. Here are some ideas I've sort of thought of for this club--want your thoughts about these: 1. Do we need a name? (Angel Flight, Angel Light... 2. How about sending out no more than five cards a month if we're going to do a "you sent me one, now I need to send you one" sort of thing. 3. If we do the reciprochal type thing, it means you EVENTUALLY need to send one, but not immediately. 4. We'd need each other's snails, so send those to me--I'll compile it and send it on to everyone. Please help me by including your e-mail addy in the body of your letter. 5. Items do not have to be cards--can be cards, postcards, magnets, pins, bookmarks 6. do not have to acknowledge receipt of cards on line and/or post descriptions--up to individual, but would be nice to at least privately let the person know their item go to you, if you aren't able to return one relatively soon. 7 if you decide to send to more than five people, maybe let the "extras" know they don't have to send you one back--that sounds sort of tacky to me--just don't want anyone stressing because they got too many or because they sent a bunch and no one sent them one in return. 8. maybe let me know if you've not been receiving, so if someone wanted to know who to send one to keeper of list could suggest your name 9. items need to have something to do with angels--IMHO doesn't need to be stamped on--could be on a background paper, a saying, a charm, button, etc. 10. do need to say its from Angel List on your card so people know where it came from. (Thanks to Barbara Simpson of CCCC for several ideas above) Eileen I have wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to somebody's need made me blind; But I never have yet felt a tinge of regret for being a little too kind. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (E. E.C. deMars) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 00:33:23 -0800 From: KatsPurr Subject: Re: RS: Rubber Stamper Magazine?? For the record, I've not received mine either. I'm in northern Idaho. I called their 800# today and had to "leave a msg" with a Customer Svc. rep., which included my name & phone #. Not surprised that she did *not* call me back. I, however, will be placing another call tomorrow. This is ridiculous! Into the 2nd wk of March already! I recall receiving my Jan/Feb issue around mid-Dec. That's how it *should* be. Drats! If I didn't love their mag so much, I'd cancel my subscrip. Hisssssss.......... ==================== At 08:35 PM 3/9/98 -0500, Violetnut wrote: >HI >Yes that was me. Still have not received. There is an 800 number in >the magazine. I called and they took my name checked my address and >subscription info and said that they would send out my copy and couldn't >figure why I had not already received it. hope I get it becuase it >looks great. I've seen instores too. > >Violetnut > >Shaunna Frasure wrote: >> >> Has anyone else received their latest copy of Rubber Stamper Magazine? I >> saw it at the Stamp Store over the weekend, but haven't received my copy >> yet, they aren't usually this slow, and I thought I saw another post >> from someone about not getting theres either?? >> -- >> Queen La Fetti >> a.k.a. Shaunna Frasure--- ================= ^ Kat ^ (|) (|) (= Y`=) `~u~` KatsPurr: a 'play' on 'Casper' cuz I'm both cat- & Spirit-minded *Be on the lookout for MIRACLES; they're happening daily!* This message was from KatsPurr - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 01:50:46 -0600 From: Phil Schloss Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Sandy needs our love and support! Sandy is a very nice person, I have exchanged many emails with her this year. Sandy does have wonderful soap, I need to order more before you all discover that and there isn't any left, I down to my last bar. Phil Linda S Skirvin wrote: > > For those of you who do not know our list sister, Sandy Lemons, I would > like you to know that she is the type of person who puts others before > herself. She would do anything for a friend. I'm so saddened by this > news as I hate when bad things happen to good people. However, I have > all the confidence in the world that this list can help Sandy emotionally > and spiritually overcome all the trials that face her. I'm living proof > of that! > > I'm writing this because one of the things I have noticed about our > wonderful list members is that they think they are doing the person that > is ill a favor holding up their orders until they feel well. Please > remember that this is how they make their living and that is something > that only hurts them instead of helps them. Sandy is a great vendor > with the best product in the world so if you haven't tried her wonderful > soaps please don't let this stop you from ordering. Keeping busy is one > of the best ways to keep your mind active!!!! Sandy's husband needs to > know how hard she keep him busy! Ha! Ha! > > Sandy we love you and you are always in our hearts and prayers! > > Giggles to you always! > Love, Linda > > _____________________________________________________________________ > You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. > Get completely free e-mail from Juno at > Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] > > This message was from (Linda S Skirvin) > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - -- Phil Schloss ******* Visa, MasterCard and AmEx cards as soon as the equipment arrives*** "FIT-IT"-It works for you! at URL--> Come visit my on-line rubber stamp catalog, you will love the designs. Or email for address to order a paper catalog $3.00 from Red Castle Inc. Rubber Stamps This message was from Phil Schloss - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 00:55:44 -0800 From: KatsPurr Subject: Re: RS: Tan position puzzles At 10:14 PM 3/9/98 -0600, Diane wrote: >Hi all.. I use these when I substitute... I call them position puzzles. >I thought that some of you might enjoy them... Here are my guesses: >stand ==> "I understand" > I > go >Mar 10 Mar 10 ==> (??something to do with "undergo 2 martins"??) >cover ==> "Undercover spy" > spy >gesg sgeg esgg ==> "3 scrambled eggs" >ikd ==> "mixed-up kid" > n a d > g i r n ==> "going around in a circle" > g o o u >his iiii >oooooooo ==> >mil1lion ==> "1 in a million" ^ Kat ^ (|) (|) (= Y`=) `~u~` KatsPurr: a 'play' on 'Casper' cuz I'm both cat- & Spirit-minded *Be on the lookout for MIRACLES; they're happening daily!* This message was from KatsPurr - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers-digest V2 #1469 *************************************