From: To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #155 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Friday, 7 February 1997 Volume 02 : Number 155 In this issue: RS Vendors Rating Re: Empty Re: AOL Warning: Do not go into chat rooms on 2/14 Re: TAN:Westminster Dog show when? TAN Great Mail Day Re: My first Website Page RE: TTPO/wonderful mailman Re: RS: A STAMPER A DAY Stamp... Re: A CHALLANGE ! TO ALL Re: In a pig's eye..... RS: TAN: Valentines' Day Re: TAN: Giggles and Birthdays ... Re: Comm: taking orders for denami and stamp in Motion Re: About Me (Long) Favorite Phrase? Re: TAN: Pontification Re: Missing Commitments.... Re: Empty Re: Scuze me..... See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Darlene Sybert Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 21:03:04 -0600 (CST) Subject: RS Vendors Rating This is insane! If you read the RS list, you see tons of posts praising all the various vendors who deliver the product at a discount and faster than a speeding bullet. So, we all know we can trust those vendors...Baggie, Evolviing Images, Toad Hall, Escape Artist, Aglaia, The Rubber Chicken, Ginny Newman,etc and so on and so forth...There are a good dozen or so more of them who have proven themselves over and over. Order from them and you know you'll never lose a dime!! They offer grab bags and discounts that are so incredible, I wonder how they make a profit. I'd be willing to bet there is not a stamp or an accessory you could want that one of them doesn't offer. If you see a post from a new vendor or someone you've never seen praised on this list and you would like to order from them, just send a post to the list that says, "If you've ever ordered from Vendor X, please email me privately." Believe me--and this is the voice of one who has done it--you'll find out about that Vendor. And if no one HAS ordered from that vendor--if you get no replys-- and you are concerned about losing money, just don't place an order. It's that simple!! Darlene Sybert vsa Central Missouri ********************************************************************* ...from the caves of deepest night, ascending in clouds of mist, The winter spread his wide black wings across from pole to pole: Grim frost beneath & terrible snow, link'd in a marriage chain, Began a dismal dance. -William Blake, *The Four Zoas,* Night VI ********************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: (Ma Vinci) Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 22:20:12 EST Subject: Re: Empty HEEEEEYYYYYY....what are you saying? I have nothing IN there??? I do so... it's JELLO, but I DO have some in there...plenty, actually. Deeply hurt, Stampo, DEEPLY hurt... Ma On Sat, 8 Feb 97 00:45:39 UT "Wayne Gartley" writes: >>>A lot of empty messages today again. > >>From empty-headed people, no doubt... > >Stampo > ------------------------------ From: (Ma Vinci) Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 22:20:12 EST Subject: Re: AOL Warning: Do not go into chat rooms on 2/14 I don't think there's anything they can do to your AOL account while you're chatting,,, Robin On Fri, 7 Feb 1997 19:40:30 -0500 (EST) writes: >this message was forwarded to me. I cut the body out of hte message >as it >had been forwarded about 35 times and I knew you wouldn't want all >those >headers; > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >"warning!! stay out of all chat rooms on febuary 14!!! poeple with be >there >trying to mess up you AOL account!!! please send this to everyone >you >know!! feb 14 NO CHAT ROOMS!!" > ><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< > ------------------------------ From: Ann or Joan - Montana Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 20:32:06 +0000 Subject: Re: TAN:Westminster Dog show when? Schnuazers all the way!!! Joan :-{> Daughter of StampsRtoys ------------------------------ From: (Lynette Walters) Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 18:31:36 -0900 Subject: TAN Great Mail Day Today I got my grabbags from Toad Hall - they are wonderful! First was a paper grabbag of 50+ sheets of great papers - wonderful color selection and textures - will be so much fun to play with this weekend! Then I also got the collage grabbag - this is too much fun! Gave me some wonderful ideas - there was everything from feathers to gauze to Mad Magazine playing cards - makes me mad when I think of all the neat things I've thrown away over the years! I also got the great catalog from Wildlife Enterprises - wow! They are going to drain my bank account! These are by far some of the best wildlife stamps I have ever seen! I will be drooling over this one all weekend - better get out the bib now. Then I found out when I got home that there are 2 more packages waiting at the post office for me - so tomorrow will be another great mail day. YEAH! Doing happy dance again..... Lynette aka Klondike SnowStamper /\ ) /\ /\ * __~ / \ /\ / \_____||__ / \ /\ /\ / | __ | / / \ || / | || | / / \ ########THE LAST FRONTIER#############ALASKA########## ------------------------------ From: (Linda S. Skirvin) Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 22:32:38 EST Subject: Re: My first Website Page Are you sure you really want us to do this???? Does this mean Darlene (TOD) and Baggie and I get to honestly tell you what we think???? Ummmmm......come on girls let's go check this out!!! Giggles and Grins! Love, Linda On Fri, 07 Feb 1997 18:53:28 -0800 Jutta Hood writes: >I just finished my first website page. Take a look and respond >privately >to me with any ideas, suggestions and/or criticisms. >_____________________________________________________________________ > > visit my website at: > > StampHound a.k.a. Hood's Woods > > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------ From: "Annette Culver" Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 20:20:06 -0700 Subject: RE: TTPO/wonderful mailman I received my TTPO items at work this week. The mail is delivered to another office within the building I work in and then distributed to each office. This time the mailman sought me out to deliver the TTPO items in person! I told him what it was about and he thought it was great and wanted to know if his wife could join the group! Just wanted to let you all know that some of the Mail Persons don't think they are being tortured, they are enjoying it. Last time when I took my items to the post office to be sent. The mailman showed my item all around the post office. They all loved it! Annette ------------------------------ From: (Ma Vinci) Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 22:20:11 EST Subject: Re: RS: A STAMPER A DAY Stamp... Hey, thanks for the WAY cool testimonial! You heard the lady, get your orders IN!! Robin On Fri 07 Feb 1997 13:46 CT Marsha.Braymen@ORYX.COM writes: >Guys and Gals -- if you haven't ordered your Stamper A Day stamp, do >it now. >This stamp is absolutely the most wonderful expression of love and >each >time I look at it, brings a smile to my face. I've had mine over a >week and >haven't had much time to post to the list, but as soon as I received >it, I >mounted it on wood and brought it to the office with me. I'm stamping >all my >outgoing mail with it and have had several people ask me about Linda. >One >of the guys I work with asked how long Linda and I had been friends. >And >then he asked how often she and I got together. When I informed him >we had >actually never met, he really looked confused. I've explained to him >that >Linda, like many of my other stamping friends, are friends I just >haven't >met in person yet. > >SeashlStamper > ------------------------------ From: (Ma Vinci) Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 22:34:04 EST Subject: Re: A CHALLANGE ! TO ALL I WILL, I WILL!!! AS SOON AS SOMEONE FORWARDS ME THE SNAIL MAIL LIST AGAIN! (please remember I have Juno and need it in two or three parts...ok?) (Sorry...not my fault this had a nervous know the story...) THANKS!! Robin On Fri, 7 Feb 1997 22:08:02 -0500 (EST) writes: >Here goes Not a Swap, Not a Birthda, Just a plain old find a >Snail of >anyone on this list and mail them a card ! Have a Happy Day! >Remember >what comes around goes around ! Be good.................... Love >you >all............ > ------------------------------ From: (Linda S. Skirvin) Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 22:32:38 EST Subject: Re: In a pig's eye..... Gee, and to think that I actually thought you were my friend! Ha! Well, we will see about this squealing thingie of yours!!! Besides that, you can't sing!!! Ha! Ha! You probably gave poor Ellen a headache with all the squallering of yours!!! And for the record, me and Petie wasn't flying anywhere last night.....we decided to stay in! So there!!! Giggles and Grins! Love, Linda On Fri, 07 Feb 1997 16:48:34 -0800 dksather writes: >Don't believe her Ellen.....she was flying around with Petie and ole >Father Time trailing jet messages...."Evo is old today" Really >tasteless Linda. >Now for the good part.....mi,mi,mi,mi..... >Happy Birthday to you... >Happy Birthday to you.... >Happy Birthday Old Ellen.... >Happy Birthday to you...... >How old are you????? >How old are you???? >You are how old, yikes....don't have that many candles at Safeway. > >Happy Birthday Ellen....and Dale, you can stop cutting those little >strips now and take Ellen out. >TOD > >Linda S. Skirvin wrote: >> >> Hey!!! I've been cutting wallpaper all night!!! I'm innocent I >say!!!! >> Innocent!!!! And besides I didn't tell anyone that you are older >than >> Father Time!!!! So there!!!! >> >> Giggles and Grins! >> Love, Linda > ------------------------------ From: (Linda S. Skirvin) Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 22:32:39 EST Subject: RS: TAN: Valentines' Day Ok, now let's see there was Giggles and Santa.......Giggles and Ole' Father it is only natural that it should be Giggles and Cupid........ummmmm......and to think that Giggles lives in Loveland!!! Well, seems only fair to me that I get to help cupid this year then. ok, let's hear who everyone wants to be with on Valentines' Day. Now since the next torture session is two days before Valentine's Day.....I will need this info ASAP or you will just get an arrow in the butt instead of the heart!!! Yikes! You better hope I'm not the one shooting the arrows!!! Giggles and Grins! Love, Linda ------------------------------ From: (Linda S. Skirvin) Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 22:32:38 EST Subject: Re: TAN: Giggles and Birthdays ... You tell her Elaine!!! Ha! Ha! Evo got told!!! Neener! Neener! Neener! Giggles and Grins! Love, Linda On Fri, 07 Feb 1997 21:22:03 +0000 Elaine Morgan writes: >You should know that you make people happy and they want to make you >happy. It is just like a Christmas send one to someone >because you want to wish them a happy holiday and then after Christmas > >you get one back...which means if you look at the date..they only sent > >you one because you sent them one. It makes people happy to be able >to >give and you should not expect to give something back. > >We all know how busy you are and everyone still loves you even you >feel >you should reciprocate even if you fall short, my dear one. And you >ain't 57, I don't believe it!! > >Love >Inkynails Elaine >Carpe Diem! > > > > > >Ellen Gordon (Evo) wrote: >> >> Well, I almost made it, thought I had, thought it was safe to tell >> Giggles that she had given me the best birthday present I'd ever >> had by her announcement of her wonderful blood count; I even >> confided in her why I didn't turn my birthdate in to Cheryl. And >what >> did she do????? She told! She not only told, she made sure she >> told everyone! :}<> >> >> Sooooo, I'll share why I didn't post my birthdate... Guilt! Pure >and >> simple guilt. Everyone seems to be so good about remembering >> birthdays and Evo is lousy! Good intentions, but lousy! I read the >> posts the first of every month... save the post... and still get so >> involved with whatever it is that I do everyday, that I miss even >> telling 99% of the birthday people a simple "Happy Birthday". >> >> So now you know, and my mailbox runneth over with wonderful >> birthday wishes and I love every one of them from every one of >> you... and I know in 1997 I'll feel even guiltier than I did in >1996. >> >> But... I'm turning over a new leaf and I'm starting with Wendy Bean. >> H*A*P*P*Y**B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y* WENDY! >> >> Ellen :}> Evo (who definitely IS older than Father Time... she's >> 57, and he's only 1 month and 7 days old. :{< ) >> >> Evolving Images >> E-Mail: >> >> Homepage: > ------------------------------ From: Darlene Sybert Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 21:35:21 -0600 (CST) Subject: Re: Comm: taking orders for denami and stamp in Motion On Tue, 4 Feb 1997 wrote: > Also will be placing order from rsa, too much fun,ariz. stamp, > connors. rubber baby bumpers,..also Eccentrics.. stampendous.. If you haven't placed the Connors order, I'd like to have the backpack. Did I tell you that before? It's on page 51 of the catalog I have. I would like to have the one that has Spanish on it (D9025 Tarea). Darlene Sybert vsa Central Missouri ********************************************************************* ...from the caves of deepest night, ascending in clouds of mist, The winter spread his wide black wings across from pole to pole: Grim frost beneath & terrible snow, link'd in a marriage chain, Began a dismal dance. -William Blake, *The Four Zoas,* Night VI ********************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: (Simpson) Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 19:36:39 -0800 Subject: Re: About Me (Long) Barbara Simpson I moved to California from Illinois almost 12 years ago. > >My birthday is August 16. > My favorite color(s): purple, yellow, green, pink, turquoise > > My favorite food(s): hamburgers > > My favorite holiday: My birthday - especially if I get lots of presents. > My other hobbies include: cats, needlepoint, collecting Indian Jewelry > > Other members of my family: my husband Frank - 2 grown boys - 2 grandchildren > >About my pets: 2 cats - Raindrop and Sisters (named for Sisters, Oregon) > > My occupation is: unemployed right now, laid off 3 weeks ago - hooray > > I collect stamps/images of: cats, animals, southwestern, turtles, everything else > > > > Choose the number which most reflects you in the following choices. > Example: My life is: > boring totally insane > 1 2 3 4 X 6 7 (8) 9 10 > > >You can add a line or two of explaination if necessary to your >answers below! > > My stamping style is: > cute weird > 1 2 3 4 5 6 X 8 9 10 > > I prefer stamps: > mounted unmounted > 1 2 3 4 X 6 7 8 9 10 > > At last count, I had this many stamps: 500 > three billions and billions > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >In anything I may be sent by anyone, I'd prefer to get: > handmade things stamping supplies > 1 2 3 4 X 6 7 8 9 10 > > > Some of my favoirite RS manufacturer/vendors are: F.C. Bumpers, Ruby Red Rubber, Claudia Rose, The Turtle Press, Delafield, etc. > > My favorite stamping technique is: I love rainbow stamp pads > I first discovered rubber stamping: about 2 years ago - I don't remember how I became addicted to rubberstamping. > > > Delete any of the following statements which are not true for you. > Add any others I've forgotten which ARE true for you. Change the > wording of any of these to make them more true for you. Keep each >answer separated by a blank line for easier reading. > > I emboss my stamping sometimes. > I buy too many stamps. Can you have too many? > I love funny stamps. > > I love cat, sheep, turtle, and country stamps. > > I make political statements with my stamping. not on purpose > > I like to play games on the computer. > I sign up for a lot of swaps. I hosted one in Rubberstampmadness. But I did not get very many responses - only 7 people participated. > I am not sure I like this list. Too many messages to keep up with. And a lot of seemingly irrelevant things. I might try it for a little while. I would prefer to see more swaps or handy tips. ------------------------------ From: gmork Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 20:44:31 -0700 Subject: Favorite Phrase? Hi everyone! I'm putting together a reference guide for phrases/quotes so when making cards up - I can just skim the guide. I would be willing to post back to the group/privately once its all complied if people are interested. What I'm asking of you is if you could each email me your favorite phrase/quote you've used on a card. No particular theme, just whatever your favorite is. Thanks guys! Glenyce "I believe in getting into hot water, it keeps you clean." G K Chesterton ------------------------------ From: (hornbrkj) Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 19:10:42 -0400 Subject: Re: TAN: Pontification TOD: You got your tail in the wringer again? That *is* your tail - isn't it? Just for the record, I think you should continue to identify yourself either as "Ex Ass" or "Princess", depending on which of your two ....... see ya later!! >. As most of you know I am quite capable of inserting my own foot into my mouth.....Ms Sybert has her own style. It is for reasons such as this that I have been forced to sign TOD on my posts, to which Stampo then calls me a dog......woe is me The non-pontificating Darlene...maybe I will go with TND, the neutered dog. (Darlene SATHER) < Ant Judy H. ------------------------------ From: (hornbrkj) Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 19:07:46 -0400 Subject: Re: Missing Commitments.... >> Although relatively new to the list, I am frequently disturbed by email that would most appropriate be sent privately to someone rather than "billboarded" through the list. Perhaps its done accidentally -- but then again not. But I certainly support leaving the trashing off the list. Well spoken (okay, make that well written)! Toni<< "Relatively new .... frequently disturbed ...." ??? I would support leaving *trashing* off the list; but, if someone has not kept their commitments, has received monies for supplies and never sent them -- has taken at least one person for in excess of $65 ... I maintain that the others on the list have the right to know that their $$'s may be in jeopardy. If 12 people were "taken" -- should we wait until it's 120? Let the person go right on hostessing while she holds onto cards for swaps that concluded months and months ago? Look, if you were my friend, and I was leading you through a darkened tunnel -- I'd tell you to step left or right of any pot holes. But, I'm baffled as to the latest posts saying someone is being *trashed*??? My post referred to "Madame X" and "Madame Y" ... do we have any of that variety ... and any resemblance to any person on the list, living or otherwise ... might be construed as being purely coincidental. Ant Judy H. ------------------------------ From: Elaine Morgan Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 23:04:56 +0000 Subject: Re: Empty Talking from experience??? doubt!! Inkynails Elaine Carpe Diem! Wayne Gartley wrote: > > >>A lot of empty messages today again. > > >From empty-headed people, no doubt... > > Stampo ------------------------------ From: Mark Soper Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 19:46:15 -0800 Subject: Re: Scuze me..... Well....why NOT puma claws in your ceiling!!!! Why do ya think pumas GOTS claws for anyway??!! Some likes to Macarena, some likes to stick their pointy little toe nails in the ceiling!! (Mine are really non- pointy and non-threatening...HONEST!!) "Here Philsy-Wilsy"....where is that darned groundhog anyway? ..knew I shoulda used a double boiler...."Here, Phil... Auntie Puma has a nice warm bath for you!"...when I get my paws on that rascally rodent, I'm gonna have a little chocolate-groundhog fondu... REALLY...totally non-threatening in anyway rubberpuma and NUTS to Martha Stewart who has probably never had puma prints on HER ceiling (and probably never Macarena-ed either!) dksather wrote: > > We don't want no puma claws on our ceiling....what's the matter with you > girl. People will think we Washington folk are ill-mannered and stupid. > First it was that beer swilling slug thingie, and then that penis > squirting goeduck thingie and now this......Oh puma, what will we do > with you. Poor giggles is just a refined young southern belle and can't > take any more of this kind of talk. She will pull the hair right out of > her head....well at least the little fuzzies from the halo stuff. > TOD ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #155 ************************************ To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.