From: To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #165 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Saturday, 8 February 1997 Volume 02 : Number 165 In this issue: RS TAN I was offended Re: RS: Winged Creatures swap, Official RS TAN art/photos on postage stamps RE: RS St. Louis Convention Re: RS: Summer Flowers swap Official Re: NEED RS ROOM IDEAS Laurel Burch & Mary Engelbreit RE: Offensive Jokes/Humor --- NOW A FLAME !!! Lass Creations:Clearsnap Messages Re: Hello Try this one for size RS-Official Goddess Swap Re: RS: Favourite phrase or saying swap Official Re: RS: Independance Day swap Official Re: RS: Fruit and Vegetable swap Official Re: Hello Try this one for size In Regards to: Try this one on Scuze me.... See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Darlene Sybert Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 16:10:50 -0600 (CST) Subject: RS TAN I was offended On Sat, 8 Feb 1997 wrote: > I have received numerous amounts of mail that supported the joke -- and > complimented on the humor. You are only the 3rd person -- out of hundreds on > the list that was "offended". I personally find the entire topic of Ebonics I think there were many more people offended who just didn't say so. But if you are keeping track and it will have any effect on whether you send other racial jokes to the list, then put me down as offended--and let's have a post from every other offended person--because racist jokes should not even EXIST much less be posted on this list which has people from many different races as subscribers. As we tell our students at UMC, you must THINK about WHO will be the reader... > I am so tired of hearing about discrimination. I am also tired of having to > watch every single word (and letter) that I speak and type. I draw no > boundaries....and unfortunately expect others to do the same. Why can't we > all just laugh together and understand that everyone has their own opinion > and get over it. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I'm certain that those who suffer discrimination--women, racial and religious minorities alike--are "tired" of it, too, but that doesn't make it go away. Unfortunately watching every word is the only way to end discrimination because language is much more than a way to communicate. Language shapes reality. If we continue to use he and his and him as a neutral term, it reinforces the idea that men or the masculine are somehow the ideal person. In the same way, if we tell sexist and racist and anti-religious jokes, we perpetuate the sterotypes and derogatory attitudes that exist in American culture. We make them sound "okay" and people feel comfortable having them. As long as that is true, discrimination will continue...and we all lose when discrimination exists. Darlene Sybert vsa ********************************************************************* Talent develops in tranquillity, character in the full current of human life. -Goethe ********************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: mandy welch Date: Sun, 09 Feb 1997 11:11:44 -0800 Subject: Re: RS: Winged Creatures swap, Official Name of swap Winged Creatures. Hosted by Mandy Welch aka Mellowyellow E-mail Due date 31st March Status Open Mailing info SAML + $2 towards return postage Details 5 for 5 cards, bookmarks, pins etc with any winged creature on, could be Birds, Butterflies, Bats, Fantasy Dragons, even pigs fly sometimes :) sign ups so far Suki Aitcheson Rebecca Dawson Jen Mercer Ginny Newman Peggy Watson Lisa Wynn Mandy Welch Cassia Maria Nasser Cynthia Sillitoe Crystal Gay *Received* Holly Rubberincess Cindy Sutherland Michele-Monarchstamper Vicki Couture send finished masterpieces to Mandy Welch 91 Holt Road Fakenham Norfolk NR21 8DZ, ENGLAND. ------------------------------ From: (Lisa Thompson) Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 16:28:14 -0600 Subject: RS TAN art/photos on postage stamps Here is the answer I received from the company that makes these stamps >Dear Lisa, Thanks for your enquiry about stamp blanks. I'll send you information = on sizes and prices in the next day or so. I'm preparing now for a = rubber-stamp show and artistamp congress in San Mateo Feb. 22-23, and = will from Feb. 18-26, but will get back to you as soon after that as = possible. Meanwhile, GO BANANAS! Anna Banana Fax: (604)885-7183, Phone: (604)885-7156 I'll let you all know when I hear more. Lisa ------------------------------ From: (Lisa Thompson) Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 15:46:47 -0600 Subject: RE: RS St. Louis Convention Here is the info on the winter retreat at Amish Country in Festus, since the convention has been canceled. Mary Jo McGraw is teaching 4 classes on Friday, March 7, and two on Saturday. They are $25.00 each and are Creativity Workshop 8:00 a.m. Friday Mini Memory Book 11:00 a.m. Friday Stained, Tinted & Stamped Vellum 2:00 p.m. Friday Antique It 7:00 p.m. Friday Elegant Embellishments 9:00 a.m. Saturday Technique Overview 1:00 p.m. Saturday The classes are limited, and you have to pay ahead to be registered. You can take all 6 classes for $125.00. The store will also have her book for sale at $21.99 and Mary Jo will sign it for you. Toybox Rubber Stamps will give free demonstrations at 4:00 p.m. Friday and 6:00 p.m. Saturday. Stamp Out Saturday night 8:00 p.m. till ?????? $10 plus snack The telephone number for Amish Country is 314-937-1616. Call early! ------------------------------ From: mandy welch Date: Sun, 09 Feb 1997 11:21:12 -0800 Subject: Re: RS: Summer Flowers swap Official Name of swap Summer Flowers Hosted by Mandy Welch aka Mellowyellow E-mail Due date 30th April Status open Mailing info SAML+ $2 towards postage Details 5 for 5 cards, bookmarks, pins etc stamped with anything Floral. Sign ups so far Ginny Newman Peggy Watson Rebecca Dawson Lisa Wynn Mandy Welch Tracey Carr Linda Lewis Sheila Keyman Cassia Maria Nasser Christy Leonard Wendy Bean Tonya Rilling Cheryl Summers Cindy Piet Hollie Smith Nicole Humphrey Janice Cowell Cindy Sutherland Nancy Curry Carey Rogers Cathy Lilly Stampalesa Alice Tripp Karen Barnes anyone else ??????? send finished masterpieces to Mandy Welch 91 Holt Road Fakenham Norfolk NR21 8DZ, ENGLAND ------------------------------ From: "M. Royersmith" Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 14:24:25 -0500 Subject: Re: NEED RS ROOM IDEAS At 11:54 AM 2/8/97 -0800, Ziada Family wrote: >Well friends, today I will be painting my soon to be RS ROOM!!!!!! >So I need help in making my little RS heaven a very special and >funcional place. Please help me with your ideas and suggestion for >storage possibilities, decorations, amenities, and other things that >will make this a very special and practical work room . I do have a few >$$ set aside to invest on this, so let your ideas flow!!!!! Love to all, Congratulations, Zonia! That is wonderful!! What fun you must be having! I am sort of a beginner at stamping, but I have already accumulated quite a bit of stuff myself. Here is one thing I have done. I bought a filing cabinet. One drawer is only for catalogs, in alphabetical order. Another drawer is for different kinds of paper, just my 8.5x11 sheets in different colors. I arranged them in folders according to colors of the rainbow. Reds, pinks, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, purples, and neutrals last. Another drawer is for my rubber stamp magazines, not too many there yet though. And the last drawer is for my misc. stuff like correspondence info, pages out of mags or printed off the computer that have stamp ideas on them, cards, etc. It works really well for me. Although I am sure one day I will need another cabinet probably just for paper! I don't have enough stamps yet for a whole wall, but I keep mine in a small 6-drawer plastic rolling thing I bought at Staples. I keep my stamp tools in the top drawer of this. And then I have two smaller plastic drawer sets for keeping smaller papers, cards, collage items, etc. All my color pencils, markers, scissors, and edgers I keep on my desk in a clear acrylic thing I found at Ace Hardware that is supposed to hold your remote controls and tv guide. I keep real teeny items in one of those many drawered things from hardware stores that are supposed to hold nails/screws/bolts/etc. And all my envelopes are standing upright in a metal basket thingy so I can see what I have. All this stuff is either stuffed in my office closet or under my desk! I really didn't mean to go on about my stamp/office room, but I am curious to hear what other people do! Amethyst ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. --Mark Twain ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 17:36:30 -0500 (EST) Subject: Laurel Burch & Mary Engelbreit Phew! I did it. Got those pages up pretty quick, eh?? Give that girl a pat on the back. Check out the stamps I ordered (so they aren't here yet, be patient!!) at: Mary Engelbreit: Laurel Burch: And of course you know about Pooh Bear (Yes, you can order single alphabet letters OR entire sets) Let me know if you want something! Wenonah ------------------------------ From: "Deborah K. Johnson" Date: Sat, 8 Feb 97 22:37:48 UT Subject: RE: Offensive Jokes/Humor --- NOW A FLAME !!! There are many points in the reply below that I would *like* to comment on - however, I will address only the following: - - the statement that only 3 people took exception to the original posting - You only *heard* from 3 people. Silence cannot be taken as tacit agreement. - - the statement that "some things aren't worth arguing about" - True, some things are small potatoes, but those potatoes can pile up into great big ol' mountains unless someone starts peeling... Peace to you as well - I'm back to the stamping thing... Deborah J. - ---------- From: Sent: Saturday, February 08, 1997 11:52 AM To: Cc: Subject: Offensive Jokes/Humor --- NOW A FLAME !!! ------------------------------ From: Bonnie Linhart Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 14:44:05 -0800 Subject: Lass Creations:Clearsnap Okay, okay!!! This is my last offer!! Since this is my first order with Clearsnap, will offer 35% off retail, plus shipping, depending on what you order. Will do priority mail, unless it's a big order, or if you prefer not to. Overseas and Canada are actual shipping. Will except money orders or checks in US. Overseas and Canada; US Funds only. Need to have your $ sent when you place the order. I will confirm with you, then you send your check or mo. I will take orders through midnight Feb. 20 Clearsnap catalogs can be bought from the company at 1 800 448-4862 in Washington. It will cost you the same either way. It will be faster for you to order these yourselves. You should ask for "complete retail catalogs" They are $5. Email me privately if you want a price list. It's long, so please be sure you really want it. K? Hope to hear from you soon! Bonnie Lass - -- Bonnie "Lass" Linhart Lass Creations 6339 Ventura Lane Central Point, OR 97502-9355 ------------------------------ From: carrubba Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 14:51:48 -0800 Subject: Messages After being unable to retrieve messages for almost two days I can now get them. If anyone has sent me a message, could you please resend. Thank you - -- Bye for now Daybreak(Debbie) ------------------------------ From: Joyful Stamper Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 16:51:56 -0800 Subject: Re: Hello Try this one for size > As some of you may know In the Fall I plan on opening shop ( A real live one > with lots of Stamps!!! ) Anyway I have been checking out location after > location and yesterday I came across a USED TO BE Resturant fast food type > all the fast food stuff was out of there with the exeption of this Thick > heavy Wooden Counter/Bar What you think about adding stools and doing the > Demos behind the bar area all day well you know what I mean offering coffee > and then while doing classes ! This seems peachy keen to me Please I > encourage and wellcome ALL OPINIONS Let me have it This wont work/ This is > a very cool Idea! Come one come all Love you all Peace > LMJCAT>>>>>>>>>>>>Lisa Oh and TIA YES YES YES!!! It sounds absolutely wonderful!! You are in the Detroit area, right??? (so I can go there too!) "Formal" Demos set up; a place where people can "try before they buy"; "informal" demos of techniques for individuals and answering questions as they come up (how does this embossing powder look? What does this ink pad look like..) type stuff. GO FOR IT, GIRL!!!! ------------------------------ From: (Lisa Thompson) Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 16:37:49 -0600 Subject: RS-Official Goddess Swap We've got lots of interest this time Yay! So it is now official. Goddess swap hosted by Lisa Thompson 5 for 5 pc's $1.00 postage Due April 22 Use at least one Acey Deucy or other Goddess stamp e-mail me for my address This is going to be so much fun!!! ------------------------------ From: mandy welch Date: Sun, 09 Feb 1997 11:50:30 -0800 Subject: Re: RS: Favourite phrase or saying swap Official Name of swap Favourite phrase or saying Hosted by Mandy Welch akaMellowyellow E-mail Due date 31st July Status Open Mailing info SAML+$2 towards postage. Details Use a favourite phrase or saying with suitable stamps to decorate cards, bookmarks etc. 5 for 5 sign ups Peggy Watson Ginny Newman Holly Holden Lisa Wynn Mandy Welch Tracey Carr Cassia Maria Nasser Ma Vinci Dana Wood Cheryl Simmers Holli Smith Cynthia Sillitoe Jody Morrison Cindy Sutherland Mail to Mandy Welch 91 Holt Road Fakenham Norfolk NR21 8DZ, ENGLAND. ------------------------------ From: mandy welch Date: Sun, 09 Feb 1997 11:40:17 -0800 Subject: Re: RS: Independance Day swap Official Name of Swap Independance Day Hosted by Mandy Welch E-mail status open Due date May 31st Mailing info SAML+ $2 towards postage Details Decorate cards, pins, bookmarks etc with all the razz matazz of the fourth of July. 5 for 5 . Sign ups Ginny Newman Holly Holden Becky Dawson Mandy Welch Inkerdinker Kandee Debbie-Wantastamp Debbie-LadyRoslyn Nicole Humphrey Linda Lewis Send finished masterpieces to Mandy Welch 91 Holt Road Fakenham Norfolk NR21 8DZ, ENGLAND ------------------------------ From: mandy welch Date: Sun, 09 Feb 1997 11:45:03 -0800 Subject: Re: RS: Fruit and Vegetable swap Official Name of Swap Fruit and Vegetables Hosted by Mandy Welch aka Mellowyellow E-mail Due date 30th June Status Open Mailing info SAML+$2 towards postage Details 5 for 5 cards,bookmarks, pins decorated with fruit vegetables or both. sign ups so far Rebecca Dawson Ginny Newman Lisa Wynn Tracey Carr Mandy Welch Cindy Sutherland Suzanne Owen send finished creations to Mandy Welch 91 Holt Road Fakenham Norfolk NR21 8DZ, ENGLAND ------------------------------ From: Smith Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 16:04:15 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: Hello Try this one for size On Sat, 8 Feb 1997 wrote: > As some of you may know In the Fall I plan on opening shop ( A real live one > with lots of Stamps!!! ) Anyway I have been checking out location after > location and yesterday I came across a USED TO BE Resturant fast food type > all the fast food stuff was out of there with the exeption of this Thick > heavy Wooden Counter/Bar What you think about adding stools and doing the > Demos behind the bar area all day well you know what I mean offering coffee > and then while doing classes ! This seems peachy keen to me Please I > encourage and wellcome ALL OPINIONS Let me have it This wont work/ This is > a very cool Idea! Come one come all Love you all Peace > LMJCAT>>>>>>>>>>>>Lisa Oh and TIA > I really like this idea! You're not in Tucson are you? Darn. Rosemarie ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 18:09:10 -0500 (EST) Subject: In Regards to: Try this one on Thank You all for the great input By the way the shop is going to be in Orange County California All the legal stuff is done What am i waiting for I have a 4 year old and in September he will be going to Kindergarden Im taking these last 9 months to spend with him : ) Anyway.......The Name of the store is YOUR PAD OR MINE................. Come check it out If any of you want to go on the mailing list to get the GRAND OPENING FLYER Let me Know ! Until then Thank You again ! This seems to be a great idea , and yes there are several stores in Orange County But this is a big big city and ..........None have buterscotch coffee In all seriousness I like to think like a customer would think I am a GOOD one! And I go to all and I do mean all the stores in the area and besides Im one cool cat Build it they will come heheheheheeheheheh Ciao Lisa ------------------------------ From: Darlene Sather Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 06:30:38 -0800 Subject: Scuze me.... Whaddaya mean not heavenly? This body is very heavenly....well the Sister Sather side, the TOD side is my evil twin. Sister TOD - ---------- From: hornbrkj Sent: Friday, February 07, 1997 2:57 PM To: Mars Mannix; Subject: Re: RS:TAN: Pontificating humor