From: To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #168 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Saturday, 8 February 1997 Volume 02 : Number 168 In this issue: Re: TAN: Giggles and Peter... Re: RS: DOTS heart boxes, huh? Re: RS: TAN: Valentines' Day Re: Swaps RE: Hello Try this one for size BD inspiration Pat Vidal Re: A message from "Your SSS" RE: RS: Clubs - just curious what others do. TAN>my stamp class today Karen Regan Re: NEED RS ROOM IDEAS RE: RS milk caps Re: new to the rubber stampers list Re: RS: Winged Things (possible swap idea) Terri Bear's SSS please contact me Re: Stampo Spiders Re: Ant Judy Please Re: TAN: juno's inbox capacity? Springtime Postoid Swap Proposal See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Patti Welsh) Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 18:02:21 EST Subject: Re: TAN: Giggles and Peter... Yes you will. For US, you'll do anything. and Especially if Linda asks nice. Did you want a heart shaped cookie too, little boy? Have you been good? StamPatti, vsa & vsr Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture! On Sat, 08 Feb 1997 01:33:54 EST writes: >Thanks a lot Patti. Believe me she does not need encouragement, but >like I told you both Hot Pink is a definte big fat, no no! No way. No >how! Ain't gonna do it, so don't nobody even think about goin' down >that road! > > >PeterPan >If You Believe, Anything Is Possible, >after all, >Perception is Reality >COME ON APRIL!!! > >On Sat, 8 Feb 1997 00:27:05 EST (Patti Welsh) >writes: >> >>StamPatti, vsa & vsr >>Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture! >> >> >>Linda - I thought you were making an announcement today about Peter's > >>tights. >> >> >>StamPatti, vsa & vsr >>Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture! >> ------------------------------ From: (Patti Welsh) Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 20:24:54 EST Subject: Re: RS: DOTS heart boxes, huh? On Sat, 8 Feb 1997 12:41:59 -0600 "Nancy Curry" writes: >Good Saturday afternoon, > >Remember, I am the person who gets lost in malls >that I frequent. There is a part of my brain that got left behind >during labor, I guess. You shoulda seen this woman wandering up and down the aisles in the WalMart parking lot today with her basket full of prchases and a very bewildered expression on her face. Guess she forgot where she parked her car (or Heaven forbit - I suppose it might have been stolen). It really was kinda funny to see her face as she went back and forth from one row of cars to the next, and back again to a row she'd already done. Like ya know, "I'm sure I parked the car in Row C, but it doesn't seem to be there. Maybe it was last week I parked in Row C. Maybe it's in Row D today. No? Oh, well, perhaps I'll try Row B. Not here either. I better check Row C again..." I sat watching for a while but I finally had to leave. I don't know if she EVER found her car. In the end, I felt really sorry for her and I really wanted to help her, though I don't know how I could have, but OTOH, I didn't want to embarass her by letting her know I'd been watching her bewilderment either. StamPatti, vsa & vsr Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture! ------------------------------ From: (Patti Welsh) Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 17:55:31 EST Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Valentines' Day Pink milk is Good! You just put strawberry Quick in it. Delicious. REally. REally. REally. Would I lie to you? StamPatti, vsa & vsr Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture! On Sat, 08 Feb 1997 00:56:11 EST (Linda S. Skirvin) writes: > milk???? Geez, I have a blue john, embossed night >gowns, a chocolateless room and now you want me to drink pink milk???? > StamPatti what have I ever done to you????? > >Giggles and Grins! >Love, Linda > > >On Sat, 8 Feb 1997 00:28:24 EST (Patti Welsh) >writes: >>Oh, me fer sure. I'll even put out heart shaped cookies and pink >>milk. >> >>StamPatti, vsa & vsr >>Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture! >> >> >> >>On Fri, 07 Feb 1997 22:32:39 EST (Linda S. Skirvin) > >>writes: >>>Ok, now let's see there was Giggles and Santa.......Giggles and Ole' > >>>Father it is only natural that it should be Giggles >and >> >>>Cupid........ummmmm......and to think that Giggles lives in >>>Loveland!!! Well, seems only fair to me that I get to help cupid >>this >>>year then. ok, let's hear who everyone wants to be with on >>>Valentines' Day. Now since the next torture session is two days >>>before Valentine's Day.....I will need this info ASAP or you will >>just >>>get an arrow in the butt instead of the heart!!! Yikes! You better > >>>hope I'm not the one shooting the arrows!!! >>> >>>Giggles and Grins! >>>Love, Linda ------------------------------ From: (Patti Welsh) Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 21:16:22 EST Subject: Re: Swaps AS a hostess this would not bother me at all as long as the committment is met by the stamper. After all, the more people who join our "movement" the better. Don't you think? As long as they send all the stuff they are supposed to, what difference does it make if they're on the list or not. As a stamper, especially on a list this size, I'm not even likely to realize that someone in the swap isn't on the list, so again, what difference does it make. As I've been in many swaps where there were stampers included who were not on the particular list involved and they worked through one of the list stampers as Barb has proposed to do. We always had their participation and obligations fulfilled. It seems to me that if they have enough interest to want to join a list swap, they surely would be worth having in the swap. As a matter of fact, I have taken my XANTH swap to both AOL and GEnie as well as a private list, and offered them the opportunity to join too. It never occurred to me that someone might object to this and I didn't think to ask permission. And indeed, as the hostess, I believe I don't NEED to ask anyone's permission. As a fellow swapper though, I would do as Barb did and ask if it would be ok to bring outsiders in, but I would ask the hostess of the specific swap they are interested in. StamPatti, vsa & vsr Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture! On Sat, 8 Feb 1997 12:35:42 -0800 (PST) Barbara Holl writes: > >Hello All, > >If you are doing a swap at the present time, please let me know how >you >feel about people who are not on the list participating. > >At our club meeting several people expressed an interest in joining >some >swaps, but they are not even on-line, and would go through me. If you >don't want to do this it won't upset me as I can see some pitfalls, >but it >is another way to get new ideas - for the people here and those that >are >not on-line. > >I'd also like the opinions of anyone who would like to express >themselves. > >Please, no flames, just express your opinion and to me privately. > >Barbara (StampBear) > > > > ------------------------------ From: "Beverly Blacow" Date: Sun, 9 Feb 97 02:44:54 UT Subject: RE: Hello Try this one for size It depends where this counter is located as to whether it would work or not. if nothing else you can use it for ou ring out counter. I think doing demos from a long table people can either sit around or gather around would work better for demos.Or you can use the counter for display purposes display a stamp of the month or a display of cards that have been made by other customers and fellow stampers to give shoppers ideas nd promote more sales..... Where is your store to be located??? Bev - ---------- From: Sent: Saturday, February 08, 1997 10:50 AM To: Subject: Hello Try this one for size As some of you may know In the Fall I plan on opening shop ( A real live one with lots of Stamps!!! ) Anyway I have been checking out location after location and yesterday I came across a USED TO BE Resturant fast food type all the fast food stuff was out of there with the exeption of this Thick heavy Wooden Counter/Bar What you think about adding stools and doing the Demos behind the bar area all day well you know what I mean offering coffee and then while doing classes ! This seems peachy keen to me Please I encourage and wellcome ALL OPINIONS Let me have it This wont work/ This is a very cool Idea! Come one come all Love you all Peace LMJCAT>>>>>>>>>>>>Lisa Oh and TIA ------------------------------ From: "Mark Nolan" Date: Sun, 9 Feb 97 02:52:53 UT Subject: BD inspiration Sorry if this is a repeat, I have not seen it come through yet or received any responses, so here it is again. I enjoyed the wallpaper and valentine info so much that I was wondering if any of you would consider giving some BD card inspiration??? Thanks K-inks at ------------------------------ From: "Mark Nolan" Date: Sun, 9 Feb 97 02:57:29 UT Subject: Pat Vidal Can you e-mzil me your snail addy so I can get a sample of the fun wire to try ??? Thanks K-inks ------------------------------ From: Elaine Morgan Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 22:01:52 +0000 Subject: Re: A message from "Your SSS" Yeah, sneaky SSS, but you had better be careful because I am just like a hound dog....sniff sniff... and woof woof!! Inkynails Elaine Carpe Diem! Your SSS wrote: > > Heh, heh, heh...I've been playing this game with my SS for > awhile now...she knows who she is...she doesn't know who *I* > am though!! Not now, and not ever, until I tell her!! > > (Oh, when you set up your fake Juno account with your secret > name, and you're filling in the profile section, and it asks for > your "name," for goodness sake DON'T put your REAL name! That > will show up in your email...My first name is YOUR and my last > name is SSS...Ha ha ha!!!) > > Having a ball! > > You-(don't)-know-who! ------------------------------ From: "Beverly Blacow" Date: Sun, 9 Feb 97 02:55:12 UT Subject: RE: RS: Clubs - just curious what others do. Our stamp club meets the first Tues. of every month. We meet at the local stamp store. We work on a project the store supplies all the materials ( costs $10.00) a month. We talk exchange ideas, Do a card swap, Make bithday cards for the people having bithdays in the month we meet. Have lots a fun and get away from the house and kids for a few hours once a month. Bev - ---------- From: mona everett (Poste Haste) Sent: Saturday, February 08, 1997 7:38 AM To: Rubberstampers@firewall.GEnie.NET Subject: Re: RS: Clubs - just curious what others do. Our "club" is so loosely formed that we don't have a name! We are just any local stampers who are free on the first Wed. night who want to come to what we call Share Night at our local stamp store. We can bring a project we're working on and/or show and tell. We provide our own supplies, altho' if we forget something the store owner will let us use her class supplies. We stamp and talk for a couple of hours, then sometimes go out for frozen custard. Just a nice time away and a chance to stamp. Mona Poste Haste ------------------------------ From: (Laurie R Morrison) Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 19:54:16 PST Subject: TAN>my stamp class today I taught a Beginning stamp class today and had a blast! I've taught many many classes and have always had a fun time but today we laughed a lot. I love teaching and giving people the "tools" they need to create albeit, a simple card at first, but seeing the light come on....well it's great~ Here's to all the Newbies....I was there once too. in ink, Laurie ------------------------------ From: "Mark Nolan" Date: Sun, 9 Feb 97 03:01:10 UT Subject: Karen Regan Well, How was it???? I'd love to hear all about it. Especially the inklings domo.. can you e-mail me at and leave me your e-mail addy??? ZThanks. Kathy ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 22:04:37 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: NEED RS ROOM IDEAS CONGRATS on the new room. My hubby got me one of those filing cabinets that lthe bank used for holding signature cards, I put my stamps in it then use a plastic rolling cabinet to hold my papers and envelopes..My pens are in wooden baskets that I painted then stamped on..Ink pads are stacked in another container..Good luck with the new room and please let us know what you finally come up with.. Thumper Debbie ------------------------------ From: "Beverly Blacow" Date: Sun, 9 Feb 97 03:07:43 UT Subject: RE: RS milk caps Great deal on the pogs. I bought a bunch when Toy R US got rid of theirs. I use them to make trading pins. I also use them for the kids party so the kids can make their own party favors. When I bought my pogs, I also bought the pog maker, It cut paper to fit the pogs, great to use with old wrapping paper, sunday funnies or magazines. Bev - ---------- From: Sent: Saturday, February 08, 1997 3:58 PM To: Subject: Re: RS milk caps the target by my house has blank milk caps on clearance. Packages of 75 for $ 1.25. 30 of them are sticky on both sides. They had 5 -6 packages left this morning. Does anyone want some or does anyone have any ideas on how to use them? RubberBlubber (just back from seeing Star Wars on the big screen!) ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 22:12:15 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: new to the rubber stampers list Welcome to the list. Sorry to hear about you losses.. May God be with you and your husband during this difficult time in your lives..Through him all things are possible.. Thumper Debbie ------------------------------ From: "Pamela D. Moore" Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 21:19:36 -0500 Subject: Re: RS: Winged Things (possible swap idea) Did this ever become official? I may have missed the post. Thanks >How about a swap for "winged things"? Anything that can fly and has wings >(duh..) bugs, butterflies, birds, angels, or anything that you want to add >wings to--RBBB has a cool set of wings that can be added to any stamp to >make it flyable (is that a real word??)--and I have seen other catalogs with >them. > >So how about it--5/6; anything accepted (bookmarks, magnets, jewelry, cards >postcards, etc.) > >Due some time in May? > >If I hear from 5 people I will make it official (um, can I do that? Just >pronounce it I am a queen...ooh i like it...he he) *************************************************** Pamela Moore Humboldt, Tennessee "Living is easy with eyes closed; misunderstanding all you see." - -- J. Lennon *************************************************** ------------------------------ From: Bonnie Linhart Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 19:21:17 -0800 Subject: Terri Bear's SSS please contact me Sorry to post this to the list, but I am the go between and need to have Terri Bear's SSS contact me. I have a message for you. Bonnie Lass - -- Bonnie "Lass" Linhart Lass Creations 6339 Ventura Lane Central Point, OR 97502-9355 ------------------------------ From: (Patti Welsh) Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 22:22:57 EST Subject: Re: Stampo Spiders My cats LOVE those spiders. They pick them up and shake them, throw them in the air and pounce on them, toss them away and chase them, bring them to us to play and fetch. They never seem to tire of playing with their Stampo Spiders. At bedtime we have to hide them under our pillows so we can get some sleep. Every now and then one gets lost. Then, whether or not I need stamping supplies I have to place an order with Stampo, just so I can get more spiders and flies. Don't you feel sorry for poor me. Just imagine having to order from Stampo.. tssk tssk tssk, poor lil ole me. StamPatti, vsa & vsr Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture! On Sat, 8 Feb 97 21:35:20 UT "Wayne Gartley" writes: >LOL... can't wait to hear how many times you get DH with that spider. >I've >heard such funny stories about those spiders... last week, someone >told me she >poked it under the bathroom door when her daughter was in there and >scared her >half to death. Cats seem to have an affinity for those spiders as >well! > >Stampo > ------------------------------ From: (Patti Welsh) Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 21:48:09 EST Subject: Re: Ant Judy Please Havae you tried cc:ing yourself? I seem to not be getting mine either. I'm going to try that and see what happens. StamPatti, vsa & vsr Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture! On Sat, 08 Feb 1997 17:14:36 -0500 "Mariann at S.C.P. Stamps" writes: >Hi, >Please E-Mail me if you get this. Because, I've been sending >messages >to the list and I hav'nt recieved any of my own messages. So I don't >know if anyone else is getting them either. In the past, I would >always be able to see my own messages that I post to the list. But, >They are not coming to me. I'm a little worried. Because I just >recieved my February SS Package and I posted that I recieved it. I >just want to make sure that the person who sent it to me saw my post. >Sorry to sound so distraught. I think you understand. >Thank You >"Luv" >Mariann Skears > > ------------------------------ From: (Patti Welsh) Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 22:24:11 EST Subject: Re: TAN: juno's inbox capacity? Sue , Those messages are in the JUNO directory on YOUR PC. Not on Juno's server anymore. The limit for your INBOX is probably related to the size of your Hard Drive's unused space or the size file your program (even Juno's inbox) can handle. For example. If I want to look at my inbox using a WINDOWS editing program like Notebook or Write, when there are lots of messages in there, the file is too big, then Notebook won't/can't open the file, while Write can and Juno, obviously can. But the original question was how many messages before the JUNO MAILbox (not your personal inbox) gets full, and this question refers to the JUNO server mailbox (where they sit between the time other people send them to you and the time you download them), and how many can wait there for distribtion. So far, we haven't discovered a limit. Not to say that there isn't one, just that so far, no one that we know has reached it. StamPatti, vsa & vsr Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture! On Sat, 8 Feb 1997 19:33:44 PST (Sue A Bell) writes: > >How can you have 500 unread messages? It is my understanding (I have >tried Juno myself when installing it for several of my friends) that >once >you logged on you download ALL the mail and then you are >automatically logged off. What you probably have is 500 unread mail in >YOUR >>harddrive not at Juno. > > >I'd like to know the answer to Juno's capacity also. At the present >time I have 519 messages in my mailbox and have only read half of >them. In JUNO you can click on each individual post if you want to >read it. BUT, you can easily scroll down the upteen subject areas >that do not interest you, thereby NOT READING them and they remain in >the JUNO directory until you delete them. > >Her 500 messages ARE IN the JUNO directory. ------------------------------ From: Bonnie Linhart Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 19:31:21 -0800 Subject: Springtime Postoid Swap Proposal Does anyone else want to play? So far I have: Whistlestamp Debbie Gribbin Jessica Gribbin Me You???? Need one more to make it official! > > This is Bonnie Lass again. I had so much fun with Ant Judy's postoid > swap, I want to do another one! Each participant will do 30 postoids, > 10 each of 3 groups. The theme: Springtime!! That means, bunnies, > frogs, Mother's Day, candy, flowers! Whatever you think of when you > think of spring. No really super weird allowed in any of my swaps! > (I'm not that kind of woman! tee hee)Sign ups would be until March 7 and > due back to me say April 7. So, do you want to play? Let me know. > > -- > Bonnie "Lass" Linhart > Lass Creations > 6339 Ventura Lane > Central Point, OR 97502-9355 - -- Bonnie "Lass" Linhart Lass Creations 6339 Ventura Lane Central Point, OR 97502-9355 ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #168 ************************************ To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.