From: (rubberstampers-digest) To: Subject: rubberstampers-digest V2 #1799 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk rubberstampers-digest Thursday, April 2 1998 Volume 02 : Number 1799 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 21:32:20 EST From: (Linda S Skirvin) Subject: Re: RS: Angel Flight card from Giggles Which Angel stamp did you get? I will be glad to tell you if you let me know. It sounds like the one from Phil if the background was wallpaper. Giggles to you always! Love, Linda On Thu, 02 Apr 1998 13:41:08 -1000 Daniel & Lisa Cisneros writes: >Thank you so much for the beautiful card. It came in an angel envy, >and >what pretty background paper you used!! It looks like marbelized >clouds. >I love the stamp of the angels in the clouds. Who makes that stamp? >Again, thanks for the card :) Lisa Cisneros >This message was from Daniel & Lisa Cisneros >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (Linda S Skirvin) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 19:06:44 -0800 From: "Stamp-N-NUT!" Subject: Fw: RS: Was weight-loss device... Now WOW chips Have you read the warning on the back of the bags., Might cause abdominal cramping and diarrhea Kinda scary thinking of that while eating. Once you read how olestra is digested it's not a pretty thought. YUK Hugs ! Thea Boschma Stamp-N-NUT! > Date: Thursday, April 02, 1998 4:37 PM > > Oooh, Gloria. > > They are test-marketing those chips out here. They are incredible. We can > get them in Ruffles, Regular, BBQ and Dorito Nacho Cheese. My co-workers > couldn't BELIEVE it when they tasted them. One of them accused the Frito-Lay > people of merely false advertising, and is convinced they are full of fat. I, > on the other hand, am still trying to figure out how something that feels > greasy can be fat-free. > > One thing is for sure. When they start making Mayonnaise out of this.... I > AM THERE. > > Serene > This message was from SereneGirl > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from "Stamp-N-NUT!" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 20:54:35 EST From: (teresa o durn) Subject: RS: (LONG) WOW-April SSS is no Joke! April 1st came and went and you can imagine my hesitancy to open the box the mailman left on the front porch. Was it a practical joke? No clue it was from my SSS until I opened it and and what a package it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was one giant Easter basket full of all sorts of goodies. All colors of Easter grass filled the box along with jelly beans throughout (YUM YUM - those are history!) and beautifully wrapped packages. I got some great jewel tone glue that I've actually been using all day! It reminds me of a combination between the AIG glue and PPA. Pretty neat stuff. I also got the most beautiful wildflower calendar that my SS said I could use for envies and I can but not until NEXT YEAR! These flowers are going to be out in the house with me for the rest of the year! :-) Oh and a wonderful Collage Easter card on bright spring green cardstock with all sorts of neat papers attached and some cool gold stuff and a fat old sleeping bunny whose full of carrots! :-) SS you did play a joke on me even though you maybe weren't trying! I found the easter egg full of jelly beans and confess I gobbled it up immediatly! They were soooo good! Then I picked up one of the many wrapped packages and felt it and thought, OH a BIG bag of jelly beans - HA HA HA - it was a big bag allright but of assorted buttons! Wouldn't want to eat THOSE! :-) Maybe you had to be there but I was laughing at myself! :-) And I do love all the buttons, there are some very unique and pretty ones in this bag. I also got a cute little stuffed bunny and a little stuffed chick and a little adorable bunny ornament. My SS knows I love to decorate for the holidays, in fact thats what I'll be doing tomorrow! I got literally TONS of stamps, you totally blew me away - AGAIN!!!!! I love all the Non Sequitor stamps, the giraffe, hippos, the neat Egyptian one and the cute bunnies, oh and the sand bucket and celestial looking one. They are all great and you know I love them as they were on my list! :-) Thank you, Thank you!!!!! I also got a bright yellow designed pencil which is nice and springy looking and a white ink pad and then more stamps!!!!! Not one but 2 stampin up sets!!!!! I got the wheel barrow flower set I had wanted which is great since I might not be abel to have a real garden this year but I can stamp gardens to my hearts content with this set AND you should have heard the ooohs and ahhhhs when I opened my working woman set!!!!! :-) My notepad from you is really getting low and I've been using it very sparingly. I'll be stamping some more of these up right away!!! :-) Last by not least is the Rubber Stamper Magazine and the focus this month is collages, thats perfect! I was actually doing collages today and with all the goodies you sent I'm well on my way to learning even more about this! I really can't wait to find out who you are! Thank you so much for EVERYTHING you do! You have truly made me feel very very special! Teresa aka That Durn Stamper _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (teresa o durn) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 20:17:48 -0400 From: "Judy Hornbrook" Subject: RS: Re: bleach embossing Do you think that the bleach would cause the rubber to break down? Ant Judy H. This message was from "Judy Hornbrook" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 22:29:48 EST From: SereneGirl Subject: Re: RS: Re: Re: Re:Was:Well ... pay attention!!- Instructions In a message dated 98-04-02 19:48:12 EST, WillnLiza writes: << OOOH...if a brother is available - I'll fight SereneGirl for him!! :) >> HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Singles girls get first dibs. This message was from SereneGirl - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 22:29:08 -0500 From: "Linda Farrell" Subject: RS: Envirotex Lite Thanks To all of you who helped me with suggestions for using the envirotex...we had a group last night making pins and magnets, and I used all the hints and tips you supplied, and it was a great success! No huge sculptures!!! Thanks again! Linda "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it, begin it now." (Goethe) This message was from "Linda Farrell" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 19:36:14 -0800 From: "Sharie Rose Soriano" Subject: RS: Angel Flight card from Giggles I received a beautiful card from Giggles, too! Thank you so much! It had 3 angels in the front stamped in blue, wings colored yellow and cut out with ripple edgers, then mounted on a clue cloudy type paper (did you stamp this yourself? love it!) then mounted on blue cs and sent in a clear envelope. Thank you so much! Sharie Rose Stamper Rosa ICQ # 7896146 This message was from "Sharie Rose Soriano" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 20:28:07 -0800 (PST) From: (Jody Morrison) Subject: RS: Angel card from Giggles What a georgous card! Now I know what everyone has been raving about. Thanks, sweetie, for sending this charmer to me.... Hugs, Jody This message was from (Jody Morrison) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 21:26:34 -0600 From: Sandy Lemons Subject: Re: tan: RS: Was weight-loss device... Now WOW chips Serene, From what I understand..and that may be very little ..the chips are NOT fat fact they are as full of fat as the regular kind. What the difference is, however is that the fat has been chemically/structurally altered on the molecular level for the fat molecule to be way too large to pass through the walls of our intestines. That is where we get the vast majority of our nutrition, calories and the like, not our stomachs, but it's absorbed through our intestinal walls. That is the reason that some people have gastro problems with's like a big ole dose of mineral oil when you're stopped up.... If I'm off base here, please someone speak up. I could very well have misunderstood what I was hearing on CNN. Sandy..they are not here yet :[ >on the other hand, am still trying to figure out how something that feels >greasy can be fat-free. > >One thing is for sure. When they start making Mayonnaise out of this.... I >AM THERE. > >Serene >This message was from SereneGirl >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > > This message was from Sandy Lemons - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 22:26:07 EST From: SereneGirl Subject: Re: RS: Re: frustrated? Well ... pay attention!! In a message dated 98-04-02 20:15:58 EST, anno writes: << I've wiped out the inbox, wiped out the other list I sub to, wiped out rubbertown at one point.. I was still subbed.. I made the folders again, the new mail went to 'em, but those welcome messages.. :::poof:::! >> and <> Whew. I'm pretty sure I couldn't use that program. I sure am glad I use AOL.... the J.C. Penney's of the Internet.... (Haven't you heard that slogan? J.C. Penney's covers the asses of the masses??) Anyways, wouldn't it just be easier if a requirement of using the RS list be that you just tattoo the Majordomo instructions on yer inner thigh? I mean.... someone else said a tattoo was like a rubber stamp, but permanent.... (Kinda like those Memories inkpads, apparently.....) Course, could be kinda embarrassing if you need to sub/unsub at the office, and you've got your skirt hiked up, and someone walks in as your reading your inner thigh and muttering Majordomo, Majordomo..... Serene This message was from SereneGirl - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 21:30:45 -0600 From: "Susan [_]o" Subject: RS: Want to be RAKed or RAK others? It is the greatest feeling to get a RAK card. If you have never been RAKed, email me your snail mail address and I'll add you to the list. If you would like to RAK others, email me and I'll forward you the list. A RAK is a Random Act of Kindness. When you send a RAK card you are expecting nothing in return, just the warm fuzzy feeling you get from cheering up someone else. Susan the RAK list keeper Susan aka CoffeeStamper You can't scare me...I have kids! This message was from "Susan [_]o" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 23:19:48 EST From: SereneGirl Subject: RS: Bleach stamping Hmmmm... We've been talking about this, so I brought the bleach up from the laundry room where it never gets used anyway. Poured some over a paper towel. Put stamp on it. Put stamp on paper. Got bleach marks on paper But not related to the stamp.... It was a word stamp. How do I make this stuff thick enough for it to hang on the rubber? Serene This message was from SereneGirl - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 22:33:04 EST From: MRuss72650 Subject: Re: tan: RS: RS Question of the Day - Corrugator as weight-loss device... Hey, We tried these at work. They are wonderful, not at all like the baked ones. They look, feel and taste just like real chips. Come in regular and mesquite. In my area the large size of chips are $2.99 and these are running $3.99, but they do have a $.99 smaller size. I urge everyone to give them a try. Heard some people have problems with the Olean, but no one at work experienced any stomach problems. Deborah This message was from MRuss72650 - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 23:37:40 EST From: MaltShake9 Subject: Re: RS: Re: :Was:Well ... pay attention!!- Instructions Sounds like the memorized speech he gives his wife everytime he puts something together wrong. Uh, oh, just kidding Chris, put that wrench down. :D Diane Green This message was from MaltShake9 - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 22:44:31 -0600 From: "Vittorio Scapellato" Subject: RS: Missing SS Post Help!!!! I sent my SS a package early last week and I have not seen a post about it!! Has everyone that received a package posted???? A Sad SS Send This message was from "Vittorio Scapellato" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 22:38:30 EST From: AsianStamp Subject: Re: RS: Re:Tsukineko Refills? In a message dated 98-04-02 16:00:48 EST, writes: << Does anyone carry these ink refills? I need 5 colors FAST! #134 Petal Pink #135 Hyacinth #136 Baby Blue #138 Seafoam #92 Silver >> Get yourself over to Stampo's last call sale!! All tskineko pigment refills are $1.33 each! (btw, order directly from the web form. he fills those first!!!). This message was from AsianStamp - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 23:47:43 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: RS: RAK Calendar Thought for 4/2/98 4/2/98 "There are no great people except those who have rendered service to humankind." *********************************************************** |=======| | * | |=======| Never give up on a dream because of the length of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 22:38:02 -0800 From: Lissa Albert Subject: Re: RS: Re: Wendy Bean's Mom's Store How about this weekend??? Hugs, Lissa WBean05495 wrote: > In a message dated 98-04-01 09:11:36 EST, you write: > > >You let me know when you can be there, and I'll make it my BUSINESS to go! > > > >Hugs, > >Lissa > > > > wrote: > > > >> Got me right at the moment. When will you be there next? > >> > >> Not you Wen, I KNOW when you'll be there, LOL! > >> > >> Hugs, > >> Don > >> > >> PeterPan > > I'm here whenever you guys want to come up (or down in Lissa's case) Check > out the monthly calendar I know you guys get in the mail and see if there is a > weekend that looks like you might want to come to VT. > > Love and hugs > > Wen > This message was from WBean05495 > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from Lissa Albert - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 21:05:05 -0000 From: "Nancy Dimich" Subject: RS: Uptown & Azadi Hello fellow stampers i am trying to meet my opening order with the following companys So i will offer 30% off all Azadi and Uptown rubber stamps...The order will be going in as soon as minimum is meet...For prices e-amil at the address below.... Nancy Scrapbookers Dream This message was from "Nancy Dimich" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 23:35:24 EST From: StampMaine Subject: RS: Stamp Maine's March SSS Received!! I thought I'd wait a day or so until I had time to describe the whole package, but, I'm still busy as all get out, and wanted to post, so nobody is left waiting!! My March SSS package was great!!! This month's theme was Green!!! Awesome!!!! All sorts of goodies in the color green!!! Plus, hand knitted/crocheted slippers for my gram, and a candle and holder for my daughter!! (both of whom I live with!! ) How thoughtful!!! Thank you so much!! ********Gram wants the pattern for these slippers!!! She is absolutely astounded by them!!!!!!!! Sorry for the short description, but the pillow is screaming out my name!!!! Annette The Stamp Maine-iac This message was from StampMaine - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 22:18:01 -0600 From: (Diane Nelsen) Subject: RS: Paper making I bought a beautiful book at Boarders called Scented Herb Papers by Polly Pinder put out by Search Press. $14.95 ISBN 0-85532-789-8. Nice big pictures, clear instructions on how to make paper and chapters on adding natural color, scenting paper, inlaying natural materials into paper, impressing objects into paper and using autumn leaves. It's not a thick book but lots of good info and makes it look like something you can do. I'm saving it for visiting my sister in San Francisco in August. She's made paper before and says it's messy but fun. Glitterbug personal replies to This message was from (Diane Nelsen) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 22:36:40 -0800 From: Lissa Albert Subject: RS: Card Ideas to share A rubberstamping post!! I have to share what I did for my dad's birthday today. I thought I'd have to reinvent the wheel, because I usually do that with my family and friends who have seen everything I'd done! I've done every 3-D card I know how to do, and was ready to learn a new difficult technique to knock his socks off! But what I did was cool (I thought so...). I took a kromekote card and stamped the candle from MOMR down the left-hand side, about 4 times. Then on the right hand side, I stamped a House Mouse guy with his arms crossed, looking toward the right (therefore away from the candles). Below him was an Ann-ticipations mouse, also looking grumpy and arms crossed, looking away from the candles I'd stamped. Below that, on the bottom, was little Michael, the Stampington boy with tattered clothes, head hidden in his hands, very sad. Colored it all in. I stamped multi-colored streamers and confetti, and on my computer, printed: "Getting old isn't so bad..." and inside, "when you consider that THESE are the benefits of becoming a grandfather!" And I had made him a bookmark on which I had put pictures of my sons on dark purple cardstock, laminated and deckle cut the edges. I also took another piece of the same color cardstock, cut it into a half-sheet and glued full-size pictures of the kids (one with my dad in it) wrote the dates under the pictures, stamped a border of stars in gold and silver, and laminated the whole thing, with holes punched in the top and a satin ribbon threaded through so he could hang it in his office. He was so thrilled with the whole thing, I felt amazing! It showed me that I don't have to go 4-D (after 3-D what else is there?) in order to impress! Thanks for reading this far...and as always, you're more than welcome to adapt and adopt my ideas. Hugs, Lissa This message was from Lissa Albert - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 22:35:28 EST From: RUFORGIVEN Subject: RS:4/3 Update**Christian Encouragement Swap** PLEASE READ!!!!!! Hi All! The swap cards are starting to come in! If you are wondering if I have received yours....... it will be so noted below! Just a few reminders.....part of the fun of this swap is to see what other Christian images are available...and where to find them! So PLEASE remember to note on each item what company the images are from!! You can do this by attaching a small note on the back of the item. It doesn't take a lot of time.....but is VERY meaningful to the receiver!! ALSO....PLEASE sign your work!!! Encouragers so far: 1. PAR521 - Pat - RECEIVED 2. Holmes864 - Theresa 3. JMitch8687 - Jill 4. - Michelle 5. - Cyndi 6. - Dolores 7. - Andrea 8. - Kathleen 9. SSwidryk - Sue 10. CFerr54660 - Carol 11. StmpNFaith - Becca 12. Stmpaholic - Laura 13. - Barb 14. ELRVISUALS - Ellanora 15. - Jan Marie 16. - Debi 17. D1derly - Debra 18. - Donna - RECEIVED 19. - Andrea 20. - Karen 21. DBergeson1 - Sally 22. Stampnmoma - Margie 23. Cmpsn22 - Amy 24. - Peggy 25. Mike Cadi - MK 26. - Jill 27. - Jana' - RECEIVED 28. - Anne 29. JMMCRAFT - Jeanne 30.Crzy2stmp - Ginny 31.GertOliver - Gert - RECEIVED 32. Sakamoto@Crocker.UCDavis.Edu - Sandi 33. - Michelle 34. - Amy - Vivian 36.MYDUKEDOG - JoAnna 37. SauniraeD - Sauni 38.Me 39.You? Come join the fun!! It will be great to see ...and find out the source of..... the Christian stamps others have acquired! 1Thessalonians 5:11! SWAP: Christian Encouragement HOSTESS: Jamie Dinnsen, 255 Joliette St., Manchester NH 03102 ITEMS: 6 for 5 cards, bookmarks or magnets DETAILS: Include Christian themed images and/or words in your art! MAILING INFO: Please send a self-addressed envelope with LOOSE postage equivalent to what it cost to mail your items....PLUS two extra stamps. Extra postage will be returned! POSTMARK: Mail to reach me by April 21st CHALLENGE: While you're at it.......make extras for the leaders of your church!! Now there are some people who could really USE some encouragement!!! Jamie :-) This message was from RUFORGIVEN - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 21:43:07 -0700 From: "K G Em" Subject: RS: Re: Gum Arabic Thank you Thank you Thank you To all of you who answered my questions. You guys are the greatest. Now I know where to find it, and also that it won't quite work the way I wanted it too. I also know I CAN use water based varnish to mix with the Pearl Ex and that I can get very easily. (If I don't already have it. Have to check through old painting supplies) :-) Happy Stamping Everyone Karen This message was from "K G Em" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 23:44:38 EST From: SwapPals Subject: RS: I've been rak'd by Jan, Tyra, and Tina Thank you Jan for the longaberger (easter) basket card. You know me - I love longabergers :) Did you just color it all in with colored pencils ? Did you just buy the card and the matching envelope or did you make both of those from scratch also ? Thank you Tyra for the stampscaped card. This is the neatest thing I've ever seen and although you assure me that I could do something like this - I'm still not convinced. It's a scene of a lake with an eagle flying overhead holding a fish in it's feet. I'm sure I'm not doing it justice with my explantion and for that I apologize.The wallpaper envelope with the angel confetti (is that the right term for what you used ?) on the front and the cherokee blessing on the back is very neat. You need to let me know where I can get that stamp :) Thank you Tina VerHulst for all of the wonderful wallpaper envelopes and the tissue paper ones too. Now if I could only learn how to make these myself. I assume the wallpaper ones are just a matter of using the template and cutting them out. The tissue paper ones are the ones I have no idea about :) Also thank you for the adorable card. It's a card with another piece of light gray cs layered on it with scalloped corners. Then there is a piece of wallpaper layered on that. Then there is mulberry paper (I'm not really sure what mulberry paper even is but from what people have described to me - I hope I'm right in my guess that this is it ) layered on that with a girl stamped on it in gold. Very neat card. My only question about it would be: How do you glue the mulberry paper to the wallpaper and have it lay so flat without any glue bubbled areas under it? Thank you to all three of you ladies for the things you sent me. I really appreciate your thoughfulness. I may have totally botched up my descriptions of what was sent so if I mislabeled something, please let me know :) Thanks so much, Jenn This message was from SwapPals - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 22:50:53 -0500 From: (Tonya L. Rilling) Subject: RS: AD:Special DEAL/Paper Grabbags-7 only I just made up 7 paper grabbags. These are priority mailers Packed with papers. Handmade, exotics, marbled, holographic, oragami, vellum, sticker. These are really great grabbags. All kinds, sizes and colors of papers in each one. Everyone is different. These are just a whole box of various papers that I had one or two of and I just packed the envys full. $15 each!!!! Includes postage. Tonya Rilling, Buffalo Stampede Art Stamps ((\@/))An Angel Company, selling mounted and unmounted stamps ***Now accepting Mastercard and Visa.,Catalogs $4 Visit my stamp web site at: _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (Tonya L. Rilling) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 23:23:06 -0800 From: Lissa Albert Subject: Re: (long!)Re: RS: magical mailart! Thanks for that very detailed reply to my questions...I knew about the time capsule from someone who'd gone to Stampa Barbara, but at the time I never had any ideas for it...hmmmmm...this has certainly turned a "key" in my brain ! In my opinion, you can never really get carried away in this art...that's the beauty...the more one tends to get "carried away", the more dimensional the card! Sometimes less is more, but sometimes more is better. It all depends. Anyway, I'm glad you got carried away on this was well worth it! FYI - I also tend to go overboard and keep adding and reinventing the wheel..but that's what our imaginations are keep them working is to exercise and strengthen them! Take care! Hugs, Lissa This message was from Lissa Albert - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 21:13:46 +0000 From: "Edward Sim" Subject: RS: Unsubbing for weekend I'm unsubbing for my trip. Thanks for your help. Tupperstamper This message was from "Edward Sim" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 19:51:58 -0800 From: (Toni Brentlinger) Subject: RS: Great mail day What a wonderful mail day. I got fudge from Giggles. Yum, yum. Thanks so much that was a wonderful surprise. You are very sweet. I love the card and the box it was in also. Very clever. Thanks. I got CCCC cards today . Thanks to Barbara Simpson,Janie Mundt and Violetnut. These cards are so great. What a fun day for mail. Thanks for making my day brighter. Toni meow,meow!!!!!!!!!!! This message was from (Toni Brentlinger) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 23:42:23 EST From: MaltShake9 Subject: Re: RS: Re: Re: Re: Re:Was:Well ... pay attention!!- Instructions Oops, forgot this part: Chris McEwen writes: >Hokay, gimme a second to get my flame suit on.... yes. > >If people always waited to read the instructions, how would we ever >figure something out the first time when there ARE no instructions. Who >taught the Wright Brothers to fly? > >Is this a male behavior? It may be more prevalent in males, but it is >the free-thinking problem solving that gets us past where we've already >been. > >And sometimes gets us lost in the process! > >--Chris McEwen reply to: >Socrates Press Sounds like the memorized speech he gives his wife everytime he puts something together wrong. Uh, oh, just kidding Chris, put that wrench down. :D Diane Green Okay, that makes more sense this time. :) This message was from MaltShake9 - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 19:57:35 -0900 From: Lynette Walters Subject: Re: Fw: RS: Was weight-loss device... Now WOW chips I saw a news blurb on these awhile back, and they were talking about _alot_ of people getting sick from these chips, and that the company that puts them out is not making it clear enough to consumers about what is in these and the effects it can have with some people. They sound like something I will stay away from. Lynette Stamp-N-NUT! wrote: > > Have you read the warning on the back of the bags., Might cause > abdominal cramping and diarrhea > Kinda scary thinking of that while eating. Once you read how olestra is > digested it's not a pretty thought. YUK > > Hugs ! > Thea Boschma > Stamp-N-NUT! > > > > Date: Thursday, April 02, 1998 4:37 PM > > > > Oooh, Gloria. > > > > They are test-marketing those chips out here. They are incredible. We > can > > get them in Ruffles, Regular, BBQ and Dorito Nacho Cheese. My co-workers > > couldn't BELIEVE it when they tasted them. One of them accused the > Frito-Lay > > people of merely false advertising, and is convinced they are full of > fat. I, > > on the other hand, am still trying to figure out how something that feels > > greasy can be fat-free. > > > > One thing is for sure. When they start making Mayonnaise out of this.... > I > > AM THERE. > > > > Serene > > This message was from SereneGirl > > -- > > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling > Modems > > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > This message was from "Stamp-N-NUT!" > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from Lynette Walters - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 23:05:36 EST From: InkyAngel Subject: RS: Keep Prayers coming!! Thank you to everyone who wrote to me saying they are praying for us!! I'm sure it will help!! I visited Dakota today again...he is so cool!! I will go again tomorrow. He answers to his new name already! Thank you! We should know on Tuesday, so don't forget about us! I'll let youall know what happens. Thanks. Dorothy This message was from InkyAngel - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 23:19:52 -0500 From: Catherine McEvilly Subject: Re: RS: TAN: dere after me cat!! Me, too, no matter what I the big smushy. xxx ooo, Dooleybug Jody Morrison wrote: > > I just have to tell you that I've a HUGE soft spot for Newfies...and Great > Whites.... wonderful,huge, babies! I once went to a breeding place for > Newfies. As I started to get out of my car at the bottom of a hill where > the parking area was, these 6 HUGE black critters came charging toward me. > > But, knowing they were newfies, I simply squatted down (so I wouldn't get > bowled over) and waited to the licks and hugs to begin. > > GREAT dogs!!! > > Hugs, > > Jody > > >Yah know...that dog is drivin' me nutz. He is the reason that Worldnet > >is going to "change their ways"...gets on after I go to bed and just > >stays on until wonder he is laying here, snoring..big, dumb > >NEWFIE. > >OK.. are you guys in a bidding war..(Mmmm, rubbing my hands together)? > >The loser gets the Big, Dumb Newfie and, in about a month, the winner > >gets the 18 trash bags full of newfie hair, when that d**n dog blows his > >coat. I DON'T CARE what you do with it!!! Anne, you'll have enough to > >weave wall-to-wall for the downstairs, and Ant judy, well, he's really > >black so, you'll have enuf to weave costumes and decorations for you and > >Miss Cat..plenty of time before October 31st! > >xxx ooo, > >Dooleybug (testing the eyelids-holding-open toothpicks as we speak, > >d**n Newfie!!) > > > >Roger & Anne wrote: > >> > >> Stop right there, Miss Catherine!! I gets de Bear--ya got that? AJ can > >> take care of herself. As a matter of fact, Bear got online with me last > >> night after you went to bed and told me it was a sight in the world the way > >> you treated him, and he wanted to know if he could come down here and live > >> with me. He said you had threatened to send him to some ole broad with a > >> broom!! > >> > >> Hugs to you and AJ > >> > >> Anne > >> > >> -----Original Message----- > >> From: Catherine McEvilly > >> To: Judy Hornbrook > >> Cc: ; Linda LLoyd > >> ; POSTING RUBBERSTAMPERS > >> > >> Date: Thursday, April 02, 1998 2:09 PM > >> Subject: Re: RS: TAN: dere after me cat!! > >> > >> >Wait, wait.. > >> >I will send a Newfie to protect you..heck, I just might sent the d**n > >> >monster anyway!!! Well, wait a minute, I think I'll have to talk to > >> >Anne ( ), she seems to like him. Well, > >> >anyway..which way yur howss, Girl? > >> >xxx ooo, > >> >Dooleybug > >> > > >> >Judy Hornbrook wrote: > >> >> > >> >> No!! Sniffles is a housecat - she's not bilingual, eder. De only person > >> >> dat cat is eber gonna lub is me... and she's not leavin' dis house > >> widdout > >> >> me. Ye wont de cat? Ye gotta take de ole broad, too. > >> >> > >> >> Ant Judy H. > >> >> > >> >> >>Sorry, Linda, but Sniffles is a Canadian Cat and proudly so! > >> >> She stays with ME! > >> >> > >> >> LindaLoo<< > >> >> > >> >> This message was from "Judy Hornbrook" > >> >> -- > >> >> The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling > >> Modems > >> >> Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > >> >This message was from Catherine McEvilly > >> >-- > >> >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > >> >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > >This message was from Catherine McEvilly > >-- > >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from Catherine McEvilly - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers-digest V2 #1799 *************************************