From: (rubberstampers-digest) To: Subject: rubberstampers-digest V2 #2121 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk rubberstampers-digest Monday, April 27 1998 Volume 02 : Number 2121 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 20:09:15 -0700 From: (E. E.C. deMars) Subject: RS: Elvis Pins Creator Thanks to whomever is sending the Elvis pin to me for my bro. In my mad deleting frenzy after being gone five days (still have 750 UNDREAD messages and haven't collected today's yet) it slipped by just as I realized it was for me. Thanks and I am looking forward to seeing it--will let you know when it comes. Eileen I have wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to somebody's need made me blind; But I never have yet felt a tinge of regret for being a little too kind. Ladybug Lovelies P.O. Box 92-342 Tillicum, WA 98492-0342 _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (E. E.C. deMars) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 20:51:51 -0700 From: "Laura A." Subject: Re: RS: Who's who on the list anyway?-addition Here is the posting that Dee was talking about, in case you missed it. Although it involves a child, the situation could apply to any of us here...I don't want to be overly paranoid, but I think a modicum of common sense and caution should be applied to our on-line lives. ========== Shannon could hear the footsteps behind her as she walked toward home. The thought of being followed made her heart beat faster. "You're being silly," she told herself, "no one is following you." To be safe she began to walk faster, but the footsteps kept up with her pace. She was afraid to look back and she was glad she was almost home. Shannon said a quick prayer, "God please get me home safe." She saw the porch light burning and ran the rest of the way to her house. Once inside she leaned against the door for a moment, relieved to be in the safety of her home. She glanced out the window to see if anyone was there. The sidewalk was empty. After tossing her books on the sofa she decided to grab a snack and get online. There she could talk to strangers without being afraid. After all, no one knew who she really was and couldn't hurt her. She logged on under her screen name ByAngel213. Checking her Buddy List she saw GoTo123 was on. She sent him an instant message: ByAngel213: Hi I'm glad you are on! I thought someone was following me home today. It was really weird! GoTo123: LOL You watch too much TV. Why would someone be following you? Don't you live in a safe neighborhood? ByAngel213: Of course I do_ LOL_ I guess it was my imagination cause I didn't see anybody when I looked out. GoTo123: Unless you gave your name out on line_ You haven't done that have you? ByAngel213: Of course not. I'm not stupid you know. GoTo123: Did you have a softball game after school today? ByAngel213: Yes and we won!! GoTo123: That's great! Who did you play? ByAngel213: We played the Hornets_ LOL..their uniforms are so gross! They look like bees_ LOL GoThere123: What is your team called? ByAngel213: We are the Canton Cats. We have tiger paws on our uniforms. They are really kewl. GoTo123: Do you pitch or what? ByAngel213: No_ I play second base. I got to go.. My homework has to be done before my parents get home. I don't want them mad at me_Bye GoTo123: Catch you later.. Bye GoTo123 decided it was time to teach Angel a lesson. One she would never forget. He went to the member menu and began to search for her profile. When it came up he highlighted it and printed it out. He took out a pen and began to write down what he knew about Angel so far. Her name: Shannon Birthday: Jan.3, 1985 age:13 State where she lived: North Carolina Hobbies: softball, chorus, skating and going to the mall. Besides this information he knew she lived in Canton. She had just told him. He knew she stayed by herself until 6:30 every afternoon until her parents came home from work. He knew she played softball on Thursday afternoons on the school team and the team was named the Canton Cats. Her favorite number 7 was printed on her jersey. He knew she was in the seventh grade at the Canton Junior High School. She had told him all this in the conversations they had on line. He had enough information to find her now. "She'll be so surprised," he thought, "she doesn't even know what she has done." Shannon didn't tell her parents about the incident on the way home from the ball park that day. She didn't want them to make a scene and stop her from walking home from the softball games. Parents were always overacting and hers were the worst. It made her wish she was not an only child. Maybe if she had brothers and sisters her parents wouldn't be so overprotective. By Thursday Shannon had forgotten about the footsteps following her. Her game was in full swing when suddenly she felt someone staring at her. It was then that the memory came back. She glanced up from her second base position to see a man watching her closely. He was leaning against the fence behind first base and he smiled when she looked at him. He didn't look scary and she quickly dismissed the fear she had felt. After the game he sat on a bleacher while she talked to the coach. She noticed his smile once again as she walked past him. He nodded and she smiled back. He noticed her name on back of the shirt. He knew he had found her. Quietly he walked a safe distance behind her. He didn't want to frighten her and have to explain what he was doing to anyone. It was only a few blocks to Shannon's home and once he saw where she lived he quickly returned to the park to get his car. Now he had to wait. He decided to get a bite to eat until the time came to go to Shannon's house. He drove to a fast food restaurant and sat there until time to make his move. Shannon was in her room later that evening when she heard voices in the living room. "Shannon, come here," her father called. He sounded upset and she couldn't imagine why. She went into the room to see the man from the ballpark sitting on the sofa. "Sit down," her father began, "this man is a policeman and he has just told us a most interesting story about you." Shannon moved cautiously to a chair across from the man. How could he tell her parents anything? She had never seen him before today! "Do you know who I am Shannon?" The man asked "No_" Shannon answered. "I am your on line friend, GoTo123." Shannon was stunned. "That's impossible! GoTo is a kid my age! He's 14 and he lives in Michigan!" The man smiled. "I know I told you all that_ but it wasn't true. You see Shannon there are people online who pretend to be kids; I was one of them. But while others do it to find kids and hurt them, I belong to a group of parents who do it to protect kids from predators. I came here to find you to teach you how dangerous it is to give out too much information to people online. You told me enough about yourself to make it easy for me to find you. Your name, the school you went to, the name of your ball team and the position you played. The number and name on your jersey just made finding you a breeze." Shannon was stunned. "You mean you don't live in Michigan?" He laughed. "No, I live in Raleigh. It made you feel safe to think I was so far away, didn't it?" She nodded. "I had a friend whose daughter was like you. Only she wasn't as lucky. The guy found her and murdered her while she was home alone. Kids are taught not to tell anyone when they are alone, yet they do it all the time online. The wrong people trick you into giving out information a little here and there online. Before you know it, you have told them enough for them to find you without even realizing you have done it. I hope you've learned a lesson from this and won't do it again." "I won't," Shannon promised solemnly. "Will you tell others about this so they will be safe too?" "It's a promise!" ============= Laura A. a.k.a. POSTE PONE Chino Hills, CA "Queen of the Procrastinators" That which we persist in doing becomes easier, not that the nature of the task has changed, but that our ability to do it has increased. Ralph Waldo Emerson - -----Original Message----- From: Scoupe95 To: Date: Sunday, April 26, 1998 8:22 PM Subject: Re: RS: Who's who on the list anyway?-addition >I can't help but to add a note here. If there truly are evil ones lurking out >there with access to the swap lists they have more info on some of you than >you think. I can't even begin to count the number of people who have posted >that they are leaving town for a weekend or longer, letting anyone listening >in know that their house will be sitting empty. I know we hate to live in >fear, but we *do* need to be careful about the info we let out. Remember the >story someone posted not long ago about the little girl and the "internet >policeman" who tracked her down by info she innocently gave out on the web? > >Just a thought, >Dee Kruger aka StampaDeeDoDah >This message was from Scoupe95 >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 23:32:23 -0500 From: Phil Schloss Subject: Re: RS:TAN: About computer disks losing their info~~~ All magnetic media will lose it's infomation over time. Putting it in a bad envorinment just speeds the process up. Phil StFlossie wrote: > > We took a Win95 class today that "came" with our new computer. I asked the > teacher about floppies losing their stored information over time. She said > it's more likely the info was lost because diskettes are frequently > stored/kept near the computer or something electrical or magnetic. > > I knew to avoid magnets, but not electrical stuff. Makes sense. We had a lot > of trouble with the first cordless phone we had--but we frequently set it down > on the TV (on or off). When we quit doing that, the phone quit giving us > trouble. > Barb aka flossie > This message was from StFlossie > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - -- Phil Schloss ******* Visa, MasterCard and AmExpress credit cards *** See what is new and special at URL--> Come visit my on-line rubber stamp catalog, you will love the designs. Or email for address to order a paper catalog $3.00 from Red Castle Inc. Rubber Stamps This message was from Phil Schloss - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 00:25:50 -0500 From: "Nicki B." Subject: Re: RS: Re: Glitter Card Hi Laura! I'm in the middle of trying to do that card too, and if it comes off the way it's supposed to, it will be gorgeous! But, my reverse stamp is way too teeny so I improvised by stamping on acetate then using my brayer to transfer it to the laminate. I'm waiting for it all to dry overnight before I proceed. I have my doubts as to whether it will work or not. My question is this - why do you even NEED to stamp on the laminate, wouldn't it be just fine without the image, as long as you 'seal' the glitter in between the layers? Thanks for any input . . . >LOL!!! You definitely need more stuff! This is the technique that >was in one of the last issues of Rubber Stamper. You stamp on the >acetate & the cold laminate...glitter on what will be the inside of >the acetate then trim so the overlapping laminate holds everything on >the inside of the front of the card. > >I got them lined up perfectly because I am (thanks Shel & Christine) >an anal-retentive perfectionist! > >Laura A. a.k.a. POSTE PONE >Chino Hills, CA >"Queen of the Procrastinators" >That which we persist in doing becomes easier, not that the nature >of the task has changed, but that our ability to do it has increased. >Ralph Waldo Emerson > >-----Original Message----- >From: SereneGirl >To: >Cc: >Date: Friday, April 24, 1998 7:28 PM >Subject: Glitter Card from Laura > > >>Laura, >>I received the stained glass card today, and this is absolutely >gorgeous.... >> >>But HOW did you DO it?? >> >>Did you double stamp the image, and glitter only one of them, and >then put the >>other image on top to seal the glitter? If so, how did you get em >lined up so >>perfectly??? >> >>WaaaaaaaaH :( >> >>My stuff NEVER turns out this pretty. >>Maybe I need more stuff?? Hmmmm >> >>Thank you again.... I really like what you've done with this glitter >:) >> >>Serene > >This message was from "Laura A." >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . Nicki B. This message was from "Nicki B." - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 23:09:53 -0600 From: "K G Em" Subject: RS: TAN: Met Carole and Glenyce today Had a wonderful time with Carole and Glenyce today. Not a really long time, but a lot of fun. :-) Every time I meet someone from the list I learn how to do new cards. Haven't got a clue what you call the ones Carole and Glenyce taught me today, but they are really neat. Three different kinds. One that does a *double explosion* ? a cut out one tha= t you can hang a charm inside and it dangles free, and a sort of reverse o= ne of the cut out. Next time I hope we have more time together and can do a little stamping too. Not just folding, ripping and punching. Karen P.S. Thanks for the personal delivery of my order Glenyce. Very nice touch. =DC This message was from "K G Em" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modem= s Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 00:42:34 -0400 From: "olivetree" Subject: RS: RS : Update / Marlborough t-shirt list!! check for your name!!! UPDATE!!! 4/26/98 here's my list so far.... If I've missed you please e-mail me. I don't want to leave any one out. I'll be ordering MONDAY, so if you want one let me know by noon. Gee just think LOL I know all your sizes. ** means I've received your check Name Quantity Betsy Ritter ** 2 & ( 7 specials )** Babs McBride** 1 Carrie** 1 Giggles & Petie ** 2 Sally Kennedy 1 Julie Carlton** 1 jhone ** 1 Jody Morrison** 1 Kath 1 Kaz ** 1 Kristin Unger ** 1 Lindaloo** 1 Lissa 1 Loni Lahti** 1 Pat Koss** 1 Patty Spakoski** 1 Maggy Sharp** 1 Carol Day ** 2 Janice Rollins ** 1 Jamie:-)** 1 Ann Sager ** 1 Sara Humphrey 1 Tammy Couturier ** 1 Chris Strube** 1 Victoria Flaherty ** 1 Marcia Balonis** 1 Wendy Bean** 2 Mr. & Mrs. Evo** 2 Amy Barker** 1 Lynda Barnwell** 1 Susan (Painted Turtle)**1 Kim 1 I will update this each afternoon, after the mail. Hugs, Connie This message was from "olivetree" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from "olivetree" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from "olivetree" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from "olivetree" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from "olivetree" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 20:55:30 -0700 From: (E. E.C. deMars) Subject: RS: TAN: Children in Inappropriate places We have friends who had five rambunctious little boys. They were waiting for Army housing and kept getting told over and over that it'd be a day or so, as nothing was available for them--in the meantime they were in a motel room. She took her five sweeties (one of them smashed TWO of my Hungarian Pysaki eggs!!!) with her one day and just sat in the housing office--she had housing that afternoon. Eileen I have wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to somebody's need made me blind; But I never have yet felt a tinge of regret for being a little too kind. Ladybug Lovelies P.O. Box 92-342 Tillicum, WA 98492-0342 _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (E. E.C. deMars) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 23:58:50 -0500 From: Shannon Green Subject: Re: RS: Who's who on the list anyway?-addition At 10:27 PM 4/26/98 EDT, Scoupe95 wrote: >I can't even begin to count the number of people who have posted >that they are leaving town for a weekend or longer, letting anyone listening >in know that their house will be sitting empty. Every time I see a post from someone saying they're going out of town for the weekend or going on vacation I just cringe. It would be easy for an up-to-no-good-lurker to visit your house while you're gone and do some Spring cleaning for you. A nonspecific "I'm unsubbing till next week" or "I won't be answering my emails for a while" would be a little safer and you could address specific question in private email. And it's not just email. I remember not too long ago a couple of people were running a successful burglary business around here because one of them worked for the newspaper and made a note of people who suspended their newspaper delivery because they were going on vacation. Yikes. Shannon This message was from Shannon Green - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 05:40:25 GMT From: (Annette) Subject: RS: Garbage Rubber Tip I use the scraps for making cut-out images 3-D. Use some glue if your cushion is not self-adhesive. It's much cheaper than buying the pop-up disks! Annette in So. CA This message was from (Annette) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 22:39:53 -0800 From: Diane Hare Subject: Re: RS: TAN...How have your stamping interests changed??? Patti,, had keyed >Statistically, there must be a logical me some >grief and tell me what I'll be buyin next year! LOL! No, I don't think the progression is logical, other than from stamps more easily obtained to stamps less easy to get. Also, stamps used will vary with techniques used. A person who's just discovered masking or embossing or non-smearing ink will be facing new worlds of possibilities. Diane Hare/MS.HARE San Andreas,CA snotmyfault This message was from Diane Hare - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 18:40:10 -0500 From: (Pat A Slezak) Subject: Re: RubberTown: RS: DIAMONDS....? Hi Betsy, I'm so glad to see this. I have a list of these stamps that I must add to my Mostly Animals order. B259 Amazing, B212 One Wish, B214 My Advice, B267 Rollover C330 Mamma Said, C328 Bakery, C348 Sit, Fetch F620 Good Witch, F617 couch couple, F676 In The Kitchen, F675 Joggers, F6029 Stray Dog, thanks, Pat On Sat, 25 Apr 1998 10:23:44 -0400 (Betsy McLoughlin) writes: >We sell these great stamps. Let us know how we can help! > >Betsy >Hugs and Clucks from the Rubber Chicken Lady > >Rubber Chicken, 19618 Clubhouse Road, Montgomery Village, MD 20886 >301/948-0644 (VOICE) and 301/963-4302 (FAX) > >On Fri, 24 Apr 1998 23:25:21 EDT KraZStampR >writes: >>Jill wrote "Has anybody heard of this company? They have some >awesome >>stamps >>and a rinestone in each wood mount!!! Some of them remind me of >>Art Impressions stamps with the old people and the funny ladies." >> >>I would like to have a catalog, too! If you find out who sells them, > >>please >>let me know! >> >>Thanks, >> >>Debby >> >>- >> >> >_____________________________________________________________________ >You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get >completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno >at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (Pat A Slezak) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 01:56:12 EDT From: SereneGirl Subject: Re: RS: Finally.......AJ Hmmmmm.... All this time *I* thought G/S stood for Gorgeous Stud....... Serene This message was from SereneGirl - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 22:37:22 -0700 From: Queen La Fetti Subject: RS: Ad:Outliners-Pads & Reinkers 5/4 Order going in May 4th (next Monday)for Outliner Ink Pads from Printworks. Credit Cards accepted!!!=DC Outliner Pads-$$3.75 each OR 5/$17.95 OR $45.95 for all 13 colors Outliner Re-inkers-$2.25 each OR $27.95 for all 13 colors Colors: Scarlet Buttercup Wintergreen Hunter Green Burgundy Colonial Blue Imperial Blue Blue Lagoon Fushia Lilac Chocolate Very Black Butterscotch Shipping in USA: Up to $10-$2 $11 to $20-$3 $21 to $45-$4 $46 to $75-$5 $75+ -$6 Canadians add $1 Oveaseas-depends on order I will confirm all orders via e-mail. Check or MO's send to business name and addy below. Credit cards acccepted!! Thanks for your order!=DC - --=20 Queen La Fetti of Custom Creations a.k.a. Shaunna Frasure--- Now ACCEPTING Visa, M/C, and Discover Credit Cards "A Day Without Confetti is Like A Day Without Sunshine!" Custom Creations, 299 Fourth Ave., Portola, CA 96122-9206 (800)320-6327 Custom Stamps Now Available, please ask for details!! California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. This message was from Queen La Fetti - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modem= s Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 22:42:52 -0700 From: "S Reynolds" Subject: RS: RE: 60's Swap OFFICIAL! Come on, you groovy girls and guys. The 60's Swap is official and we'd love to have you join... HOST: Suzanne Reynolds THEME/DETAILS: "Back to the 60's", 5 for 5 cards or postcards; extra for hostess optional--I'll reciprocate. Use any technique, any stamps, for any interpretation of this decade--silly to serious! DUE DATE: 6/15/98 MAILING: Send SAML plus equivalent postage for return. PLAYERS: Michelle Kate Vivian Montre Jecka Phillips Linda Mary Ellen Michele Bergh You? Thanks! Suzanne R~ This message was from "S Reynolds" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 22:03:33 -0700 From: (Louwanna M Young) Subject: RS: TAN.... > >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug* *Hug* >>>>> *Hug**Hug* >>>>> *Hug* >>>>> >>>>> You have just been hugged!! >>>>> >>>>> That's right, there's no getting out of it this time!! >>>>> >>>>> This is the start of a full-scale Hug O' War! >>>>> >>>>> So hug everyone you know!!! >>>>> >>>>> The hug is my favorite sign of affection. >>>>> >>>>> It can mean so much, and many things at the same time. >>>>> >>>>> It can be a sign of love, friendship, comfort or anything! >>>>> >>>>> All I can say it will do is brighten someone's day. >>>>> >>>>> I mean, we all need a hug once in awhile. >>>>> >>>>> So send this on if you'd like, >>>>> >>>>> To anyone who may need a hug, >>>>> >>>>> Send it back to whoever sent it to you, >>>>> >>>>> The HUG you save may be your own! >>>>> >>>>> Goodness knows, we could all REALLY use a hug sometimes. >>>>> >>>>> So send this on and show someone you care!! ================================================ Louwanna A smile is a language understood by all persons. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (Louwanna M Young) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 00:48:13 -0500 From: Phil Schloss Subject: RS: TAN:Crooks and collecting informaton was Who's who on the list anyway?-addition Crooks collecting information. When I was having my credit card system set up, I was asking about getting cc numbers over the internet. His comment was, what do you do when you go to a resturantent and sign the slip and they leave it on the table to be picked up by the bus boy? or the kid at the gas station that to get the job had to pass only one test, was he alive. The point being that we are leaving clues all the time. And it doesn't take any kind of special equipment, just a pencil and a piece of paper. This weekend Marlene's sister was telling us the problems her son (who hasn't lived in Cal for a couple of years) had resently with his cc. She got a call one day from his cc company wanting to know where he was in the mid-west or Cal, as they were getting charges from both places on the same card. Looks like they got the number when he was out there and just held it until now. I think it is time we start making the crooks work at hard labor, and freeing us would stay locked in our secrity (hopefully) apartments. Phil Shannon Green wrote: > > At 10:27 PM 4/26/98 EDT, Scoupe95 wrote: > >I can't even begin to count the number of people who have posted > >that they are leaving town for a weekend or longer, letting anyone listening > >in know that their house will be sitting empty. > > Every time I see a post from someone saying they're going out of town for > the weekend or going on vacation I just cringe. It would be easy for an > up-to-no-good-lurker to visit your house while you're gone and do some > Spring cleaning for you. A nonspecific "I'm unsubbing till next week" or > "I won't be answering my emails for a while" would be a little safer and > you could address specific question in private email. And it's not just > email. I remember not too long ago a couple of people were running a > successful burglary business around here because one of them worked for the > newspaper and made a note of people who suspended their newspaper delivery > because they were going on vacation. Yikes. > > Shannon > This message was from Shannon Green > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - -- Phil Schloss ******* Visa, MasterCard and AmExpress credit cards *** See what is new and special at URL--> Come visit my on-line rubber stamp catalog, you will love the designs. Or email for address to order a paper catalog $3.00 from Red Castle Inc. Rubber Stamps This message was from Phil Schloss - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 01:36:46 -0500 (CDT) From: Cynthia Sillitoe Subject: RS: Re:TAN...How have your stamping interests changed??? > >Patti,, wrote: >>Statistically, there must be a logical me some >>grief and tell me what I'll be buyin next year! LOL! It really depends on what you're into and also where you start...for instance, some newbies have taken classes (like 3-D cards) that I haven't taken after five years of stamping. For me, I moved into a little less cute...although the degree of cuteness I like in my cute hasn't changed. It's just that I discovered there was more out there and got into that. I also moved to unmounteds, stamps that would work well in combination, and, from that, into scenic. The first year or so I stamped, I was still thinking only in terms of stationery. After that I started thinking postcards..... and the rest is history, Cynthia This message was from Cynthia Sillitoe - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 23:38:26 -0800 From: Diane Hare Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Bad neighbors any suggestions? If you're brave, keep the children and pets indoors and start openly clicking cameras at people and vehicles coming and going from the place that's suspected of being the location of illegal activities. The more people who do this, the more likely it is to be effective. The effectiveness is *not* limited by the availability of film for the cameras as long as it's not known that the cameras are non-functional. Log the date and time of each camera's click. Lawyer-types can advise if there's any potential legal problem as long as the people taking the pictures are on their own property. I began with "If you're brave" ... you need to weigh the risk of action against the risk of in-action, in terms of both household safety and individual karma. Diane Hare/MS.HARE San Andreas,CA snotmyfault This message was from Diane Hare - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 03:24:27 EDT From: SereneGirl Subject: RS: DUH.... Simple Stamping Tips Ever been stamping, and think, Duh? How come I never did it *THAT* way before? I'd like to hear some of those tips.... For me, I figured out these tonight: A brayer is a good tool for spreading YES glue REALLY thin on the paper when you want the paper completely covered (especially if you remember to wash the brayer RIGHT after you do that) Running your brayer OVER a soap bar (I use Lava) gets it REALLY clean. (Somehow, some of the bad dye-stains came OUT when I did that tonight) If you *blow* the glitter off the work space, you should cover your work space with newspapers UNDERNEATH where you work.... (unfortunately, this tip came as a result of blowing BEFORE puttin the paper down, but once again the dogs look pretty....) I am sure these are things all of y'all have already thought of and already do. Maybe y'all think they don't need to be shared *because* they are so simple. I think my learning curve is REALLY slow, so I'd like to hear YOUR simple tips :) Serene This message was from SereneGirl - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 02:13:29 -0500 From: "DJ Dahl" Subject: RS: TAN: The thing that I do best... The thing I do best is: (try to anyhow) juggle my busy life! - full-time college, part-time work, adjusting to single parenthood, taking care of a house that needs all kinds of work, leader to 3 Girl Scout troops and a Clown Club, sorority events (officer there too) and various school, church, and other activities The thing I don't have any skill / ability / tolerance for is: prejudice and hurting/neglecting children and animals If I could wake up tomorrow with one talent that I don't have now, it would be : the ability to say "No" more often and to lose some weight (I can't say "no" to chocolate either!) My best friends are usually: supportive, caring, loving, and fun - mostly familiy, sorority sisters, and other GS leaders What single thing contributes most significantly to your ability to get a good night's sleep? - What's a good night's sleep?? If anything, it is probably exhaustion. Other hobbies besides rubber stamping? I hardly have time to stamp and have made one card in the last two weeks! I spend lots of time on the computer but that is mostly schoolwork and I end up deleting lots of RS mail for lack of time. I used to love any craft, reading, walking around local lakes, cooking, entertaining, going to plays, spending more time with friends and family, and most importantly spending lots of time with my kids. This message was from "DJ Dahl" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 02:36:30 -0500 From: Kaye Mills Subject: RS: Attention: Joy I feel so bad as my beautiful butterfly was dead when he arrived. His = body was broken in several pieces. I think he is beautiful though. = Thanks! Kaye (Ye OLE Cardmaker) This message was from Kaye Mills - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 02:03:07 -0800 From: Diane Hare Subject: Re: RS: DUH.... Simple Stamping Tips At 11:24 PM -0800 4/26/98, SereneGirl wrote: >[clipped] >I am sure these are things all of y'all have already thought of and already >do. Maybe y'all think they don't need to be shared *because* they are so >simple. I think my learning curve is REALLY slow, so I'd like to hear YOUR >simple tips :) If you're helping someone learn how to stamp, *never* presume that they have a clue. It'll save both you and the student a *lot* of stress. Just say that you *always* go through the "basics" with *everyone* you teach and with *anyone* who'll use your equipment and supplies. Always clean the stamp before using a white stamp pad (or light-colored or embossing pad) ... even if you think you *know* it's clean, save yourself stress. If you're going to set a wet stamp down for "just a moment", consider doing it on a damp surface, to be *certain* that it won't dry. Blotting off wet ink is easier than picking out dried. It may be healthier to damp wipe surfaces with a disposable napkin or towel than to brush the last bits of EP or glitter onto the floor ... for pets to breathe sooner and you to breathe later. I've put small nails inside cupboard doors ... *lots* of storage area for scissors and glue sticks and tape, anything that would hang from a hook in a store. And I've learned to get "back-up" for items I like ... so there's a spare permanent glue-stick and a spare non-permanent glue-stick, and they're different brands to make it easier to not use the wrong one for the job. If you keep getting smudges from untrimmed sections of a die ... trim it! Sometimes it helps to trim sections out of the middle of a stamp ... do it! And if you're using HALOS and you find that you're always masking the same section of a die and only using a lesser portion, consider dividing the die. I'd shown a dealer my huge Judikins hieroglph stamp and she'd gotten one, but she weighs less than I do and she despaired of *ever* getting a decent impression from it. She divided it into 4 smaller stamps, voila, no problem. Diane Hare/MS.HARE San Andreas,CA snotmyfault This message was from Diane Hare - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers-digest V2 #2121 *************************************