From: (rubberstampers-digest) To: Subject: rubberstampers-digest V2 #2123 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk rubberstampers-digest Monday, April 27 1998 Volume 02 : Number 2123 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 09:12:54 From: "Brenda J. Volpe" Subject: Re: RS: Acey Deucy Goddess Swap - June 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SWAP: Acey Deucy Goddess Swap >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HOST: Brenda Volpe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ITEMS: 6 for 5. If you want to trade more than 5, I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will try to swap them all for you and will >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> return any that I can't swap. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You may make pins or earrings if you want, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as long as they are sturdy enough to wear. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DETAILS: Must include at least one Acey Deucy Goddess >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> image. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MAILING INFO: SAML + equivalent postage + 1 $.32 stamp >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>POSTMARK: in my hands by June 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PLAYERS: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Brenda Volpe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Elizabeth, The RubberGoddess >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Valobra, Golden Goddess >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. Susan Smith, Saskzoo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5. Marcia Leitermann >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6. Wendy McGowen - RECEIVED >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7. Kelly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8. Penelope, Rubber Dreamer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9. Jennifer Hanes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10. Marsha Braymen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11. Trish Nelson - not on the list >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12. Sue - not on the list >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13. Valorie - not on the list >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 14. Darlene Troyer >>>>>>>>>>>> 15. Jaimee >>>>>>>>>>> 16. Linda Sobolewski >>>>>>>>>> 17. Sandy Poole - RECEIVED >>>>>>>>> 18. Sally Kennedy >>>>>> 19. Sherie >>>>> 20. Michael Oakley >> 21. Diane Hare > 22. Rebecca 23. Carol Day >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> This message was from "Brenda J. Volpe" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 07:07:53 -0500 From: "Steve & Robin Cramer" Subject: RS: Proposed: Stamping on Cork Swap SWAP: Stamping on Cork Swap HOST: Robin Cramer ITEMS: 6 for 6 DETAILS: Cards only using stamped cork on your card. MAILING INFO: Please send return mailing label and same postage plus one stamp for return. POSTMARK: Postmarked on or before June 1st, 1998. I will be mailing on June 15th, so be prompt. Players: My mailing address is: Robin Cramer 3595 Butler Ave. Kingman, AZ 86401 Email me at Steve & Robin Cramer Please visit our website This message was from "Steve & Robin Cramer" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 09:43:09 -0400 From: "iris" Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Children in Inappropriate places We did the same thing in a car dealership. Our car was in service and they were dragging their feet and basically giving us a hard time. We let our 4 year old and 11 year old loose in the showroom...beeping horns, slamming doors, sitting in every car pretending they were driving. Boy, all of a sudden our car was done! What a surprise! Kate - ---------- > From: HpyStamper > To:; > Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Children in Inappropriate places > Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 8:52 AM > > Oh, that is TOOOO funny. I had a friend in a similar situation. She did the > same thing. She had Navy housing in less than 3 hours. It was quite funny. > Kim:The Happy Stamper > > > > In a message dated 98-04-27 01:57:24 EDT, writes: > > << We have friends who had five rambunctious little boys. They were waiting > for Army housing and kept getting told over and over that it'd be a day > or so, as nothing was available for them--in the meantime they were in a > motel room. She took her five sweeties (one of them smashed TWO of my > Hungarian Pysaki eggs!!!) with her one day and just sat in the housing > office--she had housing that afternoon. > >> > This message was from HpyStamper > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from "iris" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 09:32:09 -0400 From: Burnette Subject: Re: RS: Re: Tan: Dog in Pound or we're homeless First, this may come out alittle harsh. I am trying to be careful, but on 4 1/2 hours sleep due to my son being up all night, its difficult. I know it can be hard findig an apartment with pets. I found out the hard way that 2 cats may be acceptable in some complexes but 3 were often right out of the question. It cut me out of some more affordable housing. So I can truly empathize with you on the housing. However, I can't understand how you would make the decision to move knowing you will have to abandon your dog. If you are going to move and get rid of her, be honest with yourself. From what you said, she has been a wonderful pet, great with the kids who probably love her. Now imagine how hurt and confused she is going to be when you get rid of her. Even if you find another owner, don't think it will be an easy transition. I have had two of my cats die and it had a definate impact on the other cats. And for those of you who don't think they notice even if you just leave town for a few days and leave them in someone else's capable care, guess again. I pay for leaving them with a sitter for a couple of days. Another hard reality, is how will your children feel? My son would be heartbroken if we gave away any of our cats. I still remember being angry at my parents when we had to get rid of my dog because he it kept escaping from our dog pen and killing someone elses chickens. I may have not given them alot of lip about it, but I spent alot of time crying in private wondering why we couldn't find away to make Jingles stay home. Don't move thinking you can later change the landlord's mind. If he lets you have a pet, then he will have to bend the rule for others as well. If you do move, don't sugar coat it for yourself. Accept that you are making a concious choice to abandon your dog. If you put her in the pound, accept that you are making a concious choice to put her to sleep. It may not feel like it now, because you really want that other appartment, but you do have a choice besides staying where you are forever and getting rid of your dog. Another appartment that accepts pets will come available eventually. Or maybe you could look at renting a small house. Listen to your heart. Do you really want to get rid of your dog? Because you really do have the choice. lisa - -- This message was from Burnette - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 09:44:13 EDT From: FranRShaw Subject: Re: RS: Re: DUH.... Simple Stamping Tips if there's an EP you use a lot (like black) put it in a rubbermaid type container... one large enough that you can dip the card into. This will save you a LOT of pouring EP back into the container and spilling all over. Don't waste your money buying foam mounting dots. They are very spendy. Instead, go to the hardware store and buy the foam tape they use for window insulation. It's the same thing, but on a roll. It's double sided sticky and about 1" wide. It cuts very easily into just the right size, and the roll lasts much longer. Don't throw away little scraps of cardstock. Run them through a currogator. The resulting strips of currogated stock add a neat dimension to your cards and can fill up "dead spots" with a bit of interest. Looking for interesting things to make envelopes with? We all know about wallpaper samples, right? Well... how about wrapping paper, tissue (if the paper is too thin, iron it onto wax paper), newspaper comics, old calendar pictures, old RS catalogs you may have dups of, interesting magazine pages, junk mail, the possibilities are endless!!! Don't have an envelope template? Just take apart an envy the size you want and laminate it with the self-stick laminate stuff. Then cut it out close to the edge. Voila!! Instant envelope template. These are not AS durable as nice plastic ones, but they will do in a pinch!! Use post-it notes or removable crack-n-peel for masking. This will keep your mask from slipping. that's all for now... more later! - -Fran the Frantic Stamper :-@ This message was from FranRShaw - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 10:36:02 EDT From: Bibelots Subject: Re: RS: DUH.... Simple Stamping Tips Never have white and clear embossing powder containers open at the same time. The inevitable will happen. Deborah ~dkj This message was from Bibelots - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 07:38:44 -0700 From: Andrea Schrock Subject: RS: Scrapbookers List?? Did anyone ever find this? Please let me know if you did! =DC Andrea S. <>< This message was from Andrea Schrock - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modem= s Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 09:38:42 EDT From: Karatt Top Subject: RS: shrink plastic swap acknowlegdements Hello Everyone!!!!!!!! Well......I want to tell everyone about the beautiful cards I recieved in the mail on saturday!!!!!!!!!!! I was soooo excited!!!! I participated in a shrink plastic swap hosted by Christine Cox. The cards I got back are wonderful!!!! Beautiful!!!! Lets see.....I recieved 4 in the mail!!!! #1 By the host...Christine:::::: Actually this is a booklet...It is sooooo cute!!!!!!!!! I just love looks like a pair of blue open it up and it's a little note is soooooo cool!!!!!Christine you did wonderful job!!! thank you!!! #2 Made by Brenda Volpe:::::made with navy blue card stock...with flecks of red and yellow in it. It has a piece of woven material with two stamped hearts attached to is stamped on pink cardstock and the other is on shrink's so pretty!!!! Brenda....I like your idea of using different types of material in your card!!!! #3 Made by Kelly Kilmer:::: Kelly's is so hard to's beautiful!!!!! Lets's black cardstock painted with gold.....there is a small gold square with the plastic shrink on it!! I'm doing such a poor job of acknowledgement here...but Kelly this card is quite breathtaking!!!!! #4 Last but definately NOT least!!!!!! Made by Mona::::: I card with a matching envelope.....White card stock with a cat's face on is soooo pretty...I love cats.....This card is simply beautiful...any cat lover would want it in her collection!!!! Mona...could you email me and tell me just how you did this?? thanks.....I LOVE IT!!!!! Christine..,,thanks again for being our hostess...I had lots of fun!!!! Hugs & Kisses... laurie aka This message was from Karatt Top - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 07:09:49 -0500 From: "Steve & Robin Cramer" Subject: RS: Proposed Hidden Message Card Swap SWAP: Proposed Hidden Message Card Swap HOST: Robin Cramer ITEMS: 6 for 6 DETAILS: Cards only using any theme in the hidden message card. If you need the instructions I can mail them to you. Just let me know. MAILING INFO: Send SAML and same postage plus one. POSTMARK: Postmarked on or before June 1st, 1998. I will be mailing on June 15th, so be prompt. Players: My mailing address is: Robin Cramer 3595 Butler Ave. Kingman, AZ 86401 Email me at Steve & Robin Cramer Please visit our website This message was from "Steve & Robin Cramer" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 08:55:02 From: "Brenda J. Volpe" Subject: Re: RS: Question Yes, and I have mine under lock and key since I am married and share a home with my husband. I only take it out to look up an address when he is not at home. I also hide all out going mail so he can't get an address that way. Brenda who must obey the rules At 07:58 PM 4/24/98 EDT, Olyvia29 wrote: >In a message dated 98-04-24 19:01:39 EDT, writes: > ><< Question, > would I be breaking the "RULES" if something was sent from one computer > to the one with the printer for printing. >> > >Oh yes Ruth..without doubt!!!!! And remember...guard any list info with your > might consider investing in a fireproof safe to stash the info in. > >Jaimee :) >This message was from Olyvia29 >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > > This message was from "Brenda J. Volpe" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 09:05:19 -0500 From: Subject: Re: RS: Who's who on the list anyway?-addition Shannon wrote: > Every time I see a post from someone saying they're going out of town for > the weekend or going on vacation I just cringe. Me too -- it isn't even a good idea to say you are going out shopping for a little while-- no telling who is seeing your email locally as it goes along it's way. They wouldn't even have to see it locally, really -- there've been reports of country-wide rings of thieves who, living in one state, pass info they pick up on the internet, to others in other states. It's also not a good idea to mention any valuables you have in your home, or info about when your kids are going to be home alone, or you, alone because your husband has to be away for some reason, or that your watchdog just died, or even anything about having valuable pets-- (someone once had an expensive exotic bird stolen from their home while attending a bird club meeting-- they think in that case, that it was someone that knew about the meeting and their going out to that regularly so it's not just the internet). Shannon also wrote: I remember not too long ago a couple of people were running a > successful burglary business around here because one of them worked for the > newspaper and made a note of people who suspended their newspaper delivery > because they were going on vacation. The post office is also a place where this can happen. If I had to let the post office and newspaper know I was away, I'd tell them there was going to be a house-sitter living here but that I wanted my mail held and the paper stopped anyway. Maybe that would help if it's the person you tell who may be the potential thief. It wouldn't be helpful if they didn't write it down though and someone else in that office was the culprit. Or, you could tell the newspaper you don't like the paper anymore and that's why you are stopping it. When you call to restart it, you could say "I changed my mind!" LOL-- let them think you are a kook who periodically gets incensed by an article and cuts off their subscription in a snit from time to time! I'd even be hesitant these days to let the police know if you are going to be away-- there was a time one could do that and feel secure in that the police would drive by periodically to check on the house, but I've read of problems with that too. Best to have a good and trustworthy neighbor pick up your mail and papers and watch your house. Even better if you have two such neighbors and they live on either side of the house to watch it for you. I heard a safety talk once that said you shouldn't even mention your vacation plans at the hairdresser or grocery store and places like that. And a biggy-- before you give your friends and family any personal information about your coming and goings, ask if they are on a cordless phone. These phones can be (and are) listened in on my almost anyone using a certain radio frequency that I hear is easy to do. And of course, don't use a cordless phone yourself when transmitting such info, or giving a mail order company your credit card number or any agency your social security number. As for leaving doors to the house and car unlocked either while you are out, or even if you are at home, just because you live in rural areas or in quiet suburbs, well that isn't safe these days either from all I read in the papers. I've read about folks who were out in their yards and someone went into the house by a front or side door, unseen by them, and was waiting in there for them to come in. Ever since, I take a key with me and lock the door behind me even if I'm just working in the yard. What a world we live in, to have to think about things like this, huh. I just thank goodness I have several really great neighbors. O RubbrBubl (can you tell that I used to work for the Safety Council--LOL!!) (Jean Darci) This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 10:34:32 EDT From: AlphaGam Subject: Re: Re: RS: Who's who on the list anyway?FUNNY! I have to add my own addition to this... Saturday I was fortunate enough to meet Jody Morrison, MaVinci, Rubberhund, Evo and someone else whose name I forgot... sorry!, at the Albuquerque Rubberama! I ended up having to leave WAY early because my daughter got sick (she's 15 so I don't think she got in anyone's way). Anyway, was visiting with some friends at church and mentioned the show and how much I enjoyed it. One woman was shocked that I would actually meet with "Internet People" because I should know that they are all dangerous! Just to let you all know that we are a dangerous group! Off to mount more rubber on Loop Tape! Kathy Ruess Albuquerque, NM This message was from AlphaGam - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 07:47:16 -0700 From: Bonnie Lass Subject: RS: 2 STAMPER'S SAMPLER magazines for sale! I have two of the April/May issues of Stamper's Sampler for sale because I have not heard from the two people who ordered them almost a month ago! So, it's someone else's turn!! This issue is loaded with masculine cards just in time for Father's Day! Fish, sports, lazy days for Dad, bears, birds, etc. There is some garden, springtime and flowers and critters. Also some recipe ideas sent in from a stamping club in Chicago. Stamper's Sampler says they recieved 115 page book, but regrets they could only print a few! A few tea and floral ideas, too! $7.50 includes shipping in US. First come, first serve. Thanks for listening! Please email to confirm. Bonnie "Lass" Linhart Lass Creations 6339 Ventura Lane Central Point, OR 97502-9355 This message was from Bonnie Lass - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 10:09:21 EDT From: FranRShaw Subject: RS: AD: ~*~90 sheet cardstock samplers~*~ These were *very* popular, so I'm bringing them back... but only til 4/30!! So, hurry!! ~~~90 sheet ASTROPARCH SAMPLER! You get 10 sheets of each of the following colors: White, Natural, Sand, Ancient Gold, Pink, Peach, Blue, Green, and Lavendar~~ $9.00 + $3 shipping. ~~~90 sheet LINEN SAMPLER! You get 10 sheets of each of the following colors: White, Cream, Spearmint, Peppermint, Marble Strands, Bluestone, Rubystone, Copperplate, Augusta Green~~$13.00 + $3 shipping ~~~90 sheet ROYAL FIBER SAMPLER! You get 10 sheets of each of the following colors: Cream, Blueberry, Periwinkle, Mauve, Rose, Plum, Sage, Cinnamon, Spice. ~~$12.00 + $3 shipping ~~~90 sheet NATURAL SAMPLER! You get 10 sheets of each of the following colors: Embossed Leather Tan, Laid Mahogony, Laid Camel, Royal Fiber Kraft, Royal Fiber Driftwood, Royal Fiber Birch, Astroparch Natural, Lightspec Sand, Sundance Felt Rawhide ~~$13.00 + $3 shipping ~~~90 sheet CONFETTI SAMPLER! You get 10 sheets of each of the following colors: Stardust, Confetti Yellow, Confetti Birthday Blue, Confetti Rust, Confetti Red, Confetti Gala Green, Confetti Vellum, Lightspec Surf, Environment Tortilla~~$17.00 + $3 shipping **BONUS** Order 3 samplers and receive $2 off your total!! :-) (hint... get two for yourself and have one sent to your SS) E-mail me to place your order. Send check or MO to: Fran Robertshaw, 2682 Beverly Dr., Medford, OR 97504. Hugs, - -Fran the Frantic Stamper :-@ This message was from FranRShaw - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 09:31:46 -0500 From: "Barbara" Subject: RS:COMM: Ums & Mounteds 30% off Fellow Stampers, Creative Images has a new plate of stamps and three of our list members contributed to the designs. All of the stamps that these three ladies designed are on sale for 30% off the mounted and unmounted price. Rubber Claws drew the girls holding the cats, Leslie Koch drew the Roses and Terry Quinn drew the mice. You can see the images at and click on Sale Page. All of these ladies are very talented artists. All of the stamps on this plate are also available as an unmounted sheet for $40.00. You can see these special stamps at and click on Catalog and Sheets of Rubber - Sheet 4. Barbara Zachrel - Creative Images - 1112 Neosho Burlington KS 66839 (316) 364-8744 This message was from "Barbara" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 06:59:56 -0700 From: ccspc1 Subject: Re: rubbertown-l: Re: RS: Re: DUH.... Simple Stamping Tips Fran, Thanks for all of teh great tips!! I know I will use some!! Rachel in SoCal FranRShaw wrote: > if there's an EP you use a lot (like black) put it in a rubbermaid type > container... one large enough that you can dip the card into. This will save > you a LOT of pouring EP back into the container and spilling all over. > > Don't waste your money buying foam mounting dots. They are very spendy. > Instead, go to the hardware store and buy the foam tape they use for window > insulation. It's the same thing, but on a roll. It's double sided sticky and > about 1" wide. It cuts very easily into just the right size, and the roll > lasts much longer. > > Don't throw away little scraps of cardstock. Run them through a currogator. > The resulting strips of currogated stock add a neat dimension to your cards > and can fill up "dead spots" with a bit of interest. > > Looking for interesting things to make envelopes with? We all know about > wallpaper samples, right? Well... how about wrapping paper, tissue (if the > paper is too thin, iron it onto wax paper), newspaper comics, old calendar > pictures, old RS catalogs you may have dups of, interesting magazine pages, > junk mail, the possibilities are endless!!! > > Don't have an envelope template? Just take apart an envy the size you want > and laminate it with the self-stick laminate stuff. Then cut it out close to > the edge. Voila!! Instant envelope template. These are not AS durable as > nice plastic ones, but they will do in a pinch!! > > Use post-it notes or removable crack-n-peel for masking. This will keep your > mask from slipping. > > that's all for now... more later! > > -Fran the Frantic Stamper :-@ > > ======================================================= > > This month Rubbertown is proudly sponsored by Phil Schloss, Red Castle Inc. Point your web browsers to This message was from ccspc1 - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 07:38:02 -0700 From: Bonnie Lass Subject: RS: COMM/Bonnie's Sticker Paper! I have only 7 left!! First come, first served! > > > > > I have a very limited edition of this all colors sticker paper!(only 16 > > packages and that's it!) There will be no white in this batch, only > > colors and kewl ones, at that! This package will also include one sheet > > of clear sticker "stuff" AND, there's a bonus of one sheet of double > > sided sticker "stuff" Like foam tape, but thin like paper. That's 11 > > sheets! Also an idea sheet with every order. These are 5 1/2" x 8 > > 1/2". One each of colors: kelly green, bright red, lt yellow, lt pink, > > marigold, kraft, natural, clear and the kewlest are platinum gold and > > silver-bright mirror like. A $5.00 value, this limited edition is $3.50 > > plus shipping...... > > 1 package $1.50 > > 2 packages $2.50 > > 3 or more $3.00 > > Please write to confirm your order. Accept check or money, sorry no CC. > > -- > > Bonnie "Lass" Linhart > > Lass Creations > > 6339 Ventura Lane > > Central Point, OR 97502-9355 > > > > This message was from Bonnie Lass > > -- > > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from Bonnie Lass - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 08:50:01 EDT From: Stampher2 Subject: RS: * * * DeNami Stamps Swap - postmark 9/15 NAME OF SWAP: DeNami Stamps Swap HOSTED BY: Lisa Wynn aka ITEMS INFO: 7 for 6 --- anything goes THEME/DETAILS: Any theme - but must use ALL stamps from DeNami Stamps ** ALWAYS SIGN THE BACK OF YOUR ARTWORK WITH YOUR FULL NAME & EMAIL ADDY (if applicable). MAILING INFO: Self-Addressed-Stamped-Envelope - PLUS EXTRA postage (.32). Minimum of a 5 x 7 return envelope requested. NO CHECKS, METERED STRIPS OR FOREIGN $$ ! POSTMARKED BY: Postmarked September 15th. Sign-up open until postmark date. Please email me PRIVATELY so I don't miss your post ! Lisa Wynn Sign Ups So Far: (Lisa Wynn) (Joy) (Suzanne Slupesky) (Sugarstamp) This message was from Stampher2 - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 07:42:36 -0600 From: Carole Mork Subject: RE: RS: RE: Carole / Thanks Ant Judy Thats right! I will take any errors, however they may come, and lets hope some are chocolate! Please put my name in the subject line to avoid deleting. Canadian Carole 212 Main St., Box 209, Turtleford SK, Canada, S0M 2Y0 - -----Original Message----- From: SereneGirl [] Sent: Saturday, April 25, 1998 5:56 PM To:;; Subject: Re: RS: RE: Carole / Thanks Ant Judy In a message dated 4/25/98 11:21:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: << Hey .... any body can send their errors to me as long as they arrive in an envelope!! >> CarolE, CarolE, CarolE..... Ya gotta remember to take ALL errors..... chocolate doesn't necessarily fit in an envelope.... And when it does? It's not enough :) Serene This message was from Carole Mork - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 10:54:47 -0400 From: GoofyStamper Subject: RS:Printworks Catalog... Hello and Good Morning! Can someone please email me,I would love to buy a Printworks Catalog and also a D.O.T.S. catalog. Help,are there any vendors out there who carry these lines of stamps! Need to buy these two catalogs Thanks In Advance for help in info :) Hugs, Robin Moore :) This message was from GoofyStamper - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 10:51:34 -0700 From: Lissa Albert Subject: RS: Re: TAN: Private Audience held at House Mouse in Vermont !!! Oh, YOU'RE good...I didn't leave out anything! Hugs, Lissa WBean05495 wrote: > Ok guys, you all need to tell your version of the story so everyone gets the > full effect. I left pieces out on purpose so you all can fill in the blanks > !!! > > Love and hugs to all > > Wen This message was from Lissa Albert - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 10:29:27 -0400 From: JoAnn Glenn Subject: RS: What a Weekend!!!!!!! Being new to this list, and to rubberstamping, I really didn't know what to expect. But, I received three RAK's and more in the mail this weekend. My very first RAK came on Friday from Dorothy Becknell. It was a lovely white glitter butterfly on the glossy white cs with pretty butterflies on the inside. Thanks Dorothy - it means a lot to me. Saturday brought two more TAK's - From Anne Tanner a really pretty pink layered card with tulips on the outside and pretty paper samples inside. What a thoughtful idea. - Thanks much Anne. Robin Moore RAK's me with a neat layered lavender card with decorative edge and glossy purple (embossed?) irises on the front. I just love that purple color. Robin, you are very talented. Francine Ferrera sent me three pins she had created. (I hadn't seen any before.) The postoids were particularly funny. Holly Young sent me a whole bag full of pins!!!!! What a haul. Holly, I am truly grateful for your generosity. It really helps to see what other stampers have done. There were so many cute ideas there. I went right out to the stamp store (Stamp Your Art Out) and bought a bunch of stamps to begin reciprocating if I can. Please excuse me if I didn't describe the cards in more detail - I will get better I promise. I am going to try the shrink paper and make pins as well as making up RAK's for those who were so kind to me. I really enjoy being a part of this list and I have learned a lot just from reading all these emails. Oh, I almost forgot, I received the Laurel Burch stamps I ordered from RubberD. They were immediately ripped open by my niece who was visiting and she had to try every stamp. She also included a few little niceties along with a couple pieces of candy. Yum Yum. Thanks for the good service. JoAnn Glenn This message was from JoAnn Glenn - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 10:48:39 -0700 From: Lissa Albert Subject: RS: A Private Audience With House Mouse Artist!(LONG!) Well, this weekend was somethin' else! I had a get-together in Vermont, meeting at Wendy's Mom's store, and along came Wendy, Giggles, Petie, Lynda Barnwell, Linda Farrell, and Nisa. Our first order of business (after the hugs) was to get into cars and hop over to House MOuse Designs, where Barry was opening up for us specially (as per Giggles' arrangement). I got to go with Nisa and Lynda in the catty car (there were SCADS of catalogs to peruse, and I'd wished the trip was longer!!). We met outside with Barry, whose birthday it was, and Peter Pan began a serenade of the HB song, after which time Giggles handed Barry a handmade stamped box with - what else? - PB fudge in it! Then we all handed him cards. The guy was flabbergasted! And for a guy who drives a lovely Porsche with the license plate EEKMICE!! - that's something else! Well, he said, "I've got a wicked surprise for all of you." Of course, what did we think? STAMPS! But the stamps were a given, not a surprise. what was the surprise? Ellen Jareckie, artiste extraordinaire of the little House Mouse creations, was coming to our "party"! So of course we all pounced on the stamp racks first, and had a great time doing so! It didn't take long...those racks were starting to show empty spots! ALL the new designs were there, and are they ever cute! Of course, graciously, I held back and only purchased 2 stamps...of course, my DEAR friend Linda Farrell will point out to you that I didn't have much holding back to I have 7 of the stamps on order with Ruthann already...! So Nisa - who didn't own one but now owns 4! - and Lynda Barnwell and Giggles and Petie got the bulk of the stuff! But now you all have to get going and stamp out cards so we can see what you have in mind with your new acquisitions! Well, then Ellen came in, fresh from the Stamp Lady in Massachussetts the day before. She said she was greeted by 200 stampers, and was very impressed! She was so nice to talk with and had never been to a stamp store before...she is amazed by the splash the mice are making in the stamping world, especially when we told her that House Mouse swaps are abundant! One in January, one now, the image swap, and of course the use of the images on so many cards! She even made Barry open his bday cards so she could see what we'd done! Wendy and I spent some time explaining what types of stamps we like, and Wendy gave her a great idea of making a "frame" stamp with the House Mouse designs just so that we could use them as address labels...great idea, Wendy, and I think Ellen was interested designing stamps as stamps not just as pictures...I put in my request for a mouse or two blowing soap bubbles..I love bubbles! Ellen is an amazing person. She was very happy to explain the process of her watercolors, as well as telling us about a pregnant dog she found in Georgia, was going to bring home with her but the dog had the puppies before she could come home, she brought the dog and all 9 pups home, and is now caring for the whole lot! What a wonderful thing to do! Or as Linda Farrell so eloquently put it, "You are a hell of a person!!!!" My thoughts exactly, Linda! So after some picture taking with the gang and Giggles holding the loot everyone bought (hey, Giggles, where ARE my stamps???!!!!), Ellen gave us each a packet with a house mouse calendar and a pocket planner, and Wendy asked her to autograph them for us, which she did. Of course, then Giggles had to get really obnoxious and get Barry to sign hers, so hers is worth more. Yeah, Giggles, but just wait...we'll find a way to getcha back! =DC Then there was picture taking in the parking lot. Oh, no, not of people, dear friends...of BARRY'S PORSCHE!! Nice car, huh, Wendy?? We invited them to come to lunch with us, but they couldn't. Maybe that was a good see us the way we REALLY are...hmmm... ;-) We went to Al's, a local French Fry Emporium with hot dogs and - Don? - hamburgers...and we all pigged out. Of course, I, being the foreigner in the group, got almost NO french fries...everyone else got the same size as I did...but THEY all got OVERFLOW on THEIRS, and MY cup was only filled to the SCORE line! And did anyone offer me extra? NOOOOOO!!!! Well, we did have a blast over lunch. Talked about stamping, techniques, and TTPO's, and, hmmm, "what is that on your finger?" LOL it was the Great TP caper!!! No names so as not to embarrass the already-embarrassed party...suffice it to say we had the biggest laugh of the day over lunch after the BR break... Back to Gwen's store, where Wendy had ordered a chocolate cake for Petie because his birthday was the week before. It had a gorgeous picture of a flying Peter Pan (the cartoon guy not the real guy) and it was a real work of art! I'd brought S'mores, Giggles had brought fudge for us, and it was quite the sugar rush. Oh, Giggles? Can you CUT those pieces any bigger??? We had a wonderful party, shopped shopped shopped, sat in the back room looking at catalogs (hey, Farrell: letter "L"? OUCH!) and laughed ourselves silly. Did I look at the clock to see how long it had been since I'd left my hubby with the kids? NOT! We all left around 5:30, and I think it was the most entertaining 5-1/2 hours I'd had in a long time...GEEZ, guys, I've gotta get out more! We agreed to meet next year the same day to wish Barry a very happy 41st birthday, and I, for one, can not wait!!!!!!! It was a pleasure to finally meet Linda Farrell and Nisa, and a real treat to renew old acquaintances with Lynda and Giggles and Petie and Wendy, and Gwen (Wendy's mom), and this was just a preamble to Marlboro. Watch out convention goers: we are in practice giggling and you've got your work cut out for you!!! Can't wait!!!!! Thank you, friends, for an incredibly relaxing afternoon. I drove back to Bolton Valley with a smile on my face (just remembering Giggles' tone of voice: "What IS that on your finger?" cracks me up even now!), and 2 stamps heavy in my purse (the bill is safely tucked away...dh doesn't need to know everything, now, does he? ), and all the treats - tangible and intangible - that the day brought. So that's MY take on the was a happening, no question! Talk to you all soon, and thanks again! Hugs, Lissa PS: That's MY idea!!!!! This message was from Lissa Albert - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modem= s Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers-digest V2 #2123 *************************************