From: (rubberstampers Digest) To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #2274 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Tuesday, July 29 1997 Volume 02 : Number 2274 In this issue: Re: RS: Sargies + Latex Linnzie RS: Thanks To ALL DOTS responses Re: RS: RS Male Stampers RS: Shellie's SS package rec'd Re: RS: TAN: Giggles Update (Long) RS: Psychology Test Re: RS: Re: Weight loss group RS: PHONE RAK!!! RS: Re: TAN: Full Moon? Re: RS: flooding in Ft.Collins Re: RS: Sargies + Latex Linnzie RS: RE: Stephanie's SSS4 June Package!! Re: RS: Fwd: fwd. ANGELS Re: RS: TAN: Tell me how dumb I am!!! Re: RS: TAN: Giggles Update (Long) Re: RS: money saving tip RS: ALL ABOUT ME (LONG) Re: RS: Any writers? Re: RS: TAN: Giggles Update (Long) RS: AD: Free Shipping Sale - only 2 days left Re: RS: RS Male Stampers RS: AD: Newbie Special - Vellum Card Re: RS: TAN: Full Moon? Re: RS: TAN: Tell me how dumb I am!!! Re: RS: TAN: Giggles Update (Long) Re: RS: TAN: Full Moon? See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 16:46:24 -0400 From: Terri Bradbury Subject: Re: RS: Sargies + Latex Linnzie Oops, I forgot to mention two other vendors, Sue Beck and Sandy Lemons! Sorry Sue & Sandy!!! Hugs Terri StampaTerria This message was from Terri Bradbury - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:06:17 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: RS: Thanks To ALL DOTS responses Thanks so much for the help with DOTS. I got hte 800 to call about a rep in the area and also many of you responded with info about becoming a rep. I am not sure that this is right fo rme right now wnd I will be thinking about it for a while before i decide one way or another, in the mean tome I'll find out if there is a rep in MY area and if not maybe I'll have a "list" party. If I do I'll post. Thanks again to all of you who responded. I sure appreciate your help. Sharyl This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:00:00 -0400 From: (Donald J Glaser) Subject: Re: RS: RS Male Stampers Well there's me, and my brother Frying Pan and Phil and, and, and......... Who else? PeterPan Isn't It Amazing What A Few Lines Down Here Can Get Started??????????????? On Tue, 29 Jul 1997 17:50:40 -0700 (MST) (Erin ) writes: >Just wondering who are the male stampers on the list. > >This message was from (Erin ) >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > This message was from (Donald J Glaser) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:07:40 -0500 From: Shellie Subject: RS: Shellie's SS package rec'd Yea!!!!! I received my first SS package for this round. This package came on just the right day....we just put in an offer on a house and I feel like a bag of nerves! It really turned out to be a real stress reliever. Thank you soooooo much. So, what did I get, you ask??????? This package is wonderful! I just love it. When I opened the package, the first thing I saw was an art institute glitter kit. I have been wanting to get this forever!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! The whole package smells terrific from a really neat sachet. I got some really neat sheer ribbon in pink, lavender, and hunter green. Too cool. And the cutest hand painted wooden pin of a birdhouse and a flower pot. It says Thyme to Garden. I love it. I got all kinds of different cardstock and background papers in a variety of colors and sizes. I am a paper-aholic.....truly!!! And the Rubber Stamper magazine!!! I have been wanting to get a copy of this. I can't wait 'til I have a chance to sit down and read it. I got some watermelon cards, watermelon recipe cards, and some watermelon bookmarks. These are soooo neat. And a couple of dinosaur cards. Perfect for a kids birthday card! And two sets of treasure boxes! I can't wait to stamp these!! I got the coolest PSX stamp of a flower filled vase. I can think of many uses for this stamp. Thanks so much. And last, but certainly not least I got a canister of M&M minis. I love these and I'm not sharing with my DH or my way! Thank you sooo much! You are very generous my precious Secret Stamper. Shellie Maccaux (~.".~) ( Y ) ~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~%%% %%%~^~~^~~^~~^~~ Shellie Maccaux homepage CyberFriends WebRing Virt. Email St. ~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~^~~ This message was from Shellie - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 20:58:01 -0600 From: (Jody Morrison) Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Giggles Update (Long) Actually, you know, it aint a bad idea at all to "register" with various venders on the list. Otherwise you could receive, gasp, at least a dozen blitzers. LOLOLOL Hugs, jody >I expect all of you to do the cooking! Ha! Ha! Also the table cloths >will be white paper and everyone should bring their own stamps and ink >pads and we will decorate that way! Ha! Ha! Better yet.....we need >Vendors to Register our Wedding Gift know like stamps, >rubbers, ink pads, embossing powder.....who needs that other trival >household stuff? > >giggles to you always! >Love, Linda > >On Tue, 29 Jul 1997 15:25:17 -0700 Joyful Stamper >writes: >>> >>> And for all those waiting and turning purple for an answer to the >>Wedding >>> Bells post, the answer was yes. >>> >> >> (taking a breath for the 1st time in days) >> >> YIIPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! >> >> A rubber wedding!!! >> >> Get ready for a lot of unexpected guests!! >> >> (make it a pot luck and you'll be all set) >> >> >> and shame on you for making us wait for so long... >> >> Love and Hugs to both of you! >> >> Sandy >> >> >This message was from (Linda S Skirvin) >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from (Jody Morrison) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:18:43 -0300 From: (hornbrkj) Subject: RS: Psychology Test Does anyone have the test and the "results"? This was making its rounds a few days back when I was having technical difficulties.... Ant Judy H. This message was from (hornbrkj) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:54:12 -0300 From: (hornbrkj) Subject: Re: RS: Re: Weight loss group >>I suspect the lack of loss has lots to do with the chocolate I continue to snarf.... << Aaaghhh ... and there is no cure for that. Ant Judy This message was from (hornbrkj) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 19:51:33 -0700 From: "Kerry & Karen Keolker" Subject: RS: PHONE RAK!!! YUP...Melissa Bauman just RAK'D me with a phone call!! It was a great surprise and I'm still in shock! Thanks Boo for the great surprise. Karen "We do not inherit this land from our ancestors--- we borrow it from our children." --HAIDA PROVERB This message was from "Kerry & Karen Keolker" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:05:13 -0500 From: "kim jungman" Subject: RS: Re: TAN: Full Moon? Yes!!! I love to save money so I can buy more stamps. Any money saving ideas??? I would love to know more. Thanks Dimples - ---------- > From: Freckles > To: > Subject: RS: TAN: Full Moon? > Date: Tuesday, July 29, 1997 9:28 PM > > Whew! Is there a full moon or is it PMS season? Sheesh. Seems like > everyone's in a bad mood today. I think we need a new topic to discuss. > I'm a bargain shopper. I love garage sales, I navigate towards the > clearance racks, and so I'd love to hear some of the ways to save money > with stamping supplies. I just read a Newbie Tips post from luv2stamp > about buying blank index cards at WalMart for postcards. I love that > idea, and I'm going to go buy some next time I'm there. Anyone else > have any ideas they'd like to share? > > Freckles > This message was from Freckles > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from "kim jungman" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 20:28:36 -0600 From: (Jody Morrison) Subject: Re: RS: flooding in Ft.Collins I've been talking to friends in Ft. Collins all day. Apparently, the hidious flooding/deaths were all in one area...actually an area I'm very familiar with as a dear friend lived in that trailer park for 3 years. (I lived in Collins for 8 years...)...many streets are flooded, basements have water and the like. But the worst was in Spring Creek.... Any Ft. Collins stampers on the list, please write in and let us know that you are ok.... Hugs, Jody MorrCatsNRubbr >hi ginny and all~ > >i just read about the flooding in ft collins; 2 people have died! :'( > >hope and pray all is well with you; i know it's some distance away from you, >but still.... > ><3 >amy >This message was from >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from (Jody Morrison) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 16:39:05 -0400 From: Terri Bradbury Subject: Re: RS: Sargies + Latex Linnzie I agree with Jhone & TOD, but would like to add Michelle from Grandma's Attic and Giggles & Peter Pan! When vendors treat you the way all these vendors do, it becomes the "norm." They have set the standards and we as consumers have chosen to spend our hard earned money with vendors who treat us with respect and truly appreciate our business! These vendors seem to remember that the best advertisement is word of mouth. When we consumers see repeated complaints or questions concerning orders, we are intelligent enough to retain that information for future reference! One final word, and then I'll shut-up! Mail order businesses are regulated by law and have to inform cutomers when an order is unavailable for shipment, I believe within 30 days of the order date. Someone, please correct me if I'm wrong. 'Nuff said. Terri StampaTerria <> This message was from Terri Bradbury - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:19:00 EDT From: Subject: RS: RE: Stephanie's SSS4 June Package!! I finally know now who my SSS was last round, Debi-Ellen Beckett!!! I received my June package and it was great!!!! First off, she stamped a little shaker box with a tree on top and "especially for you" and "thinking of you" all along the outside!! I've never thought of doing this before with the little boxes, now I can't wait to give it a try!!! Inside this box were some UMs and an "S" initial stamp!!!!! Next, there were two packages of paper - a person can never have enough paper!!!!! She also sent me a personalized note pad!!!! I also received a round/oval designer template!!! I've seen these things before, but never purchased any!!! I can hardly wait to try this out (maybe it will be a good incentive for me to give scrapbooking a try)!! And lastly, but definately not least, I received some artificial apples and an apple hot pad for my kitchen - I just love apples (why I don't know), but I love to collect apple and sunflower anything!!! More for my collection, yipee!!!! Thank you Debi-Ellen for everything!!! This sure has been a blast!!! Stephanie This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 21:55:17 -0400 From: (Carol S Lorenzetti) Subject: Re: RS: Fwd: fwd. ANGELS DISCLAIMER: This is, RubberKitty's hubby and Computer Driver:.............. I have 15 years in law enforcement, and 26 years as a volunteer firefighter. Angels.............. My 4 year old little girl, who helps me remember the important things after a rotten day. "group hugs" from all her little friends at day care when I do fire prevention education for them. Smiles and waves from small children when I am on patrol. My wife. The opportunity and privilege of having delivered five babies in my career. A little girl who reached out to me for comfort after her mother was assaulted on Christmas Day. My guardian that caused a handgun to misfire when it was pointed at my face one night... Those are some of mine.. Thanks for the opportunity to share. ;) This message was from (Carol S Lorenzetti) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 20:54:49 -0600 From: (Jody Morrison) Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Tell me how dumb I am!!! Same thing happened to me... created one in a class at my school district and now can't find the addy. And nobody can help cause the person who taught the class has moved to who knows where. Jody whose webpage is in cyberspace, big time. LOLOL > am sooooooooo dumb!!! I created a web site a few >weeks ago..I do custom wedding invitations. I did it thru a free service, >basically just to test it out and see if I got any responses from the site >before investing in creating a "good" one (not that they free ones are "bad). > >Well, I am now unable to find my own web site!!!! I wrote the address down >on a piece of paper, and I guess I must have tossed it when I went on one of >my cleaning sprees. > >Is this the dumbest thing you have ever heard?????????? > >LMBO > >Jaimee >This message was from >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from jmorrison@NM-US.CAMPUS.MCI.NET (Jody Morrison) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:11:25 -0400 From: (Donald J Glaser) Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Giggles Update (Long) I ain't invitin' a dozen linebackers to our wedding, and that's final! PeterPan Isn't It Amazing What A Few Lines Down Here Can Get Started??????????????? On Tue, 29 Jul 1997 20:58:01 -0600 (Jody Morrison) writes: >Actually, you know, it aint a bad idea at all to "register" with >various >venders on the list. Otherwise you could receive, gasp, at least a >dozen >blitzers. LOLOLOL > >Hugs, > >jody > > >>I expect all of you to do the cooking! Ha! Ha! Also the table >cloths >>will be white paper and everyone should bring their own stamps and >ink >>pads and we will decorate that way! Ha! Ha! Better yet.....we need >>Vendors to Register our Wedding Gift know like stamps, >>rubbers, ink pads, embossing powder.....who needs that other trival >>household stuff? >> >>giggles to you always! >>Love, Linda >> >>On Tue, 29 Jul 1997 15:25:17 -0700 Joyful Stamper > >>writes: >>>> >>>> And for all those waiting and turning purple for an answer to the >>>Wedding >>>> Bells post, the answer was yes. >>>> >>> >>> (taking a breath for the 1st time in days) >>> >>> YIIPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! >>> >>> A rubber wedding!!! >>> >>> Get ready for a lot of unexpected guests!! >>> >>> (make it a pot luck and you'll be all set) >>> >>> >>> and shame on you for making us wait for so long... >>> >>> Love and Hugs to both of you! >>> >>> Sandy >>> >>> >>This message was from (Linda S Skirvin) >>-- >>The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >>Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at >. > > >This message was from (Jody Morrison) >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > This message was from (Donald J Glaser) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:26:17 -0500 From: "kim jungman" Subject: Re: RS: money saving tip I went to Michaels last december and asked for black scraps of that matte board. I used it to make little chalkboards for my kids at school. It works great and it is very lite. Dimples - ---------- > From: Sandra Luck > To: Freckles > Cc: > Subject: Re: RS: money saving tip > Date: Tuesday, July 29, 1997 9:45 PM > > I use my scrap mat board to make postcards. A 5x7 size ( which is over > the regulation 20 cent size) will mail for 32 cents. If you have a frame > shop near you they frequently have mat scraps available for the asking > or they will save you some.s > > This message was from Sandra Luck > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from "kim jungman" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 20:17:17 -0700 From: Subject: RS: ALL ABOUT ME (LONG) Thank you Ann aka Stampin' Fool > > THE REVISED "ABOUT ME" QUESTIONAIRRE > > Name Gloria Alexander > > Nickname(s) (& how I got it-them) Glo (I glow with happiness) > > My e-mail addy is the 23 stands for I'm a Mom to three boys get it GloMom23..TEE HEE > > I come from (state or country) Born in Michigan to military family > I now live in (state or country)California > > My birthday is (year optional): 21 May 63 > >> > My favorite color(s): raspberry, hunter green, navy blue > > My favorite food(s): mexican > > My favorite holiday:christmas > > > My other hobbies include: camping, walking, crafts, reading, working in my garden, visiting with family and friends, my children > > Other members of my family Matt, Blake who is 5, Brandon who is 3 and Bryce who is 1. Also a black lab named Ashley > > > > My occupation is: Domestic Goddess > > I collect stamps/images of: Stampin Up primitive folk art stuff > > My latest and greatest stamping discovery was:masking > > > Choose the number which most reflects you in the following choices. > Example: My life is: > boring totally insane > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (8) 9 10 > > > You can add a line or two of explaination if necessary to your > answers below! > > My stamping style is: > cute weird > 1 2 3 (4) 5 6 7 8 9 10 > > I prefer stamps: > mounted unmounted > (1) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > > At last count, I had this many stamps: > three billions and billions > 1 2 3 4 (5) 6 7 8 9 10 > > In rubberstamping experience I: > just discovered it invented it > 1 2 3 4 5 6 (7) 8 9 10 > > In anything I may be sent by anyone, I'd prefer to get: > handmade things stamping supplies > 1 2 3 4 5 6 (7) 8 9 10 > > > Some of my favoirite RS manufacturer/vendors are: Stampin Up, Darcie Country Folk, Penny Black > > My favorite stamping technique is: masking > > I really don't like these kinds/styles of stamps/stamping: cuties > > I first discovered rubber stamping: three years ago > > > I emboss my stamping sometimes. > > > I like to buy mass quantities of unusual paper. > > I like to buy embossing powders and inks. > > I buy too many stamps. > > > I love word sayings and text stamps. > > > When people see my cards they say "Wow! That's beautiful!" > > When people see my cards they say "Whoa! How did you DO that??" > The people at the post office know me by name. > > My mail carrier wonders about me. > >> I am a computer whiz. (sometimes) > > I am an internet guru. (sometimes) > > > I can find my own way to the stamp store. Most of the time. > > As some of you might know I am going to be moving over to Iceland for two years. My husband is in the military. I have found two wonderful gals over there thru this mailing list, Lori and Yadzel. They have been wonderful...I can't wait to get over there and start stamping with them... > > > This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:30:16 EDT From: (G M) Subject: Re: RS: Any writers? Ant J said: "To answer your question ... I am a writer (a legend in my own mind....), and have only been published twice ... once was in our little town's weekly newspaper ... which probably doesn't even count, because they didn't pay me anything" - ---- But you do have a limited ed. book in print! Feathers ***Rubberstampers always bounce back!*** This message was from (G M) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:29:30 EDT From: (Linda S Skirvin) Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Giggles Update (Long) Do you really think I could keep it from all these stampers?????? Huh???? By the way, if you jump through the computer screen, where would you be? Ummm....something to think about! Be careful not to get any of the glass from the screen in your butt! LOL! giggles to you always! Love, Linda On Tue, 29 Jul 1997 20:37:33 -0600 (Jody Morrison) writes: >Oh Linda, > >I'm so happy for you I could just jump right through the computer >screen.... this is wonderful, exciting, happy making news and I'm >thrilled..... > >I sure hope you'll keep us posted as to dates, place, and all that >jazz.... > >WOWOWOWOWOW > >love and hugs, > >Jody MorrCatsNRubbr > > >>I know, I know, I've been awfully quiet and that is quite unusual for >me. >> I haven't had time to unpack since I've been stamps and >paper >>and fun things are still in boxes (but so is my underwear for that >matter >>LOL). >> >>Uncle George's house goes up for sale today and it will be like a >sack of >>cement off my head when I see the sign go up. I have been working on >>emptying out all the drawers and closets and any other place that >sweet >>little ole' man could stuff things into. >> >>It was 103 here Sunday and since nothing seems to be going right, the >>electric went out for 12 hours. Geez, I thought I had died and went >to >>Arizona! Ha! Ha! >> >>I will try to finally get all my email answered in between running to >>Uncle George's house and of course between the doctors visits. My >>Internist thinks my hormones are all screwed up from all the crap my >body >>has had to endure....duh I don't know what gave her that >idea.....doesn't >>everyone cry when people say hello to them? Ha! Depending on the >new >>blood count, my cancer doctor and I discussed the possibility of >giving >>my body a rest for a few weeks. That would be something > >>needles stuck in to my body like a voodoo doll! >> >>I'm going through a really blah period in my life right now but >hopefully >>some of it is caused by the chemical withdrawals and the selling of >Uncle >>George's house and being away from Petie. >> >>I owe so many of you thank yous for the wonderful cards and gifts and >I >>hope to post them very soon! This list brings so many giggles and >warm >>fuzzies it is so hard not being here to enjoy all of you. >> >>Thank you to those that meet in NvrLand late at have >been >>the saving grace to a really hard time in my life. >> >>Stampin' Sis and Cindy, both of you have showed such wonderful love >and >>courage through your mother's illness and her peace and the end of >her >>suffering will bring both of you much comfort. You both are so >special >>and now you have such a wonderful Guardian Angel looking out for the >both >>of you! Thank you for sharing your mother with all of us. >> >>All the Rubber children that experienced that nasty flu, I sure hope >all >>of them are up and playing happily once again. >> >>And for all those waiting and turning purple for an answer to the >Wedding >>Bells post, the answer was yes. >> >>giggles to you always! >>Love, Linda >>This message was from (Linda S Skirvin) >>-- >>The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >>Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at >. > > > This message was from (Linda S Skirvin) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:27:16 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: RS: AD: Free Shipping Sale - only 2 days left The FREE SHIPPING sale runs through July 31st on any order of $20 or more= for US addresses ($25 or more for Canadians). FULL SHEET CARDSTOCK ASST PACKS (30 sheets 8=BD"x11") ______ A1 - Assorted Whites (linen, glossy, Stardust, textured, etc) $5.0= 0 ______ B1 - Assorted Colors (lots of colors, pastels & brights) $5.00 ______ C1 - Assorted Naturals (tans, browns, grays, etc) $7.00 ______ D1 - Assorted Patels (all pastel pack) $5.00 ______ E1 - Assorted Deep Tones (midnight blue, black, burgundy, etc) $7.= 00 1/2 SHEET CARDSTOCK ASST PACKS (50 sheets 5=BD"x8=BD") ______ A2 - Assorted Whites (linen, glossy, Stardust, textured, etc) $5.0= 0 ______ B2 - Assorted Colors (lots of colors, pastels & brights) $5.00 ______ C2 - Assorted Naturals (tans, browns, grays, etc) $7.00 ______ D2 - Assorted Patels (all pastel pack) $5.00 ______ E2 - Assorted Deep Tones (midnight blue, black, burgundy, etc) $7.= 00 100# LUNA GLOSS (glossy on both sides) ______ F1 - 25 full size sheets (8=BD"x11") $5.00 ______ F2 - 40 half size sheets (5=BD"x8=BD") $5.00 VELLUM (heavy tanslucent paper) ______ V2 - 25 half size sheets (5=BD"x8=BD") $4.00 STARDUST (65# soft white cardstock with tiny pastel specks throughout) ______ S1 - 25 full size sheets (8=BD"x11") $4.00 ______ S2 - 40 half size sheets (5=BD"x8=BD") $4.00 ______ 15 envelopes $4.00 ______ 25 envelopes $6.00 ______ COMBO PACK - 25 full size sheets + 25 envelopes $9.00 110# MATTE WHITE CARDSTOCK (inexpensive, regular heavy white cardstock) ______ M1 - 30 full size sheets (8=BD"x11") $4.00 ______ M2 - 50 half size sheets (5=BD"x8=BD") $4.00 ASTROBRIGHT ENVELOPES (size A2) Assortment of colors: red, green, blue, yellow, orange ______ 15 envelopes $4.00 ______ 25 envelopes $6.00 PASTEL ENVELOPES (size A2) Assortment of colors: pink, peach, baby blue, = pale yellow, mint green, lavendar ______ 15 envelopes $4.00 ______ 25 envelopes $6.00 Please e-mail me to place your order and send check or MO to: Fran Robertshaw 2682 Beverly Dr. Medford, OR 97504 Hugs, - -Fran the Frantic Stamper :-@ - ------------------------------------ For great paper deals, check: - ----------------------------------- This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modem= s Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:29:30 EDT From: (Linda S Skirvin) Subject: Re: RS: RS Male Stampers Oh my I need to get my eyes examined! I thought you wanted to know who the male strippers on the list were! Ha! I was even going to ask for a copy of that one! LOL! giggles to you always! Love, Linda On Tue, 29 Jul 1997 17:50:40 -0700 (MST) (Erin ) writes: >Just wondering who are the male stampers on the list. > >This message was from (Erin ) >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > This message was from (Linda S Skirvin) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:33:06 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: RS: AD: Newbie Special - Vellum Card Have you ever made a vellum card? They're so easy and so elegant! Here'= s your chance to try! I will send you a FREE sample vellum card with instructions when you orde= r 1 package of vellum. Each package contains 25 sheets (5=BD"x8=BD") of 36# Vellum in white for = $4 + $1.50 shipping (via reg mail) Order 2 or more packages and the shipping is only $3 via Priority Mail. The vellum cards are SUPER easy to make and look VERY elegant! Please e-mail me with your order, and mention "free sample card". Send y= our payment to: Fran Robertshaw 2682 Beverly Dr. Medford, OR 97504 Thanks! - -Fran the Frantic Stamper :-@ - ------------------------------------ For great paper deals, check: This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modem= s Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:06:06 -0400 From: (Donald J Glaser) Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Full Moon? Quick somebody give me a Farmer's Almanac or a calendar or something. I just ran outside to see if there was a full moon and it's too cloudy here to tell. Geeeeez! And I thought I was havding a bad hair day? PeterPan Isn't It Amazing What A Few Lines Down Here Can Get Started??????????????? On Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:28:49 -0400 Freckles writes: >Whew! Is there a full moon or is it PMS season? Sheesh. Seems like >everyone's in a bad mood today. I think we need a new topic to >discuss. >I'm a bargain shopper. I love garage sales, I navigate towards the >clearance racks, and so I'd love to hear some of the ways to save >money >with stamping supplies. I just read a Newbie Tips post from luv2stamp >about buying blank index cards at WalMart for postcards. I love that >idea, and I'm going to go buy some next time I'm there. Anyone else >have any ideas they'd like to share? > >Freckles >This message was from Freckles >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > This message was from (Donald J Glaser) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:30:17 EDT From: (G M) Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Tell me how dumb I am!!! Would doing a search on some of the subject matter help? Feathers ***Rubberstampers always bounce back!*** This message was from (G M) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:47:56 EDT From: (Linda S Skirvin) Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Giggles Update (Long) Oh no not the Blitzers!!!!! Now want to hear something really funny? Neither Petie or I own a Blitzer! LOL! I don't think it would be on the registery though! Actually I would rather receive a million Blitzers than (gasp) something that makes me work in a kitchen!!! Yikes! giggles to you always! Love, Linda On Tue, 29 Jul 1997 20:58:01 -0600 (Jody Morrison) writes: >Actually, you know, it aint a bad idea at all to "register" with >various >venders on the list. Otherwise you could receive, gasp, at least a >dozen >blitzers. LOLOLOL > >Hugs, > >jody > > >>I expect all of you to do the cooking! Ha! Ha! Also the table >cloths >>will be white paper and everyone should bring their own stamps and >ink >>pads and we will decorate that way! Ha! Ha! Better yet.....we need >>Vendors to Register our Wedding Gift know like stamps, >>rubbers, ink pads, embossing powder.....who needs that other trival >>household stuff? >> >>giggles to you always! >>Love, Linda >> >>On Tue, 29 Jul 1997 15:25:17 -0700 Joyful Stamper > >>writes: >>>> >>>> And for all those waiting and turning purple for an answer to the >>>Wedding >>>> Bells post, the answer was yes. >>>> >>> >>> (taking a breath for the 1st time in days) >>> >>> YIIPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! >>> >>> A rubber wedding!!! >>> >>> Get ready for a lot of unexpected guests!! >>> >>> (make it a pot luck and you'll be all set) >>> >>> >>> and shame on you for making us wait for so long... >>> >>> Love and Hugs to both of you! >>> >>> Sandy >>> >>> >>This message was from (Linda S Skirvin) >>-- >>The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >>Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at >. > > > This message was from (Linda S Skirvin) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:47:56 EDT From: (Linda S Skirvin) Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Full Moon? How can you have a bad hair day if you don't have hair????? giggles to you always! Love, Linda On Tue, 29 Jul 1997 23:06:06 -0400 (Donald J Glaser) writes: >Quick somebody give me a Farmer's Almanac or a calendar or something. >I just ran outside to see if there was a full moon and it's too cloudy >here to tell. Geeeeez! And I thought I was havding a bad hair day? > >PeterPan >Isn't It Amazing What A Few Lines Down Here >Can Get Started??????????????? > >On Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:28:49 -0400 Freckles >writes: >>Whew! Is there a full moon or is it PMS season? Sheesh. Seems like >>everyone's in a bad mood today. I think we need a new topic to >>discuss. >>I'm a bargain shopper. I love garage sales, I navigate towards the >>clearance racks, and so I'd love to hear some of the ways to save >>money >>with stamping supplies. I just read a Newbie Tips post from >luv2stamp >>about buying blank index cards at WalMart for postcards. I love that >>idea, and I'm going to go buy some next time I'm there. Anyone else >>have any ideas they'd like to share? >> >>Freckles >>This message was from Freckles >>-- >>The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >>Modems >>Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at >. >> >This message was from (Donald J Glaser) -- The >rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > This message was from (Linda S Skirvin) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #2274 ************************************* To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.