From: To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #254 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Friday, 14 February 1997 Volume 02 : Number 254 In this issue: Re: Official Stamp Passport Book Swap RE: Secret Stamper and deadbeats Re: postal rates Re: Newbie Handbook Re: MORE PIN INFORMATION RUBBER STAMP SWAP TAN more stuff from DaMadStamper re: people online and real life Re: Paper Source Catalogs - I need repeat Re: PotW accomplished!!! DOTS lovers SWAP UPDATE RS:Vulcanizer Info Needed RE: Unsubscribing Re: rs:card stock quality Received RR group # 1 RS Official Illumination Swap RS TAN: Pontification See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Lori A Clemmons) Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 15:12:30 EST Subject: Re: Official Stamp Passport Book Swap I seem to remember that I have a recipe for a paste that you paint onto paper and let dry. Later you can lick it and makes it sticky - kinda of like regular postage stamps. Cheaper than sticker paper! Plus it gives you the ability to make any kind or color of paper into a sticker. If anybody is interested let me know and I can dig into the deep recesses of my "kid's craft ideas" file. Lori On Thu, 06 Feb 1997 14:35:28 EST (Paula Jo Green) writes: > >On Wed, 5 Feb 1997 17:40:25 -0800 (PST) Katherine Chapman > >>Hi, >> >>I saw your swap and I would like to join. I'm just curious about the >>stickers/postoids. Can we just stamp on sticker paper and cut them >>out >>for our stickers or are you wanting more of an artistamps deal? >>Thank you for hosting, >> >>Katherine Chapman >> >>~Stampalina~ >> >> > >You can make them any way you want. You can make them from >Crack-n-Peel sticker paper, Avery labels, contact paper or from the >die cut packaged stickers. >Let your imagination go wild on this one. The only restriction I am >putting on this is to not make anything vulgar or nudes. The reason >being, I don't know everyone who signs up well enough to know who >would be offended if they received one like that. > >If you have any other questions, let me know. > >DG Stamper >(Domestic Goddess Stamper) ------------------------------ From: tim anderson Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 10:25:40 -0600 Subject: RE: Secret Stamper and deadbeats Janet and Frank, I agree with you wholeheartedly and this list has not had my whloe = heart for awhile:( I am sad that people seem to be forgetting how hard = you work on this swap. Above all, this is for fun ! It seems some = people have already abused their families out the door so now they come = here for "release of rage". I don't like being burned anymore than anyone else . I am sorry I = obsessed about the Rubber Gnus, BTW. It was trite in the scheme of = things. And I must say that Denise made retributions with nice um's. People who are sick of waiting for the SS should go ss-shop, shop! If = stuff makes them that impatient they can buy some-it's America! I get = impatient too but this is getting ridiculous. I fear mailing an SS out = they may take longer than the 1st third of the month because I don't = want to be raked over the coals- this *has not* happened to me but I = feel the potential. I just meant to say that I agree and am sorry it's gotten so vicious. = The Voice of Prozac has a high anger tolerance threshold and I am sorry = you got pushed over the threshold! Imagene ------------------------------ From: Elaine Morgan Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 10:08:53 +0000 Subject: Re: postal rates Hi, My first experience with sharing cards came from Tammy Allbright (Xcuse please if I boo booed on the spelling of your last name I have your addy up in my craft room. Anwway, the point I want to make is she sent me cards in a clear envy...I think it was handmade. I thought at the time how pretty because you could see her great artwork..I have been saving clear plastic from grocery items...If I have to use a knife to open the danged things, think how strong they would be to be used as an envy and then just put the addy on a computer sticker. I thought it was a good idea... TTYL Inkynails Elaine Carpe Diem! Kate Whitridge wrote: > > Actually, it doesn't say what kind of envelope. Personally, I think that > it is well within the parameters of the game to stick it in a clear > plastic envelope - the kind that some of the vendors are now selling with > a sealable strip at the top. It's basically a sealed envelope - but I > don't know whether the USPO will agree that it's an envelope. > > /\ (o) > .\/\ /\ . . . in the darkness, light . . . > . \.\/\ / .\ > /\.\/. \ /. .\ /\ Kate Whitridge > /. \/. .\/ . \/. \ The RubberSnark > ./ . . \ . / ..\/\ ------------------------------ From: "DONNA GRADY" Date: 05 Feb 97 09:20:42 -0800 Subject: Re: Newbie Handbook - --=_ORCL_30006700_0_11919702051023420 Content-Transfer-Encoding:7bit Content-Type:text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Deeni, Are you really putting together a Newbie Handbook? That's great - can I have a copy also? TIA, Donna ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - --=_ORCL_30006700_0_11919702051023420 Content-Type:message/rfc822 Date: 05 Feb 97 11:15:53 From:" (Denise L Brawn)" Subject:Re: Newbie Handbook Return-Path: References:<> X-Mailer:Juno 1.00 X-Juno-Line-Breaks:0-9 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding:7bit Content-Type:text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Be glad to send it when I get it done. Tigger On Tue, 4 Feb 1997 23:26:53 -0500 (EST) writes: i would like to have a copy of the neebie book when it is finished - --=_ORCL_30006700_0_11919702051023420-- ------------------------------ From: Carol Perkins Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 16:34:30 +0000 Subject: Re: MORE PIN INFORMATION I've put glitter on before I laminated and it was okay. Carol - Minneapolis At 03:40 PM 2/10/97 +0000, you wrote: >Robin Moore wrote: >> > >> For the pins, do you use glittler after you have laminated the pins and add >> the extra's after you have already laminated the pins? Thanks in Advance >> for your help! > >Personally, I usually add something to my pins after I have laminated >them. Generally it is a charm, or a ribbon, etc on top of the pin. I >haven't tried glitter yet, but I have seen some real nice pins with >glitter on them prior to laminating. I don't know if they use cold or >hot laminating. > >One real nice effect I have seen was a pin that was an image of a cat in >a Halloween bag, that the person put Halloween confetti around before >laminating. The resulting pin has the image in middle with the confetti >looking like it is "floating" around the outside because it is between >the layers of laminate. I think I am going to try a pin like this >someday. > >Hope this helps >Dragonhome > >-- >******************************************************************* >Judy "Dragonhome" Perry >email >See my webpage at >I have a database of Rubber Stamp Company address, phone, angel, etc >information. If you need some RS Info, email me and let me know > ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 16:01:41 -0500 Subject: RUBBER STAMP SWAP Hello! Here are the participants for the rubber stamp swap. I haven't received any packages yet, but I'm sure they are on the way. Thanks to everyone for the interest! If you sent me an e-mail to sign up and I don't have your name on the list, please let me know. Thanks! Here are the details if you are interested in sigining up: Hostess:Kelly Duffie Deadline: Sign up by FEBRUARY 10 TODAY!!! :) Packages due by FEBRUARY 27 Details: Send 1-7 used/new wood mounted stamps that you would like to swap. I will send you stamps totalling the equivalent value of your stamps. Send a SAL and equivalent postage. Stamps can be sayings, cute, etc. Please e-mail me to sign up at ------------------------------ From: valobra Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 13:52:39 -0700 (MST) Subject: TAN more stuff from DaMadStamper re: people online and real life > I find that everyone I meet in person at the shows and about town is > wonderful, person to person contact seems to help communication and even when > differences of opinion about things exist, they aren't taken so divisively as > happens in > online communication, they're taken more at face value - "you have a > different opinion than me". > YES I ABSOLUTELY AGREE Being deaf and struggling to meet people in the hearing world. People seem afraid to meet me or they just dont know how to handle meeting deafies. Being online breaks down that barrier and then meeting in real life makes it so much easier. I have met many wonderful people from the list at the one and only show I have attended (Atlanta Georgia last November) I look forward to meeting many more at the Las Vegas and the two Arizona shows coming up soon. I wuvs each and every single person on the list, even those ranters, whiners, complainers, holier than thou people. After all they are human and we all learn from one another. But I especially care about those who cares. Such wonderful wonderful people that they are........*sigh* I must say though that I am luckier than most of you re: real life. Since there is no such thing as delete key for real life stuff that arritate you. I at least dont have to "listen" to them heeeehawwwwwww valobra DaMadSTamper ------------------------------ From: Barbara Holl Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 08:21:59 -0800 (PST) Subject: Re: Paper Source Catalogs - I need repeat Loose Ends P.O. Box 20310 Salem, OR 97307-0310 Their catalog is full of wonderful papers, boxes...... Let me quote from the early pages of their catalog. "There were so many wonderful new directions to go this year that deciding what NOT to include was the real challenge. The following pages will take you on an African safari, for a stroll on the white sands of a tropical beach, on a camel caravan along the spice trading routes of upper Egypt, for a whimsical visit with the White Rabbit or back to a lazy summer day in 1953." It continues: "Last, but not least, don't forget...many of our things are handmade of natural and organic and/or seasonal materials. MOther Nature is capricious so...plan ahead, order early, be flexible and remember our plagarized fish house disclaimer: (read UNUSUAL STUFF for Seafood) - to isure freshness & quality we buy in limited quantities of a variety of Seafood, & may sell out of certain items before the close of business each day" The owner is very nice and the catalog ($5.00) is full of wonderful things. Try it. Barbara (StampBear) On Tue, 11 Feb 1997 wrote: > Would someone please send me the information on the couple of catalogs that > were good sources for specialty paper for purchasing and just general > information. AOL ate my mail before I had a chance to send for them! TIA > > Stampin' Beanie > ------------------------------ From: "M. Royersmith" Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 18:34:29 -0500 Subject: Re: PotW accomplished!!! I'm so excited. I just finished my first ever pin, I've never made them before!!! My SS last round sent me a package of pins, so I figured this was a good time to try it out. Ginny, I loved your simple instructions! This was such a wonderful idea to do this, a weekly project. Perhaps now there will be more RS discussions than other crap. The best thing was that I had all the materials here at home already, I didn't have to go to the store. And is strapping tape the same thing as double-sided sticky foam type?? Just wondering. That is what I used. The roll is about 1/2" wide, and I just trimmed a piece big enough to cover the back of the pin. And it looks so pretty! I used one of the Laurel Burch stamps that my new SS sent me the other day! The colors are glorious! What fun I'll be having making more. Thanks again, Ginny. Amethyst ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. --Mark Twain ------------------------------ From: (Sarah Shivler) Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 15:21:17 -0600 Subject: DOTS lovers SWAP UPDATE DEADLINE IS MARCH 1!!!!!! UPDATED LIST BELOW--plus which I have and which I need! Thanks!!!!!Sarah There is still time to sign-up. I know there are more DOTS lovers out there! You have plenty of time to join. For demonstrators it is a great way to build your card sample collection. Updated list is below! For those who have signed up or who are thinking about it: Someone participating in the swap had the idea of also sending with your 6 items---6 stamped images using a DOTS stamp. You could use a stamp used in your card or another one. But send 6 images and get 6 back. This is OPTIONAL--but a great idea. That way if you don't have the image already you can still make a card from it. There is still time to sign up for the swap: Name: DOTS #3 swap Hostess: Sarah Shivler Items: 6 for 6--anything goes (cards, pc, bookmarks, pins) Option: Also send 6 stamped images w/ swap items Details: Use only DOTS stamps Postage: Send a SAE w/ equivalent postage or SASE. Postmarked by: March 5 Let me know if you want to play!!! Sarah Shivler--have Debbie B-LadyRoslyn--have April DeMasters Kathy Ream--have Amie Snow Susan Buetow Tracey Carr Ruthann Gigliotti--have Chris Schoonver Jodi Hensley Carmen Diane Clark M. Hale Amie Snow Sheila Keyman Lisa (chatty) Barb (gmaattic) Jolene Irvine Steph (StampGuru) Sarah Shivler "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:8 ------------------------------ From: Shannon Green Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 22:34:51 -0600 Subject: RS:Vulcanizer Info Needed It's been called to my attention that several people misunderstood this post. These vulcanizers are for RUBBER! Not polymer. Can't you people read my mind??!! I've received lots of good tips and advice (thank you all very much) and now I have another question. How to go about having my artwork engraved on the plates to use in the vulcanizer? What does that typically cost? Obviously this is a whole new area for me and I need lots of help! Thanks, Shannon >Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 15:48:42 -0600 >To: >From: Shannon Green >Subject: RS:Vulcanizer Info Needed >Cc:, STACIA D BLODGETT ,, Barb Speck > >I need some help. I have a chance to buy two used vulcanizers but I know absolutely nothing about them. The person I'm buying them from owns a rubberstamp shop (you know, those "office" type stamps) and uses polymer only. He said the vulcanizers came with the business when he bought it, he has never used them and never will, he has no idea what they're worth but they are in good condition. > >Does anyone have any idea what a fair price would be? He is basically just wanting to get rid of these, but I don't want to take advantage of him. > >Ideas?? Anyone?? Anyone??? Yes, I do intend to press rubber with these babies so the sooner I can get my hands on them, the better! > >Thanks! >Shannon ------------------------------ From: Barbara Holl Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 08:00:34 -0800 (PST) Subject: RE: Unsubscribing I agree! DON'T LEAVE! Barbara (StampBear) On Mon, 10 Feb 1997, Jonathan Zwang wrote: > Oh please don't go. You will be missed. Again, I have not read any of the > flames. I see the first sentence and just use the delete key. There are many > of us who do not participate in this and really appreciate the input from > people like you and Sandi Marr, who I also wish would stay. The majority of > the people I believe are here for the tips and techniques and the friendship - > please focus on this and stay. If we all just use our delete key and stay > focused on the positive, and not respond to keep the flames going they do go > out! > > geevee > so many stamps, so little time > > ---------- > From: Impress of the Night > Sent: Monday, February 10, 1997 1:53 AM > To: > Subject: Unsubscribing > > I'm going to follow on Sandi Marr's heals. I have more important things to > do with my time, like rubberstamping, than to read a lot of bickering and > notes that should be sent through private email. > > I also don't have the time to read the 400+ posts a day, especially when > only a tenth of them (if that much) pertain to RSing. > > To those swap hostesses whose swaps I'm in, don't worry, I will definitely > fulfill my end. > > Ta, it's been swell > > > > > Impress of the Night > > ------------------------------ From: "Katherine J. Whitridge" Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:07:39 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: rs:card stock quality For color pencils, I use white or slightly off-white matte cardstock, but not the sort of "ultra" mattes, which have usually been chemically treated and somehow don't "take" the pencil as well. For an interesting effect, I sometimes use laid paper with a bit of a grain to it - the pencil work stays on the top but doesn't get as deeply into the grooves. For markers, I prefer a glossy or ultra matte cardstock - the colors come out very vivid. For embossing, I use glossy or matte cardstock, but try to make sure that the cardstock isn't too porous (or it will absorb the ink and the powder won't adhere as well, and the embossing may be very patchy). I don't do watercolors on cards, yet, although I've got the paints. Lately, I've been varying my standard white-ish cardstock a lot. I love the birch-type of brown-flecked, off-white cardstock, and I adore both Stardust cardstock (can't remember who makes it) and the Confetti Kaleidocolor. I use these mostly with markers. In the absence of Wasau Exact Index, I use glossy or ultra-matte cardstock when I want the translucence of my Tria markers (so that they don't bleed). /\ (o) .\/\ /\ . . . in the darkness, light . . . . \.\/\ / .\ /\.\/. \ /. .\ /\ Kate Whitridge /. \/. .\/ . \/. \ The RubberSnark ./ . . \ . / ..\/\ ------------------------------ From: Bonnie Linhart Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 08:45:38 -0800 Subject: Received RR group # 1 Hi there!! I won't explain all the cards, but will tell you the ones I'm taking out. By Lisa Wynn made an adorable card!! The background is a sunshine, a mailbox and gold embossed, deckled edges. Is that sponged or blitzed a bit? She used a stamp by Imaginations. A little girl and it says on the bottom of her shoes "just sittin here, thinkin' about you" I want that stamp!! She glued a raffia bow on it, touched it up with gold paint. I love this card. It's darling!! I'll be emailing you later to ask some questions. My husband got in on this act. He was sitting beside me when I was looking at the cards and wanted to see them. tee hee!! Don't you love it? Anyway, he liked the card made by Rosemarie Smith. She made a card on dark navy blue linen. It's a night time scene with an owl. Thre is snow and a moon, trees and the "great owl" It's really beautiful! The inside sentiment is typed on a computer on white paper, held in with a silver cord. It says"might owl..your eyes hold the moon, your wings know the wind" from The Mole and the Owl by C. Duffle. She made a shiney silver envy to go with. Thank you, ladies!!!!! Thank you, Marcia, for the stickers. My daughter claimed them!! This will go to Dragonlady today or tomorrow with 2 of my cards to replace the 2 I took out. Thank you, Bonnie "Lass" - -- Bonnie "Lass" Linhart Lass Creations 6339 Ventura Lane Central Point, OR 97502-9355 ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 15:11:06 -0500 (EST) Subject: RS Official Illumination Swap Illumination and ancient manuscripts Swap. 6 for 6 postcards - Postmarked by March 20, the Vernal Equinox. Get inspired by The Book of Kells, Lindisfarne, A Book of Hours... Medieval stuff, anything after1450 is just too modern :-) Include $1 for postage. Hostess: Nancy Hall-Johnson PO Box 1833 Fremont, CA 94538 The Participants thus far.... Phyllis Rhonda Melissa Cari Laurie Nan (me) You :-) From Rhonda: a list of illumination and calligraphy links on the WWW... From Sandy: I, too am working on an idea for the illumination swap. I've tried the gold rub on wax before on paper and because they have an oil/wax base, they left a greasy halo after a few weeks. This has been several years ago, so the formulations may well have changed. I'm going to use old fashioned gold leaf..well..not real gold..but composition gold leaf. You might want to try your hand at that. It's a challenge to be sure, but a great accomplishment to add to your skills. You might also try some of the gold foil that others stampers use for embellishment. I have also seen illuminations without gold. You might also try some of the gold paint pens with the very fine tips..I really like those, though I can't get one to last very long...I'd love to get a hold of the newer pens I've read about on the list and give them a try. From Me: If all else fails use gold embossing powder! Another good link to calligraphy, illumination and celtic stuff too: ------------------------------ From: Darlene Sybert Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 13:12:46 -0600 (CST) Subject: RS TAN: Pontification On Fri, 7 Feb 1997, dksather wrote: > I only admit to being cute and funny....I don't pontificate anything. > It is the casual useage of the name Darlene here that keeps me in more > hot water than I am entitled to. As most of you know I am quite capable > of inserting my own foot into my mouth.....Ms Sybert has her own style. > Hey, Darlene!! Nice to hear from you. I hope all is well in the desert. BTW, I think you are assuming a lot when you insinuate that it was NOT you who was being accused here... LOL I hope you caught Mars post--it was the last word in pontification, I think...a heretic pontificating about pontification and naming the Pope... does rhetoric ever get better than this?!!! :-) Darlene Sybert vsa Central Missouri ********************************************************************* ...from the caves of deepest night, ascending in clouds of mist, The winter spread his wide black wings across from pole to pole: Grim frost beneath & terrible snow, link'd in a marriage chain, Began a dismal dance. -William Blake, *The Four Zoas,* Night VI ********************************************************************** ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #254 ************************************ To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.