From: (rubberstampers Digest) To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #2708 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Tuesday, September 2 1997 Volume 02 : Number 2708 In this issue: Re: RS: Hi Judy Perry - Re: my order RS: Re: Checkered paper swap status?? Re: RS: I have a questions on templates Re: RS: TAN.. tabloid trash RS: What is this???? Please help Re: RS: Boycott Tabloids & Trash TV RS: TAN - Memorial fund for Diana's causes RS: Magnet Swap update See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 02 Sep 1997 21:57:50 -0400 From: Gerry & Bonnie Lowe Subject: Re: RS: Hi Judy Perry - Re: my order Sorry to have to send this to the list. I can not get a message it keeps bouncing back. Gerry & Bonnie Lowe wrote: > > Hi Judy, > Boy what a summer, time has just flown by. I just found the paper with > what I ordered from you. At the present time I have not heard from you > that you mailed it or not. I have not received the stamps that I payed > for. Listed below is what I ordered CH-005-C Roses $1.25 > FT-331-I African Woman $2.00 > 9771-C Textured Stamp $1.25 > 9769-C Textured Stamp $1.25 > 9736-C Textured Stamp $1.25 > 9731-D Textured Stamp $1.25 > I mailed $ 8.91 in US Dollars s&h included as stated.(May 30/97? > I Am looking forward to playing with these new stamps. I just hope there > are not stuck at the border. We are soon going to have a postal strike, > so I wanted to get this matter cleared up. Looking forward to hearing > from you Judy. Have a great day! > > yours truly > Bonnie J.L. This message was from Gerry & Bonnie Lowe - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 22:24:58 -0400 From: "anno" Subject: RS: Re: Checkered paper swap status?? > Just wondering what the status is on the checkered paper swap.....I don't > remember what the "actual" mail date was...I just know when I mailed mine! I got mine today! and when I get to the end of the mail, I'll tell you 'bout 'em! anno (mind you, it will NOT be today still when that happens..) This message was from "anno" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 20:52:13 +0000 From: "Edward Sim" Subject: Re: RS: I have a questions on templates Me too. They all sounded great. Tupperstamper - ---------------------------------------------------- This sounds like a really cool idea, Phil! Let me know when it's out . . . I'm excited! Sara aka This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from "Edward Sim" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 20:26:45 -0400 From: "anno" Subject: Re: RS: TAN.. tabloid trash > (sigh) - this is exactly the kind of thing that makes me mad! People > who don't know any better believe this stuff and these magazines make $$ > ruining people's lives. oh gad.. I gotta confess to buying one of those twice.. when we were first married and before we had kids and we both worked and we lived in DC burbs where I won't drive, least not on the highways.. I used to read to ted in the car while we commuted.. novels and stuff.. and when we went on road trips too, but couple times when we went on long road trips I bought one of those tacky tabloids, for the amusement factor.. not for the celebrity stuff, I could care less 'bout celebrities.. I don't do TV, or news, or newspapers.. I'm probably the most ill-informed person on the planet.. don't recommend that course for others, but it works for me.. I read the local news once or twice a month on average and that's 'bout it.. pay for daily newspaper so's I'm sure to get the michaels coupons. but I do gotta plead guilty to buying a tabloid paper twice, cuz.. well.. it's a hoot.. not for the celebrity stuff, again.. but for the elvis sitings and the two headed cows and the news of the weird and that kinda stuff.. is funny! and makes good road trip reading and giggling.. or did, before we had kids.. then came the years of sesame street and raffi and sharon lois and bram and whatnot tapes.. and now when we travel I read roald dahl and brian jacques and tolkein and stuff like that.. cuz I don't want the kids to know their momma EVER bought one of those things.. rofl! I always been closet fascinated by that bizarre stuff.. always begged my dad to stop to see the world's littlest horse and the two headed cow and that stuff when we were on road trips when I was a kid.. some long years ago.. I guess erin was 2, cuz was just her, for mothers day we went to dinosaur land.. cuz it was so tacky, and I'd always wanted to DO something that tacky and nobody would ever LET me.. hehe.. now I understand though.. sigh.. this weekend we were in florida, and sunday we took the kids and a spare down to st. augustine to poke around and my son kept begging to stop at the alligator farm.. and we kept saying no.. was a financial consideration.. maybe that's why daddy always said no too.. but they DID get to pan for gold in cherokee this summer.. always wanted to do that too... (and I wasn't even along on that trip, missed out again!) anno This message was from "anno" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 02 Sep 1997 22:10:01 -0600 From: Diane Bowman Subject: RS: What is this???? Please help This came back with a message that I sent to the list and to martha and to Kimmers about receiving birthday cards.... Is this something I need to worry about???? Confused and dazed...=20 Stampin' Joy A storage fee of $100/month will be assessed to you for storage of your=20 message. In addition,=20 You are in violation of the following Federal Statutes. Any further=20 violations will result in a complaint being filed against you in Federal=20 Court.. =20 =20 * UNITED STATES CODE =20 + TITLE 47 - TELEGRAPHS, TELEPHONES, AND RADIOTELEGRAPHS =20 o CHAPTER 5 - WIRE OR RADIO COMMUNICATION =20 # SUBCHAPTER II - COMMON CARRIERS=20 =20 =20 _________________________________________________________________ =20 =A7 227. Restrictions on use of telephone equipment * (a) Definitions =20 As used in this section - + (1) The term ''automatic telephone dialing system'' means equipment which has the capacity - o (A) to store or produce telephone numbers to be called, using a random or sequential number generator; and o (B) to dial such numbers.. + (2) The term ''telephone facsimile machine'' means equipment which has the capacity (A) to transcribe text or images, or both, from paper into an electronic signal and to transmit that signal over a regular telephone line, or (B) to transcribe text or images (or both) from an electronic signal received over a regular telephone line onto paper.. + (3) The term ''telephone solicitation'' means the initiation of a telephone call or message for the purpose of encouraging the purchase or rental of, or investment in, property, goods, or services, which is transmitted to any person, but such term does not include a call or message (A) to any person with that person's prior express invitation or permission, (B) to any person with whom the caller has an established business relationship, or (C) by a tax exempt nonprofit organization.. + (4) The term ''unsolicited advertisement'' means any material advertising the commercial availability or quality of any property, goods, or services which is transmitted to any person without that person's prior express invitation or permission.. * (b) Restrictions on use of automated telephone equipment + (1) Prohibitions =20 It shall be unlawful for any person within the United States - o (A) to make any call (other than a call made for emergency purposes or made with the prior express consent of the called party) using any automatic telephone dialing system or an artificial or prerecorded voice - # (i) to any emergency telephone line (including any ''911'' line and any emergency line of a hospital, medical physician or service office, health care facility, poison control center, or fire protection or law enforcement agency); # (ii) to the telephone line of any guest room or patient room of a hospital, health care facility, elderly home, or similar establishment; or # (iii) to any telephone number assigned to a paging service, cellular telephone service, specialized mobile radio service, or other radio common carrier service, or any service for which the called party is charged for the call; o (B) to initiate any telephone call to any residential telephone line using an artificial or prerecorded voice to deliver a message without the prior express consent of the called party, unless the call is initiated for emergency purposes or is exempted by rule or order by the Commission under paragraph (2)(B); o (C) to use any telephone facsimile machine, computer, or other device to send an unsolicited advertisement to a telephone facsimile machine; or o (D) to use an automatic telephone dialing system in such a way that two or more telephone lines of a multi-line business are engaged simultaneously.. + (2) Regulations; exemptions and other provisions =20 The Commission shall prescribe regulations to implement the requirements of this subsection. In implementing the requirements of this subsection, the Commission - o (A) shall consider prescribing regulations to allow businesses to avoid receiving calls made using an artificial or prerecorded voice to which they have not given their prior express consent; o (B) may, by rule or order, exempt from the requirements of paragraph (1)(B) of this subsection, subject to such conditions as the Commission may prescribe - # (i) calls that are not made for a commercial purpose; and # (ii) such classes or categories of calls made for commercial purposes as the Commission determines - @ (I) will not adversely affect the privacy rights that this section is intended to protect; and @ (II) do not include the transmission of any unsolicited advertisement; and o (C) may, by rule or order, exempt from the requirements of paragraphs (FOOTNOTE 1) (1)(A)(iii) of this subsection calls to a telephone number assigned to a cellular telephone service that are not charged to the called party, subject to such conditions as the Commission may prescribe as necessary in the interest of the privacy rights this section is intended to protect.. (FOOTNOTE 1) So in original. Probably should be ''paragraph''.. + (3) Private right of action =20 A person or entity may, if otherwise permitted by the laws or rules of court of a State, bring in an appropriate court of that State - o (A) an action based on a violation of this subsection or the regulations prescribed under this subsection to enjoin such violation, o (B) an action to recover for actual monetary loss from such a violation, or to receive $500 in damages for each such violation, whichever is greater, or o (C) both such actions. If the court finds that the defendant willfully or knowingly violated this subsection or the regulations prescribed under this subsection, the court may, in its discretion, increase the amount of the award to an amount equal to not more than 3 times the amount available under subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.. * (c) Protection of subscriber privacy rights + (1) Rulemaking proceeding required =20 Within 120 days after December 20, 1991, the Commission shall initiate a rulemaking proceeding concerning the need to protect residential telephone subscribers' privacy rights to avoid receiving telephone solicitations to which they object.. The proceeding shall - o (A) compare and evaluate alternative methods and procedures (including the use of electronic databases, telephone network technologies, special directory markings, industry-based or company-specific ''do not call'' systems, and any other alternatives, individually or in combination) for their effectiveness in protecting such privacy rights, and in terms of their cost and other advantages and disadvantages; o (B) evaluate the categories of public and private entities that would have the capacity to establish and administer such methods and procedures; o (C) consider whether different methods and procedures may apply for local telephone solicitations, such as local telephone solicitations of small businesses or holders of second class mail permits; o (D) consider whether there is a need for additional Commission authority to further restrict telephone solicitations, including those calls exempted under subsection (a)(3) of this section, and, if such a finding is made and supported by the record, propose specific restrictions to the Congress; and o (E) develop proposed regulations to implement the methods and procedures that the Commission determines are most effective and efficient to accomplish the purposes of this section.. + (2) Regulations =20 Not later than 9 months after December 20, 1991, the Commission shall conclude the rulemaking proceeding initiated under paragraph (1) and shall prescribe regulations to implement methods and procedures for protecting the privacy rights described in such paragraph in an efficient, effective, and economic manner and without the imposition of any additional charge to telephone subscribers.. + (3) Use of database permitted =20 The regulations required by paragraph (2) may require the establishment and operation of a single national database to compile a list of telephone numbers of residential subscribers who object to receiving telephone solicitations, and to make that compiled list and parts thereof available for purchase. If the Commission determines to require such a database, such regulations shall - o (A) specify a method by which the Commission will select an entity to administer such database; o (B) require each common carrier providing telephone exchange service, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Commission, to inform subscribers for telephone exchange service of the opportunity to provide notification, in accordance with regulations established under this paragraph, that such subscriber objects to receiving telephone solicitations; o (C) specify the methods by which each telephone subscriber shall be informed, by the common carrier that provides local exchange service to that subscriber, of (i) the subscriber's right to give or revoke a notification of an objection under subparagraph (A), and (ii) the methods by which such right may be exercised by the subscriber; o (D) specify the methods by which such objections shall be collected and added to the database; o (E) prohibit any residential subscriber from being charged for giving or revoking such notification or for being included in a database compiled under this section; o (F) prohibit any person from making or transmitting a telephone solicitation to the telephone number of any subscriber included in such database; o (G) specify (i) the methods by which any person desiring to make or transmit telephone solicitations will obtain access to the database, by area code or local exchange prefix, as required to avoid calling the telephone numbers of subscribers included in such database; and (ii) the costs to be recovered from such persons; o (H) specify the methods for recovering, from persons accessing such database, the costs involved in identifying, collecting, updating, disseminating, and selling, and other activities relating to, the operations of the database that are incurred by the entities carrying out those activities; o (I) specify the frequency with which such database will be updated and specify the method by which such updating will take effect for purposes of compliance with the regulations prescribed under this subsection; o (J) be designed to enable States to use the database mechanism selected by the Commission for purposes of administering or enforcing State law; o (K) prohibit the use of such database for any purpose other than compliance with the requirements of this section and any such State law and specify methods for protection of the privacy rights of persons whose numbers are included in such database; and o (L) require each common carrier providing services to any person for the purpose of making telephone solicitations to notify such person of the requirements of this section and the regulations thereunder.. + (4) Considerations required for use of database method =20 If the Commission determines to require the database mechanism described in paragraph (3), the Commission shall - o (A) in developing procedures for gaining access to the database, consider the different needs of telemarketers conducting business on a national, regional, State, or local level; o (B) develop a fee schedule or price structure for recouping the cost of such database that recognizes such differences and - # (i) reflect the relative costs of providing a national, regional, State, or local list of phone numbers of subscribers who object to receiving telephone solicitations; # (ii) reflect the relative costs of providing such lists on paper or electronic media; and # (iii) not place an unreasonable financial burden on small businesses; and o (C) consider (i) whether the needs of telemarketers operating on a local basis could be met through special markings of area white pages directories, and (ii) if such directories are needed as an adjunct to database lists prepared by area code and local exchange prefix.. + (5) Private right of action =20 A person who has received more than one telephone call within any 12-month period by or on behalf of the same entity in violation of the regulations prescribed under this subsection may, if otherwise permitted by the laws or rules of court of a State bring in an appropriate court of that State - o (A) an action based on a violation of the regulations prescribed under this subsection to enjoin such violation, o (B) an action to recover for actual monetary loss from such a violation, or to receive up to $500 in damages for each such violation, whichever is greater, or o (C) both such actions. It shall be an affirmative defense in any action brought under this paragraph that the defendant has established and implemented, with due care, reasonable practices and procedures to effectively prevent telephone solicitations in violation of the regulations prescribed under this subsection. If the court finds that the defendant willfully or knowingly violated the regulations prescribed under this subsection, the court may, in its discretion, increase the amount of the award to an amount equal to not more than 3 times the amount available under subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.. + (6) Relation to subsection (b) =20 The provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to permit a communication prohibited by subsection (b) of this section.. * (d) Technical and procedural standards + (1) Prohibition =20 It shall be unlawful for any person within the United States - o (A) to initiate any communication using a telephone facsimile machine, or to make any telephone call using any automatic telephone dialing system, that does not comply with the technical and procedural standards prescribed under this subsection, or to use any telephone facsimile machine or automatic telephone dialing system in a manner that does not comply with such standards; or o (B) to use a computer or other electronic device to send any message via a telephone facsimile machine unless such person clearly marks, in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page of the message or on the first page of the transmission, the date and time it is sent and an identification of the business, other entity, or individual sending the message and the telephone number of the sending machine or of such business, other entity, or individual.. + (2) Telephone facsimile machines =20 The Commission shall revise the regulations setting technical and procedural standards for telephone facsimile machines to require that any such machine which is manufactured after one year after December 20, 1991, clearly marks, in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page or on the first page of each transmission, the date and time sent, an identification of the business, other entity, or individual sending the message, and the telephone number of the sending machine or of such business, other entity, or individual.. + (3) Artificial or prerecorded voice systems =20 The Commission shall prescribe technical and procedural standards for systems that are used to transmit any artificial or prerecorded voice message via telephone. Such standards shall require that - o (A) all artificial or prerecorded telephone messages (i) shall, at the beginning of the message, state clearly the identity of the business, individual, or other entity initiating the call, and (ii) shall, during or after the message, state clearly the telephone number or address of such business, other entity, or individual; and o (B) any such system will automatically release the called party's line within 5 seconds of the time notification is transmitted to the system that the called party has hung up, to allow the called party's line to be used to make or receive other calls.. * (e) Effect on State law + (1) State law not preempted =20 Except for the standards prescribed under subsection (d) of this section and subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, nothing in this section or in the regulations prescribed under this section shall preempt any State law that imposes more restrictive intrastate requirements or regulations on, or which prohibits - o (A) the use of telephone facsimile machines or other electronic devices to send unsolicited advertisements; o (B) the use of automatic telephone dialing systems; o (C) the use of artificial or prerecorded voice messages; or o (D) the making of telephone solicitations.. + (2) State use of databases =20 If, pursuant to subsection (c)(3) of this section, the Commission requires the establishment of a single national database of telephone numbers of subscribers who object to receiving telephone solicitations, a State or local authority may not, in its regulation of telephone solicitations, require the use of any database, list, or listing system that does not include the part of such single national datebase (FOOTNOTE 2) that relates to such State.. =20 (FOOTNOTE 2) So in original. Probably should be ''database''.. * (f) Actions by States + (1) Authority of States =20 Whenever the attorney general of a State, or an official or agency designated by a State, has reason to believe that any person has engaged or is engaging in a pattern or practice of telephone calls or other transmissions to residents of that State in violation of this section or the regulations prescribed under this section, the State may bring a civil action on behalf of its residents to enjoin such calls, an action to recover for actual monetary loss or receive $500 in damages for each violation, or both such actions. If the court finds the defendant willfully or knowingly violated such regulations, the court may, in its discretion, increase the amount of the award to an amount equal to not more than 3 times the amount available under the preceding sentence.. + (2) Exclusive jurisdiction of Federal courts =20 The district courts of the United States, the United States courts of any territory, and the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all civil actions brought under this subsection. Upon proper application, such courts shall also have jurisdiction to issue writs of mandamus, or orders affording like relief, commanding the defendant to comply with the provisions of this section or regulations prescribed under this section, including the requirement that the defendant take such action as is necessary to remove the danger of such violation. Upon a proper showing, a permanent or temporary injunction or restraining order shall be granted without bond.. + (3) Rights of Commission =20 The State shall serve prior written notice of any such civil action upon the Commission and provide the Commission with a copy of its complaint, except in any case where such prior notice is not feasible, in which case the State shall serve such notice immediately upon instituting such action. The Commission shall have the right (A) to intervene in the action, (B) upon so intervening, to be heard on all matters arising therein, and (C) to file petitions for appeal.. + (4) Venue; service of process =20 Any civil action brought under this subsection in a district court of the United States may be brought in the district wherein the defendant is found or is an inhabitant or transacts business or wherein the violation occurred or is occurring, and process in such cases may be served in any district in which the defendant is an inhabitant or where the defendant may be found.. + (5) Investigatory powers =20 For purposes of bringing any civil action under this subsection, nothing in this section shall prevent the attorney general of a State, or an official or agency designated by a State, from exercising the powers conferred on the attorney general or such official by the laws of such State to conduct investigations or to administer oaths or affirmations or to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documentary and other evidence.. + (6) Effect on State court proceedings =20 Nothing contained in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit an authorized State official from proceeding in State court on the basis of an alleged violation of any general civil or criminal statute of such State.. + (7) Limitation =20 Whenever the Commission has instituted a civil action for violation of regulations prescribed under this section, no State may, during the pendency of such action instituted by the Commission, subsequently institute a civil action against any defendant named in the Commission's complaint for any violation as alleged in the Commission's complaint.. + (8) ''Attorney general'' defined =20 As used in this subsection, the term ''attorney general'' means the chief legal officer of a State.. =20 =20 _________________________________________________________________ =20 - --=20 Stampin=92 Joy This message was from Diane Bowman - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modem= s Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 21:26:24 -0500 From: (Deborah K. Frank) Subject: Re: RS: Boycott Tabloids & Trash TV The tabloids in European countries are a billion dollar business - They said every rag publishing the pictures and stuff were all sold out as soon as the tabloids hit the street over there. Sooo I don't necessarily think it is all the US tabloids that are at fault. One of the papparazzi there actually opened the back door of the car and took Diana's pulse to see if she was alive and continued taking pictures!!!!!! What gall. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hey, wanna stamp? "When I have to choose between two evils, I like to try the one I haven't tried before." Mae West On Tue, 2 Sep 1997 21:19:39 -0400 (EDT) writes: >Wouldn't that be a wonderful gesture to the life of Diana, the Royal >Family >and the entire PLANET?! > >If the buying public refused for one week to buy any tabloid or watch >"trash" >TV??? Do you think the human race has this kind of resolve? > >I'm in! Course -- I've never bought a tabloid before -- so that's >easy to >give up. But I USED to watch Entertainment Tonight and I've caught >bits of >"A Current Affair" and I subscribe to People Magazine..... how far do >I have >to go on this boycott anyway?? > >How do we come up with our list of the periodicals and media coverage >we will >NOT buy in to?? Guess we have to start SOMEwhere if there's going to >be a >change..... > >Wenonah >This message was from >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > This message was from (Deborah K. Frank) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 23:06:51 -0400 From: Lisa Subject: RS: TAN - Memorial fund for Diana's causes Please go here for full artical and information on where to send donations. Memorial fund established for Diana's causes September 2, 1997 Web posted at: 9:15 p.m. EDT (0115 GMT) LONDON (AP) -- An official charity fund in memory of Princess Diana was announced Tuesday to receive contributions to her causes. This message was from Lisa - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 20:04:49 -0700 From: (Stargazer Subject: RS: Magnet Swap update NAME OF SWAP: Magnet Swap HOSTED BY: Stargazer E-MAIL ITEMS INFO: 5, 10, 15, 20 MAGNETIC ART THEME/DETAILS: PLEASE WRITE YOUR NAME ON YOUR ARTWORK. Just make something and glue a magnet to it! :D MAILING INFO: PLEASE WRITE SWAP NAME ON ENVELOPE or ARTWORK if possible. No envelope necessary. Send (stamps preferred-1-.32 & several .23), $2 cash or postage for 10 items and under, $3 in cash or stamps for more than 10. You'll be refunded any extra left over. A self addressed mailing label. (2 would be best.) POSTMARKED BY: September 15 please reply to me privately if needed These are the participants so far: RECIEVED: Dawn Miller Colleen Pat Vidal Jana' DeMore Stargazer Sherrie S. teresa o durn Linda Isarael Michele Ululani Pomroy Caroline Watson Lisa Marie Irvine Stephanie Tina Starling Honeycomber Melodie Bills NOT recieved yet: Sharon Sandahl Bonnie Gard> Lisa Tami Butler Karen N Glover Pamela J. Black Shell Drabek Karan Mel Terrie Price LindaFLICKINGER Sharon Sandahl Honey Janet Detter Margul Trish Rodgers Karen Keolker April DeMasters Stamperella Phyllis M Kenyon Karen Jennifer Merkuris Punkie l bagdon Inga M Mirin Joanne Royster Dennis Snyder Jaimee There's room for YOU - -- -- -- -- -- -- The Queen of Joseph's Coat! I'm on 5 different lists. Putting Stargazer in the subj line will ensure I don't miss your post. This message was from (Stargazer - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #2708 ************************************* To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.