From: (rubberstampers Digest) To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #2745 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Saturday, September 6 1997 Volume 02 : Number 2745 In this issue: RS: DIRECTORY QUESTION Re: RubberTown: RS:Rubberstamp Block RS: ALL NAUGHTY SWAP PLAYERS RS: Happy Rubber's Web page RS: Stamping at bingo RS: COMM: WEB PAGE RS: RS TAN: Funeral Info Please Re: RS: Re: TAN:What's the wierdest place you have ever had sex?? RS: Sherry's SSS!!!!! RS: Have you ever ordered from??? RS: Dull colours on blank cardstock Re: RS: Re: TAN:What's the wierdest place you have ever hsd sex?? RS: Stampo, nice to 'hear' your dulcet tones Re: RS: Happy Rubber's Web page RS: :-D awn's not really ignoring you RS: TAN Company watching the funeral RS: Tacky tacky tacky RS: Tan: RE: Diva Rubber Re: RS: Stamping at bingo RS: unmounted rubber RS: Eureka Vendor?? RS: Please READ: All Scavenger hunt participants Re: RS: Soaps RS: Comm: Your Orders and Mr Evo... Re: RS: Re: TAN:What's the wierdest place you have ever had sex?? RS: ATTN: ALL FALL SCAVENGER HUNT PARTICIPANTS RS: Book of Questions RS: ATTN: GINNY CONNLEY RS: Is this cheating? RS: Re: Fiskars' new crimper RS: Regarding cc'ing RS: Vellum question RS: Marvy reinkers? RS: TEST Re: RS: Book of Questions See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 23:25:20 -0400 From: (Sammi Lynn Houp) Subject: RS: DIRECTORY QUESTION Hey Directory players! Would anyone be willign to send me a photocopy of a page from the directory from the last round? I'd like to see ho wit is done so I can start getting ideas for my own page! Thanks! Sammi Lynn This message was from (Sammi Lynn Houp) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 01:39:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: RubberTown: RS:Rubberstamp Block In a message dated 97-09-05 08:46:27 EDT, writes: << Subj: RubberTown: RS:Rubberstamp Block Date: 97-09-05 08:46:27 EDT From: (Denny & Robin) Sender: Reply-to: (Denny & Robin) To: ('') CC: ('') Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do when you get Rubberstampers block? I look at my stamps and things,and can't figure out what to make or do with them. It's getting me down. And driving me more nuttier than what I already am :0 Any suggestions would be more than welcomed. You can email me privately if ya want. Thanks in advance :) Robin Moore ----------------------- Headers -------------------------------- Received: from ( []) by (V32) with SMTP; Fri, 05 Sep 1997 08:46:27 -0400 Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0) with SMTP id IAA17099; Fri, 5 Sep 1997 08:46:04 -0400 (EDT) Received: from domo by with local (Exim 1.62 #4) id 0x6xl2-0005z9-00; Fri, 5 Sep 1997 06:45:04 -0600 Received: from [] by with esmtp (Exim 1.62 #4) id 0x6xl0-0005yu-00; Fri, 5 Sep 1997 06:45:02 -0600 Received: from ( []) by (8.8.6/8.8.6) with SMTP id IAA25289; Fri, 5 Sep 1997 08:44:34 -0400 Received: by with Microsoft Mail id <>; Fri, 5 Sep 1997 08:46:14 -0400 Message-ID: <> From: Denny & Robin To: "''" Cc: "''" Subject: RubberTown: RS:Rubberstamp Block Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 08:46:09 -0400 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: Denny & Robin >> Hi Robin, One thing I do is clean,organize and stamp samples on scrap.I save those scraps to compose and arrange my card designs.This process is also helpful to view techniques and to visualize possible combinations before commiting them to full size. I like to buy UM grabbags so sometimes I end up with a few unusual stamps and I'm stumped as to how to use them. I have recently been in the clean, organize and stamp samples mode right now because I too had been suffering Rubberstamp Block.Last night I was stamping one of those unusual stamps to index it and inspiration hit.I now have a great idea for a swap that I signed up for.I suddenly have new ideas popping like popcorn! I am having *fun* again! Hope some of this helps, Carol This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 23:39:18 -0400 From: (Sammi Lynn Houp) Subject: RS: ALL NAUGHTY SWAP PLAYERS Hey everyone! The naughy swap went in the mail Wednesday so you should be getting your goodies any day now! There was some GREAT cards in there! LOL! Now, just TODAY, I received cards from two people who I hadnt been able to get in touch with..I thought they weren't playing.....ANyway, their cards are here and they are good ones. If any of you have a couple cards in your pile that you'd be willing to trade for ones from these two ladies, plese let me know. You could send me two from your pile and I would send you one each othe theirs in return. I would postage in mailign the new ones back to you. I hope a few of you will take me up on this so these ladies can get cards in return. I feel bad they weren't here in time and would like to see them get their swap back instead of their won cards. If any of you are willign to do this, please let me know and email me ASAP! thanks! Sammi Lynn This message was from (Sammi Lynn Houp) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 01:43:54 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: RS: Happy Rubber's Web page Hi All, It's very late and I'm emailing you all to tell you about a small, not really great web page I just set up. I'm hiring Judy Perry to build me a real one soon, but couldn't resist giving this a try. I won't tell you what's on it, you'll have to go and see for yourself! Go to URL Email me at the address on the web page and tell me what you think. . . BTW, how do you link you page to someone elses? Ginny Happy Rubber Stamps This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 01:45:43 EDT From: (Dorothy C Little) Subject: RS: Stamping at bingo Patti!! when I started to read your post I thought you were havind sex at bingo!! really got a good laugh put of that one!! I woke up Larru and the cat!! They both yelled at me! Love & Angel Blessings, InkyAngel (Dorothy Little) I believe there are Angels among us.... On Fri, 5 Sep 1997 22:24:40 -0400 (Patti Welsh) writes: >In the BINGO hall at the Seminole Reservation this past Wednesday. >Between early bird games and during the early birds specials - the >caller was sooooo slow and I didn't have any of the numbers he was >callling, so.... Well, Iwasn't actually STAMPING. I had already >done the stamping. Was coloring in the images. Does that count? Got >lots of lookie lou's wanted to know if I drew those pictures, no? >Well how, etc. etc. etc. Got quite an audience between games (7 mins >between each game. > >I did put it all away when the REAL money games started tho. > > --`--,--{@ Patti in Fort Myers, FL @}--`--,-- > ~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~ > Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture > ~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~ > >This message was from (Patti Welsh) -- The >rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > This message was from (Dorothy C Little) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 22:37:18 -0700 From: (Viva Stampo) Subject: RS: COMM: WEB PAGE If you've been to our Web Page recently, then you probably have the page in your "cache" and you need to "refresh" to see the latest versions... I make changes to it almost every day and depending on how long a history you have your browser set for, you may miss some of the truly tacky touches if you don't refresh! Stampo Viva Las Vegastamps! This message was from (Viva Stampo) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 00:47:15 -0500 From: ~ lupie ~ Subject: RS: RS TAN: Funeral Info Please Can somebody tell me what time and channel the funeral will be on? I'd like to set my VCR before going to bed. :) ~ lupie ~ aka Elizabeth Herman This message was from ~ lupie ~ - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 00:59:04 -0500 From: Phil Schloss Subject: Re: RS: Re: TAN:What's the wierdest place you have ever had sex?? What is this first it was Guiding Light and not Lighthouse Gang what is yu group about, isn't Guiding Light one of the sexist soaps out there, never heard of Lighthouse Gang, and I don't have cable or a tv antenna, I don't get and tv. You know there is a delete key on every keyboard that I have used since I designed the first magnetic data entry station back in 1969. I it looks to me like you like to read the posts too much to just delete them. I delete at least 400-500+ posts a day without reading, but I know how to use my delete key very well. In case you don't understand it was one of your own that got this all started, not one of us, and I don't think there is one of us that wants to read your post either, so would you please never post to me again. Phil wrote: > > In a message dated 97-09-05 17:28:21 EDT, @ writes: > > << BTW, do you feel like a voyeur reading all these? >> > > NO, I FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT!!!! AND I FRANKLY AM NOT INTERESTED IN ANY OF THIS. > > GET MY NAME OFF THIS LIST NOW PLEASE! I WANT MY LIGHTHOUSE GANG BACK! > > AND I DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR THE SHOUTING!!!!! - -- Phil Schloss Come visit my on-line rubber stamp catalog, you will love the designs. Or email for address to order a paper catalog from: Red Castle Inc., Antiques Memories Rubber Stamps alternate site This message was from Phil Schloss - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 00:03:17 -0600 From: Jason&Sherry Webster Subject: RS: Sherry's SSS!!!!! OOOOOOOHHHHHH is my SSS ever cool (sorry for shouting) First, I got a birthday card with a cute country girl surrounded by sunflowers all colored in with happy birthday in the corner, all of the corners were punched with this really cool punch of 3 hearts. She then sent me a shaker card which is fantastic because I had never seen one before, love the confetti! I also got ep ina rust color from rubber stampede, 2 mounted stamps, one with balloons and the other says happy birthday with stars all around. She also sent me balloon and bear stickers. The piece du resistance however is a set of marvy medium ponit markers in a totally cool tin. WOW SSS you really made my day. On a more personal note, yes I like hot chocolate, no I don't drink coffee, but I like tea. I collect volkswagon bus and beetle stuff as well as pig stuff, you can never have have too many pigs :) I would really love a rollorgraph (Ithink that's what it is-one of those wheel things with the image that goes al the way around, I think you did my tissue paper happy birthday with one ) Gee could I make this any more confusing. I love botanical stamps and stuff (I love psx and hero arts) I haven't been expossed to many other companies though. Thanks for such a great package, Sherry...bearlystamping This message was from Jason&Sherry Webster - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 05 Sep 1997 22:49:29 -0800 From: Jim & Kari Subject: RS: Have you ever ordered from??? I have several stamps from A.N.T. Transfer that I want to order. I was wonderifing if anyone has ordered from them before. How is their service? Do they take a long time, etc? TIA! Kari This message was from Jim & Kari - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 08:37:03 +0000 From: Ken Kosmo Subject: RS: Dull colours on blank cardstock Did anyone suggest using hairspray to "seal" the marvy markers? I got a bad experience yesterday with a dull sunflower - and I decided to stamp another one and spray lightly over with hairspray, just to see how it behaved... So far it has worked! Today the colours are still shining and bright. I just hope it will continue that way! Love Inger-Lise This message was from Ken Kosmo - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 02:51:03 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: RS: Re: TAN:What's the wierdest place you have ever hsd sex?? In a snow bank on the way to go skiing.. Put a blanket down and covered up about 15 minutes later we looked up and saw a couple of people looking down on us..O well Debbie This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 02:44:48 -0400 (EDT) From: SHARP Subject: RS: Stampo, nice to 'hear' your dulcet tones Stampo, it is so nice to 'hear' your dulcet tones. I for one have missed your occasional comments and wise words. Welcome. Maggie, The Night Owl This message was from SHARP - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 02:57:55 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: RS: Happy Rubber's Web page In a message dated 97-09-06 02:07:30 EDT, writes: << Go to URL >> Just a FYI, you need to take off the "www" for it to work......... Lori (having a hard time with the pending funeral with a British person in the household) This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 00:00:18 -0700 From: ":-D awn" Subject: RS: :-D awn's not really ignoring you - -- I should have written earlier, sorry! I have about a billion posts to answer. Please be patient. A huge order came in and I've been trying to log it in and it's taking forever! (However, today was the first day in my life that both kids are in full time school--I was in HEAVEN! So during the weekdays, I should be able to devote more time to you!) Thanks for your patience! :-D awn Golden Sunrise Enterprises 200 Mtn Pk Bv SW Suite A101 Issaquah WA 98027 fb/slam, x-files loop, Queen of the Slugs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAMP OF THE DAY Have you ever dated someone because you were too lazy to commit suicide? (4030C, Viva Las Vegas Stamps) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This message was from ":-D awn" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 02:03:11 -0500 From: Janet Detter Margul Subject: RS: TAN Company watching the funeral I just heard that a group of my on-line friends will be watching the funeral tonight and sitting in the Dueling Modems chat room. If you don't want to cry alone, come join us. Uh... directions. (I'm really weak at this, if you've never done IRC before I hope you're a mind reader)... put the IRC server address as put the port number as 6667 Once you get in, type /join #chat Don't even try getting a list of channels, not only do the channels disappear if nobody is in them, but even the ones with people in them sometimes don't show up for me. (They do for others, so go figure.) Oh yeah. I think we're meeting around 3 a.m. and I THINK that's Central but it could be Eastern. Or it could be Pacific. If nobody is there, either sit and wait or else come back in a bit. I don't think I could watch this without someone to type to. I remember getting up practically in the middle of the night to watch the wedding. It doesn't seem that long ago. It WASN'T that long ago. Except that I was nursing a baby at the time. And she's a senior in high school now. And she's too damned young, I asked her if she wanted me to wake her up and she said no, she'd catch it on the reruns. Anyway, my friends are your friends. And you're my friend, so you should meet my other friends. (The nonstamping kind who oooo and ahhhhh at my cards, dear innocents that they are.) I just don't want to cry alone. And on-line is as much as I'd want anyone to see me cry. ========================================================================= Janet Detter Margul | Real women don't have hot flashes... WeeBe Graphics Plano, Texas | they have power surges! ========================================================================= This message was from Janet Detter Margul - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 02:03:12 -0500 From: Janet Detter Margul Subject: RS: Tacky tacky tacky This one I wrote before, then stashed because anything I write in haste and with emotion I always stash and look at later to see if I really want to send. (Which is sort of embarrassing, since I put my foot in my mouth so regularly, to admit those were sent after I cooled off.) I didn't have to "cool off" at the tacky tacky tacky posts about Viva Las Vegas Stamps, I wasn't mad at them, everyone has a different opinion about what is appropriate or good or wise. But my response was a bit more pointed than I usually get, so I stashed instead of sent it. Wellllll.... I still feel the same way, so I'll go ahead and say out loud and in public what I wrote: that I think those country cute sheep and lamps and especially the teddy bears are tacky beyond belief. In fact any animal with clothes on (except my favorite duck stamps, the duck in the bikini and the duck smoking the cigar) is not something I can see a use for. Except I really don't think that. It's not my style is all. People send me cute cards and sweet things, even the Precious Moments stuff, and I so much enjoy looking at it. They aren't tacky at all, I love them, they're just not my style, I just wouldn't make them. I'm the stamper who, when we were talking about stamping on velvet, tried out the technique using the VLVS of Clinton picking his nose, and I did it on black velvet. And it was soooo awesome (in my warped opinion) I framed it and gave it as a gift. Although maybe I'm not as warped as the person I gave it to, HE hung it in his living room. So I guess I"m trying to say to leave a bit of room for other styles? If you don't... well... you could find Bill Clinton on black velvet in your mailbox. :) ========================================================================= Janet Detter Margul | Real women don't have hot flashes... WeeBe Graphics Plano, Texas | they have power surges! ========================================================================= This message was from Janet Detter Margul - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 03:20:03, -0500 From: ( LINDA R SOBOLEWSKI) Subject: RS: Tan: RE: Diva Rubber I just got a letter from Susan owner of Diva Rubber. I will post later what she wanted to say. I just knew that some of you asked about her,and she loved the posts. She won't sell her company until Dec. or so. ( maybe Nov.) she has had 4 offers. She will not sell her Diva name,she will keep that,and will continue to do art work for stamps,at her leisure.The new company will have her images, although some will not be there. Anyone who wants to write to Susan at Diva Rubber I will send the notes to her, ask what you want,she is amazed at the internet RS list here, as she has no PC. Someone just wrote to me about ordering,I don't have your UID. was it you Rachel Innes? I forget ,but you have time to order. I will quote from Diva's letter perhaps tomorrow, it is 3am now. Linda( Rubber Reporter) This message was from ( LINDA R SOBOLEWSKI) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 03:27:59 -0700 From: "Pamela J. Black" Subject: Re: RS: Stamping at bingo Dorothy - When I read Patti's post I thought the same thing, too ! After I reread the post, I laughed until I cried! Thank you, Patti, for bringing some much needed laughter to my life today :) Pam - -- ^~ ~^ Who has never met a cat she didn't like > * < (but has loved some more than others) Dorothy C Little wrote: > > Patti!! when I started to read your post I thought you were havind sex > at bingo!! really got a good laugh put of that one!! I woke up Larru > and the cat!! They both yelled at me! > > Love & Angel Blessings, > InkyAngel (Dorothy Little) > I believe there are Angels among us.... > > On Fri, 5 Sep 1997 22:24:40 -0400 (Patti Welsh) > writes: > >In the BINGO hall at the Seminole Reservation this past Wednesday. > >Between early bird games and during the early birds specials - the > >caller was sooooo slow and I didn't have any of the numbers he was > >callling, so.... Well, Iwasn't actually STAMPING. I had already > >done the stamping. Was coloring in the images. Does that count? Got > >lots of lookie lou's wanted to know if I drew those pictures, no? > >Well how, etc. etc. etc. Got quite an audience between games (7 mins > >between each game. > > > >I did put it all away when the REAL money games started tho. > > > > --`--,--{@ Patti in Fort Myers, FL @}--`--,-- > > ~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~ > > Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture > > ~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~^~:~ > > > >This message was from (Patti Welsh) -- The > >rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > > > This message was from (Dorothy C Little) > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from "Pamela J. Black" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 04:03:18 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: RS: unmounted rubber Thanks to all of you who have answered my call for help!! I think I will try the HALOS from Evo. You are all so wonderful. Bless you all!1 Ann Sakagawa This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 06:20:03 -0400 From: "Marcia L. Balonis" Subject: RS: Eureka Vendor?? HI I'm looking for a vendor who sells Eureka! at a discount that is placing an order soon. I just received the supplement and would like to order a couple of the stamps. Violetnut This message was from "Marcia L. Balonis" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 06:06:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: RS: Please READ: All Scavenger hunt participants Please keep your identity a secret. You may include your name in the package you are mailing OR you may wait til the receiver posts to the list saying she received it and then tell her. The choice is yours. ALSO: please post to the list as soon as you receive letting us all know about the goodies you received. That is a good part of the fun of a scavenger hunt--learning what others picked using the same list you did. They are all different even tho we all used the same list. This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 05 Sep 1997 04:30:41 -0600 From: Linda Strawn Subject: Re: RS: Soaps Kate, I agree, I just wish my life was a little boring sometimes...LOL...LInda > > We don't need make-believe soap operas . . . we have real life ones > going on every day in everyone's lives. Too bad their lives are so dull > and boring that they need a TV show to have a life! > > Kate > --------------Mail from Modem Madness BBS and Internet Services-------------- > > This message was from > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from Linda Strawn - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 06:38:42 -0400 From: "Ellen Gordon (Evo)" Subject: RS: Comm: Your Orders and Mr Evo... Hi, folks... Just a note to let you know what's happening.... I haven't said anything, but Dale (Mr Evo, my shipping dept, chief paper counter and last but not least, hubby) has really been under the weather all last week and this week. Instead of getting better with rest and r & r (remember our fishing trip Wednesday?) ...he's felt worse and worse. Took him to the Dr this morning... nothing conclusive came from that... and ended up having to take him to the hospital about 10:00 tonight with chest pain and nausea again, not as bad as in February, but close enough I felt we shouldn't mess around with it. I just got home around 3:30 am. His ekg didn't look right and blood pressure was sky high, so he was admitted. Not listed as critical... but as serious. More tests will be run and we'll know more soon, I'm sure. Now, I know he's going to be ok. Don't know how I know... I just do. In the meantime... I'm running behind answering email and the crash of my mailbox yesterday didn't help... still going back and trying to determine who I have answered and who I haven't. And, again... if I haven't answered an email you sent before yesterday afternoon... please let me know. And if I haven't yet answered one you sent since then, you know why. I've answered many but still have many left to answer. We're running behind schedule for shipping, but I plan to make a big push this weekend and Monday to catch up and have our daughter, Cecilia, as back-up if needed. She was a tower of strength for both of us tonight... came over seconds after I called and hung in there with us until the wee hours. Now, my request of you. Please, please don't let this stop you from placing any order you planned to place and please, please don't let this stop you from inquiring about rubber, mounts or paper. I promise you, if you do, Mr Evo will be mightily displeased with you when he gets back to counting and shipping and may even really count... and you don't want that! :{<> Rubber stamping is our love and what we do... not a sideline, not a hobby. It's our chosen source of pleasure... our chosen answer to "life is too short to do anything but that which satisfies you and perhaps brings pleasure to others". And about that fishing trip Wednesday! We ended up on the Crystal River instead of the Withlacoochee, because that's where Mr Evo bull-dosed the vote to go. We followed the river into the Gulf and actually caught a few fish! We grinned, we cheered, and jumped up and down with excitement with every fish we caught. Then we said, "Good Fish" and put it back to grow and flourish. And you know what? It felt good! :}> Ellen :}> Evo Evolving Images E-Mail: Homepage: This message was from "Ellen Gordon (Evo)" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 06:44:18 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: RS: Re: TAN:What's the wierdest place you have ever had sex?? In a message dated 97-09-06 00:48:19 EDT, Olyvia29 writes: << TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM, FIND THE PERSON FROM YOUR (LET ME REPEAT THAT..YOUR) MAILING LIST THAT ADDED YOUR NAME...AND GET THE FLIPPIN' CHIP OFF YOUR SHOULDER WHILE YOU ARE AT IT~~~~~~~~~~~~ >> How is this going to solve our problem? Now that there is so much mail out there with our names included, the only way to keep this problem from being continually perpetuated is for those who use their Reply to All function to either stop using it temporarily, or to remove the screen names/e-mail addresses of those who have stated they don't want to get these messages. Finding the person on our list who is responsible for this situation will only serve to (hopefully) prevent something like this from happening again. In a message dated 97-09-06 02:03:28 EDT, writes: << In case you don't understand it was one of your own that got this all started, not one of us, and I don't think there is one of us that wants to read your post either, so would you please never post to me again. >> It may have been one our our own who started it, but everyone keeps repeating the mistake. Also, I would like to know why I am now beginning to get duplicates of some of the earlier messages. This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 07:11:00 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: RS: ATTN: ALL FALL SCAVENGER HUNT PARTICIPANTS I sent everyone the name and address of someone you will be sending oour goodies to when you are done hunting them down. Please remember: DON"T let that person down by not send ing the package out. Mail on or before October 1st. Everyone have a fun time with this and be sure to post to the list a description of what you received as soon as you can. Thanks Barb This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 08:20:36 -0300 From: (hornbrkj) Subject: RS: Book of Questions >>Assume you are to be blessed with one lover you adore and one soul mate you can talk to about anything. Would you rather have these be two separate individuals or one and the same person. Why?<< I would rather that the wonderful lover and soul mate be one and the same person. Why? Because there'd only be half as much laundry. Ant Judy H. Live, love, laugh. This message was from (hornbrkj) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 07:24:31 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: RS: ATTN: GINNY CONNLEY Ginny, please email me regarding the fall scavenger hunt. I have your snail mail addy but no email address. Thanks Barb This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 08:26:04 -0400 From: (Jennifer Huffman) Subject: RS: Is this cheating? I'm currently in a swap but i need to have all of my inages placed EXACTLY the same on all of my cards. Is it cheating if I make one original, copy it, then assemble my card? Please help! Rubber Piggy This message was from (Jennifer Huffman) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 07:07:04 -0700 From: April DeMasters Subject: RS: Re: Fiskars' new crimper Hi again, I just thought I would quiz those who have bought the new crimper on how they like it. I have one on the way here next week. Thanks, April D., blueyes This message was from April DeMasters - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 07:43:31 -0500 From: "Dawn Miller" Subject: RS: Regarding cc'ing Uh, I see it, but when I replied to that last one I took off EVERYTHING except the rubberstamper's I SWEAR!!!!!!!!! sheesh. I bet the guiding light people are planning bad things for me. Dawn This message was from "Dawn Miller" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 08:44:26 -0400 From: (DIANA S GEHRT) Subject: RS: Vellum question I'm working on a card that I want to attach a piece of sheer velum to. I have tried Tombow Mono Adhesive. It shows through, plus it has a tendency to break and leave little globs which show really bad. I have also tried my glue pen. It shows also, and when I tried to sneak under the vellum to get a spot I missed it made the dye ink on the card underneath bleed. What works? Diana The Rubber Romper This message was from (DIANA S GEHRT) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 07:02:12 -0700 From: April DeMasters Subject: RS: Marvy reinkers? Hi all, I know this has been asked before (but I can't remember the answer), but does Marvy make a reinker for their Marvy Matchables? I am especially interested in a black reinker. TIA, April D., blueyes This message was from April DeMasters - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 09:09:37 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: RS: TEST :>) This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 09:13:49 EDT From: (Linda S Neumann) Subject: Re: RS: Book of Questions Now how can I top this???? So true! Linda Never give up on a dream just because of the length of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. On Sat, 6 Sep 1997 08:20:36 -0300 (hornbrkj) writes: >>>Assume you are to be blessed with one lover you adore and one soul >mate >you can talk to about anything. Would you rather have these be two >separate individuals or one and the same person. Why?<< > >I would rather that the wonderful lover and soul mate be one and the >same >person. Why? Because there'd only be half as much laundry. > >Ant Judy H. >Live, love, laugh. > >This message was from (hornbrkj) >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > This message was from (Linda S Neumann) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #2745 ************************************* To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.