From: To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #355 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Thursday, 20 February 1997 Volume 02 : Number 355 In this issue: RS: A great big thank you to Lisa's SSSSSS Re: RS Low cost or free gift ideas? RS: Butter cut? RS: Butter cut? Re: RS: Staedler Mars pens I love Re: TAN: Name for the new puppy RS-Official Goddess swap COMM: MOVING SALE... Re: RS Low cost or free gift ideas? MY FEB SS PKG! Re: sss moostampssss [ RE: RS Low cost or free gift ideas? Re: RS Anyone sell G-Rated Re: RS Low cost or free gift ide Official Baby Swap Re: RS: Making Paper -- Need ideas Alberta Stamper faints at Post Office.... Re: HELP! See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 21:58:23 -0400 Subject: RS: A great big thank you to Lisa's SSSSSS WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW What a great package! Thanks so much to my super secret sister stamper sender . . . I just received the package that Baggie put together for you for me. Other people always seem to receive their packages on days when they're really down, but I must admit -- I'm on vacation this week, and had just come from seeing Star Wars for the second time in three weeks! (What a great movie--if you haven't seen it on the big screen, or even if you have, but it was 20 years ago, you really should go again. Anyway . . .) But the fact that I was already in a good mood does not diminish how great this package was. The first thing I saw was something we were discussing at my stamping club meeting the other day--the Etchling stamp and stencil combination. (I think, though, that there are supposed to be two stencils, and I only got one, but I'll get in touch with Baggie about that.) The stamp is a very pretty one, called Sunlit Steps, and the stencil is called "Rose." Next I saw this really huge thing--it's a cardboard house with pull-out drawers. It's called "The Mary Englebreit House." Inside is paper and 13 ME stamps. Really neat. Then I saw this brush with a nail-thingy on the side that you use to splatter with. (Wish I knew the real name so I wouldn't sound so dumb describing it.) I was just thinking about looking into getting that; can't wait to try it. There was a bottle of Vivid! re-inking ink; is this used with that brush? Then some heart-shaped doilies, both red and white, some glossy postcards, a gold Marvy Metallic marker (I'd wanted to get some of those), a gift bag with hearts on it, and finally not one, but two punches. One is one of the Family Treasures corner punches that I wanted (Teardrop); the other is a heart with the word LOVE cut out inside the heart. Oh, and lots of Mickey Mouse confetti that I gathered up to re-use. Well, thanks so much again to both you and Baggie, for combining on this effort. I'm going to be updating my "Wish List" soon because I have gotten a few of the things that I think I had listed on there. (For ex, I treated myself to all six Clearsnap Wacko Posto sets, which should arrive any day now.) I also have six new catalogues which should arrive within a few days, so I'll probably have loads more stamps that I want. Anyway, I'll be thinking of you when I use my new toys. All best-- Lisa *********************************************************** |=======| | * | |=======| ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 15:06:34 -0600 Subject: Re: RS Low cost or free gift ideas? ------------------------------ From: Stamparoni Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 14:37:32 -0600 Subject: RS: Butter cut? ------------------------------ From: Stamparoni Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 14:37:32 -0600 Subject: RS: Butter cut? Anyone ever heard of buttercut? I need some to use to make a template = for my deckle (papermaking) If you have any info where to find this = please email me, I have looked through NASCO catalog, called Dick Blick = , no luck. Worst thing is I am not even sure what exactly it is, just = heard of it online at AOL fromanother person , now I am obsessed with = finding it! Stamparoni ------------------------------ From: (Ma Vinci) Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 20:10:11 EST Subject: Re: RS: Staedler Mars pens I love I've never seen them in Nasco or Dick Blick, but have gotten them at art supplies stores. I LOVE them. Can't get them at crafts stores, I don't think. Been awhile since I've had new ones too, so I'm not sure how much they are... Robin On Sun, 16 Feb 1997 00:06:53 -0500 Julie Carleton writes: >Ma Vinci wrote: >> >> My favorite pastel pens are called Staedler Mars Graphic 3000. Dual >> tips, >> brush and fine points (one on either end) and I've never seen anyone >else >> here >> mention them. Am I the only one who uses these? They really are >> beautiful. The >> pastels I have, some of them, are barely any color at all, which I >LOVE. >> If you >> just want a tiny blush or shadow of color, these are perfect. >> >> Just thought I'd mention them, since the subject came up. >> >> Robin >Where did you get these? Would Nasco carry them? >Thanks. >-- >Glittergirl >aka >Julie Carleton vsa > >Any speling mistakes are the responsibility of my cats >and should not reflect on my inteligence. > > > ------------------------------ From: Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 19:50:44 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: TAN: Name for the new puppy Hey I totally agree about short legs and back problems. I'm short and have back problems. I know an adorable wiener dog named Pretzel she is a red and to cute. She had different name first and after a month or so they realized she crossed her legs and curled up and looked like a Pretzel. I think E.P Prisma Halo are great names for dogs. Please let us all know what you decide. Carrie ------------------------------ From: (Lisa Thompson) Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 14:29:28 -0600 Subject: RS-Official Goddess swap We've got lots of interest this time Yay! So it is now official. Goddess swap hosted by Lisa Thompson 5 for 5 pc's $1.00 postage Due April 22 Use at least one Acey Deucy or other Goddess stamp e-mail me for my address This is going to be so much fun!!! Sign ups so far: Valobra Amethyst (M. Royersmith) Holly Mabutas Shauna Poong Cynthia Sillitoe DIVAGee NanStamps Paula Sigman Lowry Kate Whitridge Linda Sobolewski Suki Q Elaine Normandy (maybe) WendyStamp Melissa (Moongoddess) Cheryl Dobkins (RubberKins) Lisa Thompson ------------------------------ From: "Wayne Gartley" Date: Fri, 21 Feb 97 02:13:00 UT Subject: COMM: MOVING SALE... Viva Las Vegastamps! is moving to a new location nearer the Strip in March and We'd Rather Sell it than Move It! Check out these GREAT prices that are mostly 40% off Retail! ADIRONDACK PADS & RE-INKERS ___Total Solid Adirondack Pads @ $2.39 ea. $_____ ___Total Uninked Adirondack Pads @ $2.39 ea. $_____ ___Total 1 oz. Re-inkers @ $1.31 ea. $_____ ___Total Rainbow Pads @ $3.59 ea. $_____ KALEIDACOLOR RAINBOW PADS & RE-INKERS ___Total Kaleidacolor Pads @ $5.93 ea. $_____ ___Total Kaleidacolor/Impress Re-inkers @ 1.49 ea. $_____ ___Blank Kaleidacolor Pads @ $4.17 ea. $_____ StampIt RAISED RAINBOW PADS ___Total StampIt Rainbow Pads @ $3.59 ea. $_____ ___Total StampIt Uninked Pads @ $2.39 ea. $_____ BIG N' JUICY RAISED RAINBOW PADS (5 x 6 1/2") ___Total Big N' Juicy Rainbow Pads @ $9.57 ea. $_____ MARVY MATCHABLES ___#949 Total Matchable Pads @ $2.09 ea. $_____ RANGER INKS & PADS ___#236 Black Permanent Fabric Ink @ $2.39 ea. $_____ ___#213 Black Ink (Non Porous Solvent Based) @ $2.39 ea. $_____ ___#FELT Raised Felt Pad 2 3/8 x 3 5/8" @ $2.39 ea. $_____ ___#FOAM Raised Foam Pad 2 3/8 x 3 5/8" @ $2.09 ea. $_____ ___#FELTL Felt Pad 4 1/2 x 7 1/2" @ $4.41 ea. $_____ WATERCOLOR INK PADS (BLACK) ___Watercolor Ink Pad @ $2.69 ea. $_____ ___Watercolor Refill 1/2 oz. @ $1.19 ea. $_____ EMBOSSING PADS & PENS ___Emboss Pads (Tinted Blue) @ $2.99 ea. $_____ ___1 oz. Embossing Re-inkers (Blue)@ $1.49 ea. $_____ ___Emboss Pads (Tinted Pink) @ $3.59 ea. $_____ ___1 oz. Embossing Re-Inker (Pink) @ $1.49 ea. $_____ ___ Brush Tip Embossing Pen @ $1.19 ea. $_____ ColorIt GILDING PADS ___Total Gilding Pads @ $2.99 ea. $_____ ARTNIC Pigment Pads 1x1", 2x2" & Refills ___Total Artnic 1x1" Pads @ $1.01 ea. $_____ ___Total Artnic 2x2" Pads @ $2.39 ea. $_____ ___Total Pigment Refills @ $1.79 ea. $_____ SERENADE INK PADS (5 HUES) ___Total Serenade Pads @ $4.49 ea. $_____ SPLENDOR RAINBOW PADS (12 COLORS) ___Total Splendor Pads @ $7.49 ea. $_____ HARMONY INK PADS (7 COLORS) ___Total Harmony Pads @ 5.39 ea. $_____ FABRICO FABRIC PAD & RE-INKERS ___Total Fabrico Pads @ $4.49 ea. $_____ ___#FRF Fabrico Ink Refills @ $3.45 ea. $_____ ___#FAU Fabrico Uninked Stamp Pad @ $2.37 ea. $_____ ___Total Fabrico Rainbow Pads @ $7.05 ea. $_____ MARVY EMBOSSING MARKER ___#53 Total Embossing Markers @ $1.19 ea. $_____ ___#5373 Set A (00,01,02,03,04,05,08,18) ___#5374 Set B (07,09,10, 11, 20, 43, 60, 67) ___#5376 Set C (14, 25, 30, 31, 46, 63, 64, 72) ___Winter Set ___Summer Set ___Total Embossing Sets @ $9.50 ea. $_____ EMBOSS DUAL PEN (TSUKINEKO) ___#87 Total Emboss Dual Pens @ $1.77 ea. $_____ TOMBOW DUAL BRUSH PENS ___Total Dual Brush Pens @ $1.55 ea. $_____ ___#56110 72-Pen Set/1 ea. orig. col./aBSW Stand @ $59.54 $_____ ___#56101 18-Pen Set - Primary colors @ $27.83 $_____ ___#56102 18-Pen Set - Secondary colors @ 27.83 $_____ ___#56103 18-Pen Set - Earth colors @ $27.83 $_____ ___#56104 18-Pen Set - Grays @ $27.83 $_____ ___#56118 18-Pen Set - Pastels @ $27.83 $_____ ___#56115 12-Pen Set - Primary colors @ $18.59 $_____ ___#56116 12-Pen Set - Pastels @ $18.59 $_____ ___#56114 6-Pen Set - Primary colors @ $9.29 $_____ ___#56117 6-Pen Set - Pastels @ $9.29 $_____ ___#56112 ABS Multi-Pen Stand for 72 pens @ $7.19 $_____ ___#56113 ABSW Multi-Pen Stand for 144 pens @ $14.39 $_____ MARVY BRUSH & LE PLUME II (108 colors) ___#51 Total Marvy Brush 1500 @ $.89ea. $_____ ___#51110 6-Primary Color Set @ $5.36 ea. $_____ ___#51111 6-Pastel Color Set @ $5.36 ea. $_____ ___#51112 6-Victorian Color Set @ $5.36 ea. $_____ ___#51113 12-Primary Color Set @ $10.73 ea. $_____ ___#51114 12-Pastel Color Set @ $10.73 ea. $_____ ___#51115 12-Victorian Color Set @ $10.73 ea. $_____ ___#51116 24-Color Set @ $21.45 ea. $_____ ___#51117 40-Color Set @ $35.75 ea. $_____ ___#51118 60-Color Set @ $53.64 ea. $_____ ___#50 Total Marvy LePlume @ $1.25 ea. $_____ ___#50110 12-Primary Color Set @ $15.05 ea. $_____ ___#50111 12-Pastel Color Set @ $15.05 ea. $_____ ___#50112 12-Victorian Color Set @ $15.05 ea. $_____ MARVY METALLIC PENS ___Total Metallic Pens @ $1.85 ea. $_____ OPAQUE PAINT MARKERS ___Total Markers (Gold orSilver Calligraphy or X-fine Gold or X-Fine Silver @ $1.79 ea. $_____ ___#130 Extra Fine White @ $2.21 ea. $_____ GEL ROLLERS ___Total Gel Rollers @ $.89 ea. $_____ SPECIALTY TAPE/SHEETS ___Miracle Tape 1/8"x36 yds @ $2.39 $_____ ___Miracle Tape 1/4"x36 yds @ $2.69 $_____ ___Miracle Tape 3/8"x36 yds @ $2.99 $_____ ___Miracle Tape 1/2"x36 yds @ $3.29 $_____ ___Miracle Tape 3/4"x36 yds @ $4.49 $_____ ___Miracle Tape Dispenser (1/8"-1/2") @ $.89 $_____ ___Miracle Tape Dispenser (3/4") @ $1.01 $_____ ___Miracle Sheets/3-Pack 7"x9" @ $2.69 $_____ ___Holographic Sheets/6-pack @ $2.99 $_____ ___3-D Illusion Sheets/4-pack @ $3.59 $_____ ___Magnetic Sheets/2 pack @ $2.33 $_____ CRYSTAL CLEAR ENVELOPES (Pack of 25) ___Bookmark 2 3/4" x 8 1/2" @ $1.61 ea. $_____ ___A-2 5 7/8" x 4 1/2" @ $2.09 ea. $_____ ___A-6 4 15/16" x 6 13/16" @ $2.39 ea. $_____ ___A-7 5 7/16" x 7 1/4" @ $2.39 ea. $_____ ___A-8 5 5/8" x 8 1/4" @ $2.69 ea. $_____ CLEAR VELLUM ENVELOPES (Pack of 20) ___A-2 5 7/8" x 4 1/2" @ $1.50 ea. $_____ ___A-6 4 15/16" x 6 13/16" @ $1.80 ea. $_____ KROMECOTE ENVELOPES (Pack of 25) ___A-2 5 7/8" x 4 1/2" @ $1.19 ea. $_____ ___A-6 4 15/16" x 6 13/16" @ $1.35 ea. $_____ MIRACLE EMBOSSING PUFFS (Puff Up When Heated) ___Total 1 oz. jars @ $2.55 ea. $_____ ___Total 2 oz. jars @ $4.17 ea. $_____ EMBOSSING POWDER ___Total 1 oz. jars @ $2.55 ea. $_____ ___Total 2 oz. jars @ $4.17 ea. $_____ EMBOSSING GLITTERS ___Total 1 oz. jars @ $2.55 ea. $_____ MIRACLE FLOCKING SUPPLIES ___Total 2 oz. bags @ $1.79 ea. $_____ ___Flocking Gun @ $1.79 ea. $_____ GLUE MARKERS ___#150S Marvu Glue Marker Chisel Tip @ $1.79 ea. $_____ ___#52180 Tombow Aqua @ $1.19 ea. $_____ ___#52190 Tombow Multi @ $1.79 ea. $_____ HEAT GUNS ___Milwaukee Heat Guns @ $20.39 ea. $_____ ___Ranger Heat-It Craft Tool @ $14.99 ea. $_____ ___Marvy Heat Tool 1000 @ $14.97 ea. $_____ ___Marvy Heat Tool 2000 @ $20.97 ea. $_____ LIQUID APPLIQUE ___#52 Total Liquid Applique @ $1.49 ea. $_____ CORNER ROUNDERS ___Total Corner Rounders @ $4.79 ea. $_____ CONFETTI ___Total 3/8 oz. Confetti @ $1.01 ea. $_____ DECORATING CHALKS ___Decorating Chalk Palette (25) @ $7.79 ea. $_____ ___Pixie Sponge Applicator @ $1.13/3-pack $_____ ___Pudgy Sponge Applicator @ $1.139/3-pack $_____ ___Chalk A-Way Eraser @ $..53 ea. $_____ MINI METALLIC RUB-ONS ___Kit #1 (Gold, Emerald, Ruby, Silver, Copper, Purple, Blue) ___Kit #2 (Colonial, Nubian, Pewter, Olive, Gold, Gunmetal, Brass) ___Kit #3 (White, Pink, Iris, Silver Blue, Rosewood, Sky Blue, Walnut) ___Kit #4 (Russet, Amber, Apple Green, White Sparkle, Silver Grey, Sunburst, Midnight Sparkle) ___Total Metallic Rub-On Kits @ $2.27 ea. $_____ GREETING CARD MUSICAL MODULES ___Total Musical Modules @ $.95 ea. $_____ ___Musical Module Batteries @ $.41 ea. $_____ SPECIALTY SOUND MODULES ___#22109 Phone Ringing ___#22801 Laughing Sound ___Total Sound Modules @ $1.79 ea. $_____ TOUCHTONE MUSICAL MODULES ___Total TouchTone Modules @ $1.98 ea. $_____ STICKLES GLITTER GLUE & MATCHING GLITTER ___Total Glitter Glue @ $1.19 ea. $_____ ___Total Glitter @ $1.49 ea. $_____ MIZUHIKI ___#P603 Rainbow Color Assortment @ $3.47 ea. $_____ ___#P703 Brilliant Color Assortment @ $3.59 ea. $_____ ___#P803 Pastel Color Assortment @ $4.07 ea. $_____ ___#P903 Holiday Color Assortment @ $3.89 ea. $_____ EMBOSSING STENCIL PALETTE ___Stencil Palettes @ $5.69 $_____ STAMP CLEANERS ___Water Based 2 oz. Bottle @ $1.49 ea. $_____ ___Water Based 4 oz. Spray Bottle @ $2.39 ea. $_____ ___Solvent Based 2 oz. Bottle @ $1.49 ea. $_____ ___All Purpose Non-Toxic 2 oz. Bottle @ $1.79 ea. $_____ UNMOUNTED RUBBER & SUPPLIES ___Random Rubber/Viva Las Vegastamps! @ $5.00 ea. $_____ ___Random Rubber/Stamp Me Tender! @ $5.00 ea. $_____ ___Big Whopper Pound O' Rubber /VLVS! @ $15.00 ea. $_____ ___Big Whopper Pound O' Rubber/SMT! @ $15.00 ea. $_____ ___Miracle Rubber Cutting Scissors @ $14.95 ea. $_____ ___Bog Whopper 2 Pounder O' Wood @ $3.00 ea. $_____ STAMPING PUBLICATIONS ___Making Greeting Cards With Rubber Stamps @ $17.95 $_____ ___Vamp Stamp News (Sample Copy) @ $2.00 $_____ ___National Stampagraphic (Sample Copy) @ $3.00 $_____ ___Rubber Bytes (Sample Copy) DOS Diskette only @ $2.00 $_____ ___Griffin & Sabine Postcards @ $12.95 ea. $_____ ___Viva Las Vegastamps! Catalog #8 @ $2 ___Stamp Me Tender! Catalog #2 @ $2 ___Subscription to 6 VLVS! Upgrades @ $3 ___Subscription to 6 SMT! Upgrades @ $3 NIJI WATERCOLOR SETS ___Niji 18-tube Watercolor Set @ 5.39 $_____ Total Accessories $____ Shipping (US only) $5.00 (If ordering Wood, add another $3 to shipping; International shipments charged actual cost.) Sale prices are in effect till midnight Pacific Time February 28th ONLY... please say "We'd Rather Sell It Than Move It" on your order to get these special prices. You may pay with Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express or give us the numbers off the bottom of your Check and we'll do a laser check from your account (we need the Bank Routing numbers which are the first nine numbers and then the actual account number). If you don't have our Order Form to refer to, specific colors for pads and pens or what's available in corner rounders, musical modules, etc. available on request in e-mail. Supplies are limited so order as soon as possible. Also, you may take an additional 10% off our Discontinued Sale list till February 28th (list available on request if you don't have it). You may e-mail your orders to, phone your orders to 702-648-0389, FAX your orders to 702-648-4698 or pick them up in person at our retail store currently located at 1714 West Bonanza Road (after March 18th at the latest, our address will be 1008 East Sahara Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89104 and we hope you'll be able to visit us at our new store location if you're here for the Las Vegas convention in April or any other visit to Las Vegas... we'll be close to the Strip... right across from Aaron Brothers Art Mart before you hit Maryland Parkway. Offer does not apply on orders already processed. No mail orders, please! Do not remove under penalty of law. Your mileage may vary. Void where prohibited. Let us know if you don't receive this. ------------------------------ From: (Lynette Walters) Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:43:02 -0900 Subject: Re: RS Low cost or free gift ideas? ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 22:08:04 -0500 (EST) Subject: MY FEB SS PKG! Thanks to my Sneaky Snake SS and Tonya Rilling - my SS had Tonya send me the exoctic papers grabbag. If you haven't ordered it - DO IT TODAY! There are no two papers alike and each one of them is SO-O-O-O unique and gorgeous! I'm having a really hard time deciding if I really want to cut any of these to use in collages or stamp on them - they are pretty enough to frame just by themselves! Some of the papers are obviously handmade - fine lacy ones and ones with the actual leaves and petals that you can feel! There's marble patterned paper, suede paper, mulberry (great colors!) papers, shiny papers - eat your hearts out! Nah, Nah, Nah, Booty....... They're mine now and I'm not sharing!!!!! Thanks, SSS and Tonya! You guys did a great job! ------------------------------ From: moostamp Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 15:54:01 -0500 Subject: Re: sss moostampssss [ ------------------------------ From: Stamparoni Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 14:34:47 -0600 Subject: RE: RS Low cost or free gift ideas? ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 22:20:22 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: RS Anyone sell G-Rated In a message dated 97-02-20 21:49:13 EST, (Stamparoni) writes: << Hey Stampo I will never forget looking through that "box" at a convention, the you-know-what alphabet is something else!!! But seriously I feel that cutting one of those penis stamps in half with those super KAI scissors is the most healing thing for a bad bout of PMS, I have thought of buying some parts just for such occassions! Stamparoni >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>O<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Oh MY GOD! NO! Not my dear never-hurt-a-soul, cute-as-the-dickens (sorry) guys! Smelling salts! I can't take the image! Feathers - about to faint ------------------------------ From: (mona everett (Poste Haste)) Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 21:11:15 -0100 Subject: Re: RS Low cost or free gift ide I know of a SS on the quilt board who made a set of 12 blocks for a swap and then asked the hostess to send his returned blocks to his SS instead of back to him. Wasn't that nice? Same could work with a card swap--make a set and ask the hostess to send the new ones to your SS. Also, my quilt SS in Dec. had friends from all over the world send me postcards of local scenery. It was fun waiting for the mail and seeing where all the cards came from. Mona Poste Haste ------------------------------ From: Cristi White Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 14:23:47 +0000 Subject: Official Baby Swap ------------------------------ From: Pepper Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 14:33:39 -0700 Subject: Re: RS: Making Paper -- Need ideas > There is a great book, Scented Herb Papers by Polly Pinder that > addresses these questions. It also has how to use natural scents and > colours > in hand made recycled and plant papers, (this was taken from the front > page.) > She has listed a lot of things to add color. Limes, rosemary, sage, > primrose, roses, red pepper, chili, mango, bracken, bamboo, sharon fruit, > lychee, african violets, and oranges are among some of the items. See...I told you....ORANGES.... LOL What a great book...would love to find it! Thanks for the ideas. Pepper email address: PPT Web Site: {{{PPT: Pals Pool Talents -- Royalty-FREE Graphics}}} ------------------------------ From: gmork Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 13:41:39 -0700 Subject: Alberta Stamper faints at Post Office.... ------------------------------ From: (Denise L Brawn) Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 17:24:54 PST Subject: Re: HELP! ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #355 ************************************ To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.