From: To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #362 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Friday, 21 February 1997 Volume 02 : Number 362 In this issue: RS: STAMPER'S DIRECTORY! :-) (Long) Re: RS Mounting Rubber Stamps on Wood Re: RS TAN: COME CLEAN Re: RS: Staedler Mars pens I love Re: RS: Staedler Mars pens I love Re: RS TAN: Confessions of a Depressed Stamper [none] [none] Re: Where to get New Styles in Stamping RS Official Southwest Swap Repost Re: RS Anyone sell G-Rated Owl and Wolf swaps Mizuhiki Cords RE: RS Low cost or free gift ideas? there is a problem with list mail Re: RS: PotW Vellum Intermediate Alberta Stamper faints at Post Office.... [none] [none] [none] RS: TAN: Hey La Diva.... RS: TEST See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Tracy K May) Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 14:26:06 EST Subject: RS: STAMPER'S DIRECTORY! :-) (Long) Yipeeee!! There is definitely enough interest in doing this to make it official! :-) I'll be hosting, so anyone who would like to participate, email me and let me know! WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT: This is a project to help us all get to know each other a little bit better. Think of it as an "about me" page. Participants will create a page (8 1/2 X11") to include in the directory. Be creative! Include photos, favorite stamp images, poems, quotes, visa number ;-) ... *anything*!! Let your imaginations run wild!! Whatever you want all of us to know about you, your life, your family, pets, what you believe in, things you like/don't like, favorite songs, performers, movies, books-- like I said before...Anything! These are merely suggestions to get the juices flowing. When your page is all done, get the appropriate number of copies made (I'll let everyone know later how many participants we end up having- that's how many copies of your page you'll make), keep the original and send the copies to me along with a SAML and enough $$ for binding and postage (again, to be determined later) and I'll put the booklet together, get them bound, and send all the participants their copy! I have a feeling that this is one of those things that people will wish they had done if they don't, so sign up now! There are so many neat, interesting, creative and fun people on this list... don't cheat yourself out of getting to know them all a bit better, and don't cheat us out of getting to know you a little better! :-) Here are some of my thoughts so far.... First, I know that the project similar to this one that is going on on AOL is set up so that the participants make the copies of their own pages, and send them on to the hostess; I really like this idea. (In the past, the hostess made all the copies). I think it would be easier for each participant to have some control over their own "finished product". In other words, you won't have to worry that I'm going to make the copies of your page that are either lighter or darker than ones you would have chosen. Plus, everone can keep their original page this way. And, of course, it's easier for me! Second, (and I will take feedback here, so let me know what you all think), I'm thinking of a sign up deadline around the beginning of May and a due date around the end of May. Is that too soon? Third, keep in mind when you make your page, that it wil be bound (probably that plastic ring binding, but I'm taking suggestions), so leave some blank space on the left hand side of your page. (Or at least don't put anything "important" there). Fourth, let me know what you think about what I have said so far! I've never done anything like this before, so I could have left out important information without even knowing it! Fifth, if you expressed interest after my original post, please email me anyway to confirm that you will be playing! I guess that's all for now... I can't wait!!! :-) Tracy aka Barefoot Stamper ------------------------------ From: (Ma Vinci) Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 03:49:40 EST Subject: Re: RS Mounting Rubber Stamps on Wood Mount it just the way it is. Rubber cement both the cushion AND the wood, let them both set up a bit, and then mount the stamp on the wood. You'll have a MUCH tighter bond that way. Robin On Thu, 20 Feb 1997 23:23:40 -0600 suzanne domme writes: >As you can tell, I'm a newbie and I just got a package of unmounted >rubber >stamps. They have thick foam rubber on them....alot thicker than if >they >were already mounted on wood. I would like to mount them. Do I leave >them >that thick and mount them on the wood mounts or do I cut the foam in >half >horizontally to make the foam thinner? If I do that, what do I use to >stick >the rubber stamp on wood? > >Suzanne > > ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 03:49:19 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: RS TAN: COME CLEAN Gimme a P Gimme an R Gimme an O Gimme a Z Gimme an A Gimme a C Whadda we got? Prozac ... I win, depression loses. YAYYYY!! for me... ------------------------------ From: (Ma Vinci) Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 03:49:39 EST Subject: Re: RS: Staedler Mars pens I love REALLY???? I'm THERE!!! Office Max...whoda thunk it... Robin On Thu, 20 Feb 1997 22:26:33 -0800 Stampalot Sue writes: >Hey Julie (and you too Ma!) > >I saw these markers today when I was at office max. You might check >there! > >Take Care! Sue > >Ma Vinci wrote: >> >> I've never seen them in Nasco or Dick Blick, but have gotten them at >art >> supplies >> stores. I LOVE them. Can't get them at crafts stores, I don't >think. >> Been awhile >> since I've had new ones too, so I'm not sure how much they are... >> >> Robin >> >> On Sun, 16 Feb 1997 00:06:53 -0500 Julie Carleton >writes: >> >Ma Vinci wrote: >> >> >> >> My favorite pastel pens are called Staedler Mars Graphic 3000. >Dual >> >> tips, >> >> brush and fine points (one on either end) and I've never seen >anyone >> >else >> >> here >> >> mention them. Am I the only one who uses these? They really are >> >> beautiful. The >> >> pastels I have, some of them, are barely any color at all, which >I >> >LOVE. >> >> If you >> >> just want a tiny blush or shadow of color, these are perfect. >> >> >> >> Just thought I'd mention them, since the subject came up. >> >> >> >> Robin >> >Where did you get these? Would Nasco carry them? >> >Thanks. >> >-- >> >Glittergirl >> >aka >> >Julie Carleton vsa >> > >> >Any speling mistakes are the responsibility of my cats >> >and should not reflect on my inteligence. >> > >> > >> > > >-- >Stampalot Sue Dill > > >One is never enough! > Of Anything!! > ------------------------------ From: (Ma Vinci) Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 03:49:39 EST Subject: Re: RS: Staedler Mars pens I love I wasn't being sarcastic!!! I swear I wasn't! I was genuinely excited to hear that they were there and wanting someone to volunteer to get me some!!! You haven't been on the list long enough to know my sense of humor and how I express myself, but I assure you, I was NOT being sarcastic!!! I'm sorry if I came across the wrong way! (There are a LOT of people in that ares, BTW, and I'll bet someone will actually GET me some!) Thanks! On Thu, 20 Feb 1997 19:36:29 -0800 (PST) Allison Crites writes: > >The sarcasm isn't appreciated. I was only trying to offer helpful info >to >people on the list. > >---------- >>From: (Ma Vinci) >>To: >>Subject: Re: RS: Staedler Mars pens I love >>Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 21:48:59 EST >> >>well, YEEEEEEE-HAWWWWWW!!!!! Anyone wanna volunteer to go there for >me?? >> That >>would be one heckuva major expensive trip for ME!!! (Thanks >anyway...) >> >>Robin >> >>On Thu, 20 Feb 1997 18:21:34 -0800 (PST) Allison Crites >> writes: >>> >>>They are currently on CLEARANCE at the University of Washington >>>bookstore in >>>downtown Seattle! >>> >>>---------- >>>>From: (Ma Vinci) >>>>To: >>>>CC: >>>>Subject: Re: RS: Staedler Mars pens I love >>>>Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 20:10:11 EST >>>> >>>>I've never seen them in Nasco or Dick Blick, but have gotten them >at >>>art >>>>supplies >>>>stores. I LOVE them. Can't get them at crafts stores, I don't >>>think. >>>>Been awhile >>>>since I've had new ones too, so I'm not sure how much they are... >>>> >>>>Robin >>>> >>>>On Sun, 16 Feb 1997 00:06:53 -0500 Julie Carleton >>>writes: >>>>>Ma Vinci wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>> My favorite pastel pens are called Staedler Mars Graphic 3000. >>>Dual >>>>>> tips, >>>>>> brush and fine points (one on either end) and I've never seen >>>anyone >>>>>else >>>>>> here >>>>>> mention them. Am I the only one who uses these? They really >are >>>>>> beautiful. The >>>>>> pastels I have, some of them, are barely any color at all, which >I >>> >>>>>LOVE. >>>>>> If you >>>>>> just want a tiny blush or shadow of color, these are perfect. >>>>>> >>>>>> Just thought I'd mention them, since the subject came up. >>>>>> >>>>>> Robin >>>>>Where did you get these? Would Nasco carry them? >>>>>Thanks. >>>>>-- >>>>>Glittergirl >>>>>aka >>>>>Julie Carleton vsa >>>>> >>>>>Any speling mistakes are the responsibility of my cats >>>>>and should not reflect on my inteligence. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>> >>> >> > > ------------------------------ From: (Ma Vinci) Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 03:49:40 EST Subject: Re: RS TAN: Confessions of a Depressed Stamper I can't say I've always suffered from depression, but I do have to say that the last eight years, since the death of my first child, have been the hardest in my life, and having an extended circle of friends, and a craft to share with them, has gotten me through the bleakest of times. I have been depressed during this time, at times, and am struggling with my loss again now, and this list has proven to be yet another life line. I do believe art saves lives (and I have that on a stamp!) Robin On Fri, 21 Feb 1997 01:42:34 EST (Linda S. Skirvin) writes: >To our favorite Inky Angel: > >I personally am very grateful that you are a suicide screwup!!! You >came into my life and allowed me to count on you are >stuck with that responsibility so you can't go anywhere! (gee, this >might not be too comforting to you to know that I'm demanding more of >your time.....ummm...I'll get back with you on this one!!!) > >Inky Angel and all the others that fight depression (which as most of >you know who have talked to me knows that I feel this is the most >under rated and most misunderstood illness in this country) just >remember that there are so many stampers on this list that have hearts >(so big that you wonder how they ever fit in their bodies) ready to >listen and share with you......All you have to do is reach out! > >Bunches and Bunches of hugs for you Inky Angel and Carolyn and all the >others!!! > >Giggles and Grins! >Love, Linda > > >On Thu, 20 Feb 1997 23:46:04 -0600 (CST) >(LAWRENCE JAMES LITTLE) writes: >> I have been suffering from manic-depression and Major Depression >>all my life (literally). I've been on meds for about 14 years. I've >>attempted suicide 4 times, feeble attempts except for 1, which was >>interrupted by my boss. (that one probably would have been >>successful). >>I still think about it fairly often, too. Never for long and never >>with >>a plan, mostly just wishing I'd done it a long time ago. But then I >>think of all I would have missed in my life. >> Crafts and hobbies help me a lot. This list has kept me >relatively >> >>sane this winter. Thank you Sisters!!! The love and support shared >by >> >>this list is like a daily group hug, it's very theraputic. >> I thank God everyday that I have all of you. >> >> Who was it who called all of us Bi-Polar Bears?? I thought that >>was funny!! >> >> InkyAngel >> ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 02:42:23 -0700 (MST) Subject: [none] ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 02:42:25 -0700 (MST) Subject: [none] ------------------------------ From: (Patti Welsh) Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 00:41:29 EST Subject: Re: Where to get New Styles in Stamping I got mine via mailorder, but recently found it in a local art supply store that recently started carrying rubber stamps. Ben Franklin has it too. "New Styles in Stamping" ISBN 1-56231-327-4. Nothing REALLY new, but a real nice presentation of: Magnolia Star Book Tube Wringer (crimper) ideas Explosion Cards Sliding Pop-up Cards Window Box Cards Bookmark Cards Tri Fold Window Cards (these were really new to me) Shaker Cards Slider Cards Color Magic Picture Frames Pop-Ups Bagalopes All done up really nice in color with several samples of each technique. Just exactly what a beginner needs and a good reference for oldtimers. Also covered are: Care of stamps Inking Pads Stamps Sponges Embossing Basic Technique Colored Embossing Coloring In Scoring Patterned Scissors It's designed beautifully, all in color and descriptions are done in simple language. How to make one card is presented for each technique but several other samples are shown so you can get an idea of the versility of the technique. The cost is about $7 and is 16 pages plus covers (which is where the basic general information can be found). StamPatti, vsa & vsr Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture! ------------------------------ From: (Kandee...) Date: Tue, 18 Feb 97 09:29:32 GMT Subject: RS Official Southwest Swap Repost These cards are simply amazing...I'm so impressed with what I've received so far! I'm afraid the only set that will need to be 'judged' will be mine because the rest are excellent! I've participated in swaps before but this one is drawing out amazing cards. Take the plunge and join us! NAME OF SWAP: Southwest Swap HOSTED BY: Kandee... ITEMS INFO: 5 for 5, any items. THEME/DETAILS: Anything using a southwest theme. MAILING INFO: Include a SASE or SAML and equivalent postage. POSTMARKED BY: March 29th - -- - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In my garden, love grows - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 22:20:22 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: RS Anyone sell G-Rated In a message dated 97-02-20 21:49:13 EST, (Stamparoni) writes: << Hey Stampo I will never forget looking through that "box" at a convention, the you-know-what alphabet is something else!!! But seriously I feel that cutting one of those penis stamps in half with those super KAI scissors is the most healing thing for a bad bout of PMS, I have thought of buying some parts just for such occassions! Stamparoni >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>O<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Oh MY GOD! NO! Not my dear never-hurt-a-soul, cute-as-the-dickens (sorry) guys! Smelling salts! I can't take the image! Feathers - about to faint ------------------------------ From: "Suki Aitcheson(Dragonfolk)" <> Date: 20 Feb 97 14:39:09 EST Subject: Owl and Wolf swaps Last cards due in any time, so swap will be in post Monday Suki ------------------------------ From: Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 17:03:52 -0500 (EST) Subject: Mizuhiki Cords Interested in knowing the different ways one might use Mizuhiki cords with their hand stamped art. TIA for any input here. Kathie W. ------------------------------ From: Stamparoni Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 14:34:47 -0600 Subject: RE: RS Low cost or free gift ideas? There happens to be a "Recycle Center" at a childrens museum here in the = Kansas City area and there are tons and tons of great stuff to find = there for low cost/no cost. They have a variety of ribbons and magnets = and goodies left over from Hallmark that they sell for pennies. There = are end rolls (no economical to mail to a SSS but great to have around) = from newspaper printers that are great for wrapping gifts in , = protecting a surface while stamping, the list goes on and on. There are = even huge rolls of foil left over from when they foil greeting cards, = there is almost always enough on the sides to foil anything you'd want = to do, ribbon, foil, boxes, parts of cards, acetate (was only a few = cents a sheet and thick enough to emboss on!), lets see, oh, wallpaper = books too. There is also a resource center in town where if you are a = school teacher or homeschool you can get die cuts and laminate stuff = really reasonably. You may want to call a local school and tell them you = are looking for a resource center for homeschooling projects and see = where that gets you. And no you don't have to lie, don't you augment = their education at home???? Is that not schooling at home??? I think it = is! Stamparoni ------------------------------ From: Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 02:12:10 -0500 (EST) Subject: there is a problem with list mail well the "do you judge post" that I cc'd to myself came though in its entirety on aol but only 1/3 of it appeared on the list. ditto with most folks "charm packs" notes Are we going with short messages only as a way around the Valentine bomb?? hmmn, most curious - questions but no answer on this one, maggie ------------------------------ From: (Kandee...) Date: Tue, 18 Feb 97 10:15:41 GMT Subject: Re: RS: PotW Vellum Intermediate Hi Ginny! I'm not doing the Easter Egg card, but have to tell you, the extra hints are GREAT! From your suggestion I just tried making a vellum envelope using the Kreate-a-lope I purchased in Dallas and it's GREAT! Where have these things been all my life? The Kreate-a-lope just tears the vellum, and wah-lah! Quick, easy, not intricate delicate details to cut out, and the card shows right through. I think I'm the only one on the list that _hates_ cutting. X-acto knives are my sworn enemy because I'm such a klutz and haven't developed cutting skills. I make the masks I do cut out last forever and even longer than that if I can. I'm constantly blown away by swaps cards from people on this list that cut around little flowers and leaves for wreaths and I don't know how you can do that without going insane. Anyway, thanks for doing this Ginny. I'm not a newbie but I'm getting a lot from it too! Kandee... p.s. What's this about pre-heating the embossing gun? I've never heard of that either. 'splain please. > Hints and Tips: > When heat embossing, always pre-heat your heat gun! > > Use vellum to make envelopes! Trace your favorite envelope pattern over > the vellum and cut with a craft knife. When you score the vellum, press > moderately hard. The 55 pound Vellum is fairly thick and needs a bit of > pressure to score. Your cards will be seen through the envelope to make > the postal people smile, too! - -- - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In my garden, love grows - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------ From: gmork Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 13:41:39 -0700 Subject: Alberta Stamper faints at Post Office.... Hello everyone!!! You won't believe it!!!!!! I just received my SSS package. Oh my! Oh my! I'm feeling weak just talking about it. ITS INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe there would be someone in the world as awesome as my SSS!!!!!!!!!! Why you ask - well let me tell you............ She sent me 1. Art Stamp Journal (I have never even seen one of these before!!! Yipee! Yahoo!!!!!!!) 2. Glue Stic (was I not just asking about glue?? is she cool or what!) 3. Glitter (wowsers!!!!!!) 4. Easter Stamps (did u notice the "s" at the end? Not 2 stamps, not 4 stamps, heck not even 6 stamps BUT 8 stamps!!!! *doing the happy happy joy dance!* She even monted them herself!!!!!!!!!) *just a little breather again cause I'm fealin weak with excitement!!* 5. AN ENVELOPE TEMPLATE - like I haven't wanted one of these forever!! 6. Handmade paper - all different cool colors!!!! 7. Cardstock - some lined with gold (with envelopes) and some with silver and some without lines. Is she awesome or what????????? 8. Homeade envelopes which are too awesome to ever use! 9. Two gorgeous hand made cards - both with the Sun on it - I totally LOVE celestial stamps!!!! If I missed anything its because when I fainted at the PO, it must have fallen out. What an absolute dream!!!!!!!!! Thanks you SS, for putting so much effort into this package. I love it! a very happy Glenyce ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 03:42:24 -0700 (MST) Subject: [none] ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 03:42:24 -0700 (MST) Subject: [none] ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 03:46:05 -0700 (MST) Subject: [none] ------------------------------ From: Stamparoni Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 20:05:59 -0600 Subject: RS: TAN: Hey La Diva.... I just called "Stamp Stamp Stamp" because someone told me earlier you = would be there at 5:00 and you were not There There There! When will ya = be at work girl? I need to buy a stamp for someone to come pick up for = me so let me know know know! Stamparoni ------------------------------ From: Stamparoni Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 18:29:48 -0600 Subject: RS: TEST is this getting to anyone? I am not sure why (I have re subbed just in = case) but I am getting no mail....I know I know, same story different = verse. Seems like my mail goes out but nothing is getting in...maybe = everyone is sleeping? Oh I know, everybody is stamping up some wonderful = cards as a Random Act of Mail art! Yeah that's the ticket! Stamparoni ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #362 ************************************ To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.