From: To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #467 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Thursday, 27 February 1997 Volume 02 : Number 467 In this issue: Valentine Problem Copper Re: RECIPE CLUB only Re: RS: Did I miss POTW? Re: Tan - Scanners Re: RS TAN Welcome Rubber Bits UNM RR#3 STAMPO ONLY Re: TAN: rmembering history Comm:Card grab bags Re: Job Swap RS:Boston store info needed! Please! Way TAN: Art Therapy (long) nickname Comm - HIDDEN CREATIONS CUSTOMERS FOR STAMPO ONLY RS:Mark your calendars! SF Bay Area stampers! RS Great vendor I forgot to mention Re: RS: Looking for Oakland Stamp Stores. RS Vendor Appreciation Week See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 12:52:56 -0500 (EST) Subject: Valentine Problem In a message dated 97-02-26 21:51:57 EST, you write: << Well I received the valentine baddie last night on my AOL account and it took me over 4 hours to sort out my computer. This message could not be deleted, could not be avoided and thanks to you I've used up 4 hours of my 5 hour monthly allowance on a stupid message that didn't even load. Please think before sending stuff like this those of us who pay per hour for both connection and phone charges can't afford this***. Sorry to vent but I can't understand why its still coming. Suki >> This really scares me! I had a probem on Monday with my computer, but so far, I haven't seen anything like you all are describing... And it seems that this was discussed LAST Thursday and Friday....was it? If it was, is this message perhaps being resent over and over again by someone who has an axe to grind. Especially since it's been mentioned that she is not subscribed to the group..... Or perhaps I'm seeing ghosts in the corners... Chris Stampatore ------------------------------ From: DragonLady (Laurell Millheim) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 09:55:30 -0800 Subject: Copper At the San Mateo show a vendor was selling sheets of copper that were being used in their stamp designs. I think they also gave a "lecture" on it in one of the classrooms but didn't see it(couldn't tear myself away from the booths). The cards were beautiful. Some had been stamped, then cut out, and the copper molded to a 3-d look. Others were just traced and patterned with a stylus type tool I guess. Has anyone done any of this? Or can anyone that was at San Mateo last weekend shed any light on this? Thanks, DragonLady ------------------------------ From: "Julie Brodbeck" Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 13:05:48 -0500 Subject: Re: RECIPE CLUB only Linda, I have been waiting for my Feb. recipes also. I don't remember who posted and said they were going to be late, but I do remember reading it. Brain Julie Midnight Stamper ------------------------------ From: Bob Richie Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 10:54:32 -0800 Subject: Re: RS: Did I miss POTW? Kristi R Schueler wrote: > > I saw an earlier post from Ginny that she was going to send out the POTW > late, but I haven't had one go through here. If someone else got it, > could you please forward it to me privatly? Ginny - if you haven't > posted one yet, that's okay too! I understand there ae other things > going on. They have been so wonderful I just didn't want to miss one ! > You may need to take off a week or two so you don't run out of ideas ! > > Rubberdoppler I don't know this for sure, but I'm beginning to think there wasn't enough feedback or interest to continue. When you think how we are all getting the great benefit of her time and experience, if this is true, it makes me feel very bad! I generally practice techniques at home and when they go wrong there is no one I can talk to and tell what problems I'm having, what am I doing wrong! On the POTW we can email Ginny and find out whats wrong. Its just such a great opportunity to learn this art! I for one will feel extremely bad if it is discontinued for lack of interest!!! Stamperella ------------------------------ From: valobra Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 11:03:42 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: Tan - Scanners i have a similiar scanner maybe even sameexact scanner i finally got mineto work right but right now im too tired and part of my puter is at my ISP anyway i have the info for Mustek website that has all the info (being deaf making phonecalls is ALMOST impossible) so i find ways to get info i need for whatever... anyway the info i downloaded helped and i was able to get my scanner working after almost 7 months of just sitting there... few things i need to know tho do you have win95 or win3X? what programs came with the scanner? or what programs are you using to scan this order form? anyway like i said im tired sorry this is so messy and i cant help you right now but if you email me again tomorrow to remind me... ill get the info you need from my other puter (im using my brothers) valobra da Mad Stamper On Thu, 27 Feb 1997, Suzanne Owen wrote: > Hi, I am so frustrated. I bought a Mustek 600 II ep scanner when I sold > my previous computer. After two months of e-mail with the company, I > still cannot get it to scan a simple order form. I was on hold for 15 > min., paying long-distance charges, this a.m. and never got a person. > Does anyone have any ideas about what I should do or where I can get > some help? I am going to write the company & complain. Thanks, Suzanne > -*valobra*- e-mail address: MOTD: priority in my life.... Friends. ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 13:06:15 EST Subject: Re: RS TAN Welcome Now Shannon, you shouldn't tease everyone so. Imagine how the viewing of Braveheart would change if everyone knew they wore absolutely NOTHING under those kilts! *Some people only dream of angels . . . we held one in our arms.* Remembering Jacob, March 8-9, 1996 Our angel: On Thu, 27 Feb 1997 09:18:28 -0600 Shannon Green writes: >Soooooo.....we could also debate as to whether or not the rider was >wearing >a kilt, and if so, just exactly what was he wearing under said kilt. >If it >was enough to frighten the horse, it might run faster. > > >At 09:00 PM 2/26/97 PST, Tracy Rivera wrote: >>The big plague we are all familiar with is the Black Death, but that >>wasn't until the 1340's. Rather, it didn't hit England and Scotland >>until then. Of course, they did have lots of other yucky stuff. :) >>That is a thought about the horses pulling wagons or not. I am >really >>excited about this book. It has a little magic and time-travel in >it. >>It is set in the Highlands of Scotland. >> >>Rubberjunkie >> >>On Wed, 26 Feb 1997 20:58:07 -0500 Julie Carleton >writes: >>>Shannon Green wrote: >>> >>>> One would assume that speed varies by breed as well as outside >>>elements >>>> such as the weight of the load, the weather and the age/condition >of >>>the >>>> horse. Ick. Glad I'm not the one researching that book! >>> >>>Another thing to consider is desease and nutrition. If the horse is > >>>well fed on quality food it can go much further than if it's fed >poor >>>food or fed infrequently. >>>Also in the 1300's wasn't there a pague of some sort? This may >>>affect (effect?) the horse and the rider too. Don't forget the >rider >>>might not be stroonge enough to go as far in one day as the horse. >>>Hmmmm this is getting interesting. I'll be looking forward to >>>reading that book! >>>-- >>>Glittergirl >>>aka >>>Julie Carleton vsa >>> >>>Any speling mistakes are the responsibility of my cats >>>and should not reflect on my inteligence. >>> >>> >>> >> >> > ------------------------------ From: (Judi Bondi) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 12:11:46 -0600 (CST) Subject: Rubber Bits UNM RR#3 Hi Folks, RR #3 arrived in Lake Zurich IL yesterday, from Jeff Hitchin. Will send it along to Sammi Lynn tomorrow. Best to all, Judi Bondi, The LZ Stamper ------------------------------ From: Lisa Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 13:12:43 -0500 (EST) Subject: STAMPO ONLY >Date: Thu, 27 Feb 97 14:23:39 UT >From: "Mycala Shaulis" > >Actually, Lisa, could you do me a big favor and post that I've been trying to >get a hold of Stampo privately about an order and need to hear back from him >ASAP? Thanks! I've got no idea if the messages I've sent him are being read, >and one time I got a message back that one of my messages has been lost! My >email address is (I don't know if it shows up with your SP -- >nobody's return address shows up on mine -- it's a real pain!) > >Thanks so much! > >Mycala ------------------------------ From: "Nel Welch" Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 10:17:09 -0600 Subject: Re: TAN: rmembering history I remember when Jerry Garcia died!!! Of course, he died about 15 miles from where I was living at the time. We went and saw all the deadheads in the Haight/Ashbury district tooo nel Have a Happy STAMPIN' day - ---------- > From: > To: rubberstampers@firewall.GEnie.NET > Subject: Re: TAN: rmembering history > Date: Thursday, February 27, 1997 11:52 AM > > In a message dated 97-02-27 00:03:45 EST, you write: > > << Like many others, I can tell you exactly > where I was and what I was doing when Kennedy (both in fact) was shot. >> > > Not as poignant...but my sons are impressed that I remember exactly where I > was and what I was doing when I heard Jim Morrison had died. > > I lived just outside Newark NJ when it was on fire during the race > could see clouds of black smoke billowing up into the air. > > I had Jack Kennedy take me back to my parents when I wandered off on Hyannis > as a small child. I don't remember this, but the family always talks about > it. > > We have lived through a lot.... > > Chris > Stampatore ------------------------------ From: "Suki Aitcheson(Dragonfolk)" <101327.111@CompuServe.COM> Date: 27 Feb 97 13:20:34 EST Subject: Comm:Card grab bags 20 mixed A4 card and paper including marbled, onyx,linen, variety of colours vivids and neutrals/black etc. ONLY L3 including postage. US 12 dollars CASH Grab bag papers and cards including pieces for layering. Most A4, some 4inch by 4inch 20 A4 plus 20 smaller L4 including postage US 14dollars Email for addy Suki ------------------------------ From: (Holly H Holden) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 13:29:40 EST Subject: Re: Job Swap There's still time to join!!! Anything that relates to your particular line >of labor, perhaps how you feel about your accomplishments in this area, >> perhaps depicting what you do, perhaps what you've always wanted to >do but haven't been able to quite yet... the humor that keeps you sane >at work... lots of possibilities here folks. >> >> Five for five items (anything you choose that fits in a large env., >> sorry, no TTPO's on this one). >> >> Due March 20th >> >> SAML and as much postage as it took to mail your items MissInk 101 Ray Street Fort Bragg, NC 28307 Received from: Angelhrt Julia Sidebottom Holly H. One life stamps and influences another, which in turn stamps and influences another, on and on . . . - Mary Kay Blakeley ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 12:30:50 -0600 Subject: RS:Boston store info needed! Please! I just got approval to go to a seminar in Boston the first of June! Yea! Now...what are the stores I have got to go to that will be worth the cab fare? I will staying at Boston Common. (I know about the convention, but won't be there at that time. Which is OK-I still have Stampaway!) TIA! Sheila ------------------------------ From: Shauna Poong Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 10:33:46 -0800 Subject: Way TAN: Art Therapy (long) Since some of you have asked: Expressive Art Therapy is a combination of art, language, music, movement, drama, and ritual with psychotherapy. I think my story is similar to many expressive arts therapist in that I began as an artist who studied to become a psychotherapist and then found that there is this orientation that combines the two. All of us are psychotherapists and we all have at least one area of artistic pursuit. For me, it is visual and language arts. You do not have to have a degree in one of the arts but you do have to have a practice. (I often say “Art is my spiritual practice.”) Expressive Art Therapy is different from Art Therapy or Drama Therapy because it employs more than one art form. I might have a client express her anger by working with paint then she might take that drawing and write about it or pick up an instrument and give the painting a voice or a movement. Different art forms take you different places. Two important principles of any form of art therapy are: It is the process not the product and art itself is healing. Art therapies are not about creating a particular image or product. They are about using the arts to express your feelings. I always tell patients to “Let your hands pick which colors and move across the page. Do not try to create any representational image.” Then when the product is done, we will go back and I’ll ask, “What do you know about this piece?” It is amazing what pictures like this reveal. I find that just being able to express yourself in the arts is healing. (Of course we do regular psychotherapy as well.) There are some really good *self-help* books out there as well. The best is The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julie Cameron, published by Jeremy Tarcher. Freeing the Creative Spirit Within by A. Diaz, published by HarperSan Francisco. No More Secondhand Art: Awakening the Artist Within by P. London, published by Shambhala. Creating Mandalas: For Insight, Healing and Self-Expression by S.F. Fincher, published by Shambhala. If you are interested in finding a therapist or interested in exploring becoming this type of therapist, there are some organizations that can give you referrals in your area. International Expressive Arts Therapy Association P.O. Box 641246 San Francisco, CA 94164-1246 (They are having their yearly conference in Boston this year -- I wish I could afford to go. :( For individual types of art therapies: American Art Therapy Association (708) 949-6064 1202 Allason Road Mundelein, IL 60060 National Association for Drama Therapy (203) 481-1161 19 Edwards Street New Haven, CT 06511 Certified Board for Music Therapists (800) 765-2268 6336 North Oracle Road Suite 326, Box 345 Tucson, AZ 85704 Take care, Shauna ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Carl Jung said, “There is no birth of consciousness without pain.” ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 13:43:27 -0500 (EST) Subject: nickname Did anyone see my post about a week or so ago for a nickname...I asked for suggestions... Ellen ------------------------------ From: Kevin & Andrea Koehler Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 10:53:33 Subject: Comm - HIDDEN CREATIONS CUSTOMERS Laura asked me to post that she is having major e-mail problems. She hasn't been able to access her account for the last two days. Should be back on-line today or tomorrow. I will be forwarding messages to and from Laura if you need to contact her. Thanks, Andi StitchInk ------------------------------ From: valobra Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 11:38:39 -0700 (MST) Subject: FOR STAMPO ONLY *cry* *cry cry* I STILL havent gotten the promised catalog *pout pout* what do i have to do? BEG? ok ok im on my knees and im beggin PWEEEEEAAAAASSSEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! valobra DaMadStamper -*valobra*- e-mail address: MOTD: priority in my life.... Friends. ------------------------------ From: "Blaauw, Lori" Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 10:46:00 -0800 Subject: RS:Mark your calendars! SF Bay Area stampers! On Saturday, March 29th from 1- 4 I will be demonstrating Stamp N Stick at the Stamper's Warehouse! Come and learn how easy it is to use this wonderful new product. Trust me, if I can do this, so can you! This is wonderful for all of those new Easter projects you are doing. WEll, it may be a little late for Easter projects, but it is great for wedding projects or any time you need glitter or foil in your art. I hope to see you all there. ------------------------------ From: (Lynette Walters) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 09:51:05 -0900 Subject: RS Great vendor I forgot to mention In my post last night I knew I forgot someone - Ellen of Addicted to Rubber...Stamps! In fact, I have a package waiting at the post office right now from her. If I forgot anyone else, I'm really sorry - and there are alot of vendors on the list that I haven't had a chance to deal with yet, but hope to soon! Lynette aka Klondike SnowStamper /\ ) /\ /\ * __~ / \ /\ / \_____||__ / \ /\ /\ / | __ | / / \ || / | || | / / \ ########THE LAST FRONTIER#############ALASKA########## ------------------------------ From: Shauna Poong Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 10:32:56 -0800 Subject: Re: RS: Looking for Oakland Stamp Stores. Exquisite Images is in a fun area of Oakland called Piedmont. They have an ad in RSM or you can call 510-555-1212 and get their phone number. (I don't have it handy.) They carry a lot of different stamps and supplies but one thing that they carry which is unique to that store is their own line of stamps (also called Exquisite Images.) The owner is Chinese and the stamps are very artistic Chinese images. They also have the medium which allows you to create a color picture (rubber stamp, drawing, and/or photograph) have it color xeroxed, then transfer it onto fabric. If you call, they might be able to fax you some kind of list that you could chose from and have your husband pick-up. Have fun, shopping vicariously. ------------------------------ From: (Lynette Walters) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 09:47:12 -0900 Subject: RS Vendor Appreciation Week Okay, there seems to be alot of interest in this, so now I need ideas from everyone. I was thinking the last week of March or the first week of April. Would this give everyone enough time to put cards together? And I want to know what kinds of other things we could do - email me privately if you don't want to clog up the list. And then I'll post all the ideas together. Thanks, everybody! Lynette aka Klondike SnowStamper /\ ) /\ /\ * __~ / \ /\ / \_____||__ / \ /\ /\ / | __ | / / \ || / | || | / / \ ########THE LAST FRONTIER#############ALASKA########## ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #467 ************************************ To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.