From: To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #512 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Sunday, 2 March 1997 Volume 02 : Number 512 In this issue: Re: TS TAN: I got money and need to spend it! Judikins Vendor RE: Official Art Institute Glitter Swap Re: Mounting Cards into Scrapbook Storing unms/Halos Re: RS:Need Endangered Animal Stamps CORRECTION -- the affair Re: This is a great place!! RE: Looking for a Vendor Easter Phrases (again) Re: GIGGLES - the affair Re: Butt Heads] Happy Birthday Phrases (again) RS Doubles and Blanks RE: Vendors: Kai Scissors & Miracle Tape Re: TAN:Voter's Right Act See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 19:56:48 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: TS TAN: I got money and need to spend it! SammiLynn, do me a favor!! Buy Art Institute Glitters from Rubberchickenlady so she can meet her minimum, and I'll get my order quicker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Annette, The Stamp Maine-iac OR ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 19:30:49 -0500 (EST) Subject: Judikins Vendor I want to place an order. Who sells at a discount? I need the sealing wafers and tassels with the sliding knot. Tonya ------------------------------ From: "Jonathan Zwang" Date: Mon, 3 Mar 97 00:06:38 UT Subject: RE: Official Art Institute Glitter Swap - ---------- From: Jonathan Zwang Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 1997 1:10 PM To: 'rubberstampers' Cc: 'geevee' Subject: Re: Official Art Institute Glitter Swap NAME OF SWAP: Art Insititute Glitter Swap HOSTED BY: geevee E-MAIL: ZWANGJA@MSN.COM DUE DATE: Postmark by May 25, Please. STATUS: Open MAILING INFO: $1.00 toward postage (extra change will be returned). Include your return address. DETAILS: Send 6,receive 5 items back (One for Hostess) Include stamp credits along with your name. THEME: Must use the Art Institute Glitter System PLAYERS SO FAR: 1. CC - Connie 2. Stamparoni 3. HunEEBunEE - Marianne 4. StampBear - Barbara 5. Kari Mattocks 6. Jolene Irvine 7. Monarch Stamper - Michele 8. RubberMouse - Rhonda 9. MiracleStamper - Debbie 10. SeashlStamper - Marsha 11. LMJCAT 12. StampMonster - Patricia 13. Rubber Chicken Lady - Betsy 14. Bonnie Lass 15. Karen N. Glover 16. La Reine de Glitteur - Connie 17. Rubberrannie - Marianne 18. Your Name Here!!! ------------------------------ From: Allison Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 15:50:53 -0800 (PST) Subject: Re: Mounting Cards into Scrapbook I have a corner stamp that actually makes these photo corner holders. It is by JD Impressions. Perhaps this would be a good way to go? - ---------- >From: >To: >CC: >Subject: Re: Mounting Cards into Scrapbook >Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 16:41:30 -0700 (MST) > >I wonder if the photo corners, especially the large clear ones would >accomplish what you would like to achieve? > >Happy Stamping, >April DeMasters, blueyes > >>Hi All!!! >> >> >>I just got a really nice scrapbook from Pearl's Arts & Crafts (for the >>bargain basement deal of $6.40). It looks just like the ones offered by >>Canson and it's acid free. Anyway, here's my question, I would like to mount >>all the cards I received from swaps, etc. into this book. Does anyone have >>any suggestions as to how I should do it? Glue stick? Glue gun? Elmer's? >> Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!! >> >> >>Thanks! >> >> > > ------------------------------ From: James Quinto Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 16:56:55 -0800 Subject: Storing unms/Halos wrote: Scuze me.....whaddaya mean keep our treasures. On, under or about the table doesn't count? Actually, I have some of those neat plastic = rolling drawers from IRIS and then some of the bigger Rubbermaid drawers. I = have my ums in three ring binders, but I am not thrilled with that, so I = think I may just put them in individual plastic bags with a sample of what they = are in the drawers with the mounted ones. =20 I'm not trilled with the binder thing either. What does everyone else = do for storing their unms or Halos????? I've heard of stamping them on = envy's and throwing the unms inside of the envy's. Any other ideas??? Kari ------------------------------ From: Robin Swaby Date: Sun, 02 Mar 1997 19:53:28 -0500 Subject: Re: RS:Need Endangered Animal Stamps Stampalot Sue wrote: > > I am looking for endangered animal stamps, PREFERABLY sold as a set, and > even better would be rubber/foam mounted. They are for an international > Girl Scout event a friend's troop is going to in May. The girls will > have "Passport" books, and at each booth they go to the will get > stamped. My friend would like endangered animals, but other suggestions > would be appreciated! She would prefer a set rather than buying single > stamps, and the less expensive the better! > > TIA! Sue > -- > Stampalot Sue Dill > > > "To Be Happy: Don't do whatever you like, > Like whatever you do!" - Mary EngelbreitHi Sue, PSX makes the perfect set of endangered animals in the series, list price is $10.95, and I am having a sale this week (ordering this thurs. so would need confirmation by Wed. EVE.) at-30% off. your cost would be 7.95 +2.50 shipping. No tax unless you are in NC. I am a GIRL SCOUT leader too, and as a matter of fact we had a busy day seeling Cookies at Walmart! As a matter of fact I did a similar thing with the stamps for my daughters Rain Forest/Endangered animals birthday party, and they "collected" the animals by using the stamps in the books I made. If you decide to get thenm I can send the info of what I did along with them. Let me know what you think about this. Robin-nibor ------------------------------ From: StamPurr Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 16:22:08 -0800 (PST) Subject: CORRECTION -- the affair It's a good things I don't have to face you folks in person. I was reading some of the very nice replies to my posting announcing that I was pregnant and some of them I couldn't understand, *until* I went back and read (again) what I had written. DUH, I am 7 WEEKS, not months, pregnant. What can I say... wishfull thinking, Freidian slip, pregnant women's hormone-induced-Jello-brain, I don't know what my problem was. I am due in October. I am very sorry for any misunderstanding this has caused. Please forgive me... StamPurr aka Debbie W. ------------------------------ From: Darlene Sybert Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 19:03:27 -0600 (CST) Subject: Re: This is a great place!! On Sun, 2 Mar 1997, Melissa Temple wrote: > I am new 'round here, but I just wanted to tell you all that you are the > friendliest, craziest group of people!! I have learned alot in the week > that I have been lurking!! Probably some things your mother didn't want you to know, too! Darlene Sybert vsa Central Missouri ****************************************** A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness; but still will keep A bower quiet for us, and a sleep Full of sweet dreams... -John Keats ******************************************* ------------------------------ From: "Jonathan Zwang" Date: Mon, 3 Mar 97 00:05:50 UT Subject: RE: Looking for a Vendor COOL!, Thank you - okay who has All Night Media for sale? geevee so many stamps, so little time - ---------- From: Deni Johnson Sent: Sunday, March 02, 1997 6:07 PM To: Jonathan Zwang Subject: Re: Looking for a Vendor >I am looking for a set of stamps. In the set there is a lava lamp, flower >(from the 60's) groovy and peace sign - does anyone know who has this? I >NEED IT BAD!!! thanks. >geevee >so many stamps, so little time > I have it right here. It is called "Stamp Attack Flower Power" and it is by All Night Media. A set of 7 foam backed stamps, in addition to the 4 you mentioned, there is a smiley face, stars & stripes finger peace sign, and LOVE. It's kinda wacky but fun to have. Deni ******************************************************************** (+)(+) / \ "He's only MOSTLY dead" \ -==- / \ / Deni Johnson <\/\/\/> / \ Check out my "Princess Bride Page" ------------------------------ From: gmork Date: Sun, 02 Mar 1997 17:09:54 -0700 Subject: Easter Phrases (again) Easter Phrases ================================================================ The Jelly Bean Prayer Red is for the love He gave. Green is for the grass He made. Yellow is for His sun so bright. Orange is for the edge of night. Blue is for the sky and water. White is for the glory of God the Father. Purple is for His hours of sorrow. Pink is for our new tomorrow. A bag full of jelly beans colorful and sweet, is a prayer, a promise, a wonderful treat. ================================================================ Easter Greetings! Wishing you all the good things that Easter brings! ================================================================ For you... A wish for the happiest of Easters ================================================================ Easter Greetings Warmest wishes for a season of sweet discoveries ================================================================ Thinking of you Wishing you all the lovely gifts of spring! ================================================================ An Easter Wish On this day, may you experience a sweet renewal of faith, hope, & joy! ================================================================ Happy Easter! And best wishes for a Wonderful Spring ================================================================ Happy spring! Wishing you days of sunshine and clover! ================================================================ Happy Easter! You're wished a basketful of bright springtime smiles! ================================================================ Springtime Greetings! Just poppin' in to wish you a happy Easter! ================================================================ May you continue to grow in the joy and grace of our Lord. Happy Easter! ================================================================ Thinking of you At Easter and Always I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 1:4 ================================================================ Shout for Joy, all the earth, lift up your voice and sing! Christ the Lord is risen today - He reigns on high as King! Wishing you a joyful & meaningful Easter ================================================================ Thinking of you at Easter Wishing you and those you love the blessings of a glorious Easter! ================================================================ ------------------------------ From: "Angelhrt" Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 18:18:15 +0000 Subject: Re: GIGGLES - the affair Dear Stampurr.. I've got 3 kids, all with 3 years in between each one. I thought my first child (Shyekara) would have problems when Blake was born, being so spoiled and used to having mom and dad all to herself. We included her in every part of the pregnancy...she went to doc visits, went with me for ultrasounds, she heard his heartbeat in the stethescope at the docs office. We got special books which gave a pretty realistic picture of what the baby looked like when it was inside me, mind you it was ALSO age appropriate recommended by our family physician. At 3 years of age she was MUCH to young to go and see Blake be born, but she did get to hold him hours after he was born. Shyekara NEVER had a problem being jealous or feeling out of place after Blake was born. One other thing to keep in mind is that when the new baby comes home, everyone loves to bring gifts for the new baby. Many of my relatives and close friends also made a point of bringing something for Shyekara too.....a coloring book, new crayons, etc. Nothing expensive, but just some little do dad. BTW: Shyekara knew about my pregnancy the same day I did....she HAD been praying for God to send twins...LOL ROFL Thankfully, the answer to THAT requeset was no...LOL Don't know how you mothers of multiples do it...LOL It is MY opinion that if the child feels they are a part of the process.... they will not feel excluded. :-) And you are only 7 months still got 2 months !!!! LOL Let Brian feel your tummy, when the baby is kicking.... ask him what names he might like.... :-) Talk to him, listen to his questions and answer as best you can. :-) Ask him what he can do to help you once the baby is bring you diapers when you need to change the baby, or help you fold cloths.... Brian NEEDS to know he is still a very important, and NEEDED part of your life, and besides, 4 year olds LOVE to help....LOL Let him... We let Shyekara pack the diaper bag to take to the hospital for Blake when he came home.... Hope this helps some, just play it by ear...and I KNOW everything will be just fine. :-) Congrats on your pregnancy... :-) WarmHugs Angelhrt ****************************************************** Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth unseen, both when we wake and when we sleep. ~John Milton ****************************************************** ------------------------------ From: (Linda S. Skirvin) Date: Sun, 02 Mar 1997 19:11:38 EST Subject: Re: Butt Heads] Oh my! Leave it to you and Ann!!! Giggles and Grins! Love, Linda On Sat, 1 Mar 1997 23:32:30 +0100 writes: >This could be bigger than the humor swap... > >Jody MorrCatsNRubbr > > >> I know... Linda, why don't you have a Butthead swap... I got a >little >>figurene from a friend that is a guy standing there, and has his >pants on >>his head. It says, Butthead... She is the one that is the Butthead, >but I >>kept it anyway.. LOL >> I think a swap would be cute just to see all the different ways of >being a >>butthead... ROFLMBHO >> Hugs.. >> Ann >> >> >>>Angelhrt, you better watch out or you will find yourself making >cards >>>also!!! Tee Hee! You could do one of a medicine man! Hey! Now >there is >>>an idea!!! This reminds me of something......when ever I tell >someone I >>>have a doctor's appointment they always ask, which doctor? I have >tried >>>explaining to them until I'm blue in the face that all of them are >>>"witch" doctors!!! Yikes! Ok, ok, I'm out of here!!! >>> >>>Giggles and Grins! >>>Love, Linda >>> >>> >>>On Fri, 28 Feb 1997 16:30:00 +0000 "Angelhrt" >>> writes: >>>>oooohhh lalalalalala --- can you make photo copies of these >cards??? >>>>I >>>>would LOVE to see you two "dueling stampers" at work..heheheehe >>>> >>>>Angelhrt >>>> >>>>---------------------snip------------------ >>>>> Shauna Poong wrote: >>>>> > >>>>> > Linda S. Skirvin wrote: >>>>> > > >>>>> > > Just for the record, I don't think you are a butt >head......if >>>>you would >>>>> > > like, I would be more than happy to give you a list of people >>>>who >>>>> > > are......they all have initials behind their, >>>>M.D., Phd., >>>>> > > R.N. and on and on! Tee Hee! >>>>> > > >>>>> > > Giggles and Grins! >>>>> > > Love, Linda >>>>> > >>>>> > Hey! I'll have you know that I'm a redhead *not* a butthead! >>>>> > >>>>> > => Shauna >>>>> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>>>> > Delusions of grandeur make me feel a lot better about myself. >>>>> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>>>> Okay, Giggles, git yer dukes up!! (sez I with a >grin)....Here's >>>>the >>>>> deal: you stamp me a postcard with your version of a "butt head" >RN >>>>and >>>>> I'll send you my version of a "butt head" patient. How 'bout it? >>>>> >>>>> SunStamper, AKA Sunny Howard, RN, BH >>>>> 350 N. Poli Ave. >>>>> Ojai, CA 93023 >>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>> >>> >> Ann >> Stamp out Depression > > > ------------------------------ From: gmork Date: Sun, 02 Mar 1997 17:09:49 -0700 Subject: Happy Birthday Phrases (again) Happy Birthday!! Phrases "It's your birthday, . Hope you laugh until cake and ice cream come out of your nose! ================================================================ "Remember the happy yesterdays that you made so special, And hoping your tomorrows will be as nice as you!!"" Stampin'@Midnite (Cathy S.) ================================================================ A card I sent to my SIL when she turned 50 had a picture of a broken down old truck on the front and said, "I'm not saying you're old, but if you were a car I wouldn't park you in the driveway without a pan under you!" Then I sent her one of those disposable plastic bedpans they always send home from the hospital. It was really funny! Mona Poste Haste ================================================================ Wishing you all the best on your birthday. ================================================================ Sending you warmest wishes for a beautiful birthday. ================================================================ Wishing you a day of happy moments and teasured memories. ================================================================ Wishing you all the special little joys that life can bring. ================================================================ May your day bring you special moments and lasting memories ================================================================ Sending you warmest wishes for a joy filled birthday and a lovely year. ================================================================ Hope this birthday brings you everything you're wishing for. ================================================================ Today, may the beauty of life surround you and bring you joy. ================================================================ I hope your birthday is filled with sunshine and laughter. ================================================================ Here's to sweet dreams and wishes come true. ================================================================ "Hope your day is filled with surprises." (Double D Rubber Stamps, Danube, MN) ================================================================ Happy Birthday! May your birthday be so special that you find yourself smiling about it long after its over. ================================================================ Because you're you... I'm celebrating today! Happy Birthday! ================================================================ Happy Birthday to a wonderful sister! Its nice to know that one thing is forever... you'll always be my sister! Have a great day! ================================================================ I hope you know that I love you every day - much more than words can express. Happy Birthday! ================================================================ The heart that loves is always young. - Greek Proverb Wishing you a year filled with love & joy. Happy Birthday! ================================================================ Its your birthday! Take it easy! Relax! Just pretend you are at work! ================================================================ So many candles... so little cake! Happy Birthday! ================================================================ 29 AGAIN??? Talk about recycling!! Happy Birthday! ================================================================ For your birthday, I wanted to get you the thing you need most... but how do you giftwrap a 25 hour day? Happy Birthday! ================================================================ Another Birthday? Before you start feeling old and depressed, just keep this in mind... I have pantyhose older than you!! Happy Birthday! ================================================================ You're not getting older... You're getting another year to shop! ================================================================ I just can't wait to watch you blow out all your birthday candles. Its one of the very few times in my life I still get to hear heavy breathing. ================================================================ I just want you to know that the ONLY people I send birthday cards to are attractive, intelligent and incredibly sexy people... Merry Christmas! ================================================================ Getting this birthday card shouldn't suprise you... ...unless you were expecting a present of course!! Happy Birthday! ================================================================ Carefull how you handle this card! There's a hundred dollar bill inside for your birthday... ...thats what you call an inside joke!! ------------------------------ From: Darlene Sybert Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 19:13:09 -0600 (CST) Subject: RS Doubles and Blanks I've been signed on the list all day and so far, no duplicates and no blanks!! Darlene Sybert vsa Central Missouri ****************************************** A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness; but still will keep A bower quiet for us, and a sleep Full of sweet dreams... -John Keats ******************************************* ------------------------------ From: "Stampo Viva Las Vegastamps!" Date: Mon, 3 Mar 97 01:01:06 UT Subject: RE: Vendors: Kai Scissors & Miracle Tape >Don't know about the Kai scissors but the miracle tape is available through LYTB. Not true. Miracle Tape is NOT available through LYTB. They sell Magic Tape which is the same as Wonder Tape... it's red/orange and has six yards on a roll. Miracle Tape is clear and has 36 yards on a roll. Viva Las Vegastamps! is the exclusive source of "Miracle Tape" and it's available by that name in many retail stores across the country. VLVS! also sells the Kai scissors that are sharpened to seven times sharper than when they come from the manufacturer. Stampo ------------------------------ From: Darlene Sybert Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 19:17:29 -0600 (CST) Subject: Re: TAN:Voter's Right Act Sorry, this message escaped before it was finished. I don't think you need to lose any sleep worrying about any segment of the population of this country losing their right to vote. It would be political suicide for one thing. On Sun, 2 Mar 1997, Darlene Sybert wrote: > On Sun, 2 Mar 1997, Lynda Jean Lutz wrote: > > > Ok.. another piece of email that may or may not be true... but > > if it is true the word needs to be spread! > > > > Lynda > > > This is garbage! > > > Darlene Sybert vsa > Central Missouri > > ****************************************** > A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: > Its loveliness increases; it will never > Pass into nothingness; but still will keep > A bower quiet for us, and a sleep > Full of sweet dreams... -John Keats > ******************************************* > > > > Darlene Sybert vsa Central Missouri ****************************************** A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness; but still will keep A bower quiet for us, and a sleep Full of sweet dreams... -John Keats ******************************************* ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #512 ************************************ To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.