From: (rubbertown-digest) To: Subject: rubbertown-digest V1 #267 Reply-To: rubbertown-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk rubbertown-digest Thursday, March 12 1998 Volume 01 : Number 267 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 13:11:32 EST From: Lord1952 Subject: RubberTown: Re: COMM: I did it again looks good my dear friend,,, let's see if they can fiqure out who I am.. have you seen my pants anywhere??? hi all!!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 12:18:59 -0600 From: "Barbara" Subject: RubberTown: COMM: HALOS Grabbag $5.00 Fellow Stampers, Halos are acrylic blocks with recessed grooves that have industrial strength Velcro hook tape in the grooves. You can see through the mount so you can see exactly where you are stamping. You can also combine more than one stamp on a mount instead of stamping several individual images on a card. You put the loop side of the industrial strength Velcro on the back of the um. It has a sticky back so it is easy to put on. Then you just put the um on the acrylic mount and the Velcro holds it together. There are several people on the list that have expressed an interest but don't want to spend $20.00 for the starter kit of HALOS plus the $5.99 for the yard of loop tape and $15.00 for the Kai scissors without knowing they like the system first. So this got me to thinking that what people need is a trial kit that would be very inexpensive and still something useful if they find that HALOS aren't the way they want to go. So what I have to offer is a HALOS grabbag. It has a 1" x 1" acrylic mount with the hook tape already in the recessed grooves and 5 postage size ums that already have the industrial strength loop tape on them. All of this for $5.00 including shipping in the U.S. The HALOS starter set does not have the 1" x 1" mount in it so if you decide you like the system there would be no duplication of mounts. The postage size ums include a dragon holding a heart, a blue bird getting ready to land, a butterfly in flight, a scarecrow in a frame looking at a sunflower, and a frog on a lily pad. For those of you that are already sold on the idea of HALOS I have a special for you too. Free shipping when purchasing the HALOS starter set along with my UM Grabbag. You can see the image in my grabbag at The HALOS starter set consists of four acrylic blocks. Sizes included are l.5" x l.5", 2" x 3.5", 2" x 6", and 3.5" x 4.5". Each set comes with 1/4 yd of 4" loop tape. The whole set of 4 and the tape is $20 (plus $3 shipping if purchased without the um grabbag). Additional tape is available for $5.99 per yard. A good pair of scissors is a must to cut through the rubber and industrial strength loop tape. KAI scissors are wonderful. They are actually scissors for trimming Bonsai trees. Stampers use them for cutting ums (unmounted rubber). They are very sharp and cut through rubber like it was butter. I sell the Kai scissors for $15.00 plus $1.00 shipping. Let me know if I can ever help you with anything! I accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and checks. Barbara Zachrel - Creative Images - 1112 Neosho Burlington KS 66839 - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 09:50:21 -0900 From: Lynette Walters Subject: RubberTown: Re: RS: Re: COMM: I did it again BAGGIE!!!! Is that you??? Long time, no hear from!! We miss you...Hope all is well with you!! Big hugs--- Lynette Lord1952 wrote: > > looks good my dear friend,,, let's see if they can fiqure out who I am.. have > you seen my pants anywhere??? > > hi all!!! > This message was from Lord1952 > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 13:59:49 EST From: Info4Laine Subject: RubberTown: Barbara is aGREAT Vendor ! Barbara Zachrel is not only a great list Mom to me, but in case you have not heard she is a super vendor too. She promptly gets the order to you, well packaged and trust me opening any package she sends you is a delight. I order a HALOS starter kit, Kia scissors and a sheet of rubber. I LOVE IT ALL. The images are a wide variety from dragons to landscapes and definately something for all tastes. Including bunnies, frogs, butterflies and flowers In fact, I have to send a secret pal package to someone (from a non- rubberstamp related list, who just happens to enjoy rubberstamping) and I thought I would split some of the ums with her. But after getting it I'm having to force myself to send my pal something......LOL! Well, others have raved about her service and this is my second order with Barbara and I have been delighted! thanks.......elaine - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 13:12:22 -0600 From: "Leslie Callahan Ryan" Subject: RubberTown: Looking for Two Stamps One is from Judi Kins and I believe it has been discontinued. I would call = it a design element--the number is: 1840G. The other is the Clock from Magenta. Although I will purchase the clock = kit if necessary, its the stamp that I'm interested in. I would appreciate any vendor or "lister" assistance with these! Leslie "Finger Print-cess" - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 12:10:57 -0700 From: Linda Strawn Subject: RubberTown: Re: RS: NEone sell love ya 2 bits? I believe love ya to bits has changed their name to Primary source, I order from them from time to time and have orderd under this name, hope that helps you....Huggs..Linda wrote: > > if so, please email me! Do they have a new catalog? What does it cost? > I can't find any add for them in my RSM's. (i only have 3 RSM's) > *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^Stargazer -*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ > for RS card samples: > for Star Trek: > > _____________________________________________________________________ > You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. > Get completely free e-mail from Juno at > Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] > > This message was from > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 15:26:10 -0400 From: (Natasha Laity Snyder) Subject: RubberTown: Re: Rotating Story swap >Hi! > >Just wondering what the status on this is. Haven't heard anything for >awhile. Thanks! :) > >Lisa Mallette > Basically right now, we are passing the story around to write it... Sooner or later it will come to everyone! Natasha - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 14:51:53 EST From: Aglaia1 Subject: RubberTown: com: Aglaia Alphabets (unm) Play with letters! Personally I love to throw the letters of someone's first name across a card or envelope for that person, using letters from different alphabet sets. Get all four Aglaia unmounted alphabets plus at least two extra unmounted dies to bring the catalog price with shipping to over $50.00 for half off at ** $25.00** with US shipping included. Two alphabet sets have upper case plus lower case plus numbers and some symbols ($ ! ? , . " & #) and two are upper case alpha's only. They fit on 3/4 inch blocks, the lowre case being a tad smaller. This special offer expires April 1st 1998. Californians add 8 1/4% tax. Foreign add $3.00, US funds only accepted visa, mc, discover, novus I've had more than a few problems with aol over the past week, if you don't receive a confirmation to an email order in 24 hours, please call or email me at Catalog with order $3.00, otherwise $4.00 maggie at Aglaia 1-888-AGLAIA-2 1630 N Main ST #277 Walnut Creek, CA 94596-4614 - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 14:55:03 EST From: Aglaia1 Subject: RubberTown: com: Aglaia Alphabets (unm) Play with letters! Personally I love to throw the letters of someone's first name across a card or envelope for that person, using letters from different alphabet sets. Get all four Aglaia unmounted alphabets plus at least two extra unmounted dies to bring the catalog price with shipping to over $50.00 for half off at ** $25.00** with US shipping included. Two alphabet sets have upper case plus lower case plus numbers and some symbols ($ ! ? , . " & #) and two are upper case alpha's only. They fit on 3/4 inch blocks, the lowre case being a tad smaller. This special offer expires April 1st 1998. Californians add 8 1/4% tax. Foreign add $3.00, US funds only accepted visa, mc, discover, novus I've had more than a few problems with aol over the past week, if you don't receive a confirmation to an email order in 24 hours, please call or email me at Catalog with order $3.00, otherwise $4.00 maggie at Aglaia 1-888-AGLAIA-2 1630 N Main ST #277 Walnut Creek, CA 94596-4614 - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 14:59:46 EST From: RUFORGIVEN Subject: RubberTown: "Giggle's Spring Fling!!! DON'T MISS THIS!!!!!! Hi All! Spring is just around the corner....and so is Giggle's birthday!! That's right!! Giggle's birthday is the first day of spring!! Guess what she gets for her birthday? An $8000 Chemo bill!! Well....actually it is due a few days later on...can you believe this...April 1st! BUT IT IS NO you can imagine!! The good news? With all the love and generosity from people on the list...she is over half way there!!! Lets help her make it the rest of the way....and lets have FUN doing it!!! As you can help is only a part of what Giggles needs right now!! She needs encouragement, emotional support and of course......HUMOR!!! "Giggle's Spring Fling" is a way to give her all that....and have fun too! How to play in "Giggle's Spring Fling" Take an 8 1/2 by 11 piece of card stock and fold it into 6 even pieces. This is done by folding in half, top to bottom, then folding left to right, into thirds. Cut the 6 sections out. Then, on however many sections you decide to, stamp or write something encouraging....or funny! Tell her what she means to you....tell her a joke! It can be as simple or elaborate as you like! Be sure to put your name and address on the back! For each section you wish to encourage Giggles with, send $1.....or all six sections for $5! They need to be received by March 31st! From all the encouraging submissions, I will have Giggles randomly pick some encouragers to ENCOURAGE BACK!!!! Here is what some lucky encouragers will receive! 1.Effie Glitzfinger's video "Everyday Art, Art Everyday"....donated by Darlene Sather 2. Effie Glitzfinger's video "Diversity is the Heart of Art"....donated by Darlene Sather 3. 4 Sheets of Rubber Dies....donated by Evo 4. A HALOS Basic Set....donated by Evo 5. Tin of Honey Glazed Cashews.....donated by Lorri's Lollies 6. Ria' Antique Postcards CDROM....donated by Phill Schloss PLUS...everyone receives the good feelings we all get when we help a friend in need! AND....when all is said and done....Giggles will have a stockpile of encouragement to draw on whenever she feels down!!! ANY OTHER VENDORS CARE TO SWEETEN THE POT? Just let me know and I will add your donation! Send your encouraging submissions and a check made out to Linda Skirvin to: Jamie Dinnsen 255 Joliette St. Manchester NH 03102 I will present them to Linda on March 31st and have her randomly choose the, so far, SIX lucky encouragers! I will then forward those names to the appropriate vendor so that they can send a little encouragement to THEM!!! Jamie :-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 15:08:48 -0500 From: Dragonfolk Subject: RubberTown: Pagan wheel swap Just a reminder that the next turn of the wheel is the Spring Equinox, al= so = known as Ostara. The festival that has been Christianised as Easter. Idea= s = associated with this Sabbat are Eggs, rabbits, hares to name a few:) If y= ou = are joining us in this swap please have your cards posted by 21st March t= o = me. 6 for 6 Suki - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 12:08:46 -0800 From: Larry Anderson & Diane Hare Subject: RubberTown: toilet bowl stamp source? I don't really want to hand-carve a stamp with a view into a toilet bowl (empty!) if I can avoid it. Is such a stamp currently available, preferably as UM? I have seen a multitude of side-views of water closets, but don't recall any viewed from other perspectives. Diane Hare/MS.HARE San Andreas,CA snotmyfault - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 12:37:54 -0500 From: Queen of Everything Subject: RubberTown: Official April Birthday Swap - Deadline Saturday for Sign Ups! Well it sure looks like this is a go! *g* Isn't this wonderful, I love receiving cards. I will be taking sign ups till the 14th of March. And at that time I will post the list and addys to each of you. The rest is up to you to send cards out for the birthdays. To join this GREAT group send me your name, birthdate and year if you want and your snail addy. I will send you a confirmation that I have received your email and add you to the list. Any Questions or Problems. Please let me know. Am on the nite shift this week so altho I think I have them all right I need you to double check! Thanks Dates and Sign Ups 1st Diana Stagg=09 4th 1948 Sherie Evers 5th 1908 Ruth Carter c/o Joyce Warner 5th Dee Kruger aka StampaDeeDoDah =20 6th 1938 Art Goeres 6th 196 Stephanie Manifold =20 7th 1954 Kathy Walunas =20 8th 1950 Betsy Bursey 8th 1957 Jo Foster 8th Bill Oostrom 10th 1958 Ellen Rand =09 12th 1962 Jessica Stampin' Bookworm 12th Carolyn Woo aka Stamnpal 13th Cassia Maria Nasser 13th 1963 Kristina Tuttle 13th 1954 Kathy Anderson 14th 1944 Pat Koss 16th 1952. Laurie Smith c/o CowPost=20 16th 1941 Jerry Hathaway c/o Jessica Edwards =20 17th 1976 Erin Cunningham 17th Elaine Fellows 18th 1962 Patty Spakoski =20 18TH 1959 Bonnie Lowe 19th 1960 Julie Carlton aka Glittergirl 19th 1946 Pam Morrison aka antpam 25th 1952 Karen Willoughby =20 26th 1946 Merlene Lee 28th Paula Jo Green =09 30th Vickie Bayer Gates 30th 1969 Francine Ferrara - --=20 ***** March ***** 8 Sunday International Women=92s Day Congolese Women's Day, Congo=20 Decoration Day, Liberia=20 Evacuation Day (British), Libya=20 Reminiscere Sunday=20 Revolution Day, Syria=20 Youth Day, Zambia=20 9 Monday=20 Panic Day Bang Clang Day Baron Bliss Day, Belize=20 Commonwealth Day, Gibraltar=20 10 Tuesday Harriet Tubman Day Labour Day, South Korea=20 11 Wednesday Johnny Appleseed Day Worship of Tools Day Commonwealth Day, Canada Fast of Esther, Jewish=20 National Day, Lithuania=20 12 Thursday Alfred Hitchcock Day Girl Scouts Day Renovation Day, Gabon=20 Independence day, Mauritius=20 Moshoeshoe's Day, Lesotho=20 Purim (14 Adar), Jewish=20 13 Friday Ear Muff Day=20 National Day, Grenada=20 Sap Moon, Lunar Eclipse 14 Saturday Moth-er Day Save a Spider Day Battle of Al-Ahzab, Islamic=20 Youth Day, Zambia=20 15 Sunday Buzzard Day and=20 True Confessions Day Hungarian Revolution Anniversary, Hungary=20 J.J. Robert's Birthday, Liberia=20 Oculi Sunday Ides of March 17 Tuesday Hola Mohalla, Sikh Evacuation Day (Boston only), USA Nyepi Day, Indonesia=20 St. Patrick's Day,=20 18 Wednesday Marien Ngouabi Day, Congo=20 19 Thursday Saint Joseph's Day 20 Friday Ostara, Wiccan Independence Day, Tunisia=20 21 Saturday No Ruz, Zoroastrian New Year Benito Juarez's Birthday, Mexico=20 Equinox Day (Vernal), Japan=20 National Tree Planting Day, Lesotho=20 Naw-Ruz (Feast of), Baha'i=20 Youth Day, Tunisia=20 Last Quarter Spring Begins 22 Sunday Mothering Sunday.=20 Abolition Day, Puerto Rico=20 Laetare Sunday 23 Monday Pakistan Day 24 Tuesday Holi, Hindu Africa Day, Zambia=20 25 Wednesday Annunciation or Lady Day. , Liechtenstein=20 Independence Days, Cyprus, Greece, Bangladesh=20 27 Friday Armed Forces Day, Burma=20 Evacuation Day, Angola=20 Holy Week, Peru, Uruguay=20 Resistance Day, Burma=20 28 Saturday Nisan First, Jewish=20 New Moon 29 Sunday The Borrowing Days. Boganda Day, Central African Republic=20 Daylight Saving Time begins, Europe=20 Dhul-Hijah First, Islamic=20 Easter Saturday, Chile=20 Memorial Day, Madagascar=20 Passion Sunday Youth Day, Taiwan=20 30 Monday The Borrowing Days 31 Tuesday The Borrowing Days. Freedom day, Malta=20 Transfer Day, Virgin Islands - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 14:29:48 +1300 From: Sally Subject: RubberTown: COM: Stampin' Place-Ooops! PLEASE READ Dear Stamper, Please disregard the website address on the first e-mail earlier today... Sorry! The correct URL to our sale information is: We are having an "online" March Madness Sale March 12 - 14th 25% Discount on all mounted art-stamps and all stamping accessories. Happy Stampin', Sally ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Stampin' Place * PO Box 43 * Big Lake, MN 55309 ph: 800.634.3717/612.263.6646 * fax: 612.263.6463 * website: - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 15:24:33 EST From: DYLORRI Subject: RubberTown: RAKed by Natasha! I received the most exquisite card today from Natasha--a true RAK==an unexpected treat! Thank you so very much Natasha! I love it! xxoo Lorri - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 15:47:43 EST From: FranRShaw Subject: RubberTown: AD: Ultimate PINK/RED and GREEN Samplers!! Get the "Ultimate"!! By popular demand, I've created more Ultimate Samplers!! Here the are The Ultimate PINK/RED Cardstock Sampler Nakoosa Wildberry Astroparch Pink Beckett Peppermint Strathmore Soft Red Dots Royal Fiber Rose Embossed Leather Red Beckett Bordeaux Hots Fuchsia Hots Red Royal Marble Rose Option #1 - 5 sheets each (50 sheets total): $7.50 + $3 s/h Option #2 - 10 sheets each (100 sheets total): $14.00 + $3 s/h - --------------------------------------------------- The Ultimate GREEN Cardstock Sampler Royal Fiber Sage Nakoosa Sisal Astroparch Green Skytone Sagebrush Evergreen Spruce Beckett Cambric Greenbriar Quest Moss Beckett Olive Hots Green Index Pale Green Option #1 - 5 sheets each (50 sheets total): $7.50 + $3 s/h Option #2 - 10 sheets each (100 sheets total): $14.00 + $3 s/h Email me to reserve yours. Send check or MO to: Fran Robertshaw, 2682 Beverly Dr., Medford, OR 97504 Thanks! - -Fran the Frantic Stamper :-@ - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 16:04:24 EST From: Aglaia1 Subject: RubberTown: com: Aglaia Alphabets (unm) Play with letters! Personally I love to throw the letters of someone's first name across a card or envelope for that person, using letters from different alphabet sets. Get all four Aglaia unmounted alphabets plus at least two extra unmounted dies to bring the catalog price with shipping to over $50.00 for half off at ** $25.00** with US shipping included. Two alphabet sets have upper case plus lower case plus numbers and some symbols ($ ! ? , . " & #) and two are upper case alpha's only. They fit on 3/4 inch blocks, the lowre case being a tad smaller. This special offer expires April 1st 1998. Californians add 8 1/4% tax. Foreign add $3.00, US funds only accepted visa, mc, discover, novus I've had more than a few problems with aol over the past week, if you don't receive a confirmation to an email order in 24 hours, please call or email me at Catalog with order $3.00, otherwise $4.00 maggie at Aglaia 1-888-AGLAIA-2 1630 N Main ST #277 Walnut Creek, CA 94596-4614 - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 16:47:44 -0500 From: Burnette Subject: RubberTown: received order/vendor rec I received my order today from Beverly Wilder ( She sent me some great stamps at a great price. Thanks Beverly, Lisa - -- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 17:16:34 EST From: Rustamping Subject: RubberTown: Anyone interested in designing a line for rubber stampers Anyone interested in designing a line for rubber stampers? Please email me privately, I have a great idea...thanks Kathie - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 16:16:31 -0600 From: "Dawn M" Subject: RubberTown: Rak'd by Michelle Klingaman WOW! This was a very nice surprise : ) Michelle sent me a great card with a red embossed heart with the saying *A Loving Heart is the Truest Wisdom*. This is cut out with fiskars and mounted onto a pretty purply flecked piece with corners punched with heart punch. Then that is layered on a piece of solid purple that has been trimmed with deckle Fiskars. On the inside it says *Just a line wish you a happy day* . Sure made my day happy : ) Thank you, Michelle I love it! Hugs Dawn - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 14:16:40 -0800 From: "Sandy McDaniel" Subject: RubberTown: RE STAMPA ROSA VENDORS ---HOUSE MOUSE Who out there in cyberspace carries or can order House Mouse (Stampa Rosa)????? What is your discount & shipping rates????? TIA Sandy :-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 14:24:19 -0800 From: (andrea j lum) Subject: RubberTown: For Teresa Erickson only Sorry to post to the list. Can Teresa Erickson please email me regarding a swap. Thanks a bunch. Andrea A-StamPur _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 14:35:22 +0000 From: Joyce Warner Subject: RubberTown: RAK I received a lovely vellum card last week from Jamie Schnirch. Thank you so much Jamie, it came at a time I really needed a smile. (Thanks to hackers that got to my server and left me with out my Rubbertown fix for one week.) Today Lisa Hedman sent one of the most beautiful stained glass cards I have ever received. All I can say is if you are RAKed by Lisa you are a very lucky person! I am new to Rubbertown and would like to publicly thank Lisa Mallette for telling me about Rubbertown and encouraging me to join and participate in the card swaps. Joyce Warner - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 17:29:04 EST From: Rustamping Subject: RubberTown: RAK of a different kind! I received a check from Helen H (last name intensionally left off), for the stencil, and she sent me sequins of all sorts...Thank you...I will return your check, because this was the first rak I ever got...Your stencil is free.. Tomorrow or the next day I will mail it.. Thank you for your kindness and thoughtfulness, Kathie - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 05:38:55 -0500 From: (Betsy McLoughlin) Subject: RubberTown: COMM: Videos in Stock Hi ya'll! Clearing out videos time means a great deal for you!!! Also a great gift for your friends or secret pals... Chickenette operators are standing by ready for the stampede to the phone!!! These all retail for 25.00, discount price to 18.75 Stampograph Video - (3 left) - Cheryl Wilson demonstrates how to use the stampograph - lots of great tips and techniques including over stamping, multiple images, shading and coloring techniques, enhanced bold images, borders, fabric stamping and more. Effie Glitzfinger Video #2 - (2 left) Diversity is the Heart of Art - Kristen Powers does 3 different classes - The Glass Myth, Get Framed, and Art Soup. The Art Glittering System (1 left) - by Barb Trombley - lots of wonderful ideas on using her dimensional glues and ultra fine glitters. Shipping is actual cost only - MC/Visa/Discover and Novus. Hugs and Clucks from the Rubber Chicken Lady Rubber Chicken, 19618 Clubhouse Road, Montgomery Village, MD 20886 301/948-0644 (VOICE) and 301/963-4302 (FAX) _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 18:06:17 -0500 From: "Latex Linnzie (Linn Karnaugh)" Subject: RubberTown: Any List Vendors Carry Diamond Stamps? I just saw some Diamond Stamps in someone's flyer. They appear to be quite similar to the Art Impressions old folks stuff , and funny. If any list vendors carry this new company, please E me. Thanx, Linn - -- Latex Linnzie >putting the *fun* in dysfucntional for more than half a century. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 05:46:54 -0500 From: (Betsy McLoughlin) Subject: RubberTown: COMM: Papers By Catherine Hi everyone - here is what is in stock and ready to go out to you from Papers by Catherine. All described below are in packaged sets. Limited Quanities. Katatubo - individually hand painted and decorated with hot wax to create designs on each sheet. 6.00 retail, 4.50 discount - Very pretty Marbled Paper Assortment - 4.00 retail, 3.00 discount Mulberry papers in burgundy (4 sheets) - 3.50 retail, 2.62 discount Mulberry papers in red (4 sheets) - 3.50 retail, 2.62 discount Mulberry papers in blue (4 sheets) - 3.50 retail, 2.62 discount Mulberry papers in white (4 sheets) - 3.50 retail, 2.62 discount Hand Marbled Paper - white and gold - 4.00 retail, 3.00 discount Grass Paper Assortment - handmade mulberry paper with grass flowers - green, peach and purple - 3.00 retail, 2.25 discount Bark Paper Assortment - handmade mulberry paper with bits of black mulberry bark - green, red and natural - 3.00 retail, 2.25 discount Accordian Cards - 6 cards with five panels - 5.00 retail, 3.75 discount available in white or cream Classic Colors Collection - ten layered sets of notecards and envelopes - pre-cut panels are ready to embellish - 5.50 retail, 4.12 discount natural colors in browns/golds natural colors in pale grey/mauve - with contrasting panels for layering - - panels are pre cut to correct proportions and ready to embellish The Naturals Assortment - a generous assortment of natural fiber papers from around the world; mulberry, cotton and banana - also includes other decorative papers in earch tones - 5.00 retail, 3.75 discount Postage depends on total order. MC/Visa/Discover/Novus accepted. Thanks for reading :) Betsy Hugs and Clucks from the Rubber Chicken Lady Rubber Chicken, 19618 Clubhouse Road, Montgomery Village, MD 20886 301/948-0644 (VOICE) and 301/963-4302 (FAX) _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - --------- End forwarded message ---------- _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 18:14:43 -0800 From: Ruthann Gigliotti Subject: Re: RubberTown: RE STAMPA ROSA VENDORS ---HOUSE MOUSE I carry Stampa Rosa's House Mouse. I have some in stock and am placing an order tomorrow. 25% off. Shipping is exactly what the P.O. charges me. One large HM stamp is $1.47 to mail. I can send up to two pounds for $3.00. Write if you want the price list with all of the names listed or the list of ones in stock. Ruthann Sandy McDaniel wrote: > > Who out there in cyberspace carries or can order House Mouse (Stampa > Rosa)????? > > What is your discount & shipping rates????? > > TIA > > Sandy :-) > > - - -- Ruthann Need orders by Thursday, March 12 for House Mouse, Hero Arts and DJ Inkers. Write if you need my price lists. Stampendous 30% off, order by Saturday. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 18:17:36 EST From: DAdams1959 Subject: RubberTown: Tea Time swap rec'd Thanks Eva for hosting this swap. I rec'd some great cards today. 1. I don't see your name. Pretty purple cardstock accented with a piece of doily featuring a teapot and a clock.....guess it's tea time. She included a licorice spice herbal tea inside....thank you! 2. Donna Troup-pretty victorian cup mounted on light blue paper. She used buttons to accent her card...nice touch. A teabag is inserted in the victorian cup. 3. Sue Middleton-WOW! I really like the boldness of your card. Bright yellow teapot and cups accented with cherries and black dots sit atop a piece of white doily on black glossy cardstock. Now I need some of the crystal lacquer that Sue used to accent the cherries and leaves...Nice job! 4. Kathy Nagiji- Pretty card done in layers of lavendar, white, silver glossy and a stamped background by Stampin Up. The focus of the card is a Stampin Up teacup sitting on a piece of doily. This is a very nice card. 5. Allison Pripufin- This card features a teapot and cup by Num Nums. I have never seen their images before and really like them. Allison used something that resembles lightweight wire???what is it??? that is attached at the spout of the teapot into the top of the cup. I really like the look and am not describing it well but I like your idea Allison. Good job. Thanks again Eva for hosting. I've not done justice to the card descriptions. I love the ideas that I got from this swap and also a chance to see some images I've never seen before. Dianne - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 18:24:56 EST From: Aglaia1 Subject: RubberTown: com: Card Maker's Special (unm's) All the *Unmounted dies* you need for making cards for most any occaision. Most of the word stamps are larger - about 1 X 3 (some a tad larger, some a tad smaller), so they work as a front of card design or inside of card message. With a few design images, some flowers and nice layering/embossing or coloring techniques you can make cards to suite most of your needs. You Get: *Greeting Card Set* - nine 3/4 designs, one geometric border and 8 large greetings each in a different font: Just A Note Happy Anniversary Thank You Congratulations A Get Well Wish Thinking of You Happy Birthday A New Baby! *Holiday Greeting Set* - again larger phrases in interesting fonts, each different: Have a Wonderful Mother's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Easter Happy St Patrick's Day Merry Christmas Happy Birthday Have a Great Fourth Happy Thanksgiving Happy New Year President's Day Greetings (great for humorous pc's) Happy Halloween Happy Valentine's Day and *Flower Set* 10 beautiful, detailed flowers to round out your greeting card making ability. Again, five would be considered large, three medium and two small. Buy three unmounted sets - catalog price with shipping of $59.00 for 40% off at *$35.00*. This special offer expires April 1st 1998. Californians add 8 1/4% tax. Foreign add $3.00, US funds only accepted visa, mc, discover, novus I've had more than a few problems with aol over the past week, if you don't receive a confirmation to an email order in 24 hours, please call or email me at Catalog with order $3.00, otherwise $4.00 maggie at Aglaia 1-888-AGLAIA-2 1630 N Main ST #277 Walnut Creek, CA 94596-4614 - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 07:02:53 -0500 From: (Betsy McLoughlin) Subject: Re: RubberTown: Any List Vendors Carry Diamond Stamps? The Chickens carry them - they are very funny. We have a few catalogs in stock. Let us know how we can help! Betsy Hugs and Clucks from the Rubber Chicken Lady Rubber Chicken, 19618 Clubhouse Road, Montgomery Village, MD 20886 301/948-0644 (VOICE) and 301/963-4302 (FAX) On Thu, 12 Mar 1998 18:06:17 -0500 "Latex Linnzie (Linn Karnaugh)" writes: >I just saw some Diamond Stamps in someone's flyer. They appear to be >quite similar to the Art Impressions old folks stuff ones >I saw>, and funny. > >If any list vendors carry this new company, please E me. > >Thanx, >Linn > >-- >Latex Linnzie >>putting the *fun* in dysfucntional for more than half a century. > > > >- > > _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 16:20:13 -0800 From: Larry Anderson & Diane Hare Subject: RubberTown: Re: RT&RS: toilet bowl stamp source? (bcc to RubberTown and Rubberstampers mail lists) Thank you everyone who's suggested Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers as a source for this item. Their on-line catalog shows just what was required. Now I'm hoping to find a on-list vendor with either 211-H-BG (UM) or 212-D-BG (UM) in stock. Searching the RBBB site took much, much longer than it took for the first reply to come back. These are *nice* mail lists. Diane Hare/MS.HARE San Andreas,CA snotmyfault - -- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 19:40:01 EST From: (Laurie M.) Subject: RubberTown: re: not going to Carson I'm sad to say that I will not be able to attend. My DH works for United Airlines and traveling on a pass is a risk due to Spring Break. flights are already full and oversold now... so..have fun and buy Celtic! Laurie _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 17:02:38 -0800 From: CATHY AND RON Subject: RubberTown: San Diego Stamp Stores Hi! I will be going down to San Diego tomorrow for the day. (to take our daughter to Sea World) I was wondering, if I can talk my DH into stopping, is there any great stamp, scrapbooking or craft stores I should see? Thanks for your help! Cathy G. Santa Monica, Ca. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 15:20:23 -0500 From: Darcy Stockstill Subject: RE: RubberTown: Sargie - -----Original Message----- From: Bob and Robyn [] Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 1998 1:44 AM To: Rubbertown Cc: Sargies Subject: RubberTown: Sargie OK now I'm mad. January 5th she wrote me and told me she was sending my order. I have been so unbelievably nice to this woman and now I have had = it. Am I the only fool that she has not filled the order of or are there = more of you out there? If you got your stuff from her, how did you do it? I'm ready for battle..... Robyn (copied from DC's message) >Someone on the list threatened to report her to her commanding officer >but that didn't happen but she did start mailing stuff to people for >about a week or two then stopped. I seem to have missed the very first of these posts, but if you are = having problems with this woman and either she or her husband is in the = military, you *should* report her to the base commander officer. I know = of no quicker way to get results. Base commanders immensely dislike = having the reputation of the military dragged down. If they find that = any service member or a member of their family has not been paying bills = or fulfilling obligations such as this, they will take immediate steps = to correct it! Darcy - - - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 18:02:11 -0700 From: Val Kildaw Subject: RubberTown: RS: RAK 4X in ONE DAY!! Wow, I couldn't believe it when I opened the mail box today. Four different envelopes! Too awesome. First from Diane Bowman: A beautiful glossy birthday card. Stamped with teal and bright pinks. Is that one big background stamp Diane, or do you have several small ones that you stamp over and over again? Don't apologize for being late Diane. This is the first time in my whole life that I have had a birthday that has lasted as long as this one has! Glenyce Hughes: Red Cardstock with an overlay of vellum. The Vellum has presents stamped on it embellished with my favorite AI Glitter. Anna Nielsen: Dark purple cardstock with a beautiful metallic background. Inside she tells how to do it. I'm going to try this real soon. Thanks so much Anna. Now I realize who sent the last card. You didn't sign your name. So this is twice. You are the best. I love these new techniques you come up with. Cyndi Deaton: A really different card. I love it, but I don't even know if I can describe it. Cyndi, how do you get the dark edges on the paper? Thanks to you all. It is such a pleasure to open the mail box and get such great mail. Stampin' Hugs Val - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 17:43:13 -0800 From: Jill Subject: RubberTown: ? ACRYLIC ? Hi All! I carry 'Stamp Acrylic' supplies in my store. They are from Oldtown Idaho. I cannot get ahold of them at all!!!!!!!1 Does anyone know what's going on. Their phone #s are dis- connected and I can't reach them by e-mail anymore. This also means I need another source so if anyone knows of a company who sells wholesale acrylic blocks and rubber, please let me know. Thanks.......Jill at ............ StamParadise 3180-D W Clearwater Kennewick Wa 99336 509-736-3556 888-544-0948 (toll-free) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 20:32:14 EST From: RUFORGIVEN Subject: RubberTown: RS: Christian Encouragement Swap Update 3/12 Come join the fun!! It will be great to see ...and find out the source of..... the Christian stamps others have acquired! 1Thessalonians 5:11! SWAP: Christian Encouragement HOSTESS: Jamie Dinnsen ITEMS: 6 for 5 cards, bookmarks or magnets DETAILS: Include Christian themed images and/or words in your art! MAILING INFO: Please send a self-addressed envelope with LOOSE postage equivalent to what it cost to mail your items....PLUS two extra stamps. Extra postage will be returned! POSTMARK: Mail to reach me by April 21st CHALLENGE: While you're at it.......make extras for the leaders of your church!! Now there are some people who could really USE some encouragement!!! I will send my address to all those who sign up in a private e-mail. Encouragers so far: 1. PAR521 - Pat 2. Holmes864 - Theresa 3. JMitch8687 - Jill 4. - Michelle 5. - Cyndi 6. - Dolores 7. - Andrea 8. - Kathleen 9. SSwidryk - Sue 10. CFerr54660 - Carol 11. StmpNFaith - Becca 12. Stmpaholic - Laura 13. - Barb 14. ELRVISUALS - Ellanora 15. - Jan Marie 16. - Debi 17. D1derly - Debra 18. - Donna 19. - Andrea 20. - Karen 21. DBergeson1 - Sally 22. Me 23. You? - - ------------------------------ End of rubbertown-digest V1 #267 ********************************