From: (rubbertown-digest) To: Subject: rubbertown-digest V1 #268 Reply-To: rubbertown-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk rubbertown-digest Friday, March 13 1998 Volume 01 : Number 268 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 20:35:21 EST From: RUFORGIVEN Subject: RubberTown: "Giggle's Spring Fling!" DON'T MISS THIS!! - Update:New Vendor Donations!! Hi All! Spring is just around the corner....and so is Giggle's birthday!! That's right!! Giggle's birthday is the first day of spring!! Guess what she gets for her birthday? An $8000 Chemo bill!! Well....actually it is due a few days later on...can you believe this...April 1st! BUT IT IS NO you can imagine!! The good news? With all the love and generosity from people on the list...she is over half way there!!! Lets help her make it the rest of the way....and lets have FUN doing it!!! As you can help is only a part of what Giggles needs right now!! She needs encouragement, emotional support and of course......HUMOR!!! "Giggle's Spring Fling" is a way to give her all that....and have fun too! How to play in "Giggle's Spring Fling" Take an 8 1/2 by 11 piece of card stock and fold it into 6 even pieces. This is done by folding in half, top to bottom, then folding left to right, into thirds. Cut the 6 sections out. Then, on however many sections you decide to, stamp or write something encouraging....or funny! Tell her what she means to you....tell her a joke! It can be as simple or elaborate as you like! Be sure to put your name and address on the back! For each section you wish to encourage Giggles with, send $1.....or all six sections for $5! They need to be received by March 31st! From all the encouraging submissions, I will have Giggles randomly pick some encouragers to ENCOURAGE BACK!!!! Here is what some lucky encouragers will receive! 1.Effie Glitzfinger's video "Everyday Art, Art Everyday"....donated by Darlene Sather 2. Effie Glitzfinger's video "Diversity is the Heart of Art"....donated by Darlene Sather 3. 4 Sheets of Rubber Dies....donated by Evo 4. A HALOS Basic Set....donated by Evo 5. Tin of Honey Glazed Cashews.....donated by Lorri's Lollies 6. Ria' Antique Postcards CDROM....donated by Phill Schloss 7. 45 Sheet Marbled Cardstock Assortment....donated by Karen Harris 8. Sketch, Color and Paint set...donated by Michelle Billett 9 -12. Inky Fingers Soap.....donated by Deb Evans Braun 13.Two Gumbo Graphics.....donated Anonymously PLUS...everyone receives the good feelings we all get when we help a friend in need! AND....when all is said and done....Giggles will have a stockpile of encouragement to draw on whenever she feels down!!! ANY OTHER VENDORS CARE TO SWEETEN THE POT? Just let me know and I will add your donation! Send your encouraging submissions and a check made out to Linda Skirvin to: Jamie Dinnsen 255 Joliette St. Manchester NH 03102 I will present them to Linda on March 31st and have her randomly choose the, so far, THIRTEEN lucky encouragers! I will then forward those names to the appropriate vendor so that they can send a little encouragement to THEM!!! Jamie :-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 20:42:39 -0500 From: "Tina Pendleton" Subject: RubberTown: =?iso-8859-1?Q?STAMPSCAPES=AE_HOME_PAGE?= This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BD4DF7.659275C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Have you guys checked out this site??!! It's awesome, does anyone on = the list carry these stamps? At a discount? Just wondering, I might need some of these - ---Tina --- - ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BD4DF7.659275C0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable home.html
Have you guys checked out this = site??!! =20 It's awesome, does anyone on the list carry these stamps? At a=20 discount?
Just wondering, I might need some of = these

---Tina ---
- ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BD4DF7.659275C0-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 20:40:08 -0500 From: (Tonya L. Rilling) Subject: RubberTown: Ad:Organdy ribbon Anyone interested in ordering some of this gorgeous ribbon?? If so email me. **Ribbon #112 -They are very shimmery and are approx 1/2 " wide(12 mm). Edging is almost invisible. Available in 22 yd rolls for $11.25, 11 yds for $6.50. Postage is as follows 11 yds $1.25, 22yds $2. 44 yds $2.50. 132 yds(5 rolls) $3. Over 5 rolls will be actual. Ribbon#112/12mm 1 white 25 Peach 2 cream 24 Orange 5 gold 10 Copper 38 pale pink 23 Fiery Red 8 dusty pink 11 Red rose 40 rose 14 Ruby red 41 Fuschia 22 Wine 17 Dusky purple 43 Burgundy 46 Lavender 54 Silver 45 Dark Violet 20 Black 28 Marigold Yellow 30 Brassy gold 32 Hunter green 37 Turquoise 36 Teal 50 Pale Blue 12 Royal Blue 51 Country Blue 53 Navy Tonya Rilling, Buffalo Stampede Art Stamps ((\@/))An Angel Company, selling mounted and unmounted stamps ***Now accepting Mastercard and Visa.,Catalogs $4 Visit my stamp web site at: _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 20:54:26 -0500 From: "Brenda" Subject: RubberTown: Sargie MILITARY Darcy, I understand the anger you are feeling over not getting your order. BUT I must urge you NOT to use the commanding officer to get back at this woman. As a former Marine I can tell you that, yes someone probably would get in trouble but that person would most likely be her husband (unless she is the active duty member). Her husband may be just like mine and have very little to do with her hobbies, he in fact may not know anything about this. Reporting someone to the commanding officer will most likely damage his career, possibly even preventing him from re-enlisting. I am pretty sure you don't want to ruin someone's life over this. I am currently a property manager in a mostly military town (Jacksonville NC) and I can tell you that I have seen plenty of families relocate due to troop deployment in the last several months. Perhaps her husband was recently shipped out? alone? depressed? scared? We will never know. Seek solstice in that she has lost many orders and what ever business she has had is severely damaged because of the post. God Bless, Brenda ~~Simple Pleasures~~ Bath Products For a complex world - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 18:08:53 -0800 From: Sy & S Liles Subject: RubberTown: RS: TOTW - Ordering from Vendors > What is a reasonable length of time to wait for orders to arrive from a > vendor? I believe in instant gratification, this is why I keep bins of rubber in my office for local customers to come and go through when they need a rubber fix. I work out of my home and have an office/stamping/computer room However, when selling on-line, I like to send everything I can in the 2-lb Priority mailer $3. I've been very lucky with these getting to their destination in 2-5 days (P.O. says 3-5 days). But lets not talk about the UPS strike and what it did to delay our orders coming and going...May God forbid THAT happens again! When I receive a check/money order, I usually send out the order that same day if the PO isn't closed, otherwise, it goes out the next day. Luckily everything has been okay, we have pretty good customers on this list. > Vendors: Don't you hold stock in any of the items that you sell? > If not, why? I always have Stamper's Helpers in stock because I put them together myself and I do have Unmounteds, Cardstock & some HALOS products here for sale. I order rubber for customers when I don't have something in stock. I think it would be darn near impossible financially & space-wise for anyone to carry everything. - -- ~Sy <>< aka DewStmpr E-Mail: Stamper's Helper~ A great organizer for Stamps & Accessories. Biblical Impressions, Halos, Rubbernecker, VLVS & SMT. Visit my new Web Site at..... - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 21:08:52 EST From: (G M) Subject: RubberTown: Re: COMM: I did it again You're back!!!!!! I missed you, and wasjust asking about you yesterday. And how is your little pride and joy, whose name I'm rather partial to?? Feathers ***Rubberstampers always bounce back!*** On Thu, 12 Mar 1998 13:11:32 EST Lord1952 writes: >looks good my dear friend,,, let's see if they can fiqure out who I >am.. have >you seen my pants anywhere??? > > >hi all!!! >This message was from Lord1952 >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 18:17:57 -0800 From: Shaunna Frasure Subject: RubberTown: Ad:Boyd Bears & Holly Pond Hill & Azadi Order 3/13 > > ***Uptown Order Going out TOMARROW!! (March 13th), This company sells Azadi, Holly Pond Hill, Boyd Bears and the Artist collection. Can't wait to get some of those NEW SPRING SELECTIONS!!=) > > > > ***Yes, I do Accept Credit Cards now! > > > > > > Here's my discounted prices on Holly Pond Hill & Boyd Bear and Artist Collection(Azadi is different, please ask for price list) : > > > > > > AA-$2.25 > > > A -$3.00 > > > B -$3.38 > > > C -$4.13 > > > D -$4.50 > > > E -$4.88 > > > F -$5.25 > > > G -$5.63 > > > H -$6.00 > > > J -$6.38 > > > K -$6.75 > > > L -$7.13 > > > M -$7.50 > > > > > > **Boyd Bear Kits $15.00 > > > > > > Holly Pond Hill How To Book-$3.95 > > > Uptown Catalogs $4 ($3 to ship priority) > > > Azadi Catalogs-$4 ($3 to ship) > > > > > > **I will confirm all orders! Thanks!=) > -- - -- Queen La Fetti a.k.a. Shaunna Frasure--- "A Day Without Confetti is Like A Day Without Sunshine!" Custom Creations, 299 Fourth Ave., Portola, CA 96122-9206 (800)320-6327 Now accepting VISA, M/C, and DISCOVER Credit Cards California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 21:23:56 -0500 From: "Ellen Gordon (Evo)" Subject: Re: RubberTown: ? ACRYLIC ? Hi, Jill... Yes... I do know what is going on with Stamp Acrylic. They have gone out of business... Their last show was in Dallas/Grapevine that's how I know. We were there, too. And... there are other companies out there that can make your mounts wholesale ... email me for info, ok? Ellen :}> Evo At 05:43 PM 3/12/98 -0800, you wrote: >Hi All! > >I carry 'Stamp Acrylic' supplies in my store. They are from >Oldtown Idaho. I cannot get ahold of them at all!!!!!!!1 >Does anyone know what's going on. Their phone #s are dis- >connected and I can't reach them by e-mail anymore. This >also means I need another source so if anyone knows of a >company who sells wholesale acrylic blocks and rubber, >please let me know. Thanks.......Jill at ............ > >StamParadise >3180-D W Clearwater >Kennewick Wa 99336 >509-736-3556 >888-544-0948 (toll-free) At 05:43 PM 3/12/98 -0800, Jill wrote: >Hi All! > >I carry 'Stamp Acrylic' supplies in my store. They are from >Oldtown Idaho. I cannot get ahold of them at all!!!!!!!1 >Does anyone know what's going on. Their phone #s are dis- >connected and I can't reach them by e-mail anymore. This >also means I need another source so if anyone knows of a >company who sells wholesale acrylic blocks and rubber, >please let me know. Thanks.......Jill at ............ > >StamParadise >3180-D W Clearwater >Kennewick Wa 99336 >509-736-3556 >888-544-0948 (toll-free) Evolving Images NEW web page addy! And a chat room for you! Invite your friends! :}> - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 21:23:45 EST From: FranRShaw Subject: RubberTown: AD: "Overstocked" sale! Help!! I'm running out of room!! Last weekend, I brought home 7 cases of cardstock, then had 6 more come in UPS, and picked up 5 more from my local supplier.... Not enough room to store all these reams and reams, so help me reduce my inventory! Here is a list of items I am overstocked on... and special SALE prices!!! Royal Fiber Cream: 10 sheets (reg. $1.80) **Overstock Sale: $1.50! Royal Fiber Blueberry: 10 sheets (reg. $1.80) **Overstock Sale: $1.50! Royal Fiber Rose: 10 sheets (reg. $1.80) **Overstock Sale: $1.50! Royal Fiber Birch: 10 sheets (reg. $1.80) **Overstock Sale: $1.50! Royal Fiber Cinnamon: 10 sheets (reg. $1.80) **Overstock Sale: $1.50! Royal Fiber Spice: 10 sheets (reg. $1.80) **Overstock Sale: $1.50! Sundance Felt Eggplant: 10 sheets (reg. $1.75) **Overstock Sale: $1.45! Sundance Felt Terra Cotta: 10 sheets (reg. $1.75) **Overstock Sale: $1.45! Sundance Felt Bright White: 10 sheets (reg. $1.75) **Overstock Sale: $1.45! Skytone Sagebrush: 10 sheets (reg. $1.80) **Overstock Sale: $1.30! Environment Alcapa: 10 sheets (reg. $2.00) **Overstock Sale: $1.50! King James Cast Coat: 10 sheets (reg. $1.80) **Overstock Sale: $1.55! Confetti Yellow: 10 sheets (reg. $2.50) **Overstock Sale: $2.05! Confetti Birthday Blue: 10 sheets (reg. $2.50) **Overstock Sale: $2.05! Confetti Gala Green: 10 sheets (reg. $2.50) **Overstock Sale: $2.05! Beckett Olive: 10 sheets (reg. $2.10) **Overstock Sale: $1.80! Index Orchid: 10 sheets (reg. $1.25) **Overstock Sale: $1.00! Index Pale Yellow: 10 sheets (reg. $1.25) **Overstock Sale: $1.00! **OR choose a sampler: 80 sheets cardstock from the above list for only $10 + shipping! US Shipping is $3 for up to 100 sheets --- $5 for 110-130 sheets -- $6 for up to 200 sheets! Please e-mail me to place your order! Send check or MO to: Fran Robertshaw, 2682 Beverly Dr., Medford, OR 97504 Thanks! - -Fran the Frantic Stamper :-@ - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 18:48:36 -0800 From: Norm Hedman Subject: Re: RubberTown: Scoring paper Darcy Stockstill wrote: > > I have seen several times people remark about scoring paper. What is the best way to do this? > > Tia > Darcy > > - I user my Fiskers paper trimmer-the one with a blade in orange plastic that slides along a track in a ruler. The new larger one(that has the swing-out ruler arm) is great. If you line up a 8.5 by 5.5 piece of cardstock even with the larger side, the bottom cutting track is centered. I then use my embossing stylus, larger end, and run it along the the track throught the slot in the ruler. Hope this was clear. Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 22:29:30 -0500 From: "Merlene" Subject: RubberTown: MERLENE'S TRIBE PACKAGE ARRIVES It made it this time and what a joy. Debbie , Thank you for ALL the wonderful things you have sent me in this round. WOW ! ! Someone is in for a real treat to get you as a Tribe buddy. This last package was just as wonderful. First for the Embelisher in me.... Two bottles of glitter .. red & silver. A huge bottle of Glitterette ..... Brush on Highlight I know I will love this stuff. 3 Bottles of Gallery Glass.. How did you know I had a pattern here and no paint????And finally a set of Mini-Metallics Rub-Ons I have never seen them but will sure be trying them this weekend. Secondly for the exparimenter in me.....a UHU PUSH UP stic ... I will have to hide this one from my grandchildren. You would be surprised at what seems to end up in their art boxes. And 4 mini and I mean MINI , brown paper shopping bags with handles. Wonderful to stamp on but not near big enough for a stamper to shop with. They are so cute. Thank you. Next for the paper lover in me......2 lovely doilys, one with ivy and one with roses. 4 sheets of heat sensitive cs. I love this stuff. 1 sheet red foil paper,and two different sheets of the most beautiful dark green marble cs. PLEASE tell me where you got this as I would like to order a truck load for our store. My partner loves it too. Fourth , for the Scrapbooker in me...... WOW you are not going to believe this. 3 sheets of Paper Pizazz.. Road Map, Film Strips and Letters. I have seen these but not bought them yet. 3 black film strip mats. . I also need to know where you got these. I have this wonderful feeling that i will want many more of these.3 beautiful gardening background sheets. I know what will go on these.A window pain mat.A Penny Black garden Patch stamp done on glossy paper for me to color and use on cards or in a scrapbook.5 more neat pages of acid free paper. Can never have enough of these. 1 is a post card, 1 has hotel lables, 1 has postage stamps. plus 3 acorn cut outs Next there are stickers Holy Cow , I counted 366 of them . 200 teny tiny baby chicks which I am going to have a ball using plus roses, pansys, frogs, nosegays, bee hives,butterflys, bird houses and nests,sun flowers,a set of gardening stickers, stitched angels, seed packets, and lastly some 1897 seed pks stickers that are so victorian and beautiful. A piece of bleach designed paper that I am going to make a small lamp shade from. I love it. and of course my fav color green mullberry paer with gold threads. Then for the head to toe of me.... a bottle of Royal Almond body lotion. Now here is one sweet thing I am going to love putting on my hips. Plus for the pleasure of my feet, An emery board and a messager. To end with there was a lovely Pergamano card of an angel holding a bird. Love the way you used the photo corners. I am so sad that this is my last package from you but it has been so great. Hope we can keep in touch over the miles. Take care and may all your angels watch over you. Love always Merlene Merlene Stamping Friends Canada - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 22:33:02 -0500 From: "Ellen Gordon (Evo)" Subject: RubberTown: Name That Tune... On our web page (URL below) ... go to the bottom left hand on Mr Evo's nose... listen to the music and...Name That Tune! 2 Prizes... 1. For the first stamper to name that tune... A rubber die grab bag from Evolving Images. 2. For the first stamper to correctly identify the 3 in the tune.... a HALOS (invented by Sheryl Porter) Basic Kit. I love doing this kind of stuff... am I warped or what? :{<> Ellen :}> Evo Evolving Images NEW web page addy! And a chat room for you! Invite your friends! :}> - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 19:52:49 -0800 From: Bill and Ingrid Subject: RubberTown: COMM/AD:March Madness Sale (LONG) ends 3-31-98 Hi Stampers, I am having a March Madness Sale. Take a look at what I have and let me know what I can get you. If you would like to see any of the stamps I just got a scanner and I can email you the images. Just let me know which stamps you are interested in and if your email can take gif's. Prices below are 30% Off Retail. Take an additional 10% Off of your total: PEDDLER”S PACK: 0697A Sm Sunflower $3.50 594I Great Pretender $7.70 849D Sm Cinnamon & Sugar $4.55 1125B Holly Background $3.85 1027J Happy Journey $9.10 0871J 1996 Limited Edition santa $9.10 0546I Label Floral $7.70 0711I Igloo $7.70 0721D Seapot $4.55 0788I Frame, chic trax $7.70 (2) 0825E Sweet Dreams $4.90 0925I Must 'Bee' Love $7.70 (2) 0983D Zebras $4.55 0989E Giraffes $4.90 0993D Teapot, Lady Bird $4.55 1089F Elephants $5.60 VS0331I Playing marbles $7.70 VS0334J A day th the beach $9.10 THE COTTAGE STAMPER B78 Sm Button $2.10 C127 Button $2.80 E1325 Sm from one seed $3.85 F2407 Rose bubble bath $4.55 F1454 Button Dog $4.55 B84 3 snowflakes $2.10 (2) G1520 Button Donkey $5.25 E1302 Open house $3.85 F1443 Button Cow $4.55 F1496 Script christmas $4.55 K818 Candy corn frame $8.05 F1426 To My Valentine $4.55 B38 Solid Heart $2.10 B99 Smile $2.10 C164 Button Egg $2.80 (2) D209 Carrot $3.15 D224 Puddle $3.15 E313 Some Bunny $3.85 F425 Sweet Wishes $4.55 G523 Noah $5.25 G529 To cheer (set of 2) $5.25 G1508 Girl Bunny $5.25 HIPPO HEART: K5666 Two Friends $6.30 (2) H5669 Jesse $5.11 (2) H5668 Heart Girl $5.11 (2) A322 Sm Dot Flower $2.10 A858 Sm Stitch Star $2.10 G2926 Heart Line Border $4.90 J2022 Cutie-Pie Lamb $6.30 H3851 Baby Border $5.11 F5147 Rubber Stamp $4.76 D5146 Hand Stamped $4.20 (2) G4512 1 Layer Grass $4.90 H4511 Grassy Hill $5.11 G3311 Country Pumpkin $4.90 C5601 Face #1 $3.50 E1840 Greetings $4.20 C7235 Sm Butterfly $3.50 F2950 Feather $4.76 G4820 Fortune Cookie $4.90 K3161 Lg Ornament Wreath $6.30 (2) G7451 Jar Bonnet $4.90 G8460 Poppy Fan $4.90 J7460 Mason Jar $6.30 C5191 Thank you chinese $3.50 F5229 Happy Father's Day $4.76 (2) G5235 Happy Mother's Day $4.90 H3075 Rag Doll Angel $5.11 (2) J4336 Lg Sunflower $6.30 (2) J4394 Lg Stem Rose $6.30 Prices below are 25% off retail. Take an additional 10% off of your purchases: ACCESSORIES: Stamp Cleaner $2.25 (2) Glitter $2.25 (3) Glue Pens $2.25 Marvy Matchable ink pads $2.63 (grey, ochre, salvia blue, magenta, yellow, brown, pink, plum, orange) Embossing Powders $2.63 2 hypnotica, 3 clear, 1 gold, 2 silver, rainbow sparkle Wet look markers $10.88 (Victorian & Primary) Excelsior Ink Pads $3.15 (red, orange, purple, magenta, blue, barn red,scarlet, forest green, green mint) Great Impressions Ink pads $2.25 (blue, yellow, purple, teal, burgandy,country red, red, green, orange, hot pink, dark green, country green) Personal Paper Trimmer $11.25 Buttons $1.50 (country white, primary, newspaper, christmas, patriotic,seashore) Click Pencil Eraser $1.70 (5) Metal Sharpener $1.70 Chalk Pallet $9.75 White Imprintz pigment ink pad $3.75 PAPER: Astrobright 16 sheets $1.38 (2 packages) Elements 16 sheets $1.32 (2 packages) Recycled 16 sheets $1.38 Matte pastels 20 sheets $1.65 Laid 16 sheets $3.36 (2 packs) Archival 16 sheets $3.36 (2 packages) Light Linen 22 sheets $2.64 (2 packages) 40 sheets of assorted paper $5.00 (3 packages) 12 notecard/envelopes in assorted parchement $2.62 Framed in Stitches: Cards-8 cards/envelopes in tan, white,or pastel $4.50 Paper-3 white, 4 assorted $3.00 packet$2.25 10 translucent envelopes $4.50 2 assorted paper grabbags $10.00 **If you need to see an image of any of the stamps let me know and I can email them to you.** Sale is from 3-1-98 to 3-31-98. Sale prices limited to stock on hand. I accept check or money order. No credit cards at this time. Have payment to me within 10 days to guarantee your order. Shipping and 7.25% CA tax (residents only) are extra. FREE Shipping on orders over $50.00 Thanks, Ingrid - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 21:59:30 -0600 From: "Gail & Jonathan Zwang" Subject: RubberTown: Re: Family Treasures - punches - long geevee if moose had wings, they'd be angels! ask me about - arnold grummer, art gone wild, art institute, family treasures, handprints, kreatealopes/bags, limited editions, marks of distinction (retail only), psx, rubber stampede, stampington, stamps happen, uptown, write impressions and more! - - > >Hi! >I believe the teacup punch is a small craft punch that sells for $3.85, I'm >not sure about the teapot - I'll have to call tomorrow and get back to you. > >Do you have a list of the>punches > >Okay this is going to be long, > >fiskars corner edgers $7.00 - art deco, celestial, nostalgia, rounder > >tiny punches - approx punched image 1/4" - $2.10 - angel, bear, heart, star > >small punches - $3.85 - airplane, angel, apple, baby buggy, balloon, >baseball player, bear, bell, bicycle, bow, butterfly, bunny cake, candy, >car, cat , cat, chick, chick/egg, circle, cloud, cow, cross, dino, dino, >dino, dog, dog, dolphin, dove,duck, egg, elephant, fish, foot, heart, horse, >house, kangaroo, lamb, lips, moon, note, penguin, pig, sailboat, seal, >snail, snowflake, snowflake, star, square, strawberrym, swan telephone, >train, tree, triangle, tulip, umbrella, whale, wolf, bat, dancer, santa, >bear, lion, helicopter, diamond, oval, palmtree, shamrock, angel, bunny hand >pointing, rhino, monkey, castle, maple, shell, sun, oak leaf, fleur de lyse, >spiral, teacup > >medium craft punches $5.95 - apple, bear, cow, heart, star, tree, angel, >bow, bunny, butterfly, cat, train, tulip, dino, bell, horse, lovebirds with >heart, rectangle > >large craft punches - $6.30 - hand, sun, house, flower, holly, bell, bow, >moon, butterfly, heart, star, bear, reindeer, santa, tree, balloon, >snowflake, maple leaf, oak leaf, foot, circle, scallop, old tree, birch >leaf, rubber stamp > >corner decoration punches - $5.95 - circles, diamonds, flowers, hearts, >stars, squares & triangles > >Family Treasures corner rounders - $5.80 1/8", 1/4", 3/8", 1/2" > >corner rounder punches - $7.70 - three diamonds, one flower, three flowers, >one heart, three hearts, five hearts, one snowflake, three snowflakes, star, >three stars, sun, five stars > >silhouette medium punches - $7.00 - car(vw), pumpkin, telephone, christmas >ornament, baby bottle, flower, flower, flower, flower, car #2, sleigh > >frame punches - $6.30 - angel, apple, bear, bow, heart, star, tree, tulip, >smiley face frame, fleur de lyse frame > >corner lace dge punches - $7.70 - fleur de lyse, starburst, teardrop, corner >frame > >corner lace only punches - $5.95 > >small extension punches - $4.90 - angel, bear, heart, star, tree > >mini extension punches - $4.55 - dot, teardrop, heart, star, diamond, birch >leaf, foot > >mcgill punchline/paper king - $6.30 - tear drop, heart, star, diamond, >1/16th round, 1/8 round, 1/4 round, 5/16 round, rectangle, evergreen tree, >gingerbread man, musical note, flower, crescent, triangle, oval > > >and what kind of paper >is the 12x12? Solid or prints? This is the 8000-383 to series - it is >solids. It is a heavy duty, acid free crafting paper. There are 8 >different sets available. I know what your next question will be so - >primary - blue, green, canary, orange, red >brite pastel - baby blue, electric green, electric yellow, baby pink, >fuchsia >brite trends - teal, lime green, gold, electric red, purple >parchtones - sky, sage, salmon, pink, cream >earthtones - burgundy, blue, green tan, ivory >christmas - red/green >black >white > >prints are available also in other papers I carry by Stampassions - let me >know if you want those too! > >Also >>are the die cuts in themes - Yes! >3 different christmas, fall, school, frames-photos-cameras. religous, >balloons and party, train set, bears-bows and hearts, baby pack blue or >pink, upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, > >and what are the colors for the zig calligraphy >>pens? set of 8 - black, red, pink, blue, green, yellow, brown, violet >set of 4 - black, red, pink, green >orange is available a a separate purchase > >Thanks- so many questions. I'm so into the scrapbook thing now, and >>I went to my first scrapbook convention in January. (Been rubberstamping >>for years) I look forward to your reply and doing business with you again. > >I think I would write more, but my fingers are really, really tired! > >>-deb >> >>Debra Egle-Nielsen >> >> >> > >geevee >if moose had wings, they'd be angels! > >ask me about - arnold grummer, art gone wild, art institute, family >treasures, handprints, kreatealopes/bags, limited editions, marks of >distinction (retail only), psx, rubber stampede, stampington, stamps happen, >uptown, write impressions and more! > > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 23:01:01 -0500 From: Rose Subject: RubberTown: What Catalogs do you have available? Question for all the vendors here. What catalogs do you have available right now for sale? I am in need of some new catalogs and before I go scouring RSM one more time and send out a million letters, I thought I'd come to you first. Many of you offer stamps from various catalogs, but I don't always see the catalogs offered. Thanks for your help Claudia @)-->-->--- @)-->-->--- @)-->-->--- @)-->-->--- POSTCARD interests: Lighthouses, angels maps, stadiums, kittens and recipes covered bridges, and lightning cards @)-->-->--- @)-->-->--- @)-->-->--- @)-->-->--- Visit my homepage: - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 20:23:57 -0800 From: "Ellen Gengler" Subject: RubberTown: RSComm: Did somebody say Mary Engelbreit? long Fellow Addicts ATR...S is a huge fan of all Mary Engelbreit - ME - items. We have just received an order of ME stickers, stamps and gift items = that we are so excited about we have to share. Stickers (acid free) the following are sold in strips Sweetie Pie Diver Dan Flowers one strip .50 each Babies Attitudes 1 Bird Houses Seasons Queens Tea Party ME Letters one strip .75 each Mary Engelbreit prepackaged stickers generally there are two strips per = package Marys Mottoes 1 Marys Mottoes 2 Teapots Frames Queen of Everything package 1.50 each Bugs package 1.25 each ME Postoids stickers great for your envys Queens Mail Home Sweet Home Just a Note Sealed with a Kiss Queen has Written package 1.50 each NEW ME Stamps Queen Bee 7.50 Fun In Dysfunctional 7.50 Thank You 6.50 ME Stamp Art Stencil 1.80 ME Collections Mary's Mail Queen of the Kitchen Teacher's Stamp Collection Collections are 7.99 each For the TRUE DIEHARD ME FAN Dysfunctional Mug 6.25 Queen Mug 6.25 Don't Worry Mug 6.25 Finally ME TeaCup and Saucer set 9.85 Special: if you buy one item from each category: stamp sticker and gift = you will receive an extra 10+ACU- discount. Shipping is additional. WA State res please add 8.6+ACU- sales tax to = order. Yea for ME+ACE- Let me know what you +ACo-need+ACo-, Ellen=20 Addicted to Rubber...Stamps a division of Ground-Up Productions coming soon: PO Box 69753 Seattle, WA 98168 206-241-6064 (FAX)/(HOME) For +ACI-stamp support+ACI- VOICE MESSAGING please call 206-901-0072 MasterCard, VISA and Discover accepted. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 23:38:12 -0800 From: Ruthann Gigliotti Subject: RubberTown: Re: COMM order dates Ruthann > Stampendous 30% off, order by Saturday.March 14 > Embossing Arts by Friday March 20 - -- Ruthann - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 20:44:39 -0800 From: "Ellen Gengler" Subject: RubberTown: RSCOMM: Dog and Cat Lovers Fellow Addicts and Pet lovers Here at ATR...S we are very fond of our pets Buck and Flipper, two very = spoiled getting older lazy wonderful dogs. We know how important it is = to celebrate your pets and that is why we would like to offer you some = great Pet Deals. Kathy Davis Stickers: these stickers are wonderful attitude filled gems = which you can use to decorate a frame holding Sparky or Sock's picture, = your envelopes and your cards. Cat Lover Dog lover .75 each strip shipping additional Dog or Cat Grabbag Tell us which pet you would like to celebrate including their name and = we will send you and your pet a great gift bag including a picture = frame,sticker strip, wood mounted stamps and the cat package will = include a sweet little kitty canvas treat bag and the dog package will = include a special doggie kerchief, a festive flair for the about town = dog. Each grabbag is personalized with the name of the pet or pets and the = human, too+ACE- Grabbags are +ACQ-25 each including the shipping. Be sure to let us know if you want dog or cat or both and the names of = the pets and people. Thank you and let us know what you +ACo-need+ACoAIQ- Ellen=20 Addicted to Rubber...Stamps a division of Ground-Up Productions coming soon: PO Box 69753 Seattle, WA 98168 206-241-6064 (FAX)/(HOME) For +ACI-stamp support+ACI- VOICE MESSAGING please call 206-901-0072 MasterCard, VISA and Discover accepted. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 23:50:59 -0600 From: ~ lupie ~ Subject: RubberTown: AD: No Shipping On In Stock Stamps! Through the month of March I'm offerring all of my in stock stamps at the usual 30% off retail and NO SHIPPING! This includes Art Impressions, Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers, Stamp Oasis and Stampourri. And I now have the Peddler's Pack stamps posted! Stop on by and see if I have something you can't live without! =) I will confirm all orders by return e-mail and accept checks and money orders at this time. - -- ~ lupie ~ (aka elizabeth herman) ~~~Philippians 4:13~~~ - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 22:08:20 -0800 From: Jamie Schnirch Subject: RubberTown: Emboss on metal? Hi everyone. Me again with another question. I recently saw a little booklet that was held together with a metal = thingy (haven't a clue as to what they are called) that is flat on the = front portion and has tines that go through a hole on each side and fold = under to hold the papers. The booklet had a stamped design on the cover = and someone had used the same color combinations of embossing powder on = the front of this metal thing. Does anyone know how this was done, and so that it would STAY on the = metal? Thanks in advance for your help, Jamie S. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 02:54:31 EST From: Aglaia1 Subject: RubberTown: com: Card Maker's Special (unm's) All the *Unmounted dies* you need for making cards for most any occaision. Most of the word stamps are larger - about 1 X 3 (some a tad larger, some a tad smaller), so they work as a front of card design or inside of card message. With a few design images, some flowers and nice layering/embossing or coloring techniques you can make cards to suite most of your needs. You Get: *Greeting Card Set* - nine 3/4 designs, one geometric border and 8 large greetings each in a different font: Just A Note Happy Anniversary Thank You Congratulations A Get Well Wish Thinking of You Happy Birthday A New Baby! *Holiday Greeting Set* - again larger phrases in interesting fonts, each different: Have a Wonderful Mother's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Easter Happy St Patrick's Day Merry Christmas Happy Birthday Have a Great Fourth Happy Thanksgiving Happy New Year President's Day Greetings (great for humorous pc's) Happy Halloween Happy Valentine's Day and *Flower Set* 10 beautiful, detailed flowers to round out your greeting card making ability. Again, five would be considered large, three medium and two small. Buy three unmounted sets - catalog price with shipping of $59.00 for 40% off at *$35.00*. This special offer expires April 1st 1998. Californians add 8 1/4% tax. Foreign add $3.00, US funds only accepted visa, mc, discover, novus I've had more than a few problems with aol over the past week, if you don't receive a confirmation to an email order in 24 hours, please call or email me at Catalog with order $3.00, otherwise $4.00 maggie at Aglaia 1-888-AGLAIA-2 1630 N Main ST #277 Walnut Creek, CA 94596-4614 - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 00:02:31 -0000 From: "S.E. Case" Subject: RubberTown: Received Tea Time Swap I got some great cards in the tea time swap today. I won't redescribe the same ones that I got that Dianne already described. Thanks for hosting this Eva! I have never tried decribing these before, so here goes. 1. Martha Nastrith - peach cardstock with teabags and teacups stamped all over it (in different colors) for a background. Then layered with a burgundy and brown. A pretty teapot pouring out hearts into a teacup embossed in burgundy on white glossy cs layered on top. The teapot is mounted in a 3D affect. This was topped off with a burgundy bow at the top of the "frame". Inside was stamped "Sending you a cup of Love". the background tecup and teabags are really neat on this and are from Auntie Amy. 2. Cindy Gauthier - I don't know what this is called, but my guess is it is an accordian book. It is so cool and must have taken so much time. It has 6 sections, all connected by a little tea cup in an accordian flange style. There is a background of teabags and a teapot on each page that the little teacup "sits" in front of. It has "let's have tea" stamped on the outside of this along with the teapot and is tied together with thin purple ribbon. I told you this was the first time I have described things, I know I am not doing this justice and it is so neat! 3. I can't read the name on this card....sorry. It is lushcious dark purple glossy card stock. Layered on to it is a light lavendar cardstock with gold photo corners, that has tiny teabags stamped on it. Layered onto this is a medium lavendar with an embossed teapot in a tinsel violet/purlple which is mucch softer than that sounds. It has a thin purple ribbon threaded thru just the top layer of cs and tied into a bow. Very nice color combinations. 4. Donnajo Troup - as described already but I want to add that the teabag string is wound around the buttons and ends with a tiny silk ribbon bow. 5. Allison Priputin - as described by Dianne, plus that wire IS really neat and I would like to know what it is too. It represents the liquid and steam pouring out into the cup. She also has some teapost images stamped and on the inside they are 3D. On the inside page she has a border on the top of tiny tea bags and on the bottom a border of tiny teaspoons - a really nice touch. 6. Eva sent a little laminated image of a tea set with bread and jam done in a rainbow color. She did this so well, the teapot and plate in the background are the same color and then the rest is a different color on the bottom for the tray and knife. Looks like she almost hand colored it in. It is even small enough to be made into a pin...or a magnet. Thanks for including that for us. It looks like she must have one of the new xyron laminating machines, too. Thanks for a fun swap Eva! Linda Case StampinCat >^..^< Home E-Mail4. SEC5500@GTE.NET - - ------------------------------ End of rubbertown-digest V1 #268 ********************************