From: (rubbertown-digest) To: Subject: rubbertown-digest V1 #332 Reply-To: rubbertown-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk rubbertown-digest Monday, April 13 1998 Volume 01 : Number 332 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 20:36:34 -0500 From: Sherri McKnight Subject: RubberTown: Dolphin Swap Dolphin Swap Send 6 for 5. Cards, pins (no pinbacks), magnets okay. Be creative : ) If you have a different idea write and let me know. Must have a dolphin on it. No computer copies or copying machine copies. Send with equal postage plus 1 stamp and a Self addressed envy. Due July 7th. Sherri :~) - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 20:37:55 -0500 From: Sherri McKnight Subject: RubberTown: RS: Fourth of July Swap (6-20) Fourth of July Swap Any 6 for 5 cards, pins ( no backs). Let your imagination soar. Must be handstamped. Postage to equal your postage plus one 32 cent stamp. Self Addressed return envelope would be appreciated. Must be postmarked by June 20th, if you want back before the 4th. Let's have some Fun! Sherri :~) - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 20:52:05 -0500 From: Sherri McKnight Subject: RubberTown: RS: Official Teddy Bear Swap (6-15) Teddy Bear Swap Send 6 for 5 or if we have alot of you 11 for 10 is okay too. Cards, pins (no pinbacks), magnets okay. Be creative : ) If you have a different idea write and let me know. Must have a teddy bear on it. No computer copies or copying machine copies. Send with equal postage plus 1 stamp and a Self addressed envy. Due June 15th. Sherri :~) Teddy Bear swappers: Burningrubber "CCampbell" Donnajo Troup "Joy (aka luv2stmp)" "Julie" Kathy Anderson Lisa Melinda-BlackInk12 Michael Oakley Rubearhart Shelly Sherri McKnight StampAmi "Tammy Couturier " Tammy Hudson & YOU! - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 23:57:42 EDT From: RUFORGIVEN Subject: RubberTown: RS:**IMPORTANT**Coffee Swap Update! Hi All! I had an AOL meltdown and lost ALL my files! If you don't see your name......and you have asked to join.......please let me know!!! SWAP: Coffee HOSTESS: Jamie Dinnsen ITEMS: 6 for 5 cards DETAILS: Include coffee themed images and/or words in your art! Please be sure to sign your work AND attach a note disclosing stamp credits and any special technique or material you may have used!!! MAILING INFO: Please send a self-addressed envelope with LOOSE postage equivalent to what it cost to mail your items....PLUS two extra stamps. Extra postage will be returned! POSTMARK: Mail to REACH me by May 6th I will send my address in a private E-mail to all who sign up. I have some neat ideas "brewing"..........anyone want to play!! So far: - Barb - Susan 3.Holmes864 - Theresa 4.MYDUKEDOG - Joanna 5.AlwaysL8NH - Wanda - Marachel - Victoria - Karen - Stasey - Susan - Terri - Patti - Linda - Tracy - Vivian 16.StmpNFaith - Becca - Marta - Joy - Becky 20.Stmpaholic - Laura 21.Me 22.You? Still time to join!!! Jamie :-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 00:42:42 EDT From: RUFORGIVEN Subject: RubberTown: RS:4/12 Update**Christian Encouragement Swap** 9 Days Left!!! ** Hi All! I had an AOL meltdown and lost ALL my if you signed up.......but don't see your name........please let me know!!! Remember to mail your items in time to REACH me by April 21st...just NINE days away!! If you are wondering if I have received yours....... it will be so noted below! Just a few reminders.....part of the fun of this swap is to see what other Christian images are available...and where to find them! So PLEASE remember to note on each item what company the images are from!! You can do this by attaching a small note on the back of the item. It doesn't take a lot of time.....but is VERY meaningful to the receiver!! ALSO....PLEASE sign your work!!! Encouragers so far: 1. PAR521 - Pat - RECEIVED 2. Holmes864 - Theresa 3. JMitch8687 - Jill 4. - Michelle 5. - Cyndi 6. - Dolores 7. - Andrea 8. - Kathleen 9. SSwidryk - Sue - RECEIVED 10. CFerr54660 - Carol - RECEIVED 11. StmpNFaith - Becca 12. Stmpaholic - Laura 13. - Barb 14. ELRVISUALS - Ellanora 15. - Jan Marie 16. - Debi 17. D1derly - Debra 18. - Donna - RECEIVED 19. - Andrea - RECEIVED 20. - Karen 21. DBergeson1 - Sally - RECEIVED 22. Stampnmoma - Margie 23. Cmpsn22 - Amy 24. - Peggy - RECEIVED 25. Mike Cadi - MK 26. - Jill -RECEIVED 27. - Jana' - RECEIVED 28. - Anne 29. JMMCRAFT - Jeanne 30.Crzy2stmp - Ginny 31.GertOliver - Gert - RECEIVED 32. Sakamoto@Crocker.UCDavis.Edu - Sandi 33. - Michelle 34. - Amy - Vivian - RECEIVED 36.MYDUKEDOG - JoAnna 37. SauniraeD - Sauni 38.Lin 39.SharonSebg - Sharon 40.Beckydev - Becky 41.Me 42.You? Come join the fun!! It will be great to see ...and find out the source of..... the Christian stamps others have acquired! 1Thessalonians 5:11! SWAP: Christian Encouragement HOSTESS: Jamie Dinnsen ITEMS: 6 for 5 cards, bookmarks or magnets DETAILS: Include Christian themed images and/or words in your art! MAILING INFO: Please send a self-addressed envelope with LOOSE postage equivalent to what it cost to mail your items....PLUS two extra stamps. Extra postage will be returned! POSTMARK: Mail to reach me by April 21st CHALLENGE: While you're at it.......make extras for the leaders of your church!! Now there are some people who could really USE some encouragement!!! Jamie :-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 00:47:28 EDT From: RUFORGIVEN Subject: RubberTown: RS:Updated Update!! **4/13**Coffee Swap Update! Hi All! I had an AOL meltdown and lost ALL my files! If you don't see your name......and you have asked to join.......please let me know!!! SWAP: Coffee HOSTESS: Jamie Dinnsen ITEMS: 6 for 5 cards DETAILS: Include coffee themed images and/or words in your art! Please be sure to sign your work AND attach a note disclosing stamp credits and any special technique or material you may have used!!! MAILING INFO: Please send a self-addressed envelope with LOOSE postage equivalent to what it cost to mail your items....PLUS two extra stamps. Extra postage will be returned! POSTMARK: Mail to REACH me by May 6th I will send my address in a private E-mail to all who sign up. I have some neat ideas "brewing"..........anyone want to play!! So far: - Barb - Susan 3.Holmes864 - Theresa 4.MYDUKEDOG - Joanna 5.AlwaysL8NH - Wanda - Marachel - Victoria - Karen - Stasey - Susan - Terri - Patti - Linda - Tracy - Vivian 16.StmpNFaith - Becca - Marta - Joy - Becky 20.Stmpaholic - Laura - Lynn - Heather 23. - Barb 24.FANCYSTMPR - Darlene 25.You? Still time to join!!! Jamie :-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 08:07:33 -0400 From: (Tonya L. Rilling) Subject: RubberTown: AD:Easter SALE ONLY 4 More Hours!!!!! We had a nice visit with my family and are now back to the computer and ready to have an Easter sale. Take 10% off all IN Stock mounted Stamps and 30%off all unmounted stamps in Stock from the Buffalo Stampede line. Our catalog is on our web page for those of you without a printed copy, or with an older version that doesn't contain all 20 of the new pages of images we have added since the first edition. Email me your order, including item # and page # or description. Discount is taken from the stamp subtotal before adding postage. I will email you back to confirm your order, give you a total and confirm that the items you want are in stock. RIght now all of the UM are in stock and about 30% off the mounted are in stock, mostly our best sellers. I will send to your SS and we do accept MC/Visa. Thanks Tonya Rilling, Buffalo Stampede Art Stamps ((\@/))An Angel Company, selling mounted and unmounted stamps ***Now accepting Mastercard and Visa.,Catalogs $4 Visit my stamp web site at: _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 08:09:01 -0400 From: (Tonya L. Rilling) Subject: RubberTown: AD:More Easter SALE-Only 4 hours left I am going to give an additional 10%off the accessories and grabbags below through noon EST on Monday 4-13. Email me to reserve your order. I will confirm your order and total with postage. These are all in stock and ready to ship. These are our regular discounted prices, subtract 10% from your subtotal before postage. Thanks 2 Embellishment grabbags $8.50(ribbon, buttons, acid free background papers, etc) 5 Leather paper grabbags $12.75 (10 each of 7 colors) 5 Organdy ribbon Grabbags$6.50(8 one yard lengths of various colors 1/2" wide) 10 Confetti grabbags $9( 8 containers of z barten confetti, various shapes, colors) 3 Brown Memories pads $4(water, ink proof, Archival, acid free, dye pads) 2 dimensional whipped paper $10.25 2 Ultra Thick Enamel videos $9.75 2 Black Ultra Thick embossing enamel $7.75(4oz.) 2 Clear Ultra Thick embossing enamel $10.75 (8 oz) 2 each of Wonder beads in gold, Silver, black or Clear $3.50 2 each of Ultra Effects turquoise, gold or silver $3.50 Tonya Rilling, Buffalo Stampede Art Stamps ((\@/))An Angel Company, selling mounted and unmounted stamps ***Now accepting Mastercard and Visa.,Catalogs $4 Visit my stamp web site at: Tonya Rilling, Buffalo Stampede Art Stamps ((\@/))An Angel Company, selling mounted and unmounted stamps ***Now accepting Mastercard and Visa.,Catalogs $4 Visit my stamp web site at: _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 09:07:30 -0400 From: (Tonya L. Rilling) Subject: RubberTown: AD:Pearl Ex set-Only 1 left I have one set of the 24 Pearl ex 3 gm bottles. This retails for $49.95. I am offering this set for $40.75 including postage. Email me to reserve it. THanks Tonya Rilling, Buffalo Stampede Art Stamps ((\@/))An Angel Company, selling mounted and unmounted stamps ***Now accepting Mastercard and Visa.,Catalogs $4 Visit my stamp web site at: _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 10:37:41 EDT From: Rustamping Subject: RubberTown: Bonnie LInhart please email me lost your addy sorry to post to list...but I lost your addy...please advise Kathie - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 16:03:45 EDT From: RUFORGIVEN Subject: RubberTown: Rs: Awesome RAK by Cyndi T (alleycat) Wow! Not only did Cyndi donate a cardstock sampler to Giggle's Spring Fling......but she sent ME some cardstock as well!! She said "I deserved it" for all the work I did on Giggles' behalf! Hmmmmm.....I don't know about "deserving it".........I was HAPPY to do whatever I could to help Giggles.........but being the paper aficionado (translation:FIEND!) I was an offer I couldn't refuse!! LOL!! Thanks so much made my day!!! Jamie :-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 16:18:10 EDT From: RUFORGIVEN Subject: RubberTown: RS:4/13 Update**Christian Encouragement Swap** 8 Days Left!** Hi All! Remember to mail your items in time to REACH me by April 21st...just EIGHT days away!! If you are wondering if I have received yours....... it will be so noted below! Just a few reminders.....part of the fun of this swap is to see what other Christian images are available...and where to find them! So PLEASE remember to note on each item what company the images are from!! You can do this by attaching a small note on the back of the item. It doesn't take a lot of time.....but is VERY meaningful to the receiver!! ALSO....PLEASE sign your work!!! Encouragers so far: 1. PAR521 - Pat - RECEIVED 2. Holmes864 - Theresa 3. JMitch8687 - Jill 4. - Michelle - RECEIVED 5. - Cyndi 6. - Dolores - RECEIVED 7. - Andrea 8. - Kathleen 9. SSwidryk - Sue - RECEIVED 10. CFerr54660 - Carol - RECEIVED 11. StmpNFaith - Becca 12. Stmpaholic - Laura 13. - Barb 14. ELRVISUALS - Ellanora 15. - Jan Marie 16. - Debi 17. D1derly - Debra - RECEIVED 18. - Donna - RECEIVED 19. - Andrea - RECEIVED 20. - Karen 21. DBergeson1 - Sally - RECEIVED 22. Stampnmoma - Margie 23. Cmpsn22 - Amy 24. - Peggy - RECEIVED 25. Mike Cadi - MK 26. - Jill - RECEIVED 27. - Jana' - RECEIVED 28. - Anne 29. JMMCRAFT - Jeanne 30.Crzy2stmp - Ginny - RECEIVED 31.GertOliver - Gert - RECEIVED 32. Sakamoto@Crocker.UCDavis.Edu - Sandi 33. - Michelle 34. - Amy - Vivian - RECEIVED 36.MYDUKEDOG - JoAnna 37. SauniraeD - Sauni 38.Lin 39.SharonSebg - Sharon 40.Beckydev - Becky 41.MRichar383 - Molly 42.You? Come join the fun!! It will be great to see ...and find out the source of..... the Christian stamps others have acquired! 1Thessalonians 5:11! SWAP: Christian Encouragement HOSTESS: Jamie Dinnsen, 255 Joliette St., Manchester NH 03102 ITEMS: 6 for 5 cards, bookmarks or magnets DETAILS: Include Christian themed images and/or words in your art! MAILING INFO: Please send a self-addressed envelope with LOOSE postage equivalent to what it cost to mail your items....PLUS two extra stamps. Extra postage will be returned! POSTMARK: Mail to reach me by April 21st CHALLENGE: While you're at it.......make extras for the leaders of your church!! Now there are some people who could really USE some encouragement!!! Jamie :-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 17:07:36 EDT From: Rustamping Subject: RubberTown: Going to be rep for ALADINE / ATELIER a french company Just hung up and I can sell Wholesale or Retail to you guys...getting catalog start saving your money...they want samples too! Too exciting and too cool..........Kathie - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 16:56:35 -0500 From: "KCHaga" Subject: RubberTown: COMM: Marvy/LePlume II The Hoosier Stamper: COMM: Marvy/LePlume II It's not too late to take advantage of our opening order Sale!! It's time to stock up and replace all of those old and/or dried out markers and pads! We are placing our opening order on April 17th and are offering all at 30% off. Marvy Matchables reg. $3.50ea sale $2.45ea #1- Black #11- Lt. Green #34 Pale Green #2- Red #12- Grey #43 Bril. Yellow #3- Blue #13- Ochre #46 Crimson Lake #4- Green #14- Turquoise #57 Rose Pink #5- Yellow #16- Pale Orange #59 Rosemarie #6- Brown #18- Dk. Brown #60 Salvia Blue #7- Orange #20- Magenta #64 Plum #8- Violet #25- Bottle Green #65 Cherry #9- Pink #29- Prussian Blue #67 BubbleGum #10- Lt. Blue #31- Pale Violet #72 Pine Green LePlume II's reg. $2.09ea sale $1.45ea #1- Black #36- Manganese Blue #71- Spring Green #2- Red #37- Lt. Cool Grey #72- Pine Green #3- Blue #38- Oyster Grey #73- Teal #4- Green #39- Ash Grey #74- Aquamarine #5- Yellow #40- Brownish Grey #75- Sky Blue #6- Brown #41- Blue Grey #76- Blush Pink #7- Orange #42- Cream Yellow #77- Pastel Pink #8- Violet #43- Brilliant Yellow #78- Orchid #9- Pink #44- Lt. Brown #79- Grape #10- Lt. Blue #45- Sepia #80- Victorian Rose #11- Lt. Green #46- Crimson Lake #81- Pale Mauve #12- Grey #47- Pale Pink #82- Mustard #13- Ochre #48- Leaf Green #83- Butterscotch #14- Turquoise #49- Vermillion #84- Taupe #15- Olive Green #50- Ultra Marine #85- Mocha #16- Pale Orange #51- Aqua Grey #86- African Violet #17- Steel Blue #52- Yellow Green #87- Pumpkin #18- Dk. Brown #53- Pale Blue #88- Terra Cotta #19- Carmine #54- Burnt Umber #89- Persimmon #20- Magenta #55- Iris Purple #90- Suede #21- Dk. Grey #56- Dull Blue #91- Tan #22- Lemon Yellow #57- Rose Pink #92- Celery #23- Gold Ochre #58- Peacock Green #93- Aubergine #24- Beige #59- Rosemarie #94- Scarlet #25- Bottle Green #60- Salvia Blue #95- Celadon #26- Silver Grey #61- Deep Lilac #96- Jungle Green #27- Olive Brown #62- Wisteria #97- Apple Green #28- English Red #63- Wine #98- Emerald #29- Prussian Blue #30- Rosewood #64- Plum #99- Periwinkle #31- Pale Violet #65- Cherry #100- Sapphire #32- Laurel Green #66- Dusty Pink #101- Tropical #33- Oriental Blue #67- Bubble Gum #102- Jade Green #34- Pale Green #68- Daffodil Yellow #103- Evergreen #35- Coral Pink #69- Citrus Yellow #104- Carribean Blue #36- Manganese Blue #70- Peppermint #105- Lt. Teal #106- Amethyst #107- Eggplant #108- Black Cherry Please email us with your order requests and any questions. Thank you! The Hoosier Stamper Kelly Haga KCHaga@WORLDNET.ATT.NET P.O. Box 2293, Valparaiso, IN 46384 **IN residents add 5% sales tax. $3.00 minimum shipping/handling- 5% of total thereafter. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 18:19:32 EDT From: RUFORGIVEN Subject: RubberTown: RS:Tan: Diane's Brownies are........................ INCREDIBLE!!! Oh my gosh Diane!! They were so good(and so GONE!)! Was this recipe from Rubber Delights? If so...just one more reason for everyone to get a copy!!! Not only were the brownies delicious...but they were exquisitely presented!! Nice touch Diane!! You are VERY talented, thoughtful......and detail oriented!! Hugs! Jamie :-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 17:59:28 -0500 From: "KCHaga" Subject: RubberTown: I've been RAK'ed!! Jane Williamsen (Calamity J Stamper), Thank you so very much for the beautiful card and for your kind words and prayers! This has been a very difficult time for me and my family and your card has helped make my heart a bit lighter! Much love and hugs to you! Kelly Haga HoosierStmpr - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 18:44:28 -0500 (CDT) From: (Melissa David) Subject: RubberTown: Phil -- Rec'd plastic containers Phil, Man oh man, you're fast. They got here today. Thanks!! I mailed your check on Friday so it should arrive there soon (if not already!).. Thanks again.. Melissa David - ------------------------------------------- >Melissa, > >Yes i have more, I went and purchase several thousand so I could hold >the price. Let me know and I'll get them on the way to you. >Please include your snail address so I don't have to look it up, if >you don't mind. >Thanks >Phil > >COMM: EP Storage Containers--Picture on web > >I have added a picture of these on my specials page at URL: > > >The price for anyone on the list is the same as it was, >a set of 40 containers for $8.00, and shipping is $3.00 for 40, to US >addresses. > >The total price including shipping for 40 is 11.00 > >Send email to order, I will confirm order. > > Red Castle. Inc > Phil Schloss > 7201 York Ave S #712 > Edina, MN 55435-4444 > >Thanks >Phil > > >Melissa David wrote: >> >> Phil >> >> Do you have any more of the plastic containers left? I really >> need another set! >> >> Melissa David > >-- >Phil Schloss > > ******* Visa, MasterCard and AmExpress credit cards *** > >See what is new and special at URL--> > >Come visit my on-line rubber stamp catalog, you will love the designs. > Or email for address to order a > paper catalog $3.00 from Red Castle Inc. Rubber Stamps > > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 15:56:43 -0400 From: (Marachel K. Young) Subject: RubberTown: Re: How Does My Garden Grow Swap This was a wonderful swap from Eva. It was worth the wait! Sandy Lemons had it in postcard form. This was done on brown cs. Different vegies and fruits, along with sunflowers were stamped on light brown cs in different solid colors. A small slit was made in the middle and a sign with the outer edges embossed in red that says "He who plants kindness gathers love" embossed in green. The sign's stick was tied with a small piece of rafia. Another card, no name, was done on plum purple cs. The corners were rounded. Layered on top was light purple cs. A glove was put on top of purple mulberry paper. The thumb of the glove was holding a seed packed that said Peddlers Pack Seed Co. The seed packet was done on background paper and it even has something inside. Stacie Buchmiller used hunter green cs to make her card. On medium brown cs, she stamped the Hero Arts flower word stamp. Stacie then put individually, a petunia, violet, marigold, and tulip square stamp on top of this. It was really pretty. Sandra Hampson's card was truly a work of art. She really put lots of thought and detail into this card. Sandra also put a sheet of gardening hints inside as she should know being a gardner for over 30 years. Her card was done on medium blue cs. This was larger than we normally do. The next layer was pink. On top of the pink cs was white glossy cs. In the upper left corner, a vine of dogwood with a crow sitting on it was stamped. In the bottom left was orchids. On the right side was a milk can with flowers coming out of it. she then put a piece of wood coming out of the can and put a "catnip sign across it. A crow was sitting on the can also. In 3-D was a lady cat from Peddler's Pack holding a hoe. This was really a nice card. Susan Benedict sent a really precious card. It was done on light green cs. In a brown ink, a fence, bence with flowers and a lady's hat, and birdhouse on a pole were stamped on this card. The bottom of the front of the card was cut with victorian scissors. Picot ribbon was put on the bottom on the inside of the card and a matching ribbon was put across the top of the front. It's simplicity along with the coloring of the ink, made this card very pretty. Eva sent me some flower stickers along with a stencil of an Easter egg. This was one swap I was glad to join. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 21:35:49 EDT From: DYLORRI Subject: RubberTown: Re: Gorgeous card from Marachel I received the most exquisite--elegant Passover card from Marachel! It was embossed in various hues of silvers--golds and metallic blue. Thank you so very much Marachel for thinking of me during this festive season! xxoo Lorri - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 21:40:47 EDT From: Stampinej Subject: RubberTown: Attn Newbies! Stamps 4 sale descriptions/prices - great deals! Hello! Please help me find a loving home for all these stamps! They deserve it! Price/Postage RubberStampede/Suzy's Zoo Frame A-146-F 3.75/1.00 RS/Posh Z325E Ribbon Holly 3.00/.75 RS A515E A Holiday Wish (Peace on Earth w/ doves, stars, ribbons) 3.50/.75 RS/Mickey Mouse A1716E From the Desk of 4.50/.50 RS/Posh Z-381-E Carrot 3.00/.75 Buy all the above RS stamps for $15 (includes postage). TASS/E4157 Happy Birthday $4.25/.50 Hero Arts H664 An Invitation 3.00/.75 HA B712 Thank You Calligraphy 2.00/.50 HA D829 Happy Holly Days! 2.50/.50 Judith Plaid "LOVE" 3.00/.50 Comotion 1846 Wishing You. . . 4.75/.75 Buy the above group of phrase stamps for $18 (includes postage). Uptown/Holly Pond Hill L13032 To Have a Friend 6.00 (includes postage) Email me if you are interested. All offers will be considered. Eva :) - - >> - - ------------------------------ End of rubbertown-digest V1 #332 ********************************