From: (smg-fans-digest) To: Subject: smg-fans-digest V1 #33 Reply-To: smg-fans Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: list smg-fans-digest Thursday, January 21 1999 Volume 01 : Number 033 - Today's subjects: (smg-fans) Re: BOUNCE Approval required: (smg-fans) Re: BOUNCE Approval required: (smg-fans) Re: BOUNCE Approval required: (smg-fans) Re: BOUNCE Approval required: (smg-fans) Re: New EW (smg-fans) needing your help !! (smg-fans) Re: some questions (smg-fans) Vote for Sarah (smg-fans) Anyone know about L.A. Buffy party in early February? (smg-fans) OH DEAR GOD [spoilers] (smg-fans) Cinescape article (Part 1 of 3) (smg-fans) Apologies (smg-fans) Simply Irresistable poster ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 21:22:20 -0500 From: "Sarah Michelle Gellar Fans Mailing List Approval Team" Subject: (smg-fans) Re: BOUNCE Approval required: From: "Douglas Smith" To: Subject: Simply Irr trailer is on the net its at sony's trailer park you can get the 3 different sizes (7.3) (13.6) - - To unsubscribe to smg-fans, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe smg-fans" in the body of the message. For further info: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 21:23:00 -0500 From: "Sarah Michelle Gellar Fans Mailing List Approval Team" Subject: (smg-fans) Re: BOUNCE Approval required: From: "Yuk Lan" To: Subject: BTVS in The Netherlands? Hi, does anybody know if they have BTVS in The Netherlands and in what season they are? I'm probably going to move there and just wondering if they had my favorite tv-show there. E-mail me, please! Yuk Lan ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - To unsubscribe to smg-fans, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe smg-fans" in the body of the message. For further info: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 21:23:29 -0500 From: "Sarah Michelle Gellar Fans Mailing List Approval Team" Subject: (smg-fans) Re: BOUNCE Approval required: From: To: Subject: Re: Info needed on Buffy books I thought I would tell everybody that there is no purchase nescary (however u spell it!) to get into the Buffy contest to go to LA. I figured this out when I got The GAtekeeper Trilogy and read the small print. Just send a self addressed stamped envelop to Pocket Books/ "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Sweepstakes Game Cards 1230 Avenue of the Americans, New York, NY 100020 Adios, Cameron - - To unsubscribe to smg-fans, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe smg-fans" in the body of the message. For further info: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 21:25:22 -0500 From: "Sarah Michelle Gellar Fans Mailing List Approval Team" Subject: (smg-fans) Re: BOUNCE Approval required: - - To unsubscribe to smg-fans, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe smg-fans" in the body of the message. For further info: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:29:57 -0700 From: Subject: (smg-fans) Re: New EW In a message dated 1/16/99 10:27:54 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: > But it has a small, and I do mean small sentence or 2 on > the "Angel" series which in my opinion will bomb and hopefully not bring > Buffy down with it. Usually my messages get cut....but I think that you may be right. just a little poll for all the SMG fans: When Angel gets his own show it will... A) bomb and bring Buffy with it B) blow up and its ratings will move up and buffys down C) produce the same ratings as buffy D) bomb and have no effect on buffy except for the fact that he has to come back on her show. Also it seems as if Buffys ratings are dwindling. It still holds a spot in the 90-100 spot on the tv charts but the ratings are still dropping this season. What up with this. I think buffy is in danger of finishing a 3rd or 4th season but might not come back. It now has to go up against fox the PJs as well as King of the Hill. The PJs placed 6th on the charts despite bad reviews. Buffy gets raves yet the series is not recognized. At least we know that Seth Sarah and Allison have promising, after buffy, movie careers. - - To unsubscribe to smg-fans, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe smg-fans" in the body of the message. For further info: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:33:57 -0700 From: "the male teenage witch" Subject: (smg-fans) needing your help !! Hi folks !! - -Would anybody from the U.S. or U.K. send me a copy of some (let's say a vhs of 240 minutes or so) full with new (not-dubbed) Buffy episodes for a good price ?? [Because here in Luxembourg (Europe) I can only get the german-dubbed and french-dubbed which aren't as good as the original and not very good translated !! I count on someone's help (would be nice from your side's guys !!) ] - -Also looking for some ICQ users who are Buffy or STTW fans (my ICQ Number is written beneath) !! Thanx !! - --------------------------------------------------------- Sven ICQ: 18229310 - - To unsubscribe to smg-fans, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe smg-fans" in the body of the message. For further info: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:37:04 -0700 From: Subject: (smg-fans) Re: some questions In a message dated 1/17/99 00:30:16 Central Standard Time, writes: << sarah i think has a cameo in she's all that with freddie prinze jr. and rachel leigh cook... >> yes she does. for one thing, that person who said a while ago that they saw a test screening of she's all that and said she was in a lunchroom scene. but if you've seen the full preview at a theater or something she says something i can't remember but it was on the beach and she was in a beach chair or something, all yummy looking. i hope they leave it in, cause movies do that all the time, where they either cut out a cameo or show a preview of a scene and you never see it in the movie itself. also i'm still wondering why she appeared on leno near christmas when she'll probably already be making the rounds for "cruel" and "simply" pretty soon anyway... Sam "Xander's a witch?" -Joyce Summers - - To unsubscribe to smg-fans, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe smg-fans" in the body of the message. For further info: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:37:42 -0700 From: "MacKenzie McCabe" Subject: (smg-fans) Vote for Sarah Hey all I just voted for Sarah again. She is now in the lead with 152 votes. So every1 go back and vote for her again. You can vote five times a day. So if everyone on this list votes five times everyday this poll is going for Sarah will be #1 like she should be. You can vote five times in a row. After you vote five times just push the reload button and you will get the total vote. SO GO VOTE NOW AND EVERYDAY SARAH HAS GO TO STAY NUMBER ONE. She is kickin every1 s butt by far even Jennifer Love Hewitt and Katie Holmes. So vote now now now now!! Sarah's #1 fan MacKenzie - - To unsubscribe to smg-fans, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe smg-fans" in the body of the message. For further info: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:38:39 -0700 From: Subject: (smg-fans) Anyone know about L.A. Buffy party in early February? Rumor has it that there will be a Buffy party in the Los Angeles area probably the first Saturday in February. The party is at an undisclosed location and tickets must be bought in advance. Does anyone know who I can contact to get more info? Please respond to me directly Thanks, Joel - - To unsubscribe to smg-fans, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe smg-fans" in the body of the message. For further info: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:39:20 -0700 From: "Dr. Debbie" Subject: (smg-fans) OH DEAR GOD [spoilers] S P O I L E R S P O I L E R S P O I L E R Fellow $(\/)G Fans, OH DEAR GOD. FAITH AND...XANDER??? XANDER AND...FAITH? No, no. no. Do you really think that the writers of practically the greatest show on earth would switch over from supernatural-vamp-ass-kicking to sex-lies-and-soap-opera?!? Not likely, right? But, geez, I wonder what's in store for the future... Okay, on the normal-regular buffy side, thanx for everyone who answered my questions about HELPLESS. I now know the full monty of the eppy line-out. That seems really interesting about the premises of the episode: A SLAYER'S POWER IS TAKEN AWAY FOR ONE NIGHT TO MAKE SURE THAT SHE STILL HAS THE EMMOTIONAL STRENGTH AND CONFIDENCE AND STABILITY TO ENDURE THE FORCES OF EVIL. Interesting, eh? Hey, about that WB TUESDAY night against WB WEDNESDAY night, last I checked, WB TUESDAY night was at 43.02%, and WB WEDNESDAY night was at 53...something %. GO VOTE!!! VOTES ARE UNLIMITED!!!!!!!! dr.debbie - - To unsubscribe to smg-fans, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe smg-fans" in the body of the message. For further info: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:39:51 -0700 From: Subject: (smg-fans) Cinescape article (Part 1 of 3) Sorry it's taking me so long, but here goes... In every generation, there is a Chosen One destined to stand against the vampires, demons and forces of darkness. She is the Slayer--strong, intuitive, courageous and able to kickbox in strappy leather sandals. But before Buffy the Vampire Slayer premiered as a mid-season replacement in March 1997, the demon hunter had to battle something more sinister than monsters and ghouls: devilishly low expectations. The show's concept sounded positively anemic--a comedy-horror-gothic romance- drama hybrid based on an unsuccessful movie with a horribly campy title about a high school cheerleader called to slaughter the undead. The actors were relative unknowns and the series aired on the WB, a fledgling network struggling to find a single viewer, let a lone a mass audience. Buffy seemed destined, all right--destined for swift cancellation. Then the unthinkable happened. The show turned out to actually be good. Adults bit on its fang-sharp wit and sarcastic take on the high-school-as-a- den-of-evil premise. Teenagers were drawn to the rich characters (and the supple young actors)--sardonic, angst-ridden and occasionally flighty, yes but also strong, noble and given an emotional depth rarely ascribed to adolescents. The next thing you knew positive word of mouth spread, the WB's ratings spiked and star Sarah Michelle Gellar's porcelain features began gracing the cover of Rolling Stone. Now Buffy the Vampire Slayer itself looks to be a chosen one--it has the chance to join the ranks of franchises like Star Trek and The X-Files, whose zealous underground fan base ballooned into mass adoration. Buffy fans wear hip-huggers from the Buffy boutique clothing line, plaster their lockers with photos of David Boreanaz--the actor who plays Buffy's tortured vampire beau, Angel--and fill the Internet with agonized posts that dissect the various love triangles cutting through Sunnydale. There are licensed novels, comic books, incense holders and jewelry. Next fall, series creator Joss Whedon unleashes Angel, a spinoff starring Boreanaz. To top it all off, there's talk of Whedon bringing the slayer back to the big screen. Less than two years after it premiered, this genre bending cult hit with the bubble-brained name seems to be veering toward becoming a phenomenon. But how? "The fact that it started out as a cult hit is brilliant," Boreanaz enthuses. "I think that [Buffy] is appealing because it's an hour of fun--not-too-heavy thinking with a bit of humor and drama mixed in. It taps into people's adolescence and [they], in turn, can identify with the characters. And it's done in a wild way." Anthony Stewart Head, the British actor who plays Buffy's vampire-hunting mentor Giles, is equally admiring: "This show is like a huge discovery. It has gotten better as it's gone along. Joss always said that its [popularity] would increase just through word of mouth. It's truly amazing." Journalists have been equally impressed, generally hailing Buffy as one of the best hours on TV. Joyce Millman, television critic for the respected online magazine Salon ( says that Buffy's psychological richness immediately hooked her. "I think the only show on TV right now that works on as many levels as Buffy is The X-Files," Millman notes. "A lot of people have used high school as a metaphor for hell before--I'm thinking of Carrie and Heathers--but Buffy takes it a step further. Here, Buffy and her friends have all the usual teenage problems, like love troubles and cruel classmates and parents and teachers who don't understand you. But they're also living on the mouth of Hell and they all understand that their problems are dwarfed in comparison. "What I love about the show is that these kids are literally saving the world, but all the adults around them think they're totally self-absorbed," she continues. "I was also quite taken with Buffy's self-confidence and physical strength--you don't see that very often in television portrayals of teenage girls. I saw her as having Scully's cool and Xena's fighting moves--a perfect combination."- - - To unsubscribe to smg-fans, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe smg-fans" in the body of the message. For further info: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:40:59 -0700 From: Sachin Bansal Subject: (smg-fans) Apologies Hey everyone, I just wanted to apologize for a few unusual header messages you might have received today. They were completely by accident, inadverdant, and unintentional. Thank you for your patience! Please enjoy the posts :) - -- Sachin Bansal [] Elf Boy: Sarah Michelle Gellar Fan Mailing List Moderator Smashing Pumpkins Chronology: "Other sites are as meaningless as mitochondria, but the chronology is just so much more important." - Brian Haines, January 1999 - - To unsubscribe to smg-fans, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe smg-fans" in the body of the message. For further info: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 09:50:52 -0700 From: Subject: (smg-fans) Simply Irresistable poster I was at the movies tonight and saw the poster for SI and looks very nice. It has Sarahs' face at the top almost kissing Sean Patrick Flannery, I think, and they're above a city. It said it opens Feb.12. Does anyone know where to get the posters at? They wouldn't let me have it when they take it down, its a benefit to the employees who work there. steve - - To unsubscribe to smg-fans, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe smg-fans" in the body of the message. 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